SUNY Fredonia-Jamestown Community College
Articulation Agreement in Journalism
By this agreement, students who complete an Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Arts
(AA) degree at Jamestown Community College are guaranteed admission with full junior
standing to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Journalism degree program at SUNY Fredonia. By
completing at least 60 JCC credits of coursework from Appendix A, including a minimum of
7/10 SUNY-Approved General Education Requirements and also including other designated
courses, such students should be able to complete their BA degree at SUNY Fredonia within 4
additional full-time semesters, taking 15-18 credits per semester. SUNY Fredonia will accept a
maximum of 75 JCC credits listed in Appendix A in transfer toward fulfillment the requirements
for the BA Journalism degree. Students must complete a minimum of 45 credits in residence at
GPA Criterion: To be guaranteed admission, students must have a cumulative GPA, from all
colleges attended, of 3.0 or higher.
Minor The department requires all students to declare and complete a minor outside the
communication department or a 15 credit hour semester study abroad. Students should begin
taking courses towards their minor at JCC. A list of approved minors is located in the college
College Core Curriculum: To graduate with a baccalaureate degree from SUNY Fredonia,
students must meet the requirements of SUNY Fredonia’s College Core Curriculum (CCC). The
CCC includes one course from each of the 10 SUNY General Education Categories plus
additional coursework stipulated in the Fredonia catalog. To assist JCC students in preparing for
their baccalaureate degree at SUNY Fredonia, the additional CCC requirements are summarized
1) Students are required to complete 2 courses, with 2 different prefixes, in the social
sciences. Only one course may be from business administration, education, history,
communication, or speech. . Students complete CMM 2610 Mass Comm & Media Lit
will Satisfy one social science requirement.
2) Students are required to complete 2 courses, with two different prefixes, in the natural
3) Students completing a BA degree must complete a foreign language through the 116
level at Fredonia or the 1520 level at JCC.
4) The CCC includes a speaking intensive requirement. This will be fulfilled if students
complete the SUNY General Education basic communication requirement at JCC.
Jamestown CC Courses
SUNY Fredonia Equivalent Courses
ENG 1530 English Composition II
(SUNY-Approved Basic Communication) (3 credit
ENGL 100 College Composition (CCC
Basic Written Communication requirement) (3 credit
ENG 1540 Writing about Literature
(SUNY-Approved Humanities) (3)
ENGL 099 Non-Major Transfer Elective
Social Science - 1 SUNY-approved Social Science
outside of the CMM prefix
Social Science (3) (CCC requirement)
Any SUNY-Approved Foreign Language (3-6)
Foreign Language (6) (CCC requirement)
Any SUNY-Approved The Arts (3)
The Arts (3) (CCC requirement)
ANY SUNY-Approved American History (3)
American History (3) (CCC requirement)
Any SUNY-Approved Western Civilization (3)
Western Civilization (3) (CCC requirement)
Any SUNY-Approved Other World Civilizations
World History or Non-Western Civilization (3) (CCC
CMM 1510 Introduction to Communication (3)
COMM 101 Fundamentals of Communication (3)
(Communication Core Requirement)
ENG 2740 Newswriting and Editing
COMM 130 Foundations in Journalism (3)
(Communication core Requirement)
CMM 1610 Public Speaking (3)
COMM 105 Public Speaking (3) (Communication Core
CMM 2500 Interpersonal Communication or CMM
2610 Introduction to Public Relarions or CMM
2610 Mass Communication and Media Literacy (3)
COMM 221 Interpersonal Communication or COMM
102 Mass Media and Society or COMM 222 Principles of
Public Relations (3) (Group C2 Theory Courses)
HIS 1510 World History Before 1500 or HIS 1520
World History II (3)
HIST 101 World History I or HIST 102 World History II
(3) (Outside Courses Global Studies
BIO/PHL 2570 Environmental Issues & Ethics
Checking on equivalency for PHL 2570 - are they cross
ESCI 105 Global Environmental Issues (3) (Outside
Courses Science and the Environment
) (BIO/PHL 2570
transfers as equivalent to SUNY Fredonia ESCI 105
Global Environmental Issues, which also fulfills the
SUNY Other World Civilizations General Education
ECO 2610 Macroeconomic Principles or MAT
1540 Elementary Statistics (3)
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics or STAT 200
(3) Statistics (Outside Courses Economics/Statistics
POL 2530 Law & Civil Rights or SOC 2580
Minorities in American Society
POLI 371 Civil Rights and Liberties or SOC 316
Minority Groups
POL 1510 American Politics (3) or POLI 1520
World Politics (3)
POLI 120 American Politics (3) Or POLI 150 US and
World Affairs (Outside Courses Government and
ART 1560 Survey of Visual Art: Renaissance-
Contemporary or EDU 1510 Foundations of
Education Teaching Profession or or PHL 1510
Introduction to Philosophy or THE 1510
Introduction to Theater (3)
ARTH 102 Art in Culture 1400-present or EDU 215
Education in American Society or PHL 115
Philosophical Inquiry or THEA 114 Introduction to
Performing Arts (3) (Outside Courses Arts, Education,
and Philosophy
Any additional non-CMM courses (up to 66 total
credit hours of non-COMM courses)
Students completing a BA/BS degree must earn a
minimum of 66 credits from disciplines other than
Up to 12 credit hours of Outside Courses may be used to satisfy College Core Curriculum requirements.
Duration of Agreement
This agreement will become effective on August 1, 2012 and shall be reviewed every two years, or earlier, if
significant changes are made in either the two-year or the four-year program.