© 2010 Flexera Software, Inc. and/or InstallShield Co. Inc.
All other brand and product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.
www.flexerasoftware.com U.S. +1 800-809-5659 EMEA: +44 870-871-1111 +44 870-873-6300 APAC: +81 3-4360-8291
InstallShield Tips & Tricks
MSI Build Warnings and Errors
As InstallShield builds your project, status messages are displayed in the output window at the bottom of
the development environment.
For a command-line build using IsCmdBld.exe, status messages are displayed at the command prompt.
If any errors or warnings occur, they are displayed in the Build tab of the output window, as well as in the
Tasks tab. The Tasks tab contains links to the InstallShield Knowledge Base for the latest information about
resolving these warnings. (This requires a live Internet connection.)
Addressing Build Errors and Warnings
Build errors and warnings typically refer to missing or unexpected source files or merge modules, but can
refer to any condition that prevents a build from completing. For example, the build process reports error
1014 (―Cannot rename directory…‖) if an installation inside the build folder is running, or if Windows
Explorer or a command prompt is pointing to the build folder.
In addition, the InstallShield environment will prevent you from entering some project settings that would
cause the package to fail at deployment time. For example, a project cannot use DATABASE or PATCH as an
internal Directory-table identifierthe way INSTALLDIR or SystemFolder is a Directory identifieras these
are reserved identifiers used by Windows Installer. If you try to define a component destination folder with
internal identifier DATABASE, the environment will rename the identifier to a valid value such as
DATABASE_DIR1. (If, however, you use the Direct Editor to define a Directory called DATABASE or PATCH,
the build process will report error 6262.)
© 2010 Flexera Software, Inc. and/or InstallShield Co. Inc.
All other brand and product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.
www.flexerasoftware.com U.S. +1 800-809-5659 EMEA: +44 870-871-1111 +44 870-873-6300 APAC: +81 3-4360-8291
TIP: When you manually search the InstallShield Knowledge Base for a particular build warning or error
number, omit the minus sign in the search. For example, instead of searching for ―–1014‖, search for
Errors Regarding Missing Source Files
If the build process cannot find a source file, because it has been renamed or deleted, the build process
returns error 6103 (―Could not find file file‖) and 1007 (―Cannot copy source file to target directory‖).
Two features of InstallShield that can help you work with source files are path variables and dynamic file
linking. Path variables are variables used by the InstallShield build process to represent the locations of
source files on the development system. Whenever you add a file to a component, InstallShield by default
creates a path variable or reuses an existing path variable to represent that file’s location. If you move the
source file, instead of having to reestablish the file link, you can simply assign the path variable a new value
in the Path Variables view of the InstallShield environment. (The InstallShield help library also describes
registry-based and environment variablebased path variables, with which you can modify path variable
values without having to modify the project file.)
In addition, if you have source directories that contain lists of files that are continually changing, you can
use dynamic file linking. With dynamic linking, you specify a directory and optional file name masks for
inclusion and exclusion. Each build process then copies all of the matching files in the dynamic link into the
corresponding component.
An important consideration regarding file linking is that a dynamically linked file cannot be the key file of its
component. However, a component can contain any combination of static and dynamic links, and therefore
a solution is to set a statically linked file as the key file, additionally marking the key file as an exclusion to
the dynamic link.
Moreover, when using dynamic file linking, it is important to specify a ―previous package‖ in the build
settings to ensure File, Component, and Media table keys are synchronized between builds. For more
information, see the InstallShield help topic ―Upgrade Considerations‖.
Another error related to missing data on the build system is 1024 (―File not found. Cannot stream the file
into the Binary file.‖), which occurs if a file used by a custom action or dialog box (such as a DLL or bitmap
file) has been moved or deleted. Similarly, build error 7017 occurs if your project includes merge modules
or other redistributables that are not present on your build system. Other errors sometimes related to
missing source files are 6271 (―File file not found. An error occurred building the MsiFileHash table
record…‖) and 1501 (―Could not compress file into file.cab‖).
Design Issues and Build Warnings
In addition to issues related to source files, some build warnings address design issues in your project.
A deferred custom action must be placed between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize in the Execute
sequence of an installation. To help detect problems with improper placement of deferred actions, the build
process generates warning 6524 if it detects a deferred custom action outside the range of InstallInitialize
and InstallFinalize.
© 2010 Flexera Software, Inc. and/or InstallShield Co. Inc.
All other brand and product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.
www.flexerasoftware.com U.S. +1 800-809-5659 EMEA: +44 870-871-1111 +44 870-873-6300 APAC: +81 3-4360-8291
TIP: By default, the build process will continue to completion even if any build errors occur. To cancel a
build, you can click the Stop Build toolbar button, or press Ctrl+Break. To specify always to stop a build if
an error occurs, you can pull down the Tools menu and select Options; in the General tab, select the check
box labeled ―Stop build process when first error is encountered‖.
If you use the command-line build tool IsCmdBld, the -x switch enables you to stop the build when the first
error occurs, and the -w switch lets you specify that build warnings should be treated as errors.
Begin a Free Evaluation of InstallShield
You can download a free trial version of InstallShield from the Flexera Software Web site at:
Want to learn more best practices for building quality installations? Join an InstallShield training class
visit www.flexerasoftware.com/training for available classes.
You can also get more tips on building MSI installations in our white papers area at