The University of the State of New York
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 — 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., only
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Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [2]
1 Studying fossils provides evidence for evolution
because fossils
(1) take a long time to form
(2) can show patterns of biological change over
(3) always contain complete DNA sequences
(4) found in the same area are usually closely
related to each other
2 Which statement best describes the interactions
between the structures found within a single-
celled organism?
(1) They allow the organism to maintain
(2) They prevent homeostasis from damaging
the cell.
(3) They must act independently of each other
and prevent homeostasis.
(4) They carry out the same life process in order
to maintain homeostasis.
3 Sexually reproduced offspring have traits similar
to their parents because they receive
(1) all of the proteins from each parent
(2) some of the proteins from both parents
(3) all of the genes present in both parents
(4) some of the genes present in each parent
4 Which row in the chart below correctly pairs a
group of organisms with the type of nutrition
they carry out?
(1) carnivores herbivores
(2) decomposers carnivores
(3) herbivores producers
(4) producers decomposers
5 Rubber usually comes from petroleum or from
the Asian rubber tree plant. Scientists have
modifi ed a single trait in the domestic plant,
guayule, to increase its ability to produce rubber
for commercial use. Young guayule plants are
shown in the photograph below.
The process that was most likely used to
modify the plants’ trait and increase their
natural rubber production was
(1) selective breeding of two similar plant
(2) genetic recombination during sexual
(3) genetic engineering to alter a specifi c gene
(4) fertilizing the plants with key substances
found in petroleum
6 A response of a normally functioning immune
system that can be harmful is
(1) being infected by the fl u virus
(2) rejecting an organ transplant
(3) recognizing chemical signals
(4) fi ghting off a bacterial infection
Part A
Answer all questions in this part. [
Directions (1–30): For each statement or question, record on the separate answer sheet the number of the
word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [3] [OVER]
7 Which molecules are normally found in
single-celled organisms?
(1) organic molecules, only
(2) inorganic molecules, only
(3) both organic and inorganic molecules
(4) neither organic nor inorganic molecules
8 Hammerhead sharks are unlike most other shark
species. Nearly all shark species either lay eggs
or give birth to live young after their eggs hatch
internally. Hammerhead sharks form a placenta,
a structure more commonly found in mammals,
such as humans. One role of the placenta in the
development of offspring is normally to
(1) produce blood cells (3) produce gametes
(2) provide milk (4) transfer nutrients
9 PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction, is a method
for carrying out DNA replication. In order to
perform this technique, a scientist would need
(1) a DNA template, ATP, and 20 different
amino acid subunits
(2) enzymes, several types of simple sugars, and
starch molecules
(3) a DNA template, enzymes, and subunits with
A, G, T, and C bases
(4) enzymes, specifi c receptor molecules, and
several hormones
10 A student used a microscope to examine some
cells. He observed strands located in the nuclei
of these cells.
These strands are responsible for coding
different proteins and are known as
(1) chromosomes (3) ribosomes
(2) mitochondria (4) chloroplasts
11 Farmers have been planting crops that express
an insecticide gene, so that when pests consume
these crops, the pests are poisoned. Unfortunately,
since these plants were introduced in 1996,
growing numbers of insect pests have developed
resistance to the insecticide. The process that led
to the insect resistance can best be explained by
(1) ecological succession
(2) selective breeding
(3) asexual reproduction
(4) natural selection
12 Killer whales are an endangered species. The
decline in the whales’ numbers has been linked
to poor nutrition, resulting in the inability to
maintain a pregnancy. This risk to developing
whale embryos is most likely a result of
(1) an environmental factor not associated with
the embryo’s genes
(2) an infection caused by the embryo’s exposure
to a pathogen
(3) faults in the genes of the embryo itself
(4) toxins that are introduced into the mother
from the embryo’s blood
13 A biotechnology tool, known as CRISPR-Cas9,
allows scientists to precisely edit genes. In order
to edit genes, CRISPR-Cas9 must be able to
(1) alter the base sequence of DNA
(2) prevent cells from differentiating
(3) block cell receptors from receiving signals
(4) change the rate at which a cell uses ATP
14 By measuring the colors of light refl ected by
different tree species in a forest, scientists can
determine the amount of biodiversity present
in different areas. Maintaining biodiversity is
important because it
(1) reduces the carrying capacity of a forest
(2) guarantees that all species within a forest
ecosystem will survive
(3) increases the number of predators that
control the population size of prey
(4) ensures the availability of a variety of genetic
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [4]
15 The cells in the diagram below were present in
the same individual.
These cells are most similar in the
(1) amount of energy they release
(2) type of proteins they synthesize
(3) rate of their metabolism
(4) information stored in their DNA
16 Large numbers of white-tailed deer on Long
Island are infested with ticks that transmit Lyme
disease to other mammals. One attempt to control
reproduction in these ticks has been the release
of large numbers of sterilized male ticks. When
compared to using pesticides, this method to
control ticks would
(1) cause more environmental pollution
(2) lead to a decrease in the deer population
(3) be less likely to harm the environment
(4) result in an increase in the tick population
17 The model below summarizes one pathway of
energy transfer in an ocean ecosystem.
The type of organism represented by box X could
(1) algae (3) small sh
(2) fungi (4) sea birds
18 Which sequence best represents the correct
order of events in the formation of a sexually
reproduced individual?
(1) embryo zygote gamete fetus
(2) zygote embryo fetus gamete
(3) gametes embryo fetus zygote
(4) gametes zygote embryo fetus
19 Direct harvesting occurs when
(1) pine trees are cut from a forest for use as
(2) corn is planted in a newly plowed fi eld
(3) zebra mussels are accidentally imported to
the Great Lakes
(4) roots of plants continually take in water
20 In New York State, it is common for farmers to
plant large fi elds of one crop, such as the cornfi eld
shown below.
Source: https://www.123rf.
A negative outcome of this practice is that
(1) the corn will interbreed with weeds in the
(2) new predators will be introduced into the
(3) the stability of the ecosystem will be reduced
(4) new species of insect-resistant corn will
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [5] [OVER]
21 The process of differentiation is best described
as the
(1) production of a genetically identical copy of
an organism
(2) change in shape of a protein due to high
(3) process by which cells specialize and develop
into a specifi c type of cell
(4) process in which genes are made and
transferred into other organisms
22 Humans are able to positively or negatively
affect their environment in many ways. Which
statement accurately describes one of these
possible effects?
(1) A positive environmental effect is that burn-
ing fossil fuels to generate electricity reduces
carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
(2) A positive environmental effect is the
cutting of trees in rain forests to provide
large quantities of lumber to build homes
for the increasing world population.
(3) A negative environmental effect is that
industrialization provides many jobs and
helps the economy grow.
(4) A negative environmental effect is that
unregulated fi shing in the ocean can
disrupt the interactions between organisms
in existing food webs.
23 Which statement best describes the process of
(1) It may be for abiotic or biotic resources.
(2) It is not affected by changes in the
(3) It always occurs between members of
different species.
(4) It allows nutrients in an ecosystem to move
from herbivores to autotrophs.
24 Changes in external temperatures often result
in a person either sweating or shivering, as
represented in the diagram below.
Source: Adapted from http://askabiologist.
These responses are one way
(1) to counteract feedback mechanisms that
would otherwise be benefi cial
(2) to make the body release insulin to control
blood circulation
(3) the body is able to maintain dynamic
(4) skin and muscle cells are able to disrupt
25 Which statement about the response of the body
to pathogens is correct?
(1) Red blood cells engulf invaders and produce
antibodies that attack invaders.
(2) Vaccinations may contain weakened microbes
that stimulate the formation of antibodies.
(3) AIDS is a bacterial disease that strengthens
the immune system.
(4) All allergic reactions are caused by an
immune response to microorganisms.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [6]
26 Blood sugar levels increase after a meal and eventually return to normal. This is represented in the diagram
Level of
Blood Sugar
After a
Time After a Meal
This constant correcting of blood sugar levels within the body is accomplished by
(1) a feedback mechanism (3) an allergic reaction
(2) an immune response (4) manipulating a gene
27 Sheets of skin are grown in a culture in order to replace the skin of victims with severe burns or frostbite.
Undamaged skin cells are obtained from the victim, put in a Petri dish with the proper growth materials, and
incubated, as represented in the diagram below.
Skin tissue
Skin cells
isolated and
added to
growth material
Petri dish Petri dish
These new skin cells form as a result of
(1) meiotic cell division (3) mitotic cell division
(2) sexual reproduction (4) gene recombination
28 Which graph below best represents the relationship between the relative number of nuclei, genes, and
chromosomes in a typical human cell?
( 1 )
Number in Cell
( 2 )
( 3 )
( 4 )
Number in Cell
Number in Cell
Number in Cell
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [7] [OVER]
29 The diagram below represents a biological process.
plants and
Source: Adapted from
Which statement is true about the biological process shown?
(1) This is a short-term process resulting from sudden changes.
(2) This process cannot be altered by humans and other organisms.
(3) If the hardwood trees are destroyed, the altered ecosystem cannot recover.
(4) The shrubs modify the environment, making it more suitable for the softwood trees.
30 Cells may divide abnormally and produce cells like some of those shown in the photograph below.
Source: 2018
When cells such as the skin cells shown reproduce abnormally, it could be a sign of
(1) an immune response (3) cancerous cell growth
(2) dynamic equilibrium (4) a cellular adaptation
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [8]
Base your answers to questions 31 and 32 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.
Eukaryotic Cells
(animal and plant cells)
Light Microscope
Source: Adapted from
Electron Microscope
Sizes of Various Structures and Ways to View Them
31 Only an electron microscope can be used to view
(1) bacteria (3) animal cells
(2) mitochondria (4) viruses
32 A scientist is developing a system to remove harmful bacteria from a contaminated water supply. In order to
trap the bacteria and prevent them from going through the fi lter, she must make sure the pores in the fi lter
are no larger than
(1) 1 nm (3) 10 µm
(2) 1 µm (4) 100 µm
Part B–1
Answer all questions in this part. [
Directions (31–43): For each statement or question, record on the separate answer sheet the number of the
word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [9] [OVER]
33 For native human populations in tropical areas,
the intensity of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the
Sun is strong, and skin color is generally dark.
Melanin pigments found in people with darker
skin color help block the effects of the UV
radiation on skin cells.
In tropical areas, the best explanation for having
increased melanin in human skin cells is that it
(1) increases the occurrence of mutations
(2) provides a survival advantage
(3) acts as a feedback mechanism to increase UV
(4) produces antibodies that destroy pathogens
34 Smoking increases the risk of certain cancers of
the mouth, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys, and
uterus. This fi nding would be most reliable if it
were based on
(1) data collected from patients in one cancer-
research hospital
(2) research done by scientists in many different
(3) reading the information on cigarette cartons
(4) cancer information published on social
media sites
35 Which diagram below best represents the
direction that energy fl ows through an energy
( 3 )( 1 )
( 2 )
( 4 )
36 An evolutionary tree is shown below.
Which conclusion is correct, based on the
evolutionary tree?
(1) All of these species have certain DNA
sequences in common.
(2) Species S is the best adapted of all the
species shown.
(3) A common ancestor of species L and M is
species N.
(4) Species O and P are more closely related
than species P and Q.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [10]
Base your answers to questions 37 and 38 on the information and photographs below and on your knowledge
of biology.
An arctic fox has a gland in its brain that secretes a hormone that regulates the production
of melanin, a pigment that accounts for brown fur. In the winter, the foxes secrete more of
this hormone and their cells stop making melanin, so they appear white. The pictures below
illustrate two variations of fur color.
37 Which two rows best support the information provided?
A winter increased melanin white fur
B summer increased melanin brown fur
C winter decreased melanin white fur
D summer decreased melanin brown fur
(1) A and B (3) C and D
(2) B and C (4) D and A
38 Which statement is the most likely explanation for the color differences in the fur of the fox at different times
of the year?
(1) Mutations can be caused by changes in the number of biotic factors in the environment.
(2) The expression of genes can be modifi ed by the external environment.
(3) Hereditary information is contained in genes located in the chromosomes of each cell.
(4) Random changes in DNA can occur to change the expression of a gene.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [11] [OVER]
Base your answer to question 39 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Fighting the Flu
A new technique to attack fl u virus antigens is being tested on mice. Normally, antibodies
attack the “head” portion of antigens on the surface of the fl u virus.
Since the “head” portions mutate frequently, the antibodies do not provide protection
for very long. The new technique is to develop antibodies that attack the “stem” portion
of the antigen. Since the “stem” regions do not mutate very often, the effectiveness of the
vaccine should last longer. This technique is represented below.
Source: Adapted from“A Universal Flu Shot May Be Nearing Reality”/October 28,2017.
Traditional Approach “Headless” Approach
Can attach
39 Which statement describes an observation that would best support the continued study of using antibodies
produced by this new technique against the fl u?
(1) A group of 50 mice with fl u antibodies formed using the new technique were exposed to mutated forms
of the fl u. None of the mice became ill.
(2) The use of these antibodies in mice stopped mutations that occur in fl u viruses.
(3) Chemical tests showed that the stem antibodies attached to the heads of some fl u viruses and destroyed
(4) Blood tests showed that only “stem” antibodies attacking the stem of fl u antigens can cause the fl u in
mice. Those attacking the “head” did not.
40 Scientists have discovered that pathogenic organisms and the chemicals they produce can cause
foodborne illnesses. These illnesses harm the body as a result of interactions between the digestive and
immune systems.
Which statement most correctly describes how these two systems interact when an individual comes down
with a foodborne illness?
(1) Chemicals produced by pathogens enter the immune system through a cut in the skin. The circulatory
system carries the chemical to the digestive system, resulting in foodborne illness.
(2) When specifi c chemicals produced by pathogens enter the digestive system in contaminated foods, the
ability of the immune system to fi ght off foodborne illness is reduced.
(3) When foods contaminated with pathogens are eaten, the immune system prevents the pathogens from
entering the digestive system.
(4) The digestive system breaks down the pathogens in the contaminated foods so that they are harmless.
These harmless pathogens are then transferred to the immune system.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [12]
Base your answers to questions 41 and 42 on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of
A live plant was placed in a closed container in a lab. Sensors were set up to monitor the
levels of oxygen in the container over several hours.
Time (hours)
Relative Concentration
of Oxygen
41 At which hour were the lights turned on in the lab?
(1) 8 (3) 0
(2) 2 (4) 4
42 During the 8 hours studied, the plant performed
(1) photosynthesis, only (3) both photosynthesis and respiration
(2) respiration, only (4) neither photosynthesis nor respiration
43 Human cells have many molecules attached to their surfaces. Some of these molecules are involved in
producing the symptoms associated with allergies. Histamine is a chemical produced by some human cells.
When histamine binds to molecules on the surface of cells that line the nose and throat, the cells will swell
and leak fl uid, causing the characteristic itching, sneezing, and congestion associated with allergies. A model
of this mechanism is represented below.
Throat cell
Fluid release
Antihistamines are medications taken to block this reaction. Which of the antihistamine molecules
represented below would be the most effective?
( 3 ) ( 4 )( 1 ) ( 2 )
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [13] [OVER]
Base your answers to questions 44 through 48 on the information and data table below and on your
knowledge of biology.
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus (WNV) has been detected in a variety of bird species. Crows and jays are
known to get sick and die when infected. WNV also infects other animals, including horses,
cats, dogs, chipmunks, alligators, and humans.
WNV affects the nervous system. It was fi rst detected in the U.S. in New York City
during the summer of 1999, when nearly 5500 crows died within a four-month period. Since
then, WNV has spread rapidly throughout the country. Although the virus is widespread,
symptoms in humans are usually mild. However, about 1 in 150 people who are infected
develop severe, sometimes fatal, symptoms that include the infl ammation of the brain and
membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. There is no human vaccine for WNV.
The virus is transmitted to certain bird species when they are bitten by infected mosquitoes.
When these bird species are not available, mosquitoes are more likely to bite humans.
Humans are a dead-end host, which means that even when infected with the virus, it is not
passed on.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recorded the number of cases
of WNV per 100,000 people in the U.S. from 2002-2014. These data are recorded in the
table below.
Incidence of West Nile Virus in the
U.S. per 100,000 People
Year Cases per 100,000 People
2002 1.02
2004 0.39
2006 0.50
2008 0.23
2010 0.20
2012 0.91
2014 0.42
Part B –2
Answer all questions in this part. [
Directions (44–55): For those questions that are multiple choice, record on the separate answer sheet
the number of the choice that, of those given, best completes each statement or answers each question. For all
other questions in this part, follow the directions given and record your answers in the spaces provided in this
examination booklet.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [14]
Directions (44–45): Using the information in the data table, construct a line graph on the grid provided,
following the directions below.
44 Mark an appropriate scale, without any breaks in the data, on each labeled axis. [
45 Plot the data for the incidence of West Nile virus in the U.S. per 100,000 people. Connect the points and
surround each point with a small circle. [
Cases per 100,000 People
Incidence of West Nile Virus
in the U.S. per 100,000 People
46 Based on the data, is it possible to predict what the number of cases per 100,000 people will be for the
year 2020? Support your answer with data from the graph. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [15] [OVER]
Note: The answer to question 47 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
47 The two maps below show the number of human cases of West Nile virus per 100,000 people for the years
2007 and 2016.
West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence
Reported to ArboNET, by State, United States
0.01 - 0.24
0.25 - 0.49
per 100,000
0.50 - 0.99
> = 1.00
State-Map_2016 _09292017.pdf
The data represented on the maps best indicate that
(1) birds have spread WNV to every state in the United States
(2) New York State has the highest rate of WNV infection for both of the years shown
(3) once WNV reaches a state, the number of people infected increases every year
(4) for any given year, it is diffi cult to know which states will have the greatest number of cases
48 Explain why some people may be more severely affected by West Nile virus than others. [1]
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [16]
Base your answers to questions 49 through 51 on the food web below and on your knowledge of biology.
Note: The answer to question 49 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
49 Based on the food web, the population that contains the greatest amount of available energy would be
(1) seals (3) phytoplankton
(2) fi shes (4) humans
Note: The answer to question 50 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
50 Which statement best describes what would happen in this ecosystem if the phytoplankton were removed
from the food web?
(1) Copepods and krill would fi ll the vacant niche.
(2) The number of heterotrophs would increase.
(3) The food web would be disrupted, and organisms would die.
(4) The food web would remain stable.
51 Describe the relationship represented by the arrows between squids and fi shes. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [17] [OVER]
Base your answer to question 52 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Scientists are interested in studying the effects of a mother’s alcohol consumption on the
brain development of the fetus during pregnancy. In order to collect data, scientists typically
use newborn rats because the rats’ brain development after birth is roughly equivalent to that
of a human fetus during the third trimester (late in pregnancy). Scientists divided newborn
rats into four groups and exposed them to alcohol using the following methods:
Alcohol Exposure in Newborn Rats
Rat Group Alcohol Exposure
1 No alcohol exposure
2 4.5g/kg/day given over a 4-hour period
3 4.5g/kg/day given over an 8-hour period
4 6.6g/kg/day given over a 24-hour period
At the end of the experiment, scientists measured the total brain weight of the newborn
rats, as represented in the graphs below.
Newborn Rats Exposed to Alcohol
Source: Adapted from
Peak Blood Alcohol
Concentration (mg dL)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
A. Peak Blood Alcohol Concentrations
for Alcohol-exposed Newborn Rats
Newborn Rats Exposed to Alcohol
Total Brain Weight (mg)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
B. Total Brain Weight for Alcohol-exposed
Newborn Rats
52 State the relationship between peak blood alcohol concentration and total brain weight for alcohol-exposed
newborn rats. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [18]
Base your answers to questions 53 and 54 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.
The diagram represents a food web in a forest ecosystem.
Source: Adapted from The American Biology Teacher
vol.78, No.7, September 2016, p.577
53 A student claims that this food web represents a stable ecosystem. State whether or not her claim is correct.
Support your answer. [
54 Select two organisms from this food web that compete with each other for food, and state one reason why
they are able to survive in the same ecosystem. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [19] [OVER]
55 In the cell below, identify both the number and name of the structure in the cell that produces proteins. [1]
Number of structure:
Name of structure:
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [20]
Base your answer to question 56–57 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Fragile X Syndrome
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder associated with a mutation in a gene located
on a particular human chromosome called the X chromosome. The disorder results in a
critical protein, FMR1, not being produced. The normal FMR1 protein helps regulate the
production of other proteins that play a role in the development of nerve cells. The situation
is summarized below:
Normal X chromosome normal FMR1 protein produced nerve cell development is regulated
Abnormal fragile X chromosome no FMR1 protein produced nerve cell development is unregulated
56–57 Explain how the mutation in the fragile X chromosome affects the body. In your answer, be sure to:
state one specifi c reason why the mutated gene on the fragile X chromosome is unable to produce the
FMR1 protein. [
explain why children with fragile X syndrome would often have learning disabilities, including speech
and language problems and intellectual disabilities. [
Part C
Answer all questions in this part. [
Directions (56–72): Record your answers in the spaces provided in this examination booklet.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [21] [OVER]
Base your answers to questions 58 and 59 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
The chart shows the reproductive characteristics of three species living in an area that has recently
undergone a major environmental change.
Method of
Frequency of
Average Number of
Offspring Produced
Each Time
A Asexual Every two days 2
B Sexual Every two years 4
C Sexual Every year 20
58 Explain why species C might have a greater chance of avoiding extinction in the changed environment than
species B. Support your answer. [
59 State one possible reason why species A could be the most successful in surviving an environmental change.
Support your answer. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [22]
Base your answers to questions 60 through 63 on the passage below and on your knowledge of biology.
Plastic Bags Everywhere!
As of 2016, Americans used approximately 100 billion plastic bags annually. An average
family brought home about 1500 plastic bags a year. Less than 1% of those bags were
returned for recycling. Therefore, most of the bags ended up in landfi lls, where it takes
anywhere from months to hundreds of years for them to be broken down. These growing
landfi lls are destroying natural habitats. Many of the bags also make their way into oceans
where, if mistaken for food, they can cause animals to choke or starve to death.
A group of researchers in Europe discovered that wax moth caterpillars could break the
chemical bonds in polyethylene, a polymer used to produce plastic bags and other products.
Though the scientists don’t know the exact chemical that the caterpillar is using to break
down the plastic, they predict it is an enzyme. Once they isolate the chemical, scientists may
be able to mass-produce the chemical in order to break down the plastic bags accumulating
in the environment.
60 State one negative effect the overuse of plastic bags is having on the environment. [1]
61 Explain why the researchers suspect it is an enzyme that is enabling wax moth caterpillars to break down the
plastic bags. [
62 Explain why using the chemical produced by the caterpillars to break down plastic bags could be considered
an ecologically friendly solution to the problem. [
63 Suggest a plan of action, that could be carried out in your local community, which would be a step toward
solving the plastic bag problem. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [23] [OVER]
Base your answers to questions 64 and 65 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Plants Clean Up Mining Wastes
The mining of certain metal ores, such as copper and lead, can result in the contamination
of soils. Wastes from the mining process can be toxic to plants and animals in the area. It
has been discovered that some species of grass are able to grow in these contaminated areas.
These grass plants can actually remove some of the toxic wastes from the soil and accumulate
them in their tissues.
Growing these resistant grass plants in contaminated soil, then harvesting them to
remove the toxic wastes from the environment, has been suggested as a possible way to
clean up these areas.
64 Describe one positive and one negative outcome of mining metal ores. [1]
65 Explain why importing grasses to clean up mining wastes in areas where those grasses do not normally grow
could lead to unexpected environmental problems. [
66 Today, many diseases have been linked to mutations that cause mitochondria to fail. Patients who suffer from
mitochondrial diseases may suffer from fatigue and weakness. Explain why patients with a mitochondrial
disease would tend to experience these symptoms. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [24]
Base your answers to questions 67 through 70 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Lessening Snow Cover Affects Survival of Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe hares are found in the northern evergreen forests of the United States.
The physical characteristics of the hares enable them to hunt for food and hide from their
predators during the cold, snow-covered winters. They have large, snowshoe-shaped feet
and thick fur. A change in fur color during an annual molt (shedding) occurs before the
winter season, causing white fur to replace the brown fur of summer.
The amount of snow cover in these northern forests has decreased in recent years.
Research has shown that this decrease has had a signifi cant effect on the snowshoe hare
population, even though the carrying capacity of the forests has not changed. Researchers
have estimated that for every seven days that snow covers the ground, the snowshoe hare
populations are four times more likely to survive.
Since the molt from brown fur to white fur is a response to the decreasing hours of
daylight in the fall and not the arrival of snow, the later the snow arrives, the greater the
chance that the white hares will be caught by their predators.
The snowshoe hare plays a major role in the stability of these forest ecosystems. Their loss
would affect other species such as lynx and great horned owls. If the amount of snow cover
continues to decrease, researchers are concerned that it will be harder for the snowshoe hare
to survive in their current habitats.
Snowshoe Hare
Source: Science News, April 30, 2016
67 Explain how snow cover affects the population of the snowshoe hare. [1]
68 Identify the environmental factor that stimulates the fur color of the hare to change from brown
to white. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [25] [OVER]
69 Identify a specifi c environmental issue that is most likely to affect snowshoe hare populations in northern
ecosystems. Support your answer. [
70 Graph A below, based on 1985 data, represents the time of the year when the fur color of
the snowshoe hares in the northern Rockies does not match the color of their surroundings.
The bold line on each graph indicates the period of time that snow covers the ground. The shaded area in
the graphs represents this mismatch of color. Graphs B and C show future projections.
9/17 10/7 10/2711/16 12/6 3/16 4/5 5/15 6/4 6/244/25
Color Mismatch of Snowshoe Hare
to Its Environment
Source: Adapted from L.Scot Mills,et al.PNAS(2013).DOI:
Percent of White Snowshoe Hares
Identify one change in the characteristics of the snowshoe hares in this ecosystem that would most likely be
selected for if the trend shown in graphs B and C proves to be true. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [26]
Base your answers to questions 71 and 72 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
Tropical worker ant (Cephalotes atratus)
Source: The American Naturalist, 2008,
171:4, 536-544
Swollen red
Roundworm Parasite Causes Tropical Ant to Look Like a Berry
Scientists have discovered a parasitic roundworm that makes its ant host look like a juicy,
red, ripe berry. Worker ants collect materials from the soil to feed the larval ants. Often, the
soil also contains roundworm eggs that are consumed by the ant larvae.
The roundworms develop from the eggs within the ant larvae, mate, and produce
hundreds of roundworms. As the roundworms develop, they cause increased reddening of
the developing ant’s abdomen and take nutrients from the ant. Just as a fruit reaches peak
color when its seeds are ready for dispersal, the infected ant’s abdomen reaches peak redness
as the roundworm eggs mature.
Birds don’t normally eat the foul-tasting ants, but are thought to eat the ants infected
with roundworms since they look like red berries. The roundworm eggs move through the
bird’s digestive system unaffected and pass to the soil in the bird’s feces.
71 State one reason this roundworm is considered a parasite to this species of tropical ant. [1]
72 Describe one advantage the roundworm has by having birds involved in part of its life cycle. [1]
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [27] [OVER]
Base your answers to questions 73 and 74 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
The photograph shows two birds on a bird feeder.
Studies have shown that the length of beaks within a songbird population may be
infl uenced by the presence of bird feeders. When bird feeders were widely used in one area,
birds were observed to have longer beaks. In an area where bird feeders were not used, the
beaks of these species were of average length.
Note: The answer to question 73 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
73 One possible reason for the increase in beak length is that birds with longer beaks
(1) were less likely to have offspring with long beaks
(2) had a more successful adaptation for survival in the area
(3) needed to reach the seed within the bird feeder, so their beaks grew longer
(4) had more competition than other birds at the bird feeders
Note: The answer to question 74 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
74 The presence of bird feeders in an area would represent a
(1) selecting agent (3) source of mutation
(2) feedback mechanism (4) biological catalyst
Part D
Answer all questions in this part. [
Directions (73–85): For those questions that are multiple choice, record on the separate answer sheet the
number of the choice that, of those given, best completes each statement or answers each question. For all
other questions in this part, follow the directions given and record your answers in the spaces provided in this
examination booklet.
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [28]
Base your answers to questions 75 through 77 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
The Elephant Shrew
The elephant shrew spends its days searching the leaf litter on the forest fl oor for insect
prey. When fi rst discovered, due to structural similarities, the elephant shrew was classifi ed
with other shrews and their relatives. However, scientists recently reclassifi ed the elephant
shrew, as shown in the evolutionary tree below:
All other
rabbits &
relatives Tenrecs
moles Aardvarks
shrews Manatees Hyraxes Elephants Marsupials
Source: Adapted from
Note: The answer to question 75 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
75 The new, more accepted classifi cation of the elephant shrew is most probably based on an analysis of
(1) the coloration of the elephant shrew’s fur
(2) the feeding habits of the elephant shrew compared to other shrews
(3) a number of newly found shrew fossils
(4) the DNA present in the cells of the elephant shrews
Note: The answer to question 76 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
76 According to the new evolutionary tree, elephant shrews are most closely related to
(1) manatees and hyraxes
(2) shrews and their relatives
(3) tenrecs, golden moles, and aardvarks
(4) primates, rodents, rabbits, and relatives
77 The elephant shrew is at risk for extinction because its habitat is very limited. The elephant shrew can only
be found in two forest locations within the country of Tanzania. Even though these locations are protected,
they could be harmed by fi res and human activity. Explain why it is important to continue to protect the
habitat in which the elephant shrew is found. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [29] [OVER]
Base your answers to questions 78 and 79 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
A student hypothesized that the pulse rates of his classmates would increase after walking.
The student then obtained pulse rates from fi ve classmates after they walked for 15 minutes.
The data, in beats per minute, were recorded as: 78, 68, 84, 88, and 90.
78 Identify the dependent variable in this investigation. [1]
79 Identify one error in the experimental procedure. [1]
80 Draw a line on the graph provided that shows the relationship between exercise and oxygen consumption.
Support your answer. [
Oxygen Consumption
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [30]
Base your answers to questions 81 and 82 on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
A student prepared two potato cubes by cutting 2 cm x 2 cm sections from the same
potato. Next, she determined the mass of each of the cubes and recorded the information in
her lab notebook.
She then placed one cube in a beaker of distilled water and the other in a beaker with
an equal volume of concentrated salt solution. After 20 minutes, she removed both of them
from the beakers and again determined the mass of each cube.
Note: The answer to question 81 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
81 Which statement correctly describes the effect on the mass of one of the cubes after the 20-minute period?
(1) In distilled water, the mass of the potato cube increased due to salt leaving the cells of the potato.
(2) In distilled water, the mass of the potato cube increased due to water moving into the cells from high
concentration to low concentration.
(3) In the concentrated salt solution, the mass of the potato cube increased due to salt moving into the cells
from low concentration to high concentration.
(4) In the concentrated salt solution, the mass of the potato cube remained the same due to the cell wall
preventing the movement of molecules into or out of the cells.
Note: The answer to question 82 should be recorded on your separate answer sheet.
82 The student placed a thin slice of potato in a drop of water on a glass slide. She added a coverslip and a
drop of indicator. Using a compound light microscope, she examined the slide of potato and made the
drawing below.
The blue-black-stained structures labeled in her drawing are most likely
(1) chloroplasts (3) ribosomes
(2) starch grains (4) sugar molecules
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [31]
Base your answers to questions 83 through 85 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.
Tests were performed to help identify the person who committed a crime. Lane D
contained DNA from evidence found at the crime scene. Lanes A, B, and C contained DNA
from each of the three suspects.
83 Identify the technique used to obtain the results seen in the diagram. [1]
84 Based on the data, which lane most likely contained DNA from the suspect who committed the crime?
Support your answer. [
85 Identify the lane that contained the band with the shortest fragments of DNA. Support your answer. [
Living Environment–Aug. ’22 [32]
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