2 ProjectWise Document Management............................................................................... 2-1
2.1 About ProjectWise..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Establishing ProjectWise Account Access .......................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Installing ProjectWise.......................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3 Accessing ProjectWise ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.4 Using ProjectWise............................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.5 ProjectWise Training........................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 ProjectWise Structure................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2.1 _Projects Folder.................................................................................................. 2-3
2.2.2 _Standards Folder .............................................................................................. 2-4
2.2.3 Plan File Room Folder ........................................................................................ 2-4
2.3 Project Folder Structure............................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.1 New Project Folder Structure (New Projects)...................................................... 2-4
2.3.2 Old Project Folder Structure (Previously Created Projects) ................................ 2-8
2.3.3 Scan References and Link Sets Tool in ProjectWise........................................ 2-10
2.4 Plan File Room........................................................................................................ 2-11
2.4.1 Plan File Room Folder Structure....................................................................... 2-11
2.4.2 VDOT Project Number and Bridge Plan Number Naming Conventions............ 2-15
Table 2-1: Discipline Folders ............................................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-1: ProjectWise High Level File Structure .................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-2: New Project Folder Structure ............................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-3: Old Project Folder Structure................................................................................. 2-9
Figure 2-4: Plan File Room Folder Structure ........................................................................ 2-12
Figure 2-5: Example Project Number ................................................................................... 2-15
ProjectWise is a software application that manages and facilitates project collaboration
between VDOT and consultant project team members. The ProjectWise Explorer application is
provided free of charge for consultants working on VDOT projects.
All project related files shall be stored in ProjectWise under the folder for the project’s
individual UPC number. Project folders for individual UPC numbers are found within
ProjectWise under \Documents\_Projects\ in the project’s VDOT District sub-folder.
(See IIM-LD-118)
VDOT has a ProjectWise webpage where links are provided for account setup processes,
frequently asked questions, download and installation instructions, and job aids.
Link to VDOT’s ProjectWise webpage
VDOT employees must follow the instructions provided to request access to ProjectWise using
VDOT’s System Access Request Application (SARA).
Link to ProjectWise How to request access via SARA (For VDOT employees only)
External users must first establish a VDOT ProjectWise Account to access VDOT’s
ProjectWise database. Login information will be provided once the appropriate forms have
been completed (LD899 and ITD36E) and processed by VDOT. Detailed instructions are
provided on VDOT’s ProjectWise webpage.
Link to Establishing ProjectWise Access for External Customers webpage
VDOT employees should send an email requesting the installation of ProjectWise Explorer to
the CADD Support Section at CADDSupport@vdot.virginia.gov after receiving notice that their
SARA request has been processed. This email request should include the computer asset tag
number, a good contact number, and the employee’s District. VDOT employees may also
access ProjectWise using an internet browser to access the ProjectWise Web Server.
For external users, VDOT has developed detailed instructions for installing, configuring, and
accessing ProjectWise via the ProjectWise Explorer desktop application and the ProjectWise
Web Server. The instructions are provided to external users with and without ProjectWise
Explorer installed on their machines.
Link to ProjectWise Software Download and Instructions webpage (for external users)
ProjectWise is accessible by using the ProjectWise Explorer desktop application or by
accessing the ProjectWise Web Server via an internet browser. For external users, the
instructions referenced above include the required configurations for the ProjectWise
Datasource to automatically be displayed in ProjectWise Explorer. Additionally, the provided
instructions include the required configurations in order to use an internet browser to access
the ProjectWise Web Server.
Link to VDOT’s ProjectWise Web Server (ProjectWise Account access required)
VDOT has developed Job Aids which provide instructions for completing specific tasks which
will likely need to be completed within ProjectWise during the project lifecycle. Links are
provided to VDOT’s Job Aids at the bottom of VDOT’s ProjectWise webpage.
Link to VDOT’s ProjectWise webpage
After gaining access to VDOT’s ProjectWise, users may access additional training including
videos and PDF documents. These training resources are separated by category based on the
user’s role with VDOT.
Link to VDOT’s ProjectWise Training Videos
With the implementation of ProjectWise, VDOT has consolidated data from multiple
environments and locations into one central database. This includes project data, standards
data, Central Office data, and data from VDOTs Plan File Room which has been distributed
into the folder structure shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1: ProjectWise High Level File Structure
This folder contains a series of sub-folders representing the nine VDOT Districts as well as a
Statewide section. Within each District folder are individual folders for each project with folder
names based on the VDOT UPC assigned to the project. The individual project folders are
created by the CADD Support Section at the request of the VDOT Project Manager or VDOT
Designer. The project’s UPC Folder contains all the project related files.
An example ProjectWise Project folder path for a project in the Bristol District with UPC#
123456 is shown below.
The folder structure for the individual projects (UPC#) located under the _Projects folder is
described in more detail in Section 2.3 below.
This folder contains a series of sub-folders which contain ProjectWise documentation,
ProjectWise installation files, CADD installations and configuration files, and VDOT’s
ProjectWise based CADD workspace.
This folder contains the archived submissions of Right of Way and Construction Plans for
VDOT projects. This folder structure and file naming convention is described in more detail in
Section 2.4.
VDOT’s ProjectWise structure includes a folder for each project by UPC and sub-folders for
each discipline. All files must be placed in the appropriate folder or sub-folder to ensure that
they can be located by all divisions needing to reference them. Consistency in file organization
is key to effective coordination. As part of the consolidation of VDOT project data into
ProjectWise, VDOT has moved the following data that previously resided in separate locations
into the individual project folders:
Current Drawings Folder
Archives Folder
Project Documents (includes Project Management Documents, former iPM)
Project Design (CADD Files)
Because of legacy projects, two folder structures are currently in use, the old and the new. A
description of the new project folder structure and old structure are provided below.
VDOT developed a new detailed folder structure in ProjectWise that simplifies the storage of
project data based on type. In October 2018, VDOT began using this new project folder
structure on new projects created in ProjectWise. This new project folder structure became
necessary as projects have become more complex, involve more disciplines, and generate
more data. The new structure provides a single repository for all project data and makes the
data accessible to everyone with the appropriate access rights.
The Archive folder is the location where DGN and GEOPAK/OpenRoads files along with other
project files are archived upon the completion of specific Project Development stages. The
archive folder has sub-folders for each stage at which files must be archived. These files
provide a snapshot of the files at the point in time that the project was submitted for the
particular milestone submission.
For Design-Bid-Build projects, all DGN and associated files must be archived in the matching
archive sub-folder at each project milestone noted below in order to maintain a digital trail of
the project files throughout the project lifecycle. These archived files may also prove to be very
useful if a previously submitted design layout or alternative needs to be revisited during the
Preliminary Field Inspection Right of Way Partial
Citizen Information Advertised Submission*
Public Hearing Pre-Award Revision
Right of Way Total Construction Revision
Field Inspection As-Built Plans
*It is imperative that all DGN and associated files are archived at the Advertisement
Submission milestone in the Advertised Submission folder. These archived files are the files
that are made available on the Construction Advertisement Bulletin Board (CABB) for
contractors to access when bidding on the project. If these files are not properly archived, the
project’s Advertisement Date could be delayed putting the project funding in jeopardy.
For Design-Build projects, all PDF, DGN (and associated files), and other submittal documents
must be archived in the matching archive sub-folder for the project milestones shown below.
ROW Submittals
CN Submittals
As-Built Plans
Additional details regarding specific archiving requirements for Design-Bid-Build and Design-
Build projects are discussed further in Chapter 5 of this manual. CURRENT DRAWINGS
The Current Drawings folder is the location where the current PDF files of plans are generated
and maintained during the design and the review phases of a project. Only one set of the most
current individual PDF files of the plans are stored in this folder at any given time. The PDF
files in this folder are updated as the design progresses and will overwrite the previous PDF
files. The PDF files of the plans in this folder should follow the same standard naming
convention described in Section 2.4 for PDF files to be placed in Plan File Room. Plan sheet
PDF files with correct standard file names are automatically created and/or updated in Current
Drawings when using the Create Renditions printing process described in Chapter 4. PDF files
can also be manually added, deleted, or replaced by anyone with write access to the files in
the Current Drawings folder. Only PDF files should be stored in Current Drawings.
The Project Design folder is where the DGN and GEOPAK/OpenRoads files required for the
development of the plans in CADD are stored and maintained throughout the survey, design,
and construction phases. This folder includes named sub-folders for each discipline typically
involved in the development of design files. Additional sub-folders are provided under each
discipline sub-folder as necessary to further separate design files based on plan components
and source. Only files related to the production of the project in CADD are stored in Project
Design. Reports, studies, calculations, and other documents are stored in the Project
Documents folder described in Section Below is a list of discipline sub-folders included
in the Project Design folder.
Bridge Right of Way
Environmental Roadway
Hydraulics Survey
Landscape Traffic
Materials Utilities PROJECT DOCUMENTS
The Project Documents folder is the location where other non-CADD project files are stored.
This folder includes a Project Management sub-folder as well as named sub-folders for each
discipline typically involved in the development of project documents. Additional sub-folders
are provided under the Project Management and discipline sub-folders as necessary to further
separate project documents. By default, access to the Project Documents folder is initially
restricted to VDOT employees only. Consultants requiring read-only access to the information
contained in the subfolders under Project Documents should make the request for access
through their VDOT Project Manager. Access to the Project Management folder is restricted to
VDOT staff only. Below is a list of sub-folders included in the Project Documents folder.
_Project Management (VDOT Materials
employees only)
Right of Way
Infrastructure Investment
Projects created in ProjectWise prior to October 2018 utilize the old project folder structure.
Under the old project folder structure, the sub-folders for each discipline are not stored under a
single Project Design folder. These discipline sub-folders are instead found directly under the
Project folder along with _Archives, _Current Drawings, and _Project Documents. The
discipline sub-folders are named with a discipline prefix followed by the project’s UPC number. _ARCHIVE
The _Archives sub-folder is the same as that of the Archive folder in the new folder structure
described in Section However, in this case, “Archive” is prepended with a “_” and is
displayed as “_Archive”.
Figure 2-3: Old Project Folder Structure _CURRENT DRAWINGS
The _Current Drawings sub-folder is the
same as that of Current Drawings in the new
folder structure described in Section
However, in this case, Current Drawings” is
prepended with a “_” and is displayed as
“_Current Drawings”. _PROJECT DOCUMENTS
The _Project Documents sub-folder is the
same as that of the Project Documents
folder in the new folder structure. However,
in this case, Project Documents” is
prepended with a “_” and is displayed as
“_Project Documents”. _PROPOSAL
The _Proposal folder contains the proposal
documents prepared for Advertisement of
The individual discipline folders are where
the DGN and GEOPAK/ OpenRoads files
required for the development of the plans in
CADD are stored and maintained
throughout the survey, design, and
construction phases. Folders are provided
for each discipline and are identified with
prefixes as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1: Discipline Folders
Discipline Folder
Folder Contents
DGN files used to prepare the structure and bridge plans
DGN files used to prepare the roadway plans
DGN files used to prepare the environmental plans
DGN files used to prepare the hydraulics and erosion and
sediment control plans
DGN files used to prepare the landscape plans
DGN files used to prepare the materials plans
DGN files used to prepare the right of way plans
DGN files used to prepare the survey
DGN files used by to prepare the traffic plans
DGN files used to prepare the utility plans
All projects should be designed within VDOT’s ProjectWise Datasource (See IIM-LD-118).
There are rare instances that projects may need to be imported into ProjectWise. Projects and
project files which have been dragged and dropped, imported, or otherwise added into
ProjectWise or worked on outside of ProjectWise will often need the paths to the reference
files corrected so that they will attach correctly in MicroStation. ProjectWise includes a tool
which provides users the ability to scan a ProjectWise folder searching for master DGN
documents and reference files within a specified location(s). This process is handled by the
CADD Support Section due to the access control needed to every reference file. This process
should be limited to only once per project. Please send an email request to the CADD Support
Section including the project’s UPC number, project description or project name, a link to the
specific project folder in ProjectWise, the name of the VDOT Project Manager, and an
explanation and list of the files and folders that need to be addresses with this tool.
As discussed above, the Plan File Room contains the archive of Right of Way and
Construction Plans for VDOT projects, no matter which folder structure described above is
used. The naming convention and folder structures for the Plan File Room are described in
further detail below.
VDOT’s Plan File Room is divided into three separate folders: Bridge Plans, Right of Way
Plans, and Road Plans. Each of these folders contains of a series of sub-folders representing
the nine VDOT Districts. Folders for each project are located under their respective District
Figure 2-4: Plan File Room Folder Structure
Project folders for “No Plan” projects and standard projects will be present within the individual
District sub-folder in the Road Plan File Room folder. The folder and file naming convention for
each folder type are described below.
No Plans (Folder)
Folder Name will be the project number: 3456-078-321, N501
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number: 3456-078-321 N501_01
Formal Construction Revisions File names will be same as above. Existing files will be
Projects (Folder)
Folder Name will be the project number: 0123-012-345, C501
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number: 0123-012-345 C501_01
Formal Construction Revisions File names will be named project number underscore
sheet number appended with _r1, _r2, _3, etc. to each sheet: 0123-012-345
The revision number will be depicted on the revision data sheet in the upper right corner
of each revision with this symbol containing (revision) r number inside.
In the event of a Formal Construction Revision, the old files must be moved to a Void
sub-folder under the project folder.
As-builts (Sub-Folder)
Only required for Structure & Bridge and Design Build Projects
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number appended with _ab to
each sheet: 0123-012-345 C501_01_ab RIGHT OF WAY PLANS
Project folders for Partial-Take projects and for Total-Take projects may exist within the
individual district sub-folder in the Right of Way Plan File Room folder. The folder and file
naming convention for each folder type are described below.
Projects (Folder) Partial
Folder Name will be the project number: 0123-012-345, RW201
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number: 0123-012-345 C501_01
Formal Right of Way Revisions File names will be named project number underscore
sheet number appended with _r1, _r2, _r3, etc. to each sheet: 0123-012-345
The revision number will be depicted on the revision data sheet in the upper right corner
of each revision with this symbol containing (revision) r number inside.
In the event of a Formal Right of Way Revision, the old files must be moved to a Void
sub-folder under the project folder.
Projects (Folder) Total
Folder Name will be the project number: 0123-012-345, RW201total
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number: 0123-012-345
Plat files will be placed in the projects Right of Way Plans folder
Files will be named s project number underscore parcel number: s0123-012-345
C501_parcel001, 002 and so on
Plats are only used in certain situations. In these situations, they should be named as
shown below. For more information, see the VDOT Survey Manual. BRIDGE PLANS
Project folders for “No Plan” projects and standard projects may exist within the individual
district sub-folder in the Bridge Plan File Room folder. The folder and file naming convention
for each folder type are described below.
No Plans (Folder)
Folder Name will be the project number: BRDG-012-315, B601
Files will be named project number underscore sheet number: BRDG-012-315
Formal Construction Revisions File names will be named project number underscore
sheet number appended with r1, r2, r3, etc. to each sheet: BRDG-012-315 B601_01r1
Projects (Folder)
Folder Name will be the plan number: 123-45a
Files will be named plan number underscore sheet number: 123-45a_01
Formal Construction Revisions File names will be named project number underscore
sheet number appended with r1, r2, r3, etc. to each sheet: 123-45a_01r1
In the event of a Formal Construction Revision, the old files must be moved to a Void
sub-folder under the project folder.
As-builts (Sub-Folder)
Sub-Folder Name will be As-builts. The sub-folder will be located under the project
Files will be named plan number underscore sheet number appended with AB to each
sheet: 123-45a_01AB
Project folders within the Plan File Room folder structure are uniquely named using either the
project‘s VDOT project number or the project’s VDOT bridge plan number, depending on the
type of project and which Plan File Room the project documents are stored in. Plan sheet PDF
files with correct standard file names are automatically created and/or updated in Plan File
Room when using the Create Renditions printing process described in Chapter 4. PROJECT NUMBER (ROAD AND RIGHT OF WAY PLANS)
The VDOT project number consists of a series of numbers and letters that describe the project.
Figure 2-5: Example Project Number
An annotated example is illustrated below.
Example Project Number: 0123-012-345, c501
First four digits (0123) Route Number
Next three digits (012) County Code
Following three digits (345) Project Section
Alpha character with three digits Job Number
All project folders and file names will have a space after the comma and before the Job
Number beginning with c, rw, m, or n. Folders and files within the Road Plan and Right of Way
Plan File Rooms use the project number described above in their naming conventions.
Route Numbers
Route numbers are assigned to each road in the Commonwealth. An example is 0640 which
refers to route number 640. Route numbers for secondary roads are 600 and above. Route
number 600 and above are not unique within the state, and instead only unique within a
specific county. For example, Route 612 in one county will not necessarily be the same road in
another county, although that county may have a different Route 612. Route numbers below
600 are Primary routes.
County Codes
Codes have been assigned to each county and city and are used to identify the location of the
project. For example, Chesterfield County is 020. City and County codes are provided in
Chapter 1C of the VDOT Road Design Manual.
Link to VDOT’s Road Design Manual Chapter 1C
Project Section
Project section numbers are assigned as a part of the project number by VDOT in order to
identify a specific project on a route within a city or county. This is necessary as multiple
projects will occur on the same route within a city of county over time.
Job Number
The Job Numbers are also included in the project number and are listed below.
100 - Preliminary Engineering (Coded PE) Example: PE101
200 - Right of Way (Coded RW) Example: RW201
300 - Grading & Drainage (Coded G) Example: G301
400 - Paving (Coded P) Example: P401
500 - Construction (Coded C) Example: C501
Minimum Plan (Coded M) Example: M501
No Plan (Coded N) Example: N501
600 Bridges (Coded B) or Major Drainage Structures (Coded D) Example: B601
700 - Flashing Light Signals (Coded FS) Example: FS701
800 - Landscaping (Coded L) Example: L801
900 - Signing (Coded S) Example: S901
The three-digit job numbers are reserved for various phases of work to enable the various
VDOT divisions to identify and record the breakdown of charges on a project. Future phases of
a project will result in the indexing of the job number (i.e. Phase 1 PE101, Phase 2 PE102).
No Plan Projects are simple projects where plans may or may not be necessary. Instructions
and necessary sketches for these projects are in the Road Design Manual, Appendix A7.
Link to VDOT’s Road Design Manual Appendix A7
ProjectWise link to VDOT’s Central Office No Plan folder BRIDGE PLAN NUMBER
The VDOT bridge plan number is a unique number assigned to each set of bridge plans and is
provided by the Structure and Bridge Division. Folders and files within the Bridge Plan File
Room use the bridge plan number in their naming conventions except for No Plan projects.
Example Bridge Project Plan Number: 123-45a BRIDGE PROJECT NUMBER (NO PLANS)
For projects with bridge work where no plans are prepared (No Plan project), the folders and
files will use the bridge project number in their file naming conventions. This number follows
the same format as the project number format shown above for road and right of way plans
except for the route number portion which is replaced by a bridge number portion. Files and
folders for “No Plan” bridge projects are also stored within the Bridge Plan File Room.
Example “No Plan” Bridge Project Number: BRDG-012-315, B601