Quick Reference Guide
Filer Experience
MiFILE Quick Reference Training Guide Summary
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Table of Contents
1. Getting Set Up in MiFILE .......................................................................................................................... 1
Account Set Up and Logging In ......................................................................................................... 1
Making Connections ........................................................................................................................... 1
Who’s Who in MiFILE? ........................................................................................................................ 2
Notification Settings ........................................................................................................................... 2
2. Finding Your Way Around MiFILE ............................................................................................................ 4
Navigating ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Searching for a Case ........................................................................................................................... 5
Viewing Case History .......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Preparing Documents Before Filing ......................................................................................................... 6
Avoiding Rejected Documents ........................................................................................................... 6
Attachments ........................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Starting a New Case or Filing into a Case ................................................................................................ 7
Associating Party or Attorney to Current User ................................................................................ 8
Uploading Documents ........................................................................................................................ 8
Case Initiation; Filing Only ................................................................................................................. 9
Making Subsequent Filings ................................................................................................................ 9
Marking Documents Confidential or Sealed .................................................................................... 9
Connecting Documents ....................................................................................................................... 9
Saving Your Work.............................................................................................................................. 10
5. Making Payments ................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting Up a Payment Account ........................................................................................................ 10
Filing Fees and Merchant Processing Fee ...................................................................................... 11
Fee Waiver ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Exemption from Fee .......................................................................................................................... 11
Making Additional Payment as Directed by Court ........................................................................ 12
6. How to be Served or to Serve Documents ............................................................................................ 13
Service Recipients ............................................................................................................................. 13
Changing e-Mail Address for e-Service and e-Notification .......................................................... 13
Selecting Service Options ................................................................................................................. 13
Sending a Courtesy Copy .................................................................................................................. 15
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
7. Add Party and Add Attorney Feature .................................................................................................... 15
TrueFiling Add Party/Attorney Process ................................................................................................... 15
Service with Add Parties .......................................................................................................................... 18
Add Party Final Steps ........................................................................................................................... 19
8. Final Instructions .................................................................................................................................... 19
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
1. Getting Set Up in MiFILE
Account Set Up and Logging In
Every user must have a MiFILE account. The account username is the user’s e-mail address.
If a user’s e-mail address changes for some reason, a new account must be opened. If a
new account must be opened, any existing case history for that user will be lost.
Set up a MiFILE account.
Navigate to MiFILE Login page.
Click the Sign Up link.
Complete registration information.
Select one or more of the following roles that apply.
I’m an attorney in one or more states/provinces (requires bar
I am a filing on behalf of an attorney.
I am a court reporter/recorder (requires certification number).
I will file to a case where I am representing myself (pro se).
I am filing into a case but none of the above apply to me.
Read the e-Filing User Licensing Agreement
Special Notes:
User’s e-mail address is the individual’s username.
User may have only one account per e-mail address.
User’s e-mail address is accessible to other registered users.
Making Connections
MiFILE uses connections to build a network of firm attorneys, firm members, self-
represented filers, and court reporters.
Anyone may initiate a connection request with another user. We recommend
attorneys not send Connection Requests to clients as they would have access to
payment information through this feature.
When a connection request is accepted, both connected users can file on one
another’s behalf, share payment information, and access one another’s filing
Connections are now able to select who should also receive copies of e-served
documents. If another party e-serves documents on you, selecting “copy e-service"
next to one of your connections will ensure that user gets the same documents. This
also applies to documents the court e-notices out, if they are using MiFILE to
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
transmit those documents. IMPORTANT: It is the attorney that will need to make
the copy e-service selection from their account, as they will be the official case
participant (and the person directly e-served).
Connections can be removed at any time; neither party will receive a notification
about the removal.
Who’s Who in MiFILE?
MiFILE differentiates between a “submitter” and a “filer.”
A “submitter”’ is the individual who registered for the MiFILE account.
A “submitter” may also be a filer.”
A “submitter” may file documents on behalf of another person (also referred to as a
If a “submitter” initiates a MiFILE service transmission, the proof of service will show
the “submitter” name as the individual who initiated the MiFILE service
An example of a submitter filing on behalf of another person is a legal assistant (submitter)
filing documents for the attorney they work for (filer).
Notification Settings
MiFILE can notify registered users regarding their filings at each stage in the filing process.
A filer can select whether to be notified via text message or e-mail (or both).
Notifications for “When a Filing is marked as Filed” andWhen a Filing is marked as
Rejected” are preselected. We recommend that a filer keep these two settings
checked at all times to ensure up-to-date information on the status of their filings.
What happens when you select a notification setting:
“When my documents are submitted to the court” - the filer will receive a
notification when the transmission of the filings, data, and documents are
received by the court.
“When a payment transaction occurs - the filer will receive a notification
after a payment is made.
“When a filing is marked as filed” - the filer will receive a notification
indicating their filing was accepted and filed in the court.
“When a filing is marked as rejected”- the filer will receive a notification
indicating their filing was rejected by the court and a refund will be issued (if
Below are the notification settings a filer can choose from. Note that “A message is
received from the court” is not currently used in MiFILE.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
The next section, under the Notification Settings, is related to notifications that you set up
for your Connections to receive.
If a submitter (someone filing on behalf of a filer) wants their connections (the filer
or any other connected user) to receive any of their MiFILE notification e-mails, the
submitter would select the Copy Notification E-mails, next to the name of that
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
connected person. The connected person will receive only those notification(s) that
the connected person has selected to receive (displayed in the connected person’s
preferences above).
If a filer wants their connections (e.g., attorney staff) to receive their MiFILE e-
service e-mails, the filer would select Copy E-Service, next to the name of that
connected person. The connected person will be copied on all e-service e-mails, as
well as e-mails when an e-served filing has been rejected.
2. Finding Your Way Around MiFILE
Once you have logged into MiFILE, you will see a view resembling the following:
The Header bar displays notifications (e.g. Connection Requests), the active user’s
information, and the Log Out button.
On the left side of the screen is the navigation pane. The navigation pane is where
most of the system’s features are found. The following menu options are available:
File: Filers can initiate a case or submit filings to an existing case.
Case Search: Filers go here to view case information, add themselves or
another party as a case contact, and view filing details. Users can also file to
a case from this page.
History: Filers may go here to view payment receipts for previous filings,
copies of filings they previously submitted, and the status of any filings
currently being processed by the court.
Favorites: Filers can maintain a list of favorite cases for easy access in the
Settings: Filers can update personal information, configure notifications,
and view information regarding Connections.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Help/Support: MiFILE has an incredible help section, including videos to
assist end users in getting acquainted with the system.
E-mail Activity: If a filer thinks e-mails from MiFILE are being blocked, they
can test this capability from the E-mail Activity page.
Once you’ve selected a court, a court information pane will display on the right side
of the screen. The court information pane contains court-specific information,
notifications, and links to various resources.
Searching for a Case
To search for a case, select Case Search in the left navigation pane.
Select the court in which you want to search for the case.
Provide your search criteria, such as a portion of the case number or case name.
The search will return any cases with a case number or case title that contains the
search criteria, an exact match is not required. By clicking the Search by Date box
(as shown below) you can specify a date range to refine case searches.
If the case has been marked by the court as “Non Public”, you will need to provide
the entire case number in order to pull up the case. You will not be able to search
using a portion of the case number or case name to locate the case in TrueFiling.
The Case Details page allows filers to view and file a request to add parties or
attorneys, view filings for the case that you have permissions to view, and file to the
Viewing Case History
This history pane allows a user to see the status of all of the filings submitted by them and
the filings submitted by their connections.
The history pane defaults to My History but a user can also view My Networks
History to view filings made by connections.
The case history page will display submission date and time, court of filing, case
number, filing name, filing type, filer, submitter, and status.
One of the most important items to view from the history page is the status of any
filings submitted. Filing statuses that can be displayed on the history page are:
Submitted - The filing was submitted to the court via MiFILE.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
In Progress - The filing has reached the court’s filing review system but has
not yet been reviewed.
Accepted - The filing is ready for payment to be collected by the payment
Paid - Payment processing has been completed successfully.
Payment Rejected - Payment for the filing failed. Typical reasons include:
expired credit card, insufficient funds, or card deleted from MiFILE.
Filed - The filing has been reviewed and accepted by the clerk of the court.
Rejected - The filing has been rejected by the clerk. If a fee was associated
with the filing, it will be refunded.
Refunded - Once a refund has been generated by the payment processor,
the filing status will be updated to Refunded.
Not Filed - When a serve-only filing is successfully processed by the system,
this will be the status shown.
Only when a “Filed” status is received by MiFILE is a document part of the official
court record. Rejected filings are not maintained by the court.
3. Preparing Documents Before Filing
Avoiding Rejected Documents
The State Court Administrative Office has established document preparation standards and
standard rejection reasons, including solutions for avoiding rejected filings.
Documents prepared for filing must comply with these standards to avoid rejected
Filers are encouraged to use the court forms approved by State Court Administrative
Office when available.
Standards of special note are the margin settings and document size because the
system will detect any document that exceeds the size restrictions.
Supported document types are DOC/DOCX, PDF, RTF, TXT, JPG, TIF or PNG.
Maximum file size is 25MB.
Attachments (formally known as exhibits) that are created by the filer must comply with the
document preparation standards. Review the Attachments section for details and examples
for naming attachments.
Each attachment accompanying a document must be attached separately and
referenced to the lead document to which it relates.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
The last page of the lead document must contain an index subtitled “index to
attachments” and list the title of each attachment and its associated filing names.
Each attachment must be identified as an attachment to the lead document and
must be numbered.
4. Starting a New Case or Filing into a Case
After documents are prepared in accordance with the standards, the filer is ready to file
their documents with the court.
To start a new case:
Log into MiFILE on the MiFILE Login page.
Select File (on the left panel).
Select the court from the drop-down.
Select “Initiate a New Case.
Select the filer that they are filing on behalf of:
Filing for Myself.
Filing for a connection.
Select the case category from the drop-down.
Select the case type from the drop-down.
Provide the party and case details (if applicable).
Special Notes:
The list of case categories and case types are maintained by the State Court
Administrative Office.
The appearance of the case initiation form and the information collected
will differ based on the case category selected.
If any required fields are not provided, the system will show the error within
the Validation Issues section at the bottom of the screen.
While on this page, DO NOT use any back arrows on your Internet browser,
if the filer hits the back arrow, all data entry up to that point will be lost.
To file into an existing case:
Log into MiFILE on the MiFILE Login page.
Select File (on the left panel).
Select the court from the drop-down.
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Select the case from list using Case Search screen.
Associate a party or attorney to case as necessary.
Associating Party or Attorney to Current User
A MiFILE user can associate themselves as a party or counsel on a case if their name is
already listed on the case but their e-mail address/information is not yet associated with
the party or counsel on file. Once the user is associated with the case, they will become a
service recipient on the case. Only parties, attorneys, and those with a legal interest in the
case are service recipients.
Navigate to the “Case Details” screen or the “Filing” screen.
Select the “I am this Person” button to associate their MiFILE registration
information, including e-mail address, to the listed party or attorney.
Confirm that the user is the named person.
Click Submit and then Close.
Note that, depending on a court’s level of integration with their Case
Management System, the time it takes for this request to process may differ.
Uploading Documents
Once a filer completes the party and case details page, they will be directed to the Upload
Filings page. If the filer associates themselves with the case using the “I am this Person”
button, they will then need to click the “File to this Case” button to submit their filing.
Drag and drop the item onto the drag and drop box or click the box to select the file
from personal device.
Select the filing type. The filing type list varies by case type.
A temporary case number is assigned to the filing; for example, TEMP-
The temporary case number will be replaced with the actual case number
after the filing is accepted by the court.
The filer will receive notification of the court case number for the filing.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Case Initiation; Filing Only
The filer cannot serve documents electronically through MiFILE at case initiation.
The top right of the document upload screen displays a check box to File Document.
Service must be accomplished in the manner prescribed by court rule (see the
section on service for details).
A case initiation form is displayed in the filings list. This case initiation form contains
the information provided on the Party Details and Case Details screen that is
submitted to the court.
Making Subsequent Filings
After a case has been accepted by the court, the filer is permitted to file and serve
documents through MiFILE.
The TEMP case number is replaced with the court case number in the MiFILE history.
No additional party information is required to be entered and the filer will be
directed to the Upload screen after selecting the case.
The top right of the document upload screen displays check boxes to File Document
and Serve Document.
Marking Documents Confidential or Sealed
MiFILE provides a means for filers to mark documents confidential or sealed as authorized
by statute, court rule, or order of the court.
The filer may flag a document confidential or sealed where there is authority.
The clerk of the court will verify authority to make a document confidential or
sealed, and if a document is not flagged appropriately, the clerk may reject the
document for filing.
Connecting Documents
MiFILE provides a means for filers to connect a series of individual documents to one
another, such as a pleading or motion (lead document) with an attachment (such as a lease
or some other supporting document), or multiple files that constitute one large document
that exceeded the 25MB file size.
Name documents in accordance with the document standards established by the
State Court Administrative Office.
After uploading documents, drag the second document (attachment) on top of the
first document (lead document) and release it when the blue bar is displayed. A
chain link icon indicates that the documents are connected.
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Saving Your Work
MiFILE provides a means to Save Progress if the filer wants to stop working and return to
the filing later. A Save Progress button is displayed at the bottom of the Upload screen.
The incomplete bundle can be located under the Unsubmitted tab in the user history.
5. Making Payments
Setting Up a Payment Account
The MiFILE system provides for payment by credit card and a payment account must be set
up. Payment information is maintained in MiFILE. The following credit cards are accepted:
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
A user can update payment information under settings and payment accounts. A user can
add new payment methods or view current payment information.
Enter payment information. All credit card details, including the CVV code, are
required. A “card nickname” can be provided to easily identify a card from among
multiple payment methods.
Indicate whether to share this payment record with network connections.
Press the Add button to save information.
Special Notes:
Only one credit card can be used at a time for a single bundle. Partial
payments are not accepted.
After using a pre-paid credit card, keep the pre-paid credit card until after
the filing is either accepted or rejected. If documents for which there was a
fee are rejected by the court, the fee will be refunded to the pre-paid credit
Credit card refunds may take more three business days to process.
Credit card merchant processing fees are nonrefundable.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Filing Fees and Merchant Processing Fee
Filing fees may include a statutory filing fee, an electronic filing system (EFS) fee, and a
merchant processing fee. The EFS fee is collected only once at case initiation and only for
certain case types. If a filing is rejected, for which there is a refund of the filing fees, the
merchant processing fee is nonrefundable.
Fee Waiver
MiFILE provides a means for a filer to request a fee waiver. This request can be made by
selecting the Request Fee Waiver button displayed on the Payment Options screen.
Available fee waiver options are below:
A fee waiver request will conditionally apply a waiver of the payment due. Both the
waived amount and an amount of $0 due will be displayed on the payment screen.
The court must grant the request for fee waiver before the filing bundle can be
accepted. If the request is denied and filing fees are not paid, the filing bundle will
be rejected.
The filer will receive notice of the acceptance or rejection of the bundle, including a
copy of the order granting or denying the fee waiver.
Exemption from Fee
MiFILE provides a means for certain filers to indicate when they are statutorily exempt from
a filing fee.
If a filer is a government entity and is statutorily exempt from an EFS fee, the filer
will select the first option (see the screen below).
If a filer is statutorily exempt from a filing fee, the filer will select the second option
(see the screen below) and enter the reason they are not required to pay a filing fee.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Making Additional Payment as Directed by Court
The court may request that a filer pay an additional amount related to a case without
needing to upload a filing. Common examples of this would be a bond deposit, escrow, or
payment of inventory fees. The filer will need to search for the case and select Pay
Additional Amount.
Select filer name from the drop-down list.
Select the payment type from the drop-down list.
For payment types that require a “filer provided fee,” enter into the fee box the
amount ordered or requested by the court to pay.
Select payment method and submit payment.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
6. How to be Served or to Serve Documents
Documents are e-served on service recipients who are registered in MiFILE. If a party required to
be served is exempt from e-filing or has not registered as a user of MiFILE, they must be
served by other method(s) as required by Michigan Court Rules.
Service Recipients
Service recipients are parties, attorneys, and others with a legal interest in the case. Parties
and attorneys named at case initiation are automatically added as a service recipient; the
initiating attorney or self-represented litigant is automatically activated for e-service. All
other named parties will need to activate service when they register with MiFILE. Any
MiFILE user can request to add themselves as a service recipient if they have a legal interest
in the case and are filing a document that supports that request. Examples are an attorney
appearance, a motion to intervene, a third-party complaint, an acceptance of trust, or a
request for service as a person interested in the case through court-ordered appointment
(such as a receiver). See section 7 of this document for details.
Any nonparty with a legal interest in a case (such as a receiver) or an interested person
named in a probate case who wants to be served electronically, but who has no specific
document (such as an objection or competing petition) to file into the case, must complete
and file the SCAO-approved form, Request for e-Service by MiFILE (form MC 507).
Special Notes:
A staff person for an attorney is not a service recipient, does not have a legal
interest in the case, and must not file form MC 507.
If attorney staff want to be copied on MiFILE e-mails for the attorney on whose
behalf they file, the attorney they are connected to must select them for e-service
using the E-Copy Service feature. See Notification Settings for details.
Changing E-Mail Address for E-Service and E-Notification
If any of your contact information on the case changes, you are required to file the change
with the court and serve the case participants with that information. In addition, if you are
an attorney, you must change your e-mail address with the State Bar of Michigan.
Selecting Service Options
MiFILE permits a filer to select service on an existing case, but not on a new case.
Serving Case Initiation Documents
When a new case is initiated, MiFILE preselects the File Document option.
Electronic service is not permitted, and service must be accomplished as
required by Michigan Court Rule.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
After the case initiating documents (e.g., Summons and Complaint) have been
served, a proof of service must be filed. In this example, the filer will upload the
proof of service in MiFILE, select the File Document option, and select “Return of
Service of Summons and Complaint” as the filing type.
Serving Subsequent Documents
When subsequent documents are filed, MiFILE preselects both the File
Document and the Serve Document options.
When the Serve Document checkbox is selected, a “Select Recipients” pane
displays after a document is uploaded. The names of all named parties,
attorneys, or others with a legal interest in the case will be preselected for
service and cannot be deselected. If a service recipient does not have an e-
mail address recorded in MiFILE, their name will be grayed-out and
documents must be served on them as otherwise required by Michigan
Court Rule.
The filer has the option to deselect either the File Document option or the
Serve Document option, depending on what the filer wants to accomplish.
For example, a filer might want to defer service until after receiving a
document with the FILED stamp by the court. In this instance, the filer
would deselect Serve Document and file the document. After the document
is accepted by the court and the filer receives the FILED stamped document,
the filer would serve the document.
Michigan Court Rule 1.109(G)(6)(b) requires filers to use MiFILE to serve documents
on parties to a case when those parties are registered MiFILE users. If a party to a
case is not registered in MiFILE, documents must be served on that party as
otherwise required by Michigan Court Rule.
After a document is served, a proof of service will be generated by MiFILE and filed
with the court.
If the File Document and Serve Document options are both selected when a
bundle is submitted, the MiFILE-generated proof of service will be filed with
the court as part of the bundle submission. The filer must not prepare and
file a separate proof of service.
If only the Serve Document option is selected when a bundle is submitted,
the MiFILE generated proof of service will be filed with the court as part of
the bundle submission. The filer must not prepare and file a separate proof
of service.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Special Note:
The “serve” only option is for formal service. Because this feature always
generates and automatically files a proof of service with the court, it should not
be used to share or send documents that have not been filed with the court.
If a party is served in a manner other than through MiFILE, the filer must file a proof
of service with the court through MiFILE. The filer will upload the proof of service as
shown in step 4 above, select the File Document option, and select “Proof of
Service” as the filing type.
Sending a Courtesy Copy
MiFILE provides an option for the filer to send a courtesy copy of a document to any
recipient with an e-mail address. A courtesy copy is not legal service and cannot be used for
parties in the case.
Select Add Recipient, enter the individual’s name and e-mail address, and select
“Courtesy Copy” from the drop-down menu.
Individuals sent a courtesy copy are not included on the MiFILE-generated proof of
Any Courtesy Copy recipient is a one-time recipient and would have to be added
each time the filer wants them to receive a courtesy copy of a filed document.
7. Add Party and Add Attorney Feature
A MiFILE user may need to request themselves or another individual be added as a party on
a case that was previously initiated with a MiFILE court. The Add Party to Case feature will
allow the party to submit their information along with the supporting document for review
and handling by the court. The Add Attorney feature is to be used only when the new
attorney is filing a document for a party already named in the case.
TrueFiling Add Party/Attorney Process
To begin, search for and select the case that the party intends to be added to.
Select “File to this Case” button on the Case Details screen.
TheAdd Party to Case” button will be available for selection on the filing
screen. Select this button if you are adding a party to a case.
TheAdd Counsel to Case” button will be available for selection on the filing
screen. Select this button if you are adding an attorney to the case
Once selected, the Add Party screen will display.
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All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. The Add Party screen will have
three fields that need to be completed before submitting the request.
Party Type
Using the dropdown box, select the appropriate party type that is being
Enter a New Contact
Select one of the names shown in the dropdown to automatically populate
the mandatory fields on the “Add Case Party” screen
Select “Enter a new contact”.
Type in all mandatory fields.
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Attorney Representation
If the party being added does not have an attorney, they will select “This
party is self-represented.”
If the party being added does have an attorney, they will check the box to
select the option that indicates that an attorney is representing the party
being added.
The party will select “This party’s attorney is not listed or unknown.”
The party’s attorney would add themselves to the case later using the Add
Counsel request after the party being added is accept by the court.
If an attorney is filing an Add Party request on behalf of a party, the attorney
will select “This party’s attorney is not listed or unknown,” and can also file
with the Add Party request, an Appearance containing the filing attorney’s
name and e-mail address for e-service, in addition to the name of the party
whom the attorney is representing. Using this information, the clerk will add
the attorney to the case when the party is added to the case. Alternatively,
the attorney can wait for the Add Party request to be accepted, and then
submit an add attorney request.
Validation/Final Steps
To proceed, select the Save” button. If any information is missing, the
errors will be listed in the “Validation Issues” section.
After all the mandatory fields have been completed, the system will return to
the filing screen. Upload the supporting documentation that corresponds
with the Add Party request being submitted and select the appropriate
“Filing Type” from the list in the dropdown box.
Special Note: If an attorney is filing the Add Party request on behalf of a party, an
appearance can be filed at the same time, but the Add Counsel request would
not be completed (the MiFILE system does not permit an attorney to be added
through TrueFiling without the represented party first being accepted by the
court). Directions on how to upload supporting documentation can be found
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Service with Add Parties
The Add Party to Case feature will allow the party to submit their information along with the
supporting document for review and handling by the court, and to serve the document on
existing parties or their attorneys. Parties that are listed and have a corresponding e-mail
address will receive electronic service when the filings are selected to be served. A connected
user is not a service recipient on a case. However, if a filer wants their connected users (e.g.,
attorney staff) to receive their MiFILE e-service e-mails, the filer would select the Copy E-Service, next to
the name of that connected person. The connected person will be copied on all e-service e-mails as well
as e-mails when an e-served filing has been rejected.
Select Recipients: This section displays the list of parties and attorneys associated
with the case. All the service recipients in the list will receive electronic service of
the documents being filed, if the “Serve Document” checkbox is selected. Users are
unable to deselect any of the confirmed parties or attorneys when serving
documents through MiFILE.
Send Courtesy Copy: If a person not shown in the list of service recipients needs to
receive a copy of the document, select this button to add the person and their e-
mail address. A courtesy copy of the document will be e-mailed to this person;
however they will not be added to the list of service recipients and will not be shown
on the electronic Proof of Service that is generated.
Preview Proof of Service: If this button is selected, a preview of the electronic Proof
of Service will display to the user logged in and filing to the case.
To proceed, select the Next” button. If any information is missing, the errors will
be listed in the “Validation Issues” section.
Quick Reference Training Guide Summary (07/29/2021)
Add Party Final Steps
The “Filing Submission” screen will display.
Select “Next” to proceed.
The “Checkout” screen will display.
Select the appropriate credit card.
Select the “Request Fee Waiver” button.
To proceed further, click on “Submit.”
When either the credit card is selected, the fee waiver information has been
completed, or no fees are associated with the filing, select the “Submit” button
to proceed.
The “Submission Successful” window will display.
Select the “OK” button to proceed.
8. Final Instructions
The filer should check their e-mail and MiFILE case history regularly for updates regarding
their filing. For additional information, visit the MiFILE Statewide e-Filing Initiative website.