Water Services Industry 1
Act 655
Laws of Malaysia2 ACT 655
Date of Royal Assent ... 10 July 2006
Date of publication in the
Gazette ... ... ... 20 July 2006
Publisher’s Copyright C
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means
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Water Services Industry 3
Act 655
1. Short title, application and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Federal Government to have executive authority
Chapter 1
Individual licence
4. Requirement for individual licence
5. Power to exempt from requirement for individual licence
6. Application for individual licence
7. Further information or document
8. Recommendation by the Commission
9. Grant or refusal of individual licence
10. Compliance with individual licence conditions
11. Power to impose additional, vary or revoke conditions
12. Transfer of individual licence
13. Revocation of individual licence
Laws of Malaysia4 ACT 655
14. Effective date of revocation of individual licence
15. Publication of revocation of individual licence
16. Surrender of individual licence
17. Renewal of individual licence
18. Effect of revocation, surrender or non-renewal of individual licence
19. Register of individual licence
Chapter 2
Class licence
20. Requirement for class licence
21. Restrictions imposed on class licensee
22. Power to exempt from requirement for class licence
23. Exemption from duties or obligations
24. Approval for class licence
25. Application for class licence and registration
26. Compliance with conditions of class licence
27. De-registration of class licensee
28. Register of class licence
Chapter 1
Duties and obligations applicable to all licensees
29. Furnishing of information
30. Submission of business plan
31. Direction by Commission to facilities licensee to construct, operate and
maintain new public water supply system or public sewerage system
32. Access to public water supply system and public sewerage system
33. Dealing with consumers
34. Security, integrity and safety of water supply system and sewerage
35. Duty of facilities licensee in respect of water supply system and sewerage
Water Services Industry 5
Chapter 2
Duties and obligations applicable to licensees
providing water supply services
36. Developing and maintaining water supply system
37. Supply of water
38. Connecting public mains and premises to be supplied with water
39. Supply of water through public pipes
40. Maintaining water pressure
41. Water quality
42. Supply of water for fire-fighting
Chapter 3
Duties and obligations applicable to licensees
providing sewerage services
43. Operating and maintaining public sewerage system
44. Septic tanks to be desludged
Chapter 1
Water supply system and sewerage system
45. Construction of water supply system, sewerage system and septic tanks
46. Requirement for developer to construct water supply system and sewerage
47. Developer to hand over water supply system or sewerage system of
new development to service licensee
48. Damage to public water supply system and sewerage system to be made
49. Qualifications to operate, etc., water supply system and sewerage system
50. Permits for contractors
51. Plumbing and connection works
Chapter 2
Water supply services
52. Supply agreement with consumers
53. Bulk supply between service licensees providing water supply services
54. Reduction or cessation of supply
Laws of Malaysia6 ACT 655
55. Restriction of water supply
56. Special powers during emergency
Chapter 3
Sewerage system and services
57. Power to require premises to be connected to public sewerage system
58. Power to require developer to connect development to public sewerage
59. Requirement that proper drainage for sewage be made
60. Unauthorized connection to public sewer, etc.
61. Prohibited effluent or noxious matter not to be discharged into public
sewer, etc.
62. Responsibilities for communal septic tank
63. Power to install or construct private sewerage system or septic tank
64. Power to require private sewerage system, etc., to be put in proper
65. Duty to operate and maintain private sewerage system, etc.
66. Penalty in respect of nuisance, etc., caused by private sewerage system
or septic tanks
67. Contract for the provision of sewerage services
Chapter 1
Consumer protection
68. Consumer standards
69. Water Forum
70. Functions of the Water Forum
Chapter 2
Resolution of disputes
71. Disputes
72. Dispute procedures
73. Committee to decide on notified disputes
74. Decisions to be in writing
75. Registration of decisions
76. Enforcement of decision
Water Services Industry 7
Chapter 3
77. Inquiries by the Commission
78. Conduct of inquiry
79. Publication of notice of inquiry
80. Private inquiry and confidential materials
81. Reports of public inquiry
82. Protection from civil action
83. Register of reports
84. Regulations regarding rates, charges and deposits
85. Power to exempt from rates, charges or deposits
86. Prescribed rates and charges may be collected and retained by licensee
87. Power to require deposit
88. Recovery of money due
89. Disconnection of water supply
90. Rights of water distribution licensee who is licensed to provide sewerage
91. Establishment of Appeal Tribunal
92. Constitution of Appeal Tribunal
93. Allowances
94. Resignation and revocation of appointment
95. Vacation of office and new or temporary appointments
96. Disclosure of interest
97. Secretary to Appeal Tribunal and other officers
98. Appeal to Appeal Tribunal
99. Record of decision or direction of Commission or committee
100. Stay of decision or direction pending appeal
Laws of Malaysia8 ACT 655
101. Composition of Appeal Tribunal
102. Sittings of Appeal Tribunal
103. Procedures of Appeal Tribunal
104. Powers of Appeal Tribunal
105. Decisions of Appeal Tribunal
106. Enforcement of decision of Appeal Tribunal
107. Immunity of action for act or omission done in good faith
108. Interpretation
109. Sanction required for reconstruction, etc., of licensees
110. Application to High Court to facilitate agreement or arrangement for
transfer of whole or part of business of licensee being given effect to
111. Interpretation
112. Licensee to inform Commission
113. Action of Commission in respect of licensee in certain circumstances
114. Action of Minister in respect of licensee in national interest
115. Provisions in relation to appointment under section 113
116. Provisions in relation to removal from office under section 113
117. Provisions in relation to assumption of control under section 113 or 114
118. Effect of obstructing or hindering Commission or appointed person
119. Moratorium
120. Order to be final
121. Offence of contamination of water
122. Wrongful acts
123. Unlawful connection of water supply
124. Tampering with meter or sub-meter
Water Services Industry 9
125. Tampering of water supply system or sewerage system or part of the
126. Taking of water from fire hydrant
127. Penalty for obstructing
128. Proceedings if occupier opposes the execution of works
129. Unlawful use or supply of non-standard equipment, device, material,
system or facilities
130. Offence for giving false and misleading information
131. Power to take action
Chapter 1
Information-gathering powers
132. Provision of information
133. Proof of compliance
134. Commission may retain documents
135. Access to records
136. Incorrect records
137. Record of information
138. Publication of information
139. Offence for non-compliance
Chapter 2
Powers of entry
140. Power to enter on and examine land
141. Power to enter on land for purposes of construction
142. Appeal against order of Land Administrator
143. Installation of pipe, etc., on State land
144. Maintenance, repair and upgrading of installation
145. Saving of way leave agreement
146. Compensation
Laws of Malaysia10 ACT 655
Chapter 3
147. Authorized officer
148. Power of investigation
149. Entry into premises with search warrant
150. Powers of entry and search and seizure without warrant
151. Access to computerized data
152. Warrant admissible notwithstanding defects
153. List of things seized
154. Release of things seized
155. Power to require attendance of person acquainted with case
156. Examination of person acquainted with case
157. Admissibility of statements in evidence
158. Authorized officer to complete investigation and hand over to police
159. Cost of holding equipment, etc., seized
160. No cost or damages arising from seizure to be recoverable
161. Obstruction
162. Additional powers
Chapter 4
163. Compounding of offences
164. Prosecution
165. Offences by body corporate
166. Information or informer not to be disclosed
167. Manner of service of documents
168. Inaccuracies in document
169. Liability of transferors
170. Exemption of equipment from distress and attachment
171. Water Industry Fund
172. Sewerage Capital Contribution Fund
Water Services Industry 11
173. Registration of agreements
174. Certifying agencies
175. Reporting to Minister on industry performance
176. Register
177. Directions by Commission
178. Determination by Commission
179. Power of Minister to make regulations
180. Power of Commission to make rules
181. Penalties for subsidiary legislation
182. Power of Minister to amend Schedule
183. Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
184. Protection of officers and other persons
Chapter 1
Repeal and savings
185. Repeal
186. Savings
187. Continuance of other rights, liabilities, etc., under the repealed legislation
Chapter 2
Transitional provisions for existing operators
188. Existing water supply services
189. Existing sewerage services
190. Existing licences or permits
191. Agreements stipulated in Schedule
192. Indication to migrate to licence
193. Status of registered existing licence and authorization
Laws of Malaysia12 ACT 655
Water Services Industry 13
An Act to provide for and regulate water supply services and
sewerage services and for matters incidental thereto.
WHEREAS it is expedient for the purpose of ensuring uniformity
of law and policy to make a law for the proper control and regulation
of water supply services and sewerage services throughout Peninsular
Malaysia and the Federal Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan:
AND WHEREAS it is also expedient that provisions be made to
confer executive authority on the Federation for matters relating
to water supply systems and water supply services and to make
it clear that the executive authority conferred on the Federation for
matters relating to sewerage systems and sewerage services is
continued throughout Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territories
of Putrajaya and Labuan:
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Clause (1) of Article 74
and Clause (2) of Article 80 of the Federal Constitution, IT IS
ENACTED by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows:
Short title, application and commencement
1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Water Services Industry Act
Act 655
Laws of Malaysia14 ACT 655
(2) This Act applies to Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal
Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan.
(3) This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed by
the Minister by notification in the Gazette, and the Minister may
appoint different dates—
(a) for the coming into operation of this Act in different
parts of Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territories
of Putrajaya and Labuan;
(b) for the coming into operation of different provisions of
this Act; or
(c) for the coming into operation of different provisions of
this Act in different parts of Peninsular Malaysia and the
Federal Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“water”, in relation to the distribution or supply of water, means
treated water;
“watercourse” includes rivers, streams and creek including any
tributary, distributary or artificial deviation thereof, seas, lakes,
ground water, dams, reservoirs, ditches, drains and passages, other
than pipes, through which water flows for the supply of water to
any premises;
“register” means a register maintained by the Commission for
the purposes of this Act;
“prescribed” means prescribed by the Minister under regulations
made under section 84 or 179, as the case may be;
“industrial effluent” means liquid waste or waste water produced
by reason of or in the course of the production processes taking
place at any industrial premises;
“prohibited effluent” means industrial effluent or such other
effluent as may be prescribed by the Minister;
Water Services Industry 15
“sewage sludge” means the residual mixture of solid and liquid
produced during the partial or full treatment of sewage but does
not include treated sewage effluent discharged through a disposal
“Water Forum” means the Water Forum designated by the
Commission under section 69;
“water supply distribution area” means an area within which a
water distribution licensee is authorized to distribute and supply
“sewerage services area” means an area within which a service
licensee is authorized to provide sewerage services;
“sewage” means any liquid discharges containing human excreta,
animal or vegetable matters in suspension or solution derived from
domestic activities and being generated from household, commercial,
institutional and industrial premises including liquid discharges
from water closets, basins, sinks, bathrooms and other sanitary
appliances but excluding rain water and prohibited effluent;
“water fittings” includes pipes (other than the public mains),
specials, taps, cocks, valves, ferrules, meters, sub-meters, cisterns,
baths, water closets, hot water apparatus, soil pans and other similar
apparatus or appliance used in connection with the supply and use
of water;
“court” means a court of law of competent jurisdiction;
“meter” means any appliance, equipment or device used for the
purpose of measuring the amount of water supplied;
“service water pipe” means so much of any pipe for supplying
water from the public mains to any premises which is subject to
water pressure from the mains or would be so subject but for the
closure of some taps or valves;
“disposal pipe” means a pipe, channel, conduit or similar structure
used for the discharge of treated sewage effluent from a sewerage
system or septic tank for eventual discharge to a watercourse or
other receiving medium;
Laws of Malaysia16 ACT 655
“communication pipe”, in relation to water supply services,
means a part of the service water pipe located between the public
mains and the meter, or where there is no meter, a part of the
service water pipe located between the public mains and the point
where the meter would be placed in accordance with this Act or
its subsidiary legislation;
“private connection pipe”, in relation to sewerage services, means
any pipe, channel, conduit or similar structure being part of the
individual internal sewerage piping or common internal sewerage
piping of premises used, or which can be used, for the conveyance
of sewage from the premises up to the point of connection to a
public sewerage system, sewage treatment works or a septic tank
or up to such other point of connection as may be determined by
the Commission;
“authorized officer” means any public officer, officer of a local
authority as defined in the Local Government Act 1976 [Act 171]
or officer of the Commission authorized in writing by the Minister
for the purposes of this Act;
“sewer” means any pipe, with its appurtenances, designed to
convey sewage from two or more premises to a sewage treatment
works other than an individual internal sewerage piping or common
internal sewerage piping;
“licensee” means an individual licensee or a class licensee;
“individual licensee” means a person who is granted an individual
licence under this Act;
“class licensee” means a person who is registered for a class
licence under this Act;
“facilities licensee” means a person who is licensed under this
Act to own a water supply system or sewerage system or any part
of the water supply system or sewerage system;
“water distribution licensee” means a service licensee who holds
an individual licence to distribute and supply water to consumers
by means of a public water supply system;
Water Services Industry 17
“service licensee” means a person who is licensed under this
Act to provide water supply services or sewerage services or any
part of the water supply services or sewerage services;
(a) with respect to Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal
Territory of Putrajaya, has the meaning assigned to
“Registrar” by section 5 of the National Land Code
[Act 56/1965]; and
(b) with respect to the Federal Territory of Labuan, has the
meaning assigned to “Registrar” by section 4 of the Sabah
Land Ordinance [Sabah Cap. 68] as modified by the
Federal Territory of Labuan (Modification of Land
Ordinance) Order 1984 [P.U. (A) 291/1984];
“consumer” means—
(a) a person who is supplied with water by a water distribution
licensee or provided with sewerage services by a licensee
providing sewerage services; or
(b) a person who has made a request to a water distribution
licensee for a supply of water or to a licensee providing
sewerage services for a provision of sewerage services;
“occupier” means—
(a) a person in occupation or control of premises; and
(b) in relation to premises where different parts of the premises
are occupied by different persons, the respective persons
in occupation or control of each part of the premises;
“Land Administrator”—
(a) with respect to Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal
Territory of Putrajaya, has the meaning assigned to “Land
Administrator” by section 5 of the National Land Code;
(b) with respect to the Federal Territory of Labuan, has the
meaning assigned to “Registrar” by section 4 of the Sabah
Land Ordinance as modified by the Federal Territory of
Labuan (Modification of Land Ordinance) Order 1984;
“management corporation” has the meaning assigned to it in
section 4 of the Strata Titles Act 1985 [Act 318];
Laws of Malaysia18 ACT 655
“water supply services” means the treatment of water abstracted
from watercourses and the distribution and supply of treated water
to consumers and includes the operation and maintenance of the
water supply system;
“sewerage services” means the collection, conveyance, treatment
and disposal of sewage or sewage sludge, and includes the operation
and maintenance of a sewerage system and the desludging of
septic tanks;
“common internal sewerage piping” means the pipes, private
connection pipes, channels, conduits or similar structure, fixtures
and other apparatus for the conveyance of sewage within or from
more than one premises but under the common management and
maintenance of owners or occupiers or a management corporation
of the premises serviced by the internal sewerage piping up to the
point of connection to a sewer, sewage treatment works or a septic
tank or up to such other point of connection as may be determined
by the Commission, but does not include the sanitary system in
a building;
“individual internal sewerage piping” means the pipes, private
connection pipes, channels, conduits or similar structure, fixtures
and other apparatus for the conveyance of sewage within or from
premises up to the point of connection to a common internal
sewerage piping, a sewer, sewage treatment works or a septic tank
or up to such other point of connection as may be determined by
the Commission, but does not include the sanitary system in a
“water supply system” means the whole of a system incorporating
public mains, pipes, chambers, treatment plants, pumping stations,
service or balancing reservoirs or any combination thereof and all
other structures, installations, buildings, equipment and appurtenances
used and the lands where the same are located for the storage,
abstraction, collection, conveyance, treatment, distribution and supply
of water;
“public water supply system” means a water supply system
other than a private water supply system;
“private water supply system” means—
(a) a water supply system which is used solely for the purposes
of supplying water to the owner or the occupier of a
premises or the guests or invitees of the owner or occupier
for their private use; or
Water Services Industry 19
(b) such other water supply systems as may be determined
by the Commission;
“sewerage system” means a system incorporating sewers, disposal
pipes, pumping stations or sewage treatment works or any
combination thereof and all other structures, equipment and
appurtenances (other than individual internal sewerage piping,
common internal sewerage piping or septic tanks) used or intended
to be used for the collection, conveyance, pumping or treatment
of sewage and sewage sludge or the disposal of treated sewage
effluent or sewage sludge;
“public sewerage system”
(a) a sewerage system which is connected to, or conveys
sewage to, a public sewer;
(b) a sewerage system which is not connected to nor conveys
sewage to a public sewer but is determined by the
Commission to be or form part of a public sewerage
(c) a sewerage system in a development which has been
handed over to an individual licensee providing sewerage
services in accordance with section 47; or
(d) such other sewerage system as may be determined by the
“private sewerage system” means a sewerage system other than
a public sewerage system;
“sub-meter” means any meter which measures water which has
already been metered since leaving the public mains;
“Commission” means the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
established under the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara Act
2006 [Act 654];
“septic tank” means a basic form of on-site treatment facility
consisting of one or more compartments that provides treatment
of sewage by means of sedimentation and anaerobic process;
“communal septic tank” means a septic tank which treats sewage
from two or more premises through a common internal sewerage
Laws of Malaysia20 ACT 655
“appointed date” means the date on which this Act or parts of
the Act comes into operation;
“sewage treatment works” means the facility designed to accept
and process sewage or sewage sludge before disposal to a receiving
medium but does not include septic tanks;
“Appeal Tribunal” means the Appeal Tribunal established under
section 91.
Federal Government to have executive authority
3. (1) The Federal Government shall have executive authority
with respect to all matters relating to water supply systems and
water supply services throughout Peninsular Malaysia and the
Federal Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan.
(2) The Federal Government shall continue to have executive
authority with respect to all matters relating to sewerage systems
and sewerage services throughout Malaysia.
Chapter 1
Individual licence
Requirement for individual licence
4. (1) Subject to section 5, no person shall—
(a) own a public water supply system or public sewerage
system or any part of the systems; or
(b) undertake, provide or make available any water supply
services or sewerage services or part of the services by
means of operating a public water supply system or public
sewerage system,
unless he holds an individual licence granted under this Act.
Water Services Industry 21
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a developer of a sewerage
system or water supply system who is required under section 47
to hand over such sewerage system or water supply system to a
licensee shall not be required to hold an individual licence for the
ownership of the sewerage system or water supply system until the
sewerage system or water supply system is completed or
commissioned, whichever is earlier.
(3) An individual licensee shall not provide any of the licensed
activities referred to in subsection (1) except in accordance with
the conditions of the individual licence granted to the licensee.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
million ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten
years or to both.
Power to exempt from requirement for individual licence
5. (1) The Minister may, upon the recommendation of the
Commission, by order published in the Gazette, exempt a person
from the licensing requirements under section 4 subject to such
terms and conditions as the Minister thinks fit.
(2) A person who is exempted from the licensing requirements
under subsection (1) shall comply with the duties and obligations
of an individual licensee as if the person is an individual licensee
under this Act unless otherwise specified in the exemption order.
Application for individual licence
6. (1) Any person may apply to the Minister for an individual
licence to be granted to him under section 9 by submitting a
written application to the Commission.
(2) An application under this section may be withdrawn at any
time before it is granted or refused.
Further information or document
7. (1) The Commission may, at any time after the receipt of an
application for an individual licence under section 6, request the
applicant to give to the Commission within the period specified
in the request further information or document on the application.
Laws of Malaysia22 ACT 655
(2) If any additional information or document required under
subsection (1) is not provided by the applicant within the period
specified in the request or any extension of time granted by the
Commission, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn and
shall not be further proceeded with, but without affecting the right
of the applicant to make a fresh application.
Recommendation by the Commission
8. (1) The Commission shall within sixty days from—
(a) the receipt of an application under section 6; or
(b) where the Commission has requested for further information
or document under section 7, the provision of the
information or document,
submit a written recommendation to the Minister as to whether or
not the individual licence should be granted to the applicant.
(2) The written recommendation of the Commission shall
(a) the reasons for its recommendation; and
(b) any special conditions which the applicant should be
subject to if the Commission recommends to the Minister
to grant the individual licence.
Grant or refusal of individual licence
9. (1) The Minister may, after considering the application for
individual licence under section 6 and the further information or
document provided under section 7 and having due regard to the
recommendation of the Commission under section 8, grant the
individual licence or refuse to grant the individual licence.
(2) If the Minister decides to grant an individual licence under
subsection (1), he shall—
(a) require the individual licensee to pay the prescribed fees
within the prescribed period;
(b) impose all the standard licence conditions of an individual
licence as may be prescribed; and
(c) impose such special conditions as he thinks fit.
Water Services Industry 23
(3) The decision of the Minister to grant or not to grant an
individual licence shall be communicated to the applicant by the
Commission by written notice as soon as practicable.
(4) The written notice by the Commission under subsection (3)
shall specify—
(a) in the case where the individual licence is granted, the
fact of such grant and the requirements and conditions
imposed under subsection (2); and
(b) in the case of a refusal to grant an individual licence, the
fact of such refusal and the reason for the refusal.
Compliance with individual licence conditions
10. (1) An individual licensee shall comply with—
(a) the prescribed standard conditions of the individual licence;
(b) any special conditions imposed by the Minister on the
individual licence.
(2) An individual licensee who fails to comply with any condition
of an individual licence under subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years or to both.
Power to impose additional, vary or revoke conditions
11. (1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Commission, at any time—
(a) impose any additional conditions on the individual licence;
(b) vary or revoke any conditions imposed on the individual
(2) Before the Minister makes a decision under subsection (1),
the Commission shall give the individual licensee—
(a) a written notice of the Minister’s intention together with
a draft copy of the imposition, variation or revocation;
Laws of Malaysia24 ACT 655
(b) an opportunity to make written submissions within a
period specified in the written notice which shall not be
less than thirty days.
(3) After the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the
Minister shall, after considering any written submission made by
the individual licensee and having due regard to any recommendation
of the Commission, decide whether to impose the additional
conditions or to vary or revoke any existing conditions or to take
no further action.
(4) The Commission shall give the individual licensee a written
notice of the Minister’s decision under subsection (3) as soon as
practicable and the decision shall take effect on a date to be
specified in the written notice.
Transfer of individual licence
12. (1) The grant of an individual licence under section 9 shall
be personal to the individual licensee and the individual licence
shall not be assigned, sub-licensed or transferred to any other
person except with the prior written approval of the Minister.
(2) An individual licensee who assigns, sub-licenses or transfers
its individual licence to any other person without the prior written
approval of the Minister commits an offence and shall, on conviction,
be liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand ringgit
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.
Revocation of individual licence
13. (1) The Minister may, upon the recommendation of the
Commission, revoke an individual licence under any of the following
(a) the individual licensee has failed to comply with any
provisions of this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
(b) the individual licensee has failed to comply with any of
the conditions of the individual licence;
(c) the individual licensee had improperly or illegally obtained
the individual licence;
(d) the individual licensee has been convicted of an offence
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
Water Services Industry 25
(e) a receiver, receiver and manager, provisional liquidator
or like official has been appointed over the whole or
substantial part of the individual licensee’s assets and
such appointment is not revoked or annulled within a
period of sixty days from the date of such appointment;
(f) there has been any act or default on the part of the
individual licensee or there has been a change of
circumstances such that the individual licensee would no
longer be entitled to be granted an individual licence
under this Act.
(2) Before the Minister makes a decision under subsection (1),
the Commission shall give the individual licensee—
(a) a written notice of the Minister’s intention to revoke the
individual licence; and
(b) an opportunity to make written submissions within a
period specified in the written notice which shall not be
less than thirty days.
(3) After the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the
Minister shall, after considering any written submission made by
the individual licensee and having due regard to any recommendation
of the Commission, decide whether or not to revoke the individual
(4) The Commission shall give the individual licensee a written
notice of the Minister’s decision under subsection (3) as soon as
(5) The individual licensee shall not be entitled to any form of
compensation from the Minister or the Commission if the individual
licence is revoked in accordance with subsection (1).
Effective date of revocation of individual licence
14. The revocation of an individual licence under section 13
shall take effect on—
(a) a date specified by the Minister in the written notice
given under subsection 13(4); or
Laws of Malaysia26 ACT 655
(b) if no date is specified in the written notice given under
subsection 13(4), on the expiry of thirty days from the
date on which the notice is served on the individual
Publication of revocation of individual licence
15. (1) Where the revocation of an individual licence has taken
effect, the Commission shall, as soon as practicable, cause the
revocation to be published in at least one national language and
one English language national daily newspaper for at least three
consecutive days.
(2) Any delay or failure to publish the notice of revocation shall
not in any manner affect the validity of the revocation.
(3) The Minister and the Commission shall not be liable for any
action, loss or damage arising from or occasioned by the publication
of the notice referred to in subsection (1).
Surrender of individual licence
16. (1) An individual licensee may surrender its individual licence
by forwarding the licence to the Commission with a written notice
of the surrender of the licence.
(2) The surrender of the individual licence shall take effect six
months from the date the Commission receives the licence and the
written notice under subsection (1) or on such other date as may
be specified by the Minister.
(3) The surrender of an individual licence under subsection (1)
shall be irrevocable unless the Minister by notice in writing to the
individual licensee allows the surrender to be withdrawn before
the effective date of the surrender of the individual licence.
Renewal of individual licence
17. (1) An individual licensee may apply for a renewal of its
individual licence not later than one year before the date of expiry
of the existing individual licence.
Water Services Industry 27
(2) The Minister shall, on the recommendation of the Commission,
upon payment of the prescribed fee, renew an existing individual
licence except in the following circumstances:
(a) the individual licensee has failed to comply with any
provisions of this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
(b) the individual licensee has failed to comply with any of
the conditions of the individual licence;
(c) the individual licensee had improperly or illegally obtained
the individual licence;
(d) the individual licensee has been convicted of an offence
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
(e) a receiver, receiver and manager, provisional liquidator
or like official has been appointed over the whole or
substantial part of the individual licensee’s assets and
such appointment is not revoked or annulled within a
period of sixty days from the date of such appointment;
(f) there has been any act or default on the part of the
individual licensee or there has been a change of
circumstances such that the individual licensee would no
longer be entitled to be granted an individual licence
under this Act.
(3) The Commission may request the individual licensee to
provide any information or document as may be required for the
renewal application within a period specified in the request.
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (2), if the information or document
requested under subsection (3) is not provided by the individual
licensee within the period specified in the request or any extension
of time granted by the Commission, the Minister may not renew
the individual licence.
(5) If the Minister refuses to renew the individual licence, the
Commission shall inform the individual licensee by written notice
as soon as practicable of the Minister’s refusal to renew the individual
(6) The individual licensee shall be given an opportunity to
make written submissions to the Minister within a period specified
in the written notice referred to in subsection (5) which shall not
be less than fourteen days.
Laws of Malaysia28 ACT 655
(7) After the expiry of the period specified in the notice under
subsection (6), the Minister shall, after considering any written
submissions made by the individual licensee and having due regard
to any recommendation of the Commission, decide whether or not
to renew the individual licence.
(8) If the Minister decides not to renew the individual licence,
the Commission shall notify the individual licensee as soon as
practicable of the Minister’s decision and shall publish the decision
in at least one national language and one English language national
daily newspaper for at least three consecutive days.
(9) Any delay or failure to publish the notice referred to in
subsection (8) shall not in any manner affect the validity of the
Minister’s decision not to renew the individual licence.
(10) The Minister and the Commission shall not be liable for
any action, loss or damage arising from or occasioned by the
publication of the notice referred to in subsection (8).
Effect of revocation, surrender or non-renewal of individual
18. (1) If the revocation of an individual licence under section 13
or a surrender of an individual licence under section 16 has taken
effect or where the individual licence has not been renewed under
section 17, the individual licensee shall immediately cease to provide
any facility or service in respect of which the individual licence
was granted.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may authorize
the individual licensee in writing to carry on providing any facility
or service for such duration and upon such terms and conditions
as the Minister may specify in the authorization for the purpose
of winding up the licensee’s affairs.
Register of individual licence
19. The Commission shall maintain a register, in accordance
with section 176, which shall be made available to the public, of—
(a) any individual licence granted by the Minister;
(b) any exemption order to licensing requirements of individual
licence granted by the Minister;
Water Services Industry 29
(c) any special conditions specified in the individual licence;
(d) any imposition of additional conditions or variation or
revocation of conditions;
(e) any written notice by the individual licensee surrendering
its individual licence;
(f) any revocation of individual licence;
(g) any non-renewal of individual licence; and
(h) any written approval from the Minister to the assignment,
sub-licensing or transfer of an individual licence.
Chapter 2
Class licence
Requirement for class licence
20. (1) Subject to section 22, no person shall—
(a) own a private water supply system or private sewerage
system or any part of the systems; or
(b) undertake, provide or make available any water supply
services or sewerage services or part of the services by
means of operating a private water supply system or
private sewerage system,
unless he holds a class licence granted under this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), an individual licensee is
not required to apply for a class licence for the activities specified
in subsection (1) within its water supply distribution area or sewerage
services area if the terms of the individual licence authorizes the
individual licensee to carry out any such activities.
(3) A class licensee shall not provide any of the licensed activities
referred to in subsection (1) except in accordance with the conditions
of the class licence granted to the class licensee.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years or to both.
Laws of Malaysia30 ACT 655
Restrictions imposed on class licensee
21. (1) A class licensee who owns a private water supply system
or any part of the system or supplies water for its own private use,
or its tenants’, occupiers’, guests’ or invitees’ private use, within
its premises shall—
(a) be prohibited from leasing, licensing or permitting any
other person from using its private water supply system
or a part of the system for the purposes of supplying
water to the public; or
(b) not engage in any trade or business of supplying water
to the public,
unless it is licensed to do so under this Act.
(2) A class licensee who owns a private sewerage system or any
part of the system or provides sewerage services for the sole
purpose of collecting, conveying, treating and disposing sewage
by means of a private sewerage system shall—
(a) be prohibited from leasing, licensing or permitting any
other person from using its private sewerage system or
a part of the system for the purposes of providing sewerage
services to the public; or
(b) not engage in any trade or business of providing sewerage
services to the public,
unless it is licensed to do so under this Act.
(3) A class licensee who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits
an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding one year or to both.
Power to exempt from requirement for class licence
22. (1) The Minister may, upon the recommendation of the
Commission, by order published in the Gazette, exempt a person
from the licensing requirements under section 20 subject to such
terms and conditions as the Minister thinks fit.
Water Services Industry 31
(2) A person who is exempted from the licensing requirements
under subsection (1) shall comply with the duties and obligations
of a licensee as if the person is a class licensee under this Act
unless otherwise specified in the exemption order.
Exemption from duties or obligations
23. (1) A class licensee who —
(a) owns a private water supply system or a private sewerage
system or any part of the systems or supplies water for
its own private use or its tenants, occupiers, guests or
invitees’ private use within its premises; or
(b) owns a private sewerage system or any part of the system
or provides sewerage services for the sole purpose of
collecting, conveying, treating and disposing sewage by
means of a private sewerage system,
shall be exempted from the duties or obligations under sections 30,
31, 32, 33, 44, 47 and 48.
(2) A class licensee referred to in subsection (1) shall comply
with all other requirements under this Act and its subsidiary legislation
unless otherwise expressly exempted.
Approval for class licence
24. (1) The Minister may, upon the recommendation of the
Commission, approve a class licence in respect of any matter
requiring a class licence under this Act.
(2) The Minister shall give a copy of all class licences approved
under subsection (1) to the Commission as soon as practicable and
the Commission shall register the class licences.
Application for class licence and registration
25. (1) A person who intends to operate under a class licence
shall register with the Commission by submitting a registration
notice and the prescribed fees to the Commission.
Laws of Malaysia32 ACT 655
(2) A class licence registered by the Commission shall—
(a) include all class licence conditions as may be prescribed;
(b) be subject to such other conditions as may be imposed
by the Minister from time to time.
(3) No person shall operate under any class licence unless the
person is duly registered under this section by the Commission.
(4) The registration of a class licence is personal to the class
Compliance with conditions of class licence
26. (1) A class licensee shall comply with—
(a) the prescribed conditions of the class licence; and
(b) such other conditions as may be imposed by the Minister
from time to time.
(2) A class licensee who fails to comply with any of the conditions
of the class licence referred to in subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years or to both.
De-registration of class licensee
27. (1) The Commission may de-register a class licensee in any
of the following circumstances:
(a) the class licensee has failed to comply with any provisions
of this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
(b) the class licensee has failed to comply with any of the
conditions of the class licence;
(c) the class licensee had improperly or illegally obtained
the class licence;
(d) a receiver, receiver and manager, provisional liquidator
or like official has been appointed over the whole or
substantial part of the class licensee’s assets and such
appointment is not revoked or annulled within a period
of sixty days from the date of such appointment;
Water Services Industry 33
(e) there has been any act or default or change of circumstances
such that the class licensee would no longer be entitled
to be registered as a class licensee under this Act; or
(f) the de-registration of the class licensee is in the public
(2) Before making a decision under subsection (1), the Commission
shall give the class licensee—
(a) a written notice of its decision to de-register the class
licensee; and
(b) an opportunity to make written submissions within a
period specified in the written notice which shall not be
less than thirty days.
(3) After the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the
Commission shall, after considering any written submissions made
by the class licensee, decide whether or not to de-register the class
(4) The Commission shall give the class licensee a written notice
of its decision under subsection (3) as soon as practicable and the
de-registration of the class licensee shall take effect on the date
specified in the written notice.
(5) The class licensee who has been de-registered under subsection
(3) shall cease all activities for which its class licence relates.
Register of class licence
28. The Commission shall maintain a register, in accordance
with section 176, which shall be made available to the public, of—
(a) all class licences approved by the Minister and registered;
(b) all class licensees registered by the Commission;
(c) any exemption orders to licensing requirements granted
by the Minister; and
(d) all decisions of the Commission to de-register a class
Laws of Malaysia34 ACT 655
Chapter 1
Duties and obligations applicable to all licensees
Furnishing of information
29. (1) Without prejudice to section 132, a licensee shall furnish
the Commission with all such information relating to any matter
(a) is connected with the carrying out by the licensee of its
licensed activities; or
(b) is material to the carrying out by the Commission of any
of its powers under this Act or its subsidiary legislation,
as the Commission may require or as may be prescribed.
(2) The information required under this section shall be furnished
in such form and manner, at such interval and be accompanied or
supplemented by such explanations and supporting documents as
the Commission may require or as may be prescribed.
(3) The information which a licensee is required to furnish to
the Commission under this section may include information which,
although the information is not in the possession of the licensee
or would not otherwise come into the possession of the licensee,
is information that the licensee can reasonably be required to
obtain or compile.
(4) The Commission may require a licensee to appoint, at the
licensee’s cost, an independent expert, with qualifications as may
be specified by the Commission to conduct, audit or review any
of the information which a licensee is required to furnish to the
Commission under this section. The appointment and report of
such an independent expert shall not relieve or derogate in any
way the licensee’s liability under section 130.
(5) The Commission or its authorized officers or agents may at
any time, as it deems necessary, conduct an audit on the business
and activities of the licensee and the licensee shall take all necessary
steps, at its own cost, to assist and facilitate the Commission or
its authorized officers or agents in conducting the audit including
to grant them access to its premises and documentation and
information. The cost of the audit shall be borne by the Commission.
Water Services Industry 35
(6) A licensee who—
(a) fails to furnish any information as may be required by
the Commission under subsection (1); or
(b) refuses to assist or facilitate, or obstructs, the Commission,
its authorized officers or agents in conducting an audit
under subsection (5),
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit.
Submission of business plan
30. (1) An individual licensee shall submit a three year, or such
other period as may be determined by the Commission, rolling
business plan to the Commission updated on an annual basis or
at such time as may be required by the Commission.
(2) The business plan shall detail out the following information:
(a) the individual licensee’s plan for the expansion,
maintenance, repairs, upgrading, improvement,
refurbishment or alteration of the public water supply
system or public sewerage system and for constructing
a new public water supply system or public sewerage
(b) the capital and operational expenses to be incurred for
undertaking the activities specified in paragraph (2)(a);
(c) such other information as may be required or specified
by the Commission.
(3) The Commission may approve, reject or require modifications
to be made to the business plan submitted.
(4) The Commission shall inform the individual licensee of its
decision under subsection (3) within ninety days from the date of
complete submission of the business plan.
(5) It shall be the duty of the individual licensee to carry out
the activities set out in the approved business plan for the first year
of each rolling business plan.
(6) Any individual licensee who fails to comply with its duty
under this section commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit.
Laws of Malaysia36 ACT 655
Direction by Commission to facilities licensee to construct,
operate and maintain new public water supply system or public
sewerage system
31. (1) Where the Commission requires, in such circumstances as
may be prescribed by the Minister—
(a) a new public water supply system or public sewerage
system to be constructed and installed in a particular
location which does not have such systems in place; or
(b) to extend the existing public water supply system or
public sewerage system to a particular location which
does not have such systems in place,
to supply water or provide sewerage services to consumers at that
location, the Commission may direct a facilities licensee to construct
or install or to cause the construction or installation of such systems.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Commission shall obtain
the prior approval of the Federal Government before it directs a
facilities licensee that needs funding from the Federal Government
to carry out a direction of the Commission under this section.
(3) On the completion of the construction or installation of the
water supply system or sewerage system referred to in subsection
(1), the Commission may direct a service licensee to operate and
maintain the systems.
Access to public water supply system and public sewerage
32. (1) Where a service licensee supplying water or providing
sewerage services requires the use of a public water supply system
or public sewerage system, the facilities licensee owning the public
water supply system or public sewerage system or part of the
systems shall, if required by the Commission, lease to the service
licensee the public water supply system or public sewerage system
or part of the systems as required by the service licensee.
(2) The service licensee and the facilities licensee referred to
in subsection (1) shall enter into a lease agreement for the lease
of the public water supply system and public sewerage system or
part of the systems as required by the service licensee.
Water Services Industry 37
(3) The lease agreement shall comply with any subsidiary
legislation made in respect of lease agreements.
(4) The lease agreement shall be registered with the Commission
and shall not be enforceable until it has been so registered.
Dealing with consumers
33. A service licensee providing water supply services or sewerage
services has a general duty to—
(a) deal reasonably with consumers; and
(b) adequately address consumer complaints.
Security, integrity and safety of water supply system and sewerage
34. It shall be the duty of every licensee to maintain at all times
the security, integrity and safety of its water supply system and
sewerage system and all other assets in relation to the systems.
Duty of facilities licensee in respect of water supply system and
sewerage system
35. It shall be the duty of every facilities licensee to construct,
refurbish, improve, upgrade, maintain and repair its water supply
system and sewerage system and all other assets in relation to the
systems such that the facilities licensee is and continues to be able
to meet its obligations under this Act and its subsidiary legislation.
Chapter 2
Duties and obligations applicable to licensees
providing water supply services
Developing and maintaining water supply system
36. (1) It shall be the duty of every service licensee providing
water supply services to maintain an efficient and economical
water supply system.
Laws of Malaysia38 ACT 655
(2) A water distribution licensee shall ensure that all arrange-
ments have been made—
(a) for providing water supply to premises within its water
supply distribution area and for making such supply
available to persons who demand them; and
(b) for maintaining, improving and extending the water supply
system in relation to the distribution of water,
such that the water distribution licensee is and continues to be able
to meet its obligations under this Act.
(3) The duty of a water distribution licensee to maintain a
public water supply system shall be up to the end of the
communication pipe.
(4) The cost of repairing, replacing and maintaining the
communication pipe shall be borne by the water distribution
Supply of water
37. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a water distribution licensee
shall, on application in writing by the owner or occupier of any
premises, supply water to the premises.
(2) No water distribution licensee shall be required to supply
water to any premises if—
(a) any building on the premises has been erected in
contravention of any written law or is in a ruinous or
dangerous condition;
(b) the supply of water is already given to the premises by
another water distribution licensee;
(c) the water distribution licensee is prevented from doing
so by circumstances beyond the water distribution licensee’s
(d) the supplying of the water will cause the water distribution
licensee to be in breach of this Act or its subsidiary
Water Services Industry 39
(e) the supply of water had been previously disconnected as
a result of a breach of this Act or its subsidiary legislation
and the breach has not been remedied;
(f) the previous supply of water has been disconnected in
accordance with this Act or its subsidiary legislation;
(g) the refusal to supply water is approved by the Commission.
Connecting public mains and premises to be supplied with
38. (1) When an application for the supply of water has been
approved by a water distribution licensee, the water distribution
licensee shall install the necessary communication pipe to connect
the public mains and the premises to be supplied with water, and
the water distribution licensee may also supply and adjust all water
fittings but the cost of such connection and of all the water fittings
for such supply shall be borne by the owner or occupier of the
(2) No connection shall be made to the public mains until the
estimated cost of making the connection has been deposited with
the water distribution licensee and until all the water fittings requisite
for the supply of water have been previously erected and completed
in accordance with any requirement of any subsidiary legislation
made under this Act in respect of the same.
Supply of water through public pipes
39. (1) A water distribution licensee shall, on the request of the
Commission after consultation with the relevant local authority,
supply water to a designated area for use by members of the public
through public pipes installed within such designated area.
(2) Such supply shall be subject to such terms and conditions
as the water distribution licensee and the Commission, in consultation
with the local authority, may mutually agree provided that the
charges for the supply of such water shall be approved by the
Laws of Malaysia40 ACT 655
Maintaining water pressure
40. (1) It shall be the duty of a water distribution licensee to
cause the water in its water mains and other pipes—
(a) used for the supply of water; or
(b) having a fire-hydrant fixed on them,
to be maintained at such pressure as may be set out in the subsidiary
legislation made under this Act.
(2) A water distribution licensee who contravenes subsection
(1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit.
Water quality
41. (1) The water distribution licensee shall, when supplying water
to any premises, ensure that at the time of supply the quality of
water supplied complies with the minimum quality standards as
prescribed by the Minister.
(2) The water distribution licensee shall ensure, as far as it is
reasonably practicable, in relation to each source or combination
of sources from which the licensee supplies water to any premises,
that there is no deterioration in the minimum quality standards of
the water which is supplied from time to time from that source or
combination of sources.
(3) For the purposes of this section, water supplied by a water
distribution licensee to any premises shall not be regarded as not
complying with the prescribed minimum quality standards at the
time of supply where the water has ceased to comply with the
minimum quality standards only after leaving the licensee’s pipes.
(4) Any water distribution licensee who contravenes
subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence and shall, on conviction,
be liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand ringgit
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to
Water Services Industry 41
Supply of water for fire-fighting
42. (1) A water distribution licensee shall allow the Fire Services
Department or any other person authorized by the Commission or
under any written law to take water for extinguishing fires from
any of its water mains or other pipes on which a fire hydrant is
(2) The cost for utilizing the water from the fire hydrant shall
be borne by the water distribution licensee.
(3) Any water distribution licensee who contravenes subsection
(1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit.
(4) In this section, “Fire Services Department” shall have the
same meaning as in the Fire Services Act 1988 [Act 341].
Chapter 3
Duties and obligations applicable to licensees
providing sewerage services
Operating and maintaining public sewerage system
43. It shall be the duty of every service licensee operating and
maintaining a public sewerage system—
(a) to manage, operate, maintain, inspect, repair, alter, arch
over or otherwise improve the public sewerage system
and to treat and dispose of the contents thereof; and
(b) to properly desludge the public sewerage system and for
such purposes the service licensee may cause the
construction or placing, either above or under ground,
such sewers, pumps and other works as are necessary.
Septic tanks to be desludged
44. (1) The service licensee operating and maintaining a public
sewerage system shall desludge the septic tanks in its sewerage
services areas from time to time as may be prescribed.
(2) The service licensee who fails to comply with its obligations
under subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction,
be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit.
Laws of Malaysia42 ACT 655
Chapter 1
Water supply system and sewerage system
Construction of water supply system, sewerage system and
septic tanks
45. (1) No person shall construct, alter, modify, disconnect or
close up a water supply system, sewerage system, septic tank,
individual internal sewerage piping or common internal sewerage
piping unless the relevant plans or specifications which requires
the approval of the Commission have first been approved in writing
by the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall, by rules made under section 180, set
out the standards as to the type and extent of construction, alteration,
modification, disconnection or closing up of a water supply system,
sewerage system, septic tank, individual internal sewerage piping
or common internal sewerage piping which require the relevant
plans and specifications to be first approved by the Commission.
(3) A person seeking the approval of the Commission under
subsection (1) shall submit to the Commission such information
and document in a form and manner and within the time as may
be provided in the rules made under section 180.
(4) If a person fails to comply with subsection (3), the person’s
application for approval shall be deemed to be withdrawn without
affecting the person’s right to submit a fresh application.
(5) In considering whether to grant an approval under subsection
(1), the Commission shall take into consideration the following:
(a) the business plan submitted by the individual licensee
operating and maintaining the water supply system,
sewerage system or septic tank;
(b) the plans and specifications for the water supply system,
sewerage system or septic tank submitted by the person;
(c) such other matters as the Commission deems fit.
Water Services Industry 43
(6) In granting the approval to the person under subsection (1),
the Commission may impose such terms and conditions as it deems
(7) A person who—
(a) constructs, alters, modifies, disconnects or closes up a
water supply system, sewerage system, septic tank,
individual internal sewerage piping or common internal
sewerage piping without the plans and specifications which
are required to be approved by the Commission being
first approved in writing by the Commission;
(b) constructs, alters, modifies, disconnects or closes up any
water supply system, sewerage system, septic tank,
individual internal sewerage piping or common internal
sewerage piping not in accordance with approved plans
and specifications; or
(c) makes any alteration to approved plans and specifications
for the water supply system, sewerage system, septic
tank, individual internal sewerage piping or common
internal sewerage piping otherwise than in accordance
with this Act or its subsidiary legislation,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years or to both; and he shall alter
the water supply system, sewerage system, septic tank, individual
internal sewerage piping or common internal sewerage piping so
as to comply with the approved plans and specifications.
(8) If the Commission is satisfied that any person has committed
any of the offences under subsection (7), then notwithstanding that
the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection or closure
may have been approved under any written law, the Commission
(a) if the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection
or closure has been completed, direct that person, the
owner or management corporation of the land or any
combination of them, within a specified period, to bring
the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection
or closure into conformity in the manner as the Commission
Laws of Malaysia44 ACT 655
deems fit or, where this is not possible, to restore the
land as far as possible to the condition it was in before
the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection
or closure was commenced; or
(b) if the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection
or closure has not been completed, direct that person, the
owner or management corporation of the land to
immediately cease the construction, alteration, modification,
disconnection or closure works and comply with such
requirement as the Commission deems fit or, where this
is not possible, to restore the land as far as possible to
the condition it was in before the construction, alteration,
modification, disconnection or closure was commenced.
(9) Where no written permission or approved plan has been
obtained for any construction, alteration, modification, disconnection
or closure and the Commission has directed that application be
made for permission or approval of plans, such direction shall not
be taken as an indication of willingness to grant permission or
approval and shall be without prejudice to any power of the
Commission under this Act and its subsidiary legislation.
(10) Where a direction for cessation issued under subsection (8)
is not complied with, the Commission may in addition to the
remedies under section 177 summarily evict any person or remove
any equipment, vehicle, machinery or article from the site to secure
the cessation of the construction, alteration, modification,
disconnection or closure and for this purposes may seek the assistance
of the police.
(11) Notwithstanding subsections (7), (8) and (10), the
Commission may execute any work or take any measure—
(a) if the Commission considers such work or measure to be
in the interest of public health;
(b) if the Commission considers such work or measure
necessary to prevent an imminent danger to the
environment; or
(c) in the case of non-compliance with any directions given
under subsection (8),
and such work and measure may be in addition to or in place of
anything required to be done under any directions the Commission
Water Services Industry 45
may issue under subsection (8) and the Commission may recover
all expenses reasonably incurred by the Commission in doing so
from the person who committed the offence under this section.
(12) Where cessation has been directed by the Commission,
the Commission may allow the resumption of the construction,
alteration, modification, disconnection or closure subject to
compliance with such directions and conditions as the Commission
may specify.
(13) The Commission may refuse to allow the resumption of
the construction, alteration, modification, disconnection or closure
under subsection (12) until all expenses reasonably incurred by the
Commission in securing the cessation, executing the work and
taking the measures have been reimbursed.
(14) A person who—
(a) continues to carry out any activity after being directed
to cease work under subsection (8);
(b) fails to comply with a direction or condition given by the
Commission under this section; or
(c) does any act to obstruct in any manner the Commission
or any person authorized by the Commission or any person
acting on behalf of the Commission in the execution of
the powers under this section,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
Requirement for developer to construct water supply system
and sewerage system
46. A developer of a new development shall be required to construct
a water supply system and a sewerage system or part of the systems
in its development in accordance with requirements set out in any
plan and specification approved by the Commission according to
section 45.
Laws of Malaysia46 ACT 655
Developer to hand over water supply system or sewerage system
of new development to service licensee
47. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (5), a developer of a new
development which is within a service licensee’s water supply
distribution area or sewerage services area, as the case may be,
shall, upon the issuance of the certificate of compliance of the
water supply system or sewerage system or part of the systems by
a qualified person, hand over the water supply system or sewerage
system or part of the systems within the development to the water
distribution licensee or the service licensee providing sewerage
services, as the case may be, at no cost, for the purposes set out
in subsection (3).
(2) The service licensee shall accept the water supply system
or sewerage system or part of the systems, as the case may be,
after the service licensee is satisfied that the water supply
system or the sewerage system or part of the systems meets the
requirements set out in the approved plans and specifications and
(3) Upon the water supply system or the sewerage system or
part of the systems being handed over to the service licensee, the
service licensee shall operate and maintain such system.
(4) The developer shall provide or cause the owner of the land
to provide the service licensee access to the water supply system
and sewerage system or part of the systems for the purposes of
operating and maintaining such system.
(5) The Commission may exempt any developer from the
requirements of this section.
(6) A person who fails to comply with this section commits an
offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
three hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both.
(7) In this section, “qualified person” means a person who is
recognized by the Commission as a person qualified to issue a
certificate of compliance for the purpose of subsection (1).
Water Services Industry 47
Damage to public water supply system and sewerage system to
be made good
48. (1) If, through any act, neglect or default, any person has
committed an offence under this Act or its subsidiary legislation
and by that act, neglect or default he has caused damage to any
public water supply system or public sewerage system, that person
shall, in addition to any penalty that may be imposed for that
offence, be liable to make good the damage and pay compensation
to the licensee for the damage caused.
(2) The amount to be paid in making good any damage under
subsection (1) shall, in case of dispute, be determined by the court
by which the person causing such damage is convicted.
Qualifications to operate, etc., water supply system and sewerage
49. (1) No part of any water supply system or sewerage system
shall be worked, managed or operated or cause to be worked,
managed or operated except by and under the control of persons
possessing such qualifications and holding such certificates as
may be provided in this Act or as may be prescribed.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty
thousand ringgit.
Permits for contractors
50. (1) Subject to such exemptions as may be specified by the
Commission, no person shall—
(a) carry out any construction, connection, modifications or
repairs to water pipes and water fittings which convey or
will convey water from the public mains;
(b) carry out any works necessary to connect a private
connection pipe to a sewer or sewage treatment works;
(c) construct, install or modify any part of a water supply
system or sewerage system;
(d) carry out maintenance services for a water supply system
or a sewerage system but does not involve the operation
of such systems; or
Laws of Malaysia48 ACT 655
(e) undertake, provide or make available sewerage desludging
services or any other sewerage services,
without a written permit issued by the Commission.
(2) A person who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits
an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
three hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both.
Plumbing and connection works
51. All plumbing works (excluding sanitary plumbing), connection
works and any other related works and all future repairs, extensions
and alterations of such works shall only be undertaken in accordance
with this Act and its subsidiary legislation.
Chapter 2
Water supply services
Supply agreement with consumers
52. (1) A person who is supplied water by, or who has requested
for a supply of water from, a water distribution licensee shall, if
required by the water distribution licensee, enter into an agreement
with the water distribution licensee for the supply of water on such
terms and conditions as may be specified in the agreement before
water is supplied.
(2) An agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall be in the
form and substance which is in compliance with any rules made
by the Commission under section 180.
Bulk supply between service licensees providing water supply
53. (1) An agreement to supply water in bulk entered into between
service licensees providing water supply services shall be registered
with the Commission and shall not be enforceable until it has been
so registered.
Water Services Industry 49
(2) Where, on application of a service licensee—
(a) it appears to the Commission that it is necessary or expedient
for the purposes of this Act that another service licensee
providing water supply services should give a supply of
water in bulk to the applicant; and
(b) the Commission is satisfied that the giving and taking of
such a supply cannot be secured by agreement,
the Commission may direct the other service licensee to give such
a supply at such quantity, for such period and on such terms and
conditions as may be provided in the direction.
(3) In deciding what provision to make by direction in respect
of the giving of any supply of water by a service licensee, the
Commission shall have regard to the desirability of the licensee’s
recovering the expenses incurred in complying with its obligations
under this section and of securing a reasonable rate of return on
its paid up capital subject to the licensee achieving a desired level
of efficiency.
(4) The bulk supply agreement shall comply with any rules
made by the Commission under section 180 in respect of the bulk
supply agreement.
(5) This section shall only be applicable to a service licensee
providing water supply services who holds an individual licence.
Reduction or cessation of supply
54. (1) Any water distribution licensee may, with the approval of
the Commission—
(a) reduce the quantity or pressure of water supplied to any
consumer if by reason of any circumstances beyond its
control there is insufficient water to enable the full quantity
to be supplied; or
(b) temporarily cease the supply of water.
(2) The water distribution licensee shall not be liable for any
damage to any person or property or for any reduction or cessation
of the supply of water which—
(a) is approved by the Commission;
Laws of Malaysia50 ACT 655
(b) is due to circumstances or accident which is not a result
of its own doing or conduct; or
(c) is due to the unauthorized connection of equipment or
water fittings.
(3) Unless otherwise exempted or permitted under this Act or
its subsidiary legislation, the water distribution licensee shall take
all necessary steps as may be required, including the supply of
water by water tankers, to ensure that a consumer within its water
supply distribution area is supplied with water.
Restriction of water supply
55. (1) If it appears to the Commission that there is reasonable
cause to believe that any premises have been used or are about to
be used for the commission of an offence under this Act or its
subsidiary legislation or under any other written law or on such
other grounds as the Commission may deem fit, the Commission
may direct the water distribution licensee to disconnect the supply
of water to the said premises.
(2) The water distribution licensee may, in accordance with
requirements and procedures set out in the rules made by the
Commission under section 180—
(a) temporarily cease the supply of water to any premises;
(b) reduce or divert wholly or in part any of its pipe or any
part of its pipe,
for the purpose of carrying out essential maintenance of and
repairs or alteration to any water supply system or part of the
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), where in the opinion of the
water distribution licensee, the supply of water is unsafe for the
purposes of normal supply to the public or poses a health risk to
the public, the water distribution licensee shall immediately undertake
the measures under subsection (2) and shall notify the Commission
as soon as practicable of the measures taken.
Water Services Industry 51
(4) If a water distribution licensee knows or has reason to believe
that the supply of water is unsafe for the purposes of normal
supply to the public or poses a health risk to the public and fails
(a) temporarily cease the supply of water to any premises;
(b) reduce or divert wholly or in part any of its pipe or any
part of its pipe,
the water distribution licensee commits an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand
ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or
to both.
Special powers during emergency
56. (1) The Minister shall have any or all of the following powers
during an emergency:
(a) to prohibit or restrict the use of water—
(i) generally or for specified purposes;
(ii) during specified hours of the day or otherwise; or
(iii) in a specified manner;
(b) to impose—
(i) limits on the quantities of water which may be
consumed over any specified period;
(ii) any surcharge in respect of the consumption of
water in excess of any limit imposed; or
(iii) any other conditions as the Minister may think
(c) to order a licensee or any person owning or operating a
water supply system to cease operations on such terms
and for such time as the Minister thinks necessary; or
(d) to order any person to supply water on such terms and
conditions as the Minister thinks necessary.
Laws of Malaysia52 ACT 655
(2) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable, after exercising
any or all of his powers specified under subsection (1), publish in
the Gazette a notice specifying the particulars of the power exercised
and action taken under subsection (1).
(3) The Minister may on such grounds as he thinks fit—
(a) limit the application of subsection (1) to specified areas,
groups, class of persons, premises or activities; and
(b) suspend or waive any provisions of this section.
(4) The Minister may direct the Commission to—
(a) take temporary possession of any water supply system of
a licensee and operate it or direct any other person to
operate it in such manner as the Minister thinks fit; and
(b) take or cause to be taken such measures including the
installation of restrictive, controlling and measuring devices
and the regulation and control of the disposition of
appliances as may be necessary to ensure compliance
with this section,
and the licensee having control or possession of the water supply
system shall hand over the control or possession of the water
supply system to any officer authorized by the Commission for
that purpose or any other person as the Minister thinks fit and the
licensee shall take all such measures and provide all such assistance
as may be required by the Commission, officer or person.
(5) A decision, order or direction of the Minister in the exercise
of his powers under this section shall be final and shall not be
challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or questioned in
any court.
(6) A person who fails to comply with the order of the Minister
or the prohibition, restriction or imposition made by the Minister
under subsection (1) or the requirement under subsection (4) commits
an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
three hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both.
(7) Where any premises is occupied by any person other than
the owner, the occupier of the premises shall be presumed to have
committed the offence under this section unless it is proved that
he has taken all reasonable steps to prevent such commission.
Water Services Industry 53
(8) The Federal Government, the Commission and their employees
and agents shall not be liable for any action for breach of contract
or for any loss or damage occasioned by any disconnection, stoppage,
reduction or restriction of water supply under this section.
(9) Every licensee and their employees and agents shall not be
liable for any action for breach of contract or for any loss or
damage occasioned by any disconnection, stoppage, reduction or
restriction of the supply of water under this section except where
the disconnection, stoppage, reduction or restriction of the supply
of water was caused by—
(a) the negligence or wilful act of the licensee, their employees
or agents; or
(b) a breach by the licensee of the terms and conditions of
its licence or the provisions of this Act or its subsidiary
(10) A person referred to in paragraphs (1)(c) and (d) shall not
be liable for any action for breach of contract or for any loss or
damage occasioned by any cessation of operations or the supply
of water, as the case may be, under this section.
(11) For the purposes of this section, an “emergency” means a
circumstance where—
(a) water supply is insufficient due to excessive drought or
industrial unrest, strike or lock-out;
(b) the supply of water or water supply system endangers or
poses a threat to public safety or public health; or
(c) an event occurs which gives rise to a dire situation which
the Minister considers it necessary to exercise his powers
under this section.
Chapter 3
Sewerage system and services
Power to require premises to be connected to public sewerage
57. (1) The Commission may direct the owner or management
corporation, or if the owner or management corporation cannot
with reasonable diligence be traced, the occupier of any premises
not connected to a public sewerage system, to construct or install
Laws of Malaysia54 ACT 655
for the premises, within the period specified in the direction, a
private connection pipe of such material or size and at such level
as to enable the premises to be properly and effectively connected
to any public sewer or public sewerage system located within
thirty meters from the boundary of the premises.
(2) If the owner, management corporation or occupier to whom
a direction under subsection (1) has been issued fails to comply
with the direction within the period specified in the direction, the
Commission or any person authorized by the Commission may
construct or install the private connection pipe or cause the pipe
to be constructed or installed and recover the expenses incurred
in the construction and installation of such pipes from the owner,
management corporation or occupier.
Power to require developer to connect development to public
sewerage system
58. (1) The Commission may direct the developer of any
development not connected to a public sewerage system, to construct
or install for the development, within the period specified in the
direction, a connection pipe of such material or size and at such
level as to enable the development to be properly and effectively
connected to any public sewer or public sewerage system.
(2) If the developer to whom a direction under subsection (1)
has been issued fails to comply with the direction within the period
specified in the direction, the Commission or any person authorized
by the Commission may construct or install the connection pipe
or cause the pipe to be constructed or installed and recover the
expenses incurred in the construction and installation of such pipes
from the developer.
Requirement that proper drainage for sewage be made
59. (1) If any premises is at any time not properly drained for
sewage in accordance with this Act or its subsidiary legislation or
otherwise to the satisfaction of the Commission by a sufficient
private connection pipe communicating with a public sewer or
public sewerage system, the Commission may give notice in writing
requiring the owner or management corporation of the premises
or, if the owner or management corporation cannot with reasonable
diligence be traced, the occupier thereof to construct or install
from such premises a pipe of such material or size and at such
Water Services Industry 55
level and with such gradient as the Commission deems necessary
for the draining of sewage from the premises or to construct such
other system as the Commission deems necessary.
(2) If the owner, management corporation or occupier to whom
a notice under subsection (1) has been issued fails to comply with
the notice within the period specified in the notice, the Commission
or any person authorized by the Commission may construct or
install the pipe or such other system as the Commission deems
necessary or cause the pipe or system to be constructed or installed
and recover the expenses incurred in the construction and installation
of the pipe or system from the owner, management corporation or
(3) A person who fails to comply with the notice given under
subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
Unauthorized connection to public sewer, etc.
60. (1) No person shall, without the prior written permission of
the Commission—
(a) make or cause or permit any private connection pipe,
drain or sewer to connect directly or indirectly to any
public sewer or public sewage treatment works; or
(b) close up, obstruct, stop or deviate any public sewer.
(2) The Commission may—
(a) order any person contravening subsection (1) to discontinue
the use of, or demolish or otherwise remove, any
obstruction, private connection pipe, drain or sewer in
contravention of that subsection; or
(b) demolish or otherwise remove the obstruction, private
connection pipe, drain or sewer and recover the expenses
incurred in doing so from the person.
(3) The Commission may refuse to permit any person to make
a connection to any public sewer or public sewage treatment works
(a) the public sewer or public sewage treatment works do not
or will not have the necessary capability or capacity to
receive the sewage which will be discharged through the
proposed connection; or
Laws of Malaysia56 ACT 655
(b) it appears to the Commission that the mode of construction
or the condition of the public sewer or public sewage
treatment works is such that the making of the connection
is likely to be prejudicial to the public sewerage system.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or fails to comply
with an order issued under subsection (2) commits an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand
ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or
to both.
Prohibited effluent or noxious matter not to be discharged into
public sewer, etc.
61. (1) No person shall discharge into or allow to be discharged
into any public sewer or public sewage treatment works—
(a) any prohibited effluent, without the approval of the
(b) any noxious, volatile or inflammable substance or any
other matter likely to damage or impair the functioning
of any public sewer or public sewage treatment works or
to interfere with the free flow of its contents or to affect
prejudicially the treatment or disposal of its contents; or
(c) any effluent, matter or substance from a garbage grinder
or such other device determined by the Commission,
without the approval of the Commission.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
one year or to both.
Responsibilities for communal septic tank
62. (1) A septic tank which services more than one premises shall
be deemed to be the joint responsibility of the owners or occupiers
of those premises irrespective of the location of the septic tank.
(2) Each of the owners or occupiers shall be liable to pay charges
for sewerage services as if they were the owners of individual
septic tanks.
Water Services Industry 57
Power to install or construct private sewerage system or septic
63. (1) The Commission may direct the owner or management
corporation of any premises, or if the owner or management
corporation cannot with reasonable diligence be traced, the occupier
of the premises, to install or construct a private sewerage system
or septic tank for the premises as the Commission deems necessary.
(2) The cost of the construction or installation of the private
sewerage system or septic tank shall be borne by the owner or
management corporation of the premises, or if the owner or
management corporation cannot with reasonable diligence be traced,
the occupier.
Power to require private sewerage system, etc., to be put in
proper order
64. (1) If the Commission is satisfied that—
(a) a private sewerage system, septic tank, individual internal
sewerage piping or common internal sewerage piping on
any premises or which serves any premises; or
(b) a private connection pipe connecting any premises to a
public sewerage system,
is defective or is not properly maintained or is in need of repair,
the Commission may issue a direction to the owner, management
corporation or occupier of such premises or the owner of or the
management corporation responsible for the private sewerage
system, septic tank, individual internal sewerage piping, common
internal sewerage piping or private connection pipe to have such
private sewerage system, septic tank, individual internal sewerage
piping, common internal sewerage piping or private connection
pipe repaired or put in proper order within the period specified in
the direction.
(2) If the Commission is satisfied that, due to any obstruction,
any premises on which a septic tank is situated does not have
adequate access for the purpose of desludging the septic tank, the
Commission may issue a direction to the owner, management
corporation or occupier of such premises to remove such obstruction
within the period specified in the direction.
Laws of Malaysia58 ACT 655
(3) If the person to whom a direction issued under subsection
(1) or (2) fails to comply with the direction within the period
specified in the direction—
(a) the Commission or any person authorized by the
Commission may, at the expiration of such period, do the
work required in the direction and may recover the expenses
incurred in doing so from the owner, management
corporation or occupier; or
(b) the Commission may direct the service licensee in that
sewerage services area to manage and operate the private
sewerage system, septic tank, individual internal sewerage
piping, common internal sewerage piping or private
connection pipe, as the case may be, for such period as
the Commission may decide and to charge the owner,
management corporation or occupier for services rendered
by that service licensee.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b), the owner, management
corporation and occupier of the premises shall grant the service
licensee access to the private sewerage system, septic tank, individual
internal sewerage piping, common internal sewerage piping or
private connection pipe, as the case may be, for the purposes of
operating and maintaining the private sewerage system, septic
tank, individual internal sewerage piping, common internal sewerage
piping or private connection pipe, as the case may be.
Duty to operate and maintain private sewerage system, etc.
65. (1) The owner, management corporation or occupier of
any premises having a private sewerage system or septic tank
(a) grant the service licensee or permit holder adequate access
to the septic tank for the purpose of enabling the septic
tank to be serviced and desludged;
(b) cause the private sewerage system, septic tank, the private
connection pipe, individual internal sewerage piping,
common internal sewerage piping and all accessories
thereto to be so maintained and kept as not to be a
nuisance or harmful to health;
Water Services Industry 59
(c) cause the septic tank to be desludged and, in the case of
a private sewerage system, to be serviced or maintained
by a service licensee or permit holder at such intervals
and in such manner as may be prescribed; and
(d) grant the service licensee or permit holder adequate access
to the private sewerage system for the purposes of enabling
the private sewerage system to be inspected, serviced or
(2) The owner, management corporation or occupier of any
premises, as the case may be, shall be solely responsible for the
maintenance, refurbishment or replacement of the individual internal
sewerage piping or the common internal sewerage piping.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty
thousand ringgit.
Penalty in respect of nuisance, etc., caused by private sewerage
system or septic tanks
66. (1) The owner of or management corporation responsible for—
(a) any private sewerage system or septic tank which is so
foul or is in such a state or so situate as to be a nuisance
or a danger to health; or
(b) any premises which is not ventilated in such manner as
to render harmless as far as practicable any gas, vapour,
dust or other impurity that is harmful to health generated
from that private sewerage system or septic tank,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding six months or to both.
(2) The Commission may direct the owner or the management
corporation or, if the owner or management corporation cannot
with reasonable diligence be traced, the occupier of the premises
where the private sewerage system or septic tank is located or
situated on, to abate such nuisance, harm or danger.
Laws of Malaysia60 ACT 655
(3) If the owner, management corporation or occupier fails to
comply with the direction of the Commission under subsection (2),
the Commission or any person authorized by the Commission may
abate such nuisance, harm or danger and the expenses incurred by
the Commission or the authorized person shall be borne by the
owner, management corporation or occupier.
Contract for the provision of sewerage services
67. (1) The owner, management corporation or occupier of any
premises to whom sewerage services is provided shall be deemed,
upon the provision of sewerage services to that premises, to have
contracted with the service licensee providing sewerage services
for the provision of sewerage services.
(2) An agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall be in the
form and substance which is in compliance with any rules made
by the Commission under section 180.
Chapter 1
Consumer protection
Consumer standards
68. (1) The Commission may, on its own initiative or upon the
recommendation of the Water Forum, prepare or caused to be
prepared consumer standards which shall include model procedures
(a) reasonably meeting consumer requirements;
(b) the handling of customer complaints and disputes including
a mediation process other than a court, and procedures
for the compensation of customers in case of a breach of
the consumer standards; and
(c) the protection of consumer information.
(2) The matters which the consumer standards may address
may include—
(a) the provision of information to consumers regarding
services, rates and performance;
Water Services Industry 61
(b) service levels and quality of service to be provided to
(c) the provision of fault repair services;
(d) customer charging, billing, collection and credit practices;
(e) any other matters of concern to consumers.
Water Forum
69. (1) The Commission shall designate a body to be known as
the “Water Forum” for the purposes of this Act by notifying the
body in writing, if the Commission is satisfied that—
(a) the membership of the body is open to all persons;
(b) the body is capable of performing as required under the
relevant provisions of this Act; and
(c) the body has a written constitution.
(2) The body shall agree in writing to be the Water Forum
before the designation may be registered.
(3) The Commission may decide that an existing body that
was previously designated as the Water Forum is no longer an
appropriate body for the purposes of this Act, if the Commission
is satisfied that the body no longer meets the requirements set out
in subsection (1).
(4) A designation or withdrawal of designation under this section
shall take effect from the date of registration or a later date specified.
Functions of the Water Forum
70. (1) The Water Forum shall have all the functions imposed on
it under this Act and, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, the Water Forum shall have the following functions:
(a) to give feedback and make recommendations to the
Commission on any matters concerning the interest of
consumers of the water supply services and sewerage
(b) to represent the interests of consumers of the water supply
services and sewerage services;
Laws of Malaysia62 ACT 655
(c) to promote consumer’s interest in relation to the tariffs
and standards of water supply services and sewerage
(d) to identify and keep under review matters affecting the
interests of consumers and ensure that the water supply
services and sewerage services companies are aware of,
and responsive to, concerns about their services;
(e) to publicise the existence, functions and work of the
Water Forum in protecting the interests of consumers;
(f) to carry out any functions as may be determined by the
(2) The Commission shall have due regard to the recommendations
of the Water Forum in the exercise of its powers and the performance
of its functions under this Act.
Chapter 2
Resolution of disputes
71. (1) A dispute between—
(a) two or more licensees or permit holders; or
(b) a licensee and a permit holder,
regarding any matter under this Act or its subsidiary legislation
shall first be attempted to be resolved by negotiation between the
parties to the dispute.
(2) If the parties to a dispute fail to reach an agreement, the
parties may seek resolution of the dispute by referring the dispute
to a committee established by the Commission to hear and resolve
(3) The referral under subsection (2) shall be in writing.
Dispute procedures
72. (1) A committee established by the Commission to hear and
resolve disputes may only do so under this Chapter if it is notified
in writing of the dispute.
Water Services Industry 63
(2) The committee shall adopt such procedures as it deems fit
and proper in hearing a dispute.
Committee to decide on notified disputes
73. (1) Upon receipt of a notification in writing by the parties to
the dispute referred to in section 71, the committee shall as soon
as practicable convene to decide the dispute.
(2) The committee shall be bound under subsection (1) to convene
to decide a dispute if it is satisfied that—
(a) an agreement will not be reached, or will not be reached
within a reasonable time;
(b) the notification of the dispute is not trivial, frivolous or
vexatious; and
(c) the resolution of the dispute would promote the objects
of this Act.
(3) The committee may resolve the dispute upon such terms and
conditions as it deems fit.
Decisions to be in writing
74. (1) The terms and conditions of any resolution of a dispute
by the committee under this Chapter shall be accompanied with
reasons and be in writing.
(2) The committee shall provide the parties to the dispute with
a copy of its decision as soon as practicable.
(3) The decision of the committee shall be binding on the parties
to the dispute.
Registration of decisions
75. (1) The Commission shall maintain a register of all decisions
of the committee under this Chapter in accordance with
section 176.
Laws of Malaysia64 ACT 655
(2) The register shall contain—
(a) the names of the parties to the dispute;
(b) a general description of the matter pertaining to the decision
and the decision; and
(c) the date of the decision,
except the reasons for the decision.
Enforcement of decision
76. A decision given by the committee may, by leave of the
Sessions Court, be enforced in the same manner as a judgment or
order to the same effect, and where leave is so given, judgment
may be entered in terms of the decision.
Chapter 3
Inquiries by the Commission
77. (1) The Commission shall, in response to a direction by the
Minister, hold an inquiry on any matter of a general nature which
relates to the administration of this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
(2) The Commission may hold an inquiry on any matter—
(a) in response to a written request from a person; or
(b) on its own initiative,
only if it is satisfied that the matter is of significant interest to
either the public or to the current or prospective licensees under
this Act.
Conduct of inquiry
78. (1) An inquiry under this Chapter is to be conducted as and
when the Commission deems fit.
(2) The Commission may combine two or more inquiries into
a single inquiry.
(3) All inquiries are to be open to the public.
Water Services Industry 65
Publication of notice of inquiry
79. (1) If the Commission is directed by the Minister to hold an
inquiry under subsection 77(1) or decides to hold an inquiry under
subsection 77(2), the Commission shall publish, in any manner it
deems appropriate, a notice of the following matters:
(a) the fact that it is holding the inquiry;
(b) the period during which the inquiry is to be held;
(c) the nature of the matter to which the inquiry relates;
(d) the period, of at least forty-five days, within which, and
the form in which, members of the public are invited to
make submissions to the Commission about that matter;
(e) the matters that the Commission would like such
submissions to deal with; and
(f) the address or addresses to which submissions may be
(2) The Commission is not required to publish a notice of all
matters referred to in subsection (1) at the same time or in the
same manner.
(3) The Commission shall consider any submission received
within the period specified in the notice.
(4) The submissions made by the members of the public shall
be in the form and nature as specified in the notice.
Private inquiry and confidential materials
80. (1) Notwithstanding subsection 78(3), an inquiry or a part of
an inquiry may be conducted in private if the Commission is
satisfied that—
(a) a document or information that may be given, or a matter
that may arise during the public inquiry or a part of the
inquiry is of a confidential nature; or
(b) the inquiry or part of the inquiry of a matter or part of
a matter would not be conducive to the due administration
of this Act if the inquiry or part of the inquiry is open
to the public.
Laws of Malaysia66 ACT 655
(2) The Commission may order that all evidence, document or
other materials presented at a public inquiry which are of a confidential
nature not to be published or disclosed by any person or that the
publication or disclosure of such evidence, document or materials
by any person to be restricted.
(3) If an inquiry or part of an inquiry takes place in private, the
Commission shall give instructions as to the persons who may be
present at the inquiry or part of the inquiry.
Reports of public inquiry
81. (1) The Commission shall publish a report of its findings in
respect of any public inquiry it conducts.
(2) The Commission shall publish the report within sixty days
from the conclusion of the public inquiry.
(3) The Commission shall not include in the report any document,
information or material—
(a) that is of a confidential nature;
(b) the disclosure of which is likely to prejudice the fair trial
of a person;
(c) that would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal
information about any individual (including a deceased
individual); or
(d) that is subject of an order made under section 80.
Protection from civil action
82. No civil proceedings shall lie against a person in respect of
any loss, damage or injury of any kind suffered by another person
because of any of the following acts done in good faith:
(a) the making of a request to hold an inquiry under
section 77; or
(b) the making of a statement to, or giving of a document
or information to, the Commission in relation to an inquiry
under this Chapter.
Water Services Industry 67
Register of reports
83. The Commission shall maintain a register of all reports made
pursuant to an inquiry under this Chapter, in accordance with
section 176.
Regulations regarding rates, charges and deposits
84. (1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Commission, make regulations to prescribe the level of rates to be
charged for the water supply services and sewerage services.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1),
regulations may be made—
(a) to prescribe the rates for water supply services and sewerage
services including bulk water supply;
(b) to prescribe the different levels of rates for water supply
services and sewerage services based on category of users,
consumption, type of use and geographical location or in
such other manner as the Commission deems appropriate;
(c) to prescribe the connection, reconnection or any other
charges, and deposits, relating to the water supply services
and sewerage services;
(d) to provide for the publication or disclosure of rates for
water supply services and sewerage services; or
(e) to prescribe the billing and charging rates through meters
and sub-meters for buildings.
Power to exempt from rates, charges or deposits
85. The Minister may exempt any person or organization from
the payment of any rates, charges or deposits in relation to water
supply services or sewerage services on such terms and conditions
as he thinks fit.
Laws of Malaysia68 ACT 655
Prescribed rates and charges may be collected and retained by
86. (1) A service licensee may demand, collect and retain all
prescribed rates and charges in respect of the supply of water or
provision of sewerage services to any consumer premises.
(2) A water distribution licensee shall be permitted to demand,
collect and retain all prescribed rates and charges for and on behalf
of a service licensee providing sewerage services, if so authorized
by the service licensee providing sewerage services.
(3) A water distribution licensee who demand, collect and retain
all prescribed rates and charges for and on behalf of a service
licensee providing sewerage services under subsection (2) shall be
entitled to exercise all rights and remedies under sections 88 and
89 with respect to the non-payment of sewerage services.
(4) A copy of the authorization provided by the service licensee
providing sewerage services shall be provided by the water
distribution licensee to the applicable customer of the service
licensee providing sewerage services prior to demanding, collecting
and retaining all applicable rates and charges.
Power to require deposit
87. (1) The service licensee may, subject to any subsidiary legislation
made under this Act, require any person requesting any supply of
water or sewerage services to deposit with the licensee such amount
of money as may be prescribed before water or sewerage services
can be supplied to any premises.
(2) The deposit, when made, shall bear no interest upon
reimbursement and shall not relieve the depositor or consumer
from the liability to settle any bill for the supply of water or
sewerage services provided to him by the licensee.
(3) Where a supply of water is disconnected by the service
licensee due to the failure of the depositor or consumer to settle
any bill under section 89, the amount stated in the bill from the
date of such billing to the date when the supply of water is
disconnected may be deducted from the deposit.
Water Services Industry 69
Recovery of money due
88. (1) Any sum of money in respect of—
(a) water supplied or services rendered in connection with
such supply; or
(b) the provision of sewerage services,
shall be payable, within thirty days from the date of presentation
of the bill, to the service licensee and if such sum is not so paid,
the sum shall be recoverable by the service licensee through civil
action in court.
(2) A written statement by an employee of a licensee duly
certified by the licensee or any person authorized by the licensee
specifying the amount due shall be prima facie evidence of the
payment that has to be made by the consumer under subsection (1).
(3) The exercise of powers conferred by this section shall be
without prejudice to the powers of the licensee under section 89.
Disconnection of water supply
89. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a water distribution licensee
(a) disconnect the supply of water to a consumer by severing
the service water pipe or cut off the water supply including
the right to reduce the supply of water or pressure of the
water supply; and
(b) take such other means as it deems fit and proper.
(2) A water distribution licensee may exercise its powers under
subsection (1) if the owner, management corporation, occupier or
(a) fails to settle the amount for the—
(i) water supplied;
(ii) services rendered in connection with the supply of
Laws of Malaysia70 ACT 655
(iii) sewerage services rendered; or
(iv) deposit required under section 87,
within thirty days from the date of presentation of the
(b) who, having a contract with a water distribution licensee
for the supply of water, allows or causes any such supply
of water to be carried or conveyed or used outside such
premises for purposes other than the purposes of the
contract except for the extinguishment of a fire;
(c) misuses or wastes or causes or permits to be misused or
wastes any water supplied to his premises;
(d) having agreed to use the water supplied for a particular
purpose only, uses or causes or permits the use of water
for a different purpose other than the extinguishment of
a fire; or
(e) has contravened any provisions of this Act or its subsidiary
(3) Before exercising its powers under subsection (1), the water
distribution licensee shall give a written notice to the owner,
management corporation or occupier of the premises or the consumer
to remedy or rectify the default or contravention within fourteen
days from the receipt of the notice.
(4) If on the expiry of the period specified in the notice given
under subsection (3), the owner, management corporation or occupier
of the premises or consumer, as the case may be, fails to remedy
or rectify the default or contravention, the water distribution licensee
may proceed to exercise its powers under subsection (1).
(5) Nothing in this Act shall require the water distribution licensee
to exercise its rights and remedy under paragraph (1)(b) prior to
exercising its rights and remedy under paragraph (1)(a).
(6) Where—
(a) a water distribution licensee exercises its power under
subsection (1) with respect to any premises; and
Water Services Industry 71
(b) a supply of water or sewerage services is provided to the
premises and also other premises wholly or partly by the
same service water pipes,
the water distribution licensee may exercise those same powers to
the other premises only if the same person is the occupier of the
premises and of the other premises.
(7) The water distribution licensee shall, within twenty-four
hours and in any event not later than two days from the date of
the full payment of the sums due under sections 87 and 88, reconnect
the supply of water to the premises provided that the owner or
occupier grants the water distribution licensee access to its premises
to carry out the reconnection works.
(8) Notwithstanding subsection (7), the water distribution licensee
shall be entitled to recover from the owner or occupier of the
premises the cost of disconnecting the water supply and reconnecting
the water supply after disconnection. The water distribution licensee
shall not be held liable for any damage to any consumer or person
or property as a result of such disconnection.
(9) Where the supply of water to any premises has been
disconnected by the water distribution licensee and it is found that
the supply has been reconnected without the permission of the
water distribution licensee, the occupier of such premises shall be
presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have reconnected or
authorized the reconnection of the water supply and he commits
an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months or to both.
Rights of water distribution licensee who is licensed to provide
sewerage services
90. A water distribution licensee who is also licensed to provide
sewerage services under this Act shall be entitled to exercise all
its rights and remedies under this Part irrespective of—
(a) whether the water distribution licensee has an agreement
with the consumer for the supply of water or the provision
of sewerage services; or
(b) the terms of any existing agreement with the consumer
for the supply of water or the provision of sewerage
Laws of Malaysia72 ACT 655
Establishment of Appeal Tribunal
91. There shall be established an Appeal Tribunal for the purpose
of reviewing any of the following matters on appeal:
(a) any directions given by the Commission under this Act
or its subsidiary legislation;
(b) the decision of the Commission not to register any
agreement which requires registration under this Act or
its subsidiary legislation;
(c) the decision of any committee established by the
Commission to hear and resolve disputes under Chapter
2 of Part V;
(d) the decision of the Commission to grant or not to grant
approvals under section 45;
(e) the decision of the Commission under section 59; and
(f) the direction of the Commission under section 64.
Constitution of Appeal Tribunal
92. (1) The Appeal Tribunal shall consist of the following members
who shall be appointed by the Minister:
(a) a Chairman; and
(b) at least two other members, or such greater number of
members as the Minister thinks necessary.
(2) The Minister shall appoint a person who is a member of
the Judicial and Legal Service of the Federation for at least ten
years or who is a practising advocate and solicitor of the High
Court for at least ten years to be the Chairman of the Appeal
(3) The appointment of the members of the Appeal Tribunal
shall be published in the Gazette.
Water Services Industry 73
(4) A member of the Appeal Tribunal referred to in paragraph
(a) shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years;
(b) shall be eligible for reappointment upon expiry of his
term of office but shall not be appointed for more than
two consecutive terms.
93. (1) The members of the Appeal Tribunal appointed under
section 92 shall be paid such fixed allowances and other allowances
as the Minister may determine.
(2) The members of the Appeal Tribunal shall be paid—
(a) a daily sitting allowance during the sitting of the Appeal
Tribunal; and
(b) a lodging, travelling and subsistence allowance,
as the Minister may determine.
Resignation and revocation of appointment
94. (1) The Chairman or any other member of the Appeal Tribunal
may at any time resign his office by giving a written notice to the
(2) The Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of the
Chairman or any other member of the Appeal Tribunal if—
(a) he is of unsound mind or otherwise incapable of performing
his duties or managing his affairs;
(b) he becomes bankrupt or insolvent;
(c) he is prohibited from being a director of a company
under the provisions of any written law relating to
(d) he has been convicted of an offence under any law by
a court in Malaysia;
(e) he is guilty of serious misconduct in relation to his duties;
Laws of Malaysia74 ACT 655
(f) he fails to comply with his obligations under section 96;
(g) his performance has been unsatisfactory for a significant
period of time.
Vacation of office and new or temporary appointments
95. (1) The office of the Chairman or any other member of the
Appeal Tribunal shall be vacated if—
(a) he dies;
(b) he resigns or otherwise vacates his office before the
expiry of the term for which he is appointed; or
(c) his appointment is revoked under section 94.
(2) The Minister shall appoint another person in accordance
with section 92 to replace the Chairman or any other member of
the Appeal Tribunal during the vacancy in the office of the Chairman
or member of the Appeal Tribunal.
(3) The Minister may appoint temporarily another person in
accordance with section 92 to act as the Chairman or any other
member of the Appeal Tribunal—
(a) during any period when the Chairman or member is absent
from any duty or from Malaysia; or
(b) if the Chairman or member is, for any other reason,
unable to perform the duties of his office.
(4) No act done or proceeding taken by the Appeal Tribunal in
exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions shall be
affected on the ground of any vacancy in the membership of the
Appeal Tribunal.
Disclosure of interest
96. (1) A member of the Appeal Tribunal shall disclose, as soon
as practicable, to the Chairman any interest, whether substantial
or not, which might conflict with the member’s duties as a member
of the Appeal Tribunal in a particular matter.
Water Services Industry 75
(2) If the Chairman is of the opinion that the member’s interest
is in conflict with the member’s duties as a member of the Appeal
Tribunal, the Chairman shall inform all the parties to the matter
of the conflict.
(3) If none of the parties to the matter objects to the conflict,
the member may continue to execute duties as a member of the
Appeal Tribunal in relation to that matter.
(4) If a party to the matter objects to the conflict, the member
of the Appeal Tribunal shall not continue to execute his duties as
a member of the Appeal Tribunal in relation to that matter.
(5) The failure by the member to disclose his interest under
subsection (1) shall—
(a) invalidate the decision of the Appeal Tribunal unless all
parties agree to be bound by the decision; and
(b) subject the member to the revocation of his appointment
under section 94.
Secretary to Appeal Tribunal and other officers
97. (1) There shall be appointed a Secretary to the Appeal Tribunal
and such number of officers as may be necessary for carrying out
the functions of the Appeal Tribunal.
(2) The Minister may designate such number of public officers
as the Minister thinks fit to assist the Secretary in carrying out his
functions under subsection (1).
(3) For the purpose of this Act, the Secretary and the officers
designated under subsection (2) shall be deemed to be officers of
the Appeal Tribunal.
Appeal to Appeal Tribunal
98. (1) A person who is aggrieved by a decision or direction of
the Commission or the committee as set out in section 91 may
appeal to the Appeal Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal with the
Appeal Tribunal.
Laws of Malaysia76 ACT 655
(2) A notice of appeal shall be made in writing to the Appeal
Tribunal within thirty days from the date of the decision or direction
of the Commission or the committee and the appellant shall give
a copy of the notice to the Chairman of the Commission or the
(3) The notice of appeal shall state shortly the substance of the
decision or direction of the Commission or the committee appealed
against, shall contain an address at which any notices or documents
connected with the appeal may be served upon the appellant or
upon his advocate and shall be signed by the appellant or his
Record of decision or direction of Commission or committee
99. (1) The aggrieved person referred to in subsection 98(1) may,
on its own initiative, request in writing to the Commission or the
committee for a statement of the grounds for the decision or direction
of the Commission or the committee.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the Commission or the committee
shall, upon receiving the written request under subsection (1),
provide a copy of a statement of its grounds for its decision or
direction to the aggrieved person upon payment of a prescribed
(3) When a notice of appeal has been filed with the Appeal
Tribunal under subsection 98(1), the Commission or the committee
shall, if it had not already written its grounds for its decision or
direction for the matter stated in the notice as requested by the
appellant under subsection (1), record in writing its grounds for
its decision or direction and the written grounds shall form part
of the record of the proceedings before the Appeal Tribunal.
Stay of decision or direction pending appeal
100. (1) Pending the decision of an appeal by the Appeal Tribunal,
a decision or direction of the Commission or the committee shall
be valid, binding and enforceable except where a stay of the decision
or direction of the Commission or the committee has been applied
for by the appellant and granted by the Appeal Tribunal.
Water Services Industry 77
(2) An application for a stay shall be in writing and shall be
made to the Appeal Tribunal on or after the notice of appeal has
been filed with the Appeal Tribunal.
Composition of Appeal Tribunal
101. (1) Every proceedings of the Appeal Tribunal shall be heard
and disposed of by three members or such greater uneven number
of members of the Appeal Tribunal as the Chairman may in any
particular case determine.
(2) In the absence of the Chairman, the senior member of the
Appeal Tribunal shall preside.
Sittings of Appeal Tribunal
102. (1) The Appeal Tribunal shall sit on such dates and at such
places as the Chairman may from time to time appoint.
(2) The Chairman may cancel or postpone any sitting of the
Appeal Tribunal and may change the place of the sittings which
has been appointed under subsection (1).
(3) Any changes to the dates or places of any sitting of the
Appeal Tribunal shall be informed to the parties to the appeal by
written notice.
Procedures of Appeal Tribunal
103. The Appeal Tribunal shall decide its own procedures.
Powers of Appeal Tribunal
104. (1) The Appeal Tribunal shall have power—
(a) to summon parties to the proceedings or any other person
to attend before it to give evidence in respect of an
(b) to procure and receive evidence on oath or affirmation
whether written or oral, and examine all such persons as
witnesses as the Appeal Tribunal considers necessary;
Laws of Malaysia78 ACT 655
(c) where a person is so summoned, to require the production
of any information, document or other thing in his
possession or under his control which the Appeal Tribunal
considers necessary for the purposes of the appeal;
(d) to administer any oath, affirmation or statutory declaration,
as the case may require;
(e) where a person is so summoned, to allow the payment
for any reasonable expenses incurred in connection with
his attendance;
(f) to admit evidence or reject evidence adduced, whether
oral or documentary, and whether admissible or
inadmissible under the provisions of any written law for
the time being in force relating to the admissibility of
(g) to adjourn the hearing of an appeal from time to time,
including the power to adjourn to consider its decision;
(h) to generally direct and do all such matters as may be
necessary or expedient for the expeditious decision of
the appeal.
(2) The Appeal Tribunal shall have the powers of a subordinate
court with regard to the enforcement of attendance of witnesses,
hearing evidence on oath or affirmation and punishment for contempt.
Decisions of Appeal Tribunal
105. (1) The decision of the Appeal Tribunal, on any matter, shall
be decided on a majority of the members.
(2) A decision of the Appeal Tribunal is final and binding on
the parties to the appeal and is not subject to further appeal.
Enforcement of decision of Appeal Tribunal
106. A decision given by the Appeal Tribunal may, by leave of
the Sessions Court, be enforced in the same manner as a judgment
or order to the same effect, and where leave is so given, judgment
may be entered in terms of the decision.
Water Services Industry 79
Immunity of action for act or omission done in good faith
107. No action or suit shall be instituted or maintained in any
court against—
(a) the Appeal Tribunal;
(b) the Chairman or any member of the Appeal Tribunal;
(c) the Secretary or any other officer of the Appeal Tribunal;
(d) a person authorized to act for and on behalf of the Appeal
for any act or omission done in good faith in the performance of
its or his functions and the exercise of its or his powers under this
Act and any subsidiary legislation made under this Act.
108. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—
“licensee” includes—
(a) a person who holds an individual licence or authorization
granted under Chapter 2 of Part XIII;
(b) a person who is exempted from holding an individual
licence under this Act; and
(c) a person who holds, controls or operates assets which
form part of a public water supply system or public
sewerage system;
“transferor” means the licensee whose business is to be transferred
to another licensee or person under section 109;
“transferee” means the licensee or other person to whom a
transfer of business is to be made under section 109;
Laws of Malaysia80 ACT 655
“business” means any activity carried on for the purpose of gain
or profit and includes all property derived from, or used in or for
the purpose of, carrying on such activity and all rights and liabilities
arising from such activity; and
“transfer date” means the date on and from which an agreement
or arrangement referred to in section 109 shall take effect.
Sanction required for reconstruction, etc., of licensees
109. (1) No person shall enter into an agreement or arrangement—
(a) which will result in a change in the control of the licensee
or its holding company;
(b) for the sale, disposal or transfer of the whole or any
substantial part of the business of a licensee;
(c) for the amalgamation or merger of a licensee with any
other person; or
(d) for the reconstruction of a licensee.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person may enter into an
agreement or arrangement referred to in subsection (1) if—
(a) the proposed agreement or arrangement is in writing;
(b) an application in writing has been made to the Minister
for his approval of such agreement or arrangement; and
(c) the Minister has approved the agreement or arrangement.
(3) A person may apply for the approval of the Minister under
paragraph (2)(b) by submitting a written application to the
Commission together with a copy of the proposed agreement or
arrangement and all other information and documents as may be
related, directly or indirectly, to the agreement or arrangement or
relevant for the Commission’s consideration.
(4) At any time after receiving an application, the Commission
may by written notice require the applicant or any other person
who is a director, controller or manager of the applicant to provide
any additional information or document.
Water Services Industry 81
(5) Where any additional information or document required
under subsection (4) is not provided by any person from whom it
is required within the period specified in the written notice or any
extension of the period granted by the Commission, the application
shall be deemed to be withdrawn and shall not be further proceeded
with, without prejudice to a fresh application being made by the
(6) The Commission shall, upon receiving an application referred
to under subsection (3) and after being provided with all such
information and documents as it may require, submit a written
recommendation to the Minister as to whether or not the application
is to be approved and if it is to be approved, any conditions that
may be imposed or any modification or variation that may be
(7) An application under—
(a) paragraph (1)(b) shall not be approved by the Minister
if the agreement or arrangement would result in the sale,
disposal, or transfer of any part of the business of the
licensee to a person who is not a licensee, except in
relation to a part of the business which does not require
to be licensed under this Act; and
(b) paragraph (1)(c) shall not be approved by the Minister
except in the case of an amalgamation or merger with
another licensee.
(8) Where the Minister refuses to grant his approval for an
application, the Commission shall notify the applicant in writing
of the refusal.
Application to High Court to facilitate agreement or arrangement
for transfer of whole or part of business of licensee being given
effect to
110. (1) Where the Minister has granted his approval under
section 109 to an application in respect of an agreement or
arrangement under paragraph 109(1)(b) or (c), the transferor and
the transferee may make a joint application to the High Court by
way of an ex parte originating summons for an order of the Court
as may be required by them to facilitate or enable the agreement
or arrangement being given effect to.
Laws of Malaysia82 ACT 655
(2) The joint application sought under subsection (1) may be
for all or any of the following orders:
(a) the date on and from which the agreement or arrangement
shall take effect, being a date earlier or later than the date
of the application;
(b) the vesting of any property held by the transferor, either
alone or jointly with any other person, in the transferee
either alone or jointly with such other person, on and
from the transfer date in the same capacity and with and
subject to the powers, provisions and liabilities applicable
thereto respectively;
(c) for any existing instrument, whether in the form of a
deed, will or otherwise, or order of any court, under or
by virtue of which any property became vested in the
transferor, to be construed and to have effect as if any
reference to the transferor in the instrument or order is
substituted with a reference to the transferee;
(d) for any existing agreement to which the transferor is a
party, to be construed and to have effect as if the transferee
is a party to the agreement instead of the transferor;
(e) where any right or liability of the transferor is transferred
to the transferee, for the transferee to have the same
rights, powers and remedies of the transferor as if the
transferee had at all times has such right or liability and
the right and liability shall include the right and liability
in respect of any legal proceedings or applications to any
authority pending immediately before the transfer date
by or against the transferor;
(f) any judgment or award obtained by or against the transferor
and not fully satisfied before the transfer date, to be
enforceable by or against the transferee; and
(g) for all such incidental, consequential and supplemental
orders as are necessary to secure that the agreement or
arrangement to be fully and effectively carried out.
(3) On the hearing of an application under subsection (1), the
High Court may grant an order in the terms applied for or with
such modifications or variations as the Court deems just or proper
in the circumstances of the case.
Water Services Industry 83
(4) Where the order of the High Court under subsection (3)
provides for the transfer of any property or business vested in or
held by the transferor, either alone or jointly with any other person,
then by virtue of the order that property or business shall on and
from the transfer date become vested in or held by the transferee
either alone or jointly with such other person and the order shall
have effect according to its terms notwithstanding anything in any
law or in any rule of law, and shall be binding on any person
affected by the order regardless that the person so affected is not
a party to, or had no notice of, the proceedings or any other related
proceedings under this section.
(5) The order of the High Court made under subsection (3)
shall, subject to the directions of the High Court, be published by
the transferee in not less than two daily newspapers published in
Malaysia and approved by the Commission, one of which shall be
in the national language and the other in English.
(6) The transferor shall, within thirty days of the making of the
order of the High Court under subsection (3), lodge an authenticated
copy of the following documents with the Companies Commission
of Malaysia and the appropriate authority, if any, concerned with
the registration or recording of dealings in any movable property
or any interest in movable property transferred pursuant to the
(a) the order of the High Court;
(b) the agreement or arrangement approved by the Minister
under section 109; and
(c) the Minister’s approval under section 109.
(7) Where an order of the High Court under subsection (3) vests
any alienated land or any share or interest in any alienated land
in the transferee—
(a) the High Court shall, where such alienated land is in
Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Putrajaya,
pursuant to subsection 420(2) of the National Land Code,
cause a copy of the order to be served on the Registrar
of Titles or the Land Administrator, as the case may be,
immediately after the making of the order so that the
Registrar of Titles or the Land Administrator, as the case
may be, gives effect to subsections 420(2), (3) and (4)
of the National Land Code; or
Laws of Malaysia84 ACT 655
(b) where such alienated land is in the Federal Territory of
Labuan, the transferee shall, as soon as practicable, after
the order has been made, present an authenticated copy
of such order to the Registrar for the registration of the
vesting of the alienated land or of the share or interest
in the alienated land as provided under the Sabah Land
Ordinance as modified by the Federal Territory of Labuan
(Modification of Land Ordinance) Order 1984.
(8) An order of the High Court under subsection (3) may relate
to any property or business of the transferor outside Malaysia and,
if it so relates, effect may be given to it either in accordance with
any reciprocal arrangements relating to the enforcement of judgments
that may exist between Malaysia and the country, territory or place
outside Malaysia in which such property or business is located, or
where there are no such reciprocal arrangements, in accordance
with the law applicable in such country, territory or place.
111. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—
“licensee” includes—
(a) a person who holds an individual licence or authorization
granted under Chapter 2 of Part XIII;
(b) a person who is exempted from holding an individual
licence granted under this Act; and
(c) a person who holds, controls or operates assets which
form part of a public water supply system or public
sewerage system.
Licensee to inform Commission
112. Any licensee which considers that—
(a) it is insolvent; or
(b) it has suspended payment to any extent that prejudices
its operations,
shall immediately inform the Commission of the fact.
Water Services Industry 85
Action of Commission in respect of licensee in certain
113. (1) Where the Commission—
(a) has been informed by a licensee of any circumstances
referred to in section 112; or
(b) is satisfied—
(i) that the licence or authorization of a licensee has
been revoked and the licensee continues to provide
water supply services or sewerage services in
contravention of this Act and its subsidiary
(ii) that there has been or is a contravention by the
licensee of any direction by the Commission as is
serious enough to make it inappropriate for the
licensee to continue to hold its licence;
(iii) that the licensee is insolvent or has suspended
payment to any extent that prejudices its operations
or that there are facts or circumstances which is
likely to lead to the licensee becoming insolvent or
to the licensee suspending payment to any extent
that prejudices its operations; or
(iv) that the licensee has contravened any provision of
this Act or its subsidiary legislation or has
contravened any condition of its licence as is serious
enough to make it inappropriate for the licensee to
continue to hold its licence,
the Commission may, by order published in the Gazette, exercise
any one or more of the following powers, as it deems necessary:
(A) require the licensee to take any step, action or to do or
not to do any act or thing in relation to the licensee or
its business, directors or officers as may be specified,
and within the period set out, by the Commission in the
(B) notwithstanding anything in any written law or any
limitations contained in the constituent documents of the
licensee, remove an officer of the licensee from his office
with effect from a date as may be set out in the order;
Laws of Malaysia86 ACT 655
(C) notwithstanding anything in any written law or any
limitations contained in the constituent documents of the
licensee, in particular, a limitation as to the minimum or
maximum number of directors—
(i) remove any director of the licensee from his office
with effect from a date as may be set out in the
order; or
(ii) appoint one or more persons as a director or directors
of the licensee and provide for any of the persons
so appointed to be paid by the licensee such
remuneration as may be set out in the order; or
(D) appoint a person to advise the licensee in relation to the
proper conduct of its business and provide for the person
so appointed to be paid by the licensee such remuneration
as may be set out in the order.
(2) The powers of the Commission under paragraphs (1)(B),
(C) and (D) shall be exercised only with the prior concurrence of
the Minister.
(3) If any of the circumstances as set out in paragraphs (1)(a)
and (b) exist in respect of a licensee and the Commission is of the
opinion that it is necessary in the public interest, the Commission
may, whether or not it has exercised any of its powers under
paragraph (1)(A), (B), (C) or (D), make a recommendation to the
(a) for the Commission to assume control of the whole of the
property, business and affairs of the licensee and carry
on the whole of its business and affairs;
(b) for the Commission to assume control of such part of the
property, business and affairs of the licensee as may be
specified by the Commission and carry on such part of
the business and affairs; or
(c) for the Commission to appoint any person to exercise
any of the powers of the Commission under paragraph
(a) or (b) on behalf of the Commission; and
(d) for the expenses of the Commission, or the remuneration
of the person so appointed under paragraph (c), as the
case may be, to be payable out of the assets of the licensee
in priority to all other claims whether secured or unsecured.
Water Services Industry 87
(4) If the Minister agrees with the recommendation of the
Commission under subsection (3), he shall make an order to be
published in the Gazette specifying his decision and the action to
be taken by the Commission accordingly.
(5) An order of the Commission under subsection (1), or an
order of the Minister under subsection (4), may from time to time
be amended or replaced by a further order under subsection (1) or
(4), as the case may be.
(6) No order under subsection (1), (4) or (5) shall be made
(a) the licensee in respect of which the order is to be made;
(b) in the case of an order under paragraph (1)(B) or
subparagraph (C)(i), the officer or director who is to be
removed from office,
has been given a reasonable opportunity of making representations
against, or otherwise in respect of, the proposed order.
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), if in the opinion of the
(a) in the case of an order to be made by the Commission
under subsection (1) or (5); or
(b) in the case of an order to be made by the Minister under
subsection (4) or (5),
any delay would be detrimental to the interests of the consumers
or to the public or to any section of the public, the order may be
made first and the opportunity to make representations against or
otherwise in relation to the order shall, in such case, be given
immediately after the order has been made, and the order may, in
consequence of such representations either be confirmed or be
amended or replaced under subsection (5), or be revoked under
subsection (8).
(8) The Commission or the Minister may at any time revoke an
order in the same manner as the order was made under subsection
(1), (4) or (5), as the case may be.
Laws of Malaysia88 ACT 655
(9) A person who contravenes an order of the Commission
under paragraph 113(1)(A), (B), (C) or (D) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years or to both.
Action of Minister in respect of licensee in national interest
114. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act or any
other written law, the Minister may, if he thinks it necessary for
national interest, by order published in the Gazette, direct—
(a) the Commission to assume control of the whole of the
property, business and affairs of a licensee and to carry
on the whole of the licensee’s business and affairs;
(b) the Commission to assume control of such part of the
property, business and affairs of a licensee as may be
specified by the Minister and to carry on such part of the
licensee’s business and affairs; or
(c) the Commission to appoint any person to exercise any of
actions directed in paragraph (a) or (b) on behalf of the
Commission; and
(d) for the expenses of the Commission, or the remuneration
of the person so appointed under paragraph (c), as the
case may be, to be payable out of the assets of the licensee
in priority to all other claims whether secured or unsecured.
(2) The determination of what amounts to national interest shall
be made by the Minister and such determination shall be final and
binding upon all persons and shall not be challenged, appealed
against, reviewed, quashed or questioned in any court.
(3) The power of the Minister under this section shall only be
exercised with the prior approval of the Federal Government.
Provisions in relation to appointment under section 113
115. (1) A person appointed by the Commission under subparagraph
113(1)(C)(ii), paragraph 113(1)(D) or subsection 113(4) shall be
appointed for such period as may be determined by the Commission
not exceeding, in any case, two years, but may be reappointed for
three further consecutive periods not exceeding one year each.
Water Services Industry 89
(2) The terms and conditions of an appointment referred to in
subsection (1) shall, subject to the order under which the appointment
is made, be determined by the Commission and shall be binding
on the licensee.
(3) The appointment of a director or directors under subparagraph
113(1)(C)(ii) shall not affect any provision of the constituent
documents enabling the licensee to have additional directors where
the maximum number of directors allowed under the constituent
documents has not already been reached or exceeded by the
appointment or appointments under subparagraph 113(1)(C)(ii).
(4) A person holding any appointment as is referred to in
subsection (1) shall not incur any obligation or liability solely by
reason of his holding such appointment.
Provisions in relation to removal from office under section 113
116. (1) Any officer or director of a licensee who has been removed
from his office under paragraph 113(1)(B) or subparagraph
113(1)(C)(i), as the case may be, shall cease to hold the office with
effect from the date set out in the order, and shall not after that
date hold any other office in the licensee or, in any manner,
whether directly or indirectly, be concerned with, take part or
engage in, any activity, affairs or business of or in relation to that
(2) The removal of an officer or director under paragraph 113(1)(B)
or subparagraph 113(1)(C)(i) shall be lawful notwithstanding anything
contained in any contract of service or other contract or agreement,
whether express or implied, whether individual or collective, and
whether or not made or provided for under any written law, and
a person so removed from office shall not be entitled to claim any
compensation for the loss or termination of office.
Provisions in relation to assumption of control under section
113 or 114
117. (1) If the control of a licensee has been assumed under an
order made under subsection 113(4) or section 114, the licensee
and its directors and officers shall—
(a) submit its property, business and affairs to such control
to the Commission or the appointed person, as the case
may be; and
Laws of Malaysia90 ACT 655
(b) provide to the Commission or the appointed person, as
the case may be, all such facilities as may be required
to carry on the business and affairs of the licensee.
(2) If the control of a licensee has been assumed in pursuance
of an order made under subsection 113(4) or section 114, the
Commission, or the appointed person, as the case may be, shall
remain in control of the property, business and affairs of the
licensee concerned, and carry on the business and affairs of that
licensee in the name and on behalf of that licensee, as provided
in the order, until such time when the order is revoked.
(3) During the period that an order made under subsection 113(4)
or section 114 is in force—
(a) all the powers of the licensee and of its directors under
the licensee’s constituent documents, or exercisable by
the licensee or its directors under any written law, shall
be vested in the Commission or in the appointed person,
as the case may be, regardless whether such powers are
exercisable by resolution, special resolution or in any
other manner and any difficulty arising from the vesting
may be resolved by the Minister by a direction in writing;
(b) no director of the licensee to which the order relates
shall, either directly or indirectly, engage in any activity
in relation to the licensee, except as may be required or
authorized by the Commission or the appointed person,
as the case may be, and no remuneration or any payment
shall accrue or be payable to any director of the licensee,
except such as may be approved in writing by the
Commission or the appointed person, as the case may be,
in relation to any activity required or authorized as aforesaid
by the Commission or the appointed person, as the case
may be; and
(c) the Commission or appointed person, as the case may be,
shall manage the assets and affairs of the licensee to
continue the supply of water and the provision of sewerage
services to the public.
(4) An order under subsection 113(4) or section 114 shall not
have the effect of conferring on or vesting in the Commission or
the appointed person, as the case may be, any title to or any
beneficial interest in any property of the licensee to which the
order relates.
Water Services Industry 91
(5) Where the control of a licensee has been assumed in pursuance
of an order made under subsection 113(4) or section 114, the
Federal Government, Minister, Commission, any member of the
Commission, any employee or agent of the Commission and the
appointed person shall not be liable to any action or proceedings
in a court by any party for any loss or damage caused by any act
or matter done or omitted to be done by the Minister, Commission,
any member of the Commission, any employee or agent of the
Commission and the appointed person in good faith and in the
intended exercise of any function or power under this Part.
(6) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or subsection (3)(b)
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
(7) For the purpose of this section, sections 118 and 119,
“appointed person” means the person who has been appointed by
the Commission to assume control over the whole or part of the
property, business and affairs of a licensee on behalf of the
Commission under an order made by the Minister under subsection
113(4) or section 114.
Effect of obstructing or hindering Commission or appointed
118. (1) If control of a licensee has been assumed by the Commission
or the appointed person under an order made under subsection
113(4) or section 114, no person shall obstruct or hinder the exercise
of any duty, right or power by the Commission or the appointed
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years or to both.
119. (1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Commission, if he considers it to be in the interest of the consumers
or to the public or any section of the public, by order published
in the Gazette, authorize the Commission or the appointed person
Laws of Malaysia92 ACT 655
to apply to the High Court for an order staying the commencement
or continuance of all, or any class, category or description of,
actions and proceedings of a civil nature against the licensee.
(2) An order under subsection (1) may, from time to time, be
amended, replaced or revoked by a further order under
subsection (1).
Order to be final
120. An order of the Minister under this Part shall be final and
shall not be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or
questioned in any court.
Offence of contamination of water
121. (1) A person who contaminates or causes to be contaminated
any watercourse or the water supply system or any part of the
watercourse or water supply system with any substance—
(a) with the intention to cause death;
(b) with the knowledge that he is likely to cause death; or
(c) which would likely endanger the life of any person,
commits an offence.
(2) A person found guilty of an offence under subsection (1),
on conviction—
(a) where death is the result of the act, shall be punished
with death or imprisonment for a term which may extend
to twenty years, and where the punishment is not death,
he shall also be liable to whipping;
(b) where death is not the result of the act but the substance
which is used to contaminate the watercourse or water
supply system or any part of the watercourse or the water
supply system is a radioactive or toxic substance, shall
be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten
years or to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand
ringgit or to whipping or to all three; or
Water Services Industry 93
(c) in any other case, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding one year or to both.
(3) It shall not be a defence for the person who is charged with
an offence under this section that the licensee who owns the water
supply system or who provides the water supply services did not
take any action to stop the supply of water as soon as it became
aware that the watercourse or the water supply system had been
Wrongful acts
122. (1) A person who—
(a) wilfully, negligently or recklessly damages or causes to
be damaged any pipe, channel, conduit or structure, sewer,
manhole, chamber, fixture, equipment, reservoir, cistern,
pump, hydrant, valve, meter, sub-meter or any part of
any public water supply system or public sewerage system;
(b) flushes, draws off, diverts or takes water from any public
water supply system or part of the system, unless the
person is otherwise permitted under this Act or any other
written law;
(c) bathes, wastes or throws any rubbish or creature, dead or
alive, into any public water supply system or part of the
system; or
(d) trespasses on any area of a service reservoir or booster
station of a public water supply system or on any area
of a sewage pumping station or sewage treatment works
of a public sewerage system,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding six months or to both.
(2) A person who is convicted for an offence under paragraph
(1)(a) shall be liable to pay compensation for such damage and
such compensation shall be recoverable from such person by the
licensee in the manner provided under section 88.
Laws of Malaysia94 ACT 655
Unlawful connection of water supply
123. (1) No person other than a licensee shall make any connection
to a public mains or service water pipe.
(2) Where a service water pipe to any premises has been unlawfully
connected to a public mains or to another service water pipe
serving another premises, it shall be presumed until the contrary
is proved that the unlawful connection was made by the owner or
the occupier of the first-mentioned premises.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
one year or to both.
Tampering with meter or sub-meter
124. A person who tampers with a meter or sub-meter or causes
the tampering of a meter or sub-meter used for the measurement
of water supplied to any premises in such a manner so as to cause
the meter or sub-meter to show incorrect readings commits an
offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months or to both.
Tampering of water supply system or sewerage system or part
of the systems
125. A person who tampers with any pipe, channel, conduit or
structure, sewer, manhole, chamber, fixture and equipment, including
any valve, hydrant or any part of a water supply system or sewerage
system commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding six months or to both.
Taking of water from fire hydrant
126. (1) No person other than the persons referred to in
subsection 42(1) shall take water from a fire hydrant.
Water Services Industry 95
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an of-
fence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months or to both.
Penalty for obstructing
127. A person who at any time—
(a) hinders or obstructs the licensee or any person authorized
by the Commission under this Act or any of the licensee’s
or Commission’s officers, employees, agents or contractors
in the performance and execution of its duty or of anything
which it is respectively empowered or required to do by
virtue of or in consequence of this Act; or
(b) removes any mark set up for the purpose of indicating
any level or direction necessary to the execution of works
authorized by this Act or its subsidiary legislation,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment
not exceeding six months or to both.
Proceedings if occupier opposes the execution of works
128. (1) If the occupier of any premises prevents the owner or the
management corporation of the premises from carrying into effect
in respect of the premises any of the provisions of this Act or its
subsidiary legislation after notice of the owner’s or the management
corporation’s intention to do so has been given by the owner or
the management corporation to that occupier, a Magistrate’s Court,
upon proof thereof and upon application of the owner or the
management corporation, may make an order requiring the occupier
to permit the owner or the management corporation to execute all
such works with respect to that premises as are necessary for
carrying into effect the provisions of this Act or its subsidiary
legislation and may also, if it thinks fit, order the occupier to pay
to the owner or the management corporation the costs relating to
the application or order.
(2) The occupier of any premises who continues, after the
expiration of eight days from the date of an order made under
subsection (1), to refuse to permit the owner or the management
Laws of Malaysia96 ACT 655
corporation of the premises to execute the works specified in the
order commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a
fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, and the owner or the
management corporation shall, during the continuance of the
occupier’s refusal, be discharged from any penalty to which the
owner or the management corporation might otherwise be liable
by reason of his or its default in executing the works.
Unlawful use or supply of non-standard equipment, device,
material, system or facilities
129. (1) A person who uses or supplies any non-standard equipment,
device, material, system or facility that he knows or has reason to
believe is a non-standard equipment, device, material, system or
facilitiy to be used for any purpose of installing, working or operating
the equipment, device, material, system or facility commits an
offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months or to both.
(2) In any proceedings under this Act or its subsidiary legislation,
any document purporting to be a certificate given by an authorized
officer certifying that any particular equipment, device or material
is a non-standard equipment, device or material shall be admissible
as prima facie evidence of the facts stated in it until the contrary
is proved.
Offence for giving false or misleading information
130. A person who discloses or provides information to the
Commission or its authorized officers that he knows or has reason
to believe is false or misleading commits an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand
ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or
to both.
Power to take action
131. Nothing in this Act shall prevent or shall be held to prevent
a licensee from instituting any action or suit against any person
for damage caused to any water supply system or sewerage system
or any part of the systems, or to prevent any person from being
prosecuted for an offence in respect of any water supply system
or sewerage system or part of the systems which is under the
control or management of the licensee.
Water Services Industry 97
Chapter 1
Information-gathering powers
Provision of information
132. (1) This section applies to any person if the Commission has
reasonable grounds to believe that the person—
(a) has any information or any document that is relevant to
the performance of the Commission’s powers and functions
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation; or
(b) is capable of giving any evidence which the Commission
has reasonable grounds to believe that the evidence is
relevant to the performance of the Commission’s powers
and functions under this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, the
Commission may, by a written notice, order any person—
(a) to give an authorized officer, within the period and in the
manner and form specified in the notice, any such
(b) to produce to an authorized officer, within the period and
in the manner specified in the notice, any such documents,
whether in a physical form or in electronic media;
(c) to make copies of any such documents and to produce
those copies to an authorized officer within the period
and in the manner specified in the notice;
(d) if the person is an individual, to appear, at a private
hearing, before an authorized officer at a time and place
specified in the notice to give any evidence, either orally
or in writing, and produce any such documents, whether
in a physical form or in electronic media;
(e) if the person is a body corporate or a public body, to
cause a competent officer of the body to appear, at a
private hearing, before an authorized officer at a time
and place specified in the notice to give any such evidence,
either orally or in writing, and produce any such documents,
whether in a physical form or in electronic media; or
Laws of Malaysia98 ACT 655
(f) if the person is a partnership, to cause an individual who
is a partner in the partnership or an employee of the
partnership to appear, at a private hearing, before an
authorized officer at a time and place specified in the
notice to give any such evidence, either orally or in
writing, and produce any such documents, whether in a
physical form or in electronic media.
(3) The Commission shall allow the person so ordered under
subsection (2) a reasonable time to provide any such information
or documents specified in the notice.
(4) Any person required to provide information or documents
under subsection (2) shall ensure that the information or documents
provided are true, accurate and complete and such person should
provide a representation to that effect, including a representation
that he is not aware of any other information or document which
would make the information or document provided untrue or
Proof of compliance
133. A person shall, if at any time called upon in writing by the
Commission to do so, provide to the Commission or its authorized
officer all documents and information as the person may have
relating to his compliance with any of the provisions of this Act
or its subsidiary legislation, as the Commission may generally, or
in relation to any particular case, require.
Commission may retain documents
134. (1) The Commission may take and retain for as long as is
necessary possession of a document provided by any person under
this Chapter.
(2) The person who provided the document is entitled to be
supplied, as soon as practicable, with a copy certified by the
Commission to be a true copy of the document.
(3) Notwithstanding any other written law, the certified copy of
the document shall be received by all courts and tribunals as
evidence as if it was the original document.
Water Services Industry 99
(4) Until a certified copy of the document is supplied, the
Commission shall, at such times and places as the Commission
deems appropriate, permit the person who provided the document
or a person authorized by the person to inspect and make copies
of or take extracts from the original document.
(5) If the Commission is satisfied that the retaining of the
documents is no longer necessary, the Commission may return the
documents to the person who provided the documents under
subsection (1) as soon as practicable.
Access to records
135. (1) A person shall, if at any time requested by the Commission
by notice in writing, allow the Commission or its authorized officer
access to its records for the purposes of carrying out any of the
Commission’s functions or powers under this Act or its subsidiary
(2) A person who fails to comply with the written notice under
subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit.
Incorrect records
136. A person shall not, in purported compliance with a requirement
imposed by the rules made by the Commission under section 180
in relation to record-keeping, make a record of any matter or thing
in such a way that it does not correctly record the matter or thing.
Record of information
137. (1) The Commission shall maintain a record of all information
or documents received pursuant to the orders given under
subsection 132(2).
(2) A record maintained under subsection (1) may be made
available to the public.
Publication of information
138. (1) The Commission may publish any information received
by it in the course of exercising its powers and functions under
this Chapter.
Laws of Malaysia100 ACT 655
(2) The Commission shall consider the commercial interest of
the parties to whom the information relates before publishing such
(3) The Commission shall not publish any information or any
part of any information disclosed to it if the publication—
(a) is likely to prejudice the fair trial of a person; or
(b) would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal
information about any individual (including a deceased
but the Commission may publish an extract relating to such
information provided that the particulars in the extract shall not
be arranged in any way which would compromise or prejudice the
person providing such information.
Offence for non-compliance
139. A person who fails to comply with an order of the Commission
in accordance with this Chapter commits an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
Chapter 2
Powers of entry
Power to enter on and examine land
140. (1) Whenever it appears to a licensee that it will be necessary
for the licensee to exercise the powers conferred upon the licensee
by this Act in respect of any land other than State land for the
purpose of constructing a water supply system or a sewerage
system or part of the systems, the licensee or any person authorized
by the licensee may, after giving not less than twenty-four hours
notice to the occupiers of the land, if any, enter upon the land,
survey and take levels and do any other acts necessary to ascertain
the suitability of the land, in so far as the same may be possible
without causing damage or disturbance.
(2) Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to authorize
any person to cut down or clear away any vegetation or fence or
other erection or to enter into any building or upon any enclosure
attached to any building.
Water Services Industry 101
(3) In the case of reserved land, the notice under subsection (1)
may be given to the person in charge of the reserved land or, in
the absence of any such person, to the Land Administrator.
Power to enter on land for purposes of construction
141. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, whenever it is
necessary so to do for the purpose of installing any water supply
system or sewerage system or part of the systems under this Act,
a licensee may install, place or carry on, under or over any land,
other than State land, such pipe, channel, conduit or similar structure,
sewer, manhole, chamber, fixture or any other equipment forming
part of a water supply system or sewerage system as may be
necessary or proper for the purposes of the installation, as the case
may be, and may take such other action as may be necessary to
render the installation safe and efficient, and shall pay full
compensation in accordance with section 146 to all persons interested
for any disturbance, damage or disability that may be caused by
such works.
(2) Before entering on any land for the purpose specified in
subsection (1), the licensee shall give a notice stating as fully and
accurately as possible the nature and extent of the acts intended
to be done.
(3) The notice shall substantially be in the form to be specified
by the Commission and the Land Administrator shall specify a
date upon which the State Authority shall inquire into any objection
that may have been made as provided in this Chapter.
(4) The notice under subsection (2) shall be given—
(a) in the case of alienated land, to the owner, management
corporation or occupier;
(b) in the case of reserved land, to the person in charge of
the reserved land or, in the absence of any such person,
to the Land Administrator,
and may be sent by registered post or be left at the last known
address of the person to whom it is to be given or served by the
licensee or the Land Administrator at the expense of the licensee,
either in the manner provided in this Chapter or in the manner
provided for the service of notices under any written law relating
to land in force in the State where the land is situated.
Laws of Malaysia102 ACT 655
(5) Any of the persons mentioned in subsection (4) may, within
fourteen days of the receipt of the notice referred to in subsection
(2), lodge an objection to the intended acts of the licensee.
(6) The objection shall be made in writing to the Land
Administrator and the licensee, and the Land Administrator shall
give notice of the objection to the State Authority.
(7) If no objection is lodged within the time specified in subsection
(5), the licensee may forthwith enter on the land and do all or any
of the acts specified in the notice given under subsection (2).
(8) If an objection is lodged and is not withdrawn before the
date fixed for the hearing of the objection, the Land Administrator
shall hold an enquiry, giving all parties an opportunity to be heard.
(9) Upon the conclusion of the enquiry the Land Administrator
may, either unconditionally or subject to such terms, conditions
and stipulations as he thinks fit, make an order authorizing or
prohibiting any of the acts mentioned in the notice given under
subsection (2).
Appeal against order of Land Administrator
142. (1) Any party who is dissatisfied with the order of the Land
Administrator under subsection 141(9) may within twenty-one
days after the order appeal against such order to the State Authority
which may then uphold, set aside or vary the order upon such
terms, conditions and stipulations as it thinks fit.
(2) The State Authority may, if it thinks fit, in lieu of making
an order under subsection (1), direct the acquisition of any
land or part of any land included in a notice given under
subsection 141(2) in accordance with the Land Acquisition Act
1960 [Act 486].
(3) The licensee shall pay the compensation for any acquisition
of land made by the State Authority under subsection (2).
(4) The decision of the State Authority under this section shall
be final.
Water Services Industry 103
(5) Notwithstanding any written law relating to land matters,
the Registrar—
(a) upon the production to him of the notice issued by the
licensee under subsection 141(2) together with the statement
by the Land Administrator that no objection had been
lodged by any of the persons mentioned in subsection
141(4); or
(b) upon the production to him of the original order made
under subsection 141(9) and upon the deposit with him
of a certified true copy of the original order,
shall cause to be made on the register document of title relating
to the land affected by the notice or order a note of the existence
of the rights under such notice or order.
Installation of pipe, etc., on State land
143. Subject to the approval of the State Authority and to such
conditions as the State Authority may deem proper, a person holding
an individual licence may install, place or carry on, under or over
State land, to the extent permitted by its individual licence, such
pipe, channel, conduit or similar structure, sewer, manhole, chamber,
fixture or any other equipment forming part of a public water
supply system or public sewerage system as may be necessary or
proper for the purposes of the public water supply system or public
sewerage system.
Maintenance, repair and upgrading of installation
144. Whenever it is necessary so to do for the purpose of
maintaining, repairing or upgrading any water supply system,
sewerage system or any part of the systems, the licensee or any
person authorized by the licensee in that behalf may at all reasonable
times enter upon any land on, under or over which pipe, channel,
conduit or similar structure, sewer, manhole, chamber, fixture or
any other equipment forming part of a water supply system or
sewerage system has been installed, and may carry out all necessary
repairs, and may, in the course thereof, fell or lop trees, remove
vegetation and do all other things necessary to the purpose, causing
as little damage as possible and paying full compensation in
accordance with section 146 to all persons interested for any damage
that may be caused thereby for which compensation has not already
been assessed under section 141.
Laws of Malaysia104 ACT 655
Saving of way leave agreement
145. (1) Nothing in section 141 or 144 shall—
(a) affect the right of a licensee to enter into a way leave
agreement with the owner or occupier of any land for the
purpose of carrying any pipe, channel, conduit or similar
structure, sewer, manhole, chamber, fixture or any other
equipment forming part of a water supply system or
sewerage system across the land; or
(b) affect any such way leave agreement subsisting at the
commencement of this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding any written law relating to land, the Registrar,
upon production to him of the original and the deposit with him
of a certified copy of any such way leave agreement as is referred
to in subsection (1), shall cause to be made on the register document
of title relating to the land affected by the way leave agreement
a note of the existence of the way leave agreement.
(3) Where a way leave agreement related to land which is a
holding included in the Interim Register—
(a) subsection (2) shall apply as if “Commissioner” and
“appropriate folio of the Interim Register” were substituted
for “Registrar” and “register document of title” respectively;
(b) when final documents of title are issued for the land
under section 39 of the National Land Code (Penang and
Malacca Titles) Act 1963 [Act 518], any note made pursuant
to that subsection as varied by paragraph (a) shall (if it
is still effective immediately before the issue of those
documents) be entered by the Commissioner on the register
document of title and shall continue to have effect as if
it had been entered under that subsection.
(4) So long as there remains on the register document of title
or the appropriate folio of the Interim Register a note made pursuant
to subsections (2) and (3), all dealings with the land to which the
note relates shall be deemed to be subject to the rights of the
licensee under and by virtue of the way leave agreement in respect
of which the note has been made.
Water Services Industry 105
(5) In this section, the words “Commissioner” and “Interim
Register” have the meanings assigned to them respectively by the
National Land Code (Penang and Malacca Titles) Act 1963.
146. (1) The amount of compensation, if any, payable under section
141 or 144 shall be assessed by the Land Administrator after such
enquiry as he thinks sufficient.
(2) A person aggrieved with the Land Administrator’s assessment
may within twenty-one days after the assessment appeal to the
State Authority whose decision shall be final.
Chapter 3
Authorized officer
147. (1) The Minister may in writing authorize any public officer
or officer of the Commission to exercise the powers of enforcement
under this Act.
(2) Any such officer shall be deemed to be a public servant
within the meaning of the Penal Code [Act 574].
(3) In exercising any of the powers of enforcement under this
Act, an authorized officer shall on demand produce to the person
against whom he is acting the authority issued to him by the
Power of investigation
148. (1) An authorized officer may investigate the activities of a
licensee or other persons material to his compliance with this Act
or its subsidiary legislation.
(2) In any case relating to the commission of an offence under
this Act or its subsidiary legislation, any authorized officer carrying
out an investigation may exercise all or any of the powers in
relation to police investigation, except the power to arrest without
warrant, given by the Criminal Procedure Code [Act 593].
Laws of Malaysia106 ACT 655
Entry into premises with search warrant
149. (1) If it appears to a Magistrate, upon written information
on oath and after such inquiry as he considers necessary, that there
is reasonable cause to believe that an offence under this Act or its
subsidiary legislation is being or has been committed on any premises,
so that any evidence or thing which is necessary to the conduct
of an investigation into an offence may be found in any premises,
the Magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized
officer named in the warrant to enter the premises at any reasonable
time by day or by night, with or without assistance and if need
be by force and there to search for and seize any such evidence
of thing, provided that nothing shall authorize any court other than
a High Court to grant a warrant to search for a postal article,
telegram or other document in the custody of the postal or telegraph
(2) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), the warrant
issued by the Magistrate may authorize the search and seizure of—
(a) copies of any books, account or other documents, including
computerized data, which contain or are reasonably
suspected to contain information as to any offence so
suspected to have been committed;
(b) any signboard, card, letter, pamphlet, leaflet or notice
representing or implying that the person has a licence
granted under this Act; or
(c) any other document, equipment, instrument or matter
that is reasonably believed to furnish evidence of the
commission of the offence.
(3) An authorized officer conducting a search under subsection
(1) may, for the purpose of investigating into the offence, search
any person who is in or on the premises.
(4) An authorized officer making a search of a person under
subsection (3) or section 150 may seize, or take possession of, and
place in safe custody all things other than the necessary clothing,
found upon the person, and any other things, for which there is
reason to believe that they are the instruments or other evidence
of the crime, and they may be detained until the discharge or
acquittal of the person.
Water Services Industry 107
(5) Whenever it is necessary to cause a woman to be searched,
the search shall be made by another woman with strict regard to
(6) If, by the reason of its nature, size or amount, it is not
practicable to remove any book, accounts, documents, computerized
data, signboard, card, letter, pamphlet, leaflet, notice, equipment,
instrument or matter seized under this section, the seizing officer
shall by any means seal such book, accounts, documents,
computerized data, signboard, card, letter, pamphlet, leaflet, notice,
equipment, instrument or matter in the premises or container in
which it is found.
(7) A person who, without lawful authority, breaks, tampers
with or damages the seal referred to in subsection (6) or removes
any book, accounts, documents, computerized data, signboard,
card, letter, pamphlet, leaflet, notice, equipment, instrument or
matter under seal or attempts to do so commits an offence and
shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand
ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or
to both.
Power of entry and search and seizure without warrant
150. If an authorized officer is satisfied upon information received
that he has reasonable cause to believe that by reason of delay in
obtaining a search warrant under that section the investigation
would be adversely affected or evidence of the commission of an
offence is likely to be tampered with, removed, damaged or destroyed,
the officer may enter the premises and exercise in, upon and in
respect of the premises all the powers referred to in section 149
in as full and ample a manner as if he were authorized to do so
by a warrant issued under that section.
Access to computerized data
151. (1) An authorized officer conducting a search under
section 149 or 150 shall be given access to computerized data
whether stored in a computer or otherwise.
Laws of Malaysia108 ACT 655
(2) For the purposes of this section, “access” includes—
(a) being provided with the necessary password, encryption
code, decryption code, software or hardware and any
other means required to enable comprehension of
computerized data; and
(b) the meaning assigned to it by subsections 2(2) and (5)
of the Computer Crimes Act 1997 [Act 563].
Warrant admissible notwithstanding defects
152. A search warrant issued under this Act shall be valid and
enforceable notwithstanding any defect, mistake or omission therein
or in the application for such warrant and any equipment, instrument,
material, book, record, account, document or thing seized under
such warrant shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
List of things seized
153. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), where any equipment,
instrument, material, book, record, account, document or thing is
seized under this Chapter, the seizing officer shall as soon as
practicable prepare a list of the things seized and of the places in
which they are respectively found and deliver a copy of the list
signed by him to the occupier of the premises which has been
searched, or to his agent or servant, at the premises.
(2) Where the premises are unoccupied, the seizing officer shall
whenever possible post a list of the things seized conspicuously
on the premises.
Release of things seized
154. (1) If any thing has been seized under this Act, the authorized
officer who effected the seizure, may at any time after that release
the thing to the person as he determines to be lawfully entitled to
the thing if he is satisfied that the thing is not otherwise required
for the purpose of any proceedings under this Act or its subsidiary
legislation, or for the purpose of any prosecution under any other
written law, and in such event neither the officer effecting the
seizure, nor the Federal Government, the Commission or any person
Water Services Industry 109
acting on behalf of the Government or the Commission shall be
liable to any proceedings by any person if the seizure and the
release of the thing had been effected in good faith.
(2) A record in writing shall be made by the authorized officer
effecting the release of any thing under subsection (1) specifying
in detail the circumstances of and the reason for the release and
he shall send a copy of the record to the Public Prosecutor and to
the Inspector-General of Police within seven days of the release.
Power to require attendance of person acquainted with case
155. (1) An authorized officer making an investigation under this
Act or its subsidiary legislation may by order in writing require
the attendance before himself of any person who appears to the
authorized officer to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances
of the case, and such person shall attend as so required.
(2) If any person refuses to attend as so required the authorized
officer may report such refusal to a Magistrate who shall issue a
summons to secure the attendance of such person as may be required
by the order made under subsection (1).
Examination of person acquainted with case
156. (1) An authorized officer making an investigation under this
Act or its subsidiary legislation may examine orally any person
supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the
(2) The person examined under subsection (1) shall be legally
bound to answer all questions relating to such case put to him by
the authorized officer, but such person may refuse to answer any
question the answer to which would have a tendency to expose him
to a criminal charge or penalty or forfeiture.
(3) A person making a statement under this section shall be
legally bound to state the truth, whether or not such statement is
made wholly or partly in answer to the questions.
(4) An authorized officer examining a person under
subsection (1) shall first inform the person of the provisions of
subsections (2) and (3).
Laws of Malaysia110 ACT 655
(5) A statement made by any person under this section shall,
wherever possible, be reduced into writing and signed by the
person making it or affixed with his thumbprint, as the case may
(a) after it has been read to him in the language in which he
made it; and
(b) after he has been given an opportunity to make any
correction he may wish.
Admissibility of statements in evidence
157. (1) If any person is charged with an offence under this Act
or its subsidiary legislation, any statement, whether the statement
amounts to a confession or not or whether it is oral or in writing,
made at any time, whether before or after the person is arrested
and whether in the course of an investigation under this Act or not
and whether or not wholly or partly in answer to questions, by that
person to or in the hearing of an authorized officer or other person,
shall be admissible in evidence at his trial and, if the person
charged tenders himself as witness, any such statement may be
used in cross-examination and for the purpose of impeaching his
(2) No statement under subsection (1) shall be admissible or
(a) if the making of the statement appears to the court to
have been caused by an inducement, threat or promise
having reference to the charge against such person
proceeding from a person in authority and sufficient in
the opinion of the court to give the person charged grounds
which would appear to him reasonable for supposing that
by making it he would gain any advantage or avoid any
evil of a temporal nature in reference to the proceedings
against him; or
(b) in the case of a statement made by the person after his
arrest, unless the court is satisfied that he was cautioned
in the following words or words to the like effect:
“It is my duty to warn you that you are not obliged to
say anything or to answer any question, but anything
you say, whether in answer to a question or not, may
be given in evidence.”.
Water Services Industry 111
(3) A statement made by a person before there is time to caution
him shall not be rendered inadmissible in evidence merely by
reason of his not having been cautioned if he is cautioned as soon
as possible after that.
(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any
written law, a person accused of an offence to which
subsection (1) applies shall not be bound to answer any questions
relating to the case after any caution as referred to in paragraph
(2)(b) has been administered to him.
Authorized officer to complete investigation and hand over to
158. Upon the completion of his investigation into an offence
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation, an authorized officer
shall immediately give all information relating to the commission
of the offence to an officer in charge of a police station and a
police officer may arrest a person who may have committed an
offence under this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
Cost of holding equipment, etc., seized
159. Where any equipment, instrument, material, book, record,
account, document, thing or matter seized under this Act or its
subsidiary legislation is held in the custody of the Government or
the Commission pending completion of any proceedings in respect
of an offence under this Act or its subsidiary legislation, the cost
of holding such thing in custody shall, in the event of any person
being found to have committed an offence, be a debt due to the
Government by such person and shall be recoverable accordingly.
No cost or damages arising from seizure to be recoverable
160. No person shall, in any proceedings before any court in
respect of any equipment, instrument, material, book, record, account,
document, thing or matter seized in the exercise or the purported
exercise of any power conferred under this Act, be entitled to the
costs of such proceedings or to any damages or other relief unless
such seizure was made without reasonable cause.
Laws of Malaysia112 ACT 655
161. A person who—
(a) refuses any authorized officer access to any premises
which the authorized officer is entitled to have under this
Act or in the execution of any duty imposed or power
conferred by this Act;
(b) assaults, obstructs, hinders or delays any authorized officer
in effecting any entry which the authorized office is
entitled to effect under this Act or in the execution of any
duty imposed or power conferred by this Act; or
(c) refuses to give any authorized officer any information
relating to an offence or suspected offence under this Act
or its subsidiary legislation or any other information which
may reasonably be required of him and which he has in
his knowledge or power to give,
commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
Additional powers
162. An authorized officer shall, for the purposes of the execution
of this Act or its subsidiary legislation, have power to do all or
any of the following:
(a) to require the production of records, accounts,
computerized data and documents kept by a licensee or
other person and to inspect, examine and to download
from them, make copies of them or take extracts from
(b) to require the production of any identification document
from any person in relation to any case or offence under
this Act or its subsidiary legislation; and
(c) to make such inquiry as may be necessary to ascertain
whether the provisions of this Act or its subsidiary
legislation have been complied with.
Water Services Industry 113
Chapter 4
Compounding of offences
163. (1) The Minister may prescribe any offence under this
Act or its subsidiary legislation as an offence which may be
(2) The Commission, with the consent in writing of the Public
Prosecutor, may at any time before a charge is being instituted
compound any of the offences prescribed under subsection (1) as
an offence which may be compounded by accepting from the
person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a
sum of money not exceeding fifty per centum of the maximum fine
to which the person would have been liable to if he had been
convicted of the offence, within such time as may be specified in
his written offer.
(3) An offer under subsection (2) may be made at any time after
the offence has been committed but before any prosecution for it
has been instituted, and where the amount specified in the offer
is not paid within the time specified in the offer, or such extended
time as the Commission may grant, prosecution for the offence
may be instituted at any time after that against the person to whom
the offer was made.
(4) Where an offence has been compounded under subsection
(2), no prosecution shall be instituted in respect of the offence
against the person to whom the offer to compound was made, and
any document or thing seized in connection with the offence may
be released by Commission, subject to such terms and conditions
as it thinks fit.
(5) All sums of money accepted under subsection (2) shall be
paid into the Federal Consolidated Fund.
164. No prosecution for an offence under this Act shall be instituted
except by or with the written consent of the Public Prosecutor.
Laws of Malaysia114 ACT 655
Offences by body corporate
165. (1) If a body corporate commits an offence under this Act
or its subsidiary legislation, a person who at the time of the
commission of the offence was a director, chief executive officer,
chief operating officer, manager, secretary or other similar officer
of the body corporate or was purporting to act in any such capacity
or was in any manner or to any extent responsible for the management
of any of the affairs of the body corporate or was assisting in such
(a) may be charged severally or jointly in the same proceedings
with the body corporate; and
(b) if the body corporate is found guilty of the offence, shall
be deemed to be guilty of that offence unless, having
regard to the nature of his functions in that capacity and
to all circumstances, he proves—
(i) that the offence was committed without his
knowledge, consent or connivance; and
(ii) that he had taken all reasonable precautions and
exercised due diligence to prevent the commission
of the offence.
(2) If any person would be liable under this Act or its subsidiary
legislation to any punishment or penalty for his act, omission,
neglect or default, he shall be liable to the same punishment or
penalty for every such act, omission, neglect or default of any
employee or agent of his, or of the employee of the agent, if the
act, omission, neglect or default was committed—
(a) by that person’s employee in the course of his employment;
(b) by the agent when acting on behalf of that person; or
(c) by the employee of the agent in the course of his
employment by the agent or otherwise on behalf of the
agent acting on behalf of that person.
Information or informer not to be disclosed
166. (1) Except as provided in this section, no witness in any
civil or criminal proceedings pursuant to this Act or its subsidiary
legislation shall be obliged or permitted to disclose the name or
Water Services Industry 115
address of any informer or the substance and nature of the information
received from him or state any matter which might lead to his
(2) If a book or document which is in evidence or is liable to
inspection in any civil or criminal proceedings whatsoever contains
any entry in which any informer is named or described or which
might lead to his discovery, the court shall cause all such entries
to be concealed from view or to be obliterated so far as may be
necessary to protect the informer from discovery.
(3) If in a trial for an offence under this Act or its subsidiary
legislation the court, after full inquiry into the case, is of the
opinion that the informer wilfully made in his complaint a material
statement which he knew or believed to be false or did not believe
to be true, or if in any other proceedings the court is of the opinion
that justice cannot be fully done between the parties to the proceeding
without the discovery of the informer, it shall be lawful for the
court to require the production of the original complaint, if in
writing, and permit an inquiry and require full disclosure concerning
the informer.
Manner of service of documents
167. (1) Service of a document on any person shall be effected—
(a) by delivering the document to the person or by delivering
the document to the last known address of the person;
(b) by leaving the document at the last known address or
place of business of the person in a cover addressed to
that person; or
(c) by forwarding the document by post in a prepaid letter
addressed to the person at his last known address or place
of business.
(2) A document required to be served on the owner, management
corporation or occupier of any premises shall be deemed to be
properly addressed if addressed by the description of the “owner”,
“management corporation” or “occupier” of such premises without
further name or description and may be served by delivering the
document to an adult person on the premises or, if there is no such
person on the premises to whom the document can with reasonable
diligence be delivered, by fixing the document on some conspicuous
part of the premises.
Laws of Malaysia116 ACT 655
Inaccuracies in document
168. (1) No misnomer or inaccurate description of any person,
premises, holding, street or place named or described in any document
prepared, issued or place named or described in any document
prepared, issued or served under, by virtue of or for the purposes
of this Act or its subsidiary legislation shall in any way affect the
operation of this Act or its subsidiary legislation with respect to
that person or place if that person or place is so designated in the
document as to be identifiable.
(2) No proceedings taken under or by virtue of this Act or its
subsidiary legislation shall be invalid for want of form.
Liability of transferors
169. (1) Every person who sells or transfers any property in respect
of which expenses have been incurred by a licensee or its servants
and agents, as the case may be, in or about the execution of any
work which are, under this Act or its subsidiary legislation,
recoverable from the owner of the property shall continue to be
liable for the payment of all such expenses payable in respect of
the property and for the performance of all other obligations imposed
by this Act upon the owner of the property which become payable
or are to be performed at any time before the transfer becomes
(2) Nothing in this Act shall affect the liability of the purchaser
or transferee to pay the expenses in respect of the property referred
to in subsection (1) or affect the right of a licensee or its servants
or agents, as the case may be, to recover those expenses from, or
to enforce any obligation under this Act or its subsidiary legislation
against, the purchaser or transferee.
Exemption of equipment from distress and attachment
170. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written
law, when any equipment belonging to a licensee has been placed
in or upon premises not owned or occupied by the licensee for the
purpose of water supply services or sewerage services, such equipment
shall not be subject to distress nor be liable to be taken in execution
under any process of a court or in any bankruptcy or insolvency
proceedings against any person.
Water Services Industry 117
Water Industry Fund
171. (1) A fund to be known as the “Water Industry Fund” is
established and shall be controlled and operated by the Commission.
(2) The Water Industry Fund shall consist of any sums contributed
by any licensee or person authorized under Chapter 2 of Part XIII
in accordance with the rates as may be prescribed.
(3) The Water Industry Fund shall be expended for the following
(a) the protection and preservation of the watercourses and
water catchment areas;
(b) to ensure sustainability of water supply from the
(c) the improvement of water quality at the watercourses;
(d) the provision of water and sewerage services in rural
developments; or
(e) such other purposes as may be determined by the Minister.
(4) The Commission shall cause proper accounts of the Water
Industry Fund and proper reports of its activities in respect of the
Fund to be kept and shall, as soon as practicable after the end of
the financial year, cause to be prepared for that financial year—
(a) a statement of accounts which shall include a balance
sheet and an account of the contributions and expenditure;
(b) a statement of its activities.
(5) The Commission shall as soon as possible send a copy of
the statement of accounts certified by the auditors and a copy of
the auditors’ report to the Minister who shall cause them to be laid
before both Houses of Parliament.
Laws of Malaysia118 ACT 655
Sewerage Capital Contribution Fund
172. (1) A fund to be known as the “Sewerage Capital Contribution
Fund” is established and shall be controlled and operated by the
(2) The Sewerage Capital Contribution Fund shall consist of
any sums contributed by any developer or person who constructs—
(a) a building and connects the building to a public sewer;
(b) a sewage treatment works without a sludge processing
facility or standby power generator or both; and
(c) a septic tank or communal septic tank that requires an
off-site sludge processing facility,
in accordance with the rates as may be prescribed.
(3) The Sewerage Capital Contribution Fund shall be expended
for the following purposes:
(a) to supplement capital expenditure required for public
sewerage systems;
(b) for the implementation of a regional sewerage system; or
(c) such other purposes as may be determined by the Minister.
(4) The Commission shall cause proper accounts of the Sewerage
Capital Contribution Fund and proper reports of its activities in
respect of the Fund to be kept and shall, as soon as practicable
after the end of each financial year, cause to be prepared for that
financial year—
(a) a statement of accounts which shall include a balance
sheet and an account of contributions and expenditure;
(b) a statement of its activities.
(5) The Commission shall as soon as possible send a copy of
the statement of accounts certified by the auditors and a copy of
the auditors’ report to the Minister who shall cause them to be laid
before both Houses of Parliament.
Water Services Industry 119
Registration of agreements
173. (1) The written agreements referred to in sections 32 and 53
shall be submitted to the Commission for registration.
(2) A person who wishes to enter into an agreement as referred
to in subsection (1) shall submit the finalized draft of the written
agreement to the Commission for endorsement.
(3) If the Commission is satisfied that the finalized draft agreement
submitted to it under subsection (2) is consistent with this Act or
its subsidiary legislation, the Commission shall endorse the finalized
draft agreement and the person may enter into the written agreement
on the same terms as the endorsed draft agreement and shall submit
the written agreement to the Commission for registration.
(4) The Commission shall register any written agreement submitted
to it under subsection (3).
(5) Where the parties to a written agreement referred to in
subsection (1) chooses to enter into the written agreement prior to
the Commission endorsing the written agreement, the parties to
the agreement shall make provisions in the written agreement to
the effect that the written agreement is only effective upon the
Commission registering the written agreement.
(6) A written agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall only
be enforceable upon its registration.
(7) The Commission shall register the written agreement if the
Commission is satisfied that the agreement is consistent with this
Act or its subsidiary legislation.
(8) The Commission shall maintain a register of all agreements
registered under this section in accordance with section 176.
(9) The register shall contain—
(a) the names of the parties to the agreement;
(b) a general description of the matter pertaining to the
agreement; and
(c) the date of the agreement,
except the terms and conditions of the agreement.
Laws of Malaysia120 ACT 655
(10) A copy of the written agreement shall be deposited with
the Commission.
Certifying agencies
174. (1) The Commission may register certifying agencies or classes
of certifying agencies for the purposes of—
(a) approving plans, specifications or detailed designs with
respect to the construction of the water supply system,
sewerage system, septic tank individual internal sewerage
piping and common internal sewerage piping;
(b) certifying persons referred to in section 50; and
(c) certifying compliance with technical standards made under
any subsidiary legislation made under this Act.
(2) An approval by a registered certifying agency shall be deemed
to be an approval by the Commission unless the Commission
specify otherwise.
Reporting to Minister on industry performance
175. (1) The Commission shall monitor all significant matters
relating to the water supply and sewerage services industry and
report to the Minister at the end of each financial year of the
(2) In performing its functions under subsection (1), the
Commission shall have regard to such industry performance indicators
as the Commission considers appropriate.
(3) The Commission shall monitor and report on the following
(a) the operation and administration of this Act and its
subsidiary legislation;
(b) the rates applicable for the supply of water and sewerage
(c) the licensees’ costing of capital expenditure to ensure
transparency and quality;
(d) the required investment in water supply system or sewerage
system for future needs;
(e) the service and performance standards of licensees;
Water Services Industry 121
(f) the standards of water and sewerage asset maintenance;
(g) the environmental and health standards;
(h) the efficiency and effectiveness of the licensee’s operations
for the purposes of renewing licences;
(i) the level of compliance with standards;
(j) any deficiencies in the scope or operation of this Act and
its subsidiary legislation; and
(k) other matters the Minister thinks necessary.
(4) The Commission shall publish the report in a manner it
deems appropriate as soon as practicable following the date on
which the Commission conveys the report to the Minister.
176. (1) The Commission shall maintain a register in both physical
and electronic form of all matters which are required to be registered
under this Act and its subsidiary legislation.
(2) A person may, on payment of any fee specified by the
(a) inspect the register; and
(b) make a copy of, or take extracts from, the register.
(3) If a person requests that a copy be provided in an electronic
form, the Commission may provide the relevant information—
(a) on a data processing device; or
(b) by way of electronic transmission.
Directions by Commission
177. (1) The Commission may from time to time issue directions
in writing to any person, as provided for in this Act, about the
compliance or non-compliance of any licence conditions, including
the remedying of a breach of a licence condition or the provisions
of this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
(2) Prior to making a direction under subsection (1), the
Commission shall issue a notice in writing to the person specifying
the nature of the required compliance.
Laws of Malaysia122 ACT 655
(3) The person shall be granted an opportunity to be heard or
may submit a written submission on the reasons for its conduct or
activity within a reasonable time period specified in the notice.
(4) After expiry of the notice specified in subsection (3), the
Commission shall take into consideration any reasons provided by
the person before making a decision in relation to the relevant
conduct or activity of the person.
(5) After due consideration of any reasons provided by the
person, the Commission may issue a direction pursuant to
subsection (1) requiring the person to take a specified action directed
towards ensuring that the person does not contravene or does not
continue to contravene any of the conditions of licence or any of
the provisions of this Act or its subsidiary legislation.
(6) The Commission shall give the person written notice of its
direction as soon as practicable. The direction issued by the
Commission shall be complied with.
(7) A direction made by the Commission under this Chapter
shall be registered as soon as practicable.
(8) The direction shall be effective from the date of registration
or such later date as the Commission may specify in the direction.
(9) The direction shall expire on such date as the Commission
may specify in the written instrument or if no date is specified,
the direction shall be in force until the direction is revoked.
(10) The Commission may vary or revoke a direction and the
procedures set out in subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and
(9) shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any variation or
revocation of a direction.
(11) A person who fails to comply with a direction of the
Commission under this section commits an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand
ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or
to both.
(12) The Commission shall maintain a register of all directions
issued by the Commission, including any variation or revocation
of a direction in accordance with section 176.
Water Services Industry 123
Determination by Commission
178. (1) The Commission may, from time to time, determine any
matter specified in this Act as being subject to the Commission’s
(2) The Commission may conduct a public consultation prior to
making a determination, either—
(a) in response to a written request from a person; or
(b) on its own initiative.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the Commission shall conduct
a public consultation prior to making a determination if directed
by the Minister.
(4) The procedures applicable to a public inquiry under sections
78, 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the public
consultation in subsection (2) or (3).
(5) A public consultation shall be carried out in a manner consistent
with the provisions of this Act.
(6) Within three months from the conclusion of the public
consultation, the Commission shall determine the matter.
(7) A determination made by the Commission under this section
shall be registered as soon as practicable.
(8) A determination shall come into force on the date of registration
or such later date as the Commission may specify in the determination.
(9) The determination shall expire on such date as the Commission
may specify or if no date is specified, the determination shall be
in force until the determination is revoked.
(10) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Commission may
vary or revoke a determination, in response to a written request
or on its own initiative and the procedures set out in this section
in respect of making a determination shall apply mutatis mutandis
in respect of any variation or revocation of the determination.
(11) The Commission shall maintain a register of all determinations
made by the Commission, including any variation or revocation
of a determination, in accordance with section 176.
Laws of Malaysia124 ACT 655
Power of Minister to make regulations
179. The Minister may make regulations for all or any of the
following purposes:
(a) to prescribe all matters relating to the issuance of individual
licences and the registration of class licences granted
under this Act, including the eligibility of persons applying
for licences, licence fees for different types of licences
and licensed activities, the duration of the licences, the
forms of licences, the standard conditions of the licences,
renewal fees and other processing charges;
(b) to prescribe all matters relating to the hand over of the
duties and functions of an existing service licensee to a
new service licensee;
(c) to prescribe any matter relating to the Sewerage Capital
Contribution Fund including the rates of contribution;
(d) to prescribe any matter relating to the Water Industry
Fund including the rates of contribution;
(e) to prescribe the charges or rates for capital contribution
which a licensee may charge for the purposes of connecting
a premises or a development to the licensee’s water supply
(f) to prescribe the form of notifications, notices and orders
to be made under this Act;
(g) to prescribe the offences which may be compounded and
the forms to be used and the method and procedure for
compounding the offences;
(h) to prescribe fees and charges which may be prescribed
under this Act;
(i) to prescribe any matter for which this Act makes express
provision to be made by regulations;
(j) to prescribe all other matters as are necessary or
expedient to be prescribed for giving effect to this Act
or for the purposes of removing any difficulties occasioned
by the coming into operation of this Act or any of its
Water Services Industry 125
Power of Commission to make rules
180. The Commission may make such rules for all or any of the
following matters:
(a) to provide for the following technical and performance
(i) the minimum standards and specifications which
shall be used in the design, construction, installation,
protection, operation and maintenance of any water
supply system or sewerage system;
(ii) installation of meters and sub-meters or monitoring
systems with respect to connection, disconnection,
use, maintenance, authentication, testing and
commissioning of meters and sub-meters or
monitoring systems and with respect to any related
(iii) the minimum qualifications to be possessed by
persons before they may be allowed to construct,
install, test, commission, operate, maintain or manage
any water supply system or sewerage system or
part of the system;
(iv) the standards of performance and adoption of key
performance indicators for water supply services
and sewerage services;
(v) the performance related specifications for
infrastructure development to be undertaken by the
facilities licensee or any other person;
(vi) the internal reticulation including internal piping
and water filters;
(vii) the standardization of equipment, devices and
materials used for water supply systems and sewerage
systems and for the purposes of providing water
supply services and sewerage services;
(b) the form and substance of any of the following agreements:
(i) lease agreements referred to in section 32;
(ii) agreements between consumers and the water
distribution licensee for the supply of water under
section 52;
Laws of Malaysia126 ACT 655
(iii) agreements to supply water in bulk between service
licensees providing water supply services under
section 53; and
(iv) agreements for the provision of sewerage services
contracted between the owner, management
corporation or occupier of any premises with the
service licensee providing sewerage services under
section 67;
(c) all matters relating to consumer standards under this Act;
(d) the efficiency of billing and collection of revenue generated
from the provision of water supply services and sewerage
(e) the intervals and the manner in which the owner,
management corporation or occupier who is responsible
for a private sewerage system or septic tank shall cause
his septic tank to be desludged and, in the case of a
private sewerage system, to be serviced or maintained;
(f) the intervals, times and manner in which any water supply
system or sewerage system shall be inspected, the notice,
if any, to be given in relation to audits or inspections and
the preparations to be made by the licensee or its
management for audits or inspections;
(g) all matters relating to the issuance of permits granted
under this Act, including the procedures for application,
fees, forms, conditions and duration of the permits;
(h) the manner of record keeping under section 136;
(i) all matters relating to the provision of information by the
licensee to the Commission and the level of detail, interval,
manner and form in which such information is to be
(j) all matters relating to the types of development referred
to in sections 46 and 47;
(k) all matters relating to the safety and security of water
supply systems and sewerage systems;
(l) all matters relating to the formulation and implementation
of water and sewerage safety plans;
Water Services Industry 127
(m) all matters relating to the registration of persons supplying
installations, devices or equipment relating to water supply
systems, sewerage systems, septic tanks, individual internal
sewerage piping or common internal sewerage piping;
(n) the procedures and manner in which plans and specifications
in respect of any proposed water supply system and
sewerage systems are to be submitted and approved under
this Act, the duties and responsibilities of the certifying
agencies, licensees, developers and other relevant persons
in the approval process including the approval of the
detailed design and specifications, inspection obligations
and the imposition of fees;
(o) all matters relating to the prevention against wastage,
undue consumption, misuse, contamination of water and
to provide for the proper use of water fittings to ensure
the safety of the public;
(p) such other matters for which this Act makes an express
provision for the Commission to make rules.
Penalties for subsidiary legislation
181. The regulations made under section 179 and the rules made
under section 180 or any other subsidiary legislation made under
this Act may provide for any act or omission in contravention of
the regulations, rules or other subsidiary legislation to be an offence
and may provide for penalties of a fine not exceeding three hundred
thousand ringgit or a term of imprisonment not exceeding three
years or to both.
Power of Minister to amend Schedule
182. The Minister may by order published in the Gazette amend
the Schedule.
Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
183. The Public Authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall
apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceedings against the
Commission or against any officer, servant or agent of the
Commission in respect of any act, neglect or default done or
omitted by him in such capacity.
Laws of Malaysia128 ACT 655
Protection of officers and other persons
184. The Commission, any employee or agent of the Commission,
certifying agency, an authorized officer or any other person shall
not be liable to be sued in any court for loss or damages for or
on account of, or in respect of, any act or matter done or ordered
to be done or omitted to be done by it or him in good faith and
in the intended exercise of any power or discharge of any duty
conferred on it or him under this Act.
Chapter 1
Repeal and savings
185. (1) The Sewerage Services Act 1993 [Act 508], which is
referred to as the “repealed legislation” in this Part, is repealed in
respect of its application to Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal
Territories of Putrajaya and Labuan.
(2) Any subsidiary legislation made under the repealed legislation
shall, in so far as it is consistent with this Act, remain in operation
until revoked or replaced by any subsidiary legislation made under
this Act, and shall be deemed for all purposes to have been made
under this Act.
(3) The Minister may, whenever it appears to him necessary or
expedient so to do whether for the purpose of removing difficulties
or in consequence of the passing of this Act, by order to be
published in the Gazette, make such modifications to the subsidiary
legislation made under the repealed legislation as he thinks fit.
186. Subject to Chapter 2 of this Part, any registration, instruction,
act, order, direction, approval or decision done, made or given
before the appointed date under any written law relating to—
(a) water supply system or sewerage system; and
(b) water supply services or sewerage services,
Water Services Industry 129
which is consistent with this Act shall be deemed to have been
done, made or given under this Act and shall continue in full force
and effect in relation to whom they apply until amended or revoked
under this Act or its subsidiary legislation or until the date of the
expiry of the registration, instruction, act, order, direction or decision.
Continuance of other rights, liabilities, etc., under the repealed
187. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the repealed legislation
or anything contained in this Act shall not affect any person liable
to be prosecuted or punished for offences committed under the
repealed legislation before the date of coming into operation of
this Act, or any proceedings brought or sentence imposed before
that day in respect of such offence.
Chapter 2
Transitional provisions for existing operators
Existing water supply services
188. (1) All State agencies, departments, water boards or water
authorities who are, prior to the coming into operation of this Act,
authorized under any written law to—
(a) own a water supply system; or
(b) provide water supply services by means of a water supply
shall continue to be authorized under this Act to own or provide
the aforesaid facilities and services for a period of one year from
the appointed date or such other period as may be extended by the
Commission if such State agencies, departments, water boards or
water authorities registers with the Commission within three months
or such other period as may be extended by the Commission after
the appointed date.
(2) The authorization granted to the State agencies, departments,
water boards or water authorities under subsection (1) shall lapse
if they fail to register with the Commission within three months
or the extended period after the appointed date.
Laws of Malaysia130 ACT 655
(3) The State agencies, departments, water boards or water
authorities may at any time prior to the expiry of the authorization
period apply for a licence under this Act to continue to—
(a) own a water supply system; or
(b) provide water supply services by means of a water supply
after the expiration of the authorization period.
Existing sewerage services
189. (1) All local authorities who are, prior to the coming into
operation of this Act, authorized under any written law to—
(a) own a sewerage system; or
(b) provide sewerage services,
shall continue to be authorized under this Act to own or provide
the aforesaid facilities and services for a period of one year from
the appointed date or such other period as may be extended by the
Commission if such local authority registers with the Commission
within three months or such other period as may be extended by
the Commission after the appointed date.
(2) The authorization granted to the local authorities under
subsection (1) shall lapse if they fail to register with the Commission
within three months or the extended period after the appointed
(3) The local authorities may at any time prior to the expiry of
the authorized period apply for a licence under this Act to continue
(a) own a sewerage system; or
(b) provide sewerage services,
after the expiration of the authorized period.
Existing licences or permits
190. (1) A licence or permit granted or issued—
(a) under the repealed legislations; or
(b) under the relevant State water supply enactments,
Water Services Industry 131
shall continue to be authorized under this Act and shall only be
effective for a period of three months after the appointed date or
such other period as may be extended by the Commission if the
licence or permit is registered with the Commission within such
period or extended period.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to extend the term
or duration of a licence or permit specified in subsection (1)
beyond the date of its expiry.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a licence or permit registered
under subsection (1) shall continue to have effect under this Act
(a) its expiry; or
(b) for a period of two years or such other period as may be
extended by the Commission after the appointed date,
whichever is the earlier, unless the holder of the registered licence
or permit has been granted a licence or permit under this Act.
(4) The authorization granted to a person holding a licence or
permit under subsection (1) shall lapse if he fails to register with
the Commission within three months or the extended period after
the appointed date.
Agreements stipulated in the Schedule
191. (1) A person listed out as an authorized person in column
(1) of the Schedule shall only be authorized to carry out the
services and activities stipulated in the agreement and supplementary
agreement set out opposite his name in column (2) of the Schedule
for a period of three months from the appointed date or such other
period as may be extended by the Commission unless the person
lodges a certified true copy of the agreement and supplementary
agreement with the Commission within such period or extended
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the authorized person who
lodges a certified true copy of the agreement and supplementary
agreements with the Commission under subsection (1) shall continue
to be authorized under this section until the expiry of a period of
two years or such other period as may be extended by the Commission
after the appointed date.
Laws of Malaysia132 ACT 655
(3) The authorization granted to the persons authorized under
subsection (1) shall lapse if they fail to register with the Commission
within three months or the extended period after the appointed
(4) The person authorized under subsection (1) shall as soon as
possible after lodging his agreement and supplementary agreements,
but in any event not later than three months after the lodgement
date, commence renegotiation of his agreement and supplementary
agreement with the Federation and the other counter parties to the
agreement and supplementary agreement so as to address any
national interest issues arising from the coming into operation of
this Act.
(5) The determination of what amounts to national interest issues
arising from the coming into operation of this Act shall be made
by the Minister and such determination shall be final and binding
upon all persons and shall not be challenged, appealed against,
reviewed, quashed or questioned in any court.
(6) Upon the finalization of the renegotiated agreement or
supplementary agreement effecting the amendments, if any, the
Commission shall register the amended agreements notwithstanding
section 173.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, any other written
law or any rule of law or contract, the failure of a person authorized
under subsection (1) to commence renegotiation of his agreement
and supplementary agreement as required under subsection (4)
shall be a ground for the authorization referred to in subsection
(1) to be revoked or for a licence under this Act not to be granted
to such person.
(8) If an authorization has been revoked under subsection (7)
or if a grant of licence is refused on the ground specified in
subsection (7), the Federal Government, Minister or Commission
shall not be liable—
(a) to pay any compensation to; and
(b) for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by,
the person affected by the revocation of the authorization or the
refusal of the grant of licence.
Water Services Industry 133
(9) If a person’s authorization is revoked under subsection (7)
or the person has been refused a licence on the ground specified
in subsection (7), the Minister shall exercise his powers under
section 114 and all provisions relating to section 114 shall apply
Indication to migrate to licence
192. (1) Within a period of one year or such other period as may
be extended by the Commission from the appointed date—
(a) the holder of a registered existing licence; or
(b) an authorized person under section 191,
shall send a notice in writing to the Commission indicating whether
he intends to apply for a licence under this Act in substitution of
the registered existing licence or authorization.
(2) There shall be attached to the notice specified in
subsection (1)—
(a) in the case where the person intends to apply for a licence
under this Act in substitution of his registered existing
licence or authorization, an application for a licence under
this Act; or
(b) in the case where the person intends not to apply for a
licence under this Act, an application for a written
authorization under this Act.
(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to a holder of a registered
existing licence whose activities require a class licence or permit
under this Act.
(4) A holder of a registered existing licence whose activities
require a class licence or permit under this Act may register for
a class licence or apply for a permit under this Act, as the case
may be, on or before the expiry of his existing licence or permit
or the period specified in subsection (1), whichever is the earlier.
(5) The Commission may issue a written authorization to an
applicant subject to such conditions as the Commission may require
and the written authorization granted to an applicant under this
subsection shall only be for the initial term of its agreement stipulated
in the Schedule or until the earlier termination of the agreement.
Laws of Malaysia134 ACT 655
(6) Where an authorized person under section 191 is also a
holder of a registered existing licence, the authorized person is not
required to indicate his intention as to whether he intends to apply
for a licence under this Act in substitution of the registered existing
licence. The authorized person’s indication with respect to his
authorization granted under section 191 shall be deemed to be the
same for his registered existing licence.
(7) The Commission may revoke a written authorization or modify,
vary or revoke the conditions of a written authorization or impose
further conditions on a written authorization.
(8) The procedures set out in—
(a) section 11; and
(b) section 13,
shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any modification, variation
or revocation of the conditions of a written authorization, the
imposition of further conditions on a written authorization and the
revocation of a written authorization.
(9) The Minister may prescribe the criteria to apply for a licence
in substitution of an registered existing licence and authorization
and conditions to be fulfilled by—
(a) the holder of a registered existing licence; or
(b) an authorized person under section 191.
Status of a registered existing licence and authorization
193. Notwithstanding the terms of the registered existing
licence and the agreement stipulated in the Schedule, a person
(a) a registered existing licence;
(b) an authorization under sections 188, 189 and 191; or
(c) a written authorization under section 192,
Water Services Industry 135
shall for the purposes of this Act comply with the duties and
obligations of a licensee under this Act including the obligations
to meet the minimum quality standards under section 41 and to
contribute to the Water Industry Fund and to the powers of the
Minister and the Commission under this Act as if the person is a
holder of a licence of a similar scope under this Act and its
subsidiary legislation but shall not be entitled to any new benefits
conferred under this Act including the rights of a service licensee
under section 32.
[Section 191]
Column (1) Column (2)
Authorized person Agreement and Supplementary Agreements
1. Air Utara Indah Sdn Privatisation Agreement dated 22 November
Bhd 1990
Supplementary Concession Agreement dated
26 November 1998
Supplementary Concession Agreement dated
14 September 2000
2. [deleted by P.U. (A) 431/2007]
3. Equiventures Sdn Bhd Privatisation cum Concession Agreement
dated 28 June 1992
4. Indah Water Concession Agreement dated 9 December
Konsortium Sdn Bhd 1993
5. Innovest-Lyonnaise Concession Agreement dated 5 October
Sdn Bhd 1989
Supplementary Concession Agreement
dated 21 February 1992
6. Kelantan Water Concession Agreement dated 26 February
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 1995
7. Konsortium Abass Privatisation cum Concession Agreement
Sdn Bhd dated 9 December 2000
Supplementary Privatisation cum Concession
Agreement dated 10 February 2001
Laws of Malaysia136 ACT 655
8. Metropolitan Utilities Concession Agreement dated 28 March 1989
Sdn Bhd
Supplementary Concession Agreement dated
18 September 1997
Supplementary Concession Agreement dated
12 August 2003
Agreement for the Supply of Treated Water
dated 19 August 1994
9. Puncak Niaga (M) Privatisation cum Concession Agreement
Sdn Bhd dated 22 September 1994
Construction cum Operation Agreement
dated 22 March 1995
Supplementary Construction cum Operation
Agreement dated 6 September 1997
Supplementary Construction cum Operation
Agreement dated 9 April 1999
10. Southern Water Concession Agreement dated 31 May 1994
Corporation Sdn Bhd
11. Syarikat Air Johor Concession Agreement dated 20 April 1999
Sdn Bhd
Lambang Optima Supplementary Concession Agreement dated
Sdn Bhd 8 May 2002
SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd
12. Syarikat Air Corporatisation Agreement dated 1 July 1999
Terengganu Sdn Bhd
Supplementary Corporatisation Agreement
dated 3 March 2004
13. Syarikat Bekalan Air Concession Agreement dated 15 December
Selangor Sdn Bhd 2004
14. Syarikat Pengeluar Privatisation Agreement dated 24 January
Air Sungai Selangor 2000
Sdn Bhd
Operations and Maintenance Agreement dated
24 January 2000
15. Taliworks (Langkawi) Langkawi Water Supply Privatisation
Sdn Bhd Agreement dated 7 October 1995
Column (1) Column (2)
Authorized person Agreement and Supplementary Agreements