EDITOR: Mike Potel, [email protected]
The Dreamcatcher: Interactive Storytelling
of Dreams
Edyta Paulina Bogucka , Technical University of Munich (DE), 80333 M
unchen, Germany
Bon Adriel Aseniero
, Autodesk Research, Toronto, ON, M5J 1W9, Canada
Luca Maria Aiello
, IT University of Copenhagen (DK), 2300 Kùbenhavn, Denmark
Daniele Quercia
, Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, CB3 0FA, U.K. and CUSP Kings College London, WC2R 2LS
London, U.K.
Sleep scientists have extensively validated the continuity hypothesis, according to
which our dreams reect what happens during our waking life. Yet, only a few
attempts have been made to increase the general publics awareness about the
benets of dream analysis in better understanding and improving our daily life. We
designed The Dreamcatcher, an interactive visual tool that explores the link
between dreams and waking life through a collection of dream reports. We
conducted a user study with 154 participants and found a 25% increase in the
number of people believing that dream analysis can improve our daily lives after
interacting with our tool. The visualization informed people about the potential of
the continuity hypothesis to a surprising extent, to the point that it increased their
concerns about sharing their own dream reports, thus opening new questions on
how to design privacy-aware tools for dream collection.
he idea that dreams might contain hidden mes-
sages that can inuence our waking life has fasci-
nated humankind since the beginning of
civilization. During the second century AD, Artemidorus
produced a ve-volume treatise entitled
Oneirocritica (The Interpretation of Dreams), in which
he associated symbolic meanings to images and situa-
tions that frequently appeared in dreams. Since then,
sleep scientists have found abundant evidence about
the connection between daily experiences and dream-
ing, which is summarized by the so-called continuity
hypothesis: most dreams are a continuation of what we
experience during the day.
This hypothesis provides a
theoretical basis for therapy, as it can be used to raise
self-awareness, identify latent emotional states, and to
help people cope with signicant life events.
Despite the continuity hypothesis being well-stud-
ied, little effort has been made to communicate its
importance to the general public. At one end of the
spectrum of dream-related research, there are proj-
ects focused on the analysis of dream reports that
rely on scales and inventories developed by psycholo-
At the other end, there are visual representa-
tions of the content of dreams that are mostly
To ll this gap between these two extremes,
we tackle the challenge of conveying different aspects
of the continuity hypothesis in a visual form that is
informative, yet appealing to a nonexpert audience.
We did so by building a visual interface for dream sto-
rytelling that uses the visual metaphor of a familiar
cultural artifact: the Dreamcatcher (publicly available
at https://social-dynamics.net/dreams/). The visualiza-
tion allows people to explore the waking-life and
dreams of seven dreamers. To achieve that, we tapped
into data from DreamBank, a public source of dream
reports, and we built upon a recently developed algo-
rithmic tool
that uses natural language processing
(NLP) to produce an automatic analysis of dreams
0272-1716 ß 2021 IEEE
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/MCG.2021.3068794
Date of current version 3 May 2021.
May/June 2021 Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 105
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according to the Hall-Van de Castle inventory,
a vali-
dated and widely used dream coding scale. We dem-
onstrated the effectiveness of our visualization in
conveying the implications of the continuity hypothe-
sis in daily life through a user study involving 154 Ama-
zon Mechanical Turk (AMT) crowdworkers.
Dream Data and Coding System
Our tool visualizes a curated collection of dreams
from DreamBank, an online repository containing over
38,000 dream reports gathered from past research on
Dreams are annotated with their dates of
recording, which span six decades (from 1960 to 2015).
Sets of dream reports are linked to free-text descrip-
tions of the dreamers, which contain information
about their gender, age (ranging from 7 to 74), profes-
sion, and personal history.
In addition to the text and metadata available in the
database, we enriched the visualization with analytics
from the Hall-Van de Castles dream coding system,
standard reference for the quantitative study of
dreams. The Hall-Van de Castle system consists of
numerical scales partitioned into 10 categories; the
dream analyst parses the report to count instances of
elements belonging to those categories and uses sim-
ple formulas to combine those counts to produce a
dream prole. In practice, these categories are not of
equal importance in capturing the psycho-pathological
value of the dreams content. Dream scientists deter-
mined that the three categories of characters, social
interactions,andemotions (and their subcategories)
are the most informative ones.
In this work, we
focused on these three categories.
Characters. People, animals, and imaginary gures
who appear in the dream report. We measured the
fraction of characters who are: male and those who
are female (Male% and Female%); family members of
the dreamer (Family%); animals (Animals%); either c-
tional or dead (Imaginary%).
Interactions. Interactions among characters of
two types: friendly and aggressive. We measured the
number of friendly interactions (Friends) and the num-
ber aggressive interactions (Aggression), both divided
by the total number of characters.
Emotions. Markers of positive or negative emo-
tions in the dream report. In particular, we measured
the ratio between the number of negative emotions
and the total number of emotions expressed in the
dream (Negative emotions%).
To sp ot anomalies in the content of a dream, one
needs to compare the numerical proportions
dened above against the values of a typical
dream report. Dream researche rs previously esti-
mated such normative proportions.
Given a mea-
sured proportion p and the correspondin g
normative proportio n p
, we compared them
using Cohen s h, a measure of distance between
two proportions:
h ¼ð2 arcsinð
ÞÞ ð2 arcsinð
ÞÞ: (1)
Automatic Dream Coding
Traditionally, dream coding is performed manually, which
is time consuming. To quickly score large collections of
reports, in previous work, we developed a simple NLP
tool to extract the elements of the short version of the
Hall-Van de Castle scale from text.
We assessed the
ost dream-related visualizations rely on
standard charts and word clouds and are
embedded in personalized dream logging apps used
predominantly to record dreams, tag them, and share
them with others. A few original dream-related
visualizations have been proposed in the last years, one
scrolly telling exploration of dream-related Google
and one which attempts to map the
imaginary space of dreams with traditional cartography
The lack of a standard visualization paradigm for
dream exploration opens the possibility to create visual
forms that are less constrained by standard genres. For
example, visaphors borrow features from one domain to
highlight crucial aspects and communicate key take-
away messages in another domain.
established forms to a new style and for novel purposes
proved effective in evoking surprise, stimulating
curiosity, and persuading the audience.
The nature of
dream reports lends itself to this type of visualization, as
dreams anticipate retrospection, interpretation, and
106 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications May/June 2021
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accuracy of our NLP tool using a set of dream reports
from DreamBank, which have been hand-coded by dream
experts. Using a linear combination of the negative emo-
tion score and the aggressive interaction score returned
by the tool, we extracted a dream unhealthiness score,
normalized in a range between 0 (positive dream) and 1
(nightmare). We used this measure to differentiate the
visual representation of good and bad dreams.
Modes of Persuasion
The design choices of the Dreamcatcher were moti-
vated by the three modes of persuasion of the Aristo-
telian rhetoric: logos (persuasion through reasoning
and facts); ethos (speakers credibility); and pathos
(evoking feelings and emotions).
Logos: Coding and Keywords. To convey the prac-
tical and logical implications of the continuity hypoth-
esisthat dreams reect real lifewe presented
dreams in relation to the analytical dimensions of the
Hall-Van de Castle scale. We showed eight dimensions
for each dream: the ratio of the number of family
members, imaginary beings, female characters, male
characters, friends, and animals among all characters,
the percentage of aggressive interactions, and the
amount of negative emotions. We used the unhealthi-
ness scores to divide dreams into four groups: night-
mares, unpleasant, neutral, and sweet dreams.
Ethos: Effective Personas. We introduced the real-
life story of the dreamers to make appear their dream
reports more trustworthy and relatable. Existing
research in dream analysis suggests that the continuity
hypothesis is mostly predominant for certain persona
archetypes: (1) special populations with negative waking
life experiences, such as mute-deaf, blind, or trauma-
tized people; and (2) individuals with clearly distinguish-
able aspects of waking life, dreaming life, and
biographical links between them.
Following these prin-
ciples, we selected seven personas, including both indi-
viduals and groups, which represent a wide spectrum of
negative, normative, and positive examples of the conti-
nuity hypothesis during different life stages (see Table 1).
Pathos: A visual metaphor. The process of build-
ing a visaphor involves transferring selected charac-
teristics from the source domain to the data
visualization domain.
We drew inspiration from the
appearance of the dreamcatcher, an artifact originat-
ing at the Native American Ojibwe tribe that is
believed to capture dreams and lter the bad ones
Our Dreamcatcher is the digital interpretation
of such an artifact. Our visaphor builds on the analogy
between physical and digital: as the traditional artifact
captures dreams, our digital version automatically
captures and codes their meanings from data.
Interaction Tasks
The Dreamcatcher allows for the following four main
T1 Select personas of interest. The user can investi-
gate the history of different personas and check
simple hypotheses on the relationship between
their waking life and their dreams. The broad
selection of personas encourages the user to
empathize with at least some of them and
TABLE 1. Personas in the Dreamcatcher.
Persona type Persona name Characteristics Aspect of the
Characteristic life Horseplayer Middle-aged married man, factory worker and
animal lover. He plays the horses and notes down
his dreams to predict the winner.
Interests and
Izzy Teenage girl passionate about collecting her
dreams, a normative set of waking life experiences
Daily concerns
and activities.
Female artist An artist in late 30 s working on paintings,
photographs and lms.
Daily activities
and experiences
Wall Street businessman in his 50 s, married, father
with interests in cross dressing.
Self-awareness 118
Future brides College womens dreams that involve weddings. Life events 54
Special groups Blind dreamers People affected by complete vision loss either from
birth or for over 20 years
Senses and
War veteran Vietnam war veteran who had a very intense and
traumatic experience of the conict.
May/June 2021 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 107
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become more positive about the interpretation of
their own dreams.
T2 Filter dreams by category. The user can get a
summary of the good or bad oneiric experiences
of a selected persona.
T3 Select individual dreams. The user can review the
dreams dimensions produced by the automated
Hall-Van De Castles coding tool.
T4 Read dream reports and associated keywords.The
user can investigate the connection between real
life and waking life through a subset of representa-
tive dreams. The similarity between the personas
dreams to those that the user might have had
could contribute to trigger empathetic responses.
Interface Design
Visual Elements
The main component of the visualization mimics the
two parts of a traditional dreamcatcher artifact. These
two parts are interactive and interdependent.
The lower part contains feathers hanging on strings
(see Figure 1). Each feather represents a single dream
report and their arrangement is chronological, the left-
most feathers showing the oldest dreams. The feathers
are encoded using a colorblind-friendly diverging color
scheme with four classes. Their colors are based on the
corresponding reports unhealthin ess scores and range
from red (nightmar e) to blue (sweet dream). Additionally,
we enlarged and outlined a few selected feathers to
draw users attention; when clicked, these special
feathers display their representative dream reports
along with a short explana tion on which aspect of the
continuity hypothesis is valid for this persona. The con-
nection between dreams and real life was emphasized
by highlighting the keywords in a report that reected
the dreamers real-life circumstances.
The upper part of the Dreamcatcher contains a
radar chart encoding the dimensions of the Hall-van
de Castle scale of the selected dream report (see
Figure 2). Hovering on the large beads in the hoop pro-
vides the denition of each dream dimension. The
radar chart takes different forms depending on the
selected persona. For instance, the shapes associated
with future brides or a schoolgirl recall heart motifs,
while the shape associated with a war veteran has
sharp edges (see Figure 4).
FIGURE 1. Each feather is a dream report and is color-coded
depending on the dreams unhealthiness score. If a feathers
report is made available, then the feather is shown with a
white bold line.
FIGURE 2. Radar charts showing how a dream report scores
on the Hall-Van de Castles scale.
108 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications May/June 2021
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Visual Narrative
We aimed at capturing the user focus toward the cen-
ter of the interface by using a dark, radial gradient
color background. The introduction of the different
aspects of the continuity hypothesis unfolds frame by
frame (see Figure 3), allowing the user to incrementally
explore the dream reports.
Frame 1: The Welcome Screen. The initial screen
shows only a rhetorical question What can we learn
from automatically interpreting thousands of
dreams? and a start exploration button.
Frame 2: Revealing the Personas. A screen with a
sentence explaining the continuity hypothesis in plain
English, and a list of personas to choose from.
Frame 3: The Dreamcatcher. When a person is
selected, the Dreamcatcher appears at the center of
the screen. The right part of the interface provides a
short biography of that persona. Every time the user
switches to a new persona, the Dreamcatchers appear-
ance changes. For instance, the feathers are rotated
randomly to give a sense of movement and encourage
serendipitous exploration. By using the buttons in the
legend, the user can switch
ON and OFF respective dream
categories to lter the data and avoid visual clutter.
Frame 4: Details-on-Demand. Clicking on a single
feather displays the dream dimensions in the radar
chart. By clicking on the enlarged feather, the user is
shown the dream report with highlighted keywords on
the right panel. By comparing the colors of the catch-
ers of different personas, the user can assess the dif-
ferences in their dream patterns (see Figure 4). For
example, the war veteran had many nightmares and
his catchers feathers are red, while the teenage girls
catcher has a variety of colors, reecting a good bal-
ance among all the dream categories.
The goal of our user study was to test whether the
Dreamcatcher could further the awareness of the con-
tinuity hypothesis among the general public. To this
end, we measured the extent to which our study par-
ticipants changed their minds about the continuity
hypothesis after interacting with the Dreamcatcher.
Experimental Setup
We recruited 154 participants from the AMT platform
and guided them through an experiment in 6 parts.
Part 1: Prestudy questionnaire. The participants
were asked to rate three statements on a 5-point Lik-
ert scale: i) Recalling and interpreting dream patterns
improves real life.; ii) Having people share their dreams
encourages me to interpret my own.; and iii) I am will-
ing to share my dreams for scientic purposes.
FIGURE 3. Four frames and interaction tasks in our visualization. (a) Welcome screen. (b) Panel for selecting a persona (T1).
(c) Appearance of the Dreamcatcher while ltering dreams by category (T2). (d) Retrieving details on a dream report (T3, T4).
User advances the visual narrative through responsive interface elements marked with the click icon. Video available: http://
May/June 2021 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 109
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Part 2: Experimental conditions. We split the partici-
pants equally between two experimental conditions: a
treatment condition in which they were shown the
Dreamcatcher visualization, and a control condition in
which they were shown the Control Visualization: asim-
ple text-based visualization that mimics the ways dreams
databases on the Web currently present dream reports.
Part 3: Exploration. The participants were invited
to explore the interface by going through the stories
and dreams of all the different personas.
Part 4: Test question. After completing the explo-
ration, the participants were asked to answer a test
question that ascertains whether they paid genuine
attention to the task.
Part 5: Poststudy questionnaire. The participants
were asked again to rate the three statements of the
prestudy questionnaire (see part 1).
Part 6: Open feedback. The participant were asked
to answer shortly to a few open questions concerning
interface usability and overall experience.
To ease the interpretation of the results, for each
question the questionnaire independently, we seg-
mented our participants based on their response into
three different segments, as done in a previous work.
Negatively Inclined (NI): Participants who rated
a statement as not at all or not that much.
Neutral/Weakly Inclined (NWI): Participants
who rated the statement as partly.
Positively Inclined (PI): Participants who rated
the statement as somewhat and totally.
To quantify opinion shifts after the use of the inter-
faces, we measured the percentage growth rate of
each segment as a consequence of receiving a given
where NI
is the percentage of participants who
were negatively inclinded toward a statement after
experiencing the visualization, and NI
is the per-
centage of participants who were negatively inclinded
toward the same statement before experiencing the
visualization. In a similar way, we computed the two
remaining percentage growth rates:
We also calculated the mean attitude change per
statement, which is the mean of differences between
the self-reported attitude of all users after and before
seeing the visualization.
FIGURE 4. Dreamcatchers of three personas show negative, normative, and positive examples of dreaming patterns. (a) War vet-
eran. (b) Teenage girl. (c) Future brides.
110 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications May/June 2021
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Before the Visualization
In both conditions, before experiencing any visualiza-
tion, 51% agreed that dream analysis could improve their
real lives, 58% were willing to have their own dreams
interpreted, and 82% were willing to share their dreams
for research purposes (see Table 2).
After the Visualization
After experiencing any of the two visualizations, our par-
ticipants changed their minds about S1 (dream analysis
improves real life). The positively inclined segment
grew by 25% among those being exposed to the Dream-
catcher, and by 20% among those being exposed to the
Control Visualization (see Table 3). More interestingly,
for both S2 (willingness to interpret) and S3 (willing-
ness to share), our participants did change their mind,
but not in the way we expected: instead of being more
willing to interpret or share their own dream reports
after experiencing the visualizations, they were less
inclined to do so, and all the more so when exposed to
the Dreamcatcher. This puzzling results was later
explained with the qualitative feedback we collected.
Table 4 describes the mean attitude change by state-
ment across Dreamcatcher and Control Visualization.
The highest mean attitude change for both treatments
wasobservedinS1(dream analysis improves real life).
For S2 (willingness to interpret), the negative inclination
is higher with Dreamcatcher than for Control. The trend
is opposite for S3 (willingness to share).
Free-Form Feedback
After experiencing the Dreamcatcher, some participants
took a rm stand against dream interpretation. One par-
ticipant said: Not really into dream interpretation. Some-
times things are just best kept unknown. Two others
added: I do question what else they take into account
to get to know me and my personality before analyzing
my dreams;andThe peoples lifestyle being in line with
dreams is shocking. These comments suggest that the
Dreamcatcher made visible not only the power of dream
interpretation but also its corresponding privacy con-
cerns. They also explain why there was a 10% switch
from being positively inclined toward sharing their dream
reports (S2 and S3) to be either neutrally or negatively
inclined toward it. The control group mentioned the data
privacy issues more often than the Dreamcatcher group.
Users who performed the tasks on the website argued
that the text-based interface seem to be too simple and
theywouldliketoseemore illustrative and colorful
exampl es and morestoriestolearnfrom.
As for statement S1 (dreamanalysisimprovesreal
life), participants tended to be more favorable after
being exposed to the Dreamcatcher, and that was
reected in their qualitative feedback. Indeed, to describe
the Dreamcatcher, they used words like interesting, origi-
nal, unique, beautiful, pretty, lovely, cool, enjoyable, and
. They also found the Dreamcatcher easy to use
(The Dreamcatcher was not intuitive at rst, but eventu-
ally became straightforward enough to gure out); found
its dream categorization useful (The different colored
leaves is an excellent idea); and found its use of personas
appealing (I like the idea and would probably browse
through an entire catalog of people that choose to put
their dreams up this way, and ThepartthatIlikedbest
was just reading the descriptions that the subjects
offered of their dreams.).
The Dreamcatcher offers a new way of visualizing
salient aspects associated with dream reports, fostering
a deeper understanding of the continuity hypothesis
among the general public. Our Dreamcatcher can
inform new solutions for personalized applications for
TABLE 2. Percentage of participants in the three segments
(negatively/neutrally/positively inclined toward each statement)
before being exposed to any visualization.
Statement NI NWI PI
S1 improves real life 26% 23% 51%
S2 willing to interpret 19% 23% 58%
S3 willing to share 9% 9% 82%
TABLE 3. Percentage growth rates for the three segments
(negatively/neutrally/positively inclined toward each statement)
after our participants are exposed to either the Dreamcatcher or
the control visualization.
Statement Treatment DNI DNWI DPI
S1 improve Dreamcatcher 15 % 10% 25%
Control 17 % 3% 20%
S2 interpret Dreamcatcher 13 % 3% 10%
Control 1 % 5% 6%
S3 share Dreamcatcher 5% 1% 6%
Control 0% 5% 5%
TABLE 4. Mean attitude change of participants by statement.
Treatment Statistics S1 S2 S3
Dreamcatcher mean change 0.494 0.260 0.156
p-value 0.000 0.073 0.149
Control mean change 0.359 0.115 0.218
p-value 0.002 0.394 0.028
May/June 2021 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 111
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dream pattern analysis. The shape of the tool makes it
easy to compare the quality of dreams, yet makes it in a
privacy-aware way. At rst glance, Dreamcatcher looks
like a wallpaper or an artistic graphic. The visualization
is, therefore, incomprehensive to external viewers, yet
understandable and meaningful for the user. In a sce-
nario in which users are allowed to create and share
their own personalized Dreamcatcher with others, the
form of the tool has the potential to evoke discussions
about sleep patterns and raise awareness on their con-
nections to well-being. Indeed, after interacting with the
Dreamcatcher, 25% of our study participants changed
their minds, nding that dream analysis could indeed
improve the understanding of their waking lives. As one
expects, the ability of extracting powerful real-life
markers from dream reports inevitably results in privacy
concerns. As such, one main area of future research is
whether it is possible to analyze and visualize dreams in
a privacy-preserving way. Our results suggest that it is
possible to build technologies that bridge the current
gap between real life and dreaming, ultimately making
our sleeping mind quantiable.
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EDYTA PAULINA BOGUCKA is currently a Doctoral Candi-
date with the Technical University of Munich, Munich,
Germany. She was a data visualization intern with Nokia Bell
Labs. She is the corresponding author of this article. Contact
BON ADRIEL ASENIERO is currently a Senior Research Sci-
entist with Autodesk Research, San Rafael, CA, USA. He was
a data visualization intern with Nokia Bell Labs. Contact him
LUCA MARIA AIELLO is currently an Associate Professor
with the IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Contact him at [email protected].
DANIELE QUERCIA is currently the Department Head at
Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, U.K. and a Professor of urban
informatics with Kings College London, London, U.K. Contact
Contact department editor Mike Potel at potel@wildcrest.com.
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