Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and
European Solidarity Corps participants
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 2/36
We’ve got you covered!
Welcome! As an Erasmus+ volunteer or a European Solidarity Corps participant, you are covered by a
Cigna Group Medical and Non-Medical Insurance Plan that is free of charge to you. We’re glad to have
you with us!
Your insurance plan covers:
a) Medical expenses following plan specifications (i.e. costs related to medical and urgent dental
treatment, hospitalisation and surgery due to diseases, accidents, pregnancy and childbirth).
Please go to section 1.3 on pages 8-14 for a detailed overview of your medical cover.
b) Non-medical expenses following plan specifications (i.e. death, permanent disability, third
party liability and loss or theft of luggage insurance). Please go to section 2.1 on pages 20-23
for a detailed overview of your non-medical cover.
As a Cigna plan member, you enjoy a wide range of services, such as 24/7 customer support, online
information and services, access to health care providers worldwide and more. You can find more
information on the online information and services available to you in section 3 on pages 24-29.
Why read this brochure?
This brochure contains everything you need to know to benefit from your insurance plan. Read it
thoroughly to discover what it means to be complementary or primary insured, what to do when you
need medical care, and what you should check before leaving on mobility.
The terms in italic are explained on page 36.
Who are we?
Your insurance plan is a partnership between:
- The European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
(DG EAC). As DG EAC has the ultimate responsibility for running the Erasmus+ and the
European Solidarity Corps Programmes, it organises insurance cover and monitors that
participants are in a safe environment at all times. For cross-border activities, the European
Commission offers a centralised insurance cover to the participants and determines the plan
- The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The Agency has been
entrusted by DG EAC to contract insurance services. As a policyholder, the EACEA is
responsible for ensuring the correct implementation of the insurance contract with Cigna and
the adequate delivery of insurance services to participants.
- Cigna. As the administrator of this plan, Cigna facilitates the plan through claims handling,
reimbursements and fraud detection. Cigna is your point of contact whenever you have
questions or need to submit a claim. Cigna is also the insurer of the Medical and the Life
Insurance Plan.
- Chubb. The insurer of the Disability, Third Party Liability, and Travel Insurance Plan. Even
though most of your non-medical benefits are insured by Chubb, you may contact Cigna with
questions about the claiming procedures, your cover, or a specific claim you sent us. Cigna will
contact Chubb on your behalf and will get back to you directly with answers to your questions.
- VHD. As the evacuation assistance provider, VHD (part of the Europ Assistance network) will
provide the necessary assistance whenever there is a medical need for an evacuation or a
We’re here for you. Whether it’s a question on the benefits of your insurance plan or
a particular claim, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can find detailed contact
information on pages 30-31.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 3/36
Table of content
1. Your Medical Insurance Plan ........................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Who is covered and when? ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Categories of cover ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Complementary cover ................................................................................................................. 6
What is the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)? ........................................................................... 6
How to use your EHIC during your mobility? ........................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Primary cover ............................................................................................................................... 7
What if I’m not eligible for an EHIC card? ............................................................................................... 7
1.3 Your cover ................................................................................................................................... 8
How do I request Prior Approval from Cigna’s Medical Board? ............................................................ 14
1.4 What if I need medical care? ..................................................................................................... 15
1.4.1 If you are complementary insured ............................................................................................. 15
1.4.2 If you are primary insured .......................................................................................................... 16
For planned inpatient or expensive (>200 EUR) treatment, the procedure is as follows ...................... 16
1.4.3 How and when will your claims be processed? ......................................................................... 18
Here’s how your claims are processed ............................................................................................... 189
How do you know your claims have been settled? ............................................................................... 20
2. Your Non-Medical Insurance Plan ............................................................................................. 20
2.1 Your cover ....................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.1 Life Insurance ............................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.2 Permanent Disability ..................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.3 Third Party Liability ....................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.4 Travel Assistance ......................................................................................................................... 22
3. Easy access to health care ......................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Your e-membership card ................................................................................................................. 25
3.2 Your personal webpages ................................................................................................................. 26
How to access your personal webpages? ............................................................................................. 27
3.3 Cigna in your pocket ........................................................................................................................ 27
3.4 Worldwide access ............................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.1 If you’re complementary insured .................................................................................................. 28
3.4.2 If you’re primary insured ............................................................................................................... 28
4. Contact Details............................................................................................................................. 30
4.1 Evacuation Assistance .................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Affiliations ........................................................................................................................................ 30
4.3 My claims, cover and procedures .................................................................................................... 30
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
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4.3.1 Medical Claims Centre ................................................................................................................. 31
4.3.2 Non-Medical Claims Centre.......................................................................................................... 31
5. FAQ ............................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1 What to do when your project or individual mobility is cancelled for any reason? .......................... 32
5.2 How can I get an insurance certificate for a visa application? ........................................................ 32
5.3 When am I covered? ....................................................................................................................... 32
5.4 Where am I covered? ...................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 Where do I find more information on Cigna’s health care provider network? ................................. 32
5.6 What do I need to do in case of a medical emergency requiring evacuation? ................................ 33
6. Your checklist before you leave for your mobility ................................................................... 34
7. Best practices to keep in mind ................................................................................................... 35
8. Terms used in this brochure ...................................................................................................... 36
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 5/36
1. Your Medical Insurance Plan
In this section, you can find more information on the medical cover provided under this insurance plan.
1.1 Who is covered and when?
As an Erasmus+ volunteer or a European Solidarity Corps participant, you are covered during the entire
period of your cross-border mobility.
The European Solidarity Corps promotes social inclusion by facilitating the access to young people with
fewer opportunities, including those young people who need additional support due to the fact that they
are at disadvantage compared to their peers because of disabilities or health problems. This insurance
plan ensures medical cover to all participants on the basis of the principles of equal treatment and non-
pre-existing medical conditions.
You are covered 24 hours from the day you leave home to the host country, until the end of the second
month after the termination of your mobility. This includes any travel from and to the hosting country and
any in-country travel linked to the mobility.
You enjoy worldwide cover during both private and project-related activities. However, a distinction is
made between the cover in your home and hosting country and other countries worldwide:
Home and hosting country: you are covered for all medical treatment based on the plan
specifications, be it planned or unplanned (i.e. emergency treatment).
Other countries: you are covered for unplanned (i.e. emergency treatment) only.
Please find below examples of planned and unplanned treatment:
Example unplanned treatment: a participant with Turkey as home country and France as hosting country
is on vacation in Spain and breaks his leg during a walk. In this case, all medical treatment in Spain is
covered given that it concerns an unplanned/emergency treatment.
Example excluded planned treatment: the same participant is diagnosed with cancer while residing in
France. He opts to be treated in the United States and travels there to receive treatment. The medical
treatment is not covered, since it concerns a planned treatment outside of the home/hosting country.
1.2 Categories of cover
Please take a moment to identify whether you are a complementary or primary insured plan member
(you can also find this information in your Cigna Welcome Email) and read this chapter thoroughly to
review the benefits and procedures which apply to you. Both categories are equally covered by this
insurance plan (i.e. same benefits, same ceilings).
If you have a chronic disease or a disability which requires permanent medical
treatment or medication, you are invited to contact Cigna to enquire about your cover
before you leave on mobility. Cigna’s Medical Board can give you the necessary
advice about the cover of your medical treatment, so that you don’t have to worry
about it during your mobility. You can find more information about this on page 35
of this guide.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 6/36
Your category of cover is settled at the enrolment phase by your sending/supporting organisation.
Therefore, it is very important that you provide the organisation with the necessary information on your
national insurance situation.
1.2.1 Complementary cover
This insurance plan complements the cover provided by your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
and/or national security systems. In other words, Cigna does not replace your national social security
scheme (EHIC) or your primary statutory insurance, but provides complementary cover.
You will be enrolled as a complementary insured plan member:
a) When your home and hosting country are both EU countries (plus Iceland, Liechtenstein,
Norway and Switzerland);
Please note that you need to be in possession of a valid EHIC card before arriving to your
host country when you are entitled to EHIC by your national legislation and the card is free
of charge to you.
b) When you enrolled to another public or private health insurance scheme prior to or during
your mobility;
Please note that you may be obliged to register to the national health system of your hosting
country because of the duration of your mobility or the type activity you will perform (job or
traineeship). In that case, you have complementary cover from Cigna.
As a complementary insured member, you are required to make use of your EHIC card when visiting a
health care provider. The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps’ insurance plan only covers the
remaining eligible expenses that are not covered by the EHIC or by the state healthcare system
in your home country.
What is the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?
As a European national temporary residing in another EU country (plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
and Switzerland), you’re most likely entitled to a European Health Insurance Card that gives you access
to medically necessary, state-provided health care under the same conditions and at the same cost
(free in some countries) as people insured in that country.
It’s important that you request your EHIC card in your home country before you leave
for your mobility since your EHIC card may allow for direct payment in some
countries (meaning you won’t have to advance your medical bills).
Make sure you provide your sending/supporting organisation with the necessary
information on your national insurance situation at the time of your enrolment.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 7/36
You can obtain your card through your national health insurance provider in your home country. If you
need help with applying for a European Health Insurance Card, you can reach out to your
sending/supporting organisation. You can also find more information here (you can select your home
country at the bottom of the page to consult country-specific guidelines).
How to use your EHIC during your mobility?
You are required to make use of your European Health Insurance Card when you visit a health care
provider. The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps’ insurance plan only covers the remaining
eligible expenses that are not covered by the EHIC. Section 1.4 provides you with more information on
the reimbursement procedure.
Cigna shall make a reimbursement as appropriate, on the basis of the difference between the
costs actually incurred and the reimbursement obtained from your national system.
Upon receipt of written proof that your expenses can’t be covered by your national system,
Cigna will reimburse your eligible expenses as from the first Euro.
More information on how to use you EHIC card as well as health care providers who will accept your
EHIC card can be found here (select your home/hosting country at the top of the page for detailed
1.2.2 Primary cover
You will be enrolled as a primary insured plan member:
a) When your home and/or hosting country is outside of the EU; or
b) When you are not entitled for cover under your national social security scheme; or
c) When you are not entitled to a free of charge EHIC card.
If you are a primary insured plan member, Cigna will reimburse your eligible expenses as from the first
What if I’m not eligible for an EHIC card?
Please verify whether you are eligible for a free of charge EHIC card before you leave for your mobility.
In case you are not eligible for a free EHIC card (e.g. because of your age), please contact
clientservice2@cigna.com. Upon receipt of a formal written communication from your social
security office / national system stating the reason why you are not eligible for an EHIC card, your
category will be changed from complementary to primary.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 8/36
1.3 Your cover
In this section, you will find a detailed overview of your cover.
You are covered for all medical treatment based on the plan specifications, be it planned or unplanned
(i.e. emergency treatment), in your home and hosting country. In other countries, your cover is restricted
to unplanned (i.e. emergency) treatment only.
Please take note of the following important plan conditions:
- The insurance plan will cover the costs related to medical and urgent dental
treatment, hospitalisation and surgery due to diseases, accidents, pregnancy
and childbirth occurring during the duration of the cover following the plan
specifications set out below.
- Cover is limited to medically necessary and reasonable & customary
- Avoid unpleasant surprises. If you are in doubt whether or not your treatment
is covered under the insurance plan, please contact us.
- Certain expenses are subject to Prior Approval by Cigna’s Medical Board.
You can find more information on how to request Prior Approval in on page 14.
- An aggregate maximum reimbursement of 250,000 EUR per person is
- If you are a complementary insured plan member, you are required to use
your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or to claim with your national
system first. For more information, please go to sections 1.2 on pages 5-7 and
section 1.4 on page 15.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 9/36
Please note that the following expenses and situations are excluded from your
- Hearing aids and costs of spa-cures;
- Periodic, preventive health examinations;
- The insurance is suspended in time of war for insured persons who are
mobilised or who volunteer for naval, air or military service;
- The results of wounds or injuries resulting from motor vehicle racing and
dangerous competitions; normal sports competitions are covered;
- The consequences of insurrections or riots, if by taking part the insured
person has broken the applicable laws; the consequences of brawls, except in
cases of self-defense;
- Rejuvenation cures and cosmetic treatment. Cosmetic surgery is covered,
however, when it is necessary as the result of an accident for which cover is
- The direct or indirect results of explosions, heat release or irradiation produced
by transmutation of the atomic nucleus or by radioactivity or resulting from
radiation produced by the artificial acceleration of nuclear particles;
- Aircraft accidents are only covered if the insured person is on board an
aircraft with a valid certificate of air-worthiness, piloted by a person in
possession of a valid license for the type of aircraft in question;
- Elective medical treatment such as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), AI (Artificial
Insemination), ICSI, Mesa, Tesa, voluntary interruption of pregnancy,
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 10/36
Cover rate
Subject to Prior
Good to know
Yes if the surgery is
Outpatient surgery allows a person to
return home on the same day that a
surgical procedure is performed.
Outpatient surgery is also referred to
as ambulatory surgery or same-day
Only prescribed generic drugs (if
available) with active pharmaceutical
ingredients are covered.
Vitamins, food supplements and
contraceptives are not covered by
your medical plan, unless they are
prescribed to treat a medical
condition. In this case, please request
Prior Approval.
Yes in case the
hospitalisation is
These charges may include:
Bed and board
Doctor’s fees
General nursing services
Use of operating rooms and
Laboratory examinations
X-ray examinations
Drugs and medicine for use
in the hospital
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 11/36
Ambulance from place of
illness/accident to the first hospital
where care can be given.
Other transportation (e.g. public
transport, taxi) is not covered by your
medical plan.
Depending on the established
protocol for pregnancy in home or
hosting country to ensure the health
of the mother and the foetus.
Yes in case the
hospitalisation is
Only medically necessary
psychotherapy (upon diagnosis and
pathology) is covered by your medical
Subject to a maximum of 30 sessions
or 30 continuous days in case of
inpatient treatment per activity.
Subject to a
ceiling of
1,000 EUR
Eligible expenses:
Only urgent dental care. In case of
sudden dental complaints, the only
treatment covered is treatment that is
meant to stabilize the dental
The urgency of your dental care will
be assessed by Cigna's Dental
consultant against the documents to
be submitted together with your Prior
The following documents need to be
submitted to Cigna’s Dental
Consultant to assess the medical
necessity of your request prior to your
A detailed report from the dentist
specifying the urgent nature of
In exceptional circumstances, other modes of transportation may be covered if proven medically necessary.
Prior Approval by Cigna’s Medical Board is required.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 12/36
the treatment, in particular why
this treatment should take place
before the end of your mobility;
An X-ray in case of a root canal
Expenses excluded from cover:
Any dental care that can be
postponed until after the mobility;
Preventive dental care (such as
check-up, cleaning, polishing,
whitening, mouth guard);
Elective dental care (such as
change of fillings,
wisdom tooth removal);
More than 2 root canal
More than 3 fillings.
In case of a medical emergency
requiring evacuation assistance,
please call our evacuation assistance
provider VHD via +31 10 289 41 93
(mention policy no. BEBBBY01626).
Medical expenses following an
accident will be covered following
policy guidelines.
The results of wounds or injuries
resulting from motor vehicle racing
and dangerous competitions are not
covered; normal sports competitions
are covered.
Subject to
the dental
ceiling of
1,000 EUR
Only ongoing orthodontic treatment is
covered by your medical plan. To
obtain Prior Approval, you must
submit a confirmation note from your
orthodontist in your home country
stating the start date of your
Subject to a
ceiling of
300 EUR
Eligible expenses:
Only one replacement of a pair of
prescription eyeglasses or contact
lenses that is deteriorated, lost or
stolen, will be covered by your
medical plan.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 13/36
Only single vision glasses without
treatment (e.g. anti-reflective layers)
will be covered.
Expenses excluded from cover:
Damage caused by wear-and-
Visits to an optician or
ophthalmologist to determine
your dioptre. Optical cover only
applies to ongoing treatments;
Daily/weekly contact lenses;
Cleaning products;
Following documents need to be
submitted in order to assess the
medical necessity of your request
prior to your purchase:
1) In case your glasses/contact
lenses are deteriorated or lost:
A medical report/prescription for
your previous glasses/contact
lenses from your ophthalmologist
in your home country, indicating
your ongoing treatment and
his/her contact details for cross-
Two completed copies of the
optical cost estimate form;
A completed copy of the
Declaration of Honour form
describing the circumstances of
the loss, signed by you and by
the legal representative of your
hosting organisation (including
his/her contact details).
2) In case your glasses/contact
lenses have been stolen:
A medical report/prescription for
your previous glasses/contact
lenses from your ophthalmologist
in your home country, indicating
your ongoing treatment and
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 14/36
his/her contact details for cross-
A completed copy of the optical
cost estimate form;
A copy of the police report.
The cost estimate and the
Declaration of Honour form can be
found on your personal webpages.
How do I request Prior Approval from Cigna’s Medical Board?
You can submit your request for Prior Approval by providing us with a doctor's prescription stating the
diagnosis, the motivation for the treatment and the recommended number of sessions (if applicable) via
erasm[email protected]. Please refer to the section above to check which additional supporting
documents might need to be submitted with your request.
If you prefer to reach out to a Medical Adviser directly, you can send your request for Prior Approval to
Avoid unpleasant surprises. If you are in doubt whether or not your treatment is covered under
the insurance plan or if you need to incur considerable expenses, we advise you to contact us
before you start your treatment to confirm that your expenses are eligible for reimbursement
under the insurance plan.
Your request for Prior Approval will be processed as soon as possible. The time needed to process your
request may depend on the complexity of your treatment.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 15/36
1.4 What if I need medical care?
1.4.1 If you are complementary insured
1. You are free to visit your preferred health care provider, but we advise you to visit a health care
provider that accepts your EHIC card. This information can be found here (select your
home/hosting country at the top of the page for detailed information).
Present your EHIC to your health care provider. In some countries, the EHIC card will give you
access to direct payment between the health care provider and your national health insurer (at
the provider’s discretion). As your complementary insurer, Cigna can’t set up direct payment.
If you visit a health care provider that does not accept your EHIC card (e.g. private health care
provider), you may be asked to pay/advance your bill directly to the provider and claim the
expenses afterwards.
If you need urgent or unplanned treatment, your local health authority might be able to help out
by faxing or emailing proof of your health insurance cover to avoid that having to pay the
expenses upfront.
2. Submit a claim with your national system in your home country if your expenses could not
be settled directly with your EHIC card.
3. Submit the claim for reimbursement of the remaining amount via the Cigna personal
webpages or the mobile app. Do not forget to fill in the section ‘Is the claim covered by another
insurance?’ by indicating the amount already reimbursed and European Health Insurance’ as
the insurance company.
4. Cigna shall make a reimbursement as appropriate, on the basis of the difference between
the costs actually incurred and the reimbursement obtained from your national system.
Upon receipt of written proof that your expenses can’t be covered by your national system,
Cigna will reimburse your eligible expenses as from the first Euro.
Please submit a Settlement Note/Explanation of Benefits (EOB)/Payment Slip
from your primary insurer (national health insurance) as attachment to your claim.
Cigna may also ask you to submit a detailed invoice from the provider specifying
the separate price for each expense as well as the proof of payment and any
prescriptions including the diagnosis.
Should a claim need to be reimbursed to the account of a third party (i.e. in the
case your sending/supporting/hosting organisation or a family member has
advanced your medical bill), please submit a signed letter authorising the transfer
as attachment to your claim. This letter should be signed, dated and scanned. You
can also find a ‘Payment Authorisation Form’ on your personal webpages.
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Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 16/36
1.4.2 If you are primary insured
In case of hospitalisation
Please contact us well in advance before the scheduled date of admission so we can help you with the
necessary administration and arrange direct payment of your medical bills. To arrange direct payment,
we always need to be informed of the planned treatment and cost.
In case of emergency or accident
Sometimes hospital admissions are unexpected and unplanned. Even if you can’t contact us before
being admitted, we can still help you deal with the paperwork and assist you in setting your medical bill.
In case of emergency, show your membership card to your health care provider upon admission and
have someone (e.g. a family member or colleague) call us as soon as possible. The name and telephone
number of the health care provider are enough for our Customer Service Team to initiate the direct
payment procedure and send a Guarantee of payment to the provider within a few hours.
If you sustain injuries from an accident, submit a notification of accident form which can be found on
your personal webpages. Specify the place and circumstances of the accident and mention details of
third parties involved and of any witnesses or legal authorities.
In case of outpatient treatment
When visiting a doctor or another health care provider, simply pay the bill and claim your expenses with
us afterwards. You don’t have to contact us beforehand.
For major outpatient treatment (>200 EUR) you can also obtain direct payment. To arrange direct
payment, we always need to be informed of the planned treatment and cost.
For planned inpatient or expensive (>200 EUR) treatment, the procedure is as follows:
1. You can search for your preferred provider in our network by consulting the provider search
tool on your personal webpages or the mobile app. If your preferred provider is not included in
the list, contact us so we can make the necessary arrangements.
2. Contact us well in advance of your planned treatment or have the provider contact us.
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3. Download the cost estimate form from your personal webpages. Ask the health care provider
to fill it in and to return it to us.
4. After we receive the cost estimate form, we’ll send a guarantee of payment to both you and
the provider. This document mentions whether or not the treatment is covered and what portion
of the expenses will be invoiced to us directly.
5. Upon admission, show your Cigna e-membership card and the guarantee of payment to the
6. We will settle the bill directly with the provider. After we settle with the provider, you will
receive a settlement note.
We can’t set up direct payment with your health care provider if the
expenses incurred are below 200 EUR. Please settle the expenses yourself first
and submit a claim for reimbursement via the personal webpages or the mobile
app afterwards. Upon receipt of your claim, we will process it in accordance with
the conditions of the medical plan.
Please make sure to obtain a detailed invoice form the provider specifying the
separate price for each expense as well as the proof of payment and any
prescriptions including the diagnosis.
Should a claim need to be reimbursed to the account of a third party (i.e. in the
case your sending/supporting/hosting organisation or a family member has
advanced your medical bill), please submit a signed letter authorising the transfer
as attachment to your claim. This letter should be signed, dated and scanned. You
can also find a ‘Payment Authorisation Form’ on your personal webpages.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
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1.4.3 How and when will your claims be processed?
The sooner you send us your claim form, the sooner we can reimburse you!
We understand that you expect a smooth and swift reimbursement. Therefore, we aim for a quick and
hassle-free settlement of all claims.
Here’s how we process your claims:
After we receive your claim, it will be processed in the currency (EUR) and within the time limits
stipulated by your Group Medical Insurance Plan and according to the benefits set out by the
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programme. On average, it will take 7-10 business
days to process and reimburse your claim.
Your claims overview on the Cigna personal webpages or the mobile app allows you to view the
status of your claim (e.g. in progress) and whether or not actions are required by you to finalise
claims processing (e.g. upload missing information).
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 19/36
If more documentation or information is needed to process your claim, your Settlement Note
will mention this. To make sure we can reimburse you smoothly, please always include the
following documents:
o A detailed invoice with the patient’s name, the diagnosis, description of care, a breakdown
of the costs and the doctor’s stamp/signature;
o A proof of payment;
o (Copy of) referrals/prescriptions, if applicable;
o Any relevant additional reports or information regarding the treatment.
The more information we have, the quicker we can process your claim.
Hospitalisations, recurring treatments and accidents require additional documentation. You can
find a full list of documents to add to your claims on your personal webpages in the ‘My Claims’
Once we have processed your claim, we’ll reimburse the expenses into the bank account you have
indicated on your Claim form.
How do you know your claims have been settled?
You’ll always be informed when your claim has been processed so you won’t be kept guessing.
Settlement notes also called Explanation of Benefits (EOB) will be sent by email thanks to our Online
Settlements service. If your claim was not or only partially accepted our settlement note will explain
why certain costs were not reimbursed.
Guide for Erasmus+ volunteers and European Solidarity Corps participants
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2. Your Non-Medical Insurance Plan
In this section, you can find more information on the non-medical cover provided under this insurance
Even though most of your non-medical benefits are insured by Chubb, you may contact Cigna with
questions about the claiming procedures, your cover, or a specific claim you sent us. Cigna will contact
Chubb on your behalf and will get back to you directly with specific answers to your questions.
2.1 Your cover
2.1.1 Life Insurance
This insurance plan covers you 24 hours a day against the risk of death occurring during the duration of
the cover, whatever the cause.
In particular, this insurance plan covers:
Type of expense
Cover rate
Transport of bodily remains to a place chosen by the family
Real expenses
Funeral costs
Real expenses
Burial costs
Real expenses
Lump-sum payment paid out to a nominated beneficiary or
closest survivor
20,000 EUR
Travel costs of family members to the place of the event
Real expenses
2.1.2 Permanent Disability
This insurance plan covers you 24 hours a day against the risk of permanent disability - total or partial -
resulting from any event occurring during the period of insurance, even if the event that causes the
permanent disability is not linked to the voluntary activities.
Avoid unpleasant surprises. We advise you to contact Cigna via
[email protected] or + 32 3 293 11 27 to enquire about your cover before you
incur any expenses.
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Type of expense
Cover rate
(lump-sum payment)
Total or partial permanent disability, resulting from any
event occurring during the period of insurance
Total disability: 60,000 EUR
Partial disability: x% of 60,000
EUR based on the percentage
of disability (x) as established by
the insurer’s Medical Adviser
The benefit in case of permanent disability does not cover the consequences of one of the following
A voluntary or intentional offence committed by the insured, although the consequences of
attempted suicide are covered;
(Civil) war, riots, brawls, acts of terrorism in which the insured has taken an active part, although
cases of legitimate defence and assistance given to a person in danger are covered;
Nuclear fission.
2.1.3 Third Party Liability
This insurance plan covers the financial consequences of the legal liability of an insured person for
bodily injury, property damage, and consequent financial loss to a third party 24 hours a day occurring
at any time during the period insured. A maximum of 5,000,000 EUR per event applies, including the
sub-limits as stipulated in the table below.
This third party liability insurance also covers the sending/supporting, the hosting and the coordinating
organisations of the project, where they may held responsible for the insured person’s action.
Type of expense
Cover rate
Personal injury
Real expenses with a ceiling of
5,000,000 EUR
Material damage and consequential financial loss
Real expenses with a ceiling of
500,000 EUR
Damage and costs resulting from fire, explosion and
electrical damage for which the insured person is liable as
the tenant, occupant or neighbour of a building
Real expenses with a ceiling of
75,000 EUR
Legal assistance
Real expenses with a ceiling of
15,000 EUR
Real expenses with a ceiling of
5,000 EUR
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Legal deposit, bail
Real expenses with a ceiling of
50,000 EUR
Following risks are excluded from cover:
Liability covered by an insurance made compulsory by Law (as laid down by the legislation of the
country where the losses occurred). Before using a motor vehicle, make sure you check that its
insurance covers your liabilities.
Hunting, navigation, motor boats, gambling games, reckless dares;
Damage caused intentionally, due to serious negligence or under influence of alcohol or drugs;
Material damage caused through fire, explosion and electrical damage, except as indicated above;
Erroneous financial operations, embezzlement, breach of trust, etc.;
Fines or contraventions of any kind;
Participation in wagers or races;
Participation in acts of collective violence (war, strife, terrorism, strikes, riots etc.);
A product supplied by you or work done by you;
Your liability as director or agent of a legal entity;
Your negligence in managing an insured organisation.
Cover for lawsuits also exclude losses when the insured is acting as the owner, tenant or occupant of
premises, except with regard to the premises the insured occupies during his/her mobility.
2.1.4 Travel Assistance
Type of expense
Cover rate
Good to know
Visit by close family members
case of hospitalisation of an
insured person
100 EUR per day
Accommodation costs per person
per day for maximum 10 days
Earlier return in case of
emergency hospitalisation
(lasting more than 5 days) or
death of a close family member
Real expenses
Provision of a return ticket
(economy class) for the insured
person in case of death or sudden
illness and hospitalisation lasting
more than 5 days of a close
member of your family. Return
ticket (economy class) from hosting
country to country of customary
residence of origin.
Sending urgent messages
Real expenses
First or second degree family member
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Telecommunication costs
250 EUR
Loss or theft of documents or
travel ticket
Real expenses with a
maximum of 2,500
The insurance covers the loss and
theft of travel ticket and identity
documents (identity card, passport,
etc.) outside the country of origin.
Loss or theft of luggage on the
way to/back from host country
Loss or theft of luggage is only
covered on the way to/back from
host country.
Deprivation of liberty
Real expenses with a
ceiling as stipulated in
this table
The insurer compensates each
complete period of 24 hours
that an insured person is
forcibly detained while on
mobility as a consequence of
hijacking, abduction or unlawful
imprisonment at a rate of 400
EUR per day, up to a maximum
of 20,000 EUR.
The insurer also pays for
advice in case of abduction
during a mobility other than
ransom money in order to
secure the release of the
member, up to a maximum of
125,000 EUR.
Political unrest
Real expenses with a
ceiling of 50,000 EUR
The insurer will pay the costs of an
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3. Easy access to health care
In this section, you can find more information on the online information and services available to you.
Your e-membership card
The key to quick, seamless and stress-free support
Your personal webpages
Online information at your fingertips
Cigna in your pocket
Cigna Health Benefits App
Worldwide access
To health care providers and medical advice and support services
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3.1 Your e-membership card
Download your e-membership card from your personal webpages or the online app and keep it close to
hand as it’s the key to contacting Cigna. We can easily identify you by your personal reference number
mentioned on the e-card. This number gives you access to our online information and services.
If you are complementary insured, you should always present your EHIC card to your health care
provider. Your EHIC card is the key to accessing medically necessary, state-provided health care
during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland,
under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that
country. In some countries, the EHIC card will give you access to direct payment between the health
care provider and your national health insurer (at the provider’s discretion).
If you are primary insured, the Cigna ID card is the key to accessing health care. Present your Cigna
card to your health care provider in case you are hospitalised so the hospital can contact Cigna to set
up a direct payment arrangement.
You can find more information on your category of cover (complementary or primary) in section 1.2 on
pages 5-7.
Personal data
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Cigna reference number
Dedicated contact details to get in
touch with Cigna
Contact details for health care
Your card will have the notice
‘Complementary to EHIC’ if you
are complementary insured
If the data on your e-membership card are incorrect, please let us know. We want
to keep your file up-to-date.
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If the data on your e-membership card are incorrect, please let us know. We want to keep
your file up-to-date.
3.2 Your personal webpages
Access all information regarding your insurance plan anytime, anywhere.
Your e-membership card is not a proof of cover. If you need proof of insurance
before the start of your cover period (e.g. visa requirement), please contact
clientservice2@cigna.com. Our Customer Services team will then create an
individual insurance certificate.
If you need an insurance certificate during your cover period, you can download
an immediate proof of cover in your required language from your personal
webpages (under ‘My Plan’). More information on how to access your personal
webpages can be found below.
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Through your personal webpages you can:
- Download your e-membership card,
- Download an insurance certificate,
- Submit a claim through the online claiming tool,
- Review and check the status of your claims,
- Find answers to frequently asked questions, and
- View our contact details.
How to access your personal webpages?
Step 1: Go to https://www.cignahealthbenefits.com/ and click on Plan members.
Step 2: Fill in your personal reference number which can be found on your e-membership card or in
your welcome email and follow the guidelines on the screen.
3.3 Cigna in your pocket
With the Cigna Health Benefits mobile app you have quick and easy access to Cigna’s services;
wherever you are, anytime and anywhere, right from your smartphone.
Through the Cigna Health Benefits app you have access to the following features:
- Location-based provider search (see also section 3.4 on pages 28-29);
- Submit claims for reimbursement of medical expenses through photoclaiming (no need to
scan your invoice or supporting documents);
- Review and check the status of your claims;
- View our contact details.
You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store for iOS and from
Google Play™ for Android.
Your personal webpages will not be active until the start date of your cover.
You should treat the log-in details to your personal webpages confidentially. In
order to prevent fraud, you should never share your log-in details.
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Last update: January 2020 28/36
3.4 Worldwide access
In this section, you can find out how to find a health care provider near you.
3.4.1 If you’re complementary insured
If you’re a complementary insured plan member, we advise you to visit a health care provider who
will accept your EHIC card. You can find a list of these providers here (select your home/hosting
country at the top of the page for detailed information). In some countries, the EHIC card will give you
access to direct payment between the health care provider and your national health insurer (at the
provider’s discretion).
If you decide to visit a provider outside of the EHIC network instead (e.g. a private health care provider),
or you incur expenses not covered by EHIC in your host country, you should advance the expenses
and submit a claim for refund with your national system in your home country. If the national system
covers only part or none of the costs incurred (as indicated on a Settlement Note/Explanation of Benefits
(EOB)/Payment Slip of the national health insurance provider), Cigna will ensure 100% reimbursement
of the eligible expenses.
3.4.2 If you’re primary insured
If you’re a primary insured plan member, you can use the Provider Search on your personal webpages
or the mobile app to look up a provider that is in Cigna’s worldwide network. Depending on your need,
you can search providers by name, location, type of facility and/or specialty. You can also check with
whom we have a direct payment agreement.
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Should your expenses exceed 200 EUR, Cigna will try to arrange direct payment with your health care
provider. In this case, please have the health care provider contact us for a Guarantee of payment so
you don’t have to advance your expenses.
If you want to visit an out-of-network provider or can’t find your preferred provider in our list, contact
us and we’ll try to make the necessary arrangements.
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4. Contact Details
Wherever you are, help is not far away. Call us or send us an email and we’ll do our best to answer your
question as soon as possible. Please note that the average turn-around time to answer an email is 4
business days depending on the complexity of your question.
In case your question is urgent, we advise you to call us: + 32 3 293 11 27. You can also call us and
ask to be called back by Cigna. We are available 24/7, every day of the year.
You can find our contact details below, as well as on your Cigna personal webpages or on your e-
membership card.
4.1 Evacuation Assistance
In case of an emergency requiring a medical evacuation, use the following contact details. When calling
the Evacuation Assistance (VHD), please make sure to mention policy number BEBBBY01626.
Phone + 31 10 289 41 93 (available 24/7)
4.2 Affiliations
Use the contact details below for questions about affiliations, insurance certificates and to communicate
changes of personal data.
Phone + 32 3 393 10 94
Fax + 32 3 235 01 24
Email clientservice2@cigna.com
Postal address Cigna - P.O. Box 69 - 2140 Antwerpen - BELGIUM
4.3 My claims, cover and procedures
Use these contact details for questions about the claiming and direct payment procedures, your cover,
or a specific claim you sent us.
When you contact us by phone, please make sure you have the following details
ready: your full name, date of birth and Cigna personal reference number.
When you contact us by email, please make sure that the subject line of your
message mentions your Cigna personal reference number to ensure a timely
response. A representative will deal with your query or provide you with a status
update within 4 business days.
If you provide your supporting/hosting organisation with Cigna’s contact details and
your Cigna personal reference number, they will be able to contact us on your
behalf in case of an emergency.
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4.3.1 Medical Claims Centre
Use the contact details for questions about your cover, Prior Approvals, a specific medical claim you
sent or about the claiming and direct payment procedures.
Phone + 32 3 293 11 27
Fax + 32 3 663 28 57
Email erasm[email protected]
Postal address Cigna - P.O. Box 69 - 2140 Antwerpen BELGIUM
4.3.2 Non-Medical Claims Centre
Use the contact details to send a claim or any question related to the Life, Disability, Third Party
Liability and Travel Assistance insurance.
Phone + 32 3 293 11 27
Fax + 32 3 235 01 24
Postal address Cigna - P.O. Box 69 - 2140 Antwerpen BELGIUM
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5. FAQ
5.1 What to do when your project or individual mobility is cancelled for any reason?
In case your mobility is cancelled, please request your sending/supporting organisation to contact us as
soon as possible by sending an email with the actual date of your return to home country to
5.2 How can I get an insurance certificate for a visa application?
If you need proof of insurance before the start of your cover period (e.g. visa requirement), please
contact clientserv[email protected]. Our Customer Services team will then create an individual insurance
If you need an insurance certificate during your cover period, you can download immediate proof of
cover in your required language from your personal webpages (under ‘My Plan’). More information on
how to access your personal webpages can be found in section 3.2 on pages 26-27.
5.3 When am I covered?
Your cover is active 24/7 from the day you leave home to the host country, until the end of the second
month after the termination of the mobility. This includes any travel from and to the hosting country and
any in-country travel linked to the mobility.
5.4 Where am I covered?
You enjoy worldwide cover during both private and project-related activities. However, a distinction is
made between the cover in your home and hosting country and other countries worldwide:
Home and hosting country: you’re covered for all medical treatment based on the plan
specifications, be it planned or unplanned (i.e. emergency treatment).
Other countries: you’re covered for unplanned (i.e. emergency treatment) only.
Please find below examples of planned and unplanned treatment:
Example unplanned treatment: a participant with Turkey as home country and France as hosting country
is on vacation in Spain and breaks his leg during a walk. In this case, all medical treatment in Spain is
covered given that it concerns an unplanned/emergency treatment.
Example excluded planned treatment: the same participant is diagnosed with cancer while residing in
France. He opts to be treated in the United States and travels there to receive treatment. The medical
treatment is not covered, since it concerns a planned treatment outside of the home/hosting country.
5.5 Where do I find more information on Cigna’s health care provider network?
You’re free to visit your healthcare provider of choice. If you visit one of the providers within Cigna’s
network of more than 10,000 hospitals, doctors and specialists worldwide, you might be able to benefit
from direct payment agreements and discounts negotiated by Cigna.
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You can search for an in-network provider by country/city or by speciality through the Provider Search
tool on your personal webpages. This provider search tool is also available on the Cigna Health Benefits
app, which is available to download for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android.
5.6 What should I do in case of a medical emergency requiring evacuation?
In case appropriate medical care can’t be administered at the location of illness/accident, you can be
evacuated to another location or to your home country. In case of a medical emergency requiring
evacuation assistance, please call our evacuation assistance provider VHD via +31 10 289 41 93
(mention policy no. BEBBBY01626).
Complementary insured members are advised to search for a health care provider
that accepts their EHIC card to possibly benefit from direct payment. You can
consult a list of health care providers who accept the EHIC here (select your
home/hosting country at the top of the page for detailed information).
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6. Your checklist before you leave for your mobility
Are you eligible for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?
Your medical history
- If you are eligible, have you applied and received your EHIC? Do not forget to take it with
- If you are not eligible, please contact clientservice2@cigna.com with the request to
change your category from complementary to primary. You may need to reach to your
national health insurer to obtain a written communication stating why you are not eligible
and submit it with Cigna.
- If you are not sure about your entitlements to EHIC or in case of doubts, you may contact
your sending/supporting organisation to assist you in this process.
- Did you know that each EU country has at least one National Contact Point who can
inform you on whether or not you are entitled to reimbursement for a specific treatment
under EHIC and whether or not a ceiling may apply? It could be useful to enquire about
this before you incur any expenses.
You can also find more information on this topic in section 1.2 on pages 5-7.
Pre-existing medical conditions are not excluded from cover under this insurance plan.
However, we do advise you to contact us before you leave on your mobility so that we can
make the necessary arrangements. This way, Cigna’s Medical Board can give the necessary
advice regarding the cover of your permanent/ongoing medical treatment or medication and
you don’t have to worry about it during your mobility.
You may also bring along a soft copy of the important medical documents (such as a referral,
prescription or a medical report) regarding your condition for which you may need ad hoc
medical treatment or medicines abroad. These documents can be requested for review by
Cigna’s Medical Board in light of a Prior Approval procedure if need be.
Examples of pre-existing conditions: ongoing orthodontic treatment, diabetes, rheumatism, etc.
If you wear glasses and you break or lose them or they get stolen during your mobility, you’ll
be asked to include a prescription from your ophthalmologist in your home country with your
You can find more information on your medical cover in section 1.3 on pages 8-14.
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7. Best practices to keep in mind
Don’t leave your home country without a valid EHIC card if you’re eligible for one. If you have
questions about your personal insurance status, reach out to your sending/supporting Organisation
or your national health insurance / national system at the enrolment stage.
Check your e-membership card to review what type of cover (primary/complementary) is granted
to you under your Cigna insurance plan. If you’re complementary insured, your e-card will mention
this in the top right corner of the card. You can also find the information on your category of cover
in your Cigna Welcome Email. If you’re not eligible for a free of charge EHIC card, you can request
to change your category from complementary to primary by following the instructions as explained
in section 1.2 on page 7.
If you’re complementary insured, we advise you to visit a health care provider that accepts your
EHIC card. You can find a list of these providers here (select your home/hosting country at the top
of the page for detailed information). Your EHIC card gives you access to free or subsidised medical
care offered in your host country. In some countries, the EHIC card will give you access to direct
payment between the health care provider and your national health insurer (at the provider’s
If you’re complementary insured, claim your medical expenses with your primary insurance or
national system first.
Before incurring high medical expenses, check if they’re covered under your insurance plan and
whether they are subject to Prior Approval (see section 1.3 on pages 8-14). Should you still have
questions or doubts after consulting the available information in this Guide, you can contact us for
confirmation on your cover via erasm[email protected]m.
Get a second opinion whenever a surgery or other expensive treatment is prescribed.
Know what’s covered under your insurance plan and who to contact, so you’re well-informed
in case of emergency.
If you interrupt your mobility prematurely or there’s a change in the start or end date of your
mobility, please ask your sending organisation to contact Cigna via clientservice2@cigna.com as
soon as possible.
When you contact Cigna by email, please make sure that the subject line of your message mentions
your Cigna personal reference number (424/xxxxx) to ensure a timely response. A representative
will deal with your query or provide you with a status update within 4 business days.
On average, it will take 7-10 business days to process your claim.
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8. Terms used in this brochure
Short description
Day surgery
Surgery performed on an in-and-out, same-day basis without an
overnight stay.
Direct payment
By using this service you only need to pay your own share of the cost.
The part covered by the plan is directly billed to us by your health care
E-membership card
This is the personal e-card available upon affiliation. It contains all our
contact details and your personal information. You’ll need this e-card
when receiving medical care or when contacting us.
If you are complementary insured, you should always present the EHIC
card when receiving medical care.
Generic drug
A drug that contains the same ingredients and provides the same
therapeutic benefits as an equivalent, higher-cost brand-name drug.
Generic drugs become available when brand-name drug patents expire.
Guarantee of Payment
A letter of guarantee issued by us indicating the plan member’s eligibility,
cover and reimbursement rate per type of cost.
Health care provider
We established a worldwide quality network of several thousands of
health care providers (doctors, physicians, pharmacies, hospitals, etc).
This network is continuously being monitored, kept up-to-date and
adapted to your needs. We have direct payment and preferential tariff
agreements with all providers in our network.
If you’re complementary insured, you’re advised to check whether your
health care provider accepts EHIC first.
Inpatient care or
Treatment given on an inpatient basis, where the date of admission
differs from the date of discharge.
Online settlements
This secure online service shows an overview of all settlement
information, including reimbursement and payment details.
Out-of-pocket expenses are the portion of the bill that is not covered by
your medical plan.
Outpatient treatment
Treatment given on an outpatient basis, where the date of admission is
the same as the date of discharge.
Personal webpages
We created personal webpages for you which you can access anywhere
in the world and at any time via https://www.cignahealthbenefits.com/. On
these personal webpages you can find all information regarding your
cover and also access our online services.
Reasonable &
Customary (R&C)
Reasonable and Customary refers to the prevailing pattern of charges for
professional and other health services in the country where the service is
provided. Fees for treatments, procedures or services which may be
considered to be excessive compared to prevailing fee levels will be
reimbursed up to the reasonable and customary level.
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Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute.
Last update: January 2020 37/36
Responsible publisher: Cigna International Health Services BVBA • Plantin en Moretuslei 299 • 2140 Antwerpen Belgium •
RPR Antwerpen • VAT BE 0414 783 183
‘Cigna’ refers to Cigna Corporation and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Cigna International and Cigna Global Health Benefits
refer to these subsidiaries and affiliates. Products and services are provided by these subsidiaries, affiliates and other
contracted companies and not by Cigna Corporation. ‘Cigna’ is a registered service mark.
This material is provided for informational purposes only. It is believed accurate as of the date of publication and is subject to
change. Such material should not be relied upon as legal, medical, or tax advice. As always, we recommend that you consult
with your independent legal, medical, and/or tax advisors. Products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions and
are expressly excluded where prohibited by applicable law.
Copyright 2020 Cigna Corporation
The following companies provide the insurance cover in Europe:
Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V., registered in Belgium with limited liability, Avenue de Cortenbergh 52,
1000 Brussels, Belgium. Insurance company authorised in Belgium under licence number 938.
Cigna Europe Insurance Company SA-NV., registered in Belgium with limited liability, Avenue de Cortenbergh 52, 1000
Brussels, Belgium. Insurance company authorised in Belgium under licence number 2176.
Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe SA-NV and Cigna Europe Insurance Company SA-NV., are subject to the
prudential supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels (Belgium) and to
the supervision of the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels