Federal Acquisition Service
OASIS Reporting in CPRM
Prices Paid Data & Invoice Upload Template
Kayla Daly
Program Analyst, Business Operations
February 2022
Office of Professional Services
& Human Capital Categories
To access slides:
Industry Guidance and Resources,
OASIS homepage
Under CPRM +
What is Prices Paid Data (PPD)?
Reporting actual invoiced labor rates
Prices Paid are the actual invoiced labor rates paid by federal agencies on awarded task/delivery
orders for Time & Materials (T&M) and Labor Hour (LH) contract line items (CLINs).
Required by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Best-In-Class (BIC) contracts
Supports greater acquisition transparency
Data is shared government-wide with acquisition professionals
Conduct realistic price analysis & negotiations
Develop independent government cost estimates (IGCE)
Aid in benchmarking competitive pricing
GSA collects PPD for OASIS from the invoices reported in CPRM
Why do I need to report PPD?
OASIS Contract
Section G- Contract Administration Data
G.3.2.3 Invoice Data
The Contractor shall report invoice data from each paid or remitted invoice within 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting quarter, including the
invoice data on task orders issued through the GSA AAS Business System Portal. (Note: Whatever method the Contractor chooses (e.g., “each paid” or
“remitted”) the Contractor must be consistent in their reporting method throughout the term of the OASIS Contract).
If no Invoice Data was received during a required reporting period for a specific task order, the Contractor shall report in the “Zero Invoice Data” screen
located in the CPRM system for that part Unrestricted OASIS Pool 6 31
Regardless of contract type, the Contractor shall report the following into the CPRM:
1. OASIS MA-IDIQ Contract Number
2. Task Order Award Number (NOT the Solicitation Number)
3. Contractor Invoice Number
4. Date Invoice Paid
5. *Amount of Invoice that was Labor
6. Amount of Invoice that was Other Direct Costs (if identified as separate CLIN(s) in the task order)
7. Amount of Invoice that was Travel (if identified as a separate CLIN in the task order)
*For T&M or L-H type task orders, the Contractor shall report Labor Categories, Number of Hours, and Fully Loaded Labor
Rates for each invoice by Contract Line Item Number (CLIN)
Time & Materials/Labor Hour
One line item for each different labor category AND labor rate
For each line, report labor category, fully loaded labor rates, number of hours invoiced
Codes in CPRM may differ from those in your actual OASIS contract
Choose a category type that is descriptive of the work, include more detail in the
Example T&M/LH Invoice
Entering a T&M/LH Invoice in CPRM
Labor categories
> Type dropdown
Fully loaded labor rates
> Price field
Number of hours invoiced
> Quantity field
>Unit dropdown
Use the line item table to report your invoice line items, at least 1 row per
CLIN. The CAF line is provided on every invoice by default.
Click the ‘Add Line Item’ button to add new line items. Click ‘Submit’ to save
changes, once submitted, you can return at any time to edit an invoice.
Firm Fixed Price (FFP)
Firm Fixed Price Example
Do not include PPD on Firm Fixed Price type task orders, to avoid reporting proprietary data
Bundle the labor with a Type of “Fixed Price
Separate out the ODCs, CAF, Travel, Materials, etc
Cost Plus (CPFF, CPIF, CPAF)
Do not include PPD on Cost Plus type task orders, to avoid reporting proprietary data
Bundle the labor with a Type of “Cost”
Separate out the ODCs, CAF, Travel, Materials, and Award/Fixed/Incentive Fee line
Cost Plus Example
A note about hybrid or mixed type orders:
Predominant contract type is listed on the Order Data Page
Report each CLIN according to its type
Include a comment on the invoice that it is a mixed type or hybrid type order
Summary of Codes for CPRM Invoices
Invoice Upload Template
Excel template formatted to upload directly into CPRM
This template can be used to upload a single invoice or multiple invoices.
“Set it and forget it” - for T&M/LH orders, enter labor categories/rates once and update
with actual amounts for each new invoice
Download the ‘CPRM Invoice Upload Template’ from the OASIS Industry Guidance and
Resources page, under “Contract Payment Reporting Module
Step 1: Format the template
1. Download the ‘CPRM Invoice Upload Template’ from
Industry Guidance and Resources
2. Read the Instructions tab
3. Follow the examples on the “gsa_gwac_upload” tab
4. For each line item, you’ll enter:
5. Delete the sample rows from the top of the
“gsa_gwac_upload” tab and the other tabs
6. Save your document as a Microsoft Excel version
97-2003 workbook under filename of your choice
Step 2: Upload the template
From the Invoice Data dropdown, select
Upload Multiple Invoices (Upload Package)
1. Navigate to the Invoice Data Package
Upload page in CPRM.
2. Click ‘Choose File, select your
document, and click ‘Upload’.
3. Verify that the invoices uploaded
correctly (to the right task orders).
Upload Errors
Common errors include:
- extra spaces after value
- mis-keyed line type code
- blank cells
- misspellings
CPRM will notify
you if invoices failed
to upload properly.
Clicking the
hyperlinked invoice
number opens a
detailed description
of errors at the line
item level.
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