Experience the Durham Difference®
Benefits of Outsourcing
The benets of outsourcing your student transportaon are manifold. Durham School Services is
your resource to provide them. Partner with a company that has a 100 year history of solving your
transportaon issues: new bus capital, roung problems, customer service complaints, vehicle
breakdowns, and driver recruitment and training. We are happy to relieve you of those responsibilies,
freeing you up to focus on your top priority — the educaon, safety and well-being of your students! Your
district and community will benet from:
We free you up to focus on your top priority —
the education, safety and well-being of your students!
Unmatched safety programs
Opmal cost savings
Exceponal customer service
Empowered, accountable and
sased employees
Proven operaonal pracces
Industry experse and naonal
We free you up to focus on your top priority —
the education, safety and well-being of your students!
Special Needs Service
Special needs transportaon is a dynamic and complex eort that requires vigilance, exibility and an
aenon to detail — keeping in mind student and equipment needs, traveling me, economics and
local resources available. Addional factors considered are: vehicle size, seang arrangements and
requirements, individual behavioral and medical needs, wheelchair accessibility, animal usage, as well as
nurse, monitor and aendant needs. Our objecve is to support each special needs students educaonal
goals and use our roung experse to make each trip to and from school as pleasant as possible.
We make each trip to and from school as pleasant as possible.
Knowledgeable, empathec employees
Experienced, quality drivers
Customized training for students with
Transportaon experse at
Individualized Educaon Program (IEP)
Roung opmizaon
We make each trip to and from school as pleasant as possible.
Financial Efficiencies
Partnering with a transportaon service provider can save school districts an average of 10% - 20%,
according to the Naonal School Transportaon Associaon. We can maximize the value for every dollar
you spend on transportaon. What you do with the savings is in your hands. Reinvest back into the
classroom. Invest in capital assets. Increase your community support. You decide whats best for your
district, students and community!
Partnering with a transportation service provider can save
school districts an average of 10% - 20%.
Partnering with a transportation service provider can save
school districts an average of 10% - 20%.
Naonal purchasing power for buses,
parts and maintenance
Controlled and predictable
transportaon costs
Operaonal best pracces
Compeve pricing, wages and
Technology based systems
Improved boom line
Operations Excellence
For 100 years, geng students to and from school safely and eciently has been job one. Our proven
operaonal and maintenance pracces can opmize a very expensive asset: the school bus. With the
technology we leverage, you will always know where your buses are and how eciently they are traveling.
We provide excellence to our customers through:
With the technology we leverage, you will always know where
your buses are and how efficiently they are traveling.
With the technology we leverage, you will always know where
your buses are and how efficiently they are traveling.
Data driven decisions
Customized and automated roung
Consistent maintenance programs
Technology – GPS, electronic Child
Check, video camera monitoring
Heightened communicaon
Geng students to school safely,
on me and ready to learn®.
Safety Practices
From student management to vehicle maintenance, safety is a top priority for all of our employees. We
keep it rst and foremost while we do our jobs each day. Our employee training programs reinforce safety
processes; our meengs always begin with a safety message, and safety is one of our core company values.
Our pledge of safety resonates throughout the organizaon, from our drivers to the board room.
We keep safety first and foremost while we do our jobs each day.
Our Customer Service
We are dedicated to customer sasfacon; soluons
are customized to your needs. With constantly
increasing demands for services, uctuang
enrollments and limited resources, you need a unique
plan for your district. We will work with you to create
a plan to meet your goals and objecves. Employees
are held accountable, demonstrate a transparent
partnership, and engage in constant communicaon
with you.
customer service
On-site customer
client survey
We keep safety first and foremost while we do our jobs each day.
Our commitment to safety includes:
Thorough employee background screenings
Annual driver evaluaons and record checks
Connuous school bus safety training
Daily bus safety inspecons
Child Check policy
GPS technology
Prevenve bus maintenance programs
Our Employees
The best trained drivers in the business work
for us because we devote a signicant amount
of resources, training and development to our
employees. School buses are required to meet
the most stringent safety regulaons, and our
drivers ensure they are operated safely.
Employees are held accountable to meet the
highest standards, ensuring the safety of your
students. Because we care to the extent that
we do, our employees do the right thing.
Comprehensive training — safety,
leadership, customer service, and
Extensive driver training —
classroom and behind-the-wheel
Trained specically to work with children
(and parents)
Monthly safety meengs
Employee reward and recognion
Geng students to school safely,
on me and ready to learn®.
Bus Tracker® App
Our goal is to provide parents and guardians with a greater sense of comfort and visibility with your
student’s transportaon. We are proud to oer our mobile app which allows monitoring of your student’s
bus. Bus Tracker® allows you to view your students’ current school bus locaon in near real me, including
the scheduled and esmated arrival mes to your stop.
Getting students to school safely, on time, and ready to learn®.
Free for parents and guardians to download and use
View all routes and scheduled stops, including eld
Receive messages that nofy users of route delays
and schedule changes
Parents and guardians can track all of their students’
buses on one screen
Bus Tracker® integrates seamlessly with the districts
exisng roung soware
Available in English and Spanish
Getting students to school safely, on time, and ready to learn®.
Charters and Field Trips
Because we also provide student transportaon, our drivers go through a selecon and training process
much more rigorous than that of other bus companies. You will nd our drivers are the most professional,
courteous and responsible in the bus transportaon services industry. The U.S. federal government
recognizes that yellow school buses are the safest mode of surface transportaon, outranking passenger
vehicles by more than eight to one in the number of fatalies.
Our drivers are the most professional, courteous and responsible
in the bus transportation services industry.
Our drivers are the most professional, courteous and responsible
in the bus transportation services industry.
When planning your next event, think
Naonal Express for your transportaon
Corporate events
Sporng events
Sta transportaon
Summer camps