This Form must be attached to Change Endorsement when issued after the policy is written.
One of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Companies as named in the policy
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Fireman’s Fund PRO GARD
(for BIG “I”
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Errors and Omissions Liability
Insurance Policy - 144700 07 11
Read this entire Policy carefully to determine Your rights and duties, Our rights and duties and what is and is not
covered. Various provisions in this Policy restrict coverage.
Throughout this Policy the words You and Your refer to the Named Insured stated in the Declarations, and any
other person or entity qualifying as a Named Insured under this Policy. The words We, Us and Our refer to the
Company providing this Policy.
Other words and phrases that appear in bold-faced print have special meaning. Refer to Section III.
In consideration of the payment of the premium, Your promise to pay the Deductible stated in the Declarations,
and in reliance on all statements made and information You furnished to Us, including the representations made
in the Application, and subject to the Limit of Liability stated in the Declarations, and all of the terms and
conditions of this Policy, We and You agree as follows:
A. Coverage A
We will pay on the Insured’s behalf all Damages which the Insured is legally obligated to pay due to a
Claim arising from a Wrongful Act in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services.
This coverage applies to Wrongful Acts taking place
1. During the Policy Period, but then only if Claim is first made against the Insured during the Policy
Period or Extended Reporting Period, if applicable; or
2. Prior to the effective date of this Policy, but after the Retroactive Date, if any, stated in the
Declarations, provided that:
a. As of the effective date of the first Policy issued by Us, with continuous coverage in effect
pursuant to consecutive policies issued by Us, the Named Insured does not have actual or
constructive knowledge of any circumstances or Wrongful Act which could reasonably be
expected to result in a Claim;
b. There is no other valid and collectible insurance available to the Insured for any such prior
Wrongful Act; and
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c. Claim is first made against the Insured during the Policy Period or Extended Reporting
Period, if applicable.
B. Coverage B
We will pay on the Insured’s behalf those sums qualifying as Personal Data Compromise Loss
arising out of a Personal Data Compromise Incident occurring during the Policy Period, but only in
the total absence of any other coverage available to the Insured for Personal Data Compromise
Loss. If the Insured has any other coverage available, that will be the sole coverage for this exposure
and this Policy will not respond as excess coverage above such other coverage.
C. Defense, Investigation and Settlement of a Claim
1. We have the right and duty to defend the Insured, including the right to select counsel, against any
Suit brought against the Insured for which coverage under Coverage A of this Policy applies.
However, We will have no duty to defend the Insured against any Suit for which there is no
coverage under this Policy. We have the right to conduct any investigation or negotiation and, with
Your consent, make any settlement of any Claim or potential Claim. If You refuse to consent to
any settlement demand that We recommend, then, subject to the Limit of Liability for Coverage A
stated in the Declarations, Our liability for such Claim will not exceed the amount for which the
Claim could have been settled plus eighty percent (80%) of the amount of Damages which are in
excess of that settlement, all Claim Expenses incurred up to the date You refused to consent to
such settlement, and 80% of Claim Expenses incurred after that date. The remaining twenty
(20%) of any Damages, plus Claim Expenses, will be uninsured and at the Insured's own risk;
2. We will have the right, but not the duty, to appeal any judgment; and
3. For any Claim to which this Policy applies
a. In addition to the Limit of Liability applicable to Coverage A of this Policy, We shall pay all
Claim Expenses that We incur in any such Claim;
b. Our right and duty to defend the Insured and to pay Claim Expenses for Claims covered
under Coverage A ends when the Limit of Liability stated in the Declarations is exhausted by
payment of judgments or settlements;
c. The Insured may not incur any Claim Expenses or admit liability for, make payment for, or
settle any Claim without Our prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
We shall not be liable for any expense, settlement, assumed obligation or admission to which
We have not consented; and
d. The Insured agrees to cooperate with Us in the defense, investigation, and settlement of any
Claim and agrees, as a condition of coverage under this Policy, to submit to Us upon request
such information and documentation as We may require in the investigation and defense of any
D. Coverage ExtensionSpousal or Domestic Partners
If a Claim against an Insured includes a Claim against such Insured’s lawful spouse or Domestic
Partner solely by reason of such person’s legal status as a spouse or Domestic Partner of the
Insured, including a Claim that seeks Damages recoverable from marital community property, property
jointly held by the Insured and the spouse or Domestic Partner, or property transferred from the
Insured to the spouse or Domestic Partner, all Damages which such spouse or Domestic Partner
becomes legally obligated to pay by reason of such Claim shall be treated for purposes of this Policy as
Damages which the Insured becomes legally obligated to pay. All terms and conditions of this Policy,
including the Deductible, shall apply to any Claim made against such spouse or Domestic Partner. No
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coverage is provided under this provision for any Wrongful Act in the rendering or failure to render
Professional Services by the Insured’s spouse or Domestic Partner.
E. Supplementary Payments
1. Expense Reimbursement
If We or counsel We have appointed to defend the Insured request the Insured’s presence at a
mediation, meeting, deposition, hearing, arbitration or trial in connection with a Claim, We will pay
the Insured up to $500 per day for actual lost wages or time off plus reasonable travel expense in
addition to the Limit of Liability.
2. Defense of Regulatory Investigations
In addition to the Limit of Liability, We will pay the reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses
incurred by the Insured in responding to an investigation of an Insured by a state licensing board,
professional regulatory agency, or a governmental agency with authority to regulate Professional
Services, resulting from the Insured’s performance of Professional Services. The maximum We
will pay for all Insureds regardless of the number of investigations is $35,000 per Policy Period.
However, as a condition precedent to coverage under this section:
a. We must agree in writing in advance of retention to legal counsel selected to defend the
Insured; and
b. The Insured must be first notified of the investigation during the Policy Period and must
provide Us with written notice not later than thirty (30) days after the Insured has been notified
of the investigation.
3. Catastrophe Expense
For catastrophes which have occurred during the Policy Period and have been designated as a
catastrophe by Insurance Services Office, Inc., in addition to the Limit of Liability, We will pay up to
$10,000 per catastrophe subject to a per Policy Period limit of $30,000 for the actual reasonable
extra expenses incurred by all Named Insureds for assisting in the insurance claims processing
needs of their Client(s) who have been affected by the catastrophe. Such extra expenses must be
incurred beginning on the date of the catastrophe and within ninety (90) days thereafter.
4. Pre-judgment Interest
In addition to the Limit of Liability, We will pay pre-judgment interest awarded against an Insured
on that part of the judgment covered under Coverage A.
5. Post Judgment Interest
In addition to the Limit of Liability, We will pay all interest awarded against an Insured on the
amount of any judgment covered under Coverage A that accrues after entry of the judgment and
before We have paid, offered to pay, or deposited in court the part of the judgment that is within the
applicable Limit of Liability.
6. Appeal Bond Premium
In addition to the Limit of Liability, if We exercise Our right to appeal, We will pay any premium for
appeal bonds for the covered part of a judgment; provided, however, that We have no obligation to
apply for, furnish, or have any court approve such bonds, or provide any collateral for such bonds.
Deductibles do not apply to Supplementary Payments. Supplementary Payments do not reduce the
Limit of Liability.
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This Policy applies to Wrongful Acts committed by an Insured anywhere in the world, excluding any country
or jurisdiction which is the subject of trade or economic embargoes imposed by the laws and regulations of
the United States of America, and any Personal Data Compromise Incident occurring in the United States
and subject to the laws and regulations of the United States or any of its states or territories.
In jurisdictions outside the United States of America, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada, if
We are prevented from investigating, defending, settling or paying a Claim, You will make or cause to be
made such investigation, defense, settlement or payment as may be reasonably necessary. However,
settlement or payment requires Our prior written authorization.
If the preceding paragraph applies, We will reimburse You for the reasonable cost of any investigation and
defense of Claims to which this insurance applies, and for the amounts of such authorized settlements or
The amount We will reimburse is limited as described in Section V. LIMIT OF LIABILITY AND DEDUCTIBLE
and Our duty to reimburse You for the reasonable cost of any investigation and defense ends when applicable
Limit of Liability is exhausted.
If We make reimbursement to You of settlement and covered costs, it will be paid in the currency of the United
States. Payment of settlement and covered costs which are made by You in the currencies of other nations will
be converted to the currency of the United States at the exchange rate published in the Wall Street Journal on
the date the reimbursement is processed.
Any Claims or transactions uninsurable under the laws or regulations of the United States concerning trade
or economic sanctions or export control laws are not covered under this Policy.
A. Authorized Insurance Company means an insurance company authorized or approved, whether on
an admitted or surplus lines basis, to sell the particular type of insurance involved in a Claim by the
applicable regulatory agency in the state or jurisdiction in which the company is selling or transacting
insurance and at the time such insurance is transacted.
B. Claim means
1. Any written demand the Insured receives for Damages due to a Wrongful Act arising out of
Professional Services, including the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Insured;
2. Any Suit seeking Damages against the Insured due to a Wrongful Act arising out of
Professional Services, commenced by the service of a complaint or similar pleading;
3. Any subpoena or deposition notice received by an Insured related to Professional Services
rendered by the Insured for a Client; or
4. A written request received by an Insured to toll or waive a statute of limitations, relating to a Claim
or potential Claim.
C. Claim Expenses means reasonable fees and costs incurred in the defense, investigation or appeal of a
Claim incurred by any attorney We retain or any attorney the Insured retains with Our written consent.
Claim Expenses shall not include any remuneration, salaries, regular or overtime wages, or benefits of
the Insured that are associated with the defense and investigation of a Claim, except as provided in
Supplementary Payments.
D. Client means any entity or individual, including any appointed administrator, beneficiary, executor,
receiver, or trustee of such individual or entity, for whom the Insured has agreed to render
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Professional Services, whether or not for a fee or commission, or whom the Insured is soliciting for
the rendering of Professional Services.
E. Covered Product means the following products offered by a Product Provider
1. Property and Casualty Insurance coverage;
2. Fidelity and Surety Bonds;
3. Workers Compensation Insurance;
4. Fixed Life Insurance (other than Variable Life Insurance products), Accident and Health Insurance,
Medicare Supplemental Insurance, Disability Income Insurance, and Fixed Annuities including
Equity-Indexed products;
5. Long Term Care Insurance;
6. Group Employee Benefit Plans, such as Section 125 Plans, Group Life Plans, Group Accident and
Health Plans, Long Term Care Plans, and Group Disability Plans, provided any such plans are fully
insured at all times; and
7. Retirement, Pension or Profit Sharing Plans, Individual Retirement Accounts, Keogh Plans, and
similar plans.
Covered Product does not include any plan or arrangement operating as a Multiple Employer Welfare
Arrangement (as that term is defined in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 [ERISA],
as amended).
F. Damages means compensatory damages, whether part of an award or settlement, and any punitive or
exemplary damages awarded against an Insured, but only to the extent such punitive or exemplary
damages are insurable under applicable law. Damages shall include attorneys’ fees of the person or
entity bringing the Claim and any costs awarded to them, but only if such fees and costs are awarded
in connection with, or are part of a settlement of a Claim covered under this Policy.
Damages shall not include
1. Civil or criminal fines or penalties, or taxes owed directly by any Insured to any taxing authority;
2. Any Insured’s expenses associated with an order granting non-monetary, affirmative or equitable
relief, including any costs incurred in complying with a request, order, judgment or settlement
agreement to provide non-monetary, affirmative or equitable relief, or attorney fees or costs
awarded to the party seeking non-monetary, affirmative or equitable relief;
3. Any amounts representing the payment or return of commissions or fees, or funds or premiums
held by any Insured; or taxes, but this limitation shall not apply to taxes or tax penalties owed by
the Insured’s Client due to the Insured’s Wrongful Act in the performance of Professional
Services; or
4. Any matter deemed uninsurable under the law pursuant to which this Policy shall be construed.
G. Detrimental Code means any computer virus, program, routine, sub-routine, Trojan Horse, worm,
script or other code string that destroys, alters or corrupts or causes a Personal Data Compromise
Incident, regardless of how the Detrimental Code was introduced or acquired.
H. Domestic Partner means any person qualifying as a domestic partner under the provisions of any
applicable federal, state or local law or under the provisions of any formal benefits program established
by the Insured for the benefit of the Insured’s employees.
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I. Employee Benefit Plan Administration means
1. Giving advice, counsel or interpretation to plan participants regarding employee benefit plan
2. Handling day to day ministerial functions required by employee benefit plans, including enrollment
in, or processing cancellation and termination of plan participation for participants, handling
documents in association with the plan, and filing required reports with governmental and other
agencies; or
3. Receipt or transmission of claims and verification of plan participation.
However, Employee Benefit Plan Administration does not include
a. The approval or denial of coverage or claims, or payment of claims; or
b. Any Insured’s activities or obligations in connection with any pension, welfare or benefit plan
organized for the benefit of the Insured’s own employees.
J. Identity Theft means the fraudulent or illegal use of Personal Information, including the fraudulent or
illegal use of such information to establish credit accounts, secure loans, enter into contracts, make
purchases, or commit crimes. However, Identity Theft does not include the fraudulent or illegal use of
a business name or any other method of identifying a business or business activity.
K. Insured means
1. The Named Insured;
2. Solely while performing Professional Services for or on behalf of the Named Insured
a. Any individual or entity who or which was, is, or shall be a duly elected or appointed director,
officer, manager, member, partner, employee, or sole proprietor of any Named Insured;
b. Any individual, who was, is, or shall be a leased or loaned worker to the Named Insured; and
c. An independent contractor or sub-producer;
3. In the event of the Insured’s death or incompetence, the administrators, executors, heirs and legal
representatives of the Insured, but only for a Claim arising out of the Professional Services
performed by or on behalf of the Insured for or on behalf of the Named Insured;
4. The predecessor insurance agency in whose financial assets and liabilities the Named Insured is
the majority successor in interest; and
5. Any insurance agency newly acquired or formed by the Named Insured during the Policy Period,
and over which the Named Insured maintains ownership or majority interest, but only if there is no
other Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance or similar insurance available to the acquired or
newly formed entity for any Claim. However, as a condition precedent to coverage:
a. Coverage under this provision is provided only until the 90
day after the acquisition or
formation of such entity by the Named Insured or the end of the Policy Period, whichever is
b. Coverage does not apply to Claims arising from Wrongful Acts committed before the
acquisition or formation of the entity by the Named Insured, unless We have agreed to provide
such coverage by endorsement to this Policy; and
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c. We may charge, and the Named Insured shall pay, an additional premium from the date that
the Named Insured acquires or forms the entity.
L. Named Insured means any individual or entity stated as a Named Insured in the Declarations or by
M. Personal and Advertising Injury means
1. False arrest, detention or imprisonment;
2. Malicious prosecution;
3. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry into, or invasion of the right of private occupancy;
4. Oral or written publication of material that slanders or libels an individual or entity, or that
disparages an individuals or entity’s goods, products or services;
5. Oral or written publication of material that violates an individual’s right of privacy;
6. Misappropriation of advertising ideas; or
7. Infringement of copyright, trade name, trade dress or service mark.
N. Personal Data Compromise Incident means the loss, theft, accidental release or accidental
publication of a Client’s Personal Information by or from an Insured in the course of providing
Professional Services, provided, however, that at the time of the loss, theft, accidental release or
accidental publication, the Personal Information was in the Insured’s direct care, custody or control.
Personal Data Compromise Incident does not include
1. The loss, theft, release or publication of information that is in the care, custody or control of any
person or entity who is not an Insured; or
2. Any intentional, deliberate or reckless failure to use appropriate safeguards in the handling of
Personal Information, such as shredding or destruction in the disposal or abandonment of
Personal Information.
O. Personal Data Compromise Loss means
1. The reasonable and necessary costs for the following legal and forensic information technology
a. Legal counsel review of the Personal Data Compromise Incident and recommendations
regarding the most appropriate response; and
b. Professional information technology review to determine the nature and extent of the Personal
Data Compromise Incident and the number and identities of Clients whose Personal
Information may be involved in the Personal Data Compromise Incident;
2. The costs to provide notification of the Personal Data Compromise Incident to the Clients whose
Personal Information is involved in the Personal Data Compromise Incident; and
3. The reasonable and necessary costs to provide the following services to Clients whose Personal
Information is involved in the Personal Data Compromise Incident:
a. A packet of loss information and customer support;
b. A toll-free telephone line for the fielding of questions and requests for information by Clients
involved in the Personal Data Compromise Incident;
c. A credit report and electronic credit monitoring services requested by any Client whose
Personal Information was released in a Personal Data Compromise Incident; and
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d. When a covered Personal Data Compromise Incident leads to a Client’s Identity Theft, the
services of an identity restoration professional to assist with the correction of the Client’s credit
and other records, and as may be reasonably possible, the restoration of the Client’s control
over their identity.
However, Personal Data Compromise Loss does not include, unless specifically included in
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Definition, the following
i. Any Damages or Claim Expenses;
ii. Any fines or penalties levied against any party;
iii. Any cost associated with any claim for non-monetary relief, or the cost of any criminal
investigation or proceeding;
iv. Any response or payment in response to any threat, extortion or blackmail, including any
ransom or the cost of private or other security;
v. Any fees or surcharges charged by any financial institution;
vi. Any cost, expense or payment of any kind to detect, research, repair or remedy any deficiency
in any systems, procedures, processes, policies, internal or external security or any other
condition or situation that caused or contributed to any Personal Data Compromise Incident,
but this limitation does not apply to the cost to research the extent of any Personal Data
Compromise Incident or determine whose Personal Information was released; or
vii. Any cost, expense or payment of any kind to retrieve or prevent the use of Client’s Personal
Information by a former Insured.
P. Personal Information means a Client’s name in combination with any one or more of the following
1. Social Security number;
2. Driver’s license number or state identification number;
3. Account numbers, credit card numbers, debit card numbers, access codes or passwords that would
permit access to that Client’s financial account; or
4. Other nonpublic personal information, provided that personal information shall not include
information that is lawfully made available to the general public for any reason, including
information from federal, state, or local government records.
Q. Policy Period means the period of time from the Inception date of this Policy to the Expiration date
shown in the Declarations, or, if applicable, any earlier termination date. The Policy Period does not
include the Extended Reporting Period, if any.
R. Product Provider means any of the following entities
1. An Authorized Insurance Company;
2. A group insurance plan or trust fully insured by an Authorized Insurance Company; and
3. Any similar entity in the business of transacting insurance that, as a risk-bearing entity, provides an
insurance product, and which is authorized or approved, whether on an admitted or surplus lines
basis, to sell the particular type of insurance involved in a Claim by the applicable regulatory
agency in the state or jurisdiction in which the entity is selling or transacting insurance and at the
time such insurance is transacted.
However, Product Provider does not include any entity in which any Insured has greater than a 10%
ownership interest or in which any Insured serves in any kind of management role.
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S. Professional Services means the following services rendered by the Insured to a Client in the
conduct of the Named Insured’s profession as an Insurance Agent or Broker or Solicitor, General
Agent, Managing General Agent, Surplus Lines Broker, or a Notary Public
1. Soliciting (whether directly or indirectly), negotiating, placing, recommending, selling or servicing a
Covered Product; but not including the sale, surrender, conversion or any alteration of a Covered
Product in order to acquire or invest in anything other than a Covered Product;
2. Providing advice or consultation solely related to a Covered Product, including financial planning
or consulting solely related to a Covered Product, but not including any advice or recommendation
to, in any way, sell, convert, surrender or alter a Covered Product in order to acquire or invest in
anything other than a Covered Product;
3. Incidental claims adjusting pursuant to agency draft authority extended by the Product Provider,
but only in connection with Property and Casualty Covered Products;
4. Appraising real or personal property in connection with soliciting, placing, selling or servicing a
Covered Product;
5. Providing loss control or risk management services;
6. Assisting a Client to secure premium financing from a licensed premium finance company for a
Covered Product placed by or on behalf of the Insured;
7. Training, managing and supervising others, but only in connection with Covered Product or
services otherwise covered by this Policy;
8. Employee Benefit Plan Administration;
9. Expert witness testimony related to Professional Services or a Covered Product;
10. Insurance class instruction; and
11. Countersignature services on policies issued in the Insured’s state of domicile by out-of-state
However, Professional Services shall not include
a. The ownership, creation, formation, operation or administration of, the adjustment of or
administration of claims for:
i. Any Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement;
ii. Any health maintenance organization or preferred provider organization;
iii. Any pool, syndicate, association or other similar group combination formed for the purpose of
providing insurance or benefits; or
iv. Any risk retention group, Professional Employer Organization (PEO), captive or self-insurance
b. Any services performed by any Insured in their capacity as the Named Fiduciary, as defined by
ERISA, as amended, or as Trustee of any Employee Benefits Plan;
c. Any services which the Insured is not licensed to render on any date on which a Wrongful Act
involving such services is alleged to have occurred, provided that lack of license is due to the
Insured’s deliberate violation of any federal, state or local licensing law, statute, ordinance, rule,
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requirement or regulation, or is with the Insured’s knowledge of and consent to such deliberate
violation of applicable licensing laws or regulations;
d. Notary services performed in the absence of the physical presence or the person whose signature
is notarized;
e. Any commingling, misappropriation or conversion of Client’s funds; or
f. Any services or obligations in connection with any pension, welfare or benefit plan for or owed to
any Insured’s employees.
T. Related Wrongful Acts means Wrongful Acts that arise out of, or flow from, either directly or
indirectly, one or a series of the same, common, related or repeated facts, matters, events,
circumstances, transactions, practices, statements or decisions, whether such Wrongful Acts involve
just the Insured or others for whose acts the Insured may be legally responsible, or the same or
different claimants.
U. Retroactive Date means
1. The date shown under Retroactive Date in the Declarations. If "none" is entered, full prior
Wrongful Acts coverage is provided, subject to all other terms and conditions of this Policy; and
2. The Retroactive Date is the earliest date on which a Wrongful Act took place for which coverage
could exist for a Claim made under this Policy. Wrongful Acts which occur in whole or part prior to
this date are not covered, even if a Claim is made under this Policy during the Policy Period or
Extended Reporting Period.
V. Suit means a civil proceeding seeking compensatory monetary damages. Suit includes:
1. An arbitration proceeding seeking compensatory monetary damages, provided, however, that the
Insured is legally required to submit to arbitration, or does so with Our consent; or
2. Any other alternative dispute resolution proceeding in which compensatory monetary damages are
claimed, and to which the Insured submits with Our consent.
W. Wrongful Act means
1. Any actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission, or negligent misstatement or misleading
statement by the Insured in the rendering of or failure to render Professional Services; or
2. Any actual or alleged negligent Personal and Advertising Injury arising out of the Insured’s
rendering of or failure to render Professional Services.
We shall not be liable to make any payment in connection with any Claim or any Personal Data
Compromise Loss or Personal Data Compromise Incident
A. Based upon or arising out of any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, malicious, knowingly wrongful act or
omission, or willful violation of any statute or regulation committed by the Insured, or with the
knowledge, consent or approval of the Insured. As to any Claim that falls within the Insuring
Agreement, this exclusion shall not apply unless there is a judgment, final ruling or admission that is
adverse to the Insured in any judicial, administrative or alternative dispute resolution proceeding
establishing that such acts or omissions were dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, malicious, knowingly
wrongful, or that the Insured approved, consented to or had knowledge of such conduct. The conduct
or knowledge of one Insured shall not be imputed to another Insured.
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B. Based upon or arising out of the Insured gaining in fact any personal profit or advantage to which such
Insured was not legally entitled.
C. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any actual or alleged
1. Bodily injury, including sickness, injury, disease or death of any person; provided, however, this
exclusion shall not apply to emotional distress or mental anguish solely based upon or arising out of
the Insured’s rendering of or failure to render Professional Services; or
2. Damage to or destruction of any property by any Insured or any individual or entity for whom the
Insured is responsible, including loss of use thereof.
D. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual
property rights of another. However, this exclusion will not apply to infringement of copyright, trade
name, trade dress or service mark, or misappropriation of advertising ideas committed in the course of
advertising by the Insured.
E. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any Insured’s actions, activities, responsibilities or
duties as a Third Party Claims Administrator of any plan, whether insured or self-insured, except to the
extent to which coverage is specifically provided elsewhere in this Policy.
F. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any sums the Insured is obligated to pay by reason
of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability:
1. That the Insured would have in the absence of the contract or agreement; or
2. Assumed in a written contract or agreement which is fully executed prior to the time of any actual or
alleged Wrongful Act for which the Claim in question is made, and provided that the coverage for
the Claim otherwise applies under this Policy. Solely for the purposes of liability assumed in a
written contract or agreement, reasonable attorney fees and necessary litigation expenses incurred
by or for a party other than the Insured are deemed to be Damages (and not Claim Expenses),
a. Liability to such party for, or for the cost of, that party’s defense has also been assumed under
the written contract or agreement in question; and
b. Such attorney fees and litigation expenses are for defense of that party against a Claim or Suit
seeking Damages to which this insurance applies.
G. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any actual or alleged warranty, promise, guarantee
or representation as to the value or yield of any Covered Products or as to non-guaranteed interest
rates or future premium payments.
H. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any Insured’s actual or alleged employment- related
practices, acts or omissions, whether in violation of contract or statutory or common law, including
without limitation: the refusal to employ; wrongful termination of employment; discrimination or
harassment of any kind; breach of employment contract; wrongful demotion, evaluation, reassignment
or discipline; defamation, slander or libel; invasion of privacy; infliction of emotional distress; retaliation;
malicious prosecution or abuse of process; or the payment of, or failure to pay wages.
I. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any services performed by the Insured, whether or
not the Insured is licensed as such, as
1. A tax preparer or advisor (except for tax advice provided directly concerning a Covered Product),
accountant, architect, engineer, actuary, attorney, real estate agent or broker, or title insurance
2. A financial planner, except as to services directly connected to a Covered Product;
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3. A registered representative, registered investment advisor, investment advisor representative,
except as to services directly in connection with a Covered Product; or
4. A securities broker dealer.
J. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any Claim or dispute between Insureds or with
another insurance agent or broker, registered representative, registered investment advisor or
investment advisor representative including, but not limited to, any business dispute concerning
commissions, fees, client lists, or non-compete or similar agreements. However, this exclusion shall not
apply if the Wrongful Act arises out of Professional Services by an Insured rendered to such other
Insured, agent or broker as a Client, provided the Insured rendering such Professional Service does
not have any legal or equity interest in the subject of the insurance or investment procured for the
K. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving the Insured’s unauthorized use or release of any
confidential or private information pertaining to any Client, any director, manager, partner, member,
officer or employee of any Client or any family member of any such person, but this exclusion shall not
apply if such use or release was made without the knowledge of the Insured seeking coverage, or to
the extent that coverage is provided for a Personal Data Compromise Incident or Personal Data
Compromise Loss by this Policy.
L. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any bankruptcy, receivership, conservatorship,
insolvency, liquidation or financial inability to pay of any entity, including but not limited to a Product
Provider, regardless of when the financial impairment of such entity began and whether or not any
Insured was aware or could have been aware of the financial impairment of such entity. However, this
exclusion shall not apply if at the time of the placement or renewal of coverage
1. The Product Provider was rated B+ or higher by AM Best Company or, irrespective of such rating,
was subject to or a member of the state guaranty fund, guaranty association, or equivalent
applicable to the Covered Product or Client in question; or
2. The Product Provider was backed by or operated by a governmental body or bodies (such as
assigned risk plans, Joint Underwriting Associations, State or Federal Flood, Wind or FAIR pools or
plans, or state operated residual markets), or was a County Mutual reinsured by carriers rated B+
or better by A.M. Best Company.
M. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any
1. Promissory notes;
2. Viatical or life settlements as investments, or viatical investment pools;
3. Securities (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Investment Company Act of 1940, and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and any amendments
thereto); or
4. Commodities, futures contracts, or option contracts.
N. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving the offering, sale or servicing of any structured
settlement, provided, however, this exclusion shall not apply to a Claim solely based upon or arising
out of the selling or servicing of a Covered Product utilized to fund a structured settlement.
O. For Personal and Advertising Injury based upon or arising out of
1. The oral or written publication of material, if done by or at the direction of the Insured with
knowledge of its falsity; or
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2. The oral or written publication of material whose first publication took place before the Retroactive
P. Based upon, arising out of, or in any way involving any actual or alleged violation of
1. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), including any amendment of or addition to such
2. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, including any amendment of or addition to such law; or
3. Any statute, ordinance or regulation other than the TCPA or CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 that prohibits
or limits the sending, transmitting, communicating, or distribution of material or information.
Q. For any Personal Data Compromise Incident or Personal Data Compromise Loss based upon,
arising out of or in any way involving or attributable to:
1. Any Detrimental Code that is or becomes named and recognized by the CERT Coordination
Center, McAfee, Secunia, Symantec, or other comparable vendor or monitor of Detrimental Code
2. Any mechanical or electrical failure or interruption caused by a third party, acting independently of
the Insured, or by events outside the Insured’s control, including any electrical power interruption
or surge, brownout, blackout, short circuit, over voltage, or power fluctuations;
3. The maintenance of a chat room, bulletin board or other open forum; or
4. Based upon, arising out of, or attributable to fire, smoke, explosion, lightning, wind, flood,
earthquake, volcanic eruption, tidal wave, landslide, hail, act of God, or any other similar physical
event however caused.
A. The Limit of Liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to each Claim under Coverage A is Our
maximum liability for Damages resulting from any one Claim. Without regard to the number of Claims
or Insureds against whom a Claim has been made, all Damages arising out of the same Wrongful
Act or Related Wrongful Acts will be subject to the each Claim limit of liability in effect when the first
Claim arising out of the Wrongful Act or Related Wrongful Acts was made.
B. The Limit of Liability stated in the Declarations as applicable in the Aggregate for Coverage A is Our
maximum liability for all Damages resulting from all Claims made during the Policy Period.
C. The Deductible stated in the Declarations as applicable to Coverage A applies only to Damages. We
shall only be liable to pay Damages in excess of the Deductible stated in the Declarations, which
Deductible shall apply to each and every Claim arising under Coverage A of this Policy. The Deductible
does not increase the Limit of Liability.
D. The Aggregate Deductible limit that applies for all Claims arising under Coverage A of this Policy which
are first made during the Policy Period will not exceed three times the Deductible stated in the
Declarations. The Aggregate Deductible limit applies separately to each consecutive annual Policy
E. The Limit of Liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to Personal Data Compromise Loss is
the most We will pay for all Personal Data Compromise Incidents occurring during the Policy
F. We shall only be liable to pay Personal Data Compromise Loss arising from each Personal Data
Compromise Incident which is in excess of the Deductible stated in the Declarations as applicable to
each Personal Data Compromise Incident.
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G. If the Named Insured has been continuously insured with Us and has not had a Claim made against
them during the last five years, the Deductible will be waived for the first covered Claim made during
the current Policy Period.
H. If We pay all or part of any Deductible amount, We will notify the Named Insured of Our payment of
the Deductible, and request reimbursement. The Named Insured will pay Us for the part of the
Deductible We paid within thirty (30) days of Our request.
I. The Deductible may only be satisfied by an actual cash payment by the Named Insured and may not
be satisfied by the release of a claim or counterclaim.
A. Assistance and Cooperation of the Insured
1. The Insured agrees to
a. Cooperate with Us;
b. Upon Our request, assist in the defense, investigation, and settlement of any Claims, or Suits,
and, as may be appropriate, any potential Claims;
c. Enforce any right of contribution or indemnity against any person or organization that may be
liable to the Insured because of Damages to which this Policy applies; and
d. Attend hearings and trials and assist in securing and giving evidence and obtaining the
attendance of witnesses.
2. The Insured shall not
a. Except at the Insured's own cost, voluntarily make any payments, assume any obligation or
incur any expense;
b. Prejudice Our position, potential or actual rights of recovery, legal obligations or rights; or
c. Settle any Claim, incur any Claim Expenses, or otherwise assume any contractual obligation
or admit any liability with respect to any Claim without Our written consent.
B. Authorization Clause/Notices
By acceptance of this Policy, the Insureds agree that the first Named Insured stated in the
Declarations shall act on behalf of all Insureds with respect to the giving and receiving of notice of any
Claim or potential Claim, cancellation, nonrenewal, the payment of premiums and the receiving of any
return premiums that may become due under this Policy. Notice to the first Named Insured at the
address of such first Named Insured stated in the Declarations shall also constitute notice to all
C. Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured or of the Insured’s estate will not relieve Us of Our
obligations under this Policy.
D. Cancellation and Nonrenewal
1. Cancellation
a. The first Named Insured stated in the Declarations may cancel this Policy by mailing or
delivering to Us advance written notice of cancellation. The Policy Period will end on the
effective date requested.
b. We may cancel this Policy only in the event of non-payment of premium, and if We cancel for
non-payment of premium, We will mail by first class or certified mail, to the first Named
Insured and the agent or broker of record, at their last address known to Us, written notice
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stating the reason for cancellation, at least ten (10) days before the effective date of
cancellation, or as stated in the state specific changes endorsement attached to this Policy.
c. Notice of cancellation will state the effective date of cancellation. The Policy Period will end on
the date of cancellation.
d. If this Policy is cancelled, We will send the first Named Insured any premium refund due. If We
cancel, the refund will be the pro rata unearned premium. If the first Named Insured cancels,
the refund may be less than pro rata. The cancellation will be effective even if We have not
made or offered a refund.
e. A post office certificate of mailing or certified mail receipt will be sufficient proof of mailing of
2. Nonrenewal by Us
a. We are not required to renew this Policy when it expires.
b. If We elect not to renew this Policy, We will mail by first class or certified mail, to the first
Named Insured and the agent or broker of record, at their last address known to Us, written
notice stating the reason for nonrenewal, at least sixty (60) days but not more than one
hundred and twenty (120) days before the effective date of nonrenewal.
c. Notice of nonrenewal will state the effective date of nonrenewal. The Policy Period will end on
the date of nonrenewal.
d. A post office certificate of mailing or certified mail receipt will be sufficient proof of mailing of
E. Changes
Notice to any agent or broker or knowledge possessed by any agent or broker or by any other person
shall not effect a waiver or change in any part of this Policy or stop Us from asserting any right under
the terms of this Policy, nor shall the terms of this Policy be waived or changed, except by
endorsement issued to form a part of this Policy.
F. Conformance with State Statutes
Terms of this Policy which are in conflict with the statutes of the state or province wherein this Policy is
issued are hereby amended to conform to such statutes.
G. Due Diligence Requirements for Personal Data Compromise Incident Coverage
You agree to use due diligence to prevent and mitigate any Personal Data Compromise Incident
covered under this Policy, including complying with reasonable and industry and accepted protocols for
providing and maintaining the following:
1. Physical security for the Insured’s premises, computer system and hard copy files;
2. Computer and internet security, including security and access controls for personal computers and
3. Periodic backups of computer files;
4. Protections for transactions, including processing credit card, debit card and check payments; and
5. Control, storage and disposal of, and access to, any electronic or physical files containing any
Personal Information, including shredding physical files and destroying physical media used to
store physical media.
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H. Duties in the Event of a Personal Data Compromise Incident
In the event of a Personal Data Compromise Incident, You agree to:
1. Notify the police and any other authorities requiring notification;
2. Take all reasonable steps to protect all Personal Information remaining in the Insured’s care,
custody or control;
3. Give Us prompt written notice of the Personal Data Compromise Incident, providing details of
how, when and where the Personal Data Compromise Incident occurred, and to the extent
possible, and as soon as practicable, no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Policy
Period, whichever comes first. Notice must include names and contact information of the Clients
whose Personal Information is involved in a Personal Data Compromise Incident to the extent
this information is known; and
4. Cooperate with Us in the investigation, handling and settlement of any Personal Data
Compromise Incident and Personal Data Compromise Loss, including access to books and
records as may be necessary.
I. Entire Agreement
It is agreed that this Policy together with any endorsements and the Declarations constitutes the entire
agreement existing between You and Us.
J. Extended Reporting Periods
1. We will provide an Extended Reporting Period as described below if this Policy is cancelled or non-
renewed by Us for any reason other than non-payment of premium, or Your fraud or
2. The Limit of Liability available under the Extended Reporting Periods shall be part of, and not in
addition to the Limit of Liability available under the last Policy issued to You. The Extended
Reporting Periods do not in any way reinstate or increase the Limit of Liability or extend the Policy
Period. Once in effect, Extended Reporting Periods may not be cancelled. All Claims under
Extended Reporting Periods must be reported to Us in accordance with section VI Condition P 2,
Reporting of Actual Claims, below.
3. Claims first made against the Insured within the Policy Period, and which are reported to Us
during the term of the Basic or Supplemental Extended Reporting Periods and which arise out of a
Wrongful Act that was committed during the Policy Period, or after the Retroactive Date, if any,
stated in the Declarations, will be deemed to have been made on the last day of the Policy Period.
4. Basic Extended Reporting Period
a. A Basic Extended Reporting Period is automatically provided without additional charge. This
period starts at the date of Policy termination or the end of the Policy Period, whichever is
earlier, and lasts for sixty (60) days.
b. The Basic Extended Reporting Period applies to Claims arising out of a Wrongful Act that was
committed during the Policy Period or after the Retroactive Date, if any, stated in the
Declarations, and which are first made against the Insured within sixty (60) days after Policy
termination or the end of the Policy Period, whichever is earlier.
c. The Basic Extended Reporting Period shall be included within the Supplemental Extended
Reporting Period, if such Supplemental Extended Reporting Period is purchased.
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d. The Basic Extended Reporting Period does not apply to Claims that are covered under any
subsequent insurance You purchase or that would be covered but for exhaustion of the amount
of insurance applicable to such Claim.
5. Supplemental Extended Reporting Period
a. A Supplemental Extended Reporting Period is available by endorsement and for an additional
charge, as set out in paragraph b of this section, immediately below. You must give Us a
written request for the endorsement within sixty (60) days after the end of the Policy Period, or
Policy termination date, whichever is earlier. The Supplemental Extended Reporting Period will
not go into effect unless the additional premium for it is paid promptly when due. Such premium
will be deemed fully earned at the inception date of the Supplemental Extended Reporting
b. Issuance of a Supplemental Extended Reporting Period endorsement will be subject to the
following additional premium:
i. 70% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a one year period.
ii. 100% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a two year period.
iii. 130% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a three year period.
iv. 160% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a four year period.
v. 200% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a five year period.
vi. 300% of the full annual premium for this Policy for a ten year period.
c. The Supplemental Extended Reporting Period endorsement will set forth the specific terms
applicable to the Supplemental Extended Reporting Period selected.
d. If the Named Insured fails to notify Us of a change in control within ninety (90) days of such
change, pursuant to Condition O, below, they will not be eligible to purchase any Supplemental
Extended Reporting Period coverage that they might otherwise be entitled to.
e. Extended Reporting Periods do not apply to Personal Data Compromise Incident or
Personal Data Compromise Loss coverage.
L. Legal Action Against Us
1. No one shall sue Us unless the following conditions precedent are met:
a. There has been full compliance with all the terms of this Policy; and
b. The amount of the Insured’s obligation to pay has been finally determined either by judgment
against the Insured after actual and contested trial on the merits, or by written agreement of
the Insured, the claimant, and Us.
2. Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof who has secured such judgment or
written agreement shall thereafter be entitled to recover under this Policy to the extent of the
insurance afforded by this Policy.
3. Nothing contained in this Policy shall give any person or organization any right to join Us as a co-
defendant in any action against the Insured to determine the Insured’s liability.
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M. Liberalization
If We adopt a change in the forms or rules applicable to this Policy during the term of this Policy which
would broaden the coverage provided by any form that is a part of this Policy without an extra premium
charge, the broader coverage will apply to this Policy. This extension is effective upon the approval of
such broader coverage in the state in which the first Named Insured is headquartered.
N. Other Insurance
1. With the exception of Personal Data Compromise Loss coverage (Coverage B), if there is other
valid insurance (whether primary, excess, contingent or self-insurance) which may apply against a
Claim covered by this Policy, the insurance provided hereunder shall be excess insurance over and
above the applicable limit of all other insurance or self-insurance unless such other insurance is
written only as a specific excess insurance over the Limits of Liability provided in this Policy.
Coverage B, Personal Data Compromise Loss only applies in the total absence of other coverage
applicable to Personal Data Compromise Loss, and shall not be excess over any other such
available coverage.
2. When this insurance is excess, We shall have no duty under this policy to defend any Claim or Suit
that any other insurer or self-insurer has a duty to defend. If such other insurer or self-insurer
refuses to defend such Claim or Suit, We can choose to defend and then shall be entitled to the
Insured's rights against all such other insurers or self-insurers for any Claim Expenses We incur.
3. When both this insurance and any other insurance or self-insurance apply to the Claim on the
same basis, We shall not be liable under this Policy for a greater proportion of Damages and Claim
Expenses than the applicable Limit of Liability under this Policy for such Damages and Claim
Expenses bears to the total applicable Limit of Liability of all valid and collectible insurance against
such Damages and Claim Expenses. Subject to the foregoing, if a Claim occurs involving two or
more policies, each of which provides that its insurance shall be excess, each will contribute pro
rata based on Limits of Liability or limits of insurance. Personal Data Compromise Loss coverage
(Coverage B) only applies in the total absence of other coverage applicable to Personal Data
Compromise Loss.
O. Notification of Change of Control of Named Insured
If during the Policy Period there is an acquisition of the Named Insured, or of a majority of its assets,
by another individual or entity, or there is a merger or consolidation of the Named Insured with another
entity such that the Named Insured is not the surviving entity, then coverage under this Policy shall
continue for ninety (90) days after the date of such acquisition, merger, consolidation or change of
control, but only with respect to a Wrongful Act or Personal Data Compromise Loss occurring prior
to the acquisition, merger, consolidation, or change in control. The Named Insured shall give Us
written notice of such event within ninety (90) days of the acquisition, merger, consolidation or change
of control together with any information We may require. The appointment of any state or federal
official, agency or court of any receiver, trustee, examiner, conservator, liquidator, rehabilitator or
similar official to take control of, supervise, manage or liquidate the Named Insured, or the Named
Insured becoming a debtor in possession within the meaning of the United States Bankruptcy Code or
similar legal status under foreign law, shall not be considered an acquisition.
P. Reporting of Potential and Actual Claims
1. Reporting of Potential Claims
If during the Policy Period, the Insured first becomes aware of a Wrongful Act which might
reasonably be expected to give rise to a Claim, and during the Policy Period gives written notice
to Us of such Wrongful Act as required below, then any Claim subsequently made against the
Insured by reason of such Wrongful Act shall be deemed to have been first made and reported to
Us during the Policy Period.
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Written report of a potential Claim is required and must include:
a. The specific facts, conditions and circumstances which constitute the Wrongful Act, including
the date(s) thereof;
b. The Insured and clients involved;
c. The date and circumstances by which the Insured became aware of such Wrongful Act; and
d. A description of the Claim arising out of a Wrongful Act that may reasonably result.
2. Reporting of Actual Claims
The Insured shall provide notice to Us as soon as practicable after a Claim is first made against
the Insured.
The Insured also agrees to forward, as soon as practicable, the following:
a. Every demand, notice, summons, or other process received by the Insured or the Insured’s
b. Particulars sufficient to identify the Insured and also reasonably obtainable information with
respect to the time, place and circumstances thereof, the names, addresses and other
available contact information for any witnesses;
c. Copies of all agreements with any party that is referred to, or in any way associated with the
Claim; and
d. Identification of any and all parties referred to, related to, or in any way associated with the
Claim, or the Wrongful Act leading to the Claim.
Q. Representations
By acceptance of this Policy, You agree that:
1. The statements in the Declarations and the Application for this Policy are accurate and complete;
2. Those statements are based upon representations You made to Us; and
3. That the representations made are deemed to be material, and that We have issued this Policy in
reliance upon the truth of such representations.
R. Separation of Insureds
Except with respect to the Limit of Liability and any rights or duties specifically assigned to the first
Named Insured, this insurance applies:
1. As if each Named Insured were the only Named Insured; and
2. Separately to each Insured against whom Claim is made or Suit is brought.
S. Subrogation and Assignment
1. When We pay under this Policy on behalf of any Insured, We receive the Insured’s rights of
recovery against any other person or entity and may subrogate against such parties. All Insureds
are required to execute and deliver any instrument and papers and do whatever else is necessary
to secure Our rights. No Insured shall prejudice Our subrogation rights.
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2. No Insured may assign any interest in this Policy unless We give Our prior written consent and an
endorsement is attached to the Policy effecting assignment.
T. Valuation and Foreign Currency
All premiums, limits, deductibles, retention amounts, Damages, and any other amounts to which this
Policy may apply are expressed and payable in the currency of the United States of America. If a
judgment is rendered, a settlement is determined or any element of Damages due under this Policy is
stated in a currency other than that of the United States of America, payment under this Policy shall be
made in the currency of the United States of America at the rate of exchange published in the Wall
Street Journal on the date the final judgment is rendered, final settlement is agreed upon, or the
applicable element of Damages is due if not a final settlement.
This Policy is not valid unless a Declarations page is signed by Our authorized representative.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have caused the signatures of Our executive officers to be affixed hereto, and
have caused this Policy to be countersigned by Our authorized representative.