Artificial Intelligence
and Algorithms in Risk
Addressing Bias,
Discrimination and other Legal
and Ethical Issues
A Handbook
© European Labour Authority, 2023
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the copyright of the European Labour
Authority, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders.
Neither the European Labour Authority nor any person acting on behalf of the European Labour Authority is
responsible for the use which might be made of the following information.
The present document has been produced by Véronique Bruggeman, Marco Paron Trivellato (Milieu Consulting
SRL), Prof. Raphaële Xenidis and Prof. Benjamin van Giffen as authors. This task has been carried out exclusively
by the authors in the context of a contract between the European Labour Authority and Milieu Consulting SRL,
awarded following a tender procedure. The document has been prepared for the European Labour Authority,
however, it reflects the views of the authors only. The information contained in this report does not reflect the views
or the official position of the European Labour Authority.
The handbook is based on a training session, facilitated by Milieu Consulting, that took place on 26 May 2023 and
was headed by Prof. Raphaële Xenidis and Prof. Benjamin van Giffen.
List of tables ........................................................................................................................... 4
List of figures .......................................................................................................................... 4
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.0 Algorithms, automation and AI ..................................................................................... 7
1.1 Defining key concepts ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 How do they work? ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 The CRISP-DM model ........................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 How can AI and algorithms discriminate? ........................................................................................... 11
2.0 Machine learning bias ................................................................................................. 14
2.1 Overview of machine learning biases .................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Other examples of AI bias ................................................................................................................... 17
3.0 The legal framework .................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Anti-discrimination law: The fundamental right to non-discrimination in Europe ................................. 19
3.2 Applying anti-discrimination law ........................................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 When is bias unlawful discrimination? ....................................................................................... 21
3.2.2 Fairness and bias versus equality and discrimination ............................................................... 25
3.2.3 Gaps in and limitations of legal scope ....................................................................................... 25
3.3 AI Sectoral Regulation. Taking stock of European developments ...................................................... 28
3.3.1 EU AI Act (proposed) ................................................................................................................. 28
3.3.2 AI Liability Directive (proposed) ................................................................................................. 30
3.3.3 Council of Europe Framework Convention on AI ...................................................................... 30
3.4 Interaction with data protection law: taking stock of European developments .................................... 31
3.4.1 EU General Data Protection Regulation.................................................................................... 31
3.4.2 Council of Europe Convention 108+ ......................................................................................... 32
4.0 Mitigation framework ................................................................................................... 34
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5.0 Key ethical requirements. Beyond the law, what ethical requirements can
support non-discriminatory AI? ................................................................................. 41
5.1 Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.................................................................................................... 42
5.2 The five converging ethics principles ................................................................................................... 44
5.3 Applying ethics principles .................................................................................................................... 47
List of References ................................................................................................................ 49
List of tables
Table 1: Overview of ML biases, with examples of Real-world scenario 1 (literally taken from van Giffen
et al. 2022) .......................................................................................................................................15
Table 2: EU primary anti-discrimination law ...........................................................................................................19
Table 3: EU secondary anti-discrimination law .......................................................................................................20
Table 4: Direct versus indirect discrimination in the framework of AI/ML ...............................................................23
Table 5: Overview of 24 mitigation methods for addressing biases within the CRISP-DM process phase ...........35
Table 6: Why and how to use the seven key mitigation methods (extended from van Giffen et al. 2022) ............36
Table 7: Explanation of the five ethics principles ...................................................................................................45
List of figures
Figure 1: Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Data Science ..................................... 7
Figure 2: Conceptual approach: using machine learning for predictions in real-world applications ....................... 8
Figure 3: Process phases of the CRISP-DM model ...............................................................................................10
Figure 4: When is algorithmic bias unlawful discrimination? ..................................................................................21
Figure 5: The risk-based approach in the proposed EU AI Act ..............................................................................28
Figure 6: AI Fairness checklist................................................................................................................................40
Figure 7: Geographical distribution of ethical AI guidelines ...................................................................................42
Figure 8: The three components of trustworthy AI. ................................................................................................43
Figure 9: The five converging ethics principles ......................................................................................................44
Artificial Intelligence
AI HLEG High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence
CAHAI Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence
Court of Justice of the European Union
CRISP-DM Cross-Industry-Standard-Process-for-Data-Mining
Deep Learning
European Convention on Human Rights
European Union
FRAIA Fundamental Rights and Algorithms Impact Assessment
General Data Protection Regulation
Machine Learning
Treaty on European Union
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Automation, rule-based models and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are already used for risk assessment in
Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands and other Member States, contributing to focused inspections
and tackling fraud in the domain of labour mobility and social security. However, like humans, algorithms, and in
particular machine learning (ML) algorithms, are vulnerable to biases that can make their predictions unfair and/or
discriminatory as the Dutch child benefit scandal has indeed already proven.
As part of ELA’s support for national competent authorities and experts from the Member States in the domain of
risk assessment, it is important to understand the biases and other legal and ethical issues involved in developing
and using algorithms, automation or AI for risk assessment in the field of labour mobility and social security (for
data analysis, risk assessment, data matching and data mining, etc.).
This handbook has been prepared as a follow-up to a training session, organised on 26 May 2023, that focused
on sharing knowledge and experience regarding practical, legal and ethical issues concerning the use of machine-
learning tools embedded in AI. Additionally, an overview of the applicable EU and ECHR legal framework
pertaining to equal treatment and non-discrimination was provided. The aim of the handbook is to provide support
to the development of new knowledge and competences in the field through the following key objectives:
1) Understand the types of bias involved both when developing risk assessment tools in the field of labour
mobility and social security, and when utilising them;
2) Understand the legal, practical and ethical issues concerning the use of algorithms, automation (including
rule-based models) or Artificial Intelligence (AI) for risk assessment;
3) Provide an overview of equal treatment and non-discrimination legislation
applicable at EU and ECHR level
and relevant for the use of artificial intelligence or other algorithmic solutions, and discuss the
consequences of non-compliance with the applicable legal framework;
4) Provide overview knowledge about methods to avoid and mitigate the biases and to eliminate
discrimination in the use of algorithmic, automated or AI processes by analysts and legal professionals;
5) Illustrate the theory with practice-oriented case studies and examples.
This practical handbook is structured as follows. Section 1 presents a brief introduction on the basic functioning
of and key terminology related to algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence. Algorithms can easily be biased
or develop bias over time, which then can lead to discrimination. Biases can also amplify discrimination because
of feedback loops and redundant encoding. The concept of ‘bias’ and the different types of bias will be elaborated
in Section 2, while the complexity of bias in algorithmic decision-making will be shown through concrete examples.
More specifically, bias is analysed in the context of discrimination (as a legal and normative concept).
Discrimination can be linked to prejudices and structural inequalities enshrined in data, but may also be the result
of biased algorithmic models, interpretations or deployment. Discrimination can also take different forms. In this
context, understanding the risks and the types of legal challenges they create is key to ensuring equality and
combating discrimination. Section 3 will therefore provide an overview of how the current gender equality and
non-discrimination legislative framework in place in the EU (and internationally, within the Council of Europe)
captures and redresses algorithmic discrimination. Sections 4 and 5 will further focus on mitigation methods for
addressing the aforementioned biases and on the key ethical requirements that need to be ensured. This includes
the provision of examples of good practice (legal and non-legal solutions) for legal compliance with gender equality
law and general non-discrimination law.
1.0 Algorithms, automation and AI
1.1 Defining key concepts
This section defines an initial set of concepts that are needed to navigate the areas of algorithms, automation, and
Artificial Intelligence (AI). The first two key definitions in this context are those relating to automation and algorithm.
Automation is defined as the creation and application of technologies to produce and deliver goods and services
with minimal human intervention. The implementation of automation technologies, techniques and processes
improves the efficiency, reliability, and/or speed of many tasks that were previously performed by humans. An
algorithm, on the other hand, is a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms
act as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based
In the context of automation and algorithms, four different domains are relevant. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a
branch of computer science that deals with the automation of intelligent behaviour. It is a very wide definition, and
very often used as an umbrella definition including machine learning and deep learning.
Figure 1: Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Data Science
Machine Learning (ML) describes the processes in which algorithms learn patterns from data. Machines have
sample data that they can learn to propose new solutions. Machines learn from examples and, after a learning
phase, can generalise and propose (new) solutions (make new predictions). Machine Learning is a process that
introduces an aspect of innovation, moving beyond a deterministic learning process but instead using data to learn
new deterministic and probabilistic systems. This is of course a source of new potential, but also a threat for
discrimination. Deep Learning (DL) instead represents special procedures of machine learning, in which neural
networks are trained with data. Data science is the field of study that combines this domain expertise.
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1.2 How do they work?
Figure 2: Conceptual approach: using machine learning for predictions in real-world applications
Source: van Giffen, B., Herhausen, D., & Fahse, T. (May 2022). Overcoming the pitfalls and perils of algorithms: A classification
of machine learning biases and mitigation methods. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 144, pages 93-106,
available at:
The figure above summarises the typical application logic of ML in marketing. Data points are generated or
extracted from the relevant population which are then used to train a predefined ML model that, once completed,
can be used to make predictions which trigger marketing decisions and actions.
Example 1: Netflix and ML
For example, Netflix generates data from the viewing behaviour of all its customers, uses this data to train a
recommendation algorithm, whose predictions then trigger individual movie
and series recommendations for all
its customers.
Example 2: AI / ML applications for risk assessment
There are several potential examples of AI and ML applications for risk assessment. The first concerns the
profiling of jobseekers using machine learning to predict risk of unemployment. The so-
called job seekers
profiling is based on a logic of optimisation of resources, whereby candidates are profiled based on
a data set
that could potentially be affected by biases that are present in our society, penalising vulnerable groups
have more difficulties in finding employment.
Another one could be deployed to predicting the likelihood of labour contract violations.
Potential challenges relate to the non-reiteration of positions of disadvantage or discrimination of people on the
basis of race, gender, ethnicity, etc. as well as the identification of under-represented groups.
1.3 The CRISP-DM model
The CRISP-DM model is a standardised process for the development of AI/ML applications.
It is a standard
process in which an understanding of the data is created to solve the problem and to make a prediction for the
machine learning process.
The abbreviation stands for Cross-Industry-Standard-Process-for-Data-Mining. Published in 1999 to standardize data mining processes
across industries, the CRISP-DM model has since become the most common process model for data mining, data analytics, and data science
projects in various industries. See: Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaza, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., and Wirth, R., “CRISP-DM 1.0
step-by-step data mining guide,” 2000.
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Figure 3: Process phases of the CRISP-DM model
Source: Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaza, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., and Wirth, R., “CRISP-DM 1.0 step-by-
step data mining guide,” 2000.
Figure 3 displays the six phases of the CRISP-DM process model that can be used to plan, organise, and
implement an ML project:
1) The business understanding phase focuses on understanding the problem and defining the project goals.
2) The data understanding phase starts with initial data collection and proceeds with evaluating the data
needed to solve the problem.
3) The data preparation phase prepares the data (i.e. constructs the final dataset from the initial raw data) for
use in modelling.
4) Several ML techniques to solve the problem are then selected and developed in the modelling phase.
5) The evaluation phase evaluates the performance of the models and selects the best one.
6) The deployment phase implements the selected model in production.
The performance of the model needs to be monitored continuously so that it can be refined as needed.
Several modules are tried to optimise stochastically, as the prediction performance needs to be
evaluated, and thus an understanding of the problem is required.
Participant input 1: What AI/ML applications are you currently envisioning or using in the context of labour mobility
and social security?
1.4 How can AI and algorithms discriminate?
Examples of algorithmic bias giving rise to discrimination regularly make media headlines: face recognition
applications underperforming for female faces from racialised groups, CV-screening tools excluding female
applicants, risk assessment software systematically flagging citizens with migration background, etc. Part of the
problem of 'algorithmic discrimination' is that decision-making machine learning algorithms rely on data about
the past to make future predictions. Such predictions could amplify the main types of discrimination that have
existed in human decision-making in the past (and thus in the datasets used to train algorithms), such as race or
gender stereotypes about who is best suited to certain types of work. This mechanism is referred to as 'garbage
in garbage out', which means that if the data is biased, it is very likely that the system's output will exhibit biases
too. Yet data is not the only source of algorithmic discrimination. Biased data collection, curation, labelling,
modelling and problem framing, and biased interpretations of algorithmic output could also lead to algorithmic
discrimination. Importantly, human and machine bias interact in the socio-technical systems which algorithms are
parts of.
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Biases may then continue in the implementation of the system through so-called feedback loops. For example,
a system used to predict which areas of a city are particularly at risk of criminality could rely on past crime data
and this might embed prejudice against ethnic minorities or disadvantaged groups. In turn, the system predictions
could lead to increased police deployments and controls in that area. Over-surveillance would then confirm the
predicted higher crime rates, which leads to reinforcement loops in that area, thereby further fuelling prejudice
against racialised and socio-economically disadvantaged population groups. Importantly, it is not enough to make
a system 'blind' to certain characteristics such as race or gender because these characteristics are encoded in
multiple other data points, for example in the syntax and language used in CVs and application letters, names,
career breaks, tastes, etc. The problem of 'redundant encoding' often gives rise to proxy discrimination against
minority and disadvantaged groups.
Example 3: Examples of harm arising from algorithmic bias
Job searching platform
A first example concerns a matching platform where
job seekers can input search criteria and consult job offers.
Results can be different based on gender language in the search query. For example,
the job searching platform
offers more results when the search term is “chercheur” (
the masculine term for “researcher” in French)
compared to the search term “chercheuse” (the feminine term for “researcher” in French).
This anecdotal
example demonstrates the kind of impact that a biased distribution of valuable information
can have on the real
AMS algorithm developed by Austria
A second example concerns a job seeker profiling system
developed in Austria. The system divides job seekers
into three categories: Group A - High prospects to find employment in the short term; Group B -
prospects, meaning job seekers not part of groups A or C; Group C - Low prospects to find employment
in the
long-term. Austria aimed to streamline resource allocation, make job search assistance more efficient
targeting Group B given that group A was perceived as not problematic and that group C was considered
entailing a too high cost compared to the benefits. The system, however, incorporated
and affected a negative
weight to data such as gender and migration background to 'reflect the harsh reality of the labour market'.
can create a negative loop whereby discrimination patterns
in society are encoded in the distribution of valuable
resources such as training or support for labour market integration.
Fraud detection systems
The Dutch tax authorities introduced in 2013 an algorithmic system aiming to detect potentially f
applications for child benefits. The system encoded non-Dutch citizenship as a higher risk factor
received a
higher risk score. For this reason, non-Dutch parents flagged
by the system had their benefits suspended and
were subjected to investigations and benefit recovery policies. This led to financial problems for affected families
as well as cases of mental health problems and stress. This example shows how the system de
strengthened existing institutional prejudices about the link between race, ethnicity and crime.
Allhutter, D., Cech, F., Fischer, F., Grill, G., & Mager, A. (2020). Algorithmic profiling of job seekers in Austria: how austerity politics are made
effective. Frontiers in Big Data, 5.
“Dutch scandal serves as a warning for Europe over risks of using algorithms”, available at:
serves-as-a-warning-for-europe-over-risks-of-using-algorithms/ . See also:
machines-dutch-child-benefit-scandal/ and
Participant input 2: Which specific risks do you see in the application of AI/ML in the context of labour mobility
and social security or your current working context?
It is important to note that not all kinds of bias are considered discriminatory from a legal point of view and therefore
legally prohibited. European fundamental rights law, anti-discrimination law, consumer protection law, data
protection and proposed AI sectoral regulation offer tools to enforce the protection against (algorithmic)
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2.0 Machine learning bias
2.1 Overview of machine learning biases
Machine learning bias describes an unintended or potentially harmful property of data or a model that results in
a systematic deviation of algorithmic results. Bias can then be defined as unwanted effects or results which are
evoked through a series of choices and practices in the machine learning developing process.
There are different channels and stages in which biases can be channelled into a system. Biases can already
arise in data collection: there is a lot of room for biases to enter the system, e.g. because the data collection is not
sufficiently representative, or because the data curation presents gender stereotypes. Biases can also arise when
designing a module or problem. The questions the project team asks can generate biases. If a system is developed
to select candidates with the highest leadership rates, by now it is known that this category favours men over
women, because the quality of leadership usually prefers men over women. Several researchers also pointed out
that with the same algorithm, the interpretation of the results could also be differentiated. The output could in fact
be in favour of dominant groups and not in favour of racialised groups.
Leading technology outlets consider AI and machine learning bias as a fundamental, difficult and unresolved
problem. The research question therefore is: what types of bias emerge in machine learning projects and how can
they be mitigated?
Prof. van Giffen and his colleagues conducted a systematic, problem-centred literature review which integrates
existing knowledge about ML biases and mitigation strategies into the CRISP-DM model.
They ended up in coding
biases into eight distinct categories and used a real-life case study to provide relevant examples of each type of
Real-world scenario 1. Two bakeries (excerpt from van Giffen et al. 2022)
The company of interest is a nationwide bakery chain, with a central production, and multiple bakeries in city
centers, train stations and villages. The company uses ML models for decision-maki
ng regarding demand
forecasting, promotions and campaigning, new product development, and their loyalty program.
The case study relates to two bakeries within this bakery chain, that operate in a different context: one is situated
in a train station of a big city and the other one is placed in a small city centre. The customers are
different: one has villagers, while the other in the train station is mainly visited by
travellers. The two bakeries
thus have a very different purchasing pattern. One centralised production facility supplies both bakeries.
The case study is not focusing on racial or ethnical discrimination, but just on the adverse economic effects
bias, and on the mitigation measures that could be put in place. Please b
ear in mind that this example has been
simplified for illustrative purposes.
For the full methodology and results, see: van Giffen et al., “Overcoming the pitfalls and perils of algorithms: A classification of machine
learning biases and mitigation methods”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 144, May 2022, Pages 93-106, available at:
Table 1: Overview of ML biases, with examples of Real-world scenario 1 (literally taken from van Giffen et al. 2022)
Social Bias
Available data reflects existing bias
in human society prior to
creation of the model. This is mainly
“Garbage in garbage out”,
already existing bias
within the system and thus
A customer reward initiative that ignores loyal customers
The bakery implemented a customer reward initiative
that ignores loyal customers. A social bias exists when
the available data reflect existing biases in the
perception of loyalty. In this case, they want to reward
loyal customers with vouchers. Voucher recipients are
identified by average spending and frequency of visits.
Students go there very often, because their school is
close to the bakery. But they do not spend much, so the
customers do not appear as relevant and are not
recognised in the data. And they don't get a voucher.
This replicates an existing prejudice, because we
recognise the family man as a very loyal customer, and
not the students who have less money, but who go to
the bakery very often. We neglect that group of people
who do not spend much. This is a social prejudice that
we replicate in the model.
=> Social bias occurs when available data mirrors
existing biases among customer in loyalty perceptions
Measurement Bias
Chosen features and labels are
imperfect proxies for the real
variables of interest. So, the wrong
measurement is in place.
Capturing the effects of good weather
Baking cakes for a bakery is expensive. But it is even
more expensive if these cakes are not sold. The idea is to
prepare a model that helps us predict the right amount of
cakes. We use for example, the volume of previous sales,
a 30-day moving average, precipitation, and temperature.
However, precipitation is not a good proxy for good
weather, imagine if people wanted to stay home with a
slice of cake.
=> Rainfall was an unsuitable proxy for good weather to
predict the demand for cakes because the key drivers is
not the amount of rain, but the temperature.
The input data is not representative
for the real world which
leads to
systematic errors in model
Using apples to predict oranges
Let’s roll out our “successful” prediction model to other
bakeries. The sales data of the city center locations is
extracted for training a model that is deployed in the train
station locations. The data that is generated in the train
station is not used in the prediction.
=> Representation bias emerges if the probability
distribution of the development population differs from
the true underlying distribution.
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Label Bias
Labelled data systematically
deviates from the underlying truth.
Old wine in new bottles
The bakery has a product relaunch: the 'Wheat Bread' is
now called the new 'Wheat fitness bread', i.e. the same
bread with a different name. If the bakery staff does not
standardise the name of the bread (of the old and new
versions) in the data set, it means that the historical data
are not consistent with the newly generated data. This
causes a problem in the way the data is labelled, leading
to the creation of an unreliable data set. => Label bias
arises when training data is assigned to wrong class
labels. In this case, due to the change in product label,
the newly generated data does not match with the
historical data that serves as input to the forecast model.
Algorithmic Bias
Inappropriate technical
considerations during modelling
lead to systemic deviation of the
As simple as possible, but not simpler
If too simple an algorithm is developed that is unable to
capture the factors that determine variations and
demands, the algorithm will not be flexible enough to
successfully predict the distribution of the real world.
=> Algorithmic bias is introduced during the modelling
phase and results
from inappropriate technical
Evaluation Bias
A non-representative testing
population or inappropriate
performance metrics are used to
evaluate the model.
Benchmarking with caution
Normally 80 per cent of the data is used to learn the model
and once the model is learned you take the remaining 20
per cent of the data and try to benchmark it. Evaluation
bias can occur if the population of the benchmark dataset
is not representative of the usage population. The
algorithmic model is trained and optimised on the
proprietary bakery data, but is evaluated on a (non-
relevant) publicly available benchmark dataset.
Deployment Bias
The model is used, interpreted and
eployed in a different context than
it was built for.
Stick to the knitting
Coffee is correlated with high (but not random) average
expenditure. For customers who buy coffee, therefore,
the model is likely to recommend handing out a voucher.
Deployment bias occurs when the ML model is
inappropriately used or interpreted (even if no other bias
is present) due to e.g. human intervention: the manager
assumes a causal relationship between coffee and
average expenditure and therefore uses the model to
It is noted that the term “label” as used here is not necessarily the same as the term “target” variable class label, as typically used in predictive
modelling language.
inappropriately justify the distribution of free coffee to
customers to stimulate spending.
Feedback Bias
The outcome of the model influences
the training data such
that a small
bias can be reinforced by a feedback
Mind the power of the algorithm
competing bakery is basically incentivising its
customers to rate five stars on Google Maps. The
competing bakery says: "If you rate five stars, a get a free
coffee". This causes more customers to go to that bakery
and more customers to rate 5 stars. The stimulation of 5-
star ratings during customer visits manipulates the
ranking of the competitor, which again triggers more
customer visits and hence create a reinforcing feedback
loop. It is not possible to close the gap among the two
bakeries. The same applies when policing. When you
police a neighbourhood, there are more arrests. One has
the idea that the crime rate in that neighbourhood is very
high. You overestimate the effect of the amount of crime
in that area.
=> Feedback bias can emerge when the output of the ML
model influences features that are used as new inputs. An
initially small bias is potentially reinforced through a
feedback loop.
2.2 Other examples of AI bias
Apple and Goldman Sachs
In 2019, Apple and Goldman Sachs launched the "Apple Card". The credit limit was developed using machine
learning methods. The feature “gender” had been given a powerful prediction power for creditworthiness. It was
then found that higher credit limits were granted to men than to women despite the latter having higher credit
We have an algorithm that is efficiently allocating credit limits, but its predictions are socially not desirable.
In this case, the following AI biases have likely caused the flawed credit limit allocation:
Social Bias: Available data of creditworthiness might reflect such a bias in human society, that has not been
identified in the creation of the model. For example, a company might use the data that it has available
opportunistically without being aware how its subsequent use might reinforce social biases that are reflected in
the data.
Evaluation Bias: The input data is not representative for the real world which leads to systematic errors in
model predictions. In this case, the data set of Goldman Sachs (predominantly males) might not have been
adequately representative of the relevant target population for its banking product.
Gupta, AH (2019), ‘Are Algorithms Sexist?’, The New York Times (15 November), available at:
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Feedback Bias: The outcome of the model influences the training data such that a small bias can be reinforced
by a feedback loop.
Amazon’s algorithmic hiring prototype
Amazon employed a machine learning algorithm to filter applicants with tragic consequences given that the
recruitment algorithm filtered out female applicants.
This was caused by the fact that the AI was trained with CVs
of the last 10 years that were easily available, but that predominantly consisted of male. In this case, data used to
train the algorithm is outdated and distorts the predictions of the algorithm. In this case, the following AI biases
have likely caused the flawed hiring process:
Social Bias: Because Amazon has hired mostly man, the data from CVs represented mostly male applications,
which is not in line with the socially desired distribution of equality. The available data reflects existing bias in
human society prior to the creation of the model.
Representation Bias: The input data is not representative for the real world (workforce outside of Amazon)
which can further lead to systematic errors in model predictions.
Feedback Bias: The outcome of the model can also deteriorate over time when a bias with an originally small
effect is reinforced by a feedback loop.
Despite the undoubted benefits of AI / ML, AI bias occurs easily, mostly unintentionally, and it is
most often difficult to spot and distinguish.
Dastin, J (2018), ‘Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women’ (10 October), available at:
3.0 The legal framework
The section aims to analyse the non-discrimination data protection and AI-specific legal framework at European
level. After highlighting how and why algorithmic discrimination is an issue of EU non-discrimination law, this
chapter assesses to what extent the legal framework in place is fit for purpose, and where the gaps and challenges
3.1 Anti-discrimination law: The fundamental right to non-
discrimination in Europe
This handbook does not provide legal advice or comprehensive legal guidance. National legal
frameworks and instruments, which should be taken into account when developing a system, fall
outside the scope of this handbook. Please be aware that national law may
differ from EU
provisions. In the case of discrimination for example, EU law sets minimum requirements and
Member States are free to adopt more protective legislation as long as they comply with the EU
Treaties are the starting point for considering measures under EU law. As part of primary law, they set the
framework for the EU's actions in specific fields of competence. The body of law that derives from the principles
and objectives of the treaties is known as secondary law. The EU's legislation includes regulations, directives,
decisions, recommendations and opinions.
With regard to non-discrimination, the following key EU primary and secondary law provisions are of the utmost
Table 2: EU primary anti-discrimination law
EU Primary Law
Article 19 Treaty on the
Functioning of the European
Union (TFEU)
Allows the Council to adopt legislation to combat discrimination in relation to six
characteristics, namely sex, racial
or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age,
sexual orientation.
Article 157 TFEU
Guarantees equality between men and women at work and in pay.
Article 21 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights
1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or
origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other
membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or
sexual orientation
shall be prohibited.
2. Within the scope of application of the Treaties and without prejudice to any of their
specific provisions, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.
Article 23 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights
Equality between women and men
Equality between women and men must be ensured in all areas, including
work and pay.
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EU Primary Law
The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures
providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.
Table 3: EU secondary anti-discrimination law
EU Secondary Law i.e. minimum requirements in Directives
Scope of application
Council Directive 2000/43/EC
implementing the principle of equal
treatment between persons
irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
race or ethnic origin
employment, goods and services,
education, social protection, including
social security and healthcare, and
social benefits
Council Directive 2000/78/EC
establishing a general framework for
equal treatment in employment and
age, religion or belief, disability, sexual
Council Directive 2004/113/EC
implementing the principle of equal
treatment between men and women
in the access to and supply of goods
and services
sex goods and services
Directive 2006/54/EC on the
implementation of the principle
equal opportunities and equal
treatment of men and women in
matters of employment and
sex employment
At the Council of Europe level, Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) that applies to
all EU 27 Member States and to 19 other countries, affirms that: The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set
forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or
other status.
The enforcement of the ban on discrimination in EU law and the ECHR is overseen respectively by the Court of
Justice of the EU in Luxembourg and the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg.
A directive is a legal act adopted by the EU institutions directed to all Member States and it is binding as to the result to be achieved. It is up
to the single Member States to determine the form and methods to transpose in its legal framework law. The national authorities must notify
the European Commission of the measures taken. See:
3.2 Applying anti-discrimination law
3.2.1 When is bias unlawful discrimination?
Figure 4: When is algorithmic bias unlawful discrimination?
There are three conditions for algorithmic bias to fall within the scope of unlawful discrimination. The first
condition is linked to the personal scope of anti-discrimination law. Algorithmic bias must either harm a protected
group or result in the unfavourable treatment of people based on a protected ground, i.e. sex, racial or ethnic
origin, sexual orientation, age, disability and religion or belief. Some EU Member States have gone beyond this
personal scope and ban discrimination on a broader basis. The second condition is that algorithmic bias falls within
the material scope of anti-discrimination law. Algorithmic bias will only be legally prohibited if it falls within the
scope of application of the law, i.e. the fields of work and employment, education, the media and the sale and
consumption of goods and services. The third condition in order for bias to constitute unlawful discrimination is
that it must fall under one or two definitions: either it must result in a form of differential treatment or it must create
a disproportionate disadvantage for a protected group. Note that the directives are addressed to Member States
that must transpose their provisions into national law, which then applies to individuals, private entities such as
companies, and public bodies such as state authorities. However, the Court of Justice of the EU has interpreted
the prohibition of discrimination as directly applicable in disputes between private parties, including individuals and
Direct discrimination is defined in EU law as a situation in which one person is treated less favourably than
another is […] in a comparable situation on any of the [protected] grounds [defined in the relevant directives].
See e.g. C-414/16 - Egenberger (Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 17 April 2018, Vera Egenberger v Evangelisches Werk für
Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V., ECLI:EU:C:2018:257).
See, e.g., Article 2(2)(a) Directive 2000/43/EC; Article 2(2)(a) Directive 2000/78/EC; Article 2(a) Directive 2004/113/EC and Article 2(1)(a)
Directive 2006/54/EC.
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Direct discrimination focuses on unfavourable treatment or differential treatment and captures situations in
which a decision is made taking into consideration a protected ground, to the disadvantage of the person or
group of persons related to that protected ground.
Example 4: A concrete example of direct discrimination
The police of an EU Member State open a call for recruitment of new staff. The vacancy is only open to male
candidates, due to their physical characteristics. This a form of direct discrimination, because it directly mentions
the protected ground of sex.
Indirect discrimination refers to situations where an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice would
put [members of a protected category] at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons, unless that
provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim
are appropriate and necessary’.
Instead of focusing on the unfavourable treatment of given groups and
individuals because of a given protected ground, the notion of indirect discrimination places the focus on the
disadvantageous effects of any given apparently neutral practice or measure.
Example 5:
A concrete example of indirect discrimination
The police of an EU Member State open a call for recruitment of new staff. The vacancy requires that the
candidates for a post as police officer are
at least 170 cm tall. In this case, it is not direct discrimination because
protected grounds are not explicitly mentioned, but in practice it creates a disproportionate disadvantage
women. As a result of the call, fewer women than men will be able to apply.
The distinction between direct and indirect discrimination has important legal consequences. There is in principle
no justification for direct discrimination, save for certain exceptions, such as genuine and determining occupational
By contrast, the notion of indirect discrimination triggers an open-ended regime of justifications.
This means that a defendant can invoke justifications to be put to the consideration of a court. The Court of Justice
of the EU applies a so-called proportionality test, the aim of which is to find out whether the existence of a
disproportionate disadvantage can be justified by a measure serving a legitimate aim, appropriate to fulfil that aim,
and strictly necessary in the sense that no other less intrusive measure could have been taken to fulfil the same
One particular challenge in this context is for applicants and respondents to bring evidence to support
or rebut discrimination claims. Several problems arise: machine learning models evolve when exposed to new
data, some of them are so complex that they represent so-called 'black boxes', and trade secrets and intellectual
property rights can restrict applicants' access to decision-making processes. In general, access to intelligible,
meaningful and actionable information in the context of algorithmic discrimination claims might be difficult to obtain
both for applicants and judges, but this might also be the case for defendants themselves.
See, e.g., Article 2(2)(b) Directive 2000/43/EC; Article 2(2)(b) Directive 2000/78/EC; Article 2(b) Directive 2004/113/EC; Article 2(1)(b)
Directive 2006/54/EC.
Such exceptions include, for instance, genuine and determining occupational requirements, which can be invoked as laid out in Article 4
Directive 2000/43/EC; Article 4 Directive 2000/78/EC; and Article 14(2) of Directive 2006/54/EC. Article 6 of Directive 2000/78/EC also contains
a number of exceptions to direct age discrimination.
Purely economic justifications are excluded from the scope of acceptable justifications in principle.
Participant input 3: Is AI more likely to produce direct or indirect discrimination?
Is AI more likely to produce direct or indirect discrimination?
According to 83% of respondents, AI is more likely to produce indirect discrimination, whereas only 17% believe
it produces direct discrimination.
Commentators have highlighted the risks of indirect discrimination posed by algorithmic decision-making and risk
assessment, in particular through proxy discrimination where protected characteristics are not directly used as
variables but where correlated datapoints encode discrimination nonetheless.
Recent research, however,
demonstrates that algorithmic bias can amount to direct discrimination, in particular when they lead to decisions
that exclude an entire protected group from a valuable opportunity such as a job position.
The two central notions
in gender equality and non-discrimination law, namely direct and indirect discrimination, have a different capacity
to adequately capture the challenges posed by machine learning models. Yet, when considering whether the use
of given variables in algorithmic systems, it is important to consider the reason for using them and the aim of the
system. For example, actively using gender as a decision variable might amount to discrimination if the system is
used to restrict access to valuable opportunities whereas it might amount to positive action if used to allocate
support or temporary benefits. The case of age illustrates this point as well: used in a system deployed to help
predict sickness, it can be a useful variable for diagnosis purposes whereas using age as a predictor of
unemployment in a system used to restrict access to labour market integration support programmes might be
Table 4: Direct versus indirect discrimination in the framework of AI/ML
Direct discrimination vs indirect discrimination in the framework of AI/ML
Direct discrimination
It is not necessary to prove an
intention to
discriminate to show direct discrimination under
EU law, meaning that direct discrimination also
covers situations where the developers or users
of an algorithm did not intend to design a
discriminatory model, but the deployed
algorithm treats individuals and groups sharing
certain protected categories less favourably.
Direct discrimination covers situations in which
a person is treated unfavourably because he or
she belongs to a vulnerable group, without
sharing its characteristics (
discrimination by
ascription and association).
The processing of data and its
categorisation by algorithms may not be
comprehensible to the human brain. For
example, the variables and categories on
which an algorithm is based may have no
meaning for humans, in the case for
instance of mere mathematical
probabilities. Thus, there might be a
difficulty in understanding whether they
can be considered as (direct proxies for)
protected characteristics or not.
The black box nature of certain algorithms
could represent a challenge when it
comes to proving direct discrimination in
See e.g. Hacker, P. (2018). Teaching fairness to artificial intelligence: Existing and novel strategies against algorithmic discrimination under
EU law. Common Market Law Review, Vol. 55, Issue 4, pages 1143 1185.
AdamsPrassl, J., Binns, R. and KellyLyth, A. (2022). Directly Discriminatory Algorithms. Modern Law Review, Vol. 86, Issue 1, pages 144-
European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Gerards, J., Xenidis, R., (2021). Algorithmic discrimination in
Europe: challenges and opportunities for gender equality and non-discrimination law, Publications Office, pages 67-73, available at:
/ 24
Direct discrimination vs indirect discrimination in the framework of AI/ML
Direct discrimination covers situations of proxy
discrimination where proxies are 'inextricably
linked' with a protected ground (e.g. pregnancy
and sex).
The increasing awareness of
relevant legal
obligations could lead to a reduction of direct
discrimination patterns.
Direct discrimination could decrease in the
context of algorithms, as the direct inclusion of
protected categories in the decision-making
process could produce lower predictive
accuracy. For this reason, developers aware of
these risks might remove protected categories
from the pool of available variables for
algorithmic decision making in order to avoid
direct discrimination. Yet, it might also make
sense to include these characteristics to actively
trace or combat direct discrimination
(positive action).
a trial, due to the need to establish a
comparator under EU law. If the lack of
transparency or intelligibility (black box) of
the functioning of an algorithm prevents
the gathering of evidence on how the
algorithm has treated (or
would have
treated) an individual, then the direct
discrimination may be entirely precluded.
Regardless of the intention of the developers, or
the company or public administration using the
AI/ML model, if the AI/ML disproportionately
disadvantages a protected group the situation
falls under the definition of indirect
The indirect discrimination concept focuses
mainly on the effects of any decision, measure
or policy in terms of disadvantage experienced
by protected groups.
The concept of indirect discrimination, as
interpreted by the CJEU, can adequately
address situations of discrimination by proxy,
i.e. even
in situations where the group or
individual being harmed does not possess the
protected characteristic in question.
Indirect discrimination will be difficult to
prove for individual applicants without the
support of monitoring bodies
Access to group-
based data on the
potentially discriminatory effects
systems on different groups
will condition the ability to bring proof and
establish meaningful comparisons
in the
context of court proceedings.
The proportionality test that accompanies
the assessment
of cases of indirect
discrimination is open-ended. Courts
encounter difficulties when
assessing whether the parameters of a
algorithmic system are 'proportionate' i
whether they reach
the right balance in
fairness/accuracy trade-
offs or use the
right technical definition of fairness.
It is noted that proxy discrimination has sometimes been treated by the CJEU as a case of direct discrimination
while it has been considered indirect discrimination in other cases. For instance, pregnancy discrimination in the
See e.g. C-177/88 - Dekker v Stichting Vormingscentrum voor Jong Volwassenen (Judgment of the Court of 8 November 1990, Elisabeth
Johanna Pacifica Dekker v Stichting Vormingscentrum voor Jong Volwassenen (VJV-Centrum) Plus, ECLI:EU:C:1990:383).
Many technical definitions of fairness co-exist and some are incompatible.
Dekker case
was considered by the CJEU as displaying an 'inseparable link' to gender discrimination and was
therefore treated as direct discrimination. But in another case (Jyske Finans), the differential treatment of an EU
citizen based on his
birthplace was not considered a case of direct (nor indirect) discrimination on grounds of racial
or ethnic origin.
It is therefore difficult to identify the legal framework applicable to algorithmic proxy
discrimination, as the approach of the CJEU has not
always been consistent in the past.
3.2.2 Fairness and bias versus equality and discrimination
The notions of ‘bias’ and ‘fairness’ are grounded in statistics, computer science and ethics and
have specific meanings that are not necessarily well-suited to capturing the specific problems that
arise in relation to the law.
Biashas a much wider meaning than discrimination as it is not only concerned with unfair errors
but with all kinds of ‘systematic’ errors, which can include those of a statistical, cognitive, societal,
structural or institutional nature.
When invoked in the particular context of ‘fairness’, algorithmic biasrefers to a particular type of
error that ‘places privileged groups at a systematic advantage and unprivileged
groups at a
systematic disadvantage’. Even though there is commonality with the legal defin
ition of
‘discrimination’, the term ‘algorithmic bias’ is more encompassing than the legal term ‘algorithmic
discrimination’ as it refers to any kind of disadvantage that could be viewed as ethically or morally
wrong. From a legal point of view, algorithmic discrimination’, on the other hand, only pertains to
the unjustified unfavourable treatment of, or disadvantage experienced by, specific categories of
population protected by the law either explicitly (e.g. protected grounds) or implicitly (e.g. general
or open-textured non-discrimination clauses).
3.2.3 Gaps in and limitations of legal scope
Hierarchy of protection
Table 3 shows clearly that discrimination in relation to racial or ethnic origin is prohibited by the Racial Equality
Directive 2000/43/EC in employment matters, social protection, including social security and healthcare, social
advantages, education and the access to and supply of goods and services. The material scope of this Directive
is thus far-reaching and extends even beyond that of the gender acquis, since it also includes education.
Sex discrimination is prohibited in the realm of employment as well as in the access to goods and services. The
content of media and advertising and education are outside of the material scope of Directive 2004/113/EC. In
light of the growing use of AI in the fields concerned, these exceptions might lead to important weaknesses in
Case C-177/88, [12] and [17]. The case concerned the decision of an employer not to hire a female applicant because she was pregnant.
The Court indicated that 'only women can be refused employment on grounds of pregnancy and such a refusal therefore constitutes direct
discrimination on grounds of sex'. It also explained that 'whether the refusal to employ a woman constitutes direct or indirect discrimination
depends on the reason for that refusal. If that reason is to be found in the fact that the person concerned is pregnant, then the decision is
directly linked to the sex of the candidate'.
C-668/15 - Jyske Finans (Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 6 April 2017, Jyske Finans A/S v Ligebehandlingsnævnet, acting on
behalf of Ismar Huskic, ECLI:EU:C:2017:278), [20], [33]-[37]. The case concerned the request of additional proof of identity by a credit institution
for loan applicants born outside the EU, the Nordic countries, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. While the credit institution argued that this was
required under existing rules on money laundering, the applicant claimed that it was discriminatory on grounds of ethnic origin. The Court of
Justice indicated that 'the practice of a credit institution which requires a customer whose driving licence indicates a country of birth other than
a Member State of the European Union or the EFTA to produce additional identification' is 'neither directly nor indirectly connected with the
ethnic origin of the person concerned' and therefore does not give rise to either direct or indirect discrimination.
/ 26
terms of the ability of EU law to redress algorithmic discrimination against women, trans, intersex and gender non-
conforming persons.
Algorithms can easily be used in media and advertising services, and gender-based algorithmic discrimination is
plentiful in these areas. This often leads to harmful stereotyping.
It has been shown, for instance, that online
search results tend to reflect the gender segregation that characterises the real labour market: in the absence of
bias mitigation measures, mostly female pictures are shown when searching for a “nurse” while mostly male
pictures appear when searching for a “doctor”. These problems can be addressed at national level, but only in
those Member States that have adopted legal frameworks on the matter that can go beyond the letter of EU law.
The grounds of religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation are protected under another instrument,
Directive 2000/78/EC, which, unlike the Racial Equality Directive, only applies to employment matters. As a result,
under EU secondary law, discrimination on grounds of religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation is
not prohibited in relation to education, social security, and access to goods and services including healthcare,
housing, advertising and the media. This problem is well known among discrimination lawyers and has been
referred to as constituting an undue ‘hierarchy’ of grounds in EU non-discrimination law.
This ‘hierarchy of grounds that characterises EU non-discrimination legislation is highly problematic. Indeed,
algorithmic discrimination is likely to arise in areas where only race and gender equality are protected, and in
particular in the market for goods and services. Although ML/AI discrimination is very likely to happen in the market
of good and services, EU law does not protect EU citizens against algorithmic discrimination in this area, meaning
that certain groups can be lawfully excluded from the access of certain goods and services, charged higher prices
or be targeted by discriminatory advertising on online platforms.
ML algorithms ar
e also increasingly used in the field of education. The lack of EU legal guarantees against
discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and religion is therefore problematic in
this field. In the area of AI/ML, it leads to a reiteration of a negative loop in the under-representation of women and
minority groups in the curricula related to IT, software development and sciences, which leads to under-
representation and discrimination at a later stage in the labour market.
Intersectional discrimination
Another important aspect to consider is the limitations of the EU legal framework in relation to intersectional
discrimination. According to the Gender Shades project
, facial recognition software of large commercial platforms
is biased against several groups, but especially against dark-skinned women. This is a case of discrimination on
two intersecting protected grounds, gender and race, called intersectional discrimination. Inherent in the notion of
intersectional discrimination is the fact that the discriminatory harm might not exist in relation to a sole protected
ground taken in isolation, but rather only in relation to a combination of protected grounds.
European non-discrimination laws do not fully recognise intersectional discrimination, as illustrated by the decision
of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Parris case
. In its decision in Parris, the CJEU on
the one hand recognised the existence of multiple discrimination, stating that ‘discrimination may indeed be based
on several of the grounds protected under EU law, but on the other hand it rejected a finding of intersectional
discrimination, declaring that 'there is [...] no new category of discrimination resulting from the combination of more
Stereotyping can be harmful for various reasons, for instance when undermining dignity, preventing access to certain goods, services or
social recognition, maintaining gender segregation by prescribing certain roles and maintaining given expectations, etc. See e.g. Timmer, A.
(2016). Gender Stereotyping in the Case Law of the EU Court of Justice. European Equality Law Review, Issue 1, p. 38-9.
Gerards & Xenidis (2021).
Buolamwini, J. & Gebru, T. (2018). Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification. In Sorelle A.
Friedler, Christo Wilson, editors, Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency, FAT 2018, 23-24 February 2018, New York, NY,
USA. Volume 81 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 77-91, PMLR, 2018.
C-443/15 - Parris (Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 24 November 2016, David L. Parris v Trinity College Dublin and Others,
than one of those grounds...' where discrimination based on each protected ground taken in isolation cannot be
proven. However, intersectional discrimination may be covered by those Member States that have decided to go
beyond EU law.
The lack of redress for intersectional discrimination in EU law despite the recognition of the issue of ‘multiple
discrimination’ in Directives 2000/78/EC and 2000/43/EC is particularly problematic in light of the increasing risks
of intersectional discrimination linked to the granular profiling abilities of algorithmic systems fed by pervasive data
mining and data brokering: it will be rare for an algorithmic system to discriminate only on the basis of a protected
ground, since it will usually base its output on a multitude of different factors and variables that are all statistically
correlated. The focus on a few protected grounds and the lack of proper legal recognition of intersectional
discrimination in the current EU and national legislation means that such instances of ‘combined’ or highly
differentiated discrimination cannot be effectively redressed.
Further, as there is no available data on intersectional di
scrimination, this specific type of discrimination is difficult
to test and detect. Intersectional discrimination can create feedback loops, leading to exclusion and invisibility of
vulnerable groups. When an AI/ML system is tested, it is important to test it also in the intersection between the
different grounds.
Emergent patterns of discrimination?
Algorithmic discrimination challenges the current boundaries of EU non-discrimination law. Even though Article 21
of the Charter of Fundamental Rights establishes a non-exhaustive and open-ended list of discrimination grounds
by prohibiting discrimination ‘based on any ground such as’ the characteristics listed, the CJEU curtailed the
potential of Article 21 as a basis for introducing more flexibility in the personal scope of EU secondary equality and
non-discrimination law.
The exhaustive nature of the list of protected grounds in EU law and the limits put by the
CJEU to their expansive interpretation raise problems in relation to proxy discrimination, an issue that is particularly
acute in respect of algorithms. Therefore, an issue arises with the emergence of new patterns of discrimination,
such as social origin. EU secondary law does not protect all groups which are at risk of social sorting or algorithmic
exclusion from discrimination. While in EU primary law, the open-ended clause of Article 21 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights protects social origin as a ground of discrimination, the CJEU has adopted in the FOA case
a very restrictive approach on new emergent patterns of discrimination by excluding an extension protection by
Improving the quality of an AI/ML model can be used as a legal argument in the context of e.g. a
proportionality test under European discrimination law. However, the improvement of an already
existing practice does not in any way guarantee that the deployment of an AI/ML model
practice will be accepted by the court as having some information value. It cannot be concluded
whether such improvement will suffice to meet the necessity threshold applied by e.g. the Court
of Justice. Such a decision is highly context-dependent and simply cannot be predicted. In other
terms, it is not clear whether a court might consider ‘the relative improvement of the situation’
(comparing a situation where age cut-off points are used with a situation with the use of more
evolved ML techniques) as meeting the necessity criteria if the system produces ‘disproportionate
disadvantage’ against a protected group.
EU discrimination law does not explicitly give
consideration to things like ‘relative improvement’ compared to a pre-existing scheme. It is hereby
to be taken into account that, whether the discrimination is ‘inadvertent’ does not matter under EU
discrimination law, i.e. no intention is required to qualify for discrimination.
See e.g. C-354/13 - FOA (Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber), 18 December 2014, Fag og Arbejde (FOA) v Kommunernes
Landsforening (KL), ECLI:EU:C:2014:2463).
Case C354/13.
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3.3 AI Sectoral Regulation. Taking stock of European
Since March 2018, the European Union has put Artificial Intelligence on the political agenda. The 2021 review of
the Coordinated Plan on AI outlines a vision to accelerate, act, and align priorities with the current European and
global AI landscape and bring AI strategy into action. The European AI Strategy aims at making the EU a world-
class hub for AI and ensuring that AI is human-centric and trustworthy. The Commission has proposed two inter-
related legal initiatives that will contribute to building trustworthy AI, while the Council of Europe wants to ensure
that human rights, democracy and the rule of law are protected and promoted in the digital environment.
3.3.1 EU AI Act (proposed)
The Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (EU AI Act) is the
Commission’s first-ever legal framework on AI and aims at addressing the risks of AI while positioning Europe.
The proposed EU AI Act categorises the risks of specific uses of AI into four different levels: unacceptable risk,
high risk, limited risk, and minimal risk.
Figure 5: The risk-based approach in the proposed EU AI Act
For the high-risk category, the proposed Regulation sets binding provisions for systems that are particularly at risk
of endangering fundamental rights.
The proposed EU AI Act addresses discrimination (mainly in its preamble) and algorithmic bias:
Explanatory memorandum & recital 28: when classifying an AI system as high-risk, it is of particular relevance
to consider ‘[t]he extent of the adverse impact caused by the AI system on the fundamental rights protected by
the Charter' including ‘non-discrimination’ (Art. 21 EUCFR) and ‘equality between women and men’ (Art. 23
Recitals 35, 36 and 37 warn that AI systems used in core sectors such as education, employment and essential
services are liable to ‘violate [...] the right not to be discriminated against' and 'perpetuate historical patterns of
Recital 44 explicitly refers to non-discrimination law when stressing the importance of high-quality data
requirements to ensure that a high-risk AI system ‘does not become the source of discrimination prohibited by
Union law’.
What does it mean for national authorities in the domain of labour mobility and social security?
Recital 37 on the one hand affirms that “Natural persons applying for or receiving essential public assistance
benefits and services from public authorities are typically dependent on those benefits and services and in a
vulnerable position in relation to the responsible authorities. If AI systems are used for determining whether such
benefits and services should be denied, reduced, revoked or reclaimed by authorities, including whether
beneficiaries are legitimately entitled to such benefits or services, those systems may have a significant impact on
persons’ livelihood and may infringe their fundamental rights, such as the right to social protection, non-
discrimination, human dignity or an effective remedy. Those systems should therefore be classified as high-risk.
This means that an AI/ML module in the area of labour mobility or social security is likely to be classified as a high-
risk system. Nonetheless, the same Recital 37 affirms that this Regulation should not hamper the development
and use of innovative approaches in the public administration, which would stand to benefit from a wider use of
compliant and safe AI systems, provided that those systems do not entail a high risk to legal and natural persons”.
In this context, Article 10 of the proposed Act on data and data governance is particularly relevant.
Article 10 of the proposed EU AI Act is particularly relevant when it comes to non-discrimination
Article 10 - Data and data governance
1. High-risk AI systems which make use of techniques involving the training of models with data shall be developed
on the basis of training, validation and testing data sets that meet the quality criteria referred to in paragraphs 2 to
2. Training, validation and testing data sets shall be subject to appropriate data governance and management
practices. Those practices shall concern in particular,
a) the relevant design choices;
b) data collection processes;
c) relevant data preparation processing operations, such as annotation, labelling, cleaning, enrichment and
d) the formulation of relevant assumptions, notably with respect to the information that the data are
supposed to measure and represent;
e) a prior assessment of the availability, quantity and suitability of the data sets that are needed;
f) examination in view of possible biases that are likely to affect health and safety of natural persons or lead
to discrimination prohibited by Union law;
g) the identification of any possible data gaps or shortcomings, and how those gaps and shortcomings
can be addressed.
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3.3.2 AI Liability Directive (proposed)
As seen above, the Commission has proposed a legal framework for artificial intelligence which aims to address
the risks generated by specific uses of AI through a set of rules focusing on the respect of fundamental rights and
safety. At the same time, the Commission intends to make sure that persons harmed by artificial intelligence
systems enjoy the same level of protection as persons harmed by other technologies. Therefore, a Proposal for
an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive was delivered in September 2022.
The purpose of the AI Liability Directive proposal is to improve the functioning of the internal market by laying down
uniform rules for certain aspects of non-contractual civil liability for damage caused with the involvement of AI
Two provisions are important for us, as they facilitate enforcement of anti-discrimination rules:
Article 3: Disclosure of evidence and rebuttable presumption of non-compliance
Disclosure of evidence: access to evidence in the context of information asymmetries (Art 3(1)): Member
States shall ensure that national courts are empowered, either upon the request of a potential claimant who
has previously asked a provider, a person subject to the obligations of a provider […] or a user to disclose
relevant evidence at its disposal about a specific high-risk AI system that is suspected of having caused
damage, but was refused, or a claimant, to order the disclosure of such evidence from those persons. In
support of that request, the potential claimant must present facts and evidence sufficient to support the
plausibility of a claim for damages
No 'blanket requests' + 'in support of that request, the potential claimant must present facts and evidence
sufficient to support the plausibility of a claim for damages'
Presumption of non-compliance: rebuttable presumption of breach of duty of care (Art. 3(5)): Where a
defendant fails to comply with an order by a national court in a claim for damages to disclose or to preserve
evidence at its disposal […], a national court shall presume the defendant’s non-compliance with a relevant
duty of care, […], that the evidence requested was intended to prove for the purposes of the relevant claim
for damages. The defendant shall have the right to rebut that presumption.
Article 4: Rebuttable presumption of a causal link in the case of fault
'[…] national courts shall presume, for the purposes of applying liability rules to a claim for damages, the
causal link between the fault of the defendant and the output produced by the AI system or the failure of the
AI system to produce an output'
3.3.3 Council of Europe Framework Convention on AI
In December 2021, the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) published
“Possible elements of a legal framework on artificial intelligence based on the Council of Europe’s standards on
human rights, democracy and the rule of law”. The Possible Elements Report established the need for an
international, legally binding treaty focused on AI. The Report laid the groundwork for the successive Committee
on Artificial Intelligence. This Committee will build on the CAHAI’s recommendations and elaborate an “appropriate
legal instrument”, likely to lead to a transversal legally binding document by 2023.The Council of Europe’s Treaty
on AI is still in development.
3.4 Interaction with data protection law: taking stock of
European developments
3.4.1 EU General Data Protection Regulation
There is a strong link between the role of data protection law and legal obligations related to privacy in the
prevention of algorithmic discrimination. The rationale is that certain categories of data for instance race, religion,
sexual orientation, etc. are particularly sensitive because they can easily lead to unlawful discrimination if
processed without particular precautions. This is reflected in the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation
, which identifies ‘special categories of personal data’ or ‘sensitive data’. However, the list of categories
of data the processing of which could give risk to discrimination does not neatly fit with the list of protected grounds
under EU gender equality and non-discrimination law. Importantly, the issue of gender equality or sex
discrimination is altogether absent from the GDPR and neither gender nor sex are mentioned as sensitive
categories of personal data. Racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief and sexual orientation are explicitly mentioned
both in relation to discrimination in Recital 71 and in relation to the prohibition of processing such data, but the
Recital does not refer to ‘sex’ or grounds such as ‘age’ and ‘disability’. Similarly, Article 9(1) GDPR prohibits the
processing of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs,
or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely
identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual
Participant input 4: Can you use sensitive data to monitor or correct algorithmic bias?
Does data protection law allow using sensitive data for the purpose of detecting and correcting
algorithmic bias?
The answer is yes. But this is subject to appropriate safeguards for the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural
persons, including technical limitations on the re-use and use of state-of-the-art security and privacy-preserving
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard
to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection
Regulation), OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 188, available at:
Can you use sensitive data to monitor/correct algorithmic
Yes No
/ 32
measures, such as pseudonymisation, or encryption where anonymisation may significantly affect the purpose
Article 9 of the GDPR defines the processing of special categories of personal data and prohibits such processing.
Processing of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or
trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying
a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation shall
be prohibited.
However, Art. 10(5) of the proposed EU AI Act provides that, to the extent that it is strictly necessary for the
purposes of ensuring bias monitoring, detection and correction in relation to the high-risk AI systems, the
providers of such systems may process special categories of personal data referred to in Article 9(1) of the
GDPR. According to Art.9(2)(g) GDPR, indeed, the prohibition shall not apply if the processing is necessary for
reasons of substantial interest, on the basis of the Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the
aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to
safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject.
Links between Article 10 of the proposed EU AI Act and the GDPR
Article 10 - Data and data governance
3. Training, validation and testing data sets shall be relevant, representative, and to the best extent possible, free
of errors and complete. They shall have the appropriate statistical properties, including, where applicable, as
regards the persons or groups of persons on which the high-risk AI system is intended to be used. These
characteristics of the data sets may be met at the level of individual data sets or a combination thereof.
4. Training, validation and testing data sets shall take into account, t
o the extent required by the intended purpose,
the characteristics or elements that are particular to the specific geographical, behavioural or functional setting
within which the high-risk AI system is intended to be used.
5. To the extent that it is strictly necessary for the purposes of ensuring bias monitoring, detection and
correction in relation to the high-risk AI systems, the providers of such systems may process special
categories of personal data referred to in Article 9(1) of [the GDPR], Article 10 of Directive (EU) 2016/680 [on
the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the
purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal
penalties, and on the free movement of such data] and Article 10(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 [on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies,
offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data], subject to appropriate safeguards for the
fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, including technical limitations on the re-use and use of
state-of-the-art security and privacy-preserving measures, such as pseudonymisation, or encryption where
anonymisation may significantly affect the purpose pursued.
3.4.2 Council of Europe Convention 108+
The Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (CETS No.
108) opened for signature on 28 January 1981 and was the first legally binding international instrument in the data
protection field. Under this Convention, the parties are required to take the necessary steps in their domestic
legislation to apply the principles it lays down in order to ensure respect in their territory for the fundamental human
rights of all individuals with regard to processing of personal data.
Importantly, Article 6 states the following:
1. The processing of:
–– genetic data;
–– personal data relating to offences, criminal proceedings and convictions, and related security
–– biometric data uniquely identifying a person;
–– personal data for the information they reveal relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, trade-
union membership, religious or other beliefs, health or sexual life,
shall only be allowed where appropriate safeguards are enshrined in law, complementing those of this
2. Such safeguards shall guard against the risks that the processing of sensitive data may present for
the interests, rights and fundamental freedoms of the data subject, notably a risk of discrimination.
/ 34
4.0 Mitigation framework
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can cause a variety of legal, ethical or fairness-related harms
They can unfairly allocate opportunities, resources, or information;
They can also fail to provide the same quality of service to some people as they do to others;
They can reinforce existing societal stereotypes;
They can over- or underrepresent groups of people, or even treat them as if they don’t exist;
They can denigrate people by being actively derogatory or offensive.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning biases pose severe risks to the use of AI and require
ongoing attention and evaluation by competent experts.
A constant balance is required. Since the AI and ML biases pose severe risks to the use of AI, they require attention
and evaluation by competent experts. People with knowledge in the field can play a key role in mitigating potential
biases. Successful mitigation methods do not necessarily require knowledge of data science; it is often sufficient
to have knowledge of the domain concerned.
Table 5 shows 24 methods that can mitigate the above-mentioned eight biases within the CRISP-DM process.
Notably, a particular bias can be mitigated by several methods, and a particular method can mitigate multiple
biases. In addition, a mitigation method that is applied in one phase can address biases that occur in the respective
phase or in the later stages of the ML project.
See: Michael A. Madaio, Luke Stark, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, and Hanna Wallach. (2020). Co-Designing Checklists to Understand
Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (CHI '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 114. Available at:
For more background and detail, see: van Giffen et al (2022).
Table 5: Overview of 24 mitigation methods for addressing biases within the CRISP-DM process phase
Apart from the 24 mitigation methods, Table 5 highlights the seven key methods that can most often be
implemented without the need or help of a data scientist:
1. Diversity in teams helps to mitigate measurement, and can prevent representation and deployment bias;
2. Exchange with domain experts on project objectives addresses emerging measurement bias and prevents
representation bias;
3. Discuss social and technical consequences of the ML model (especially to prevent deployment bias);
4. Data plotting can reveal spikes (i.e., one-time phenomena/outliers) that affect empirical conclusions and
need to be removed to prevent representation bias;
5. Rapid prototyping is an effective approach for identifying different types of unintended bias;
6. Monitoring plan;
7. Human supervision in the deployment helps to enhance objectivity and mitigates possible occurrence of
deployment and feedback bias.
Table 6 explains the advantages of each of these seven key methods as well as a short methodology.
/ 36
Table 6: Why and how to use the seven key mitigation methods (extended from van Giffen et al. 2022)
Key method
Why doing it?
How to do it?
1. Diversity in teams
define the ML
problem better, select
more appropriate
features, specify
populations, and
anticipate different
use contexts
identify potential
harms by introducing
different perspectives
on the ML task
better reflection of the
target population
(e.g., demographics,
integrate target users
in the core team
seek for diverse
backgrounds, e.g.,
along key dimensions
that will likely be
relevant in the ML task
(e.g., gender,
background, race,
income, preferences
and other
This is one of the most
important measures you
can take!
2. Exchange with domain
Understand key
relations between date
categories (=making
consider possibly
affected populations
domain experts help
designing the ML
model with appropriate
and measurable target
variables and features
Seek for experts with
deep domain
knowledge (years of
experience and scars
on their back)
establish a shared
(qualitative and
understanding of
sensitivities, e.g., what
is considered good/bad,
fair/unfair, and
performance means
Introduce the context and
prediction task with
domain experts to
stimulate a discussion
about (salient)
assumptions and
potential risks in the
particular context.
3. Consequences in
Consider, envision
and understand
social context and
prevailing moral (and
legal) situation early
Articulate constraints
regarding the
Establish a
understanding of the
social and technical
deployment context
Establish this user
research activity in your
ML project plan!
Key method
Why doing it?
How to do it?
applications on other
use contexts clearly
Use a systematic
method such as
Reflect and discuss
observations and their
implications for the ML
4. Data plotting
reveal spikes, one-
time, phenomena, or
outliers through
Plot key dimensions (or
combinations) of
selected features in
adequate diagrams
Identify and review
potential outliers and
their causes (if
Decide/calculate if the
identified values (or
series of value) is
representative or your
target population and
Great for non-data
scientists to better
understand available
5. Rapid prototyping
creating and testing a
prototype of the ML
model can reveal
discriminative effects,
e.g., resulting from
social bias, test and
proxy variables
regarding their
suitability to predict
the outcome of
measurement bias
and uncover
overlooked sections
of the population to
Prototypes can have
different purposes
Purpose can range
from testing the quality
of predictions
(stochastically) to
analyse interactions,
usability or user
(Potentially) involve
data science and/or
user (experience)
researchers at various
stages of your project
This is a largely
underestimated method
in AI/ML development!
This method is commonly used in Design Thinking projects and focuses on understanding: Activities, Environments, Interactions, Objects,
/ 38
Key method
Why doing it?
How to do it?
representation bias
6. Monitoring plan
A monitoring plan for
an algorithm helps
detect drifts in the
For example, if
demand for a certain
product slowly
decreases over time
and the algorithm is
not regularly re-trained
the demand forecasts
gradually gets worse
over time
Account for changes in
the algorithm when the
context evolves.
Build your monitoring
plan on quantitative an
qualitative metrics
Assign responsibilities
for monitoring the
deployed AI models
This is an ongoing activity
once the model is in
7. Human supervision
should not be
accepted “blindly
because they cannot
be expected to be
Assess criticality of
false predictions (false
For medium to high
risks systems, include
humans in the
application loop to
analyse and question
Responsible humans
should be trained and
sensitised about how to
handle irregularities!
Some analysis techniques or mitigation methods (modifying learning algorithms to mitigate biases) that are aware
of social fairness or discrimination, but that need the help of a data scientist are
1. Prejudice remover regularizer: this approach involves incorporating regularisation terms or constraints to
address social bias. The method takes into account variations in the learning algorithm's classification of
attributes like race, gender, or ethnicity (protected and non-protected), and subsequently applies penalties
Based on: van Giffen et al. 2022.
to the overall loss based on the extent of these differences.
It is a technique that reduces indirect
2. Adversarial debiasing: this in-processing method maximizes accuracy while simultaneously removing the
ability to identify protected attribute(s).
The method involves constructing two models.
The first model
predicts the target variable using the training data, incorporating any feature engineering and pre-
processing steps already performed. The second model serves as the adversary, attempting to predict the
sensitive attribute based on the predictions made by the first model. In an unbiased scenario, the
adversarial model should struggle to accurately predict the sensitive attribute. Consequently, the
adversarial model drives adjustments to the original model, modifying its parameters and weighting, in a
way that reduces the predictive capacity of the adversarial model until it can no longer accurately predict
the protected attributes based on the outcomes.
3. Equalised odds: this post-processing approach mitigates social bias by accessing only aggregated data
and ensures that true positive and false positive rates are equal across protected groups.
This method
is based on a fairness metric that checks if, for any particular label and attribute, a classifier predicts that
label equally well for all values of that attribute. Its goal is to ensure that a ML model performs equally well
for different groups.
Managing and mitigating AI bias to ensure fairness is a complex concept and deeply contextual
There is no single definition of fairness
independent of the context that will apply
equally to different AI applications.
Given the many complex sources of unfairness, it is not possible to fully “debias” a
system or to guarantee fairness; the goal is to detect and to mitigate fairness-related
harms as much as possible, but there will be a point that we have to accept that a certain
distribution is represented in the model in a certain way.
Prioritising fairness in AI systems often means making trade-offs based on competing
priorities. It is therefore important to be explicit and transparent about priorities and
There are seldom clear-cut answers. It is therefore important to
document your
processes and considerations (including priorities and trade-offs), and to seek help to
experts and users when needed.
Therefore, it is important to open the model to critics, as detecting and mitigating fairness-
related harms requires continual attention and refinement.
Fairness in AI systems is a sociotechnical challenge as these systems can behave unfairly for a variety of reasons
- some social, some technical, and some a combination of both. In other words, AI systems can behave unfairly
Kamishima, T., Akaho, S., Asoh, H., & Sakuma, J. (2012). Fairness-Aware Classifier with Prejudice Remover Regularizer. Machine Learning
and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 3550. Available at:
; and Zafar, M.
B., Valera, I., Rodriguez, M. G., & Gummadi, K. P. (2015). Fairness Constraints: Mechanisms for Fair Classification. Proceedings of the 20th
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS).
Zhang, B. H., Lemoine, B., & Mitchell, M. (2018). Mitigating Unwanted Biases with Adversarial Learning. Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM
Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 335340.
For a description aimed for practitioners, see Mahmoudian, H. (2020). Using Adversarial Debiasing to Reduce Model Bias: One Example of
Bias Mitigation in In-Processing Stage. Available at:
Corbett-Davies, S., & Goel, S. (2018). The Measure and Mismeasure of Fairness: A Critical Review of Fair Machine Learning. In arXiv
[stat.ML]. Available at: See also:
Hardt, M., Price, E., & Srebro, N. (2016). Equality of Opportunity in Supervised
Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33153323. Available at :
Excerpt from M. Madaio, et al. (2020).
/ 40
because of societal biases reflected in the datasets used to trained them, which are explicitly or implicitly reflected
in the decisions made during AI development and the deployment lifecycle.
The following AI fairness checklist represents one of the first process models to generate AI systems that make
“fair” predictions and/or decisions.
Figure 6: AI Fairness checklist
* require human judgement & reasoning based on human values
Source: Michael A. Madaio, Luke Stark, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, and Hanna Wallach. (2020). Co-Designing Checklists to
Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New
York, NY, USA, 114. Available at:
The AI fairness checklist as represented in Figure is similar to the CRISP-DM process phases. Many humans,
customers and users fear the use of Artificial Intelligence, for different reasons. Bias is highly relevant for the
deployment of AI systems and AI bias can emerge in every project phase. It is important to have in mind that
fairness in AI is a complex concept and deeply contextual. Its conceptualisation is important because a change in
the real world has impacts on the ML model. Data bias can be mitigated but requires significant human judgement.
Consider the projects you are involved in. Your expertise matters. Seek for diversity and be willing
to try, fail and learn when using AI/ML for societal benefit.
5.0 Key ethical requirements. Beyond the
law, what ethical requirements can
support non-discriminatory AI?
While the European Union has a strict legal framework in place to ensure, inter alia, the protection of personal
data and privacy and non-discrimination, to promote gender equality, environmental protection and consumers’
rights, Section 3 has shown that the existing rules on non-discrimination can continue to apply in relation to
Artificial Intelligence and related technologies, although certain adjustments of specific legal instruments may be
necessary to reflect the digital transformation and to address new challenges posed by the use of AI. Further, and
in addition to (adjustments to) existing legislation, private companies
, NGOs
, research/academic institutions
and public sector organisations
have issued principles and guidelines for ethical AI.
Participant input 5: What ethics codes, instruments o frameworks do you use or know?
e.g. IBM AI Fairness 360, OpenAI Charter or Google Principles.
e.g. Amnesty and Access Now's Toronto Declaration 2018.
e.g. Alan Turing Institute's guide for 'Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety' 2019. See also: AI4PeopleAn Ethical Framework
for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations, 2018.
e.g. UNESCO Recommendations on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, 2021 or OECD AI principles 2019. See also: Council of Europe,
European ethical Charter on the use of Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems and their environment, 2019.
/ 42
Even though AI has been around for 70 years, ethical AI guidelines started proliferating in the second half of the
2010s and there is currently a myriad of ethics guidelines, codes, principles, frameworks, and tools on AI.
A great
part of these soft law tools have been issued in the period 2017-2019, with a geographical distribution mainly
concentrating in the US and Europe (see Figure 7).
It is noted that ethics guidelines are produced in a certain
context and by certain actors; this could potentially be a source of bias.
This handbook reports only upon a few different tools that are used to nudge into the direction of an “ethical AI”
and does not aim at describing the entire landscape.
Figure 7: Geographical distribution of ethical AI guidelines
Source: Jobin, A., Ienca, M. & Vayena, E. (2019). The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 1, pages 389399, available at:
Ethical questions relating to AI technologies should be addressed through an effective, comprehensive and future-
proof framework that closes existing legal loopholes and that increases legal certainty for businesses and citizens
However, numerous existing ethical recommendations aimed at both providers and users of AI and
algorithmic systems rely on self-regulation, and are therefore being heavily criticised (conflict of interest, ethics
washing, bias, etc.), especially those developed by private organisations.
5.1 Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI
The independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), set up by the European Commission
in June 2018, prepared a document entitledEthics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in 2019.
Antonio A. Casili, “An ‘End-to-End’ Approach to Ethical AI”, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. See Casili’s AI talk @ ETUI available at
Council of Europe, Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI). (2020). AI Ethics Guidelines: European and Global Perspectives.
Provisional report by Marcello Ienca and Effy Vayena, available at:
See also Jobin, A., Ienca, M. & Vayena, E. (2019). The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence, Vol. 1, pages
389399, available at:
European Parliament, Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies. EP Resolution of 20 October
Available at :
The Guidelines resulted from a consultation of more than 500 contributors. Stakeholders welcomed the practical
nature of the Guidelines as they offer concrete guidance for developers, deployers and users of AI on how to
ensure the technology’s trustworthiness.
The aim of the Guidelines is to promote trustworthy and human-centric AI. Trustworthy AI has three components,
which should be met throughout the system's entire life cycle: (1) it should be lawful, complying with all applicable
laws and regulations (2) it should be ethical, ensuring adherence to ethical principles and values and (3) it should
be robust, both from a technical and social perspective since, even with good intentions, AI systems can cause
unintentional harm.
Figure 8: The three components of trustworthy AI.
The above-mentioned milestone document for AI ethics in the EU calls for the respect for four principles for a
trustworthy AI, in all AI models.
Respect for human autonomy: 'AI systems should not unjustifiably subordinate, coerce, deceive, manipulate,
condition or herd humans’.
Prevention of harm: 'AI systems should neither cause nor exacerbate harm or otherwise adversely affect
human beings. This entails the protection of human dignity as well as mental and physical integrity. (...)
Vulnerable persons should receive greater attention and be included in the development, deployment, and use
of AI systems. Particular attention must also be paid to situations where AI systems can cause or exacerbate
adverse impacts due to asymmetries of power or information’. It is very important to prevent harm, and thus to
avoid dangerous feedback loops. AI biases can make vulnerable groups even more vulnerable. Asymmetries
of power or information can also lead to discrimination.
Fairness: 'The substantive dimension implies a commitment to: ensuring equal and just distribution of both
benefits and costs, and ensuring that individuals and groups are free from unfair bias, discrimination and
stigmatisation. (...) The procedural dimension of fairness entails the ability to contest and seek effective redress
against decisions made by AI systems and by the humans operating them.' Fairness is a very broad and
multifaceted concept, that insists on two dimensions: 1) the substantive dimension of fairness implies a
/ 44
commitment to ensuring equal and just distribution of both benefits and costs; 2) the procedural dimension of
fairness that, for instance, is embedded in the transparency obligations, implies that individuals have access to
information and context and seek effective redress against decisions made by AI systems and by the humans
operating them.
Explicability: This means that processes need to be transparent, the capabilities and purpose of AI systems
openly communicated, and decisions to the extent possible explainable to those directly and indirectly
5.2 The five converging ethics principles
Mapping the current corpus of principles and guidelines on ethical AI reveals global convergence around five
ethical principles.
Nevertheless, there is “substantive divergence in relation to how these principles are
interpreted; why they are deemed important; what issue, domain or actors they pertain to; and how they should be
Figure 9 displays these five converging ethics principles, while Table 7 sets out their
meaning/application and their usability, as well as some alternative keywords.
Figure 9: The five converging ethics principles
Source: Ienca, M., & Vayena, E. (2020). On the responsible use of digital data to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature
Medicine, Volume 26(4), pages 463-464.
Transparency means that the algorithms and data processing methods as well as human practices related to the
design, development and deployment of AI systems should be transparent. There are two main ways to apply the
transparency principles, through technical measures (explainable AI, interpretability methods) and through non-
Jobin A., Ienca M. & Vayena E. (2019), and Ienca, M. & Vayena, E. (2020).
Jobin, A., Ienca M. & Vayena, E. (2019).
technical measures (audits, information disclosure, non-secrecy (e.g. open source code, accessibility / auditability
of training data)).
Justice, fairness and equity of algorithmic systems means that human decision-makers, developers, data
scientists should serve to maintain and foster democratic processes, with equal respect for the moral worth and
dignity of all human beings.
The third principle of non-maleficence is basically a no harm principle, i.e. a duty to prevent bias to the best of
one's knowledge.
The fourth principle is responsibility and accountability. It requires that mechanisms be put in place to ensure
responsibility and accountability for AI systems and their outcomes, both before and after their development,
deployment and use.
Finally, privacy is a fundamental right that must be guaranteed when AI systems are deployed, just as data
protection, throughout a system’s entire lifecycle. It covers the quality and integrity of the data used, its relevance
in light of the domain in which the AI systems will be deployed, its access protocols and the capability to process
data in a manner that protects privacy.
Table 7: Explanation of the five ethics principles
Ethics principle What? How?
Algorithms and data
processing methods
Human practices
related to the
development and
deployment of AI
Technical: explainable AI,
interpretability methods
Non-technical: audits,
information disclosure, non-
secrecy (e.g. open source
code, accessibility /
auditability of training data)
access to meaningful
intelligibility, explicability
Justice, fairness &
Algorithmic systems
Human in/on the loop,
human decision-
makers, developers,
data scientists...
Diversity and inclusion in:
data collection and use
the design of AI systems
(e.g. equality by design)
deployments in
society (e.g. non-
discriminatory impact)
Equal representation and
participation in developers
teams (diverse
backgrounds, etc.)
discrimination, bias
See: European Commission (2019), Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. High-level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, available at:
For detailed definition, see Ienca, M. & Vayena, E. (2020).
See ibid.
/ 46
Ethics principle What? How?
Right of 'appeal' and remedy
of algorithmic
'De-biasing' (but numerous
Bias training
No harm principle
(foreseeable or not)
Safety and security
No misuse/ abuse
Privacy concerns
Compliance tests, audits,
monitoring, assessments
Governance structures
beneficence, 'AI for
good', ethical AI, human-
centric AI
Responsibility &
Algorithmic systems
Industry sector
Legal compliance
Providing access to
meaningful information
Providing right to challenge
system and decisions
Informing about the use of AI
or algorithmic systems
Goes hand in hand with
'Responsible AI',
Trustworthiness, Trust
Right: end users,
data subjects
Value: linked to
in the AI industry
Legal compliance with data
protection regulation
Technical measures for data
Public awareness and
information (e.g. data
data governance,
freedom, autonomy,
Participant input 6: When applying, or thinking of applying, these ethics principles, what challenges might arise?
5.3 Applying ethics principles
Human rights impact assessments are tools that can help to implement the above-mentioned ethics principles and
to apply these principles in fostering compliance with non-discrimination law and mitigating other unfair biases in
algorithmic systems. Several such tools have been developed in the past years. This handbook only refers to two
examples that are particularly relevant and that can provide inspiration for those wanting to develop a system
involving AI or machine learning techniques.
The Dutch 2022 'Fundamental Rights and Algorithms Impact Assessment’ (FRAIA) was developed by the
Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, in cooperation with Utrecht University.
FRAIA is a
deliberation and decision-making tool that helps to map the risks to human rights in the use of algorithms and to
take measures to address these risks. It is mainly addressed to governmental players and commissioned
professionals working on the development or deployment of an algorithmic system. It contains a number of useful
references to other tools such as ethics guidelines, specific impact assessment or auditing frameworks developed
at national or European level. FRAIA comprises a roadmap of the various stages of preparation, development and
deployment of algorithmic systems with sets of questions for each step. These questions can be categorised into
Gerards, J., Schäfer, M.T., Vankan, A. & Muis, I. Impact Assessment: Fundamental rights and algorithms (Netherlands Ministry of the Interior
and Kingdom Relations, 2022), available at:
/ 48
four core 'chapters'.
A first set of questions ('why?') revolves around the rationales behind commissioning or
developing an algorithmic system, the intended use and purpose of such a system and the problems it is meant
to mitigate or solve. A second set of questions concerns the type of system to be developed and the data to be
used in this context ('what?'). This section can be used to think about choices in terms of modelling, type of system,
performance and accuracy, data collection, data quality and data representativeness, testing strategies,
transparency and explainability, in particular in relation to bias issues. A third set of questions focuses on the
deployment of the algorithmic system ('how?'). It prompts questions about the use of algorithmic outputs in
decision-making and the involvement of human decision-makers, possible discriminatory effects of algorithmically
supported decisions, procedural safeguards, considerations related to the context of use, accountability and
auditing measures. Finally, the last set of questions pertains to possible breaches of 'f
undamental rights' by the
system and available mitigation strategies. In particular, it can be used to think about whether a system breaches the
fundamental right to equal treatment through direct or indirect discrimination again protected groups in light of applicable
legislation and considerations of proportionality.
A second example of ethical implementation tool that can deal as a helpful reference for the users of this handbook
is the 'Handbook on non-discriminating algorithms
' developed by a team of researchers from Tilburg
University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and the Netherlands Institute for Human
Rights, and commissioned by the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior.
The 'Handbook' can be used for thinking
about algorithmic deployment in both the public and the private sector. It consists of ten 'rules' for ensuring 'non-
discrimination by design' in the various stages of development and implementation of algorithmic decision-making
tools. It invites thinking about the 'legal', 'technical' and 'organisational' aspects of the context of development and
deployment of algorithmic tools and offers concrete examples. Throughout six 'phases' -- problem definition, data
collection, data preparation, modelling, implementation, and evaluation -- it sets the following ten 'rules':
stakeholder involvement, appropriate reflection and questioning, contextual assessment, bias awareness and
testing, establishing clear objectives, monitoring throughout, expert involvement, assessment of indirect
discrimination, legitimacy and documentation.
The aim of this section was to offer two examples of helpful tools that can be consulted and used as inspiration to
implement the ethical principles covered in section 5.2. in relation to non-discrimination and the non-discrimination
legal framework covered in section 3 of this handbook. Importantly, these and similar impact assessment and
evaluation instruments should be used as deliberative support and thinking guidance, as opposed to sets of
checkboxes. The aim is to think about open-ended questions that call for qualitative and reasoned answers.
As explained in: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (March 2022), Impact Assessment Fundamental rights and algorithms,
available at:
FRAIA is available open access at
Van der Sloot, B., Keymolen, E., Noorman, M., Het College voor de Rechten van de Mens, Weerts, H., Wagensveld, Y. & Visser, B.,
Handreiking Non-discriminatie by design (Netherlands Ministry of the Interior, 2023), available at:
The full Handbook and a short version are available at:
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