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1-1-2021 A Mobile Web app to Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake A Mobile Web app to Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake
W Gill Woodall
Gregory Zimet
Alberta Kong
David Buller
Jeannyfer Reither
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Authors Authors
W Gill Woodall, Gregory Zimet, Alberta Kong, David Buller, Jeannyfer Reither, Lance Chilton, Valerie Myers,
and Randall Starling
published: 25 August 2021
doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.693688
Frontiers in Digital Health | 1 August 2021 | Volume 3 | Article 693688
Edited by:
Suellen Hopfer,
University of California, Irvine,
United States
Reviewed by:
Amaia Mendez Zorrilla,
University of Deusto, Spain
Palash Chandra Banik,
Bangladesh University of Health
Sciences, Bangladesh
Amalie Dyda,
University of Queensland, Australia
W. Gill Woodall
These authors have contributed
equally to this work
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Connected Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Digital Health
Received: 11 April 2021
Accepted: 19 July 2021
Published: 25 August 2021
Woodall WG, Zimet G, Kong A,
Buller D, Reither J, Chilton L, Myers V
and Starling R (2021) A
Mobile Web app to Improve HPV
Vaccine Uptake.
Front. Digit. Health 3:693688.
doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.693688 A Mobile Web app to
Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake
W. Gill Woodall
, Gregory Zimet
, Alberta Kong
, David Buller
, Jeannyfer Reither
Lance Chilton
, Valerie Myers
and Randall Starling
Klein Buendel Inc., Golden, CO, United States,
Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Indiana
University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Center for HPV Research, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, United States,
Department of Pediatrics, The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, NM, United States,
on Alcohol, Substance Use and Addictions (CASAA), The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States
U.S. HPV vaccine uptake remains below the Healthy People 2030 goal of 80% series
completion. Parental concerns and misinformation about the efficacy and safety of
the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine remain, and may be addressed by digital
interventions tailored to their concerns. Reported here are results from a small scale
randomized trial testing a mobile web app for parents and their adolescent daughters
(ages 11–14 years) encouraging HPV vaccination in New Mexico, an ethnically-diverse
U.S. state.
Methods: A clinic-cluster randomized t ria l where pediatric clinics (n = 9) were recruited
and randomized, and parent-adolescent pairs (n = 82) within clinics received either the mobile web app or Usual and Customary (UC) HPV
Vaccination information. Parents completed online surveys at baseline and 3-months.
Daughters’ HPV vaccine data were collected from the New Mexico State Immunization
Information System 1 year post baseline.
Results: Three month survey results found
parents to have higher positive HPV vaccine beliefs, informed decision making,
intent to vaccinate and vaccine confidence outcomes than UC parents. HPV
vaccine data found higher first dose HPV vaccination (Pearson χ
= 6.13,
p = 0.013, group 59.4%, UC group 40.6%),
and higher HPV vaccination series completion (Pear son χ
= 6.49, p = 0.011, group 68.4%, UC group 31.6%).
Conclusions: The small trial results showed the
web app prompted positive vaccine-related attitudes and beliefs, a nd more HPV
vaccination initiation and series completion. Mobile web apps can make decision-making
tools for HPV vaccination widely available on digital platforms, reducing v ac cine
hesitancy, and confusion and increase HPV vaccine uptake.
Keywords: HPV, vaccination uptake, digital intervention, adolescents, parents
Woodall et al.
In the U.S. uptake of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
remains far below the Healthy People 2030 goal of 80% series
completion (1). Nationally, 54.2% of adolescents aged 13–17
were up-to-date for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
in 2019 [females 56.8%; males: 51.8% (
2)]. In New Mexico, HPV
vaccination completion for this adolescent age range also remains
low (59.8%).
While a number of factors may account for this less than
desirable vaccine uptake, parental concerns, and misinformation
about the efficacy and safety of HPV vaccine remain b arriers
to reaching public health vaccination goals (1, 2). Vaccine
initiation is affected by hea lth beliefs (e.g., vaccine knowledge;
importance of preventive vaccinations; side effects concerns),
while vaccine completion [2 doses if started by age 14; 3
doses if after age 15 (3)] is affected both by logistical barriers
(e.g., forgetting; scheduling difficulties; child care; travel time;
physician hesitancy) and health beliefs (
410). Health beliefs are
amenable to health education interventions. Research indicates
there is a great deal of (1) confusion and uncertainty about
HPV vaccine and (2) concomitant misinformation about HPV
vaccine, who it is meant for, and the conditions under which it is
maximally effe ct ive.
Identifying effective strategies to improve HPV vaccination
rates is a priority for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) (11) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) (12). Physician and clinic-based interventions have
shown some positive effect on vaccine uptake (1315), however
parental concerns and hesitancy remain barriers to HPV vaccine
acceptance. Given that clinicians have limited time to interact
with parents during primary care pediatric and adolescent visits,
parental barriers to HPV vaccination may ideally be addressed
by digital inte rventions (in this c ase, smartphone applications)
that are tailored to their concerns, especially since virtually all
U.S. adults under age 50 use the Internet (
16). As of 2019, there
were few differences in Internet use by gender, ethnicity, or
urban/rural status, with use exceeding 85% in all groups. Nearly
1 in 5 adults under age 50 of both genders use their smartphone
for online access, with Hispanics and rural adults showing the
highest use of this cellular Internet access (16).
Reported here are findings from a randomized trial on a
smartphone web app for parents and adolescent girls (ages 11–
14) that was intended to encourage HPV vaccination in New
Mexico, an ethnically-diverse U.S. state. The trial tested the
following hypot heses:
H1: Parents assigned to the Vacteen/Vacunadolescente mobile
web app will express more favorable HPV vaccine beliefs,
informed decision making, intent to vaccinate for HPV, self-
efficacy for HPV vaccination, and benefits and risks of HPV
vaccination for their daughters than parents assigned to the Usual
and Customary (UC) Information control group.
H2: More daughters of parents assigned to the
Vacteen/Vacunadolescente mobile web app will initiate and
complete the HPV vaccination series than daughters of parents
assigned to the UC Information control group.
Vacteens/Vacunadolescente Mobile Web
The current project translated an earlier version of the
website (the GoHealthyGirls website) to a mobile app platform,
Vacteens/, and provided both English and
Spanish versions. Mobile web apps are mobile device sensitive
web sites designed to function like native operating system
(Android or iOS) apps, but avoid the problems of operating
system exclusivity. They maintain app functionality across
mobile platforms, and are more easily updatable should that be
required. The web app developed in this project was an informed
decision-making website for parents and adolescent daughters
(ages 11–14) that employed both Informed Decision Making
[IDM, (
17)] and Diffusion of Innovations Theory [DOI, (18)]
principles in messaging. Informed Decision Making theoretical
principles indicate focusing on beliefs and attitudes parents
hold t hat constitute barriers to vaccination, often based on
misinformation, is important for vaccination messaging. At the
same time, DOI theory suggests that treating vaccination as an
innovation is useful, and messaging on the simple, compatible
with beliefs, and trialable characteristics of HPV vaccination will
improve vaccine adoption. The website was programmed as a
web app for mobile devices with open non-linear navigation.
It had a video introduction by a well-known New Mexican
pediatrics ph ysici an, a Vaccine FAQ section, and five modules:
1) Get Answers! about HPV and vaccines, risks and side effe cts
of the vaccine, risks of HPV, benefits of HPV vaccination and
organizations recommending HPV vaccination; This module
addressed the concerns and misinformation parents have about
the HPV vaccine. (2) Lets Talk on the communication process
around vaccination, including a video simulation on how to
talk with your daughter about HPV vaccination, guidelines for
talking to family members and physician about HPV vaccination;
This module provides communication examples to be modeled
by parents discussing vaccination with their daughters, and
suggestions for discussions with other family members and the
health care provider. (3) Vaccine How-To with instructions for
making an HPV vaccination appointment; This module contains
location and appointment tools for getting vaccinated that
parents and teens can use for vaccination action plans. (4) Teen
Tools with interactive games for teens, i.e., HPV Challenge Quiz,
and HPV Myth vs. Truth swiping game; This module contains
interactive and engaging activities for both teens and parents, all
focused on providing accurate and motivating information about
the HPV vaccine. (5) We’re Ready providing email and texting
HPV vaccination reminder systems to promote completion of
the vaccination series, accessible from any page in the web app.
This module provides notification and reminder tools for the
second and possible third dose of the HPV vaccine. While the
predominant messaging in the web app was focused on parents,
their daughters also had specific content for their use (Teen
Tools). Overall, the web app content and language were designed
to encourage both parent and adolescent use, both separately
and together.
Frontiers in Digital Health | 2 August 2021 | Volume 3 | Article 693688
Woodall et al.
Development of the Vacteens/Vacunadolescente
Web app
The Vacteens/Vacunadolescente web app was systematically
developed through developmental research. The GoHealthyGirls
project (funded by the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases—U19 AI084081) employed DOI and related
IDM research to guide the iterative development of a website
for parents of young female adolescent daughters (ages 11–
14). It was systematically developed via parent and adolescent
focus groups, navigability and usability tests (
19), and a
beta test with an ethnically-diverse sample of parents and
daughters in New Mexico (20 ). Results indicated the website
to be easy and enjoyable to use and had clear impact on
theoretical antecedents to HPV vaccine uptake (e.g., attitudes,
risk perceptions, consequences, self-efficacy, and intent to get
daughter vaccinated).
Clinic-Cluster Randomized Trial
A clinic-cluster randomized trial was conducted in New Mexico.
Pediatric clinics (N = 9) were recruited and randomized to
receive either the Vacteens/ web app (n = 5)
or the Usual and Customary (UC) HPV vaccination information
(n = 4) available from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) online. Clinics were randomized before
recruitment of parents and daugh ters, but physicians and clinic
staff were kept blind to treatment assignment. Parents were
recruited from clinics by project staff via telephone contact.
Inclusion c riteria for the trial were to be parents of an 11– 14
year old daughter who had not yet received HPV vaccination.
Exclusion from the trial was to have had the parent’s daughter
already vaccinated for HPV. Participants were qualified and
registered for the project on a project registration website and
provided online informed consent, daughter assent, and HIPAA
waiver to access daughter vaccination records from the New
Mexico State Immunization Information System (NM-SIIS).
All project procedures were reviewed and approved by the
University of New Mexico Main Campus Institutional Review
Board. Parents of daughters aged 11–14 and the daughters
themselves were recruited from participating pediatric clinics
(N = 82 parent-daughter pairs). Parents were assessed via
online survey at baseline and 3-month post-baseline assessments.
Once parents were qualified, consented and registered for
the project, and had completed the baseline assessment (see
Parent Surveys on Antecedents to Vaccination), based on their
clinic randomization, t hey were provided a link to either the
Vacteens/ web app or the UC CDC web link.
These links remained active for the year-long project for parents
and their adolescents to browse. HPV Vaccine uptake data
available from NM-SIIS for daughters of participating parents
were colle ct ed at 1-year post-baseline.
Parent Surveys on Antecedents to
Parents were assessed by online surveys via QuestionPro survey
software at baseline and 3-month assessment points. The surveys
measured participants demographic characteristics (gender,
age, race/ethnicity, language preference, educational level, and
sociodemographic status), and HPV related variables, including:
HPV knowledge [Cronbachs α = 0.60 (
21)], HPV vaccine
attitudes, e.g., “It is important to get vaccines because they
prevent disease, [α = 0.89 (22, 23)], perceived daughters risk
of HPV, e.g., “Infection with HPV can lead to serious illness, [α
= 0.73 (
19, 23)], beliefs about HPV and HPV vaccination, e.g.,
“The HPV vaccine is effective at preventing cervical cancer, [α
= 0.91 (24)], intention to have daughter vaccinated (single item),
“If you were asked to make a decision right now about getting
your da ughter her first HPV shot, what would you decide?,
HPV informed decision making, e.g., “I know which options are
available to me regarding the HPV vaccine [α = 0.98 (25)].
Vaccination Records
Vaccination records were acquired by matching parent
identification information to the NM-SIIS database. Record
acquisition was performed by an honest broker, who was blind to
clinic and parent randomization status. Participants parents last
name, adolescents last name, first name and birthdate were used
as matching variables in vaccination record acquisition. First and
second shot completion data were recorded from participant
daughters records.
Data Analysis
Statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS ver. 27. Both
descriptive statistics and inferential tests for group differences
were calculated. To evaluate differences in vaccine beliefs and
attitudes, one-tailed t-tests were used. We chose to use one-
tailed tests because our hypotheses were directional and a
less conservative approach to analysis was believed to be
appropriate for this relatively small sample evaluation [cf. Kirk
26)]. The effect of intervention group on HPV vaccine uptake
was determined via non-parametric Chi-Square analyses, as
recommended by Williams and Monge (27). Analyses were
conducted on an unadjusted for clinic cluster effects basis after
determining the Intraclass Correlation (ICC) within clinics for
participant b aseline HPV knowledge variables was near zero.
Parent participants (N = 82) were 92.5% female, 38.5%
Hispanic, 6.2% American Indian/Native Alaskan, 1.2% Asian,
and 37. 8% Caucasian, with 12.3% unspecified and 3.7% missing
information. The average age of parent participants was 38.96
years (SD = 9.64), and average age of daughter participants
was 12.05 years (SD = 1.08). Educational attainment was 3.8%
11th grade or less, 33. 8% high school diploma or G.E.D., 25.0%
Associates degree, 18.8% Bachelor’s degree, 8.8% Masters degree,
1.3% Doctorate degree, and 7.5% Other Professional degrees.
Language preference for parent participants was 96.3% English,
with 16.3% additionally speaking Spanish, and 6.3% additionally
speaking a Trib al Language.
Hypothesis 1: Vaccine Antecedents
Three-month follow-up surveys were completed by 38% (n = 31)
of the study sample. The remainder of the participants were not
Frontiers in Digital Health | 3 August 2021 | Volume 3 | Article 693688
Woodall et al.
available to be surveyed due to early termination of the trial by
the funding agency. A review of all baseline participants found
no statistically significant differences (Pearsons χ
-tests) in
demographics between participants who did and did not respond
to 3-month assessments. Analyses of the available 3-month
assessment data for parents found several statistically-significa nt
differences between the and UC
Information participants. Planned t-tests (p < 0.05, one-tailed,
df = 31) reve aled significant between group differences in the
predicted direction for HPV vaccine beliefs [t
= 3.87, p =
0.001]; Informed Decision Making [t
= 4.29, p = 0.047];
parents in the were also more
likely to intend to vaccinate their d aughters right away than later
or not at all (Pearson χ
= 5.70, p = 0.05. Cohen’s d = 0.94, OR =
6.23). In addition, parents in the
group were significantly more confident about their vaccination
choices (Informed Decision Making; Pearson χ
= 4.28, p = 0.03,
d = 0.80, OR = 4.92), and a trend toward being more aware of the
benefits and risks of vaccination (Pearson χ
= 2.97, p = 0.08).
Hypothesis 2: Vaccination Outcomes
HPV vaccine upta ke data from the NM-SIIS database was
obtained for all daughters of parents enrolled in the trial
(n = 82). A review of first shot date and date of entry
into the study determined that some daughters (n = 13)
had received their initial HPV vaccinations prior to study,
and thus were not qualified to participate. Data for these
cases were excluded from the analysis; exclusion occurred
equally from the (n = 7) and
UC Information (n = 6) groups, leaving a final N =
69 for analysis. Analyses of first dose data revealed a
significant treatment group difference (Pearson χ
= 6.13,
p = 0.013, d = 0.62, OR = 3.45), such that rate of
HPV vaccination initiation in t he
condition (59.4%) was 18.8% higher than the UC Information
condition (40.6%). Further, HPV vaccination series completion
in the group was statistically-
significantly higher (Pearson χ
= 6.49, p = 0.011, d = 0.64, OR
= 4.53) (68.4%) compared to the UC group (31.6%), an absolute
increase of 36.8%.
The results of this trial indicated that the mobile web app bolstered
parents positive HPV vaccine beliefs, Informed Decision
Making, and intentions to vaccinate, and most importantly led
to higher levels of vaccine initiation (i.e., first dose) and series
completion (i.e., se cond dose). The small sample of parent-
daughter pairs may limit confidence in the outcome, but the
effect sizes and odds ratios are in the moderate range, suggesting
a substantial effect of the web app
that would potentially make large in-roads into vaccine uptak e
when distributed widely.
There are a number of implications that the study results
suggest for deploying the Vacunadolescente mobile
web app. First, it could be used in conjunction with a pediatric
clinic practice, where physicians recommend use of the mobile
web app prior to well-child visits, sports physicals, or vaccination
appointments. Parents who browse the app may make informed
decisions about vaccination before the visit and be ready for
vaccine initiation, saving valuable time in the doctor-patient
interaction, time that is alrea dy at a premium. It also may make
it more comfortable for providers to talk with parents about
HPV vaccination, knowing that the topic was already presented
and many of parents concerns were covered in the mobile web
app. Further, tools provided in t h e
mobile web app, like the text and email follow-up reminders,
could make vaccine dose completion more likely, as our data
show. Thus, in combination with presumptive recommendations
13) by pediatricians for HPV vaccination and other clinic-
based techniques, the use of might
substantially improve vaccine uptake in this age range during
clinical encounters.
A second possibility is that the
mobile web app could be used by parents independent of
medical clinics. Many vaccinations of all kinds now occur
outside of pediatric or other medical practices in, for example,
pharmacies oriented to vaccine provision. This lessens the
reliance on pediatricians and other medical providers for advice
and recommend at ion for the HPV vaccination, and for vaccine
provision. Other entities involved in vaccination, such as state
health departments, school health officials, and pharmacy chains,
could promote the use of the
mobile web app to increase HPV vaccination initiation and
completion at whatever provider to which parents have access
in communities. Further, parents of adolescents in this age
range are often excessively busy, leading to a drop in the
frequency of having their child seen by a pediatrician or
medical professional, often limited to as little as once a
year for a well-child checkup prior to the start of the
school year. Again, these factors may make the use of mobile web app outside of the
clinic viable as a way to support and promote vaccination
independent of clinical practice.
The present investigation carries some limitations. The small
sample size is a limitation, and furt her research will be needed
to confirm the impact of the web app on vaccine uptake
and related variables. The findings are also limited to young
adolescent girls ages 11– 14, even though HPV vaccination is
recommended for boys. We are currently conducting a trial
with a version of the web app tailored to parents of young
male adolescents in the same 11–14 years of age. The loss
of some parents due to already having had their daughter
vaccinated, is of some concern; however, the results remained
statistically significant with moderate effect size. It seems that
some parents were simply not sure as to whethe r they had their
daughter vaccinated for HPV. Paper-based methods for tracking
vaccination, especially in adolescence, are now rarely used, and
parents may lose track of vaccination instances. Currently, the
New Mexico Department of Health provides an online portal
where parents can search for their childs vaccination record
(a number of states have begun to adopt this technology),
but parents may be unaware of th is resource. The loss of a
Frontiers in Digital Health | 4 August 2021 | Volume 3 | Article 693688
Woodall et al.
substantial amount of 3-month follow-up survey data due to trial
termination by the funding agency is a limitation to the study.
The loss of these data certainly limits conclusions available from
the study survey analyses. In retrospect, the trial termination
(due to insufficient progress in clinic recruitment) is regrettable
given the promising data that the investigation was able to
obtain. The loc a tion of the trial in New Mexico may limit its
generalizability due to it s ethnic mix, containing predominately
Hispanic and Native American minority participants. Whether
the mobile web app would be just as effective with African
American parents or other minority group parents is unknown.
A final limitation is the young age of the sample (11–14 years).
HPV vaccination is recommended for individuals up to age 26
and we cannot be certain that the
mobile web app would convince parents of older daughters
(those ages 16+) to seek the HPV vaccine for them. The web app focused its messaging
on t his younger 11–14 years age range, and parents of
older teens (females and males) may need somewhat different
messaging that is sensitive to older teens having more agency in
vaccination decisions.
The results of this investigation suggest that mobile web
app technology, systematically developed for ease and
convenience of use on mobile and other computing devices
and guided by DOI and IDM theories of health behavior, that
communicates about parents’ concerns, lack of information, and
misinformation parents hold regarding the HPV vaccination,
can substantially improve HPV vaccine uptake. A recent
review of social media and mobile technology interventions
to improve HPV vaccine uptake (
28) indicates that text
message, e-mail, phone contact and social media groups can
improve HPV vaccine uptake. This investigation a dds mobile
web applications to the list of digital techniques for vaccine
uptake improvement. To prevent a variety of HPV-related
cancers, the use of digital communication outside clinics for
promoting HPV vaccination is well worth considering, especially
as many parents lives are replete with digital messaging and
mobile devices.
The raw de-identified data supporting the conclusions of
this article will be made available by the authors, without
undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by University of New Mexico Main Campus
Institutional Review Board. Written informed consent to
participate in this study was provided by a dult participants, and
adolescent assent was provided by adolescent participants’ legal
guardian/next of kin.
WW oversaw research project in all aspects, conducted data
analysis, and major amount of manuscript writing. GZ was
involved in message construction, measurement, and manuscript
writing. AK was involved in message construction, clinic
recruitment, and manuscript writing. DB was involved in
message construction, web app deve lopment, testing, and
manuscript writing. JR was message language translation and web
app development. LC was involved in clinic recruitment, message
construction, and vaccine data. VM was involved in message
development and measure assessment. RS was involved in clinic
recruitment. All authors contributed to the article and approved
the submitted version.
This project was supported by a grant from the Patient-Centered
Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Award #1511-33018.
The aut hors would like to acknowledge the work and support of
Ms. Lila Martinez, Ms. Marita Brooks, and Mr. Leonel Diaz.
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Conflict of Interest: WW, DB, JR, and VM were employed by company Klein
Buendel Inc.
Outside of the present work GZ has served as an external advisory board
member for Merck and Moderna and as a consultant to Merck. In addition, he has
received investigator-initiated research funding from Merck administered through
Indiana University.
The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships t hat could be construed as a potential
conflict of interest.
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the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in
this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
Copyright © 2021 Woodall, Zimet, Kong, Buller, Reither, Chilton, Myers and
Starling. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The us e, distribution or reproduction in
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Frontiers in Digital Health | 6 August 2021 | Volume 3 | Article 693688