Farm Service Agency
Washington, DC 20250
For: State and County Offices
Emergency Relief Program (ERP) 2022 Track 2 Crop Insurance or
NAP Coverage Certification Reviews
Approved by: Acting Deputy Administrator, Farm Programs
1 Overview
A Background
The ERP statute (Pub. L. 117-328) specifically requires that assistance for insured or NAP
covered losses cannot exceed 90 percent of the loss and assistance for uninsured losses
cannot exceed 70 percent of the loss.
To comply with this statutory requirement, producers applying for ERP 2022 Track 2 must
certify if all acreage of all eligible crops were covered by Federal crop insurance or NAP.
This certification is required to determine the applicable ERP factor used in the Track 2
payment calculation. The producer’s benchmark year revenue is multiplied by the ERP
factor of 90 percent if all acres of all eligible crops were covered by Federal crop insurance
or NAP, or 70 percent if not all acres of all eligible crops were covered by Federal crop
insurance or NAP.
Note: The reason a crop or acres are not covered or coverable does not impact how the
question should be answered. An ERP factor of 90 percent is only applicable if all
acreage of all eligible crops were covered by Federal crop insurance or NAP.
B Purpose
This notice:
provides clarification of the insurance and NAP coverage certification policy
requires COC review on all Track 2 applications where a producer certified that all
acreage of all eligible crops were covered by crop insurance or NAP, including
applications that have already been acted upon and paid
provides instructions for requesting supporting documentation and completing required
COC reviews.
Disposal Date
June 1, 2025
State Offices; State Offices relay to County Offices
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Notice ERP-24
Notice ERP-24
2 Crop Insurance or NAP Coverage Certification
A Policy
Producers must certify on FSA-524 if all acreage of all eligible crops (including crops grown,
prevented from being planted, and in storage or inventory in the disaster year) were covered
by crop insurance or NAP for the purpose of determining the applicable ERP factor.
For crops in storage, producers may certify that the crops were covered by crop insurance or
NAP only if all acres of the crop were insured at the time the crop was grown.
Example: A grain bin may contain corn for both the 2021 and 2022 crop years. To be
considered insured, all the corn must have been insured in the 2021 and 2022
growing seasons. See 5-ERP, subparagraph 105 D.
If all acreage of eligible crops were not insured or covered by NAP, regardless of the reason,
producers must certify “No” on FSA-524, item 16.
B Required COC Reviews
COC is required to review ERP 2022 Track 2 applications where the producer checked
“Yes” on FSA-524, item 16, certifying that all acreage of all eligible crops were covered by
crop insurance or NAP.
This requirement is retroactive to ensure all FSA-524’s are reviewed for accuracy.
Note: The Complete Data Report shows all applications where a producer indicated Yes, in
item 16 and can be used by County Offices to identify applications that need to be
C Completing COC Reviews
Since the FSA-524 does not identify the specific crops from which the producer’s revenue was
generated, it may be difficult for COC to verify the certification of insured or NAP-covered
crops. COC may use a producer’s FSA-578, if on file, and other program documents to assist
in completing the review.
If documentation is not on file or does not substantiate the certification, COC will request
supporting documentation from the producer according to 5-ERP, subparagraph 146 A.
Documentation to support the certification may include:
crop insurance and NAP summary of coverage
crop insurance acreage report
Comprehensive Information Management System (CIMS) data.
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Notice ERP-24
2 Crop Insurance or NAP Coverage Certification (Continued)
C Completing COC Reviews (Continued)
If a producer does not provide documentation or the documentation does not support the
producer’s certification, COCs will adjust the certification according to 5-ERP,
subparagraph 146 D.
Note: COC actions must be thoroughly documented in the minutes.
D Processing Applications
Since June 10, 2024, approvals, payments, and reprocessing from the Common Payment
Reports have been temporarily disabled in the ERP 2022 software. Although these functions
are currently unavailable, COC reviews will still be conducted.
County Offices will not make any adjustments in the ERP 2022 software as a result of the
COC review until these functions are available. County Offices will document all ERP 2022
applications requiring changes on a manual list, which will be utilized for processing the
corrections once software is available.
State and County Offices will be subsequently notified once software is available and
changes can be processed.
3 Action
A State Office Action
State Offices will:
ensure that County Offices are aware of and follow the provisions of this notice
contact Melonie Sullivan at [email protected] with the Safety Net Division with
questions about this notice.
B County Office Action
County Offices will:
follow the provisions of this notice
contact their State Office with questions about this notice.
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