Chapter 3
The U.S. Economy and the
Global Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had repercussions for economies around the
globe. Although the U.S. economy suffered one of the sharpest contractions
in its history during 2020, the economic damage was even greater in many
foreign countries. Bolstered by an early and rapid vaccine rollout as well as
by strong fiscal support, the United States’ recovery has been robust, outpac-
ing that of most of our major trading partners in 2021. Inflation emerged as
a challenge for the United States and nearly all our major trading partners,
as strong demand, skewed toward goods and away from services, interacted
with the supply chain stresses described in detail in chapter 6 of this Report.
As a result of the rapid U.S. recovery relative to the rest of the world, the
U.S. trade deficit has widened. The strength of the U.S. recovery has led to
increased imports, as goods have flowed in from abroad to satisfy resurgent
demand from firms and consumers. Although exports have hit record
highs, they have increased at a slower pace than imports because many of
the countries that buy U.S. goods have not recovered as fast. At the same
time, new waves of infection depressed international travel and weighed on
the recovery of some services that are important for U.S. exports, such as
The pandemic highlighted the need to tackle long-standing economic issues,
including those resulting from global economic integration. Due to a lack
of supportive public policy in the past, many American workers and com-
munities have borne the costs of shifting production around the world but
have not fully shared in its benefits, contributing to widening inequality.
98 | Chapter 3
Addressing these inadequacies requires policies that broaden the gains from
trade while leveling the international economic playing field by counter-
ing unfair trade practices and putting in place a more equitable global tax
system. Implementing such policy changes in a way that reduces uncertainty
and engages with the United States’ trade and commercial partners can
ensure that American consumers, workers, businesses, and investors benefit
from global trade.
The first section of this chapter places America’s economic experience dur-
ing the pandemic in the global context by comparing it with that of our larg-
est trading partners: the euro area, the United Kingdom, China, Canada, and
Mexico. The next section examines how international trade has recovered
from its sharp pandemic decline, discussing the causes of the widening U.S.
trade deficit and the effects of supply chain bottlenecks internationally on
traded inputs such as auto parts and capital goods. The last section discusses
how the Biden-Harris Administration is reorienting U.S. international eco-
nomic policy to mitigate rather than exacerbate economic inequality and to
level the international economic playing field.
Recovery Amid Global Economic Challenges
Placing the U.S. recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the global
context highlights how our robust fiscal support resulted in a faster return to
a strong economy. The backdrop to this demand-driven recovery, however,
was a tragic loss of human lives and higher inflation.
The Global Pandemic
The path of the global economy over the past year is best understood
in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The starkest measure of the
pandemic’s effect is the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19. By
the end of 2021, reported deaths due to the virus had exceeded 5 million
people globally, including more than 827,000 in the United States (OWID
2021). The true global toll is probably much higher, because data collection
challenges outside the United States suggest that many other countries may
have substantially underreported deaths. For example, some estimates put
the true death toll in India alone in excess of 4 million (Anand, Sandefur,
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 99
and Subramanian 2021). With deaths measured as a share of the population,
many of the hardest-hit countries have been middle-income countries in
Latin America and Eastern Europe (Johns Hopkins 2022).
Looking at total deaths can obscure the fact that different countries
have been hit by waves of differing severity at different times. Which coun-
try is faring worst at any point in time has varied significantly. Official data
show that the United States, the United Kingdom, and the euro area have all
had the highest recorded cases per capita at some point in time (figure 3-1).
Early in the pandemic, the United States led in per capita cases while the
United Kingdom led in deaths. In the second half of 2021, the reverse was
true. And the euro area reported the highest per capita cases in the spring
of 2021. This variation demonstrates how nearly all major economies have
been severely affected at some point during the pandemic.
Progress and timeliness in vaccinating populations have also varied
across countries. Both the United States and United Kingdom managed rapid
vaccine rollouts that made them early leaders in the share of the population
vaccinated (figure 3-2). Rollouts in Canada and the euro area accelerated
dramatically in the summer of 2021, and vaccination rates in both places
have since reached higher levels than in other major U.S. trading partners.
During the second half of 2021, vaccination rates in many middle-income
countries, such as Mexico, approached that of the United States, while rates
in low-income developing countries (not shown) remain substantially lower
(OWID 2021).
Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 Oct-21
United States Canada
Euro area
United Kingdom Mexico China
Figure 3-1. International COVID Case Rates
Cases per million
Source: Our World in Data.
100 | Chapter 3
The United States’ Economic Recovery in the Global Context
The path of real gross domestic product (GDP) since the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic provides the most basic measure of the virus’s eco-
nomic impact. The pandemic was accompanied by historic drops in output
in almost all major economies. U.S. GDP fell by 8.9 percent in the second
quarter of 2020 (figure 3-3), the largest single-quarter contraction in more
than 70 years (BEA 2021c). Most other major economies fared even worse.
The GDP of the United Kingdom in 2020:Q2 was 21.4 percent below its
average in 2019 (ONS 2022). In the euro area, output fell by more than 12.4
percent (Eurostat 2022c). Closer to home, Canada’s GDP was down 12.4
percent, while Mexico’s GDP fell by 19 percent (Statistics Canada 2022;
INEGI 2022).
The U.S. recovery has outpaced that of all its major trading partners
except China. By the second quarter of 2021, U.S. real GDP exceeded its
prepandemic level, ahead of most other major economies. Output growth
picked up in the euro area and Canada in the third quarter of 2021; but at
the end of 2021, output in most major U.S. trading partners had only just
reached its prepandemic level, while U.S output was 3 percent higher than
before the pandemic (see figure 3-3). Though many effects of the pandemic
are not captured by GDP, measured by this most basic indicator, the United
States’ recovery remained farther along than those of nearly all its peers.
The initial drop in real output in China was of a very similar magni-
tude to that of the United States (see figure 3-3), but the initial recovery
was even faster. By the third quarter of 2020, China’s real GDP had not
only exceeded its prepandemic level but was also above what would have
Jan. 1, 2021 April 1, 2021 July 1, 2021
Euro area
Oct. 1, 2021
United Kingdom
Figure 3-2. International COVID Vaccination Rates
Percent fully vaccinated
Source: Our World in Data.
Note: Fully vaccinated is defined as having received all doses prescribed by the initial vaccination
protocol. China does not report statistics on the share of its population that is fully vaccinated.
United States
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 101
been expected based on its prepandemic trend. The Chinese government
did extend substantial support, primarily through infrastructure spending.
However, exports have been a key driver of China’s recovery, climbing to
more than 40 percent above their prepandemic level by the fourth quarter of
2021 (GACC 2021). As a result, the contribution of net exports to China’s
real GDP growth reached nearly 30 percent in 2020, its highest level in
more than 20 years (CNBS 2021a). In this way, China has benefited from
the pandemic-induced pivot of global consumption away from services and
toward goods, many of which are manufactured in China. Despite continu-
ing support from strong demand for its exports, output growth in China
slowed in the second half of 2021 as government support for the economy
was withdrawn (CNBS 2021b).
Future research by economists will fully assess what enabled some
economies to weather the pandemic shock better or to bounce back more
quickly. Based on what we know now, there are two areas of policy where
the U.S. response stands out. The first is the speed of our vaccine rollout,
discussed above. The fact that more than 40 percent of the U.S. population
was fully vaccinated by May 2021, when vaccination rates in most European
countries were still less than half that, gave our economic rebound an impor-
tant head start.
The other area where the United States stands apart is fiscal policy,
suggesting that this also played a role in accelerating the recovery beyond
those of most of our trading partners. U.S. Federal Government spending to
directly support firms and workers, as well as State and local governments,
Jan-19 Apr-19 Jul-19 Oct-19 Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 Oct-21
Euro area
United Kingdom Mexico China
Figure 3-3. Real GDP by Country
United States
Sources: National data organizations.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
Index level: 2019:Q4 = 100
102 | Chapter 3
was substantially larger than comparable efforts in other major economies
(figure 3-4). As of the third quarter of 2021, the cumulative U.S. discretion-
ary fiscal response (including not only additional spending but also revenue
forgone due to discretionary tax cuts) exceeded 25 percent of GDP. By
comparison, the U.K. response was under 20 percent of GDP, and average
spending in the euro area was 12 percent of GDP. The scale here helped to
ensure that, by the end of 2021, U.S. consumption had returned to its precri-
sis trend, while in the euro area, for example, consumption remained below
its precrisis level (Boone 2021).
The Challenge of Inflation
Inflation has proved a serious challenge for many countries during the
recovery. In the 12-month period ending December 2021, headline con-
sumer price inflation in the euro area was 5.0 percent, well above its average
of about 1 percent in the five years before the pandemic (Eurostat 2022a), as
shown in figure 3-5. Canada and the United Kingdom have also seen sub-
stantially higher inflation than was the case before 2020. Inflation has also
risen here; indeed, U.S. inflation has run higher than that of most of its major
trading partners, although the gap narrowed in the second half of 2021.
The fact that inflation has accelerated in so many countries under-
scores its common drivers. Pandemic-induced changes in behavior led to
relatively more demand for goods than services. In many countries, the
balance of consumption remained unusually tilted toward goods throughout
2021, so demand for goods grew substantially faster than would have been
the case in a normal recovery (Bruce 2021; Boone 2022). As a result, the
world’s economic recovery put stress on the already-vulnerable global
Figure 3-4. Discretionary Fiscal Response, 2020:Q12021:Q3
Percentage of 2020 GDP
Source: International Monetary Fund.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 103
supply chains for consumer goods, as discussed further in chapter 6 of this
Report. This phenomenon of recovering demand for goods interacting with
supply constraints can help to explain the relatively higher inflation in the
United States, where the recovery was relatively stronger. Looking across
countries, inflation was higher where the gap between the real GDP and its
prepandemic level—a main measure of progress toward economic recov-
ery—was smaller (figure 3-6).
Rising prices for motor vehicles were a key driver of U.S. inflation,
with prices of new cars nearly 12 percent higher at the end of 2021 than they
were a year earlier. Prices of used cars jumped by almost 40 percent during
the year (BLS 2022b). Though other countries also saw higher car prices,
their rise was not as dramatic. Indeed, the CEA calculates that consumer
prices, excluding those of new and used cars, rose by similar magnitudes in
the euro area (4.7 percent), for example, as in the United States (5.1 percent).
Globally, factors pushing up car prices included rebounding demand
and a shortage of semiconductors (Gross, Miller, and Inagaki 2021). Car
manufacturers both in the United States and abroad have faced produc-
tion challenges due the semiconductor shortage, but during 2021, U.S.
auto production outpaced that of many peers. At the end of 2021, U.S.
auto production stood at just under 5 percent below its prepandemic level,
ahead of the recovery of German, French, and Japanese production (Federal
Reserve Board 2022; Eurostat 2022b; METI 2021). Thus, the greater rise
in U.S. prices came in spite of a faster recovery in production. The fact
that the rise in car prices has been larger here than abroad stems partly
from the particularly resilient demand created by the U.S. recovery passing
Jan-19 Apr-19 Jul-19 Oct-19 Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 Oct-21
Figure 3-5. Consumer Price Level
Index level: Dec. 2019 = 100
United States Canada Euro area United Kingdom Mexico China
Sources: National data organizations.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
104 | Chapter 3
through to the auto sector—real consumer spending on new motor vehicles
rose 16 percent in 2021, a level reaching 18 percent above its prepandemic
level (BEA 2022b). Though higher vehicle prices do pose challenges for
American households and businesses, the strength of the recovery in the
U.S. auto sector relative to other major auto-producing countries highlights
the important benefits of the U.S. demand-driven recovery for workers and
businesses. (See box 3-1.)
International Trade, the Economic Recovery,
and Lingering COVID-19 Challenges
In 2021, international trade broadly recovered from the sharp decline that
followed the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with U.S. exports and
imports of goods exceeding prepandemic records. Import growth outpaced
export growth, widening the U.S. trade deficit. Though trade in goods
broadly recovered in 2021, supply bottlenecks slowed the recovery of both
imports and exports of such products as automotive and capital goods that
are at the heart of the global value chains that were disrupted by pandemic-
related challenges.
In contrast, waves of COVID-19 infections have weighed down the
recovery of cross-border trade in services. Although trade in services that
are less reliant on personal contact followed a recovery pattern similar to
United States
90 95 110 115
Figure 3-6. Recovery in Output and Inflation
Annualized CPI growth, Feb. 2020–Sep. 2021
100 105
2021:Q3 real GDP (as % of 2019:Q4 GDP)
Sources: National data organizations.
Note: CPI = Consumer Price Index. Data are seasonally adjusted, except for Senegal’s CPI.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 105
Box 3-1. Lessons from Abroad for Labor Market Policy
By some measures, the U.S. labor market appears to have recovered rap-
idly. America’s unemployment rate jumped at the onset of the pandemic,
but then fell steadily, and by the fourth quarter of 2021 was once again
lower than in the euro area, Canada, or the United Kingdom (figure 3-i).
However, though the number of people employed at the end of 2021 was
above its prepandemic level in most of our trading partners, this is not
true here (figure 3-ii). The reason: though labor force participation has
increased significantly over the past year, relatively more people left the
U.S. labor force early during the pandemic than in many other countries.
The discretionary fiscal response in the United States was larger
than that of most of our trading partners when considering the three
major pieces of fiscal legislation passed over the course of the pandemic,
and the government support associated with that response was delivered
to individuals and households in a very different way. As discussed
in chapter 2, pandemic support payments were generally received in
the form of unemployment insurance or as direct payments. By con-
trast, governments in the euro area and the United Kingdom adopted
or strengthened existing job retention programs, which subsidized
employed workers’ incomes. (OECD 2020).
These programs come in two forms: short-time work programs, in
which the government pays employees for hours not worked; and wage
subsidies, in which the government either subsidizes pay for hours the
employee actually works or raises employees’ pay to a minimum level,
regardless of time worked. These programs help explain why unemploy-
ment rates increased remarkably little in the euro area and the United
Jan-19 May-19 Sep-19 Jan-20 May-20 Sep-20 Jan-21 May-21 Sep-21
United States Canada Euro area United Kingdom Mexico China
Figure 3-i. Unemployment Rates
Sources: National data organizations; OECD.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted, except China. The United States measures age 16 and above, Canada
measures age 15+, and China measures urban area unemployment. Other metrics are total unemployment.
106 | Chapter 3
Kingdom, both in absolute terms and relative to the change in the U.S.
unemployment rate. By design, job retention programs ensured that
many people working few or no hours remained on the payroll, receiving
paychecks from their employer that were almost entirely government
funded (OECD 2020).
The difference between the U.S. approach and these job retention
programs may seem semantic: workers were on the job dramatically less
in the spring and summer of 2020, whether or not they were technically
employed, and the magnitude of the drop was similar in the United States
and other major economies. However, in the United States, workers were
formally separated from their jobs and became unemployed (Boissay
et al. 2021). Unemployed workers leave the labor force (meaning they
stop looking for a job) at a rate almost 10 times greater than employed
workers, who exit the labor force if they leave their job and do not try
to find a new one (for details of what constitutes being in the labor
force, see BLS 2014). Once they leave the labor force, workers tend to
stay out (Hobijn and Şahin 2021). As the U.S. economy has recovered,
unemployed workers have found jobs and the unemployment rate has
fallen quickly. But unlike countries that adopted job retention programs,
in the United States there are also more workers who are no longer in the
labor force—meaning that they are neither working nor actively trying to
find a job; and this slows the rebound in the number of people employed
(BLS 2022a; CRS 2021).
Since 2012, the United States has had a job retention program—the
Short-Time Compensation Program—similar to efforts adopted else-
Jan-19 Apr-19 Jul-19 Oct-19 Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21
United States Canada Euro area United Kingdom Mexico
Figure 3-ii. International Employment
Sources: National data organizations.
Note: Employment metrics vary slightly by source. The United States measures 16 years and above, Canada measures
15 years and above, and the United Kingdom measures a three-month rolling average for employment 16 years and
above. The euro area and Mexico measure total employment. All data are seasonally adjusted, except for Mexico.
Index level: 2019:Q4 = 100
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 107
goods, others—particularly travel and transportation services
—continue to
be impaired by the persistence of the virus. The sharp contraction of trade in
travel services was a notable drag on the U.S. trade balance in 2021. Exports
of these services in the form of foreign tourists, students, and business trav-
elers are typically a significant contributor to the surplus in the U.S. trade
balance in services.
The U.S. Trade Balance
The strong domestic demand for goods that has characterized the economic
recovery in 2021 is reflected in the deepening deficit of the U.S. trade
balance—defined as the difference between the total value of goods and ser-
vices that U.S. residents buy from abroad and the value of all the U.S. goods
and services sold abroad (BEA 2022a). At 4 percent of GDP, the 2021 trade
deficit is the largest since 2008 (measured as a share of GDP) (figure 3-7).
Deeper trade deficits in the United States over the past two decades have
been correlated with economic growth because they reflect strong demand;
2021 was no exception (BEA 2022b).
Over the past 20 years, the United States has typically maintained a
deficit in goods trade that is partially offset by a surplus in services trade.
The higher overall trade deficit in 2021 reflected a larger goods trade deficit
and a smaller services trade surplus relative to recent years. In particular,
the increase in the goods and services trade deficit from 2.8 percent of GDP
in 2019 to 4.0 percent in 2021 reflects a 0.5-percentage-point reduction in
the services surplus and a 0.7 percentage point increase in the goods trade
deficit (figure 3-7). Although both developments can be traced to challenges
stemming from COVID-19, the reasons for these outcomes are distinct.
In official U.S. data on services trade, this category is named “transport” rather than
where during the pandemic. Twenty-six States, which are home to 70
percent of the U.S. labor force, have active versions of the Short-Time
Compensation Program. However, participation in these local programs
is very low, in part due to the associated administrative burdens (Von
Wachter 2020). Viewed in light of the data on transitions in and out
of the labor force discussed above, the trajectory of U.S. employment
during 2021 suggests that reforms aimed at expanding participation in
this program could ensure a speedier labor market recovery after future
downturns. That said, in considering this policy option, a very important
open question is how European-style job retention programs are affect-
ing the reallocation of workers across types of jobs during the economic
108 | Chapter 3
The increases in consumption and investment expenditures that drove
strong economic growth in 2021 entailed greater expenditures on both
domestically produced and imported goods and services. American pro-
ducers of goods, challenged by pandemic-induced labor and input supply
obstacles, strained to keep pace with surging domestic demand for goods,
which reduced the available supply for exports (Furman and Powell 2021).
The dampening of growth in exports of U.S. goods was amplified by the
fact that America’s fiscal policy response was larger than most other major
economies (see figure 3-4). Though demand here exceeded its prepandemic
trend, demand abroad lagged. As a result, American firms and consumers
stepped up purchases of imported goods to a greater degree than their for-
eign counterparts, widening the U.S. trade deficit in goods (Milesi-Ferretti
2021). Also contributing to the widening goods trade deficit was the shift
in the balance of trade in oil and petroleum products from surplus to deficit,
which is discussed in box 3-2. Further, restrictions on foreign nationals
entering the United States and rising costs of maritime freight transportation,
a service that is primarily provided by foreign-owned firms, brought down
the surplus in services trade (BEA 2022a).
Macroeconomic developments here and abroad have contributed to the
widening trade deficit through another channel: exchange rate movements.
As the COVID-19 virus spread in early 2020, the U.S. dollar appreciated
9.7 percent from January to late March, reflecting the dollar’s status as a
safe asset (figure 3-8). In times of heightened economic uncertainty, inves-
tors around the world purchase dollar assets, which they view as a reliable
store of value (Jiang, Krishnamurthy, and Lustig 2021). From the end
of March 2020 through the end of 2020, the dollar depreciated as global
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Services Goods Total
Figure 3-7. U.S. Trade Balance, 2001–21
Percentage of GDP
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 109
Box 3-2. Trade in Oil and Petroleum Products
The United States is the world’s largest oil producer, and both an impor-
tant exporter and a major importer of petroleum products (EIA 2021a).
These products constitute more than 10 percent of U.S. exports and about
7 percent of U.S. imports. Prices of oil and gas rose significantly during
the first 10 months of 2021, with West Texas Intermediate Crude prices
finishing the year more than 55 percent above its end-2020 level (EIA
2022) and global natural gas prices increasing almost sixfold between
November 2019 and November 2021 (IMF 2021). Higher prices, along
with rising volumes of imports and exports, meant that the dollar values
of U.S. petroleum products exports were almost 50 percent above their
2020 level, while imports were up more than 75 percent (figure 3-iii).
Foreign and domestic factors drove the rise in energy prices in
2021. In China, overall supply was constrained by ambitious government
efforts to rein in the burning of coal while manufacturing establishments’
energy demand jumped as production surged (Riordan 2021). As a
result, natural gas prices in Europe and Asia jumped due to the higher
Chinese demand for natural gas as a substitute for coal. Also pushing
up global energy prices was the OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries Plus) group of oil producers’ reluctance to more
rapidly expand oil production (Lawler, Ghaddar, and Astakhova 2021),
which they had cut by 10 million barrels per day (about 10 percent of
global production) in 2020 in response to the pandemic-induced drop
in demand (EIA 2020). In the United States, weak investments in new
energy sources during 2020 weighed on energy supply as the economy
recovered in 2021 (IEA 2021). Additionally, bad weather, including an
unusually cold winter in Texas and hurricanes Ida and Nicholas in the
Balance Exports Imports
Source: Census Bureau.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
Figure 3-iii. Trade in Petroleum Products
Dollars (billions)
110 | Chapter 3
financial conditions began to normalize and the earlier flight to safety was
reversed. That depreciation also reflected the very aggressive action of the
Federal Reserve to support the U.S. economy by keeping interest rates low
(Economist 2021). This benefits American businesses and households that
borrow to purchase equipment or homes, but it makes U.S. financial assets
less attractive to global investors. Lower foreign demand for U.S. assets, in
turn, resulted in dollar depreciation from April through December 2020, as
seen in figure 3-8.
In 2021, the dollar resumed appreciating and ended the year up 3.6
percent against the currencies of its major trading partners, as measured by a
Federal Reserve Board index (figure 3-8). Expectations were that the Federal
Reserve would begin to tighten policy earlier than other central banks, and
that contributed to the rise in the dollar’s value (Rovnick, Rennison, and
Platt 2021). Such expectations reflected two aspects of America’s macro-
economic performance relative to our trading partners: the more rapid recov-
ery in U.S. output, and the relatively larger rise in inflation. A strengthening
Gulf of Mexico, also affected America’s oil production (EIA 2021b,
On the demand side, the widespread availability of vaccines start-
ing in the spring of 2021 meant the resumption of travel and some com-
muting, pushing up gasoline demand (EIA 2021d). Pandemic-induced
shifts in the modes of transportation used for travel and commuting
further boosted gasoline demand, as many opted to drive rather than use
mass transit or travel by plane (Bair, Guerra Luz, and Bradham 2021).
Jan-19 Jul-19 Jan-20 Jul-20 Jan-21 Jul-21
Figure 3-8. Nominal Broad Dollar Index
Index level: Jan. 2, 2020 = 100
↑ Dollar appreciation
Source: Federal Reserve Board.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 111
dollar tends to widen the trade deficit by making imported goods cheaper
for American consumers, which boosts imports, and U.S. exports become
more expensive for foreign buyers, depressing exports (Gruber, McCallum,
and Vigfusson 2016).
International Trade in Goods
U.S. trade in goods rebounded relatively quickly after the sharp drop at the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and continued to rise through
2021. Both exports and imports of goods broke nominal records set in 2018.
Goods imports breached record levels in real terms as well. This swift and
robust rebound stands in sharp contrast to the stagnation in trade that fol-
lowed the Great Recession, beginning in 2008 (figure 3-9). From the start of
the Great Recession, goods exports did not recover from their precrisis peak
for more than two years, and goods imports did not systematically rise above
their precrisis peak for nearly 10 years.
As discussed in the previous section, 2021 growth in imports generally
outpaced that of exports. This has been true throughout the economic recov-
ery. Even though goods imports had fully recovered in real terms to pre-
pandemic levels by November 2020, U.S. exports did not achieve that feat
until more than a year later, in October 2021 (Census Bureau 2022b). The
faster recovery of imports relative to exports is a direct consequence of the
broader macroeconomic context discussed earlier in this chapter. However,
the effects of pandemic-related disruptions inhibited export recovery for
some products more than others.
Figure 3-9. U.S. Trade in Goods
Dollars (billions)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Source: Census Bureau.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
112 | Chapter 3
In real terms, U.S. exports of food, feed, and beverages were little
affected and exceeded their February 2020 levels for most of the second half
of that year. U.S. exports of consumer goods surpassed their prepandemic
level in November 2020 (figure 3-10).
By contrast, exports of capital goods
did not exceed their prepandemic value until April 2021, and remained at
about that level for the rest of the year. Exports of autos and parts were more
than 10 percent below their prepandemic level for most of the year.
The relatively swift rebound in exports of consumer goods highlights
the global nature of the pandemic-induced switch from services to goods
consumption. The softer performance of capital goods and auto exports
reflects the flip side of the strong demand unleashed by the economic recov-
ery. Supply challenges for critical inputs disrupted the global value chains
that characterize production in the automotive and other capital goods indus-
tries, inhibiting their ability to meet surging domestic and foreign demand
(see chapter 6 for a full discussion of supply chain challenges). The final
goods produced and exported by American businesses in these industries
are complex. Automotive exports often rely on semiconductors, the global
supply of which was notably stressed in 2021 (McKinsey & Company 2021;
Ewing and Boudette 2021). Civilian aircraft, engines, and parts represented
the largest share of the decline in exports of capital goods relative to 2019,
reflecting diminished demand by airlines after COVID-19 dramatically
reduced air traffic (Census Bureau 2022a; Kuzmanovic and Rassineux n.d.).
The BEA end-use category “food, feed, and beverages” consists of agricultural commodities,
including those used for animal feed, as well as fish and shellfish, prepared foods, and alcoholic and
nonalcoholic beverages.
Consumer goods Automotive goods Food, feed, and beverage goods
Figure 3-10. Real Exports, Selected End-Use Categories
Index level: Feb. 2020 = 100
Capital goods
Source: Census Bureau.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 113
The composition of U.S. imports growth in 2021 highlights the
strength with which U.S. demand has recovered and the challenges econo-
mies around the world continue to face. U.S. goods imports dipped across
the board during the initial months of the pandemic, but to a lesser extent
than exports, and then rapidly exceeded their pre-COVID-19 level (figure
3-11). Consistent with the increased consumption of goods relative to ser-
vices, imports of consumer goods showed a striking increase in 2021, rising
to 16.6 percent above their 2019 level. Imports of capital goods, such as
machinery used in factories, also rose notably in 2021, to 11.3 percent in
real terms above their 2019 level, as domestic American firms expanded to
satisfy booming U.S. demand.
The trajectory of automotive imports illustrates the global nature of
the supply chain stresses that emerged during 2021. Though automotive
imports initially rebounded, they subsequently declined as global supply
chains were disrupted (Ewing and Boudette 2021). Imports in this category
were 9.6 percent below their 2019 level in 2021. This category includes both
motor vehicles and parts, but the decline was entirely due to falling imports
of finished vehicles, while parts were slightly above their 2019 level (Census
Bureau 2022a). As discussed previously in this chapter, the recovery of the
U.S. automotive sector outpaced that of other major auto-manufacturing
countries in 2021.
International Trade in Services
In contrast to the relatively swift recovery of trade in goods, the exigencies
of containing the spread of COVID-19 continue to suppress global demand
Capital goods Consumer goods Automotive goods Food, feed, and beverage goods
Figure 3-11. Real Imports, Selected End-Use Categories
Index level: Feb. 2020 = 100
Source: Census Bureau.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
114 | Chapter 3
for services. The overall decline in both exports and imports of services at
the onset of the pandemic (figure 3-12) is primarily due to a steep drop in
trade in travel services (figure 3-13). Total exports and imports of services
other than travel and transportation services—which covers finance, insur-
ance, maintenance, construction, information, personal and government
services, intellectual property, and other services—exceeded their 2019
value in 2021.
Figure 3-13 illustrates that neither imports nor exports of travel ser-
vices have approached their prepandemic levels. However, while imports
of travel services have increased relatively steadily since the pandemic first
hit the United States, exports saw only a minimal increase until November
2021, when the Biden-Harris Administration eased travel restrictions that
had prevented many foreign tourists, students, and business travelers from
traveling to the United States, resuming revenue from travel exports (White
House 2021c).
By contrast, most other countries were open to U.S. travelers
for much of 2021 (Schengen Visa Info 2021; Ponczuk 2021).
Trade in transportation services has likewise been shaped by the
exigencies of the pandemic and economic recovery. The dramatic increase
in the deficit for the transportation services balance depicted in figure 3-14
directly reflects the challenges faced by shippers of goods in 2021. The rise
in maritime freight services imports largely drove the increased value of
imported transportation services (BEA 2022a). The skyrocketing cost of
moving goods from abroad to the United States meant that U.S. importers
paid dramatically more to shipping companies (Harper Petersen 2022).
Exports of travel services include goods and services acquired by foreign visitors, including foreign
students, while visiting the United States. Similarly, imports of travel services cover goods and
services acquired by U.S. residents visiting foreign countries.
Balance Exports Imports
Figure 3-12. Trade in Services
Dollars (billions)
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 115
Because nearly all major shipping firms are foreign-owned (Marine Digital
2021), these costs register as U.S. service imports. In contrast, U.S. exports
of transportation services are dominated by passenger air transportation,
which, like travel services, were suppressed by restrictions on foreign travel
to the United States until the end of 2021 (BEA 2022a).
Categories of services that saw a robust recovery included finance and
insurance trade and other business services imports. Because they do not
rely as heavily on in-person interaction, both imports and exports increased
Figure 3-13. Trade in Travel Services
Dollars (billions)
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted. In official U.S. data on services trade, this category is named “transport”
rather than “transportation.”
Figure 3-14. Trade in Transportation Services
Dollars (billions)
116 | Chapter 3
year-on-year relative to their 2019 levels throughout the pandemic and
recovery. Similarly, trade in intellectual property, telecommunications, and
other business services recovered quickly and is now above 2019 levels.
Policies to Build an Equitable International Economy
U.S. participation in the global economy has yielded important benefits,
including lower prices for consumers, lower costs for American manufac-
turing inputs, and access to a greater variety of products as well as larger
markets for American-made goods and services. However, global economic
integration has also increased the exposure of American businesses and their
workforces to import competition, which has meant loss of livelihoods for
some American workers, thus contributing to the troubling rise in inequality
documented in chapter 1 of this Report (Clausing 2019; Autor, Dorn, and
Hanson 2013, 2016, 2021). Other factors have also pushed up inequal-
ity, ranging from the declining progressivity of the tax system (Antràs,
de Gortari, and Itskhoki 2017) to increased automation in manufacturing
production (Moll, Rachel, and Restrepo 2021). Nonetheless, the effects of
U.S. international trade and investment policies on American workers and
communities, and thus on economic inequality, have also played a role.
The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to refocus domestic
and international policies to alleviate the disruptions that participation in the
global economy can inflict on American workers and increase the opportu-
nities that it can offer them. This means seeking a better balance between,
on one hand, reducing costs for American businesses and lowering prices
for consumer products and, on the other hand, ensuring that workers whose
livelihoods are at risk from global competition are not disproportionately
harmed. Ensuring that U.S. participation in the global economy supports
the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of a more equitable economy at
home also requires policies that level the international economic playing
field by improving labor standards abroad, confronting unfair practices by
our trading partners, and making the international tax system fairer. Trade
policy can also support another fundamental policy goal, the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions; box 3-3 describes how this can be accomplished.
Broadening the Gains from Trade
The uneven effects of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated inequali-
ties within American society, showcasing how negative economic shocks
can be disproportionately concentrated among individuals who are more
economically vulnerable.
Similarly, the job and income losses that have
accompanied rising import competition have often fallen disproportionately
See, e.g., Mongey et al. 2021; Chetty et al. 2020; Liu and May 2020; and Hardy and Logan 2020.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 117
on low-skilled workers, exacerbating inequality (Clausing 2019). A large
body of economic research focused on the effects of the dramatic increase
in import competition from China in the early 2000s, the so-called China
Shock, has demonstrated that, though the gains from international trade
have been substantial, the costs have outweighed these gains for some U.S.
communities. Increased import competition from China has had adverse
effects on employment and incomes in labor markets that are more exposed
Box 3-3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Trade
As an example of how trade policy can support a broader set of goals,
consider international trade policy oriented toward incentivizing the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Effectively combating climate
change requires policies that reduce global emissions of greenhouse
gases and increase resilience to the climate changes that have already
happened. However, those very policies can put domestic production at
a competitive disadvantage relative to production in countries with less
stringent mitigation policies (Dechezlepretre and Sato 2017). Further,
local policies that reduce emissions by producers in one country are
ineffective—from a global perspective—if their primary effect is to shift
emissions elsewhere.
To create a level playing field in domestic markets with strong cli-
mate policies and ensure maximal decarbonization from those policies,
scholars and policymakers have suggested introducing trade rules based
on the carbon content of traded goods and services. Such a policy could,
for example, impose a carbon fee on goods imported from countries with
less ambitious climate policies that offsets the climate regulatory costs
that producers face in the domestic market. Research suggests that these
policies can help accelerate decarbonization globally and protect the
domestic industry in the countries enacting them (Campbell, McDarris,
and Pizer 2021). For example, the United States and European Union
reached an agreement in late 2021 to negotiate a global arrangement
for trade in steel and aluminum that takes the carbon intensity of these
industries into account and that aims to drive industrial decarbonization
around the globe (White House 2021b).
These emissions-based trade policies need not favor any one
mechanism for incentivizing decarbonization, recognizing that domestic
mitigation policies can take many forms—from regulations to tax
incentives to a carbon price. Instead, these trade tools can retain the
flexibility for countries to enact a range of climate policy tools, as long
as emissions are decreasing. As discussed in chapter 7 of this Report,
policies that encourage domestic industries to shift toward clean energy
could, for example, take the form of regulations, tax incentives, and other
similar provisions.
118 | Chapter 3
to competition from China, and these adverse effects have persisted long
after the initial shock (Autor, Dorn, and Hanson 2013, 2016, 2021).
In the future, U.S. policy should aim to mitigate and indeed reverse
the effects that greater exposure to import competition has had on inequal-
ity in America. This requires rebalancing the objectives of trade policy to
give greater weight to its impact on individuals and communities that are
negatively affected. To effectively incorporate these interests, policymaking
must become more inclusive, and thus must be informed not only by the
views of American firms directly engaged in international trade and workers
competing with imports but also by the views of affected communities and
other stakeholders.
In addition, economic scholarship has consistently called for comple-
mentary domestic policies to increase American workers’ competitiveness
and address the disruptions experienced by those affected by negative trade
shocks. Basic economic policies focused on workers would better equip
them to adapt to changes in the economy, including those that are transmit-
ted through international trade (Clausing 2019; Rodrik 1996; Hanson 2021;
Dixit and Norman 1986). The investments in transportation infrastructure
that have been made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will make
it easier for U.S. goods exports to reach markets overseas. Greater exports, in
turn, promote economic growth and support well-paying jobs, especially for
blue-collar workers (Riker 2015). Along with the other policy proposals to
fortify America’s supply chains discussed in chapter 6 of this Report, these
investments will also bolster U.S. competitiveness both at home and abroad,
and more broadly distribute the gains from the country’s participation in the
global economy. Looking ahead, the investments in human capital outlined
in chapter 4 of this Report would equip American workers with skills and
education that would enlarge their share in the benefits of international trade
and investment.
Leveling the International Economic Playing Field
Key to broadening the gains from trade is ensuring that American workers
are competing on a level playing field. Too often, the competitiveness of
American workers and firms has been eroded by other countries’ inad-
equate labor standards and unfair trade policies and practices, and also by
international tax competition.
Economic analyses that ignore the negative
effects of these practices provide only a narrow and potentially misleading
view of the gains from trade and how they are distributed domestically and
Labor standards. An important component of modern trade agree-
ments between countries are provisions to improve labor conditions. These
Chapter 5 of this Report discusses the importance of fair competition in domestic markets.
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 119
are intended to ensure that workers are appropriately compensated and
protected during their work, and that relative competitiveness is not driven
by differences in labor standards between the countries. Twice in 2021, the
United States invoked the rapid response mechanism included in the United
States–Mexico–Canada Agreement to respond to allegations that workers
in Mexico were being denied the rights of free association and collective
bargaining. The first time was in response to corruption uncovered during
a worker vote on a collective bargaining agreement at an automotive plant,
which resulted in the United States and Mexico negotiating a plan to address
the violations and provide for a free and fair vote on the agreement (USTR
2021b). The second responded to a petition filed by the AFL-CIO and others
alleging violations during a union organizing campaign at an auto parts com-
pany (USTR 2021a). The resulting agreement with the company in question
not only secured compensation for the adversely affected workers but also
put in place mechanisms to protect workers’ rights.
Labor standards are also crucial when some producers resort to prac-
tices that are not only unfair but also inhumane, in that they rely on forced
labor. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 25 million
individuals on any given day are subjected to forced labor (ILO 2017), and
that this forced labor generates large profits for the firms involved (ILO
2014). Though some have argued that market forces on their own will drive
coercive employers out of the labor market, recent theoretical modeling calls
this result into question (Acemoglu and Wolitzky 2011). Indeed, the tragic
persistence of forced labor suggests that policy actions are needed to com-
bat the practice. To this end, Group of Seven leaders, including the United
States, made combating forced labor a priority starting at their June 2021
meeting (Group of Seven 2021). After discussions of conditions in China’s
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (White House 2021a), the Group of
Seven called for strengthened cooperation and collective efforts to eradicate
the use of all forms of forced labor in global supply chains.
Responding to unfair trade policies and practices. One of the most
significant challenges for the United States’ ability to realize broadly distrib-
uted gains from trade is the direct and indirect support for targeted industries
used by some foreign governments to promote their own domestic produc-
ers at the expense of other producers, including the United States. Foreign
governments implement such policies using a variety of tools, including
taxes, subsidies, preferential regulatory treatment for domestic enterprises,
broad support for state-owned enterprises or other state-affiliated entities,
and formal and informal restrictions on the ability of foreign enterprises to
compete in the domestic market. At a minimum, these interventions create
economic distortions that disadvantage foreign producers in the domestic
market and often in third-country markets as well, diminishing the benefits
of the commitments they have made under multilateral and preferential trade
120 | Chapter 3
agreements. In more egregious circumstances, they can concentrate market
power in the country that uses them, stifling global competition, limiting
innovation, and creating opportunities for economic coercion (Sykes 2003;
Hart 2020; Autor et al. 2020; Bown 2022).
Global markets for industries such as steel, aluminum, and solar panels
bear the hallmarks of government policies designed to secure market power.
Over time, China’s array of government support and policy directives, which
experts have argued amount to sizable subsidies, have led China to become
the dominant global supplier in each of these industries (Bown and Hillman
2019). Public statements of policy suggest that China is using continued,
targeted government support for specific high-tech manufacturing industries
aimed at promoting its dominance at the expense of its trading partners
(CRS 2020; Creemers et al. 2021). Unchecked, the effects of China’s cap-
ture of these industries can be expected to give Chinese firms substantial
market power, further concentrating crucial aspects of global manufacturing
in a single country, at the expense of producers of competing goods in the
United States (Bown and Hillman 2019). Such policies can also hinder the
adoption of critical innovations, because the subsidies that facilitate market
dominance are not necessarily directed toward the best technology avail-
able (Hart 2020). Importantly, the burdens associated with China’s system
of targeted industrial policies fall not only on the United States but on all
countries whose producers compete with China in global markets (McBride
and Chatzky 2019). As such, efforts to counter the use of these policies are
most effective when pursued collaboratively and in concert with U.S. allies
and partners (Mattoo and Staiger 2020).
Reform of the international corporate tax system. Leveling the playing
field for American workers and businesses requires reform of the interna-
tional corporate taxation system to curtail a race to the bottom in corporate
taxation, whereby countries lower their tax rates to attract mobile multi-
national activities (Azemar et al. 2020). This practice distorts businesses’
decisionmaking, including production decisions, while also generating less
tax revenue than could be obtained if countries engaged with one another
cooperatively (Cobham and Jansky 2018). Large multinational firms have
taken advantage of this tax competition among countries by shifting profits
and economic activities to minimize their tax burdens (Guvenen et al. 2019).
In 2021, world leaders reached a historic agreement that will address
these challenges and stabilize the international tax system. The plan to
reform international tax practices was agreed to by the overwhelming major-
ity of the world’s economies—representing over 90 percent of world GDP.
The agreement includes a global minimum tax of 15 percent that would
apply to profits of multinational firms that have more than €750 million
(about $822 million) in sales globally. It also includes provisions that would
reallocate some taxing rights over certain residual profits of multinational
The U.S. Economy and the Global Pandemic | 121
firms to the markets where products are consumed, regardless of whether
these firms have a physical presence in these markets (OECD 2021).
These reforms respond to concerns that businesses generate value from
profits in certain jurisdictions while paying minimal taxes there. As such,
the agreement addresses existing international tax tensions by incorporating
commitments from several countries to withdraw digital services taxes that
would have fallen disproportionately on multinationals headquartered in the
United States (Giles 2021). The reforms would generate additional revenue
that could help countries address the myriad challenges they face, including
rising inequality.
A Collaborative, Transparent Policymaking Process
Reorienting policy to ensure that the United States’ participation in the
global economy does not exacerbate rising inequality requires important
changes, but experience shows that the benefits of such policy shifts are
greater when they happen after consultation with our trading partners and
through a process that is transparent for those affected. Through trade agree-
ments and through entities such as the World Trade Organization, the United
States has long cooperated with its trading partners to establish and enforce
global trade rules (Bagwell, Bown, and Staiger 2016). In addition to provid-
ing reliable market access for U.S. exporters, such institutions limit the use
of beggar-thy-neighbor policies, which advance one country’s targeted eco-
nomic outcomes at the expense of those of other countries (Ossa 2014). An
approach to addressing the flaws in current U.S. trade policy and in global
trade rules that ignores the commitments the United States has made weak-
ens these institutions and diminishes the benefits that they bring to American
firms and workers. This is exemplified by the retaliatory measures taken
by many of our trading partners in response to U.S. trade policy actions in
2018 and 2019 that they judged to be in violation of commitments made
by the United States under the World Trade Organization’s rules (Mattoo
and Staiger 2020). These retaliatory measures cost U.S. manufacturing jobs
(Flaaen and Pierce 2019), exports (Morgan et al. 2022), incomes, and more
broadly economic welfare in the period immediately after their imposition
(Amiti, Redding, and Weinstein 2019; Cavallo et al. 2021).
Fundamentally, the global system of trade rules benefits not only
domestic producers directly engaged in international trade as importers
or exporters but also buyers of goods and services for which prices are
influenced by global markets. A large body of research has established that
uncertainty negatively affects economic outcomes (Bloom 2014), and more
recent work makes clear that this is also true of trade policy uncertainty
(Caldara et al. 2020; Heise et al. 2021). Global trade rules limit uncertainty
about future changes in tariffs or the imposition of other trade restrictions,
122 | Chapter 3
which can in turn foster investment and employment. Although changes to
U.S. trade policy are needed, elevated uncertainty about how trade policy
might alter prices and availability along global value chains pose a particular
challenge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic’s supply chain disruption
(Miroudot 2020).
Making the necessary changes to U.S. international economic policy
to ensure the benefits from trade are more broadly distributed and that
competition takes place on a level playing field demands rethinking some
of the existing rules and norms governing international economic relations.
The practical difficulties of making changes within existing institutions cre-
ates a complex challenge for governments seeking to develop sustainable
international economic policy. However, implementing changes noncoop-
eratively could ultimately leave the United States worse off if its trading
partners no longer feel constrained to respect their own commitments
(Mattoo and Staiger 2020; Bown and Hillman 2019). Trade policy that is
long on combative rhetoric and indifference to trade partners’ interests, but
short on substance and consistency, puts American firms at a disadvantage.
It dissuades our partners and allies from working with the United States to
tackle common challenges. Importantly, it cannot deliver on creating jobs,
reducing inequality, or promoting economic growth more generally. Since
2021, the Biden-Harris Administration has been renewing strong relation-
ships with our trading partners, working to resolve outstanding trade issues
and to establish cooperative frameworks to address emerging challenges.
Comparing the performance of the United States’ economy during 2021 with
that of our trading partners demonstrates this country’s resilience at a time
of daunting challenges. Supported by a strong fiscal response and a rapid
vaccine rollout, the GDP of the United States exceeded its prepandemic
level before those of other major advanced economies. However, as the
recovery got under way, demand continued to tilt toward goods and away
from services. This shift in global consumption patterns interacted with
stressed supply chains to generate inflation in the United States and most of
our major trading partners, although this effect was particularly pronounced
here due to the relative strength of our recovery. The faster pace of the U.S.
economic recovery has also resulted in a widening trade deficit.
Openness to international commerce provides substantial benefits to
the U.S. economy. However, these benefits have at times come at the cost
of wider domestic inequality. We must engage with our partners and allies to
make international economic engagement work for all Americans, by ensur-
ing that the global rules are aligned with domestic objectives and values, and
that these rules are rigorously enforced.
Chapter 3
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