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Table of Contents
000. -- 099. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 2
100. GUIDE FOR PLANNING SCHOOL FACILITIES. ............................................. 2
101. -- 149. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 2
151. -- 199. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 2
200. SUBMISSION OF PLANS. ................................................................................ 2
201. -- 249. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 3
250. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. ........................................................................ 3
251. -- 299. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 3
300. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. .............................................................. 3
301. -- 349. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 9
350. FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. ............................. 9
351. -- 399. (RESERVED). ...................................................................................... 12
400. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, AND RENOVATIONS. ..................................... 12
401. -- 449. (RESERVED). ...................................................................................... 13
450. GENERAL REPORTING. ................................................................................ 13
451. -- 499. (RESERVED). ...................................................................................... 13
500. CHANGE ORDERS. ....................................................................................... 13
501. -- 549. (RESERVED). ...................................................................................... 13
PROVIDE: .................................................................................................... 13
551. -- 999. (RESERVED). ...................................................................................... 13
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Chapter 04
000. -- 099. (RESERVED).
The current edition of the Guide for Planning Educational Facilities, published by the Council of Educational Facility
Planners International, as expanded by the Idaho Department of Education, is hereby adopted for use by Idaho school
districts for planning educational facilities. State Board of Education Rules supplemental to the Guide are set forth in
the rules specified in this chapter. (5-17-93)
101. -- 149. (RESERVED).
The State Board of Education has translated its broad authority over school facility planning granted under Idaho
Code into rules. Any major deviation by a school district from the rules must have formal approval of the State Board
of Education. The appellant shall submit a request for a variance to the Building Unit of the Idaho Department of
Education. (5-17-93)
151. -- 199. (RESERVED).
The school district shall submit to the State Department of Education, for review and approval, preliminary and
working drawings and specifications for new school buildings and additions or alterations to existing buildings which
are estimated to cost in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). The approval process shall include the
following requirements: (5-17-93)
01. Preliminary Plans. One (1) copy of preliminary plans shall be submitted to the State Department of
Education for approval and suggested alteration. (5-17-93)
02. Requirements for Preliminary Plans. Preliminary plans must be drawn by an architect accepted by
the local school trustees. (5-17-93)
03. Timelines for Submitting Preliminary Plans. Preliminary plans must be submitted at least four (4)
weeks prior to submission of final drawings and specifications. Exception: Preliminary plans need not be submitted
for alterations to existing buildings. (5-17-93)
04. Detail of Preliminary Plans. Preliminary plans must include a site plan showing total acreage, a
scale floor plan identifying the use of specific areas and building elevations. (5-17-93)
05. Report of Review. The Department of Education will report its review in writing to the architect
and owner within at least fourteen (14) days of receipt of plans. (5-17-93)
06. Submission of Final Drawings and Specifications. Two (2) copies of final drawings and
specifications for new buildings, additions and major alterations shall be submitted for approval to the State Board of
Education. (5-17-93)
07. Requirements for Working Drawings. Working drawings and specifications must be prepared by an
architect and accepted by the local board of trustees. (5-17-93)
08. Requirements for Drawings and Specifications. Drawings and specifications shall include two (2)
sets of general drawings, two (2) complete sets of mechanical drawings, two (2) complete sets of electrical drawings
and all specifications relating thereto. (5-17-93)
09. Obtaining Approval. The local district must obtain approval of the working drawings and
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specifications before advertising for bids. The working drawings shall be marked approved or disapproved and the
district notified within fourteen (14) days after receipt by the State Department of Education. Should the district not
be notified before fourteen (14) days from the time of receipt has elapsed, the plans and specifications shall be
considered to have been approved. (5-17-93)
201. -- 249. (RESERVED).
Any new construction or renovation which involves structural, electrical or mechanical components of the building
must be designed by an architect/engineer. (5-17-93)
251. -- 299. (RESERVED).
All buildings shall be designed and built in conformance with the current editions of the codes specified in the
Uniform Building Code Advisory Act, Section 39-4109, Idaho Code. The Life Safety Code shall apply only in areas
not covered by the Uniform Building Code. In addition to the codes specified, all buildings must be constructed
according to the following rules. (5-17-93)
01. Classrooms and Instructional Areas. (5-17-93)
a. All movable, mobile-type equipment used for the housing of students shall be subject to the rules
and requirements contained in this manual. (5-17-93)
b. All classroom doors shall open outward and be equipped with locks which do not prevent exit.
c. All classrooms and other student areas below grade are subject to State Board of Education
approval. (5-17-93)
d. All classrooms with areas used for instruction shall be equipped with circuitry for an electric clock
and at least three (3) duplex outlets. (5-17-93)
02. Corridors. The minimum clear width of corridors shall be eight (8) feet for single-loaded corridors
and ten (10) feet for double-loaded corridors. If lockers are located in corridors, one foot (12 inches) for each row of
lockers shall be added to the minimum width. (5-17-93)
03. Ceiling Heights. All ceiling heights shall provide not less than eight (8) feet clear headroom, except
in storage rooms. (5-17-93)
04. Boiler Rooms - Heating Plants. Boiler rooms shall not be located under any space occupied by
pupils and shall have an outside entrance. Exits from heating plants shall not open directly into any instructional
space normally occupied by pupils. (5-17-93)
05. Walls. All walls which extend below grade shall be damp-proofed or water-proofed to a point at
least one foot (12 inches) above grade, dependent on local conditions. (5-17-93)
06. Roofs, Attics and Excavated Areas. Permanent access shall be provided for all roofs, attics and
excavated areas. (5-17-93)
07. Safety Systems. Fire alarms, emergency lighting and exit signs shall be provided in accordance
with the provisions of all codes and referenced material adopted by the Idaho Uniform Building Advisory Board and
of Section 39-4109, Idaho Code. (5-17-93)
08. Elementary Classrooms. (5-17-93)
a. Classrooms in elementary buildings shall provide a minimum of eight hundred fifty (850) square
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feet of usable floor space exclusive of storage, work counters, cloakrooms, sinks, etc. Not less than sixteen (16) lineal
feet of chalkboard shall be provided for grades one (1) and two (2), and twenty (20) lineal feet for grades three
through six (3-6). Not less than twenty (20) lineal feet of tackboard shall be provided for kindergarten through grade
six (K-6). (5-17-93)
b. In unusual circumstances, districts may apply to the State Board of Education for permission to
construct smaller classrooms. Such permission may be granted by the State Board of Education where circumstances
warrant. (5-17-93)
09. Elementary Wardrobes and Lockers. Adequate wardrobe or locker space shall be provided for all
students. (5-17-93)
10. Elementary Library/Learning Resource Center. (5-17-93)
a. Any elementary school with an enrollment of one hundred eighty (180) or more, or six (6) or more
classrooms, shall have a library/learning resource center. (5-17-93)
b. Every elementary library shall contain a minimum of one thousand (1,000) square feet based on the
requirement of two hundred (200) square feet for office/work and circulation area (10' x 20') and eight hundred (800)
square feet for book/periodical collection and seating for one class. (5-17-93)
c. Additional space shall be provided at the rate of twenty-five (25) square feet for six percent (6%) of
anticipated enrollment above one hundred eighty (180) pupils. (5-17-93)
11. General Secondary Learning Spaces. (5-17-93)
a. Standard size rooms for general learning spaces shall have not less than eight hundred (800) square
feet of floor area. This standard is applicable for all instructional areas unless otherwise specified in the following
sections. (5-17-93)
b. In the case of small secondary schools where the total enrollment is less than one hundred fifty
(150), the rooms may be smaller than the standard size shown in Subsection 300.11.a. All such cases shall be
calculated on the basis of twenty five (25) square feet per student for the anticipated student load, but shall have no
less than four hundred eighty (480) square feet. (5-17-93)
c. All general learning spaces shall be provided with not less than twenty (20) lineal feet of forty-two
(42) inch high chalkboards. (5-17-93)
d. All general learning spaces shall be provided with not less than sixteen (16) lineal feet of forty-two
(42) inch high tackboard, and shall have provisions for the hanging and displaying of maps and pictures. (5-17-93)
e. All general learning spaces shall be provided with at least sixteen (16) lineal feet of adjustable
shelving. (5-17-93)
12. Art. (5-17-93)
a. Art classrooms shall provide a space for a maximum class of twenty-five (25) pupils and shall
contain a minimum of one thousand eighty (1,080) square feet. (5-17-93)
b. Each art room shall be provided with not less than twenty (20) lineal feet of tackboard, twelve (12)
lineal feet of chalkboard, and a minimum of twelve (12) lineal feet of adjustable shelving or bookcase of equal size.
13. Music. (5-17-93)
a. Where separation of the music departments from other instructional areas of the school is not
possible, all music department rooms shall be completely insulated to reduce sound transmission to the other areas of
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the school. (5-17-93)
b. The music room shall be large enough to accommodate twenty-five percent (25%) of the
enrollment at twenty (20) square feet per occupant. In no case can the room contain under nine hundred sixty (960)
square feet, nor must it have more than three thousand (3,000) square feet. Large schools with separate choral and
band rooms shall provide a minimum of three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor space in each room. (5-17-93)
c. Provisions shall be made in the band room for direct access to the instrument robe storage room,
the instructor's office, the music library and other rooms. (5-17-93)
d. Music practice rooms shall be acoustically treated and isolated from each other with soundproof
walls and ceilings, and shall have doors with double-glazed glass and edge sealers. (5-17-93)
e. The music room shall be provided with not less than ten (10) feet of chalkboard and eight (8) lineal
feet of tackboard. The chalkboard and tackboard shall be so located as to be in view of the students when they are
sitting in their normal positions in the room. A portable chalkboard of at least six (6) feet may be substituted for ten
(10) lineal feet of stationary board. (5-17-93)
14. Science. (5-17-93)
a. The junior high school general science room shall contain not less than nine hundred (900) square
feet, exclusive of storage areas. Storage and preparation area should be provided adjacent to the science room and
should have a sink with hot and cold running water. (5-17-93)
b. The general science room shall be equipped with a demonstration table at least thirty-six (36)
inches by sixty (60) inches, and be fitted with an acid-proof sink and hot and cold water. The demonstration table
shall also be supplied with gas, electrical and compressed air connections. There shall be a minimum of twenty (20)
lineal feet of chalkboard and sixteen (16) lineal feet of tackboard furnished for the general science room. (5-17-93)
c. Biology rooms which are designed as a combination classroom and laboratory shall have a
minimum of twelve hundred (1,200) square feet. As an alternative, large schools may be designed with two (2)
classrooms for each laboratory. The biology rooms shall be provided with a teacher's demonstration table, including a
sink with hot and cold running water, gas and electricity. There shall be at least twenty (20) lineal feet of chalkboard
and twenty (20) lineal feet of tackboard in each biology room. A storage and preparation room of ninety-six (96)
square feet minimum shall be provided adjacent to the biology rooms with necessary shelving and work spaces.
d. Chemistry rooms which are designed as a combination classroom and laboratory shall have a
minimum of fourteen hundred (1,400) square feet. As an alternative, large schools may be designed with two (2)
classrooms for each laboratory. All student tables shall be provided with hot and cold water, sink, gas and electricity.
The chemistry room shall be provided with a teacher's demonstration table equipped in the same manner as the
student tables. There shall be a minimum of twenty (20) lineal feet of chalkboard and twenty (20) lineal feet of
corkboard. A storage room with a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet shall be provided with each laboratory.
Locking cases for chemicals shall be provided in each storage room. The normal ventilation system must be
supplemented with a manual control exhaust system for emergency ventilation to the outside. At least one (1)
standard fume hood must be provided in the laboratory in which experiments produce toxic fumes and gases. For
safety, an overhead shower shall be provided where dangerous chemicals are stored, and an eyewash facility in or
adjacent to the preparation area. A permanently mounted fire extinguisher shall be provided. (5-17-93)
e. The physics rooms shall have a minimum area of fourteen hundred (1,400) square feet and shall
have space for lectures and demonstrations and experiment areas. Each student table shall be equipped with A.C.
power. The lecture area of the physics room shall have a minimum of ten (10) lineal feet of chalkboard and sixteen
(16) lineal feet of corkboard. A preparation and storage room shall be provided of a minimum size of one hundred
(100) square feet and shall be furnished with a sink, hot and cold running water, gas and electrical outlets. Storage
cases shall be equipped with locks for storage of valuable equipment and supplies. (5-17-93)
f. In the case of a small secondary school where science courses are all offered in the same combined
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laboratory and classroom, a preparation and storage room shall be provided of a minimum size of one hundred (100)
square feet and shall be furnished with a sink, hot and cold running water, gas and electrical outlets. Storage cases
shall be equipped with locks for storage of valuable equipment and supplies. (5-17-93)
g. In the case of a small secondary school where science courses are all offered in the same combined
laboratory and classroom, the minimum size of the room shall be computed on the basis of fifty (50) square feet for
each student in the largest class to be housed, and in no case shall the room be smaller than twelve hundred (1,200)
square feet. Each laboratory shall be provided with a separate storage and preparation room of not less than one
hundred (100) square feet floor area. Minimum requirements of the biology, chemistry and physics rooms shown
above shall be complied with in regard to equipment and facilities. (5-17-93)
15. Physical Education. (5-17-93)
a. No gymnasium or gymnasium combination shall be located above the ground floor. (5-17-93)
b. The gymnasium shall be acoustically treated. (5-17-93)
c. Bleachers shall be constructed according to the current edition of the Uniform Building Code.
d. A minimum clear floor of fifty feet by eighty feet (50’ x 84’), with six (6) feet of clearance on each
side and end shall be provided in all gymnasiums. Care shall be taken that the wood floor has allowance for
expansion and contraction at all walls. The floor finish shall be non-slip. (5-17-93)
e. Minimum of twenty-two (22) feet clear ceiling height shall be provided. No obstructions, including
lights, shall be lower than twenty-two (22) feet over the playing floor. (5-17-93)
f. All windows in the gymnasium where there is danger of breakage shall be protected by metal
guards. The use of wire glass is required in all gymnasium windows. Any outside windows located in dressing rooms
or shower rooms shall be located at least five (5) feet six (6) inches above the floor, and shall be of obscure wire glass.
g. One (1) shower head for each three (3) students in the largest group to use the shower room shall be
provided. (5-17-93)
h. A drying room or drip passage shall be provided between the shower room and each dressing room.
This area shall have no less than ten (10) square feet of floor space for each shower head and have doorways no less
than four (4) feet wide leading directly into the shower room and dressing room. Each shower and drying room shall
be provided with floor drains and floors shall be sloped to the drains. (5-17-93)
16. Business Education. (5-17-93)
a. All business education rooms in which instruction or practice in machine operation is offered shall
be acoustically treated. (5-17-93)
b. Size of the typing room should be governed by the size of the class involved. The room shall be
sized at the rate of thirty-five (35) square feet for each student. Each typing room shall have at least sixteen (16) lineal
feet of four (4) foot high tackboard and twelve (12) lineal feet of four (4) foot high chalkboard. (5-17-93)
c. Bookkeeping rooms should be of a size to contain the number of students in the largest class at the
rate of thirty-five (35) square feet per student. Bookkeeping classrooms shall have sixteen (16) lineal feet of
tackboard and twenty (20) lineal feet of chalkboard. (5-17-93)
d. Office practice rooms shall be sized on the same basis as the bookkeeping room, and shall have a
minimum of sixteen (16) lineal feet of chalkboard. (5-17-93)
17. Home Arts. (5-17-93)
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a. The size of homemaking departments shall be determined by the number of students contemplated
and the number of instructors. The following is the minimum pattern to be followed in planning homemaking
departments: one (1) teacher unit/twenty-four (24) pupils maximum per period, fifty by twenty-four (50' x 24') square
feet; two (2) teacher unit/forty-eight (48) pupils maximum per period, eighty by twenty-four (80' x 24') square feet.;
three (3) teacher unit/seventy two (72) pupils maximum per period; one hundred twenty by twenty-four (120' x 24')
square feet; and four (4) teacher unit/one hundred (100) pupils maximum per period, one hundred sixty by twenty-
four (160' x 24') square feet. (5-17-93)
b. Hand washing facilities shall be located in or immediately adjacent to the food preparation area.
c. Provision shall be made for disposal or storage of garbage and trash. The installation of a disposal
unit in one (1) or more sinks should be considered. (5-17-93)
d. Exhaust fans shall be installed in all food preparation rooms. (5-17-93)
e. Cabinets and food storage areas shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent the entrance of
rodents and vermin. (5-17-93)
18. Vocational Agriculture. (5-17-93)
a. One (1) classroom shall be provided for each instructor in the department. Thirty-five (35) square
feet of floor space shall be provided for each student in the largest class to use the classroom. A minimum of seven
hundred twenty (720) square feet shall be required. (5-17-93)
b. A minimum of twelve (12) feet each of chalkboard and tackboard shall be provided in each
classroom. (5-17-93)
c. In the farm shop, one hundred (100) square feet of floor space, exclusive of storage space,
workbenches, power tools, and other equipment, shall be provided for each student in the largest class. (5-17-93)
d. At least one (1) floor drain with a clean-out sludge pit shall be provided in the shop. If only one (1),
it should be located inside the large entrance door and the floor should be sloped to it. (5-17-93)
19. Library/Learning Resource Center. (5-17-93)
a. All secondary schools shall be provided with a library. (5-17-93)
b. Schools having an enrollment of less than three hundred (300) students shall provide a library of
not less than fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet based on the following minimum requirements: office/work room
area, 10' x 15' (150 square feet); periodical back files and book storage area, 10' x 10' (100 square feet); audio-visual
storage area, 10' x 20' (200 square feet); circulation area, 6' x 10' (60 square feet); reference area, 10' x 8' (80 square
feet); card catalog and reader's guide area, 10' x 8' (80 square feet); current magazine and newspaper rack, 5' x 10' (50
square feet); dictionary stands area, 5' x 5' (25 square feet); and seating for one class and book collection, nine
hundred (900) square feet. (5-17-93)
c. Additional reading room space shall be provided at the rate of thirty (30) square feet per student for
six percent (6%) of the anticipated enrollment above three hundred. (5-17-93)
20. Auditoriums. (5-17-93)
a. Location. Auditoriums shall not be located above the ground floor. (5-17-93)
b. Seating. Fixed seating shall be required in all auditoriums with sloping floors. (5-17-93)
c. The width of any seat shall be not less than eighteen (18) inches. The same spacing should apply to
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movable seats. (5-17-93)
21. Food Preparation and Dining Facilities. (5-17-93)
a. Dry storage construction shall meet all State Board of Health and local regulations and shall not be
located under sewer pipes or waste lines. Water heaters are not to be located in the dry storage area. (5-17-93)
b. Any walk-in type refrigerator or freezer shall be equipped with a door with lock which can be
opened from the inside without the use of a key. (5-17-93)
c. Ventilation shall be provided allowing a minimum of four (4) changes of air per hour. (5-17-93)
d. Garbage storage or facilities for storing garbage and other waste material shall be provided and
shall meet all state and local requirements as to size and construction. (5-17-93)
e. Janitorial storage. Under no conditions shall soaps, detergents, cleaning and janitorial supplies be
stored in a food storage room. A separate closet in or adjacent to the school lunch area shall be provided. (5-17-93)
f. Hand washing basin. A separate hand washing basin, soap, and towel dispenser shall be installed
convenient to the food preparation area. (5-17-93)
g. Serving counters. Each serving counter shall be equipped with a sneeze bar. (Please contact the
Food Services Section in the Department of Education for details and specifications.) (5-17-93)
h. Soiled dishes and unused portions of food shall never be returned to the food preparation area.
i. Water temperatures for washing dishes shall be maintained at one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit
(140 F) for machine washing, one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120 F) for manual washing, and one hundred
eighty degrees Fahrenheit (180 F) for rinsing. (5-17-93)
j. The dining room shall be entirely separate from the kitchen area and large enough to accommodate
anticipated participants. A minimum of ten (10) square feet per pupil shall be provided. More space will be necessary
when dining rooms are used for purposes other than school lunch. (5-17-93)
k. Aisles between seating shall be no less than thirty (30) inches wide. (5-17-93)
l. Chalkboard and tackboard shall be provided with picture display. (5-17-93)
m. Drinking fountains shall be provided in the dining area. (5-17-93)
n. Office facilities of some type shall be provided for each school lunch program. (5-17-93)
o. Every school lunch area shall be provided with adequate and conveniently located toilet and
lavatory facilities. Toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food, drink or utensils are handled or
stored and shall have self-closing doors. Closet space for hanging employees' coats and storage of purses and other
personal belongings shall be provided. (5-17-93)
22. Offices for Administrative Personnel. (5-17-93)
a. Each secondary school plant shall have an administrative suite consisting of the following: public
office and waiting space, principal's office and fire-safe storage. (5-17-93)
b. There shall also be counseling areas, offices for additional administrative personnel, work areas,
faculty areas, and health suite in each secondary school.‘ (5-17-93)
c. Any elementary building designed for an enrollment of one hundred eighty (180) or more students
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or a total of six (6) or more classrooms shall have an office and a health room. Provision for fire-safe storage shall be
made in all offices. A vault, safe or fire-safe file will meet this requirement for the storage of permanent records.
d. The health room shall be equipped with hot and cold running water, medical cabinet capable of
being locked, lavatory and toilet facilities. (5-17-93)
301. -- 349. (RESERVED).
All school facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the codes specified in the Idaho Code
Sections 39-4109, 39-2701 and 54-1001 unless more stringent specific requirements are established by a local
building authority or the State Board of Education as a part of this guide. (5-17-93)
01. Lighting and Electrical Standards. Except where this guide requires or recommends otherwise, the
provisions as published in the latest issue of the American Standard Guide for School Lighting and the I.E.S. Lighting
Handbook, current edition, published by Illuminating Engineering Society, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New
York shall be applied to the design. (5-17-93)
a. Illumination levels for school buildings shall be those established by the State Board of Education
or State Energy Office, whichever is most energy conservative. State Board of Education standards are listed below:
Area Footcandles on Tasks
Art Rooms 70 + 5
Assembly only 15 + 5
Exhibitions 30 +
Social activities 10 +
Cafeterias 30 +
Classrooms 70 +
Corridors and stairways 20 +
Entries 10 +
Drafting rooms 100 +
Gymnasiums 40 +
Home Economics Rooms
Sewing 100 + 10
Cooking 50 +
Ironing 50 +
Sink activities 50 +
Note-taking areas 70 +
Laboratories 100 +
Lecture Rooms
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b. Stairway and corridor lighting shall be on separate circuits and shall be independent of other
circuits. Multiple purpose switches shall be provided at or near the end of corridors and at the head and foot of each
stairs, unless security lighting is sufficient to light the way to switches. (5-17-93)
c. Some of the lighting in cafeterias, lunchrooms, gymnasiums, auditoriums and playrooms shall be
provided and controlled by a switch located on the knob side of the entrance doors at a minimum of two (2) locations.
d. Switches shall be provided in projection booth and on stages to control some or all lights in rooms
in which projection booths are installed. (5-17-93)
e. All wiring shall be installed in accord with the National Electrical Code, the State of Idaho
Electrical Code, local ordinances or regulations or State Board of Education rules, whichever has the highest
Audience area 70 + 15
Demonstration area 100 + 20
Library Reading Room
Study and notes
70 + 15
Ordinary reading 30 + 10
Stacks 30 + 10
Book repair/binding 50 + 10
Cataloging 70 + 15
Card files 70 + 15
Check-in/out desks 70 + 15
Multi-purpose rooms - Two-level switching:
Low level
30 + 10
High level 50 + 10
Music rooms
Simple scores
30 + 10
Advanced scores 70 + 15
Offices 70 + 15
Parking lots 1 + 0.5
Shops 100 + 20
Sight-saving rooms
150 + 10
Study halls 50 + 10
Toilets and wash rooms 30 +
70 + 15
Area Footcandles on Tasks
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requirements. (5-17-93)
f. Low voltage control wiring shall be installed in accordance with Article 725 of the National
Electrical Code. (5-17-93)
g. Service entrance conductors shall be installed to insure safety to the pupils. Services shall be
underground from the school grounds property line where practical. (5-17-93)
h. Main service panels with main disconnects and main light and power panels shall be located so as
to prevent access by unauthorized persons. (5-17-93)
i. All panels located in public or traffic areas shall be flush mounted and shall have locking covers.
j. Every instructional classroom shall be provided with a minimum of four (4) duplex receptacles.
k. Science laboratories, distributive education areas, homemaking departments, business education
departments, shops and other instructional areas where a considerable amount of electrical equipment is to be used,
shall be provided with outlets of the proper type and number to meet the needs of each area. (5-17-93)
l. A minimum of two (2) duplex receptacles for each table section is required for physics, chemistry
and biology laboratories. (5-17-93)
m. Instances where science rooms are equipped with a teacher demonstration table, such table shall be
provided with a minimum of one (1) duplex outlet. (5-17-93)
n. Office suites and teachers' workrooms shall be supplied with adequate electrical outlets, at least one
(1) on each wall. (5-17-93)
o. Receptacles shall be properly located throughout the building for cleaning equipment and other
similar uses. (5-17-93)
p. Electrical receptacles in janitor supply closets shall be "hospital grade or equivalent." (5-17-93)
q. All receptacles shall be the grounded specification grade type, suitable for both ground contact and
non-grounding plugs. (5-17-93)
02. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Codes and Standards. The design of the mechanical,
ventilation and air conditioning systems in schools shall be in accord with the recommendations and standards
contained in the latest edition of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) Guide and provisions of ASHRAE 90-75. (5-17-93)
a. The heating system in any school shall be of sufficient capacity and so installed as to insure
minimum room temperatures when the outside temperature is zero (0), or shall meet recommended ASHRAE 97 1/
2% Design Temperature as follows: sedentary activities (classrooms, auditoriums, offices, cafeterias), 66-70;
moderate activities (shops, laboratories, kitchens), 65-68; vigorous activities (gymnasiums, playrooms), 63-66;
locker rooms, 68-72; and shower and drying rooms, 70-74. (5-17-93)
b. When gaseous fuels are used, the pipe main on the school property shall be large enough to
accommodate anticipated additions to the building. (5-17-93)
c. Gas installations, pipe fittings and outlets shall meet local and state established standards.
d. Electric heating equipment, if installed, should provide all of the heating and ventilating
requirements and functions heretofore set forth as minimum requirements and standards. All electrical work shall be
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Board of Education School Facilities
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in accordance with Rule 350 of this chapter and all applicable codes. (5-17-93)
e. In all instances where stoker-fired boilers are used, ample floor space shall be provided for the
removal and disposal of ashes. (5-17-93)
f. Outside air requirements for classrooms shall be four (4) cubic feet per minute, per occupant.
g. No air contaminated by other than human occupancy shall be used for recirculation. Systems
employing partial recirculation should be designed and positively controlled so as to always admit not less than the
minimum required outside air, except when the outside temperature is below twenty degrees Fahrenheit (20 F), the
area is unoccupied, or during warm-up. (5-17-93)
h. When not provided with a window on an external wall, single toilet rooms must be provided with
exhaust ventilation. (5-17-93)
03. Sanitary Facilities - Plumbing. (5-17-93)
a. An adequate source of water supply that is both safe and palatable shall be assured. An ample
supply of water shall be available at all times for present and future expanded needs. The water must be safe for use
as determined by state or local health authorities, and maintained safe by protection of source of supply, treatment if
necessary, and periodic analysis. (5-17-93)
b. Provision shall be made for an adequate, continuous supply of hot water at all times. Hot water
supplied to shower heads and lavatories should not exceed one hundred twenty degrees (120) in temperature. Hot
water installations shall be provided in science laboratories, shower rooms, homemaking units, school lunch kitchens,
health suites, lavatories and custodial closets which are provided with sinks. Lavatory faucets should be of the type
that deliver both hot and cold water from a central outlet. (5-17-93)
c. Toilet facilities should be available for both sexes on each floor level. (5-17-93)
d. Not less than one (1) properly located drinking fountain should be provided in the corridors of the
building for each ninety (90) pupils, not including pupils in rooms having drinking fountains, and not less than one
(1) to each floor. (5-17-93)
e. Floor drains and hose bibs should be provided in gang toilet rooms. Floor type urinals may not
serve as floor drains. (5-17-93)
f. Soap dispensers, waste containers, mirrors, book shelves and hand drying facilities shall be
provided. (5-17-93)
g. Plans for school sewage systems shall be based upon reasonable future requirements as well as
present needs, and shall meet all local and state code requirements. Tanks, beds, and drain fields should be located so
they will not interfere with possible additions to the building. (5-17-93)
h. The design for school septic tanks shall be based upon a minimum of fifteen (15) gallons of flow
per pupil per day without showers, and twenty (20) gallons with showers, except that any governing local authority
requirements must be adhered to. (5-17-93)
351. -- 399. (RESERVED).
Any additions, alterations or renovations to existing school buildings are subject to compliance with all laws,
regulations, policies and codes required for new construction in Idaho except remodeling which will cost less than
twenty-five percent (25%) of the value of the building. (5-17-93)
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Board of Education School Facilities
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401. -- 449. (RESERVED).
Local districts will submit construction information as will be required from time to time by the State Board of
Education. (5-17-93)
451. -- 499. (RESERVED).
Any change order which represents costs equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the project or ten thousand dollars
($10,000), whichever is smaller, shall be reported to the facilities planning unit of the Department of Education
within ten (10) days of execution of the order. The report shall be in sufficient detail to allow a code and policy
review. (5-17-93)
501. -- 549. (RESERVED).
The architect will provide the school district with at least one (1) complete set of plans in as-built condition. The
architect will obtain the as-built plans from the contractors and will update the original drawings to reflect the as-built
condition. The architect will provide four (4) copies of the updated plans to the school district. Original drawings
shall be stored by the architect or as required by the district. (5-17-93)
551. -- 999. (RESERVED).
1996 Archive