REV-415 (SU) 01-23
General Information
Online Customer
Service Center . . . . . . . . . .
Customer Experience Center 717-787-1064
Toll-Free Automated
Service for Account Status . . . . . . 1-888-PATAXES (728-2937)
Services for Those with Special
Speaking and/or Hearing Needs . . . (TT Only) 1-800-447-3020
For district office locations
and information please visit . . . . . . . . . .
Electronic Filing
Internet Filing – myPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Telephone Filing – TeleFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-748-8299
e-Business Tax Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-783-6277
Forms Ordering
Forms mentioned in this booklet are available at or from our 24-hour Forms Ordering
Message Service by calling 1-800-362-2050.
Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . .
Employer Withholding Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Taxable Compensation Not Subject to Withholding . . . . . . . . 4
Employee Fringe Benefits
and Welfare Benefit Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Business Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Collection of Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Calculation of Withholding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Payment of Taxes Withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Electronic Filing: Returns and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Withholding Statements (W-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
General Information and Specifications: W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
General Information and Specifications: 1099 . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Amended Returns and Annual
Withholding Reconciliation Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Interest and Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Overpayments and Refunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Quick Reference Guide for Payroll Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Brochures & Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Pennsylvania law requires the withholding of Pennsylvania per-
sonal income tax from compensation of resident employees for
services performed within or outside Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania personal income tax must also be withheld from
compensation of nonresident employees for services per-
formed within Pennsylvania, unless a nonresident lives in a
state with which Pennsylvania has a reciprocal tax agreement
(see Reciprocal Tax Agreements on Page 10 for details).
This guide is designed to help employers recognize and fulfill
these requirements.
Definition of Employer and Employee
An employer is any individual, partnership, association, corpo-
ration, government body or other entity required under the
Internal Revenue Code to withhold federal income tax from
wages paid to an employee. If the person for whom an individ-
ual performs or performed services does not have control of the
payment of the wages for such services, the person having
control of the payment of such wages is also an employer.
An employee is an individual from whose wages an employer is
required to withhold federal income tax.
How to Register
Register for Employer Withholding online by visiting Registering online allows business owners to
withhold employer taxes with the Pennsylvania Department of
Revenue and open Unemployment Compensation accounts
administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor &
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
Employers are required to provide their federal employer iden-
tification numbers (FEINs), to the Pennsylvania Department of
Revenue. Employers that did not provide an FEIN to the depart-
ment upon registration must provide this number as soon as it
is available from the federal government by registering for
myPATH at and updating account information.
PA compensation includes salaries, wages, commissions and
every other item of receipt related to employment – whether
received directly, through an agent, in cash, in property or oth-
erwise – unless specifically excluded (see Exclusions from
Compensation, Page 2). Compensation includes, but is not
limited to:
Current, deferred or prepaid remuneration for services;
Remuneration for refraining from services; and
Amounts paid as a result of:
(A) Initiation, modification, rescission or breach of an
employment contract;
(B) Unlawful practice with respect to terms, conditions or
privileges of employment; or
(C) Unlawful discharge; failure or refusal to hire; or depri-
vation of employment opportunities.
Employee compensation is not limited to remuneration received
for positive action, remuneration that is contractually enforce-
able or remuneration paid directly by the employer. Thus,
employee compensation can include, but is not limited to:
Tips and other amounts over which the employer does not
have control, receipt, custody or payment;
A bonus or sum in excess of salary given to a professional
athlete for signing with a team;
Payments to current and former employees for a covenant
not to compete; and
Back or front pay for a period of time during which an indi-
vidual was wrongfully separated from a job, and front pay
paid in lieu of reinstatement.
Compensation can encompass many forms of remuneration,
including, but not limited to:
Bonuses and incentive payments, whether based on profits
or otherwise;
Stock options;
Tips; and
Similar remuneration received for services rendered by an
individual, whether directly or through an agent, and
whether in cash or in property.
Compensation paid in any medium other than cash is valued at
its fair market value. Some examples of mediums other than
cash include:
Foreign currency;
Checks or other negotiable instruments;
Freely transferable readily marketable obligations or other
cash equivalents;
Property interests;
Below-market-rate loans; and
Discharge of liabilities.
Exclusions from Compensation
Certain payments are not compensation, such as:
1. Damages (whether by suit or otherwise) for personal injuries
or sickness and payments made under workers’ compensa-
tion acts, occupational disease acts or similar legislation for
injuries received while working;
2. Group term insurance policies purchased for employees, so
long as the employer’s program is not discriminatory (unlike
the Internal Revenue Code, Pennsylvania does not have a
$50,000 threshold above which life insurance coverage
becomes taxable as compensation);
3. Prizes and awards, unless the winner is required to render
any substantial services as a condition to receiving the prize
or award;
4. Scholarships;
5. Fellowships and stipends deemed nontaxable; and
6. An employee’s personal use of employer-provided property
or of employer-provided services (See Employee Fringe
Benefits and Welfare Benefit Programs, Page 4).
Record-Keeping for Over-Collections
To comply with regulatory requirements, an employer must
maintain records for each and every payroll period and employ-
ee of how much, if any, of the tax that was deducted or collected
during the payroll period, was deducted or collected in addition
to the tax required to be deducted and withheld during the pay-
roll period for the payroll period. The records must provide a
breakdown for each of the following:
Amounts deducted pursuant to a written agreement under
61 PA Code § 113.3(b);
Amounts deducted pursuant to 61 PA Code § 113.7(2) for an
under-collection in another “withholding period”;
Amounts deducted in error; and
Over-collections repaid to employees for which the employ-
er has obtained a written receipt from the employee showing
the date and amount of repayment.
These records must be retained until the payroll period is
processed by the department.
Record-Keeping for Under-Collections
To comply with regulatory requirements, an employer must
maintain records for each and every payroll period and employ-
ee of each of the following:
How much, if any, of the tax required to be deducted during
the payroll period for the payroll period was not deducted
during the payroll period; and
How much, if any, of the tax required to be deducted during
the payroll period for the payroll period was deducted during
a subsequent payroll period.
These records must be retained until the payroll period is
processed by the department.
Other Record-Keeping Requirements
All nonwithholding applications, including an employee's state-
ment of non-residence in Pennsylvania and authorization to
withhold other states' income tax must be retained until the pay-
roll period is audited by the department.
Withholding of Pennsylvania personal income tax is not
required for remuneration paid to:
1. Agricultural workers and foreign agricultural workers on H-
2A visas whose renumeration is not subject to federal Social
Security tax (FICA) withholding. (However, an H-2A worker
may request that a payor withhold Pennsylvania Personal
Income tax from his compensation. If the payor agrees to
withhold, the payor becomes subject to all employer with-
holding rules and regulations. 61 Pa. Code § 113.3(b).);
2. Duly ordained, commissioned or licensed ministers of a
church in the exercise of their ministry; members of a reli-
gious order in the exercise of their ministry; and members of
a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such
order, only when the ministers’ and members’ compensation
is not subject to withholding for federal income tax
3. Domestic servants in a private home, local college club or
local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority;
4. Casual employees for services performed that are not in the
normal course of the employer’s trade or business (federal
limitations of less than $50 and at least 24 days on the job
per quarter apply);
5. Employees of foreign governments or international organi-
zations who are citizens or residents of the U.S.;
6. Non-resident alien employees who are Pennsylvania resi-
dents for tax purposes, but who perform services outside
the U.S.;
7. Newspaper carriers and news vendors under age 18 and
others who are statutory employees for federal employment
tax purposes; and
8. Seamen engaged in interstate or international trade, and
nonresident individuals engaged in interstate transportation
activities such as railroad crews, airplane crews or truck or
bus drivers, to the extent pay is exempt from withholding
under federal law.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Payments received as consideration for terminating employ-
ment before reaching normal retirement age or refraining from
the performance of services also constitute taxable compensa-
tion. Such payments are subject to withholding if the payor is an
employer required to withhold federal income tax from the
wages or compensation paid to the employee during the
taxable year.
Employee fringe benefit programs, such as pensions, profit-
sharing and stock bonus plans and simplified employee plans
(SEP) are established by employers to provide additional com-
pensation to participating employees upon or after separation
from service, the completion of a fixed period of participation,
the lapse of a fixed number of years, or a showing of financial
Employee welfare benefit programs are established by employ-
ers to provide benefits to employees or their beneficiaries, such
as child care facilities; life, accident or health insurance cover-
age; legal services; medical benefits; supplemental unemploy-
ment compensation (SUB); tuition reductions; disability bene-
fits, strike benefits and dismissal pay.
Nontaxable Benefits
In general, payments made by employers for employee welfare
benefit plans that provide medical, dental or vision care for their
employees are not considered taxable compensation for
Pennsylvania purposes. Further, supplemental unemployment
compensation benefits and most group-term life insurance pre-
mium payments should not be included in compensation. Other
payments not subject to withholding include the following:
Amounts received for the permanent loss or loss of use of a
part or function of the body, or permanent disfigurement;
Amounts calculated with reference to the nature of a sick-
ness or injury and without regard to the period the employee
is absent from work;
Amounts (other than regular wages or sick leave pay), cal-
culated with regard to the period the employee is absent
from work due to sickness or disability; and
Amounts paid to the beneficiaries or estate of an employee
who died.
The personal use of an employer’s property (leased or owned)
or a service provided by the employer is not considered taxable
compensation. Nontaxable items include the personal use of a
company car, accounting services or childcare provided – not
reimbursed – by the employer.
Generally, an employer provides a service or property when the
company assumes the financial responsibility for the liability or
payment. In other words, the expense is billed to the company,
and the company is responsible for the payments. For example,
a company seeking to provide transportation as a nontaxable
benefit for its employees could use a company van to transport
them. The benefit becomes taxable when the company reim-
burses employees for bus fare to commute or provides a
transportation allowance.
Federally excludable no-additional cost services, qualified
employee discounts, working condition fringe benefits or
qualified transportation fringe benefits are not considered
taxable so long as the employee does not have the choice
between cash and the benefit, or the employee does not reduce
his/her salary in order to receive the benefit. For example, a
program under which an employee is furnished parking
facilities, use of company grounds, picnic areas or a workout
facility, at no reduction in the employee’s salary and where the
employee is not reimbursed for the benefit, provides benefits
not considered compensation, and thus, not subject to
Taxable Benefits
Non-cash benefits, which are reportable as compensation
under Internal Revenue Service rules, are generally taxable for
Pennsylvania personal income tax purposes and are therefore
subject to withholding. Taxable benefits include, but are not lim-
ited to:
Payments made by the employer to help employees with
adoption expenses;
Payments made by the employer to help employees with
additional medical or dental expenses not covered by med-
ical insurance, unless allowable as an ordinary, reasonable,
and necessary business expense (medical expenses paid
under a qualifying self-insured medical reimbursement
account such as a medical savings account, are not taxable);
Life insurance payments made by the employer on
employees’ dependents;
Amounts paid by the employer for non-job related educational
assistance provided to employees or their dependents;
Amounts paid to employees in lieu of using vacation days;
Payments by employers into pension plans, 401(k) plans or
other retirement plans made pursuant to the employee’s
election, by salary reduction agreement or through periodic
payroll deductions, are taxable to employees and should be
included in Pennsylvania gross wages on their W-2 forms.
Employer Contributions
Contributions by an employer to employee deferred payment
programs and welfare benefit programs on behalf of such
employees generally are excludable from the employee’s
income to the extent the contributions constitute reasonable
compensation for services and are not subject to withholding.
Pennsylvania tax law makes no distinction between stockholder
employees or officers and other employees.
Pennsylvania tax law regarding simplified employee plans
(SEP) differs from federal law. For Pennsylvania income tax
purposes, employer contributions to a SEP are excludable from
the compensation of an employee and are not subject to with-
holding. For federal income tax purposes, an employer contri-
bution to a SEP must be included in gross income and then
deducted by the employee.
Reimbursement for Expenses
All reimbursements and allowances paid to employees are
compensation unless:
The expenses reimbursed are allowable business expenses;
Employees are required to and do account for these
expenses to the employer; and
The employer reimbursed its employee in the exact amount
of the allowable business expense.
Further, a fixed mileage allowance or per diem living expense
allowance that does not exceed applicable federal limits is not
reportable compensation, and therefore is not subject to
Allowable Business Expenses
To be an allowable business expense, the expense must be
ordinary, actual, reasonable and necessary. This means the
expense must be:
Customary and accepted in the industry or occupation in
which the employee works;
Directly related to the taxpayer’s present occupation, as
opposed to an occupation he plans to enter in the future;
Reasonable in amount (not excessive); and
Necessary to enable the employee to perform properly the
duties of employment.
Expense Reimbursements
The following expense reimbursements are compensation sub-
ject to withholding:
Personal, living or family expenses;
Dues to fraternal organizations, professional societies,
chambers of commerce and recreational clubs;
Dues and subscription costs to publications, even when the
publications are related to your trade or profession;
Political candidate or campaign contributions;
Charitable contributions;
Commuting expenses;
Cost of meals while working late, unless while traveling
overnight away from home;
Occupational privilege taxes or assessments and other
local, county, state, federal and foreign taxes;
Childcare or elder care expenses;
Life, disability and health insurance premiums;
Contributions to deferred compensation plans and other
pension plans;
Legal fees (except to recover back wages), fines, penalties
and bad debts;
Bribes, kickbacks and other illegal payments;
Job hunting or other employment pursuit expenses;
Malpractice insurance premiums, except when required by
law or by the employer as a condition of employment;
Moving expenses for selling or purchasing a house; break-
ing a lease; house hunting; securing temporary lodging prior
to moving; seeking new employment; moving for your own
convenience; relocating to a new job or workplace less than
35 miles farther than your old commute from home to work;
or moving anywhere other than within or into Pennsylvania;
Educational expenses except when required by law or by
the employer; and
Capital expenditures.
Vouchered Reimbursements
The following vouchered reimbursements are not compensa-
tion and are not subject to withholding.
1. Union dues, assessments and initiation fees if:
a. Such payments are a condition of continued member-
ship in the union, and membership is related directly to
the employee’s present job; or
b. Such payments are required to be deducted from regular
wages under an agency shop agreement.
2. The cost incurred by an employee to purchase and maintain
uniforms or work clothing to protect the employee from
bodily injury if they are both:
a. Of a type specifically required by the employer as a con-
dition of employment; and
b. Not adaptable to general usage.
3. Expenditures for required small expendable tools and sup-
plies not furnished by an employer.
4. Trade, professional or occupational licenses or fees
required as a condition of employment (including malprac-
tice insurance and fidelity bond premiums where required by
law or employer).
5. Expenses for travel, meals and lodging on business trips;
transportation expenses (but not commuting); and business
expenses incurred by outside salesmen.
6. Office or work area expenses if:
a. The duties of employment require a suitable work area;
b. A suitable work area is not provided by the employer;
c. The work area used constitutes a principal place of work;
d. The work area is used regularly and exclusively to
perform the duties of employment.
7. Expenses paid or incurred by an employee for moving
him/herself, the immediate family, household goods and
personal effects, provided the transfer is in the interest of
and benefits the present employer, and is from one perma-
nent duty station to another.
8. Education expenses only if:
a. The education specifically is required by law or by the
employer to retain an established employment status or
rate of compensation; and
b. The education is not part of a program for a new occu-
pation, trade or business, even if the employee does not
intend to enter that new occupation, trade or business.
Education costs voluntarily paid or incurred merely to
maintain or improve skills are not allowable business
9. Business gifts.
Tax is to be withheld as employees are paid, even on supple-
mental compensation not paid daily, weekly, semi-weekly, semi-
monthly, monthly or quarterly. An employer is not permitted to
deduct from the compensation of an employee just from the last
payment for a deposit period; rather the employer is to withhold
from each paycheck issued.
Instructions for Withholding From Resident
1. When a Pennsylvania resident performs services in
Pennsylvania, the employer must withhold Pennsylvania
personal income tax from the employee’s compensation.
Where the employer is subject to Pennsylvania withholding
requirements and a Pennsylvania resident is rendering ser-
vices as the employer’s employee entirely in another state,
the employer must withhold on the entire compensation paid
to the employee, unless the other state has an income tax
and the employer is withholding the other state’s tax.
2. When a Pennsylvania resident is performing services partly
within and partly outside the commonwealth, one of the fol-
lowing provisions applies:
If the other state has an income tax and the employer is
withholding such tax, the employer also must withhold
Pennsylvania income tax on compensation for services
rendered within the commonwealth. Compensation
attributable to services within the commonwealth is a
proportion of the total compensation, determined by
dividing the number of working days in Pennsylvania by
the total number of working days, then multiplying the
result by total compensation.
# of PA Working Days
Compensation Total # of Working Days Compensation
If the other state does not have an income tax, the
employer must withhold Pennsylvania income tax on all
compensation paid to the employee.
3. The commonwealth imposes tax on earnings of traveling
salespersons or other employees whose compensation
depends directly on the volume of business transacted by
them within the commonwealth. The amount of compensa-
tion subject to Pennsylvania withholding is determined by
dividing Pennsylvania sales volume by total sales volume,
then multiplying the result by total compensation.
$ Volume in PA
Compensation $ Total Volume Compensation
Instructions for Withholding
From Nonresident Employees
1. When nonresidents perform services in Pennsylvania, their
employers must withhold Pennsylvania income tax from
their compensation, except when reciprocal tax agreements
apply (see below).
2. When nonresidents perform services partly within and partly
outside the commonwealth, only compensation for services
performed within the commonwealth is subject to
Pennsylvania withholding. To determine Pennsylvania com-
pensation, use the formulas detailed above, Instructions for
Withholding from Resident Employees.
Employers must withhold on all compensation paid to nonresi-
dents who work within and outside of Pennsylvania, unless the
employer maintains adequate records to accurately determine
the amount of compensation from Pennsylvania sources.
The employer may determine the portion of compensation allo-
cable to Pennsylvania on the basis of the preceding year’s
experience, on the basis of an estimate for the preceding year’s
experience or on the basis of an estimate for the current year
made by the employee or his employer. The employer shall
make any necessary adjustment during the year to assure the
proper amount is withheld for the year.
Reciprocal Tax Agreements
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has reciprocal tax agree-
ments with Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia and
West Virginia. These agreements provide that:
1. If a Pennsylvania resident employee receives compensation
for services performed in one of these six states, the
employer in that state withholds the Pennsylvania personal
income tax from compensation received and remits that tax
to Pennsylvania.
2. If a nonresident employee from one of these states receives
compensation for services performed within Pennsylvania,
no withholding of Pennsylvania personal income tax is
required provided an Employee’s Nonwithholding
Application Certificate (REV-419) is filed by the nonresident
employee with the Pennsylvania employer. The
Pennsylvania employer withholds the income tax of the
state in which the nonresident employee resides and pays
the tax to that state.
Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
The Military Spouses Residency Relief Act (MSRRA), permits a
service member’s nonmilitary spouse to retain status as an out-
of-state resident and source any nonmilitary compensation to
the state of residence under the following circumstances:
The service member must be in Pennsylvania in compliance
with military orders.
The service member’s spouse must be in Pennsylvania
solely to be with his/her spouse.
The service member’s spouse must have the same domicile
(legal residence) as the service member.
Compensation on other income earned in Pennsylvania for ser-
vices rendered by a service member’s nonmilitary spouse is not
taxable by Pennsylvania, when:
The nonmilitary spouse and service member have the same
out-of-state domicile;
The spouse is in Pennsylvania solely to be with the service
member; and
The service member is in Pennsylvania complying with
military orders.
However, a nonmilitary spouse’s other income from
Pennsylvania sources is subject to Pennsylvania personal
income tax to the extent it is earned, received or acquired from
sources within the commonwealth as follows:
By reason of ownership or disposition of an interest in real
or tangible personal property in Pennsylvania;
In connection with a trade or business in Pennsylvania,
except to the extent the trade or business receives income
for services performed by the MSRRA-qualifying service
member’s spouse; and/or
From intangible personal property employed in a trade, pro-
fession, occupation or business carried on in Pennsylvania.
The nonmilitary spouse of a service member whose
wages/salary is exempt from Pennsylvania personal income tax
under MSRRA should file a Pennsylvania form REV-419 with
his/her Pennsylvania employer, claiming exemption from
Pennsylvania income tax withholding.
For each payroll period, an employer must calculate the tax to
be withheld from an employee’s compensation by multiplying
such compensation subject to withholding by the current per-
centage rate, 3.07%, which can be found by visiting the
department’s Online Customer Service Center at A payroll period is a period for which a
payment of compensation ordinarily is made to an employee by
his employer, and payroll periods may be daily, weekly, semi-
weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or
annually. If an employee receives supplemental or other com-
pensation, an employer must determine the tax to withhold by
adding the supplemental or other compensation for the current
payroll period and multiplying this amount by the withholding
Every employer must pay the tax required to be deducted and
withheld for each quarter to the department on a quarterly,
monthly, semi-monthly or semi-weekly basis. The payment fre-
quency is determined as follows:
1. Quarterly: If the aggregate amount required to be deducted
and withheld for each quarterly period reasonably can be
expected to be less than $300, the employer must remit the
tax quarterly on or before the last day of April, July, October
and January for the four quarters ending the last day of
March, June, September and December.
2. Monthly: If the aggregate amount required to be deducted
and withheld for each quarterly period reasonably can be
expected to be $300 or more, but less than $1,000, the
employer must remit the tax monthly on or before the 15th
day of the succeeding month for January to November and
on or before Jan. 31 for the month of December.
3. Semi-monthly: If the aggregate amount required to be
deducted and withheld for any quarterly period reasonably
can be expected to be $1,000 or more, but less than $5,000,
the employer must remit the tax semi-monthly within three
banking days after the close of each semi-monthly period.
The semi-monthly periods end on the 15th and last days of
each month.
4. Semi-weekly: Where the aggregate total amount required to
be deducted and withheld for each quarterly period reason-
ably can be expected to be $5,000 or more per quarter or
$20,000 or more per calendar year, the employer must remit
the tax semi-weekly based on the instructions below.
When the employer’s payroll date is Wednesday, Thursday
or Friday, the remittance is due on the following Wednesday
after that payday. When the employer’s payroll date is a
Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, the remittance is
due the following Friday after that payday.
Payment frequency change request: A change to a more fre-
quent payment schedule must be requested 15 days prior to
the beginning of any quarter. You may request a frequency
change through your myPATH account or by submitting a
written request via fax to 717-787-0145 or by emailing
An employer may change to a less frequent payment schedule
only at the beginning of a calendar year, so long as the amount
required to be deducted and withheld for each quarter is rea-
sonably expected to be less than the criteria amount for the cur-
rent payment schedule.
PA Quarterly Withholding Returns
Quarterly withholding returns must be filed online at or by phone using TeleFile (1-800-748-8299).
Every employer required to deduct and withhold tax must file a
quarterly return of income tax withheld on or before the last day
of April, July, October and January for each three month period
ending the last day of March, June, September and December.
Employers that remit withheld taxes on a monthly, semi-month-
ly, or semi-weekly schedule must file the quarterly reconciliation
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue requires all third-
party preparers that prepare 11 or more quarterly withholding
returns, to file electronically on myPATH at
The “third-party preparer” is defined as any person, fiduciary,
corporation or other entity who prepares or who employs one or
more persons to prepare original and amended returns to the
department. If a third-party preparer has multiple business loca-
tions, all locations should be included.
The department offers two electronic filing options, myPATH
and TeleFile.
myPATH is an internet based filing system that allows
taxpayers to file returns and payments electronically without
cost, visit to get started.
TeleFile is a telephone filing system designed for taxpayers
who do not have computer access. Pre-registration is not nec-
essary to use TeleFile, however, you will need your Account ID,
FEIN or SSN, 10-digit Revenue ID, and the period ending date
of the period you wish to file for prior to calling. TeleFile is toll-
free and can be accessed 24 hours a day/7 days a week by
calling 1-800-748-8299.
myPATH File Upload Process
When uploading W-2s, quarterly withholding returns, or
payments, there is no limit on the number of files you may
upload, however, there is a limit of 20 MB of data per file.
File specifications vary by form type and are found at in the Accountant Center or the department's
website at
Third Party Vendors: The department also has third party ven-
dors who will provide e-filing software for those taxpayers who
do not wish to use the department’s e-filing options. A list of
approved software vendors is available on the department’s
website at
IMPORTANT: Quarterly withholding returns are NOT available
for download from the department’s website and the use of
other tax forms could result in non-filer notification and/or the
misapplication of the tax payment.
Remittance of Tax Payments
by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
By regulation, the PA Departments of Treasury and Revenue
implemented a program enabling taxpayers to remit tax pay-
ments through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This regulation
requires the participation of taxpayers remitting a payment of
$1,000 or more.
Failure to comply with the EFT remittance requirements may
result in an assessment of a penalty equal to 3 percent of the
total tax due, not to exceed $500. The penalty may be imposed
on all payments of $1,000 or more that are not presented to the
Department of Revenue by an approved electronic payment
method. If a business does not meet the $1,000 threshold, it
may voluntarily request participation in the program.
All tax documents are still required to be filed even though
the payments are made through EFT.
EFT Requirement: If you meet the $1,000 payment threshold,
you are required to remit your payment electronically.
Electronic Payment Methods: Taxpayers can choose one of
the following electronic methods: Automated Clearing House
(ACH) Debit, ACH Credit, or Credit/Debit card. A convenience
fee, which is based on the tax due, will be charged by the ven-
dor for processing the Credit/Debit card transaction. Credit card
payments can be made by telephone or online. Visit the
department’s website at for more
An employer must complete two copies of the Wage and Tax
Statement (form W-2) for each employee to satisfy Pennsylvania
tax requirements. One copy must be furnished to the employee,
and one copy must be submitted to the Department of Revenue.
The W-2s must contain the following information:
1. “Pennsylvania” printed, stamped or typed on the form;
2. The employer’s name, address and Federal Employer
Identification Number (FEIN);
3. The employee’s name, address and Social Security
4. The total amount of compensation subject to Pennsylvania
personal income tax for the entire tax year; and
5. The total amount of Pennsylvania tax withheld. The total
amount of tax withheld must be shown in the box on the
form for “State Tax Withheld” and this block must specifically
be identified as withheld tax for the Commonwealth of
Filing Requirements
Each entity with a unique Federal Employer Identification
Number (FEIN) must file as a separate employer.
Regardless of the federal due date, W-2s, 1099-Rs, 1099
MISC, 1099 NEC and REV-1667s must be filed in Pennsyl-
vania by January 31 following the tax year being reported.
The (REV-1667) Annual Withholding Reconciliation
Statements, must be completed and submitted with each
W-2/1099 form.
For example, if you submit W-2 wage records for 32 dif-
ferent employers (32 different FEINs) you must submit
32 (REV-1667) Annual Withholding Reconciliation
Screen printouts from myPATH are not acceptable
replacements for the REV-1667.
Accepted Filing Methods
Based Upon Number of Employees
Specifics about Pennsylvania’s form W-2/1099 reporting
requirements can be found in W-2/1099 Employer Withholding
Reporting Instructions and Specifications Handbook, available
*Acceptable Paper W-2 sizes (cut to size)
8 1/2 X 5 1/2 inches (preferred size)
8 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches
4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inches
7 1/2 X 2 3/4 inches
8 1/2 X 2 3/4 inches
6 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches
3 3/4 X 5 inches
3 3/4 X 5 1/4 inches
*Unacceptable Paper W-2s
All onion skin W-2s (Employer Copy “D”);
W-2s that are very tiny (most acceptable sizes are listed
Taxpayers Filing 10 or More W-2s
Must File Electronically
Taxpayers Filing Fewer Than 10 W-2s
TeleFile (available only for W-2s),
W-2s without field labels (e.g. “Employee SSN”, “FEIN”,
“15”, “16” etc.);
W-2s where data is printed on labels or data is unreadable
for some other reason;
W-2s with dark background;
Blank W-2s;
“Grand-Total” pages; and
Columnar Listings.
Where to File Annual W-2 Reports
Complete and send reconciliation statements, along with all
paper W-2 forms to one of the following addresses:
If using the U.S. Postal Service:
PO BOX 280412
HARRISBURG PA 17128-0412
If using a private carrier:
All W-2 wage records must be submitted to the PA Department
of Revenue by January 31 following the year of compensation,
or 30 days from the termination of business, if the business ter-
minated during the calendar year. If employment was terminat-
ed before the close of a calendar year, an employee may
request, in writing, that the employer furnish them a W-2 wage
record at an earlier time. If there is no reasonable expectation
on the part of both employer and employee of further employ-
ment during the calendar year, then the employer shall furnish
the W-2 wage record to the employee on or before the 30th day
after the date of the request, or the 30th day after the date on
which the last payment of wages is made, whichever is later.
Any employer who willfully furnishes a false or fraudulent W-2
wage record, willfully fails to furnish a statement in the pre-
scribed manner of time or fails to show the information required
is liable for a penalty of $50 for each failure.
1099-R Forms
Payers of distributions from profit sharing, retirement
arrangements, insurance contracts, etc. are required to file
federal form 1099-R for Pennsylvania personal income tax
Forms 1099-R showing zero Pennsylvania withholding do
not need to be submitted by the entity that has issued them,
however, the department reserves the right to request this
Who Must File
Anyone making a distribution to a taxpayer out of a pension
or profit sharing plan (other than by reason of death, disabil-
ity or retirement) must submit to the department a form
1099-R for each distribution that exceeds the taxpayer’s
contribution to the plan by $10 or more.
What to Report
A separate form 1099-R must be filed for each taxpayer receiv-
ing a distribution. Copies are acceptable. The return must show
the following:
Name, Address and (SSN) Social Security Number of the
person making the distribution.
Name, Address and (SSN) Social Security Number of the
taxpayer receiving the distribution.
The amount or value of the distribution.
The amounts contributed by the employer and employee,
When to File
The return must be filed on or before January 31 for distrib-
utions made to a taxpayer in the preceding calendar year.
1099-MISC Forms
Who Must File
Under Act 43 of 2017, payors of Pennsylvania-source com-
pensation and business income to nonresidents and
lessees of Pennsylvania real estate making lease payments
to nonresidents are required to withhold income tax from
such payments where payments are $5,000 or more annu-
ally. The payors are also required to submit copies of federal
forms 1099-MISC to the department. The United States
government, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, their
agencies, instrumentalities, and any political subdivisions of
Pennsylvania are excluded from this withholding
Any person who makes payments of Pennsylvania source
income from one of PA’s eight taxable classes of income to
resident and nonresident individuals, entities treated as a
partnership for tax purposes, or single member limited liabil-
ity companies and is required to provide form 1099-MISC to
the federal government with respect to the payments must
also submit a copy to the department.
Forms 1099-MISC should only be filed with the department
as required by statute.
When to File
The forms are due to the department by January 31 of the
ensuing tax year.
1099 Filing Information
The Department of Revenue does NOT require the submission
of most 1099s for individual personal income tax purposes,
unless there is PA income tax withheld. (Example: 1099-A,
1099-B, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV)
Specifics about Pennsylvania’s Form 1099-MISC reporting
requirement can be found under Nonresident Withholding,
available at
Accepted Filing Methods
Based Upon Number of Employees
Specifics about Pennsylvania’s Form W-2/1099 reporting
requirements can be found in W-2/1099 Employer Withholding
Reporting Instructions and Specifications Handbook, available
Where to File 1099 Forms
Paper 1099-Rs or 1099-MISC showing PA tax withheld must be
accompanied by the (REV-1667) Annual Withholding
Reconciliation Statement. Forms should be mailed to:
BOX 280904
HARRISBURG PA 17128-0904
Paper 1099-Rs or 1099-MISC showing zero PA withholding
should be mailed to:
1099-R/1099-MISC FORMS
PO BOX 280509
HARRISBURG PA 17128-0509
If an error is discovered after a return was filed, a taxpayer
can correct the error by filing an amended return.
If the error results in an overpayment, an amended quarterly
withholding return must be filed within three years of the date
the original payment was received in order to receive a credit
or refund.
If a payment was remitted with an original return, include the
amount of payment in total deposits for the quarter.
Taxpayers Filing 10 or More
1099s Must File Electronically
Taxpayers Filing Fewer Than 10 1099s
Paper 1099 forms
If a credit was received from an original return, deduct that
amount from the total deposits for the quarter.
If the amended return results in a balance due, remit the tax
due with the amended return. Late charges may apply.
If, in any filing period, more than the correct amount of tax is
deducted from any wage payment, the employer is autho-
rized to make the appropriate adjustment in withholding for
a subsequent period or periods in the same taxable year. If
the over-withholding is not offset by the last withholding peri-
od of the year, the employee shall report the amount actual-
ly withheld on their yearly income tax return.
Amended Quarterly Withholding
Returns and W-2Cs
The department will not accept an amended quarterly withhold-
ing return that decreases the total withholding without a copy of
the amended Annual Withholding Reconciliation Statement
(REV-1667) and copies of the W-2C(s). This only applies to
Pennsylvania residents. The department will not accept any
decreases of total withholding that involves a Pennsylvania
non-resident employee.
If any amount of tax required to be withheld is not reported and
paid in full on or before the due date, simple interest will be
charged daily from the date the tax is due and payable to date
of payment. The rate of interest will be announced annually by
the Department of Revenue and will continue for the calendar
year regardless of any subsequent change in the federal inter-
est rate in a calendar year. Interest is calculated by multiplying
the late paid or unpaid tax by days delinquent, then by the daily
interest rate. The daily interest rate equals the annual interest
rate divided by 365. For interest rates, see (REV-1611), Interest
Rates and Calculation Methods for All Taxes.
Failure to file a quarterly return may result in the imposition of
additional penalty of 5 percent per month of the underpayment
for each month or fraction thereof (maximum penalty of 25
If a false or fraudulent return is filed, an amount equal to 50 per-
cent of any underpayment will be added to the tax. Failure to
pay withheld taxes to the Department of Revenue on or before
the due date for filing a quarterly reconciliation return will result
in an additional tax of 5 percent per month of the underpayment
for each month or fraction thereof (maximum penalty of 50
Personal Responsibility
All taxes withheld pursuant to law or under color of law constitute
a trust fund. If withheld tax is not paid to the department or is mis-
applied, an employee or representative of the employer who has
a duty to collect/pay tax or prepare tax documents; an officer,
director or partner of the employer; and a person who receives
trust fund monies may be held personally liable for payment.
Any person required to collect, account for and pay any income
tax who willfully fails to truthfully do so, or anyone who attempts
to evade or defeat such tax or its payment, is liable for a penalty
equal to the total of tax evaded, not collected, not accounted for
and not paid.
Criminal Prosecution
Any person who willfully fails or refuses to collect and remit tax,
fails to pay the tax, fails to file a return, files a fraudulent or false
return or presents for payment of tax a check that is returned to
the commonwealth as uncollectible, may be subject to criminal
Verified overpayments for a quarter will be credited to the cur-
rent quarter after any outstanding collectible liabilities are off-
set, and notification will be sent to the employer.
If a refund is requested, a signed written request is required that
includes the name, FEIN and account number, the amount
requested and the period(s) in question. Please note that an
amended quarterly withholding return indicating an overpay-
ment does not constitute a refund request and no refund will be
issued based solely on an amended quarterly withholding
return. Refund requests may be faxed to 717-783-4124 or
emailed to [email protected].
Filing Returns and Payments
Please complete all lines of the record of withholding unless the
taxpayer is a quarterly filer. If the Department of Revenue does
not have a breakdown of withholding, the total withholding will
be divided evenly between each period, which could result in
penalties and interest.
*Acceptable Paper W-2 sizes
8 1/2 X 5 1/2 inches
8 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches
4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inches
7 1/2 X 2 3/4 inches
8 1/2 X 2 3/4 inches
6 1/2 X 2 1/2 inches
3 3/4 X 5 inches
3 3/4 X 5 1/4 inches
*Unacceptable Paper W-2s
All onion skin W-2s (Employer Copy “D”)
W-2s that are very tiny (most acceptable sizes are listed
W-2s without field labels (e.g. “Employee SSN”, “FEIN”,
“15”, “16” etc.)
W-2s where data is printed on labels or data is unreadable
for some other reason
W-2s with dark background
Blank W-2s
Grand-Total” pages
Important Information and Reminders
Quarterly Withholding Returns
Preparers that submit 11 or more returns are required to file
electronically using myPATH.
When a quarterly withholding return is amended for tax years
prior to the current year, W-2Cs are required to be filed with the
amended quarterly withholding return. The exception is when
W-2Cs are for employees who are not residents of
Pennsylvania and the tax withheld is being decreased. These
W-2Cs will be disallowed and the individual employee must file
a PA-40NR return to obtain a refund.
Taxpayers Filing 10 or More W-2s
or 1099s Must File Electronically
Taxpayers Filing Fewer Than 10 W-2s or 1099s
TeleFile (available only for W-2s),
Due to Pennsylvania's three-year statute of limitation, amended
quarterly withholding returns will not be accepted for periods
older than three years.
Amended Quarterly Withholding Return
and W-2Cs
The department will not accept an amended quarterly withhold-
ing return that decreases the total withholding without a copy of
the amended Annual Withholding Reconciliation Statement
(REV-1667) and copies of the W-2C(s). This only applies to
Pennsylvania residents. The department will not accept any
decreases of total withholding that involves a Pennsylvania non-
resident employee.
File Upload Process
When uploading W-2s, quarterly withholding returns or pay-
ments, there is no limit on the number of files you may upload,
however, there is a limit of 20 MB of data.
If an import and upload error occurs, this indicates that some-
thing failed within the uploaded file. The problem could be a
spacing issue or it could be something as simple as having a
dash in the account number. You can view the specific file
errors in the upload portion of the program.
Detailed Statement of Account
Business taxpayers and tax practitioners now have the ability to
electronically request and receive a more detailed version of
the statement of account (e-SOA) in PDF format through
If a refund is requested, a signed written request is required that
includes the name, FEIN and account number, the amount
requested and the period(s) in question. Please note that an
amended quarterly withholding return indicating an overpay-
ment does not constitute a refund request and no refund will be
issued based solely on an amended quarterly withholding
return. Refund requests may be faxed to 717-783-4124 or
emailed to [email protected].
Act 32
All inquiries regarding Act 32 or local earned income tax should
be directed to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and
Economic Development at, not the
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.
Data Exchange
Payroll providers are encouraged to setup a data exchange
for verifying account IDs and deposit frequencies with the
Department of Revenue. The payroll provider supplies
FEINs to the Department of Revenue in exchange for
account IDs and deposit frequencies, in an effort to stream-
line the process of mass data exchange. To request a data
exchange, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of
Revenue at [email protected].
REV-419 Employee’s Nonwithholding Application Certificate
REV-580 Brochure: Employer Withholding
REV-588 Starting a Business in Pennsylvania,
A Guide to Pennsylvania Taxes
REV-611 Brochure: Determining Residency for
PA Personal Income Tax Purposes
REV-612 Brochure: Military Pay for
PA Personal Income Tax Purposes
REV-631 Tax Forgiveness for PA Personal Income Tax
REV-637 Unreimbursed Allowable Employee Business
Expenses for PA Personal Income Tax Purposes
REV-677 Power of Attorney and Declaration of
REV-1705 Tax Account Information Change/Correction Form
REV-1706 Business Account Cancellation Form
REV-1716 Filing and Remittance Due Dates (Employer, W-2
and 1099 Forms)
Business taxpayers and tax practitioners now have
the ability to receive and view correspondence
online with myPATH. Visit for more
file electronically
using myPATH at