Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research
Volume 13 Issue 2 Article 2
Mind the Map: How Thinking Maps Affect Student Achievement Mind the Map: How Thinking Maps Affect Student Achievement
Dan Jacob Long
David Carlson
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Long, Dan Jacob and Carlson, David (2011) "Mind the Map: How Thinking Maps Affect Student
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Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
Mind the Map: How Thinking Maps Affect Student
By Daniel Long, St. Francis Xavier Elementary
Dr. David Carlson, Arizona State University
This action research project, conducted in an 8th grade classroom by Daniel Long, investigated how
Thinking Maps could be utilized by the students to broaden critical thinking skills and enhance their
understanding of the content being presented. The research data was gathered through anonymous student
surveys, instructor observation notes and a post-intervention assessment. Students were taught the function
and proper construction of all eight Thinking Maps and were encouraged to utilize them on multiple
occasions every day. The findings by Long indicated that when students constructed Thinking Maps, they
were able to achieve greater understanding than those students who used traditional note taking strategies.
The purpose of this research was to determine if the use of Thinking Maps would increase student
achievement. Because Thinking Maps allow students to express their thoughts and ideas non-linguistically,
instructors actually see the graphic representation of a student’s thought process (Holzman, 2004). Thinking
Maps differ from graphic organizers because they are used to promote “more strategic thinking” and
encourage students to focus on the processes used to produce the “correct” answer (Holzman, 2004). By
coaching students to correctly use the Thinking Maps in their daily lessons, students will have a greater sense
of control of the way they handle classroom material and provide a strategy for organization that will allow
them to form meaningful connections with the content.
In my classroom, I am responsible for two sections
of seventh graders and two sections of eighth
graders, roughly 100 students total. The main issue
that I have found with teaching this grade level is
that students often have difficulty with note taking
and making connections with the content. Since the
Junior High is departmentalized, this is my second
time working with the 8th graders, as I had them for
7th grade last year. Despite being a year older, a fair
majority of them still lack these traits as 8th graders,
which is preventing some from becoming excelling
My curriculum is primarily presented through direct
instructional methods, using PowerPoint as an aide
for student note-taking. By using PowerPoint as a
lecture guide, I am able to present students with the
key points of the concepts that are being discussed
that day. The intended goal was to provide the
students with an outline of the main ideas on the
PowerPoint slides while simultaneously providing
supplementary information through the use of direct
instruction. In the past, students have had mixed
successes with this style of presentation. Some
claimed that there was too much information
contained in the slides, while others only wrote
down the “bullet points” and missed the
supplementary information that was presented by
the instructor. Because of these challenges, it
became clear that students required a method of
instruction that would allow them to take clear and
concise notes while gaining a greater understanding
of the concept being presented.
After attending a professional development seminar
on mind mapping and student achievement, I
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
decided to introduce my classes to a note-taking
concept called Thinking Maps, which allowed
students to summarize information using visual
techniques not commonly found in the outline
format of my lecture notes. These graphic
representations of thought allow students to
abandon the outline format that they were
accustomed to and demonstrate a more free-form
expression of their learning using the eight different
styles of map. For example, a Circle Map asks
students to place the main idea in the center, and
then add descriptions of the topic around it. A
Double Bubble Map allows students to visually
compare and contrast ideas using a series of bubbles
connected to their topic. It is the goal of this
research to determine whether the use of Thinking
Maps will benefit students in their note taking
abilities, thus increasing their level of achievement
and understanding.
Mind Mapping Thinking Maps
In order for mind mapping to be successful, it is
important that learners find a way to make the
information relevant to their own lives. A great deal
of research has indicated that the best way for
learners to grasp a new concept is to construct a
visual representation of it. Mind maps are a “useful
tool for helping younger students with the process
of building conceptual understanding of content and
promoting achievement” (Mona & Khalick, 2008,
p. 298). By using mind maps instead of traditional
methods, students are able to visualize links
between non-linear ideas, which in turn provides for
creativity and meaningful learning. The use of color
is often used to differentiate different ideas
contained within the map, which “enhances the
utility and meaningfulness to learners who construct
them” (Mona & Khalick, 2008, p. 298). Because
mind maps are essentially the visual representation
of student thought, they allow for a greater retention
of information.
One of the most important aspects of the Thinking
Maps is the ability for students to display critical
thinking skills in order to complete their maps. In
his study on the improvement of critical thinking
skills, Carl Savich noted that the focus on “critical
and independent thinking” were effective ways for
teachers to maximize the engagement of the
students in his class (Savich, 2009, p. 4).
Specifically, Savich utilized role-playing and
simulations to convey material to the students - a
process which required all students to be engaged in
a more critical manner of thinking. Savich
concluded that his inquiry method of teaching
allowed even the least confident students in his
class to feel connected to the material, which in turn
allowed them to see “the bigger picture” of history
(Savich, 2009, p 4). In the same manner, Thinking
Maps allow for students to feel more connected to
the material, as it forces them to map out their
thought process on paper, which leads to an
increase in connections between content and
One of the initiators of the mind mapping was
David Hyerle who maintained that brainstorming,
organizers, and process maps were integral to
“building conceptual links” in student
understanding and recollection (Mona & Khalick,
2008, p. 299). When these three qualities are
applied to mind mapping, they allow students to
visualize their own thought process, in addition to
making the construction of knowledge personal to
them. Many of the maps developed by Hyerle were
inspired by more conventional diagrams, such as the
Venn diagram and timelines; however, Hyerle’s
thinking maps were unique in the sense that they
forced the students to construct new knowledge
about a topic while simultaneously recalling what
they already knew. Because these maps allowed
students to construct their thoughts in different
ways (kinesthetically, verbally, etc) they have been
proven to “increase the retention ability among
learners when the target information is visualized”
(Mona & Khalick, 2008 p. 300). Additionally, it has
been determined that if students are offered control
over their map constructions, the maps have a
positive impact on student achievement because
they “embody metacognitive models with certain
structures” (Mona & Khalick, 2008, p. 300). The
study conducted by Mona and Khalick was guided
by the following questions: what is the effect of
using mind mapping on 8th grade students, does the
impact of using mind mapping interact with prior
achievement levels, and what is the relationship
between different elements of participants’ mind
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
Thinking Maps Instruction
In order to ensure that the students were using the
thinking maps in the correct manner, all of the
students were instructed using the same three step
method: 1) direct instruction of each thinking map,
2) the instructor and students create a thinking map
together, and, 3) the students create their own maps
using an assigned topic. This three-step method
gave students complete ownership of their map and
allowed them to practice this new skill. Once they
demonstrated the correct format for the different
thinking maps, their goal was to determine how to
best synthesize the information and create their own
knowledge of the content using these maps. During
the course of the intervention, all eight maps were
taught to the students, but the main focus was on the
Double Bubble, The Flow and The Multi-Flow
maps (see Appendix A). The nature and practice of
Social Studies lends itself to the constant use of
these maps, as we made it a routine to compare and
contrast ideas (Double Bubble), place events in
proper time order (Flow Map), and determine the
cause and effect of major world events (Multi-Flow
Direct Instruction
Because each Thinking Map is designed for a
specific purpose, it is imperative that students
understand the correct manner in which to use it. If
the students are able to recognize the correct use of
each map, they will be prepared when asked to
create on their own. Additionally, since each
thinking map serves a different purpose, the
students must be aware of the appropriate use of
each. For example, a Bubble Map requires that
students use only single adjectives to describe the
topic, while a Circle Map allows for more complex
thoughts and descriptions by allowing nouns,
adjectives and even complete sentences to describe
the given topic.
Instructor and Student
Once a Thinking Map had been demonstrated to the
class, the students worked cooperatively with me to
develop a new thinking map. This technique
allowed for students to follow along step-by-step
during the creation of the Thinking Map so that they
would gain a greater understanding of its use. For
example, if students were asked to compare and
contrast two points of view, they would understand
that the use of a Double Bubble Map would be the
correct map choice.
Independent Work
Once the class had successfully crafted a map
together, they created their individual maps. At the
start of one class, students created a Double Bubble
Map that compared and contrasted the Battle of
Britain in 1940 to the invasion of France by the
Nazi forces in 1939. Students were allowed to use
their notes to help them complete all of the maps
and were allowed to ask for assistance if they were
having difficulty. This enabled me to assess whether
students understood the correct function of each
thinking map, and their understanding of
instructional content.
Prior to tracking the students involved in this study,
all students were taught the correct format for using
Thinking Maps, explaining each map and its
intended purpose using the direct instruction
method. After each map was introduced and
practiced, students then engaged in surveys to
determine their level of comfort with the maps, and
their ability to construct the thinking maps in the
correct context. During the course of the study,
students were randomly assessed on their ability to
take material they learned in the classroom and
construct their responses in thinking map format.
Their results were tracked over the course of the
study and compared to their earlier creations in
order to gauge their level of academic growth.
Student Selection
Four students were chosen for tracking in this study:
one Hispanic male, one Caucasian male, one
Hispanic female and one African-American female.
All of these students have shown personal growth
concerning their academics since they were in my
7th grade class, but are still lacking the ability to
take clear and concise notes. As 8th graders, these
students’ grades range from straight A’s to straight
C’s across all of their classes. None of the students
that were chosen has IEP’s to modify their
instruction, and one of the four is enrolled in the
district program for “gifted students”. Additionally,
all four of these students participate in
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
extracurricular activities, such as soccer, basketball,
football and student government.
Quantitative Methods
During the course of the intervention, the students
were consistently assessed on their understanding of
the thinking maps by constructing one using an
assigned prompt. At the end of the intervention,
they were asked to construct a thinking map in lieu
of writing a 5-paragraph essay. To analyze the
students’ thinking maps, I noted not only the
students’ correct use of the thinking map, but also
whether the information they presented was
accurate. Students were given a point if they
correctly used the map, another point if the
information used was correct, and a third if they
contributed sufficient details to the map.
Qualitative Methods
The qualitative data consisted of my observations
and pre/post intervention surveys. These methods
were used to gather data as the intervention was
taking place, allowing me to assess whether or not
the students understood the thinking maps as they
were creating them. Because of the instructional
methods used (direction instruction, group
instruction, and individual creation), I was able to
walk around during class to visually observe the
students work.
Observational Notes. Observation notes were
taken a minimum of three times a week during the
intervention period, and were used to illustrate
student development for each of the thinking maps.
My notes consisted of short phrases or common
words that could be used to identify positive or
negative reactions to the maps. The results were
based upon the students’ uses of the three thinking
maps that were presented in class. Students were
evaluated as to whether or not they appeared to
understand the purposes and uses of the maps
during the presentation, as well as their ability to
complete thinking maps on their own. Observations
were coded as either positive or negative. For
example, while learning the Double Bubble Map,
Student B attained positive results in
“Understanding the Map” and “Using Sufficient
Details,”, but was unable to provide a brief
description of the thinking maps. On the final
thinking maps assessment, all of the focal students
performed well in regard to conveying correct
information. One student continued to struggle with
the specific uses for each of the thinking maps,
which led to a lower overall score due to lack of
details provided during the assessment.
Surveys. Pre and post surveys were administered
to the students. The pre-intervention survey was
used to assess student motivation, while the post-
intervention survey allowed me to assess whether
the thinking maps intervention was successful. In
the first survey, I chose to highlight four of the
questions related to Thinking Maps:
1. I learn more by taking notes and reading the
2. I expect to do well in school with little
3. I am often bored in class.
4. My teacher challenges me to think
critically about the topic being presented.
The students used a Lickert Scale to rate their
responses. These numbers were entered into an
Excel spreadsheet so that I could look across the
students’ responses. The post assessment focused
on three questions that related to Thinking Maps
1. The thinking maps are an effective way to get
my thoughts on paper
2. The thinking maps allow me to make
connections that I might not have made
3. The thinking maps have replaced my regular
style of note taking
Again using a Lickert Scale, students’ responses
were scored and entered into an Excel spreadsheet.
The surveys allowed me to determine whether
individual students believed they were affected by
the Thinking Maps intervention. For example, while
on the pre-intervention survey students A, B, and D
indicated that they learn better when they are taking
notes from the textbook. The post-intervention data
indicated that only Student B believed that thinking
map strategies replaced their regular style of note
taking in a consistent manner; the other three
students only used thinking maps in moderation, or
when required to do so.
The purpose of this project was to determine if the
use of Thinking Maps would have an impact on the
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
way 8th grade students at Magnet Traditional
School compiled their notes and made connections
to academic material. The biggest change for
students using the Thinking Maps has been their
ability to connect prior information to the content
that is currently being studied. Because of the
nature of Social Studies, each of the events covered
in class is somehow related to either a prior world
event or has its roots in a particular theoretical
perspective. In order to fully understand the scope
of what is being taught in class, it is important for
students to constantly apply prior knowledge to new
material. Therefore, I surmised that students would
benefit from a method for linking new learning to
past learning. In the post-survey results, all the
students found the Thinking Maps allowed them to
“get their thoughts onto paper”, thereby increasing
their ability to make connections across the
While reviewing the assessment that required
students to respond to a prompt via a Thinking Map,
I noted that their answers reflected greater
understandings of content than assignments that
relied on short answer or essay formats. This did not
surprise me, as many of the students had difficulty
organizing their thoughts into coherent essays or
crafting precise short answer responses. Many
students simply restated their main points without
providing significant supporting details. Thus, many
of them received low grades when they were asked
to write specifically about particular an events and
issues. When asked to respond using a thinking
map, students were generally able to provide
relevant details and address the questions being
asked. Using my observation journal, I noted that
most of the students had initially shown difficulty
understanding the Multi-Flow thinking map, which
asks them to identify the cause and effects of
specific historical events. By encouraging students
to respond more often using this type of thinking
map, they became more comfortable using this style
of thinking map, and they became more proficient
in predicting the outcome of historical events. Using
the Multi-Flow maps, students were asked to predict
the effects of the United States entering the Vietnam
War based upon what they had previously learned
with the conflicts in World War II and the Korean
This action research project demonstrated that when
these students used thinking maps on a regular
basis, they were able to perform various thought
processes invited by the type of map they were
required to create. Once this became apparent to
students, they recognized Thinking Maps as
important to their academic success.
Based on my observations and the data collected, I
expect that students who utilize thinking maps will
see improvements in their academic progress with
regards to higher order thinking and content
connection. Thinking maps are beneficial to
students and teachers because they illustrate how
students link ideas and concepts. Unlike graphic
organizers that generally involve only surface level
facts, thinking maps invite students to demonstrate
their thought process on paper instead of in their
minds. By doing so, they provides students with
opportunities to form insights related to academic
content that might not have been activated prior to
the students’ use of thinking maps.
With the current focus on high stakes testing and
meeting annual yearly progress, many school
districts are focusing on preparing students for
standardized tests and spending less time teaching
students to think critically. Thinking Maps provide
a method that will help students organize their
thoughts and ideas when it comes to preparing for
exams. As well, Thinking Maps help students to
organize notes and information during lectures.
Asking students to take notes using Thinking Maps
invites them to apply their previous knowledge via a
new medium, allowing for higher order thinking.
In conclusion, Thinking Maps make an excellent
addition to any classroom because they teach
students to think critically about subjects and form
connections between subject disciplines. By
watching their thoughts unfold in front of them,
they will be better equipped to make curricular
connections and develop deeper knowledge and
understanding of concepts. Since Thinking Maps
can be utilized across all grade levels and content
areas, they are an invaluable resource for teachers.
With so many schools basing their curriculum and
instruction on standardized tests, students are rarely
afforded opportunities to develop critical thinking
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
skills that are necessary in higher education. I
expect that with continued instruction and practice,
classes that utilize thinking maps on a daily basis
will show greater gains, both on classroom
assignments and on standardized assessments.
Abi-El-Mona, Issam and Adb-El-Khalick, Fouad.
(2008). The Influence of Mind
Mapping on Eighth Graders’ Science Achievement.
School Science and Mathematics, 180, 298-
Entwistle, N.J., Thompson, J. & Wilson, J.D.
(1974). Motivation and Study Habits. Higher
Education, 3, 379-96.
Holzman, Stefanie. Thinking maps: Strategy-Based
Learning for English Language Learners (and
Others). Presented at the 13th Annual
Administrator Conference, April 2004.
Pintrich, P. (2003). A Motivational Science
Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation
in Learning and Teaching Contexts. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 95, 667-686.
Savich, Carl. (2009). Improving Critical Thinking
Skills in History. Networks Online Journal, 11,
Schunk, D.H.(2008). Learning Theories, An
Educational Perspective. New Jersey: Merrill
Prentice Hall.
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 2
Fall 2011
Long & Carlson
Appendix A: Thinking Map References
Double Bubble Template
Flow Map
Multi-Flow Map