1. Read everything before doing anything, then work as quickly as possible.
2. Put your name in the upper right hand corner of the paper.
3. Draw a box around your name.
4. Circle the word “name” in sentence 2.
5. Stand up and hop on one foot and call out loud “GO, GO, GO”!
6. Answer this question incorrectly. Is a parakeet a bird? __________
7. If yesterday was three days after Sunday draw three stars.
8. Count in your normal speaking voice from one to eighteen backwards.
9. Sign your full name four times at the bottom of the paper.
10. Jog slowly around the classroom one time calling out “BROCCOLI, BROCCOLI, BROCCOLI”!
11. Put an X in the lower left hand corner of this paper.
12. Draw a circle around the X.
13. Draw a triangle around the circled X.
14. Multiply 70 x 30 on the back of this paper.
15. If you are the first person to get this far on the test, call out “I am the first person to
advance to this point, and I am the present leader in this test of directions.”
16. Draw a simple sketch on an airplane on the back of this paper.
17. Stand up and call out the answer to number 6.
18. Write your name on a piece of paper and hand it to the teacher.
19. Stand up and say out loud, “I am nearly finished following directions” while spinning
20. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only sentences number 1, 2, and 18.
Please sit back quietly and say nothing to anyone else.