Unraveling the Single Tangible Secret in all Mysteries
St George & the Dragon
Treasury of the Munich Residence, 1586 ©
The Philosophers Stone was sought as a wonderful medicine that had the
power to repair the human body thereby increasing human life almost
indefinitely. The Bible itself had declared that Melchizedek the King of
Salem, who first possessed the Philosophers' Stone, would live forever…
Here is a key. Perhaps you will
use it to open a new door.
Beware! Once through the door
you will find the pursuit of
Wisdom demands either your full-
time attention or none at all. If
you become a philosopher, your
friends may think you have
become a little mad. Indeed, what
would be made of you? Glassy-
eyed, preoccupied, strange friends,
muttering about ancient history,
the Good and the Righteous, and
chemistry. Things most people
simply don't think about.
Those who have preceded you for at least five thousand years would
smile:How you come to terms with this is no concern of ours. We don't
even know if you are serious.
ISBN 0-646-34022-0
I dedicate this work to the Alchemists, Rabbis, Historians, Philosophers,
Freemasons and other friends who have encouraged my search for truth
and helped me in so many small steps.
Stuart Nettleton’s interests lie in the mysteries and sciences of alchemy.
The Alchemy Key
The Mystical Provenance of the Philosophers' Stone
Stuart Nettleton
Published by Stuart Nettleton
ISBN 0646340220
Copyright © Stuart Nettleton, Sydney, Australia
All Rights Reserved.
Edition 1998; 2
& 3
Edition 1999; 4
Edition 2000;
to 7
Edition 2001; 8
to 11
Edition 2002
Nettleton, Stuart 1952-
The Alchemy Key: The Mystical Provenance of the Philosophers' Stone
1. Alchemy
2. Gold
3. Philosophy - Ancient
4. Philosophy - Medieval
5. Hermeticism
6. Holy Grail
7. Freemasonry
8. Rosicrucianism
9. Judaism
10. Egypt - Religion - Influence
11. Bible - Old Testament Criticism, Interpretation etc
12. Bible - New Testament Criticism, Interpretation etc
13. Chemistry - History
14. Chemistry - Modern
The moral right of the author has been asserted. All drawings and
diagrams are the work of the author unless otherwise indicated.
Condition of Sale: All rights reserved. This publication may not be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, printing, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Permissions: The publisher has made every effort to trace and contact all
copyright holders of reproduced copyright materials in this book. The
publisher will be glad to rectify any omissions at the earliest opportunity.
Frontispiece: Statuette of St George, Munich & Augsburg, 1586-1597 &
1638-1642, Treasury of the Munich Residence, © 1995 Bayerische
Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser, Garten und Seen, München
Dear friend, theory is all grey,
And the golden tree of life is green.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust Pt.1
Two souls dwell, alas! In my breast.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust Pt.1
The outcome was philosophical dualism with all the tragic-comic woes
attendant on spiritual dichotomy.
Robert Graves, The White Goddess
The gods did not reveal, from the beginning, all things to us, but in the
course of time through seeking we may learn and know things better. But
as for certain truth, no man has known it, nor shall he know it, neither of
the gods nor yet of all things of which I speak. For even if by chance he
was to utter the final truth, he would himself not know it: For all is but a
woven web of guesses.
Xenophanes of Colophon, 500BCE
There were several roads nearby, but it did not take her long to find the
one paved with yellow bricks. Within a short time she was walking
briskly toward the Emerald City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the
hard, yellow roadbed…The next morning, as soon as the sun was up, they
started on their way, and soon saw a beautiful green glow in the sky just
before them. ‘That must be the Emerald City’ said Dorothy.
L Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The word ‘rose’ is manna to the lyricist.
John Fisher, The Companion to Roses
Outward ritual cannot destroy ignorance, because they are not mutually
contradictory. Realized knowledge alone destroys ignorance
Shankara, Father of the Swami Order
The only honour that man can pay his Creator is to seek Him.
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Stibnite: Sb
Antimony Sulfide Gray-metallic with orthorhombic,
slightly flexible crystals, often radiating blades. Associated with gold,
cinnabar, galena, barite and quartz. From the Greek name ‘stibi’, used
to describe antimony, which was used to separate gold by the ancients.
Mineral Gallery
Before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water…
After enlightenment you chop wood and carry water
Chronology iv
Preface 1
Introduction 6
Chapter 1 Arcane Alchemy 11
Chapter 2 David Hudson’s Alchemy 17
Chapter 3 Enigma of King Solomon's Temple 25
Chapter 4 Crucibles of Humanity 45
Chapter 5 Anatolian Commagene & Israelites 64
Chapter 6 Hyksos Invasion of Egypt 95
Chapter 7 The Name of God, the Merkabah and Liberality 113
Chapter 8 Sabians of Harran and Yemen 127
Chapter 9 Hasmonaeans, Pharisees & Zaddoki 140
Chapter 10 Zaddoki & Jesus 145
Chapter 11 Melchizedekians and Merovingians 153
Chapter 12 The Tribe of Dan 162
Chapter 13 Corpus Hermeticum & Gnosticism 192
Chapter 14 Ancient Alchemy 201
Chapter 15 St George and the Dragon 224
Chapter 16 Green and Lilac 244
Chapter 17 Roses and Rosicrucians 258
Chapter 18 Architecture, Freemasonry & Knights Templar 292
Chapter 19 The Philosophers’ Stone and Manna 336
Chapter 20 The Ancient of Days 352
Chapter 21 Et in Arcadia Ego 362
Chapter 22 The Holy Grail 378
Conclusion 383
Appendix 1 Preparing the Philosophers' Stone 386
Appendix 2 Roger Bacon’s Method 392
Appendix 3 King Solomon's Method 402
Appendix 4 The Virgin of the World 404
Appendix 5 Bacon's Description of the Goddess 406
Appendix 6 Ovid's Metamorphoses 408
Appendix 7 Crata Repoa 412
Appendix 8 The Perfect Pyramid 416
Appendix 9 A Note on the Scholar Robert Graves 425
Appendix 10 Atbash Cipher 426
Appendix 11 Triangular Manuscript of Comte St Germain 428
Appendix 12 Painted Ceilings at Crathes Castle 433
Appendix 13 Jewish Rites of Tammuz 438
Footnotes 460
References 492
Index 504
Yrs Ago Indo-Hittite Afro-Asiatic
125-65 mi Rat-like Mus is common ancestor of humans and mice
40 million Ancestors the Dryopithecines live in trees.
Amphipithecus in Asia Aegyptopithecus or
Propliopithecus in Africa
Human descent splits
from Gibbon descent
Human descent splits from
Human descent splits
from Orangutan
7 million Fossils absent as hominoids become waders
Ethiopian Ardipithecus
ramidus kaddaba
(Earliest human ancestor)
5 million Human descent splits
from Gigantpithecus
3.75 mill. Ethiopian ‘Lucy’
Australopithecus afafensis
3 million Fossils again found - Homo
1 million Java Man Invention of Fire
500,000 Sangiran or the Peking
Man in Java
250,000 Asian Neanderthal Solo
Man or Tien Shan
40,000 Asian Homo Sapien
African Homo Sapien
(Sapien): Cro-Magnon
26,000 First Ice Age
20,000 Indo-Hittites eliminate Neanderthals of Europe
15,000 Indo-Hittites populate
Asgar in Northern India
14,000 First Ice Age thaws
12,000 Snap Ice Age
10,000 Caucasian migration to
Sumer, Bactria, Europe
BCE Indo-Hittite Afro-Asiatic
9,000 Early Copper Working
5,000 Urban civilization in
Sumer with copper
smelting, goldworking,
beer and wine
4,250 Kurgans (Barrow) enter
Europe above Black Sea
3,400 2
wave Kurgans to
Egyptian Urban civilization
3,000 3
wave Kurgans to
2,500 Early Iron Working
2,000 Beakers invade Ireland &
1,700 Kurgan (Barrow) people
in Ireland
1,300 Picts invade
BCE Mesopotamia Egypt
2630 Pharaoh Djoser &
Architect Imhotep
2340 Akkadian King Sargon I
invades Sumer
2120 Gutians from Zoreb
Mountains conquer
2020 Semitic Amorites attack
1979 1
-Dynasty Pharaoh
Amenemhe I
1959 2
-Dynasty Pharaoh
Sesôstris I
BCE Mesopotamia Egypt Israelite
1950 Sesôstris I exerts suzerainty over
Anatolia and Palestine
1917 3
Amenemhe II
1900 Hittites invade
central Anatolia
1884 4
Sesôstris II
1878 5
Sesôstris III
1859 6
Amenemhe III
1848 King Hammurabi
1814 7
Amenemhe IV
1805 8
1801 Hyksos Invade Egypt.
1800 Abraham
1750 Isaac
Eruption of Thera (Santorini)
1628 2
eruption Hekla III in Iceland
1567 Hyksos expelled from Egypt
1480 Tuthmose III's Palestine campaign
1466 Conventional Date for Exodus
1406 Conventional Date Moses’ death
1400 Jerusalem ruled by Semitic vassal
of Egypt
BCE Assyria Egypt Israel
1300 Assyria controls
the Commagene
1291 Ramses II re-exerts suzerainty over
Palestine and Syria
1250 Latest Date for Exodus
1159 3
eruption of Hekla III in Iceland
721 Assyrians
northern Israel
10 tribes
deported to
Exile to
Cyrus the Great
Cambyses II Persians Conquer
538 Return from
Darius the Great
330 Manetho &
Hekataios of
BCE Greek BCE Israelite / Jewish
Amos, Hosea, Isaiah &
Athenian Philosopher
Thales & Anaximander
Milesian School
Jeremiah & Ezekiel
Italic School
530 Daniel & Haggai
Xenophanes &
Eleatic School
The Father of History
480 Zechariah
Socrates & Plato
Athenian Philosophers
430 Nehemiah
Eudoxus of Knidos
Athenian Philosophers
Schools of Greek and Israelite/Jewish Philosophy
Colleagues often ask me why I wrote this unusual book. At first,
it was simply so I could sleep at night. It was a way to marshal the
extraordinary facts and histories that constantly rotated in my mind and
became graphically alive at bedtime! Now I think my reason is to restore,
in a humble way, richness to the mystery tradition at a time when the old
arts of the philosopher are all but lost.
There are many paths to the mysteries. The most predominant
organizations in western societies are usually composed of people we
might call literalists. They would not like the more accurate label of anti-
philosophers. Literalists believe their traditional histories are unique,
explain everything and provide enough wisdom to make the rest of
civilization irrelevant. Usually, they treat their stories as fact rather than
myth and rarely think about it any further. These people often join many
societies; yet groan at the mention of a lecture. Archeology provides
them interesting asides but discoveries are rarely important enough to
change the faith.
Then there are capital P and small p philosophers. Capital P
philosophers deride literalists and small p philosophers alike as
fundamentalists, a dirty word. These capital P philosophers know all
myths are just that, myths without a historical basis. Unless archeology
proves something happened then it did not, and the myth is just a story
having no more merit than a fairy-tale.
This book is for the small p or Gnostic philosophers who have a
bit each way when it comes to myth. They see myth as having merit and
are not surprised when archeologists discover a Troy, or if they hear a
story in the Bible is proved true. Most think that Atlantis will eventually
be located. Small p philosophers see myths representing important
elements of culture and if not based on facts then often based on soft
facts. One such soft fact is alchemy. Its goal is the Philosophers’ Stone.
This book traces the chemistry and philosophy of the
Philosophers’ Stone from first dynasty Egypt and Mesopotamia through
the Commagene region of Turkey, to Israel, France and England. It
particularly focuses on mystery religions and philosophical schools that
co-existed over thousands of years.
The keys to understanding the Commagene region are metallurgy
and alchemy. There is a remarkably close connection between metals,
alchemy, perhaps the true Holy Grail and many esoteric traditions of the
Israelites, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. Surprisingly, these traditions are
once again contributing to leaps in modern medicine and industrial
Many will see the topics in this book as forbidden territory. Even
today, in this age of science, the subjects of alchemy and mystery religion
remain fused with intolerance. It is only in today’s postmodern western
democracies, freed from religious oppression, superstition and master
theories that we can listen to the cacophony of simultaneous voices
without declaring enemies or being declared an enemy.
Throughout history, many lives have been lost in pursuit of the
illusive Philosophers' Stone. Few have found the wisdom to truly behold
it because it is a process and not an end in itself. The reader should
therefore regard this book as a philosophical base station at the foot of the
highest mountain of Wisdom. It seeks to understand the philosophy of
alchemy, its peculiar chemistry and the surprising and pervasive role it
has played in the development of human culture through the mystery
In a sense, alchemy has come full circle since translation of the
great Arabic texts into Latin in the tenth century CE. Alchemy was the
precursor to chemistry and pharmaceuticals. Now the sciences of
chemistry, physics and information are on the threshold of making the
hidden benefits of alchemy widely available.
David Hudson, a farmer from Phoenix, Arizona, has been
carrying out technical research into the Philosophers' Stone for two
decades. His work has helped galvanize many of the themes in this book.
Hudson’s influence is everywhere through this work as much as that of
Robert Graves and Sir Karl Popper.
Stephen Skinner’s excellent book
Lapidus – In Pursuit of Gold also proves to be a treasure on alchemy.
The author would also like to thank Tom Simms of New Brunswick,
Canada, for his discussion of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate
Period in Egypt. Tom’s research has assisted dating the Exodus in
Chapter 5. The author is very grateful to Robert Word, of San Francisco,
for his excellent translation of the Triangular Manuscript of St Germain,
the only translation known to exist.
Turning to perhaps the most intensively investigated region in the
world, Egypt and Syro-Palestine, we find modern archeology has not yet
conclusively unraveled their chronologies. Of the many difficulties
encountered by archeology, none is more confusing than the Biblical use
of archetypes. An archetype is a model, projected paragon or ideal.
Archetypes in old stories are not literal. Authors apply the technique in a
midrashic sense.
Compound characters display all the traits that the
author seeks to convey to the reader. Some aspects of the characterization
are indeed fact but others merely fantasy. Historical archetypes often play
a role in many eras, sometimes under alternative names.
Closely associated with the issue of archetypes is the art of
double meanings or entendres. Dual and even poly-meanings give rise to
a phenomenon called hermetic drift. Umberto Eco has spent much of his
career in teaching and writing about hermetic drift. He argues that the
hermetic tradition underlying much alchemical literature relies on
physical similitude. This means that everything is similar and closely
related to everything else. These relationships are inexhaustible and
include every element of this world and heaven. Deliberately and with
considerable delight, authors in the sacred arts of alchemy use Hermetic
Drift to slip from similarity to similarity and meaning to meaning. The
content of every expression and symbol becomes a further enigma, more
mysterious than the previous one and the ultimate meaning is inevitably
postponed. Linguistics and symbols entangle the whole subject. The
esoteric elite smugly escape analysis and criticism. As a result, their
theories are never testable and have very low levels of dependability,
known as verisimilitude. At the end of it all, the content can often be an
empty secret or something time has otherwise reduced to common
Presenting written ideas for positive and constructive criticism is
relatively modern. While many Jewish authors showed admirable candor
in post-Medieval times, Western authors were far more clandestine. They
had little accountability and were economic with the truth. The extensive
use of Hermetic Drift in the West means we can only understand their
slippery allegories with good humor, healthy skepticism and a few
traditional tools such as Occam's Razor.
The English philosopher William Occam developed Occam's
Razor in about 1310CE to cope with archetypes and hermetic drift. His
principle of economy in logic simply states that the smallest number of
entities achieves the best theory. The principle demands categorization of
theories for maximum impact. This increases the probability of truth, or
verisimilitude. A good theory has predictive value while a poor theory
can explain everything but predict nothing. Limiting the number of
entities usually helps to collapse a large number of threads into a
surprisingly small number of themes that can more readily be cross-
vectored to hook a new theory from the pool of conflict and plurality.
Mathematically this is the pattern recognition process of cluster
and factor analysis in statistics. A top-down, helicopter view overcomes
the problem of being unable to see the forest because the trees are in the
way. Occam's helicopter, rises above the trees to see the forest and even
the pattern of light in its glades. Occam's helicopter will be very useful to
us throughout this book because our aim is physical, chemical,
mathematical and social analysis rather than description.
Notwithstanding the conciseness of this analytical approach, the
reader may correctly perceive the method of Occam’s Razor, applied to
the arcane characteristics of alchemy, rambles around the subject. The
author has tried to keep a traditional approach to the issues but the
labyrinth ahead will be a challenge with chapter headings that seem more
for convenience than classification. Be of good heart because it promises
to be a grand tour of life, death, the universe and everything, at least as
far as we know it.
Sadly, the author cannot promise packaged Wisdom from the
journey, only that the reader will pass by many sites where it is possible
to begin the process of discovery. The reader will need to work quite
hard to recognize Wisdom for his or herself. Whether in alchemy or the
mysteries, practical involvement is the key to Wisdom. The alchemists
would say Ora et labora, or God through Labor. It remains for the reader
to choose any of the many practical possibilities.
This book meticulously references sources of information
wherever possible. While some of these references are unconventional
and present hypotheses that lead in radically different directions, the work
of these authors broadens the scope and spectrum of understanding and
provides many useful insights.
Advancement of knowledge in the kaleidoscopic environment of
esoteric philosophy and mysteries is perilous. The cardinal rule is that
evidence must always exist for any hypothesis. The main purpose of this
book is to assemble and cross-vector arcane knowledge in a new way, to
underpin a new and better understanding of the subject. As in a court of
law, some evidence is more reliable than other evidence. The author will
attempt to warn in advance of the more contentious areas.
All errors are of course the author's responsibility alone. The
author hopes that any minor aberrations will not obstruct the reader from
grasping the richness of alchemy in its historical context.
The great alchemist Zosimus said that everyone should have a
book of chemistry. The Alchemy Key will reveal to you works that have
been unfamiliar to many contemporary readers. Perhaps you will even
discover your own book of chemistry.
Alchemy, the Mystical Provenance of the Philosophers' Stone, is
before you. To this day, it remains an exciting frontier of science with
adrenalin pumping intrigue. Please plunge into the stream and join in the
search for that which was lost.
Leaning on my elbow, I turn to my own thoughts.
The pages of my life, I have cast, on the great millwheel of fortune.
In my hunt for the golden crown, I have sought clues, in labours long
and wide.
I am resolute in my dangerous pursuit.
Dangerous you laugh?
Yes, I say, for Wisdom is demanding.
She does not release her captives readily, but demands inconsiderate
labor in searching her ciphers.
So as the millwheel turns, I entrust myself between the columns where
the University of Antiquity awaits.
There I am sure the dance of the labyrinth will lead me to the emerald
And Ariadne's silken thread, woven from chains of light, will support
my journey to the midnight sun.
The turn of the millwheel has brought me luck, I cast again…
…God goes with the brave.
The alchemical Philosophers' Stone is the main subject of this
book. It has many names including the Elixir of Life, occult gold, manna
and dew. For thousands of years the knowledge of this marvelous Stone
has been the sole province of mystical brotherhoods including Egyptian
Priests and Pharaohs, Melchizedek Priests, Arabian Schools, Rabbis,
Kabbalahists, Indian Yogis, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and lone Jewish
The subject embodies a mix of religion and politics that has
fermented throughout history, occasionally erupting. The earliest traces
we have of this are with first dynasty Egyptian Pharaohs. The trail tracks
the devastating Hyksos invasion of Egypt and the Exodus of the Children
of Israel from Egypt.
Ancient sanctuaries such as Harran and Jerusalem emerge as
warehouses of arcane knowledge. So esoteric is the knowledge that it is
from lone Jewish alchemists, who perhaps knew the least that we learn
the most. Jewish scholars persistently worked at alchemy and around
tenth century CE translated the great medical and alchemical treatises of
the Arabic world. In looking at the Philosophers' Stone, we have cause to
refer to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and the Jewish Zohar as
particularly fine mystical records.
From the sanctuary of Harran, there was a transfer of alchemy
and metallurgy to Islamic Sufism. During the Italian Renaissance, the
same knowledge became available from Constantinople through the
enthusiastic acquisition of manuscripts by Cosimo de Medici. From
Renaissance Italy, it made its way to Britain where the Elizabethans
received it enthusiastically.
Ancient Harran generated chains of alchemy and architecture.
These led through French cathedral building to the definition of Scottish
and English Freemasonry. Links in the chain include the Phoenician
Dionysian Artificers, the Roman Collegia, the Magistri Comacini of
Como and the Compagnonnage.
From Jerusalem, the Jewish stream split into the Rabbinical
Kabbalahists of the city of Alexandria, the Qumran Essenes and the
Gnostics. The Alexandrian stream spilled into Greece, Spain and Ireland
where it appears to have all but petered-out. The Essene stream ended
abruptly with the total Roman suppression of Jewish nationalism in the
first and second centuries CE. Yet, there are faint but intriguing lines of
survival of Melchizedek Priests in the Diaspora of Southern France
through to today. The Roman Catholic Church suppressed both the
Gnostic stream and the Great Heresy of the Bogomils. The former
culminated with the Albigensian Crusade and violent assault on
Montségur in 1245CE. Yet, again, stories emerged from the Inquisition
that four Parfaits smuggled the Cathars' treasure to safety.
Another chain commences around 1128CE with discoveries by
the Knights Templar in Jerusalem. Sheltered in Scotland after their
dissolution, the Knights Templar traditions fused into Scottish guilds of
the Compagnonnage and later into English Freemasonry. Subsequently
the German Rosicrucians fled to the protection of James I of England
during the Thirty Years War in the early 1600s. From there, the
Rosicrucians developed a very close affinity with English Freemasonry.
They were to amalgamate with the upper degrees of Freemasonry,
bringing organizational structure to the whole movement.
Alchemy has fundamentally influenced Western society,
particularly in medicine and religion. In religion, for example, the
Eucharist ceremony symbolizes alchemy. We find the rituals of the
Roman Catholic Church, involving the congregation as the living church
in a yearly cycle, embody the complex symbolism of alchemy and the
Yet, the infamous Faustian objectives of unbelievable wealth and
the Elixir of Life have also kindled the worst of human greed and avarice.
The outcome was often disastrous for all involved. Loss of money,
counterfeiting, swindles and murder. As a result, alchemy’s daughter,
Science, led the world to believe that she had abandoned the pursuits of
her mother in the sixteenth century. However, chemistry, physics,
metallurgy, medicine and pharmaceuticals all flourished.
This book analyses the closely related development of alchemical
metals and glass technology from the earliest known practices in
Anatolia, Syro-Palestine and Egypt. The Sabians of Harran and Yemen,
and the Melchizedek priests of Jerusalem contribute a great deal. Using
knowledge from Hermetic philosophy, we investigate the wet method of
alchemy to find the green and lilac Philosophers' Stones.
The importance of Light and Dew emerges from many diverse
sources such as garden roses, the orders of Rosicrucians and the historical
milieu of the Knights Templars. We find that the Ancient of Days could
be much more than a vision of Ezekiel. The romances of the Holy Grail
integrate all of our knowledge of the Philosophers' Stone into a
consummate whole.
Yet, our historical background can never be more than informed
conjecture based on abundant circumstantial evidence. Considerable
Jewish evidence is contained in the Bible and Kabbalah, both of which
are deeply mystical and archetypal. Even these sources have more
objective coherence than those of the other major group, the Rosicrucian
descendants of the Indo-Hittites. The Rosicrucians prized oral over
written tradition and have kept almost no records. The Elizabethan
canons of literature are prominent exceptions.
A new, modern element has abruptly changed this duopoly of
knowledge. Whitegold, the modern Philosophers' Stone, now exists as a
scientific fact. Many countries even granted patents. Whitegold spans the
gulf of physical credibility in alchemy and integrates biblical mysticism
with the oral traditions of the Rosicrucians. It is the one and only tangible
element in a sea of subjective cleverness. The chapters that follow build
on this newfound bridge of understanding.
Four major theories integrate this work. These are the dynamics
of population interfaces in the Crucibles of Humanity, the emergence of
the Israelite race, their early homeland aspirations and the ancient heritage
of the Philosophers' Stone. The Knights Templar rediscovered the ancient
Jewish heritage while the Rosicrucian heritage flows from the Indo-
Hittites and more particularly the Indo-Iranians.
The establishment of the Israelites has traditionally been a
controversial subject for scholars. This book presents a new theory. This
is that the unique characteristics of the Israelites arose in the east of
Bronze Age Anatolia. Here the two great language groups of the world,
the Indo-Hittites and the Afro-Asiatics, were culturally compressed or
The outcome was a unique people with interwoven cultures. The
Alchemy Key unlocks the door to this Anatolian cultural compression.
Inside we find answers to many questions preserved by different groups
throughout the millennia.
Chapter 4 presents a new theory of the Crucibles of Humanity,
which encompasses the most modern understandings of population
movements in history from biological analysis.
This book increases the understanding of our rich heritage. In
solving esoteric mysteries, we can appreciate the underlying themes in
many religions. Ultimately, the strength of this book lies in delineating
physical as well as philosophical advances. Whitegold is with us and the
medical and technological possibilities are breathtaking.
There are at least three ways to read this book. The traditional
linear way, front to back, past to present, is the journey of an Adept. To
reach the end of the book it is best to defer exploring the many diverging
sidetracks that entice one from the main path. Those seeking mystery and
surprise might instead sample what is on offer by simply opening the
book at random. Finally, the thoroughly modern reader might prefer
instant knowledge rather than Wisdom, by reading the first chapter and
then all the others in reverse order.
We begin our journey with modern alchemy, and then plunge into
understanding alchemy’s role in the history of society. Humans have a
unique ability to think about their own thought. To understand the shared
belief systems of history is to understand the meaning of life as conceived
by man. We are really taking a unique cut through the belief systems,
power structures and objective disputation mechanisms that constitute
Glossary Note: In common with the practice of Biblical scholars, the term
Israelite refers to the people of ancient Israel up until the return of Israel from the
Babylonian Exile.
After their return and until the present time the term Jew is
used, which derives from Judah. The term Israeli means a modern citizen of
Israel. Hebrew refers either to the ancient language of Canaan or to the
contemporary language of modern Israel. All Biblical quotes are from the
Authorized King James Version. Dates following 1 BCE, are referred to at CE
for the Common Era, which in the past was AD for Anno Domini or the year of
our Lord. BCE means Before the Common Era.
Chapter 1 Arcane Alchemy
This might shock you, but in my hand, as I write, I’m holding the
Holy Grail. I have just made the Philosophers’ Stone in a crystal wine
The High Priest Melchizedek might have felt the same awe, when
he first made the Philosophers’ Stone around 2000BCE. Have you seen
the sculpture of him at Chartres Cathedral, welcoming initiates at the
North Entrance, beneath the Rose Window. This is the famous Gate of
the Initiates. He’s there, along with Aaron, David and Solomon, holding
a goblet containing the Philosophers’ Stone.
The Melchizedek Priests at the Temple of Jerusalem were adepts
in many aspects of the chemistry of gold. It strikes me now how easily
they could have made shrewbread, manna or whitebread just as I have,
scooping Jordan River water from the Brazen Sea in front of the Temple,
then mixing it with alkali from a bowl to create the Philosophers’ Stone in
a golden bowl.
Yes, right then and there because it doesn’t take more
than a few minutes.
I have the advantage of pure chemicals, but I too use the Jordan
water or rather reconstituted Dead Sea. The Jordan River and salts from
the Dead Sea are hugely prospective for making the Philosophers’ Stone.
In fact, they are ten times better than other seawater, and considered
especially good because they do not seem to have the poisonous heavy
metal precipitate called a Gilcrest Precipitate.
Actually, any seawater, from well under the surface, will also do,
especially if you are near an undersea vent. It is said that a skilled
alchemist can even make the Stone repeatedly from the same bucket of
I made my Philosophers’ Stone by heating Dead Sea water and
then titrating it with Sodium Hydroxide to form a precipitate at about pH
8.5, drawing-off the salt water with a syringe and washing the precipitate
a few times with distilled water. As it settled in the bottom of the wine
glass, my precipitate looked just like Melchizedek’s stone. I gazed at my
precipitate, knowing that the thirty-day Egyptian rite of passage required
five hundred milligrams of this substance per day.
My stone is probably seventy percent gold and thirty percent
magnesium hydroxide, which is Milk of Magnesia. I can isolate the gold
if I want to, by drying the precipitate to a powder and then mixing it with
hydrochloric acid. Anything that does not dissolve is the pure manna or
Philosophers’ Stone.
Alchemy using dissolved elements is simple and effective. It
differs from the Great Work because it starts with water already
containing the necessary elements. Traditional alchemists would consider
it the lightweight end of the Art. The Great Work focused on the reverse
direction, converting metallic gold into the Philosophers’ Stone. For the
ancients this involved three major technological hurdles. The first was to
make a solvent for gold. No easy achievement. The second hurdle was to
eliminate the impure elements, particularly Nitrogen, introduced in
dissolving the gold. The third major hurdle was to create a gold chloride
that could be dissolved in water. When the gold dissolves, we have
potable gold, or gold that can ingested to purify the body. It was said that
with this Elixir of Youth, the old could become young again; and life
could be extended to at least the natural limit of one hundred and twenty
years. After all, the Bible said that Melchizedek, the King of Salem, who
first possessed the Philosophers’ Stone, would live forever.
I mentioned that dissolving metallic gold was no easy matter.
Alchemists needed a Secret Fire. They created nitric acid by reacting
ammonium chloride or sal ammoniac, the Salt of Ammon, with niter or
potassium nitrate. Many chemists would be surprised to know that in
antiquity priests distilled ammonia from dung, bones and horns at the
Temple of Amun in Libya. The name ammonium even derives from the
Egyptian deity, Amun. Egyptian Priests used this in their chemical works
at their nearby Temple of Amun in the Oasis of Siwa in Egypt. Nitric and
hydrochloric acids were combined to form Aqua Regia, that unique
combination of oxidizing and non-oxidizing acids that together can
dissolve metallic gold.
Nitric acid is amongst the most dangerous of substances to work
with. This acid blinded many alchemists, or they met a painful
respiratory end from the fumes, splashes and spills. Many inadvertently
created poisons or explosives. Fulminating gold and silver are highly
unstable explosives, quite probably the deadly Shamir. Many military
devices use fulminate of Mercury as a detonator.
Once alchemists overcame the issue of dissolving gold, they
eliminated troublesome compounds of nitrogen with antimony. The
ancients derived antimony from a variety of sources, which they called
Prima Materia. Two popular starting points for the Egyptians were the
minerals of lead oxide called galena, and tin dioxide called cassiterite.
Antimony was purified with iron or Mars, just as in the modern industrial
process of extracting antimony from stibnite ore. When they saw the pure
white vapor of antimony rise, the alchemists likened it to a white virgin
queen, the moon goddess, and called it the Philosophers’ Mercury. This
Mercury should not be confused with metallic Mercury, which is always
poisonous if used alchemically.
The white virgin indeed brought relief to the injured. A fragrant
cream made from a precipitate of antimony became a universal unguent
of the alchemist doctors. Crusaders used this salve or universal medicine
to heal wounds and it has been used right up until very recent times. The
secret ole of antimony was so intriguing that the metal, although very soft
and less bright than silver, was often used for tableware such as salt
salvers and gravy boats. Adepts could display these openly in public,
with few knowing the real meaning of the white virgin in the metal.
Finally, Mercury, white virgin of alchemy, was married to the
Sun King. A rainbow of colors appeared in the alchemist’s flask. A
green dragon battles a Red Man. The blood of the green dragon is the
necessary sign that the son of love will be born. Finally, in the faeces of
the reaction, a rock appears. It is the green lion tinged with lilac. This
royal color signifies Horus rebirth as king.
I will not dwell on these celebrated reactions. They can be
demonstrated but never scaled-up to any useful volume for medicine or
industry. I would now like to turn to another paradigm of alchemy.
There is a man in Phoenix Arizona by the name of David Hudson.
He recently patented a version of the Philosophers’ Stone called Orbitally
Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements (ORMEs) in many countries such as
Australia and UK, although the US Defense Department vetoed his patent
in the USA on the grounds of national interest. Gold, silver, rhodium,
iridium and eight other Transition Elements can exist as ORMEs.
ORMEs are virtually undetectable by conventional means
because they lack a d-orbital electron. However, they do show a
distinguishing infrared doublet located between 1400 and 1600 cm
We tend to focus on gold as the most valuable ORME. Yet,
rhodium and iridium may be more important for health applications
because they represent five percent of a mammal's brain by dry weight.
When referring to ORMEs we are really talking about the Transition
Metal complex that includes gold.
In other words, ORME technology produces many Philosophers
Stones from the Transition Metal complex. The end is the same as for the
Great Work of the alchemists, but it eliminates the prohibitively
expensive Precious Metal complex, such as gold and platinum. David
Hudson’s process extracts the Transition Metals directly from basic and
inexpensive sources such as volcanic rock. These are then processed to
potable metals, whose primary uses are in medicine and industrial
Take gold for example. Typically, metallic gold extracted from
ore is only two percent of the available gold. The other ninety percent is
in an ORME state. This provides plenty of potential for technical
recovery, or ORMIC recovery. It also has major ramifications for the
supply and demand equation in the gold market.
Creeping through a wall into a modern alchemist’s cellar
laboratory, a colleague and I experimented with David Hudson’s patent
method. We dissolved gold in Aqua Regia and then worked straight
through for two days and nights. You can see a pH neutralization graph
of mine on a web site called Whitegold. Although we were very careful,
we could not get past a certain stage. David Hudson merely comments
that while his method is written down, the art requires additional
knowledge of things like timing, and he is not about to give this away
while striving to build a pilot plant.
I hope that this discussion of pure chemicals and pilot plants has
started to dispel your image of the author as a medieval puffer. The main
point I want to get across is that modern alchemy exists as a scientific
frontier and that it is very important. Let me tell you just how important it
Empirical evidence indicates that Hudson’s chloride form of
iridium and rhodium ORMEs can cure cancer, pronto. David Hudson
believes that gold is associated with the pineal gland, rhodium with the
thymus, while iridium seems to relate to the spinal chord and pituitary
gland. There is also some anecdotal evidence from non-Hudson sources
that a mix of seventy percent rhodium, fifteen percent iridium and fifteen
percent gold is the most effective in achieving remission of cancer.
The healing process of ORMEs is not one of killing the cancer
cells but of denaturing, or simply retarding their action to the point where
cancer cells are indistinguishable from normal cells. The cancer no
longer shows up on scans. It is still early days but there is considerable
work going on under US National Institute of Health Alternative
Medicine funding to establish the bona fide of this substance in many
areas such as breast cancer, AIDS, Lou Geri’s disease, Parkinson's
disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and arthritis.
Industrially, the great application of ORMEs is as an electrode
and catalyst material for fuel cells. In a few years fuel cells are destined
to replace batteries in everything from mobile phones to automobiles.
The market for fuel cells will be enormous and their use is only being
held back by the lack of a suitable electrode material. The special
characteristic of ORMEs is that it is a superconductor and therefore
suitable as an electrode material. This was in fact the specific basis that
the US Defense Department vetoed David Hudson’s US patent
I would like to end this chapter on a philosophic note because the
study of alchemy and philosophy has always gone hand-in-hand. Much
of the chemistry of gold and ORMEs can be understood on a purely
scientific level, but not yet everything. Some of the thinking is tied-up
with the most recent of scientific discoveries such as the behavior of
superdeformed nuclei, Cooper pairing, superconducting microclusters,
superfluids and Bose Einstein condensates, which were first created in
1995. Nobel Prizes are still being awarded for new learning about this
area of science. Yet strangely the ancients seemed to know about it five
thousand years ago.
I will now suggest a challenge. The complementary way to
understand the new science of ORMEs and jump ahead of the scientific
frontier is to understand what the ancients knew. This can only be done
through a study of classical literature and the culture of religion. Take
Shakespeare’s plays the Merchant of Venice, Hamlet and King Lear. The
Bible is a great but enigmatic reference. The Jewish Zohar or Book of
Splendor is superb, especially that 3% in the Book of the Concealed
Mystery and the Greater and Lesser Holy Assembly. Scientific alchemy,
for me, is the final piece in the jigsaw. I believe that I have perhaps come
closer to understanding the eternal enigma of the meaning of life.
I am sure you are wondering if I can make gold. Well, I have not
tried, but a number of people I know have and they were successful in
plating out gold or electrum, which is a combination of gold and silver.
No, its not trickery, but scientific extraction. However, the quantities
have been very small.
The great alchemist Zosimus said that everyone should have a
book of chemistry. I sincerely hope that you will find yours. In the next
chapter, we delve a little further into David Hudson’s extraordinary
Chapter 2 David Hudson’s Alchemy
More than a decade ago, David Hudson, a farmer in Phoenix
Arizona, stumbled upon the fabulous Philosophers' Stone while trying to
mine and refine gold on his farm. He realized with some excitement that
he had discovered a repeatable formula. Even better, his formula could be
scaled-up from a laboratory to a chemical plant. This was something that
had eluded alchemists for at least three thousand years.
Hudson's discovery is now a controversial subject at the forefront
of pharmaceutical and industrial technologies based on high spin state
mono-atomic or single atom elements of iridium, rhodium and gold. He
has developed high spin mono-atomic states for many of the transition
elements including gold.
David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia
and other countries around the world. He was unable to do so in the
USA. The patent application fell foul of standard US Department of
Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national
Another explanation is that the process simply did not work,
although this is normally not a basis for rejection. A convenient
conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might
have rediscovered the Philosophers’ Stone and concluded it was far too
important for humanity to allow any individual a patent. An X-Files
variation of this conspiracy theory holds that the US military does not
want anyone else in control of the substance. David Hudson points out in
good humor that his failure to patent the process in the USA at least
meant that no one else could.
Ultra fine metallic colloids of gold, platinum and silver are one
form of pure metals used medicinally. To be effective, these colloid
molecules need to have a diameter of between one to ten nanometers.
These colloids give rise to some surprising claims. Gold colloids
reputedly help the nervous system and relieve depression, anxiety and
arthritis. Silver colloids are reputedly effective against over six hundred
and fifty viruses, bacteria, fungus and yeasts. Many recommend care with
silver because the element can build up in body tissue and become toxic
to the bacteria required for normal body function.
Cost per
Aloe leaf 0.17 0.07 0.24 -
Shark cartilage 0.24 0.04 0.27 -
Emprise Plus /
Mexican wild
0.49 0.49 - -
St. Johns Wort 0.8 0.60 1.40 $15
Blue-green algae 1.00 0.54 1.54 $15
Man-aloe (freeze
dried aloe)
2.1 2.10 - -
Ultimate Aloe
flash dried
2.2 2.20 - -
Blood root 0.6 2.20 2.80 $1
Calf and pig
2.50 2.50 5.00 -
Ourco Nigel
maritime pine
3.09 2.06 5.15 $5
(six herbs)
2.56 7.98 10.54 $5
Acemannan Hi-
purity aloe
90.00 90.00 - -
Common Sources of Monatomic Elements
Powders containing trace metals like iridium and rhodium occur
naturally. For example, flax, almond and apricot oils and grape juice
contain both of these elements. Moreover, there is some evidence that
carrots and aloe grown in volcanic soil have detectable monatomic
rhodium and iridium. Those grown in non-volcanic soil have no natural
monatomic elements.
There are a number of natural sources of therapeutic substances
based on metals. These include a popular powder found in California that
comes in various colors, including white. Homeopathic curers claim that
clay from a Navajo reservation has special cancer curing properties.
Others claim similar remedial properties for dark green aloe leaf essence
and Californian Manchurian Mushroom Tea made from Kabuchi or
Chinese mushrooms found under pine trees.
According to David Hudson, a commercial high-purity aloe is the
most concentrated product. It is a freeze-dried polysaccharide powder of
juices extracted from Aloe Vera grown on a volcanic island in the
Caribbean. The relevant authorities authorized this high-purity Aloe for
feline AIDS but not for cancer treatment in humans. In AIDS patients,
the thymus is usually shrunken. High-purity aloe in the blood stream
seems to increase the white blood cells and T-cells dramatically. The
increase in T-cells comes from recovered activity in the thymus, which
can grow by forty percent after treatment for one and a half months.
The table above shows the percentages of rhodium and iridium
elements in some common sources. David Hudson claims that none of
these substances has measurable amounts of monatomic gold, the most
important element.
Following is a Periodic Table showing the Transition Metals
thought to have this monatomic capability. David Hudson’s monatomic
gold or Whitegold is the scarcest monatomic element. It is thought to be
much more active than the other monatomic substances. The material is
called Whitegold because it has a modest grey-white color. It is not
platinum, which jewelers call whitegold.
The technical name for Whitegold is Gold in its Orbitally
Rearranged Monatomic Elemental (G-ORME) form. David Hudson’s
initial process for its preparation from metallic gold is set out in Appendix
1. The Appendix also contains a modern technical explanation.
1a 2a 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 1b 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 0
H He
Na Mg Al Si P Se Ci Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fr Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
RbSr Y ZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCd In SnSbTe I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Rf Ha ?
Periodic Table of Elements
Transition Elements thought to form ORMES
Scientists do not yet understand the process by which Whitegold
apparently repairs cells. David Hudson hypothesizes that nitric oxide
NO) attacks the monatomic atoms in body cells and deactivates them.
This causes the aging process and eventually death. As humans, we
breathe to live but in doing so we also draw in one percent by volume of
nitric oxide. This ages the body and eventually kills us by the process of
deactivating monatomic substances in our cells.
David Hudson suspects that when a cell dies, the bound
monatomic high spin atom falls to low spin by emitting a gamma photon
or burst of light due to electron pair annihilation. Nitrogen fourteen in the
nitric oxide absorbs this light and converts to radioactive carbon fourteen.
This is why living bodies produce radioactive carbon fourteen. The
technique of carbon dating uses the knowledge that living cells cease
producing carbon when a body dies.
Eating monatomic elements in our food such as carrots and grape
juice may recharge our system. Ozone and peroxide can also help
remove toxins.
Yet, the combined effects of recharging and cleansing
are insufficient to retard the aging process and so a natural life ends at
about eighty years of age.
David Hudson believes that Whitegold is unique among the
monatomic elements because it is able to correct DNA deficiencies by a
denaturing process. He hypothesizes that eating larger doses of
monatomic elements may decelerate the aging process and perhaps even
reverse it. Whitegold would relax the damaged DNA and allow it to
correct and recombine.
Researchers are rigorously scrutinizing genetic correction in
humans with the Kaposi Sarcomas of AIDS, liver and breast cancer, Lou
Gehrig's disease, Multiple Sclerosis and arthritis.
Although little research is available on the medical use of
Whitegold, there is some anecdotal evidence that the chloride form of
ORME iridium is effective in the remission of cancer.
Culture tests also confirm that rhodium chloride has some effect
on cancer cells with abnormal activity reduced by about sixty percent.
There is no effect on normal cells. The precise mechanism is not yet
certain. Retardation of cancer activity in the cells occurs even if the
rhodium is only in local proximity. David Hudson feels a resonant
vibration is at the center of the whole science of monatomic substances
and refers to it as the Spirit of life. In 1995, he set up a group to fund his
pilot plant called the Science of the Spirit Foundation.
Other test tube studies with pure monatomic metals on cancer
cells and with cancer patients have been inconclusive. In one cell culture
test, the cancer cells reverted to normal, while in other tests the cancer
cells simply continued without effect.
Seven women with breast cancer
took pure ORME materials with no effect.
It is now hypothesized that
the reason pure ORME-state elements have no effect is that they are not
absorbable into the normal digestive system in the same ready way that
chlorides are digested.
More extravagant metaphysical claims made by paranormal
sources are that the body has the ability to travel anywhere by just
thinking. This translocation or astral travel is called the rapture. Other
flamboyant claims are that a person can live eight hundred to one
thousand years with a perfect body in the state of a teenager and
communicate telepathically.
While not subscribing to paranormal phenomena, David Hudson
does claim that his monatomic substances are superconductors and that
this may provide a possible explanation for the amazing behavior of the
Ark of the Covenant.
Jewish Midrashim commentaries describe how the Ark of the
Covenant levitated and carried along some of the people who were
supposed to be carrying it.
The only known phenomenon that could
levitate in this manner is a superconductor's Meissner field.
A Meissner Field is a strong diamagnetic field, unique to
superconductors, that causes them to be repelled by an external magnetic
field. Heike Kamerlingh Onne, a Dutch physicist, first identified
Superconductivity in 1911. It is a state of zero electrical resistance,
usually exhibited at very low temperatures. It was not until 1933 that the
German team of Karl W. Meissner and R. Ochsenfeld showed that
superconductors possess a Meissner Field. Notwithstanding these early
successes, the phenomena of superconductivity was not properly
understood until 1957 when three American physicists proved that it was
due to the quantum effect of electrons moving in pairs. For this work,
they received the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics.
The Nobel Committee
again chose this strategic area of research for its Prize in 1987 and 1996.
As Whitegold is a superconductor with a Meissner field, the pot of
manna in the Ark of the Covenant could have contained a quantity of
Whitegold that produced such a field. There is some suggestion that
Moses placed an omer of manna, or Whitegold, in the Ark. David
Hudson’s theory is that a Whitegold's Meissner field would then have
surrounded the Ark causing it to levitate and glow with the radiance of the
Shekhinah. This would have also caused the ill effects on the Philistines
of Ashdod. The Ark caused hemorrhoids, from the Hebrew OPLIM
meaning tumors.
Josephus says of the diseases inflicted at Ashdod:
…for they died of the dysentery and flux, a sore distemper that
brought death upon them very suddenly; for before the soul could, as
usual in early deaths, be loosed from the body, they brought up their
entrails and vomited up what they had eaten
Similarly, the peoples of Gath and Ekron at the time of Samuel
could hardly wait to return the Ark.
An unusual characteristic of Meissner fields is that another
Meissner field, which oscillates at the same frequency, can enter that field
of the first and not perturb it. Each week the High Priests of Melchizedek
ventured beyond the veil in the Holy of Holies. There they partook of the
Bread of the Presence of God. Then more Bread was set out for the next
week before the Ark of the Covenant.
A Melchizedek high priest who had eaten the Bread of the
Presence of God for some time could theoretically approach and safely
touch the Ark of the Covenant. The Priest would not perturb the Ark’s
Meissner field because of his resonance with it. Resonance avoids a
voltage difference.
The absence of resonance when an ordinary person approaches
the Ark could lead to a collapse of flux, a voltage difference and an
electrical discharge.
This phenomenon may have given rise to the
practice of tying a golden chain around the High Priest's foot. Priests
waiting outside the Holy of Holies could drag out the High Priest if the
Ark immobilized him.
The properties of ORMES have not been widely validated. Nor is
David Hudson's Whitegold precisely the same as the Philosophers' Stone
in any one of its traditional forms. Yet, the similarity in materials and the
derivation of processes is highly compelling. If traditional alchemists’
difficulties such as chemical fires are an indication of shared technology,
David Hudson’s pilot plant is certainly no exception.
The preparation of the Whitegold from pure metallic gold is an
expensive and time-consuming process. It is unlikely that there would be
sufficient produced in this way for many to undertake the Egyptian rite of
passage, which is to consume five hundred milligrams of Whitegold each
day for thirty days. Testing is not even possible until David Hudson's
troubled pilot plant provides the direct production of white gold from
volcanic ore.
His plant uses sixty five million year old volcanic ore
from the Arizona desert.
While the necessary ores are found in any place on the earth
where there has been volcanic action, the best source of material is the
Maui craters in Hawaii where the magma is highly enriched with iridium.
Iridium ore is a pink-orange color and that with rhodium is more of a grey
color. The metals are already monatomic but purification is a lengthy
process with 32 steps and it takes 100kg of ore to get 1kg of precipitate.
Before obtaining the privilege Whitegold may bring, it is well to
remember a Rabbinical warning that the powder can be used for good or
evil and it is incumbent upon all to learn to control our own dark side
before partaking:
Understandably, then, the absolute conditions for unlocking this
door lie in purity, selflessness, and the mastery of instincts.
In the next chapter, we look at Jerusalem as an ancient center for
alchemical technology.
Chapter 3 Enigma of King Solomon's Temple
King Solomon's reign was sometime during the period 1015BCE
to 931BCE. His father, King David, had consolidated Judah and Israel
into the United Kingdom of Israel, ruled from Jerusalem. By the time of
Solomon's kingship, Jerusalem had become a wealthy centre of trade.
The Books of I Kings and II Chronicles describe how Solomon
constructed a mighty temple to house the Arc of the Covenant. He
decorated it with the most sumptuous of stonework, woodwork and
metalwork using Phoenician artisans provided by the King of Tyre.
Although there were many older temples on Mount Zion, Jewish
and Biblical scholars consider King Solomon's Temple the First Temple
of Jerusalem.
The Babylonian King Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem at the time
of Hezekiah in 700BCE. Hezekiah paid him a tribute of a king’s ransom
including thirty talents of gold, eight hundred talents of silver, precious
stones and antimony.
The next Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar
invaded Jerusalem in 597BCE and again in 587BCE.
In the latter
invasion, he destroyed the Temple and transported the population of
Jerusalem to Babylon.
King Cyrus of Persia later returned the descendants of these
Israelites to Israel in 538BCE. He financed the construction of the
Second Temple by Zerubbabel, albeit in an austere style. The name
Zerubbabel actually means Children of Israel and is probably an
archetype. The Jews completed the Second Temple in 515BCE. It
operated until 169BCE when plundered by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the
Illustrious. He allegedly removed both the visible and hidden treasures.
With permission from the Sanhedrin, Herod the Great demolished
Zerubbabel's Second Temple in 20CE and constructed a grandiose Third
Temple in only eighteen months. Fifty years later, the Roman General
Titus burned this temple to the ground on the very anniversary of the
destruction of the First Temple. His action was in response to fanatical
militancy by Jewish Zealots who murdered a garrison of surrendered
Roman troops in Jerusalem.
The Jewish chronicler Flavius Josephus and Roman historian
Tacitus both wrote that Titus had not wanted to destroy the Third Temple.
They did so because after heavily fortifying the temple, the Zealots
fervently defended it.
Flavius Josephus warrants a brief character sketch, as he will
often contribute to our research. Josephus was nobly born in Galilee as a
descendant of the Hasmonaean-Maccabees. He was educated as a Priest
of the Temple and became the revolutionary Governor of Galilee in the
Zealot uprising of 66CE. He commanded nationalist guerrilla forces
against the troops of Vespasian. The Romans captured him. However, in
front of General Vespasian he announced that Vespasian was the messiah
the Jews awaited and that both Vespasian and his son Titus would become
emperors of Rome. After Vespasian became emperor in 69CE,
conveniently proving Josephus a sage, Vespasian appointed Josephus part
of his entourage. Vespasian also gave Josephus an apartment in the
imperial palace and bestowed the citizenship of Rome on him. Josephus’
chronicle, The Jewish War, provides our only detailed account of the
Zealot uprising in 66CE and the fall of Massada.
Josephus gives a date for the commencement of King Solomon’s
Temple of 1060BCE, some one thousand one hundred years before his
own time. He does this by nominating the period from the laying of the
foundation stone of the First Temple to the destruction of the Third
Temple by Titus in 70CE as one thousand one hundred and thirty years,
seven months and fifteen days.
He then goes on to describe the terrible
destruction of the Third Temple in graphic detail:
While the Sanctuary was burning, looting went on right and left
and all who were caught were put to the sword. Such were the height of
the hill and the vastness of the blazing edifice that the entire city seemed
to be on fire, while as for the noise, nothing could be imagined more
shattering or horrifying. There was the war-cry of the Roman legions as
they converged, the yells of the partisans encircled with fire and sword…
Yet more terrible than the din were the sights that met the eye. The
Temple Hill, enveloped in flames from top to bottom, appeared to be
boiling up from its very roots; yet the sea of flame was nothing compared
to the oceans of blood.
The Romans continued to systematically quash the Jewish
uprising by eliminating Zealots in Jerusalem, Essenes in Qumran, the
Zealots and Sicarii occupying Herod’s Massada fortress and the entire
Jewish population of Caesarea.
Jewish militancy flared once more when Rabbi Akiva inspired a
Maccabee revolt under the brilliant Jewish revolutionary leader Simon
Bar Kochbar in 130CE. Simon Bar Kochbar was known as the Son of the
Star. This name has the same meaning as that of Zoroaster and implies he
was an initiate in the royal mysteries. He was a prince of Israel and
constituted a prospective messiah for the Hasmonaean royalty of Israel.
Bar Kochbar always fought in the front line at the most dangerous
points. He led two hundred thousand men to establish an independent
Jewish state, but it was to last only three years. The Romans lost an entire
legion regaining control. In retribution, the Romans leveled one thousand
villages, killed half a million people and sent many thousands of people
abroad as slaves.
After the disastrous revolt of Bar Kochbar, the Rabbis actively
discouraged political messianic hopes.
They denounced sects such as
the Judeo-Christians that calculated the Time of the End. The Rabbis
renamed Bar Kochbar son of a lie. They declared all messianic and
apocalyptic literature uncanonical and secular.
Bar Kochbar’s Hasmonaean uprising was not Christian but
Jewish nationalism. Massada’s fall exhausted it in 67CE and led Roman
Emperor Hadrian to order the total obliteration of Jerusalem. Absolutely
nothing remained of the city except for the western retaining wall. The
Romans dedicated a small temple to Jupiter on the desolate site.
We now turn to the archeological investigations in Palestine that
stand at odds with the early Biblical account of King Solomon's Temple.
The first hurdle is that independent records from Egypt, Mesopotamia and
Phoenicia do not confirm the existence of either David or Solomon. The
only king of the relevant period to have ruled over the legendary empire
of Solomon that stretched from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates was
the Egyptian Pharaoh Tuthmose I, as he recorded on the Tombos Stela
Tuthmose III was the next ruler of this region at the time he
campaigned to Naharin on the Upper Euphrates in 1480BCE.
As to the name David, the Essenes simply regarded the name
David as the generic name of the promised messiah.
Archeological digs provide the next set of hurdles. They have not
verified the magnificence of Solomon's city or his Temple. There are no
signs whatsoever of an advanced material culture having existed.
Buildings were not monumental works of carved stone ashlars but small
with clay floors.
None of the Temple's famed pomegranate decorations
has ever been discovered, although a small decoration in the archeology
section of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem shows that pomegranates were
at some time used as decorations.
If the era of King Solomon was relatively impoverished and
culturally desolate, we must ask if the Biblical accounts are fictional
archetypes or if the archeologists are mistaken. Two key factors help us
to understand this question. Firstly, it is widely thought that the Five
Books of Moses that form the Pentateuch and Old Testament derive from
King Solomon's time or shortly after.
The author, affectionately dubbed
J, would have been quite familiar with the near history of Israel and
particularly the temple of the city of Jerusalem. Given that archeological
evidence in Jerusalem and all of Judah and Israel does not conform to J's
description, literal interpretation is unwise.
One piece of evidence is conclusive in deciding that Biblical
accounts of King Solomon's Temple are fictional archetypes. This is that
Thutmose III plundered the legendary treasure of the Temple in
1480BCE. This is approximately five hundred and thirty years before
construction of King Solomon's Temple in 950BCE. Thutmose III
recorded his Palestine campaign and its spoils in a temple at Al-Karnak in
In 2134BCE, Egypt’s eleventh dynasty began building the
temples of Al-Karnak. Construction lasted for one thousand five hundred
years. Thutmose III's area records in bas-relief the same grand and
precious ornaments and furniture mentioned in the Bible. At odds with
this is the Bible, which says that David gave these things to Solomon.
The bas-relief shows the items and their quantities.
The top five rows of
the bas-relief are objects of gold, the next five rows show objects of silver
mingled with gold and precious stones. The lower rows show objects of
bronze and semiprecious stones.
The wealth is so extensive that it is easy to imagine it represents
hundreds of years of trading. Yet, these are only the sacral goods
presented to the Priests of Amun. Other Egyptian monuments attest to the
secular plunder retained by the Pharaoh and his viziers such as furniture
and chariots of gold and silver. The tomb of the vizier Rekhmire records
that Thutmose III transported the Israelite metallurgical and craftsman
skills to Egypt:
Bringing the Asiatic copper [-smiths] which his majesty captured
in the victories in RetenuMaking chests of ivory, ebony, … captives,
which his majesty brought for the works of the temple of Amon.
Various Rosicrucian orders such as the Brotherhood of the Rosie
Cross look to Thutmose III as their mystical patriarch and use Thutmose
III's cartouche in their symbols. There is some support for this claim as
Masonic symbols are apparent on Thutmose III's obelisk now located in
New York's Central Park.
Other Rosicrucian orders look back to an
even earlier time of 1950BCE and the twelfth dynasty Pharaoh Sesôstris I.
His profound maxim Know thou thyself! is the distinguishing
characteristic of a modest man engraved at the Temple of Delphos (an
imaginary temple of perfection).
The dimension of this statement
became very important in both alchemy and mystery religion.
The Book of the Concealed Mystery of the Zohar describes King
Solomon joining himself to the Daughters of Men. The apocryphal Book
of Enoch describes Azazel in a similar way.
The Zohar thus suggests,
surprisingly strongly, that King Solomon is descended from the ancient
Nephilim or their descendants the Anakim, of whom we shall have more
to say in Chapter 17. If this were indeed the case, there would have been
many opportunities for the famous Temple to be built before the
campaign of Thutmose III and perhaps even before the time of Sesôstris I,
who ruled five hundred years before Thutmose III.
In fact, Herodotus maintains that Pharaoh Sesôstris is the
unknown Shishak who sacked the First Temple, a millennium before the
biblical dates.
Sesôstris’ campaigns demonstrate that this is plausible.
However, Josephus vigorously denies this contention and he is probably
Herodotus’ Sesôstris is most likely Sese-Ramses II, who some
storywriters call Sesoosis.
Pharaohs such as Tuthmose III and Ramses II liked to compare
their acts to the great Pharaoh Sesôstris, who was the first Egyptian
Pharaoh to pillage Palestine and Anatolia. If Sesoosis is really Ramses II
then Herodotus is dating the destruction of the Temple to the era of the
Battle of Kadesh in 1291BCE.
The Bible dates the sack of the First Temple by an Egyptian king
named Shishak or Sheshech to the fifth year of Rehoboam, the son of
King Solomon.
Yet, this Pharaoh Shishak (SHSHK) is absent from
Egyptian records.
It is useful to review the background to the despairing legend of
Due to Solomon's idolatry, God declared through the prophet
Ahijah that Jeroboam, an official in Solomon's court, would receive ten
tribes from Solomon. Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam, who fled to the
protection of Shishak in Egypt. He returned after Solomon's death to
become the leader of the new northern kingdom of Israel. Solomon’s son,
Rehoboam, ruled the southern kingdom of Judah. After the split, Shishak
invaded both weakened kingdoms.
The inspiration for this story seems to be the splitting of Egypt in
1075BCE by the twenty-first dynasty. High Priests in Thebes continued
to rule Southern Egypt. Kings from Tanis in the far northeast of the Delta
ruled the new independent North Egypt. The Libyans took advantage of
the weakened kingdom with an invasion c945BCE that overthrew all
Egypt. Chapter 6 will show the Semitic Levant Asiatics in Egypt, who
came closest to power in the nineteenth dynasty, truly regarded Egypt as
their rightful possession. This was the grand heritage of Jacob on the
Ladder , which Ramses II recorded on his stele commemorating the four
hundredth anniversary of his dynasty.
Although the Exodus expulsion of Ra Meses, the Biblical Moses
of whom we shall see more in Chapter 5, was a temporary setback, it was
not decisive to Levant Asiatic involvement. Nor was loss of power by the
nineteenth dynasty. The second Pharaoh of the twenty-first dynasty,
Psusennes I of Tanis, reestablished it. He associated his lineage with the
nineteenth dynasty and, in doing so, reignited Semitic Levant Asiatic
ambitions for the Delta.
In stark contrast, Psusennes II’s disastrous loss of all Egypt to the
Libyan Shoshenq I after the foolish division of the kingdom by the
twenty-first dynasty was fatal to Levant Asiatic ambitions for Egypt.
King Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, is therefore the luckless biblical
archetype for the two Pharaohs called Psusennes.
However, even Shoshenq I sought the traditional legitimacy of
Egyptian ultimogeniture for his family. Firstly, he recognized Psusennes
II by the dedication of a statue. Then his son Osorkon married the
daughter of Psusennes II.
Through this marriage and by the principal of
ultimogeniture, Osorkon’s own son became a legitimate Egyptian
Shoshenq I, the twenty-second dynasty invading Pharaoh, had a
similar name to the Biblical Shishak. An inscription in the Temple of
Karnak made in Shoshenq I's twenty-first year dated his rule at c925-
924BCE. He is contemporary with the Tel Dan stele and Mesha stone.
However, the perplexing name of Shishak is probably not simply
that of the Libyan Pharaoh who conquered Egypt as biblical writers of the
Severan dynasty and successive Massoretic revisionists to the tenth
century CE assume.
The Dead Sea Scrolls more often agree with the Septuagint than
with the Massoretic text.
Indeed, the Corpus found at Qumran contains
no mention of Shishak in either Kings or Chronicles. Even circumstantial
evidence implies that Shoshenq I’s Levant conquest produced little booty
from Jerusalem. While the bas-relief displays of his conquest at Karnak
are incomplete as regards the tally for Jerusalem, the total tribute is clear.
After eliminating the tribute from identified cities, there is little remaining
tribute to associate with Jerusalem. If there was a glorious wealth of gold
shields and other tribute from Solomon’s city, Shoshenq I certainly did
not triumphantly record it.
Using accepted Biblical chronology the fifth year of Rehoboam
would be about 917BCE, about five hundred and sixty years after
Thutmose III's conquest. The Atbash Cipher solution decodes Shishak to
Babel, meaning Babylon (see Appendix 10).
The Babylon connection
means the fifth year of Rehoboam could well be another three hundred
and twenty years later, in 597BCE. In this year King Nebuchadnezzar of
Babylon invaded Israel, destroyed the Temple and carried the people into
We therefore have a dazzling array of dates some eight hundred
and eighty years apart, from the conquest of Tuthmose III to the time of
King Nebuchadnezzar. There must be another explanation.
While retaining the identity of Shishak, we need to dispose of the
derived Atbash Cipher solution as a date for the destruction of the
Temple. There were two traditional oppressors of the Israelites: Egypt
and Babylon. The archetypal Egyptian King Shishak represented the
kings of both lands. The biblical stories neatly combine the Israelites’
two aggressors Shoshenq I and Nebuchadnezzar into a single archetype
(later Rome was rolled in as well). The similarity of Pharaoh Shoshenq
I’s name to Shishak is a fortuitous device that greatly enhances the power
of the archetype because of its apparent internal consistency.
King Shoshenq I’s Palestine campaign also conveniently aligns
with the break-up of David’s empire. However, the lost empire was not
Israel. It was the Delta of Egypt and all the lands in Tuthmose I’s
kingdom that stretched to the Euphrates. The forlorn Israelites were
anxious to regain their domain:
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a
Branch shall grow out of his roots … And it shall come to pass in that
day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the
remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt,
and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and
from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup
of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to
drink it. And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the
sword that I will send among them … Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah,
… Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his
people … all the kings of the land of Uz, … the Philistines, … Edom
Moab … Ammon, … Tyre … Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are
beyond the sea … Arabia, … Zimri … Elam … Medes …the north, far and
near and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.
We begin to suspect that the exact physical location, relevant time
and culture of the Temple are very uncertain because they are veiled
stories of Israelite political ambition for the Egypt’s Delta and the land of
Canaan. The synthesized archetypal history has drawn on many legends
over more than a millennium to create the famous Temple in the
Israelite’s city of last resort, Jerusalem, which became their icon of
The Babylonian conquest mercilessly destroyed the records of the
Judeans. Religious and political leaders were killed en-masse. The
remaining population, primarily women and children, marched to
Babylonia in slavery. This resulted in the loss of both oral and written
tradition. Only fragmented legends remained. The returning Jews at the
time of Cyrus assembled what they could into consistent stories of their
history. Rather than single events, these became medleys. Individuals
became archetypes. God’s arbitrary treatment of his chosen people led to
many explanations and conspiracy theories. Stories became didactic
rather than fact. They developed a revolutionary flavor. The only thing
constant about Jewish history was its frequency of redefinition.
Many Pharaohs troubled the Israelites during the one thousand
five hundred years from Sesôstris I to the writing of Chronicles and
Jeremiah in 450BCE. The historians of Chronicles and Jeremiah may
well have been unaware of the relevant Egyptian Pharaoh at the time of
the Exodus.
We only need to contrast the despairing paucity of their
information resources with our own acute lack of knowledge of events
over the last one thousand five hundred years. We are hazy about much
of the Dark Ages. We know almost nothing of the early Papacy. We
have not even solved the controversy of whether the greatest writer in the
canon of English Literature, William Shakespeare, was a real person or a
team of lawyers, poets and publishers.
A recently discovered Phoenician text on limestone at Tel Mikne,
the ancient Philistine city of Ekron, suggests how the histories of the First
Temple were developed.
The text commemorates that Achish
constructed the temple of Ekron and archaeologists place this at around
650BCE. Fifth century BCE Biblical authors similarly wrote that David
knew a Philistine king by the same name of Achish:
And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to
Achish the king of Gath.
Therefore, it is likely that the authors of Samuel and Kings used
the events of the 650BCE era and melded them with myths of earlier
times as the broad canvas for their histories of David, Solomon and the
First Temple.
By the time of Christ, a third national oppressor joined Egypt and
Babylon in the archetype of Shishak. At the time of Revelation, in 95CE,
Babylon represented Rome. The Revelation of John predicts the
destruction of Babylon. The celestial city of Jerusalem is to replace it.
Babylon is in this case the occupied terrestrial city of Jerusalem. It also
includes the Roman Empire and in particular, Rome itself.
From the paucity of evidence for King Solomon and his Temple,
we can only conclude that large parts of the King Solomon myth involve
the projection of an Israelite archetype. This has a mishnaic precedent or
midrashic scriptural interpretation.
Of what is King Solomon an
archetype? His own name tells us but we need to understand the ancient
code of subsumed names.
We need to look at one more mystery before moving on. This is
the real meaning of the name Solomon, given the heritage of King
Solomon’s city of Jerusalem.
In antiquity, the reason that a God could have many names was
that all-powerful gods regularly incorporated names from all other gods
they overcame:
Conquering gods their titles take
From the foes they captive make.
The Kabbalah observes this formula throughout. It allows us to
understand the linguistic form of Solomon.
Breaking names into
meaningful syllables is the priestly language also known as the Language
of the Birds, which was originally the shorthand technique used by priests
in carrier pigeon messages.
It renders the name Solomon as Sol-Om-On.
This indicates dominance over the sun god Sol, the divine mantra
Om or omnific word AUM representing the gods Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva of the Indo-Hittite pantheon, and the Egyptian and Greek gods of
The letters AUM also stand for the Latin Artifex Universus
Mundi, which means the Great Architect of the World and has the
numerical cipher sum of 33. While the sacred word of the Brahmins is
AUM, the Buddhists use O-mi-to and the Druids O. I. W.
identified the Tetragrammaton:
Tell me of the God of On, which was, is, and shall be.
Dominance over these gods also demonstrates that Solomon is
one form of the god Yahweh. The next chapter confirms that Solomon
knows one of Yahweh's secret names, Iahu. By dominance logic, Iahu is
one of Solomon's names, as it was also one of Horus' names in Egypt.
Furthermore, the name Solomon is but one part of the
Tetragrammaton JHWH in a greater whole. Freemasonry records the
legend of King Solomon, Hiram King of Tyre and the great architect and
master of building, Hiram Abiff, together building King Solomon’s
Temple. In these three characters, we find the Holy and Ineffable name
of God recorded.
The consonant W, or Digamma F, represents King
Solomon, whose name most simply means Peace. W is one of the two
secret letters of the Hebrew alphabet regarded by the Pythagoreans as
uncontaminated by the errors of the material universe. The other secret
Hebrew letter is H, representing the first day of creation. It is therefore
analogous to the creating architect, Hiram Abiff. Finally, JH, which
represents Sovereignty, equates to Hiram King of Tyre.
In Jewish tradition, the three consonants of the Logos
Tetragrammaton JH-W-H have additional meanings that relate to the
leading tribes of Israel.
JH is the letter of the tribe of Benjamin and its
precious stone Jerel, or amber. This is also Hebrew for electricity,
although Hashmal is the modern word.
In Ezekiel’s vision of the
Ancient of Days, Hashmal was the divine substance that provided the
fiery splendors of God’s Throne and Countenance, the Merkabah.
The letter W is the letter of the last day of creation and associated
with the phrase: Let there be rest. W is the letter of the tribe of Judah and
its precious stone is the fire garnet. Finally, the letter H is the letter of the
first day of creation associated with the phrase: Let there be Light. It is
the letter of the tribe of Levi and the associated precious stone is Lapis
Lazuli. The Talmud describes the Ten Commandments recorded on two
tablets of sappur and entrusted to the Levites for safekeeping. Sappur is
Lapis Lazuli.
Yet, the meanings of the Tetragrammaton extend even further.
The vowels AOUEI can be inserted into the Hebrew Tetragrammaton
YHWH to create the whole name of God. These vowels represent the
female spirit that moved on the face of the water.
Emperor Frederick
III, the first Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor who reigned from 1452CE
to 1493CE, adopted this vowel set as his personal motto or device.
We have seen that deconstruction of the name Solomon produces
three names and, alternatively, Solomon is one of three names making up
the greater whole of the Tetragrammaton. This same formula is common
with the Afro-Asiatic Triple Goddess. While a single Goddess, she has
three primary guises, each in turn represented by three Muses. This leads
to the famous Ennead of nine Muses or manifestations of the Triple
The three original Muses are the Triple Goddess in her
orgiastic aspect, while Three Fates and the Three Hesperides are the
Triple Goddess in her death aspect.
Every study of mythology must begin with a study of the many-
titles Mother Goddess, Triple Goddess or White Goddess.
Her worship
underlay the political and religious systems that existed before the Indo
Hittite invasions. When motherhood was the prime mystery of society,
the Mother Goddess took lovers for pleasure. Her victims feared, adored
and obeyed her. The cycles of the Moon, which aligned with her twenty-
eight day menstrual cycles, led the Mother Goddess to be identified with
the three phases of the moon: maiden, nymph or nubile woman and crone.
While the moon did not grow dimmer as the year waned, the sun died and
was reborn under her influence. The witches of Thessaly, a Mother
Goddess cult dreaded by everyone, threatened the sun with perpetual
It did not happen because the Goddess raised another king.
The Priestesses at Delphi chose a nymph to celebrate the sacred
marriage by a foot race.
This forerunner of our modern Olympic
Games, Hera’s Games, took place one day before the main games.
victrix became the high priestess of Hera and one with the Goddess by
partaking of her sacred cow.
Another method was simply to award the right by ultimogeniture
to the youngest nubile woman of the junior branch of the royal house.
The nymph then chose an annual lover who was elevated to king.
After erotic lovemaking with the nymph, the crone sacrificed the
king to fructify the trees, flocks and crops with his blood. The college of
priestesses then ate his raw flesh wearing the masks of bitches, sows and
mares. In Europe, the ritual was amended so two kings reigned and died.
The king died at the summer solstice and his tanist, or supposed twin, at
the winter solstice. The tanist’s reward was reincarnation as an oracular
serpent of Wisdom. The phases of the moon governed time and the king
died at the seventh full moon after the shortest day.
When resistance
developed to this arrangement, the Priestesses substituted a surrogate boy-
king, called an interrex, who died in place of the king.
In Crete a kid was substituted for the human victim; in Thrace it
was a bull-calf; and the Aeolians substituted a foal. The rituals of the
Mother Goddess were firmly rooted in Arcadia. The Arcadians
sacrificially ate boys right up to Christian times.
With insight from the Triple Goddess into Solomon’s name, it is
hardly surprising that there is a long history of association between
Solomon and his city of Jerusalem. Josephus records that the first name
of Jerusalem was Solyma. The sun god Sol is the Jerusalem demi-god of
the sun, Salma, who was associated with both Jerusalem and Hebron.
Salma was also Reseph, the Canaanite Mikal, Michael, the Egyptian
Osiris and Salmon the ancestor of Solomon.
Salma’s father was Beli the
Willow God and the Lord of Light. His mother was Sal-Ma the Willow
Mother and Moon Goddess. In this context, Jerusalem was an important
shrine to the Son of the God of Light some one thousand four hundred
years before the time of Jesus.
Before Mosaic reinterpretation, Canaanites celebrated the god
Salma or Sal-Ma with an orgiastic fire and water festival in Jerusalem. It
was originally Anatha’s Bacchanal willow tree orgy for rainmaking.
The celibate Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles preserves this festival.
According to the Talmud, the Pharisees found it difficult to curb the
traditional lightheadedness of the women as they solemnly brought water
from the Pool of Siloam on the climax of the festival, the Day of
The same harvest festival in Athens was the Oschophoris in
which male participants carried fruit laden boughs. They corresponded to
the lulab of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Effigies of Ariadne with
detachable limbs dangled from the Athenian boughs. They represented
Ariadne’s suicide in fear of Artemis. In the Mochlos hoard, archeologists
discovered delicate Borealis gold tiaras worn by priestesses who ritually
committed suicide and were dismembered in the same way as Ariadne at
the Oschophoris.
Salma is the original god of this festival. His name is part of
Jerusalem, Uru-Salim, from the Tell Amarna letters of 1370BCE.
Assyrian records of the same period show Jerusalem was Ur-Salimu. All
these names are referring to Salma God of Light.
Tuthmose III did not mention Jerusalem in his list of Palestine
conquests. This could mean a number of things. Perhaps Jerusalem was
not an important city at the time or it had another name. It may have
escaped sacking, or perhaps its record was lost or not recorded. Of these,
the most likely is that Jerusalem had another name at the time. This was
quite probably Kadesh, the Holy City of the God of Light.
The name Salim is also associated with the East. Its appearance
from Greece to Arabia shows that Salma was important throughout the
whole region.
Even today, the salt workers of the Ettore Saltworks on
the west coast of Sicily collect salt as their predecessors have for
thousands of years. They measure their labor in Salmas. One Salma is
equivalent to one and a half tonnes of wet salt. One hundred Salmas
make a much-celebrated Holy Sacrament.
The word Salma also occurs in the names of ancient kings. It is a
royal title among King David's ancestors the Kenites and appears as the
royal name Selim among the Phoenicians, Salman among the Assyrians
and Salmoneus among the Danaans of Greece and late Minoan Crete.
Salma also suggests the word saleuma, which describes the ritual
laming of the sacred king Dionysus of the mystery drama.
This was the
bulls-foot. Greek tragic actors who wore the cothurnus in honour of
Dionysus often imitated the swaggering gait of saleuma.
chastised many a girl in Palestine for mimicking this peculiarly suggestive
manner of walking.
Dionysus also means the Lame God of Light, which is quite
similar to Salma.
The word lame in Syracusan is Nysos and identifies
places such as Nusaybin, in the Commagene of Turkey, as a shrine to
The lame king Dionysus is often associated with the mysteries of
the metalworking smith. Ancient religions all over Africa and Europe
have a hobbling Smith-god. In their erotic Spring beer-orgy called
Pesach the Smiths wore wings and performed a hobbling spiral partridge
This ritual celebrated the marriage of the Smith-god Hephaestus
to the patron Athene. The Smiths performed their spiral partridge dance
in a maze pattern on a mosaic floor.
It is still a symbol of
Freemasonry’s second degree. Jerome wrote that in his time, devotees
performed the hobbling ceremony of Pesach at Beth-Hoglah, on the
threshing floor of Atad where they mourned the lame King Jacob.
Men from Troy, Crete and Northeastern Russia to Italy, Wales
and Britain performed the sacred labyrinth dance.
Even today, Greek
men will often exuberantly contest each other at celebrations and dinners
with the careful spiral Crane Dance of Delos, carefully trod with
measured steps of labyrinthine evolutions that Theseus first performed at
Daedalus built such a dancing floor in Knossos for Ariadne.
He marked the maze pattern in white marble relief, copied from the
Egyptian Labyrinth:
Daedalus in Knossos once contrived
A dancing-floor for fair-haired Ariadne…
Archeologists discovered an open space in front of the palace at
This open space had a maze pattern to guide the performers in
their partridge hobbling-dance. Knossian coins also showed this pattern.
A Cretan maze cut on a rock face in Bosinney in Cornwall shows that the
maze reached Britain. It is exactly the same pattern as the British turf-cut
mazes, known as Troy-towns, which schoolchildren trod at Easter until
the nineteenth century.
The Easter egg was a symbol of resurrection and
the counter-charm to the apple of the Goddess.
Traditionally, hunters captured partridges in a brushwood maze.
They caged a bird in the center of the maze, which offered food-calls,
love calls and challenges. As visiting birds arrived at the center, the
hunters knocked them on the head.
Jacob confirms he is a smith-god by his ritual laming:
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him
until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not
against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's
thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for
the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said,
Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast
thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
The sacred marriage of Salma and the Flower Queen Moon
Goddess at Jerusalem is in Canticles:
I am the Rose of Sharon, the lily of the valleys.
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
Much has been made of this song because of seven references to
Solomon in the Hebrew text. These references skew the interpretation of
the Song to a love between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Yet, the
Solomonic verses are coarse in comparison with the sensitive poetry of
the Song and an ill fit with the tenor of the main verse. The new lines talk
not of pure philosophical and carnal love between man and woman but
soldiers, swords and State politics. These things are traditional concerns
of the Israelites but totally out of character with the simple beauty of the
lines that describe the sacred marriage of the sacrificial king. The Song is
the mystery of Astarte’s fertility rite and the death of Tammuz, which
returns life to the land (see Appendix 13).
Ecclesiastes is the inner
mystery of the rite.
The poetry of the unadulterated sacred marriage is purely a
fertility rite of Ishtar or Astarte, as the tree cipher in the text clearly
The beams of our house are cedars; our rafters are firs.
The Cedar is the tree of sovereignty and associated with Ishtar or
Astarte. The fir is the tree of birth and motherhood of the Moon Goddess,
Ishtar or Astarte. In Mesopotamia, the fir tree substituted for the palm.
The cedar, fir, rose and olive are all characteristics of the Goddess of
Wisdom standing for her sovereignty, motherhood, beauty and
The biblical Rose of Sharon does not grow on the Plain of Sharon
between Jaffa and Mount Carmel. In the Song of Songs, the Hebrew
word habatstseleth translates as rose.
Conversely, in Isaiah it translates
as crocus flower.
These are the only two incidences of this Hebrew
word habatstseleth in the Bible. Neither semiotics nor botany provides a
conclusive meaning. The reason for this is that rose simply represents the
beauty and special function of the Goddess seen in the blood of her heroes
Adonis and Tammuz (see Appendix 13).
The eight-petal scarlet
anemones of Pelion, which redden the slopes of Mount Lebanon after the
winter rains, symbolize their blood.
The Goddess is the receptive womb that transforms the lover to
the new son, the God of Light. Repeatedly, the rose embraces and is
embraced by what it embraces. This is the philosophical logic of roses.
Later authors have adjusted the symbolism of Sharon's Rose to
represent Jesus. As we shall see in Chapter 16 and Chapter 17, the rose
represents dew, as does the Sumerian KUR-KUR, or crocus flower. The
difference is that the rose gives birth to the son or divine dew of Light.
This is the color of the bright lilac crocus and identifies with the
mysterious Arcanum arcanorum, the lilac Philosophers’ Stone, which is
often hallowed as Jesus for reasons that will also become clear later in
this book.
The importance of the crocus seems to derive from the abundant
presence in Colchis of both the false or meadow crocus, crocus colchium,
and the true crocus sativus.
Each was highly valued for different
reasons, the former as a unique Egyptian remedy for gout and the latter as
the source of golden-yellow saffron dye.
A similar approach that links the rose and the crocus to the
symbolism of Jesus applies hermetic drift to expand the context of the
rose to that of a generic flower, anthos in Greek. This image refocuses to
the bright lilac crocus as the symbol for Jesus.
These investigations have shown that the name of Solomon is part
of an Ennead such as Salma, Om and On, confirming his status as an
Israelite archetype. He is a Son of Light and by rose-logic, one
manifestation of Yahweh as well.
This recognition more readily helps us to accept the esoteric
traditions of Solomon's ability to command demons, jinn and other spirits
as described in the Talmud and a whole cycle of the Arabian Nights
legends. Jews and Arabs alike continue to regard King Solomon as one of
the greatest alchemists and in possession of the Philosophers’ Stone. An
old English poem preserved in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum
Britannicum says:
… the Blessed Stone Fro Heven wase sende downe to Solomon
King Solomon is also reputed to have written a book about the
Philosophers’ Stone called HaMa
pen or The Compass.
He writes of
obtaining the Philosophers' Stone from the Queen of Sheba, who had
previously received it from her husband Seman.
Seman was a great
sage amongst the Copt or Nabateans. In Chapter 8, we shall have more to
say about the Nabateans as an integral link between the Sabians of Yemen
and the Sabians of Harran.
The Queen of Sheba joined King Solomon in Jerusalem for a
particular reason.
As we shall see in the next chapter, a Kingdom
passed from the King to the son of either the Kings youngest daughter or
youngest sister by the rule of ultimogeniture.
Thus, the Queen of Sheba
visits Solomon to deliver the wealth of Egypt to Solomons son
Rehoboam. The wealth of the Temple and the empire inherited by
Rehoboam is that of the Egyptian State. That unique icon of the pinnacle
of wealth, the Philosophers Stone, symbolized it. We shall see in
Chapter 6 how they obtained this wealth.
While King Solomon and his Temple are likely to be compound
archetypes, we can speculate as to what physical buildings might have
provided the model for the concept of the Temple.
The temple plans of nearby Hazor and at Tell Tayinat and Ain
Dara in Syria suggest that the Jerusalems temple was architecturally a
generic, economic Syrian design.
However, the Bible gives it much
more prominence.
Locations in Egypt that provide enviable archetypes for every
aspiring religion are the magnificent Temple at Al-Karnak, Luxor,
Amarna on the Nile, Ramesses III mortuary temple at Medinet Habu,
Avaris or Tanis in the Delta, the Nile Island of Philae. There is a good
argument for Al-Karnak as the Israelites also took with then the prayers
inscribed on the walls of this temple to he Aten.
A particularly good candidate for the Temple of Solomon is in
Tanis. Before the loss of Egypt to the Libyan king Shoshenq I in
945BCE, Tanis was the northern Karnak and competed in grandeur with
its southern icon. Tanis built its temples from blocks transported from the
city of Ramesses, twenty-two kilometers away. The nineteenth dynasty
Pharaoh Ramses II who traced his dynasty back to the Hyksos king Jacob
on the Ladder originally built it:
His majesty has built a castle for himself. It lies between
Palestine and Egypt. It is similar to Thebes and it endures as long as
Memphis. In its western part is the Temple of Amun and in its southern
part the Temple of Seth; the Temple of Astarte is on the morning side and
the Temple of Uto is on the north side. The fortress, which is in its
interior, is like the horizon of the sky.
The city of Tanis arose without the sound of a hammer, as
reputedly did Solomons Temple. The cities of Ramesses and Bubastis
were its quarry.
Some of the blocks brought to Tanis weighed one
thousand tons and were nearly thirty metres high. These ashlars glorified
the new Temples to Amun, the Near Eastern Goddess Anat, Khonsu and
The temples of Ramesses and Bubastis were already five hundred
years old before their transfer to Tanis. Statues of Ramses II guard the
gate of King Shoshenq at the Temple of Amun. Maned-sphinxes also
bear the name of Ramses II as well as that of Merenptah and Psusennes I.
The identification by the last user, Psusennes I, of his lineage from his
twenty-first dynasty to the nineteenth dynasty is a clear reference to the
reemergence of Semitic Levant Asiatic involvement. Excavation of his
intact royal tomb at Tanis in 1940CE brought to light the second most
valuable treasures of Egypt including his golden mummy mask.
Ramesses III (1194-1163BCE) Thebian mortuary temple, the
House of Eternity at Medinet Habu, and King Solomons Temple have
many common features.
It includes a Migdol Gateway (four-storey
fortress tower adopted for use in sacred architecture), two pylons, two
courts, hypostyle hall, an inner sanctuary or Holy of Holies for Amun and
a treasury. The colorful and well-preserved wall reliefs on the eight
pillars of the second vestibule colonnade, north of the second court, show
many arks and winged hawk-gods. These hawk-gods have their wings
outstretched in the same manner as the cherubim on the Ark of the
A more recent representation of the Temple of Solomon is on the
Island of Philae. Isis supposedly found Osiris' heart on the Island of
Philae. The Egyptians worshiped Imhotep there. The Jewish Temple of
Philae was the last Jewish temple that practiced sacrifice. It shows in bas-
relief an Isiac ark that fits the description of the Ark of the Covenant
including its two cherubim.
The arc of arcacia wood was sacred to Isis
and Ishtar as it was to Moses and the Israelites.
Surprisingly, the Temple of Philae was the only Egyptian temple
not destroyed by the Persian Cambyses II in about 525BCE. In stark
contrast to his father, Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II was a cruel despot
prone to rages and sacrilegious acts. His admirable restraint on Philae
shows the degree of respect Cambyses II held for the religion of the Jews,
which was at least consistent with his Indo-Hittite Zoroastrian beliefs.
Certainly, the period in Palestine after the expulsion of the
Hyksos from Egypt in 1567BCE was much more commercially advanced
than the narrow focus implied to us by the Biblical stories.
After the
expulsion of the Hyksos, Palestine enjoyed a period of prosperity as the
Israelites retained close cultural affinities with the Hurrians and
Mediterranean peoples of Crete, the Cyclades and the richer areas of
Mainland Greece.
This prosperity was to abruptly end with the decisive five-month
campaign by Tuthmose III to capture the strategic city of Megiddo from
the Canaanite kings and re-exert suzerainty over Palestine. Tuthmose III
promptly made Megiddo his stronghold for Syria and Palestine because it
guarded the trade route between Jerusalem and Sidon.
An impressive fortified ashlar gateway protected the town of
Megiddo. Such squared masonry, the work of a stonemason, is usually a
sign of royalty. The Bible claims King Solomon built it.
Excavations have revealed just how advanced the city had
become. Extensive apartments adjoined the palace and included a
seashell-paved room, thought to be for bathing. The royal treasury gave
archeologists a wonderful cache. It contained gold vessels, jewelry and
carved ivories displaying the richness of Canaanite art. The temple of the
city measured eleven metres by ten metres and had two fine pillars
flanking the portico.
Thutmose III's merit list of conquered cities placed Kadesh at the
head of the list, followed by Megiddo. Kadesh was a very special city
and superior to Megiddo. Yet, its exact location is uncertain. There are a
number of cities in Syro-Palestine called Kadesh. These are Kadesh on
the Orontes, the one-time Amalekite stronghold Kadesh-Barnea or Ein-
Mishpat in the lower Negev Desert and Merbah Kadesh in the wilderness
of Zin.
Thutmose III did not campaign as far as the city of Kadesh on the
Orontes River in northern Syria where Ramses II later won a major battle.
The other two sites of Kadesh seem to be little more than locations on the
map at the time of Thutmose III. Sadly we cannot check his diary that
recorded the campaign every day on a leather scroll in the temple of
Amon, however he did carve the Annals of the Battle of Megiddo on the
walls of the Temple of Karnak.
It is widely thought that the Palestine Kadesh plundered by
Thutmose III is Jerusalem. The name Kadesh actually means Holy City
and many biblical references identify it directly with Jerusalem.
example, in about 700BCE Isaiah said of the people of Jerusalem:
For they call themselves of the holy city.
This leads us to believe that Jerusalem was a holy sanctuary from
times pre-dating 1480BCE and probably also pre-dating about 1800BCE
when Abraham met King Melchizedek there. Chapter 11 investigates
King Melchizedek the Righteous in more detail.
Therefore, Kadesh the Holy City is most probably Jerusalem.
This would certainly be consistent with Jerusalem's position as the most
important city in Palestine, where Salma the Son of Light was
worshipped. As we have seen, Thutmose III plundered the legendary
treasure of King Solomon here in 1480BCE, at least four hundred years
before the conventionally accepted time.
After the 1480BCE conquest, Thutmose III and his immediate
successors firmly introduced the mystery cults of Isis and Osiris
throughout Palestine.
These cults ritualized Isis' search for her
murdered husband Osiris and the reassembly of Osiris' body together with
a golden phallus. They taught vigilance against Typhon through the
triumph of Horus over his father's murderer, Set. Horus represents all
immaculately conceived sons of Isis, philosophically born in her
mysteries. In days past, the nom de guerre of these initiates was sons of
the widow.
To some degree, Thutmose III returned the mystery religions to a
land where they had existed many centuries before. For example, the
main goddess of the Egyptian pantheon was Isis whose name derives
from the Indo-Hittite onomatopoeic word Ish-ish, meaning she-who-
weeps, the Goddess who weeps for her dying husband.
The roots of
Egyptian royal language and the religious concepts of the ruling society
suggest that a very early Indo-Hittite migration into Egypt established the
rulers of pre-first dynasty Egypt.
There is always the problem of hermetic drift inherent in myths
cobbled together for national identity. This compels us to rise above the
interplay of myths and legends in Occam's helicopter. Only then can we
begin to categorize the archetypal landscape. At the first level of
abstraction, the magnificent temple of King Solomon is Israel and Egypt.
Solomon is Salma the Son of Light and by rose-logic one
anthropomorphic equivalent of Yahweh. In true archetypal fashion, King
Solomon disappears from Biblical history as soon as his role in building
the Temple is finished. The treasure of the Temple is the wealth of the
whole region once controlled by the Israelites, from Palestine to the
Egyptian Delta.
At a higher level of abstraction, hermetic logic makes the First
Temple into the New Jerusalem, which can exist everywhere. It is within
us as our celestial soul. King Solomon is greater than any god defined in
relation to the earth. Like the transcendent Yahweh, Egyptian Amun and
Persian Ahura Mazda, King Solomon has an integral role in the
omnipresent order, harmony and balance of the whole universe. This
outstandingly important role is Peace, Mercy in Justice, Righteousness
and the Wisdom or Charity of Love, as we shall see in Chapter 7.
Chapter 4 Crucibles of Humanity
The last Chapter found that changing religious practices in the
Levant and Egypt are at the heart of the enigma of King Solomons
Temple. To unravel the mystery further, it is useful to review the broad
sweep of populations that carried different religious outlooks through the
region and to Europe and Britain. Modern advances in genetic mapping
have made this possible.
DNA loci in human genes now provide a rough evolutionary
profile. Nei and Roychourdhury completed a study of twenty-six human
population groups in 1993. The cluster diagram below shows their data,
as reprocessed by the author.
The dendrogram or phylogenetic tree shows the relationship
between population groups. The distance between various groups
provides an evolutionary time scale. It assumes a constant gene mutation
rate. Unfortunately this can also lead to some absurd results, such the
conclusion that South Asians and Polynesians developed long before the
Greater Asian Supercluster of the Tibetans, Japanese and Koreans, and
also long before the Caucasians groups such as the Germans, English,
Italians and Iranians.
A second major assumption in the phylogenetic map is that there
must be a distinct root race and an Eve, a single point start to humanity.
This assumption is incorrect. First, consider the age-old paradox of what
came first, the hen or the egg. Of course, the answer is an earlier kind of
Those of us that secretly harbour a romantic conception of Eve
might need to catch their breath because around 65 to 125 million years
ago, Eve was a rat-like creature called a Mus musculus. This Eve is not
only the ancestor of humans, but also the common ancestor of humans
and mice.
Cluster mathematics is a description technique, not a predictor. It
measures correlation and correlation does not mean causation. In fact, the
cluster diagram below shows Africa mathematically separated from the
remainder of the world. Of course, humans in Africa share the same
genes as humans elsewhere. There is simply more variance between
Africans and Asians than between Caucasians and Asians. To complicate
matters further, eighty-five percent of all variance occurs within
populations and only fifteen percent among populations.
This means
there is usually far greater genetic diversity between members of a
Cluster Analysis of Data by Nei and Roychourdhury, 1993
population than there is between populations. In other words, geneticists
are working with a little information in the midst of a lot of noise.
Neither noise nor mathematical debates deter grand theories. As
Africa has the most fossils, traditional geneticists claim the phylogenetic
map supports linearity to Africa. They believe mankind reached
fulldevelopment in Africa and from there spread to the rest of the world.
Scholars call this linear African root race approach the out-of-Africa
theory of humankind.
These traditional genetic evolutionists are pleased that the
phylogenetic map is generally consistent with data on morphological
differences, the geographic distribution of populations and archeology.
Yet, there is inconsistency with dental, cranial and other
paleontological factors and with linguistics that causes equal uneasiness
with the phylogenetic map.
A major enigma for those with a dogged belief in the
phylogenetic map is the Australian and Papuan groups. These have the
physical characteristics of the Africans (dark skin, frizzled hair, etc) but a
genetic mix more akin to Asians and Caucasians than Africans. This
genetic mélange remains highly controversial. Some rationalize it away
as the result of gene admixture between two interbreeding migrations.
Sadly, the Out-of-Africa theory and phylogenetic map do not
provide an elegant solution to evolution. To achieve closer conformity of
the phylogenetic map, researchers are drilling down to detail that is even
more microscopic. Study of microsatellite loci of DNA may shed
additional light on why the theory is inconsistent with physical evidence.
There are three additional problems in delving into these
microsatellite positions and codes. The first is that the microsatellite loci
can have a number of forms in some groups but only one in other groups.
The second issue is that the mutation rate is not uniform but varies
considerably from locus to locus.
A final issue is common to all genetic research in evolution. This
is that populations are rapidly blending through intermarriage, which
leads to diffuse homogeneity. In brief, it means that researchers are
rapidly running out of pure lineage for research.
It is useful to look at the same genetic data in the phylogenetic
map from the perspective of underlying factors. Factor analysis extracts
those few factors that statistically explain nearly all the variance observed
between populations. It is quite a robust analytical technique.
Factor Analysis of Nei and Roychourdhury Data, 1993
(each axis represents the correlation domain from +1 to 1,
see the previous Cluster diagram for more detail of particular groups in
each Supercluster such as the Greater Asians)
Factor Analysis of Nei and Takezaki Data, 1996
(Chimpanzees are not closely related to any of
Africans, Asians or Caucasians)
Factor analysis of the data from Nei and Roychourdhury shows
that ninety six percent of the variance is explained by just three distinct
factors. From an inspection of the data, we can call them geographically
an Asian Factor, Caucasian Factor and African Factor. It is interesting to
note in the three-dimensional plot above just how distinctly separated the
African group is from the Asians and Caucasians.
The three factors directly relate to the main regional population
groups we noted earlier in the cluster analysis. The main factor, which
explains sixty five percent of the variance in the data, is the Asian Factor.
This factor is closely associated with the populations of Tibet, Mongolia,
South China and Thailand through to Polynesia and Papua. It correlates
inversely to the African Pygmies, Nigerians and Bantus.
The second factor is Caucasoid, with population groups that span
from North India and Iran through Germany and Italy to Finland and
England. The third factor turns out to be composed solely of the African
population groups, the Pygmies, Nigerians and Bantus. The North and
South Amerindians show a strong inverse correlation to the Africans,
which may imply a closer relation to Caucasians and Asians than to
Comparison with a Chimpanzee only highlights the major
differences between groups further. The clear genetic distinctions
between the three geographical population groups bring us to the main
opposing hypothesis to the out-of-Africa theory.
This second hypothesis is the multiregional theory. It is a linear
theory for pluralists. The theory suggests that over the last one million
years Homo Sapiens evolved from Homo Erectus more or less
simultaneously in Europe, East Asia, Australia and Africa.
There were
many migrations into and out of Africa. While this theory has greater
consistency with our modern understanding of the linguistic roots of
population groups, it leaves many traditional genetic evolutionists quite
The main elements of DNA and linguistics analysis necessitate a
new bridging theory of population crucibles. The elements of this theory
have been in existence since George Todaro and his team at the US
National Cancer Institute began investigating Type C virus antibodies
twenty years ago. Nowadays, evidence is rapidly accumulating to support
his surprising conclusions.
Amphipithecus / Propliopithecus / Aegyptopithecus
(all date back to 40m ya)
10m ya
40,000 ya
5m ya
20m ya
Proconsol Apes -
No fossil skulls of
Chimpanzees or
Gorillas have yet
been found
Types of Australpithecus: Telantropus Man
@ 1.5 m ya; Parantropus Man @ 3.0m ya
Australopithecus Boisei @ 1.5m ya
Proto Australopithecus
Common Chimpanzee
Pygmy Chimpanzee
Most likely the
Australopithecus group was
hairy, retained estrus, non-
aquatic but nevertheless
relatively successful bi-
pedal hominoids
Extinct c 1m ya
0.4m ya Homo Sapien
Homo Habilis 3m ya
1.5-1.0m ya Homo Erectus
Robustus Others
c 5m ya
c 6m ya
'Southern' Ape
and Many
Diverse Types
Aquatic Apes
(Rift Valley)
c 14m ya to 7m ya
Rama Ape
Proto Ramapithecus
Aquatic Apeman
'Estuarine Man
Loss of Estrus'
0.04m ya Homo Sapien Sapien
Non-hairy, Non-Estrus,
Variable Build to Gracile
Formation of the Afro-Asiatic Supercluster (ya means years ago, m means million years &c means circa)
DNA patterns have shown us that modern man is very similar to
all the apes including Asian Orangutans, African Gorillas and
Chimpanzees. The time at which each of the various species diverged
from each other remains a matter of considerable uncertainty in academic
circles. Estimates are little more than tentative speculations based on
assumed average mutation rates and an arbitrary sizing of the time scale.
However, we can reasonably hypothesize that the separation with
Orangutans was about twelve million years ago and if so, the split with
the Gorillas and Chimps would perhaps have been about twenty million
years ago. Absolute timing is not as important as the geographical
The new Crucibles theory begins about forty million years ago
with our ancestral tree dwellers, the Dryopithecines, who lived in the trees
of Africa and Asia. In Africa they were called the Aegyptopithecus and
Propliopithecus and in Asia the Amphipithecus.
We know that in Africa the tree dwelling Aegyptopithecus sub-
divided into the Proconsol group of Gorillas and Chimpanzees, and the
hominoid Ramapithecus.
With the discovery of the fossilized remains of an
Australopithecus who lived about 3 to 4 million years ago, dubbed Lucy,
the theory that man developed from the Proconsols gained popularity.
Lucy was just over one metre high and walked upright. She provided a
unique insight into what a Man-ape in Africa might have looked like.
We must be careful to understand that Australopithecus was not
halfway on the path to modern man in any linear sense but rather one of
many hybrids that emerged, for a while, in parallel to both the Proconsols
and Man. Australopithecus became extinct about two million years ago.
The African proto-humans called Ramapithecus emerged in the
Rift Valley of Africa between fourteen million and seven million years
ago. This valley extends from the Danakil Depression, south of the Red
Sea, well into South Africa.
Ramapithecus then plunged into the period that gives modern
archeology its biggest headache because there are no fossils. This is the
Pliocene Era, a period of four million years where there are absolutely no
fossils of either hominoids or apes.
One tentative theory for the absence of human fossils in the
Pliocene Era is that a great drought in Central Africa forced the
hominoids to become aquatic waders, isolated in the Afar Gulf.
Gulf lies in the Rift Valley of Africa, south of the Danakil Alps.
Emergence of the Afro-Asiatic Language Groups
and the cradle of Man in the Danakil Alps of Afar Gulf
of the Rift Valley at the southern end of the Red Sea
Some believe that in this aquatic environment female hominoids
lost the characteristic of estrus.
Estrus is the phenomena of going on
heat at a particular time of every month. We see it in all mammals except
modern woman and Orangutans, where it has all but extinguished. In
other coincidences, man and Orangutans are the only species to be ticklish
and use tools.
If the hominoids became aquatic waders, they seemed to return to
land about three million years ago. Researchers find fossils of Homo
Habilus at this time. The trail then leads confidently on once more to
Homo Erectus and to the black, hairy African Neanderthal called Homo
Sapien. He was characterized by an Occipital Bun or Skull Bone Ridge.
Then about forty thousand years ago the modern successor of
Homo Sapien emerged from the Rift Valley in Africa. He is Homo
Sapien (Sapien) and was very robust. Homo Sapien (Sapien) rapidly
spread to West Africa as Bantus and to Europe as Cro-Magnon Man.
We now turn to Asia where a separate crucible developed from
the Amphipithecus tree dwellers of forty million years ago.
Amphipithecus and Aegyptopithecus of the African Rift Valley are closely
related. Indeed, they were probably the same group for all genetic
Around twenty million years ago, the same Proconsol split
occurred in Asia as in Africa. However, in Asia, Amphipithecus split into
the proto-humanoid Sivapithecus and the Gibbon line rather than the
Gorilla and Chimpanzee as in Africa.
As mentioned above, about twelve million years ago the hairy
Orangutans split from the hominoids. We call the hominoids of this
period Sivapithecus. Until eight million years ago, Sivapithecus gave rise
to many lines in Asia, such as the Siva/Rama Ape, that have since become
extinct. As in Africa, the Pliocene drought might well have forced
Sivapithecus to the waters edge as an aquatic wading ape-man that we
might call Estuary-man. Similarly, the hairy Orangutan became the
aquatic Orangutan. As with Ramapithecus, the females of both the
Sivapithecus hominoids and the Orangutans became non-estrus due to
their aquatic environment.
Another result of the supposed aquatic phase in man's
development was that man's pheromones largely disappeared. In contrast
to other mammals, man developed eccrine glands for efficient sweat
Residual apocrine glands in humans are now limited to scent
'Swamp Ape'
Proto Gibbon
Gibbon - Hairy / Estrus / Non-aquatic
Amphipithecus / Propliopithecus / Aegyptopithecus
(all date back to 40m ya)
Proto Sivapithecus/Ramapithecus
refer 'Proconsol's
Siamang - Hairy / Estrus / Non-aquatic
0.25-0.004m ya Solo/Tien Shan
1.0-0.5m ya Java/Proto Peking Man
c 12/14m ya to 7/8m ya
Siva Rama Ape
Yeti - Hairy / Estrus
/ Non-aquatic
Aquatic Apeman
'Estuarine Man'
Many Extinct
Loss of
10m ya
40,000 ya
5m ya
20m ya
SE Asia
Hairy / Non-estrus
0.5-.025m ya Sangiran/Peking Man
Non-hairy, Non Estrus,
1.8m ya Homo
Formation of the Indo-Hittite Supercluster (ya means years ago, m means million, c means circa)
production. Harkening back to an earlier time of evolution, pheromone
glands are still to be found all over a five month foetus.
There is a continuing similarity between Sivapithecus in Asia and
Ramapithecus in Africa implying that to this point they were both
practically the same. Yet, two distinct sub-groups were definitely
emerging, notwithstanding the similaritiesThis is where the work of
George Todaros team is important in upsetting the assumption of
linearity in evolutionary theory.
His DNA research has shown that all
African apes and monkeys possess Type C Virus antibodies of the highly
infectious baboon plague virus.
These antibodies are conspicuously
absent in Asian apes and man. In 2002, Dutch researchers found evidence
of a similar AIDS-related epidemic that wiped out huge numbers of
chimpanzees 2.5 to 3 million years ago, which is why current
chimpanzees dont develop AIDS.
The uncannily monogamous Gibbon and the Orangutan are
distinctly associated with the Asian group. This provides compelling
evidence that the evolutionary path of man was in Asia for a long time.
A theory is gaining currency that Asian groups seem to have
migrated, or returned to Africa after populations in Africa were wiped-out
by airborne baboon plague.
This controversial version of the Multi-regional Theory dates to
1976 but is now supported by studies in Asia and Africa of the YAP
haplotype of the male Y-chromosome, passed from father to son, and the
beta-globin gene on chromosome eleven inherited from both parents.
Variations at chromosome twenty-one also suggest that there were three
distinct areas of human development.
These were Europe, Asia and
Sometimes DNA studies confirm what we already feel about our
proximity to the Asian Orangutan. For example, a visit to the Orangutans
at the local zoo provides a pleasantly unnerving communication
Now we have established the major population crucibles, we will
move as quickly as possible along to the importance of these crucibles for
our story of alchemy and religion.
Gigantpithecus or the Yeti Snowman split from Sivapithecus
about five million years ago in Asia. By one million years ago Java Man
emerged as the Proto-Peking man.
Sangiran or the Peking Man in Java followed Java Man. This
occurred between two hundred and fifty thousand and five hundred
thousand years ago. Solo Man, the Asian Neanderthal called Tien Shan,
followed in the period to two hundred and fifty thousand years.
At forty thousand years, the Asian Homo Sapien (Sapien) or
Modern Man emerged in Asia as in Africa. In contrast to his African
counterpart, Asian Modern Man was light skinned, non-hairy and had a
variable build.
In the period from one hundred thousand to twenty thousand
years ago, the hairy black skinned Neanderthal expanded from the Rift
Valley in Africa to the Middle East and Europe. He did not reach
Scandinavia. The DNA of a Neanderthal found at Düsseldorf differs
significantly from modern humans.
Other Negroid Neanderthals that moved east were the Australoid-
Caucasian Veddahs of Southern India and the hairy Australian Aborigine.
In the Middle East, Neanderthals dislodged the primitive
aboriginal tribes of the Ugric and the Kirgis. The Ugric people were
Finnish or Magyar and lived east and south of the Ural Mountains. The
Kirgis lived in Turkic, from the Kirgiz Steppes to an area between the
Caspian and Aral Seas and Lake Balkhash.
Possibly these Neanderthals were found in the east to Lake
Baikal and the Altai Mountains. These primitive Ugric and Turkic tribes
of the Kirgiz Steppes relocated north to the Siberian Plains. They became
the race we now call the Mongols. Remnants of these populations remain
today as the Mongol-Caucasoid Ugric Laplanders, Samoyed Voguls, and
Yukahir Eskimos.
About one hundred thousand years ago, Caucasians separated
from Mongolian races. The Mongols moved east to the Great Plain of
China, between the Huang-Ho and Yangtze Rivers. To the south lay the
Nan Shan Mountains beyond which lived Australoid-Caucasian people of
Negroid origin.
In moving into the Great Plain of China, the Mongols dislodged
the hairy Ainu who dwelled in Korea and Manchuria. The Ainu migrated
to Japan, the remote Kamchatka Peninsular of Siberia and the Bering Sea.
About thirty thousand years ago, they escaped even further to Taiwan and
the Philippines.
The Mongols then migrated to North America across the Bering
Strait land bridge, which at that time linked Siberia and Alaska. This
bridge closed some thirty thousand years ago but became available again
in the period from twelve thousand to ten thousand years ago. While the
The Indo-Hittite Crucible in the Steppes
and Major Population Movements into Europe and Persia.
land bridge was unavailable, the Mongols expanded west to the region
northwest of the Gobi desert.
Returning to the main Asian Crucible, we find that
anthropologists know little about the original homelands of the Asian
Homo Sapien (Sapien) in the Interglacial period between the Second and
First Ice Ages. Romantic, albeit pervasive myths of the Aryans suggest
that the Asian Homo Sapien (Sapien) enjoyed a Golden Age in their
Hyperborean pre-Arctic homeland. This Hyperborean means beyond the
North Wind and has a special relationship to Britain as the homeland of
the great teachers.
Vedic Hymns praised this fabled homeland as The
A Tibetan legend tells of a city to the north of the Gobi Desert in
today's Northern China, called Shambhala or the Hidden City of
Goodness, founded by Manu the Priest King and Great Lawmaker of the
Indo-Hittite Aryans. In his merit or caste system of social stability,
clearly saw that men are distinguished by natural evolution into
four great classes: those capable of offering service to society through
their bodily labor (Sudras); those who serve through mentality, skill,
agriculture, trade, commerce, business life in general (Vaisyas); those
whose talents are administrative, executive, and protective (Kshatriyas);
those of a contemplative nature, spiritually inspired and inspiring
(Brahmins). Neither birth nor sacraments nor study nor ancestry can
decide whether a person is twice born (i.e. a Brahmin) the Mahabharata
[Great Lord] declares, character and conduct only can decide. Manu
instructed society to show respect to its members insofar as they
possessed wisdom, virtue, age, kinship or lastly, wealth. Riches in Vedic
India were always despised if they were hoarded or not available for
charitable purposes. Ungenerous men of great wealth were assigned a
low rank in society.
The exceedingly sophisticated Vedic social system, based on
agape or charity of fellowship, is unusual for a time many thousands of
years ago. Some would argue that our current democracies are only now
regaining the poignant elegance of anonymous philanthropy.
The environment of the Asian crucible was not to remain benign.
An Ice Age made the hyperborean homeland of the Asian Homo Sapien
(Sapien) uninhabitable twenty eight thousand years ago. The white
skinned peoples departed south to the Russian Steppes. By twenty
thousand years ago, they moved into Europe and eliminated the
Neanderthals there. In fifteen thousand three hundred, they populated the
city of Asgar (or Asgartha) in Northern India. The Brahmatmas emerged
as a priestly caste who venerated fire as the symbol of their godhead.
Asgerd was also the traditional home of the Norse god Odin, which was
thought to be near the Euxine or Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, thirty
miles north of Lake Van.
The Asian Homo Sapien (Sapien) called Aryans who plunged into
the Indus Valley in todays Pakistan were a warrior society. They lived in
tents, were patriarchal and polygamous. Their sky gods were of lightning,
storm, sun, wind and fire. Culturally they placed great emphasis on the
oral transmission of mythology and they prohibited writing. These
characteristics will prove uncannily insightful markers for the Indo-Hittite
group in later chapters.
The Ice Age of twenty eight thousand years ago began to thaw
fourteen thousand years ago. In ten thousand BCE, another bitter ice age
called the Snap Ice Age quickly followed it. This forced more waves of
Caucasian Homo Sapien (Sapien) migration into Mesopotamia, Bactria
and up the Danube River into Europe.
Following the Snap Ice Age a warm interglacial period was
quickly reestablished that favored agriculture. About five thousand five
hundred BCE, an urban type Samara civilization arose at Eridu in Sumer
and in the Nile and Indus Valleys. First dynasty Egyptian society
emerged in about 3400BCE.
Studies of the Y-chromosome in European populations provide
additional evidence for population movements in the last twelve thousand
years. Factor analysis of European DNA polymorphism shows four
principal components that correspond to geographical and historical
population movements across Europe.
The most dominant component is consistent with the well-
documented wave of Neolithic farmers from the Middle East nine
thousand five hundred years ago. It accounts for twenty-eight percent of
population variation. The second principal component matches the arrival
of Finno-Ugric and Samoyeds speakers from the Western Siberian
Lowland, following the Snap Ice Age. This polymorphism accounts for
twenty-two percent of the geographic variation between populations in
Europe. The third and fourth principal components each account for
eleven percent. These are the westward migration of nomads from
Bronze Age Don-Volga, above the Caspian Sea, and Greek colonial
expansion in the first millennium BCE.
The Indo-Hittite movements came from Asian Homo Sapien
(Sapien) domination of the area around the Caspian and Aral Seas. This
developed into the crucible of the Indo-Hittite Language Group.
two primary sub-groups were the Indo-Europeans and the Anatolian
group that included the Hittites, Etruscans and Lydians.
The Indo-European group is the Kurgan people. It included the
Celts, Italic Latins, the Gothic Anglo Saxons, Norse, Germans, Greeks,
Phrygians, Albanians, Armenians and Baltic-Slavs. It also included the
highly successful Indo-Iranians such as the Persians and the Modern
Indo-Aryan Indians.
Indo-European Kurgan (or Barrow) people crossed into Europe
above the Black Sea in about 4250BCE. They traveled on horses from
the Russian Steppes west of the Ural Mountains and followed the Danube
into Europe, razing relatively peaceful agrarian cultures everywhere they
went. The Kurgan people finally reached Ireland from Britain in about
Other Kurgan waves followed into Europe between 3400BCE
and 2800BCE. The were joined by waves of Bronze Age Scandinavian
peoples traveling south down the Volga, Danube and Dneiper Rivers to
escape rapid climate deterioration in the Sub-Boreal Period of
These were the tall, blond and red-headed seafarers who
founded the Mycenaean civilization in the 16
century BCE. Even prior
to this they had journeyed by sea to Britain where they established
Mycenaean civilization in Wessex from the beginning of the 2
millennium BCE, before it had arrived in Greece.
Gradually the Kurgans spread southwards into the Macedonian
plain and western Anatolia. They appear in Mesopotamia as Hurrians,
Mitanni and Kassites.
In Greece, they were the Achaeans who
established the Mycenaean civilization and subsequently the Dorians
from the small state of Doris, who destroyed it.
These early Anatolian and Mesopotamian Kurgans worshipped
the Indo-Hittite trinity of Mitra, Varuna and Indra.
Much later, in
1400BCE, the tough Hurrian Mitanni in Asia Minor still worshipped this
same male trinity.
The Achaeans, who were the first to invade Greece, ultimately
joined with the Pelasgians and Ionians. In doing so, they succumbed to
the religion of the Triple Goddess, which was the ancient religion of the
other main crucible, the Afro-Asiatics.
The Kurgans violently sacked cities in Europe as they had in the
Indus Valley. Their culture was highly mobile and war-oriented.
Everywhere they became the ruling class.
A number of invasions also reached Britain from North Africa.
The first was in about 2000BCE when the Beaker people made their way
via Libya, Mauritania, Spain and France to Southern Ireland and Wales.
The Picts departed North Africa by sea and invaded Northern
Ireland and Scotland in 1250BCE.
The Picts, who have Mongol traits,
are a good example of re-migration to Africa. Like the Dacians,
Thracians, Scythians and Moschians, the Picts were cannibalistic, heavily
tattooed and dyed their bodies with blue indigotin called woad.
women also died their bodies in blue woad and were equally fearless in
battle. The Picts were somewhat renowned for copulating in public.
Ancient histories of the Druids also record the colonization of
England by the Indo-Hittite Hyperborean tribe of Albion in the fourth
millennium BCE, and later by the Trojans in 1115BCE.
The legends of
the Franks also claim that the Merovingians descended from the Trojans.
The Archangel Michael, St George and Minerva Britannia
became respectively the patron Angel, Saint and Goddess of God's
Countenance in Britain. Not surprisingly, they are also equivalent to the
patrons of ancient Israel being Michael the Protector, Moses and the
Shekhinah. The commonality of British and Israelite colonization
harkens back to a perceived common Indo-Hittite source in Anatolia,
which we shall look at in more detail in Chapter 17.
The warm interglacial period that followed the Snap Ice Age also
drew Semitic speaking peoples from the Ethiopian Highlands back to the
Near East and Asia Minor. These were now nomadic sheep and goat
herders and their routes to Canaan passed through Egypt, South Arabia
and Sumer.
The origin of the Semites is well understood from their language,
which forms one of six groups in the Afro-Asiatic cluster of the African
Homo Sapien (Sapien). The other groups are Berber, Beja, Egyptian,
Cushitic and Chadic peoples.
The Semites have four sub-groups. The oldest is the Akkadian or
Assyro Babylonian group that invaded the Arabian Peninsular and Sumer.
The North Central group is comprised of Modern Hebrew, Ugaritic,
Phoenician, Aramaic and Syriac. Arabic is a separate South Central
group. On the Southern periphery is the language of the Minaeans,
Sabians of Yemen and Ethiopians.
Drifting Semites from the Arabian peninsular initially entered
Mesopotamia in small peaceful groups. However, the Akkadians were
different. Although we do not have any evidence of when they first
appeared in the Zagros Mountains, in present day Kurdistan, it seems the
Akkadians were there at the dawn of prehistory. There they mixed with
Indo-Iranian warrior tribes. From this region, they massed invasions of
the fertile Tigris-Euphrates Valley. The well-armed Akkadian Semite
King Sharru-Kin, who we call Sargon I, eventually dominated, seizing
control of Upper Mesopotamia in 2380BCE.
Sharru-Kin did not erase civilization in the manner of the Indo-
Iranians but fused with Sumerian culture over his fifty-five year reign.
He adopted their system of writing and built a grand new capital in
northern Mesopotamia called Agade, which became the richest city in the
The name Sharru-Kin means Righteous Ruler and is remarkable
for its concept of self-restraint and Goodness. The same belief underlies
that of Indo-Hittite Zoroastrianism that we will look at in Chapter 8.
From at least this time onwards in Sumer, as in Egypt, the code word
Righteous indicated the kingly right of divine rule. Righteous and Good
have become the common descriptions of an underlying esoteric current
or heritage that has continued to exist throughout recorded history.
With Indo-Hittite inspiration, the Semite-Akkadians then circled
above Mesopotamia to Damascus. There a group became the well-
documented tribe of Abraham. As such, Sharru-Kin foreshadows
Abraham, Melchizedek the Priest King of Righteousness in Salem and the
Essenes Teacher of Righteousness. We will look at these further in
Chapter 5 and Chapter 11.
Something dreadfull occurred around 2300BCE. It shattered the
earliers urban civilizations around the globe. The Akkadian Empire in
Mesopotamia collapsed, as did the Egyptian Old Kingdom, the Early
Bronze Age civilization in Anatolia, Israel and Greece, the civilization in
Indias Indus Valley, the Hilmand civilization in Afghanistan and the
Hongshan civilization in China.
In Mespootamia, the barbarian Gutians conquered Sharru-Kins
grand city Agade. They descended upon Mesopotamia from the Zoreb
Mountains in 2120BCE. They destroyed the whole of Sumer and the
Sumerians only managed to regain independence a century later. Even
then peace was not to last. The next wave of Semites, the Semitic
Amorites arrived from the western deserts just a decade later. This
instability in the north of Mesopotamia allowed the black-skinned
Dravidian speaking Elamites to enter the south and capture Ur in
2004BCE. The Elamites continued to exert influence over Babylonia for
the next 200 years.
Bitter internecine struggles ensued in Asia Minor until the
Babylonian King Hammurabi emerged as a successful military leader in
1848BCE. He zealously protected his borders from the Persian Gulf to
the Western Mediterranean Sea. Hammurabi was also highly regarded as
a cultural leader. His major achievement was to codify the laws of
Babylonian life. The legal innovations Hammurabi introduced were quite
similar to those that had just occurred in Egypt under Amenemhe I and
his son Sesôstris I. It was also about this time that Sumer became
Innovative though it was, Hammurabis code was still based on
the crude law of retaliation and blood-feud: life for life, eye for eye, tooth
for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound,
bruise for bruise.
In this respect it was inferior to King Shulgis Ur-
Nammu Code.
King Shulgi, who reigned in Sumer from 2095-
2047BCE, introduced a very advanced form of law for Ur-Nammu. It
provided only for compensation to a wronged party. For example, If a
man knocks out the eye of another man, he shall weigh out one-half a
mina of silver.
Indo-Hittite Aryans called Hittites occupied the central plateau of
Anatolia in this same period. The language structure of Anatolia became
extraordinarily complex. Old Anatolian Indo-Hittite groups were
scattered into small pockets such as the Lydians to the West, the Palaic in
the North, and the Carians, Luvians of the South. The powerful Hittites
and Hurrians together with the Western Semitic peoples controlled the
prosperous east of Anatolia, which was developing mineral resources for
Bronze Age trade throughout the Middle East. We shall see in the next
two chapters that their wealth brought an avalanche of trouble to the
region. Enter the Egyptians.
Chapter 5 Anatolian Commagene & Israelites
The Commagene is a region of intense historical intrigue in
todays Turkey. It lies on the upper Euphrates, in the centre of a
prosperous Bronze Age area famous for metalworking. It is here that
wool and flax production began ten thousand years ago and copper
smelting a thousand years later.
In 5400BCE, inhabitants of the nearby
Zagros Mountains of Northern Iran first produced wine.
Mt Ararat and Kurdistan border the Commagene in the east.
Colchis, sorceress Medea's country and the land of initiation, bounds the
Commagene in the north. Her rivers ran with gold. Her hero, Jason,
captured the mythical Golden Fleece.
Four great rivers flow from the flat alluvial plateau of the
Commagene. These are the Tigris, Euphrates, Murat and Araks. The
Tigris and Euphrates flow south to the Persian Gulf, the Murat River
flows into the Euphrates and the Araks River flows to the Caspian Sea.
The Biblical Eden has four similar rivers, the Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel
and Euphrates.
Commagene temple worship dates back to very ancient times. In
1996, a Heidelberg University team discovered a temple and village
dating from one thousand BCE in the Sanli-Urfa region of the Harran
Plain. It is perhaps the richest of all similar villages noted in world
archaeological literature.
The people of the Harran Plain used to go to this temple every
spring for religious ceremonies. The excavations have so far revealed a
sculptured lion, seven steles, three statues of people and flooring
consisting of four layers of mosaics. Excavation of the site will take two
The Commagene became known as Kutmuhi in Assyrian times
from 1300BCE to 612BCE. After this, the Commagene passed into
Persian control. It later became an important part of the Silk Road
because of its natural access to Asia Minor, Uzbekistan, Bukhara and the
Steppes of Russia.
The region effectively remained outside the Roman Empire until
67CE and this allowed it to retain a number of Indo-Hittite star cults
involving Magi. The most well know of these was the Royal Cult of the
Kings of Commagene.
Moving back in time by two thousand years, to early Bronze Age
Anatolia, we find the Egyptians taking a great interest in the metallurgy
and wealth of the area. In about 1950BCE the twelfth dynasty Pharaoh
Sesôstris I, Senwostre I in Greek, campaigned by land and sea as far as
the outer perimeter of the Black Sea.
Sesôstris Is father, Amenemhe I, was the first Pharaoh of the
twelfth dynasty. At times father and son ruled as co-regents. Their
predecessor, Montjuhotep II, had reunited Egypt through a series of
Thebian wars just before two thousand BCE. The post-war economic
revival of a united Upper and Lower Egypt led to immense wealth and
Sesôstris I consolidated the economic power of Egypt through a
series of aggressive military campaigns in both Lower Egypt and abroad.
He secured the richly fertile region of Wawat in Nubia, south of
Elephantine. Sesôstris military forts controlled all the desert and river
caravan routes up to the second cataract.
Together Amenemhe I and his son Sesôstris I reestablished the
old system of Pharaonic divinity in Egypt. They introduced law reforms
and a new and progressive administrative system based on state religion.
The Crata Repoa may describe their system of qualification for office
(see Appendix 7).
The seven liberal arts blossomed in Egypt. It was a time of
unusual literature such as the philosophical journey A Mans Dispute with
His Own Soul and the popular Story of Sinuhe.
Monumental, ashlar architecture flourished. Amenemhe I
established a greenfields royal capital at Itjtawy, 20km south of Sakkara
and Memphis. Adjacent to it he built one of the most beautiful funerary
pyramid complexes in all Pharaonic history.
The wealth and grandeur of the twelfth dynasty came from
mineral resources. Amenemhe I mined amethyst in the Wadi el-Hudi,
which is east of Elephantine.
Sesôstris I entered the Wadi Hammamat
in the Coptos region to mine materials such as galena, the mineral of lead,
and dark colored sandstone called greywacke.
His expedition was
nineteen thousand men strong. Many other twelfth dynasty expeditions
exploited the turquoise and copper mines at Serabit el-Khadim, Timna
and Wadi Maghara in southern Sinai.
Campaigns of Sesôstris I to Buhen in the Nubian Wawat,
Thrace, Colchis, and the Commagene,
and into the Wadi Hammamat
Sir Flinders Petrie excavated Serabit el-Khadims temple of
Hathor-Baalat in 1905.
It dates from the time of Sesôstris I in
1800BCE and is one of the oldest rock-cut temples in Egyptian
architecture. These hard-rock underground turquoise mines at Serabit el-
Khadim were active as early as three thousand four hundred BCE. They
produced beautiful stones, some of which were set in the bracelets of
Egypts Queen Zer. These bracelets are amongst the oldest jewelry in the
Serabit el-Khadims temple of Hathor-Baalat consisted of a
long series of courts leading to an underground sanctuary.
and inscriptions show the kings of the Old and Middle Kingdoms as gods.
However, the front building of the temple is oddly un-Egyptian, being
asymmetrical and elongated.
Sir Flinders Petrie mentions fifty tons of mysterious white
powder that he discovered beneath the floor of the Temple. He thought it
was most likely wood ash from the burning of sacrifices but he was
unable to provide any reason why this odd white powder was apparently
stored under the floor slabs. The nearby Wadi Nasb produced evidence of
copper smelting works but different ash.
Sesôstris Is remarkable 1950BCE expedition across the
Mediterranean Sea ventured into Thrace in Eastern Greece, Scythia and
Colchis in Georgia. He was most likely seeking, smelting technology for
the manufacture of tin and bronze, and possibly the source of Baltic
Sesôstris was to leave a permanent reminder of his visit to
Colchis. In the words of Herodotus:
... For the fact is, as I first came to realize myself, and then heard
from others later, that the Colchians are obviously Egyptian. When the
notion occurred to me, I asked both the Colchians and the Egyptians
about it, and found that the Colchians had better recall of the Egyptians
than the Egyptians did of them. Some Egyptians said they thought the
Colchians originated with Sesôstris' army, but I myself guessed their
Egyptian origin not only because the Colchians are dark-skinned and
curly-haired (which does not count for much by itself, because these
features are common to others too), but more importantly because
Colchians, Egyptians, and Ethiopians are the only peoples of the world
who practice circumcision and have always done so. ... The obvious
antiquity of the custom in Egypt and Ethiopia prevents me from saying
whether the Egyptians learnt it from the Ethiopians or vice versa, but
what convinces me that the other peoples learnt it as a result of their
contact with Egypt is that any Phoenicians who have come into contact
with Greece have stopped copying the Egyptians with respect to their
genitalia, and do not cut off their children's foreskin. And let me mention
one more way the Colchians resemble the Egyptians: these two peoples
alone work linen, and they do so in the same way. In fact, their lifestyles
in general and their languages are similar. The Greeks call Colchian
linen Sardonian, while the linen that comes from Egypt is called
Powerful Sesôstris I destroyed many cities on his expedition. He
sent back to Egypt prisoners as well as metal such as lead and silver.
He also relocated Caucasian metalworkers to cities in the Levant and the
Sinai under Egyptian influence.
The famous Story of Sinuhe illustrates the extent of Egyptian
subjugation of the Levant and Syria. The story has always been highly
Sinuhe was a courtier who unwittingly overheard state
secrets at the death of Amenemhe I, father of Sesôstris I. Fearing for his
life Sinuhe escaped into Canaan and traveled to Byblos (in the Lebanon).
There he turned homewards and traveled to Upper Rtnw, thought to be a
town in Southern Syria, and became an adviser to the local king.
Afterwards he became a rich man. In Rtnw, Sinuhe saw many messengers
arrive from Pharaoh Sesôstris I and the Syrian princes offer humble
deference to Egypt. He saw the resolve of the Pharaoh to smite the
Bedouin and Asiatics, such as the Hurrians, infringing upon his
suzerainty. Pharaoh Sesôstris I finally forgave Sinuhe. After many years,
the Pharaoh invited him back to Egypt and there saw out his days.
The proto-Israelites lived in the Anatolian Commagene after their
priestly tribe, a cult of Brahm called the Calani, migrated from Bactria, on
the border of Iran and Afghanistan.
Their godhead Yahweh was to
begin with the metalworking god Q're Adonai.
Q're means furnace or
We need to understand a little more of Q're Adonais widespread
importance. Qera (or Kt
r w hss) was the Western Semitic Ugaritic god of
metalwork and artisanship. At the time of Pharaoh Tuthmose III, the
Syrians worshipped him as the great god Kir.
Curetes are young men who shaved their hair at the feast of
Comyria and sacrifice these hair-trimmings to the God Q're.
they were the sacrificial kings armed companions who attended the
Triple Goddess Q'res holocaust and in later times sacrificed a child to the
god Cronos.
Qouros was a god of Thera, todays Island of Santorini.
the eruption of the volcano, the island was renamed Qera after this god.
Qouros and Qera have the same meaning of cauldron, melting pot or
furnace as the Canaanite kûr.
The Sumerian word KUR describes a cone-shape.
Baetylos are
similar omphali, or cone-shaped pillars that the Greeks worshipped by
anointing with oil, wine and blood.
KUR also represents an iron furnace, a round temple to Sabazios
with a hole at the top and a beehive. The same word KUR also means
mountain and the House that is like a mountain.
For example, the
Mesopotamian Inanna descended to the KUR, or symbolic chamber of the
underworld, risking all:
Inanna set out for the underworld. Ninshubur her faithful servant
went with her. Inanna spoke to her saying: .I am descending to the
KUR, to the underworld. If I do not return set up a lament for me by the
ruins Go to Nippur, to the temple of Enlil. When you enter his holy
shrine cry out 'O father Enlil, do not let your daughter be put to death in
the underworld If Enlil will not help you, go to Ur, to the temple of
Nanna. Weep before Father Nanna. If Nanna will not help you go to
Eridu, to the temple of Enki. Weep before Father Enki. Father Enki, the
God of Wisdom, knows the food of life, he knows the water of life, he
knows the secrets. Surely he will not let me die.'
The symbol of the mountain KUR is three small hillocks in an
equilateral triangular pattern.
KUR-KUR also means holy plant, which
is the common lily of the field or bright lilac crocus flower.
protection from the fiery breath of the Minoan bull, Medea gave Jason the
blood-red juice of the two-stalked, saffron-colored Causican crocus, the
potent flower that first sprang from the blood of Prometheus.
ancients used this poisonous colchium or meadow saffron as a remedy for
The Indo-Hittite root KUR occurs in the name of the Kirgis
people who lived in Kirgiz Steppes of Turkic and the alternative name for
the Indo-Hittites, the Kurgan people. The root Kûr is also the same as
Car. It occurs in many place names, such as the ancient name for Harran
in the Commagene, Carrhae. The Caraïte sect was similar to the Essenes.
Ancient Caraïte is the language of the Damascus Document, an
excommunication text of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Quirites of Rome came from the Sabine town of Qures.
Sabian practices provide a unique insight into the unusual religion of the
Commagene but we defer this discussion of the Sabians until Chapter 8.
Both Indo-Hittite and Afro-Asiatic roots to Q're, or Quera, imply
that the same image of furnace is equally relevant to both cultural
The abundance of evidence leaves little doubt as to the
importance of this furnace-god or smithy-god to the Indo-Hittites and
more particularly to the Israelites.
Another of Yahweh's names confirms this. He was Elath-Iahu,
the Kenite Smith god. As foreshadowed in Chapter 3, the latter part of
the name, Iahu, had a very ancient provenance. It dates from about
2630BCE as a title of the god Set. Horus, the divine son of Osiris who
overcame Osiris' brother Set, was the Calf Iahu. The Hyksos Israelites
may well have heard this name for Yahweh in Egypt where he was
analogous to Set. We know Iahu is a divine name of Yahweh because
Solomon is specifically aware of it:
And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding
much and he spake of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon even
unto the hyssop that is upon the wall.
The hyssop is the tree of the winter solstice, IA, and the cedar
was the tree of the summer solstice, HU. Together they make the divine
name Iahu.
We see the metalworking influence continued with the subset
names of Tubal-cain and Hiram Abiff. In the Bible, Magog is a son of
Japhet and a brother of Gomer, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and
The ninth century Welsh monk Nennius summarized the sixth
century Alanic genealogies of the French noble houses:
Japheth had seven sons; from the first named Gomer, descended
the Galli; from the second, Magog, the Scythi and Gothi; from the third,
Madian, the Medi; from the fourth, Juuan, the Greeks; from the fifth,
Tubal, arose the Hebrei, Hispani, and Itali; from the sixth, Mosoch,
sprung the Cappadoces; and from the seventh, named Tiras, descended
the Thraces: these are the sons of Japheth, the son of Noah, the son of
Magog stands for Armenia and the brothers respectively to be the
Cimmerians, Medians, Ionians, Tibarenians, Moschians and Tyrrhenians.
The Tyrrhenians became the Etruscan civilization in parts of Italy.
The Moschians and the iron-working Tibarenians of Tubal were
tribes of the southeast Black Sea and the Commagene.
mentions King Gog of Meshech and Tubal, who is most likely Mithridates
VI of Pontus.
Traditional histories hold that the Moschians became the Picts
and the Cimmerians became the Cymry and moved to the Artic cold
where they enjoy the midnight sun in June but is dark at midday in
The Indo-Hittite invasions dispersed both those peoples and
they eventually invaded Britain as we shall see in Chapter 12.
Turning now to Tubal, we find that Assyrian texts confirm
Tabalu or Tubalin in central Anatolia was famous for its metalworking.
Tubal-ki of the Hittite texts, somewhere in the Caucasus region, is the
Tabal of the Assyrian sources located in East Lycaonia, near Kayseri.
This is where Tûbal Qayîn or Tubal-Cain comes from. He is the
archetypal artificer in metals described in the Book of Genesis and known
as the master of all coppersmiths and blacksmiths.
The last surviving remnants of these ancient northern Iranian
peoples are the Ossetians in the Caucasus Mountains, who are
descendants of the Sarmatian-Alans.
Their lands are now divided
between the Russian Republic and the new state of Georgia. The
Ossetians are the famous blacksmith tribe previously called Kalybs. Its
name, Kalybs, became Latin for steel. Though threatened politically,
militarily, and culturally from many directions over a thousand years, the
Ossetians still speak their ancestral Iranian language with an archaic
dialect, called Iron, meaning noble. They maintain an oral narrative
referred to as the Nart sagas. These Nart sagas contain parallels with
Arthurian legend so numerous and so uncannily close that it is impossible
they are unrelated.
There is an Ossetain basis for most of the prominent elements of
the Arthurian cycle, including:
all the characters Arthur, Lancelot, Perceval, Galahad, Gawain, Kay,
Tristan, Bedivere, Bors, Caradoc, King Ban de Benoich, the Maimed
King, St. George, Elaine (Helaine), the Lady in the Lake, Merlin and
sacred swords, the sword in the stone episode, King Arthurs sword
(Cali-burn) that bears a similar name to the tribe Kalybs, and
throwing of the sword into a lake, which causes it to seethe, and the
heads taken in battle and carried to the King for reward then scalped
and made into cloaks of human hair;
sculls sliced, gilded and used as magical drinking cups; cauldrons of
heavenly splendor that never run dry and appear at feasts before the
bravest of the heroes;
Scythian griffins and Sarmatians dragons as magical beasts. The very
name Sarmatian means lizard people;
the Sarmatians dragon used as a as military standard. The Sarmatians
used a very particular battle standard, consisting of a silken windsock
sewn into the shape of a serpentine dragon, which hissed when it
filled with air as its bearer charged into battle;
women as warriors. Greek and Chinese described the Amazon women
who were Scythian female warriors that fought alongside their men.
Adam of Bremen wrote that these women lived along the Baltic
Saxo Grammaticus described the same women in
He said: their eagerness for military glory was so strong
that you would have thought they were no longer women; and
women's chivalric role. An Iranian gold plaque from the Peter the
Greats Siberian collection dated around 300 BC shows a woman
seated under a tree, holding a sleeping mans head in her lap. Nearby
a groom holds a pair of horses. His weapons hang in the branches of
the tree. It is not difficult to recognize the scene of Arthurs death.
Tubal-Cain is another Bronze Age forerunner of Freemasonrys
Hiram Abiff, the archetypal architect of King Solomons Temple.
fact, the name Hiram Abiff may simply be a refinement of Tubal-cain in
the early Anatolian Iron Age because it derives from Abiff Aram where
Aram means a metal ore from ayir or ayiram in Sanskrit and Dravidian
(iron is ayil). Abiff is the metalworker or artificer. The blow Hiram Abiff
receives imparts nobility. It is symbolically equivalent to achieving
perfection by the Colaphum, or Box of the Ear.
The Romans and later
the Germans and French conferred knighthood by the Colaphum as a sign
of sustaining future hardships.
Charles Gounods La Reine de Saba (The Queen of Sheba) a
creation in the Opera, on 28 February 1862 builds on an alternative
history that directly connects Tubal-Cain with the legend of Hiram Abiff.
It is based on a Rosicrucian legend reported by Gerard de Nerval.
Three jealous workers disrupt Hiram casting his masterpiece, the
monumental bowl called the Molten or Brazen Sea. Tubal-Cain visits
Hiram and declares that Hiram is his descendant. He initiates Hiram into
the Mystery of Fire and the secret of bronze casting. Tubal-Cain gives
Hiram his great hammer and a Golden Triangle to wear as a pendant
round his neck. Hiram then successfully recasts the brazen sea. Hiram
and Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, fall in love. A jealous Solomon
instigates the murder of Hiram and the widow Balkis leaves, pregnant
with Hirams son. He is the son of the widow, whose many descendants
will complete the building of the Temple.
The knowledge of metals and explosive force has always gone
hand-in-hand with religion. The Shahnameh or Book of the Legendary
Kings of Persia demonstrates this relationship. The Arabian poet
Firdowsi wrote the Shahnameh in 1010CE. He describes the early Indo-
Iranian kings of the Persians Kiyumars and Jemshid. Chosen by Ahura
Mazda, their faces shone brilliantly with the Glory of God called the
khvarnah or farr-i izadi. It adorned Ahura Mazda as a large ring or
diadem. This Kingly Fortune gave the prince Jemshid an intimate
knowledge of God and the ability to carve hard substances without the use
of conventional tools.
In blacksmithing weapons, he was able to:
mold iron into such equipment as helmets, chain mail,
laminated armour as well as missile-proof vests, to swords and horse-
Sadly, Jemshid became a tyrannical ruler. He delighted in the
words of falsehood and untruth and the Glory was seen to flee away from
him in the shape of a bird.
The next Iranian hero to possess the Kingly
Fortune was Feridun.
Mircea Eliade summarizes the connection between religion and
the smithy in the age of metals as follows:
There would appear to have existed therefore, at several different
cultural levels (which is the mark of great antiquity), a close connection
between the art of the smith, the occult sciences (shamanism, magic,
healing etc) and the art of song, dance and poetry One element
nevertheless is constant - that is the sacredness of metal and all mining
and metallurgical operations It is in any case significant that in
contrast to pre-agricultural and pre-metallurgical mythologies, where, as
a natural prerogative, God is the possessor of the thunderbolt in the
myths of historic peoples, on the other hand (Egypt, the Near East and the
Indo-Europeans), the God of the hurricane receives these weapons -
lightning and thunder - from a divine smith.
In Kenite lore, the divine smith Tubal-cain is also Baal Gad, the
goat-god who is the eponymous ancestor of the tribe of Gad. He
epitomizes the ancient association of smiths with goat and horned gods.
A grotto sacred to Baal Gad exists at the source of the Jordan River.
is situated at the base of a high limestone cliff, over which perches the
city of Caesarea Philippi.
Kenite itself means welding or possessions in addition to
belonging to Kain. The Kenites were a tribe of Midianite copper miners
who lived amongst the warlike Amalekites, descended from Haggar.
On leaving Egypt, the Israelites met the Amalekites in flight to their
native lands.
The minor tribe of the Midianites was an Asiatic people of the
Arab/Palestinian Kush, called Kush Magan. In early times, Magan
extended over both sides of the Persian Gulf.
Later in 1100BCE, at
about the time of Israelite conflicts with the Midianites, Assyrian sources
note that Kush Magan was a region on the South side of the Euphrates,
not far from Karkemish. The Massorets regarded this Kush Magan as the
Babylonian Kish.
We digress for a moment to mention the Kushites because of their
importance in the Hyksos story. The Meluhha Kushites were a second
Kushite or Amalekite group. They were mercenaries and traders in
metals and weapons. Their mercenary activities continued long after the
Hyksos invasion. The Amarna letters show that Palestinian kinglets hired
them. Indeed, later Meluhha and Arab became interchangeable words.
The Mlecha in Vedic literary sources are the Meluhha Kushites
that derive from India or Pakistan.
Eusebius notes that the Ethiopian
Kushites came from India. The Musri in Egypt and in early Akkadian
literature are also Meluhha Kushites. The Hyksos title hekaw khasout is
an almost literal loan from the Akkadian sar kissati, the supreme royal
title of king from the hill country.
These Meluhha are the same as the maritime Kaphtorim who
maintained ports in the Mediterranean.
Kaphtorim or Caphtorim is one
of the two Biblical tribes of Mizraim that inhabited the region between the
Nile River of Egypt and Sile.
The other Mizraim tribe is Lehabim.
Mizraim led colonies into Egypt to lay the foundation of the Kingdom of
The Meluhha, Arabs and Hiskija or Hyksos formed an alliance
about the time of Bochoris (720-715BCE). Late antique sources report
that they returned to rebuild Avaris in alliance with the king of Jerusalem.
Texts speak either about the city of the Shepherds or about Rhinocorura
which is El Arish. Complicating the understanding of this event, the site
of Avaris is still in doubt despite the discovery of Tell ed Daba. Avaris, a
Greek rendition, derives phonetically from Mansion of the Desert Tract.
Now back to the Kenites. In surprising contrast to the poor
relations between the Israelites and Amalekites, so strong were Israelite
relations with the Kenites that the Israelites freely intermarried with them.
Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, was a Midianite and priest of Yaho or
Yaho was the Midianites' god of storms and war who dwelt on
Mt Horeb in Sinai. Yaho was also the god of the Chaldeans and the
His symbol was a Tau cross worn on the forehead that
later became known as the Yahweh Mark.
Until quite recently, and perhaps still today, a group of itinerant
Bedouin smiths and carpenters in Syria continued the tradition of marking
their foreheads with the Tau-cross of Yahweh.
At Hebron, Shiloh, Tabor and elsewhere until the time of Judges,
men marked with the Tau cross died as Sacrificial Kings. In all
Mediterranean countries and in Britain, the Mother Goddess received her
sacrifice each year. This took place on a terebinth-tree or kerm-oak.
The gory method of death for the Sacrificial King was crucifixion on the
lopped oak in the shape of a Tau. Castrated and torn apart, the raw body
of the sacrificial male became a Eucharist. The crow or raven was
believed to be Athenes oracular bird that housed the soul of the sacrificed
In Asia Minor, the kadosh or sacred men and women followers
of Astarte, released an eagle from the sacred kings funeral pyre to
symbolize the ascent of the divine soul to heaven.
Orpheus for example, was torn apart by delirious women called
the Bassarids:
a frenzied band
Of Thracian women, wearing skins of beasts,
From some high ridge of ground caught sight of him.
Look, shouted one of them, tossing her hair
That floated in the breeze
The reckless onslaught swelled; their fury knew
No bounds; stark madness reigned. And still his singing
Would have charmed every weapon, but the huge
Clamor, the drums, the curving Phrygian fifes,
Hand-clapping, Bacchus screaming drowned the lyre.
And then at last, his song unheard, his blood
Reddened the stones.
Medea set out the same way to execute King Aeson, before restoring him
to youth. When the moon shone in fullest radiance:
Medea, barefoot, her long robe unfastened,
Her hair on her shoulders falling loose,
Went forth alone on her roaming way,
In the deep stillness of the midnight hour.
Procne set out to find Philomela in the same way:
It was the time of Bacchus festival,
Kept by the Thracian women each three years.
Night knows their sacraments; at night the peaks
Of Rhodope resound with ringing bronze;
At night the queen, arrayed to celebrate
The rites, went forth with frenzys weaponry.
Vines wreathed her head, a light spear lay upon
Her shoulder and a deerskin draped her side.
Wild with her troop of women through the woods
She rushed, a sight of terror, frenzied by
The grief that maddened her, the image of
A real Bacchanal
Moses sister Miriam similarly led a band of women in a ceremonial rite
after Pharaohs troops drowned:
And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in
her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with
Josephus tactfully ignored this sacrificial rite in his Antiquities of
the Jews because the Romans would have recognized it.
The rite was a
key sign of the sacred marriage through which the Israelites needed to
pass in order to receive the new land of Israel. It is an allegorical
initiation. The Israelites had passed the test of water. They were to face
the bitter cup of Marah. Moses was Miriams sacrificial king. He bore all
the guilt for past actions and died so the new king, Joshua, could emerge
into Canaan as an Israelite Tabula Rasa.
One of the familiar symbolic codes for the sacrificial king is
Orphruoeis, which means growing on the riverbank.
An ear of wheat
growing near a stream of water is still the familiar depiction of the initiate
in a Fellowcraft Lodge. It refers to the ritual stew of the sacrificial king in
a cauldron on a tripod.
In Wales, the cauldron contained both the
sacrificial king and the Triple Goddess, represented by a white horse.
In response to the inhumanity of a male Eucharist, the first
Israelite dynasty of King Saul (1050BCE) outlawed cannibalism. Later,
Good King Josiah (640-609BCE) prohibited sacrificial crucifixion. He
statutorily converted the act from a magical means of immortality to a
felonious punishment involving the extinction of the soul. However, the
Jews were not to escape the tarnished background of sacrificial
crucifixion for many centuries. In Ptolemaic times, a majority of
Alexandrians still believed Jews annually sacrificed a Greek.
Picking-up again on the theme of goats, we find the Kenite Goat-
god, Tubal-cain, is the archetypal Freemasons goat. Some say he is also
a prime candidate for the mysterious Baphomet of the Knights Templar.
There are however, two distinct but intertwined traditions associated with
the goat that make this unlikely.
The Afro-Asiatic tradition of the goat relates to the ancient annual
festivals of the sacrificial king. These were usually orgiastic and
celebrated in the Lesser Mysteries of Eleusis, English witch ceremonies
and the Swedish May-eve play Bukkerwise.
In these rituals, the
sexually mature he-goat, representing Lust, mates with the Goddess. His
sacrifice is a prelude to crowning the new king for the new year. Pallas
Athene similarly received her name from Pallas, the maiden she killed in
armed combat to win the right to join with the goat-king in ritual
The lustful he-goat occurs in various guises all over Europe.
For example, the well known British legend of Lady Godiva carved in the
miserere-seat of Coventry Cathedral shows the goddess riding to the
ceremony on a goats back denoting her dominion over him. Often these
same stories show the naked Goddess Goda (the Good) with long hair,
wrapped in a net, riding sideways on a goat, preceded by a hare signifying
bold copulation and accompanied by a raven.
The Goddess used the
hunting or fishing net used in her murderous chase of the sacrificial
Agamemnon, for example, died with a net over his head in the
peculiar manner of the midsummer sacrificial king. Stepping from his
bath, he was:
neither clothed nor unclothed, neither in water nor on dry land,
neither in his palace nor outside
The Libyo-Thracians gave the name of their Goat-goddess, Aegis,
to the Aegean Sea.
In the Egyptian Delta city of Mend s, the goat was
originally a well-endowed ram.
Herodotus later describes the Mend s
animal alternately as a goat and a ram. Herodotus tells us that he
witnessed a surprising incident in Mend
s: a goat had intercourse with a
woman, in full view of everybody.
Perhaps Herodotus is really telling
us that he attended an initiation ceremony where the initiate was the goat.
This may explain the much clichéd Freemasons joke about the goat at an
initiation ceremony.
In Assyrian, Persian, Dionysian, Pythagorean and Orphist
initiation rites, the initiate bathes in the milk of the hidden doctrine. The
initiate discovers that Love is the luminous principle of Light, while Light
is the radiance of Love or Goodness, Charity and Truth.
When the Initiate reaches Hades, the guardians of the dead
challenge him to give the pass-phrase:
Like a kid, I have fallen into milk.
At the end of an initiation, the candidate is one with the god,
Dionysus for example. He drinks a cup of goats' milk and honey. New
Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art displays many of the two handled
cups used in the Greek ceremonies. Some of these cups bear golden sun
In the seventh and final degree of all ancient Mysteries, which is
the fourth degree of the Greater Mysteries, adepts partook of the
ambrosial beverage Oimellas as a sign they had arrived at the final
threshold of all mysteries (see Appendix 7).
Zoroaster achieved his immortality through the Mysteries where
he drank something that resembled honey, after answering thirty-three
questions over a period of three days.
Plato drinks of the Oimellas before the last phase of his initiation
in the play Initiation of Plato:
It is the beverage of the lotus; drink and forget all sentiments of
hatred, envy, and intolerance; and put on this robe in sign of devotion to
science and virtue. Thou goest to be initiated into the last mysteries.
Honey was one important component of the heavenly soma
believed to intoxicate the divine beings. The Odyssey gives the Vedic
recipe: Circe blended cheese, meal and honey with Pramnian wine to
make a kind of brown beer.
Herodotus tells us that burial ceremonies
of the nobles often included embalming in honey.
Its sweetness relates
to the human hope of another life that would be eternally happy.
The bee was universally revered. In Egypt, the Pharaohs title of
Beekeeper was one of his main designations. The double image of the
bee and the reed symbolized the Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt. The
Egyptians believed that when the Pharaoh died, his soul joined Osiris in
the constellation of Orion. There he became one of the bee stars in the
Beehive or Prasepe, a group of stars in the constellation of Cancer
adjacent to Leo the Lion.
The bee has continued through the millennia as a symbol of the
souls survival after death and limitless existence in the harmony of
Golden Age of the world.
However, the bee also had a very dark side.
It remained a primary symbol of the Afro-Asiatic Triple Goddesses such
as Demeter, Hecate, Persephone, Aphrodite and the pre-Indo-European
aspect of Artemis.
Arcadians worshipped both Artemis and Persephone
under the name Despoina, which means mistress.
Aphrodite, the nymph-goddess of midsummer, would destroy the
sacred king by tearing out his sexual organs just as the queen-bee destroys
the drone.
Her Priestesses displayed a golden honeycomb at her shrine
on Mount Eryx.
Butes is the most famous beekeeper of antiquity.
He was a
priest to Athene on Mount Eryx who represented the love-god Phanes,
son of the Triple Goddess. The Greeks often depicted Phanes as a loudly
buzzing bee called Ericepaius.
Incongruous with Aphrodites beauty, the Greeks also knew her
as the Eldest of the Fates, Melaenis or black one, Scotia or dark one,
Androphonor or manslayer and Epitymbria, which means of the tombs.
Artemis was an orgiastic Nymph like Aphrodite. She was the
Maiden of the Silver Bow, which symbolized the new moon.
Her male
consort received the arrows of death. Besides the bow and bee, her other
emblems were the date-palm signifying birth and the stag symbolizing her
control of wild things. Artemis bees were the melissae priestesses who
daubed their faces with gypsum or white clay in honour of the White
Goddess. Artemis chief priest was, as we may imagine, the king bee.
A Treasury was a metaphor for a beehive or hive of melissae bee-
priestesses, as at Marmaria near Delphi.
The veiled Tholos trompe
loeil in Bedroom M of the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor at
Boscoreale, near Pompeii, shows the melissae priestesses as a swarm of
bees on a pedestal in the foreground.
Nearby is the dour goddess
Hecate between two columns. The frescos are now in New Yorks
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
We saw earlier in this chapter how maenads were women who
practiced wild Mother Goddess orgies in the mountains and woods. As
late as the first century CE the Arcadian fertility or witch cult on Mount
Lycaeum held drunken maenad orgies after which they chased and killed
their lover, whom they had clad in a stags skin.
The women wore red
war paint boiled from ivy gum and urine, painted on like the stripes of a
Spartan Penelope duck.
The woof and warp pattern on their limbs
suggested a ladder. In Thrace, the Maenads tattooed themselves with
spider web designs. One Greek vase shows each maenad has a stag
tattooed on her forearm.
The maenads ferocious behavior involved strong
This included spruce-beer laced with ivy, sweetened
with mead, and the mild panaeolus papilionaceus mushroom. More
effective were the Priestesses laurel leaves containing potassium cyanide,
hippomanes, which was perhaps the slimy vaginal tissue of a mare in
heat, and juice from the mistletoe of the Eastern European Oak, called
ixias or loranthus.
One of their most powerful hallucinogenic substances was the
raw mushroom amanita muscaria. A. muscariae grows on conifers and
oaks. It has wide effects inducing berserker rage and feats of
extraordinary muscular strength. Following this physical ecstasy comes a
period of peace where the person touches the divine and believes that the
drug has opened a spiritual, or third eye.
In the fifth century BCE, Euripides wrote in The Bacchantes of
the frantic ceremonies of the Bacchanals or maenads. He described that
from every ivy-wreathed staff sweet rills of honey trickled. To crown their
revelries, the Bacchante raised loud his voice and cried:
On, on, ye Bacchanals, pride of Tmolus with its rills of gold.
Euripides was referring to the even more potent substance that the
melissae priestesses chose for their sacrificial king ritual, green or unripe
honey. This deadly honey came from plants of the heath such as
oleanders, azaleas, rhododendrons and laurel.
The dangerous element in green honey is acetylandromedol,
which is a grayanotoxin that acts on the central nervous system. Just two
tablespoons of this honey induces acute breathing impairment, perilously
low heart rate and hypnotics.
The green honey from Trebizond,
Colchis and the Black Sea region is particularly toxic. In 401BCE,
Xenophons Greek army behaved like lunatics after eating Colchian
honey. Seized with vomiting, they collapsed by the thousands. In
67BCE, Mithridates, the king of Pontus, won a battle against Pompey the
Great after the Romans ate toxic honey.
Pliny called toxic Black Sea honey meli maenomenon. European
taverns later used it as miel fou to intensify the intoxicating effect of
alcoholic beverages. This miel fou was probably the mandrake of the
witches and used along with opium and plants containing skin-penetrating
atropine such as hemlock, nightshade, hellebore, henbane and
Henbane is also called Jupiter Beans or apollinaris for its
god-like trance-inducing properties.
Pliny recorded that the people of
Gaul used the sacred plant veravain to prepare an ointment that was used
in fortune telling and uttering prophesies..
As with their Mediterranean counterparts, European witches
applied a green Oyl to induce states of ecstasy. They applied the Oyl to
their foreheads, forearms and underarms. They also used a broomstick
handle to apply the Oyl to their vulva and this is probably the source of
the flying broomstick myth.
In the sixteenth century, the physician Andrés Laguna
investigated the discovery of a jar of witchs Oyl.
The jar still had
some of the green unguent used by the witches. He experimented with
the Oyl by smearing it all over a woman. She promptly fell into a deep
coma that lasted for thirty-six hours. Afterwards she described her erotic
coma with considerable delight.
A Homeric Hymn to Hermes describes how the melissae bee-
priestesses of Mount Parnassus consumed the honeycomb of the gods,
meli chloron, to attain a state of ecstasy:
Divinely maddened, they are inspired to speak the truth
But if they are deprived of the divine honeycomb
they cannot prophesy.
Toxic honey causes vertigo, delirium, nausea, vomiting, blue
skin, muscle paralysis and unconsciousness. Severe ventricular
tachycardia leads to death. This is an over-contraction of the lower
ventricles of the heart. The contractions fall out of phase with the hearts
own pacemaker in its sinus node. In the second century CE, Plutarch
noted that the melissae priestesses often collapsed and died after frantic
disorientation and shrieking. In 19 BCE, Virgil described the effects on
the Cumaean Sibyl priestess as she foretold of grim war in Lavinium to
the legendary Trojan leader Aeneas at Euboea:
The threshold was barely gained when the maiden cried It is the
hour to enquire your fates! The god behold the god. And as she stood
by the doors and spoke, suddenly her countenance and hue changed, and
her tresses fell disordered: her bosom panted, her wild heart swelled with
fury, and she grew taller to the view, and her voice rang not of mortality,
now that the god breathed on her in nigher presence in her cavern the
prophetess, intolerant of Phoebus will, raved in limitless frenzy, straining
to exorcise the mighty god from her soul: but all the more he curbed her
foaming lips to weariness, subdued her fierce heart, and molded her to his
constraint the madness ceased and her raving lips were hushed.
The Indo-Hittite traditions of both the goat and bee are quite
different from those of the Afro-Asiatics. The goat, above all the young
kid, is the pure symbol of the initiate rather than the sexually craven he-
goat. Sexual proclivity could not be further from contemplation in Indo-
Hittite, hermetic and Zoroastrian rituals:
Sex is a thing of bodies, not of souls.
The Pauline Church, notwithstanding its embracing of the Afro-
Asiatic sacrificial king ritual, also adopted the goat or kid as a symbol of
purity. It is the Agnus Dei and signifies Christ.
When it came to masculine deities, Indo-Hittite religion was more
straightforward than the Afro-Asiatics. As herders, they did not see the
need to sacrifice their masculine gods or clan leaders for the agricultural
fertility of the land. While there were female gods, in their overtly male
dominated society there was no reason for dominant gods of the male-
principal to be subservient to a female. Such male-principle gods were
the Sumerian Gilgamesh and Ninurta, Persian Ohrmazd, Akkadian
Marduk and Vedic Indra.
The typical Indo-Hittite hero kills the Serpent of the Abyss to
disenfranchise the matriarchs sacrificial ceremony. He then marries the
Serpents mother or sister, the Triple Goddess, and begets divine children
through her that are all manifestations of him.
For example, the Persian
Ohrmazd marries the Afro-Asiatic Triple Goddess and immediately
dispossesses her.
He then goes about clothed in her three colors of
white, red and dark blue. These colors symbolize creation and re-
creation, the eternal combat with evil and bringing forth fecundity.
Over time, the matriarchal sacrifice ceremony of the Afro-
Asiatics became less violent. Although it was still a sacred marriage and
rebirth ceremony, the Goddess did not kill the consort. Instead, she
rescued him from death in chaos. The Vedic Usas shows us the strong
Indo-Hittite side of the paradigm. She does not give birth but bravely
rescues her man.
In Mesopotamia, the new paradigm begins tentatively with
Inanna who brings Dumuzi back to life semi-annually. However, the
actions of the great Inanna are rather incipit. She acts like a fairy
godmother instead of her powerful former character of the Female or
Triple Goddess in decisive action. The paradigm of male rights later
gained more strength with Ishtar who demanded the release of her consort
Tammuz from the underworld.
Plato described the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice where the
male and female swap roles to assert the male paradigm.
Orpheus now
enters the underworld to seek the return of his bride. The symbol of the
ability to descend into Hecate s underworld is a single bronze sandal,
which later came to signify the Mother Goddess imprimatur to a contract.
Orpheuss bride is the lovely nymph Eurydice, killed by a snake.
He wins back her life for the asking but his enthusiasm causes him to look
back into Hades, whereupon Eurydice vanishes. The act of looking back
is the traditional sign that the initiate lacks the courage so essential in the
further pursuit of Wisdom:
It is the way thou must take without looking back.
Gluck's opera Orfeo ed Euridice tells the beautiful story of
Orpheus and Eurydice.
The acclaimed aria Che faro senza Euridice of
Orfeo ed Euridice became pivotal in the development of modern opera.
The metamorphosis of the festival of Lenaea, the Festival of the
Wild Women, in Athens demonstrates the attack of the Indo-Hittites on
the Triple Goddess.
At first, Hera tore apart an adult male. After the
Indo-Hittite revision, a male child substituted for the mature male
A kid then replaced the male child. Finally, orgiastic moon-
priestesses cut into nine pieces and sacrificed a bull representing
The respective traditions of the Afro-Asiatics and Indo-Hittites
compress and merge in a peculiar fashion at the interface region of
Anatolia. A unique group emerged from this compression, the proto-
Israelites. They appear to be Semitic Levant Asiatics with Indo-Hittite
traditions of God.
For example, they abhorred the mystery religions of their Afro-
Asiatic clans and often repeated the analogy Thou shalt not seethe a kid in
its mothers milk meaning that the initiate should not bathe in the milk of
the hidden Afro-Asiatic doctrine.
Notably, they did not have any
similar prohibition for cooking the young of other animals in their
mother's milk.
Even though ingrained, the Israelites and later the Jews deplored
the sacred marriage ceremony of the Afro-Asiatics. This is the reason
why Judaism regards the sacred son concept of Christianity as a great lie.
The Priests ruled that a Jewish girl should not become a holy prostitute
like Tamar. We return to Tamar later in the chapter.
Yet, the Israelites could not escape their heritage of Mother Right
entirely. They sacrificed and consumed the scapegoat at the beginning of
the agricultural year.
This true He-goat or Oak-king equivalent is the
Assyrian counterpart of Azazel. The Israelites later consumed the He-
goat as a Eucharist when Moses allowed the Israelites to substitute a kid
for the paschal lamb in the first law stipulated for Passover.
The Israelites were also highly suspicious of honey and bees
because of their place in the Afro-Asiatic mysteries of rebirth. In the
same way Jews prohibited seething a kid in milk, they deprecated the bee
as a filthy creature engendered in the rotting flesh of cattle. This was a
reference to Bull Mysteries. Ovid describes the same phenomena of bees
emerging from the rotting flesh of a prize bull, slain for sacrifice, in The
Doctrines of Pythagoras.
Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20BCE to 50CE) who was the
greatest Jewish-Hellenistic philosopher of his time wrote:
The Eucharistic bread must be without leavening and without
Yet, the Israelites drew a very fine line on bees and honey
because of its importance in early Indo-Hittite religion. In Israelite
mythology, Samson of Dan killed a lion and when passing later on found
a swarm of bees and some honey in the carcass. He scooped out the
honey and it gave him the idea for a riddle:
Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth
The legend does not say that the lions body was the womb of the
bees. Neither does it imply that the honey was impure since both Samson
and his parent consumed it. Ancient doctors who prepared alchemical
medicines would immediately recognize that the lion is gold and the
sweetness is the sweet, universal medicine of gold that cures all diseases.
On another level of meaning, Samson is predicting Dans
universal hermetic religion will be born from the carcass of the Lion of
Judah. The bees are Samsons Tribe of Dan and the honey is a golden
new age.
We can detect an Israelite attempt to reconcile the different
Afro-Asiatic and Indo-Hittite mystical interpretations of honey. There is
also a deeper esoteric meaning, which we will look at in Chapter 16.
The Israelites had great difficulty in maintaining amity or
harmony of culture with their fellow Semite tribes because of their
acquired Indo-Hittite influences, particularly patriarchal monotheism.
They had similar problems with Indo-Hittite attitudes to women's status,
agricultural castration and rebirth celebrations, sacrificial rituals and
ethnic cleansing.
Concerning the status of women, after Deuteronomy an Israelite
woman generally belonged to either her husband or father. The revised
testaments de-emphaised the heroines Miriam, Hannah and Debroah.
Miriam was the prophetess, who lead the congregation in prayer. Hannah
was a famed warrior leader. Perhaps the most famous woman leader was
the judge, Debroah. She was the daughter of Jasher and the Mother of
Post Deuteronomy, the law permitted her only one husband, even
though her husband could have many wives. Women were to be chaste,
subservient and sexually ploughed or wrought by their husbands.
All of these were Indo-Hittite traits. The woman was a pure
chattel in the strict Indo-Hittite sense. Yet, the Israelites also regarded
women as ancient respected instruments of rebirth, revered for their
biological role. For example, although conviction for adultery required
stoning of the adulterous couple, the usual Pharisaic practice was for the
woman to plead ignorance of the law whereupon the Court set the couple
Even today, Israels Rabbinical Court actively seeks to resolve
the objectively disadvantaged position of women in marital separation.
This requires it to track-down husbands who have deserted or separated
from their wife while continuing to penalize her by harshly refusing to
grant a divorce.
More importantly, land ownership continued through the
youngest of the royal female line.
This is ultimogeniture rather than
primogeniture. In royal succession, it was not to the son of the King that
the Kingdom passed, but to the son of either his youngest daughter or his
youngest sister.
For this reason, Egyptian Pharaohs would marry their
half-sisters in order to propagate the bloodline of the dynasty.
Even today, the mothers bloodline incorporates the Jewish
heritage. This is a continuation of the Afro-Asiatic matriarchal religion,
with the womb as the over-riding regenerative principle. Judaism
considers all children of Jewish mothers as Jews and children of Jewish
fathers and non-Jewish mothers as Gentiles. This is little different than in
Isaac's time (c1750BCE) when an Israelite man who married a woman of
another tribe was considered to have transferred to that other tribe and no
longer be an Israelite. This is why Isaac returned to his tribe in Harran.
Isaacs bride is Rebecca the water-carrier.
As with all water goddesses,
she is an analogy of the Mother Goddess procreative aspect. Isis is
The Roman Catholic Church adopted the principals of female
beauty and procreation, incorporating them into the great Lady cathedrals
of Europe. The East lancet window is typically high and narrow
corresponding to the male principle of Spirit while the rose window of the
West is circular and primeval, symbolizing the womb.
The North entrance of Chartres Cathedral, beneath the rose
window, is the Gate of the Initiates. Melchizedek, Aaron, Anna the
Mother of Mary, David and Solomon welcome the Initiates there
Statues in stone of Melchizedek, Abraham and Isaac, and
Moses also welcome visitors through the Central Portal of the North
Transept (c1215).
The cathedral itself is a chamber or womb of spiritual rebirth, as
in the ancient Mysteries. After embracing the Church, the congregation is
reborn in the womb of the Church. This occurs in a set program
throughout the year. In Rome, on special days in a Holy Year, cleansing
of sin is even more efficient. It simply requires passage through the doors
of one of Rome's four great churches.
Rose logic explains this ancient cleansing process, which we look
at in Chapter 17. Most of the congregation would be unable to appreciate
the full significance of this cycle since only priests are educated in the
Church Mysteries at their Ordination.
St Bernard was an enthusiast of the cult of the Virgin embodied in
the cathedral. He declared of Chartres:
Leave your temporal bodies at the door, only the spirit may enter
here The Son will answer the prayers of the Mother and the Father will
answer the prayers of the Son.
Another blending of the Afro-Asiatic rebirth mysteries with Indo-
Hittite masculinity occurs in the castration myths. Removing the fertility
of the old king disenfranchised him thus allowing the young king to rule.
In Egypt Set castrated his brother Osiris, in Sumer, Kumarbi castrated
Anu. In Greece, Zeus castrated his father Cronos and Homer writes of
Cronos castrating his father Uranus. In Israelite myth Canaan, the son of
Ham, castrated his grandfather Noah.
The continuation of the Israelites' castration myth as a halfway
position between the agricultural sacrifice myths and the Indo-Hittite
rescue myths shows their difficulty in completely breaking away from
their Semitic agricultural background.
The importance of castration is a sign that covenants were cut, not
The contracting parties severed an animal in two and walked
between the pieces that this may happen to me when I break this
This is why circumcision is reserved for a special promise.
The separation of the foreskin cuts the covenant that appeases the Mother
Goddess demand for the sacred marriage with its ritual castration, death
and rebirth. The Goddess demands every mans phallus.
women offered the foreskin as a substitute for their husbands phallus.
For example, the substitute sacrifice of circumcision even saved Moses:
And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him
[Moses], and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and
cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, surely a
bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, a bloody
husband thou art, because of the circumcision.
It is a custom observed by the British Royal Family who called
upon the Rabbi Jacob Snowman, the respected Mohel of the London
Jewish community, to perform the religious rite of Brit Milah with Prince
Charles at Buckingham Palace. This is also the Covenant of
Israelite priests would sprinkle the blood of the covenant on oath-
takers to make a promise binding.
This blood came from an animal
sacrificed on the altar. The Male and Baka tribes of southwestern
Ethiopia still slaughter a beast to mark a contract. Blood from the
sacrificial animal smears the man who cuts the covenant. In emulation of
the combined importance of cutting a promise and involving the male
genitals, an Arab promise becomes a serious contract of honour by the
oath-taker placing his hand on the bare inner thigh of the person to whom
he is making the pledge. Some older Masonic rituals mirrored this form
of oath with the initiate placing his hand between the hands of person
receiving the obligation.
The Bible provides other grand stories of the sacrifice myth.
Moses died before Joshua received the fertile land of Israel. King David
similarly died before Solomon brought prosperity to the land with the
building of the Temple. In the same way, the wounded and impotent
Fisher King of the Holy Grail finally passes to his rest before prosperity
returns to his wasting land.
In contrast are the Indo-Hittite male-principle gods Gilgamesh
and Ninurta, Akkadian Marduk and Vedic Indra. Indra is the most
important god of the invaders of the Indus Valley.
He is eternally
young, strong, stormy and a cunning fighter. He has boundless energy
and bestows fertility on women and on fields. One of his names is he
with a thousand testicles. Indra neither ages nor is castrated so a younger
king can bring fertility to the land.
The Sumerian god Marduk was similarly fertile. Yet, he is even
more important to us because he graphically highlights the switch from
the matriarchal religion of the Afro-Asiatic Mother Goddess religion to
the patriarchal religion of the Indo-Hittites. Marduk is the only god with
both an old and a new paradigm legend. In the old legend, he is a
sacrificial king killed by the dragon Tiamat, while in the new legend
Marduk kills her with a sword.
King Solomon also possesses the Indo-Hittite character. His
fecundity was as legendary as that of his father, King David:
But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the
daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites,
Zidonians, and Hittites; Of the nations concerning which the Lord said
unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they
come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their
gods: Solomon clave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives,
princesses, and three hundred concubines
Davids death was a precondition to building the Temple. His
passing allowed the younger and more fertile hero king, Solomon, to
ascend to the throne. In stark contrast, Solomons own death is an
anticlimax. He simply fades away at the conclusion of building the
Temple and his grand palace.
His son Rehoboam promptly forfeits the
glory of Israel. This ultimately has the effect of disenfranchising the
proto-Israelites forlorn claim to the Egyptian Delta. We will look further
into this claim in the next chapter.
The displacement of matriarchal rights in the mysteries of the
Great Goddess had the most marked effect on the roles of women. The
patriarchal religion of Yahweh decisively rejected the Mother Goddess.
As a result, women lost all control over religious celebration. They could
not participate; only view the ceremonies from the womens gallery.
An often given rationalization for the ousting of women is that
females have an unsettling effect on men, who then tend to confuse
mystical ecstasy with erotic ecstasy.
The three main festivals of Judaism Pesach, Shovous and Sukkos
demonstrate the Israelites' difficulty in breaking free of the agricultural
cycles. These three festivals have themes of harvest and planting, as well
as the Exodus. The Israelites purged Afro-Asiatic sexual content from the
rituals. For example, in Jerusalem the celibate Feast of the Tabernacles
replaced the orgiastic Day of Willows where Salma celebrated his sacred
marriage with the Flower Queen Moon Goddess, as we saw in Chapter 3.
The purging of the agricultural festivals left a ragged edge,
evidenced by Yahweh's shifting demand for the sacrifice of the first male
from the womb. In Exodus:
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Sanctify unto me all the
firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel,
both of man and of beast: it is mine.
And in Micah:
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten
thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
And Judges showed that it was a common practice to sacrifice a
royal prince in return for a successful campaign:
And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt
without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall
be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me,
when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the
Lord's, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.
There are awful stories of sacrifices and the words of the scribe
show Yahweh lamenting for not having been clearer in his sacrifice
The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point
of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the
horns of your altars; Whilst their children remember their altars and their
groves [Asherah poles] by the green trees upon the high hills.
And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the
valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the
fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.
Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be
called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of
slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there be no place.
These verses provide vivid images of Levite priests carrying out
the gruesome task of butchering the flowering youth of Israel. No
payment could substitute.
When they carried out ritual sacrifice, the
Levites always turned the victim's head to the north.
Yet, the practice of human sacrifice seems to have developed into
lamb substitution as favored by the Indo-Hittites.
What had originated
as a form of ritual sacrifice to renew the agreement with God for ensuring
the harvest, was already becoming less barbarous by two thousand
All that openeth the matrix [the first borne] is mine; and every
firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male. But the
firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him
not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt
redeem. And none shall appear before me empty [handed].
God spared Isaac. This was an important change. God had
decided to waive his craving for human flesh and accept a ram in lieu:
And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou
lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a
burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the
dead; from whence also he received him in a figure [he received Isaac
back from death].
By the time of the return from Exile, Zoroastrianism and respect
of life heavily influenced the Jewish leaders. They distanced their
religion from human sacrifice. This corresponded to Yahweh completing
his transformation from a devoted son of the Great Goddess, through a
supernal trinity with two attributes of the great Goddess' Anatha of the
Lions and Ashima of the Doves, to become the sole ruler of the
The post-exilic Jews, in their zeal for the one God, persuaded
themselves that they had never accepted the Great Triple Mother
Goddess, although their stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and
Moses might demonstrate otherwise.
After the return from Exile, the practices that prevailed at the time
of King Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre, who was a priest of Melkarth
where child sacrifice was common, were no longer relevant. The new
Jewish approach recognized the absurdity and cruelty of murdering able-
bodied men. Annual male sacrifice became redundant with the cut of
ritual circumcision of the male phallus. It was sufficient evidence of
Gods Covenant with man:
And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As
for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of
many nations. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the
land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an
everlasting possession; and I will be their God. And God said unto
Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore Every man child
among you shall be circumcised and it shall be a token of the covenant
betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised
among you, every man child in your generations...
A final ill-fitting characteristic of the Israelites explained by the
Anatolian compression is that their Semitic background was one of
accommodation rather than subjugation. While the Indo-Hittites and
particularly the Indo-Iranians were at their best wading knee-deep through
blood in their campaigns, ethnic cleansing was unusual amongst the Afro-
Asiatics and Semites. For example, the Semites of King Sargon I merged
with subject populations in Sumer rather than eliminating them.
Much later King David chose not to eliminate Semitic
populations in and around Jerusalem but to merge with them. In doing
this, he countermanded Yahweh's specific order. Yahweh had ruthlessly
rattled the sabers of the Israelites as they departed Egypt for Canaan. He
directed them to mercilessly murder the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the elite
Hurrian Jebusites, and those of nearby cities:
Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before
you, And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell
therein: for I have given you the land to possess it.
But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give
thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But
thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the
Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the Lord
thy God hath commanded thee
The Hivites (Hebrew chry) are the Horites (Hebrew chwy) and
more generally Achaeans or Hurrians.
In other cities on the fringe of
the new state, Yahweh directed the Israelites to exact tribute or kill the
men and take the women and children as slaves:
And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands,
thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the
women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even
all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself.
David acted to the contrary and with impunity from Yahweh. In
fact, there is little archeological evidence to support the conquest of
Canaan by Joshua and the Israelites. All destruction in Palestine accrues
directly to recorded Egyptian campaigns in the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries BCE.
Furthermore, Joshua supposedly destroyed Jericho:
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and
woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the
sword And they burnt the city with fire, and all that was therein: only
the silver, and the gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron, they put into
the treasury of the house of the Lord.
When David ignored Yahwehs genocidal commands, Yahweh
said nothing. Nor did Yahweh say ought when Joshua flagrantly ignored
two of the Moses Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not kill and Thou
shalt not steal.
Yet, it was not the Israelites but one of their tribal enemies, the
Amorites, who raised Jericho in 1480BCE and continued to harass
Thutmose III from their new base there.
CJ Jung cannot dismiss the absence of human morality in
Yahweh's commands to the Israelites.
He says that Yahweh
demonstrates a gross deficiency of reason and morality, the two
characteristics of a mature human mind. It provides an image of unethical
brutal force.
What Jung has perhaps overlooked is that these commands are
not of the personal god of the Israelites, Yahweh, but of storytellers
coming to grips with the Indo-Hittite god of war and trying to paint
Yahweh into the extremes. Exodus provides evidence for Yahweh
converting from a tribal deity to a nationalist one. In Exodus 3 Yahweh is
simply the god of the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Exodus 6(3)
identifies him as the great El Shaddai. The power of the archetype is
destabilizing to the paradigm if pushed to extremes.
As we have noted, the Indo-Hittites favored oral communication
of myths and legends over written records. They developed verbal rituals
for transmission of their myths and Israelite emulation of this has resulted
in a profusion of Biblical archetypes later set down by Israelite and
Jewish authors. This has always been a particular trait of the illusive
Rosicrucians. Even today, it is usual in organizations such as the Scottish
We have seen that the unique compression of Indo-Hittite and
Afro-Asiatic Semitic cultures produced the very unusual phenomenon of
the proto-Israelites. The Israelites and Indo-Hittites were then to join in a
cooperative commercial venture to secure the Commagene region of
Anatolia from the Egyptians. This was to have the most far reaching of
effects, as we shall see in the next chapter.
Chapter 6 Hyksos Invasion of Egypt
Tutimaeus. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of
god smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of
an obscure race marched in confidence against our land. By main force
that easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities
ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the
natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery
the wives and children of others.
So said the Egyptian priest Manetho in 330BCE about the Hyksos
invasion that took place some one thousand five hundred years before his
own time.
Savage evidence of severed limbs in grave pits seems to
support his claim.
Manetho also wrote that the Hyksos escaped to Syria where they
built Jerusalem.
Hekataios of Abdera similarly wrote in 300BCE that
Jewish tradition of the Exodus came from the expulsion of the Hyksos.
He maintained the Israelites were the Hyksos. Although the Exodus is an
article of faith, modern archeologists are still unable to confirm or deny
the Biblical traditions. We still do not know whether the Exodus was
mythical or it actually occurred as described in the Bible. If it did occur,
it could be the Hyksos expulsion (as Hekataios maintains) or a later event.
It is, however, well recognized that the Hyksos conquerors of
Egypt were overwhelmingly Semitic speaking Levant Asiatics, because
most of the Hyksos names are Semitic. For example, Jacob exists as both
a Hyksos Prince (Mr wsr R
b hr, Yaqob) and the Biblical Palestine
Yet the Semites of Western Palestine never otherwise
displayed the military might and war-technology necessary to mount a
sole invasion of Egypt.
The main war force of the Hyksos was Indo-Hittite and more
particularly Indo-Iranian Hurrian. These were the Haxa from Eastern
Iran. We know less about this military force because of their peculiar
characteristic of discouraging written records.
Because of their aversion to the written word, the Hurrians
seemed to leave non-military administration to the Semitic Levant
Asiatics, the proto-Israelites. This may well be the reason Joseph was a
vizier to the Pharaoh rather than a General. Tuthmose III similarly
Commagene Crucible for the Hyksos Invasion of Egypt
elevated the Amorites Meri-Re and User Min to key administrative
positions. In the same way, Amenhotep III relied on the Semite Yanhamu
as Governor of Palestine. At the time of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten,
Yanhamu controlled the granaries of Yarimuta and governed the Egyptian
domains in Palestine and Gebal. The Amarna letters show the Syrians
petitioned Akhenaten asking for his help, suggesting that Yanhamu was
familiar with their circumstances. His position no doubt forms part of
Josephs complex archetype.
The Canaanite, Ben Matana, was another
Semite who rose to prominence, becoming Pharaoh Merenptahs Chief
King Nebuchadnezzar similarly made Daniel and his companions
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego governors in Babylon.
The practice
of appointing Semite administrators continued more than two thousand
years later when the Umayyad Muslims invaded Spain and Southern
France, 719-720CE.
As each Visigoth fortress fell, the Saracens
installed Jews as administrators. The Saracens then pursued their
conquest to the next town. The Arabs in Tripoli adopted the same
While the Hurrian invasion is virtually silent in history, it is not
the only example of such a vacuum left by Indo-Hittites. Indo-Hittite
Aryans usually devastated culture in the regions they conquered and
brought little to replace it. The Huns, for example, had no long-term
influence on Europe. German culture eventually arrived through the
Western Roman Empire.
The advanced chariotry of the invaders graphically demonstrates
the Indo-Iranian influence within the Hyksos. This technology came from
the Hurrians whose large Trans-Caspian horses easily displaced the small
ass drawn chariots of the Egyptians.
The Hurrians had been in Syria and East Anatolia for many
thousands of years. They originally spoke Urartu, a northeast Caucasian
language that was neither Afro-Asiatic nor Indo-Hittite. Later the
Hurrians became indistinguishable from Indo-Iranians. They took Aryan
Indian gods and Indian royal names. Their charioteering terms were very
close to Indian Sanskrit.
Even today, the language of Georgia is similar
to Hurrian.
The Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni was contemporaneous with the
Egyptian eighteenth dynasty. The Mitanni was still a potent military
force at the end of the Hyksos occupation in 1567BCE.
Commerce drove this seemingly odd cultural combination of
Indo-Iranian Hurrians and Semitic Israelites. As explained in Chapter 5,
the Anatolian Commagene was the central interface where Indo-Hittites
and Afro-Asiatic Semites were geographically compressed. The races
had apparently learned to live together in relative harmony.
The region was the first to prosper in the Bronze Age as a centre
of metallurgical technology. Copper and lead smelting had taken place in
the region for five millennia - at nearby Jarmo, in Iraqi Kurdistan, from
6,750BCE and at Çatal Hûtûk in Anatolia, three hundred and fifty years
later. Çatal Hûtûk came to a sudden end in about five thousand six
hundred BCE for reasons not yet understood.
The burgeoning economic affluence of the region in two thousand
BCE meant that it was no longer a zero sum game for the groups. Wealth
grew over a long period and, to some degree, peaceful trade provided
more prosperity than war. The Indo-Hittites proved able technologists
and the Israelites capable artisans and administrators. Even today,
business people of Trebizond on the Black Sea coast of Anatolia in the
upper Commagene are the most successful entrepreneurs of Turkey.
So, what happened to disturb this golden era? In short, twelfth
dynasty Egyptians seized their wealth and technology. Thutmose III and
Ramses II repeated this after the Hyksos invasion. The Egyptian Pharaoh
who initiated the first expropriation was Pharaoh Sesôstris I, who ruled
from 1959BCE to 1914BCE. The twelfth dynasty has been a confusing
period but we now know the dates accurately due to reliable European
and Chinese dating of the eruption of Thera in 1648BCE.
Thera is
seventy miles north of Crete and its crater is now the romantic island of
Santorini. Using this as a reference point, the Hyksos period of
occupation in Egypt lasted from 1801BCE to 1567BCE.
Pharaoh Sesôstris I upset the relatively stable commercial
arrangement of the Semitic Levant Asiatics and Indo-Hittites by capturing
and transporting to Egypt and Sinai, metals resources, metallurgical
technology and even the Semitic metalworking populations. Anatolia was
devastated for one hundred and fifty years. It is quite possible that the
Kenites of Sinai, the ancestors of David, were an Anatolian group
transported to the copper and turquoise mines in the south by this Pharaoh
of the twelfth dynasty.
The Semites of the area considered their position and resolved to
join the Hurrians to recover their interests with violence. The outcome
was a commercial-military joint venture, the invasion of Egypt, using the
new wonder Indo-Iranian technology of the fast light chariot. Even the
nearby Kassites thought it was an opportune time to invade the powerful
cities of Sumer in the same way.
As compelling as Manetho's description is of the Hyksos arriving
from the East by land, later exploits in the Mediterranean suggest that the
Hyksos were backed-up from the sea by the Phoenicians of Byblos.
The Semite Byblians along with the Cretians had a major port at Pelusium
in the Nile Delta where they handled all of Egypt's maritime trade.
Due to convenient sea support and trading efficiency, the Hyksos
capital remained at Avaris in the East Delta, most probably Tell el
Daba'a. The graves at Tell el Daba'a contain many bronze weapons such
as axes, daggers and knives made with fine metalwork styles developed in
Syro-Palestine after the time of Pharaoh Sesôstris I.
The underlying reason for the Hyksos invasion of Egypt in
1801BCE by the combined forces of the Semitic desert princes and Indo-
Hittite Hurrians was to regain their commercial interests in mining and
metallurgy. Their hostile invasion of Egypt was highly successful. The
production of metals in Anatolia resumed and lasted six hundred years,
until the end of the Bronze Age in 1200BCE.
The Hyksos takeover of Egypt expanded into the Mediterranean
and Aegean Seas. Using their Phoenician maritime connections, the
Hyksos colonized both Crete and Greece. Chemical analysis of pottery
has confirmed that during this period there was active trade between
Egypt, the Levant, Cyprus and Nubia.
Linguistics confirms this. The
enigmatic Linear A tablet of Knossos seems to be a mixture of Syro-
Mesopotamian Hurrian, Semitic and Luwitic. Early analysis of the
Etruscan language also suggests a consolidation of Indo-Hittite and
Semitic roots. Linear B is an early Mycenaean Greek dialect.
Expansion of the Hyksos into the Mediterranean had the most far
reaching of effects on civilization, as we know it today:
What is today seen as 'Mycenaean' material culture could usefully
be seen as 'Hyksos' or at least the 'Hyksos of the non-Cretan Aegean'
and it was from this society that not only the cultivation of the later
Mycenaean palaces but also Greek language and culture - as they survive
until today - first took shape.
The Hyksos lived mainly in the delta region and this area
continued as the focus for Semitic Levant Asiatic aspirations for a
thousand years. The Hyksos had limited control over Upper Egypt where
they permitted the true Egyptian Pharaohs to reign. Pharaoh Seqenenres
sons Kamose and Ahmose ultimately raised an army in Upper Egypt and
rebelled against the Hyksos King Apophis in 1570BCE. In 1567BCE, the
Egyptians expelled the Hyksos from Egypt and established the prosperous
New Kingdom. With the expulsion of the Hyksos, Kamose wrote:
Let me understand what this strength of mine is for! (One) prince
is in Avaris, another is in Ethiopia, and (here) I sit associated with an
Asiatic and a Negro! Each man has his slice of this Egypt, dividing up
the land with me... no man can settle down, when despoiled by the taxes of
the Asiatics. I will grapple with him that I may rip open his belly! My
wish is to save Egypt and to smite the Asiatic! I went north because I was
strong (enough) to attack the Asiatics through the command of Ammon,
the just of counsels. My valiant army was in front of me like a blast of fire
... When day broke, I was on him as if it was a falcon. When the time of
breakfast had come, I attacked him. I broke down his walls, I killed his
people, and I made his wife come down to the riverbank. My soldiers
were as lions are, with their spoil, having serfs, cattle, milk, fat and
honey, dividing up their property, their hearts gay.
One of the commanders of Kamose's fleet wrote that after his
majesty had killed the Asiatics he sailed southward to destroy the Nubian
The Hyksos-Israelites escaped to Palestine. They remained there
from 1567BCE until the Palestine campaign of Tuthmose III in 1480BCE.
There was extensive fragmentation in Palestine during this period:
Now at that time, the Asiatics had fallen into disagreement, each
man fighting against his neighbor.
Tuthmose IIIs 1480BCE campaign capitalized on this disarray to
push as far north as Naharin on the Upper Euphrates and to the strategic
city of Mari where the Israelite Patriarchs had initially come from. There
the fierce Mitanni Empire of the Hurrians halted them.
Thutmose III's troops then occupied the strategically important
cities of Megiddo and Jerusalem, or Kadesh, in Palestine. A Hurrian-
Semitic vassal of Egypt called Abd-Khiba still ruled Jerusalem eighty
years later in 1400BCE.
The dislodged Hyksos re-established in a Syrian town that they
also called Kadesh or Holy City. This was Kadesh on the Orontes River.
Today the Orontes River forms part of the border between Lebanon and
Syria just above Damascus.
In 1291BCE, Ramses II again re-exerted Egyptian sovereignty
over Palestine as Sesôstris I and Thutmose III had done. He pushed up
towards the Commagene and won a decisive battle at the Orontes River
against the Semitic and Hurrian peoples lead by King Muwatallis.
Ramses II turned his victory battle against the Kadesh the
Deceitful into a symbolic battle against the allies of Seth the children of
Apophis, the impious who haunt the wilderness and the desert.
recorded this battle in grand bas-relief compositions in the Temple of
Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the Ramesseum and the Temple of Abu-
Simbel. The scenes show Ramses II bringing order to his land, single-
handed, as the personification of Amun. This is the same temple site
where his predecessor Thutmose III recorded his plunder of Palestine.
The Hyksos period of occupation provides the background to the
image of Hyksos invaders as the children of Apophis. The Egyptian
concept of order was Maat. It dominated the whole fabric of Egyptian
In his manifestation as Ptah, the Egyptians called Amun the
Lord of Maat. His three-step pedestal is the hieroglyph of Maat.
opposition to Maat is Isfet, which denotes falsehood, injustice and
whatever runs counter to the rightness of the world.
The leader of the
embodiment of Isfet was the gigantic evil serpent god Apophis. He had
no sensory organs, so could neither see nor hear.
He could only
scream. We will see this serpent emerge repeatedly in mystery religion
and literature.
In Egyptian folklore, Set killed Osiris and Apophis reigned until
the resurrected Osiris chased him away. Osiris represents the rising sun.
The Hyksos provocatively identified their monotheistic Indo-Hittite god
with the Egyptian Set. The Hyksos King Apepi I went even further. He
associated himself with Apophis, the antithesis of order and stability in
As a result, the Egyptians described the Hyksos invaders as the
Children of Apophis. This is the reason Kamose identifies with the
resurrection of Osiris attacking the Children of Apophis, the Hyksos, at
The Persian region of Media provides additional evidence that the
Indo-Iranian Hyksos invaders were the Children of Apophis. Here the
Median kings took the title Mâr, meaning snake in Persian.
This gave
rise to the tyrant dragon dynasty of Media. Herodotus describes the later
kings, in particular the last Median ruler Astyages (584-550BCE), as
having the royal demonic title Rshti-vegâ Azhi Dahâka. Nowadays
Azhdahâ, the abbreviation of Azhi Dahâka, is the only Persian word for
The triumph of Ramses II at Kadesh on the Orontes River
symbolized the victory of Maat or stability and order over chaos. It
became the magnificent victory of knowledge over ignorance and good
over evil. Kadesh on the Orontes had a similar special significance to
Jerusalem. They both had the same Egyptian name of Holy City. Ramses
II treated Kadesh with deference. He did not overrun and destroy it.
Instead, he granted the Kheta Chief King Hattusilish III a generous peace
The Hurrian King Tushratta of Urkesh had already set the
precedent for ultimogeniture transfer of property. He gave his daughter
Tatu-hepa as a bride to Pharaoh Amenhotep III. The Hurrian capital of
Urkesh has been located in Syria, as Tell Mozan near Nusaybin on the
border with Turkey.
In the same way, after some aloofness that King Hattusilish III of
Kadesh was unable to placate by gifts of tribute, Ramses II finally agreed
to marry King Hattusilish IIIs daughter and thereby accept possession of
the land by the principle of ultimogeniture.
Archeologists discovered the records of the 1258BCE peace
treaty with King Hattusilish III at both Karnak and in the Hittite archives
of Arinna.
A seal on the treaty depicts the gods of the contracting
parties. In the Hittite rendition of the seal, Set is Teshub meaning Storm
God. His consort is Hebat meaning Lady of the Skies and Ra is Shamash.
We will return to the god Shamash in Chapter 18.
The Palestine campaigns waged by the Egyptians to stabilize
occupied territories provided a number of opportunities for the capture
and release of Israelites. From this we can speculate that an event
resembling the Exodus could well have occurred in the 320-year period
between 1470BCE and 1150BCE. Conventional Biblical dating at
1466BCE fits well with the earliest estimate. However, alternative dating
sources do not confirm it. An Exodus in 1466BCE would have been a
prompt release from the capture of Thutmose III rather than a release by
Ramses II.
However, a release from Thutmose III is unlikely.
Jacob, or more correctly Iakeb Aarhu (Jacob on the Ladder) Mer
User Ra, was a Hyksos king that reigned immediately before Aa Pehti
Many inscriptions on scarabs attest to him. Ramses II dated the
commencement of the reign of this king Aa Pehti Set. He erected a stele
in 1240BCE to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of his
dynasty commencing with Aa Pehti Set. From this, we can deduce that if
Jacob of the Ladder was indeed the primary biblical archetype for Jacob
and he was present in Egypt in 1460BCE, then the early 1466BCE date
for Exodus is in some doubt.
On the other hand, there us another most interesting late date for
the Exodus. Amenhotep III (Amen Hetep III) held his first Jubilee in
1365BCE. Altogether, he had three Jubilees. The first son of Amenhotep
III, crown prince Thutmose V, died before this Jubilee. The Pharaoh
therefore selected his celebrated advisor Amen Hetep Son of Hapu to
conduct the Sed Festival. This advisor took the place of the First Son, or
Great One His Son (Aa Siph), in the role of the Sem Priest who deified the
Pharaoh. In gratitude, Amenhotep III provided Amen Hetep Son of Hapu
with a funerary temple in western Thebes, adjacent to his own. The
Egyptians later deified the great advisor Amen Hetep Son of Hapu, as
they had Imhotep. A Pharaonic decree inaugurated his mortuary cult.
Amen Hetep Son of Hapu was born of unimportant parents in
Athribis, the modern Benha, in Egypts delta. So great did he become
that numerous statues in the temples of Amun and Mut at Karnak marked
his illustrious career. These statues show him seated as a scribe holding a
papyrus. One statue made in his eightieth year records that he hoped to
live to one hundred and ten.
Although an outstanding and respected architect, Amen Hetep
Son of Hapu became renowned for his piety and turned to religious
duties. His main designation of scribe of goodly young men described
one who recruited for the Egyptian State Mysteries. As many young men
came to his temple for ceremonies and he was a Sed Priest, he was almost
certainly in charge of these initiation rites.
Amen Hetep Son of Hapu is an early archetype for the
Freemasons legendary Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. The king Amenhotep
III is correspondingly an archetype for Solomon, as is the temple of Al
Karnak for the Temple of Solomon.
One of Amen Hetep Son of Hapus key projects was the Ophet or
harem for the God Amun, in the Temple of Luxor.
Amun traveled
from Karnak to Ophet once each year to celebrate his sacred marriage
with Mut. A great feast followed in the name of the holy family of
Karnak. Far beyond the borders of Egypt, people celebrated the eminence
of Amuns perfect son Khonsu, the Advice Giver.
Amuns new Ophet or harem adjoined the temples existing
Pylon and first court built by Ramses II. It consisted of a colonnade,
second court, columned hall and innermost ceremonial temple. Chapter
18 will provide more detail of Amen Hetep Son of Hapus building
The other reason Amen Hetep Son of Hapu undertook the Sem
Priest role in the Jubilee was that the second son of Amenhotep III, who
was Amenhotep IV, was too young at the time. Amenhotep IV became
co-regent and erected his own Jubilee-Coronation Temple at Karnak in
1364BCE. In the Jubilee, Amenhotep IV took the new name Akhenaten
(Akhu En Aten), meaning well pleasing to the Aten. The Aten (Pa Aten)
appeared in each of the forty-two shrines of Egypt in the Jubilee Temple
to bless the new king. At death, forty-two judges on earth and another
forty-two in heaven would assess a Pharaohs soul according to its actions
when in the body. Both the Israelite connection and the forty-two names
of God are quite apparent.
Akhenaten ceased work on the Temple of Amen Re in Karnak in
1350BCE. He switched to constructing the Temple of Aten in 1353BCE
and established Yahweh-style monotheism in Egypt under the High Priest
Meri-Re. In doing so, he rebelled against the ceremonies of the Afro-
Asiatic sacred marriage practiced by his father Amenhotep III. So close
were relations between the Amarna dynasty and the post-Hyksos kings of
Assyria that in about 1365BCE Burnaburias II of Babylon even accused
the Assyrian king Assuruballit of being vassal to Akhenaten.
Akhenatens new religion was not to last. Egyptians quickly
upset this Indo-Hittite innovation, which deplored the sacred marriage of
Amun and was associated with the miseries brought to Egypt by the
Hyksos. Although Tutankhamun returned Egypt to the traditional religion
of Amun, Tutankhamuns death without heir in the ninth year of his reign
in about 1318BCE led to a crisis. Tutankhamuns widowed queen
arranged for Prince Zannanaz, son of the Asiatic Hittite king
Suppiluliuma I, to be her husband and become the next Pharaoh.
The Egyptians respected Hittite king Suppiluliuma I for defeating
the Mitanni, sacking their capital and creating a buffer state against the
Assyrians. After suppressing the Mitanni, Suppiluliuma I installed
Tushratta as a pro-Egyptian king to provide a Hittite buffer between
Egypt and Assyria. Following Tushrattas murder the Great King of
Assyria, Assuruballit I, placed an Assyrian king called Artatama on the
throne. Suppiluliuma I then retaliated and set Tushratta's son on the
Mitanni throne. This created a Hittite buffer state against Assyria, which
lasted until Suppiluliumas death. Assuruballit I then annexed what was
left of the Mitanni kingdom.
Although Tutankhamen appointed Horemheb a hereditary prince
and Lord of the Two Lands, Horemheb publicly disagreed with him and
answered back, which enraged Tutankhamen.
A key reason may have
been Horemhebs discomfort with the Pharaohs Asiatics mercenaries.
With the prospect of another Hittite-Mitanni king in Egypt,
General Horemheb seized control in about 1315BCE. Horemheb
promptly expunged the whole Hyksos-friendly Amarna dynasty of
Akhenaten, Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen from the records of Egypt. He
demolished Akhenatens sun Temple of the Aten in Karnak and used its
forty thousand blocks to build the Ninth Pylon of Karnak.
In 320CE, Eusebius recorded the Greek historian Euhemeruss
visit to Manetho in Egypt in 300BCE. We only have St Jeromes
commentary on Eusebius World Chronicle but it seems that Eusebius
may have described how Akhenatens daughter, Scota, escaped to Tara in
Irelands County Meath, with the Asiatic prince called Gaythelos.
Irish and Scottish people adopted the legend as an integral part of their
traditional history. Scota may be Akhenaten and Nefertitis second
daughter of six, the princess Meritaten.
She was Tutankhamens
stepsister, stepmother and should have become his wife. Instead,
Tutankhamen married her younger sister, Ankhesenpaaten. The Scottish
Scota legend says the Egyptian force buried Meritaten at Glenscota in
County Kerry.
General Horemheb was Tutankhamens commander of the
Egyptian army. As Horemheb had no sons, he put another favorite
general on the throne as co-regent. This was General Ramses, son of the
court official Seti. General Ramses was to name his son Seti after his
own father. This son, Seti, inaugurated the nineteenth dynasty as Pharaoh
Seti I. It is also notable as the first occasion since Hyksos domination that
a Pharaoh took the name of a Canaanite god.
It demonstrates that while General Horemheb violently opposed
the military Hyksos of the Hittites and Mitanni, the Semitic Levant
Asiatic contingent of the Hyksos successfully integrated into Egypt as
high officers of state. These Semitic Hyksos married into Egyptian
royalty from the time of the famous founder Queen of the eighteenth
dynasty, Ahmose-Nefertari. Pharaohs' queens held the title of God's Wife
of Amen. The three most famous are Queen Tiye (queen of Amenhotep
III), Nefertari (queen of Ramses II) shown with pink skin and Nefertiti
(queen of Akhenaten) in an earlier bust. Eventually the female Semitic
Levant Asiatic bloodline successfully gave rise to the nineteenth dynasty
of Seti I.
A surprising outcome of this lineage of kings and queens is that
these facts perhaps reveal the identity of Moses.
Furthermore, this
theory supports an Exodus at the time claimed by Manetho and Josephus.
The Sem Priest at the time of Ramses II (Ra Meses II) was Kha
Em Uset, the fourth Crown Prince of Ramses II. He was a great restorer
of monuments and erected the four hundred year stele mentioned
previously, celebrating the king's first Jubilee in his thirtieth year (about
1249BCE). Kha Em Uset continued to celebrate the Jubilees until he
died in 1230BCE. At his second Jubilee, Kha Em Uset built a special
Jubilee temple at Memphis. This marked his position as High Priest of
Ptah and keeper of the Apis Bull. This funerary temple for the Apis Bull,
known as the Serapeum, was at Sakkara, just West of Memphis. With
new economy, the series of tombs for the Bulls at the Serapeum ended the
practice of separate tombs and Temples for each bull.
Kha Em Usets name was visible to the notaries on the
Serapeums Museum Notice, right down to third century CE when the
practice of burying bulls ceased. From this a demotic romance of The
Third Intermediate Period/Late Period, called the Setne Cycle, developed
with Kha Em Uset as its subject. It tells of the tomb work carried out by
Setne Khamwas and the tales of wonder of his magical son Si-Osiris, who
defeated the Nubian magicians before his grandfather Ramses II, only to
vanish from the court. His father grieved until another son called User
Mont Hor was born.
Crown Prince Kha Em Usets first son was also Ra Meses.
Although he grew to an age where he could accept the office of High
Priest of Ptah from his father, he did not do so for reasons we will
examine. These offices, along with others due to him, passed to the
second son called Hori. Hori then became the important Vizier of the
North and later of Thebes.
However, details of Kha Em Usets first son, Ra Meses, still
exist. These include his estate, the name of his scribe (Hui) and some
correspondence conveyed by the captain of his barge.
An unnamed person who seems to be Ra Meses tried to obtain
land in Per Ramesses, the new capital in the delta, by altering Temple
records. The Chief Accountant of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis, Mose,
inscribed the story in his tomb.
The cult of this great man regularly
made offerings to him at the tomb. There they read of the one hundred
year legal challenge in which Mose prevailed triumphant. The story also
made its way into another demotic tale of the Third Intermediate Period
where Mose described his fathers life, an oblique view of his own life
and the expulsion of the followers of Set.
Mose described the challenge of a powerful royal figure who tried
to steal his mothers inheritance. In the process, this person altered the
records of the Temple. He fled in disgrace after the discovery. It is quite
possible that the Chief Accountants one hundred year battle for the land
of his mother was actually Egypts recovery of its Nile delta territories
from the Semites who were growing ever more numerous. These Semitic
Levant Asiatics in the delta were seeking land at a time when the borders
of Egypt were already under considerable pressure from both Palestine
and Libya. An attempt by Ra Meses to achieve the Semite goal by
deception may have been the last straw.
Notwithstanding what might have been Ra Meses reason for
leaving Egypt unexpectedly, he appears to have returned to Egypt from
Syria shortly after the death of Pharaoh Merenptah (Mer En Ptah) in
about 1203BCE, when Merenptahs half-brother Amenmesse usurped the
throne of Egypt. Three years later, in 1200BCE, Seti II deposed this
usurper and gained the throne as the son and rightful heir of Merenptah.
The deposing of Amenmesse occurred at the same time that the
followers of Set called on the successors of the Hyksos in Jerusalem for
help. This has led some scholars to suggest that Amenmesse is Messui or
Moses. However, there is a more compelling argument.
On his return from Syria, Ra Meses becomes Ra Meses Em Per
Ra. The title meant he was a Prince of the Royal Dynasty the House of
Ra and therefore one of the seventy grandchildren of Ramses II. He
seems to have been active in deposing Amenmesse. Ra Meses, our
candidate for Moses, became Kingmaker (Arsu) for the rest of the
Ra Meses also became Chancellor with the name Bai/Bay, or Si
Osire, which is the same as name as the son of Osiris or Osarsiph who led
the followers of Set to Avaris.
In 1188BCE, Ra Meses placed Queen
Ta Usert on the throne and prepared a tomb for her although she
subsequently abandoned it in preference for internment with Pharaoh
Sethnakht became Pharaoh in about 1186BCE. He promptly
expelled Ra Meses and all his followers.
As noted with the story of
Mose, Sethnakhts twentieth dynasty always made a great point of Ra
Meses expulsion from Avaris, calling his people the followers of Set.
This expulsion was the same event that Manetho and Josephus understood
as the Exodus. The fleeing Israelites took with them a belief in the
importance of the rising sun as the rising soul of the newborn king and
also the prayers of the sun from the Temple of the Aten at Karnak.
500CE, Stephen of Byzantine wrote of an Edomite-sect in Petra. They
worshiped the honoured the rays of sunlight at dawn by focussing the rays
onto a ritual meal with a solid bronze dish.
Even today, an orthodox
Jew in his tallith and phylactery will orient his prayers to the direction of
the rising sun rather than to Jerusalem.
Sethnakht then provided co-regency for his son Ramses III to
continue the new dynasty.
In 1177BCE Ramses III, son of Sethnakht, vigorously defended
his northeast border against the Keftiu or Sea Peoples.
These were
refugee families from the collapse of Suppiluliuma IIs Hittite empire. At
the time of Ramses IIIs conquest the Israelites do not appear to have
reached Palestine although the famous Israel Stela of Merenptah, dealing
with a similar victory over a Libyan refugee incursion, had already
mentioned Israel as being in Canaan.
The argument can be summed-up as follows. The Semitic Levant
Asiatics, who were later to become the Israelites, entered Egypt as
Hyksos. They integrated into the administration of Egypt as Viziers and
Governors. Ahmose did not expel them, in contrast to the militaristic
Hurrians. Over the following centuries, the Semite female line
intermarried with the eighteenth dynasty and many Semites rose to
These included the Amorite Meri-Re, Tuthmose IIIs
armor-bearer. His brother was the Priest User Min. Another was Arper-
el, a Grand Vizier in Akhenatens government who was both an Israelite
priest and a Memphis high priest of Aten.
As mentioned earlier in the
chapter, Yanhamu was a prominent Semite mentioned in the Amarna
To continue, at the death of Tutankhamun without heir, General
Horemheb preferred Egypts throne to pass to the Levant Asiatics in
Egypt rather than to the Hittites. This created the nineteenth dynasty of
Seti I who was the first post-Hyksos king to use the name of a Canaanite
god. His son, Ramses II, commemorated the four hundredth anniversary
of the nineteenth dynasty, commencing with the Hyksos Pharaoh Aa Pehti
Set, in a stele of 1240BCE.
The Biblical Moses was Ra Meses, a grandson of Ramses II.
After political intrigue, dealings with the Jerusalem Asiatics and a land
grab in the Delta, the new twentieth dynasty Pharaoh Sethnakht expelled
Moses and the followers of Set from Egypt. Sethnakhts son, Ramses III,
continued his fathers vigilance against all peoples seeking to occupy the
Placing Exodus in the reign of Sethnakht, about 1186BCE to
1184BCE, followed by 40 years in the wilderness as an itinerant tribe in
fear of Ramses III, coincides precisely with the violent third eruption of
the Icelandic volcano Hekla III in 1159BCE. While the forty years in the
wilderness and the Exodus are most likely a metaphor of Afro-Asiatic
religious rebirth, it is interesting to follow the literal interpretation for a
Hekla III erupted in 1628BCE and again in 1159BCE, during the
rule of Ramses III, causing major global events and climate changes.
The 1159BCE eruption virtually depopulated northwest Britain causing
many extraordinary phenomena recorded by the Chinese. These included
double suns, pale suns, dry mists and frosts in summer. All around the
world there was a momentous as the upheaval in civilizations. The
Myceneans of Greece collapsed, as did the Hittite of Anatolia, the
Egyptian New Kingdom, the civilization of late Bronze Age Israel and the
Shang Dynasty of China collapsed.
The effects would have included extreme, unseasonable changes
in Egypt and Palestine. The shallow sand bar of the Dead Sea and Bitter
Lakes, which then formed part of the Gulf of Suez, was dangerous when
the North East trade winds abated allowing water to surge in from
Yemen. Unexpected changes in the tide across the sandbar between the
Great and Bitter Lakes could well have been the inspiration for a story of
the parting and closing of the Red Sea.
Another theory gaining support is that these tides allowed the
Israelites to ford the Gulf of Aqaba, enroute to Saudi Arabias Jabal al
Lawz, the mountain of Moses and real Mt Sinai. Explorers Bob Cornuke
and Larry Williams showed that a crossing could have been made from
the in the shallows of the Strait of Tiran, where the Gulf enters the Red
The intrepid biblical explorer, Ron Wyatt, is certain that the
Israelites crossed half way along the Gulf of Aqaba, on a sandbar some
300 meters underwater. He says he discovered a pillar on the Saudi
Arabian shore carved with ancient Hebrew text, which stated that
Solomon set up the pillar to mark the location of the transit and Pharaohs
defeat. He says he showed the pillar to officials of the Saudi Arabian
Government, who removed it.
The Exodus and effects of Hekla III would have been closely
associated in the minds of the scribes who seem to have recorded some
elements the story of Exodus in about 966BCE. However, Exodus 15:
16-17 may be the only part of the story written in early times as it is has
close parallels in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Conversely, Exodus 13:28 to
15:22 appear neither in the Dead Sea Scrolls nor in Greek Corpus LXX
Septuagint of about the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus in 250BCE.
All this confusion is because the Jewish alphabet did not develop
until after 1000 BCE, no Jewish history was committed to writing before
the ninth century BCE and very little history existed before Mishnaic
Hebrew or Assyrian-Hebrew in 725 BCE.
Reliable Jewish history only
began sometime in the period between 650BCE, when the Babylonians
overthrew the Assyrians, and 539BCE when the Persians conquerored the
Babylonian empire and Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Israel.
During this hundred years of upheaval, the Jewish priests incorporated
many Babylonina myths into the texts. Ezekiel rewrote Exodus about the
time Josiah (640 to 609BCE) sacked the Edomite shrine of Bethel
because the Edomites had sided with the Babylonians against Judah.
Ezekiel excised the Calebite Book of Jasher because it showed Edom as
the original religion, still practiced on high places instead of in
Jerusalems Temple.
The phenomena of the desert sojourn in Exodus 14:19-21 are very
much under suspicion as late insertions because these contrived verses
encode the seventy-two-letter name of God:
Both the Zohar and Rashis twelfth century CE Bachir discuss
this encoding of the name. The relevant verses and their translations are:
And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel,
removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from
before their face, and stood behind them.
And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of
Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night
to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord
caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made
the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
Each of these three verses in Hebrew contains exactly seventy-
two letters. The seventy-two triplets of the great Name derive from one
letter taken from each verse. The Bachir outlines the process of
constructing the Name. The letters of the first verse apply in direct order,
those of the second in reverse order, and those of the third verse in direct
order. The first triplet is W (Vav) H (He) W (Vav).
Another mass movement of Semitic Levant Asiatics occurred in
752BCE. Josephus explains that Lysimachos sets his estimate of the
Israelites leaving Egypt at 752BCE in the time of Bokchoris ... Apion
within the time of the seventh Olympiad, to be more precise in its first
This was the period when the Nubian Kushites from Napata
brought the whole of Egypt under their control following its internal
political collapse. At this time, there was a refugee exodus from the
The defeat of the Semitic Levant Asiatic aspirations caused by the
twentieth dynasty and the expulsion of Ra Meses (Moses) was a
temporary setback. However, it was not necessarily decisive because the
Pharaonic dynasties of Egypt had already integrated the Semitic Levant
Asiatic bloodline. In stark contrast, the division of the kingdom about
1075BCE and its consequent loss by the twenty-first dynasty in 945BCE
was fatal to Semitic Levant Asiatic aspirations. The enormity of the
Semites loss affected the stability of their homeland until 1948CE when
the freedom fighters under David Ben Gurion gained control of modern
Nevertheless, the Jewish presence in the Delta remained strong
until at least 250CE when Hippolytus reported the presence of Essenes in
The next chapter provides the necessary background to the name
of God. We then turn to developments in the Commagene, particularly at
Harran where Abraham lived with his father Terah for many years.
Chapter 7 The Name of God, the Merkabah and
Isis tricked Ra into revealing his name and this led to his
downfall. However, Amun was not to be deceived. The post-Hyksos
Egyptian deity Amun had learned invincibility from the god of the Indo-
Hittites. His real name remained completely hidden because the Priests
never defined it in the first place:
Your first form by which you have begun was Amun - namely, he
who hides his name from the gods Amun is one! (He) who hides himself
from the gods whose nature is unknownHis nature is not recorded
(or displayed) in sacred scriptures; he cannot be described and taught.
He is too mysterious for his power to be laid bare; he is too great even to
be asked about, too immense to be perceived. One would fall dead
suddenly, in fear, if one were to pronounce the god's mysterious name,
unknown to everyone. Not even a god can call him by his name, the vital
one, because his name is secret.
Three are all the gods, Amun, Ra and Ptah. Aside form these there
is none. He who hides his name behind the word "Amun" is Ra at his
head, Ptah at his body. His cities are eternal: Thebes, Heliopolis and
Memphis - forever.
The very best way of hiding Amun's true name was never to
define it in the first place. The Israelites Yahweh could not overcome
him; Yahweh could only join him in absolute ineffability. The more
Yahweh developed, the more he became a transcendent god like Amun
rather than a personal god. In recognition of his affinity and equality with
Amun, Yahweh became increasingly unknowable. Eventually, his priests
knew him by only the most fundamental of all existential statements:
Ehiyeh Asher Ehiyeh (
HYHA RShA HYHA), which means I am that I
Along with Yahweh's change in character, his secret names of
Q're and Iahu became only partial labels.
Yahweh subsumed or incorporated in himself the other gods that
he defeated, and went on to embody the totality of Israelite' history in his
name. He became the terebinth-god or oak-god Bel, Cronos the barley-
god, Tammuz the harvest-god, Jupiter and Marduk.
In Jerusalem,
Yahweh was the scarlet oak-god El. At Mount Tabor, he became
Dionysus, the Daanan white-bull god.
He was Baal-Zephon, Baal-
Zubul, Lord of the North or Lord of the Mansions, and Atabyrius.
Atabyrius, he was the god brought out of Egypt by the Israelites and
worshipped as a golden calf. He was the son of the Goddess Io, Hathor
and Isis.
In a magical Egyptian-Jewish papyri Yahweh is Zeus,
Thunderer, King Adonai, and Lord Iaooue.
Yahweh was Nabu the
Babylonian god of Wisdom represented by the almond tree stem of the
seven-branched Menorah.
Each branch represented a planetary power
that symbolized one of the interests of the Mother Goddess: Sun (Helios)
for illumination; the Moon (Selene) for enchantment; Mars (Ares) for
growth; Mercury (Hermes or Apollo) for wisdom; Jupiter (Zeus) for law;
Venus (Aphrodite) for love and Saturn (Cronus) for peace.
The final conception of Yahweh as Ineffable derives from the
Indo-Hittite cosmic sky-philosophy. Yahweh, like Amun, is perfect. His
unknowable names are so all encompassing that they are unspeakable. He
contains everything including contradiction.
Contradiction is at the very core of secret knowledge. The
paradox of a bad, poor or even evil side to God is not a fault in God but
rather our lack of clear or perfect comprehension. The knowledge God
has of himself is unambiguous. All ancient polytheistic religions
eventually developed the same understanding that every junior god is
simply a different manifestation of the great hidden God. The Semitic
tribes knew the great God as the Moon God. In Egypt he was called
Atum or Amun and in Persia, Ahura Mazda.
The Moon God Sin was the Semitic form of the Sumerian Enzu
meaning Lord of Wisdom. The Luna cycle gave Enzu a special position
based on order and immortality. He was seen as the father of both the
Sun Shamash and Inanna, the Queen of Heaven. Enzu was the central
astral deity, father of the great gods and Lord of Heaven found in every
Semitic land.
This triangular relationship between Sin, Shamash and Inanna
can be rotated one hundred and twenty degrees clockwise to produce a
new internally consistent relationship based on the Indo-Hittite primacy
of the Sun god Shamash. If Yahweh, as the furnace or sun god Q're,
substitutes for Shamash, the Moon God Sin and Queen of Heaven Inanna
are the two subordinate deities to Yahweh.
The Israelites indeed recognized these two subordinate deities as
Yahweh's two wives Ashima Baetyl and Anatha Baetyl.
represented the Moon and Wisdom respectively.
The sex change of Sin
to Ashima is a fundamental subject of esoteric religion. Anatha was
equivalent to Ishtar, the Indo-Hittite Lion or Cat goddess of love and war.
She was the Queen of Heaven and Goddess of Plenty.
Together these
three represent the physical sun, the moon that lights the intellectual
darkness with wisdom and the light of love.
Strabo, who lived from 63BCE to 19CE, describes a similar
Persian triad of Mithras, Selené and Aphrodite. The triad exists in the one
true god Zeus:
Now the Persians do not erect statues or altars, but offer sacrifice
on a high place, regarding the heavens as Zeus; and they also worship
Helius [the sun], whom they call Mithras, and Selené [the Moon] and
Aphrodite, and fire and earth and winds and water.
The triangular group, representing a single deity, is also
analogous to the ancient Vedic One True Existence, Paramathika or
This single principle contains the three characteristics of
creativity being Power, Wisdom and Love. Love, as Aleph, pronounced
Ah, is the emanation of the ubiquitous heart, the first emanation or
expression. Aleph, written Aa, is the Hurrian rendition of the god Enki
and Ea.
The One True Existence is the Word or Divine Thought that is
BAL in each of Arabic, Hebrew, Phoenician and Greek.
The sacred
Name of BAL has the cabbalistic cipher of 33 (
B=two, A=one, L=30), as
does the sacred word AUM.
Chapter 17 will investigate Aleph and the
AA expression.
In the Hebrew alphabet Aleph is the head of the three Mother
consonants, Beth of the seven Double consonants and Lamed of the
twelve common consonants. With sacred 3:7:12 proportions adding to
twenty two, the divine Name covers the whole of the Alphabet and thus is
inclusive of the Logos or Word of God. Thus, the twenty-two consonant
alphabet is itself a name of God and each consonant is a visible part of the
radiance of God.
The Logos or radiance of God is the dawn rays of sunlight
focused through a rose window, rock crystal lens, a water filled sphere or
concave mirror onto the altar.
In this way, at Petra, the ancient Israelites
focused the suns rays to light the sacrificial fire on the altar.
in Olympia, every four years, a woman dressed as a high priestess lights
the Olympic flame at the Temple of Hera altar. The priestess calls first on
the Gods of Olympus to witness her act, offers a prayer and hymn to
Apollo and uses a parabolic mirror to focus the sun's rays and ignite the
flame. She then presents the first flames to the skies.
The Druidic Bards used three rays of light /|\ to symbolise the
hidden vowels
The three rays of light /|\ also symbolized
the goddess and muse Ave or Awen, who springs from sunlight in the
same way as do other goddess of death and love Aphrodite, Pallas
Athena, Venus, Ishtar, Isis and Sophia.
However, there are seven sacred vowels all together. The birth
vowel AA, written as a long O (Õ), stands for Omega or the birth of
The death vowel II is written Y or as the Royal consonant J. The
seven vowels, arranged as
ÕAOUEIY, represent the Divine wisdom or
invisible radiance of the Word of God.
These vowels are the female
Spirit of God. Even before the creation of the world, she moved over the
surface of the water. The combined effect of the birth of birth vowel and
the vowel of Royalty means the female Spirit of God that moved over the
deep is a Virgin with Child.
Plutarch said of the Mithriac mysteries: God is a male and female
intelligence, being both life and light he brought forth another
intelligence, the creator of the world.
Orpheus, the mythical Thracian
musician and poet who founded the ancient mysteries, sang of the
hermaphrodite god Jove. While Jove is a male, Jove is also a virgin
female. The Brahmins in the Sama Veda echo this with the will to create
existed with the Deity as his bride.
It was only after the return from the Exile in Babylon that
Yahweh ultimately gave up his triple character. Even then, it continued
into Christianity as esoteric wisdom of the vowels of his name.
Christianity characterizes Ashima, who can be either male or
female, as Jesus the Son. Anatha became both the Virgin Mary and Mary
St Bernard referred to the Virgin Mary by Anatha's title of Queen
of Heaven and held that the great Lady Cathedrals of Europe embodied
Mary Magdalene. The Oath that the Knights Templar swore to St
Bernard required the Obedience of Bethany - the castle of Mary and
Martha (the Magdalene).
According to the preceptor Radulphus de
Gisisco, the Knights Templar sought and received the forgiveness
accorded to Mary Magdalene: Et Dieu qui pardona la Maria Magdalene
ses péchiez, les vos pardoient meaning the forgiveness of God who
pardoned the sin of Mary Magdalene.
Garcerandus de Teus gave the form of this unorthodox absolution
as I pray God that He may pardon our sins, as He pardoned St Mary
Magdalene and the thief on the cross. The concept of thief on the cross is
also quite controversial because Gnostics regard this person, the thief, as
The Johannites believe Jesus was a thief because he stole the
Ineffiable Name of God from the holy of Holies, as described in the
Toledot Yeshu. The original word for thief in Greek is lestai, which
Josephus uses for zealot-bandits.
The rose logic of embracing resolves the Magdalene's cardinal sin
and her apparent prominence over the Virgin Mary. It equates the two.
Chapter 17 examines the rose logic of embracing further.
Let us return to Yahweh. The reason Yahweh dropped his triple
character during the Exile was that in Babylon the image of Yahweh
became highly influenced by Zoroastrianism. There, like Ahura Mazda,
Yahweh became a holy being of Light. The priestly blessing of Aaron
spelled his name:
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall
bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will
bless them.
The first three verses of Priestly Blessing when written in Hebrew
consist of carefully prepared sequences with three, five and seven words
respectively. The first three verses also have fifteen, twenty and twenty-
five letters respectively:
The last verse explains that this formula spells out Yahweh's new
code name, the Holy Tetragrammaton, YHWH, which the Jews call the
Shem Hamphoresh.
Chapter 3 showed that the consonants are Life,
Sovereignty and the Glory or Brightness (
JH), Peace (W) and Light (H).
The dimensions are Life on the horizontal and Wisdom on the vertical.
The two theoretical dimensions, Light and Life, have a deep
Biblical heritage. The Bible describes Moses' Midianite brothers-in-law
as Nahath, Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah.
These names symbolize
rising above, descending below, before and behind. Together they make
the sign of the cross, which is the same sign the priests of Aaron make
with their hand while giving their blessing. It is the start of the secrets of
blessing, the great Merkabah.
In an ancient method of sacrificial killing, the priests placed the
sacrificial king in a Birchwood box and suspended it between two tall
poles (Asherah poles).
Allowed three loaves, one for each aspect of the
deity or the Triple Goddess, he remained suspended at Gods mercy,
between heaven and earth, until he decayed and his remains blew away.
An esteemed Jewish scholar and Masonic Librarian once
congratulated me on my work. Old and frail, he has now passed-on. But
he generously gave me four great gifts that have since grown in value.
Second only to his friendship, was his gift of the major Arcanum of the
Merkabah. Showing me a piece of paper, which he had already cut into
the form of a cross, he silently formed a hollow, perfect cube. This is the
cubic throne, which is the vehicle in which one ascends toward the Light.
It is the cube or unfolded sacrificial cross of the sacred marriage. A
Druze candidate wears a blood sprinkled cube at his initiation ceremony,
symbolizing that the cube unfolded is the bloody instrument of perfection.
Similarly, a Masonic Knights Templar receives a cube.
The rose on the
cross of the Rose Croix is the emblem of the sacrificial king. In alchemy,
the new king emerges from the stone. The symbol is one of sacrifice and
equally applies to both the divine triad and the Triple Goddess. Often
priests symbolized the divine triad or the Triple Goddess by a cube
sculpted into a triple-head. For example, a triple headed ram represents
the perfection of the Egyptian God Amun.
After the death of the old king, the officials led the new king to
his coronation with a silk ribbon around his neck to remind the candidate
of his brief reign with divine power. This is similar to the Scottish Rites
33º degree ceremony.
In ancient times, the silk ribbon was a silken
strangling cord, which symbolized the sacred obligation to kill the king
after a nominated period, or when his vitality waned, so that the divine
power may find a more youthful and vigorous incarnation.
traditional period of the kings rule was forty years. If he exceeded this
time by a single day, his subjects and attendants killed him, saying His
reasoning is already dimmed, and his insight confused.
Pythagorean numbers six and seven represent Light and Life,
respectively. The six by seven matrix has forty-two boxes. These
correspond to Yahweh's forty-two names, one for each combination of
Light and Life.
Perhaps this is how Douglas Adams, author of The
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, found forty-two was the answer to life,
the universe and everything.
A second horizontal crossbar represents the third dimension of
Peace. However, it has a bloody heritage because the second crossbar is
the arms of the fastened king.
Another way of showing this second
crossbar is in three dimensions as a St Andrews cross or Chi-Rho cross
of Emperor Constantine.
The Merkabah is also the meaning of the pillars at the entrance to
King Solomon's Temple. The spirally fluted pillar of Truth called Boaz,
Bolaz or Abolloneus ascends and is the green pillar of growth.
represents the strength of mans Spirit. The name Boaz derives from the
metathesis (letter jumbling) of the Hebrew Zahab (
ZHB) standing for
gold, and for Mercy and Judgment.
It means, as we shall see below,
that there can be no righteous Judgment without Mercy.
Some associate Boaz with antimony instead of gold, because
Boaz was a Bethlehem landlord and the saturine old man Antimon, is the
gatekeep of the great mystery. However, it is the vertically fluted pillar
called Jachin that represents the daughter of Mesahab (
antimony, who is the companion of Zahab (gold).
Jachin is the sere
pillar of Justice severity, sorrow and decay that descends.
These two bronze pillars each measured between thirty-four and
thirty-five feet and had a diameter of six feet at the base. The foundry
cast the hollow pillars with a uniform wall thickness of about three
inches. A sort of chain ornamentation covered the lower part of the
capitals, with representations of pomegranates in two rows of two
hundred. At the very top was a lily-work motive, an imitation of the
Egyptian lotus blossom.
Queen Hatshepsut built a red quartzite sanctuary in the Temple of
Amun in Karnak about 1470BCE.
She erected two magnificent
obelisks amid Pylons III to VI. These formed the entry to the chamber for
the sacred barque and were the first cult focus in the temple. Two
obelisks, together with four flagpoles, formed a classical temple front.
Tuthmose III dismantled Queen Hatshepsuts red quartzite
sanctuary and the blocks subsequently became foundations for expansion
of the temple of Karnak. Archeologists recovered three hundred of the
blocks, which now form the famous Chapelle Rouge. One red quartzite
relief shows Queen Hatshepsut dedicating two great pillars to the god
Amun. The inscription says the Egyptians covered the pillars with white
gold and so high that they pierced the skies.
Canaanite Ugaritic texts from the fourteenth century BCE call the
two pillars cutter-twins. They are the Asherah poles called Shacharu and
Shalim, meaning integration and completion respectively.
These two
pillars support the deathly net of Asherah, the most ancient of all mother
In De dea Syria, Lucian described the two large phalli at the door
of Astartes temple in Heirapolis.
These pillars were thirty fathoms
high and hollow. Each year, a sacred king climbed inside and worked his
way to the summit as a human sperm. There he conversed with the Gods
to ensure fertility of the land. This means the priests killed him and
ejaculated his blood through the phallus.
This pillar later became the Rosicrucian tower of Mysteries and
masons lodge room. The Degree of Heredom of Kilwinning, a prelude to
Knighthood of the Rosy Cross, led to the building of many humble follies
euphemistically called hunting towers. An excellent example of the tower
is Lord Ansons Tower of the Winds at Shugborough Hall, with its
delightful baby-blue and gold ceiling based on Neros Golden House in
Rome. Another notable tower is Dane Holger Rosenkranz Pirkentavl
Tower in Denmarks Rosenholm Castle, which dates from about 1600.
The tower or Heredom had the same esoteric role as Gods Mountain, the
place of testing, as did the Tholos at Delphi. The Rosicrucians briefly
described it in the Chymical Wedding by Christian Rosenkreutz, Knight
of the Golden Stone, 1459.
The Danes know the tower as the first
University of Jutland. It was an important library of Danish national
treasures with an alchemical laboratory in the basement. The Rosenkranz
family still tells of how Holger the Learned Rosenkranz and
Gyldenstierne from Møllerup (the neighbouring estate) met Shakespeare
in an English inn. They told Shakespeare that ghosts haunted
Gyldenstierne's guest room at Rosenholm. Shakespeare probably saw
there a copy of Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum (The Feats of the
Danes), dated about 1100 CE, and the Odyssey in which Ulysses son
Telemachus feigns a dullard and then like Horus killed Set, Telemachus
killed his uncle to prevent his mother marrying a second time.
Interestingly, the root Telemach contains Hamlets name, reversed.
Shakespeare decided to relocate his play from Greece to Denmark.
Macrobius described how the two pillars represent the portal od
the sun, Capricorn and Cancer, with the Milky Way between them.
One is the portal of men and the other the portal of the gods. It was
believed that souls passed through these portals when coming in light
beams from the sky to the earth and returning from the earth to heaven.
Another two columns, those of Osiris and Isis at Nysa in Arabia,
were famous in antiquity. Diodorus Siculus recorded in 45BCE that the
left column recorded Osiris' strength:
I am Osiris the king, who led my armies into all parts of the
world, to the most thickly inhabited countries of India, the North, the
Danube, and the Ocean. I am the eldest son of Saturn; I was born of a
brilliant and magnificent egg, and my substance is of the same nature as
that which composes light. There is no place in the Universe where I
have not appeared, to bestow my benefits and make my discoveries
The inscription on the right column showed that Isis represented
I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No
one can destroy the laws, which I have established. I am the eldest
daughter of Saturn, most ancient of Gods. I am the wife and sister of
Osiris the king. I first made known to mortals the use of wheat. I am the
mother of Horus the king. In my honour was the city of Bubastis built.
Rejoice, O Egypt, rejoice, land that gave me birth.
B and I, the first initials of Boaz and Jachin, are also the first and
last letters of the ancient Goidelic, Bronze Age Ogham alphabet, and
symbolically stand for inception and death.
Together the two pillars B and I represent the stability of the
universe and Gods One Body.
Their consummation with the keystone
of a perfect individual, the lintel or arch of Peace, Equilibrium and Joy, is
visible only to the initiated.
It is the royal or kingly secret. The
Knights Templar represented this arch by the Pillar of Beauty, nicknamed
the Apprentice Pillar, featured in Rosslyn Chapel.
The Zohars alchemical formula says that the pillars of gold and
antimony are to be firmly con-tempered and intertwined together. The
consummation is Justice (Tzedeq) herself coupled with Judgment
Come and see! When Tzedeq, Justice, is mitigated by that
Meshephat, Judgment, then it is called TzDQH, Tsedeqah,
This same Liberality is the abode of Gods throne, the Merkabah:
And sometimes they call the same. MLKI TzDQ MLK SHLM,
Meleki Tsedeq Melek Shalem, meaning Melchizedek, King of
Liberality is fundamental to the highest degrees of Freemasonry.
General Pike echoed it in the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite:
The Royal Secret, of which you are a Prince, if you are a true
Adept, if knowledge seems to you advisable, and Philosophy is, for you,
radiant with divine beauty, is that which the Zohar (Kabbalah) terms The
Mystery of the Balance. It is the secret of the Universal Equilibrium
Of that Equilibrium between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness in the
World, which assures us that all is the work of Infinite Wisdom and of an
infinite Love
The thirty-two degrees also corresponds to the thirty-two paths of
wisdom in the Kabbalah. The correspondence that Gods Name, Elohim,
occurs thirty-two times in the first Chapter of Genesis intrigues
Gematrists. In the Kabbalah, these paths bring Binah or Understanding
from the heart. In the Sepher Yetzirah, the paths relate to Hochmah or
We have an able demonstration of the Zohars expression of
Liberality in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice (1596). Portia, the white
maiden of Mercury discovered in lead, impersonates the civil doctor of
law, Balthasar, to argue the famous message of Mercy in Judgment to
Shylock the Jew:
Balthasar: The quality of mercy is not strain'd
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea.
Greed drives Shylock the Jew to ignore Liberality. He therefore
loses his legal case. This play is not really about Christian-Jewish
relationships. While Jewish Rabbis would not be in wholehearted
agreement with Shylocks ignominious fate, they would agree that his
intransigence justified the forfeit of his right to repayment. It is from the
Rabbis appreciation of Liberality that they earn their appellation of
The same Portia then lays intertwined with her alter ego, the civil
doctor of law, Balthasar. She is the severity of Justice and he, as we have
seen, is Mercy in Judgment. Thus merged we have the manna, the
ultimate consummation of Liberality from Wisdom:
Portia: I will become as liberal as you;
I'll have that doctor for my bedfellow
I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio;
For, by this ring, the doctor lay with me.
Bassanio: Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow:
When I am absent, then lie with my wife.
Lorenzo: Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way
Of starved people.
The lines above are perhaps the most important philosophical
statement in all Shakespeares works. Portia is just Pallas Athena in
another guise. In Greek myth, Athene always displayed great mercy in a
criminal trial at the Areiopagus.
When the judges votes were equal,
she always cast her vote to liberate the accused.
In ancient Vedic terms, the two pillars B and I representing Mercy
in Judgment and Justice, are the first Principle of Creation and Truth
called Brahmâ and the third Principle of Transformation, Destruction and
Regeneration called Shiva. The consummate Pillar of Beauty that
represents Liberality is Vishnu, the second Principle of All Pervading
The Scottish Rite sees the ultimate expression of Liberality in
Christs unselfish dying words that seek Mercy in the judgment of his
enemies Eli, Eli Lama Sabachthani meaning my God, my God, why hast
thou forsaken me, have pity on and forgive my enemies.
The play Initiation of Plato also explains the veiled nature of the
Wisdom of Liberality. Plato argues that Science can remove the veil of
Isis. The Priest or Patriarch counters it cannot:
First Patriarch: Approach without fear. Which is the most beautiful and
noble study to which man can devote himself in passing through
the world?
Plato: That which has for its object the knowledge of what he is, whence
he comes, and whither he goes; that which leads to a search for
the laws of nature within and without him.
First Patriarch: Isis and Osiris, the moon and the sun, both symbolize
nature; when they represent it by Isis a veil covers her. What is its
Plato: That of the inscription upon her statue in the Temple of Sais: I am
all that has been, all which is, all that which will be, and no mortal
man has yet raised the veil which covers me.
Plato: I think that is false.
First Patriarch: False! And how doth thy pride look upon this?
Plato: At each absolute truth; at each law of nature that he discovers,
doth not man raise this veil?
First Patriarch: No, the difficulty is not removed! Thou canst [i.e. can]
calculate the weight of the stars, their velocity, their distance, and
the paths which they overrun; thou canst investigate the laws of
light and electricity; and make the thunderbolt thy auxiliary; plane
down or pierce the mountain, cruise the abyss. Thou canst
transform the earth and loose the waves, but the great Unknown,
T.S.A.O.T.U. [i.e. God] is nonetheless incomprehensible, and
beyond the laws of nature!
Third Patriarch: What is Morality?
Plato: It is the rule of right, and the duties which the conscience imposes,
and which man cannot violate without shame and disgrace.
Third Patriarch: And Justice?
Plato: It is the practical application of the law of rendering to all that
which is his due.
The Archbishop of Canterbury twice underlined the importance
of Mercy in judgment at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June
In her Coronation Oath, the Queen responded to the Archbishop
of Canterbury:
Archbishop: Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in
Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?
Queen Elizabeth: I Will
Later in the Ceremony, the Queen sat clothed in the Pall of Cloth
of Gold called the Lords robe of righteousness with the armills or
garments of salvation.
The Archbishop invested her with the Orb, which he only delivers
to kings or queens actually reigning, and never to kings and queens
consort. The Orb represents the supreme political power of independent
sovereignty. It symbolizes the world in the form of the primeval mound
of Egypt. It also represents the star of redemption, which is the metal
antimony that redeems gold, and the Orb surmounted by a cross is the
chemical symbol for antimony. The Archbishop said:
Archbishop: Receive this Orb, set under the cross, and remember
that the whole world is subject to the Power and
Empire of Christ our Redeemer.
The Archbishop then delivered two sceptres into the Queens
hands, as in depicted in the enthronement of Pharaohs in Egypt. Into the
Queens right hand, the Archbishop placed the Sceptre with the Cross
Archbishop: Receive the Royal Sceptre, the ensign of kingly
power and justice.
This is the Royal Scepter of gold, representing kingly power,
complemented by the Scepter with the Dove with an Orb symbolizing the
forgiveness and redemption role of antimony. Then, into the Queens left
hand, he placed the Sceptre with the Dove saying:
Archbishop: Receive the rod of equity and mercy. Be so merciful
that you be not too remiss; so execute justice that you
forget not mercy .
The British Crown Jewels date from Charles II and so are
relatively modern. Sadly, the Royal Sceptre lacks a magnificient rock
crystal orb, which is the ancient emblem of divine kingship because it
represents the priestly ability to compass the sun.
The orb in the Royal
Sceptre is often referred to as the Star of Jacob because in the prophecy of
Balaam, the Sceptre represents the Messiah:
There shal come a Star out of Jacob, and a Club or Sceptre
(Shaivet) shall rise out of Israel.
While the English Crown Jewels lack a rock crystalorb, the
Honours of Scotland include such an orb in the Royal Sceptre of King
James IV. Either Pope Innocent VII in 1491 or Pope Alexander VI in
1494 presented the Royal Sceptre to hum along with a Golden Rose.
After presentation of the Sceptres, a pivotal moment, the
Archbishop then crowned the Queen saying:
Archbishop: God crown you with a crown of glory and
righteousness, that having a right faith and manifold
fruit of good works, you may obtain the crown of an
everlasting kingdom by the gift of Him Whose
kingdom endureth for ever. Amen.
It is worth also noting here that Mercy in Judgment is the reason
that a freemasons' lodge closes only when every Brother has received his
With an understanding of the mysteries of Liberality, kingly
Righteousness, the name of God and the importance of the Moon God, we
can now look more confidently at the comings and goings of warriors and
philosophers in the Harran region of the Commagene.
Chapter 8 Sabians of Harran and Yemen
The Byzantine monk Eutychus, who lived from 387CE to 454CE,
At the time of Abraham there reigned Shabib (Sheba), the wife of
Sinn, priestess of the mountain, who built Nisib and Edessa (Ur)
and surrounded them with walls. She founded also the sanctuary
of Harran, and made on idol of gold, called Sinn.
The earliest Biblical association with the Commagene is with
Noah's Ark landing in the mountains of Ararat, rather than on Mount
Ararat itself. Ararat is really the Akkadian word for the homeland of the
Urartu people. This feared Indo-Iranian civilization at Tushpa on Lake
Van in the Commagene existed from 1275BCE to 590BCE.
Josephus, the Koran, Kurdish Jews, Yezidis and Mandaean
Sabians all hold that the true resting-place of the Ark was actually on
Mount Judi, not Mount Ararat.
Mount Judi is probably the 2114-meter
high peak, Cudi Da
i, near Sirnak, one hundred and four kilometers south
of Lake Van and one hundred and sixty kilometers west of Harran.
Lake Van is the central feature of the Commagene. Tradition
holds that Noahs son, Shem, dwelt on the west bank of this lake where a
mountain now bears his name.
Biblical scholars often identify Shem
with Melchizedek.
In myth, all Semitic speaking peoples descend from
Shems son Tarban, his thirty brothers, fifteen sisters and their
husbands are reputed to have settled in the same area. Another of Noahs
three sons, Japheth, had a descendant called Hayk.
This giant-man
reputedly helped build the Tower of Babel. Folklore suggests that he
became the patriarch of the Armenians in this province on the northwest
shore of Lake Van.
Genesis records that Abraham sojourned in Harran on his journey
from Ur of the Chaldees, which is Urfa or Edessa, to Canaan.
drew water for Abrahams servant in Harran to show that she was the
chosen wife for Isaac.
Isaacs son Jacob married in Harran. He spent
fourteen years there, seven for each wife.
Jacob was reborn in Harran
as Isra-El, meaning struggles with god, as described in Chapter 5. In
Ancient Egyptian the name Isra-El stands for the visible, manifest face or
soul of the Light of God.
The names Abi-ram (Abraham), Yasmah-El (Ishmael), Yaqob
(Jacob) and El-Laban (Laban) all appear at Mari near Harran, on the
River Euphrates. The town of Abraham's brother Nahor also appears as
Nakkur and Assyrian texts mention a town named after Abrahams father
Terah, together with names derived from the tribes of Gad and Dan.
The city of Mari controlled the southern trade route from
Mesopotamia. Harran had equal strategic importance. It controlled the
northern route from Mesopotamia to western Asia. Abraham's family was
prominent in both these gateway cities so Abraham would undoubtedly
have been an important person. A Chaldean Priest called Berossus
prepared a history of the mythology of Babylonia in 280BCE. He says of
After the deluge, in the tenth generation, was a certain man among
the Chaldeans renowned for justice and great exploits, and for skill
in the celestial sciences.
Josephus agrees with this conclusion about Abraham. He tells us
that Abraham ruled Damascus where he was a foreigner having come
from the land above Babylon with an army.
We know little about
Abraham's reasons for swiftly moving to Kadesh-Barnea in the Negev
and the journey to Egypt.
He has military allies in the area and a
mobile corps of three hundred and eighteen fighting men under his
Abrahams Warriors of Jah (Yuddha or Yudh) mirror Brahms
legendary fighters, the Ayodhya.
Ayodhya are Yehudiya or Judea. In
Sanskrit, this means The Unconquerable. They remained aloof from the
Amalekites and other non-believers in the ancient Indian philosophy of
Yah, also called the Cult of the Material Universe.
It appears that Abraham's military movements relate to the
Hyksos invasion of Egypt:
Abraham and his family came from Ur in Sumer to Hebron in
Canaan, probably about 1850BCE and there are good reasons
for placing Joseph's migration to Egypt during the Hyksos period.
The presence of Abraham's half-sister and wife, Sarai, amongst
the Hittites who occupied Hebron confirms the Hittites were allies. The
Hittite respect for Abraham is apparent from the Biblical passage that
mentions the well-known field of Abraham:
And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these
were the years of the life of Sarah. And Sarah died in Kirjath-
arba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham
came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. And Abraham
stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth,
saying, I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a
possession of a burying-place with you, that I may bury my dead
out of my sight. And the children of Heth answered Abraham,
saying unto him, Hear us, my lord: thou art a mighty prince
among us: in the choice of our sepulchers bury thy dead; none of
us shall withhold from thee his sepulcher, but that thou mayest
bury thy dead. And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the
people of the land, even to the children of Heth And after this,
Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of
Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of
Canaan. And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made
sure unto Abraham for a possession of a burying-place by the
sons of Heth.
Abraham's importance is also evident in early Aramaic
documents and widespread ancestor worship of Abraham among Semitic
peoples. This extended from Mari to Canaan and even to the Kaaba, the
central shrine of Islam in Mecca.
In the tenth century CE, the Arab writer Al-Kindi agreed that
Abraham lived in Harran for four-score years and ten, worshiping the
moon deity. Certainly several of the names in Abrahams family are
derived from the worship of the Moon God and seem to confirm this:
Abrahams father Terah, Laban, Sarai and Milcah.
Abraham is a synonym for Ab-ram and Ab-Sin the Moon God.
This association was important because Abraham, like Sin, represents
water and therefore fertility.
He was the giver of time and the principal
ambassador of the unseen god whom the Mesopotamians called Marilaha
meaning lord of all or Beelshamin meaning lord of heavens.
Kenneth Mackenzie's compendium of freemasonry, or rather
irregular freemasonry, the Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia notes how the
association of Abraham and Light was widely accepted by Freemasons in
the early 1900's:
There is probably some truth in the statement that Abraham was
acquainted with the doctrine of Aur, or Light, as he is actually
described as coming from Ur, of the Chaldees, by which it is
probably meant, that he came from one of the ancient Chaldean
Colleges in which this mystical doctrine was taught.
The Hebrew word Ur means Light, fortress or castle.
Hebrew names commencing with Ur generally have some interpretation
relative to light. Uriel means fire of God, Urija the flame of Yahweh and
the Uriah the light of Yahweh.
The widespread honour accorded Abraham leaves us with an
impressive portrait of the man. In contrast, the Bible humbly paints him
as an unassuming herder and reluctant Patriarch. It is perhaps most
appropriate to regard Abraham as an archetype of the emergent proto-
Israelite political identity.
Harran became the most successful centre of worship for the
planetary gods from at least the time of Abraham until the Mongol
Genghis Khan destroyed its last temple in 1260CE. The priests of Harran
blended planet-worship with practical alchemy and with the Greek
philosophies of Pythagoras and Plato over a period of at least three
thousand years. Their gods included Hermes and the Good god
Agathodaimon. Hermes is also the Muslim Prophet Seth, the third son of
Adam. Agathodaimon is the prophet Idris or Enoch, and similar to Osiris.
The Caliph Al Mamoun of Baghdad called the unusual people of
Harran Sabians in 830CE.
When the Caliph noticed the unusual dress
of the people, he challenged the town to establish its credentials. After
some creative thought, the people gave their name as Sabians and their
sacred book as the Corpus Hermeticum.
The great Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204CE) had
nothing but contempt for the excesses of these Sabians.
He writes in
his Guide of the Perplexed that the Sabians believed the universe was
eternal rather than created and the stars were the only divine beings. He
confirms that they manufactured ridiculous stories about Adam, Seth and
Noah and attributed the metals and the climates to the planets. He says
that Abraham was the first to recognize the absurdity of the tales in which
he had been brought up.
Maimonides says Abraham opposed the
Sabian star religion, proclaiming the name of the Lord, the God of the
The Sabians saw the planets as conduits for divine energy and
available for everyone to understand.
Within the walls of Harran were
seven temples. These represented the sun, moon and five known planets.
Construction of each temple ensured that the presence of the God infused
the entire structure. Additional temples existed to The First Cause, The
First Reason, World Order, Necessity, The Soul and to Hermes
The main temples indicate an advanced knowledge of metallurgy
and alchemy. The most important temple, indeed one of the most famous
in antiquity, was for the revered Moon god, Sin.
It was octagonal
although variously described as round. The Temple was white in color
and had a cult image made of silver atop three steps. Other planetary
temples were of different shapes, colors and had different numbers of
steps beneath the cult image.
The temple of the Sun was square, yellow and the golden image
stood on a pedestal six steps high. Pearls and a crown adorned the image.
Mercurys temple was a square within a hexagon. The cult image was
cast alloy from a mixture of all other metals. Mercury filled its hollow
interior. The temple was brown in color and the cult image stood on four
steps. The brown color suggests philosophic Mercury, which is
antimony, rather than bright silver metallic mercury. The discovery of a
vase, or perhaps an electrical battery, made from antimony and small
amounts of iron in the Chaldean city of Telloh supports this.
The vase
dates from 3000BCE. The Discovery Channel program Mysterious
Universe presented in May 1998 showed that when filled with grape
juice, this battery produced ½ volt and enough energy to electroplate a
silver statuette with gold.
The temple to Venus was triangular and painted blue. It had one
long side. The cult image was made of copper and stood on five steps.
Priestesses dressed in white played musical instruments.
Mars temple was rectangular and colored red. Weapons hung on
the walls. The cult image was of iron raised on a pedestal of seven steps.
The temple to Jupiter was a triangular building, made of green stone, with
a pointed roof. Its cult image was made of tin and sat on a throne raised
on a pedestal of eight steps. Saturn's temple was hexagonal and built of
black stone. It had black curtains hung about it. The cult image was of
lead and stood upon a throne raised on nine steps.
The seven temples correspond to the number of planes of
existence from the material to the spiritual and the seven main degrees of
initiation (see Appendix 7). The seven temples are also analogous to the
seven gates of the Underworld and are an ancient path of ritual. After the
first two steps of preparation, the first proper initiation grade is that of the
Moon (three steps), the second Mercury (four steps), third Venus (five
steps), fourth the Sun (six steps), fifth Mars (seven steps), sixth Jupiter
(eight steps) and seventh Saturn (nine steps).
Ascending through all the
grades, equivalent to the seven parts of the soul, the candidate arrives at
the last or eighth part properly qualified with an understanding of
Righteousness, or Liberality. It was only then that the candidate is ready
to receive the rights of emancipation.
Harran was also the home of a school of translators who
specialized in Greek mathematics and astronomy. This was a privileged
sect under the well-known teacher Thabit ibn Qurra, a Sabian Syriac-
speaking translator and scholar working in Baghdad who became one of
the great names in the history of Islamic science, especially in
mathematics, astronomy and medicine.
His name derives from the same root, Kûr, as the furnace and
smithy-god. The school transmitted ancient Pythagorean wisdom to the
Muslim world until at least tenth century CE when visited by the Arab
writer Al-Masudi.
The school of Thabit ibn Qurra had a major part in
the preparation of the romances of the Holy Grail, which had such a
profound influence on the Knights Templar.
Another mysterious esoteric school called the Sarmoung
Brotherhood existed near Harran.
In his book, Meetings with
Remarkable Men George Gurdjieff claims to have met with the strange
Brotherhood in the late 1890s while living in Bukhara in western
He approached their secret monastery blindfolded. This
secret headquarters was probably in the region of Nusaybin, also known
as Nisibis, which lies south of Lake Van, about 200km East of Harran, on
the Turkish border with Syria.
This school seems to be an archetype of
the many forms of esoteric schools that existed over thousands of years in
the same area.
The Persian word Sarmoung means both bee and purified head.
It is associated with traditional wisdom and those that transmit the
mysterious power of Zoroaster. Sufi adepts use the analogy to make a
head of gold to refer to ritual alchemy. We shall see in Chapter 18 how
the Knights Templar also revered a metal head.
Zoroaster was most probably born in the region of Uzbekistan
around 1800BCE to 1600BCE. Uzbekistan is north of Bactria, the Jewel
of Iran, where the priestly proto-Israelite tribe, called the Calani, lived
before moving to the Anatolian Commagene.
Northern Afghanistan,
then called Uttara Kuru, and was a great center of learning.
The red sand deserts of Kiz'il-Kum in Uzbekistan and Kara-kum
in Turkmenistan also lie in this region. The Afghan Hindu Kush and
Tajikistan Pamir extensions of the Himalayas border these vast deserts in
the west and south respectively. In the north, the deserts cease at the great
Oxus (Amu Darya) and Jaxartes (Syrdarîya) Rivers and the Aral Sea. By
100BCE, the famed cities of Bukhara and Samarkand were part of the
Silk Road. Yet, as we saw in Chapter 4, itinerant groups crossed these
deserts many thousands of years before this time. Hundreds of ancient
ruins in this early crucible of the Indo-Hittites are yet to reveal their
Zoroastrian cosmic dualism is the earliest form of dualism
exemplified by Zoroaster. His name means the living star or stream of
the star. Zoroaster bears a great affinity with the Egyptian Thoth and
Hermes Trismegistus.
Simple Zoroastrianism is cosmic or monarchical dualism. The
Good Religion of Ahura Mazda maintains the world, which is a Good
creation of God.
However, evil, sin and death constantly assail it.
Ahura Mazda originally had a perfectly good son called Spenta Mainyu.
Later, this Good son amalgamated with Ahura Mazda as the Holy Spirit.
Ahura Mazda also had a perfectly bad son called Angra Mainyu or
Ahriman who later became the rebel Watcher Azazel and ultimately
became Satan. Angra Mainyu cannot help being evil because it is his
predestined fate.
The Good Religion of Ahura Mazda maintains that throughout
life the moral choice between Truth or Good, and Untruth or Evil,
confronts man. Death brings judgment. Those found Good are elevated
to the House of Song. The House of Worst receives those who chose
Untruth. A mixed region called Hamistagan awaits those people whose
deeds are in precise balance.
Shakespeare had an excellent grasp of the Good Religion. In
Hamlet, the King's ghost could not pass to its rest because the poor king
had not completed the task of shifting the balance of his acts toward
Good. He was condemned to a long age of misery, darkness, ill food and
the crying of woe.
Indeed, it was a vile crime to put any person into
such a heinous situation, even worse than regicide.
Through adherence to the Good Religion, through good deeds,
piety and righteousness, man cultivates the divine element in himself to
become a Good Man, friend and helper of the gods.
Good is destined to overcome Evil at the end time. This is twelve
thousand years from the creation of the world. At this time, Ahura Mazda
will resurrect the dead for final Judgment by pure fire and molten iron.
Man is an intrinsically Good creation destined for immortality in
Paradise. A virgin born savior called the Saoshyant will save humankind
from evil with the elixir of salvation. This elixir will purge all deceit, evil
and untruth.
In this elixir of salvation, we can see the Philosophers' Stone,
manna or dew. An early proto-Jesus also emerges from the amalgam of
Ahura Mazda's perfectly good son Spenta Mainyu and the virgin born
savior, the Saoshyant.
East of Harran is the famous Hierothesion temple, built by the
Commagene's most famous king, Antiochus I Epiphanes. He succeeded
his father Mithridates in about 69CE. The Hierothesion displays a
famous relief of Antiochus I shaking hands with Hercules in a way
familiar to Freemasons. An abundance of evidence leads to the
conclusion that Antiochus I was a leader of one of the mystery
brotherhoods of the Commagene, such as the fabled Sarmoung
Yet, there are many other possibilities of brotherhoods because
the religiously tolerant Persian nobles had widely settled the interior of
Anatolia after the invasion of King Cyrus in 546BCE. The successors of
Cyrus claimed divine kingship through the grace of Ahura Mazda. For
this reason the nobles would have enthusiastically supported the tolerant
Zoroastrian philosophy. This same tolerance saw the Jews repatriated to
Jerusalem, protected from the Samaritans and with sufficient funds to
rebuild the Second Temple.
Ostanes the Mede, Xerxes (519-465BCE) brother-in-law, was a
well-known Persian Magus and local administrator or satrap. Pliny the
Elder and Georgius Syncellus of the ninth century CE note that Ostanes
was known as the master of all magi, a father of alchemy and of
medicine, mineralogy and botany. He taught priests and philosophers at
Memphis in Egypt.
The great Jewish alchemist Maria the Jewess was
reputedly a student or fellow instructor of Ostanes. She gave her name to
the ubiquitous cafeteria bain-marie, the vessel of Mary. A cook fills a
bain-marie with hot or boiling water and then places another vessel in it to
slowly cook or keep hot.
Another prominent sect in the area was the School of the
Persians. Expelled from Edessa by the Romans in 489CE, the school
relocated to Nusaybin.
The Christian Emperor Justinian closed down Athens Platonic
Academy in 529CE. The philosophers Damascius and Simplicius
relocated close to Harran. Simplicius was a follower of Xenophanes
Eleatic School. These philosophers would have greatly enriched society
in and around Harran, strengthening its focus as the epicenter of hermetic
The work of Eudoxus of Knidos showed that the philosophies
from Persia, Greece and Egypt combined in Harran. Eudoxus was a
contemporary of Plato in four hundred BCE but known only through the
writings of Aristotle and Simplicius. Studying in Heliopolis, he prepared
sections of Euclid's Elements of Geometry and was renowned as the
greatest of all Greek astronomers. He reputedly introduced Persian
Zoroastrianism to the Greeks. Pliny the Elder noted that Eudoxus
believed Zoroaster lived six thousand years before his time. The presence
of these great men in the Commagene demonstrates a depth and breadth
of religious and philosophical tolerance that is arguably as great as in any
other country at any other time in history.
The city of Harran has always had the special and mysterious
status of a sanctuary. The Crusaders who held Edessa until 1146CE never
invaded nearby Harran. Crusader arches and Gothic structures in the city
may pre-date the introduction of Gothic architecture into France.
Sir Christopher Wren, the renowned architect of St Pauls
Cathedral in London, attributed the majesty of Gothic architecture to
Knights Templar and other Crusaders in bringing back Muslim ideas on
science and architecture from the Near East:
What we now vulgarly call Gothik ought properly and truly to be
named the Saracenick Architecture refined by the Christians.
Yet, religious tolerance in Harran had effectively ended some one
hundred years before the Crusaders. The Seljuk Turks occupied Baghdad
in 1055CE. The Sabian Schools of Baghdad and Harran made their way
to Constantinople where Michael Psellus was leading a Platonic
Michael Psellus later became Prime Minister of
Although the Sabians of Yemen are quite distinct from the
Sabians of Harran, there are many reasons to consider a strong connection
between the two groups. The Sabians of Yemen claim to have derived
from the prosperous city of Ma'rib in South Arabia. Many Arab tribes at
the time of Mohammed claimed they took to the desert when their old and
wealthy civilization in South Arabia declined. They were the Musri,
which we discussed in Chapter 5.
This region in South Arabia was Saba to the Israelites and
pronounced Sheba.
Saba or Tsaba referred to an Arab version of Hindu
Brahmaism. Tsaba, in Sanskrit, means Assembly of the Gods. The name
Saba also relates to Caba as in Kabbalah.
A colony of Brahmins from
India founded one of the shrines in the Kaaba in the Temple of Mecca.
The Brahmins made pilgrimages to worship Brahm and Abraham for
several centuries after his time.
Today, some Israeli-born people are proudly nicknamed Sabras,
meaning tough on the outside and tender on the inside.
From a Biblicallament for the city of Tyre, we know that both
Harran and Saba or Sheba traded in similar goods:
Harran, Canneh and Eden and merchants of Sheba, Asshur and
Kilmad traded with you. In your marketplaces they traded with
you beautiful garments, blue fabric, embroidered work and
multicolored rugs with cords twisted and tightly knotted.
Two other groups of Sabians also lived in Mesopotamia. These
were the Soba, or Syriac Semites of Northern Mesopotamia, and the
Subbhas who moved from Harran to Southern Mesopotamia. The
Sabians also include the Mandaeans that followed John the Baptist and
the Nazarenes.
All of the Sabians of Yemen, Soba, Nabateans and the Sabians of
Harran followed a similar complex system of astral worship. The premier
god was the Moon God who ruled over the god of the sun and the seven
planetary gods.
Marib, the capital of the Sabians of Yemen, had an imposing
temple to the Moon God Sin. The Moon God was known by a number of
names such as Illumquh by the Sabians, Amm and Anbay by the
Qatabanians, Wadd (or love) by the Minaeans and Sin by the Hadramis.
The Moon God is the progenitor of the ancient Arabian high God al-Llah.
Like El, his name simply means God and it is represented by the crescent
moon. This is the symbol we see on the Arabic flags and in many
paintings of the Virgin Mary based on the vision of John of Patmos:
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed
with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a
crown of twelve stars.
Diodorus Siculus notes of the Sabians of Yemen:
This tribe surpasses not only its neighboring Arabs but also other
men in wealth and in their several extravagances besides. For in
the exchange and sale of their wares they, of all men who carry
on trade for the sake of silver they receive in exchange, obtain the
highest price in return for things of the smallest weight.
Consequently, since they have never for ages suffered the ravages
of war because of their secluded position, and since an
abundance of both gold and silver abounds in the country, they
have embossed goblets of every description, made of silver and
gold, couches and tripods with silver feet, and every other
furnishing of incredible costliness, and halls encircled by large
columns, some of them gilded, and others having silver figures on
the capitals. Their ceilings and doors they partitioned by means
of panels and coffers made of gold, set with precious stones and
placed close together, and have thus made the structure of their
houses in every part marvelous for its costliness; for some parts
they have constructed of silver and gold, other of ivory and the
most showy precious stones or of whatever else men esteem most
The Nabatean group was a second prominent Arab culture,
centered on Petra in the Southern Sinai in the land of the Edomites. They
traded with the Sabians of Harran over the period six hundred BCE to
four hundred BCE.
The Sabians of Yemen and the Nabateans had a very close
affinity because both claimed the crucial female line of descent to Ishmael
through Bashemath, the wife of Esau. Esau and Bashemath gave birth to
Ruel the Midianite. Also called Jethro, he was Moses father-in-law.
Ruel then became a priest of Yaho the Moon God. Many biblical scholars
believe that Moses was also a priest of the Moon God. The headdress of
the Levite priests seems to confirm this as it displayed the crescent moon
of Sin.
The Nabatean storm god was Duchares who was later identified
with Dionysus. Like Yahweh, the Nabateans worshipped Duchares on
high rocky places. However, both Duchares and his consort, the fertility
goddess, were subservient to the Moon God. We continue to see the
triple character of God represented by three deities.
A perfect ashlar or square block of stone often represented the
three dimensions of this divine triad. Similarly, the Holy of Holies was a
perfect cube in King Solomon's Temple that symbolized the wholeness of
A Rabbinical tradition joins the Sabians of Harran and the
Nabateans through one of the Kings of the Edomites who reigned before
there were any kings over the Israelites.
The King was Mezahab after
mezahah, which means the water of gold or aurum potable.
Israelites never bestowed an important name such as Mezahab at random.
It was in recognition of an important event or connection.
From aurum potable and the words of Diodorus Siculus, we can
detect a metallurgical link of gold between Harran and Ma'rib.
Mezahab may also be a half-hidden cipher name of Yahweh. In a
similar way, modern computer encryption halves its cryptographic key for
security. At least one thousand years ago Massoretic authors halved
Yahwehs name and encrypted it with the Atbash Cipher. The last four
letters of Mezahab make Ahab, which is Hebrew for like the Father. The
Atbash Cipher hides the first two letters MTz, which are Yd He, and the
first two letters of YHWH (see Appendix 10 for a description of the
Atbash Cipher).
Similarly, Mitzvah (
MTzWH), which means Commandment,
deciphers to Jehovah (
YHWH). Like the Egyptian God Amun, the name
of YHWH signifies He Causes to Become. Yahweh achieves this from
the Hebrew verb hawah (
HWH) that means to become. Again, as with
Amun, the priests hid from view Yahwehs full name.
There is still a tribe of Sabians of Yemen in Oman on the Arabian
Peninsula. They claim to descend from a great race comparable to the
Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. The tribe gathers
frankincense resins in the old way. Frankincense resin was in such
demand that it was equal in value to gold in ancient times. Due to the
wealth from frankincense, the Romans designated the land Arabia Felix
or Fortunate Arabia.
There is a final intriguing parallel between the Commagene and
Yemen. As we have seen with the dual Sabian populations, there were
also two cities of Dilmun. One is on Bahrain Island and the other in the
Commagene in Anatolia.
The Sumerians believed they came from the former, the island of
Dilmun, where the kings lived before the flood.
Geoffroy Bibby
located this legendary Dilmun on Bahrain Island, just off the Sinai
Peninsula, in 1956. This Dilmun was a city, the size of the Babylonian
city of Ur, with its own seals and other commercial objects similar to Ur.
It had a sophisticated underground water supply that allowed it to become
a large trading centre between Ur and Mohenjo-Daro on the West Bank of
the Indus River in Pakistan.
Sites on the coast of Pakistan at Dwaraka, in the Gulf of Kutch,
and on Indias coast in the Gulf of Cambay, suggest a long tradition of
advanced pre-inundation civilizations in the region. The underwater city
in the Gulf of Cambay raised considerable excitement when India's
National Institute of Ocean Technology discovered it in January 2002.
Marine archeologists speculate that it is at least 7,000 years and perhaps
9,500 years old.
The second Dilmun lies at the headwaters of the Tigris River, just
beneath Lake Van, near Bitlis.
The Dimila (Zâzâ) Kurds still live in
this ancestral homeland of Dilamân or Daylamân.
We look in more detail at the turbulent period up to the time of
Jesus in the next chapter. This will underpin the Gnostic and hermetic
interpretations of alchemy that are to come.
Chapter 9 Hasmonaeans, Pharisees & Zaddoki
By the time of King David, the power of the sacrificing Levite
and Aaronic priests was waning. David created an additional High Priest
position alongside the High Priest of Aaron who was Abiathar. He
installed a local Jebusite called Zadok in this position to administer the
religion of Yahweh.
The Jebusites were elite Hurrians. Zadok, or
Sadak, a supernaturally endowed snake priest of Brahm, traced his
ancestry to the legendary Melchizedek, Abrahams teacher of a
millennium before.
About four hundred years after David, King Josiah and the
Zaddoki expelled the Aaronic High Priesthood altogether.
After the
return from Exile, Zerubbabel and Jesus ben Yehozedek, the Son of the
Zadokite High Priest who had recommenced control of the Temple,
rebuilt the Second Temple.
Then, in 444BCE, Nehemiah ejected the Zaddoki from Temple
Mount. His reasons are unknown although the implication is that the
Zaddoki were out of touch with the assembly in Jerusalem. However, the
Zaddoki were still present one hundred and fourteen years later when the
Assyrian Greeks forcibly removed the High Priest Onias III in about
330BCE. The Zaddoki continued to support the Onian High Priesthood.
The Dionysian Artificers who settled in Israel sometime before
one thousand BCE founded the Cassidens or Assideans that later became
the Chassidim.
They claimed to possess a special knowledge unknown
to the mass of the people and the true knowledge of the scriptures
transmitted to their order by Moses on Mount Sinai.
While this knowledge relates to Liberality, discussed in Chapter
7, it would also have included those laws first revealed to Moses in the
wilderness. These were the Mosaic rules governing tithes, shewbread,
wine-libations and sacrifices.
The Chassidim developed a particular system of written and oral
law that brought them respect as a school of interpreters of the Law. On
return from the Exile, the Chassidim adopted a moral code formulated by
the descendants of the Aaronic Priests.
From the Chassidim arose the
Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. The Sons of Zadok are mutually
exclusive; the line of Zadok does not include any of the twenty-four
Aaronid clans.
The commitment of the Chassidim to the common law led them
to resist all Greek and other foreign influences that undermined their
depth of tradition. Consequently, the Chassidim of this period supported
the Maccabee Revolution because the Maccabean-Hasmonaeans upheld
Divine Law.
The Hasmonaeans led the tribe of Jehoiarib, which was the
premier priestly family of the twenty-four families that constituted
Judaism. They took their name from Hasmon, or Asmon, the great
grandfather of Judas ben Mattathias. For his success in the 167BCE
Jewish War of Independence, Judas ben Mattathias earned the nom-de-
guerre of Maccabee, meaning Hammer of God. The term Maccabee
derived from the shape of the Tau-cross. The makkabah, which is a
hammer or pick, is similar.
With the Jewish War of Independence won, the Maccabees
claimed the priesthood of the Temple. Syria, although defeated, accorded
them religious freedom in 163BCE and in 142BCE granted political
independence. With this Simon, son of Mattathias achieved recognition
as High Priest Ethnarch of the Jews (142BCE-134BCE).
The Maccabean-Hasmonaeans grew even stronger. Following
recognition of Simon as the High Priest Ethnarch of the Jews, the
Maccabees gained royal aspirations. They assumed the throne as Priest-
Kings with popular encouragement by the fourth generation 103BCE to
In contrast to the Chassidim who supported the Maccabean-
Hasmonaean High Priesthood, the Zaddoki party rebelled against these
interlopers. The Zaddoki claimed they profaned the Temple.
Circumcision and sacrifice were two of the main issues at stake. The
Zaddoki again found they were out of step with the Great Assembly.
They introduced their eponymous ancestor Melchizedek into the Book of
Genesis and Psalms and moved to the wilderness of the Dead Sea.
There the Zaddoki society lived in the exile of Qumran and other Dead
Sea villages as the purified Melchizedekian sect of the Temple.
A separatist group of Chassidim called Parushim, or Pharisees in
Greek, evolved about the time of the Maccabee John Hyrcanus I, who was
High Priest and Ethnarch from 134BCE-104BCE. These Pharisees were
deeply affected by Zoroastrianism as implied by their Hebrew name
Farsi, which means Persian. The Pharisees directed and measured all
state, public and political affairs by the standard of Mosaic Law. They
disregarded the Hasmonaean-Maccabees and the priestly-aristocratic
Zaddoki. Mosaic Law and Pharisee interpretation formed a new cosmic
system of Jewish common law.
The Zaddoki or Jewish Christians sect was originally a subset of
the Pharisees.
Yet, there was little empathy between the Pharisees and
Jewish Christians or Zaddoki, whom the Pharisees regarded as sectarian
despite their common heritage.
Even though the Pharisees were an offshoot of the main body of
Chassidim, they regarded the Chassidim with the same suspicion as the
Zaddoki. However, the Moreh Tzedek had taught the importance of the
future Zadokian High Priest, the Meshiach of Aaron. His followers
originally formed the Zaddoki Party. The Pharisees believed that the
Chassidim who came after the Moreh Tzedek improperly denied the
importance of the Temple and daily sacrifice. In addition, they
improperly maintained that a righteous life and prayer should satisfy the
needs of sacrifice.
Criminal jurisprudence was rigorous under the Maccabee-
Hasmonaeans. When Herod the Great seized power from the Maccabees
in 36BCE, he replaced the Great Sanhedrin with a Pharisee-orientated
Sanhedrin, most likely under the great humanist Pharisees Hillel and
Shammai. Herod declared a festival on the day he abolished the Great
After gaining control of Jerusalem, Herod the Great ordered the
drowning of the last Maccabean High Priest Jonathan (Aristobulus III) in
36BCE. Jonathan was Herods own brother-in-law. Herod then executed
all Hasmonaean-Maccabeans within his reach. This included Herods
own wife, the Maccabean Princess Mariamme, and their two sons.
Herod promptly appointed Boethus from Egypt as his High Priest
and married the daughter of Boethus, another Mariamme. He then made
political appointments of non-eminent families to the Temple and the
Great Sanhedrin. The Pharisees called them Sadducees, again meaning
sectarian. Thus began a rigid and uncertain period of Herodian-Sadducee
The newly aristocratic Herodian-Sadducees included absentee
property owners who lived in splendor while their tenants absorbed taxes
on agricultural production. The Romans imposed a tax of twenty-five
percent in addition to a twenty-two percent levy imposed by the Temple.
There was a running stream of abuse between the Herodian-Sadducees
property owners and their tenants, the Galileans. Talmudic commentaries
advised true Jews not to let their daughters marry the people of the land
because they are unclean animals. Rabbi Eleazar said The enmity of a
common person toward a scholar is even more intense than that of the
heathen toward Israelite. He suggested butchering common people on
the most holy day of the year, a day forbidden to kill animals. Rabbi
Joahanan added that one may tear a common person to pieces like fish.
The Herodian-Sadducees had little empathy with the spiritual
mission of the Jews. They upheld the importance of sacrificial rituals,
regarded the literal Torah as sole authority and denied the immortality of
the soul, resurrection after death and the existence of angels.
notes that the Herodian-Sadducees even showed a harsh and disagreeable
spirit in their relationships with each other.
The Herodian-Sadducees proved no friends to the Zaddoki whom
the Maccabean-Hasmonaeans had supplanted. The office of High Priest
carried with it presidency of the Great Sanhedrin and responsibility for
suppression of revolutionary doctrine. Herod and his Sadducee High
Priest turned a ruthless blowtorch on their opponents including the
As with the Jonathan in 36BC, all potential claimants for the
position of High Priest were marked for particular vengeance.
This policy was still in force when Annas, father-in-law of the
High Priest Caiaphas, led the Great Sanhedrin to condemn Jesus the
Nazarene to death for blasphemy. His crime was revolutionary
insurgency and a valid Zaddoki claim to both the throne of Israel and
position of High Priest. The same set of circumstances had already led to
the death of Hezekiah and his son Judas the Galilean. It was also the
reason that John the Baptist was beheaded. In 62CE, the High Priest
Ananus ben Ananus had the next leader, James the Righteous, stoned for
the same reason. Josephus wrote that their persecution was not so much
because they claimed the throne, but because they were entitled to it.
At the time of Herod, the Pharisees administered the Jewish legal
system as Presidents of the Pharisaic High Court. There they dispensed
Mosaic Law, ran the world system of synagogue worship and were
responsible for suppression of heretical doctrine. Due to their absence
from the political arena and importance in maintaining the fabric of
Jewish society, the Pharisees became the only religious group tolerated by
the Romans after the destruction of the third Temple in 70CE. Almost by
default, the Pharisees became the sole religious authority of Israel. The
absence of the central Temple was not an issue for the Pharisees because
they were a cult of the legal system, not of the Temple. From the Roman
perspective, the most important point was that they were not nationalistic
Rabbinical Judaism subsequently developed from the Pharisees.
The Rabbis continued to demonstrate three of the characteristics we have
come to expect from the Indo-Hittite compression. They supported oral
tradition, believed in the immortality of the soul, and sought to eliminate
the matriarchal religion of the Great Triple Mother Goddess and frowned
on so-called messianic bloodlines.
The Pharisees developed standards of jurisprudence to such a
degree that they recognized man as fallible and an unlikely paragon of
virtue. They defined greatness in a sovereign as mercy in the judgment of
others and greatness in a man as overcoming ones own inherent bad side
and doing Yahwehs work. Indeed, the Pharisees took pride that many of
the Torahs great personae were seriously flawed.
Awkward Moses
depended upon Aaron for strong leadership. After disobeying Yahweh,
Moses died before reaching the Promised Land. Lecherous David
coveted his neighbours wife and sent the unfortunate cuckold to certain
death. So stained with war and death was David that Yahweh prevented
him from building the Temple of Peace. Solomon tolerated many foreign
wives sacrificing to false gods. Fratricidal Cain, fraudulently misleading
Jacob, cowardly Jonah, inept Rehoboam, the list goes on.
Now, the Pharisees descended from Benjamin. This provided
them with a great depth of tradition and legitimacy because Benjamin was
the last son of Jacob and Rachel in Harran. Another Benjamite, King
Saul, was the hero who delivered Israel from the Philistines.
Judah and Benjamin were the only two tribes that remained faithful to
Rehoboam, the son of Solomon.
We have seen that the term Sadducee, as used by the Pharisees,
means sectarian and potentially heretical. This generic term encompassed
all sectarian groups including the widely differing Herodian-Sadducees,
remaining Maccabean-Hasmonaeans, Chassidim and Zaddoki. These
various groups were so completely unrelated in philosophical perspective
that it is not very helpful to refer to all of them as Sadducees.
In the next chapter, we use this background to understand Jesus
the Nazarene from political and religious perspectives. He was one of the
many brave messiahs of the Hasmonaean-Zaddoki in the turbulent time of
Roman occupation.
Chapter 10 Zaddoki & Jesus
All the priestly preservers of the holy traditions, including those
of the Canaanite holy traditions, traced their heritage to Zadok. In his
work about Phoenician religion, Eusebius of Caesarea described the
association of Sydek (Zadok, the Just One) with Taautos (Thoth) and
Esmun, who is Asklepios (Asclepius):
From them were born Misor and Sydek, which means agile and
righteous. From Misor was born Taautos ... From Sydek were
born the Dioscurs or the Cabyrs Sydek, who is called the
righteous ... became father of Asklepios. These events were
written down for the first time by the seven sons of Sydek,
together with their eighth brother, Asklepios, following the
instructions of the same god Taautos.
The sectarian Zaddoki groups during the turbulent Herodian times
were harsh and uncompromising in their Judgment. Many biblical
passages can be read either as ritual mysteries of rebirth or as messianic
nationalism. The Zaddoki chose the latter. They were messianic,
apocalyptic and believed in Holy War.
The Zaddoki were comprised of four main sub-groups. These
were the Essenes, Zealots, Sicarii and Nazoraeans. The purist
Melchizedek Zaddoki was a smaller, less defined group that practiced the
Mysteries. They took their name from the root
Z-D-K, meaning
Righteous, and wandered the Dead Sea communities such as Qumran
teaching the Kabbalah and passing on arcane knowledge by word of
The scholarly Essenes had Academies at Engedi, Callirrhoë &
Modein. The Essenes were pacifists in the same as way as the Edomites.
Diodorus Siculus says of the Edomites:
They have no poor amongst their kind, they honour the meek and
disposed, and they value mercy, peace and forgiveness of transgressions.
Although closely related, there were many significant points of
difference between the Essenes and Zaddoki. One was the Essenes
abhorrence of Temple sacrifice.
Thrice daily, the Sadducees pleaded
with God to: Send thy curse, O God, upon the Nazarites!
The Zealots constituted the Lower Priesthood of the Essene
Order. Josephus called the Zealots the fourth Philosophy. The other three
were the Herodian-Sadducees of the Great Sanhedrin, the Pharisees and
the Essenes.
As fanatical Maccabean-Hasmonaean royalists, the Zealots
sought restoration of the Hasmonaean monarchy. Their name came from
the Zeal for the Covenant of Aaron's grandson Phineas. In sparking the
Hasmonaean-Maccabee revolution, the High Priest Mattathias cleaved the
head of an Assyrian official. In doing so, he established the Zealots with
his command:
Whosoever is zealous of the law, and maintaineth the covenant,
let him follow me.
Two hundred years later, in the 66-70CE uprising, the Zealots
decimated the High Priesthood of the Herodian-Sadducees. A proactive
wing of the Zealots, called the Sicarii, held out for six years against the
Romans at Massada. It seems that amongst them was Jesus of
Gennesaret, aged eighty. He was the last rightful inheritor of the
Hasmonaean Kings of Israel. Some people believe Jesus of Gennesaret is
the same person as Jesus the Nazarene.
His faithful general Mennahem, grandson of Judas the Galilean,
failed to recapture Jerusalem in 66CE. With Qumran reduced to ruins in
68CE, Jesus of Gennesaret and nine hundred and fifty Zealots awaited the
Roman onslaught at Massada. It came on 15 April 73CE, after three
years of exhaustive Roman earthworks. Jesus of Gennesaret reputedly
prepared a scroll on the eve of Massadas defeat. It disappeared from
excavations at Massada in 1964. However, General Yigael Yadin, who
was in charge of the excavation, strenuously denies that this missing
fifteenth scroll of Massada ever existed.
Even more challenging, followers of Buddhism, Hindu and
Mohammedan Islam believe Jesus escaped to India via an Essene college
at Mayuam-i-Isa, meaning The place where Jesus lived, five kilometers
from Damascus, and Anatolian Nisibis.
The last of the four Zaddoki groups is the Nazoraeans. Also
known as Rechabites, they reputedly provided daughters for the Sons of
Zadok to marry. Jeremiah is the first recorded person to have called these
Zadokites by the name Rechabites and to note their Zeal.
At different
times, the Nazoraeans were Nozri, Nazarites, Nazarenes, Naassenes,
Palestinian or Jewish Christians, the Jerusalem Community, Ebionites or
The Poor.
The Nazoraeans have also been associated with the Nasurai
priesthood of the Magi of Media, in present day Azerbaijan. Legend
holds that their first priest was Enoch. He taught legendary King
Kiyumars, the first Indo-Iranian king who ruled from the Mountain of
Mount Elburz or Harra are other names for Mount Madai. It
is located in the Taurus Mountains between the Commagene of East
Anatolia and the Zagros Mountains of Azerbaijan.
While the four main Zaddoki groups of Essenes, Zealots, Sicarii
and Nazoraeans have significant inter-sectarian differences, they are
collectively the Sons of Zadok, Zealots, Essenes, Jessaeans and Ossaeans.
The traditional meaning of the enigmatic letters I.N.R.I on the
titular of Jesus cross is Iesus Nazareus Rex Iudaeorum or Jesus
Nazarene, King of the Jews. In the context of the Gnostic ritual of St
George, which we shall investigate in Chapter 15, the letters could also
mean the deceptively harmless In Nobis Regnat Iesus meaning Jesus
reigns within us. The Jesuits gave these letters the exceedingly odd
interpretation Justum necare regis impios, meaning Just killing of the
ungodly king.
Another meaning, more alchemical, is set in the context of the
temple Kur. I.N.R.I could mean Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, which
translates to Fire renews Nature.
The Vesica Piscis is this fiery furnace
of divine love and light. It is the flame vessel of the Fish.
The Visica
Piscis has an obvious relationship to the female genitalia. It also suggests
the old legends of the aquatic heritage of man, which we looked at from
the perspective of genetics in Chapter 4 and will further investigate in
Chapter 17.
The alchemists also noted that in Hebrew each letter of I.N.R.I
represents one of the four elements.
I is Iammim, Water. N is Nour,
fire. R is Rouach, the air. I is Iebeschah, earth.
Another major alchemical meaning is Igne nitrum raris invenitur,
translated as Fire is discovered in nitrum.
These many esoteric religious and alchemical meanings illustrate
once more the seduction of hermetic drift. Occams Razor requires the
simplest interpretation consistent with the facts. This is that Pontius
Pilate insisted in the titular INRI to demonstrate the fate of future political
and messianic leaders. The least complicated meaning of INRI is its
traditional interpretation of Jesus Nazarene, King of the Jews.
Rabbis generally believe Jesus to be the messianic hopeful Y'shua
ha Meshiach, a Nozri who lived for many years among the Essenes, who
was born in about 100BCE and died in 70BCE.
The Nazarenes
believed Jesus was the son of Judas of Gamalas, a Jewish prophet and
military commander. Gruff rabbinical humor associates Judas of Gamalas
with Ben Panthera or Joseph Panther. A Ben Panthera of the first century
was an auxiliary archer in the Roman infantry. His tombstone was at
Bingerbrück in Germany and is now at Bad Kreuznach. It is inscribed:
Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera of Sidon, aged 62, a soldier of 40
years' service, of the 1st cohort of archers, lies here.
The legend in the Sepher Toldos Jeshu relates that Ben Panthera
violated Mary (Mariam) the betrothed of John (Iohanan).
conceived Y'shua, or Jesus ben Panthera. The child was an important
person because he was the nephew of Queen Salome.
Iohanan deserted Mariam and her newborn child so his uncle, the
Rabbi Jehosuah Ben Perachiah, adopted him. Rabbi Elhanan initiated
Y'shua into the secret knowledge of the Kabbalah.
According to the Talmudic authors of the Sota and the
Sanhedrim, when King Janneus ordered the killing of all initiates,
Jehosuah Ben Perachiah and the young Y'shua fled to Alexandria in
Egypt. There a rich and learned woman received them. Y'shua found her
beautiful, notwithstanding a defect in her eyes. This is a reference to
Y'shua gaining the secret wisdom of Egypt. Y'shua declared his thoughts
to Jehosuah Ben Perachiah who cursed him for following Egyptian ways
and drove him away. Y'shua studied the Mysteries in Egypt for six years
and the Egyptian priests consecrated him a High Pontiff of the Universal
Secret Doctrine.
When King Janneus persecution ended, they both Y'shua and
Jehosuah Ben Perachiah returned to Palestine. Y'shua practiced magic,
which is interpreted as preaching there as an Essene priest,. Due to his
illegitimacy, Y'shua was driven from the Synagogue and he took refuge
for a time in Galilee.
The Rabbis wrote that Y'shua stole the Holy and Ineffable Name,
the Schamhamphorash, from the cubic stone in the Temples Holy of
Holies. It had been placed in the Holy of Holies by King David, who
found it in the foundations of the Temple. Y'shua copied the characters
on the cubical stone onto a piece of parchment and hid it in his thigh.
This refers to Y'shuas ritual laming, as we shall see below.
Then Y'shua went abroad, disclosing the great mystery of the
Temple to ordinary people and astounded people with his miracles:
raising the dead and healing the leprous and the obsessed. The Sepher
Toldos records the allegory that Y'shua was unable to displace the cubical
stone of the sanctuary so Jesus fabricated one of clay, which he showed to
the nations and passed off as the true cubical stone of Israel, leading led
the people into idolatry.
In 70 BCE, forty days after his messianic proclamation, the
Sanhedrin imprisoned Y'shua for forty days, flogged him for sedition,
stoned him for blasphemy and crucified him. This was in Lud, Ludd,
Lydd or Lydda, a town about 25 miles from Jerusalem.
The Rabbis valued the law and always investigated their sources
meticulously. They attributed great authority and antiquity to the Toledot
Yeshu, also called the Sepher Toldos Jeschu. Ideas contained within this
blasphemous tract can be traced to Celsus second century CE attack on
Christianity through Origens rebuttal in the middle of the third century
The Toledot Yeshu was only removed from the Talmud in
1520CE because of Christian indignation. Even then, the text was only
replaced by circles and the story continued to be taught orally:
This is why we enjoin you, under pain of excommunication major,
to print nothing in future editions, whether of the Mischna or of the
Gemara, which relates whether for good or evil to the acts of Jesus the
Nazarene, and to substitute instead a circle like this O, which will warn
the Rabbis and schoolmasters to teach the young these passages only viva
voce. By means of this precaution the savants amongst the Nazarenes
will have no further pretext to attack us on this subject.
The Talmud writes of Jesus Nazarene as both Jeshu-ha-Notzri
and Balaam the Lame:
Commentators refer to Jeshu-ha-Notzri [i.e. Jesus] by mention
of the wicked kingdom of Edom, since that was his nation. He
was hanged on Passover Eve. He was near to the Kingdom
[i.e. in order of succession].
Balaam the Lame [i.e. Jesus] was 33 years old when Pintias
Robber [i.e. Pontius Pilate] killed him. They say that his
mother was descended from princes and rulers, but consorted
with carpenters.
Jesus royal lineage was important for his coronation as King of
the Jews. His coronation used the ancient formula described in Psalms:
I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my
Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee
the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the
earth for thy possession.
The Jewish Nazarenes and Essenes considered this violently
laming coronation essential in the creation of a Messiah. Through this
ceremony, the priests physically crowned Jesus as king of the Houses of
Judah, Benjamin and Levi. However, until his anointing at the
completion of the coronation, Jesus was merely a man. The act of
coronation conferred upon him the incarnate status of perfect man, Son of
Man and the Second Person of the traditional Indo-Hittite male Trinity.
Thomas Gospel defined Jesus rights as those of a Messiah, mutually
exclusive to both Caesar and God:
They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to Him, "Caesar's men
demand taxes from us." He said to them, "Give Caesar what
belongs to Caesar, give God what belongs to God, and give Me
what is Mine."
The unusual personal reception of Jesus, a non-Roman citizen, by
Pontius Pilate confirms Jesus as more than just a local insurgent. The
I.N.R.I titular placed on the cross by Pontius Pilate was not derisive but
exactingly affirmative of his political status as a King and a dire warning
to those that might follow.
Yet, in the end, Jesus did not fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel. He
did not die by the sword as expected. Instead, he was crucified somewhat
like his namesake predecessor Jesus ben Panthera.
For the Jewish Nazarenes, their Messiah Jesus had fallen short of
millennium expectations. In contrast, the Greeks, led by Paul, saw not all
was necessarily lost.
He was an initiate of the Mysteries and reverted
to the ancient Afro-Asiatic definition of kingship in lieu of the Indo-
Hittite. This meant that Paul defined Jesus as perfect from birth, rather
than from his coronation. He was One with the Father, as in the Afro-
Asiatic religion of the Mother Goddess. Jesus death by crucifixion was a
recognizable part of her age-old sacrificial king ritual.
In crucifying Jesus, the Herodian Sadducees made a dreadful
tactical error that has haunted them for two thousand years. Good King
Josiah (640-609BCE) had prohibited crucifixion, declaring that it
extinguished the soul. In undue haste to send Jesus soul to oblivion, the
Herodian Sadducees failed to recognize that crucifixion made Jesus
mode of death an Afro-Asiatic celebration of the sacrificial king ritual.
Ironically, this was the very ritual Jesus sought to annul.
Over the next forty years, the Romans ruthlessly purged Jewish
nationalism. They nevertheless saw Pauls intellectual version of
Christianity as very close to their own Mysteries such as those of Mithras.
Jewish and international Christians who moved from Jewish nationalistic
militancy to Pauls new Afro-Asiatic and pro-Roman framework
survived. A combination of Pharisee Rabbinical law in Israel and
international Pauline Christianity abroad became an expedient political
solution to the Jewish Question. As we saw in Chapter 6, this situation
had its roots in a failed coup in the Egyptian Delta over one thousand
years before.
Indeed, the holy unspeakable Name of God JHWH supported
Pauls Afro-Asiatic conclusion.
As we saw in Chapter 7, the First
Person of the male Indo-Hittite Trinity is Light, meaning God, indicated
by H. W meaning Peace represents the Second Person, Jesus, begotten by
the Father before the entire world. The Third Person of the Trinity given
by the letters JH is Light and Life, the formula for the Virgin and Son.
The determination to identify Jesus with the Trinity, a heresy in
itself to the Jews, had the unanticipated result of exploding into a plethora
of Christian heresies. Some related to the righteous indignation that non-
Jews had deified a man. Stubborn messianic zeal regrouped where it
could. Cults of the Triple Goddess also adapted to the new paradigm and
perpetuated the myth as a legitimate disguise for their practices. The
Mysteries practiced around the known world looked on with
condescension but mild support.
The Gnostics subscribed neither to the theory that the Trinity is
One, nor that Jesus was a myth. The Gnostics believed that Simon of
Cyrene, the Traitor, died in place of Jesus.
They followed Basilides of
Alexandria who taught that Simon Magus had written:
There is no resurrection of the flesh but that of the spirit only.
And that the body of man is not the creation of God; and also
concerning the world, that god did not create it, and that God
knoweth not the world, and that Jesus Christ was not crucified but
it was an appearance, and that he was not born of Mary, nor the
seed of David.
The Gnostics saw Simon of Cyrene as the Messenger of the God
of Justice who sought to inflict a harsh and impossible law on man. In a
curious anti-cosmic interpretation, they believed that Lucifer had Simon
of Cyrene slain to protect men from oppression. This extraordinary
interpretation will become clear in Chapter 15 when we look closely at
the Gnostic Knight Rose Croix in his role with St George and the Dragon.
The plethora of Christian heresies also included Virgin Worship
called Hyperdulia, Marianity or Mariology. Despite the bloody efforts of
both the Church and Puritans to eliminate it, Virgin Worship is still
widely practiced today.
Virgin Worship later became integral with Church theology. This
was apparent at the coronation of Medici Pope Leo X. He paraded from
the Vatican to the Church of the Lateran for the ceremony. The
Florentine physician Gian-Giacomo Penni described how this grand
procession passed through a magnificent new arch endowed by the banker
Agostino Chigi. Priceless marble, alabaster and porphyry treasures of
pagan Rome adorned it. On the approach to the arch, Pope Leo X read a
message written in gold:
The time of Venus has passed: Gone, too, is Mars
Now is the rule of Minerva.
Immediately through the arch, Pope Leo X encountered a
beautiful Greek statue of Aphrodite with the rest of the message in gold:
Mars has gone and Minerva Reigns
But Venus still our worship claims.
Indeed, in 1964, the Roman Catholic Church finally succumbed
to popular pressure for Virgin Worship. Pope Paul VI elevated the Virgin
Mary to Mater Ecclesiae, the Mother of the Church.
From that
moment, those of the Roman Catholic faith could only speak to God the
Father through Mary the Redemptress.
Perhaps the Medici Pope Leo X made the greatest Papal faux pas
of all time when ebullient and jesting, he quipped to the Venetian scholar
Pietro Bembo:
How very profitable this fable of Christ has been to us through
the ages.
We look at the survival of ancient Melchizedek traditions in
Southern France in the next chapter.
Chapter 11 Melchizedekians and Merovingians
King Mel-chi-zedek the Jebusite is one of the most mysterious
characters in all biblical myths. The Book of Genesis identifies him as a
sacred Priest-King of Salem at the time it was in Hurrian or Amorite
hands. The Hindus know him as Melik-Sadaksina, the great son of a
Kassite king and magical priest of Brahm, who was Abrahams teacher.
Another of Melchizedeks names is Adoni-Zedek after the city
god of Salem and King of Righteousness.
The Ammonites called him
Melchizedek welcomed Abraham to Canaan after Abraham had
returned from defeating Kedorla'omer:
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:
and he was the priest of the most high God.
He is a famous immortal:
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither
beginning of days, nor end of life.
Priests after the Order of Melchizedek are prominent over the
millennia. One of the last Biblical references is when King David
appoints Zadok as a joint high priest with the Levites. The final
identification with Melchizedek occurs with Jesus. Among the many
messianic aspirants of the time, Jesus was a particularly special messiah
because he was a priest of Melchizedek.
The precise geographical location of Melchizedek's Salem is
unknown. Biblical publishers readily assume Salem is the current
Jerusalem because of the forthright deconstruction of Jerusalem into Jeru
and Salem.
Josephus records that Salem became Jerusalem after the
time of Abraham.
As we saw in Chapter 3, Jerusalem was the city of
Salma the Son of Light. It therefore seems logical that Salem would have
been a sanctuary town similar to Harran in the North and perhaps Ma'rib
in the South. Certainly, Abraham had a compellingly similar relationship
of familiarity, sanctuary and tribute to both Harran and Salem.
The Teacher of Righteousness or Moreh-zedek of the Dead Sea
Scrolls seems to be very much like Mel-chi-zedek.
Moreh and Moriah
are the places of Yahweh's Covenant with Abraham. The Hebrew word
Marah means salt sea.
Therefore, Mor-Iah and Mor-Jah translate to
God of the Sea or God of the Salt Water. From this same root, Moreh-
zedek translates as the Water of Righteousness or Dew of Righteousness.
In the Damascus Document, known since at least the ninth
century, the Qumran Covenanters swallowed the Teacher of
Righteousness. He brings them a new Covenant with God.
John Allegro first recognized the importance of swallowing (from
a) in 1970.
He related the names Jesus and Joshua to dew and the
semen that heals and saves.
Swallowing is important in the Habakkuk Pesher (XI 4-5). The
Wicked Priest pursues the Righteous Teacher to swallow him.
Swallowing is again mentioned in connection with Wisdom in Aaron A
4Q541 (2.8):
Behold a wise man will understand that I am seeing and
comprehending deep Mysteries, thus I am speaking . parables.
The Greek will not understand, But the knowledge of Wisdom
will come to you, for you have received you will acquire
Pursue her (Wisdom) and seek her and gain possession of her to
swallow (her) down. Behold you will gladden many many (will
have) a place.
A most important function of the Melchizedek priests at the time
of the Exodus was to set out the Bread of the Presence of God on a golden
table in front of the Ark of the Covenant, also called the Ark of Alliance.
Moses decreed that the Ark should contain a quantity of the Bread of
Heaven or manna found by the Israelites in the wilderness so future
generations would see what it was like.
And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it
was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers
made with honey. And Moses said, This is the thing which the
Lord commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your
generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed
you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of
Egypt. And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer
full of manna therein, and lay it up before the Lord, to be kept for
your generations. As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid
it up before the Testimony, to be kept.
Somewhat oddly, Moses commanded a renowned goldsmith and
architect called Bezaleel to prepare the Bread of the Presence of God.
Indeed, Bezaleel was the same goldsmith Moses had commissioned to
create the Ark of the Covenant. Coincidently, the renowned architect of
King Solomons Temple, Hiram Abiff, was not an architect in Biblical
He was an expert artisan working in gold, brass and dyes.
Bezaleel and Hiram Abiff are also similar archetypes in other
ways. Bezaleels father is Uri, which means Light. This makes Bezaleel
a Son of Light. Hirams mother was a Naphtali woman from Dan. This
probably identifies her as an Oracle or Priestess of the Benjamites. The
Bible is more evasive with Hirams father, only commenting that he was
also a master artisan. Josephus gives us the information we expect, that
Hirams father came from Ur of the Israelites.
He confirms that
Bezaleel and Hiram Abiff are precisely the same archetype, embodying
an important story. In fact, Jesus father Joseph is the same archetype.
He is not simply a carpenter but an artisan in the archetypal sense.
Bezaleel also bears a remarkable similarity to Azazel (Azâzil in
Arabic) or Shemyaza, the leader of the fallen Watchers in the Judaic-
Christian apocryphal Book of Enoch.
Just as Prometheus presented
man with fire, Azazel released to humankind the secrets of metallurgy, the
manufacture of weapons and jewelry, and the use of antimony in art and
medicine. He also taught women the art of cosmetics, to be promiscuous
and to enjoy sex. For these transgressions, God condemned Azazel to
remain forever bound in the desert of Dûdâêl. As Shemyaza, he hangs
upside down between heaven and earth in the constellation of Orion. The
only known statute of this leader of the Watchers is in the choir of
Rosslyn Chapel, in Scotland.
There seems to be a distinctly alchemical key in the Qumran and
Biblical documents. For example, the duality of the mysterious Sceptre
and the Star is analogous to the red man of gold and his wife, the star of
antimony. They correspond to the coronations Scepter of gold and Orb
of antimony. Furthermore, they are comparable to the Messiah of Aaron
and Israel. It is not surprising that the Covenanters had a metallurgical
foundry with twenty-six tons of gold and forty-eight tons of silver at
Using the philosophical circular-saw of Occam's Razor to limit
the entities, the Moreh-zedek or the Teacher of Righteousness can be seen
as a common alchemical archetype with the dew or Bread of Life. In the
same way Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness, is an archetype for the
priest that manufactures the sacred bread. He provides this sacred bread
to Abraham in a rite of kingship.
A statue in the North Porch of Chartres Cathedral shows
Melchizedek holding a long-stemmed chalice or cup in his left hand. It
contains a solid cylindrical object that is the Moreh-zedek. Many think it
is the Holy Grail or Philosophers' Stone.
The stained glass window on
the North Façade shows Melchizedek again. An inside window of Paris
Notre Dame Cathedral also shows alchemy in action.
The blessing of Abraham with holy bread and wine at Salem
suggests Salem was a special alchemical or metallurgy site from early
times. The Palestine campaign of Thutmose III indeed confirmed this in
1480BCE. Jerusalem, or Salem, was Kadesh or the Holy City and seen as
the most important city in Palestine long before King David made
Jerusalem his capital.
Chapter 9 described the ascendancy of the Pharisees over the
Melchizedekian Sadducees. This was a major change in the power
structure of religion in Israel. It marginalized the Melchizedek Priests,
who retired to the wilderness. The ever-vigilant Pharisees recorded in
Talmud that the heretical Melchizedekians continued to frequent Hebron
to visit Abrahams cave of Machpelah.
The contents of the cave have
remained a mystery for eight hundred years.
The mosque that now
conceals it admits neither Jews nor Christians. Benjamin of Tudela
visited the cave in 1163CE and wrote that its innermost reaches contained
six sepulchers. Josephus noted that these were of the finest marble.
Perhaps a rabbinical tradition that formed part of an old lecture in the
Masonic Degree of Knight Rose Croix holds the key. It described how
Abraham discovered the sepulcher of Adam and Eve in a cave of the
They were lying on couches with lamps burning before
them, which spread a rich perfume.
The Melchizedek traditions along with those of the Calebite Dog
Men were some of the very few to remain fresh with the remnant that
evaded the Exile in Babylon.
In about 750BCE Amos prophesized the
return from Exile with the Lords words:
In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen,
and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins,
and I will build it as in the days of old: That they may possess the
remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my
name, saith the Lord that doeth this.
The Damascus Document then tells us that God:
Left a remnant to Israel, and did not give them over to
destruction. But in the Time of Wrath He visited them (three
hundred and ninety years after He had given them into the hands
of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon). And He caused to
spring forth from Israel and Aaron a root of His planting to
inherit the land.
However, in response to the fanatical uprising of Zealot
nationalism, the Romans systematically eliminated militant nationalistic
groups, such as the Zealots, from Jerusalem and surrounding strongholds.
Josephus records that over 1,350,000 people died at this time. The
resilient Zaddoki and Essene cultures survived in Damascus, Alexandria
and in other regions of the Diaspora.
After 200BCE, the Jewish Diaspora accelerated with the decline
of Hellenistic Egypt and Syria. Jews migrated to Italy and to Spain via
North Africa. One of the far-flung lands of the dispersion was Gaul. In
about 12CE the Romans exiled the brother of Herod Antipas, Archelaus,
Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea. He settled in the Jewish district at Vienne,
near Lyons, in France.
Some twenty-eight years later Herod Antipas
joined him in exile as punishment for beheading John the Baptist. Jewish
migration continued to Lyon, Arles and Bordeaux, culminating between
five hundred CE and six hundred CE with a mass Diaspora movement to
Marseilles and Barcelona.
The Zaddoki-Melchizedek line enjoyed great prominence in the
Diaspora of Gaul, especially with the Merovingian Frank Kings who
defeated the Visigoths at Vouillé, near Aquitaine, in 510CE. The
Visigoth territories in Gascony, Languedoc and Provence and in Northern
Spain provided fertile ground for both Zadok-Melchizedek and
Rabbinical-Cabbalistic streams of Judaism.
The French Merovingian Royalty maintained that it was of a
royal Trojan lineage that antedated the Roman Catholic Church. They
rejected Church sponsored coronation. They also claimed to derive from
the tribe of Judah through Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.
The Merovingian kings placed great value on their long hair and
believed that it gave them strength.
Samsons name was common in
the Royal Merovingian Household. The longhaired Monarchs identified
with him as the hero Judge of the Tribe of Dan.
The Merovingians buried their last ruler, Dagobert II, in a cape
studded with golden honey bees. Napoleon removed the honeybees from
Dagobert's tomb and placed them on his own coronation cape.
Displaying the same independence from Papal authority that characterized
the Merovingians, Napoleon lifted the crown from the Bishop's hands and
placed it upon his own head.
Merovingian claims of Davidic succession were an anathema to
the Church. In 751CE, Pepin III the Short deposed the Merovingian King
Childeric III with Papal support. He thereby established the Carolingian
The Jewish Princedom of Septimania
at the time of Charlemagne, 814CE, annexing the Spanish March.
Also showing Rennes-le-Chateau, Montségur and Mt Cardou.
dynasty. Eight years later Pepin III himself faced military defeat at the
hands of the Islamic Saracens at Narbonne.
The Jewish population came to his aid and opened the gates of
Narbonne for his protection in return for Pepin III undertaking to elevate
their principate city-state of Septimania to the status of an independent
Davidic Princedom. Pepin III complied for reasons that seem to include
the creation of a buffer state to keep the Umayyad Saracens at bay.
The granting of ancient privileges, high office, freehold land, the Jews
own system of law and royal protection to the Jews of Southern France
invoked a bitter rebuke from Pope Stephen III in 768CE.
The grant of
hereditary freehold tenure of land called allodial hereditamenta was
particularly controversial.
It was contrary to both Papal and
Carolingian policy.
The Septimanian Jews established Davidic succession in their
Princedom. The Nasi, or Jewish Prince in perpetuity, was to be
descended from the line of David.
The first Nasi was Rabbi Natronai-
Makhir. He was formerly the Exilarch of the Jews in Baghdad and a
scholar-prince of the House of David, who the Caliph of Baghdad sent to
Natronai-Makhir accepted the name Theodoric and took
Pepin IIIs sister, Alda, for a wife.
In return for the elevation of Septimania to a Princedom, the
Rabbis endorsed Pepin III's own claim to Davidic Succession of the Holy
Roman Empire for his son Charlemagne. Charlemagne later confirmed
the status of Septimania in 791CE by establishing it as a permanent
The Princedom had grown in power and influence with the
campaigns of Natronai-Makhirs son, the great Guilhelm de Toulouse de
Gellone, or William of Toulouse, into Spain. At this time, the Princedom
encompassed a vast area from the Rhone to the Albères of the Pyrenees,
including Nimes and Roussillon, and the Catalan counties in the March of
Spain. These Catalan counties were Gerona, Vich (Ausona), Urgel,
Pallars, Ribagorza and Barcelona.
Natronai-Makhir died in 793CE. His son Guilhelm de Toulouse
succeeded him. In turn, Guilhelms son Bernard of Septimania became
Septimania then became a Jewish Kingdom, rather than the
Princedom, which thrived until the end of Carolingian rule.
The seed of David was to multiply in Southern France and
produce one of its most famous sons, Godefroi de Bouillon. Godefrois
admirers elevated him to a hall of fame called the nine nobles. The other
great warrior-kings in the hall of fame were Hector of Troy, Alexander
the Great, Julius Caesar, Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, David, King Arthur
and Charlemagne. In Crathes Castle, between Balmoral and Aberdeen in
Scotland, the 1602 owner asks (see Appendix 12):
Gude reder tell me or thou pass
Whilk of thir nyn maist Valliant was?
The nine nobles theme was popular amongst surviving Knights
Templar groups in Scotland. A number of castles depict the same theme
in their ceilings, including at Glamis in the Vale of Strathmore. The
theme derives from the beliefs of the Ishmaelite Assassins and the Druses,
the old followers of Tammuz.
The Druses are not orthodox
Mohammedans. Their heretical belief is that God constantly reincarnated
in a series of semi-divine prophets and warrior-kings, called Imam, and of
whom Christ was one but Mahomed was not. Only seventy
reincarnations occurred. The Druses believe that final reincarnation was
Hakim, the sixth Fatimate Caliph, after whom there can be no others. In
his second coming, Hakim, the Druze Messiah, will conquer the world.
The Assassins beliefs were similar except that the Assassins considered
their founder, Hassan, the Shiek-al-Jabul or Old Man of the Mountain in
Lebanon, to be one of the reincarnations. In Chapter 12 and Chapter 17,
we will see the importance of Mount Hermon in Lebanon. It is worth
adding that at Crathes, the room of the nine nobles leads directly into the
Green Ladys room where the first image on the painted ceiling is that of
the Triple Goddess. The floor of this room contained a skeleton and this
led to legends that the ghost of girl carrying a baby haunts the room. At
Glamis, a Grey Lady haunts the strikingly unconventional chapel, which
has a magnificent window of St George and the Dragon.
On his father's side, Godefroi descended from the Merovingians
and on that of his mother and grandmother, the Carolingian. His
Carolingian grandparents bequeathed Godefroi the title of Duke of Lower
Lorraine. Storming the wall of Jerusalem on 15 July 1099, Godefroi de
Bouillon was to shout the famous phrase expressing the Zaddoki belief
that they were the only legitimate High Priests of Jerusalem Deus
Meumque Jus, meaning God and my Right.
The thirty-third degree of the Scottish Rite adopted Godefrois
motto. A gold ring worn by each member of the degree has the motto
engraved within it.
It is also the Latin version of the motto of the royal
arms of England Dieu et mon droit, adopted by Richard I the Lionheart at
the siege of Gisors in 1198.
Following Godefroi de Bouillons successful assault on the walls
of Jerusalem, he assumed the title of Guardian of the Holy Sepulcher.
This title was Godefroi's preference over King, an uncharacteristically
modest choice, continuing the tradition that there should be no king of
Israel until the second coming of the Messiah. His brother Baldwin of
Lorraine had no such inhibition. One year later, he became King Baldwin
I of Jerusalem. Oddly, the circumstances surrounding the death of the
glorious Godefroi de Bouillon remain a mystery to this day.
Hugh of Champagne and his vassal Hugues des Payens explored
Jerusalem in 1104 and in 1114. The second visit generated considerable
excitement. Thirty-three members of the Fontaine family of St Bernard
promptly joined the Cistercian Order. Hugh of Champagne donated land
to the Order for the Abbey of Clairvaux with similar enthusiasm. His
protégé St Bernard became Abbot of Clairvaux at the remarkable age of
twenty-five years. St Bernards father Tescelin belonged to the family of
Chevalier de Châtillion, who held feudal lordships in Burgundy and
His mother Aleth was of the house of the Dukes of
Having successfully infiltrated the Church and established a
comfortable niche as Cistercians, the Melchizedek houses of Champagne,
Anjou, Gisors and Flanders arranged for nine knights to journey to
Jerusalem in 1118.
The knights chose St John as their protector and called their
Temple lodgings St Johns Hostel. They excavated the Temples
foundations under the patronage of King Baldwin II, a cousin of Baldwin
I. Hugh of Champagne joined the excavations in 1124CE.
The Church had thought it was welcoming the troublesome
Zaddoki-Melchizedek houses of France into the fold of Pauline
Christianity, just as the Celtic Church successfully enjoined in 625CE.
Instead, it had drawn fundamentalist, unshakeable heresy to its bosom.
The Melchizedek houses of France regarded the unusual treasure beneath
the Temple as their personal property. They set about recovering it for
their own purposes, as we shall see in Chapter 18.
The next chapter focuses on the tribe of Dan and its connection
with the Melchizedekians and Rosicrucians.
Chapter 12 The Tribe of Dan
In his desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon and remarry, Henry
VIII lobbied the Pope on grounds of whether a man could marry his
brother's widow. To strengthen his case, Henry sent the secret agent
Richard Croke to Venice in 1529 to consult with the Jewish Rabbis and a
Christian Cabalist theologian called Georgi.
The Pope declined so Henry VIII wrenched the English Church
from him and declared himself both the supreme political and spiritual
leader of England. In the ensuing cold war with the Vatican, the English
monarch sought to justify his break from Catholicism by claiming a
legitimate Davidic spiritual destiny to uphold Christianity by divine right
known as British Imperial Christianity.
Geoffrey of Monmouth had written that the kings of Britain were
descended from the Trojan Brutus.
The Tudors glorified Brutus
descendant King Arthur as the epitome of British Imperial Christianitys
kings who rule by divine right.
John Dee was the son of one of Henry VIII's court officials. Dee
believed that he too was descended from the ancient kings of Britain. He
believed that he was a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth I and it is true
that the Queen seemed indulge him, keeping him near as her personal
John Dee wove together the threads of British Imperial
Christianity from Trojan and Arthurian legends and the Hebrew Kabbalah
into the Elizabethan Rosicrucianism.
The real imperative in Elizabeth Is time was to counter the forces
of Catholicism and finance the defense of Britain through Amsterdams
Jewish merchants and bankers. In 1290, Edward I had expelled the Jews
from England. To reunite the English in a common identity with the
Jews, Dee renewed the old legends of Britains Davidic heritage.
The first record we have of this new British-Israelite identity is
from John Sadler in 1649. In his book, Rights to the Kingdom, John
Sadler proposed that the English descended from Israel's ten lost tribes.
Sir Francis Bacon continued John Dees Rosicrucianism. He
discussed a new British-Jewish alliance in his book titled New Atlantis. It
was influential in having the Jews readmitted to Britain in 1664.
The Welsh Triads are among the earliest of all British records that
relate to the origins of the Celtic peoples. Although imperfect due to a
mixture of history and tradition, these writings give us much intelligence
respecting the aborigines of Britain. Eminent scholars support the
authenticity of these Triads.
However, we need to move to Ireland for much of Britains
sacred history. Ireland preserved ethnic legends due to an absence of
foreign invasions over many centuries, the continuity of tribal government
and the existence of a special class of sages, the Druids, whose duty it was
to maintain genealogies and keep alive the deeds of their ancestors. Their
ethnic legends are wonderfully colorful and broadly consistent with
western religion and archeology.
The Book of Invasions, or Lebar Gabhala tells of the arrival of the
five principal peoples: Partholan, Nemed, the Firbolgs, the Tuatha-De-
Danaan, perhaps the lost tribe of Dan, and the Scots or Milesians.
In Genesis, Jacob foretold what would befall each of the tribes.
Of Dan, he said:
And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves
together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last
days Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that
biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. I have
waited for thy salvation, O Lord.
The Tribe of Dan became lost to the Torah, along with that of
Dans female twin, Dinah.
Scholars characterize them as lost because
the Book of Chronicles omits to record their descendants.
Scholars normally mean the ten lost tribes when they refer to ten
tribes that the Assyrians dissipated in 721-718BCE. Judah was never lost.
The other tribe that was never lost was Dan. After Genesis, the Torah
simply excluded Dan.
The tribe of Dan originally entered the promised land of Israel in
the time of Joshua. They occupied a strip of coast country on the
Mediterranean, west of Jerusalem. From the beginning of their
settlement, they seemed to have played no major part in the internal
affairs of the new nation, but preferred to engage in shipping and
international commerce.
The Bible says they were principally seamen:
Dan abode in ships.
Deborah complained that the people of Dan preferred to remain
with their ships, rather than taking to the field of battle in order to assist
the other Israelites in the defeat of their enemies.
Dan, Asher and Naphtali began to participate with the maritime
enterprise of the Canaanite Phoenicians and it seems likely that inter-
marriage took place. Their ships of Tarshish (ancient Spain) created the
Golden Age of Phoenicia:
For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram:
every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold,
and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. And king Solomon
passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. And all the
kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his
wisdom, that God had put in his heart.
An entire chapter of the Bible lists the trading enterprises of the
Phoenicians and the numerous nations that shared in this commerce.
The Tribe of Dan expanded its territories by invading the north of
Israel, just above the Lake of Galilee:
The Danites took Kirjath-jearim, and called that place
Mahanehdan unto this day.
Six hundred Danites then took Laish:
And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them:
therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem,
and took it and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their
One can still visit the ancient city of Dan (or Layish) city in Tel
Dan Park, near Kiryat Shemona. The city contains the world's oldest
known arch.
The northern city of Dan or Mizvar Dan (Fort of Dan) was a
Canaanite sanctuary for the worship of Baal-Hermon.
The Greeks
called it Paneas because of the cavern where they worshiped the god
Pan was their universal god and his name meant All Things
because he represented fertility. The meaning of Jor-dan is the going
down of the Dan and the Greeks thought the Jordan River rose in the
grotto of Pan.
Biblical authors dropped tribe of Dan because the tribe became
pagans. They inherited the tradition of pre-flood Canaanite Baal worship
from the descendants of Canaan who occupied the northern area of
Palestine at Mount Hermon. Canaan was the Phoenician hero Chnas.
The Danites captured the sacred idols of Micah including a silver
phallus that Micah set up in his house:
And the children of Dan set up for themselves the graven image;
and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, he and his
sons were priests to the Tribe of Dan until the captivity of the
These lines mean that for generations Moses' own grandson
Jonathan and his descendants acted as priests of idol-worship in Israel.
Jerome wrote of the Book of Enoch:
We have read in a certain apocryphal book that when the sons of
God were coming down to the daughters of men, they descended
into Ardos, which is the summit Mount Hermon.
For those interested in UFO theories, Mount Hermon is where it
all happened. Ancient legends attribute a sacred character to Mount
It was supposedly the residence of the children of Seth at the
beginning of human existence.
The Valentinians regarded these sons of
Seth as Sons of God who led a pious and secluded life on Mount Hermon,
musing about paradise.
Hermon is also the mountain of God, called Bashan:
The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of
Bashan. Why leap ye, ye high hills? This is the hill which God
desireth to dwell in; yea, the Lord will dwell in forever.
Modern surveys have located more than twenty temples on
Mount Hermon, an unprecedented number in comparison with other
regions of the Phoenician coast.
The Mount abounds with shrines to
the Canaanite goddess Asherah or Astarte.
This led the Church father Jerome to write that Hermon was an
anathema, by which he meant a forbidden place.
The name Hermon derives from the Laconian dialect for stone
Hermon is He of the stone heap. Archeologists discovered such
a heap of hewn stone within the ruins of a circular wall on one of the three
secondary peaks. In fact, all monumental walls and buildings built of
ashlars, or cut stones, represent Hermon. He is also equivalent to Hermes,
or Thoth-Hermes, the biblical Ham. Pan or Mercury was Hermes son.
The Druids formed circles from monoliths and piles of stones on
top of hills or mounds. They called these circles Si'un (Sions or Zions) or
Caers. During their rituals, the Chief Druid stood in the center of the
circle at the large, central Stone of the Covenant. The Irish called the
central stone Bethel, meaning the house of God. Each May-eve and first
of November the Druids built great fires on these Sions so the people all
around could see the flames.
The same may be true of the many folly-
towers in England.
The Bible does not state that David's throne will always be
located at Jerusalem; it may be at Mount Hermon. In 1868 the founder of
the Eastern Star, Robert Morris, wrote:
my eyes can scarcely withdraw themselves from Hermon
soaring on my right hand. The expression in Isaiah v.26 occurs to
me with added meaning. The Great Illumer describes Jehovah
seated yonder on that lookout, from which all Palestine is clearly
spread before the eye.
The standard of the Tribe of Dan is very interesting. Jacob
compared Dan to a serpent and the serpent became the tribes totem.
However, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, the Captain of the tribe of Dan
whose initials are AA, shrank from carrying the serpent on his flag.
Dans standard became a white and red banner with the crest of a
two-headed bird bearing a serpent in its talons.
This mysterious two-
headed bird is often mistaken for an eagle. It is really the phoenix, which
signifies the immortality of the Priests of Order of Melchizedek.
Order has as its object the permanent and hereditary duty to worship the
Most High God El Elyon, Yaho or Yahweh.
Many examples of early
Danish and Irish jewelry show this Danite tribal symbol of an eagle
bearing a serpent.
We turn to the legends one of the earliest Diasporas to Ireland. In
2069BCE, Partholan and a band of Israelite warriors arrived from the
Greek world, overcoming the aboriginal forest tribes called the Tuatha
This was probably the arrival of the early Bronze Age Picts, a
branch of the Goidelic Celts.
They settled at Inis Saimer, a small island in the River Erne, at
Ballyshannon. Most of the colony died of plague after fifty years. Their
graves are at Tallaght near Dublin. Those who did not die from plague
In 1739BCE, three hundred and thirty years after Partholans
arrival, Nemed arrived from Scythia with thirty ships, each carrying thirty
The Chronicles of the Kings of Briton tells the same story. They
record that a chieftain called Barthlome arrived in Ireland from Spain
with thirty ships. Barthlome told the English king Gwrgant that his party
had originally come from Israel.
The Domestic Annals of Ireland record that Nemeds Irish name
was Nin Mac Piel, meaning Ninus or Nimrod. Nimrod was the legendary
son of Bel or Belus, who is the Baal, Bel, or Belial of the Old
Nemed laid claim to Irish soil but he also died from plague at a
mountain called Ard Nemeid, at Queenstown in Cork Harbour.
About two hundred and seventeen years after Nemed, the
Phoenician Formorians invaded Ireland.
Just as Nemeds people
started to repel these Formorians, another leader called Morc arrived from
Africa with sixty ships and occupied the country.
Only one ship with thirty survivors escaped to Grecian Thrace.
Among them were three of Nemeds descendants.
The next wave migrants were the Firbolgs, who are through to be
British. Their five chiefs landed at different sites, subdued the whole
country and ruled it from Leinster.
Then in 1456BCE, about thirty-six years after the Firbolgs, the
tribe of Dan arrived in ships, drove out other inhabitants and settled the
land. This was the lost tribe of Dan. The Irish call them the Tuatha-De-
Danaan or children of the Goddess Danu. They symbolized her with the
The Tuatha-De-Danaan defeated the Firbolgs king Eochaid Mac
Erca and drove his people from the country. Thirty years later, they also
defeated the Formorians in a great battle.
Nemedian legend says the Tuatha-De-Danaan were Nemeds
descendents triumphantly returning from Greece led by Ibath, grandson of
the prophet Iarbonel, and great grandson of Nemed.
The Irish legends consider the Tuatha-De-Danaan demi-gods and
teachers of wisdom. They possessed a grail-like vessel and founded the
Druidic priesthood.
Sometimes the Tuatha-De-Danaan appears as
Tuatha De, meaning the people of God.
The Psalter of Cashel records that:
The Tuatha-De-Danaan ruled in Ireland for about two centuries,
and were highly skilled in architecture and other arts from their
long residence in Greece.
These Tuatha-De-Danaan were Danite-Phoenician seamen from
the coast at Joppa who struck out in their ships and sailed west through
the Mediterranean to Ireland.
From 1100BCE to 800BCE, the Phoenicians monopolized the sea
trade routes in the Mediterranean area and beyond. They settled the
coasts of North Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, Spain and Britain. One
can still visit the gleaming marble, limestone and porphyry columns in the
ruined and deserted streets of beautiful Phoenician cities in present-day
Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.
The Tribe of Dan named a great many places along the shores of
the Mediterranean, Ireland and Britain after their patriarch Dan. In
Ireland, they left names such as Dans-Laugh, Dan-Sower, Dundalk, Dun-
drum, Donegal Bay, Donegal City, Dungloe, Din-gle and Dunsmor,
which means more Dans. In Scotland, we find similar names such as
Dundee and Dunraven.
Linguists have long been aware of a great similarity between
Hebrew, Phoenician and the early Irish Celtic language. The name Dunn
in the Irish language means judge, the same meaning as Dan in Hebrew.
This is important because Jacob said that Dan would judge Israel and the
Book of Judges is the history of the tribe of Dan.
Samson was a Nazarite of the tribe of Dan. He judged Israel
during the period of Philistine domination. In Paradise Lost, Milton
describes Samson as the Danite strong.
The Mediterranean coast settlers became independent of the
parent Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon in Phoenicia (Lebanon) and
founded the Carthaginian Empire. These Carthaginians demonstrate the
Phoenicians' colonizing urge. A Greek historian, Heroticus, recorded
Himilco the Carthaginians claim that in 500-480BCE the Carthaginians
transported thirty thousand men and women in sixty ships on a colonizing
venture beyond the Pillars of Hercules.
According to the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, King David
of Israel invaded Ireland to relieve the pressure from a drought in
1016BCE, near the end of his reign. His invasion of Ireland was
successful and imposed a new line of Judah Royalty on the Tuatha de
The Irish hypothesis is that King David himself established his
throne in Ireland where the Irish knew him as Ollamh Fodhla. Irish
writers have not been able to identify the nationality of this most famous
king of early Ireland but were aware that he had not been born in Ireland.
Ollamh Fodhla means chief poet, as was David and Taliesin. The
Chronicles of Eri say that the Olam (prophets) brought him up and that all
eyes delighted to look upon him and that all ears were charmed with the
sound of his voice.
This mysterious and wise king also reigned at the very same time
as King David, and for forty years, the exact same length of time that
David reigned in Israel. David reigned from 1056-1016BCE whereas the
Irish histories record that Ollamh Fodlah reigned from about 1052-1012
According to Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, Ollamh Fodhla
was also a great warrior-king. He besieged the city of Tara and killed the
king. Ultimately, Gedes son, Ariel (Irial in Irish) ruled from Tara.
Interestingly, three miles north of Tara Hill is an Irish town
named Dowd's Town, meaning David's Town or Settlement of David.
The local Irish maintain that Tara Hill is sacred as the burial place of a
famous Hebrew Princess called Tea-Tephi, of whom we shall have more
to say shortly.
Like King David, the Irish recognized Ollamh Fodhla as a great
sage and wise legislator. The Annals of Clonmacnoise record that the
town of Ulster (Ulladh) took its name from Ollamh Fodhla and describes
him as soe well learned and soe much given to the favour of learning.
Ollamh Fodhla established a famous school of learning at Tara,
which may be the Irish form of Torah.
He also established the Feast of
Tara. This autumn festival lasted seven days and was very similar to the
Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. The Irish also knew Ollamh Fodhla as a
Cohawyn or a Cohen.
Ollamh Fodhla organized the nation for efficiency. His
governmental body consisted of the king for administration, the priests as
the judicial branch, and the representatives from the common people as
the Congress, or legislative branch. Thus, the separated powers of the
three branches of modern democratic government hark back to Ollamh
God honored good king Ollamh Fodhla when his sons:
succeeded him one after another as kings of this land without
any other coming between them, which good never happened to
no other before him.
Conservative scholars suggest that Ireland is too far away from
the Middle East for David to have traveled there. However, the romantics
are certain that David visited this remote outpost of the empire, where
Israelite peoples had settled in the days since the Exodus and which was
close to Cornwall, as part of his tin trade.
The Assyrian empire was at its peak in 718BCE and its armies
threatened all nations on the eastern Mediterranean seaboard. These
Assyrians were a brutal, fearsome people who plundered everything of
value. Their wall murals, some of which are in the British Museum,
depict scenes of horrible savagery and torture. One shows the Assyrians
skinning men alive and impaling piles of men on poles outside the gates
of a city.
The Danites and Tyrian Phoenicians each contributed ships and
men to two great trading fleets.
The coastal colony of seafaring
Danites used their fleet to escape persecution by fleeing to Ireland.
The armies of Jabin, king of Canaan, and a large Syrian fleet
engaged the Athenian territories in daily battles. When the Syrians
vanquished the Greeks, the tribe of Dan that dwelt in Greece at the time
fled to up the ancient amber route to Lochlinn, which is Scandinavia. The
legends of Scandinavia mention that the inhabitants of Scandinavia
welcomed the people of the Tribe of Dan because of their many sciences
and arts.
Danmark, which we now call Denmark, took its name from this
contingent of the tribe of Dan. The Danes elevated Dan to the father of
the most famous of the Norse gods, Odin, and said that Dan was the one
from whom the pedigrees of our kings flowed in glorious series, like
channels from some parent spring.
We now return to Israel in the time of Babylons King
Nebuchadnezzar. He conquered Judea but allowed the Davidic King
Zedekiah to live. In 586BCE, Zedekiah rebelled and Babylon returned to
crush Judea. Nebuchadnezzar captured the royal family, executed
Zedekiahs Sons and blinded Zedekiah. However, Nebuchadnezzar failed
to realize that King Zedekiahs daughters inherited the connection with
the land under the ancient Israelite custom of ultimo-geniture.
At first Nebuchadnezzar imprisoned the prophet Jeremiah but
gave him food, cloths and money, and released him to travel anywhere he
Jeremiah escorted his nieces, King Zedekiahs daughters, to
Mizpah, which is Fort Dan.
Jeremiah found no peace in Mizpah. The Ammonites captured
and carried away everyone including King Zedekiah daughters.
glorious Captain of Dans Guard, Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, raised
a small army and drove off the Ammonites. He released Jeremiah and the
daughters. Jeremiah, together with his secretary Simon Brach, Zedekiahs
daughters and a small remnant of Dan escaped to Ireland. This was
fulfillment of the prophecy that Zedekiahs daughters would take root
downward and bear fruit upward, that is to settle somewhere and have
Jeremiah took Zedekiahs daughters and, it is said, the Israelites
coronation stone to Spain and thence to Ireland. In Spain, one of
Zedekiahs daughters married into the Spanish royal family of Zaragossa.
Jeremiah arrived in Ireland in 569BCE as an elderly, white-haired
patriarch. The Irish histories sometimes call him a saint. With Jeremiah
was the Zedakiahs young daughter Tea-Tephi or Tephi for short. In
1301CE the Scots pleaded a case to the Pope in which they referred to
legends of Tephi as Scota, the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh and wife
of a Scythian nobleman who was among the Egyptians that pursued the
Israelites to the Red Sea.
As mentioned in Chapter 6, the legend of Scotas flight seems to
have come through Eusebius in 320CE. Eusebius knowledge was in turn
based on that of Euhemerus, a Greek historian that visited Manetho in
Egypt in 300BCE.
From comparison of Pharaohs names, it appears
the relavent Pharaoh is the controversial monotheist Akhenaten. Scota
may be the princess Meritaten, his second daughter by Nefertiti.
We mentioned Tea-Tephi, the princess buried at Tara Hill in
Ireland, earlier in the chapter. She is the same archetype as an earlier Tea,
a daughter of Ith, who lived in the days of David. Similarly, Eochaide
Herremon seems to be the same as Gede the Herremon of David's day
who married his cousin, Tea.
Jeremiahs royal party included Eochaide, the son of the king of
Ireland. Legend says he was in Jerusalem at the time of the siege where
he had become acquainted with Tea-Tephi. Eochaide married Tea-Tephi
at Tara, shortly after 585BCE when the city fell.
Eochaide was a descendent of Zarahs family while Tea Tephi
was of Judahs Pharez line. David himself was descended from this
Pharez line of Jewish kings.
The Irish believe Jeremiah died in Ireland and lies buried near the
ruins of Devenish Abbey, on Devenish Isle in Lower Loch Erne, near
Enniskillen, County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland.
Tea Tephi gave Eochaide the prestige of a Davidic title.
Succeeding his father, Eochaide became High King of Ireland with the
title Herremon.
Eochaide and Tea-Tephis 12-year-old son accompanied them to
Ireland. He succeeded Eochaide on the throne of Ireland and the dynasty
continued unbroken through all the kings of Ireland.
Simon Brach, Jeremiah's scribe or secretary, also traveled to
Ireland with Jeremiahs group. Various writers give Brachs surname as
Breck, Berech, Brach, Brec or Berach. He seems to merit special
importance as the person who originally set down Jeremiahs story. One
legend says he was son of the Spanish King and a descendant of the
Pharaohs daughter, Scota.
Jeremiah reputedly brought other remarkable things to Ireland
including a harp, an ark, and a wonderful stone called lia-fail, or the Stone
of Destiny. The Israelites crowned their kings either standing upon or
next to such a pillar of stone.
Many European countries such as
Sweden and Denmark also crowned their kings on a coronation stone or
within a circle of twelve stones.
King James I of England expanded his Royal Standard to include
Irelands harp of Tara. He also combined the flags of England, Ireland
and Scotland to become the Union Jack. King James VI of Scotland
ascended to the English throne as King James I on the death of his cousin,
Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. The British struck a gold sovereign (called a
unite) to celebrate the United Kingdom of England, Ireland and Scotland.
The Latin motto on the reverse side of the sovereign reads Faciam eos in
gentem unam, or I will make of them one people. This is a quote from
Ezekiel, where God spoke of uniting the lost tribes of Israel under the
throne of David.
The British also struck a special medal to commemorate Queen
Elizabeth IIs coronation on 2 June 1953. It depicts the arrival of the
throne at the British Isles. The English kept this Coronation Stone, Stone
of Scone, or Stone of Destiny, in the base of the coronation chair in
Westminster Abbey. The official Westminster Abbey guide labels the
Coronation Stone as Jacob's pillar-stone. Jacob laid his head on this
Stone when he had the famous dream of a ladder reaching to Heaven.
The Coronation Stone, which is a six hundred and seventy
millimeter long block of dull reddish sandstone weighing 152 kg, may
come from near the Dead Sea where such sandstone exists in Petra,
Edom. However, the Dead Sea is one hundred miles from the white
limestone at Bethel, where Jacob had his dream. This type of reddish
sandstone exists within a few miles of Scone in Perthshire.
The Irish crowned Tea-Tephis descendants sitting over the
Coronation Stone until the 5
century CE, when Fergus MacEarca of the
same royal line took the stone to Scotland. His army invaded Scotland
from its landing on the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. Scotland then
crowned its kings sitting over the stone until 1296 when King Edward I of
England placed it beneath the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey.
The English finally returned the mystical Coronation Stone to Scotland on
30 November 1996, St Andrews Day, in preparation for Queen Elizabeth
II to open Scotlands new Parliament on July 1, 1999.
The Coronation Stone is very important to Danite Britain because
the Book of Daniel represents Gods kingdom as a stone.
the importance of the Coronation Stone was the precautions taken for its
safety in World War II. In 1940, when the German invasion threatened
England, the British Government removed the stone from Westminster
Abbey to a secret hiding place and sent the details of its concealment to
Canadas Prime Minister.
The Scythian population also migrated to Scandinavia and
ultimately to Ireland. This began with the Assyrian captivity of the ten
northern tribes of Israel in 741BCE to 721BCE. The Assyrians took
twenty seven thousand people to the southern shore of the Caspian Sea,
which borders on Northern Iran. Cuneiform tablets of Sargon discovered
at the ancient Assyria capital of Khorsabad, north of Nineveh record:
I besieged and captured Samaria, and carried off 27,290 of its
inhabitants as booty.
The Bible tells of the same event:
Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and
went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. In the ninth year
of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria and carried Israel
away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the
river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
Some escaped. The gravestone inscription of a member of the
tribe of Naphtali, among many in the Crimea, records that the deceased
was one:
who went into exile with the exiles, who were driven away with
Hosea, the king of Israel.
The power of the Assyrian Empire began to wane after several
decades. In 679BCE, some of the captives broke away and escaped into
the mountains of Asia Minor.
In 675BCE, within forty-five years of Israels captivity, the
Scythians first appear in the Assyrian Annals of Esarhaddon:
I scattered the Mannaean people, intractable barbarians, and I
smote with the sword the armies of Ishpaki, the Iskuza alliance
with them did not save him.
These Iskuza or Scythians may be the survivors of the ten lost
tribes of Israel. As their influence increased, they conquered the Medes.
Herodotus relates that:
A battle was fought in which the Medes were defeated, and lost
their power in Asia, which was taken over in its entirety by the
However, they never returned to Israel. In the late first century
AD, Josephus noted that the ten tribes had not returned to Palestine:
there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the
Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and
are an immense multitude and not to be estimated by numbers.
In 609BCE, the Medes defeated both the Assyrians and
Scythians. The Medes drove the Scythians into Southern Russia and
toward the West. According to Herodotus, these people of South Russia
and the area of the Caucasus during the seventh century BCE were the
Cimmerians. As we saw in Chapter 5, traditional histories hold that the
Cimmerians became the Cymry.
The Scythians prospered in Southern Russia for three hundred
years. In 250BCE, the Sarmatians drove them from just west of the Black
Sea into Western Europe. They followed the rivers to Saxony,
Scandinavia, England and Ireland.
As the Scythians moved westwards across Asia Minor and
Europe, so the territory of Scythia moved west with them. In Roman
times, Scythia was located in Scandinavia.
A late Irish antiquary says the Irish named a part Ireland
Gaethluighe, which is Gothland, from the Goths or Scythians who took
possession of it.
People in the north of Britain, called these Scythian
people Caledonians after the people of Calydon in Peloponnesian Arcadia
whose emblem was a boar.
Herodotus notes that the Persians called the Scythians by the
name of Sacae or Saka from the ancient Persian name for Israel.
ancient Saxons took their name from the sons of Sukai, the Sakai Suna or
Saksun. Of course, the name Saxon may also derive from Sons of the
Sword or the archaic Latin word for a large boulder or stone, saxum.
Herodotus also mentions that the Scythians had a reputation for
being drunk. He mentions that other nations would use the proverb to
pour out like a Scythian, which seems to have been the equivalent of the
later saying as drunk as a Templar.
The church historian Bede wrote how these Scythians arrived in
Northern Ireland:
coming from Scythia in their long boats, and, being carried by
tempest to the northern parts of Ireland.
According to Bede, the local inhabitants were relations of the
newcomers and they persuaded them to move on and settle in Scotland.
Scotland received its name from these Scotia or Scythae. The
Scottish Declaration of Independence of 1320CE states that the Scottish
people of that period traced their ancestry back to greater Scythia, which
included the territory between the Black and Caspian Seas.
As with the Trojans, there is considerable commonality between
the customs of the Scythians and pre-Roman Britons. The Scythians
buried their king together with his horses and various objects of gold and
silver. Deep freeze conditions in Siberia have preserved even perishable
items such as carpets. From these tombs, archeologists have found that
ancient Scyths wore trousers, belts and pointed caps. In common with the
early Britons, they had long heads and a fondness for tattoos.
Object of art provide another clue to the association between
early Britons and Scythians. A student on St. Ninians Island discovered
a rich hoard of Celtic objects inlaid with gold, silver and enamel, with
typical Celtic Zoomorphic decoration.
In 1988, a young Russian
archeologist discovered an equally skillful cache of Scythian work,
carried out in exactly the same style, in a remote spot west of the Caspian
Another interesting co-incidence is that Boudica, in her battles
against the invading Romans, used the ancient Scythian technique of
equipping chariots with scythe blades on the hubs.
The Milesian Scots that followed the Tuatha-De-Danaan into
Ireland descended from the itinerant ten Tribes of Israel.
The Book of Invasions says that they originated in the Cretan city
of Miletus, fled to Syria in the thirteenth century BCE, sailed to North
Africa, traveled to Compostela in North West Spain and thence to
Another legend in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, the
Milesian Scots were knights who arrived in Ireland in the time shortly
after the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt and the conquest of
The Milesian Scots may be the descendants of Zarah, Davids
brother, who migrated into northwestern Europe and thence to Ireland.
The insignia of the Milesians flag and coat of arms was a Red Hand. This
red hand is the symbol of Zarah, the first born of Jacob. He was the first
to emerge from the womb and the mid-wife placed a scarlet thread upon
his hand.
Ulster has adopted the Red Hand as its symbol and the Northern
Ireland flag includes it with the six-pointed Star of David.
The Milesians also traced their ancestry to Gad, who was one of
the sons of the patriarch Jacob. The leader of the tribe, Gadelius, was the
grandson of the king of Scythia.
The famous Sacred Banner of the Milesians, which they carried
to Ireland from Asia and southern Europe, showed a dead serpent and the
rod of Moses. This serpent symbol was the early family heraldic emblem
of the Israelite tribe of Dan.
For the legend of how the Trojan Brutus landed in Britain, we
turn to the patriarch Joseph in Egypt. Upon his death, the sons of Judea
ruled according to the blessing of Jacob. The Keltoi Israelites fell from
power and fled from Egypt to Troy, thence to Spain and London. The
line of Zarah, the first-born of Jacob, arrived in Ireland from the Near
East in the days of David.
Earliest Greek legends about the son of Belus, king of the
Spartans, give the story of Danaus who arrived in Greece with his
daughters by ship. According to the legend, Danaus shared the throne of
Egypt with his half-brother Aegyptus.
Aegyptus drove Danaus, his 50 sons and his 50 daughters from
Egypt. While the brothers established Jerusalem, the daughters, called the
Danaides, traveled to the Peloponnesus via Rhodes. This was the
expulsion of the Hyksos, which we investigated in Chapter 6.
Manetho, Diodorus Siculus and other classic authors identify
Danaus with Dan of Israel. Manetho said the final expulsion of the
Hyksos from Egypt included that of a people known as the Danaoi.
The Hyksos Israelites therefore conquered Greece and laid the
basis for Mycenaean civilization. The arrival of the Danaides is the story
of how the cult of the Mother Goddess and the agricultural orgies in the
Mysteries of Demeter, called the Thesmophoria, arrived in Greece from
In the course of the proceedings, the devotees carried in a
basket the severed genitals of the sacrificial king or his surrogate. The
Priestesses made their basket from wild asparagus and rushes, which were
sacred and tabooed for ordinary use.
The Spartans called their festival
the Helenephoria after the Goddess Helen.
The priestesses called her
basket a helene.
The Mysteries of Demeter became the established religion of the
Arcadians and over the years developed into the worship of Diana. In
recent times, the women of Aegina re-established this ritual, most likely
in the spirit of protecting their husbands from the Goddess (see Appendix
There is an opinion that the Danaioi formed a peculiar military
class amongst the Mycenaean Greeks. Diodorus Siculus wrote:
They say that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from
Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos,
and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews,
which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by
certain emigrants from their country.
In the Peloponnesus, Danaus ascended the throne of Argos. In
honor of Danaus, the local Pelasgian-Ionian Greeks renamed themselves
Danaioi. Homers Illiad often refers to the early Greeks as Danaioi.
Strabo quotes Euripides:
Danaus, the father of fifty daughters on coming to Argos took up
his abode in the city of Inarchos and throughout Hellas (i.e.,
Greece). He laid down the law that all people hitherto named
Pelasgians were to be named Danaans.
Historians believe the Philistines are a Cretan people who became
the Greek Pelasgians. The term Pelast in early Greek inscriptions means
Philistine. These Pelasgians together with the Anatolian Ionians from the
west coast of Turkey, Aeolians and the Danaioi formed the great
Mycenaean civilization.
The Anatolian Pelopid people subsequently destroyed the
Mycenaean civilization and the Mycenaeans fled to the north where
history records them as Dorians. Herodotus confirmed that these Dorians
originally came from Egypt:
668 what follows I give the tradition of the Greeks generally. The
kings of the Dorians (they say) counting up to Perseus, son of
Danae If we follow the line of Danae, daughter of Acrisius,
and trace her progenitors, we shall find that the chiefs of the
Dorians are really genuine Egyptians ...
The Mycenaean Danaioi and the Trojans were some of the many
Pelasgian speaking Sea Peoples that became itinerant at the collapse of
Suppiluliuma IIs Hittite empire.
The records of Ramesses III, show
that a collection of marauding peoples, including the Danauna and Pulesti,
moved down towards Egypt from the Aegean, through Palestine.
Danauna are the Danaans and the Philistines are the Pulesti that migrated
to Palestine.
After the 1100BCE, the Dorians returned and re-established their
The Dorians referred to their re-ascendancy as the return of
the Heraclids, meaning the return of the sons of followers of Hercules.
Hercules was a hero of the Danaioi based on Samson, the judge-hero of
the tribe of Dan.
The Spartans so loved their king that they called themselves
Danaans, long before they adopted the name of Spartans. Like Samson,
they wore long hair as a symbol of magical significance and great
strength. The kings hair represents the rays of the sun.
While the Spartans considered themselves part of the tribe of
Dan, there appears to have been a relationship between the Spartans and
the Jews. In the Apocrypha, the Spartans say:
Areus, king of the Spartans, to Onias, the high priest, greetings.
It has been found in writing concerning the Spartans and the Jews
that they are brethren and are of the family of Abraham.
In the Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus adds to our knowledge of
the letter:
It is but just, therefore, that you, who are our brethren, should
send to us about any of your concerns as you please. We will also
do the same thing, and esteem your concerns as our own, and will
look upon our concerns as in common with yours. Demotoles,
who brings you this letter, will bring your answer back to us.
This letter is foursquare; and the symbol is an eagle, with a
dragon in his claws.
The symbolism in last sentence strongly suggests that the letter
applied to the tribe of Dan. This could be why Onias of Judah ignored it.
The Spartan letter followed the invasion of Jerusalem by the
Syrian general Antiochus Epiphanes. Onias subsequently died. His
successor, Jonathan, wrote a letter of reply to the Spartans of southern
Greece fifty years later. Josephus described this letter:
Jonathan the high priest of the Jewish the ephori and
senate and the people of the Lacedamonians (Spartans), send
greeting: When in former times an epistle was brought to Onias,
who was then our high priest, from Areus, one of your kings,
concerning the kindred that was between us and you, as the copy
subjoined attests. Onias received the envoy with honor, and
accepted the letter, in which a clear reference was made to
friendship and alliance. For our part, though we have no need of
these, having the consolation of the holy books in our possession.
We venture to send, to renew our fraternal friendship with you, so
that we may not become strangers to you, for a long time has
elapsed since you sent us the letter. We may say that constantly
on every occasion, at our festivals and on other appointed days,
we make a remembrance of you in the sacrifices we offer and in
our prayers, as it is right and fitting to remember brothers.
Homers Illiad described the founder of Troy as named Dardanus,
the son of Zeus. Dardanus grandson Tros, was the namesake of the
ancient Trojans and of their capital city, Troy. Tros had three sons: Ilus,
Ganymede and Assaracus. Priam was the ruler of Troy at the time of its
destruction. He was of the line of Ilus.
The Spartans lived in Laconia, near Arcadia, in the southern
Greek peninsula called Peloponnesus. Over the centuries, some of the
group migrated northeast across the Aegean Sea to build the ancient city
of Troy at Troad, or Troas, in Anatolia. The Greek name for these
Pelasgian speaking Trojans was Pelasgoi. As they came from Hittite
Wilusha (Ilios), they were also the Wiliosioi or Weshesh.
The Greeks believed the first man on earth was Pelasgus, ancestor
of the Pelasgians, who sprang from Boreas teeth in the soil of Arcadia.
Boreas, as the North Wind, represented the primeval fertility, the
spirit that fertilizes women, animals and plants.
Even until Roman
times, educated men believed mares could turn their hindquarters to the
North Wind and breed foals without the aid of a stallion.
The North
Wind Boreas subsequently became the serpent of Israelite and Egyptian
myth, constantly consorting with the Mother Goddess.
The despairing Trojan War began when Paris, a Trojan prince,
fell in love with Helen who was the daughter of Zeus and Nemesis.
Paris abducted Helen from her husband, the Spartan king. The
Mycenaean Greek Spartans waged war on the Trojans for a decade.
Finally, as legend records, the Spartans successfully employed the ruse of
the Trojan Horse. They rescued Helen, killed many of the Trojans and set
fire to the city.
In reality, the Trojan War was the final contest for control of the
mercantile trade routes, which began with the fall of Knossos in about
The Trojan Confederacy blocked Mycenaean access to the
Black Sea. This meant the Trojans controlled trade in gold, silver, iron,
cinnabar, ships timber, linen, hemp, dried fish, oil and Chinese jade.
With the Trojan War lost in 1185BCE, the Trojan Confederacy
disintegrated and its people dispersed.
Druid traditions support this dispersion and a second Trojan
migration from Thrace, Greece and Asia Minor to Britain in 1115BCE.
Arriving in Britain, the Trojans from Hittite Wilusha became the Welsh.
After 449AD, wealas, the Anglo-Saxon word for foreigners, came to
mean the dispossessed Britons in their own land.
Brutus and his father were among the Trojan royalty who escaped
to Rome. Brutus returned to Greece after accidentally killing his father
while hunting. In Greece, he freed the Trojan slaves and liberated the
Trojan fleet. The he sailed to Hibernia where his Trojan brothers were
already ruling. In 1115BCE, Brutus arrived in New Troy, which later
became London. Britain derived its name from Brutus.
In 60BCE, at the beginning of the Roman conquest of Britain,
Diodorus Siculus confirmed that the Britains and the Trojans had
common customs:
The Britons live in the same manner that the ancients did; they
fight in chariots as the ancient heroes of Greece are said to have
done in the Trojan Wars -- they are plain and upright in their
dealings -- the island is very populous -- the Celts never shut the
doors of their houses; they invite strangers to their feasts, and
when it is over ask who they are and what is their business.
Some years after the end of the Trojan War, surviving Trojans
moved north and west from the Black Sea. They followed the Danube
River into Germany, Belgium and northern France, eventually settling in
the Austrasia region of the province of Lorraine. The Spartans who
migrated into southern France perhaps became the Merovingians.
As we saw in Chapter 4, the ancient Druidic histories record the
colonization of England by a megalithic Hyperborean Bear Race via the
Aegean, in the fourth millennium BCE. This migration reputedly
occurred because the Black Sea flooded Peloponnesian Arcadia.
The Druidic tradition holds that Britain was Alba, Albania or the
land of Albion. Albion was the tribe leader who led this fourth
millennium BCE migration from the Aegean to Britain. Upon their
arrival, the White Land of Albion became a special country of Apollo.
Diodorus Siculus wrote that the White Goddess, Leto, was born in the
White Land where there is a grand shrine dedicated to her son Apollo
because she bore Apollo there.
. He noted that the British regularly
sent the legendary Hyperborean Gifts to Delos, which was a sanctuary of
Apollo until the seventh century BCE. In Delphi, Apollo was worshipped
as the wolf Lykogenos, equivalent to the British god Bran.
Diodorus continued that britains inhabitants are in a sense
Apollos priests, an idea taken-up by Sir Francis Bacons Novum
The White Cliffs of Dover and the white hills of Wessex provide
a straightforward explanation for the name Alba or white land.
speaking Celts from Gaul made crossed the English Channel at the
shortest point. They arrived at the White Cliffs and called their new home
Albion. Himilco the Carthaginian referred to Albion in c500 BCE but we
only know of this indirectly. Circa 366CE, Rufus Festus Avienus
translated the works of the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes. Eratosthenes
(c276 BCE) had recorded Himilco the Carthaginians claim that he sailed
through the Pillars of Hercules to a Sacred Isle, which lay near the Isle of
the Albiones.
Conventionally, the Pillars are thought to be Gibraltar but
Plutarchs De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet (the face that appears in
the moons circle) suggests the Pillars are northwest of Britain in the
Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean near the Gulf Stream.
Aristotle said that the Pillars of Hercules were the Pillars of Briareus.
Homers Odyssey refers to them as the Pillars of Atlas.
Tacitus wrote
that in 12 BCE, Tiberius brother Drusus Germanicus sailed into the
northern seas to find the Pillars because rumour had it that the Pillars of
Hercules still existed.
He turned back because of terrible weather.
In the Odyssey, Homers Ogygia was a magical a paradise similar
to the Eden of Genesis:
Clear water gushed out from four aligned springs,
Close together but turning towards opposite sides;
All around there were soft meadows of violets and celery
In bloom. Even an Immortal coming here
Would be enchanted in admiring this and be delighted in his
Shakespeare featured a Faroe Island in his play The Tempest. It
may have been Prosperos magical island but his daughter Miranda
symbolized the Goddess Calypso and she was really the source of his
power. As in Macbeth and Hamlet, Antonio was a usurping brother that
introduced the ancient tree battle between the Kerm King and Terebinth
King (see Chapter 14). Caliban was the ever-present wickedness often
represented by a dragon or serpent.
Geographers such as Ptolemy Avienus abbreviated Albion to
Alba. Gaelic speaking Scots, the original Celtic Britons, still refer to their
Scotland (the eastern Border country and Wales) as Alba. Caledonia,
from the Caledonii tribe, is the old name for Scotland north of the Firth of
Forth and Clyde.
The Welsh Triads also relate that all but two people, of the first
inhabitants of Britain drowned in a great flood. A ship, containing a man
and his family, along with a male and female of every living creature
were the only ones to survive the flood.
The Triads then mention the arrival of the Cymry or Kymry. This
name means the first race and later the British. As we saw in Chapter 5,
the Greeks knew them as Kimmerioi. Others called them Cambria or
Cumbria. They derive from the Welsh word Cymru, pronounced as
Kumry or Kumri. Assyrian texts give the Israelites the same name.
The Cymry came from ancient Albania, then located to the south
of the Caucasus Mountains and bordering the western coast of the
Caspian Sea:
There are three pillars of the nation of the Isle of Britain. The first
was Hu the Mighty, who brought the nation of the Kymry first to
the Isle of Britain; coming from that which is called Defrobani
Defrobani is Dyffynbanu or Dyffynalbanu, the deep vales or
glens of Albania. This is the country between the Euxine (Black Sea) and
Caspian Sea.
The Norse called this place Asgerd, the traditional home
of their god Odin. They believed the city of Asgerd was located thirty
miles north of Lake Van, in very area where the Assyrians settled the ten
lost tribes of Israel.
The British associated the ancient legends of giant Cornish
megalithic builders with the Cymry. These giants shared similar mythical
traits to the Watchers of the Book of Enoch, who were the Nephilim and
their offspring with the Daughters of Man called the Anakim at the Danite
sanctuary of Mount Hermon.
The Cornish sources of tin, so famous in Roman times, came into
production in about 1000BCE. The chief Phoenician port in Britain and
the center of the tin trade was probably St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall,
which is Strabos Ictis. The Odyssey also mentions a market for bronze in
a country called Thamesis, which may correspond to the region of the
Thames estuary.
The early name of the British counties of Cornwall and Devon in
southwestern England was Dumnoni, or Danmoni. The historian William
Camden said Cornwall was:
That region which according to the geographers, is the first of all
Britain, and... was in ancient times inhabited by those Britains,
whom Solinas called, Dunmonii, Ptolomy (called) Damnonii, or
(as we find in some other copies), more truly Danmonil which
name derived from the ever-continuing mines of tin in this
tract, which Britains call monia.
The name Danmonia derives from moina, a tin mine, and Dan,
the people who mined the tin. They nicknamed this ancient tin mining
region Dans tin mines.
Phoenician or Hebrew influence seems present in many ancient
place names in Cornwall. These include Baal Rock, Boswidden and
Chegwidden. The latter both mean house of the Jews. Ywedhyon,
meaning of the Jews, is a suffix in several place names.
The Welsh Chronicle, sometimes called Annales Cambriae, refers
to a region in Wales near St David's or Mnyw (Menevia) as St. David's
Moni Iudeorum. This may identify the area as a tin mining settlement of
the Israelite tribe of Judah.
The Vetus Chronicon Holsatiae says the Saxons, Danes and Jutes
are Jews of the tribe of Dan.
These other Scythian groups arrived after
the Roman occupation.
In about 800CE, Nennius traced the Saxons back to Scythia. In
his account of the arrival of the Saxon leaders Hengist and Hrosa on the
Isle of Thanet, Nennius mentions that they sent their messengers to
Scythia for reinforcements.
Earlier in this chapter, we saw that Herodotus noted the Persians
called the Scythians by the name of Sacae or Saka from their ancient
name for Israel. The Saxons also attributed their own origin to the
territory in which the exiled lost ten tribes settled. Strabo confirms the
tradition that Sukasuna was part of the Roman province of Armenia.
The opening paragraph of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle also says of
the earlier Celtic inhabitants of Britain, whom the Anglo-Saxons
The inhabitants of this land were Britons, they came from
Armenia, and first settled in the south of Britain.
In addition, Milton says:
They (the Saxons) were a people thought by good writers to be
descendants of the Sacae, a kind of Scythians in the north of Asia,
thence called Sacasons, or sons of Sacae, who with a flood of
other northern nations came into Europe, toward the declining of
the Roman Empire.
When the Saxons invaded the British Isles, they established towns
with the Dans, Dons and Duns names such as Dundee and Dunraven in
Scotland. They are as prolific in Scotland as in Ireland.
We turn now to theories that the famed seamen of Dan reached
America. In the days of Oliver Cromwell, Mennaseh ben Israel
maintained that the descendant of the lost ten tribes of Israel were to be
found among American Indians. Mennaseh ben Israel was a Dutch
Cabalist Rabbi who petitioned Cromwell for the return of Jews to
England. The Mormons later revived his ideas.
In a public speech on May 10, 1844, Joseph Smith described how
he envisaged the Mormons as part of the kingdom of Dan:
I calculate to be one of the instruments of setting up the kingdom
of Daniel by the word of the Lord, and I intend to lay a
foundation that will revolutionize the whole world.
A Mormon group called the Dannites, or Sons of Dan, was
particularly active in Missouri. They developed the reputation of hard
men, which mirrored that of the early Danites in Greece. Originally, the
Mormons called this group the Daughter of Zion but later changed its
name to Dannites and more recently to the Strengthening the Members
Mormon Elders formed a Priesthood of Melchizedek. They
claimed that in 1829, Peter, James, and John of the New Testament
appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and gave them the keys of
the Melchizedek Priesthood, which they had supposedly received from
The Mormons believed that sea-borne Israelites traded with
America, exploiting copper resources in the period from 1000BCE to
800BCE. To substantiate his belief, Joseph Smith sought evidence in red
Native American burial mounds. He found many bronze and copper tools
in the mounds, although the American Indians did not make bronze.
Radiocarbon dating of American copper working to 2000-1000BCE may
in fact be consistent with visits by Phoenicians and Israelites.
Plutarch provides a surprising confirmation that some of these
primitive Bronze Age seafarers may have found and settled the coast of
America in a time called the Atlantic period (5500-2000BCE) when the
climate was mild.
In De Facie quae in orbe lunae apparet (the face
that appears in the moons circle) he wrote that:
There are other islands beyond Ogygia [the Faroes] that are at
the same distance from one another.
Further across the great ocean:
One reaches the great continent which surrounds the ocean
The coast of the continent is inhabited by Greeks along the shores
of a gulf having at least the size of Meotis, which flows into the
sea at about the same latitude as the mouth of the Caspian Sea.
The call themselves the Continentals.
Plutarchs gulf with the size of Meotis, nowadays known as the
Sea of Azov, aligns with the Canadian Gulf of St Lawrence. The early
settlers were cut-off when the climate deteriorated in the Sub-Boreal
Period (2000-500BCE), whose peak in the middle of the second
millennium BCE corresponded with the Iron Age.
During this period,
the glaciers advanced and the ocean became wild and impassable. In
about 1300BCE the temperature began to rise again, which culminated in
the warmer Medieval Period around 1000CE when the Leif Eriksson
ventured once more to the continent he named Vinland. The cold set in
once more in 1200CE and the North Atlantic route quickly became
blocked. The temperature reached a minimum in the 18
century CE and
is now warming-up again.
The legends of Danites expand Irish history in a colorful and
romantic way. As we have seen, the legends form the basis of British
Imperial Christianity. Monarchial British Israelism and Radical British
Israelism follow as developments of the theme.
Radical or Postmillennial British Israelism builds a controversial
prescriptive paradigm around these same legends in quite a different way.
Radical British Israelism began with Jacques Abbadie. He was a French
Huguenot whom William of Orange elevated to Dean of Kilaloe in
Ireland in recognition of his support. In 1723, Abbadie published a book
Triomphe de la Religion in Amsterdam, which said:
Unless the ten tribes have flown into the air ... they must be
sought for in the north and west, and in the British Isles
Richard Brothers (1757-1824), a Canadian, applied these ancient
prophecies in a new radical paradigm. He sought to prove that before
Christ returns the English and Americans would establish the Kingdom of
God on earth. Later he received a vision that he was a descendant of King
David and the English were Israelites. Brothers delusion increased and
he claimed the right to be king of England. In short shift, King George III
convicted him of treason and confined him to an asylum.
Modern adherents of Radical British Israelism now draw on
Herbert W. Armstrongs popular but controversial book The United States
and British Commonwealth in Prophecy where he promotes the
hypothesis that:
Our white, English-speaking peoples today--Britain and America-
-are actually and truly the Birthright tribes of Ephraim and
Manasseh of the lost House of Israel.
Some fundamentalist Christian groups and the Klu Klux Klan
promote Radical British Israelism along with the Protocols of the Elders
of Sion to provide divine justification for their anti-Semitic, or rather anti-
Judaic racial theories.
The key radical theme is that Biblical prophesies prove that the
tribe of Dan will judge Judah, which means todays Jews. Jacobs
deathbed prophesy is the most important of these:
And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves
together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last
days Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that
biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
The second most important prophecy came from Ezekiel. He
prophesized the overturning of Davids throne:
And thou profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come,
when iniquity shall have an end, Thus saith the Lord God;
Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the
same: exalt him that is low, abase him that is high. I will
overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he
come whose right it is; and I will give it him.
Ezekiel lived around 600BCE and was a contemporary of
Jeremiah. God caused him to prophesy the downfall of the kingdom of
Judah of that time, Jerusalem and the land of Israel. He prophesied a
foreign invasion of the sword would come against Judah:
Let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain.
Scholars point out that Ezekiels prophecy applied to ancient
King Zedekiah, who Nebuchadnezzar conquered in 586-587 BCE.
Nebuchadnezzar executed Zedekiahs sons and Zedekiah never regained
the throne. From that time, there has been no Davidic king of Judah
reigning over the Jews. Therefore, the throne was literally overthrown
three times in Judah, in 607-604, 597-596, and 587-586 BCE, just as
Ezekiels prophecy stated.
However, there has been no Davidic king sitting on that throne
ever the time of King Zedekiah and no king has sat on David's throne in
Jerusalem. For all practical purposes, the Davidic monarchy ceased to
exist in Israel.
However, the prophecy goes on: it shall be no more, until he
come whose right it is. British-Israelites teach that this passage refers to
the period after God sent the nation of Judah into captivity and punished
the wicked King Zedekiah of Judah. God used Jeremiah the prophet to
take the King Zedekiahs Daughters to Ireland, where one of them
married into another royal line of Judah, Prince Herremon, and thus
David's line continued in Ireland. The radical British Israelites say that
was the first overturn.
The second overturn occurred when God moved the line to
Scotland. The third overturn was when God moved it from Scotland to
England. The Radical British Israelites claim Davids line will not be
overturned again until Jesus returns, whose right it is to sit on the throne
of His father David.
To the Radical British Israelites, Psalm 89 confirms that God
would not cut-off Davids descendants throughout the ages.
Furthermore, they say God promised David that his throne would endure
forever without any conditions or reservations. This means that the
throne of David would not cease to exist with the overthrow of King
Zedekiah but continue somewhere on this earth. They say this was in
Ireland, then in turn in Scotland, England and America.
In the context of these prophecies, the Radical British Israelites
interpret Samson's famous riddle as a prophecy that the descendants of the
tribe of Dan will one day destroy the tribe of Judah:
Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth
From the carcass of the lion symbolizing Judaism, the tribe of
Dan symbolized by bees will produce a Golden Age symbolized by
And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to
see the carcass of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of
bees and honey in the carcass of the lion. And he took thereof in
his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother,
and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he
had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion.
The tribe of Dan has always been complementary to that of
Judah. During the Exodus, Aholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of
Dan had the same Masters position as Bezaleel:
And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of
Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are
wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I
have commanded thee. The tabernacle of the congregation, and
the ark of the testimony, and the mercy seat that is thereupon, and
all the furniture of the tabernacle.
In the wilderness: the standard of the camp of Dan shall be on the
north side by their armies: and the captain of the children of Dan
shall be Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
Jacob had said Judah was the old lions whelp:
Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up:
he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who
shall rouse him up?
Nevertheless, just before his death, Moses prophesied that the
new lions whelp was the strong young lion of Dan:.
Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from Bashan.
Psalm 22 echoes this, and in addition emphasizes the unicorn
totem of the tribe of Ephraim:
Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have
beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a
ravening and a roaring lion...Save me from the lion's mouth: for
thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.
At the time of Solomon, the Danites were still a parallel force to
Judah. They exceeded Judah in skills of architecture and the arts, sending
Hiram to build the Temple. Hiram was the son of a woman of the
daughters of Dan:
And now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding,
of Huram The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his
father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold, and in silver, in
brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in
fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving,
and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy
cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord David thy
In summary, Jacob had said Dan would judge, Moses continued
that Dan would be the new lion and Samson the Judge that he would eat
from the carcass of the old lions whelp.
Obviously the Judah's Rabbi were not ignorant of Dan's
prophesies. Neither were they comfortable with the prophecy of
Jeremiah, which separates the children Israel from those of Judah.
Jeremiah says the Danite Messiah will judge of the sins of Judah. He
adds that this Messiah will reign from the territory of Mount Hermon
(Sion) in Dan rather than Mount Zion in Jerusalem:
And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come
out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from
This sequence of prophesies made the Church fathers such as
Irenaeus and Hippolytus very uneasy about Dan.
They developed a
novel theory that the Antichrist and Dan were one. This was because Dan
worshipped idols, Dan would judge the Jews and because the snorting of
His horses was heard from Dan.
Earlier in this chapter, we saw that God placed Dan in the north
because of its idolatry:
Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt
therein; and went out from thence, and built Penuel
Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold,
and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem:
behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land
of Egypt. And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in
Dan. And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship
before the one, even unto Dan And he made an house of high
places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were
not of the sons of Levi.
They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan,
liveth; and, The manner of Beersheba liveth; even they shall fall,
and never rise up again.
The Church fathers saw their conspiracy theory confirmed in the
Book of Chronicles, which omitted Dan from the tribes of the children of
Irenaeus suggested that this meant that Dan would not be among
the one hundred and forty four thousand saved ones of the twelve tribes in
the Apocalypse.
The full text of Jeremiah had said that the serpents of Dan and
cockatrices would bite the people:
We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health,
and behold trouble! The snorting of his horses was heard from
Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his
strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and
all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein. For, behold,
I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be
charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord.
Isaiah added to the worry of the Church Fathers by repeating that
the cockatrice and serpent would scourge the land of Israel. He said:
Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that
smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth
a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent Howl,
O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there
shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his
appointed times.
Jeremiah went further to say the whole land would be desolate:
For a voice declareth from Dan, and publisheth affliction from
mount Ephraim I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a
wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the
presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger. For thus hath the
Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a
full end.
Little wonder indeed that the Rabbis of Jesus time were highly
antagonistic to a potential Messiah who prima facie fulfilled the
prophecies of a Danite Messiah.
The Rosicrucians, of whom we shall have much more to say in
Chapter 17, championed the survival of the Danites, Nazarenes and
Melchizedekians. In theory, they also look forward to the second coming
of the Messiah.
Their Rosicrucian symbol is the phoenix of Dan, the mysterious
two-headed bird now called an eagle in Freemasonry.
As we have seen
in this Chapter, it symbolizes the immortality of the Priests of
Melchizedek. The standard of the tribe of Dan was red and white with
this phoenix crest.
The two-headed eagle emblem is often depicted in the colors of
the Tribe of Dan, red and white.
The presiding officer in the thirty-
third degree ceremony of the Scottish Rite robes in the manner of this
crest. He dresses in crimson silk, edged with white fur and holds a drawn
sword in his hand.
The officer represents heroic Ahiezer son of
Ammishaddai, Captain of the children of Dan, who placed the serpent
killer, the phoenix, on the crest of Dan.
In Chapter 16 we shall see the importance of Ahiezer son of
Ammishaddais initials AA in secret Rosicrucian symbolism. Another
important AA archetype existed in the tribe of Dan at the time of Exodus.
As we have seen, this was Bezaleels fellow artisan, Aholiab son of
In the context of the enigmatic Rosicrucian thirty third degree, it
is interesting to note that the city of Dan and the nearby sacred Mount
Hermon both lie at approximately 33° longitude and 33° latitude
according to the French Zero Meridian in Paris. In 1884, by convention
the Greenwich Zero Meridian replaced the traditional French Zero
Meridian, which moved the longitude of Mount Hermon to 35.5°.
The existence in Rosicrucianism of the Danite philosophy, the
interpretation of ancient prophecies about the Second coming of Jesus,
and the radical philosophy of man establishing Gods kingdom on earth
before the Messiah returns, suggest an interesting conclusion. This is that
John Dees Elizabethan Rosicrucianism carries forward the ideals of
Monarchial British Israelism into a plan to fulfill prophecies of assisting a
Danite Messiah judge Judah from his seat at Mount Hermon. Fortunately,
the modern organization does not seem to carry this into the pitfalls and
racial bigotry of Radical British Israelism.
We now turn to examine the philosophical building blocks of
hermetic thought through the history of the great Corpus Hermeticum.
Chapter 13 Corpus Hermeticum & Gnosticism
George Gemistos, known as Plethon, ran a Neoplatonist School in
Mistra in the Peloponnese.
In 1438CE, with the encouragement of
Cosimo de Medici, Plethon relocated his Platonic studies to Florence.
There he was outside the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and he
established a humanist movement with a belief in universal Platonic
Although Plethon never mentioned the Corpus Hermeticum, he
declared that within a few years the whole world would have one and the
same religion. This was not to be the faith of Christ or Mohammed, he
said, but another faith, which is not so different from the faith of the
Shortly afterwards, in 1463CE, Cosimo de Medicis scholar
Marsilio Ficino translated the Corpus Hermeticum into Latin.
The idea
that God had spoken directly to the pagan Egyptians, Sabians and Greeks
ignited intellectual Europe:
That God, however, has not cared for the Hebrews only, The
Egyptians, counting up of their own race the names of not a few
sages, can also say they have had many who followed in the steps
of Hermes. I mean of the Third Hermes who used to come down
to them in Egypt. The Chaldeans also tell of the disciples of
Oannes and Belus, and the Greeks of tens of thousands who have
the Wisdom from Cheirion. For it is from him that they derived
their initiation into the mysteries of nature, and their knowledge
of divine things
The Corpus Hermeticum that fell into the hands of Cosimo de
Medici was probably the personal copy of Michael Psellus, spirited away
from Constantinople in 1453CE before the Arabs captured the city.
Michael Psellus received this same copy from the Sabians of Harran in
The Corpus Hermeticum is composed of Greek writings
attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. It is apparently a collection of
doctrinal and inspirational writings by several authors, as is the Bible.
The Corpus Hermeticum has a number of key themes. These include the
absolute goodness of God who is both One and All; self-revelation of the
Divine Mind in the cosmos; the universe as an emanation of living beings
in hierarchical order; a unique constitution of the human being as
microcosm; the way to regeneration; and a direct knowledge of God.
The close similarity of these themes with those of the Phoenician
School of Philosophy of Elea, in southern Italy, which prospered two
thousand years earlier, argues for their antiquity. Xenophanes of
Colophon founded the School of Elea in 536BCE. His pupils included
Parmenides and Zeno of Elea who developed the concept of metaphysics.
Xenophanes hermetic philosophy underlies that of Plato and
Aristotle. It refers to a real but secret initiatory tradition.
advocated a single non-human deity underlying and unifying all worldly
phenomena. He satirizes the polytheistic manlike deities created by the
Greeks as athletic reflections of themselves. Some of the major points of
his doctrine taken from fragments gathered by Theophrastus are:
There is one God only, supreme among gods and men; neither in
form nor thought like mortals.
He sees all over, thinks all over, and hears all over.
But without toil he sways all things with his mind.
And he abides ever in the same state, moving not at all, nor does
it befit him to move about.
There never has been nor will there ever be a man who has clear
knowledge of the gods, nor of those things of which I speak; for
even if he does chance to say what is right, yet he himself does
not know that it is so. There is nothing but opinion everywhere.
A delightfully incisive rabbinical expression of this is:
God is ineffable; all the rest is mans cleverness.
Both Greek philosophy and a free experimentation with Arabian
alchemy underpinned the doctrines of the Corpus Hermeticum. Both
components of the Corpus found a fertile environment in Renaissance
Italy and Europe. A minimalist summary of the doctrine was set down in
a treatise called the Emerald Tablet. It is brief to the point of obscurity.
We shall understand it better in Chapter 16 where we look at the hermetic
document Virgin of the World in an expanded alchemical context.
The Emerald Tablet is part of the Lost Wisdom of Lamech.
Lamechs three sons were Jabal, Jubal and Tubal-cain, respectively a
mathematician, a mason and a metalworker. The sons preserved the
ancient wisdom of creative science on two pillars called the Antediluvian
Pillars. Hermes Trismegistus supposedly discovered one of these pillars
and transcribed its sacred geometry onto the Emerald Tablet. Pythagoras,
who came to prominence at Crotona in 529BCE, reputedly inherited the
Tabula Smaragdina
Hermetis Trismegistri
Philosophorum patris
1. Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
2. That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is
like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one:
so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5. The wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse.
6. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7(a) Seperate thou the earth from the fire, the subtile from the gross
sweetly wth great indoustry.
8. It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it desends to the earth
and receives the force of things superior & inferior.
9. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world & thereby all
obscurity shall fly from you.
10. Its force is above all force. ffor it vanquishes every subtile thing &
penetrates every solid thing.
11(a) So was the world created.
12. From this are & do come admirable adaptations whereof the means
(Or process) is here in this.
13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the
philosophy of the whole world.
14. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished &
See the ffrench Bibliothèque. Theatrum Chemicum Volume 6, P. 715, & Vol 1
p362 et p8 et p166 & p 685 et Volume 4 p 497.
tablet and discovered the second pillar.
The Emerald Tablet has been translated many times from Arabic,
Latin, allegedly from Chaldean and Phoenician, from French and even
from a purported Chinese original. Many say it contains the whole of the
alchemists' art. The inset provides a 1680 translation by Sir Isaac
The Emerald Tablet is still the earliest of all alchemical works in
the West. It first appeared as the Kitab Sirr al-Asar, a book of advice to
kings of eight hundred CE.
Johannes Hispalensis translated this book
into Latin about 1140CE.
The earliest alchemical text in Chinese is the second or third
century BCE book XXV of Han-Shu in which Li Chao-Kiun tells the Han
dynasty emperor Wu-Ti how to change cinnabar dust into gold. In
142CE, Wei Po-yang wrote the next alchemical Chinese text Ts'an T'ung
Ch'i. It refers to alchemical experiments and using gold to extend life.
The color of emerald green holds a great fascination. The colour
is a kind of optical balm.
Pliny said no colour has a more pleasing
If the Emerald tablet really existed, it was probably rock
crystal dyed emerald with copper sulphates. Diodorus noted that rock
crystal could be baptized in divine fire to create a smaragdos, an artificial
The Wizards emerald city in L Frank Baum's The Wonderful
Wizard of Oz demonstrates its enduring delight. However, it is as well to
remember that the Greeks and Egyptians used the term we translate as
emerald to apply to gem quality emeralds as well as green granite and
green jasper. In medieval times, the emerald table of the Gothic kings of
Spain was made of emerald green glass.
Another green glass dish, the
Sacro Catino, is said to have belonged to the Queen of Sheba and been
used at the Last Supper.
Although it is wonderfully romantic to think of the Emerald
Tablet as a sparkling gem, the green color simply symbolizes Wisdom.
The Emerald Tablet is a formula of alchemy and messianic resurrection
theology. It is closely associated with the alchemical Green Lion of the
Philosophers Stone.
The discovery of the Corpus Hermeticum inextricably joined such
diverse pursuits as hermetic philosophy, alchemy, industrial chemistry,
glass making and medicine. Furthermore, the clandestine, scientific, anti-
papal nature of these liberal arts disintermediated the Church from
scientific pursuit based on inductive and deductive logic, and so
encouraged all sorts of more radical and heretical religions. One heresy
in particular, radical or extreme Gnosticism, led to many violent deaths.
The difference between Hermeticism and Gnosticism was far
more than terminology. Hermeticism conceived man as a rough stone,
the rude material for perfection. A philosophical chisel knocked-off his
rough edges, crafting him as a perfect human for the cosmic Temple. It
was analogous to the stonemason producing a perfect cubic ashlar for a
worldly Temple. This was the work of the supreme creator and goes back
to Plato's Demiurgos.
Hermetic beliefs were uplifting and life
affirming. Man is the image of the macrocosm and his body is the
garment and weapon of his soul.
The body is an essential and
indispensable part of the Good Creation. Celibacy and asceticism are not
revered but consistently renounced. Cosmic Zoroastrianism holds the
same belief.
Radical Gnostics, such as Manichaeists and Cathars instead
absorbed naive dualism, which lacked order from a vertically integrative
element. Scholars also call this Radical Gnosticism anti-cosmic dualism.
Through this odd framework, they perceived the radical Demiurge, or god
of the material world, was the god of the Old Testament Yahweh. The
Gnostics regarded him as mad and evil in the same way as the Egyptian
Set and Zoroastrianism Ahriman was intrinsically evil. The major
similarity was that both Yahweh and Ahriman received the material world
until the End-time.
Radical Gnostic religions twisted the elegant duality of pure
Zoroastrianism, called Monarchical or Cosmic Zoroastrianism into a
delaminated and intrinsically anarchical framework. They regarded the
material world and the body as bad and the soul as good. As the body
was bad, procreation was abhorrent. Death was welcome as a casting
away of worldly baggage.
This ascetic existence is the complete
antithesis of hermetic belief.
Today, we occasional see a cult falling into the same radical
Gnostic quicksand of soul is good and body is bad. In the 1990s, this led
to mass suicides in the Order of the Solar Temple and Heaven's Gate.
The seeds of the association of body with evil seem to have arisen
with the Thracians who strongly believed in the beauty of death and
immortality of the soul.
They celebrated death in their Dionysian or
Bacchic Mysteries. However, the Thracians showed legendary bravery
on the battlefield because of this preoccupation with death. This
characteristic was so attractive to the kings of soldier states that it became
a state religion. It crystallized into the Greek Mysteries of Orphism, the
Eleusian Mysteries and even the Pythagorean movement.
The Radical Gnostics had their own form of the Emerald Tablet
called the pearl of great price. The Ethiopian Legends of Our Lady sets
out their belief:
Hannah, Mary and Sophia were three sisters and Hannah was the
Virgin Mary's mother. 'The Virgin first came down into the body
of Seth, shining like a white pearl.' Then successively entered
Enos, Cainan .. Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah ..
Abraham, Isaac, Joseph .. David, Solomon .. and Joachim. 'And
Joachim said to his wife Hannah "I saw Heaven open and a white
bird came therefrom and hovered over my head". This bird had
its being in the days of old .. It was the Spirit of Life in the form of
a white bird and .. became incarnate in Hannah's womb when the
pearl went forth from Joachim's loins and .. Hannah received it,
namely the body of our Lady Mary. The white pearl is mentioned
for its purity, and the white bird because Mary's soul existed
aforetime with the Ancient of Days .. Thus bird and pearl are
alike and equal.' From the Body of Mary, the pearl, the white
bird of the spirit then entered into Jesus at the Baptism.'
In Europe, the Papacy called the Radical Gnostic-dualist tradition
the Great Heresy of the Bogomils. The origin of the Bogomils is still
unknown. They emerged from the Indo-Hittite crucible and developed
close ethnic and cultural affinities with the northern Iranians. By the
seventh century CE, their great Bulgarian Empire spread from the
Ukraine to the Adriatic and Albania.
The Ottomans eventually
conquered this empire in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries CE.
Misrepresentation was common ploy in the Roman Catholic
Churchs struggle to eradicate competing strains of Christianity. Their
accusations of buggery vilified the Bogomils. If the accusations had any
basis, it may have been the infamous ritual kiss in ano practiced by a
number of esoteric societies to inculcate humility. Even today, the
Bulgarians remain smeared with the accusation of this unnatural vice. In
stark contrast to this reputation, the Bogomils may well have been the
greatest puritans of the Middle Ages.
The real sin of the Bogomils was to claim they represented the
true and hidden church, the Nazarenes of Bethlehem and Capernaum.
Underlying this dangerous claim seems to have been the legitimacy of the
Melchizedek tradition as with the Cathars in Southern France. To the
Roman Catholic Church, this was as alarming as the worst of the Gnostic
heresies, radical Manichaeanism.
The difficulty for all religious interpreters of the Great Heresy of
the Bogomils is that the cosmic strand (three are one) and the anti-cosmic
strand (one versus one) of Zoroastrianism are enormously convoluted.
Generally, the omnipotent God is Good, except in the Jewish Talmud
where he is both good and bad in the sense of being vengeful and
unpredictable. The second son is also Good except again in the Jewish
Talmud, which does not recognize him at all. The Qumran Covenanters
recognized Michael instead.
Satan is the real conundrum. Interpretations range from the
respected agent of God (the Accuser in the Jewish Talmud) to a son of the
Good God turned bad by his own choice, to a son of the Good God bad by
design, further to the bad son of an intrinsically bad primordial god.
Finally, Satan is a bad primordial god himself, the Devil of the New
Testament. To complicate things even further the Old Testament changes
its view of Satan at I Chronicles. At this point, Satan transforms from
Yahweh's subordinate into the evil, archenemy of God.
Finally, to
complete the mad mélange, the radical Gnostics identified Yahweh as
In all this confusion of dualism, the Roman Catholic Church was
unable to differentiate between the various sects and eventually
condemned the Bogomils and Cathars alike as Persian Manichaeists. The
Cistercian papal legate Arnald-Almaric, General of Cîteaux, encapsulated
this at Béziers in 1209CE with his infamous order:
kill them all, the Lord will look after his own.
Arnald-Almaric became Commander-in-Chief of the Albigensian
crusade when the King of France declined this doubtful honor. After
murdering seven thousand catholic women, children and priests
celebrating a Eucharist in St Mary Magdalene, Arnald triumphantly
reported to Pope Innocent:
Today, your highness, twenty thousand citizens were put to the
sword, regardless of age or sex.
Inquisition records show that the Cathars treasure was smuggled
away on two or three occasions during the siege.
The Cathar deacon of
Toulouse, Pierre Bonet, and a Parfait called Mathieu carried money and
jewels to Pons Arnaud de Chateau-Verdun, at his castle near Ussat.
Mathieu returned to collect some of the treasure that he had not been able
to carry on the first journey. On the night before the final massacre, four
Parfaits escaped, including Amiel Aicart, Hugues and Paytavi who
signaled their successful flight with a fire on Bidortas summit. The
Cathars Holy Grail may have made its way to an English college of
Cathars, called Bonhommes or good men, at the monastery of Ashridge,
near Berkhamstead. Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, maintained it. His
mothers family, the Counts of Toulouse, were traditional protectors of
the Cathars. Edward IIIs son, the Black Prince, also marked the
significance of the monastery. He gave it a great table of gold and silver,
furnished full of precious relics, and in the middle of it a holy cross of the
wood of the rue Cross, and the said table is garnished with stones and
pearls, that is to say twenty-five rubies, thirty-four sapphires, fifteen great
pearls and several other sapphires, emeralds and small pearls
The Albigensian Crusade and subsequent ethnic cleansing by the
Inquisition effectively eliminated both the Cathars of Southern France and
the misnamed Great Heresy of the Bogomils.
Notwithstanding the galvanization of heretical beliefs by
alchemy, the Roman Catholic Church remained as intrigued with alchemy
as the Gnostics. Alchemy was a widespread pursuit in the monasteries of
pre-Reformation England. There were two types of alchemists, the
monks and the secular licensees. Licensees practiced alchemy on the
understanding that they would not counterfeit. They were required to
report any success to the monarch. Prima facie, alchemy was not
heretical despite alchemical texts being attributed to people of suspect
faith such as Roger Bacon, Arnald de Villanova, Ramon Lull and Gerber.
Few of these alchemical texts were directly heretical in any case.
For example, Gerber, who was Jâbir ibn Hayyân, wrote the world's oldest
book on chemistry called Summa Perfectionis or Summit of Perfection. It
is so incomprehensible that its author's name gave rise to the word
Pope Alexander III banned monks practicing alchemy at the
Council of Tours in 1163. He bluntly forbade the study of physics or the
laws of the world. Following this, St. Dominic solemnly condemned all
research using experiment and observation. Between 1243 and 1323,
both the Dominicans and Franciscans prohibited the study of medicine,
natural philosophy and chemistry.
We see here the hardening of attitudes to Arabian chemistry and
philosophy that would ultimately result in the indictment of the Knights
Templar. Pope John XXII issued his Papal Bull Spondent pariter in 1317,
after the trial of the Knights Templar. It condemned all magic.
Following this, in 1380, Charles V of France forbade the possession of
furnaces and apparatus necessary for chemical processes. Finally,
Nicholas Eymerich decisively condemned alchemy as demonic in 1396.
Although suppressed, clandestine alchemy continued unabated in
the monasteries. Informally, the Church condoned its priors spending
monastery revenue on alchemy to manufacture counterfeit currency. The
Church never charged any of these priors with heresy.
The English Parliament finally outlawed alchemy between 1403
and 1404 because Edward II employed a number of alchemists to
counterfeit coin of the realm. Parliament legislated that the multiplication
of gold and silver was punishable as a felony with sentences of death and
forfeiture of goods.
Although the English Parliament had banned alchemy, the
Parliament itself sought to gain from it and established Parliamentary
Commissions in 1456 and 1457 to ascertain whether alchemy could be a
feasible method of paying off national debts. Shortly afterwards, Richard
Carter was issued a license for alchemy in 1476.
He experimented with
all kinds of metals and minerals. As late as 1680, Sir Isaac Newton was
quietly experimenting with alchemy, whilst administering the Royal Mint.
Success evaded Monarchy, Church and Parliament. Conventional
wisdom came to regard alchemy as foolish at best and simply too
tempting and wasteful because of the inherent greed of men:
Therefore the lesser evil is to abandon it, and to exert oneself in
other good arts.
Freemasonry eventually adopted this advice. Earlier on, this
same advice would have been wise counsel for the Knights Templar. We
shall soon see why they were condemned as heretics and their Grand
Master burnt at the stake. We will look at the processes of traditional wet
and dry alchemy before turning to these events.
Chapter 14 Ancient Alchemy
The name Alchemy most likely derives from the Arabic al-kimia
or the Egyptian chem or khem meaning the stars.
In Greek, the root
Chymia means to fuse or cast a metal. The most literal meaning in
modern idiom is perhaps Gods mineralogy, metallurgy and chemistry.
Alchemy is the art of preparing the Philosophers Stone from
gold. The chemical symbol of gold is the same as that of God
. The
professed uses of the Philosophers Stone were to extend life and to
convert base metals to gold. Both objectives remain controversial.
Aurum potable was a synonym for the Elixir of Life:
Make gold potable, and you will have the universal medicine.
There are two traditional ways of preparing the Philosophers
Stone, the wet way and the dry way. The dry way takes only eight days
using double philosophic mercury. Nicholas to Flamel says the practice
begins as follows:
9. Take thou in the first place the eldest or first-born child of
Saturn, not the vulgar, 9 parts; of the sabre chalibs of the God of
War [iron], 4 parts. Put this latter into a crucible, and when it
comes to a melting redness, cast therein the 9 parts of Saturn, and
immediately this will redden the other. Cleanse thou carefully the
filth that arises on the surface of the saturnia, with saltpetre and
tartar, four or five times. The operation will be rightly done when
thou seest upon the matter an astral sign like a star [the Star
10. Then is made the key and the sabre, which opens and cuts
through all metals, but chiefly Sun, Moon and Venus, which it
eats, devours and keeps in his belly, and by this means thou art in
the right road of truth, if thou has operated properly. For this
Saturnia is the royal triumphant herb, for it is a little imperfect
king, whom we raise up by a philosophic artifice to the degree of
the greatest glory and honour. It is also the queen, that is to say
the Moon and the wife of the Sun: it is therefore both male and
female, and our hermaphrodite Mercury. This Mercury or
Saturnia is represented in the seven first pages of the book of
Abraham the Jew, by two serpent encircling a golden rod. Take
care to prepare a sufficient quantity of it, for much is required,
that is to say about 12 or 13 lbs. of it, or even more, according as
you wish to work on a large or a small scale.
The ancient Egyptians reputedly used the dry method and called it
the Saturn Regime .
The black powder of Khemeia, derived from the
chemistry of the stars, acted on kmt, or the black soil of Egypt.
To the
priests of Egypt, Khemeia was the body of Osiris in the underworld and
said to have marvelous powers.
Fragments from the writings of Heraclitus of Ephesus, a Greek
philosopher who lived about 500BCE, suggest that the dry and wet
methods have the same result:
Pleasure of souls is to become wet
The dry soul is the best of all and the most wise
The way up and the way down are One and the same
The wet way, from Persia, is convenient because it only requires a
simple flask, although it can take up to eighteen months to complete.
Appendix 2 describes the wet way of the alchemist Roger Bacon.
Bakr Ibn Bishrun, who lived around about 1000CE wrote of the
wet method:
With God's blessing, here is the treatment: Take the noble stone.
Deposit it in the cucurbit and alembic. Separate its four elements, which
are water, air, earth, and fire. They are substance, spirit, soul, and
dyeing. When you have separated the water from the earth and the air
from the fire, keep each one apart in its own vessel. Take the dregs - the
sediment - at the bottom of the vessel. Wash it with hot fire, until the fire
has removed its blackness, and its coarseness and toughness have
disappeared. Blanch it carefully and evaporate the superfluities of the
humidities concealed in it. It will thus become white water, which
contains no darkness, dirt, or disharmony. Then, turn to those primary
elements that are distilled from it. Cleanse them, too, of blackness and
disharmony. Wash them repeatedly and sublimate them, until they
become fine, subtle, and pure. When you have done this, God has given
you success.
Roger Bacon, like many other medieval alchemists, found the key
to alchemy in a book called Sirr al-Asrar or Secretum secretorum (Secret
of Secrets) by the great Arabic physician Abu Bakr Mohammed ar-Razi
(865-925 CE). After it appeared in about 1220 CE, Sirr al-Asrar became
one of the most widely read books of the middle ages. ar-Razi classified
minerals into six divisions:
1. Four spirits: mercury, sal ammoniac, sulphur and arsenic.
2. Seven bodies: silver, gold, copper, iron, black lead
(plumbago), zinc and tin.
3. Thirteen stones including marcasite, magnesia, malachite,
tutty, talcum, lapis lazuli, gypsum and glass (of sand and
4. Seven vitriols including alum and white, black, red and
yellow vitriols (the impure sulphates of iron, copper, etc).
5. Seven borates including tinkar, natron and impure sodium
6. Eleven salts including brine, common (table) salt, ashes,
naphtha, live lime, urine, rock and sea salt.
Preparing the Philosophers' Stone by the wet method involves a
number of stages. The first three of these stages are:
1. Prepare the Secret Fire, a nitrate catalyst.
2. Elicit and purify the white vapor of Mercury.
3. Dissolve the Sulphur and prepare the Philosophers Stone.
Sulphur and Mercury are not the substances we know by these
names but metallic Gold and the vapor of Antimony respectively. Other
allegorical names for this regal pair are the red man and his wife, our gold
and silver, the Sun and Moon, Sol and Luna, earth and water and Star
and the Sceptre.
Preparing the Secret Fire was a major Arcanum of alchemy and
essential to the process. It has had an enormous number of allegorical
names such as:
The spirit; the spirit of life; the water of life; the water of our sea;
the mineral water; burning water; ardent water. The fire; the
secret fire; fire against nature; the invisible fire; our fire; the fire
of snowy whiteness; a fire continuous; digesting, not violent,
subtile, inclosed, aerial, surrounding, altering, yet not burning,
clear, close, circulating, penetrating and alive. The mover; the
first agent; philosophical vitriol; that subtle nature cleaned by
sublimation; the fat of the mercurial wind; our mercurial water;
the second sophic mercury; the venomous fiery dragon; Medea,
Theseus who had black sails to his ship; the 'unhappy spring' in
Ripley Revived; the porter or servant of Count Bernard;
Artephius' lamp fire; the eagles; the vulture of Hermes; the priest.
It is called Venus, the nymph Venus, born of the froth of the
ocean; because of the marine acid which enters into the
composition of 'the matter of our sea', which acid is the
alchemists 'Universal Lunar Mercury'.. They call it heaven,
celestial water and rain, parting water, aqua (water) regia, a
corrosive aqua forte, sharp vinegar, growthful green juice, a
growing mercury, a viridescent water, the green lion, quicksilver
[on no account use this], menstruum, blood, urine, horsepiss,
milk, virgin's milk, white arsenick, sulphureous vapouring and
smokey, a fiery burning spirit, a deadly poison piercing and
killing all, serpent, dragon, a scorpion devouring his children, a
hellish fire, a sharp salt, sal ammoniac, common salt, an eagle,
vulture, bird of Hermes, a melting and calcining furnace, birds,
beasts, herbs, juices.
The most elementary source of the Secret Fire is a salt nitrate
from man. From al-Razis eleven salts, we can see that urine is the only
salt from man. Urine is a very weak solution of ammonia and nitrates.
An average quantity of five hundred milliliters to two thousand milliliters
passed in twenty-four hours includes 4.6 grams of ammonia, seven to
seventeen grams of nitrogen and many inorganic and organic components.
An initiate in the mysteries of alchemy who did not recognize the
statement Know Thyself! was not an alchemist. Alchemists who did not
know where to start their chemistry were the same as Rosicrucians who
could not find their Order. They were simply initiates who had not yet
properly found and accepted themselves, and got on with life.
The only qualification for an alchemical Rosicrucian was to know
that the solution was literally within him. A true Rosicrucian knew the
philosophical mystery of I.N.R.I and that the hidden, nameless god
labeled Osiris or Amun was the god within himself. Chapter 10
introduced this topic, which is also the subject of the next chapter.
The philosophical use of urine has much in common with the
methods of eastern monks. Initiates learn to manufacture a medicine from
their own urine over a period of nearly 6 months.
After removing putridity from the stagnant urine, a white powder
remains. It is often mistaken for the alchemical Philosophers Stone.
Other homeopathic remedies recommend drinking urine or applying it in
a shatnez bandage.
The ancients, who didnt have nitric acid, derived their nitrogen
from ammonia in urine and/or from distillation of dung and bones to get
sal ammoniac. Ammonium compounds behave as weak acids and
alchemists usually enhanced them with saltpeter (potassium nitrate,
Fishing for Coral
from Atalanta fugiens
To achieve a more intense reaction the alchemists of old increased
the ammonia and nitrate in the solution with niter. Ammonium nitrate is
very soluble and a concentrated solution will dissolve metals, although
the reaction is very slow with metals less active than iron.
This is where one of the Gnostic interpretations of I.N.R.I
applied: Igne nitrum raris invenitur, or Fire is discovered in nitrum. Niter
is saltpeter, the mineral form of potassium nitrate (
), found naturally
as an efflorescent rock salt in caves and as short fibers on rock surfaces.
Potassium nitrate oozes into the cellars of old buildings near stables or
barns with ruminant animals. When distilled with urine, saltpeter
produces glassy-white crystals of niter that are quite beautiful.
Distillation of excrement and bones produces ammonium.
Egyptian priests produced ammonium from dung, bones and horns at the
Temple of Amun in Libya.
Their product was the salt of Amun, sal
ammoniacus or ammonium.
The nearby Temple of Amun, in the Egyptian Oasis of Siwa is a
place of mystery. The Egyptian priests may have used their Libyan
ammonium for sacred chemistry involving an important substance used in
the Pharaonic Rite of Passage. The Egyptian priests mixed salts of niter
(potassium nitrate) and sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride,
Cl, then
given the symbol of salt, X) to produce a universal solvent. The presence
of ammonia in this Secret Fire is very important because of a polarization
effect that produces dipoles to increase the solubility of gold salts.
Ammonium chloride (
Cl) and ammonium nitrate (NH
) are still
used in modern cyanide-based gold leaching processes.
Stibnite, the mineral of antimony, dissolves in similar solvents:
ammonia hydrogen sulfide (
HS), potassium sulfide (K
S) and
hydrochloric acid (
HCl). The gases given-off can be very toxic.
Even though alchemists talked of a nitrate salt, it was actually a
synthetic mixture of oxidizing and non-oxidizing acids. Today we
produce this same odd combination of oxidizing and non-oxidizing acids
by mixing one part by volume of nitric acid (
) with three parts of
hydrochloric acid (
HCl). The result is Aqua Regia.
The great title of Aqua Regia derives from its ability to dissolve
noble metals, particularly gold and platinum. Gold is inert to either of the
component acids used separately. Aqua Regia is a powerful solvent
because of the combined effects of the H
, NO
, and Cl
ions in solution.
These three ions react with gold atoms to form water, nitric oxide (
and the stable chloride ion (
), which remains in solution. The
chloride ion gives the solution a light green tint.
While the alchemists cheered at synthesizing a solvent for gold,
which they thought was the first step to the Philosophers Stone, many
failed to realize that they had created the highly explosive substance
fulminating gold. This compound results from adding ammonia to Auric
Hydroxide, which is the precipitate formed when potash (Potassium
Carbonate) is added to gold dissolved in Aqua Regia.
Really, gold is soluble in any solution that contains both a
chloride ion and an oxidizing agent. Even common salt (NaCl) or laundry
bleach (calcium hypochlorite) will provide a free chloride ion.
Hydrochloric acid and ammoniac solutions also directly dissolve
gold at seventy-five degrees Celsius. This requires an oxidizer such as
cupric ammine, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, or sodium hypochlorite.
Even at relatively low temperature, hydrochloric acid and hypochlorite
produces chlorine, which provides a highly oxidizing environment.
Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes when added to metallic gold in
aqueous hydrochloric acid. Electron transfer directly creates the ion
species AuCl
, AuCl
), and AuCl
Oxidation by hydrogen
peroxide is a dangerously exothermic process leading to explosions. The
advantage is that the process avoids nitrogen compounds, which are
difficult to remove in the traditional wet process.
A number of metals will dissolve gold, when the metals are at
their melting point, for example metallic mercury (Hg) will dissolve a
small amount of gold at room temperature. In about 1120 or 1150 CE,
Artephius wrote of a process for dissolving gold in a particular metal.
Shortly, we will look further into his method.
First, we must look for the prima material, the starting point for
Philosophical Mercury. An elusive alchemist called Fulcanelli riddled for
us the common name from which Mercury has traditionally been
prepared. He says it is an approximation, corresponding to the Oak tree
and to the ram.
We will try to solve this riddle because it provides us with a
unique insight into the fractal nature of hermetic drift. Fulcanelli
suggested that we focus on the gall apples on the leaves of the oak. The
Apple tree or Quert is associated with the Oak and the Oak is of the genus
Quercus and generally linked with the God Q're.
We know that apple trees have a deep mythical significance. In
Thessaly, visiting Hyperborean Druids noted the apple tree and associated
Dionysian goat-stag, the hiero-cervus, as their own symbols of mans
resurrection and hope for immortality.
The apple tree is also the Great Triple Goddess symbol of
immortality. This apple is the Cydonian apple or quince.
From this,
the apple is elevated to the symbol of God because the Triple Goddess
gives the apple of immortality to the young goatherd Ida. He is the young
Dionysus, who was twice born.
The Greek words for apple and goat
are the same (melon) and one of Dionysus titles is the Kid.
Hercules, who combines Dionysus and Apollo into one, was also
Melon. This was because the three Daughters of the West, the three
guardian nymphs of the Holy Apples, really the Triple Goddess, gave him
a bough of golden apples.
The goddess of the sacred grove is Nemesis.
She carries the wheel of the solar year and an apple bough as a gift to her
In later myth, she became the instrument of divine vengeance
on proud kings.
The Greater Mysteries reiterated the symbolism of the golden
apples. The neophyte received a golden bough as the sign that he was
near the end of his testing. In the Initiation of Plato:
The Ceryce: Plato! Throw away that crown and take this golden branch,
and deign to follow me. Knowest thou who is the most
happy of all men?
Plato: The most the most happy of all men. According to
Socrates, the most just; according to me the most liberal.
The Ceryce: And the most modest?
Plato It is he who understands himself the best.
And later
First Patriarch: Who is this foolish mortal who comes thus to trouble our
The Ceryce: Sublime Patriarch, it is the Neophyte, Plato of Athens; he
bears the golden branch.
First Patriarch: Let him enter if his conscience is pure.
Only the apple tree mythically entangles the sacred white
It is the tree of immortality through Wisdom. The apple tree
represents the pure virgin called Wisdom. It is therefore the Tree of
Knowledge and symbol of consummation.
The Pomegranate Apple or Love Apple halved cross ways shows
a five-pointed star, the emblem of immortality. It represents the goddess
Venus in her five stations from Birth to Initiation, Love, Repose and
Death. Chapter 18 showed that it also indicates the order of the five
centre vowels in Yahweh's name.
Although the drift possibilities with the Apple tree are extensive
and engaging, we are no nearer the solution. We must return to the start
of the riddle find another drift or current that will lead to a solution.
Fulcanelli hinted that we should specially note the Oak tree that nourishes
the kerm. This is the Gaulish kerm-oak. It is the scarlet-oak or holly oak
ascribed to Nergal and Mars.
The kerm of this tree is actually a scarlet
female cochineal insect Coccus ilicis or Kermes vermilio from which the
Greeks extracted royal scarlet dye.
The counterpart of the kerm-oak is the terebinth tree or pistachio-
oak, which is Abraham's tree. In sacred groves, the Kerm King and
Terebinth King are twins and rivals for the affection of the Great
Goddess. In ancient tradition, the Kerm King murders the Terebinth King
and the son of the Terebinth King takes revenge on his uncle at the
September New Year celebration. The son then becomes his principal
mourner and inherits the kingdom. Shakespeare's masterpiece Hamlet
echoes this very ancient plot where the Goddess-wife betrays her sacred
king husband, who the tanist killed and the son avenged.
the distraught son does not punish his adulterous mother because she
acted with the authority of the Mother Goddess. Shakespeare was
probably alluding in veiled allegory to the famous English instance of this
plot. Roger Mortimer killed King Edward II at Berkley Castle in
September 1327, consorted with Edwards wife, Queen Isabella, and
alienated Edward III from his throne. Edward IIIs tortuous dilemma was
precisely Hamlets dilemma that his mothers second marriage would
alienate his royal rights.
Hamlets indecision followed the myth of The Epigoni, the seven
sons of the seven champions that fell at Thebes who swore to avenge their
This didactic myth teaches the instability of womens
judgment, the folly of men in humoring their vanity or greed, the wisdom
of listening to seers who are beyond suspicion, the danger of
misinterpreting oracles and the inescapable curse that falls on any son
who kills his mother, even to placate his fathers ghost.
Eriphyle, as
she lay dying, cursed Alcmaeon:
Lands of Greece and Asia, and all of the world: deny shelter to
my murderers!
The patriarchal Indo-Hittites who invaded of the Mother
Goddess realm wrongly characterized these age-old themes as parricide
and incest.
It was the priests intention to invalidate the Mother
Goddess religious axiom that motherhood is more diving than
The kerm-oak or Holly Oak is an evergreen twin of the common
oak called Dann or Tann, and is the equivalent of the Gaulish word for
Oak, Tinne.
Tinne is also the name of the Green Knight who appeared
in the old English Christmas Play. He is the beheaded Fool who rises
This represents the survival of the Roman festival of
Saturnalia, which is the ancient myth of the emasculation of Uranus by
his son Cronos or Saturn. In turn, Zeus or Jupiter, who is the son of
Cronos, exacts vengeance upon his father by banishing him to the
Western Underworld.
The little rough gall-apples on the oak leaves are called gall, or in
Latin Galla. Galla in Sumerian means womb. It also describes the KUR
who are spirits of the underworld.
The word Galla also suggests
galena, which is lead sulfate (
The ancient Egyptians knew of galena and used it along with
stibnite as cosmetic eyeliner and eye shadow.
They mined it at Gebel
Rasas, which means Mountain of Lead. It is located at the southern edge
of the Nubian Desert on the Red Sea. This is now in modern Sudan, three
hundred and eight kilometers east of Atabora.
The mineral galena is the primary source of lead or Saturn. The
alchemical importance of galena is that it is auriferous (bears gold) and
produces considerable amounts of antimony when it is refined. Other
impurities include copper, zinc, silver, arsenic and selenium.
In Chapter 8, we saw that in Harran the Temple of Saturn was
hexagonal and built of black stone. The cult image was of lead. Its
throne was on the highest dais, which had nine steps.
The mineral of
lead is certainly appropriate for the Saturn Regime or Dry method.
Chapter 7 mentioned that Shakespeare concealed Portia, the Virgin of
Merchant of Venice, in lead. Isis column at Nysa in Arabia also
I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of Gods
This circumstantial evidence suggests that the prima materia we
are searching for is quite likely to be galena, the mineral of lead sulfide.
However, before we settle on galena as the prima materia of the wet
method, we need to identify the link with the ram.
Lead and tin have always been closely associated. The Egyptians
regarded lead and tin as the same metal. Yet, Egyptian tombs often
contain items of tin rather than lead. The Gaulish word Tinne, for Oak,
also implies the metal to which Fulcanelli alluded to might really be tin.
Tin was a reducing agent in the manufacture of Tyrian Purple (or
Royal Purple) from dead mollusks. The ancient Phoenician dyers
employed four species of shellfish that contained a sac of coloring matter:
the Buccinum lapillus of Pliny, which is the Purpura lapillus or Purple
haemastoma of modern naturalists, Murex trunculus, the plentiful Murex
brandaris, and the sea snail Helix ianthina.
Reducing these mollusks
with tin produced the malodorous dibromoindigitin, which is similar to
the blue dye indigotin or woad. The best purple Dibapha cloth of the
Tyrians was dipped twice, first in Murex dye and then in Buccinum.
Tin is also associated with the oak-god Jupiter. The Temple of
Jupiter in Harran was triangular with a pointed roof. The stone used was
green and the image of Jupiter was made of tin. It sat upon a throne on a
dais raised eight steps high. Eight is the symbol of rejuvenation or
reduplication being 2 x 2 x 2. It is the sacred numeral of the chief God,
Tinne, in the Boibel-Loth calendar.
The Boibel-Loth calendar, with
three hundred and sixty plus five days based on the number eight,
replaced the ancient Beth-Luis-Noin calendar of three hundred and sixty-
four plus one days, based on the number seven. The base-eight calendar
corresponds to the eight-fold name of the God of Light, JEHUOVA
The whitish wandering planet identified with Tin has the
singularly important name of Z-D-K meaning Zedek or Zadok.
Jews claimed that the Gentiles profanely called it Jupiter. We
investigated the importance of Zadok and Righteousness in Chapter 11.
Jupiter and other thunder gods such as Hercules, Zeus, Duir,
Janus, Thor, Bel, and Hermes are all oak-gods.
Yahweh in his aspects
of El or Jah, which are interchangeable terms, is also an Oak-god. The
Roman poet Virgil, who lived from 70BCE to 17BCE, mentions the roots
of the Oak tree. He says they run as deeply into the ground as the
branches rise to heaven. The oak is therefore highly reminiscent of the
fundamental hermetic maxim as above, so below. In the dimension of
time, the oak stands at the turn of the year.
The Oak tree therefore
symbolizes the annual resurrection god who rules Heaven and the
Underworld, the ram-headed god Osiris, Hercules and all immortal gods,
particularly Amun-Ra.
Therefore, our drifting has brought us to tin as another possible
solution to Fulcanellis riddle. The mineral form of tin is cassiterite,
tinstone or tin dioxide. So perhaps cassiterite, rather than galena, might
then be the ultimate mineral associated with both the Oak tree and the ram
for the wet method.
Tin became a familiar additive for copper after four thousand
BCE. Crete exported tin to Mari in Akkadian times. In Chapter 5, we
saw the extraordinary campaign by Sesôstris I to obtain tin and other
minerals in Anatolia.
The many traditional mines in Anatolia and surrounding the
Aegean, such as the Laurion field, produced low-grade tin, copper, lead
and silver.
The Black Sea sortie of Sesôstris I may have focused on the
cassiterite mines at Kestel/Göltepe and Bolkarda
in the Taurus
Mountains of Anatolia.
Cassiterite was highly prized in Egypt.
Howard Carter found a golden box full of cassiterite in Tutankhamens
Even today, the mineral often substitutes for diamond because of
its high luster and light dispersion. Three hundred years after Sesôstris I,
in one thousand five hundred BCE, Czech/German miners began to
exploit the main high-grade cassiterite sources in central Europe. As we
saw in Chapter 12, the Cornish sources so famous in Roman times began
much later in one thousand BCE.
However, cassiterite is an oxide rather than a sulfide like galena.
It is normally a drab brown rutile ore like titanium dioxide found in
quartz, granite and gneiss. Even rich ore contains only five percent of tin
and good ore only two percent. The bulk of cassiterite is other oxide rock
or sands with quartz, fluorite, topaz, wolframite and pyrite. As
compelling as the case is for tin, it does not provide the necessary
antimonial basis for alchemical Mercury we have been seeking.
A modern analogy to Fulcanellis riddle is that the alchemists'
white rabbitt lives in the burrow of Mother Earths womb, among the
roots of the mighty Oak-King from which the underground stream flows.
The solution to this riddle is more straightforward. Isaac Babbitt invented
an excellent antifriction metal for bearings in 1839. Babbitt metal
combines eighty-nine percent tin with seven percent antimony and four
percent copper. The antimony provides our enigmatic rabbitt under the
Oak tree.
Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 showed the archetype of Azazel,
Bezaleel or Aholiab the son of Ahisamach of Dan released to mankind the
secrets of metallurgy, the manufacture of weapons and jewelry, and the
use of antimony in art and medicine. He taught women the art of
cosmetics. We earlier noted that the ancient Egyptians used both galena
and stibnite as cosmetic eyeliner and eye shadow. Stibnite added sparkle
in particular. It was the black powder called Kohl or al kuhl (pronounced
alcohol). Heightening the appeal of stibnite is that it is an ore found
along with gold.
The Magi attributed antimony to the Constellation of Aries, or the
Ram, as this is the first heavenly sign in which the sun takes its
This provides Fulcanellis link with the ram that we
originally sought with tin. So finally, we may settle on stibnite, the black
powder of the Egyptians called Khemeia.
We may conclude that the prima materia that leads to the White
Virgin of Mercury, or antimony, is either galena or stibnite. It seems the
Egyptians were unable to differentiate between the minerals.
The most
prolific mineral for Mercury is the ore of antimony, stibnite. A more
recent source of antimony is Babbitt Metal, which we could call the
Jupiter method because Babbitt Metal is 89% tin and 7% antimony.
As was previously mentioned, Artephius described the process of
the Philosophers Stone using Antimony in about 1120 or 1150 CE. It
rapidly became the divine Wet Method of producing the Philosophers
Stone used by all the great alchemists. Antimony Trichloride is today
widely used as an excellent non-aqueous solvent, especially for chloride-
ion transfer-reactions. It avoids troublesome nitrates altogether by using
chloride ion transfer.
Artephius methods involved two distinct processes, called the
first and second Perfections. In the First Perfection, the alchemist worked
to achieve two things:
1. Precipitating pure antimony from stibnite (Sb
). Pure
antimony, called the Regulus, forms when iron substitutes for
antimony in the sulphide. The reaction is Sb
+ 3 Fe >> 2Sb +
3FeS. Iron substitutes for antimony in the salts because iron is
above antimony in reactivity. Iron sulphide (FeS) forms a mat
that is fused to the Regulus. The products readily part, as the
Regulus is heavier than the fused mat of iron sulphide. Roger
Bacons Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimonii outlines the
use of iron (see Appendix 2).
2. Creating Antimony Trichloride (SbCl
), which is a colorless,
transparent liquid or white deliquescent solid. The trihalidation of
antimony only commences when the Regulus moves into
abundance. A pentachloride, (SbCl
) coexists with the
trichloride. The pentachloride sublimates at 4ºC and depresses
the melting point of our Antimony Chloride from 73ºC to about
35ºC. SbCl
is a reddish-yellow oily liquid with an offensive
odor. It readily loses a halogen at room temperature to become
the trichloride. It cannot be distilled on its own without
decomposition. Antimony Trichloride is particularly unusual in
that it is volatile enough to be distilled using glass vessels. Iced
water chills the collection vessel.
The alchemist first obtained stibnite from a mine. Minimum
scoria (clinker in lava, refuse or dross) in the stibnite is best. He
pulverized the stibnite to a powder with a hammer.
The alchemist then obtained the First Agent, Ignis innaturalis
(Natural Fire) or Secret Fire, which was the liquid nitrate salt borne by
man, or simply urine. Alchemists enhanced this with a chloride such as
the traditional muriate of alchemists, ammoniac (Ammonium Chloride
Cl). As potassium salts are amorphous with ammonium salts, they
kept nitrates out by using a potassium-based chloride called Muriate of
Potash (Potassium Chloride KCl). Chloride of Potash is another name for
Muriate of Potash. Nowadays, there are even stronger oxidizing
oxymuriates, such as Chlorate of Potash, which is Potassium Chlorate
), and Sodium Chlorate (NaClO
The old treatises that suggest adding Nitre, which is Potassium
Nitrate KNO
, also called saltpeter, are in error. Nitre reacts with sal
ammoniac to produce Potassium Chloride and Ammonium Nitrate in the
reaction KNO
+ NH
Cl >> KCl + NH
. Therefore, this is just a long
way around to produce KCl. Ammonium Nitrate decomposes to nitrogen
) and water. However, the alchemist should particularly avoid Nitre
because KNO
dissolved in SbCl
produces the highly deadly reddish-
brown gas NO
. Many people do not appreciate the great danger of
exposure to this gas. While initial exposure may cause only pain in the
lungs, death can occur a few days later from the resulting oedema.
Other old treatises also suggest adding cream of tartar to make
saltfire from sal ammoniac, salt of tartar and saltpeter . However, tartar is
a flux for the Dry Method. It is very dangerous in the Wet Method. Salt
of tartar added to Nitre plus stibnite creates gunpowder, which often
Now, we return to the First Perfection, also called the distillation.
The alchemist mixes the pulverized metals to form the Compost. Any
mixture of metals is also a Rebis. It is placed into a distilling retort (say a
150ml flask empting into a 250ml receiver). The proportions are 3 parts
pulverized Stibnite; 1 part Iron powder; and 4 parts Secret Fire (urine with
Potassium Chloride).
The neck of the flask must be cooler than the base so the vapor of
the Mercury will condense. If the neck is warmer, the vapor will expand
too rapidly and explode the vessel. Alchemists call their vessels an
Iimbic, Alembic, Kerotakis or Pelican.
The alchemist gently heats the flask in a temperature controlled
sand bath. The temperature range is 37ºC to 41ºC or blood heat, called
the temperature of a hen on its eggs and held constant for about 84 days.
There is a slow reaction as the Compost absorbs the liquid in the
first few days. It swells, and sweats with a ruddy appearance. This is the
Rule of Saturn of the First Perfection.
Eventually, a beautiful shiny star appears on the surface. This is
the Regulus, which is pure antimony. The alchemists term Heat plus
Dryness as Fire. Only when the Regulus is formed does the Antimony
Trichloride vapor arise and the cleaning take place. Many alchemists
erroneously assume that the Star Regulus of Mercury, this Star of
Bethlehem or Morning Star at this point is the Holy Grail.
The purified white vapor of Mercury, Shakespeares Portia,
ultimately rises from the reaction. To the Alchemists this is Air, their
term for Heat plus Humidity. It is the vapor of Antimony Trichloride that
forms as a white metallic, volatile humidity or sweat, similar to saliva.
Alchemists call the vapor of antimony the Mercury of the Wise, the
white wife or White Goddess of the First Perfection.
When the gas is distilled, condensed and cooled in the receiver
flask, it becomes a wondrously bright liquid. The alchemists call Cold
plus Humidity as Water. Alchemists called Antimony Trichloride the
water that does not wet the hands.
The condensed Antimony Trichloride is kept sealed in the
receiving flask. It will fume slightly in air and is very corrosive, irritating
and hygroscopic. This Mercury of Antimony Trichloride becomes the
our vinegre or Secret Sophic Fire in the Second Perfection.
The alchemist then separates the Earth from the Heat and the
subtle from the gross. That is, when the Regulus is black with Iron
Sulphide, the alchemist dries-off the water and removes the Regulus;
which is the First Stone, from the mat of Iron Sulphide. He also
discards any oxide flowers in the neck of the flask. The alchemist then
pulverizes the Regulus with a hard mortar and pestle. In the Second
Perfection, this Regulus will be called Mercury.
The Philosophical Egg of the Second Perfection is formed from 8
drachms (28.8ml) of Azoth in a 100ml flask, which should fill the flask to
The flask should have a thin narrow neck about six fingers high.
The neck of the flask is hermetically sealed with a rubber bung because if
something has to move the bung will be forced out.
The Azoth, which is analogous to the Compost of the first
Perfection, is made from a mixture (called a Hermaphrodite) of leaf Gold
and Regulus, with the Secret or Sophic Fire of Antimony Trichloride.
The Red Man of the second perfection is Gold. The ratio of the
Hermaphrodite is Gold, 3 drachms (10.8ml), which is 2¼ teaspoons, with
Regulus, 1 drachm (3.6ml), which is ¾ teaspoon.
The alchemist forms the Azoth by adding 4 drachms (14.4ml),
which is 3 teaspoons or 180 drops, of the Secret or Sophic Fire, liquid
Antimony Trichloride from the 1st Perfection (remember, do not add
Nitre to Antimony Trichloride!)
A period called the Rule of Saturn takes 46 to 50 days to form the
Black mass. In the period the alchemist repeatedly dissolves and
coagulates Solve et Coagula
The alchemist keeps the Azoth at blood heat until it sweats and
there is circulation. Always keep the heat moderate at say 37ºC to 41ºC
but make sure the reaction actually starts. The Azoth of this phase sweats
and the vapors or exhalations rise and fall (i.e. sublimates). When the
sweat returns to the Azoth as rain, it perforates it and the Azoth desiccates
or bursts in a bloody broth. With time, the moist slime changes to a dry
coagulated substance. The alchemists term this Cold plus Dryness as
Earth. The Lyon or Toads exhalations are the vapors seen in the neck
of the flask. It is at first white, then yellow, bluish and blackish. Yellow
represents the copulation of the man and woman. Some alchemists
visualized the changing colors as a battle between the vapors and the
Earth. They often compared it to two fighting dragons, one with wings
and the other without. It is also likened to the two snakes of Hermes,
which are the conjunction of opposites. Seven or eight successive
volatilizations are necessary. Each follows sublimation.
Some alchemists call the volatilizations Eagles. These Eagles
feed on the Lyon and drip back down on the Earth as dead eagles. In
addition, it is symbolized as a pelican feeding its young with its own
blood. Eventually the Earth puffs-up, fully putrefied.
A phase of calcination begins, which to leads to the black or
Nigredo. The fumes cease. The Earth bursts and reduces into a into a
coal-black powder called the Crows Bill or the Raven, which swims in the
dead sea. This is a major milestone called the Nigredo. Later, it will
yield up the white stone. The Nigredo brings the end of the Rule of
The Rule of Jupiter begins. It takes about 56 to 60 days more to
achieve the Peacocks Colors. The alchemist slowly increases the
temperature to fever heat to 41ºC. A water washes the Nigredo. It is
called Diana naked. Beautiful colors appear, very like the refraction of
light on spilt oil. Alchemists know this as the Peacocks Tail. It signals
the end of Jupiters Rule.
The Rule of Luna now begins. It takes 22 to 24 days more in
Lunas Rule to achieve the Second Stone, which is when the earth turns
white. This is also called the albedo, luna white or white dove. It floats
on the water like a cream and grows more and more glorious for 20 to 22
days. This cream can be gathered and gently heated to evaporate the
water, leaving fragrant white oil. This oil was the famous salve or
universal unguent of the Knights Templar. It has been of widespread
medicinal virtue until the advent of modern pharmaceuticals. The cream
cured maladies such as gout, leprosy, stroke, dropsy, epilepsy,
consumption and dehydration to fever and pestilence (see Appendix 2,
Roger Bacons Method).
The Rule of Venus (or love) is 40 to 42 days more with heat
increased to 66ºC to 77ºC (150ºF to 170ºF). The King (gold) unites with
the Queen (albedo). The Queen is also called Philosophical Mercury,
rosa alba (the white rose). In uniting, the king and queen remove
impurities from each other. The King and Queen produce the Green Lion.
The Rule of Mars is 42 days, in which the Green Lion is
overcome with azure, grey, citrine and finally changes to another red
Hermetic Mercury. The Earth is red and called Sulphur. The red
Sulphur fixes the white Mercury and they dissolve into liquid state.
The glorious Rule of Sol flavus is 40 to 42 days more with the
temperature increased to between 100ºC and 121ºC (212ºF to 250ºF). In
a moment the Tyrian color comes. It is a sparkling red oil of fiery
vermillion. Alchemists call it the Red Rose; the perfect fixation and
perfection; the Red Poppy of the Rock; and the precious tincture. This is
at last the Philosophers Stone or Third Stone. When powder forms
from the solution, the alchemist slowly increases the temperature to 150ºC
The red powder is gold chloride, although in its pure form gold
chloride is an orange-red color. Gold chloride is particularly useful for
medicinal purposes because when taken into the body the chloride acts as
a dispersing agent in the stomach and makes the body capable of
absorbing the compound. A major controversy continues over how safe it
might be to ingest gold compounds. Some say homeopathic gold chloride
is safe while chemical gold chloride, used as a medication for arthritis,
may not be safe since the metallic gold precipitates out in the human body
due to the bodys own pH. The wisest advice is always to fully
understand the medical effects of any metals before ingestion.
Traditionally, the blood red powder is the famous Philosophers'
Stone and that it takes only a few days to multiply this powder into any
additional amount of the red product.
It is undoubted that the alchemists created this red-powder. For
example, the noted alchemist Robert Boyle, who gave us Boyles Law of
Gasses, bequeathed samples of red powder to Sir Isaac Newton and John
Some alchemists say there is another lilac stone above the red,
which is the true Philosophers Stone. Whether these scientists managed
to achieve the fabled lilac Philosophers' Stone in any significant quantity
is another matter.
In the second Perfection, alchemists seek to move gold through
its oxidation states. Gold has five standard oxidation states but is mostly
found in Au(I) and Au(III) compounds and complexes. These are
uncombined gold, sulphide ore and arsenide ore. Refiners easily extract
gold metal from simple compounds using cyanide complexes.
In the commercial process for extracting gold from low grade
ores, gold is oxidized in the presence of aqueous sodium cyanide:
4Au +
8NaCN + O
+ 2H
0 -> 4Na[Au(CN)
] + 4NaOH. The gold and sodium
cyanide are then recovered in the presence of carbon 2
] ->
+ 2NaCN or zinc is added to release a gold metal precipitate:
] + Zn -> 2NaCN + Zn(CN)
+ Au
Natives in Indonesia, New Guinea and the Brazil still use the
age-old metallic mercury (Hg) method. It recovers about two-thirds of
the gold present. They wash to rock face with high-pressure water and
break the ore in a hammer crusher; alloy the gold sediment with metallic
mercury (called amalgamation) in a sluice-box; filter; and vaporize the
mercury from the gold with heat. The mercury vapor that results can be
distilled and reused but is more often simply burnt-off. During the
process, natives regularly inhale the poisonous metallic mercury vapor.
Gold is unreactive, meaning it does not displace hydrogen from
acids. Platinum is even less reactive. Therefore, oxidization of gold
requires a very strong oxidant such as nitric acid, concentrated sulphuric
acid or an ion transfer reaction the Secret Fire.
Au(II) results from Au-Au bonding with ligands (such as halides
or cyanide) holding the atoms together. Stepwise oxidation of gold by
successive addition of halogens, such as chlorine, converts gold from
simple Au(I), such as AuCl and Au2O, through to Au(II) with the Au-Au
bond to Au(III). This produces various gold (III) chloride ions with
antimony in the presence of Secret Fire. This takes place over a long
period producing the colors of red (gold chloride), green beneath the red,
and white as the doves in the green tree. Along the way, the alchemist
removes antimony as a fragrant cream byproduct.
As we saw in the last chapter, individuals, the Church, Monarchs
and Parliaments experimented with alchemy in the quest for unlimited
wealth. Transmutation or Projection is the process of converting large
amounts of base metals such as lead and iron into gold.
For transmutation, the alchemist melts metallic gold in a crucible.
He then adds the red powder of the Philosophers Stone in equal part to
the crucible and pours the mixture into an ingot where it cools. The
alchemist then breaks away part of the ingot and pours ten parts of heated
Mercury onto it. He melts the new mixture. Finally, he tinges purged
melted metal in a molten state to transmute it into pure gold.
An adept can multiply the red powder ad infinitum.
Theoretically, the amount of gold from transmutation is also infinite:
He therefore whom God has blessed with this talent, hath this
field of content, which far exceeds popular admiration; First if he
should live a thousand years, and every day provide for a
thousand men, he could not want, for he may increase his stone at
his pleasure, both in weight and virtue; so that if a man would,
one man that is an adeptist, might transmute into gold and silver
that is perfect, all the imperfect metals that are in the whole
world; secondly, he may by this art make precious stones and
gems, such as cannot be paralleled in nature, for goodness and
greatness; thirdly and lastly, he hath a medicine universal, both
for prolonging life, and curing all diseases, so that one true
adeptist can easily cure all the sick people in the world. I mean
his medicine is sufficient.
Yet, the success of physical transmutation has always been in
doubt. Judah Ben Solomon declared that it was impossible in 1245.
Trickery produced small-scale transmutations. One technique involved
adding to the crucible a small ball of wax or bitumen containing gold, to
melt at the right moment. Medieval alchemists always found a reason for
failing to turn the King's kitchen utensils into gold. They usually blamed
corruption in the base metals provided for transmutation:
But many through ignorance doth mar what they made,
When on metals uncleaned projection they make
For because of corruption their tincture must fade,
Which they would not away first from bodies take,
Which after projection be brittle, blue and black:
That thy tincture therefore may evermore last.
Upon ferment thy medicine look thou first cast.
Roger Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist who lived
from 1214 to 1292. The alchemists accepted him as a great master of the
His play, The Alchemist, gives a wonderfully humorous insight
into how misguided but enthusiastic practitioners compromised alchemy.
In the end, alchemists became indistinguishable from charlatans.
Appendix 2 contains Roger Bacons own alchemical methods.
Some of the greatest philosophers and scientific minds of all time
such as Baruch de Spinoza, who lived from 1632 to 1677, were prepared
to believe in transmutation. The most likely reason for this may simply
be that it is very difficult to distinguish real gold from salts, alloys, plating
and fool's gold, which is iron pyrites or iron disulfide.
carefully created many gold/silver/copper alloys, as the Incas in Peru
Indeed, most Egyptian artifacts from three thousand eight hundred
BCE to 1085BCE were amalgams of gold and silver with up to ten
percent copper.
The celebrated semi-transmuted coins of the
alchemists are usually electrum plated.
Other so-called gold substances produced by alchemists were
often toxic metal salts that happened to have a yellow sheen such as lead
antimonate (
) and metallic mercury (Hg) salts:
For gold of alchemy, made with corrosives, destroys the body - as
Aristotle and many other philosophers have proven.
It seems obvious that alchemical transmutation cannot be taken
literally on a metallurgical level, else all humankind would be
unbelievably wealthy with gold and healthy into the bargain. This, of
course, does not rule out that transmutation occurs in nuclear physics by
the bombardment of atomic nuclei with neutrons.
Intuition tells us that alchemical transmutation is not chemistry
but didactic philosophy. Transmutation in alchemy can only be a
hermetic process based on the perfection of metals, illustrated by symbols
and veiled in allegory, designed to make good men better. Wisdom
communicates from one man to the next without attenuation through use.
This is symbolically the same as the lighting of candles by the
congregation during the Paschal Praeconium in the Roman Catholic rites
of Resurrection, celebrated at midnight on Easter Saturday. From the
flame of the great Paschal Taper, the congregation lights multiple candles
throughout the whole church. The great Taper though divided, suffers no
loss from the communication of its light.
In the same way, the modern
Olympic flame, ignited by priestesses in Athens with the rays of the sun,
communicates with the Olympic host city.
Zosimus of Panopolis, a highly regarded Jewish alchemist of
about four hundred CE, clearly considers the Jews as the repositories of
alchemical wisdom.
He suggested that they gained their sacred art
from the Egyptians by surreptitious means.
The infamous Jewish alchemist Count St. Germain, seems to
confirm the Jews illicit possession of alchemical knowledge. He wrote
that Moses discovered a manuscript in an Egyptian monument that
showed how to prolong life for more than a century. The manuscript was
triangular in the same way the Sumerians codified the law of the God
KUR on triangular tablets.
Moses concealed it in Asia under the device
of a winged dragon.
Asia here probably refers to Byblos, identified
with Gebal, which was the home of the Dionysian initiates in about one
thousand six hundred BCE.
Appendix 11 provides a translation of this
important manuscript.
Saint Germains winged dragon is a magical talisman. Its tail
lemniscates in a figure eight pattern and has a small head at its tip. The
main head and the headed tail are pointing in opposing directions. The
figure has wings and an arrow-shaped tongue protruding from the main
head. It is one of three magical illustrations executed in gilt and several
colors of ink.
The symbol of the winged dragon refers to the legend of
Hercules, glorious son of Jupiter and Alcmena. He fought and conquered
the dragon at the entrance to the garden of Hesperides called Ladon.
Hercules was seeking the tree of life, the divine Apple tree in the
Garden of the Hesperides that produced golden apples of felicity.
Mother Earth originally gave this tree with golden apples to the Great
Goddess Hera as a wedding present. Hera placed the tree in her orchard
on Mount Atlas with the Hesperides.
The three sweetly singing
Hesperides were Hespere, Aegle and Erytheis.
Hercules' blade, reddened with the blood of the ferocious
hundred-headed Ladon, who coiled around the apple tree, is the necessary
key to enter the garden.
There the Hesperides, the Three Daughters of
the West who really symbolize the great Triple or Mother Goddess, grant
him wisdom.
Such symbolism is patently alchemical with the Dragon, its blood
and the golden Apple tree all being seen within an alchemist's flask
during the Great Work. A sacrifice is necessary, but it is not always the
Dragon. We will understand this further when we look at the legend of St
George and the Dragon in Chapter 15.
The aforementioned alchemist, Zosimus, was a highly passionate
advocate for intellectual and academic honesty in alchemy. He inveighed
against the jealousy, vanity and mean-spiritedness of those who concealed
their alchemical wisdom asserting:
everybody should possess a book of chemistry, which should
not be hidden away.
Zosimus openly criticized his contemporary Theosebia who kept
her alchemical wisdom secret, only transmitting it under oath to small
groups. Suggestive of the Mysteries and legends of St George, Zosimus
clearly agreed that the procedures of alchemy are strictly preparatory to
the purification and perfection of the soul. He wrote:
Perform these things until your soul is perfected.
Another celebrated alchemist, Paracelsus lived from 1493 to
1534. He was born Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim but called
himself both Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim and Paracelsus. Others honored him as the Swiss Hermes
because he had learned the secrets of alchemy in Constantinople and from
them developed the first cure for syphilis. In his Theory of Alchemy,
Paracelsus proposed ritual Questions and Answers to confirm the
perfection of the soul:
Q. What do the philosophers understand by their gold and silver?
A. The philosophers apply to their sulphur the name of gold, and to
their mercury the name of silver.
Q. Whence are they derived?
A. I have already stated that they are derived from a homogeneous
body wherein they are found in great abundance, whence also
they know how to extract both by an admirable process.
Q. Is everything contained in this subject?
A. Yes, but nature at the same time must be assisted, so that the work
may be perfected and hastened, by means which are familiar to
the higher grades of the experiment.
Q. Is this subject exceedingly precious?
A. It is vile and originally without native elegance. Fundamentally it
is not saleable because it is useful in our work alone.
Despite its complex chemistry determined by trial and error,
medicinal success and high ideals, the prevailing view of alchemy has
now become disdain. This is due to unremitting focus on alchemys more
sensational aspects like counterfeiting and astrology. While it was the
forerunner of modern chemistry, medicine and pharmaceuticals, these
sciences have now subsumed the finest of the alchemists' art.
Massive transmutation of metals to gold by tincture is clearly
impractical. We must therefore ask if the real purpose of years of risky
and dedicated work was simply to produce a somewhat limited quantity
of red powder. There is perhaps a more ancient purpose of compulsive
alchemy, in searching for something that was lost that long pre-dates the
Aristotelian concept of perfection. In the next chapter, we look at earlier
and increasingly arcane meanings in the art of alchemy.
Chapter 15 St George and the Dragon
In the last chapter, we saw that Hercules fought and conquered
the dragon at the entrance to the garden of Hesperides. He was then able
to enter and find the Apple tree that produced golden apples of felicity.
There are many other representations of this same symbolism.
For example, in the Treasury of the Residence in Munich a magnificent
statuette dated 1586-1597 shows St George on a white charger plunging
his crystal sword into a winged emerald green dragon (see frontispiece).
The rubies over his enameled agate charger suggest blood and show the
red cross of St George. This magnificent equestrian statue, fifty
centimeters high, is the most gloriously jeweled object of its kind and the
greatest achievement in late sixteenth century goldsmith work.
originally housed a relic of St George given to Duke Wilhelm V, the
Pious, by his brother Ernst, Archbishop of Cologne. They concealed this
statue for thirty years, until 1617.
Another famous literary representation of St George killing the
dragon is Edmund Spencer's Faerie Queen.
Here the lovely woman
Una brings her Knight of the Red Cross to the House of Holiness in which
he finds Faith, Hope and Charity. Charity is the principal nature of the
House. It is brotherly love, the Charity of God or manna.
The name
Una means oneness and, co-incidentally, the three principles or neters are
important clues in the rituals in the House of the Pharaoh Unas, described
in Chapter 16.
Prima facie, the killing of the dragon is simply the victory of
good over evil. To the Church it was also the symbol of overcoming
Tiamat, the Triple Goddess in her aspect as the destroyer Hecate or
Demeter. The Pope uses the same allusion at a Consistory where the he
elevates bishops, archbishops and priests to the College of Cardinals. As
the Pope receives each candidate at his golden throne, he and hands the
new cardinal a red biretta, the silk square-ridged hat that symbolizes his
new rank as a prince of the church. The color red symbolizes a cardinals
willingness to shed his blood for the faith usque ad effusionem sanguinis.
On a more mystical level, the legend of St George represents the
personal victory of an individual's purity and virtue over the hundred evil
heads of his own base nature, ignorance and moral vice.
In alchemical
terms, it is the combat of the Knight (Secret Fire) with Stibnite (the
Dragon), which, after much purification:
is born the astral stone, shining as pure as silver, and which
appears to be signed, bearing the imprint of its nobility, its stamp
(a claw) ... a sure indication of the union and peace between fire
and water, between earth and air.
The hundred-headed hydra is just the same as the dragon. It is
also called the Old Serpent, Lord of the Abyss, Leviathan, Lotan, Shaitan,
Tiamat, Forsaker, Abandoner and Cthulhu. Sufi and Muqarribun writings
make use of the term Abandoner referring to the power of Tajrid and
Tafrid, which mean outward detachment and interior solitude
respectively. The Greeks use the word Apollyon, Abaddon in Hebrew.
In Pompeii, this menacing dragon is shown both as a crocodile in
the Villa of the Mysteries and the sea monster ketos in the legend of
Andromeda and Perseus in the Mythological Room of the Imperial Villa
at Boscotrecase.
Nicholas Poussins 1633 painting The Companions of Rinaldo,
now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, shows the
Christian knights Carlo and Ubaldo confronting the same fearsome
dragon. This has the same meaning as the two warring knights in the
Merchants Chapel of St Peters Church in Malmo, Sweden. Below them
is a large picture of St George and the Dragon.
A recent interpretation of the story of St George is George Lucas
blockbuster film Star Wars (1977). Initially, many studios rejected the
script. It went on to gross two hundred million dollars and become the
envy of the industry. Star Wars even redefined cinema in the twentieth
century and became a popular trilogy. In the film, Daath-vader, so named
after Daath meaning mans knowledge, is mans base nature or the Lover,
balanced by his pure Son Luke Skywalker. Daath and Luke are two sides
of the same coin. Swords of Light consummate their battle. Only
initiates of the ancient Jedi Knights could wield these swords. So
enduring and popular was the theme that George Lucas used it once more
in 1999, with the first of three prequels of a new Star Wars Trilogy.
George Lucas is not alone in using this age-old theme. Michael Douglas
film The Game is an initiation sequence. Douglas conceals the dragon in
a place worthy of the erudite complexity of Shakespeare.
Gnostic Christianity modified the alchemy of the Greater
Mysteries in a very imaginative way. The Gnostics believed that the
achievement of virtue over the ignorance and moral vice of ones own
base nature was a pyrrhic victory - just as in the Afro-Asiatic sacred
marriage, where the ritual sacrifices the king. In this ceremony, it is the
victor St George, who is sacrificed.
The killing of the dragon is, in fact,
not a killing to death. When the sword of crystal light subdues the
Dragon, the Knight of the Rose Croix becomes the perfect expression of
life. This needs further illustration.
In a bold defense of the Families of Love in 1580, called an
Apology for the Service of Love, the Family describes how death is life.
They assert that sin is repairable in life. The Apology is set as a three-way
conversation in which the Exile, a Familist, seeks to convince two curious
individuals that the Family of Love was neither heretical nor:
the most detestable Sectaries or Hereticks, that ever reigned on
the earth; yea, and as people not worthy to live in the Common-
The Exile is seemingly a wild man, clothed in moss and coming
from the mountains. He talks of Family Brethren walking upright,
peaceably and brotherly amongst all people after their ritual:
To dye unto sin, to crucify the flesh with her lusts, to put on the
new man of righteousness, to dwell in Christ and have him dwell
in us, to have the same mind in us that was in Christ
The odd character of the Exile in the Apology shows the author
had a detailed and insightful knowledge of Ovid or the poems of
Gilgamesh, written in about two thousand BCE.
Ovid variously
describes how Perseus and Hercules enter the Garden of Hesperides.
Hercules defeated the dragon at the gate.
Perseus defeated the giant
Atlas, who is an archetype for the Exile.
In Gilgamesh and the Cedar Forest, a wild man called Enkidu is
beguiled and persuaded to begin a new life among mortals.
adapts to his new lifestyle but loses his strength and courage. Gilgamesh
suggests that they seek out and kill Huwawa, a giant hideous monster
with lions claws. Enkidu is hesitant but finally seeks out Huwawa at the
mountain of cedars. Hu is the name of the cedar tree. The mountain of
cedars is a forest of base natures. The fearsome alter ego of Enkidu
dwells there. In a fit of rage, Enkidu kills his own base ego, as must the
Rose Croix Knight.
The Gnostic version maintains that instead of killing the Dragon,
the Soul instead unites or merges with the Dragon via the crystal sword of
light. This is not yet the sacred marriage. When pierced by the sword,
the Dragon simply floats up the sword to merge with the Rose Croix
Knight. The united entity of Spirit and Soul takes the worldly form of the
Dragon or, as San Francesco shows in his famous painting Crucifix, a
Serpent. At this point, the united entity is characterized in two completely
different ways. These are the Serpent and the Agnus Dei, or pure lamb
awaiting ritual slaughter.
The Gnostic Croix Knight, who has found his base nature,
victoriously impaled it and merged with it, then prepares for the sacred
marriage to the Goddess of Wisdom. The aspiring Knight of Holiness
must wed her as Truth to regain life with a new purified Spirit. He must
be reborn.
The Goddess of Wisdom is the hermetic form of the goddess of
death and love who is Aphrodite, Pallas Athena, Venus, Ishtar, Isis and
Sophia. She is both the Lion Goddess and Water Goddess from an
unusual event in astrological mythology associated with the real
Gilgamesh, a Kassite-Hyksos Shepherd King who invaded Babylon.
He identified with the ancient legends of Gilgamesh and took on the
symbol of the Ram because the relentless precession of the earths
equinoxes had moved the sign of the Ram into the favored House of
Spring in the Zodiac calendar. Amun and Yahweh followed Gilgamesh
by taking the sign of the Ram.
When the Ram pushed the Bull from the position of supremacy,
the Crab simultaneously displaced the Lion at the Summer Solstice. As a
result, the Love Goddess of the Summer Solstice left her Lion to become
the Goddess of Water. We see this in Aphrodites birth from a seashell
and the Virgin Mary reflected in many a convent garden pool.
The Dragon, who has been female to this point, is now
hermaphrodite, meaning both female and male. It takes on the male
aspect of the Knight and prepares to mate with the Goddess of Wisdom.
In the contrived process of mating, the Dragon disappears and all that
remains is the purified, reborn Knight as the beneficent Star of Life, also
called Phosphorous, meaning the bringer of light.
The Soul, of course,
never dies and remains constant throughout the process.
Revelation portrays this scene.
The number 666 is the number
of a man and represents his Spirit:
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Historical fundamentalists identify the Great Beast with Emperor
Nero because his Greek title is Neron Kaisar. The Gematria sum of the
Hebrew translation
RSQ NWRN is 666.
A rather complex solution to the puzzle uses the Atbash Cipher
(see Appendix 10). The number 666 is the Atbash Cipher code for
alphabetically transforming the Spirit (
RWCh) to the spiritually pure
Elohim (
Gematrists perceive the number 666 as six, six and
six as in the combination of a safe. They transform the letters of the
RWCh (Ruach), through six places by cyclic rotation. RWCh
DLB, which is a Notaricon acronym for the Holy Alphabet
(Aleph, Beth, and Lamed). Ch rotates by six to B, the first letter in
W rotates by six to the middle letter L in Aleph (
ALPh), which is not a
vowel but a consonant. R similarly maps to D, the last letter in Lamed
LMD). Thus, the Holy Alphabet is the Key to Resurrection. Finally,
DML PhLA ThYB maps through the Atbash Cipher to Elohim
Dante provided a straightforward solution in the Inferno.
letters in the dragons name Apophis sum to 667. The victorious knight
who vanquishes his own spirit, cuts-off the head of the dragon. Dante
sees this as cutting-off the initial letter A from the name Apophis. The
value of A is one so the remainder is 666. This is the age-old battle of Ra
and Apophis in Egypt, Apollo and the Python in Greece, Thor and the
serpent in Norse sagas, the Hittite storm god and a serpent on New Years
Day, Enlil and Tiamat in Mesopotamia, Tishtrya and Apaosha in Iran,
Indra and Vritra in India, Maui and Tuna in Polynesia and many other
We now return now to the mating of the dragon and Goddess.
The Goddess proceeds to destroy the Dragon embodying the Knights
Spirit. At this point, the Gnostic ritual diverges from the ancient sacred
marriage. In ancient times, the Knight would have been bound to an
oaken Tau cross, representing Gods Divine Law, using the five-fold bond
that joins wrists, neck and ankles together.
Flayed and hacked to
pieces, the sacrificial king would become a Eucharist. A new son would
have been naturally born of the Goddess after nine months gestation.
Indeed, the purpose of priestess sexual orgies was to ensure that at least
one became pregnant for this outcome.
In the Gnostic version, it was desirous to avoid the actual death of
anything real, let alone murder the initiate. Instead, the Goddess love
destroyed his Spirit by figurative crucifixion on a Tau cross. The
crucifixion scene shown to the Knight is the same as San Francescos
Crucified Serpent or the image of the serpent of bronze that Moses hung
on his staff, the nehushtan.
Another Serpent was born from the ashes of the Knights
crucified Spirit. As this was an Easter ceremony, this new Serpent laid
the glain or red egg, which the Goddess ate.
With the Goddess fertilized one way or another, the Rose Croix
Knight was reborn in life as described by the Family of Love. The
newborn issue of the sacred marriage emerged in the Rose Croix Knight
as the new King. The Dervish maxim is:
The man must die that the saint may be born.
The modern song Hero expresses the same sentiment:
Search for the hero inside yourself.
Search for the secrets you hide.
Search for the hero inside yourself.
Until you find the key to your life.
Ovid tells a legendary story of rebirth in the Doctrines of Pythagoras,
where the Phoenix of Assyria renews and begets itself:
This bird, when five long centuries of life
Have passed, with claws and beak unsullied, builds
A nest on a loft-swaying palm;
Then from his fathers body is reborn
A little Phoenix, so they say, to live
The same long years. When time has built his strength
With power to raise the weight, he lifts the nest
The nest his cradle and fathers tomb
As love and duty prompt, from that tall palm
And carries it across the sky to reach
The Suns great city, and before the doors
Of the Suns holy temple lays it down.
The new King was his own Horus or Christ that was always latent within
the Knight Rose Croix, thus the Gnostic interpretation of I.N.R.I being
Jesus reigns within us.
Jesus sayings, found in the primitive Gospel of Thomas, mirror
Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring
forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
Consistent with this, the Gospel of Philip maintains that
resurrection of the spirit occurs before death and there is no resurrection
after death. A Greek Orthodox cleric readily confirms the meaning of
We contemporary Christians should realise that the Resurrection
of our Lord does not concern the dead but rather those who are
still alive the victory of the Lords sacrifice over moral and
spiritual death has nothing to do with the physical
phenomenon we call death in our daily life.
In 1429CE, Phillip the Good, Duke of Burgundy and Earl of
Flanders, instituted the Order of the Golden Fleece. Excepting that its
membership increased from thirty to seventy-eight, the Order remained
unchanged for nearly four centuries. In some countries, such as Sweden,
it became the most prestigious order of knighthood of its time.
In 1469, forty years after the Order of the Golden Fleece was
established, King Lewis IX created another important French Order, the
Order of St Michael.
This Order traces the legend of St Michaels
worldly twin, St George. Its motto Immensi tremor Oceani means an
immense shaking in the waters. The Orders collar was composed of
scallop-shells of gold. The jewel on the collar is a hillock on which St
Michael tramples the Dragon. Pope Leo X, the Medicis high
Renaissance maecaneas, contributed to the Order in 1518. Pope Leo
presented King François I with two of Raphaels paintings, Saint Michael
and the Holy Family, both of which now hang in the Louvre.
King Henry III of France established the Ordre du Saint-Esprit or
Order of the Holy Ghost in 1578.
Henrys purpose was to bind the
French nobility to his side in the midst of religious turmoil. This included
the now infamous Bartholomews Day Massacre. on 24 August 1542
where Henry III ordered the murder of hundreds of Protestants who were
in Paris for the wedding of his sister Marguerite to the Huguenot leader,
Henri de Navarre.
The Order of the Holy Ghost became the most prestigious of all
Frances chivalric Orders. Its emblems were a dove, knots of gold and
the Fleur de Lys. The evening before a French Knight received this
Order, he became an initiate of the Order of St Michael.
The old French Ecossais Master or Architects Catechism follows
the twin Orders of St Michael and the Holy Ghost. It highlights the latent
Christ within:
Q: How is your health?
A: I carry a child in my womb, though I am a man
Q: How long will you carry it?
A: That is not decided, but while waiting I am frequently confined
Q: Who will be the midwife?
A: Minerva
Q: Who will be the Uncle?
A: Mercury
Q: And the Father?
A: One of my equals and I
The Gnostic-Rosicrucian Knight is a philosopher in search of
Truth because he searches for his sacred marriage with the Goddess of
Wisdom. If successful, he becomes a Knight Quadosh. Quadosh
signifies Holiness, Dedication and Sanctification.
He is also called a
Knight of the Feast of the Brotherhood because his ordeal is celebrated by
the Feast of the Brotherhood held on Passover Eve, also known as the
Agape or pure Feast of Brotherly Love.
We shall discuss Moses nehushtan further in Chapter 18.
It is,
however, worth noting that the crucified serpent continued to be a very
important image representing the crucifixion of Spirit on the cross of
Divine Law, so the seed within the Spirit, that sinneth not, could emerge.
Even Sir Francis Bacon, who wore the black hat of knowledge, chose the
device of a serpent on the anchor of peace, as shown in the Crucified
Serpent from the titlepage of The Faerie Queen, Part II (1617, dated
Sir Francis Bacons foster father, Sir Nicholas Bacon, was
responsible for the appointment of a prominent Family of Love personage,
Robert Seale to court office.
The Bacon and Seale families both kept
country houses at St Albans. Given these close ties, it is not surprising
that Sir Francis Bacon was to use the Familys symbolism of resurrection
on earth in the Knights Rose Croix ceremony of St George.
There is another confirmation of the close philosophical ties
between Sir Francis Bacon and the Family of Love. While inveighing
against moral injustices in the High Commissions application of the law,
Sir Francis Bacon was to call upon a substantial portion of the Family of
Loves Petition to James 1.
The word Shakespeare is interchangeable with the identity of all
dragon-slayers. It often describes St George.
Somewhat in
confirmation of this, Shakespeare is reputed to have been born and to
have died on twenty-third day of April, St Georges Day.
Crucified Serpent
from the titlepage of The Faerie Queen, Part II (1617, dated 1613)
The name William has additional significance since it derives
from Hwyll, or Hu the cedar tree we saw in the poem of Gilgamesh. The
final syllable is Helm, meaning helmet. It therefore means the glorious
helmet of knowledge or Wisdom. Knight-heroes that attain their goal
receive the same glorious helmet of invisibility worn by Pallas Athena.
Only the true initiate can wear this glorious helmet. It hides the
Countenance of the Lord from the profane.
In 1605, the Brothers of the Rosy Cross circulated in Europe a
manuscript titled The Restoration of the Decayed Temple of Pallas.
contained their constitution.
The cabalistic number of Rose Cross Knights was the perfect
number one hundred.
Knights Rose Croix often signed themselves as
100 men, Century-men or C-men. The latter is also a humorous play on
the Gnostic equivalence of semen and the carnal element in their ritual.
They also used the device of a Pythagorean comma , to represent their
perfect number of one hundred. One hundred is also the exact Greek
meaning of the name of Triple Goddess, Hecate, in her aspect of death.
Each of the hundred was a single lunation. One hundred lunations made
up the Great Year of the Triple Goddess, at the close of which she ritually
sacrificed the king.
We see the Knight Rose Croix and the Triple Goddess interacting
in Shakespeares consummate play, King Lear. It drew on Geoffrey of
Monmouths legend of King Lear, the king who seemingly divided the
Kingdom of Britain into two parts.
Geoffrey of Monmouth says he
obtained his mysterious book of histories from Walter, Archdeacon of
King Lears desperate attempt to avoid the sacrificial fate of kings
has its origins in the ancient Triple Goddess ritual. To avoid death, or at
least defer it for nineteen years, the king divided his kingdom into three
parts and awarding one part to each of his successors.
The Judgment of Paris influenced Shakespeare.
In this archaic
legend, Paris, awards his apple to Aphrodite who is the fairest of three
goddesses: Athene the maiden, Aphrodite the nymph and Hera the crone.
However, Shakespeare has realized that this is the wrong way around, as
Homer and Hesiod knew. It is Aphrodite awarding the apple to Paris at
the price of his life. The apple is Paris passport to the Elysian Fields,
which admits only the souls of heroes. Eve awards the same apple to
Cinyras and Smyrna shows the correct orientation of the legend.
In this myth, King Cinyras extended his reign beyond eight years by
marrying his youngest daughter, the birth-goddess Smyrna.
In the
normal scheme of things, another princeling would marry her and thereby
inherit his kingdom. In other cases of planned prolongation, kings sought
to increase the period of their sovereignty by giving away two thirds of
their kingdom.
For example, Actor and Proteus both divided their
kingdoms into three parts, retaining only one part and bequeathing the
other two thirds to their successors.
In the Preface of this book, the author undertook to warn readers
about outlandish hypotheses. Here is a major challenge: Geoffrey of
Monmouths histories seem to bear little relationship to known historical
facts. This may be because they are often about important events in
Egypt two thousand years before his time. If this is indeed the case, these
events had monumental importance for the Israelites, as we saw in
Chapter 6. Shakespeares King Lear may well be the same age-old story
that had its greatest moment in history in the twenty-first dynasty of
Egypt, which divided the Kingdom of Egypt in 1075BCE. Thebes ruled
Southern Egypt and Tanis, in the far northeast of the Delta, governed the
new independent North Egypt. The folly of division weakened both states
and opened Egypt to a Libyan invasion in 945BCE. The Libyan Pharaoh
Shoshenq I overthrew all Egypt.
This hypothesis explains the real inspiration behind the well
known, despairing, yet unprovable legend of the division of Solomons
kingdom between Solomons son Rehoboam and an official of Solomons
court called Jeroboam.
The division of the kingdom between
Rehoboam and Jeroboam may really be an allegory of the acrimonious
rift between the parallel Israelite religions of Levite Judaism in the South
and universal hermetic religion of the Tribe of Dan at Panias in the North.
Now we look at division of the kingdom in the English context.
In 1292, King Edward I of England faced the great cause of Scotland,
whether he should divide Scotland.
His judges needed to decide a
difficult question, whether the kingship of Scotland should be awarded to
a representative of one of the three co-heiress daughters of David earl of
Huntingdon (the younger brother of William the Lion) or partitioned
between them.
This was to rule on two important issues. The first was
divisibility of the kingdom and the second was the proper moral and legal
solution to a clash between Western primogeniture and the ancient
Israelite principle of ultimogeniture observed by the Scots. At issue was
whether the son (Robert Bruce) of a younger daughter had a better right to
the kingship of Scotland than the grandson (John Balliol) of an elder
daughter. The Scotts called Robert Bruce of Annandale The Competitor.
Eighty Scottish assessors, appointed equally by Robert Bruce of
Annandale and John Balliol, failed to resolve the matter and it was turned
over to Edward I.
Edward Is judges upheld English usage on succession,
primogeniture, that the issue of an elder line must become exhausted
before succession could pass to that of a younger line. After his loss,
Robert Bruce pursued his second option, which was to split Scotland into
its three original components of Lothian, Alban and Strathclyde and
award these to the representatives of the three co-heiresses. He again lost
the argument. Edward Is judges decided the kingdom of Scotland was
indivisible and impartiable. In this decision, however, Edward I
unwittingly established the basis of Scotlands future independence.
We can clearly see Shakespeares King Lear reflected in Robert
Bruces dilemma. He was eighty-one years old. Having been the
nominated king and now all-but lost his kingdom due to Edward Is legal
ruling and his advanced age: would he seek to split the kingdom between
the daughters, with the youngest one (his own line) receiving the choicest
piece, or would he see the kingdom go in whole to a younger king? He
endeavored to split the kingdom but as with Shakespeares King Lear,
Robert Bruce The Competitor lost all. He died in 1294 but the Scots
crowned his grandson Robert the Bruce king in 1306 and sixty five years
later, in 1371, his great-great grandson Robert II, became the first Alanic
Stuart king.
Perhaps even more topical for the Elizabethans of Shakespeares
time was the political folly of splitting the mighty kingdom of France.
Jean le Bon, John the Good, in an acute lack of wisdom, divided the
kingdom of France between the three younger brothers of the Dauphin
Charles V, the Dukes of Berry, Anjou and Burgundy. Indeed, this
division led to England winning the Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
after the Duke of Burgundy sided with England to protect his lucrative
Netherlands wool trade.
There is no more compelling elaboration of Shakespeares
brilliant dimensions legal and esoteric - than his play King Lear. We
have seen the legal dimension and now we turn to the esoteric.
Shakespeares King Lear was aged and infirm with no son to
replace him. He desperately sought to divide his kingdom among his
three daughters to avoid his sacrificial fate in favour of a younger king.
All he sought to retain was a troop of one hundred men for protection. He
was a hundred-man.
King Lears three daughters represent the Triple Goddess. To
succeed with his plan he needed to experience the carnal love of the
Goddess, which is the professed love of each of his daughters. In this
way, he could satisfy the requirement of carnal involvement with the
Goddess, without actually being involved.
Shakespeare employs an exquisite Baconesque legal fiction. In
return for a portion of the kingdom, each daughter is required to swear
that King Lear has priority in love over her husband. To his youngest,
most innocent daughter he offers the choicest portion of the kingdom in
special recognition of her ultimogeniture. She denies him, withholding
her carnal love for her own fiancée.
Winning only two daughters was not sufficient to subvert his
impending fate. To others, King Lears mind seems to break. The astute
King Lear recognizes that his clever solution has not worked and the time
for sacrifice is upon him. In his rage, he banishes Wisdom from his
kingdom in the form of his old friend. He violently berates his daughters
to find a solution that will preserve his life.
King Lears madness is really the essence of clear vision, as we
would expect from such an illustrious King. Even this tirade against his
daughters cleverly characterizes each as a traditional embodiment of the
Triple Goddess such as Hecate.
The King cannot escape his fate. Indeed, he and his three
daughters all die in the moment of climax as the wicked Edmund kills the
most innocent daughter, Cordelia, who represents the Goddess of Love.
Edmund is Edgars evil alter-self. As with all Rose Croix
Knights, Edgar must kill the evil base side of his own character before he
can achieve the purity required for kingship. He kills Edmund and
immediately emerges as the purified righteous King.
Through this consummate tragedy, Shakespeare recalled a long
history of Rose Croix tradition. The theological scholar Eusebius
provides evidence of the importance of this Rose Cross tradition.
Eusebius relates that even the great Emperor Constantine
identified with the ritual by having himself depicted with his lance
piercing a bristling dragon.
In fact, the Red Cross first became
associated with St George when Emperor Constantine used it to
commemorate the beheading of his friend the martyr St George of Lydda
on 23 April.
From the legend of St George and the Gnostic depiction of Jesus
on the Cross as a Serpent, we can more readily understand the arcane
significance of the Spear of Longinus. Longinus used this spear to pierce
the side of Jesus. The legend of Longinus corresponds to that of Pelops,
who killed the old king Oenomaus with his spear.
Pelops was
Tantalus lucky eighth son.
Legend holds that Joseph of Arimathea also gave the Red Cross
device to Prince Caradoc in his capacity of Defender of the Faith in
Britain. From this, the Red or Rose Cross then became the device of the
Christian flag of the British Church. It now dominates a St Andrews
Cross on the Union Jack.
In about 1195CE Richard I the Lionheart adopted St George as
the patron saint of Britain, thereby displacing King Edward the Confessor
as Britains patron saint.
He simultaneously elevated the Rose Cross to
the emblem of Britain and instituted the new British battle cry For St
George. Any knight who successfully scaled the walls of Jerusalem in
the Crusades earned the reward of elevation to Companion of St
During a truce in the Third Crusade, Richard I initiated Saladin
into the Order of Chivalry.
This seems to be a fact. In return, Saladin
initiated Richard I into the lower degrees of Dervish mysticism. The
Dervish tradition records that Richard I then initiated a number of knights
including several Knights Templar into the same mysteries. The
Dervishes, however, claim that Richard I never received the higher
degrees of their system of thirty-three degrees and therefore Knights
Templar and Freemasons only have the lower degrees.
Richard II required that every British soldier wear a St George
Cross over his armour. His decree remained in force until the sixteenth
The unequivocal meaning was that a Rose Cross Knight
should serve his King as a Defender of the Faith.
Richard I died before he could implement his dream to recreate
King Arthurs Order or Society of St George and the Round Table. King
Edward III achieved Richard Is aim by instituting The Most Noble Order
of St George and the Garter in 1344. He consecrated the Royal Chapel of
St Edward the Confessor, in Windsor Castle, to the new Order in 1348.
It was a society, fellowship and college of knights and their ladies, formed
with the object of Good Fellowship. The insignia of the twenty-six
Knight Companions was a light blue Druidic thong or garter tied just
below the knee. This gave them the colloquial name: Knights of the Blue
Garter. The blue thong is the traditional Persian color of righteous
sovereignty, kingship and rebirth. It reminded the Companions not to flee
from defending Truth. Their purple robe further confirmed that they were
equivalent to kings in courage, piety and devotion to Truth.
Three sets of the Orders regalia can been seen today. The Scots
keep King James VII collar and his Great and Lesser Georges with the
Honours of Scotland in the strong room at Edinburgh Castle. Another
two sets of regalia are stored at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen.
Elizabeth I sent the first to King Fredrick II of Denmark in 1582. The
museum claims it is the oldest regalia in existence. James I sent the
second to King Christian IV in 1603. Political unrest at the time of
Cromwells republic and Charles Is execution led to the Danish not
returned it upon Christian IVs death in 1648.
Given the heritage of the Order of the Garter, it is not surprising
to find tiny roses in the golden garters of a Companions jeweled collar.
The roses are the original five-petal dog rose, albeit red to signify the
ritual of ardor. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), the famed English
antiquarian, Rosicrucian and Freemason was the historian of the Order of
the Garter.
In his famous history of the Order, Ashmole traced the reward of
military honour to the Trojans and Greeks.
The English King awarded
the Order of the Garter to foreign kings and dukes as well as to
Englishmen as a sign of the universal and chivalrous kinship of knights.
For example, Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, received the
Order of the Garter from King Edward IV in 1474. The Duke proudly
showed his Order of the Garter in an exquisite parquetry studilio in his
Palace at Gubbio in Umbria. The ducal studilio is now on-display in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The Order required all its Knights to meet at Windsor Castle on
St Georges Day, twenty-third of April.
The English King guaranteed
foreign members safe conduct on English soil for fifteen days either side
of the grand Solemnity. England granted free passport even if it was at
war with the foreign nation.
The importance of international leaders meeting in harmony on St
Georges day was echoed at the fiftieth anniversary meeting of North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (
NATO) members in Washington on April
23, 1999. NATOs meeting was in the midst of Serbia-Kosovo
difficulties. European leaders well realized the importance of the day
chosen for their anniversary.
A replica Magna Carta in the Rotunda of the Capitol of the
United States in Washington underscores the relevance of the Order of
the Garter to the USA. This replica is a treasured gift from Britain. The
case shows Jesses tree sprouting the white, five-petal Tudor dog rose,
yellow daffodil of Wales, green three leaf Irish clover and violet Scottish
thistle. Underneath the tree, barely perceptible, St George continues his
battle with the dragon.
Ashmole contended that Moses, Solomon and Hermes were the
only three who excelled in the knowledge of the Philosophers' Stone.
With it, they wrought wonders. This he learned from Mr. William
Jan 13, 1653: Father Backhouse lay sick in Fleet Street; and
fearing that he would not recover, communicated to Ashmole as a
legacy in syllables, the true matter of the Philosophers Stone.
The eighteenth century French scholar, J M Ragon, noted that
Ashmole composed many of the original rituals of Freemasonry.
Ashmole's work seems based on the thirteenth century revisions of an
even earlier system. While Ashmole's collection of twelve wagonloads of
historical, philosophical and alchemical materials was to become
Oxfords famed Ashmolean Museum, Ragons own unfinished
manuscripts remained in the archives of the Grand Orient of France. The
archives in Paris became relatively impoverished when the Nazis
removed its documents during the occupation.
The alchemical slaying of the dragon occurs in the ancient
Mysteries, in the fifth degree of seven. This is the second degree of the
Greater Mysteries (see Appendix 7).
This degree presents a dramatic
reenactment to the candidate, the Arch-Mason or Chistophoris, as sole
spectator. We are familiar with this play through scenes on ancient Greek
pottery. Perseus, with the assistance of Hermes and Athena, decapitates
the Gorgon called Medusa, whose name derives from the Sanskrit Medha
meaning sovereign female wisdom.
Perseus overcomes the sea monster
that seeks to devour Andromeda.
In a similar legend, Jason sails his magic boat, made from the
prophetic oaks of Dodona to win the Golden Fleece.
He needs the help
of the goddess Hera and his love Medea.
With magic charms from
Medea, Jason becomes invincible and is able to beguile the sleepless
dragon that guards the Golden Fleece.
We see the same symbolism in the Minoan myth of Minotaur, a
half bull, half-human who is confined to a labyrinth. At Knossos, the cult
of the bull succeeded the partridge cult.
Although easy to enter, the labyrinth is impossible to escape from
without the help of the Goddess Ariadne. She represents love. To the
Greeks her name Ariagne meant most pure or very holy (qdeshah).
was the Moon Goddess honored in the dance of the labyrinth.
Ariadne immediately falls in love with Theseus, who is to be the
next meal for the Minotaur. She seeks the designer of the labyrinth,
Daedalus, to obtain a ball of silken thread.
Theseus fastens one end of
this to the door of the maze and unwinds it as he ventures in. After killing
the Minotaur, he is able to emerge from his figurative death by rewinding
the silken thread of Ariadnes love (see Appendix 6). On Mount Sipylus,
in Athens, Crete, Troy and in Palestine, dancers of the maze or cordax
used a rope in the same way, explained as an aid to keep proper distance
and execute the pattern faultlessly.
The Celtic people knew Ariadnes castle of Light at the Corona
Borealis as Caer Sidi.
The Welsh called the maze Caer-droia or Troy-
The Greeks visualized the Corona Borealis as a crown of fiery
gold and Indian rubies set in the shape of roses.
The divine smith
Hephaestus created this crown. The same delicate gold wreaths with
gemmed flowers were found in the Mochlos hoard.
Ariadnes spiral castle is revolving, and remote, gloomy, lofty
and cold. In Celtic myth, this spiral castle is a labyrinthine bridal chaplet
and royal tomb.
To escape is to reincarnate.
Many labyrinths are in a mountain cave.
The entrance is via a
dark door on the side of a hill. The theme is modern as well as ancient.
Fans of Superman will recognize the castle as the Arctic ice cave where
Superman regenerated. A video clip called Frozen, from the American
singer Madonnas 1998 album Ray of Light, similarly shows Madonna as
the Triple Goddess in her castle of Light at the Corona Borealis.
spiral Guggenheim Museum in New York designed by Frank Lloyd
Wright suggests the same fascination of spiral castle and beehive.
The word Hero derives from the name of the Goddess Hera.
With his golden apple, the soul of her Hero travels to her paradise at the
back of the North Wind.
Only seven heroes harrowed hell to return from this paradise
called Caer Sidi.
These are all sun-heroes: Daedalus with the assistance
of the Moon Goddess, Theseus who killed the Minotaur, Hercules,
Orpheus and 3 others. The last three will be among the heroes Amathon,
Arthur and Gwydion in Britain; Harpocrates, Kay, Owain and Cuchulain
in Ireland.
Ariadne transported the sacrificed Oak-king to her spiral castle in
the Corona Borealis. This was just dipping over the northern horizon at
the time of the summer solstice.
In this castle, the Oak-king, like the
blind Samson in Delilahs prison mill, adds his weight to turn the Mill of
the Universe. As Samsons sacrificial Goddess, Delilah shaved the rays
of the sun, his hair and his strength, before calling the Philistines, as the
ages old Triple Goddess did before tearing to pieces the sacrificial king.
The dancing Great and Little She-Bears showed the ongoing turn
of the Mill around the polar axis.
Nowadays, the relentless precession
of the earth has disturbed this pattern.
The Egyptians used labyrinths in their mortuary temples. That of
the sixth Pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty, Amenemhe III, Sesôstris I great-
great grandson, was known to classical writers such as Herodotus as the
Labyrinth and mysteriously described as Egypts greatest wonder of
In the Egyptian context, St George is Horus.
In the second degree of the Greater Mysteries, mentioned earlier,
Horus searches the hall with several masters bearing torches to find the
cavern where Typhon, a hundred headed dragon, belches flames. Horus
decapitates Typhon and casts the corpse back into the fiery cavern. In
silence, Horus exhibits the dragon's heads. The candidate received the
meaning of the drama and the word, Chymia. This united Mystery
philosophy with alchemy and foreshadowed the importance of alchemy in
the rituals to come.
This fifth degree of seven also reminds us of the Egyptians
anguish when ruled by the Hyksos king Apophis, who fashioned himself
as Typhon. Chapter 6 introduced this subject, which we will return to in
Chapter 18.
In the next chapter, we look at the colors of emerald green and
lilac before again turning to the Red Cross of St George in the intriguing
context of Roses and Rosicrucians. We shall also see the striking
similarity between the symbolism in this degree and Mesopotamian myths
outlined Chapter 18 and then look more closely at the ultimate aims of
Before concluding this phase of our alchemy investigation, it is as
well to remember that there never was a Gorgon called Medusa.
Gorgon was simply a fearsome ugly mask, a warning not to divulge or
misuse the real contents of Pallas Athenas magical goatskin bag.
These are the Mysteries of the Triple Goddess: a live and venomous
serpent, the great secrets of alchemy, Palamedes secret letters of the
alphabet and a disc spirally engraved with the nine-letter name of the
Goddess of Wisdom, JIEHUOVA
Later, when the ceremony became patriarchal, Perseus owned the
bag and the Holy and Ineffable name of God was the seven-letter name
Chapter 16 Green and Lilac
There are further stages of alchemy that move beyond red to
green and eventually lilac substances. Green has always been at the
centre of alchemical mysteries as a Green Lion. The sixteenth century
treatise Esh Msaref or The Refiners Fire discusses the Green Lion:
And it is known in the metallic mysteries that at the very outset
there occurs the enigma of the Lion of the green growth, which
we call the Green Lion, which, I pray you, do not reckon that it is
called for any other reason but its color. For unless your matter
be green, not only in that immediate state before it is reduced to
water, but also after the water of gold is made thereof, you must
remember that you must thus amend your universal dry process.
The manuscript also notes that the true healer, that is the expert
alchemist, must be as contemptuous of riches as the Prophet Elisha.
Michael Maier's Septimana philosophica links the Green Lion to an
alchemical rose:
The centre of the rose is green and is emblematical of the Green
Basil Valentine also discusses the Green Lion in his Twelve Keys:
This is feeding, the Red Lion with the blood of the Green Dragon.
The Green Lion you know what it is, it's the crude antimony. And
the Red Lion is the Regulus.
His words are mischievously obscuring because the Green Lion is
not crude antimony as he says and the Red Lion is quite apparently not
the Star Regulus of antimony. Though a master of misinformation, Basil
Valentine skillfully left an important clue to those who can see. The
words are you know what it is. Of this, we shall have much more to
discover in Chapter 19.
The Green Dragon exists within the alchemists' flask. It is crucial
in preparing the Green Lion and often compared to the human
characteristic of jealousy. Shakespeares Othello says:
IAGO O, beware, my lord, of jealousy:
It is the Green-eyd monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.
Minna Antrim (b1861) argues similarly in Naked Truth and
Veiled Allusion that the absence of the Green Dragon means the
alchemical reaction is not working:
The Green-Eyed Monster causes much woe, but the absence of
this ugly serpent argues the presence of a corpse whose name is
The emergence of a green substance beneath the red was one of
the most hidden secrets of the Great Work. Fulcanelli said of the red
according to the sacred language, the term philosopher's
stone, means the stone which bears the sign of the sun. The solar
sign is characterized by its red coloration, which can vary in
intensity and
...the philosopher's stone appears in the shape of a crystalline,
diaphanous body, red in the mass, yellow after pulverization ..
David Hudson says of the chemistry of the Green substance:
Monatomic gold as a chloride has a forest green color;
commercial gold chloride is gold or a light green depending on
how much you dilute it. No one offers monatomic gold
commercially. Edgar Cayce says you should use gold chloride
solution in his Wet Cell Appliance. When you put the green gold
chloride solution in the wet cell it works about twenty times better
When you dissolve metallic gold into aqua regia, you convert
to chloride to get rid of all the nitric. All you really have is a
cluster of metallic gold. I do not care how long you boil this; it
never will dissolve to the monatom. The diatonic bonds of gold
are so profoundly strong, and if you really think about it, gold has
an electronic structure of 5d106s1 and that in itself tells you it
will never go to the monatom. All of the other s1 elements are
lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium; these are
explosively reactive substances that we call the alkaline metals. If
you throw them in water, they burn. Gold has the same structure
as these alkaline metals. Gold gets a hold of itself and it will not
let go. You can get it down to the diatom, but it will never go
farther than that, so the best that you can ever hope for, is
. You never lose the diatomic bond, and that's why when
you refine gold, you always get 99.9% recovery, because its real
easy to recover, it never loses its metallic character. But if you
know how to take those metallic bonds apart and get monatomic
gold, which is what mother nature did by literally dissolving it to
a single atom when it comes up out of the earth, about ninety
eight percent of the gold comes up as monatomic gold, about two
percent comes up as metal.
Others have suggested that green gold is formed from gold
isotope 192, while red is from the 195 isotope and white from 197. In
contrast to the difficulty in raising green and red to white, white gives rise
to both red and green. It is possible that a collapsing magnetic field or
accurate chemical pH control also can remove neutrons to form the green.
The mystery passion play of the Egyptian Sed Festival, which
dates back to the first Egyptian dynasty, demonstrates the importance of
both Red and Green. In this play, the Spirit of the Pharaoh Unas
figuratively dies and then is reborn. Renewed, he rules Egypt wisely.
The name Unas means Existence. The Pharaoh's Spirit or ka passes
through the phases of the silvery white crown of the south (Mercury)
representing the soul and the golden red crown of the north (Sulphur)
representing the spirit, thereby uniting them:
Unas has sustained himself on the Red Crown; he has swallowed
the Green One The signatures do not weaken in his hand for he
has swallowed the wisdom of all Neters [Principles].
The Pharaoh is himself the great house. He is the living image of
reincarnation and of return to the source of the divine Word. He
represents the resurrecting Osiris. The image of the Pharaoh as the great
House is similar to the early Persian meaning of Freemason, which is
Master of the House. In the ceremony dedicating a new temple, the
Pharaoh orients the temple, symbolically prepares the foundations and
passes the house to its Master.
The resurrection ceremony of Anubis for the Unas Pharaoh
Unas is liberated from the humanity that is within his limbs. This
Unas seizes the great white crown from the hands of the two
divine Enneads. Isis nurses him, Nephthys suckles him. Horus
takes him in his fingers, eternally living. He purifies Unas in the
Jackal Lake, he delivers the Ka of Unas in the lake of the
Netherworld, he destroys the flesh of the Ka of this Unas for his
body of resurrection, by means of what is on Ras arms. The
two lands shine forth and the face of the Principles radiates while
he leads the Ka of this Unas and his own body of resurrection
toward the great mansion.. Perfect is this Unas in his
perfection, he is no longer corruptible. In this country to which
Unas is going, he will know neither hunger nor thirst, throughout
eternity. God appeared to Unas and Unas is seated upon the
great throne at the side of the great God. It is Unas who is at
the head of the Kas, who united hearts in the face of the supreme
Sage, bearer of the divine scroll the Knower of wisdom at the
right hand of Ra.
Although this ceremony dates from the first Egyptian dynasty, the
above description is from the Saqqara temple of Pharaoh Unas, the last
king of the fifth dynasty. The Egyptians may have lost the secret of the
green substance during the Hyksos invasion.
Pre-Islamic Persian Sufism provides a guide to the full
significance of green:
Ours is the method of alchemy. It involves extracting the subtle
organism of light from beneath the mountains under which it lies
The Iranian Sufis drew not only on Islam, but also on the
Zoroastrian, Manichaean, Hermetic, Gnostic and Platonic traditions that
flourished in Persia. Sohrawardi the Martyr, who lived from 1153CE to
1191CE, was the chief Sufi Philosopher of the Orient. He carried out the
great project of reviving the wisdom of pre-Islamic Zoroastrian Iran in
This wisdom traced the Orient of pure light to the celestial pole,
the double constellation of the Bear and Pole Stars. In an important Sufi
vision, oil collected from the constellation of the Bear is a pure spiritual
substance given as initiation into the mystical rank of Ecclesia Spiritualis,
the seven masters of initiation and intercessors.
The Great Bear, otherwise known as the Great Chariot, Arktos,
the Big Dipper and Charlies Wain is the most prominent constellation in
the Northern Hemisphere.
The Little Bear or Little Chariot is the laborers Plough or
Phoenix, which is reborn from ashes.
Each night the Great Bears seven principal stars pivot around the
axis of the North Pole. This axis is now located near the star Polaris but
six thousand years ago the star Dracos was the axis. Dracos, the
Arthurian dragon, lies in between the two Bears so that the Bears
appeared to dance around the pole as the earth rotated.
Ruzbehan of Shiraz, on turning his attention to the Great Bear,
saw its seven stars as seven apertures through which God directly showed
himself. Similarly, in Taoist tradition, the Ecclesia Spiritualis are the
seven spiritual rulers in the constellation of the Bear and the Bear Star is
the Pivot of Jade.
Confucians call Polaris the Emperor and the Great
Bear his Chariot.
In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda and Spenta Mainyu together
evoked the bounteous septet of Amesha Spentas, the Beneficent or Holy
These spiritual beings exorcise the deavas, who are major
demons committed to ruination.
Jewish and Christian traditions
adopted the seven Amesha Spentas as seven archangels.
At the extreme east of the Iranian world is Transoxiania, very
near Bactria, the Jewel of Iran that cradled Indo-Hittite Zoroastrianism.
There, Sufi Najmoddin Kobra (d1220CE) made clear the pre-eminence of
Green Light as the mystic Orient, light of the North or the heavenly pole.
He writes that initiation in the lower mysteries merely takes the candidate
from the dark night of unconsciousness to the luminous black night of
superconsciousness, which is only to the realization that one is actually
This is the same as the Tenebrae or Darkness in the Roman
Catholic Matins and Lauds of Holy Week.
Lulled into psychological
quiescence by Gregorian Chants and the gradual extinguishing of candles,
an individual can find nothing in the empty silence and darkness except
memories. Deprived of light, the individual is dispossessed of all that is
Good. This is the doctrine of privato boni. Memories cannot help to
grasp the current situation. The individual is said to be in the cloud of
unknowing. St Dionysius referred to it as divine darkness and others as
nigredo. The individual loses complacency and becomes one of the
parvulis, poor in spirit, exiled or orphaned. The magnificent Miserere
describes this experience:
But what a mystery my life is,
What a mystery!
But where am I and what am I doing,
how do I live?
I see myself.
I live in the soul of the world
Lost in the depths of life!
Miserere, miserable me,
But I toast life!
If there is night dark enough
To hide me, hide me,
If there is a light, a hope,
Magnificent sun that shines inside me,
Give me joy to live
That is not yet there.
That perhaps is not yet there.
A sharp sound cracks the darkness. Light is reborn. A priest
returns a single candle to the stand. The candle symbolizes each
individuals magnificent sun, the knowledge of God that dispels the
darkness of ignorance and despair. All then leave the Church in silence.
Sufism identifies the state of Luminous Night with mystical
poverty, described as poor in spirit. People in this stage have nothing
with which to be, they cannot be sufficient unto themselves in order to be
what they have to be. It is the in-essence of their essence. The Sufi
philosopher Semnani said that passing from the Luminous Night to the
brilliance of emerald vision is a sign of the completed growth of the
subtle organism, the resurrection body hidden in the visible physical
The initiated know this experience as the happy gate of blackness
which art the passage to this so glorious change.
It is the gate of
Saturn. Apuleius describes his experience of Luminous Night with the
mysterious words:
At midnight, I saw the sun shining brightly with a splendid light.
Installed master freemasons will know what he means.
Red, the color of ardent pure fire, is the sign of vitality of spiritual
energy, signifying the power to actualize. The importance of the color
green is that it is the color of the heart and the sign of life of the heart. It
is the color of resurrection, the celestial pole and the highest light of the
It is the color of Mohammed.
It is also associated with the
Great Mother Goddess in her Egyptian aspect as Isis, the Lady of Nature.
Sohrawardi said in his Recital of the Exile:
Green is the color that outlasts the others. From this color
emanate flashing, sparkling rays. This green may be absolutely
pure or it may become tarnished. Its purity proclaims the
dominant note of the divine light; its dullness results from a
return to the darkness of nature.
Goethe was a practical alchemist and he studied the Aurea Catena
Homeri or Golden Chain of Homer by Anton Joseph Kirchweger and
Opus magocabbalisticum et theosophicum by Georg von Welling. Much
of his interest in alchemy comes through in his opera Faust:
If the polarity of yellow and blue has truly been grasped, if in
particular their intensification into red has been well noted and it
has become clear how these opposites tend toward one another
and reunite in a third color, then it cannot be doubted that the
intuition of a profound secret is beginning to dawn in us, a
foretaste of the possibility that a spiritual meaning might be
attributed to these two separate and mutually opposed entities.
When they are seen to produce green below and red above, one
can hardly refrain from thinking that one is contemplating here
the earthly creatures and there the heavenly creatures of the
Goethe's third substance that forms from green below and red
above is lilac. The purple color of lilac or lavender is the color of wisdom
and the end of the work. If the rock of the Green Lion is broken open,
lilac is inside.
Appendix 4 contains an excerpt from a very old hermetic
document called the Virgin of the World, handed down to us by Stobæus.
It may well be the most esoteric institution of the Mysteries of Isis.
the Virgin of the World, Isis pours knowledge over Horus in preparation
for the Black Rite of Perfection, which she has already received.
begins with an alchemical allegory of the creation of the world. In her
story, the Philosophers Stone is in compost.
The great French protégé poet, Arthur Rimbaud
similarly describes in his Sonnet of the Vowels how each of the five
vowels in the alphabet has a different color.
These are sequentially the
alchemical stages of black (nigredo), white (albedo), red (rubedo), the
peaceful pastures of green and finally
OMEGA blue, or rather the violet of
His Eyes. Buddhists similarly chant the vowels: Hum (black), Ni
(yellow), Me (red), Pad (green),
AUM (white) and Ma (blue).
The Roman Catholic Church has a systematic color symbolism
for High Mass. Deacons wear a green tunicle or dalmatic over a white
tunic when serving the Host at the altar.
The Priest wears a white linen
robe, hood and girdle. He also wears a short band of silk called an
orarium around the neck and a silk chasuble or poncho. While the color
of the silk chasuble varies with feasts and seasons, it is purple for the
most important High Mass on Maundy Thursday of the Easter Holy
These color sequences glow in an alchemists flask. The reaction
phases have many romantic names.
Virgil, Homer and Nicholas Flamel
talk of the Palm of the Valley of Oddy, Mystic Rose of Kab, Tower of
Ugolin and plant Moly. The roots of the plant Moly were black, the five
leaves green and flowers white. Homers description in the Odyssey
suggests Moly is the sweet scented wild cyclamen.
It could also be
wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), which is a psychedelic plant that
causes the serious illness of absinthism suffered by Van Gogh.
identifies Moly as the plant or root that defied moon-magic by allowing
Ulysses to overcome the wiles of Circe, wed her and rescue his men.
The Palm in the Valley of Oddy was Tamar the date palm. Ovid
describes this lofty swaying palm in The Doctrines of Pythagoras.
Phoenix builds a nest in the palm. This nest is both the tomb of its father
and its own cradle. He also describes it as the plant of Myrrah, the
beautiful daughter of Cinyras that lay with him as an instrument of the
three Sisters (the Furies), who are of course the Triple or Mother
Pregnant, Cinyras flees her fathers wrath to Sabas soil
(southwest Arabia), where she becomes a tree. Weeping, as does Isis, she
bears a son. Using magnificent double entendre, Ovid observes:
Those tears in truth
Have honor; from the trunk the weeping myrrh
Keeps on mens lips for aye the name of her.
Her son, child of his sister and grandfather, is the beautiful Venus
of Venus and Adonis.
The Hebrew Tamar derives from the ancient practice of forcibly
fertilizing date palms. The palm is dioecious and requires artificial
pollination. Grove keepers bind the male flowers to the female flowers,
once more representing the sacred marriage of the Triple Goddess.
Judahs union with Tamar in the Book of Genesis alludes to
Tamar as a holy prostitute. As we might expect of the Mysteries, her
payment is a young goat.
Similar visual images in Pompeii date from 15CE. These images
show a tree between two columns at which a sacrifice is about to take
place. The Goddess of death lies in wait between the columns. Her robe
conceals the sickle with which she will emasculate the sacrificial king and
he will bleed to death. These images are in the Black Room of the
Imperial Villa of the Emperor Augustus at Boscotrecase and at Pompeiis
Casa dei Cubicoli Floreali.
In the Book of Genesis, Tamar is at first a regular prostitute
beside the road called a zonah (
ZNH). Later, Adullamite seeks her as a
temple prostitute.
In this holy context, she is a Holy, Dedicated or
Consecrated One or Qdeshah, the feminine form of
QDSH. This derives
from the Akkadian qadishtu and Qudshu, the Syrian love and fertility
A monument in Memphis calls Qudshu the prostitute. The
holy prostitute Tamar offers cakes, presumably barley cakes, to Amnon
before intercourse.
The Israelites eventually banned ritual or holy
prostitution ruling there shall be no QDSH of the daughters of Israel.
It is also interesting to note that the Greek word for a Palm Tree is
phoinix. Chapter 15 discussed the rebirth legend of the Phoenix.
Shakespeares curiously alchemical poem The Phoenix and the Turtle
echoes the profound role of the Araby tree. It begins:
Let the bird of loudest lay
On the sole Arabian tree
Herald sad and trumpet be,
To whose sound chaste wings obey.
But thou shrieking harbinger,
Foul precurer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever's end,
To this troop come thou not near.
From this session interdict
Every fowl of tyrant wing,
Save the eagle, feath'red king:
Keep the obsequy so strict.
Only the eagle, feathered king is included in the ceremony. The poem
ends with the Threnos in three-three time, the meter of the Triple
Beauty, truth and rarity,
Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclosed in cinders lie.
Death is now the phoenix' nest,
And the turtle's loyal breast
To eternity doth rest,
Leaving no posterity:
'Twas not their infirmity,
It was married chastity.
Archaic Temples of the Mysteries
One of three shown in the Black Room of
Emperor Augustus Imperial Villa
at Boscotrecase
The turtledove is Astartes bird and the song of the turtle is the
ritual song or liturgy of Astarte wooing Tammuz to the sacred marriage
and his death.
This is the Biblical Song of Songs or Song of Solomon.
In alchemy, vile terms about excretions tend to repel the non-
adept. However, they bring humorous delight to the alchemist who even
uses dungs soft exothermic heat to warm his flask and urine to provide
nitrate and ammonia. The alchemist also calls his reaction residues by the
name faeces or excrement. Nicholas Flamel's 1629 Original du Désiré or
Thrésor de Philosophie identifies that the Philosophers Stone is in the
messy chemical substrate of the Alchemists crucible:
There is an occult stone, concealed and buried in the depths of a
fountain, which is vile, abject and valued not at all; it is also
covered with filth and excrement, to which all names are given,
although there is really only one.
The same sort of imagery occurs when Samson of Dan scooped
honey from the carcass of a lion and riddles:
Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth
sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle.
It is exactly the same riddle as rose logic. That which the rose
embraces, in-turn embraces the rose, as we shall see in Chapter 17.
Although the Green Lion often occurs, only one technique in the
literature uses the green substance to make another, lilac colored
substance. This is in a seventeenth century manuscript in the Berlin
Staatsbibliotek, suggestively called the Messiah of the Righteous. The
name invites us to reflect both on the Teacher of Righteousness in the
Dead Sea Scrolls and Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness and Priest
King to the Most High:
This operation is the Messiah of the Righteous, and it is forbidden
to give it to the ignorant. Take smooth green sulphur and
quicksilver [never use this substance] and mix them together and
grind them well, and cook them together with rosewater at night
in a glass vessel, and the fire should be gentle, and the vessel
should be sealed on top, and in the morning take it out and grind
it and mix it with strong vinegar, and then return it to the vessel
as it was. Do thus six times until the quicksilver dies. Then take
these powders and grind them and distil them in a distillation,
and of twelve ounces three ounces will remain. Then take one
part of sal armoniaqe [sal ammoniac or ammonium chloride] and
one part of saffron of iron and úbr [A., eagle, sal ammoniac], and
one part of linseed oil, and grind it all and mix it with what you
obtained from the distillation, and grind and mix it well, and put
these powders into a new flask, and put it into a pit full of dung,
and cover it well for seven days and you will find in the flask
something like a piece of metal, and make a powder and take the
metal, whatever it may be, and heat it and put [some] of this
powder on top and [word illegible] it, and then take of lead one
part, and cut it up and throw its powder upon two parts of
quicksilver, and when you see the smoke from the quicksilver
rising, throw on it [some] of this powder, and take of this
quicksilver one part, and one part of gold, and mix them together,
and it will colour it to gold which will be good for all tests, and
try it. And he who understands from this will be right, and will
live to the end of days.
The method is in code, which we learned of in the last chapter:
Quicksilver is not metallic mercury but Philosophers' Mercury, Sulphur is
gold, vinegar is something equivalent to aqua regia and the mysterious
úbr [A., eagle, sal ammoniac] is not sal ammoniac or ammonium
chloride. The term úbr probably derives from the ancient Egyptian word
for gold, nub. Egyptian gold mines were predominantly in Nubia. The
emblem of royalty, the eagle, and A for aurum or gold confirms that úbr is
the red powder of the Philosophers' Stone made from gold.
Chapter 3 compared the lilac Philosophers' Stone with the lilac
plant or Syringa vulgaris of the Olive family. The lilac is a native of
Persia and some mountainous regions of Eastern Europe. It arrived in
Britain in the sixteenth century. Lilac found uses in homoeopathic
alchemy and medicine. It dispelled parasitic worms, reduced fever, and
treated malaria. Sometimes, lilac substituted for Aloe Vera.
Scottish legends abound with alchemical symbolism and purple
flowers such as the lilac. One Scottish folktale recounts how a young
bride-to-be died on the eve of her marriage. She asked that lilacs grow on
her grave. The lilacs bloomed white and remained so even after
transplanting. This pure young girl clearly represents the female essence
of philosophic Mercury. We saw the same white maiden as Ophelia in
Hamlet and Portia in the Merchant of Venice.
Another legend tells of a falcon dropped the first lilac seeds in an
old woman's garden. The seed sprouted and grew into a beautiful bush,
but it did not bloom. One day a young prince stopped to admire the bush.
As he was leaving, a plume from his cap fell on the bush. From that day,
the bush had plumes of purple flowers.
This legend refers to the Rosicrucian symbol AA, which derives
from the Apollo's anguished cry at the accidental death of the youth
Hyacinth, described by Ovid (see Appendix 4).
The drops of
Hyacinth's blood became rich purple flowers, albeit not the modern
hyacinth but the blue larkspur or hyacinthos grapta, which has markings
on the base of its petals resembling the early Greek letters AI.
Similarly, the Salaminians reported a new flower when Ajax died.
was smaller than a lily, white, tinged with red and like the hyacinth bore
the letters Ai! Ai! or woe! woe!
With the death of Hyacinth, Apollo also uttered the distraught cry
from his heart, Ai, Ai, which are formed on the leaves of the hyacinth.
For boy and man alike these letters are the wail of woe foreshadowing
ritual death. Ovid prophesies that Hyacinth will return a second time as a
very powerful hero.
Elizabethan works refer to the Hyacinth as the herb or weed.
The Greeks write Ai as U, or upsilon, which corresponds to the English
letter V, the invert of A. As we shall see in the next chapter, Sir Francis
Bacon first used the AA sign in his literary headpieces, from 1577 on the
Continent and 1579 in England.
These enigmatic headpieces signaled that within lay a metaphor
for one of the secret Rosicrucian mythological histories of ancient Britain
when Britain was called Ortygie, the land of Leto the White Goddess.
Leto was the mother of Apollo and Artemis (AA). William Blakes hymn
Jerusalem described this Hyperborean island of God (see also Chapter 17)
where the inhabitants were, in a sense, Apollos priests and Apollo had a
grand shrine and big circular temple:
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon Englands mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On Englands pleasant pastures seen?
The AA, one A bright and the other A shadowed, symbolises that
half the work is visible and half is veiled. Sir Francis Bacon later
entwined the two letters with hyacinth flowers, or the herb Asclepias
acida, representing the golden flower of alchemy. This flower, though
golden in nature, is the hyacinthine color of blue or the sapphire blue of
the hermaphrodite.
The appearance of the lilac Philosophers' Stone in the compost
fulfills the twofold axes of the cross of Light and Life. The great hermetic
maxim as above, so below applies in the reaction vessel and time
cyclically returns us to where we started. Alchemists think of this as an
ouroborus, the symbol of Saturn, which is a snake curled in a complete
circle holding its tail in its mouth.
To the hermetic alchemists, the two
axes of the cross represent the All in One.
In the next chapter, we look more deeply at the many rose
allegories. We shall also see how they apply to the enigmatic
Chapter 17 Roses and Rosicrucians
In previous chapters, it has begun to emerge that the symbolism
of the rose, like that of goats and honey, has two very different meanings.
The first is related to the Afro-Asiatic sacrificial king myth, with its
inherent carnality, and the other to Indo-Hittite mythology of purity,
morality, virtue and longevity. We see the former evidenced in Canaanite
rituals and the latter in Israelite rituals of Righteousness.
In this chapter, we will look closely at the many layered and
diverse symbolism of the rose beginning with perhaps the earliest Indo-
Hittite reference to the rose on Tablet X of the Mesopotamian Epic of
Gilgamesh. Here the Mesopotamian Noah tells Gilgamesh:
Gilgamesh, I will reveal to you a hidden thing,
a secret of the Gods I will tell you:
There is a plant like a thorn,
like a rose its thorns will prick your hands.
If you hold that plant in your hand, you will find new life.
Michael Maier's Septimana philosophica provides a complete
example of alchemical rose symbolism:
The rose is the First, most beautiful and perfect of flowers.
It is guarded because it is a virgin, and the guard is thorns.
The centre of the rose is green and is emblematical of the Green
That even as a natural rose is a pleasure to the senses and life of
man, on account of its sweetness and salubrity, so is the
Philosophical Rose exhilarating to the heart and a giver of
strength to the brain.
That as the natural rose turns to the sun and is refreshed by rain,
so is the Philosophical Matter prepared in blood, grown in light,
and in and by these made perfect.
The rose is a special key in Apuleius' The Golden Ass. The hero
Lucius became an Ass. He implored the Goddess Isis for help and she
appeared to him. The hero became a man once more when he ate some
Then also the priest, all the profane being removed, taking hold of
me by the hand, brought me to the penetralia of the temple,
clothed in a new linen garment. Perhaps, inquisitive reader, you
will very anxiously ask me what was then said and done? I would
tell you, if it could be lawfully told; you should know it, if it was
lawful for you to hear it. But both ears and the tongue are guilty
of rash curiosity. Nevertheless, I will not keep you in suspense
with religious desire, nor torment you with long-continued
anxiety. Hear, therefore, but believe what is true. I approached to
the confines of death, and having trod on the threshold of
Proserpine, I returned from it, being carried through all the
elements. At midnight, I saw the sun shining with a splendid light;
and I manifestly drew near to the Gods beneath, and the Gods
above, and proximately adored them. Behold, I have narrated to
you things, of which, though heard, it is nevertheless necessary
that you should be ignorant. I will, therefore, only relate that
which may be enunciated to the understanding of the profane
without a crime.
An elegantly beautiful depiction of rose logic dates from the three
thousand BCE Sumerian settlement at Ur of the Chaldees.
There a
jeweler modeled two golden rams in white shell and Lapis Lazuli. They
stand on their hind legs and are bound with silver chains to a tall golden
thorn bush, which has produced a golden rose.
The identical use of rose logic occurs at Abraham's sacrifice of
The angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven 'Abraham!
Abraham!' He replied 'Here I am.' 'Do not lay a hand on the
boy. Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God
because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.'
Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by
its horns. He went over, took the ram, and sacrificed it as a burnt
offering instead of his son.
The ram is the sacrificial son-lover of the Goddess, the bush is the
symbol of the Goddess Wisdom who tangles the lover to embrace him
and the dog rose is the symbol of the womb of transformation that will
produce the resurrected son. Dog roses peculiarly fruit by self-seeding to
reproduce without cross-pollination from a mate.
The sign of the ram µ is equivalent to the Tau-cross on which the
sacrificial king met his death. It is also the traditional sign of a Master of
the Mysteries. In the Druidicalphabet, the Tau-cross is the symbol for a
holy man. The Druids show it as a "Y" because it depicts a man standing
erect with his hands raised in grand and royal adoration to receive the
divine Light.
From its sacrificial context, a sprig of acacia has become the
universal symbol of consigning the prematurely dead into the care of the
Goddess. Abrahams bush is the Hebrew hawthorn (Sant) or wild acacia
with golden flowers and thorns. This shittim-wood still grows in
In midrashic tradition, Moses asked Bezaleel to make the Ark
of the Covenant. Jacob obtains the wood by felling the sacred acacia
grove at Migdal, beside Lake Gennesaret. Felling of the sacred groves
with their Asherah poles is a reference to the overthrow of the Mother
The essential feature of rose logic is embracing. The lover
embraces the rose and the delicate bud of the rose embraces the birth of
the young lover, spiritually refreshed by passing through the womb. The
rose is both a symbol of premature death and purity of rebirth.
The ritual death of Jesus clearly uses rose logic. Mary Magdalene
anointed Jesus in the same way that Sumerian priestesses anointed kings
before sacrifice.
Jesus was destined consummate his marriage to Mary.
He engaged her with kisses on the mouth that upset the disciples:
But Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss
her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by
it and expressed disapproval.
Mary Magdalene is then present at Jesus crucifixion.
Later at
the tomb, she mistakes Jesus as a gardener, which was the name given to
the son-lover in Sumeria.
At the time, she is weeping as the Sumerian
sacred high priestess weeps for the son-lover:
The harlot who anointed you with fragrant oil laments for you
The harlot in this context is an honorable role. As with the
Church, she receives all men as lovers for spiritual rebirth. Jesus
interrupts Mary Magdalene's approach to embrace him further, which is
the meaning of the Greek, saying:
Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father.
Pope Gregory the Great (AD590-604) partly settled the vexed
question of Marys complex character. This influential Pope declared that
Mary Magdalene, Lazarus sister Mary of Bethany and the sinner woman
in Luke to be the same person.
Salome incongruously mirrors Mary Magdalene in Marks
Gospel. Both women are present at the crucifixion and then the empty
Together the Gospels of Mark and Mathew suggest Salome is
the wife of Zebedee. Yet, this is not at all conclusive. Comparing the
Gospels of Mark and Luke shows Salome associated with Joanna.
The only other Salome is the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, the
tetrarch of Galilee and Perea. Salome performed the dance of the seven
veils, which is the lunar mystery of the seven days that the moon takes to
remove her veils. In return for her dance of the Mysteries, Salome
requested the head of John the Baptist.
This is the sign of a sacrifice to
a divinity.
While this Salome is not mentioned by name in the biblical
texts, Josephus does make mention of her.
The Romans later exiled
Herod Antipas to Vienne in France for his execution of John the Baptist.
Salomes dance of the seven veils is reminiscent of Ishtar's
descent into the underworld. Ishtars journey to the Underworld required
her to remove an item of clothing at each of seven gates. Naked and
defenseless, she entered the realm of the dead to plead for the rebirth of
her lover Tammuz. While Ishtar is away from Earth, the crops fail, cattle
become sterile and men and women lose the ability to procreate. With her
plea granted, Ishtar returned to Earth and restored fertility to the land.
The legends of the Holy Grail repeat this ancient story. The land wastes
while Perceval struggles to answer the question: What is it the Grail has
served and what is it it serves? When he successfully answers this
question, Percevals earthly and heavenly spirits are reunited and the land
recovers its fertility.
Scholars have long recognized the theatrical nature of Jesus'
passion accounts, the Gospel of Mark in particular.
On the broad
sweep of Mark's stage, it is immediately apparent that he has introduced
Salome to reinforce the rose logic of Mary Magdalene through Salome's
role with John the Baptist. The Gospel of Thomas completes the triangle,
stating that Jesus wife was Salome.
The Virgin Mary is the goddess of birth and Mary Magdalene is
the goddess of carnal love. Salome completes the triad of the Triple or
Mother Goddess. Esoteric writers also placed her at Jesus crucifixion
and empty tomb to contribute the Hecate or Demeter aspect of the Triple
We can see the rose logic symbolism exquisitely carved in
Michelangelo's Pietà, originally sculptured in 1499CE for St Peters
Basilica in Rome. With breast exposed to suckle the newly born infant,
the Virgin Mary nurses the crucified Jesus. She represents the Church at
the precise moment of her transformation from the lover who has just
presided over his death, to the tender mother present at his birth.
Michelangelo's Pieta is the most loved statue of Jesus. Its number of
copies is almost countless.
The botanical characteristics of roses bear considerable relevance
to their historic importance. The earliest three roses, from which all other
roses are derived, are the Rosa caninae, which is the five petal dog rose,
Rosa gallicanae, also called the gallica rose, and the musk rose Rosa
Herodotus, who lived from 485BCE to 425BCE, visited the
fabled gardens of the Phrygian King Midas in northern Greece.
noted that King Midas had taken with him roses having sixty petals that
were perhaps the double Rosa gallicanae or Rosa damask. At one stage,
the Mother Goddess granted Midas wish that everything he touched
should turn to gold. This ability to transmute metals by mere touch is the
characteristic of a man who has internally processed mercury.
Some Egyptologists recognize a rose in Ptolemaic texts. This is
probably Rosa sancta or the Holy Rose of Abyssinia.
It was formerly
Rosa richardii, the symbol of reincarnation. For one thousand five
hundred years Christian sanctuaries in Ethiopia planted Rosa sancta as a
symbol of reincarnation.
Crusaders in Palestine also held the Cruciferae or cruciferous
flower in high esteem as a symbol of resurrection because it could revive
after being dried. While not a rose, they called it the Rose of Jericho or
Cruciferous Rose.
Roses entered royal heraldry in 1200CE and immediately became
highly popular. Edward I of England (1272-1307) first adopted a golden
rose in his heraldic crest. Later Henry IV (1399-1413), who issued many
royal licenses for the practice of alchemy, chose a red rose. Edward IV
(1461-83) selected a white rose framed in a circle of sunrays. This is a
rose en soleil.
Shakespeare writes of the dog rose or eglantine in The Noble Two
Kinsmen. It is a story based on Chaucer's Palamon and Arcite.
In the
Temple of Diana, a rose falls from its tree as a sign to the Vestal Virgin
Emilia that she may marry. Shakespeare explains why a rose is best:
It is the very emblem of a maid:
For when the west wind courts her gently
How modestly she blows and paints the sun
With her chaste blushes! When the north comes near her
Rude and impatient, then, like chastity,
She locks her beauties in her bud again
Sirius in a fiery Vesica Piscis
Concluding the Faerie Queen, Book2, 1609
And leaves him to base briars.
The dog rose, Rosa caninae is associated with the Dog Star
Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. It represents the love of
Venus, Ishtar and Isis. The five white petals are symbols of virginity.
They are also the pentagon traced out in the night sky by the planet Venus
in its eight-year cycle. In Zoroastrian tradition, the dog rose also stands
for the illumination of love.
In contrast, a red rose represents the
womb, its menstrual blood and the ardor of carnal love. It symbolizes the
bloom of puberty.
The Egyptians knew the constellation of Sirius as Apes, meaning
the Head. Sirius was the Hawk, or sign of Horus. Chapter 14 showed
Horus was a Christ-soul that fights the evil serpent and conquers it.
Professors Giorgio de Santillana of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and Hertha von Dechend of Frankfurt University have shown
in Hamlets Mill that astronomical events provide the source of many
ancient myths.
The rising and setting of Sirius and the constellation of Orion are
particularly fertile sources of myth. One of the most intriguing and
prevalent ancient beliefs is that there is a star gate at each end of the
Milky Way. The southern gateway is near Spica at the tail of Sagittarius.
The northern gate is close to the shake-hands position above Orion in
In the tradition of the African Dogon tribe, Sirius is Nommo.
Nommo is also the name of the three Great Initiates or happy astronomers
of the Christ Brotherhood of Sirius. One of these is the prophet Idris or
Enoch. This inseparable trio of honorable sages is reminiscent of the
Three Principals in Royal Arch Freemasonry.
The importance of the Three Great Initiates can best be
understood by analogy with the three great Indo-Hittite Principles of
Creation and Truth (Brahmâ), All Pervading Light (Vishnu) and
Transformation, Destruction and Regeneration (Shiva). Sir John Dee
employed this early Indo-Hittite symbolism in his 1577 freemasonic tract
General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of
The three Great Initiates of Sirius supposedly came to earth
eighteen million years ago, bearing the threefold Light of Love.
inhabited Hyperborea, the fabled land of rebirth beyond the North Wind.
These creatures from Sirius were amphibious men giving Sirius the
soubriquet of the Land of the Fish.
Queen Elizabeth 1 attended by the Three Great Initiates
Act and Monuments by John Fox, 1563
There is a surprising confirmation of this mythology with the two
goddesses of Anubis. The headdresses of Isis and Nephthys each contain
fish tails that demonstrate a supreme fish lineage.
The Mesopotamian Creation Epic provides further evidence of a
fish lineage. Men wearing fish-coats depict Supreme fish-beings called
Oannes. Many believe the name John, meaning man, derives from
In Egypt, early Christians identified John the Baptist with the
Chaldean God Oannes. They believed he appeared regularly in the
Persian Gulf to renew the revelation to the faithful.
Every initiate of the Eleusian Mysteries was also required to pass
through a love-right with the mermaid Love Goddess.
She would hold
a round mirror and golden comb. The mirror stands for know thyself, a
maxim attributed to the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesôstris I and later to Socrates.
It reflects ones past and seeks motives of hope in virtue for the future.
In the words of Woody Allen: Know yourself, accept yourself and get on
with life.
We shall look more closely at the love-right in Chapter 18.
The embellished letter C of John Foxs Acts and Monuments of
1563 emphasizes that Elizabeth I is the true successor of Emperor
Constantine. So revered was the book that it was placed on the altar,
alongside the Bible, in every church in Britain.
Within the letter C, the three Great Initiates are advising Queen
Elizabeth I on her role of Priest Queen of the original British Church and
restorer of the pure and true religion.
In both Zohar and Mandaean
sources, these are the three messengers, or uthras. These messengers
precede the master of mysteries who brings the book of Wisdom to
The Virgin Queen, Astraea, symbolized Elizabeth I. Romantic
Elizabethans thought that Astraeas return to earth would inaugurate a
golden age of virtue, justice, peace and plenty. This age, the Age of
Aquarius, is nowadays approaching.
So enthusiastic were the portrayals of Elizabeth I as the legendary
Virgin or Faerie Queen that there was a great outpouring of literature. As
an icon for the new Age of Aquarius, every possible venue celebrated the
Queen. One such venue was as the great public holiday Tournament
declared to mark Queen Elizabeth Is Accession Day. Increasingly lavish
spectacles at Kenilworth and Woodstock matched even the Magnificences
of Catherine de Medici.
Elizabeth I commanding the Ship Europa,
guided by Zeus the Bull
advised by the Three Great Initiates of Sirius
From: General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the
Perfect Arte of Navigation by Dr John Dee, 1577.
Bottom: Minerva Britannia
Middle Left: Fortuna with a Laurel for the Courageous Victor
Top Left: St Michael with the Cross of St George defending
Tudor monarchs, epitomized by Elizabeth I, held the rose in
especially high esteem as the symbol of their ancient British heritage. It
was a period when genealogy governed ones legitimacy in royal circles.
The genealogy of the Tudor family was impeccable. Bardic genealogies
showed they possessed three particularly fine lineages.
The first of these was to the Kings of Judah through Joseph of
Arimathea. The second was to the Roman Emperor Claudius through
Emperor Constantine and his son Ambrosius Aurelianus. The gloriously
named Ambrosius Aurelianus had an intriguingly magnificient title: he
was the Prince of the Sanctuary.
The last of the key lineages was through the Romans to the
ancient Great British High Kings. These included Cunobelinus, called
Bran the Blessed, Caradoc, King Lear and Beli the Great.
The Church anointed the Tudors at their coronations as Priest-
Monarchs in true Davidic tradition. The Tudors regarded themselves as
carrying with them the halo of light that signified they had received the
full ancient initiates knowledge of Truth.
The College of Heralds in
London also believes Queen Elizabeth II to be the one hundred and forty
fourth direct descendant of King David.
The Tudors were also able to claim primacy in the Christian
religion. They were relations of Linus, the priestly second son of King
Caradoc. In tradition, St Paul appointed Linus as the first Bishop of
Rome in 58CE.
Iltigius wrote that St. Peter said:
Concerning the Bishops who have been ordained in our lifetime,
we make known to you that they are these. Of Antioch, Eudoius,
ordained by me, Peter. Of the Church of Rome, Linus, son of
Claudia, was first ordained by Paul, and after Linus' death,
Clemens the second, ordained by me, Peter.
Emperor Claudius then granted the British King Caradoc a palace
in Rome in 52CE, called the Palatium Britannicum. It allegedly became
the first organized Christian Church. Both St Peter and St Paul often
enjoyed happy lodging at this British Embassy. Their impressive
patronage led to its alternative name, the Home of the Apostles. More
fortuitous still, this was in writing. St Paul had confirmed his familiarity
with the British entourage in the closing paragraph of his second letter to
Timothy. There he passed on the good wishes of Linus, Linus sister
Claudia and her husband, the Roman Senator Rufus Pudens:
Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and
all the brethren.
This odd paragraph has, of course, all the hallmarks of later
insertion into the text of St Pauls letter, in order to associate the Tudors
with St Paul. Perhaps the helpful clerics could not resist overkill. As
Roman Senator Rufus Pudens was a relative of St Paul, the letter pressed
the inescapable conclusion that the Tudors ancestors not only knew and
worked with St Paul, but also were related to him. Sadly, there is no
information concerning Linus that provides an independent verification of
these claims in either Vatican or British royal records.
It is here that Joseph of Arimathea enters the legend. He
supposedly instructed the three Bishops of Rome: Linus, St. Clement and
Mansuetus. Mansuetus was a constant visitor at the Palace of the British
at Rome after Claudia had married Pudens. Indeed, there is some
influential confirmation of Joseph of Arimatheas role from four Church
Councils: Pisa in 1409, Constance in 1417, Sienna in 1424 and Basle in
1434. These Church councils yielded antiquity and precedence to the
Church in Britain because Joseph of Arimathea founded the Church in
Britain immediately after the passion of Christ.
The fruitful Bardic genealogies of Elizabethan times, based on
their Druidic histories, also encompassed the original settlement of
Britain. It derived from a megalithic Hyperborean Bear Race from the
Aegean in the fourth millennium BCE. This migration reputedly occurred
because the Black Sea flooded Peloponnese Arcadia. The Odyssey points
to the home of the Hyperboreans, Boreas the North Wind and his brother
winds, as being an Aeolian island, perhaps the Aegean island of Tenos
north of Delos.
Druidic tradition held that Britain was Alba, the land of Albion.
Albion was the tribe leader who led this fourth millennium BCE
migration from the Aegean to Britain. Upon their arrival, the White Land
of Albion became a special country of God.
As we saw in Chapter 12, tradition also held that a second Trojan
migration from Thrace, Greece and Asia Minor occurred in the second
millennium, about 1115BCE.
Because of the two Trojan migrations from Arcadia, the Tudors
identified closely with the ancient people of the Peloponnese. The Tudors
also believed the Trojans to be the great ocean navigators, the
Phoenicians, and the descendants of the Cymry. Ancient legends of giant
Cornish megalithic builders, cherished as Cymry, confirmed this story.
The pure White Land of Albion was Marys Dowry or marriage
offering. Mary was in this sense Minerva Britannia, the daughter of the
Triple Goddess in her guise of Anna.
The nine Muses that interplay
throughout Shakespeares Histories, Comedies and Tragedies represent
this same goddess.
Minerva Britannia is the sacred Muse of the Knight of
She represents his perfect and holy intelligence. Minerva is
the patron goddess of Britain, who as Pallas Athena sprung from the head
of Zeus after Vulcan split it open with an axe. Pallas Athen was shaking
the spear of illumination at the dragon of ignorance, vice and
The nom de plume Shake-speare derives from this
astonishing and beautiful British spear shaker. Ironically, she is the most
important Goddess of the Achaeans, rather than the Trojans.
The various writing styles evident in Shakespeare suggest the
nom de plume was for a team. Probable members include Richard Field,
Richard de Vere 17
Earl of Oxford, Gabriel Harvey, Edmund Spenser,
Sir Edward Dyer, Sir Philip Sidney and Sir Francis Bacon. Their interest
seems focused around the players companies that performed each year on
St John the Evangelists Day, December twenty-seventh, a traditional
assembly day of Freemasons.
Minerva is the light of the countenance of God.
She bore the
Word and Light of God as a Seed of Light from the heavenly Father to
impregnate the Earthly Mother in the same way as the Shekhinah, or
Immanent Principle of God, fell from the highest heaven to the abyss.
Athenas helmet and Minerva's veil only conceal in order to
reveal and thus are equivalent to the white dog rose.
Quite aware of
this delicate hermetic drift, the Tudor Kings and Queens adopted the
white rose as their symbol, as did the Calebites who adopted the white
rose as the symbol of their heritage and their special land. Britain also
adopted Michael directly as its patron protector in the same way as the
Essenes had looked to Michael for protection of their land.
Michael's name means He who is like unto God. Michael is the
pre-eminent angel of the Heart of God.
He carries the flaming sword
of truth and a shield emblazoned with the red cross of St George.
The companionship of the angel Michael and St George is not by
chance. They are twin aspects of one. St George is the counterpart that is
the human soul. We shall see this duality of twins in more detail in
Chapter 22. Suffice that for the Tudors, the angel Michael and Knight St
George were both reminders that Britain is the land of the radiant heart
and Rosy Cross, symbolized by the roses of Sharon and Minerva.
This dual symbolism of rose colors fitted appropriately with the
unification of the Houses of York and Lancaster. The unification
followed the bloody Wars of the Roses from 1455 to 1485, finally ending
on Bosworth Field. After this decisive battle, King Henry VII ascended
the throne and married the daughter of Edward IV.
From the union of the White Rose of York or Rosa alba semi-
plena and the Jacobite Rose, Rosa alba maxima, the Tudor Kings Henry
VII and Henry VIII created the unique Tudor Rose. This was a five petal
white rose placed in the centre of a five petal red rose, surmounted by a
The union of the roses had meaning in a more esoteric context. It
represented both the image of the rose of Minerva and St George, and the
unification of the lineage of ancient Calebite-Zaddoki bloodlines with
those of the Christian Church.
The Tudor rose of Edward VI emerged from a pomegranate, the
Israelite symbol of royalty and fertility. Queen Elizabeth I's Tudor rose
bore the motto Rosa sine spina or rose without a thorn. It symbolized her
identification with the Virgin Queen.
The Stuarts followed the trend with their own rose, divided into
two halves, with the thistle of Scotland added. The Stuarts issued many
alchemical licenses and it is hardly surprising that they chose the spiny
purple Scottish Thistle as their alchemical image of the Philosophers
Stone. Queen Anne's personal badge was also a rose and thistle, in this
case growing from the same stalk.
The Golden Rose became an Ornament presented personally by
the Pope as the symbol of the living Church and its mysteries. The Count
of Anjou first received it in 1096.
This may have been Rosa gallica,
the only wild rose found in Papal States.
The Greeks and the Median
fire worshippers of Azerbaijan and Persia knew the legendary medical
properties of Rosa gallica as far back as 1100BCE. Roman military
doctors grew it on campaigns as well as in Provins, near Paris, for over
seven hundred years.
Throughout history, few flowers have received the elevation of
the rose and been so laden with symbolism. Now we can proceed to
unravel some further paradigms of esoteric importance.
The Dog Star Sirius symbolizes the great Triple Goddess in more
than her aspect of love. The constellation of Canis Major has 64 stars and
Sirius represents the mouth and tongue of the Dog.
Therefore, the
celestial interpretation of the Triple Goddess is a dog. The analogy is
further extended because of her promiscuity in love and because she eats
Dogs such as the Egyptian Anubis have always guarded the
land of the dead. The ancient initiates of Ishtar and Isis, the qdeshim,
wore the dog mask of Anubis to honour her beauty.
wherever three roads met, followers of the Triple Goddess sacrificed dogs
to her as the deathly Hecate or Sheol.
The Kenite Calebites, or Dog-men of Hebron and Ephrath, called
themselves Sons of the Dog Star. They claimed to be the original people
of Yahweh and the traditional landowners of Hebron, Jerusalem and
The Dog Star was their Calebite badge for the House of
Although generally regarded as a son of Judah, an old legend
from Egypt holds that King David was a Calebite descended from Hur,
suggesting the Hurrians. This is what Geoffrey of Monmouth, seems to
imply in 1136CE:
Gwendolens intention was that this everlasting honour should be
done to Habren because her own husband had been the girls
father. It thus comes about that right down to our own times this
river is called Habren in the British language, although by a
corruption of speech it is called Sabrina in another tongue.
The Calebites and Israelites remained close allies as shown at the
Battle of Rephadim. There, Hur and Aaron, representing the Calebites
and Israelites respectively, assisted Moses victory over the
Somewhat oddly, this battle with the Amalekites at
Jehovah-Nissi, close to the Mount of God, is Hurs only recorded
appearance in the Pentateuch.
The memorable victory of Moses is a retelling of Abrahams
defeat of the Elamite king, Kedorlaomer, following Abrahams own
departure from Egypt.
In Moses tale Amalek is probably the god
Melek Taus also known as Azâzil or the Peacock Angel.
He is
reputedly the chief of the giant Nephilim, described as Watchers in the
Judaic-Christian apocryphal Book of Enoch, and their offspring from the
Daughters of Man called the Anakim. Melek Taus is equivalent to
Ahriman, Satan or Lucifer. In the same way, the battle between the
people of Amalek and the Israelites is equivalent to the ever-pervasive
battle between good and evil.
The Nephilim had many different names.
They were called
the Fallen Ones, Terrors (Emim), Weakeners (Rephaim), Giant Heroes
(Gibborim), Achievers (Zamzummim), Long-necked (Anakim) or Wearers
of Necklaces, Devastators (Awwim) and Serpents. These people were a
Neolithic tribe of seven-foot tall people, which flourished in Europe. The
Hamitic Watusi in Equatorial Africa is an offshoot.
After removing
the Anakim, Joshua conceded Hebron to Caleb as his inheritance. It was
the Nephilim, Arba, who established Kiriath-Arba or Hebron.
Of all the Children of Israel that came out of Egyptian bondage, it
was only Caleb and Joshua who crossed to the Promised Land following
the death of Moses.
Caleb then seized Hebron and ousted the four
tribes of the Anakim, known as Arbas son Anak and grandsons Sheshai,
Ahiman and Talmai.
When we speak of Caleb, it is of the tribe that ended with Jasher,
sone of Caleb, and Jashers daughter the famous leader and judge,
The line of Caleb flowed from Abraham to Isaac, to Hezron,
Caleb, Jasher and Debroah. It was Jasher, not Joshua, that received
Aarons rod from Moses, and who lead the Children of Israel into the
Caleb conveyed the Holy Spirit to Hebron. In Hebron, Caleb the
Hurrian ousted Mother Goddess worship.
For the Calebites, the
religion of Yahweh continued as a patriarchal and stridently anti-mother
This is to say, deriving from the Indo-Hittites above Israel, in
the Indo-Hittite crucible of the Commagene, rather than from the Afro-
Asiatic Semites.
In this story, we can dimly perceive the occupation of Hebron by
the Hurrians, which has always been such a mystery to scholars. The
Hurrian Calebites of Hebron, the Kirjath-arba, Dog-men or Children of
Heth, are therefore the mysterious roses on the Plain of Sharon. Davids
battles with the Philistines also symbolize the ongoing process of
eliminating the Anakim from Israel.
Eventually the Israelites absorbed the Calebite heritage, as can be
readily detected in one of the greatest guilt-myths of all time, that of
Jacob and Esau. These brothers represent the smooth peoples of Judah
and rough Calebites of Edom respectively.
The Calebites of Hebron merged with tribe Judah, and the
Calebites of Ephrath with the tribe of Benjamin. From this amalgamation
of the tribes, the Pentateuch was to become a unique blending of both
Israelite and Calebite history and religious development. This was the
key period when the Indo-Hittite compression finally fused the Hurrians
and Israelites into the unique religious society we know today.
The Calebite peoples were probably the group that avoided
transportation to Babylon in the Exile. They were the remnant. Instead,
these tented-peoples returned to their Kenite mother tribe in Edom for
protection. There they retained the essential purity of the early Israelite-
Calebite religion. This was in contrast to the main body of Israelites.
Persian philosophies influenced them greatly during the Exile in
Six hundred years later Jesus was to continue the ferocity of the
Calebite attack on the Canaanite religion of the Great Triple Goddess
I have come to destroy the works of the Female.
Although Jesus participated in the ancient laming rituals of
royalty, he rejected the Mother Religion immediately afterwards.
doing so, he also rejected his Kenite wife Mary Magdalene and never
consummated the sacred marriage with her.
For this reason Paul's adoption of Afro-Asiatic sacrificial king
rituals, using Jesus as his archetype, was a direct affront to much Jesus
stood for in his own country. The furor that ensued nearly led to the
hanging of Paul and in fact resulted in his deportation from Israel.
Nevertheless, the Roman Church was to further entrench this ritual by
incorporating Afro-Asiatic carnal symbolism of rose logic into its
buildings and ceremonies. We must defer this intriguing topic until later
in this chapter.
The Book of Matthew describes Jesus second coming, drawing
heavily on events of about 165BCE in the Old Testament Book of
The Book of Luke follows on to note that Jacobs throne and
royal line would to continue in existence through the centuries until Jesus
Christ took it over at the second coming:
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a
son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall
be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto
him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the
house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Just as Samson was a Nazarite of the tribe of Dan who judged
Israel during the period of Philistine domination, Jesus was from
Nazareth, which means he was a Nazarene or Danite. His father was of
Judah and his mother a Kenite. So Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the
Midrash, the Messiah will have the reverse parentage to Samson. The
Messiah would come from Judah and his mother will be of the Tribe of
Returning to groups that used the rose as their symbol, we turn to
the Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion. Claude Antoine Thory, the famous
French Masonic Historian who co-founded the Rite Ecossaise
Philosophique in 1775, tells us that the Essenes and Jews founded a
School of Solomonic Wisdom in Alexandria.
The School later divided
into a variety of Orders known as the Conservers of the Mosaic Secrets,
the Hermetic Secrets etc.
This School reunited with Ormus. According to the French Rite
of Memphis, Ormus was an Egyptian priest in Alexandria baptized by St.
Mark in 46CE.
His school was probably the sole trustee of the ancient
doctrines of Egypt. The Knights Templar received these secrets from the
Knights of Palestine, the latter day followers of Ormus.
It is worth briefly diverting to understand the Rite of Memphis,
which identified Ormus. Marconis was inspired to create his own system
of ninety degrees in 1839 called the Rite of Memphis. It was essentially
the defunct Rite of Mizraim, which probably dissolved because the final
parts of its ritual had become unacceptably occult.
While initially the
Grand Orient of France supported the Rite of Memphis, it ultimately
suspended this rite as well. The exoteric portion of the Rites of Memphis
and Mizraim became the Ordo Templi Orientis. The Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light reserved the more occult inner teachings. The two
orders merged by about 1917.
Notwithstanding the passing of the Rites of Mizram and Memphis,
these degrees quite possibly included elements of scarce Rosicrucian
histories gleaned by the Jesuits, such as the Initiation of Plato.
While Ormus may have been an Egyptian priest, his name is
likely to be an abbreviation for Ahura Mazda in the same way as
In other words, his School reunited with the religion of
Ormus, the Good Religion of Zoroaster. The symbol adopted by the
Conservers of the Hermetic Secrets was a rose on a cross.
The Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion claims its original foundation
in this Alexandrian School of Wisdom. However, the mediaeval form
dates from about 1090CE and later became public when the Knights
Templar annexed it to accommodate Jews and Muslims within their
Christian organization.
By this time, the Prieure du Notre Dame du
Sion had inherited the Alexandrian Jewish knowledge of alchemy, which
was also flourishing in the Jewish communities of France and Spain.
The Knights Templar and Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion shared
the same Grand Master until 1188. In this year, the Orders separated to
allow the Order of Sion to focus on the restoration of the Merovingian
lineage in France. This separation occurred at Gisors as the Splitting of
the Elm. The Elm is the tree that supports the young vine.
Some legends say the Rosicrucians originated with one of the
elms branches at Gisors, known as Ormus. The priory of St Samson
dOrleans, so they say, protected the members in the priory of Mount Sion
at St Jean Le Blanc. The emblem of Ormus was a red cross in a white
rose. Since 1188 and to this day, a Supreme Master, called the
Nautonnier or Navigator, has led thirteen members in their worship of
Notre Dame.
The Knights Templar and Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion
effectively reunited at the marriage of Count René dAnjou.
At least three Grand Masters of the Prieure du Notre Dame du
Sion were well-known practitioners and publishers of alchemy: Nicholas
Flamel (1398-1418), Robert Boyle (1654-1691) and Sir Isaac Newton
(1691-1727). Although these Grand Masters were familiar with Jewish
alchemy and Gnostic philosophy, they probably were not accomplished
adepts of practical alchemy. Isaac Newton seemed very frustrated.
Perhaps the Grand Masters suffered a similar vacuum of knowledge as the
Rabbis who supposedly lost the secret at the destruction of the Temple.
Nor were these Grand Masters of the Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion
privy to the secret philosophy of the Sharon's Rose.
The Rite of Memphis always held that the real principles of
masonry were Chaldean.
Their Rosicrucian ancestors had supposedly
preserved this knowledge in the Temple of the Rose Cross at
The knowledge was preserved at an unknown convent of
the Maronites, on Mount Liban. This probably refers to either the
Assaasins and their Grand Master, the Old Man of the Mountain in a cave
of Mount Lebanon.
A 1660 Rosicrucian poem to the Societie by Francis Thynne
honors the dedication of the Rosicrucians:
The purple Rose which first Damasco bredd,
adorn'd with cullor grateful to the sight
Soe two faire dowries which man doth enjoye
true perfect love, and suer fidelite
both which. This damask rose doth well unfolde,
as honest hart, which faith and love doth houlde.
There is an important parallel between the stories of Arcadia in
the Aegean Peloponnese and Damascus. The renowned alchemist
Michael Maier writes that the Temple of the Rosy Cross is located by the
spring Helicon on the double peaked mountain of Parnassus.
corresponds with the Greeks who originally worshiped the Muses at
Mount Pieria in Thessaly but transferred to Helicon.
Later they
relocated to Delphi on the slopes of Mt Parnassus.
The legendary winged-horse Pegasus sprung the well called
Hippocrene at the sacred spring of Helicon, by striking his moon-shaped
hooves on the ground.
He was the native European pony. Because of
his moon-shaped hooves, he was sacred to Demeter, the mare-headed
Moon Goddess. She gave him the power to bring rain and install
Because of his abilities, Pegasus spring was sacred to the Triple
Goddess and her Muses as a source of poetic inspiration.
The dialogue
between Moth and Adriano de Armado (initials AA) in Shakespeares
Loves Labours Lost refers to it:
Moth the dancing horse will tell you.
Adriano de Armado A most fine Figure!
Moth: To prove you a cipher.
A huge painting of the winged horse Pegasus was the principal
feature of the Hall of the Inner Temple, an ancient mansion of the Knights
Templar in London.
It hung there for many centuries. The college of
lawyers of Inner Temple in London adopted Pegasus as their arms. They
erected a stained glass window with these arms in Temple Church, which
was replaced the original circular church after 1160CE. In 1185CE,
Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, consecrated the new, characteristically
round church to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the presence of King Henry
II. It served the London headquarters of the Knights Templar until 1307.
The gushing spring of Helicon is equivalent to the source of the
Jordan River at Paneas, sixty-three kilometers south of Damascus and
twenty kilometers from the triple peaked Mount Hermon. As previously
mentioned, Mount Hermon has more than twenty ancient temples, which
is unusual for a Phoenician coastal site. However, many regard another
mountain, the triple-peaked Mount Lebanon, as the legendary Mount
Mount Lebanon is also called the White Mountain, the Old White-
headed Man, Jebel esh Shiekh or the Mountain of Ice, Jebel-el-Tilj.
Josephus writes that the source of the Jordan is in fact even closer
to Mount Hermon:
There is a mountain here whose top is lost in the clouds; in the
lower slopes is a cavern with its mouth concealed by vegetation,
inside which a sheer precipice descends, nobody knows how far,
to a cavity filled with still water: no plummet has ever reached the
bottom, however long the cord. From the roots of the cavern well
up the springs, which some consider the headwaters of the
Jordan. ... The Jordan appears to rise at Paneum, but actually it
flows out of sight underground from the pool called Phiale, 'the
Bowl', to Paneum. Anyone going up into Trachonitis will find this
pool fourteen miles from Caesarea Philippi, not very far to the
right of the road. It is very aptly called 'the Bowl' because of its
shape, which is a perfect circle. The water always remains level
with its brim neither sinking nor running over.
Panias was progressively renamed Caesarea Philippi, Neronias,
then and Arabic Banias. At the Crusades, it became Belinas. The Jews
called the city Dan or Mizvar Dan, meaning Fort of Dan. The Fort is still
the most remarkable in the Holy Land.
Syrians or Phoenicians
originally built it and the Saracens and Franks added to it.
The River Jordan takes its name from the Tribe of Dan. Jordan
means the going down of the Dan.
It flows through Galilee to the
Dead Sea bringing extraordinary fertility to the land.
Josephus describes how Galilee was excellent for crops, cattle
and rich in forests of every kind.
Its enormous agricultural
productivity studded thickly the land with towns and villages, the smallest
of which had fifteen thousand inhabitants.
The Jordan River flows into Lake Gennesaret or the Sea of
Galilee, which Josephus describes as delicious and pure with a sandy
beach on every side.
It is slightly salty due to warm saline springs that
enter the floor of the lake.
Josephus describes the species of fish in the lake and tells us that
they differ in taste and appearances from those found elsewhere, but are
very like the perch in the lake of Alexandria. Alongside the Lake is an
abundant stretch of country that Josephus calls natures crowing
achievement. Plants of every variety grow in its rich soil. Even those
naturally opposed elsewhere flourish together. Walnuts, grapes, figs and
palms produce fruit all year around.
As one of the many rewards for their successful revolution, the
Maccabean-Hasmonaeans received the exquisite Plain of Gennesaret on
the West side of Lake Gennesaret in Galilee.
Thereafter it became the
heartland of Jewish royalist resistance to the Romans.
Finally, Jericho, at the approach to the Dead Sea, is renowned for
its fertility. It is rich in palms and balsam.
Cleopatra coveted the
Jericho palm grove for its richness and finally received it as a gift from
The Greek shrine to Pan gives Paneas its name as the legendary
source of the marvelous Jordan River. It marks the site of transformation
of man from the lowest earthly to the highest celestial form. Sir Francis
Bacon was to write that what we know as the Church of Christ, was once
the Brotherhood of Pan.
Pan is the anthropomorphic or archetypal image of the evolution
of the Spirit of Man. The waters of Pan are therefore an agent of
evolution or regeneration. John the Baptist conducted his baptism rituals
in the Jordan and even today people of some religions return there to
immerse themselves in its waters for extraordinarily long periods, even to
the point of almost drowning.
The Nile and the Jordan River are similar in more than fine fish
and fertile floodplains. The renowned alchemist, Zosimus of Panopolis,
was to write:
Go to the waters of the Nile; there you will find a stone which has
a spirit; take it, cut it in two; put your hand in its interior and
draw out its heart: because its soul is in its heart.
There is a purpose for the forgoing description of the bounty of
the Jordan River. This is to outline that the fertility of the rivers valley is
quite possibly due to an exceptionally high level of gold and other
regenerative elements. Its waters yield these metals by precipitation with
sodium hydroxide, as shown in Appendix 3.
With the Nile and Jordan Rivers, we just are beginning to
understand the volcanic vent, riverbed and seabed sources of the
Philosophers Stone, which we shall return to in Chapter 19. The author
is indeed indebted to a certain thirty-third degree freemason who grew
dog roses in his front garden and many years ago related his excitement
about the unusual topic of Jordan River water.
While the term Rosy Cross has engulfed esoteric rose symbolism,
it really has little to do with roses in any direct botanical sense. The term
Rose Croix derives from the Latin ros meaning dew or Life, and crux
meaning cross that refers to the chemical sign for Light. As we saw in
Chapter 5, the cross of Light and Life has the same meaning as Yahweh's
post-Exilic name.
Yet, the rose is an evocative symbol of many other things that
have synergy with alchemy. For example, the rose also stands for secrecy
and silence. Many hotels in Europe such as those in the Vienna Wood
have a rose on their billboard suggesting their hotels provide
confidentiality for amorous liaisons.
A rose in a dining room reminds people of the need for secrecy
around the dinner table, or sub rosa in Latin.
This reflects the Sign of
Silence, which is a form of adoration given by raising ones finger to the
lips. Historically, it is the sign of adoration of a king reborn. The rose
embraces the king. In the case of Horus, it is a lotus flower. Cupid, the
son of Venus, symbolizes this image of beauty and love. He presents a
rose to Harpocrates as the secret symbol of his forthcoming rebirth:
In many places as well in England as the Low Countries, they
have over their Tables a rose painted, and what is spoken under
the rose must not be revealed; the reason is this; The Rose being
sacred to Venus, whose amours and stolen sports that they might
never be revealed, her sonne Cupid would needes dedicate to
Harpocrates, the God of Silence.
The Egyptians knew Harpocrates as Heru-pa-khret. It is from his
Egyptian name that the Chi-Rho cross of Christ derives. KHeru translates
in Greek as Criw meaning, I anoint.
With this perspective of
Harpocrates, we can again detect Indo-Hittite myth replacing Afro-
Asiatic. Harpocrates, as the divine child, is victorious over the carnal
lusts of Set. The Egyptian Saturnalia celebrated this event.
In 1731CE, Corneille asserted that the great masters of the Rose
Cross were Frerés de la Rosee Cuite or Brothers of the Boiled Dew.
He records that they gave themselves the initials FRC. Masonic fringe
groups such as Fratres Rosi Crucis, Fraternity of the Rosy Cross and
Fellows of the Rosy Cross took these initials.
The earliest written reference to the Brethren of the Rosy Cross,
or Rosicrucians, is a 1638 poem that associates them with speculative
For what we pressage is not in grosse, for we be brethren of the
Rosie Cross, we have the Masons Word and second sight, things
to come we can foretell aright.
Amongst Elias Ashmoles papers were his handwritten English
translations of the Rosicrucian tracts Fama and the Confessio. In about
1653, Elias Ashmole wrote that he had learned from Doctor Molton that
the Rosicrucians lived in Strasbourg:
The Fratres RC: live about Strasburg: 7 miles from thence in a
In fact, the Fratres were more widespread than this. In June 1623,
the College Principal des Freres de la Rose-Croix, a group of protestant
monks from the abbe dOrval, was present in Rennes-le-Chateau and
They were a Benedictine and Cathar order that
derived from the Bogomils.
The Thirty Years War brought European Rosicrucians to
England. The war lasted from 1618 to 1648. In the 1620s, Catholic
Armies overran most of Germany. The Christian Unions of Johann
Valentin Andrea smuggled German Rosicrucians into Flanders. From
there, they formed a Rosicrucian Court in Exile in the Netherlands. James
I of England, a Stuart King from 1603 to 1625, became the main bastion
of protection. Most Rosicrucians moved on to England. Dame Francis
Yates observes that the Thirty Years War put paid to the Rosicrucians'
attempt to build a Protestant esoteric empire in Europe.
Johann Valentin Andrea, who organized the Christian Unions, is
also considered the most likely author of the Rosicrucian manifesto
Christian Rosencranz. He adopted armorial bearings of a St. Andrew's
cross with four roses.
The deeply meaningful symbol of a St. Andrew's cross was
proudly worn at the establishment of the Royal Society where each fellow
wore a St Andrews cross of ribbon on the crown of his hat.
The Roman Catholic Church, refers to the St Andrew's cross as
the Signaculum Dei or Seal of God.
Yet, it remains a thorn to the
established Church. It is a symbol of Archangel Michael and the lineage
of Melchizedek Priests.
The Testament of Amram found among the
Dead Sea Scrolls highlights the strong similarity between Melchizedek
and the Archangel Michael, Protector of Israel and Prince of Light.
England did not prove a very safe refuge for the Rosicrucians.
The Government of England was unstable because Charles I, son of
James I, dismissed Parliament in 1629. He governed without Parliament
for eleven years. Meanwhile the Hammer of the Witches organized by the
Roman Catholic Church had spread to the Protestant Church in England.
The escalation of fanaticism that led to the Hammer of the
Witches had been in progress since the time of Emperor Constantine, who
reigned from 306-307CE. After his conversion to Christianity, Emperor
Constantine immediately banned all magic and magicians. Under this
law, the State could sentence offenders to immolation.
Shortly afterwards Constantine found it necessary to amend the
law stating that his intention was only to prohibit deadly and malignant
magic and that he had no intention of prohibiting magic used to cure
diseases and to protect the crops from hail and tempests. Nevertheless,
the Church's war on heresy and magic had begun. From 1200CE to
1500CE, the Church specifically targeted Cathars, Knights Templar,
Jews, Muslims and Gypsies. It accused them of witchcraft, sorcery and
satanic magic.
Chapter 13 related how Pope John XXII directed his Papal Bull
of 1317, called Spondent pariter, against magicians and alchemists. Pope
Eugene IV followed with bulls in 1437 and 1445 exhorting inquisitors to
be more diligent in searching out magicians and witches who produced
bad weather. Persecution of all types of magic redoubled.
Pope Innocent VIII issued the Summis Desiderantes in 1484.
This bull sent inquisitors into Germany. The inquisitors manual was the
infamous Malleus Maleficarum or Hammer of the Witches. It ordered:
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Pope Julius II and Pope Adrian
VI reinforced the purging of witchcraft with similar bulls in 1504 and
1523 respectively.
Before Pope Innocent VIIIs bull of 1484, the Church had
distinguished between magia and malificia. Magia was acceptable magic
while malificia was magic used with criminal intent. The Church
regarded magia as a social ill rather than heresy and tolerated it, provided
it did not invoke the devil or other evil spirits. After Pope Innocent VIII's
bull, all popular magic became malificia and heresy.
Earlier, in 1252, the Church had sanctioned torture in Papal
Inquisitions and permitted both secret trials and execution by burning.
With the aid of Malleus Maleficarum, the inquisitors ordered ferocious
witch-hunts against the rural classes. These peaked between 1580 and
1660. Inquisitors and Puritans in England, Europe and America executed
hundreds of thousands of alleged witches over a two hundred and fifty
year period. Many tens of thousands of these were in Germany alone.
In concert with the widespread repression of the time, Dr John
Whitgift's Star Chamber decree of 1586 restricted freedom of the press in
Published manuscripts required the assent of either the
Archbishop of Canterbury or the Bishop of London. Exceedingly harsh
penalties caused most writers to cease publishing entirely. Only those
with implicit Royal support such as Sir Francis Bacon continued to
publish and even then under pseudonyms.
By 1625, Rosicrucian scientists had also become victims of the
witch-hunt. Even the fledgling Royal Society, established by Charles I on
St Andrews Day, was obliged to go underground where it became the
Invisible College in 1649.
The Royal Society eventually emerged in
1662 under Charles II's sponsorship.
He had an alchemy laboratory
built under his bedchamber, with access by a private staircase.
Sir Christopher Wren was a founding member of the Royal
Society and frequented the Invisible College. There are scant records of
Freemasonry at this time but Anderson's New Book of Constitutions of
1738 notes Wren, the Master of the London Operative Masons Company
was a Grand Master of Freemasonry in 1685.
Similarly, John Aubrey,
an antiquary and fellow of the Royal Society, recorded that an order
initiated Wren in 1691 at St Pauls Cathedral.
The Christian Unions of Johann Valentin Andrea, who organized
the mass Rosicrucian evacuation from Germany, urgently needed stability
in Britain. There were a number of ready havens for them. These
included nobles who had been forming circles for the practice of the
Mysteries. Dr John Dee had refreshed this knowledge from the Architects
in Italy and Navigators in Holland.
Other like-minded groups were the Family of Love, which we
mentioned in Chapter 15, and lodges of operative Scottish builders and
glassmakers. Operative Scottish builders' lodges were at the same time
filtering into England as clandestine sanctuaries with unusual modes of
secrecy, where the circles could pursue scientific discussion in the midst
of widespread intellectual repression. Through their friendly joining of
the operative lodge system, the Christian Unions of the Rosicrucians
catalyzed speculative English Freemasonry into the grand institution it is
By 1717, the Rosicrucians and Freemasons found it necessary to
address the profusion of groups and rites that had developed since the
days of Dr John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon.
A great convocation was
organized and John Toland rationalized the various legends. He
canonized their rituals to form the basis of Regular or Craft
Toland was a cosmological hermeticist who believed in
the ideals of animate matter and a world spirit.
After many more attempts at standardization, the Duke of
Brunswick finally addressed the profusion of esoteric rituals in the higher
degrees at Wilhelmsbad in 1782.
Thirty sittings debated whether
Masonry was a continuation of the Knights Templars. At stake was the
controversial point of whether every Freemason was a Knight Templar.
The outcome was in the negative, however the decision applies only to
the degrees of Craft Freemasonry, not to the higher degrees.
By means of the early rationalizations, Rosicrucians helped
transform English Freemasonry from its literal Roman Catholic focus into
a common forum for all religions, especially Gnostic Christians and Jews.
The blending of Rosicrucian Indo-Hittite myths expressed by
Zoroastrianism together with Afro-Asiatic mysteries of the Mother
Goddess is perhaps the major reason why the flavor of Freemasonry is so
Two superimposed squares produce the Rosicrucians eight-
pointed star or foliated Rosy Cross.
Its eight points represent the
traditional number of plenty. This cross was marked on the Melchizedek
shewbread in the Temple.
Eight was the number of Osiris. It is also
the special number of the Holy Ghost or Holy Breath and is the cipher
number for Knowledge or Saturn.
It refers to the Origin or Pole out of
which the seven Spirits of God emerged. Seven is the number of holiness
and ten the number of perfection.
Many Knights Templar and St Clair gravestones in Scotland
show the Rosicrucian eight-pointed cross with a sword and various
Masonic symbols. The eight pointed cross is also reminiscent of the
Melchizedek and papal tri-railed Cross-of-Salem. The three rails
represent, among perhaps many other things, the light of the sun, the light
of the soul and the light of knowledge. These are the three great lights in
all Mysteries.
Chapter 8 showed these three lights form an equilateral triangle
with the Sun (Q're), the Moon (Ashima) and Venus (Anatha) at its
vertices. These vertices also represent Shamash, Sin and Inanna. There
are many other matching triads.
The paradigm of three rails or lights has proven insightful in
today's philosophy and psychology. A modern example is the philosophy
of Sir Karl Popper. The three rails are equivalent to three worlds.
World One is the material world; World Two the subjective world of each
individuals mind; World Three is objective structures that are produced
by the collective action of human minds but once produced are
independent. Within World Three is the knowledge of books, social
organizations and techniques of communication.
The US clinical
psychotherapist Albert Ellis independently developed a famous system of
cognitive behavioral psychology involving Activating experiences, Belief
systems and Consequences of actions that closely corresponds to Popper's
three worlds.
His system of disputation and accountability is now at
the heart of most clinical therapy.
We now return to our Rosicrucian investigations. Very little
information exists about the German Rosicrucian before their arrival in
England. Even today, they are silent on the subject. Masons described
the Rosicrucians in 1883 as follows:
The Rosicrucians of Germany are quite ignorant of their origin;
but, by tradition, they suppose themselves descendants of the
ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, Magi and Gymnosophists [Indian
yogis]; and this is probably true. They had the name of
illuminati, from their claiming to possess certain secret
knowledge, and from their secrecy, they were also called invisible
One of the very early irregular groups struggling to make the leap
from Jewish alchemy to German Rosicrucianism was the Order of the
Golden and Rosy Cross founded by Sigmund Richter in 1710. With
uncertain beginnings, the Order quickly collapsed because it:
upheld faith against skepticism, revelation against reason,
Christian doctrine against deism or paganism, monarchy and
established hierarchy against democracy, tradition and stability
against change and progress.
The failure of conservative Freemasonry is flippantly, yet
succinctly summed-up by Sir Humphrey Appleby in the British
Broadcasting Commission television series Yes Minister:
Sir Humphrey: The issue is not good and evil, Minister - its about
order and chaos.
Minister: If you believe that Humphrey, you will most
assuredly go to hell.
Sir Humphrey: Minister, I did not know you were a Theologian.
Sir Humphrey is asserting the primacy of order over good.
Freemasonrys adherence to this principle of enlightened or benevolent
autocracy is misguided because it condones despotic tyranny and slavery.
Order out of chaos lacks relevance in our modern Western Democracies
where individual liberty is the most precious jewel.
The two key events in about 1970 changed societys comfort in
order. At the Paris Sorbonne, students violently protested against the
Vietnam War. These Sorbonne protest erupted into Frances second
revolution. Ten million French people went on strike over industrial
conditions. In June 1968, President de Gaulle asked the people for the
opportunity of reform and they granted it. Instead of reform, de Gaulle
violently put down the protestors. The people dismissed him in April
In 1968, Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy were
assassinated. New Yorks Columbia University Students rioted over US
actions in Vietnam. In April 1970, the US blue blood establishment was
shocked out of its complacency when six thousand of their sons and
daughters rioted at Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Kent State University became the nadir. In May 1970, thirteen
seconds of M1 fire by National Guardsmen saw four students dead and
nine badly wounded. One student was bayoneted. The FBI and Special
Grand Jury found the University administration clearly responsible.
Thomas Jefferson highlighted the Freemasons dilemma when he
Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
In his day, progressive Freemasons turned to the objects of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. On July 4, 1776, the Congress of the
United States adopted The Unanimous Declaration of The Thirteen
United States of America, which stated:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, having its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
However, in drafting the US constitution, the fathers decided to
subjugate liberty to order. They returned to the concept of order out of
chaos. They regarded the definition of good and evil as a matter of
theology, not government, and saw the rule of law as more important.
When it came to that rule of law, it was the society that mattered, not the
individual. The 1761 Bill of Rights overturned this mistake and
reintroduced the importance of individual liberty in law. It remains a
salutary warning to all literal Freemasons.
While The Golden and Rosy Cross dissolved, the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia reused its rituals in 1793.
The Societas
Rosicruciana in Scotia and the American Societas Rosicruciana in
Civitibus Foederatis are associates of this order.
One Rosicrucian group, the Societas Rosicruciana of
Pennsylvania, claims lineage to the original German Rosicrucians. It also
claims a heritage to the original church of Jerusalem of the Nazarenes,
which we also associate with the Great Heresy of the Bogomils. The
Societas Rosicruciana is supposedly one half of the true order with the
other half being invited Grand Masters of Freemasonry. Some believe
this group unified Freemasonry since John Toland rationalized and
formalized its rituals in 1723.
The Rosicrucians in Europe associated with the Family of
They sponsored and educated Sir Francis Bacon and appear to
have facilitated the protection of Britain by giving assistance to Sir
Francis Walsingham's famous network of spies.
The Family of Love or Houses of Love, a term also used recently
by the Children of God cult, was formerly a mystery school or fellowship
of scholarly adepts dedicated to preserve Mystery truths.
One of its
most enthusiastic members, Christopher Plantin, was a French printer in
Antwerp. He published the 1577 edition of Alicat's Emblemata, which
first contained the Rosicrucians enigmatic AA emblem.
The AA Device, from the Faerie Queen, Book 2, 1609
showing distinctive shading or Veil of the right A indicating
Wisdom or the meaning of life needs to be discovered
The Rosicrucian Family promoted tolerance, friendship, learning
and artistry in service of truth.
They regarded virtue, peace and the
purity and strength of a person's inner spiritual life as far more important
than any outer religious or political orientation. Charity or brotherly love
was the most important of the virtues, as it is in Freemasonry today.
The Family considered the outer form as unimportant and able to
adapt to exigency. The branches of the Familys tree could bend in the
winds of the political and religious environment in each country.
However, the inner form was quite different. The Family united its
members with a common philosophy of mans inner spiritual life.
The Family claimed its members led the Italian Renaissance and
produced great writers, teachers, healers, scholars, poets, artists and
craftsmen. They also claim credit for great charitable works and
educational schemes. Dr John Dee traveled to Rome to follow the Family
and bring their Italian Renaissance stories back to England.
The sentiment that underpinned the Family was only one part of
societys longing for better times. Righteous social engineers constantly
sought out portents of change such as comets and other signs in the sky.
As if on cue, impressive supernova explosions took place that had
immense meaning for the early English Rosicrucians
These supernova explosions occurred in Cassiopeia in August
1572 and Ophiuchus in 1604. These two brilliant supernovas were both
clearly visible in daylight for up to one and a half years and greatly
excited the Rosicrucians as Stars of Bethlehem ushering in the
penultimate age of man. This was to be the Golden Age of Aquarius.
The supernova in Cassiopeia was particularly unique, as this
constellation was the heavenly body specifically regarded as the Celestial
or Virgin Queen.
Cassiopeia is one of the titles of Isis, the Queen of
Ethiopia who is the Popess of the Tarot.
Ophiuchus has mystical importance as Aesculapius the Serpent
Holder and was held to be very significant because it marked the death of
Queen Elizabeth I.
Robert Fludd wrote that the planetary conjugations of 1603-1604
were a sign for the Rosicrucian Brotherhood to expand its membership in
preparation for the great Restoration of Arts and Sciences of the World,
which they called the Instauration.
The Rosicrucians believed the
arrival of the Golden Age of Aquarius would lead all men to embrace
A supernova reputedly occurs in Cassiopeia every three hundred
years on average. Each new star that appears in Cassiopeia symbolizes
the birth of a new Christ or Child of Light who will be manifest on earth.
People who received the Mysteries and put Righteousness into
full practice showed the illumination of Joy in their faces. This was a
Crown of Light. Josephus wrote that the reward for a righteous life:
is not silver or gold; it is not a garland of olive branches or of
small age, nor any sign of commendation; but every good man
shall come into being again, and at a certain revolution of things
shall receive a better life than they had enjoyed before.
The Rosicrucian sign of this Crown of Light was the letter A
given twice as AA. It derived both from the double A star formation in
Cassiopeia and from Apollo's cry at the death of Hyacinth: Ai, Ai (see
Appendix 4).
The twin AA especially represents Circes sacred island named
after Apollos cry, Aiaìe or Aeaea. There she granted men the Wisdom of
initiation and symbolically turned them into pigs. The island of Aiaìe
appears to represent the Aj peoples land (aìe). The Rig-Veda mentions
the Aj, who are also known as the ancient Hyperborean cult of Apollo that
came from Airyana Vaêjo (or Airyana Aejo) and settled in Britain.
Less compelling perhaps, AA also suggests the Achaeans and
Argeioi, the ancient names of the Danaans.
Furthermore, in the twin
peaks of AA, we can also recognise the KUR-KUR, Sumers sacred
mountain, which we discussed in Chapter 5.
Full or partial inversion of the AA device as VV or AV concealed
it with greater mystery. For example, in Shakespeare's overt drama of the
sacred marriage, Venus and Adonis, the sacrificed Adonis blood brings
forth a blood red flower, very similar to the purple flower of Hyacinth.
Although a discus kills Hyacinth and a boar kills Adonis on Mount
Lebanon, they represent the same individual. The AV combination, when
superimposed, becomes the six-pointed Christ-star, which is the sign of a
Master and symbol of a Freemason.
The Rosicrucians often showed the AA device as a name such as
Adriano de Armado in Shakespeares Loves Labours Lost. A beautiful
silk embroidery of Anna Austins funerary urn hangs in the hallway at
Woodlawn Plantation, Virginia, the home of George Washingtons
nephew Lawrence Lewis and Nelly Custis Lewis, George Washington's
foster granddaughter. The urn for this unknown woman with initials AA
bears the date November 11, 1797, age 56 years. A Masonic soldier and
his lady in white stand by. The woman in white is a classic white
goddess. Such was the skill of the embroiderer that she disappears
entirely in the reflection of a mirror.
Adepts of the AA figuratively slice their crown to open the
spiritual pole of the human to heaven, in the same way as the discus
scalped Hyacinth.
This represents the unlimited and visual experience
of boundless light and a knowledge that God is beyond understanding.
To achieve this, a hairdresser arranges a square coiffure, which enables
the release of spiritual consciousness through two small openings in the
crown of the skull called the parietal foramina (see Appendix 7).
symbolic cap protects the shaven head and is a sign of the celestial vault.
The cap is similar to Pallas Athena's glorious helmet or crown of light
that is God's Countenance, God's Word or Life.
In the same way, the ancient Jewish Phrygian Cap or conical cap
of Hades, which usually denoted a person of Anatolian or Persian origin,
has always been the Indo-Hittite sign of an initiate and protective talisman
against ritual slaughter.
The earliest mythical wearer was Perseus (or
Ptersus) who reputedly brought initiation and magic to Persia, killed the
Gorgon Medusa and founded the Magi to guard the sacred immortal
Red Phrygian caps signified liberty in the French Revolution and
the wearer was highly regarded as a true revolutionary.
In the next chapter, we shall see how Freemasonry and
Rosicrucianism prospered, while the Knights Templar apparently lost
touch with the fine line between esotericism and heresy. The Roman
Catholic Church accepted the former. It even incorporated it into its
living church rituals. The latter included the notorious Arabic grimoire
magia, necromancy and a mélange of Gnostic sexual practices.
Chapter 18 Architecture, Freemasonry & Knights
The most ancient architect known to the world is Imhotep of
He was Chief Minister to Pharaoh Djoser who reigned from
2630BCE to 2611BCE. Sekhemet, who reigned in 2603BCE, last
mentions him. Imhotep, also called Imouthes, had a number of great
titles. He was Seal Bearer or Grand Vizier, High Priest of Heliopolis,
Chief Lector Speaker or Evangelist Priest, Director of the Great Mansion
and Architect of Saqqara and Edfu. Later the Triad of Memphis deified
him as the Son of God to replace Nefertum, the son of Ptah.
It was in Imhoteps day that the Heliopolian cult of Amun
established the primary philosophies of Old Kingdom Egypt. They
formalized these philosophies in the Pyramid Texts, so-called because
pharaohs of the fifth and sixth dynasties wrote them in seven pyramids.
These dynasties existed in the period 2800BCE to 2470BCE.
The Egyptians raised Temples to Imhotep in Memphis and in
Philae, on the Island of Elephantine. The Greeks subsequently
worshipped him as Asclepius, the god of medicine and the son of Apollo.
The great Imhotep is still highly regarded by the medical profession.
The only other mortal to share the divinity of Imhotep was a sage
of the eighteenth dynasty called Amen Hetep Son of Hapu. His cult
shared a healing shrine with Imhotep at the Funerary Temple of Queen
Hatshepsut in 1470BCE. This was located at Deir El Bahri in the
Western Desert near Thebes. It operated until Christian times.
Amen Hetep Son of Hapu was Chief of Works under Amenhotep
He moved mountains of quartzite to erect the colossal monuments
of Amenhotep III. These included the Colossi of Memnon, which are two
great images of the seated Amenhotep III carved from the fine reddish
sandstone of Gebel el-Ahmar. They are still at Luxor, near the road to the
western desert. These statues are all that is left of Amenhotep IIIs
mortuary temple, the largest in Thebes. Amen Hetep Son of Hapu is also
famous for constructing a complex of funerary Temples under the cliffs of
Western Thebes.
Freemasons have their own rudimentary chronology of Egypt,
which records chief builders back to 970BCE.
An ancient stonemason
inscribed it in the Wadi Hammamat in 580BCE. It rivals the king lists of
Manetho in importance, comparing the earliest chief builder to Imhotep.
Great and pious architects such as Imhotep and Amenhotep Son
of Hapu are prominent archetypes for Freemasonrys Hiram Abiff.
Tradition holds that Hiram Abiff was a member of a secret society of
master builders known as the Dionysian Artificers. The Artificers
appeared around one thousand BCE to erect King Solomon's Temple.
From a base in Lebedos, they established builders lodges in all
Mediterranean lands, Syria, Persia and India.
In Persia, Cambyses
gave them great marks of favour.
In Rome, the Dionysian Artificers
became a branch of the Roman Collegia.
The archetypal Hiram Abiff was a Grand Master of this noble
order of builders, which took its name from the Greek God Dionysis. The
builders were organized into lodges, claimed to possess secret knowledge
and dedicated themselves to help the poor.
The rose is an important
Dionysian symbol and the Rosalia was one of their most important
The Dionysian Artificers likened man to a rough ashlar.
Reason could fashion rude material into a perfectly square stone, the
symbol of God. Thus fashioned, each man became part of the living and
Eternal Temple, without the sound of a hammer. All ashlars, or squared
stones, represent God.
As noted in Chapter 9, the Dionysian Artificers who settled in
Israel reputedly founded the Cassidens or Assideans who later became the
According to Philo and Josephus, the Cassidens joined
with the Essenes.
Both the Cassidens and Essenes disallowed women
to their assemblies.
The Dionysian Artificers were perhaps associated with the great
Ionians who built the Temple of Diana at Ephesus in the eleventh century
BCE. This temple was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The
Dorians similarly built the Temple of Apollo at Tripoli.
At Marmaria, one and a half kilometers from Delphi, on the
slopes of Mt Parnassus, are three precious ornaments also reputedly built
by the Dionysian Artificers.
These are two small Doric Temples and
the famous Tholos of Delphi. The older of the two small temples is
known as the Treasury of Massalia and dates from about 530BCE when
the Python Priestesses moved around the hill from Delphi. Traditionally
the Priestesses buried a young warrior under the temple threshold.
Freemasons may recognize this practice.
Chapter 5 showed that the name Treasury was usually an alias for
a Temple of melissae priestesses. The Treasury of Massalia was one of
the finest examples of Ionic architecture in Greece with spirals and
astragals on its walls of Parian marble. The two columns at its entrance
were Ionic. Palm leaves, the symbol of life, curved curiously downwards
to decorate their capitals. This type of embellishment became the Aeolic
style. It reflects that Priestesses of Delphi worshipped only the Fates of
Birth and Death.
Close by is the exquisite circular Tholos designed by Theodorus
in the fourth century BCE. It was Doric, built from Pentelic marble.
Twenty Doric columns once stood around the exterior. The wall and
molded podium of the Tholos are of Eleusian marble. They support a
labyrinth of ten Corinthian columns. Two interlocking spiral S shaped
staircases may have existed inside columns, similar to the Mycenaean
Treasury of Atreus and the Temple of Apollo at Didyma. The great
Chateau Chambord in the Loire Valley in France, thought to be the work
of Leonardo da Vinci, includes a magnificent intertwining staircase of this
The Tholos of Delphi is similar to images painted in frescoes of
Pompeii. Bedroom B of the Villa of the Mysteries and Bedroom M of the
Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, at nearby Boscoreale, both show the
mysterious Tholos, partially concealed from view by a veil.
We shall
have more to say of the Tholos and its enigmatic labyrinth of columns
later in this chapter.
It is interesting to note that all three societies of architecture and
building, the Ionians, Dorians and Dionysian Artificers, advocated
generous acts of benevolence. They practiced this charity along with their
architecture and building.
These groups were the archetypal
forerunners of the Rosicrucians.
Numa Pompilius, later called Pontifex Maximus, first constituted
the Roman Collegia in 703BCE.
Masonic tradition holds that Caesar
Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome from 27BCE to 14CE, was a patron
of Masons and Grand Master of the Roman College of Architects.
oversaw the Roman innovation of a new architectural order, the
Composite Order, which was first apparent in 19CE.
Certainly, Caesar
Augustus boast that he had found Rome brick and left it marble shows
his high regard for architecture.
Historians know Caesar Augustus as Octavian, although his name
was originally Gaius Octavius. Later he became Gaius Julius Caesar
because he was the grand nephew of Julius Caesar and succeeded him.
Julius Caesar claimed descent to the twin boys Romulus and Remus who
founded of Rome. They were the offspring of the pious Trojan Aeneas, a
prince of the royal house of Assaracus, who bought the sacred porpoise-
ivory Palladium of the porpoise cult to Rome where the Vestal Virgins
guarded it.
The legendary Palladium was a legless object, three cubits
high, made by Athene in memory of her dead playmate Pallas.
originally set the Palladium beside Zeus throne on Mount Olympus.
However, when Electra violated it with her touch, Athene violently cast it
to earth.
Aeneas was the son of the Goddess Aphrodite and Anchises,
King of the Dardanians and grandson of Ilus.
The Arcadians and
Trojans built shrines to Anchises as the god Adonis who was born from a
As we saw with Tamars Palm in the Valley of Oddy in
Chapter 15, the drops of gum shed by the myrrh tree were the tears shed
for Adonis who was born from the tree.
Ovid tells the same story of a father incestuously copulating with
his daughter, Myrrah, albeit unbeknownst to him.
There are many
stories of father-daughter incest to prolong the dynasty. In the Israelite
context, the daughters of Lot lay with him at Zoar.
Similarly, Judah
lay with his daughter Tamar.
A Midrashim suggests that God assisted
their incest.
Like Horus, Aeneas was the Son of God. Both Julius Caesar and
Caesar Augustus claimed descent from him.
The myth of Aeneas
became very important to the Rosicrucians in the seventeenth century. As
previously mentioned, he is one of the nine noble warriors. Frederick II
decorated his bedchamber at Sans Souci with esoteric reliefs of Julius
Caesar and Augustus.
Diocletian, Emperor from 284 to 305CE, endeavored to suppress
Christianity, yet was lenient on the Roman Collegia despite many
members being Christians.
Nevertheless, he martyred four aristocratic
patrons of architecture, called the Quatuor Coronati, together with four
sculptor masons and an apprentice. Their emblems were the saw,
hammer-mallet, compasses and square, cube, plummet, circle and level.
These were the same emblems revered by the Roman Collegia and the
mysterious Magistri Comacini. A member of the Roman Collegia called
Vitruvius noted that those who wore the leather apron of the craft
reserved the inner mysteries.
The fall of the Roman Empire was to lead to a dramatic loss of
Collegia skills. Vitruvius described how the Romans had made extensive
use of cement and even hydraulic lime and silicate mortars that could set
The magnificent dome of the Pantheon built in 110CE
still stands testament to their great achievement in building technology.
In contrast, the great cathedrals and public buildings of Cologne, Milan,
Bologna and Seville used porous sandstone. Time has proven this
material inadequate and these cathedrals now require extensive
waterproofing and repair. It is surprising to most architects and engineers
that the Romans knowledge of cement and admixes was lost until the
invention of Portland cement in England in the eighteenth century CE.
The same catastrophic loss of skills occurred in glazes and glass
making. Vitruvius tells us of the chemically complex color, Egyptian
Blue, invented by the Egyptians before two thousand five hundred
The Greeks, Romans and citizens of Pompeii enjoyed it.
Rabbis once died the tassels of their tallith this blue. To this day, their
tassels remain white because of its loss.
Egyptian Blue was lost to civilization at the time of the barbarian
invasions of Rome in 410CE, only to be rediscovered in the nineteenth
century. It joined another rediscovered color, the royal Purple of Cassius,
found again in 1685. Andreas Cassius precipitated gold, stannous and
stannic chlorides with an alkali to obtain the famous glass colorant called
the Purple of Cassius. Heating a mixture of antimony trisulphide, iron,
mercury (Hg) and copper produced the violet Purple of Cassia.
The skills and functions of the Magistri Comacini appear to
derive from Brotherhoods, such as the Sarmoung Brotherhood, that we
might call Mages of Commagene.
Their involvement in the building
of the great cathedrals of France seems to have had its genesis in the visit
of Louis VII to Palestine during the Second Crusade in 1147CE. Shortly
after his visit, the King adopted the Fleur-de-Lys as both his personal
heraldic device and the Royal Coat of Arms of France.
The Fleur-de-Lys derives its name from the flower Fleur-de-
Luce. It is the sacred narcissus or leirion used in the ancient wreaths of
Demeter and Persephone.
It is the same flower that Gabriel gives to
Mary signifying that a new king would emerge from her womb.
The Fleur-de-Luce is the striking Nazareth Iris or death flower of
the group Oncocyclus.
St Bernard originally translated the word
Nazarene as branch of the vine. Traditionally it means any lilac colored
flower such as the lilac, iris, crocus or even a rose. It is the ultimate lilac
or purple color that symbolizes Horus and the Philosophers Stone.
A further intrigue in the mystery of the French cathedrals is that
the Fleur-de-Lys astrologically corresponds to the sheaf of wheat in the
constellation of Virgo. The constellation of Virgo provides an uncanny
celestial map for the terrestrial layout of the great Gothic Notre-Dame
cathedrals in northern France.
These are Rouen, Chartres, Laon, and
Reims etc. In this pattern the most important cathedral in France, Reims,
represents the star Spica. It therefore symbolizes the Fleur-de-Lys in
In another surprising coincidence, the pyramids of Giza form the
map of Orion over an area twenty kilometers by ten kilometers.
However, the French Virgo is on a very much grander scale of two
hundred and ten kilometers by one hundred and sixty kilometers.
Nevertheless, both seem to express in tangible form the much clichéd
dictum from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes as above, so below. The
Virgo plan in France may either exist by chance or have been constructed
to such a scale because Louis VII shared the expectancy that the next
Messiah would be French and of royal blood.
His adoption of the
Fleur-de-Lys seems to confirm this and we shall see how poignant this
was to be.
Architects and stonemasons of the Magistri Comacini built the
great Gothic cathedrals with a previously unheard of range of structural
designs and construction skills. They taught the secrets of sacred
geometry and construction based on the equilateral triangle of the pointed
arch, called the ogive, which was the upper half of a vesica piscis.
structural innovations developed in the Paris basin between 1140 and
1240 were unparalleled until the invention of reinforced concrete.
As we saw in the previous chapter, the ancient priests and
mathematicians considered that the equilateral triangle embodied God. It
was also the remarkable resolution of forces in construction that enabled
the lightweight and soaring arches of the Gothic cathedrals. Knocking an
equilateral triangle of bricks from a wall without compromising stability
is elementary building theory today. Yet, the secret of building
lightweight edifices to God, using the ogive principle of God, was
enormously exciting to mediaeval architects. It embodied the glorious
meeting of form and function. St Bernard marveled that God was length,
width, height and depth and decreed that in his cathedrals there must be
no decoration, only proportion.
Gothic principles were certainly
austere in the sense of being devoid of decoration. Yet, the new use of
light in the upper sections of the cathedrals coupled with slender, logical
proportions, based on the Golden Ratio, provided a delight for the
Simple trigonometry in Appendix 8 shows why the Knights
Templar were distinguished by the Cross Patteé to mark their austere role
as Knights of the Perfect Pyramid and Golden Ratio. St Bernard saw the
Knights Templar as icons of mathematical perfection, replication and the
womb of living Church regeneration.
Geometry in architecture triumphed with the creation of
spectacular height and roof spans, only limited by the compressive
strength of the building materials available. This found its zenith at
Beauvias Cathedral, which has a nave ceiling height at the keystone of
forty-eight meters compared to thirty-two meters in Paris and thirty-six
meters at Chartres.
Due to repeated compressive failure in the stone
foundations, the nave at Beauvias was never completed. After
encountering this limit, the architects of God turned to their newly
discovered dimension of expression, natural light, and increased window
size. Their objective was to create a thin pillar shell, as found at Saint-
Denis and Sainte-Chappelle. Saint-Denis is the true diaphanous cradle of
the Gothic style.
St Bernard motivated his ecclesiastical workforce by declaring
that work is prayer.
The Gothic cathedrals erected by this practical
prayer became the magnificent New Jerusalem, rebuilt everywhere in
After St Bernard's discoveries were incorporated into the
great cathedrals, the Church rapidly lost interest in Jerusalem itself. With
the discoveries of the Melchizedek knights safely hoarded away, even St
Bernard never saw the need to visit Jerusalem. Quite pointedly, he
asserted that Cistercian monks need only travel to Clairvaux Abbey
Even now he stands in the courts of Jerusalem but not of that
earthly Jerusalem to which Mount Sinai in Arabia is joined, and
which is in bondage with her children, but of that free Jerusalem
which is above and the mother of us all. And this, if you want to
know, is Clairvaux. She is the Jerusalem united to the one in
heaven by whole-hearted devotion, by conformity of life and by a
certain spiritual affinity.
The architect brethren of St Bernards cathedral builders, the
Magistri Comacini, honored the martyrs Hiram Abiff and the Quatuor
Coronati. Their meeting rooms were loggia and their symbols included
King Solomons knot and the interwoven cord of eternity. They held that
King Solomon had given them a Charge and incorporated them fraternally
in the precincts of his Temple.
The Enfants de Solomon or Children of Solomon was part of the
operational wing of the Magistri Comacini.
This is the same building
group as the Sons of Solomon, an alternate designation of the Dionysian
Artificers. After the suppression of the Knights Templar, the Sons of
Solomon was considered clear of ill doing and became the Foreign
Companions of the Devoir de Salomon.
In the nineteenth century they
were renamed Les Companions des Devoirs du Tour de France.
The Magistri Comacini was in existence at least as early as
643CE when given privileges by the King of Lombard.
suggests that they lived on a fortified island in Lake Como that is now a
As Lake Como today has only one island and it is a swampy
mudflat, the island may now be part of the shoreline.
It is most likely that Sir Christopher Wren referred to the Magistri
Comacini when he remarked:
The Italians (among which were yet some Greek refugees), and
with them French, German and Flemings, joined into a Fraternity
of Architects, procuring Papal Bulls for their Encouragement and
particular Privileges; they stiled themselves Freemasons, and
ranged from one nation to another as they found Churches to be
The Papal Bulls alluded to by Wren are unknown and quite
probably just part of the extensive folklore of the Magistri Comacini.
They were active in Ravenna and Venice, although these cities show little
evidence of the Romantic style. Ravenna is primarily Byzantine and
Venice is Arabic without a single Romantic building.
The construction arm of the Magistri Comacini, called the
Compagnonnage, worked under Cistercian Masons and Knights Templar
Master Masons called Fratres Solomonis to build the great cathedrals of
The Compagnonnage first congregated in 1194CE to build
Chartres Cathedral after a major fire. It took a mere twenty-six years to
complete the great new cathedral of Chartres. Their construction
philosophy was integrally associated with alchemy. Carved reliefs in
Chartres and the other Notre-Dame Cathedrals of Paris, Reims, Amiens
and Bourges graphically symbolize the steps of the alchemical process.
In an immense accomplishment for the era, the Compagnonnage
went on to build over one hundred and fifty monumental buildings in just
one hundred years. At the time of Chartres, nearly twenty cathedrals of
the same scale were simultaneously under construction in northern
An impressive two thousand seven hundred churches, chapels
and cathedrals were finished in the Paris basin alone during the century
from 1140CE to 1240CE.
The limestone Paris basin contains over
ninety percent of all the early Gothic churches.
According to the Venerable Bede, who lived from 673CE to
735CE, the Magistri Comacini reached Anglo-Saxon England where they
built a church in Northumbria.
However, there was an even earlier
tradition of Masonic guilds in third century England when the martyr St
Alban commenced the building of abbeys.
Around 935CE, Athelstan
King of Wessex called an assembly of Masons at York and issued them
with a charge.
Some historians believe that at this time, ancient teacher of the
arts, the Culdees, controlled the Masonic Collegia in York, Kilwinning,
Melrose, and Aberdeen. An old Scottish tradition suggests that this
Syriac Christian or Culdee heresy was preserved in Scotland and survived
for some centuries after the Knights Templar suppression.
These early efforts aside, it is likely that the main migration of the
Compagnonnage building guilds into Britain was subsequent to the
1066CE Norman Conquest when they constructed Melrose Abbey and six
other abbeys and churches in Scotland. These masons brought with them
the basis of today's Craft Freemasonry, but this was to be developed and
fashioned in a unique context.
Although the Compagnonnage masons were nominally Christian,
they carved a strange profusion of symbols into nearly all pre-
Reformation Churches. The Reformation in England commenced about
1534 when Henry VIII prevailed upon Parliament to appoint the king and
his successors to be the supreme head of the Church of England. Between
1536 and 1539, Henry VIII suppressed the Roman Catholic monasteries
and seized their property.
Over six hundred pre-Reformation churches throughout England,
Ireland, Spain and France contain images of the Green Man and Sheela-
na-gig carved in stone.
The Green Man has always symbolized a
vegetation god but he is not a happy character.
The Greeks showed
him as Tantalus dressed in fruit-hung boughs, in agony from flogging and
horror-stricken by fear of drowning or immolation on a pyre.
Balkans flung their Green Man, whom they called Green George into a
river as a pharmacos or scapegoat. People of Normandy ducked, beat and
burned him at their mid-summer bonfire.
The Green Mans image as the male counterpart in rose logic is
less recognized. He is St Bernards branch of the vine. Each year the
immortal sacrificial king consummates a sacred marriage with the
goddess of Wisdom who becomes his wife. He then dies, is resurrected
and one year later consummates the sacred marriage again.
As we found with the rose, the goat, honey and the dragon,
similar images often have two quite different interpretations. This is the
case even with the Sheela-na-gig. Her confronting vulva is ascetic and
oracular. The Afro-Asiatic sacrificial king ritual involves death brought
by the Goddess Demeter, also known as Hecate and Danaë. Demeter is
the barley Goddess of the witches. In Britain, a white horse often
symbolizes her in the open countryside.
Before we turn to the Sheela-na-gig in particular, we need to
review the practices of the Triple Goddess. At Marmaria, near Delphi,
archeologists have discovered that the ancient female rites involved vulva
imagery. They found gold statues of women with their faces and genitals
combined. The priestesses hid these statues in the floor of the Tholos, a
stone circle rotunda dedicated to the Barley Mother at Temple of Demeter.
We investigated the architecture of the site earlier in this chapter.
The grim purpose of the grotesque statues discovered in the
Tholos was to equate the right of the Goddess to bring both birth and
death. The cat is a quintessential representation of a witch, and the
particular symbol of the Barley goddess. The cat characterizes the dual
right of birth and death because it mates openly and will devour its
In some modern shops that sell esoteric items, one may see
statues of cats with bloody mouths.
A similar college of priestesses to that at Marmaria operated at
Iolcus, the chief port of Southern Thessaly. This college demonstrated
the continuum of the relationship between the priestesses and witches
because its fifty priestesses maintained a close affinity with the Scottish
witch cult.
The Sanctuary of Athena lies near the Temple of Demeter on the
hill of females at Marmaria. At the Sanctuary of Athena, kings
contributed enormous wealth to the Python Priestesses of Demeter and
were safe in the knowledge that the Goddess priestesses would not
demand their death in exchange for orgiastic favors. Instead, the
priestesses sacrificed a male child each year of a kings reign.
ancient Greek practice of deserting unwanted children, leaving them on
hillsides to die from exposure to the elements, probably provided many of
the innocent victims.
Child surrogates, now called interrex, extended the period
between the sacrifice of a mature male from one year to five, then to
seven and eight years.
The priestess euphemistic analogy for a male
sacrificial victim was a piglet known as kolabros, which derived from the
double meaning of a pig. The pig was the sacred son and lover. He
related to the Goddess in her guise of a sow. In Thrace, the priestesses
performed the bloodthirsty dance called the kolabros on the skulls of their
victims. Kali performed the same dance in India.
Apollo destroyed the Python at Delphi but retained the Python
Priestesses. This legend, and another of the attempted rape of Daphne the
bloody one, seems to record the capture of the Delphic shrine by the
Achaeans in the thirteenth century BCE.
This ended the tradition of
royal sacrifices.
Legend said that Apollo tamed the priestess wild
frenzy and led them in formal and decorous dances.
When the Dorians
returned, two hundred years later, patrilineal genealogy had replaced
A prince no longer left the house of his father to marry a
foreign princess, the princess came to him. Although the Mother Goddess
rite continued, it was without the overt sacrifice of men.
The image of the pig, hog or boar remained an icon of
resurrection in Wisdom long after the time of the Python Priestesses.
Ovid writes that Diana transformed Actaeon into a boar after he gained
knowledge of her.
Ovids Circe mixed an Oimellas of Wisdom to turn
her visitors into swine at her palace on the island of Aiaie.
It was a
brew of barley, honey, strong wine, creamy curds and secret essences.
The hog was the symbol of the initiate at Pompeii, as shown in the fresco
above. Sir Francis Bacon also adopted the hog or boar as his symbol of
Originally the Afro-Asiatic sacrificial king ritual required the
death and rebirth of the leader or king, so the land would be fertile.
Medea, for example, renewed the old king Aeson:
She bade bring out
The old exhausted king, and with a spell
Charmed him to deepest sleep and laid his body,
Lifeless it seemed, stretched on a bed of herbs
Meanwhile within the deep bronze cauldron, white
With bubbling froth, the rich elixir boils.
Roots from the vales of Thessaly and seeds
Kids entering and two Boars, representing the Sacred king and his
Tanist escaping from the Maze & the Eleusis or Arrival of the Divine
Child carried by Shepherds
Fresco from the House of the Tragic Poet, Pompeii
The scene also
represents Circes palace on Aiaìe.
And flowers she seethes therein and bitter juices,
With gem-stones from the farthest Orient
And behold!
The old dry stick that stirred the bubbling brew
Grew green and suddenly burst into leaf,
And all at once was laden with fat olives;
And where the froth flowed over from the pot
And the hot drops spattered the ground beneath,
Fair springtime bloomed again, and everywhere
Flowers of the meadow sprang and pasture sweet.
And seeing this Medea drew her blade
And slit the old kings throat and let the blood
Run out and filled his veins and arteries
With her elixir; and when Aeson drank;
Through wound and lips, at once his hair and beard,
White for long years, regained their raven hue;
His wizened pallor, vanquished, fled away
And firm new flesh his sunken wrinkles filled,
And all his limbs were sleek and proud and strong.
Then Aeson woke and marveled as he saw
His prime restored of forty years before.
As we have seen, the herding, protein-eating Indo-Hittites saw
little merit in the Mother Goddess analogy of male sacrifice. Under
pressure of change at Delphi, the king sacrifice became the sacrifice of
any male. Later a male child became a live sacrifice or sparagmos in the
Mysteries of Demeter.
Euripides fifth century BCE play Medea tells of the return of
Goddess worship to Athens and the inception of child sacrifice in
response to desertion of the Mother Goddess religion by Jason:
Men say that women cannot be good at anything, therefore I will
excel at wickedness .. A women gives life to her children, it is her
right to take it away.
Medeas expulsion, from Corinth and then from Athens, refers to
the Hellenic suppression of her Triple Goddess cult.
Philomela, the sister of Queen Procne, participated in a sacred
marriage with King Tereus. Queen Procne later learnt of the affair and
sought vengeance. As Hecate, she killed her son rather than the king:
As Procne spoke, her son
Itys, approached she knew what she could do!
Looking at him with ruthless eyes, she said
Youre so like your father! and she planned
In silent rage a deed of tragedy.
She struck him with a knife
Below his ribs, and never even looked
Away; one wound sufficed to seal his fate.
And Philomela slit his throat. Alive,
And breathing still, they carved and jointed him,
And cooked the parts; some bubbled in a pan,
Some hissed on spits; the closet swam with blood.
In rushes Philomela,
Just as she is, that frantic butchery
Still spattered in her hair, and throws the head
Of Itys, bleeding, in his fathers face.
In child sacrifice, the priestesses castrated a boy, tore him apart
and consumed him in a Eucharist called the omophagia. Later, the
priestesses baked his blood in baked barley cakes and ate the cakes in
honour of the Barley Goddess.
This is the esoteric meaning of barley
Blood also anointed the Earth Priestess omphalos stone. This
was a navel shrine of the Earth Mother with the spiral python motif of
It symbolized both the umbilical tie to the earth and
resurrection for the sacrificial king. Rosettes, the ancient symbol of
sacred marriage and royal resurrection, decorated the omphalos. The
Priestesses constantly anointed it with blood and oil mixed with strands of
woven wool.
Both the city of Delphi and the influence of the priestesses at the
Temple of Demeter declined after the Sacred Wars of 529BCE to
338BCE. The Gauls finally destroyed the Temple in 279BCE.
Yet, the practices of Triple Goddess worship were entrenched
elsewhere in Europe and horrifying myths continued to circulate. While
the Indo-Hittite invasions of Greece stopped the practice of male
sacrifice, the Goddess Demeters ensuing hostility to children demanded
constant, covert appeasement.
In the old myths of Europe, the male oak god Janus saved
children from the witch Demeter.
He was the oaken door of strength
and security. Another name for Demeter was Cardea. If she penetrated
beyond the Oak-king, the door, she would steal the children to drink their
This Hansel and Gretel factor, now presented as mere fairytale,
is still the most entrenched, pernicious and feared aspect of witch
ceremonies up until the present day. Modern witches will still talk of
stealing blood for their barley cakes from the pierced finger of a child.
The Triple Goddess has constantly been with us, even if not
immediately recognizable. Ludwig van Beethoven praised her in his
triumphal Symphony No 9, Opus 125 Choral, dedicated to King Friedrich
Wilhelm III of Prussia.
Beethoven composed this magnificent testimonial intermittently
between 1792 and 1824. He was deaf by the time of its first performance
in Vienna on 7
May 1824. In reaching the words Tochter of Elysium, the
orchestra assumes moestoso and triple time for the crowning choral
Finale, afterwards resuming common time. Elysium is Heras apple
orchard on Mount Atlas, guarded by the Hesperides.
The words of the
Finale praise the Triple Goddess while longingly searching for the lost
Joy, fair spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
Drunk with fiery rapture, Goddess,
We approach thy shrine!
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers.
Under thy gentle wing.
May he who has had the fortune
To gain a true friend
And he who has won a noble wife
Join in our jubilation!
Yes, even if he calls but one soul
His own in all the world.
But he who has failed in this
Must steal away alone and in tears
All the world's creatures
Draw joy from nature's breast;
Both the good and the evil
Follow her rose-strewn path.
She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave lust for life to the lowliest,
And the Cherub stands before God.
Tenor and Choir
Joyously, as his suns speed
Through Heaven's glorious order,
Hasten, Brothers, on your way,
Exulting as a knight in victory.
Joy, fair spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
Drunk with fiery rapture, Goddess,
We approach thy shrine!
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing
Be embraced, Millions!
Take this kiss for all the world!
Brothers, surely a loving Father
Dwells above the canopy of stars.
Do you sink before him, Millions?
World, do you sense your Creator?
Seek him then beyond the stars!
He must dwell beyond the stars.
Chapter 15 mentioned that the singer Madonna emulated the
Triple Goddess in Ariadnes castle of Light at the Corona Borealis.
There are many other examples of the warm reception of the
triple Goddess on the pop hit parade. In memory of Princess Diana, Sony
Entertainment released an official compact disk of her favorite songs
entitled Diana, Princess of Wales Tribute. It included a hugely popular
song of praise to the Mother Goddess, Hymn to Her, by lead singer
Chrissie Hynde and the Pretenders:
Let me inside you, into your room
I've heard it's lined with the things you don't show.
Lay me beside you, down on the floor
I've been your lover from the womb to the tomb
I dress as your daughter, when the moon becomes round.
You be my mother, when everything's gone.
And she will always carry on.
Something is lost but something is found
They will keep on speaking her name.
Some things change, some stay the same.
Keep beckoning to me, from behind that close door.
The maid and the mother, and the crone that's grown old.
I hear your voice coming out of that hole.
I listen to you and I want some more.
I listen to you and I want some more
And she will always carry on.
Something is lost but something is found
Let me inside you
Lay me beside you
I dress as your daughter
And she will always carry on.
Something is lost but something is found.
We can now turn to the Sheela-na-gig. Masons often carved this
crudely pornographic representation of an ugly, naked female figure
displaying her genitals in churches. It immediately suggests the pagan
carnality of the Mother Goddess. Even more offensive, erotic carvings
depict monks and priests performing homosexual acts, wearing the heads
of animals and in sexual poses with wanton young girls. In the hallowed
chamber, such pornographic lampooning of the Church and its clergy is
highly incongruous.
Together with the Green Man, the presence of Sheela-na-gig
would seem convincing evidence that the Church is little more than a
pagan hall for the sacrificial king ritual. Yet, here once more, all is not as
it seems. While these images do reveal a sharpened perception of the
Church building as a womb, the Sheela-na-gig is remarkably specific to
Indian yogic Tantrism in the same pre-Reformation period from at least
seventh century CE to thirteenth century CE.
Despite its sacrificial king context in Christian Churches, the
Sheela-na-gig is quite removed from the Female, Triple or Mother
Goddess Demeter. It is more characteristically an Indo-Hittite icon for
the ascetic yogi practice of vulva worship called stripuja.
ugliness of the female form deliberately reinforces that the sole feature of
concentration is the vulva and its oracular function.
A Yogi adept
would focus his eyes on the vulva and his mind on Karma or lust. The
object was to achieve an ejaculation but with the semen remaining in the
body. Yogis consider this to give an upward flow of sexual energy in the
spinal-tree called the kundalini experience.
Human life force flows up
the spinal-tree to the head where human consciousness and divinity meet.
This meeting place is analogous to the altar in the church where the Bread
of Life transubstantiates into God.
Wanton poses with young girls shown in the churches are
similarly not of sexual indulgence but of abstinence and testing that
formed part of the greater Mysteries (see Appendix 7). The skilled
Initiate demonstrated that he could control his sexual urges even when in
a position of power and arousal.
The Greater Mysteries held a similar test: seduction by the
corporeal pleasures of life. A successful initiate would not divert from
the true path of Wisdom:
I have never knowingly done wrong to any person; nor forgot the
respect which I owe to my kind; nor even to myself without
profound repentance. I have followed the lessons of the Stoic
Socrates, and overrun the world in my exertions to attain more
wisdom. After having assiduously listened to the Priests of this
land of Egypt, I descended to the gloomy empire of the dead, and
interrogated the illustrious shades, or otherwise collected their
luminous sentiments; then I traversed the flames, combated and
slew in his cavern the monster of darkness the genie of evil.
Then having ascended the course of a river by swimming, after
climbing a ladder which sank under me, I arrived at a delicious
place where beautiful women with naked breasts tendered me
pledges of love. From thence I was conducted hither.
The most learned French Masonic scholar of the nineteenth
century, J-M Ragon, argued that this test of carnal desire was of the
greatest antiquity and really the last degree of perfect initiation.
Freemasonic Ancients also preserved it as the most important element of
their rituals.
A true Yogi can be perpetually stimulated over a long period and
yet refrain from external ejaculation. He diverts sexual energy from the
physical to the psychic plane. Homosexuality and bestiality were other
ways to achieve the same sexual excitement while avoiding female
physical contact and the risk of conception.
Ritualized bestiality was
also an advanced Yogi religious practice. The priests legitimized this
practice with the legend that Shiva copulated with the female of each
species to create the animal races.
From the profusion of these images in pre-Reformation churches,
there is little doubt that the Roman Catholic Church understood and
approved of these esoteric meanings. They are wholly consistent with a
priests vow of celibacy.
Yet, there is an even more striking element built into the most
sacred part of the Church. Professor Gregory Webb of Cambridge
University was Secretary of the Royal Commission on Historical
Monuments. He discovered that ninety percent of all pre-Reformation
churches in Britain hid pagan fertility symbols such as the stone image of
a phallus in the Christian altar.
Professor Webb's discovery is
extraordinary. The builders and ecclesiastics clearly had an
overwhelming desire to model the Church as a womb at the instant of
conception, as graphically embodied in Michelangelos Pieta.
The philosophy of alchemy infused both the Church and
Freemasonry over a long period. The operative lodges of stonemasons
and glassmakers already had vestiges of alchemical beliefs from the
Compagnonnage. The Rosicrucians added their knowledge to these
This Rosicrucian model treated the sciences of alchemy and
astronomy as its greatest practical secrets. The Rosicrucians had sprung
from the same fundamental hermetic tree but concentrated on a higher
level of perfection of the human spirit, through the symbolism of
perfection in metals, rather than the traditional perfection of geometry,
architecture and building in Craft Freemasonry. These two groups
parallel the twin roles of building and alchemy in the traditional
sequences of the Lesser and Greater Mysteries. These were set out in
some detail in the late Renaissance Crata Repoa (see Appendix 7),
printed in Germany in 1770. It draws on earlier sources such as the
Ritual of Initiations by Humberto Malhandrini, published in Venice in
English historians puzzled over the great French writers,
especially the highly regarded Ragon, accepting both the Crata Repoa
and Initiation of Plato as genuine when to English writers they appeared
to be merely graceful fiction.
However, in 1932 professor Amadeo
Maiuri discovered the Oracle at Cuma in Italy, where the fabled Aneas
come to consult his father in the Underworld.
At nearby Baia, in 1967,
Robert Paget and his friend Keith Jones discovered the great Underworld
stage of Homers Odyssey, Orpheus & Eurydice and Vergils Fourth
This was a complex of tunnels 880 feet long and 140 feet
below the surface of the ground.
The River Styx is integral to the
whole plan. It is potable water fed from underground streams and
required a boat journey with the ferryman Charon.
The connection between Homer and the Baian Oracle is strong.
Strabo wrote that Baia took its name from Baius, one of the companions
of Odysseus.
The Anead describes Aneas visit to the Oracle to
consult his dead father. In the Oracle there is writing identifying the place
as Illium (Troy) with a prayer to Hera and a niche, which contained a
masons plumbob.
The mistaken idea, that an Egyptian priestly heritage is
impossible, is best summed-up by the French Protestant critic Isaac
Casaubon who disputed the idea of Egyptian priestly heritage in 1614.
Casaubon argued that the Corpus Hermeticum was a derivative concept,
as there were no references to it in other works with compellingly similar
themes, such as Plato, Aristotle and the New Testament. Although his
theory was widely embraced at that time, modern scholarship now regards
Casaubons logic as arrogant and faulty. Casaubons chief deficiency was
that he lacked positive evidence. He also made two erroneous
assumptions regarding the important theme of Righteousness. Casaubon
maintained such a theme could not be widely shared. He also assumed
that no single chain of succession could preserve the theme of
Righteousness over a long period. Modern scholars are now more
inclined to accept the merit of Sir Flinders Petries argument that an
Egyptian prisca theologia & prisca sapientia may date back at least to the
period between the sixth and second centuries BCE.
The conversion of metallic gold to the Philosophers Stone
involves putrefaction, corruption, generation and ultimately perfection.
Colors change from black to white, red and finally green. Color change is
important symbolism in the Church, Freemasonry and in much of the
Elizabethan Canon of English literature.
These color changes are particularly important in the higher
degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Chevalier Andrew Michael
Ramsay, Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of France, foreshadowed the
genesis of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
In a speech given on Charles
Radclyffes appointment as Grand Master in 1737, Ramsay outlined the
rediscovery of Freemasonry by the Knights Templar. His speech
anticipated renewed royal patronage by King Frederick II:
The word Freemason must therefore not be taken in a literal
gross and material sense, as if our founders had been simple
workers in stone, or merely curious geniuses who wished to
perfect the arts. They were not only skilful architects, desirous of
consecrating their talents and goods to the construction of
material Temples, but also religious and warrior Princes
Scottish Rite Freemasonry officially commenced at the Jesuit
Chapter of Clermont, which existed from 1758 to 1764, although it traced
three of its four degrees of Harodim at least as far back as 1688.
Chapter of Clermont, or Mount of Clerics, produced the first statutes of
modern Knights Templar.
The word Heredom is a French derivative
of Harodim. It was a term used by the Comacini builders of London,
meaning a Master of the Builders of the Temple.
According to the Roman Catholic Church, the Gaelic speaking
Celtic Scots of Scotlands eastern Border country were Pelagian
Pelagius was a Gaelic speaking Celtic from Strathclyde in
429 CE. St Jerome called him a fat hound weighed down by Scottish
porridge. A precursor to Germanys Luther, Pelagius preached that
demanding personal effort was the key to salvation, not a corrupt and
morally lax Church. His libertarian concept of individual free will was at
the core of all Mystery Religions that sought to make good men better by
confronting them with their own mortality. In the Scottish Borders of the
Dark Ages, the ancient doctrine compounded with Triple Goddess or
Virgin Worship, in the form of a cult of Mary.
This powerful cocktail
underpinned the mysteries of the Knights Templar learned in the East.
There is an old Scottish tradition that the Knights Templar
rescued a group of Syriac Christians from the Saracens. These Syriac
Christians were disciples of the Rose Croix and claimed descent from the
The Sepher Toldos Jeshu recorded the tradition that Hugh de
Payens learned the truth of Jesus and early Christianity from Theocletes,
Grand-Pontiff of the Johanite sects Order of the Temple. Theocletes
designated Hugh de Payens as his successor.
We looked at the
Nazarene beliefs about Jesus in Chapter 10.
The Knights Templar called those initiated into higher Johanite
mysteries Knights of Palestine. The Nazarenes of Basra in Persia still
have a tradition that their glorious and wealthy Brothers in Malta and
Europe will eventually restore the doctrine of their Prophet Iohanan (St
John), the son of Lord Jordan, and eliminate from the hearts of humanity
every other false teaching.
The Syriac Christians arrived at a mountain in Scotland called
Harodim or Heroden, between the west and north of Scotland, 60 miles
from Edinburgh.
Many believe this place was the island of Iona, known also as Hy,
Icolmkill and Innes nan Druidhreah (Island of the Druids).
The Celts
worshipped on Iona from ancient times. In 717CE, the Culdees of Ireland
inhabited the island.
In 1784, some French Freemasons wrote to their English brethren
enquiring whether the Hebredian island,
where the Culdees practised their
rites, was the same as the Island of Mull where Pierre d'Aumont and
seven other Knights Templar had landed. They asked: It concerns us to
know if there really exists in the island of Mull, formerly Melrose ... in the
North of Scotland, a Mount Heredom, or if it does not exist. In reply
General Rainsford, referred them to the words Har Adonai, which means
the Mount of God.
The Mount of God is a place of ritual testing.
However, other French masons record that the secret place of
hiding was the concealed valley of Glenbeag, opposite the Isle of Skye,
about one and a half miles south of Glenelg where there are two
exceptionally well preserved Iron Age brochs called Dun Telve and Dun
Here were two old castles, built in a remarkable manner, of
stone, with neither lime nor mortar, and which appeared to have
served as places of refuge in the wars of earlier times. It was in
these castles that the masters assembled in council, and
consequently they received the name of Masters of the Valley, or
Scottish Masters.
These masons of the hidden valley survived and established a
philosophical athenaeum called the Masons of the Orient or Brethren of
the Rosy Cross of the Orient.
They held their first Chapter of the
Scottish Rite degree in a castle of the Knights of the Rose Croix in
Edinburgh. The Superior Sovereign Grand Chapter traditionally met
there until a schism in 1322.
Marconis (de Negre) claims the group followed Manes
Manichean heresy. Manes propagated his sect of Magi in 304CE.
Mohammedan legend says Manes was born in the year five hundred and
twenty-seven of the Astronomers of Babylon, which is 215 or 216CE.
A more accurate date may be 257CE.
Many of the Rose Croix Masons of the Orient fought in the
crusades, adopting the name Knights of Palestine.
Marconis notes that
the Knights Templar followed this group and incorporated their ritual of
the symbolic death of Hiram Abiff.
The Rose Croix initiates within
the Knights Templar called themselves Sons of the Widow. The Widow
was the harlot in the Gospel of Thomas who receives all men:
Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be
called the son of a harlot."
Baron Tschoudys L'Etoile Flamboyante (The Blazing Star,
1766), describes the Knights of Palestine, more fully known as he Knights
of the Morning and of Palestine. He says they were the descendants of
the masons who had worked on the Temple of Solomon. Their
documents consisted of their regulations, particular liturgy and an
alchemical treatise attributed to the Roman Morien.
In 1182CE,
Robertus Castrensis translated this work from Arabic into Latin.
first appeared in Paris in 1559 CE.
From 5BCE to 74CE the Knights of Palestine existed as Magi in
Damietta, in Egypt, and kept the annals of the Order. After Titus
destroyed Jerusalem in 70CE, they relocated to Scythia and a mystery
place called the Thebaid.
The Johannite documents of the Knights of Palestine, also called
the Knights of the Aurora and Palestine, may well be those same
documents said to be sealed in three encased boxes in the vault of the St
Clair's crypt in Rosslyn Chapel.
In Chapter 11, we noted that the only known statute of Shemyaza
hangs upside down in the choir of Rosslyn Chapel. It is a particular
marker of the treasure in the crypt. According to the Mandaeans, this
angel, as Razalel, was particularly distinguished in delivering the Book of
Adam, which is known to scholars as the Codex Nasarous.
The Rosslyn Chapel documents probably also include the
notorious Toledot Yeshu, which the Johannites believed was written by
the Apostle John, and the Mandaean Book of John (Sidra d'Yahya), which
says that St John erred in baptizing the false prophet Yishu Meshiha (the
Messiah Jesus), son of the devil Ruha Kadishta. It is supposedly the
Knights Templar true version of St Johns Gospel, which they copied
from an original on Mount Athos. It says Jesus Jesus Christ was a false
Messiah, sent by the powers of darkness, who disemminated throughout
the world a perverted form of St Johns doctrine. The Bogomils, who
also possessed this special version of the Gospel of St. John, placed it on
the heads of their candidates during initiation.
The Knights of Palestine pledged to win back their Temple in
Jerusalam and its lost treasures. The Knights are now known as Princes
of the Royal Secret., which is the 32º of the Scottish Rite. Its cadet degree
is the Rite of the Jesuit Chapter of Clermont, the Rite of Perfection or Rite
of Heredom, which is now the 18º of the Scottish Rite.
Chevalier de Bonneville of the Jesuit College of Clermont in
Paris established Rite of Heredom.
To this day, Scottish Rite
Freemasons know their eighteenth degree ceremony as the Jesuit degree
or High Church degree. The Abbé Barruel claimed that this degree was
the Easter Ceremonial of the Knights Templar.
The Chapter of Clermont claimed to be the sole true descendant
of the Knights Templar, fusing together the themes of chivalry, King
Solomons Temple and alchemy. It taught that the Knights Templar
recovered dishes marked for alchemical purposes of the Royal Art from a
hollow corner stone in the Temple of Jerusalem.
The dishes were for
the preparation of an alchemical Eucharist, which we looked at in Chapter
1. They hint at the real discoveries in Jerusalem, which we shall learn
more of in Chapter 20. Because of the discoveries in the Temple, Scottish
Freemasonry has stronger links with alchemy than does Craft
Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite focus on the Greater Mysteries reinforces
it further.
Frederick II (1712-86) established the thirty-third degree of the
Scottish Rite in May 1786, shortly before his death.
He formed this new degree to cap the existing system of twenty-
five degrees.
The number thirty-three has many esoteric associations.
Chapter 7 showed thirty-three is a cabbalistic symbol of the sacred names
of BAL and AUM. It is also the thirty-three year life of Jesus. Thrice
three alludes to the Ennead of the Goddess, the Ennead of God and thrice
through the Valley of Death, the third being physiological death.
Frederick II, the second King of Prussia, ruled from 1740 to 1786.
Old Fritz, the enlightened despot, was a highly successful military leader.
He proved an able administrator, lawgiver, companion philosopher to
Voltaire and dAlembert, prolific writer, musician and patron of French
Rococo artists such as Watteau, Pater and Lancret.
Frederick was also
an ardent political admirer of George Washington. While usually frugal,
Frederick was an avid collector of three hundred extravagantly jeweled
He built the famous Masonic Rococo palace of Sans Souci at
Potsdam in 1745. Sans Souci means without care. It gained considerable
attention when Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill
gathered at Potsdam in 1945 to decide the future of Germany. Believing
they were on hallowed ground, the world leaders shifted their meeting to
a less controversial location.
Following his role in the 1734 Rhine campaign of the War of
Polish Succession, Fredericks interest in philosophy accelerated.
corresponded with Voltaire in 1736, pursuing science and philosophy
above all else until 1740 when he became King of Prussia. Frederick
studied Christian Wolffs essay Reasonable Thoughts about God in 1737.
From 1740, Frederick embarked on victorious military campaigns.
In 1747, Frederick commenced his celebrated supper gatherings
in the Marble Hall at Sans Souci. Three years later Voltaire visited and
Supper was usually taken in a small chamber whose most
peculiar decoration consisted of a picture by Pesne, one of our
best colorists, for which he had supplied inspiration. It was a
beautiful bawdy painting. There were men embracing women,
nymphs and satyrs, cupids playing games of Tag and Blind Mans
Buff, a number of people swooning with pleasure at the sight of
these romps, cooing turtle doves, billygoats mounting nanny-
goats and rams mounting ewes. Often the meals were no less
philosophical affairs. Anyone entering unexpectedly and listening
to our conversations would have thought he was listening to the
Seven Wise Men of Greece in a house of pleasure. I do not
suppose there is another house in the world where all mankinds
superstitions are discussed so freely and dismissed with more
mockery and contempt. God Himself was not touched on; but
there was no mercy towards all those who in His name had
deceived mankind.
Perhaps Voltaire is referring to one of the most famous French
clandestine manuscripts, the profane Traité des trois imposteurs, first
edited in 1719 under the title L'Esprit de Spinosa. The Three Imposters is
a highly controversial, vitriolic critique of Christianity, Judaism and Islam
that refers to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. A German officer named
Tausendorff allegedly found it in the library of the Elector of Bavaria,
after the victory of Hochstadt in 1703. In 1767, Voltaire actually
mentioned this work, doubting its existence. However, Voltaires Sermon
of the Fifty echoed it.
Frederick died at Sans Souci in August 1786. His final resting-
place is in a crypt at the palace. He lies with his horse and dogs in
preference to the Potsdam Garrison church with his wife. This crypt is
quite intriguing. On 10 August 1744, Frederick commenced the terraced
vineyards and crypt on the hill then known as Wüster Berg.
This was
just seven years after Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsays famous
speech on Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Frederick constructed the special crypt on the topmost terrace
well before finalization of the plans for Sans Souci Palace in 1745.
The unusual importance of the crypt is reinforced by a beautiful rural
supra porta over the door to the music salon in the palace. It shows the
Havel River and palace together with a classical tomb bearing the
ET IN ARCADIA EGO. The artist has depicted a shepherd,
shepherdesses, a flock of sheep and boatmen alongside the tomb. The
famous inscription is of course the subject of Nicholas Poussins two Les
Bergers dArcadie paintings of 1630 and 1640.
In 1618, Il Guercino
also named one of his works Et in Arcadia ego. Frederick II gave specific
instructions in several wills for a quiet funeral and burial in the crypt.
Perhaps to this day certain philosophical treasures lay in the classical
tomb or with this great monarch in his extraordinary resting place.
Louis of Bourbon, Prince of the Royal Blood of France assisted
Frederick II promulgate the thirty-third degree of the Scottish Rite just
before his death in May 1786. This may well have been Louis de
Bourbon-Condé, Count of Clermont and Abbé of St Germain des Près,
who was Grand Master of French Masonry and died in 1771.
However, if the establishment date of May 1786 is correct then the Louis
Bourbon in question could have been the Count of Clermonts nephew,
Louis Philippe-Joseph dOrleans, Duke of Chartres, Prince of the Royal
Blood. He continued as Grand Master until his abdication in 1793.
Another prominent Louis Bourbon was the Count of Provence,
who became King Louis XVIII in 1795. Louis ancestry traced back to
the Capetian king Louis IX (Saint Louis, 1214-1270). The line took its
name from the Barons of Bourbon heir, Béatrix (d.1310), who married
Robert de France, the Comte de Clermont and sixth son of Louis IX. The
Count of Clermont, Louis, remained in exile in England during the French
Revolution and Napoleon's rule. Following the death of ten-year-old
Louis XVII, the Count of Clermont became titular king of France. France
crowned him constitutional monarch, Louis XVIII, in 1814, following the
abdication of Napoleon.
Another heir to the throne through Robert de France, Comte de
Clermont, was the Huguenot General, Henry III of Navarre. He provides
an important clue to the relationship of the Royal Blood of France to the
lands of the Merovingians and the Jewish state of Septimania.
The last Capetian king, Charles IV, had died without heir and his
younger brother Charles Count of Valois assumed the throne. This Valois
branch of the family then ruled France for two hundred and sixty-one
years until 1589. The Dominican friar Jacques Clément murdered the last
of the Valois kings, Henry III (r1574-89), while he led a Huguenot attack
on Paris. The childless and effeminate Henry III named his brother-in-
law, the Huguenot General, Henry III of Navarre, to be his successor.
Henry III of Navarre was both the nominated and the legitimate
heir to the throne through his parents Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne
d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. He was born in Pau, in the autonomous
Kingdom of Navarre, two hundred and eighty kilometers to the southwest.
The original Basque state of Pamplona became Navarre in 824CE. It
encompassed todays province of northwestern Spain and the French
department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. It was also on the western edge of
the Jewish Kingdom of Septimania indicating that Henry III of Navarre
was not only a Prince of the Royal Blood but also perhaps a Prince of the
greatest secret, the Royal Davidic Blood.
Henry III of Navarre ascended the throne as Henry IV of France
in 1593 after he finally renounced Calvinism declaring that Paris was
well worth a Mass. His enthronement began 225 years of Bourbon rule.
Henry ended the terrible Wars of Religion in 1598 with the Edict of
Nantes, which legitimized Protestantism in France.
Eight years later, Robert Naunton recorded Henry IVs mystical
activities in Paris. Naunton noted that Henry IV was to celebrate the
Eleusian mysteries that Easter 1597.
King Philippe Le Bel of France ordered the arrest of Knights
Templars in France on Friday 13 October 1307. Scholars attribute his
action to resentment for the riches of the Order and growing
disillusionment with the cost of recapturing Jerusalem. The Order was
wealthy. It owned sixteen thousand Lordships in Europe and forty
thousand Commanderies.
Yet, the severity of the indictment is still
puzzling and not adequately explained by these factors alone. There is an
absence of similar force against the Cistercians or against the Sons of
The Knights Templar was directly beholden to the Pope for its
constitution. The Pope had the power to withdraw its mandate, dissolve
the Order peaceably and transfer all assets. Indeed, the Pope had
endeavored to broker a solution before State seneschals arrested members
of the Order. His plan was for the Knights Templar to amalgamate with
the more conservative Order of Knights Hospitaller. However, both
Orders were unreceptive to the idea. For unexplained reasons their long
relationship had been uneasy. It occasionally flared with violence and it
would undoubtedly do so again.
In theory, the Pope could have compelled a restructure of the
Orders. It was unnecessary to execute a mass arrest of all members of the
Order, engage the Dominicans to extract confessions and risk the
dissipation of property to overseas kings as subsequently occurred to
Edward II in England.
The Knights Templar could not have rebelled against a
restructure or liquidation. Each knight was a monk of the Roman
Catholic Church and had taken a vow of material poverty. Furthermore,
if the Order had rebelled it would have had limited options for shelter.
Envious monarchs continually eyed its productive land and were prepared
to expropriate the assets of the Order at the first sign of any weakness in
its legitimacy.
The viciousness of the suppression has commercial and religious
implications. Underlying the commercial imperative was a sudden
decline in the fortunes of France.
Philippe IV Le Belle was the eleventh king of the Capet dynasty.
The House of Capet acquired the throne of France in 987CE when the
Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties were without immediate heir. For
over three hundred years, Philippe IV's family had expanded their
dominions at the expense of these dynasties and of English domains. In
1144CE, Capetian King Louis VII The Young conquered the Barons of
Champagne. His son Philippe II Augustus added Flanders, Burgundy,
Normandy, Maine, Brittany, Anjou, Touraine, Poitou and the Albigensian
territories in the south of France. France became the most powerful
nation in Europe.
Subsequent Capetian ambitions proved less successful.
Territories in southwest France were lost to the English by Philippe IV's
grandfather Louis IX, called St Louis. Philippe III The Bold then
unsuccessfully attempted to gain control of Aragon. Philippe IV had the
same dismal fortune in his attempt to wrest Guienne in southwest France
from England.
These fruitless campaigns and France's decline from its status as
the premier nation in Europe led to acute cost pressure on Philippe IV.
Compounding his problem was the Knights Templar Order. It had
absorbed a very large number of feudal estates and removed them from
crown revenue. In desperation, Philippe IV increased taxes, devalued the
currency and ruthlessly expropriated the assets of Jews and Italians.
From a religious perspective, the Capetian family had staunchly
supported the Church. It enthusiastically participated in the Crusades,
suppressed heresy and formed a capable bulwark against the aspiring
Merovingian and Carolingian families that threatened the fundamental
legitimacy of the Church.
In harboring the Melchizedek or Nazarene heresy, as we saw at
the end of Chapter 11, the Knights Templar and Cistercians were
negligent in their duty to the Church as an agency of that body. This also
made them guilty of abusing their position of religious and commercial
privilege. While Philippe IV acted because of financial pressure, his need
to stabilize Capetian succession against the Merovingian and Carolingian
dynasties that had gained a stronghold within these Orders was perhaps
the major determining factor in the indictment of the Knights Templar.
The suppression of the Knights Templar therefore followed as a
convenient means to achieve many aims. These were to annul debt and
receive fees while piously pursuing heresy and once more
disenfranchising the regal aspirations of the Merovingian and Carolingian
dynasties. Philippe IV ostensibly had both authority and propriety on his
It appears that members of the Knights Templar received
forewarning of their arrest. The evening before the seneschals opened
their sealed orders, the entire Knights Templar fleet of eighteen galleys
slipped anchor from the English controlled port of La Rochelle and
headed for the Firth of Forth and the Western Isles of Scotland.
Pierre d'Aumont and seven other Knights Templar, disguised as
woking masons, landed on the Island of Mull They held their first chapter
on St. John's Day, 1307. Robert Bruce then took them under his
protection. On St. John's Summer Day, 24 June 1314, they fought with
Bruce at Bannockburn against Edward II.
In France, leadership of the Knights Templar passed to John
Larmenius. His Charter of Transmission shows the degree of animosity
felt by the French survivors towards their brothers in Scotland:
I, lastly, by the decree of the Supreme Assembly, by Supreme
authority committed to me, will, say and order that the Scot-
Templars deserters of the Order be blasted by anathema, and that
they and the brethren of St John of Jerusalem, spoilers of the
demesnes of the Knighthood (on whom God have mercy), be
outside the circle of the Temple, now and for the future.
In 1324, four years after Philippe IV suppressed the Order, Pope
Harminius excommunicated the Scottish Templars.
The Compagnionage claim to be the continuing Order:
Our founder, Jacques Bourguignon Molay, born in Sossay in
1243. Grandmaster of the Commandery in Jerusalem in 1285. He
returned to France in 1301, bringing with him the secrets of the
Orient. The king and the pope were jealous of his science, of his
knowledge and his authority He was executed on the outskirts
of the citybut before his death, he gave his Masters Charter to
Jean de Larmenie who re-instituted our order. Our ancestors
managed to purchase the head of our founder from the henchman
who had removed it from the body before it burned. The skull was
kept at Evreux for two-hundred years until Isaac Long Knight -
took it to Charleston where it remained until 1781 when Franklin
returned it to Mans, where it lay until this day in the Temple de la
Philippe IV faced many issues of international incredulity in
prosecuting the Knights Templar. However, the secrecy and arcane
practices of the Order gave him the ammunition he needed. The Knights
Templar learned basic Indo-Hittite philosophy through their contact with
mystical Sufis. These ideas extended well past architecture and alchemy
to an extended range of esoteric subjects.
These included claims of heresy, homosexuality, murder and
worship of a mysterious deity called Baphomet. Rumors surfaced of a
second, even more mysterious Rule within the inner circle of the Order.
The origin and exact meaning of the image called Baphomet is
still unknown. Esoteric writers often reversed the letters of words as an
elementary cipher. The Triangular Book of St Germain in Appendix 10
uses this simple technique. One solution of Baphomet reverses it
Expanding this in Latin leads to Templi
omnium pacis abbas, meaning father of the temple, universal freedom of
Another solution was determined with the Atbash Cipher.
Baphomet directly translates to Sophia, who is the Goddess of Wisdom
(see Appendix 10 for the Atbash Cipher).
Repeated use of the Atbash Cipher can demonstrate that
Baphomet is the name of the intercessor between Jehovah and the
Messiah. The Atbash Cipher produces
BphOM from Jehovah (YHWH).
Using the Cipher once more, Baphomet (
BPhOMTh) leads to Yahushua
YHWShO), which means The Messiah.
Thus, YHWH with the letter
Shin means Yahushua. Baphomet is therefore the partner of Jehovah and
route to the Messiah. Thus, Baphomet figuratively gives birth to the
Messiah from Jehovah. Baphomet therefore fulfills the age-old role of the
Mother Goddess in the old sacrificial king rituals. She is Wisdom or
Sophia, who brings forth the son of perfection. Thus, the repeated use of
the Atbash Cipher through Baphomet, gives the same answer as the
straightforward method, Sophia.
Baphomet is therefore equivalent to the Shema or understanding
that unites the one with God. This is the Shekhinah or the Virgin with
Child. The contemplator who has found this understanding, himself
becomes the Messiah or the self who has found purity. Chapter 15
demonstrated this with St George and the Dragon.
Through this construction, the Kabbalah shows that
encompasses the sacred marriage and the sacred son. Although Holy, the
Virgin and child are simply component parts that unite in the Father:
Shema Israel YHWH Elehenu YHWH EChad.
Hear, O Israel, YHWH, our God, YHWH is one.
A 1302 English seal of the Knights Templar of England shows
Baphomet as Sophia.
This seal depicts the star and crescent moon of
Islam, together with a lion and two five-pointed stars. The star and
crescent moon of Islam symbolize God, wisdom and love. Chapter 8
showed that the lion is the Lion of the Sun and of Judah and represents
Q're. The two stars are Ashima representing both the moon and wisdom,
and Anatha representing fertility and love.
Investigators did not find Baphomet but they discovered a
beautiful casket in the possession of the Knights Templar. Inquisition
records describe it surmounted by:
a great head of silver, most beautiful, and constituting the
image of a woman.
There was more than one gilded head seized from the Knights
Templar. Marseilles held one. Vienna's Imperial Museum held others
until at least 1818.
There is little doubt that Baphomet represented Wisdom as the
Moon Goddess Sophia. Yet, she is also God the Son because the Son, as
Wisdom, is also feminine. This is just the reverse of the Moon God Sin,
who became Yahweh's wife Ashima.
Recognition of the Son as both
masculine and feminine is the key to understanding western religion.
In this respect, the Son is no different than the original Edomite divinity
of two thousand BCE, who was also androgenous.
Elsewhere amongst the Knights Templar possessions, we would
have expected to find images of the Sun and Venus, Inanna or Ishtar
representing Love. In fact, the inquisition mentioned this very image of
Venus, the cat goddess:
a small image of a lion, probably of gold, with the likeness of a
On October 22, 1307, Jacques de Molay confessed to a group of
academics at Paris University that the charges brought by King Philippe
IV Le Bel were true. Jacques de Molay wrote an open letter to his
Knights instructing them to confess freely. One of the leading members
to do so was the Grand Treasurer, Hugh de Pairuad. He stated that he had
been responsible for initiating many knights and had seen the Knights
Templar god that granted them worldly wealth, made the land fertile and
caused the death of their enemies.
This description matches the Sumerian sun god Shamash or
Zoroastrian Mithra of the broad pastures, who is not to be confused with
the tauroctonous or bull slaying Mithra of the Romans. The
Mesopotamian Mithra was the God of Light and Covenant with Man and
a solar deity adjunct to the Persian deity, Ahura Mazda.
Charles Dupuis' famous book Origin of the Cults, published in
1795, outlines that nearly all myths derive from the miracle of sexual
reproduction or the movements of the planets.
Along with the Lesser
Mysteries of Egypt and Persia, the Knights Templar had seemingly
encountered arcane Sufi and Orphic Mysteries that related to former ages
of the world.
We shall see the Knights Templar related to the second
mysterious Rule of the Order, a version of the Greater Mysteries gone
awry, through lack of information, adoption of Bogomil and Mandaean
beliefs and association with the Assassins.
As Vergils Fouth Ecologue shows, the shift from orthodox
Christianity to the Mysteries was subtle. Vergil wrote that the Sibyl of
Cuma prophesised Christs birth:
We have reached the last era in the Sibylene song. Time has
conceived and the great sequence of the Ages starts afresh. Justice, the
Virgin, comes back to dwell with us ... The Firstborn of the New Age is
already on his way down from high heaven to earth. With him the Iron
Race shall end and Golden Man inherit this world. Smile on the Babys
birth this glorious Age will dawn ... the ox will not be frightened of the
lion Your very cradle will adorn itself with blossoms to caress you
Enter for the hour is close at hand on your illustrious career, dear
child of the gods see how the whole creation rejoices in the age that is
to be! Begin,then, little boy, to greet your mother with a smile
Many eighteenth degree masons will recognize the seven ages of
the worlds existence!
But more than this, in their insatiable scouring of the Middle East
for manuscripts relating to their Jerusalem discoveries, the Knights
Templar may well have turned up two powerful Arabic manuscripts that
explain the extreme sexual accusations against the Order in the context of
previous ages of the world. These manuscripts are the Picatrix and the
Dread Book of the Mad Arab Al Azif. In this context mad does not
imply lunacy, but that Al Azif is a Magi from Media, in modern day
The Picatrix is an infamous collection of Arabic astral grimoire
magic that invokes the classic planetary gods of Harran, gives detailed
information on the Lunar mansions and makes much of agape or fraternal
The book is really the notes of the Brethren of Purity at Basra
on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. The Picatrix title was Ghayat
Al Hakim, meaning the Aim of the Wise. It seems much older than the
medieval Key of Solomon does because the text makes many references to
the Book of Buddha and the wise men of India timing their religious rites
by Lunar Mansions, which has been the case since at least one thousand
BCE. The Picatrix has a companion alchemical book called The Sages
Step that specifies training in Euclidean mathematics and natural sciences
as necessary for an alchemical aspirant.
It also contains precise
instructions for the purification of gold and silver by cupellation.
The Picatrix may explain how the Knights Templar developed an
understanding of the lunar system of religion in Harran. Yet, there is a
much deeper mystery in the accusations against the Knights Templar.
The Dread Book of Al Azif, also called the Book of the Practices of the
Dead or Necronomicon, better explains this mystery. It is anmed after the
Nekromanteion, a Greek Oracle of the Dead at Thesprotia, which began
operating in about 800 BCE.
Debate continues over the existence of this manuscript and its
historical veracity. Some maintain that the Necronomicon is a hoax. Its
available publications seem to support this. Notwithstanding this doubt,
the Magan text of the Necronomicon does reflect a number of authentic
works from the Creation Epic of the Mesopotamians such as the Descent
of the Inanna and with the same missing ending as traditional sources.
In The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon, H P
Lovecraft writes that Abdul Alhazred of Sanaa in Yemen originally wrote
the Dread Book before his death in about 738CE. In 950CE, Theodorus
Philetas of Constantinople translated it into Greek under the title
Necronomicon. Pope Gregory IX subsequently banned the work in 1232.
In principle, it remains officially suppressed today.
The Dread Book seems to have some similarity with the horrific
tortures carried out by Landulf II of Capua in southwest Sicily.
was the theme of black magic followed by Dietrich Eckart and Aleister
The Dread Book contains a collection of spells for awakening the
monsters of the Abyss and dark places of the human imagination. We
easily recognize this as St Georges dragon, but more on this later. The
Magan text within the book deals with a time before worship of the Moon
God. In fact, Dr John Dee translated part of the Dread Book as the Liber
Logaeth while he was Warden of Christ's College Manchester from 1590
to 1604.
Dees Liber Logaeth passed into the collection of Elias Ashmole
and with Ashmoles collection to the Bodleian Library in Oxford. It
seemingly disappeared from the Bodleian Library following a break-in
during the spring of 1934, at a time when the agents of Germany were
collecting occult literature.
The Liber Logaeth told the story of the Old Ones, who arrived on
primal earth from dark stars. They swarmed from the oceans to build
cities at the poles and raise temples to those cursed by the Gods. They
ruled the earth in abomination until the Elder Lords finally acted:
Casting them forth from the Earth to the Void beyond the planes
where chaos reigns and form abideth not. And the Elder Lords
set their seal upon the Gateway and the power of the Old Ones
prevailest not against its mightLoathsome Cthulhu rose then
from the deeps and raged with exceeding great fury against the
Earth Guardians. And they bound his venomous claws with potent
spells and sealed him up within the City of R'lyeh wherein
beneath the waves he shall sleep death's dream until the end of
the Aeon.
We saw in Chapter 15 that the Dragon is an integral part of the
Greater Mysteries. It is therefore likely that the older parts of the
Necronomicon represent a Babylonian formulation of the Greater
Mysteries. Its newer formulations, complete with symbols, are
interpretations of the last one hundred and fifty years.
Before turning our attention to the unsavory aspects of
necromancy, it is helpful to understand a little more of the poem called
the Descent of the Inanna. This poem appears in both the Creation Epic
of the Mesopotamians and the Dread Book. Surprisingly, it allows us to
outline the acceptable limit of magic in mysteries by reference to the
rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.
We begin with Marduk Kurios of the Double-headed Axe.
Tiamat originally swallowed him but later the roles reversed. In claiming
to slay the Old Ones on the Earth, Marduk was following in the footsteps
of the first Indo-Hittite warrior prince in defeating the Goddess.
Gorgon-slayer was Ptersus the Destroyer.
Marduks name means son of the righteous mound or KUR-KUR
and is represented by a triangle of three dots. He is the son of the
supreme physical god Enki, brother of Inanna, God of Jupiter and Lord of
We see him as St George killing the green dragon and as Perceval
in the Arthurian romances. His color is royal lilac or purple. He is the
manifestation of the Philosophers' Stone whose mark is interchangeably
the Phoenix, eagle or Tau-cross hammer.
The regal symbol of the double-headed eagle facing east and west
is the ancient phoenix, often mistaken for an eagle. This symbol entered
the rites of initiation in two ways.
The Amazon-Scythian women used the famous double-headed
axe or labrys, which became a popular Scythian and Greek symbol of
death in the Mysteries. The dual curved blades represent the moons
monthly cycle of waxing and waning. The Scythians represented initiates
as a pure phoenix arising from the ash of its father. From the double-
headed axe, the phoenix, too, became the double-headed badge of an
Eastern Priest-King. It is the insignia of a Patriarch in the Eastern
Church. In 1919, the Eastern Synod bestowed the double-headed badge
of an Eastern Priest-King on the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The double-headed phoenix derives also, or for the same reason,
from Marduk's distinguishing emblem of the double-headed axe.
double-headed eagle represents the dual face of Marduk, Janus or Pan.
The eagle is also the symbol of Jupiter. As time belongs to God, the
double-headed divider separates eras, implicitly looking back to time past
and forward to the time to come. The month January derives from Janus
who symbolizes the winter solstice, the death of the old year and advent
of the new. Janus also represents the death of the sacrificial king and
crowning of the new king who will bring agricultural prosperity to the
Marduk's double-headed axe is an instrument of division, the
most important characteristic of a transcendent god. God created the
world with this instrument of division. Division is how Yahweh created
the difference between light and darkness and separated the upper
firmament from the lower.
Marduk similarly divided the body of
Tiamat into two parts.
He created the sky and earth from the waters of
these halves.
All sacrificial oak kings fell beneath the sacred double-headed
axe, known as the labrys.
This ancient weapon was the emblem of
Cretan sovereignty.
It combined the power of Poseidons trident with
Zeus thunderbolt.
The priestly corporation at Delphi, the Labryadae,
which still existed in Classical times, took its name from this Cretan two-
headed axe used in the ceremonies.
The labrys was the instrument of
death and correspondingly of rebirth, represented by the two-headed bird
called the phoenix. Phoenix is the masculine form of Phoenissa, the red
or bloody one, a title given to the Triple Goddess who brought Death-in-
The smithy-gods furnace and his sword, or Word in the
Revelation of John of Patmos, again demonstrates the double-edged
instrument of division:
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of
man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the
paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like
wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And
his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his
voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand
seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword:
and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
The two-edged sword is the ancient instrument of dichotomy or
sorting. It is the same as an axe, divider or compass. These instruments
all divide the firmament to create the world at its centre. The same act of
division or measurement creates individuals. The god that wields the axe
or holds the hinge of the compass, which represents the unity of the whole
and the order of chaos.
In the Mesopotamian poem, Descent of Inanna, the goddess
descends into the underworld to overcome her sister, the serpent of chaos
Tiamat or Ereshkigal. She makes this perilous journey to achieve the
wisdom of the Underworld:
Father Enlil answered angrily: My daughter craved the Great
Above. Inanna craved the Great Below. She who receives the
'me' of the underworld does not return. She who goes to the Dark
City stays there.
The me of the underworld is Inannas own base nature. Her death
is analogous to that of St George. Inanna, like Isis and Ishtar, symbolizes
resurrection and the efficacy of the elixir of life.
In the underworld,
Inanna falls prey to the spirits of darkness. Love becomes death. After
three days, the messengers of life discover Inannas corpse impaled on a
rod and resurrect her.
Inanna is an image of love crucified, the earliest
rose on the cross of Mesopotamia dating from at least two thousand
The Annunaki, Dread Judges, Seven Lords of the Underworld
drew around her. Faceless Gods of Abyss. They stared and fixed
her with the Eye of Death. With the Glance of Death they killed
her and hung her like a corpse from a stake.
And the Elder Lords were rent with fear. Our Father Enki, Lord
of Magick, receiving word by Inanna's servant Ninshubur, hears
of Ishtar's sleep in the House of Death.
To the Kurgarru he gave the Food of Life, to the Kalaturru he
gave the Water of Life. With haste they fled through the Palace of
Death, stopping only at the corpse of Inanna, the Beautiful
Queen, Mistress of the Gods, Lady of all the Harlots of Ur, Bright
Shining One of the Heavens, Beloved of Enki, which lay hung and
bleeding from a thousand fatal wounds.
Upon the corpse of Inanna sixty times they sprinkled the Water of
Life of Enki. Upon the corpse of Inanna sixty times they sprinkled
the Food of Life of Enki. Upon the corpse, hung from a stake,
they directed the Spirit of Life and Inanna arose.
The image of a serpent crucified on a tree is prominent in Israelite
literature. Moses hung a bronze serpent called the nehushtan, Ne-Esthan
in Greek, on his staff for the healing of the plague.
The Ark of the
Covenant safeguarded it for many years until King Hezekiah broke the
nehushtan into pieces to prevent its worship.
We saw in Chapter 17
how the Rosicrucians adopted the nehushtan as their symbol of the
Greater Mysteries.
Moses' renowned staff had an equally miraculous history. Seth
took it from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Moses turned
it into a serpent to overcome the magicians of the Pharaoh and used it to
part the Red Sea. He also brought forth water from a rock at Kadesh in
the wilderness of Zin.
It then reputedly became a structural beam in
King Solomon's Temple.
A serpent on a tree often symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus,
which derives from the Revelation to John of Patmos:
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the
Son of Man be lifted up.
Inanna, Jesus, St George and Lucifer are all impaled on a staff or
tree. As incongruous as it seems, Jesus is Inanna as Love impaled on a
staff. After three days, he receives the gifts of Wisdom, Love and
resurrection. Jesus is also the serpent of Wisdom on Moses' staff, as
Lucifer is the serpent on the Tree of Life. The morning star of Inanna or
Venus that rises before the Sun represents either Jesus or Lucifer:
We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you
about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we
were eye-witnesses of his majesty And we have the word of the
prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention
to it, as a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and
the morning star rises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19 has a similar verse:
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do
well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
However stark and confronting, the comparison of Jesus with
Lucifer and Inanna depends very much on religious context, as we saw in
Chapter 13. For example, the Roman Catholic Paschal Praeconium of
Easter Holy Week refers to the two co-existing lights of Jesus and Inanna
or Venus. The first is the candle of Christ as Wisdom dispelling the
Luminous Night and second is the morning star of knowledge that rises
from the netherworld:
We beseech thee therefore, O Lord, that this candle, consecrated
in the honour of thy Name, may continue to dispel the darkness of
this night. And being accepted as a sweet savor, may it be united
with the lights supernal. May the morning star find it burning:
that morning star, I say, which knows no setting. That which
being returned from the depths, shineth serene upon the human
Within this convoluted theological milieu, it is not surprising that
the Knights Templar possessed a cult image of wisdom that
simultaneously represented both Jesus and Inanna. Nor is it surprising
that they gave testimony of a god analogous to the Son who is Life.
The deity rescued from the underworld is the Son who is Life.
Every year the success of his resurrection repeats with the agricultural
cycle. As Isis searched for Osiris, so Inanna searches for and resurrects
Inanna and Geshtinanna went to the edges of the steppe. They
found Dumuzi weeping. Inanna took Dumuzi by the hand and
said: You will go to the underworld half the year. Your sister,
since she has asked, will go the other half. On the day you are
called, that day you will be taken. On the day Geshtinanna [your
sister] is called, that day you will be set free. Inanna placed
Dumuzi in the hands of the Eternal.
In the genealogies of Sumer and Semitic Akkad, the worldly
sacrificial god Dumuzi is Tammuz. Both are. In contrast is Inanna's
transcendental brother, the Sun God Utu. Utu cannot impregnate Inanna
even though this is Inanna's wish. He arranges Inanna's marriage to his
worldly twin, the god Dumuzi:
Sister, your bridegroom will go to bed with you. He who was
born from a fertile womb. He who was conceived on the sacred
marriage throne. Dumuzi the Shepherd! He will go to bed with
However, Inanna acquiesces to the marriage only when Dumuzi
likens himself to Utu. Transcendental Utu the Sun God is identical with
Shamash the God of the Sun and God of the Covenant with man. Utu-
Shamash and Inanna are children of the supreme Moon God Nanna, who
became the God Sin. Utu-Shamash is also Mithra of the broad pastures
and he is the perfect Gawain of the Arthurian romances.
Dumuzi-Tammuz and Utu-Shamash also coalesce as twin aspects
of the same individual. We have already looked at the twin character of
St George and the angel Michael and in Chapter 22, we shall look further
at the fundamental issue of twin characters. This factor unifies the
majority of Indo-Hittite myths, including the Arthurian romances of the
Holy Grail.
As we have seen, the Roman Catholic Church embraced these
deeper mysteries and enacted them throughout the year with the
involvement of the congregation. This gave rise to the Catholic
description of the mysteries as the living church. Obscure as they may
have been to the general congregation, these mysteries alone would not
have led to the furious indictment of the Knights Templar.
We have already seen that the building associates of the Knights
Templar, the Sons of Solomon, carved Indian tantric kundalini images into
more than six hundred pre-Reformation churches in England, Ireland,
Spain and France.
The problems of the Knights Templar involved even more
esoteric aspects of rediscovered wisdom than we have so far discussed.
Necromancy was a traditional path of scientific and philosophical
Homers Odyssey described how to conjure up the dead with the
same pit Romulus dug when he founded Rome:
When you, hero, land there, as I tell you,
Dig a pit (bòthron) one cubit long and wide,
And around it pour out the libation for all the dead:
Firstly with honeyed milk, then with sweet wine,
Thirdly with water, and sprinkle white flour
After invoking the illustrious ranks of the dead with vows,
Sacrifice a ram and a black ewe,
Turning them to the Erebus, but you must turn elsewhere
To the river stream. There many
Of the deads souls will come
In learning about Iranian and Indian mysteries, the Knights
Templar would have had difficulty resisting its appeal. In fact, the
Knights Templar had its own legend of necrophilia:
A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar, a Lord of
Sidon; but she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial
this wicked lover crept to the grave, dug up her body, and
violated it. Then a voice from the void bade him to return in nine
months time, for he would find a son. He obeyed the injunction,
and at the appointed time he found a head on the leg bones of the
skeleton (a skull and cross-bones). The same voice bade him
guard it well, for it would be the giver of all good things, and
so he carried it away with him. It became his protecting genius,
and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the
magic head. In due course it passed into the possession of the
Mystics have always ascribed considerable power to the god
Saturn, the keeper of the last Gate. Techniques to pass through the Gate
included tantric sexual magic, Indian kundalini yoga, homosexuality and
Gnostic Agapoi love feasts involving male and female secretions.
The infamous Aleister Crowley actively pursued these occult
rituals. He joined the Golden Dawn in 1898. In 1912, he practiced sexual
magic in a spurious and clandestine lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis in
This included homosexuality, masturbation and the concocting
of an elixir of life from male and female secretions. Aleister Crowley
then plumbed even more perverse and highly sadistic sexual practices at
the Abbey of Thelema or Thule Abbey in Sicily.
This included animal
sacrifice, orgies, bloody scourging, sodomy and invoking the Anti-Christ
to raise the magic power of evil.
Radical behavior seems normal once a consistent, albeit illogical,
frame of reference emerges. This particularly applies in the absence of
checks and balances. When brought to account, many people who have
participated in unpleasant acts cannot understand why they thought it was
acceptable at the time. The old homily absolute power corrupts
absolutely bears out repeatedly.
Although the Inquisition made such accusations against the
Knights Templar, it is still inconclusive whether the inner circles of the
Knights Templar strayed into such a frame of reference. It appears from
testimony given to the inquisition that lower levels in the organization
were relatively ignorant about practices at higher levels. In his righteous
fever, Philippe IV would have been better to impeach only those in the
inner circles rather than attempt to net the whole Order beginning with
fifteen thousand members in France. It was not for another six hundred
years that Vilfredo Pareto enunciated his celebrated eighty-twenty maxim.
In this instance, Pareto's rule would simply hold that eighty percent of the
problem, if it existed, was with twenty percent of the group.
However, records show that the Pope would not intercede on
behalf of the Knights Templar. The Grand Master of the Knights
Templar, Jacques de Molay, declared to the Dominican Inquisition on
November 26, 1308:
I would like to tell you certain things, if only you were not the
people you are, and if you were authorized to hear it.
Two days later, on November 28, 1308, Jacques de Molay again
sought to confide in Pope Clement V. Pope Clement V avoided him.
There was an underlying reason why the Pope did not want to be
associated with his confession. The Pope even attempted to escape Paris
for Rome to avoid the radical imbroglio. As with the Sons of Solomon,
the Pope decided against assisting or defending the Knights Templar from
accusations of unacceptable practices that may have easily entrapped him.
It is highly likely that he well knew these practices included the
torrid secret of the goddesses of love and maternity, Inanna, Ishtar and
even Mary. They were a highly esoteric part of Church ritual as well as
unusual practices within the Knights Templar. Before the son could be
reborn, the lover had to die. The Knights Templar directly employed this
symbolism. They said that their devotions began and ended with Mary,
although these were respectively the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene.
Chapter 14 showed that the Apple cut crossways shows the star of
the goddess Venus, Ishtar or Inanna in her five stations from Birth to
Initiation, Love, Repose and Death.
Similarly, the Cistercian St Bernard described the five-petal rose
as the five virtues of Mary.
John Donne writes in The Primrose that
this five-petal flower is sacred to the Muse.
The fifth station, of Saturn or Death, is the goddess in her
manifestation as a cat or lion goddess consuming the lover. Appendix 3
provides Sir Francis Bacon's own chilling description of the inescapable
goddess. Fulcanelli highlighted the uncanny thread between alchemy and
the religion of the Mother Goddess barley cakes made with sacrificial
blood at the end of the twelve nights of Saturnalia festivities:
Gala, in Greek means milk, and mercury is also called
Virgins Milk (lac Virginis). Therefore, brothers, if you
remember what we have said about the Twelfth-night cake, and if
you know why the Egyptians divinized the cat, you will be left in
no doubt about the topic you should select; its common name will
be known to you. Then you will posses the chaos of the sages
wherein lie potentially all the hidden secrets as Philalethes
declares, and which the skillful artist promptly activates. Open
up, that is, break down, such matter, try to isolate its pure
portion, or its metallic soul, as they say, and you will have the
Kermes, the Hermes, the tingling mercury that holds the mystic
gold, just as Saint Christopher carries Jesus and the ram his own
Shakespeares Twelfth Night echoes this:
Clown: O mistress mine, where are you roaming? O, stay and hear; your
true love's coming, That can sing both high and low: Trip no
further, pretty sweeting; Journeys end in lovers meeting, Every
wise man's son doth know
Sir Toby Belch 'O, the twelfth day of December,' Out o' tune, sir: ye
lie. Art any more than a steward? Dost thou think, because thou
art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?
Clown Yes, by Saint Anne, and ginger shall be hot I' the mouth too.
Come away, come away, death, And in sad cypress let me be laid;
Fly away, fly away breath; I am slain by a fair cruel maid. My
shroud of white, stuck all with yew
Maria: nay, but say true; does it work upon him?
Sir Toby Belch: Like aqua vitae with a midwife.
The Goddess cycle from Birth to Initiation, Love, Repose and
Death can be dualistic, being either life affirming or life rejecting. The
life-affirming variation presents Death as Death-in-Life or rebirth.
In the life rejecting or radical version, death is the central focus of
a cycle filled with woe:
The woman, because of her vulva, what harm she did! Inanna
because of her womb, what did she do! All the wells of the land
she filled with blood
We have also seen from Inanna's trials in the Dread Book that the
powers of darkness overcame her. These beings dwell beyond the final
Gate guarded by Adar the God of Saturn. The cruel demons of the dead
are Iggi from the Sumerian IGI meaning face or presence.
The Iggi
provide assistance in both good and evil. Marduk enlisted these foul
spirits to help him overcome the Old Ones. The formulae and acts
required to evoke the beings and monsters that dwell in the outer reaches
of the human psyche are detailed elsewhere.
A number of Christian cults such as the Cathars and Manichaeans
worshipped death as well as life. In the extreme, these death rituals
involved sodomy, necrophilia and cannibalism.
We ponder whether the accusations of certain practices within the
Knights Templar such as obscene kisses of humiliation had the same
arcane significance.
Drug use and sexual exploitation existed with the
Arabian associates of the Knights Templar, the Assassins. Experiments in
the East would have involved sexual energy to raise the Iggi into visible
appearance, as Solomon reputedly did.
Thrill of illicit practices and the ease of trapping new initiates into
the quicksand of radical dualism remain with us today. For example,
many so-called neo-Templar and Rosicrucian orders ultimately exploit
phallic symbolism and tantric sex.
Freemasonry has repeatedly purged itself of these rituals and,
along with it, much of the visible symbolism related to alchemy and the
ages of the world. Gone are images of a maiden weeping over a broken
column, beehives, Egyptian temples and mummies, Orphic and Mithriac
mysteries and even Poisson's celebrated paintings embodying secret
knowledge. The truly insightful Freemason finds little vestige of this rich
heritage today. Scottish Rite Freemasonry is not quite so obscure, but it
has extensively adapted the Greater Mysteries towards its own needs.
In this chapter, we noted that the Hebrew word Nahash means
serpent. This same word has two other literal meanings, which are He
who solves Secrets and He who Knows Metals.
In the next chapter, we
shall see how poignant these additional meanings can be.
Chapter 19 The Philosophers Stone and Manna
The Jews in Alexandria and the Rosicrucians Sabian forebears in
Damascus independently preserved the secret of the Philosophers' Stone.
To this day, each retains its independence.
We have seen that the Rosicrucian route leads back to Anatolia,
to the Indo-Hittites and the scientific philosophies of metallurgy,
alchemy, medicine and immortality. This route is relatively obscure
because of the Rosicrucians traditional low profile and intentional lack of
records. Over the last three thousand years, discovery of significant
documents such as the Corpus Hermeticum, Picatrix and writings of the
Family of Love have been rare.
In contrast, the Jews objectively documented their story through
wide study of the Bible and candid writings of the great Jewish
alchemists. Jewish alchemy seemed to start at the Hyksos invasion of
Egypt in 1801BCE when the Israelites participated in the royal secrets of
the Philosophers' Stone, known to the Old Kingdom Pharaohs.
As we saw in the last chapter, the Egyptians knew the true secret
of the Philosophers' Stone at the time of Imhotep, if not earlier. The
annual rituals of Unas described in Chapter 16 used the Philosophers'
Stone to refresh the spirit of the Pharaoh and thereby to refresh the order
and fertility of the land. The Egyptian king-making ceremonies were rites
that introduced the Philosophers' Stone to the new Pharaoh. They
described how the Old Kingdom Pharaohs never died, but ascended a
stairway to heaven. Strangely, true to the tradition, the bodies of the
oldest Pharaohs and their high priests remain undiscovered.
The texts of the Old Kingdom gave the Philosophers' Stone many
names. It was called the golden tear from the eye of Horus, that which
issues from the mouth of the Creator (the Christian Word), and the spittle
or the semen of the Father in Heaven. With the rise of the Heliopolian
Amun, it later became the hidden Light: the unknowable name of the God
whose title was Amun and whose symbol was the ram.
Perhaps the most enigmatic name for the Philosophers' Stone was
in the negative or hidden form of a question-name: What is it? This is
what Basil Valentine was referring to when he said of the Green Lion:
you know what it is. We shall have much more to say about the name
posed as a question in Chapter 22, where we look at the Holy Grail.
Sesôstris I offering Shewbread to Amun
in the White Chapel at Karnak
The Kabbalah interprets the name-question: What is it? as the
word manna.
It comes from Genesis and Exodus, which are probably
the greatest alchemical texts ever written. Exodus tells the history of the
Israelites and their reliance on manna for sustenance of the spirit:
And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered
the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.
And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of
the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar
frost on the ground. And when the children of Israel saw it, they
said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was.
And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the Lord hath
given you to eat.
With the Word of the Lord, the manna, the Israelites did not grow
old nor suffer illness, suggesting a ritual experience:
And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led
thee these forty years in the wilderness ... And he humbled thee,
and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou
knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee
know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. Thy
raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these
forty years.
The Egyptian and Tigris-Euphrates Valley societies both
symbolized the Philosophers' Stone as an elongated pyramidal or conical
shaped stone, about twice as tall as it is wide. It was similar to the Ben
Stone and the point of Thutmose III's column, now the misnamed
Cleopatras Needle in London.
In Harran, in the Commagene, the 550BCE stele of Nabnoidus of
Babylon depicts the royal sceptre topped with a similar wedge shape
representing revealed wisdom of the Moon God Sin. Chapter 5 showed
the same cone shape is the symbol of the Sumerian KUR and Q're.
In Chapter 3 we looked at the sacred treasures of King Solomon's
Temple recorded in the Temple of the Al Karnak, particularly the plunder
from the Palestine campaign of Thutmose III. Detailed examination of
these treasures shows the same elongated pyramidal or conical shapes
under the items of gold. This is white bread or shewbread.
This same
shape is shown even earlier in the White Chapel at Karnak, where the
twelfth dynasty Pharaoh Sesôstris I presents the conical shewbread to
Shewbread is Offered to Anubis
Guardian of the Secret,
Nineteenth dynasty, Abydos
In another famous bas-relief from the Pyramid Texts, the Pharaoh
is shown offering shewbread to Anubis who is sitting on an ark. Anubis
symbolizes the guardian of God over the secrets.
Sometimes he has a
sceptre made from the mysterious metal tchâm, which like orichalcum,
may be platinum.
Plutarch notes that Anubis, the jackal god, was born of both
sisters Nephthys and Isis, who were two aspects of the same divine
By Anubis they understand the horizontal circle, which divides
the invisible part of the world, which they call Nephthys, from the
visible, to which they give the name Isis; and as this circle equally
touches on the confines of both light and darkness, it may be
looked on as common to them both.
The chest that Anubis guards represents the prime secret on
which the sovereignty of the king depended.
So important was this
secret to Hercules that he descended into the Underworld to recover the
guardian dog Cerberus.
Cerberus, a dog with three heads, was the
grim, watchful guardian of the entrance to Hades.
The secret of preparing the Philosophers' Stone was seemingly
lost to Egypt in the tumult of the Hyksos expulsion. The old legends of
Zosimus and St Germain imply the Israelites plundered the secret from
the Egyptians, as we saw in Chapter 14. The Bible also talks about the
plunder of gold and silver from the Egyptians:
And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians:
and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty:
But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that
sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and
raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your
daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.
And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses;
and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of
gold, and raiment: And the Lord gave the people favour in the
sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as
they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.
When the Israelites departed from Egypt, Moses knew how to
make the substance known as the Philosophers' Stone, manna,
chrysopoeia, aurum potable or the water of gold. Moses' skill as an
alchemist is clear in the episode of the golden bull. The Israelites
apparently carried through the desert sufficient gold for the Ark of the
Covenant, large tabernacle items like the golden vessels weighing twenty-
nine talents (over one ton) each and the golden bull Atabyrius. In finding
the Israelites worshiping the golden bull, Moses was outraged:
And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that
he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot,
and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath
the mount. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it
in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the
water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.
It is possible to dissolve and drink calcinated gold as described
here. Calcination is the burning of gold in fire with deer antler or animal
horn as the traditional source of calcium.
Chapter 11 showed that Moses then commanded Bezaleel, the
Son of Light who built the Ark of the Covenant, to prepare the Bread of
Life or Bread of the Presence of God. The Melchizedek Priests set this
Bread on a golden table in front of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of
Holies. Once a week they ate the Bread of the Presence of God and more
was set in place.
After entering the Promised Land, the Israelites no longer
consumed the Bread of Life.
And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the
old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any
more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.
Jesus, a Melchizedek Priest, refers to the loss of manna when he
turns down the request of the masses at Capernaum:
Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead.
Rabbinical tradition holds that the secret of the Philosophers'
Stone was lost to the Israelites at the destruction of the First Temple.
David Hudson has reported that in answer to his question about the
existence of white powder gold, a Rabbi of Temple Beth Israel in Phoenix
Oh yes Mr. Hudson, but to our knowledge no one has known how
to make it since the destruction of the first temple The white
powder of gold is the magic. It can be used for white magic or
black magic.
Following the destruction of the First Temple, alchemy and the
Philosophers' Stone remained subdued until the Hellenistic times in
From four hundred BCE, until the time of Jesus, there was a
remarkable acceleration of learning in Alexandria under the Ptolemaic
kings of Egypt.
This commenced with the break up of Alexanders
empire in about 321BCE, when Alexandria became the enforced home of
a massive number of Palestine Jews. Ptolemy I Soter who reigned from
323BCE to 285BCE enslaved one hundred thousand Jews and brought
them to Alexandria where the men served as military conscripts. His son,
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who reigned from 285BCE to 247BCE,
subsequently released all Jewish slaves. There were more than one
hundred and ten thousand at the time. Jews then resided all over the city
and a Jewish aristocracy became established on the elite east side of
Ptolemy I Soter built the great Library of Alexandria. His son
Ptolemy II Philadelphus expanded it and ordered the translation of the
Torah into Greek for the benefit of the large Jewish population of
Alexandria who could no longer speak Hebrew. The result was the
Septuagint, finalized about 150BCE. Far from being jubilantly received,
many Jewish scholars lamented that the Septuagint divulged to Israels
enemies their innermost secrets and shame at the evil deeds done by their
ancestors and Gods continual punishments for backsliding.
The Alexandria Library reputedly contained five hundred
thousand manuscripts and scholars could live there to study for as long as
they wished. Euclid was among the first scientists to work there. It was
at the Library that Aristarchos produced his remarkable treatise
suggesting the moon received its light from the sun. He also studied the
relative sizes and separations of the sun, moon and earth using a three
hundred and sixty degree system.
This era of enlightenment was not to last. Diocletian, Emperor of
Rome from 284CE to 305CE, was paranoid about Christianity and the
occult. He sought out and burned all Egyptian works that concerned the
chemistry of gold and silver. His reason for this was to prevent his
enemies making use of occult science against the Romans.
In a last
effort to block Christianity, he declared Mithraism as the official religion
of the Roman Empire.
Diocletian may have been concerned about rumors of a fearful
alchemical secret, that of the legendary Shamir. In Rabbinical tradition,
the Shamir was a giant worm that could cut stones.
The secret of the
Shamir was probably in the hands of the Essenes in Alexandria. We know
from Philo of Alexandria, who lived from 20BCE to 50CE, that the
influence of the Essenes of Egypt, known in the first century CE as
Therapeuts, was particularly strong in Alexandria.
recorded Essenes were still in Egypt in 250CE.
Excavations at Qumran have shown that the Essenes operated a
furnace and carried out metallurgical works.
Alchemical works
continued in this same area long after the Roman campaign against
Massada. For example, the nearby village at the spring of Engedi was
engaged in esoteric activities. Engedi was the site of a famous Essene
college similar to Callirrhoë and Modein. A mosaic inscription in the
floor of the fourth century CE synagogue at Engedi includes a curse,
which is the only sinister curse ever discovered in a synagogue:
Whoever reveals to the gentiles the secret of this village, the one
whose eyes roam over the entire earth and sees what is hidden
will uproot this person and his seed from under the sun.
One theory is that the Essenes collected white salts from
evaporated holding ponds in the Dead Sea. They sought material at the
surface where sodium chloride had already dropped away by fractional
crystallization. They manufactured alchemical gold employing a tower
five hundred meters up the hill for a gravity feed to a reverberatory
furnace. The tower still exists. Appendix 3 describes the method
supposedly used by King Solomon to make his one hundred thousand
talents (about three thousand eight hundred tons) of alchemical gold.
The priestly secret of alchemy had much in common with the
secrets of early glass manufacture and fabric dying. During the Roman
period, the great glass-making site of Jalame in Western Galilee produced
excellent Roman glass.
The special timbers required in firing this low
potassium, low magnesium Roman glass were the symbolic trees of
Beech, Oak and Apple.
A traditional source of glass making sand was at the mouth of the
Belus River. This was the town of Ptolemais, now called Acre.
Josephus and Pliny mention it, noting that the sand here would form
crystals. These were crystals of quartz and chalcedony in the presence of
calcium from decayed seashells.
Josephus writes that many ships
called to load sand for glassmaking and that nature constantly replenished
it. Josephus described a very unusual property of these crystals: if they
overflowed the basin, they reverted to ordinary sand.
Josephus preserves alchemical secrets in his writing. He does so
elsewhere. Quite out of context with his discussion of the hilltop fortress
of Machaerus, Josephus refers to a certain root growing at Barras. This is
Plinys mandrake and it is an allegorical description of the Great
In a ravine which protects the town on the north is a place called
Baaras, where grows a root of the same name. This is flame-
colored, and at dusk it sends out brilliant flashes so that those
who come near in the hope of plucking it cannot take hold of it, as
it slips away and will not stay still until it is drenched with a
womans urine or menstrual blood. Even then to touch it means
certain death, unless one happens to have brought an exactly
similar root dangling from the wrist. It can also be secured
another way without risk, thus they dig right around it, so as to
leave the smallest possible piece of root in the ground; then they
tie a dog to it and when he springs forward to follow the man who
tied him, it is easily pulled up, but the dog dies instantly a
substitute for the person who was going to remove the plant; for
no danger remains for those who subsequently handle it. Despite
the greatness of the danger it has one virtue that makes it sought
after; for the so called devils in reality the spirits of evildoers
that enter the living and kill them if they are not rescued are
quickly cast out by this plant if it so much as touches the
possessed. Here too flow springs of hot water differing widely in
flavor, some being bitter and others very sweet indeed. There are
also many fountains of cold water, and these do not all issue from
wells on low ground in a row; the truth is more surprising, for
there is a cave to be seen nearby, not hollowed out to any great
depth, but sheltered by a rock that juts out. Above this protrude,
as it were, two breasts a little way apart, sending out water, in
one case icy, in the other boiling hot. When mixed these furnish a
most pleasant bath, beneficial in many sicknesses and giving
special relief to tired muscles. The region also contains sulphur
and alum mines.
The real mandrake or Mandragora officinalis is one of the most
striking plants of Lebanon and the Plain of Sharon. It has a central bunch
of dark-blue, bell-shaped blossom on a flat disk of very broad primrose-
like leaves.
Wei Boyang, a Chinese alchemist of the second century CE,
relates a similar tale:
One day Wei Boyang Passed into the mountains to prepare
numinous elixirs. With him and went three disciples, two of
whom were, he felt, lacking in faith and sincerity. When the elixir
was achieved he decided to make a trial of them. The gold elixir
is now made, he said, but it ought first to be tested. Let us give it
to this white dog; if the animal lives and can soar into the air then
will be safe for human beings, but if the dog should die then it is
not to be taken. So Wei Po-Yang They did it to the dog, and the
dog immediately fell down dead. Turning to the disciples he said:
I feared the elixir was not perfected. As it has killed the dog into
would seem that we have not grasped the fall of theory of spiritual
power. If we take it now I am afraid that we shall go the same
way as the animal. What do you think we should do? The
disciples, perplexed, replied by another question: Would you, sir,
dare to take it yourself? He answered: I abandoned worldly ways
and forsook family and friends to enter into the mountains; I
should be ashamed to return without having found the Tao of the
Holy in Immortals. To die of the elixir would be no worse than
living without it. I must take it. And he did, whereupon no sooner
was it in his mouth than he fell dead.
One disciple took the elixir and died. When the other two had
gone, the seemingly dead master, his disciple and the white dog recovered
and journeyed along the mountain path of the immortals.
This elixir was made from the climbing plant Asclepias acida
(AA), which is milkweed. This is a similar herb to the European
swallowwort or Vincetoxicum hirundanaria. It is a medicinal antidote
whose name means defeat the poison. The first century CE Greek
physician and pharmacologist, Dioscorides, called the plant the dog
strangler and wrote that the leaves it mixed with meat could kill dogs,
wolves and foxes.
In the Switzerland, swallowwort is called the
Master Herb and in Austria Jewish herb or White Cross herb.
The Persians and Indians both made their sacred drinks, Hoama
and soma, from fermented Asclepias acida juice, mixed with milk, butter
or honey.
After drinking the nectar, the adept entered a death-like
state for several days. Upon waking, he experienced a state of ecstasy for
a few days with higher consciousness, visionary powers, inexhaustible
strength and vitality. All 114 hymns in the ninth book of the Rig Veda
(circa 1500 BCE) are dedicated to soma:
We have drunk soma, we have become immortal; we have gone to
the light; we found the gods.
The Soma plant Asclepias acida has small, fragrant white flowers
at the end of its branches and few leaves. Christian graves in Romes
catacombs have drawings of a variety of this plant showing long fruits,
which is not found in Europe.
The early Israelites and Edomites used the burning bush datura
stramonium, commonly called the thorn apple. It is the only plant to
grow on rocky high places such as Jebel Madhbah at Petra. The spiny
black fruit has long been used as a folk medicine and intoxicant.
Diodorus Siculus wrote that the priests used its fruit to bring on fantasy,
which they say is the voice of their god.
It seems that the thorn apple
is Edens forbidden fruit because the peculiar feature of the thron apple is
that it produces a vapour that burns without the bush being consumed.
There are references to the thorn apple in Homers Odyssey and
Shakespeares plays Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Anthony and
Cleopatra. In recent times it has been found to control severe brain
While in times that are more recent, the Persians made Soma
from Asclepias acida, some scholars now suggest that the ancient recipes
in the Rig Veda strongly imply that Soma was made from two stones or
rocks (adrau) in the mountains (girau). It is quite likely that Soma had its
true source in metals before they used hallucinogenic plants like Asclepias
acida and more recently, Cannabis
At the end of Chapter 2, we saw that volcanoes produce ores with
iridium and rhodium that can be used to manufacture ORMES and
healing monatomic materials. Rig Veda recipes say that a divine Eagle
fetches Soma from Heaven.
The Eagle extracts it from a metal fortress
in the form of golden-yellow (hari) and reddish-brown (aruna) rocks,
which are probably yellow gold-quartzite and reddish-brown gold-
platinum ores. The Rig Veda also says the priests crushed the collected
material with noisy grinding stones, which sounds more like heavy ore
grinding than squeezing plants. Then they washed it free of impurities,
filtered it through a woolen fleece (avi) and cooked it in water. The Rig
Veda says the final product is clothed in robes of milk. They called it the
Milk of Heaven or Milk of God.
Returning to the manufacture of glass, we find the metals of
alchemy used extensively, such as gold for ruby red color and antimony
as a decolorant and opacifier.
This red-golden, transparent, antimony
glass symbolizes the new Jerusalem. The glassblowers of Murano, north
of Venice, still manufacture rose lamp glass from gold. Many of these
precious lamps decorate churches, in particular Jesus tomb in
Jerusalems Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Although invented by Johann
Kunkel in Potsdam in about 1680, the earliest example of ruby-glass
dated with certainty is a pair of fine Baroque ruby glass beakers in the
Treasury of Copenhagens Rosenborg Castle. Duke Julius Franz of
Saxony-Lauenburg polished these beakers in 1689.
The Egyptians used antimony in glass making since at least the
time of Tuthmose III. The religious secret of antimony glass provided the
wondrous translucency of the stained glass windows at Chartres
The alchemical technology for this special glass suddenly
appeared in the first quarter of the twelfth century CE and just as abruptly
disappeared in the middle of the next century.
The famous Purple of
Cassius was, for example, a colorant made from the body of God. It was
in use long before its official discovery in 1685. The presence of the
Purple of Cassius in glass figuratively endowed light with the body of
God. Chartres Blue was similarly a particularly beautiful unsaturated
blue that delighted the senses. It was a feature at Chartres Cathedral.
As the Essenes were quite familiar with glass making and the
chemistry of gold, they would have been in possession of the materials to
make the explosive called gold fulminate. Gold, Aqua Regia and potash
make this highly unstable explosive. Aqua Regia dissolves the gold and
the addition of potash precipitates gold hydroxide. Potash is potassium
carbonate from the ashes of burnt wood. Adding ammonia (sal
ammoniac) to the gold hydroxide then forms gold fulminate. It becomes
very explosive when dry and is difficult to handle. Dissolving silver
oxide in ammonia makes fulminating silver, which is also very explosive
when dry.
The alchemist masons who employed gold fulminate as an
explosive would have prepared it on-site. To cut a block or stele with
precision, the masons would have poured a fulminate slurry into a series
of chiseled-out hollows, allowed it to dry and then set off a chain reaction
to separate the rock.
Modern gunpowder is a less expensive explosive made from
seventy-five percent potassium nitrate, ten percent sulphur and fifteen
percent charcoal. The alchemist monk Roger Bacon first revealed it in
the West in the early fourteenth century CE.
At that time, gunpowder
was a mixture of Brimstone, Sulfur and Saltpeter. China first discovered
the secret in one thousand CE. As soon as gunpowder appeared in
England, the Crown seized the rights and began to manufacture it under
Crown monopoly.
Both fulminating gold and original gunpowder used regular
alchemical raw materials like saltpeter, which was a common source of
nitric acid for Aqua Regia. Yet, only fulminating gold is likely to have
been the Shamir. This is because it had two characteristics that would
have disenchanted monarchs and therefore allowed it to remain
comparatively secret. The first was that any significant use of fulminating
gold required a monarch to delve deeply into his gold reserves. The
second reason was that the strategic use of the fulminating gold was
severely limited because it was unstable. Unskilled soldiers could neither
prepare nor handle the dangerous substance.
Moses and the authors of the Bible at the time of King Solomon
may have known about gold fulminate. For example, Moses referred to
the massive destruction the Lord would wreak on the land with brimstone
and salt if the Israelites abandoned his covenant:
And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and
burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth
therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and
Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath:
Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus
unto this land? what meaneth the heat of this great anger?
It is also possible that the story of Joshuas destruction of Jericho
is an indirect reference to the terrible power of the Shamir.
In fact,
Joshua reserves the metals in the city for the Lords treasury, perhaps with
an eye to replenishing his stores.
In old Masonic tradition, the Shamir is one of the secrets that
Hiram Abiff refused to surrender to his murderers. The Old York ritual
to the wonderful properties of that noble insect the SHAMIR,
which cut and shaped all the sacred utensils and holy vessels in
King Solomons Temple... the wonderful creature that could cut
The crest of Earl St Clair of Orkney and the documents in the St
Clair libraries prominently show the Shamir. Earl St Clair was the
Scottish ruler who sheltered fugitive Knights Templar and their fleet,
when it escaped Philippe IVs suppression order. His family
subsequently became hereditary Grand Masters of Freemasonry. The
knowledge of the Shamir has no doubt remained sealed with other
documents in three encased boxes, alongside the seventeen Barons in
their armor, in the vault of the St Clair's crypt at Rosslyn Chapel. The
secret still holds fascination but today it is likely to be one of those empty
secrets that are now all too common in hermetic alchemy.
Following the destruction of alchemical works by Diocletian, the
famous Library of Alexandria was itself burnt to the ground by a
Christian mob in 390CE. This loss of the Library, followed by the
gruesome murder of the beautiful mathematician Hypatia by a gang of
monks twenty-five years later, ushered in Europes Dark Ages.
The story of the Philosophers' Stone lay dormant in the West for
another six hundred years, until the time of the Crusades when rumors
seeped out that the Knights Templar had found something very exciting.
Troubadours of the Holy Grail romanced this discovery to a fascinated
Europe, as we shall see in Chapter 22.
Alchemists and kings vigorously sought the Philosophers Stone
as a wonderful medicine that had the power to repair the human body and
increase human life almost indefinitely. The Bible itself had declared that
Melchizedek the King of Salem, who first possessed the Philosophers'
Stone, would live forever.
Flavius Josephus seemed to confirm this
when he recorded that the Essenes had extraordinary lifetimes of greater
than one hundred years.
Georgian people in the mountains above
Colchis reputedly enjoyed similarly bounteous lifespans of one hundred
and ten years.
In 1220CE, with Grail romances echoing around
Europe, the alchemist Artephius claimed he had lived a thousand years.
The Comte St. Germain was supposed to have lived for more than
one hundred years. He was a prominent Jewish alchemist who made
known that his special color was, as we might imagine, green tinged with
blue. Baron de Gleichen, who knew St. Germain well, refuted his long
life maintaining that St. Germain had said to him:
These stupid Parisians believe that I am 500 years old; I confirm
them this idea since I see that it gives them much pleasure.
However, this does not mean that I am infinitely older than I look.
Various sources 'sighted' St. Germain in 1835, 1926 and 1934,
although his death is well recorded on February 27, 1784, and by his own
admission he seems to have been ninety-two or ninety-three at the time.
The year of his birth is unknown.
Nicholas Flamel who lived from about 1330 to 1418 was a Grand
Master of the Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion and a well-known
alchemist. He is also reputed to have been alive some three hundred years
after his recorded death. Paul Lucas wrote in 1712 that he met a Dervish
in the streets of Bursa in Turkey who said that he had come from
Uzbekistan. The Dervish related in great mirth that Flamel and his wife
were living in India. Ayurvedic Indian alchemy, called Rasa Shastra,
claims people alive today aged three hundred years. The Ayurvedic texts
repeatedly say gold is immortality.
Following the translation of the great Arabian sources, the flurry
of Grail Romances and suppression of the Knights Templar, alchemy
became dormant for a further three hundred years. As we saw in Chapter
17, the Church had prohibited alchemy and all scientific investigation.
Only scattered Jewish alchemical scandals and anonymous alchemical
publications punctuated this blanket of silence.
Alchemy gave birth to modern chemistry in the sixteenth century.
The key event was when Antoine Lavoisier showed that water separated
into hydrogen and oxygen, and then recombined as water. He wrote that
oxygen sustained combustion, oxidized the elements and was susceptible
to recovery. Lavoisier summarized his big bang in chemistry with the
Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, all is transformed.
Following his discovery, reason totally prevailed over
metaphysics in chemistry. For all his greatness, poor Lavoisier had a sad
end on the guillotine because he was also a State farmer-general at the
commencement of the French Revolution. Yet the new chemistry he
catalyzed made rapid scientific advances. It quickly distanced itself from
alchemy's inherent imposture and fraud.
The Rosicrucian influence then revived once more with Dr John
Dee, Shakespearean literature, the cautious writings of Paracelsus and the
mystical works of Fludd and Maier in the seventeenth century. This tiny
trickle received some impetus with the Invisible College and Royal
Society. It became a gentle stream when the English chemists and
physicists Robert Boyle, William Cooper, Eireneus Philalethes and Sir
Isaac Newton began to bring bona fide chemical and alchemical
investigations some respectability.
The tentative revival of alchemy then became a veritable flood in
the late eighteenth century with the popularity of Freemasonry in England
and Rosicrucianism among German Masonic-alchemical groups. It is at
this time that we see the emergence of groups with remarkable names
such as the Brothers of the Boiled Dew.
Many of these fringe groups were reviving Jewish traditions
preserved in Rabbinical and Arabian treatises.
In the next chapter, we look at one of the most intriguing aspects
of alchemical studies, Jewish traditions that allude to what the Knights
Templar really found under King Solomon's Temple.
Chapter 20 The Ancient of Days
The philosophy of the qabb³lâ or Kabbalah is set out in the
Sepher Yetzirah or Book of Creation, written in three hundred CE. It
describes a cosmology based on numerical correspondence, such as the
sevenfold planets with the seven days of the week and the seven openings
in the head. Another is the twelvefold zodiac with the twelve directions
of space, twelve months of the year and twelve organs of the body. It
teaches that dualistic good and evil do not tear the cosmos. Instead,
positive and negative energies hold the cosmos in polarity. The method
of salvation is through becoming aware of oneself as a microcosm. This
seats the King on his Throne in the centre of life.
The concept of the King on his Throne was a common symbol for
Osiris in ancient Egypt. The throne was Isis and she was the female
counterpart of the male, making the whole of God.
The young Horus
often sat on her lap as the king reborn. Many a Pieta shows the young
Virgin Mary as the throne, nursing Jesus.
The Zohar or Book of Splendor is the magnus opus of the
Spanish-Jewish Kabbalah.
Its name derives from ZHR meaning to
illuminate. It is both a mystical novel based on the Torah and a
commentary of the Pentateuch. Rabbi Simon bar Yochai wrote the Zohar
in the second century CE but it was apparently edited by Moses bar Shem
Tov of Leon of Granada who died in 1305.
Moses of Leon published the Zohar in 1290. Just before his
death, he added three influential and enigmatic books.
These were the
Book of the Concealed Mystery (BoM), the Greater Holy Assembly
(GHA) and the Lesser Holy Assembly (LHA). Together they represent
only three percent of the Zohar.
In the Lesser Holy Assembly, Moses of Leon is dictating from his
The Reapers of the Field are few
And only at the edge of the vineyard.
Rabbi Shimon sat down
He cried, and said, Woe if I reveal! Woe if I do not reveal!
His dying breaths imparted the secret knowledge of manna and
the Ancient of Days :
And all of them (the holinesses) come from the upper head of the
skullfrom the direction of the upper brainsand this blessing
flows into all the vessels of the body, until it reaches those that
are called the hosts’…And, that flow, after it is collected there, it
stays there, and then goes to that holy foundation. It is all white,
and therefore it is called mercy. And this mercy enters the Holy
of Holies, as it is written (Ps 133:3): For there the Lord
commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
Here blessing and mercy are two of the original Hebrew names
for manna.
Another is the charity of God.
Both the Zohar the Denudata, another Kabbalah text, describe
The Ancient of Days as having a furnace and three skulls. The prophet
Daniel, reputedly a great alchemist, wrote of the Ancient of Days in the
Book of Daniel:
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days
did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his
head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and
his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth
from before him and, behold, one like the Son of man came
with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days
The Ancient of Days had only one eye known as the Eye of
Providence. It shone with blinding brightness.
The Ancient of Days sophistication is similar to Hephaestus
legendary robotic smithy on Mount Olympus, where he manufactured
some sort of vehicle:
He was making twenty tripods
To place around the walls of the fine hall:
He was fitting golden wheels under their bases,
So that they by themselves could enter (autòmatoi dysaiato) the
gods meetings,
Then return home (pròs dôma neoìato). It is wonderful to look
Two golden maids
Looking like living girls,
Had a mind in their breasts (nòos metà phresin), they had voice
And strength.
He moved the bellows away from the fire,
And collected all tools he had worked with into a silver case;
Then with a sponge he dried his face, his hands,
His neck and hairy chest,
He put on his tunic, took his big stick, and limped out
Of the door.
He went back to the bellows,
Turned them to the fire and set them in action.
All twenty bellows blew on the furnaces
Emitting a modulated kindling puff (pantoìen eùpreston
Now fit for quickening,
Now for the opposite,
According to Hephaestus purpose and the progress of the work.
Our investigations have been conventional to this date. The
foundation has been reasonably scholarly. We now dip well below the
scholarly threshold into the kaleidoscopic realm of speculation.
British engineers George Sassoon & Rodney Dale have
interpreted this description of the Ancient of Days as a machine for
manufacturing manna, a kind of still, described in anthropomorphic
The engineers saw the still as a bacterial multiplier for
manufacturing bread. They may well have been on the right track, but
misinterpreting common bread for sacramental bread. Stills similar to the
description of the Ancient of Days are commonplace in alchemy,
particularly the double pelican with two interlocking cucurbits.
Moses of Leon describes the operation of the Ancient of Days as
Into the skull ... distils the dew from the white head ... and
covereth it. And that dew appeared to be of two colors and by it
nourished the field of the holy apple trees. And from this dew of
this skull is the manna prepared for the just in the world to come.
And by it shall the dead be raised to life. And the manna did not
appear to be derived from this dew except at one time: the time
when Israel was wandering in the desert. And the Ancient One of
All fed them from this place. But afterwards, it did not fall out so
more fully.
The ceasing of the manna in the Bible is analogous:
And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the
old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any
more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.
Caleb seems to have taken the machine that made manna to
I conveyed the Divine Spirit through the water of Jordan to the
level of the vale of Hebron.
The two British engineers also believe that the Israelites relocated
the Ancient of Days to Shiloh after it ceased production in Hebron. Shiloh
is forty kilometers north of Jerusalem. The Children of Dan supervised
the holy objects.
Amongst them was a dedicated band of priests called
the Reapers of the Holy Field.
Their name derives from those who
collect the manna from the dew in the field of holy apples.
The engineers contend that Psalm 133 of David is included in
rituals of the Zohar, Knights Templar initiation and Freemasons initiation
for a special reason. It is a perpetual reminder of the Ancient of Days and
the dew, manna, Philosophers' Stone or What is it? that was lost:
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
It is like the precious oil poured on the head, running down on
the beard, running down Aarons beard, down upon the collar of
his robes.
It is as if the dew of Hermon was falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
In addition, the Zohar says the same thing:
Come and see:
Every single day, dew trickles down from the Holy Ancient One to
the Impatient One, and the Orchard of holy Apple Trees is
Some of the dew flows to those below;
holy angels are nourished by it,
each according to his diet,
as it is written:
A human ate angel bread'
Israel ate of that food in the desert.
Rabbi Shimón said:
Some people are nourished by it even now!
Who are they?
The Comrades, who engage Torah day and night.
Do you think they are nourished by that very food?
No, by something like that very food; two balancing one.
The food that comes from higher above is finer food,
coming from the sphere where Judgment is found.
Happy is the portion of the righteous!
As we saw earlier, there is manna is Mercy and there is no Judgment
without Mercy.
Also from the Skull of the Microprosopopeia:
When the White Head decided to add to its beauty with an
ornament, it sent out a spark from its own light.
It breathed on the spark to cool it, and the spark grew firm.
It expanded and hollowed itself out, like a blue transparent skull
enclosing thousands, myriads of worlds.
This cavity is full of external dew, white on the side of the Father,
red on the side of the Son. It is the dew of light and life, the dew
that engenders and resurrects the dead.
Some are resurrected in light, others in fire.
Some are in the eternal whiteness of peace, the others in the
redness of fire and the torments of war.
The wicked are the disgrace, so as to speak, of their father, and
it is they who cover the face with its redness.
In this skull of the Universal Man, only begotten Son of God,
resides Knowledge, with its thirty two paths and its fifty gates.
However, not everyone enjoyed manna. The fearful Watchers of
the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim, had such large appetites that God gave
them manna, of many different colors.
They rejected Gods offer,
preferring the flesh of animals and man, fouling the air with sickly vapors.
It was then that God decided to cleanse the earth.
The Zohars explanation makes compelling evidence that the
manufacture of manna or dew is the great secret that was lost. Other
descriptions by Jewish alchemists support this somewhat unconventional
conclusion. For example, Michael Maier writes of Maria the Jewess:
But the whole secret, she says, is in the knowledge of the Vessel of
Hermes, because it is divine, and is, by the wisdom of the Lord,
hidden from the gentiles.
Among the many names Elias Ashmole lists as being applied to
the Philosophers Stone is the Hebrew Tetragrammaton jud he voph
The finding of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton is hermetically
equivalent to finding the secret of the Philosophers Stone.
Abraham Eleazars talks of the Tetragrammaton in his fourteenth
century book Uraltes Chymisches Werck, the Book of Light. A much
earlier source called The Great Secret of the Master Tubal-Cain gave him
the secret: the Hebrew Tetragrammaton is in a cave at the bottom of a
long passage, five hundred spans under the Holy of Holies. A fire that
kills protects it.
The Copper Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls reveals that
foundations of the Temple concealed large amounts of gold and important
texts at the time of the Roman assault of 67CE to 70CE:
Item 7: In the cavity of the Old House of Tribute, in the Platform
of the Chain: sixty-five bars of gold.
It may be that the six hundred talents of gold (about twenty-three
tons) under the Temple was an input for an alchemical process rather than
simply a store of wealth. It may have been feedstock for making the
Philosophers Stone.
To encourage the Jews to redouble their efforts to find the lost
Philosophers' Stone, Abraham Eleazar writes:
For you should know that God the Highest will promise and give
you His blessing so that you should enjoy the breadth of the land
and drink the dew of heaven.
This is the same exhortation as found engraved on copper tablets
in the manuscript of Samuel Baruch.
Samuel Baruch writes that the
ultimate achievement is:
the great mystery of the world, the life and food of the holy souls
and angels, out of whose dew the heaven comes and the fatness of
the earth.
In addition, he adds:
My sons, I have sketched in figures the secrets of the great world,
and also its meaning according to its inner secret understanding,
as Moyses our brother had learned it from Tubal-Cain, and left it
behind, to your great joy, to find the Mighty One in Israel, in
figures, as well as His servants and angels, together with the
powers of the innermost receptacle in centro of the natures.
Finally, alchemists from generation to generation hand down a
dire warning:
That quintessence is a holy balsam and also a poison. This is all
medicine, and without the help of God it is without fruit, it kills
and destroys.... This is the great secret of the fathers, this is what
God gave them as a consolation, which they used when they were
in plight and trouble; otherwise they did not use it, because they
were satisfied with the Highest, and with little. This was the
masterpiece of the wise masters with which they prepared
everything necessary that belonged to the Temple.
We now delve even deeper into the realm of speculation. The
Jewish stories show that the French knights who excavated the
foundations of King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem found more than
gold. Let us hypothesize that they found the secret treasure of the
Melchizedek Priests that they were looking for. It was an old gold
processing machine that had long been disused and was almost forgotten.
The Holy Order of Knights Beneficent of the Holy City tell the legend of
how Hugues des Payens and the first Knights Templars, while repairing
the house King Baldwin II of Jerusalem gave them, excavated in the ruins
for materials. They found an iron trunk with many extremely valuable
things, including the scientific process of the Great Work taught to
Solomon and his confidants by Hiram Abiff, whom Solomons friend and
ally, Hiram King of Tyre, sent to them.
The Knights Templar fervently scoured Europe, Palestine,
Arabia, Persia and Ethiopia for knowledge of the operating instructions.
It is highly probable that any mysterious technology they found
was as puzzling as it had been to the Reapers of the Holy Field. They
would have followed the only time-proven course of action. This was to
adhere to the advice of the Jewish Rabbis and Sufis and hide the machine
until time or circumstance should provide a clue to its unique benefits.
Where is it? This question is as enigmatic as the original question-name:
What is it?
The exact location of the Israelite secrets lies with the
descendants of the Cistercians. The Knights Templar Order, for all its
intrigue, was only the minder of the secret. They protected it but did not
necessarily know the meaning of it nor understand it.
Initially, the knights of St Bernard were laymen. They received
their constitution or Rule as Knights Templar, as a reward for their
success in finding the secrets of the Temple. The new organization also
provided protection for the coveted secrets. While the Knights Templar
has always been of considerable esoteric interest, it was the Cistercian
Order that owned the secret and controlled the Knights Templar.
The Cistercians were a monastic order founded in 1098CE at
Cîteaux by Benedictine monks from the Abbey of Molesme. St Bernard,
who lived from 1090 to 1153, joined the monastery of Cîteaux in 1113.
Two years later, he became the founding abbot of Clairvaux. The
Cistercians then became the most influential order within the Roman
Catholic Church. Over the next fifteen years, they established more than
three hundred monasteries. St Bernard built sixty-eight of these. The
number of Cistercian monasteries eventually grew to over seven hundred
throughout Europe, Britain and Palestine.
The mother order of the Cistercians was the Benedictines, created
by St Benedict at Monte Cassino in 529. People commonly called them
black monks because of their black tunic and scapular. In stark contrast,
the Cistercians adopted a white or grey tunic. It was an emblem of the
purity fitting of their Jerusalem discoveries and they became the white
In April 1310, Brother Aymery of Limoges lodged a defense in
the name of the Knights Templar that highlighted the central role of St
Bernard in establishing the Order on behalf of the Cistercians. He
addressed the Orders defense to God and said:
Thine Order, that of the Temple, was founded in General Council
in honour of the Sainted and Glorious Virgin Mary, Thy Mother,
by the Blessed Bernard, Thy Holy Confessor, chosen for this
office by the Holy Roman Church. It is he who, with other
upright men, instructed the Order and gave it its mission.
Nine lay French knights, led by Hugues de Payns, excavated
under King Solomon's Temple on Mount Zion in 1118. A decade later, in
1128, the knights returned from Jerusalem in triumph because their
excavations had been extraordinarily successful. St Bernard says he sent
his triumphant knights to Champagne and Burgundy under the protection
of the Count of Champagne:
The work has been accomplished with our help. And the knights
have been sent on the journey through France and Burgundy, that
is to say Champagne, under the protection as we shall see, of the
Count of Champagne, where all precautions can be taken against
all interference by public or ecclesiastical authority; where at this
time one can best make sure of a secret, a watch, a hiding place.
The ingenious St Bernard sent his knights and their precious
charge to the ancient Merovingian region in southern France. They
ultimately hid their Israelite cargo at Mt Cardou near Rennes le
German miners burrowed out a cache in the mountain for
their treasure.
This is consistent with old traditions that suggest the
Holy Grail rests in a lonely chapel on a mountain.
There is a surprising piece of evidence that precisely confirms the
importance of Mount Cardou: King Philippe IVs harsh suppression of the
Order exempted the Mallorcan Mas Deus Commandery of Knights
Templar at Bézu who guarded Mount Cardou from nearby Blanchefort
There were a number of preceptories and lookouts that did not
immediately fall to Philippe Le Bel because they were on lands controlled
by nobles. Such areas included Champagne, Lorraine, Savoie, Provence.
In the Pyrennées, the counts of Carcassonne and Toulouse, the nobles of
Barcelona and Aragon, and the Roussillon clans which included the
family Fenouillet controlled areas around Renne le Chateau including
Bézu, Les Triplées, Commes-Sourdes and Lavaldieu.
With the dissolution of the Knights Templar, the Cistercians went
into decline and reform. The Feuillants emerged as a reformed Cistercian
order in 1586. For the sins of their mother Order, they paid the penance
of eating only bread and vegetables seasoned with salt. They drank only
water and the Order permitted no furniture for their comfort. Total
silence, prayer and manual labor occupied their days.
A second group of reformed Cistercians, called the Trappists,
began a similar penance in 1662 and became known as the Cistercians of
the Strict Observance. They devoted themselves to absolute silence,
prayer, reading and manual work. They did not eat meat, fish or eggs.
With the emergence of the Trappists, the original order became the
Cistercians of the Common Observance.
It is certain that at the time the Knights Templar were indicted,
the Cistercians would have been under at least as much pressure and
given up any outstanding secrets to the Pope. Yet, there is no indication
the Cistercians delivered their secrets at any time. Chapter 18 showed
that the Pope was unwilling to help the Knights Templar or even listen to
their secrets. From this we may conclude that the Church already had
knowledge of the great find and considered that the Knights Templar had
nothing further to add to this knowledge. Papal indifference to the
Knights Templar suggests that the secret still lies concealed in the place
where St Bernard's knights originally buried it, at Mt Cardou.
The cellars of the Cistercians and the cache in Mt Cardou near
Blanchefort Castle are not the only repositories of Knights Templar
secrets. The Melchizedek families would have followed their age-old
policy of hiding the secrets in at least three places, as was the Essenes
policy with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
For example, documentary evidence is also likely to be stored in
the extensive vault of Earl St Clairs Rosslyn Chapel, five kilometers
south of Edinburgh in Scotland. The Chapel is only seven kilometers
from the ruined Scottish headquarters of the Knights Templar at
Balantrodoch, now called Temple. A foundation for the nave of the
Collegiate Church extends thirty metres from the west end of the existing
chapel. Construction of the nave never proceeded. The foundation
supported what was below, not what was above.
Before leaving the intriguing subject of the Knights Templar
treasures in of Mount Cardou, it is worth considering that the interior
chapels may contain more than one of the great religious icons. Various
authors speculate that the mountain contains the bones of the Ancient of
Days, the missing Ark of the Covenant or Jesus bones.
The next chapter decodes inscription on Lord Ansons famous
Shugborough Monument, based on a full knowledge of initiation
theology. It confirms the bones in Mount Cardou may indeed be a
surprise for all.
Chapter 21 Et in Arcadia Ego
In 1744, George Anson (1697-1762) circumnavigated the globe
as naval commander of the Centurion. Over three years and nine months
he collected an immense fortune. He brought unusual plants from China,
including the everlasting Lord Anson's Blue pea. Richard Walter and
Benjamin Robin recounted his famous voyage in their book Anson's
George Anson entered the Royal Navy at fifteen years of age.
Commissioned at twenty-one, Anson commanded his own ship at twenty-
seven. After his epic circumnavigation of the world, the Navy promoted
Anson to rear admiral. His heroic feats led to a stream of decorations.
In 1747, Anson defeated the French fleet off Cape Finisterre. The
Navy elevated Anson to vice-admiral and the King raised him to the
peerage. It seemed no adverse circumstance could shake his rational
calm. One year later Anson achieved full admiral and became a First
Lord of the Admiralty. Incongruously, he then disappointed everyone.
In 1761, only a year before his death, he ascended to the highest
rank, Admiral of the Fleet. In this year, he conveyed the seventeen-year-
old bride of George III¸ Sophia Charlotte, Princess of Mecklenburg-
Strelitz, in the Royal yacht Charlotte from Harwich to Cuxhaven,
Germany. Anson died soon afterwards, in 1762.
Ansons booty made him one of the richest navy men of the era.
In 1743, he received the fabulous sum of £500,000 as his share of the
treasure of the Nuestra Señora de Covadonga. In 1747, he received
£300,000, from the capture of one of the transports that La Jonquière
forfeited after Ansons Cape Finisterre victory.
With his fortune, Anson created a magnificent seventeenth
century house and garden at Shugborough Hall, in rural Staffordshire.
Shugborough was the home of his elder brother Thomas, the Earl of
Anson commissioned James Stuart, the Athenian, to build the
antiquities of Athens in the park. This included replicas of the Lanthorn
of Demosthenes, the Triumphal Arch of Rome, Tower of the Winds, a
Doric Temple, Chinese House, Cat's Monument, a cascade with a
The Shepherds Monument
(Shugborough Hall, Staffordshire)
colonnade, a Palladian bridge and a Pagoda that is now lost to us. His
Victorian rose garden still has a beautiful collection of rambling roses and
bush roses.
The most unusual antiquity of all is the Shepherd's Monument. It
takes its name from a marble relief based on a painting by Nicholas
Poussin Les Bergers d'Arcadie II (also known as Et in Arcadia Ego)
carved by the Dutch artist, Scheemakers. He sculpted this painting in
mirror-reverse, typical of a bas-relief made from an engraving of the
original painting kept in the Louvre. Reversed back from a mirror image
to normal font, the inscription Et in Arcadia Ego is normal forward text.
Poussins painting Les Bergers d'Arcadie II was very important to
the Ansons. In 1751, Thomas Hudson painted Lady Anson holding a
partly rolled copy of an earlier Poussin painting on the same theme known
as Les Bergers d'Arcadie I. The Duke of Devonshire owned the original
Les Bergers d'Arcadie I at the time. He lived at Chatsworth, quite close
to Shugborough. In 1967, an anonymous seller sold Hudsons portrait of
Lady Anson at Sothebys to an equally anonymous buyer. Today,
Chatsworths Chapel proudly displays Bartolome Esteban Murillos 1660
painting of the Holy Family adjacent to Nicolas Poussins Les Bergers
d'Arcadie I. The Holy Family warrants comment because it shows Mary
in a red dress. This is traditionally the symbol for a woman who is no
longer a virgin and Murillo is probably denying the virgin birth. Artists
usually depict Mary Magdalene in a red dress.
The famous Parchment 2 found by Abbé Berenger Sauniere at
Rennes le Château tells of the supper in Bethany at which the recently
raised Lazarus sat at the table with Jesus. It was at this meal that Mary
Magdalene anointed Jesus feet with her hair. Abbé Saunieres
parchment contained a coded message that included the words Poussin
Teniers hold the key. Sauniere went to great lengths to obtain copies from
the Louvre of Les Bergers d'Arcadie II by Poussin and St Antony and St
Paul by David Teniers. These were the same paintings held at or near
Shugborough one hundred and thirty years before Abbé Saunieres 1886
David Teniers St Antony and St Paul shows the Holy Dove
flying down with the host in its mouth. It is a painting of what the hermit
told Parsifal on his quest for the Grail:
Its holiest power and its greatest, they shall be renewed today.
For ever upon Good Friday a messenger finds her way.
From the height of the highest heaven a Dove flies on her wings,
Les Bergers d'Arcadie II (Nicolas Poussin)
St Antony & St Paul (David Teniers the Younger)
Les Bergers d'Arcadie I (Nicolas Poussin)
The Arcadian Shepherds (Il Guercino)
And the Host, so white and holy, this to the stone she brings.
And she lays the Host upon it. And white as His body the Dove
Fulfills her mission and flies on her path to the Heaven above.
Ever upon Good Friday, this happens as you hear from me,
And the stone from the Host receives all good that on Earth may
All food and drink that springs here as abundant as Paradise,
All wild things in wood and water, all that moves below the skies,
To the brotherhood of the Grail are they given, who serve Gods
favor fair.
His servants He feeds for ever, the Grail their needs and care.
The marble relief of Poussins Les Bergers d'Arcadie II in the
gardens of Shugborough has some unusual features. Scheemakers
adjusted the hand of the first shepherd so that his finger still pointed to the
word Arca in the inscription Et in Arcadia Ego. Furthermore,
Scheemakers placed a smaller sarcophagus on top of original tomb or
plinth. This new Arca, which is an ossuary or bone container, is ogee
sided with an Egyptian pyramid for its lid.
Scheemakers also introduced a jolly vegetation god under the foot
of the shepherd standing next to the goddess. In the original Les Bergers
d'Arcadie II, this shepherd merely rests his foot on a rock. This barely
perceptible element of Scheemakers tableau would have been highly
risqué for the period because the vegetation god is looking forward to
receiving blood from the sacred marriage of one shepherd with the
goddess that results in an age-old sacrifice.
In fact, the vegetation god is trying to hurry the goddess to
consummation by showing her a very earthy erection. Urged on, the
goddess has begun her encounter by placing her arm on the shoulder of a
shepherd symbolizing that he is the chosen one for rebirth. The shoulder
has always been an important icon of selection. In Greek myth, the
sacrificial king Tantalus set a shoulder before Demeter at a banquet of the
Even in Jerusalem, the shoulder was the priestly perquisite.
Further over to the right is a five-petal dog rose of the goddess
that suggests encounters past.
Most incongruous of all are two simultaneous images of Lord
Ansons dogs, one holding out his paw. They are in the cloud above the
new ossuary, where one would normally expect the sunburst or
illumination of God.
Additional Ossary Vegetation God & erection
(from The Shepherds Monument)
The Goddess, Demeter (Hecate)
(from Les Bergers d'Arcadie II)
These irreverent symbols of the sacred marriage remind us of
original purpose of the Et in Arcadia Ego theme. Les Bergers d'Arcadie
II shows a goddess with voluminous robes because she is Demeter or
Hecate. This goddess of truth in death, held a sickle beneath her
garments ready to dispatch the sacrificial king, or a surrogate representing
the dark side of his nature, after he had consummated the sacred marriage.
Originally, the spilled blood of the sacrificial king fertilized the land for
the next year of crops. Much later, it became a personal ritual of renewal
where only the hypothetical base nature died.
The earliest Arcadia painting that uses Virgils Et in Arcadia Ego
theme is by Il Guercino of Bologna. Il Guercino painted The Arcadian
Shepherds for Cardinal Francesco Barberini in 1618. It shows the smooth
skinned Cain in contemplation about the death of his rough skinned
brother, Abel.
Abel is the hairy, base side of Cains nature. The
vegetation god in Les Bergers d'Arcadie II is the same as the ground god
mentioned in Genesis 4:18 as opening its mouth to receive Abels blood
from the hands of Cain.
Il Guercino included a watching owl, the bird of death, to imply
both the passing of time and wisdom in the events of the night. In Les
Bergers d'Arcadie I Poussin transformed the owl into Pan, the universal
god, who pours water to show the passing of time.
In Les Bergers d'Arcadie II Poussin further transforms Pan to a
shepherd-god. This new shepherd has no need of sandals like the mortal-
shepherds who will shortly be involved in the drama.
The drama that will ensue has always been associated with initiation and
renewal under the auspices of the goddess.
Another Et in Arcadia Ego painting in Frederick the Greats Sans
Souci palace in Potsdam shows only one shepherd with a group of
goddesses. The three goddesses represent the goddess triplet of marriage,
birth and death.
While these various esoteric layers in Poussins painting are
important in their own right, we turn to another level of meaning
represented by the additional ossuary and the perplexing letters engraved
below the bas-relief. These letters are D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M. The
beginning D and the last M are set on a lower line to the rest of the letters.
Until now, these letters have remained undeciphered.
Julius Caesars great saying veni, vidi, vici has always been the
essence of succinctness. It translates as I came, I saw, I conquered. This
Mirror Reversal of Shepherds Monument
and enigmatic letters beneath
pithy Latin grammar immediately suggests the letters V.A.V.V might also
be an abbreviation of Latin.
A computer readily checks classic Latin sources, forwards and
backwards, for words with this sequence of letters. Such sources are the
Latin Vulgate Bible and the original Latin texts of Virgils Aenead and
Ovids Metamorphoses.
Genesis 50:25 had the sequence in reverse order: visitabit vos
asportate vobiscum. How very appropriate. This is the most important
part of the very last chapter in Genesis, which deals with the Death of
Joseph in Egypt. It expresses Josephs request that his expatriate
compatriots in Egypt hide his bones safely outside Egypt.
There is more in Genesis 50:25 than just the sequence of the four
starting-letters. The initial D precedes these as Deus, or God. Then
another two letters follow, the letters O and M from ossa mea, meaning
my bones. Altogether, seven of the ten letters needed are present.
Genesis 50:25 reads:
Deus visitabit vos asportate vobiscum ossa mea de loco isto
which translates to:
God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my
bones up from this place.
Understandably, Joseph did not want his mummy to remain in
Egypt. Similarly, Joseph swore to his father Jacob that he would to
remove Jacobs remains from Egypt:
Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life
were one hundred and forty seven. When the time drew near for
Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him, If I
have found favour in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and
promise that you will show me kindness and faithfulness. Do not
bury me in Egypt, but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of
Egypt, and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say
he said. Swear to me he said. Then Joseph swore to him, and
Israel worshipped as he leaned on the top of his staff.
In many instances of biblical prophecy, it seems the priests
recorded prophecy well after the successful completion of the prophesized
act. It is intriguing to contemplate whether this may be the case with the
removal from Egypt of the remains of Jacob and Joseph. That is, their
compatriots removed their bones to Hebron or Jerusalem. In Hebrew,
Hebron is the word Khevrun. Kever in Hebrew and Khabru in Sanskrit
both mean tomb.
Remember, it was Caleb who said:
I conveyed the Divine Spirit through the water of Jordan to the
level of the vale of Hebron.
Now we can ask, does the Shugborough Monument refer to
taking the patriachs bones or mummies to Hebron, and later Jerusalem?
The artist Nicholas Poussin included Mount Cardou in Les
Bergers d'Arcadie II. Various authors have attributed something very
special to this mountain. Its intrigue involves both the mystery of Rennes
le Château and the secret treasure of the Knights Templar. It was to Mt
Cardou, near Rennes le Château, that the resourceful St Bernard sent his
knights with their precious charge. This is where they ultimately hid their
amazing Israelite cargo.
Bertrand de Blanchefort was the fourth Grand Master of the
Knights Templar from 1153CE to 1170CE. He was perhaps the most
significant Grand Master, transforming that organization into a well-
disciplined and powerful political institution. Bertrand involved the
Knights Templars deeply in European politics of the day.
Bertrand de Blanchefort granted the Knights Templar his lands
around Rennes le Château and Castle Blanchefort. The Knights Templar
immediately built in the area and the village of Rennes le Château
evolved as their regional headquarters. Somewhat incongruous as the
center of Christendom, the towns coat of arms is a Star of David.
Mount Cardous gold had been depleted by Roman armies many
years before Bertrand de Blancheforts German speaking miners arrived.
Yet they apparently dug for a considerable period. Was this for gold or
did they hollow out a cache of burial chapels in the mountain?
Intriguingly, the miners may have carved the face of a reclining or buried
man on the side of Mount Cardou.
Genesis 50 deals with the death of Joseph and the dispatch of his
bones to rest with his ancestors in Jerusalem. So perhaps the Knights
Templar found Josephs Egyptian mummy under the Temple in
Jerusalem. This explanation is consistent with Shugboroughs inscription
and the additional ossuary with its Egyptian pyramid top.
An exact correspondence between seven of the ten enigmatic
letters and Genesis 50:25 was a good start. Furthermore, the Biblical
verse is a prophecy. Anybody that found the bones would describe the
discovery as past sense. If the Knights Templar found the bones, they
would describe removal of the bones from a threatened Jerusalem to
Mount Cardou:
The work has been accomplished with our help. And the knights
have been sent where all precautions can be taken against all
interference by public or ecclesiastical authority; where at this
time one can best make sure of a secret, a watch, a hiding place.
The challenge remained to identify the remaining three letters
S.U.O. The computer could not locate this sequence in biblical verse. A
list of archaic Latin words provided an unexpected answer. U stood for
upilio, the archaic word for shepherd, the theme of the Shepherds
While it is possible that the letter S could stand for sunt or they
are as in my bones they are
dispersed, this necessitates a new phrase with
accompanying verb. It is more likely the letter S represents the adjective
sancta, meaning holy or sacred. With these substitutions the words
sancta ossa upilio mean the shepherds holy bones.
This provides an elegant solution to most of the problem:
Deus visitabit vos asportate vobiscum sancta ossa upilio o m
God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry away
the shepherds holy bones o m
The letters O.M. remained a hurdle. In the middle of the biblical
verse, these letters stood for ossa mea. However, the hypothetical
solution no longer needed my bones. The bones being were those of
Joseph and perhaps his father Jacob, not my bones but their bones.
Earlier chapters showed that Jacob, or more correctly Iakeb
Aarhu (Jacob on the Ladder) Mer User Ra, was a Hyksos Shepherd king
that reigned immediately before Aa Pehti Set. Many inscriptions on
scarabs attest to him. Ramses II dated the commencement of the reign of
this king Aa Pehti Set. He erected a stele in 1240BCE to commemorate
the four hundredth anniversary of his dynasty commencing with Aa Pehti
If their bones were those of Jacob and Joseph, the Knights
Templar indeed carried shepherds holy bones away from Jerusalem, the
holy bones of a Hyksos Shepherd king and his son. It is quite consistent
with our chronology that the Semitic contingent of Hyksos may have
carried these bones to Jerusalem during the period of Hyksos rule in
The troublesome word beginning with letter M could not be a
word in the middle of the sentence, as it had been in the biblical verse.
The physical layout of the inscription shows it should be an end word. A
small depression following each letter confirms the forward direction of
the sentence.
The position of the letter M as an end word is also likely because
tracing the inscription yields a St Andrews cross. As we have seen, this
was a very important symbol in Lord Ansons day. A St Andrews cross
is the symbol used in old initiation and sacrificial rites to represent
resurrection. It is a symbol of Archangel Michael and the lineage of
Melchizedek Priests. Within the Roman Catholic Church, it is the
Signaculum Dei or Seal of God.
The St Andrews cross is achieved on the inscription by following
the rising diagonal line from D on the lower left to the first V on the top
right, then running right to left across the main row of letters. Finally, a
downward diagonal from the top left O to the bottom right M completes
the cross.
The symmetry implicit in a St Andrews cross would have been
important to Lord Anson. He established a fine garden of dog roses, the
symbol of resurrection of the men of the Plain of Sharon.
Following the small depressions and the St Andrews cross places
the letter M as the first letter of the last word. The preceding word begins
with O.
The right words came once more from the archaic Latin word list:
occulto maneo, which translates as to remain concealed.
At last the whole sequence of letters was in place:
Deus visitabit vos asportate vobiscum sancta ossa upilio occulto
which means:
God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry away
the shepherds holy bones to remain concealed.
Now Lord Ansons mysterious letters at Shugborough have a
solution. The inscription implies that Lord Anson knew the Knights
Templar found Josephs mummy under the Temple in Jerusalem. They
removed it to a shrine in Mount Cardou. Poussin showed it in his famous
painting Les Bergers d'Arcadie II. The shrine may still be there. Possibly
the bones or mummy of Jacob is there as well.
The famous rose line of France supports for this solution. On the
official maps of the day, the rose line passed through Mount Cardou and
the unusual meridienne of Paris St Sulpice. Meridiennes are brass
plaques and strips in a church. A ray of sunlight highlights the
meridienne at noon and is used calibrate the village clock.
St Sulpices meridienne is special for three reasons. Firstly, the
eminent English astronomer, Henry Sully (1680-1728), installed it in
1727. Henry, who lies in St Sulpice, spent most of his life on the
Continent. From 1718 he worked under the protection of the Philippe II,
Duc d'Orléans (1674-1723). Philippe came to power in 1715 as Régent
de France, because Louis XV was in his minority.
Henry Sully played a major role in solving the problem of
longitude. Historians regard his 1724 timepiece C as one of the twelve
most important marine timekeepers in the quest for longitude. It pre-
dated John Harrisons first attempt by 11 years.
Secondly, the St Sulpice meridienne is important because French
astronomers adjusted it in 1744, about the same time Lord Anson was
beginning Shugborough Hall.
Finally, the church of St Sulpice received exceptional artistic
endowments in the century following the installation of its meridienne.
The Abbey of St Germain des Pres established St Sulpice as a peasant
church. In 1732, the authorities decided to remodel it and advertised an
architectural design contest. Florentine architect Servandoni won the
contest with a proposal to change the Graeco-Roman façade to fine
Antique style. Although Servandonis designs were adopted, they were
extensively modified by Maclaurin and then by Chalgrin. Twenty artists
worked on the interior murals and the genius of Bouchardon, Pigalle and
Delacroix excelled their work.
The Eugène Delacroix Romantic murals from 1849 to 1861
astound us. As with Henry Sully, Delacroix was supported by a Duc
d'Orléans, Louis Philippe (1773-1850). The French crowned him king
after the 1830 July Revolution. On the vaulting of the first chapel on the
right, Delacroix painted St Michael killing the dragon. St Michael is the
patron saint of Israel and England. On the right wall, Delacroix painted
angels driving Heliodorus, the King of Syrias minister, from the Temple.
The angels struck him down for coveting the Temples treasures. One of
the angels is on horseback, like a Knight Templar. On the left wall,
Delacroix painted Jacob struggling with the Angel of God.
Both the Bourbon and its cadet d'Orléans dynasties were closely
associated with Knights Templar succession. Philippe II, Duc d'Orléans
(1674-1723) signed the famous Larmenius Charter of Transmission in
1705 as Grand Master.
Louis Bourbon of Maine succeeded him in
1724, followed by Louis de Bourbon-Condé in 1737 and Louis François
Bourbon-Conty in 1741.
Louis de Bourbon-Condé was also Grand Master of French
Freemasonry. He was succeeded as Grand Master of French Freemasonry
by Louis Philippe-Joseph dOrleans (1747-1793), father of the Louis
Philippe who supported Delacroix.
The Valois King, Philip VI originally created the Orléans cadet
branch of the Valois family for his son Philippe in 1344. However, Louis
XIVs brother, Philippe I (1640-1701), Duc dOrléans founded the house
of Orléans, which is the collateral branch of the Bourbons. The original
Latin name of Aurelianensis highlights that Or in Orléans means gold.
Members of the French royal family frequently used the name
Aurelianensis. Its esoteric meaning is Prince of the Sanctuary, similar to
the fabled Ambrosius Aurelianus of England.
St Sulpice benefited from one hundred years of sponsorship by
the Princes of the Sanctuary, the Dukes of Orléans, Bourbon-Condé,
Knights Templar Grand Masters and French Freemasonry Grand Masters.
Out of this, Henry Sully and Eugène Delacroix delivered us an
extremely impressive church with magnificent images of Jacob, the
defense of the Temple treasure and the patron saint protector St Michael
fighting the internal enemy - directly attached to Mount Cardou by the
rose line!
In the next chapter, we look at the stories of the Holy Grail, in
particular the Didcot Perceval manuscript of about 1200CE, which is now
in the French National Library. The anonymous author claims it is the
story of a monk called Blayse, the most authentic source of all the Grail
In this story, Merlin asks Perceval the big question:
What is it that the Grail has served and what is it it serves?
Chapter 22 The Holy Grail
The Didcot Perceval is one of the most authentic romances of the
Holy Grail. Its name originates from an early owner of the manuscript
called Didcot. In the romance, Percevals famous make or break question
What is it that the Grail has served and what is it it serves?
Chapter 19 showed the question-name What is it? stands for the
Philosophers Stone, sacred manna or dew. Perceval's unusual question
makes little sense without one of these substitutions. The question then
becomes a strong statement of the Grail's existence. It has supplied
manna throughout history and still does:
Manna that the Grail has served and Manna it serves.
Wolfram von Eschenbachs Grail romance Parsifal written in
1220CE identifies the Knights Templar as the protectors of the Holy Grail
and the Grail family. In Wolfram's romance, the Grail is a stone left on
earth by a host of angles. The Grail's wondrous properties include the
capacity to heal and rejuvenate.
After their Jerusalem discoveries, the Cistercians and Knights
Templar searched everywhere for more information. The Abbot of
Cîteaux, Etienne Harding, was an Englishman credited with formulating
the instrumental Charter of Charity of the Cistercian order. He and St
Bernard committed the whole resources of the Cîteaux to studying their
newly discovered texts.
To assist their work they engaged rabbis from
High Burgundy in return for political protection. It is probably from this
circumstance that the Kabalistic Rabbis conceived the final books of the
In their search, the Knights Templar also discovered Sufi
chivalric Holy Grail imagery with its associated Order of Knights and
lineage of custodianship. This existed long before medieval times. The
Sufi Master Sohrawardi the Martyr was central in preserving the
endangered culture. Medieval troubadours of the day presented these Sufi
images and stories of the Holy Grail to a thrilled Europe.
With the aid of UNESCO funding, Henry Corbin researched
Sohrawardi's approach to the Holy Grail.
The Holy Grail around
which Iranian Knights assembled was the Zoroastrian xvarnah or light of
glory. It is identical to the oriflamme, golden flame or flaming gold. The
light of this flame enabled the Knights to behold Isrâqîyûm, which was
the source of the knowledge of the Orientals.
The Knights Templar also placed a round table with a flame in
the centre of their church.
Their octagonal church was the traditional
church of the god Q're, the Sumerian KUR and the Moon God Sin. The
oriflamme in the center would have cast eerily magnified shadows of the
knights on the inner wall of the Church or Temple providing a deeply
moving ambience. The Church demolished these octagonal churches to
erase the practices of the Knights Templar and their seemingly occult
philosophies. Temple, at Londons Law Court, is a rare example of a
Knights Templar church.
In Chapter 5, we saw that the Arthurian legends have deep roots
in Iranian speaking tribe of Sarmatian Alans called the Kalybs. In the
Romances of the Holy Grail, Perceval or Parsifal is the same character as
the Iranian Knight Kay Khosraw. Indeed, Kay Khosraws legendary
characteristics are the same as those of Cei in the Celtic Mabinogin, Kay
in Norman stories and Lancelot.
Sinai Mysticism of Mount Qâf and Salvat Hill and the hermetic
emerald stone directly integrate Sufi stories and the Holy Grail.
The pursuit of the Holy Grail by Perceval or Kay Khosraw has
more dimensions than solely an alchemical pursuit of the Philosophers'
Stone. As we saw in Chapter 20, the use of the Stone demands a pure
heart. We recall that Samuel Baruch said:
That quintessence is a holy balsam and also a poison. This is all
medicine, and without the help of God it is without fruit, it kills
and destroys.
We turn now to Wolframs story to understand the importance of
a pure heart. There was a small introduction to manna and the Grail in
the last chapter, in reference to David Tenierss painting of St Antony and
St Paul at Shugborough Hall.
Wolfram says he heard his Holy Grail story from Guiot de
Provins a vile and filthy monk in the Holy Land who supposedly belonged
to many Christian and Muslim orders.
Guiot is sometimes written as
Guyot or Kyot.
Guiot told Wolfram of a heathen named Flegetanis who
worshiped a golden calf and was the original author of the Grail stories.
Flegetanis is Persian for familiar with the stars. Flegetanis says that,
with his own eyes, he saw the Grail and other hidden mysteries in the
constellations. This is exactly reminiscent of the visions of the Sufi,
Ruzbehan of Shiraz.
Flegetanis is supposedly descended from Solomon, begotten of
Israelite kin from ancient times and to have lived one thousand two
hundred years before Christ. Identifying Flegetanis as worshipping a
golden calf is meant to suggest that he was with Moses in the Exodus at
the time the golden calf Atabyrius was calcinated by Moses and drunk by
the Israelites.
In all likelihood the Sabian School of Thabit ben Qorah was
really the character Flegetanis. This School played a pivotal role in
keeping alive the Iranian traditions of the Holy Grail. This school was
still active in Baghdad at the end of the ninth century and translated the
texts of Hermes Trismegistus from Greek into Arabic.
Much of the Grail quest is about achieving purity of heart and
understanding the true nature of pure charitable love. Wolfram sees the
Quest as one where the individual struggles toward a sense of
The Grail expresses the source of this wholeness. In his
prologue, Wolfram says that every act has Good and Evil results. He
says its best to err on the side of good so the natural and spontaneous
man will always choose the Good. This maxim elegantly delineates
Parsifals important question in Wolfram's romance is different to
Perceval's question What is it? in the Didcot Perceval.
Parsifals question instead reflects the alternate theme of purity
and true love through empathy with another's pain:
What ailes thee uncle?
It conceals the main theme of the Philosophers' Stone with an
admirable and intricately related alternative of love and charity.
Wolframs prologue also alludes to the reason for the difference
between these two interpretations. He says that he obtained the true story
from Mazadan who had the exact record of his family. That record is the
Sufi tradition of Sohrawardi and Mazadan is most likely the Zoroastrian
God Ahura Mazda.
Wolframs story is about the achievement of Perfect Nature by an
individual. We see this with Gawain and Parsifal who are twin aspects of
the same individual. Gawain is the perfect knight who represents the
peak of worldly chivalry. Parsifal is the perfect knight within the
transcendental realm of the Fellowship of the Grail.
Chapter 16 investigated the importance of the color green in
Sufi's philosophy. Green light is the philosophers angel.
Underpinning this is the Sufi belief that there is an angel or heavenly
partner for each of us called Perfect Nature and this angel performs the
function for us of a heavenly witness.
It is the same in Christian theology. God assigns a guardian angel
to each person at birth.
This angel ministers divine guidance by
bringing God's love and wisdom. The angel guards against the powers of
darkness and bears the individuals prayers to God.
In Sufism, a substance sees and knows only its like. We are our
own Perfect Nature. The Zoroastrian explanation of Perfect Nature
makes the heavenly and worldly aspects of the same being quite clear.
Our Favareti and our Daena make up our Perfect Nature. Together, they
represent the flame of our being, the Xvarnah. X-File enthusiasts might
see that Dana Scully is Fox Mulders protective angel.
Each being has his Favareti in the heavenly world that assumes
the role of a guardian angel, the angel that chooses ones faith. The
Daena exists within ones physical being. She represents the visionary
organ of the soul and the light that makes seeing possible. Those who
have the eyes to see can see this light. She is the essential individuality
and the celestially transcendent self. Kundalini yoga visualizes the Daena
as a tongue of flame above the head. It is the final liberation of the spirit
through the sun-door in the dome of the skull.
The two lights of Favareti and Daena are in addition to the sun.
Robert Fludd, a Rosicrucian writing in the seventeenth century, explains
that the fire of the philosophers had three parts:
A visible fire which is the source of physical light and heat;
An invisible or astral fire which enlightens and warms the soul;
A spiritual or divine fire which in the universe is known as God
and in man as the spirit.
They are the same three rails of the tri-railed papal Cross-of-
Salem that we considered in Chapter 17. The vertical axis is Light. The
top and middle rails are ones Favareti and Daena, which together
represent the flame of our being, the Xvarnah. The bottom rail is the
worldly or physical self.
The supreme Arcanum or Arcanum arcanorum of Sufism is the
celestial pole and the Most High is the God of the Polestar.
He sits at
the North Pole of the Heavens, which is the highest celestial spot of the
Cosmos. His floor is made of meteoric iron.
The floor is rectangular
and each corner rests on a pillar. Many Freemasons will recognize the
floor of the gods as the tessalated pavement of their lodge.
All arks, chests, tholi domes and rounded hats, especially conical
Phrygian caps with the top turned forward or caps like Mercurys winged
cap, are emblems of his celestial vault.
The Sufi's object of search is divine light from the North celestial
pole. Palaces there are ablaze with immaterial matter. This blazing light
emanates out of the other good beings that have died and ascended to the
mansions of light. The seeker is a particle of this same light. He finds
himself drawn to this celestial pole at the Corona Borealis.
As we saw in Chapter 17, an initiate must pass through the
luminous darkness that surrounds the Pole to achieve a reunion with his
own dimension of light. Then he must look vertically upwards from the
terrestrial toward the celestial pole. The stairway to heaven is a Jacobs
ladder. It leads to the constellation of the Bear, Ursus Major. This same
stairway to heaven existed in Dilmun for the Sumerians and Pharaohs of
In the first Chapter, we saw that modern science stumbled onto
the fabled Philosophers' Stone that had evaded the alchemists for
thousands of years. There is of course a considerable amount of disquiet
about this discovery for the reasons Samuel Baruch described in Chapter
This is the great secret of the fathers, this is what God gave them
as a consolation, which they used when they were in plight and
trouble; otherwise they did not use it, because they were satisfied
with the Highest, and with little. This was the masterpiece of the
wise masters with which they prepared everything necessary that
belonged to the Temple.
The goal of this book has been to bring the mysteries to life by
tracing the provenance of a single tangible element common to all
Mysteries from time immemorial, which is the Philosophers Stone. It
has many forms in different eras, from the ancient alchemy of the
Anatolian Indo-Hittites, Mesopotamians and Egyptians, to the new
sciences of sacred chemistry. It has taken us from Pyramid texts to Ovid,
Shakespeare, Star Wars, Superman and Madonna. The closely associated
story of St George and the Dragon, which represents the Rite of
Righteous, has never varied.
Old Kingdom Pharaohs and priests knew of the Philosophers'
Stone in Egypt from at least the time of Imhotep around 2800BCE. The
Israelites learnt of it in Egypt when they took part in the Hyksos invasion
following provocation by the Pharaoh Sesôstris I.
A nationalist revolt by Ahmose and his brother Kamose expelled
the Hyksos in 1567BCE. The Israelite contingent did not return to
Anatolia but congregated in Palestine and made the ancient sanctuary of
Kadesh, previously known as Salem, into their city of Jerusalem.
An expeditionary force of Tuthmose III captured Jerusalem in
1480BCE. The Pharaoh recovered its treasures and artisans to Egypt.
This was quite probably the enslavement of the Israelites. Ramses II
shows us that Tuthmose III's Jerusalem campaign and his own campaign
to Kadesh on the Orontes River became the primary symbolic act of a
Pharaoh's goodness. Through suppression of the Hyksos peoples, the
Pharaoh reaffirmed the stability of Egypt and his own identification with
Nearly two thousand five hundred years after Tuthmose III, a
group of French knights, who were later to become the Knights Templar,
excavated under the temple in Jerusalem and found caches the Romans
had not discovered.
They found Salem hidden records, wealth and
technology. Perhaps they also found the mummies of Jacob and Joseph.
Salems technology included the secret double pelican with two
interlocking cucurbits for producing the sacramental Philosophers' Stone.
It was called the Ancient of Days.
The Cistercians owned the secret for a time and created the
Knights Templar as guardians of the physical evidence. Stories of the
important find leaked out to the public as Iranian Sufi inspired romances
of the Holy Grail. Both the Cistercians and the Knights Templar became
immensely wealthy in just a few years thanks to privileges and donations
from nobles all over Europe eager to become involved. The Knights
Templar developed into a multinational agricultural, transport, banking
and security group. Eventually these trustees of the secret seemed to
loose touch with their legal beneficiary, the Roman Catholic Church.
The inherent flaw in the Knights Templar was the
Melchizedekian heresy they harbored, which the Roman Catholic Church
had been desperate to eliminate for almost a millennium. This seems to
have included a rejection of Church mysteries in favor of a direct
experience of the ancient mysteries. As priests of the Order of
Melchizedek, they believed themselves to be immortal through rebirth.
Ancient myths also present Pan as Saturn, the one first king and
universal god. Approaching the door of Saturn, the Melchizedek priests
of the Knights Templar may have experimented with arcane sexual
practices as part of the Assassins practice of the Greater Mysteries.
These might have been acceptable in Persia or India, but not in Europe.
After the rapid and violent suppression of the Order, its Iranian
chivalric Mysteries and Melchizedek aspirations blended into Scottish
Freemasonry. Rosicrucian traditions from Egypt and Harran fortified the
mysteries. Freemasonry experienced a duality. From the perspective of
Heliopolian cosmology, Rosicrucianism prided itself as the mind of God
or Ra. Craft Freemasonry was the torso of God or Ptah.
The Israelites appear to have refined gold from salts at the time of
Solomon, yet none of the Jewish alchemists, Cistercians, Knights Templar
or Rosicrucians since this time seems to have made the Philosophers'
Stone in any significant quantity.
The Rosicrucians and their Indo-Hittite forbears have
successfully kept a low profile for at least five thousand years, yet the
awareness of this secret substance and the role of the Rosicrucians is
widespread. Notwithstanding an abundance of evidence to the contrary,
the peculiar Jewish position continues to be that there has been no Jewish
involvement in alchemy.
Along the way, great scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton and
Paracelsus worked covertly to achieve alchemical success. The world is
much indebted to the alchemists who furthered the sciences of metallurgy,
chemistry and pharmaceuticals. Today we understand chemistry and
metallurgy to a more advanced degree. Respectable scientists fashionably
ridicule the chemistry of the medieval alchemists. They regard the
alchemists experiments of trial, error and danger as misguided and even
pathetically laughable.
However, the Ouroborus has now come full circle. Alchemy is
itself the rose. While Pharaohs, kings and priests of ancient societies
embraced it as their Kingly Secret, now the modern Philosophers' Stone
has the potential to embrace our whole society. With enough
perseverance and a good laboratory, any of us can make a small quantity
of the Philosophers' Stone, be it by traditional wet alchemy, the high
technology method of Whitegold, the simple method of King Solomon or
the peroxide method of the mining industry.
Yet, this book leaves us with at least one important and
unavoidable question. All the evidence available to our archaeologists
suggests that ancient civilizations did not possess advanced science. We
must therefore ask how the ancients knew of such an important substance
as the Philosophers' Stone. Concrete and Egyptian blue were
rediscovered fifteen hundred years after they were lost. Why does the
Philosophers' Stone remain a mystery?
Appendix 1 Preparing the Philosophers' Stone
The Philosophers' Stone is prepared from metallic gold by the
following process developed by David Hudson. The product is
colloquially called "Whitegold" and technically known by the acronym G-
ORME, which stands for the Orbitally Rearranged Metallic Element of
1. 50-mg gold (99.99% pure) was dispersed in 200-ml Aqua
Regia to provide clusters of gold atoms.
2. 60 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to the
dispersion and the mixture was brought to boil, and continued boiling
until the volume was reduced to approximately 10-15 ml. 60 ml
concentrated HCl were added, and the sample brought to boil and checked
for evolution of NOCl fumes. The process was repeated until no further
fumes evolved, thus indicating that the nitric acid had been removed and
the gold had been converted completely to the gold chloride.
3. The volume of the dispersion was reduced by careful heating
until the salt was just dry. "Just dry" as used herein means that all of the
liquid had been boiled off, but the solid residue had not been "baked" or
4. The just dry salts were again dispersed in Aqua Regia and
steps (2) and (3) were repeated. This treatment provides gold chloride
clusters of greater than 11 atoms.
5. 150 ml 6M hydrochloric acid were added to the just dry salts
and boiled again to evaporate off the liquid to just dry salts. This step was
repeated four times. This procedure leads to a greater degree of sub-
division to provide smaller clusters of gold chloride. At the end of this
procedure an orangish-red salt of gold chloride is obtained. The salt will
analyze as substantially pure Au2Cl6.
6. Sodium chloride is added in an amount whereby the sodium
is present at the ratio of 20-mole sodium per mole of gold. The solution is
then diluted with deionized water to a volume of 400 ml. The presence of
the aqueous sodium chloride provides the salt Na
. The presence
of water is essential to break apart the diatoms of gold.
7. The aqueous sodium chloride solution is very gently boiled to
a just dry salt, and thereafter the salts were taken up alternatively in 200
ml deionized water and 300 ml 6M hydrochloric acid until no further
change in color is evidenced. The 6M hydrochloric acid is used in the last
8. After the last treatment with 6M hydrochloric acid, and
subsequent boil-down, the just dry salt is diluted with 400 ml deionized
water to provide a monatomic gold salt solution of NaAuCl
O. The
pH is approximately 1.0.
9. The pH is adjusted very slowly with dilute sodium hydroxide
solution, while constantly stirring, until the pH of the solution remains
constant at 7.0 for a period of more than twelve hours. This adjustment
may take several days. Care must be taken not to exceed pH 7.0 during
the neutralization.
10. After the pH is stabilized at pH 7.0, the solution is gently
boiled down to 10 ml and 10 ml concentrated nitric acid is added to
provide a sodium-gold nitrate. As is apparent, the nitrate is an oxidizer
and removes the chloride. The product obtained should be white crystals.
If a black or brown precipitate forms, this is an indication that there is still
present. If present, it is then necessary to restart the process at
step (1). If white crystals are obtained, the solution is boiled to obtain just
dry crystals. It is important not to overheat, i.e. bake.
11. 5 ml concentrated nitric acid are added to the crystals and
again boiled to where the solution goes to just dry. Again, it is essential
not to overheat or bake. Steps (11) and (12) provide a complete
conversion of the product to a sodium-gold nitrate. No chlorides are
present. 10ml deionized water is added and again boiled to just dry salts.
This step is repeated once. This step eliminates any excess nitric acid that
may be present. The NaAu hydrolyzes with the water and dissociates to
form HAu. The product will be a white precipitate in water. The Au
atoms have water at the surface that creates a voluminous cotton-like
12. The white precipitate is decanted off from any dark grey
solids and filtered through a 0.45-micron cellulose nitrate filter paper.
Any dark grey solids of sodium auride should be redissolved and again
processed starting at step (1).
13. The filtered white precipitate on the filter paper is vacuum
dried at 120°C for two hours. The dry solid should be light gray in color,
which is HAu(XH
O), and is easily removed from the filter paper.
14. The monatomic gold is placed in a porcelain ignition boat and
annealed at 300°C under an inert gas to remove hydrogen and to form a
very chemically and thermally stable white gold monomer.
15. After cooling, the ignited white gold can be cleaned of
remaining traces of sodium by digesting with dilute nitric acid for
approximately one hour.
16. The insoluble white gold is filtered on 0.45-micron paper and
vacuum dried at 120°C for two hours. The white powder product
obtained from the filtration and drying is pure G-ORME.
Notes for the Experimenter
1. The acids used in this Patent are highly corrosive and very
2. Wear protective clothing, particularly rubber gloves and eye
3. Work outdoors and remain up-wind of all fumes.
4. Do not use any metal at all in the preparation. Instead, use
glass or Teflon spoons and glass containers such as Corning Pyrex.
5. Use a gas burner for heat. Do not use an electric element,
magnetic stirrer or nearby motors.
6. Step (1): dissolve the gold in the Aqua Regia. Once the gold
is dissolved, the process can start right away. It is not a critical step.
7. Steps (2) to (5) convert Au
to Au
. Even though
monotonous, repeat the boiling down and addition of acid about one
hundred times. Just dry is very difficult and time consuming. At any
time, stop the process and resume later. Use gentle heat and when
crystallization begins, reduce further. Gold clusters will recombine and
shine in the beaker. When this happens, add more Aqua Regia and boil
down with HCl. Repeat this at least eight times. Each time there should
be less macro-clusters of gold settling out. To speed up the process, filter
out the gold clusters and add them to the Aqua Regia for later attempts.
Eventually, the solution changes from a red acid liquid to dark red-brown
crystals of gold chloride, which produce a purple stain if splashed.
8. Steps (6) to (8): lead to the monotomic salt NaAuCl
Boil with water, crystallize, add dilute HCl, boil down. Repeat many
times over. If Step 7 is successful, the solution eventually alternates
between the grass Green Lion when concentrated HCl is applied and
citrine yellow gold chloride when the acid is diluted. The final acid
treatment produces the Green Lion if the metal-to-metal gold bonds have
been adequately dissolved. The color will lighten from orange to lemon
yellow and then pale yellow. Larger gold chloride clusters, which have
not broken down, concentrate to a darker orange-red region at the bottom
of the yellow liquid. Completely drying the gold chloride solution and
further heating it causes the 33 atom gold molecules to reform. This
defeats the process and the experimenter needs to restart the process.
When no more lightening occurs, decant the colored liquid from the white
crystals and recycle it to the Aqua Regia bottle. Dissolve the remaining
snow-white salt crystal mass in water and use a coffee filter paper to filter
out any remaining gold clusters or large debris. Boil down to ensure there
is no color change due to large clusters still forming. It is essential to
achieve snow-white salt crystals at this stage or the pH adjustment, Step
(9), will fail and Steps (2) to (5) restarted.
9. Step (9): pH adjustment requires patience. The initial
adjustment must not be faster than 2 hours. If you change the pH too
quickly, it will alter the reaction and revert to black, dark blue, brown or
brick red. It is best to adjust slowly over 3 days with constant stirring.
The pH moves a lot at first and then more slowly. Use a non-metallic
stirrer. Except for spot checks, a pH meter is of limited use. The probe
requires frequent rinsing and will eventually fail. Follow the directions in
the patent: bring the solution gently to pH 7.0 and check that it stays there
for 12 hours of stirring.
10. Step (10): is very dangerous. Adding nitric acid to remove
the chlorides of the salt crystals produces thick, brown, noxious fumes.
Work in the open, upwind and away from the fumes.
11. Step (14): It is essential the tube furnace heats to 800 degrees.
Two gas tanks are required, one with argon and the other hydrogen. First
heat the precipitate in the tube furnace in air, which produces brown
oxide. Purge the tube with argon. Heat the product under argron. Slowly
introduce hydrogen and turn off the argon. Allow to cool and slide the
quartz boat back and forth, which turns the brown oxide to black hydride.
This looks like iron filings. The hydrogen is removed to leave a white
powder by repeated heating and cooling under argon: 15-20 minutes in,
then out etc for a number of days. It can be turned-off at night and
restarted the next morning.
12. Step (16): Filter out any black or grey solids with average
filter paper. This may produce a clear liquid instead of the precipitate
mentioned in the patent. Instead of using 0.45micron filter paper that
clogs up immediately with precipitate, boiled down the precipitate to
remove most of the water. The clear water will turn milky and thicken to
hydrogen auride precipitate with water, what the ancients called the
semen of God. It tends to splatter so cover the pot and boil gently. The
crystals are purple-grey, off-white.
13. Always return any mistakes to the Aqua Regia bottle, such
over dried dark red chloride clusters. The finished product may appear
"wrong" but do not throw it away. A secret of the process is always to
reuse it as raw material and repeat the process.
14. Monatomics in solution may go to a gas if not stabilized with
salt in the solution.
Technical Description of the Process
An Aqua Regia solution of metallic gold is prepared. This
solution contains clusters of gold chlorides of random size and degrees of
aggregation. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to the solution. The acid
is evaporated with a large excess of common salt (NaCl, 20:1 moles Na to
moles Au) to moist salts. Addition of acid and evaporation is carried-out
repeatedly. The addition of NaCl allows the eventual formation of
, after all HNO
is removed from the solution.
The sodium, like gold, has only one unpaired s electron and,
accordingly, tends to form clusters of at least two atoms. The sodium,
however, does not orbitally overlap the gold atom in the d band, as it has
no d electrons, resulting in a surface reaction between the sodium atoms
and the gold atoms. This results in a weakening of the gold-gold cluster
stability and causes the eventual formation of a sodium-gold linear bond
with a weakened d orbital activity in the individual gold atoms. The
sodium-gold compound, formed by repeated evaporation to salts, will
provide a chloride of sodium-gold. In these salts the sodium and gold are
believed to be charged positive, i.e., have lost electrons: and the chlorine
is negative, i.e., has gained electrons. When the salts are dissolved in
water, the pH slowly adjusted to neutral, full aquation of the sodium-gold
diatom will slowly occur and chloride is removed from the complex.
Chemical reduction of the sodium-gold solution results in the formation
of a sodium auride (NaAu). Continued aquation results in disassociation
of the gold atom from the sodium and the eventual formation of a
protonated auride of gold as a grey precipitate. Subsequent annealing
produces the newly patented G-ORME.
The above general description for the preparation of G-ORME
from commercially available metallic gold is equally applicable to the
preparation of ORMEs from the remaining Transition metals through
reaction with nitric oxide (NO) gas. The Transition metals include
platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium. Nitric
oxide is unique in that it possesses the necessary chemical potential as
well as the single unpaired electron.
Appendix 2 Roger Bacons Method
Oleo Antimonii Tractatus & Tract De Oleo Stibii.
Summi Philosophi & Chemici.
Stibium, as the Philosophers say, is composed from the noble
mineral Sulphur, and they have praised it as the black lead of the Wise.
The Arabs in their language, have called it Asinat vel Azinat, the
alchemists retain the name Antimonium. It will however lead to the
consideration of high Secrets, if we seek and recognize the nature in
which the Sun is exalted, as the Magi found that this mineral was
attributed by God to the Constellation Aries, which is the first heavenly
sign in which the Sun takes its exaltation or elevation to itself. Although
such things are thrown to the winds by common people, intelligent people
ought to know and pay more attention to the fact that exactly at this point
the infinitude of secrets may be partly contemplated with great profit and
in part also explored. Many, but these are ignorant and unintelligent, are
of the opinion that if they only had Stibium, they would get to it by
Calcination, others by Sublimation, several by Reverberation and
Extraction, and obtain its great Secret, Oil, and Perfectum Medicinam.
But I tell you, that here in this place nothing will help, whether
Calcination, Sublimation, Reverberation nor Extraction, so that
subsequently a perfect Extraction of metallic virtue that translates the
inferior into the superior, may profitably come to pass or be
accomplished. For such shall be impossible for you. Do not let yourselves
be confused by several of the philosophers who have written of such
things, i.e. Geber, Albertus Magnus, Rhasis, Rupecilla, Aristoteles and
many more of that kind. And this you should note. Yes, many say, that
when one prepares Stibium to a glass, then the evil volatile Sulphur will
be gone, and the Oil, which may be prepared from the glass, would be a
very fixed oil, and would then truly give an ingress and Medicine of
imperfect metals to perfection. These words and opinions are perhaps
good and right, but that it should be thus in fact and prove itself, this will
not be. For I say to you truly, without any hidden speech; if you were to
lose some of the above mentioned Sulphur by the preparation and the
burning, as a small fire may easily damage it, so that you have lost the
right penetrating spirit, which should make our whole Antimonii corpus
into a perfect red oil, so that it also can ascend over the helm with a sweet
smell and very beautiful colors and the whole body of this mineral with
all its members, without loss of any weight, except for the foecum, shall
be an oil and go over the helm. And note also this: How would it be
possible for the body to go into an oil, or give off its sweet oil, if it is put
into the last essence and degree? For glass is in all things the outermost
and least essence. For you shall know that all creatures at the end of the
world, or on the last and coming judgment of the last day, shall become
glass or a lovely amethyst and this according to the families of the twelve
Patriarchs, as in the families of jewels which Hermes the Great describes
in his book: As we have elaborately reported and taught in our book de
You shall also know that you shall receive the perfect noble red
oil, which serves for the translation of metals in vain, if you pour acetum
correctum over the Antimonium and extract the redness. Yes not even by
Reverberation, and even if its manifold Beautiful colors show themselves,
this will not make any difference and is not the right way. You may
indeed obtain and make an oil out of it, but it has no perfect force and
virtue for transmutation or translation of the imperfect metals into
perfection itself. This you must certainly know.
Take in the Name of God and the Holy Trinity, fine and well
cleansed Antimonii ore, which looks nice, white, pure and internally full
of yellow rivulets or veins. It may also be full of red and blue colors and
veins, which will be the best. Pound and grind to a fine powder and
dissolve in a water or Aqua Regis, which will be described below, finely
so that the water may conquer it. And note that you should take it out
quite soon after the solution so that the water may conquer it. And note
that you should take it out quite soon after the solution so that the water
will have no time to damage it, since it quickly dissolves the Antimonii
Tincture. For in its nature our water is like the ostrich, which by its heat
digests and consumes all iron; for given time, the water would consume it
and burn it to naught, so that it would only remain as an idle yellow earth,
and then it would be quite spoilt.
Consider by comparison Luna, beautiful clean and pure, dissolved
in this our water. And let it remain therein for no more than a single night
when the water is still strong and full of Spirit, And I tell you, that your
good Luna has then been fundamentally consumed and destroyed and
brought to naught in this our water.
And if you want to reduce it to a pure corpus again, then you will
not succeed, but it will remain for you as a pale yellow earth, and
occasionally it may run together in the shape of a horn or white
horseshoe, which may not be brought to a corpus by any art.
Therefore you must remember to take the Antimonium out as
soon as possible after the Solution, and precipitate it and wash it after the
custom of the alchemists, so that the matter with its perfect oil is not
corroded and consumed by the water.
Take Vitriol one and a half (alii 2. lb.) Sal armoniac one pound,
Arinat (alii Alun) one half pound / Sal niter one and a half pound, Sal
gemmae (alii Sal commune) one pound, Alumen crudum (alii Entali) one
half pound. These are the species that belong to and should be taken for
the Water to dissolve the Antimonium.
Take these Species and mix them well among each other, and
distil from this a water, at first rather slowly. For the Spiritus go with
great force, more than in other strong waters. And beware of its spirits, for
they are subtle and harmful in their penetration.
When you now have the dissolved Antimony, clean and well
sweetened, and its sharp waters washed out, so that you do not notice any
sharpness any more, then put into a clean vial and overpour it with a good
distilled vinegar. Then put the vial in Fimum Equinum, or Balneum
Mariae, to putrefy forty (alii. four) days and nights, and it will dissolve
and be extracted red as blood. Then take it out and examine how much
remains to be dissolved, and decant the clear and pure, which will have a
red color, very cautiously into a glass flask. Then pour fresh vinegar onto
it, and put it into Digestion as before, so that that which may have
remained with the faecibus, it should thus have ample time to become
dissolved. Then the faeces may be discarded, for they are no longer
useful, except for being scattered over the earth and thrown away.
Afterwards pour all the solutions together into a glass retort, put into
Balneum Mariae, and distil the sharp vinegar rather a fresh one, since the
former would be too weak, and the matter will very quickly become
dissolved by the vinegar. Distil it off again, so that the matter remains
quite dry. Then take common distilled water and wash away all sharpness,
which has remained with the matter from the vinegar, and then dry the
matter in the sun, or otherwise by a gentle fire, so that it becomes well
dried. It will then be fair to behold, and have a bright red color. The
Philosophers, when they have thus prepared our Antimonium in secret,
have remarked how its outermost nature and power has collapsed into its
interior, and its interior thrown out and has now become an oil that lies
hidden in its innermost and depth, well prepared and ready. And
henceforth it cannot, unto the last judgment, be brought back to its first
essence. And this is true, for it has become so subtle and volatile, that as
soon as it senses the power of fire, it flies away as a smoke with all its
parts because of its volatility.
Several poor and common Laborers, when they have prepared the
Antimonium thus, have taken one part out, to take care of their expenses,
so that they may more easily do the rest of the work and complete it, They
then mixed it with one part Salmiac, one part Vitro (alii. Nitro, alii. Titro),
one part Rebohat, to cleanse the Corpera, and then proceeded to project
this mixture onto a pure Lunam. And if the Luna was one Mark, they
found two and a half Loth good gold after separation; sometimes even
more. And therewith they had accomplished a work providing for their
expenses, so that they might even better expect to attain to the Great
Work. And the foolish called this a bringing into the Lunam, but they are
mistaken. For such gold is not brought in by the Spiritibus (alii.
Speciebus), but any Luna contains two Mark gold to the Loth, some even
more. But this gold is united to the Lunar nature to such a degree that it
may not be separated from it, neither by Aquafort, nor by common
Antimonium, as the goldsmiths know. When however the just mentioned
mixture is thrown onto the Lunam in flux, then such a separation takes
place that the Luna quite readily gives away her implanted gold either in
Aquafort or in Regal, and lets herself separate from it, strikes it to the
ground and precipitates it, which would or might otherwise not happen.
Therefore it is not a bringing into the Lunam, but a bringing out of the
But we are coming back to our Proposito and purpose of our
work, for we wish to have the Oil, which has only been known and been
acquainted with this magistry, and not by the foolish.
When you then have the Antimonium well rubified according to
the above given teaching, then you shall take a well rectified Spiritum
vini, and pour it over the red powder of Antimony, put it in a gentle
Balneum Mariae to dissolve for four days and nights, so that everything
becomes well dissolved. If however something should remain behind, you
overpour the same with fresh Spiritu vini, and put it into the Balneum
Mariae again, as said before, and everything should become well
dissolved. And in case there are some more faeces there, but there should
be very little, do them away, for they are not useful for anything. The
Solutiones put into a glass retort, lute on a helm and connect it to a
receiver, also well luted, to receive the Spiritus. Put it into Balneum
Mariae. Thereafter you begin, in the Name of God, to distil very leisurely
at a gentle heat, until all the Spiritus Vini has come over. You then pour
the same Spiritum that you have drawn off, back onto the dry matter, and
distil it over again as before. And this pouring on and distilling off again,
you continue so often until you see the Spiritum vini ascend and go over
the helm in all kinds of colors. Then it is time to follow up with a strong
fire, and a noble blood red Oleum will ascend, go through the tube of the
helm and drip into the recipient. Truly, this is the most secret way of the
Wise to distil the very highly praised oil of Antimonii, and it is a noble,
powerful, fragrant oil of great virtue, as you will hear below in the
following. But here I wish to teach and instruct you who are poor and
without means to expect the Great Work in another manner; not the way
the ancients did it by separating the gold from the Luna. Therefore take
this oil, one lot, eight lot of Saturn calcined according to art, and
carefully imbibe the oil, drop by drop, while continuously stirring the calx
Saturni. Then put it ten days and nights in the heat, in the furnace of
secrets, and let the fire that this furnace contains, increase every other day
by one degree. The first two days you give it the first degree of fire, the
second two days you give it the second degree, and after four days and
nights you put it into the third degree of fire and let it remain there for
three days and nights. After these three days you open the window of the
fourth degree, for which likewise three days and nights should be
sufficient. Then take it out, and the top of the Saturnus becomes very
beautiful and of a reddish yellow color. This should be melted with
Venetian Boreas. When this has been done, you will find that the power
of our oil has changed it to good gold. Thus you will again have
subsistence, so that you may better expect the Great Work. We now come
back to our purpose where we left it earlier. Above you have heard, and
have been told to distil the Spiritum vini with the Oleum Antimonii over
the helm into the recipient as well as the work of changing the Saturnum
into gold. But now we wish to make haste and report about the second
tinctural work. Here it will be necessary to separate the Spiritum vini
from the oil again, and you shall know that it is done thus:
Take the mixture of oil and wine spirit put it into a retort, put on a
helm, connect a receiver and place it all together into the Balneum
Mariae. Then distil all the Spiritum vini from the oil, at a very gentle heat,
until you are certain that no more Spiritus vini is to be found within this
very precious oil. And this will be easy to check; for when you see several
drops of Spiritu vini ascend over the helm and fall into the recipient, this
is the sign that the Spiritus vini has become separated from the oil. Then
remove the fire from the Balneo, though it was very small, so that it may
cool all the sooner. Now remove the recipient containing the Spiritu vini,
and keep it in a safe place, for it is full of Spiritus, which it has extracted
from the oil and retained. It also contains admirable virtues, as you will
hear hereafter.
But in the Balneo you will find the blessed blood red Oleum
Antimonii in the retort, which should be taken out very carefully. The
helm must be very slowly removed, taking care to soften and wash off the
Lute, so that no dirt falls down into the beautiful red oil and makes it
turbid. This oil you must store with all possible precaution so that it
receives no damage. For you now have a Heavenly Oil that shines on a
dark night and emits light as from a glowing coal. And the reason for this
is that its innermost power and soul has become thrown out unto the
outermost, and the hidden soul is now revealed and shines through the
pure body as a light through a lantern: Just as on Judgment Day our
present invisible and internal souls will manifest through our clarified
bodies, that in this life are impure and dark, but the soul will then be
revealed and seen unto the outermost of the body, and will shine as the
bright sun. Thus you now have two separate things: Both the Spirit of
Wine full of force and wonder in the arts of the human body: And then
the blessed red, noble, heavenly Oleum Antimonii, to translate all
diseases of the imperfect metals to the Perfection of gold. And the power
of the Spiritual Wine reaches very far and to great heights. For when it is
rightly used according to the Art of Medicine: I tell you, you have a
heavenly medicine to prevent and to cure all kinds of diseases and
ailments of the human body. And its uses are thus, as follows:
In the case of gout one should let three drops of this Spiritu vini,
that has received the power of the Antimony, fall into a small glass of
wine. This has to be taken by the patient on an empty stomach at the very
moment in time when he sense the beginning or arrival of his trouble,
bodily ailment and pain. On the next day and afterwards on the third day
it should also be taken and used in the same way. On the first day it takes
away all pain, however great it may be, and prevents swelling. On the
second day it causes a sweat that is very inconstant, viscous and thick,
that smells and tastes quite sour and offensive, and occurs mostly where
the joints and limbs are attached. On the third day, regardless of whether
any medicine has been taken, a purging takes place of the veins into the
bowels, without any inconvenience, pain or grief. And this demonstrates a
great power of Nature.
To begin with the patient is given six drops on an empty stomach.
And arrange it so that the unclean person is alone without the company of
any healthy people, in a separate and convenient place. For his whole
body will soon begin to smoke and steam with a stinking mist or vapour.
And on the second day his skin will start to flake and much uncleanliness
will detach itself from his body. He should then have three more drops of
the medicine ready, which he should take and use in solitude on the fourth
day. Then on the eighth or ninth day, by means of this medicine and
through the bestowal of Divine mercy and blessing, he will be completely
cleansed and his health restored.
In the case of stroke, let a drop of the unadmixed tincture fall onto
the tongue of the person in need. At once it will raise itself and distribute
itself like a mist or smoke, and rectify and dissolve the struck part. But if
the stroke has hit the body or other members, he should be given three
drops at the same time in a glass of good wine, as previously taught in the
case of Podagra.
In the case of dropsy give one drop each day for six days in a
row, in Aqua Melissae or Valerianae. On the seventh day give three drops
in good wine. Then it is enough.
In case of the falling sickness, give him two drops at the
beginning of the Paroxismi in Aqua Salviae, and after three hours again
two drops. This will suffice. But if further symptoms should occur, then
give him two more drops as above.
In case of consumption and dehydration, give him two drops in
Aqua Violarum the first day. On the second day, give him two more drops
in good wine.
In cases of all kinds of hot fevers, give him three drops in a well
distilled St. Johnswort water or Cichorii at the beginning of the
Paroxismi. Early in the morning on the following day, again give him
three drops in good wine on an empty stomach.
In the case of pestilence give the patient seven drops in a good
wine, and see to it that the infected person is all by himself, and caused to
sweat. Then this poison will, with Divine assistance, do him no harm.
Take and give at the beginning and entry of spring, when the sun
has entered the sign of Aries, two drops; and at the beginning with God's
help, be safe and protected against bad health and poisoned air, unless the
incurred disease was predestined and fatally imposed upon man by the
Almighty God.
But we now wish to proceed to the Oleum Antimonii and its
Power, and show how this oil may also help the diseased and imperfect
metallic bodies. Take in the Name of God, very pure refined gold, as
much as you want and think will suffice. Dissolve it in a rectified Wine,
prepared the way one usually makes Aquam Vitae. And after the gold has
become dissolved, let it digest for a month. Then put it into a Balneum,
and distil off the spiritum vini very slowly and gently. Repeat this several
times, as long and as often until you see that your gold remains behind in
fundo as a sap. And such is the manner and opinion of several of the
ancients on how this oil may also help the diseased and imperfect metallic
Take, in the Name of God, very pure refined gold, as much as you
want and think will suffice. Dissolve it in a rectified Wine, prepared the
way one usually makes Aquam Vitae. And after the gold has become
dissolved, let it digest for a month. Then put it into a Balneum, and distil
off the spiritum vini very slowly and gently. Repeat this several times, as
long and as often until you see that your gold remains behind in fundo as
a sap. And such is the manner and opinion of several of the ancients on
how to prepare the gold. But I will show and teach you a much shorter,
better and more useful way. Viz. that you instead of such prepared gold
take one part Mercurii Solis, the preparation of which I have already
taught in another place by its proper process. Draw off its airy water so
that it becomes a subtle dust and calx. Then take two parts of our blessed
oil, and pour the oil very slowly, drop by drop onto the dust of the
Mercurii Solis, until everything has become absorbed. Put it in a vial, well
sealed, into a heat of the first degree of the oven of secrets, and let it
remain there for ten days and nights. You will then see your powder and
oil quite dry, such that it has become a single piece of dust of a blackish
grey color. After ten days give it the second degree of heat, and the grey
and black color will slowly change into a whiteness so that it becomes
more or less white. And at the end of these ten days, the matter will take
on a beautiful rose white. But this may be ignored. For this color is only
due to the Mercurio Solis, that has swallowed up our blessed oil, and now
covers it with the innermost part of its body. But by the power of the fire,
our oil will again subdue such Mercurium Solis, and throw it into its
innermost. And the oil with its very bright red color will rule over it and
remain on the outside. Therefore it is time, when twenty years have
passed, that you open the window of the third degree. The external white
color and force will then completely recede inwardly, and the internal red
color will, by the force of the fire, become external. Keep also this degree
of fire for ten days, without increase or decrease. You will then see your
powder, that was previously white, now become very red. But for the time
being this redness may be ignored (is of no consequence), for it is still
unfixed and volatile; and at the end of these ten days, when the thirtieth
day has passed, you should open the last window of the fourth degree of
fire, Let it stay in this degree for another ten days, and this very bright red
powder will begin to melt. Let it stay in flux for these ten days. And when
you take it out you will find on the bottom a very bright red and
transparent stone, ruby colored, melted into the shape of the vial. This
stone may be used for Projection, as has been taught in the tract on
Vitriol. Praise God in Eternity for this His high revelation, and thank Him
in Eternity. Amen.
The ancient sages, after they had discovered this stone and
prepared it to perfect power and translation of the imperfect metals to
gold, long sought to discover a way to increase the power and efficiency
of this stone. And they found two ways to multiply it: One is a
multiplication of its power, such that the stone may be brought much
further in its power of Transmutation. And this multiplication is very
subtle, the description of which may be found in the Tract on Gold. The
second multiplication is an Augmentum quantitatis of the stone with its
former power, in such a way that it neither loses any of its power, nor
gains any, but in such a manner that its weight increases and keeps on
increasing ever more, so that a single ounce grows and increases to many
ounces. To achieve this increase or Multiplication one has to proceed in
the following manner: Take in the Name of God, your stone, and grind it
to a subtle powder, and add as much Mercurii Solis as was taught before.
Put these together into a round vial, seal with sigillo Hermetis, and put it
into the former oven exactly as taught, except that the time has to be
shorter and less now. For where you previously used ten (alii thirty) days,
you may now not use more than four (alii ten) days. In other respects the
work is exactly the same as before. Praise and thank God the Almighty
for His high revelation, and diligently continue your prayers fir His
Almighty Mercy and Divine blessings of this Work and Art as well as His
granting you a good health and fortuitous welfare. And moreover, take
care always to help and counsel the poor.
Appendix 3 King Solomon's Method
The following method is an edited summary of an anonymous
article entitled Simple Methods of Making Monatomic Gold.
It has the
following disclaimers:
New information regarding monatomic elements has been made
available to this forum and the world. This information comes from a
scientist who wishes to remain anonymous. It is the wish of this scientist
that this information be made freely available and that his anonymity be
protected. His expertise is in the field of metallurgy and mining and he
holds degrees in five different physical sciences. He has been working
with the monatomic precious elements since 1980.
The author of this post does not claim that all of this information
is accurate or even that any of it is true. It may contain errors and be
incomplete in places.
Any unknown material should be subjected to a 98 element scan
prior to conversion to m-state material for ingestion.
King Solomon's Method
King Solomons people swept up the white material present when
a lake dries. They did not dig because they only wanted the material on
the surface. They fired this material with sulfur, put silver on top of it and
mixed in iron. Using this method and a reverberatory furnace, they
poured 100,000 talents of gold.
Both damp evaporated salts and water from the Dead Sea produce
a quantity of precipitate. Reconstituted Dead Sea salt water is far more
concentrated, produces a much greater amount of precipitate and requires
much more lye (dilute NaOH) to bring it up to the desired pH level.
The procedure for extracting monatomic elements from dry
material such as sweepings from salt and alkali flats, rock powders, etc. is
as follows:
1. Grind the dry material to as fine a consistency as possible.
2. Add lye to cover the dry material with a thin layer and stir in
distilled water sufficient to cover both by approximately 50mm.
3. Bring to boil outdoors where caustic fumes can escape. The
pH should be at or slightly above 12. Replace water as needed to
maintain sufficient reactant volume.
4. Maintain at boiling temperature for four hours, the longer the
5. Allow the slurry to settle overnight. Strain the slurry through
3 to 5 layers of coffee filters to remove the toxic elements (Gilcrest
precipitate) that precipitate above pH 10.78. Save the liquid that passes
through the filters, which is m-state material and Mg(OH)2 in solution.
6. Titrate the liquid that passes through the coffee filters to a pH
of 8.5 with hydrochloric acid while stirring. This causes m-state and
Mg(OH)2 to precipitate. The titration must be slow with thorough
mixing. If you go too far, the pH will abruptly shift and you will have to
start over by adding lye quickly to bring the pH back up to 12 and return
to Step (5) above.
7. To eliminate the Mg(OH)2, continue lowering the pH with
acid to pH 5-6 to dissolve both the m-state precipitate and Mg(OH)2
8. Add lye to raise pH to 8.5-8.7. Then the m-state will
precipitate, but the Mg(OH)2 will remain in solution.
The ancient process of converting monatomic matter to metal.
1. Filter, rinse, and dry the precipitate from the above processes.
2. Prepare a crucible for the furnace with layers of materials in
accordance with the following diagram. Sulfur reduces the monatomic
materials to metal. For example, no monatomic material is precipitated
from hot springs that contain sulfur while a considerable amount can be
precipitated from hot springs that do not contain sulfur.
|_________|--Iron metal
|_________|--Sodium Carbonate
|_________|--Silver metal
|_________|--Sodium Carbonate
| |
\_______/ -- Monatomic state
mixed with Sulfur
3. Fire this mixture at 2200 degrees Centigrade. It appears that
doing this in the contained magnetic field of an induction furnace
produces better results than using other heat sources.
Appendix 4 The Virgin of the World
Thrice Greatest Hermes Sacred Book, Virgin of the World,
describes the creation of the world as an alchemical process and finding
the Philosophers Stone in the compost:
1. So speaking Isis doth pour forth for Horus the sweet draught
(the first) of deathlessness which souls have been accustomed to receive
from Gods, and thus begins her discourse (logos):
6. And Nature, O my son, was barren, till they who were then
under the orders to patrol the Heaven, approaching the God of all, their
King, reported on the lethargy of things. The time was come for the
cosmos to awake, and this was no-ones task but His alone. We pray
Thee, then, they said, direct Thy thoughts to things that now exist and
to what things the future needs.
7. When they spake thus, God smiled and said: Nature arise!
And from His word there came a marvel, feminine, possessed of perfect
beauty, gazing at which the Gods stood all amazed. And God the
forefather, with the name of Nature, honored her, and bade her be prolific.
Then gazing fixedly on the surrounding space, He spake these words as
well: Let Heaven be filled with all things full, and Air, and Æther, too!
God spake and it was so. And Nature with herself communing knew she
must not disregard the Sires command; so with the help of Toil she made
a daughter fair, whom she did call Invention. And on her God bestowed
the gift of being, and with his gift He set apart all them that had been so-
far made, filled them with mysteries, and to Invention gave the power of
ruling them.
8. But He no longer willing that the world above should be
inert, but thinking good to fill it full of breaths, so that its parts should not
remain immotive and inert, He thus began on these (breaths or spirits)
with the use of holy arts as proper for the bringing forth of His own
special work. For taking breath from His own Breath [Antimony] and
blending this with knowing Fire [Porphyry, meaning Gold or Copper-
Gold], He mingled them with certain other substances which have no
power to know; and having made the two either with other one, with
certain hidden words of power. He thus set all the mixture going
thoroughly; until out of the compost smiled a substance, as it were, far
subtler, purer far, and more translucent than the things from which it
came; it was so clear that none but the Artist could detect it [the
Philosophers Stone].
9. And since it neither thawed when fire was set unto it (for it
was made of Fire), nor yet did freeze when it had once been properly
produced (for it was made of Breath), but kept its mixtures composition a
certain special kind, peculiar to itself, of special type and special blend
(which composition, you must know, God called Psychosis, after the
more auspicious meaning of the name and from the similarity of its
behavior) it was from this coagulate He fashioned souls enough in
myriads [projection], molding with order and with measure the
efflorescent product of the mixture for what He willed, with skilled
experience and fitting reason, so that they should not be compelled to
differ any way one from another.
Appendix 5 Bacon's Description of the Goddess
Description of the Queen, General Curse, and Sir Francis Bacon's Life
from Cipher Story Discovered and Deciphered by Orville W. Owen MD,
Vol 1, 1893: Lines 100 to 170 of 4600:
The first time that her I saw
She was a fair young lioness,
White as the native rose before the change.
Upon her head, as fit her fortune best,
She wore a wreath of laurel, gold and palm,
And on her forehead ivory the golden crown.
Upon her naked breast there shin'ed a golden star.
Her robes of purple and of scarlet dye,
Her veil of white, as best befits a maid,
A thousand blushing apparitions started in her face,
A thousand innocent shames in angel whiteness
Bore away those blushes;
And in her eye there did appear a fire
To burn the errors that princes held
Against her maiden truth.
About her danced girls who upon her threw
Sweet flowers and fragrant odors
That afar did smell.
She was of stature tall and graceful shape,
With countenance majestic, but whose pride
Depraves each better part,
And all those other precious ornaments deface.
Her sweet, fair, placid face
Was of such wondrous beauty,
That nature wept thinking she was undone
Because she took more from her than she left.
And when I beheld this beauty's wonderment,
This rare perfection of nature's skill,
I honoured and admired the maker's art.
But when I felt the bitter, baleful eyes
That death-dart out of their shiny beams,
I thought that I a new Pandora saw
Whom all the gods in counsel did agree
Into this sinful world from heaven to send,
That she to men should be a wicked scourge.
For all the virtues of imposing power
That are the work of nature or of art,
Were here advanc'd and set in highest seat,
And so temper'd the features of her face
With light and shade,
That pride and meekness mixed in equal parts.
She was far more beauteous, 'rich'd
With the pride of nature's excellence,
Than Venus in the brightest of her days.
Her hair did Apollo's locks surpass.
A hair stands not amiss,
And the costly curious tire carrying a net
(Wherein her curled locks entangeld gravest men)
Mended in her face what nature missed.
But she to cross nature's curious workmanship,
Did mingle beauty with infirmity
And pure perfection with impure defeature;
For in her later age pride, like a corn-fed steed,
Her advanc'd, making her subject
To the tyranny of mischances mad
And much misery,
As burning fevers, agues pale and faint,
Life-poisoning pestilence and frenzies wo'd
The marrow-eating sickness whose attaint
Disorder breeds by heating of the blood;
For she to all licentious lust
'Gan to exceed the measure of her mean
And natural first need
Till, like a jade self willed, herself doth tire
By black lust, dishonour, shame and misgoverning,
For she was guilty of perjury and subornation;
Guilty of treason, forgery and shift;
Guilty of incest, that abomination;
Guilty of murder and of theft,
And accessory by inclination
To all sins past and all that are to come,
From the creation to the general doom.
Appendix 6 Ovid's Metamorphoses
From the METAMORPHOSES by Ovid, translated into English
verse under the direction of Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander
Pope, Joseph Addison, William Congreve and other eminent hands.
5.1 The Labyrinth
Now Minos, landed on the Cretan shore,
Performs his vows to Jove's protecting pow'r;
A hundred bullocks of the largest breed,
With flowrets crown'd, before his altar bleed:
While trophies of the vanquish'd, brought from far
Adorn the palace with the spoils of war.
Meanwhile the monster of a human-beast,
His family's reproach, and stain, increas'd.
His double kind the rumour swiftly spread,
And evidenc'd the mother's beastly deed.
When Minos, willing to conceal the shame
That sprung from the reports of tatling Fame,
Resolves a dark inclosure to provide,
And, far from sight, the two-form'd creature hide.
Great Daedalus of Athens was the man
That made the draught, and form'd the wondrous plan;
Where rooms within themselves encircled lye,
With various windings, to deceive the eye.
As soft Maeander's wanton current plays,
When thro' the Phrygian fields it loosely strays;
Backward and forward rouls the dimpl'd tide,
Seeming, at once, two different ways to glide:
While circling streams their former banks survey,
And waters past succeeding waters see:
Now floating to the sea with downward course,
Now pointing upward to its ancient source,
Such was the work, so intricate the place,
That scarce the workman all its turns cou'd trace;
And Daedalus was puzzled how to find
The secret ways of what himself design'd.
These private walls the Minotaur include,
Who twice was glutted with Athenian blood:
But the third tribute more successful prov'd,
Slew the foul monster, and the plague remov'd.
When Theseus, aided by the virgin's art,
Had trac'd the guiding thread thro' ev'ry part,
He took the gentle maid, that set him free,
And, bound for Dias, cut the briny sea.
There, quickly cloy'd, ungrateful, and unkind,
Left his fair consort in the isle behind,
Whom Bacchus saw, and straining in his arms
Her rifled bloom, and violated charms,
Resolves, for this, the dear engaging dame
Shou'd shine for ever in the rolls of Fame;
And bids her crown among the stars be plac'd,
With an eternal constellation grac'd.
The golden circlet mounts; and, as it flies,
Its diamonds twinkle in the distant skies;
There, in their pristin form, the gemmy rays
Between Alcides, and the dragon blaze.
5.2 The Death of Hyacinth
Phoebus for thee too, Hyacinth, design'd
A place among the Gods, had Fate been kind:
Yet this he gave; as oft as wintry rains
Are past, and vernal breezes sooth the plains,
From the green turf a purple flow'r you rise,
And with your fragrant breath perfume the skies.
You when alive were Phoebus' darling boy;
In you he plac'd his Heav'n, and fix'd his joy:
Their God the Delphic priests consult in vain;
Eurotas now he loves, and Sparta's plain:
His hands the use of bow and harp forget,
And hold the dogs, or bear the corded net;
O'er hanging cliffs swift he pursues the game;
Each hour his pleasure, each augments his flame.
The mid-day sun now shone with equal light
Between the past, and the succeeding night;
They strip, then, smooth'd with suppling oyl, essay
To pitch the rounded quoit, their wonted play:
A well-pois'd disk first hasty Phoebus threw,
It cleft the air, and whistled as it flew;
It reach'd the mark, a most surprizing length;
Which spoke an equal share of art, and strength.
Scarce was it fall'n, when with too eager hand
Young Hyacinth ran to snatch it from the sand;
But the curst orb, which met a stony soil,
Flew in his face with violent recoil.
Both faint, both pale, and breathless now appear,
The boy with pain, the am'rous God with fear.
He ran, and rais'd him bleeding from the ground,
Chafes his cold limbs, and wipes the fatal wound:
Then herbs of noblest juice in vain applies;
The wound is mortal, and his skill defies.
As in a water'd garden's blooming walk,
When some rude hand has bruis'd its tender stalk,
A fading lilly droops its languid head,
And bends to earth, its life, and beauty fled:
So Hyacinth, with head reclin'd, decays,
And, sickning, now no more his charms displays.
O thou art gone, my boy, Apollo cry'd,
Defrauded of thy youth in all its pride!
Thou, once my joy, art all my sorrow now;
And to my guilty hand my grief I owe.
Yet from my self I might the fault remove,
Unless to sport, and play, a fault should prove,
Unless it too were call'd a fault to love.
Oh cou'd I for thee, or but with thee, dye!
But cruel Fates to me that pow'r deny.
Yet on my tongue thou shalt for ever dwell;
Thy name my lyre shall sound, my verse shall tell;
And to a flow'r transform'd, unheard-of yet,
Stamp'd on thy leaves my cries thou shalt repeat.
The time shall come, prophetick I foreknow,
When, joyn'd to thee, a mighty chief shall grow,
And with my plaints his name thy leaf shall show.
While Phoebus thus the laws of Fate reveal'd,
Behold, the blood which stain'd the verdant field,
Is blood no longer; but a flow'r full blown,
Far brighter than the Tyrian scarlet shone.
A lilly's form it took; its purple hue
Was all that made a diff'rence to the view,
Nor stop'd he here; the God upon its leaves
The sad expression of his sorrow weaves;
And to this hour the mournful purple wears
Ai, Ai, inscrib'd in funeral characters.
Nor are the Spartans, who so much are fam'd
For virtue, of their Hyacinth asham'd;
But still with pompous woe, and solemn state,
The Hyacinthian feasts they yearly celebrate.
Appendix 7 Crata Repoa
Manly P Hall describes the provenance of the Crata Repoa:
The Crata Repoa is made up of fragments from many ancient
authors. The unknown compiler had as his purpose a restoration of the
ancient Mysteries based upon the hints and illusions contained in classical
writings. Most of the great philosophers of antiquity were initiates of
State Mysteries. In their writings, these men frequently allude to some
fragment of the initiatory rites. These hints have been carefully
organized, placed in sequential order, and connected with an editorial
tissue. The result is a restoration founded on the actual words of the
initiates themselves.
The seven degrees of initiation described in the Crata Repoa
equate to the last seven stages of the Great Work of Alchemy. There are
twelve stages altogether. The first four are preparatory, the fifth is a
threshold to the three degrees of the Lesser Mysteries that teach the
The final four degrees are the Greater Mysteries of the
great manifestation of Light. These latter Mysteries teach love or agape
in the sense of charity. The steps of the ancient Egyptian Mysteries are:
Preparation and Threshold
Circumcision and meditation.
The Lesser Mysteries
1. Led by the Thesmophores (Guide or Tester) to the Gate of
Men, the Candidate is initiated as a Pastophoris (Apprentice). Having
taken an oath, light is restored to him and he is placed between two square
columns. Between the columns is a ladder with seven steps and an
allegorical figure portraying eight doors. The Hierophant (Teacher)
exhorts the Pastophoris to guard his prejudices and passions that might
draw him from the road to happiness. The Pastophoris then ascends the
ladder and is taught that it is a symbol of alchemical transmutation or
Metempsychosis. He is then given the word of recognition, taught the
handgrip and dressed in a hood, apron and collar with tassels. His duty is
then to guard the Gate of Men.
2. After a year of Apprenticeship, the Pastophoris is feasted by
beautiful temple virgins and invited to make love to them. He must prove
he has command over his desires. If worthy, the Thesmophores (Guide or
Tester) then addresses more questions and if found satisfactory, the
candidate is introduced to the Assembly. There he is sprinkled with water
by the Stolista (Baptiser) and accepted as a Neocoris (Craftsman). His
courage is then tested with a live serpent being thrown over him and he is
made to imagine the chamber is filled with serpents. If his courage is
proven, the Neocoris is led to two pillars with a griffin between, pushing a
spoked-wheel representing the four seasons and earth, water, air and fire.
There he is invested with a caduceus, taught the word of the degree and
taught of the fall of the human race. He was instructed in architecture,
geometry, mathematics and measures. His duty was to wash or anoint the
3. When meriting the next degree of a Melanophoris (Master
Mason), the candidate was led underground through the Gate of Death to
a gloomy crypt containing the coffin of the assassinated Osiris. The new
Melanophoris was then led into the presence of the Pharaoh, where all the
other Melanophoris were assembled. The Pharaoh offered him a crown
of gold representing material power and wealth. The Melanophoris was
to reject and trample on this crown in order to gain the spiritual crown of
truth, morality and virtue. This incurred the wrath of the Pharaoh and the
Melanophoris suffered accordingly. Brought back with a peculiar
embrace expressing the power of death, the Melanophoris was given the
word Monach Caron Mini meaning I count the days of anger. The term
of anger is the time needed to master ones own base or animal soul. He
was then instructed in alphabet, drawing, painting and rhetoric. He was
also taught the history, geometry and astronomy of Egypt. His work was
to attend upon the dying and dead.
The Greater Mysteries
4. After eighteen months the resurrected adept was invited to the
Greater Mysteries. He is then known as Moses, meaning He who is
drawn out of the waters (as were all new-born Sun gods such as the
Indian Agni or Surya, the Greek Perseus, Finnish Kullervo, Romulus and
Welsh Taliesin). Armed with a sword and shield, the Moses has then to
fight his way through labyrinth galleries where masked men with flames
and serpents attacked him. He was then led blindfolded to the Hall of
Maat. Maat is the goddess who represents the full illumination of the
human soul. She was represented by a white ostrich feather or jar. In the
Hall of Maat he was presented to the Pharaoh and Officers of the Society
and there made a Chistophores. They set his arms and legs spread eagle,
the Phoenix position. This was a posture similar to the St Andrews cross
used in the old rites as the symbol of resurrection. He then drank a cup of
bitter herbs and was dressed in buskins and a mantle, invested with the
armour and weapons of God. The bitter cup is a play on the meaning of
Miriam or the goddess Venus as Miriam means bitter as well as the mare
or sea.
He was to use his weapon to strike off the head of the beautiful
but dangerous female aspect of Chaos, the Gorgon Medusa, whose head
he presented to the Pharaoh.
In return, the Pharaoh recorded the
Chistophores in the Book of Adepts of Egypt. He received with new
robes for his spiritual body, tied about the waist by a cord representing
truth, life and brotherhood. This cord was tied in a half bow or Ankh
representing the strength and frailty of the brotherhood. The
Chistophores was presented with the Code of Laws and the emblem of an
owl representing Isis, later Athena for the Greeks and Minerva for the
Romans. He was taught the secret Ammonitish language and sciences of
the human soul. The new Chistophores became a courtier, sustained by
the court and able to communicate freely with the Pharaoh.
5. The Chistophores could then demand the degree of a Balahate
or Philosopher. He was seated as the sole spectator to a drama where
Horus slays and beheads the hundred-headed dragon, Typhon. In silence
Horus exhibits the vile head emblematic of the mastery of ones own base
nature. The new Balahate was then given the word Chymia and taught
the skills of Alchemy.
6. The aspiring Chistophores was led in irons to the Gate of
Death through which a crypt was filled with water. He was rowed across
in the Barque of Caron and received by the Assembly. There he was
made a Maawr, meaning Seer or Priest of Astronomy, and received the
history of the gods. He was told of the One God from whom they all
emanate. The new Maawr was then taken to the Gate of the Gods and
presented to the pantheon. There the Demiurgos (Chief Prophet and
Initiator) taught him the secret history of Egypt, the world and the
universe. He received the history of the Society, its Order and a list of all
Chief Inspectors of the Society and members throughout the world. He
was then instructed in astronomy and the Priestly Dance of the movement
of the stars and constellations. The word of the degree was Ibis, the
symbol of the wise god Thoth.
7. Entry to the final degree was by invitation from the Pharaoh.
A grand reception was arranged for the Maawr and it formed a public
procession called the Pamylach, meaning circumcision of the tongue
representing the higher self. Formerly, the Maawrs penis was
circumcised as a sign of purification of the lower self. At the end of the
procession an Assembly was held in a special room called the Maneras,
meaning the house of Manes with equivalence to the Indo-Hittite god-
king Manu. There the Maawr was made a Saphenath Pancah or Man
who knows the Mysteries. He drank of the Cup of Sweetness, the
heavenly ambrosia beverage Oimellas, and was told that he had arrived at
the end of all the proofs. He received an Ankh to wear on his heart,
meaning that he had become a life source or life bestowing spirit for
others. He also received a beautiful striped robe called the Etangi
representing the blazing White Light of the illumination and discipline in
which he lived.
His head was next shaved with a square coiffure, called the
tonsure. Together with the skull, the tonsure forms a squared circle:
...the squaring of the circle was a problem that greatly exercised
medieval minds. It is a symbol of the opus alchymicum, since it breaks
down the original chaotic unity into the four elements and then combines
them again in a higher unity.
The tonsure therefore represented the third eye. It was based on
releasing the spiritual consciousness through the Gate of the Gods. These
are the two small holes in the skull called the parietal foramina.
The Saphenath Pancah was then given a complete explanation of
the Mysteries and permission to read the Books of Hermes, including the
royal key to the scriptures of other nations. The greatest attribute he
received was the right to vote in the election of Pharaoh and it was from
his new rank that the Officers of the Society were drawn. The Pharaoh
represented the mind of God, Ptah.
These Officers of the Society
represented Ra, or the body of God, and governed the four main temples
of Egypt, Hermopolis, Memphis, Heliopolis and Thebes.
Appendix 8 The Perfect Pyramid
The following calculations show that the Perfect Pyramid is a
function of the Golden Ratio.
The Perfect Pyramid
Let: s = side length
k = side face height measured from the apex to the
h = vertical height of pyramid
A = Area of a side face
Pythagoras Rule provides the side face height (k):
(1) k
= (s/2)
+ h
(2) k =
/4 + h
Area of a side face (A):
(3) A = ½ .s.k (area is half the base times the
From (2):
(4) A = ½ .s.
/4 + h
The Perfect Pyramid built as the Great Pyramid of Giza is special
because of a particular constraint. In history, only Herodotus has alluded
to it.
The key is that the area of a side face is equal to the square of the
height of the pyramid. Herodotus statement turns on the translation of
the Greek word epipol
s, which means either in elevation, by the lateral
surface or simply in surface.
(5) A = h
equating (5) with (4):
= ½ .s. (s
/4 + h
and rearranging to make the apex height (h) the dependant
= ¼ .s
.(1 + 5)/2
Now (1 +
5)/2 is the Golden Ratio so:
= ¼ .s
So the unique formula for a Perfect Pyramid is that the square of
the height divided by the square of the side length is equal to the Golden
Ratio divided by four:
(6) h
= /4
= 0.404508
h/s = 0.63601
The inverse of h/s is 1.5723. This approximates to
(1.618) with
an error of only 2.8%. Thus the ratio of the side to the height of the
Perfect pyramid is also the Golden Ratio
The area of all four faces is:
Area of all four Faces = 4.A
Applying the key of Herodotus (5): A= h
Area of all four Faces = 4. h
Substituting (6) h
= /4
Area of all four Faces =
. s
Since the Area of the Base of the Pyramid is s
Area of all four Faces =
x Area of the Base of the
Thus the Area of all four Faces is purely a replication of the
Base by the Golden Ratio. Isis was the Goddess of replication and this
equation explains why she was described as Mistress of the Pyramid in
the Inventory Stele discovered in 1800 CE by Auguste Mariette. The
Great Pyramid was the mathematically pure womb of Isis for regeneration
of the king as Horus.
On rearrangement the equation becomes:
= Area of all four Faces / Area of the Base of the Pyramid
This means that the area of the Base and the sum of the area of
the side faces provide the Golden Ratio. The only measurements
necessary are Side length and Side height. This is vividly shown in two
dimensions if the Perfect Pyramid is laid flat. The result is a Cross Patteé,
the insignia granted to the Knights Templar by Pope Eugenius III in
The Knights Templar mantle with the Cross Patté was
therefore a visible and perfect calculation of the Golden Ratio and symbol
of the Perfect Pyramid.
Cross Patté.
The Golden Ratio is not the only primary constant inherent in the
perfect Pyramid. While the Perfect Pyramid has no need for the
knowledge of
, nor precisely demonstrates , it is the case that 2/ is an
arbitrary value very close to the perfect value for h/s in (6) above of
0.63601. The exact value of 2/
is 0.63662 so the error is very small
indeed, only 0.096%.
Squaring the Circle
Using the dimensions of the side length and pyramid height, the
approximation h/s
2/ provides a good physical estimate of both the
Golden Ratio and
This equation can be interpreted as relating the
perimeter of a circle with radius h to the perimeter of
the square base 4.s:
(8) 2
h 4.s
In other words, in an elevation view, the
vertical circle drawn through the apex of the pyramid, having its centre at
the middle of the pyramids base on the ground plane has the same
perimeter as that base in plan view. The error is 0.096%.
We can even proceed a little further to find a solution to the
classic problem of Squaring the Circle. This is to find a technique of
drawing a circle with the same area as a given square, using only
geometric means. It has engaged mathematicians for many thousands of
Again, let the Perfect Pyramid be laid flat so the
sides splay into a Cross Patté. The area of a circle
inscribed within the Cross Patté is:
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle =
(pi x radius squared)
Substituting (1): k
= (s/2)
+ h
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle =
+ h
[¼ + h
Substituting (6): h
= /4
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle =
[¼ + /4]
= ¼ .
[1 + ]
The exceptional property of the Golden Ratio is that:
1 +
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle = ¼ .
Since the Area of the Base of the Perfect Pyramid is the side
length squared, s
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle = [¼ .
] x Area of Base
The value of [¼ .
] is 2.056199, almost the integer two.
Substituting the approximate value of two for [¼ .
] simplifies the
equation to:
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle
2 x Area of Pyramid
With the Cross Patté, medieval mathematicians found an
approximate solution to squaring the circle. This was to take a Perfect
Pyramid, make it into a Cross Patté and inscribe a circle. The area of the
circle is twice that of the square base of the pyramid. Using a square
made from the diagonal of the base of the pyramid rather than the base of
the pyramid itself, the twice factor disappears. This is because the
diagonal measures s 2. The area of such a square is 2.s
. Thus the
esoteric solution from the Perfect Pyramid is:
Area of Inscribed Patté Circle
Area of a square of the Hypotenuse
of the Base of the Pyramid
This formula is based on an assumed value of
[¼ .
] of two, which introduces an error of 2.8%.
An even better approximation derives quite simply
from a Jerusalem or Teutonic Cross.
A Chessboard solves the problem of Squaring
the Circle:
1. Divide the Square into a Chessboard matrix.
2. With a pair of Compasses centered in the middle
of the Chessboard, draw a Circle so it passes
through points on each side, each two squares in
from each corner. This circle has an area that
equals that of the square with an error of 1.8%,
less than the 2.8% inherent in the Perfect Pyramid
method. Schoolchildren sometimes prove the
areas are equal using paper. They cut away the
corners of the square and rearrange these
trimmings to fill the segments of the circle.
3. Again with the Compasses draw a circle so it
passes through points on each side that are one
square in from each corner. This circle has the
same perimeter as the square. The error is also
about 1.8%.
Ancient architects often wanted to Square the
Circle to create a circular column of known cross
section that could be set onto a square base. Their
portable calculator for Squaring the Circle was a simple 2 x 1
rectangular tablet. Draw a circle through one corner while centering on
the corner diagonally opposite. The square has an area equal to 8 tablets.
Julius Caesars dimensions of ancient Britain also allow a square
to be developed from a circle, having the same perimeter as the circles
Caesar described Britain as a triangle with sides 475,
665, 760 miles. Britains geography bears no relation to this shape. Ehe
dimensions Caesar obtained are esoteric and the represent sacred
dimensions of a holy isle. The sides have the ratio of 5:7:8 and can be
used to Square the Circle follows:
1. Draw a circle with radius 7 units.
2. Place Caesars 5:7:8 triangle on the circle so
the apex of the 7 and 8-sides meet at the centre
of the circle and the 8-side is vertical. Mark
the point on the circle at the apex of the 5 and
3. Flip the triangle over with the 8-side in the
same position. Again mark the the point on the circle at the apex of
the 5 and 7-sides.
4. Draw an 11 unit line through the marked points. This 11 unit line
divides the 8-side into two pieces, one 5.5 units in length and the
other 2.5 units. As 5.5 units is half of 11 units, this 5.5 unit
measurement can be used as a scale to draw each half of the 11 unit
5. The 11 unit line is the base of a square with the same centre as that of
the circle. Complete the square with 3 more sides of 11 units each.
The squares perimeter is 44 units, which is the same as the circles
circumference (2 .
. 7 = 44 units). The error in this method is only
The Star of the Goddess
The 2 x 1 rectangle has another very
interesting property, the star of the Goddess. Herein
is the famous Alchemists formula of draw a square,
circle, then a triangle then a circle. Starting with a
square (or bisecting the 2 x 1 rectangle in two
squares) proceed as follows:
1. Draw a circle centered in the middle of the
bisector of the rectangle, through all the extreme
two corners.
2. Extend the side of the square out to the large
circle. Its length is the Golden Ratio,
3. Draw an isosceles triangle using the Golden Ratio
as the base. The sides of the isosceles triangle are
each 1 unit, the same as the sides of the original
4. Draw another circle passing through the three
corners of the triangle. This is a trial and error
procedure but quickly achieved.
5. Draw new triangles using the previous triangle as a
template. Rotate the template triangle clockwise.
The diagram shows the second position. Discard the
external circle and 2x1 rectangle for simplicity.
6. Completing the rotation of the template triangle forms
a perfect pentagon within the circle. Inside the
pentagon is a five-pointed star. This is the star of the
Virgin with Child
A smaller, inverted pentagon exists in the centre
of the Star and Pentagon of the Goddess. The new little
pentagon in the centre of the star of the Goddess is
therefore analogous to a perfect child. The Goddess
therefore is the House of God to the Son, a Virgin with
Child. The child is inverted, analogous to a human
foetus awaiting birth.
The recursive process of forming a star from the pentagon and a
new pentagon from the new star demonstrates the infinite procreation of
the Goddess.
Royal Star of David
It is a surprise to find that the six-pointed Star of David is also
based on the Golden Ratio as follows:
Starting again with the bisected 2 x 1
rectangle (two squares of side 1 unit each) and
circumscribing circle:
1. Draw a circle through the extreme four corners of
the rectangle. Its centre is in the middle of the
2. Using the lower side of the rectangle (2 units long)
as the base for an isosceles triangle, draw the two
sides up to the apex of the circle. Repeat for the
lower triangle. The height of each of the two large
triangles is
3. Observe that there is also a length equal to
minus 1 (0.618) at each end of the rectangle.
The principle of God therefore includes that of
the Goddess. Alchemists see the Seal of Solomon.
One triangle points up and the other down,
symbolizing the famous formula As Above, so Below.
The Ratio of Osiris
Commencing once again with the bisected 2 x
1 rectangle (two squares of side 1 unit each) and
circumscribing circle:
1. Draw a circle through the extreme four
corners of the rectangle, with its centre in the
middle of the bisection.
2. Extend the bisection up until it
meets the circle. The height of
this line is
3. Rotate this line to the
horizontal and form a square.
The area of the square is
4. Draw a concentric circle of one unit radius from the centre of the
original circle. This circle has an area of
5. The area of the new circle is
exactly 20% larger than the
area of the square.
Leonardo de Vinci understood this
relationship by the mathematical
= (6/5)
The constant (6/5), which is of course 1.2, is known as the Ratio of Osiris.
The error in estimating
from and the Ratio of Osiris is only 0.002%.
Appendix 9 A Note on the Scholar Robert Graves
Robert Graves had a uniquely brilliant span of knowledge about
ancient times. He is highly acclaimed as an author, poet and classical
scholar. His histories of Roman and Greek times in I Claudius and the
Argonauts received many accolades. I Claudius became a successful
television series.
Graves books demonstrate extensive academic investigation. He
corresponded with collaborators such as Sir Ronald Storrs, Classical
Scholar and Orientalist, who was also a successor in office to Sergius
Paulus and Pontius Pilate.
One of Robert Graves major achievements is the least
understood. He re-established the lost knowledge of the Celtic Bards by
deciphering their holy tree alphabet.
A key feature of Graves method is that he publishes in true
Popperian fashion, baring all to public criticism. There is rarely much
criticism because few can keep up with his logic and even fewer can
critically match the breadth of his argument.
Graves' independent career risked all on the maintenance of
reputation and he is highly respected for this. His non-fiction book The
White Goddess and historical fiction novel King Jesus are prime examples
of Graves' straightforward semi-circular saw analysis.
Graves is always incisive, eloquent, tested, important and scarce.
He constantly thinks about his own thinking in a feedback correction that
consciously avoids bias. His cognitive approach to personal psychology
and honest authorship based on argumentative self-disputation were not
formally recognized by US pioneer psychologists like Albert Ellis until at
least 20 or 30 years after Graves used it. Furthermore, despite the
awesome power of his mind, Robert Graves is a humble man. His respect
for the beliefs of all parties and the careful language of his books
demonstrates this, while not obscuring the thrust of his scientific approach
to mythology.
Appendix 10 Atbash Cipher
The Atbash Cipher is an old cipher used in the book of the
Prophet Jeremiah based on the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew
The cipher is applied by substituting the first letter of the
Hebrew Alphabet aleph with the last letter tav, the second letter beth by
the penultimate letter shin, and so on.
The new word that results from the encryption is equivalent to the
original word. It is very easy for the person employing the cipher to
create new words since the new word only has consonants like its
originating word. This is because the Hebrew Alphabet is composed of
twenty-two consonants and excludes vowels.
Letter Name
Letter Equivalent
Aleph (silent) Tav A Th
Beth (B/V) Shin B Sh
Gimel Resh G R
Dalet Qof D Q
He Tsadeh H Tz
Vav (V) Feh W P
Zayin Ayin (silent) Z O
Chet Samech Ch S
Tet Nun T N
Yod Mem Y M
Kaph (K/Kh) Lamed K L
The Atbash cipher converts Babel (
meaning Babylon, to Shishak (ShShK).
This is
achieved by substituting Beth, Beth and Lamed with
Shin, Shin and Kaph respectively.
A second Atbash method is cyclic rotation
with the alphabet as an endless loop. This is an
example of a cipher-wheel or alphabet clock. A
particular output letter is found by moving either
clockwise or anti-clockwise a certain number of steps from the input
letter. Another numerical sequence such as six, six, six or eight, ten,
twelve, fourteen is provided from other information. This indicates the
particular number of steps to shift. The shift direction can vary from
clockwise to anticlockwise for various letters in the same word.
Cyclic rotation together with regular letter substitution gives rise to
the full Atbash Tableau called the Alphabet of Hiyya.
It has 22 rows
and 22 columns. The Atbash sequence
AThBSh is the first row. The
second is
AShBR through to the twenty-second row, which is AABT.
Multiple versions of the Alphabet of Hiyya result from irregular
letter substitution. This gives rise to 484 different permutations of the
Atbash Tableau.
Other cipher techniques include writing a word backwards, called
Thrashraq (see Appendix 11 for an example in the Triangular Manuscript
of St Germain), and Gematria extension and contraction of words keeping
the same numerical value.
Full text cipher techniques sometimes vary the calligraphy to create
irregular size letters or misspelling. These imperfections might indicate
the intended letters. Sometimes the correct letters are a certain number of
places to the right or left of an imperfection.
Alternatively, a whole text can use equidistant letters sequences to
build words. The word Torah exists in Genesis.
Another full text technique is to use the physical layout of the scroll
or parchment to create words vertically or diagonally for those who have
the eye to see. This is how Daniel read the words on the wall in
It is also the way that the Priestly Blessing embodies the Holy
Further cipher expansion and contraction is
required to achieve a final solution.
Yah is the God of Jedediah, Baal
the God of the King of Tyre and On the God of Hiram Abiff.
are just three of the many names of God.
Appendix 11 Triangular Manuscript of Comte St
Manly P Hall of the Philosophical Research Society described the
Triangular Book of Le Comte Saint Germain as the rarest of occult
manuscripts. He kept his exciting and highly prized manuscripts in a
vault. After the death of Manly P Hall, the Getty Centre in Los Angeles
purchased two of the triangular manuscripts, MS209 and MS210. Simple
substitution deciphers these manuscripts to ritual text written in French.
The two manuscripts are described as follows:
MS 209: 31 folios. Parchment. Triangular. 210 x 244 x 244mm. [Comte
St. Germain] 'No. Soixante & Seize'. De la collection maconnique du F :
illustre F : Antoine Louis Moret fondateur, et Véné honoraire de la R : ...
La Sincerite No. 122. Ex president du Souv : Chap : la Triple union Or :
maitre, Elu, chevalier commandeur, patriarch, Prince & Govr : Prince des
tous les ordres macon : et des tous les Rites : Francais, Ecossais, Anglais,
irelandais, Prussiens, &c. &c. &c. Govr : G : insp : Gene : du 33e degree
S : P : D : E : Or : de : New York Etats unis L'am : du Nord 5810. Ex
Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem Terrarum Per
Cucurrit. [Blue and gold ink on various leaves of ruled parchment. Text in
cipher with three magical illustrations in gilt and several other colors of
ink.] This manuscript, bought from Frank Hollings, a London antiquary,
after 1933 (he apparently was unaware of the Hauser St. Germain
manuscript [MS 210 - below]) came from the occult library of Mme.
Barbe, who had it from the bibliographer Stanislaus de Guaita, who in
turn bought it at the auction of the library of Jules Favre. It is a copy made
from one of the magical texts in the possession of St. Germain by the
owner's permission. A number of such copies were executed for the
members of his Masonic lodge in Paris, and the following manuscript, as
different in style as it is, may be one of the copies too. It is unclear in both
cases whether the Comte St. Germain wrote these magical formulae or
owned a copy of an ancient text. This manuscript was made for Antoine
Louis Moret, a French emigre to America active in Masonry and in
MS 210: 24 folios. Parchment. Triangular 237 x 237 x 235mm. [Comte
St. Germain.] Ex Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem
Terrarum Per Cucurrit. This manuscript was offered at the Hauser Sale in
1933 (item no. 527). The key to the cipher in an accompanying bound
volume was provided with the lot. A typed French transcription and
English translation are to be found in the bound volume, inserted in the
slip-case. Another French translation is in the bound volume
accompanying the other copy [MS 209] of this text, provided by the
bookseller. The litany of St. Germain's miracles -- his eternal
youthfulness, his incomparable painting of pigments made from the colors
magically pulled out of gemstones, his endless wealth, his invisibility, his
brilliant sonatas and inspired performances, the flaws removed from the
King's diamonds, metals transmuted, languages spoken, friends among
the long-dead -- these and many more tales, and a few unflattering
references in the shards of eighteenth century diplomacy constitute his
whole legend, the story of a man who whispered words of unheeded
advice in the ear of Marie Antoinette and whose image remains the
centerpiece of newly fabricated mythologies. There remain a number of
remarkable contemporary testimonies and unsolved puzzles. As for hard
evidence, there is none. St. Germain has been described as the greatest of
the European adepts. His prodigious knowledge of history and philosophy
was often commented upon in his day. In a letter to Frederick II, Voltaire
described St. Germain as "the man who does not die." This manuscript
bears an attribution on its face not independently verified in any source.
The Translation:
Robert Word studied the Triangular Manuscript in French and
made an English translation in 1979. The Philosophical Research Society
gave him ready access in several stages. First, he received the Triangular
Book itself, which is cipher plus diagrams. From this he copied out pages
of the cipher text and attempted to decipher it. Then he was given the
cipher key and later the French text to translate this French text to
While Robert Word believes his translation to be accurate, it is
possible that the French text did not encompass all of the cipher text.
Furthermore, the colored figures are an important part of the part of the
Robert Word was also able to review the notes of Manly P Hall
made on the text. Manly P Hall was apparently trying to turn "ton Levite"
into "Ton le Vite" and allude to vibratory chanting.
A feature of the manuscript is Thrashraq, which is writing
important words or names backwards to produce an elementary cipher.
The Triangular Book of the Count of St. Germain
The Holy Magic revealed to Moses discovered within an Egyptian
monument and preciously preserved in Asia under the emblem of a
winged dragon.
1. To find things lost in the seas since the flooding of the globe.
2. To discover mines and diamonds, gold and silver within the bowels
of the earth.
3. To preserve one's health and prolong one's life for a century, and
that with the freshness of fifty years, and the strength of that age.
You should do your operations for the first two objects only when
the sun, earth, and moon are found in conjunction in the same line, and
within the same plane. As for the third marvel, you may perform the
operation at any time, but it is necessary to carry on your person a figure
like that which you see here.
You shall take an appropriate vase (made of any material) and fill
it with fire which you shall exorcise in the following manner:
O Creature of Fire, I exorcise you by Him by whom all things
were made in order that you shall remove from yourself all phantoms.
Bless it, O eternal Father, for the glory of thy holy and immortal Name.
Thou who lives and reigns through all the centuries of the centuries.
A Levite which you shall have with you shall respond:
Next, you shall bless the incense and four lamps in the following manner:
0 eternal God, sovereign Being, bless this incense and these lamps in
order that their strength and their virtue shall augment the fear of their
enemies, that they may not enter herein. Thou who lives and reigns
through all the centuries of the centuries. Your Levite responds:
You shall pour this incense so blessed upon the fire and light the
lamps before your operations. The small concentric circle is the place
which you shall take during these operations. The other circle which is
below is the place to be occupied by your Levite; you shall be clad as in
the days of the sacrificial ceremonies. Upon entering your circle you shall
have in your left hand the following figure. Your Levite shall follow you
in carrying the characters of revelation.
When you shall have arrived at the destined place, you shall give
back to you Levite the figure with which you entered; then the Levite
having occupied his, you shall bless his circle in pronouncing these sacred
NOTAMARGATET, -- bless that circle -- bless it YANODA --
bless it
MIOLE -- bless it ALAG -- bless it AOTHIO -- bless it SORIDIS --
bless it
APHAL -- bless it AGEMO, bless it THOBASSA -- bless it ARIF --
bless it
BCEORA, Thou who lives and reigns through all the centuries of
the centuries. Your Levite shall respond
Next you shall invoke the spirits to whom I have given the power
to preside over the hours of the night in commencing from the side where
the sun rises, saying:
From the side where the sun sets:
From the highest side of the circle:
From the lowest side of the circle:
You shall then make the following invocation on the side where
the sun rises, prostrated upon the ground:
We invoke you
YANAEL and CALMAS, LEASO and VIANOEL; we command you by
Him by whom all things were made and by all the other names of the
ETERNAL, and by these:
NOTAMMARGATEL who is the Lord God exalted before you and
represented invisibly near this circle; Let me know by a just inspiration if
you judge me to be dignified by the purity of my soul -- the places where
there are mines of diamonds, gold, and silver, those who find precious
things lost in the seas -- to prolong my life in health and that for a century
-- I request these favours to be granted without incurring danger, risk, or
peril, by Y and V which Adam understood, by the name
AGLA for the
preservation of Lot and his family from the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah.
By the name Joth, for the deliverance of Jacob from the persecution of his
brother. By those of
and by the other names of the
ALL-POWERFUL who truly lives and
reigns. Such is the
WILL of Him who created all, and Whose empire
endures through all the centuries of the centuries. Your Levite shall
You shall place upon your head with your left hand the figure
which you gave to your Levite; then if your soul is pure, it shall be
exalted. You shall feel yourself to be inspired; you shall lend an attentive
ear to all that which the aerial spirits shall whisper, having care to trace
from right to left on a brass plate the inspired characters which; you shall
bless with these words:
Blessed Be
THEOS. You may communicate these things to no person because
you would render unworthy my divine bounty and you would not have the
success for which you have obtained hope.
You shall then take the figure which was upon your head with the
same hand; then holding it in both hands and prostrating in adoration you
shall pronounce these characters:
In the name of the Eternal my God, true master of my body, my
soul, and my spirit, go, go in peace; retire that you may accompany me
always, and be ever ready to come when I shall call you.
Appendix 12 Painted Ceilings at Crathes Castle
Crathes Castle, near Banchory, was the seat of the Burnetts of
Leys. The castle was commenced by the 9
Laird, Alexander Burnett, in
1553 and completed by his great grandson, also Alexander, the 12
It is now owned by the National Trust for Scotland.
Room of the Nine Nobles
Beam 2
As a dog turneth to his owne Vomit, so the foole
returneth to his own foolishnes.
Blessed is the Riche, which is founde without blemishe,
And hath not gone after nor hoped in money &
They that rejoyce at the fall of the righteus,
Salbe taken in the snare & anguishe,
Sall consume them before they die.
Leme gallant youthes to aternise your name,
As did thir nyn with deids of endles fame
Whose martial actes nobilitates for ay
Their glourious names not deing or decay.
Hector of
I nyntein kings, help of any slew
A thousand Greeks in on day I overthrew.
Had not Achilles slayn me tressonablie
Troy yit had stand & lost no libertie.
Alex' the
I Alexander conquest in short space,
The world & Joyt this monarchie in peace,
Yet all this wealth fulfilled not my desire,
Sick was my lust by mesure to Impyre.
Julius Cesar
***** was emperiour & wan
By armies Africk, egipt, franco & Spain.
I past the rhyne & dantit Germanie,
Brutus at hame syne slew me crewalle.
Betymes I will destroy even
All the wicked of the land,
that I may from Gods citie cut,
The wicked workers hand.
Josuae the
Noble Chiftan
of Israell
Joshuae of Jewes first was frie
Ane & threttie kings conqerit he,
And reft thame of there lands also,
The floode Jordan he parted in tuo.
This Judaes manheid all Israeli maid frie
From servile yok of heathen tyranny
He Vincult Licias & Antiochus,
After gryt weris slayn by Demetrius.
King David
For wit & manheid David was maid king,
From schepirds ranke over all Israeli to ring,
He slew the gryt Goliath hand to hand,
And did gryt damage to the heathen land.
A league wit Scottis of mutuall amitie,
This Charlis maid to last eternalie
Whais successors observis the same alway,
Inviolat unto this present day.
Charlis the
This Charlis was for his Christian faith renownit,
And emperiour for deids of armis crounit
He be his micht & worthie chevalrie,
Was cheif defence of Christianitie.
King Arthur
King Arthur crounit was Emperiour & wan,
Gryt bounds in France & all the lands of Spain.
The knichts of the round table, he ordaind
Whais priase sall sound, unto ye warldes end.
From rage of Turks, this Godofried, maid frie,
The holie land to Christian libertie
Gryt Soliman he slew and crounit was king,
Over all the land of Jurie for to ring.
Seaze not thy Hart on welth or earthlie gains
They perish suine but honor still remains
Gude reder tell me or thou pas whilk ofthir nyn
maist Valliant was
****** in earth hes spent there deyes
The Green Ladys Room
Beam 1
A maidin but modistie
A clarke but courtesie
A howsewyfe langinge fairleis to see
Wants all there seimleist propertie.
The begining of wisdome is the feare of the lord & the
knowledge of holie things is understanding.
The mouth of everie wicht
Defames that graceles man
Quha by his sloothe tynes onie richt
That his forbears wan.
Say not to they nightbour go & cum agayne &
tomorrow will I give you, if thou now have it.
The curse of the lord is in the house of the wicked,
but he blessed y habitatione of the righteus.
Praise be to him quhoise verteus deids,
Throughe payn and labor greins,
Schame to the belliegod yat feids,
On sueat of others brawis.
Thoughe the deceatfull speake favorable beleve
him not, for he hath seven abhominations in his hart,
Intending hurt against his nighbour, seing he doeth
duell without fear by the.
At vertues stoole lerne first thy grounds
Renounit if thou walde be
In segnarie conteins all bounds
Of true nobilitie.
The sluggard is wyser in his awen conceit then
seven men that can render a reasone
Stryve not with a man causlesle when he hath
done the no harm.
Thryce happy is that man indeed
That weids ane vertues wyf
Sho is ye blessing of his seid
And comfort of his lyff.
The slothfull hand makethe poore, but the hand of the
diligent maketh riche.
Blessed will his house for ever be
Quhe servis the lord always
Thais wallis his awin posteritie
Inherit sall for ay.
The lord will not famishe the soule of the righteous,
but the soule of the wicked salbe consumed
Wine, wemen taken insatiablie
Has brocht gryt kings to miserie
Therefor my god I pray to the
Keep me from crymes & harlotrie
The tresures ofwickednes profite nothing,
riendship ss delyvereth from death.
Ane avarious mans
As to him selfe hydropolie.
For quhy the mair in welth he flows
The thirst for riches gryter grows.
A wise sone makethe a glad father, but a foolishe sone
is an heaviness to his mother.
Contermne no man in miserie
Augment with spyt no poore mans
For fortunes false inconstancie
May cause his case be thine tomorrow.
As the vapour and
rien of the chimney,
goeth before the fyre,
so evil words, rebukes, and threatnings go
before bloodscheding.
riendshi all naughtie companie
From fools no
riendship crave
Keip fellowschip with such as be
Both wittie sage and grave.
A theifis better than a man that is accustomed to lie,
but they both sall have destruction to their heritage.
The goode man sall give inheritance unto his childrens
children and the riches of the sinner ar layd up for the
All that are proude in hart ar an abominatione to the
lord, though hand Joune hand he sall not go unpunished.
Appendix 13 Jewish Rites of Tammuz
Extracts from Ward, JSM 'Who was Hiram Abiff', The
Baskerville Press Limited, London, 1925.
The vision of Ezekiel in circa 594 BCE
gives a clear picture of
the secret rites of Tammuz. He starts as follows:
He brought me . . to the door of the inner gate that looks towards
the north where was the image of Jealousy which provoketh to jealousy.
What was the Image of Jealousy opposite the north gate the
symbolic place of darkness? It was Ashtoreth, that is to say, Astarte, the
Great Mother, the Lover of Tammuz. In II Kings
we read that the good
king Josiah broke down and defiled the high places which Solomon the
King of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth, and also for Chemosh and
Milcom. So that there should be no doubt of the situation of the shrine of
Ashtoreth, we are carefully told that it was on the right hand side. As the
temple had its Sanctuary in the west it follows that the right hand side was
on the North. The exact spot on which the shrine of Astarte stood was the
Mount of Olives.
about B.C. 600, gives us the following significant
details concerning one of the ceremonies performed in honour of Astarte,
whom he calls The Queen of Heaven, which was one of her later titles.
Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the
streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood and the fathers kindle the
fire, and the women kneed dough to make cakes and to pour out drink
offerings unto other Gods.
Here we should note the use of bread and wine for a sacra mental
feast, while we know from similar observances else where, which
survived in Europe up to the 19th century, that these cakes were in the
shape of the male organ.
Ezekiel 8. 3. sq.
II. Kings, 23. 13.
Jeremiah 8.17 sq.
N.M. Penzer, Ocean of Story, Vol. H. p. 13. Note 3.
Moreover, Jeremiah complains that even the remnant who fled to
Egypt after the fall of Jerusalem would not abandon this custom, and to
his protests gave an answer which explains exactly the purpose of these
obscene emblems, and of similar incidents connected with the worship of
the great Fertility Goddess, who by then had largely absorbed the
attributes of the Moon, just as her son and lover has partly absorbed those
of the Sun.
They answered Jeremiah saying
, The Word that thou hast
spoken unto us in the name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee, but
will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth out of our own mouth, to burn
incense unto the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto
her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the
cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then had we plenty of
bread, and were well, and saw no evil. But since we left off to burn
incense to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto her,
we have wanted all and have been consumed by the sword and by the
And when we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and
poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her
and pour out drink offerings to her without our men (husbands).
From this answer we learn that the worshippers believed that
unless they offered the Goddess these Phallic cakes they would receive
from her no harvest. The reason is clear: the corn God represents the seed
which is buried in the womb of the earth. The male organ of the drone bee
is literally plucked out by the Queen bee and remains embedded in her for
the rest of her life; it is in this way that she is fertilised, but at the cost of
the life of the drone. In like manner Attis and Tammuz die that the earth
may be fertile, hence the reason why the Priests of Cybele and of Artemis
at Ephesus had to castrate themselves and offer up their male organs to
the Goddess.
Therefore the Jewish women, like other worshippers of the Great
Goddess, offered as substitutes for the male organs of their husbands,
models made out of the Flesh of the slain corn God, and poured out
Jeremiah 44. 16 sq.
It was the women alone who carried the obscene emblems in the
procession of Isis in Egypt. Frazer. Adonis Vol. 2. p. 112
wine to symbolise the blood which naturally flowed when the human
male organ was cut off, as in the case of the Priests of Cybele.
In order to make themselves one with the God, the worshippers
ate the bread and drank some of the wine. Similar rites were performed all
over the world to the Goddess of Fertility, and here we have clear
evidence of their survival among the Jews up to B.C. 587.
We learn further that naturally these offerings of cakes were made
only by the women and at the shrine of Astarte at the north gate. No doubt
it was at this time that the women wept for Tammuz slain, whose sad fate
they thus commemorated while hoping thereby to gain an abundant
We also see why fire played an important part in these old rites.
The children gathered the sticks; at one time they formed the fuel for the
sacrifice of burning! The men lighted the fire; they had begotten the
children, and hence the symbolism of the act! It was the women, however,
who made the cakes, for from them come forth men, as does corn from
the Earth.
But what were the men doing while the women were busy at the
north gate? We shall find that some of them were at the centre in a hidden
vault, namely the tomb itself, while others stood watching the east so that
they might proclaim the resurrection of the slain God; that the corn would
come forth from the womb of Mother Earth; that a new son of the
Goddess would be born, destined like his father to wed the Goddess and
thereby lose his life. Thus Astarte was every year a widow, and her son
But though the women had their duties outside the closely barred
door of the hidden mysteries, they were evidently not admitted therein.
This was the mens house and therefore we will return to Ezekiel and see
what he says on the subject, having thus decided whom the Figure of
Jealousy represented and what was taking place before it.
The Altar of Sacrifice
Ezekiel dismisses most of what is taking place before Astarte
with the words, see . . . . the great abominations which the House of
Israel committeth here,
and then turns to something which seemed to
him even worse, And He brought me to the door of the court; and when I
looked, behold a hole in the wall;
Then said He unto me, Son of man dig
now in the wall; And when I digged in the wall, behold a door. And He
said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations which they do
here. So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping thing and
Ezekiel 8.6.
Ezekiel 8. 8.
abominable beast, and all the idols of the House of Israel, portrayed upon
the walls round about.
We thus learn that this vault, which still exists, see illustration
page 100, was close tiled by being filled in with wet plaster or mud during
the ceremony. The creeping things, etc., would be the animals and beasts,
such as the bee, the serpent, and the goat, sacred to Astarte, who with the
other Gods were painted in frescoes round this chamber. We also notice
that the prophet does not call these the Gods of the Canaanites but of the
house of Israel, a most significant fact. What was happening in this close
shut chamber away from the light of day?
And there stood before them the seventy men of the Ancients of
the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah, the son of
Shaphan, with every man his censor in his hand, and a thick cloud of
incense went up.
The first fact that strikes us is that there were seventy, plus a
Master of Ceremonies, whose name is given. We are told these were the
ancients of Israel, and as we know that the Sanhedrin at the time of the
second temple consisted of 72 of the elders of Israel, we can hardly fail to
recognise that these men are the Sanhedrin. This would explain the bitter
indignation of the true prophet who thus saw the spiritual rulers of the
people presiding at what, to him, were unholy rites. But there were only
71, where then was the missing member? We may be sure he was there,
but perhaps he could no longer speak, and was either simulating a corpse
or, more probably, in grim earnest lying stiff and cold. He no doubt was
the representative of Tammuz whom the women were bewailing above
ground at the North gate.
This explanation is supported by the emphasis laid on the use of
incense. There were apparently no statues in this rock hewn tomb, for
otherwise assuredly Ezekiel would have mentioned them. He carefully
says, however, that the figures were painted on the walls of the chamber,
and incense is not offered to frescoes in religious ceremonies.
Let us refresh our memories as to what happened in Babylonia at
the lamentation for Tammuz. The dirges were seemingly chanted over an
This actually exists to-day in the South East corner of the Rock of
the altar of sacrifice and leads into the vault. See later ref. Dean Stanley. Sinai
and Palestine also Dudley Wright. Masonic Legends, p. 87 sq.
effigy of the dead God, which was washed with pure water, anointed with
oil and clad in red robes, while the fumes of incense rose into the air, as if
to stir his dormant senses by their pungent fragrance and waken him from
his sleep of death.
Thus we see that the stress laid on the use of incense is perfectly
intelligible: there was no need for Ezekiel to go into details which were
well known to every Jew, while if the figure was in truth a dead man his
repugnance in referring to it is perfectly intelligible. The Babylonians
who were more civilized at that epoch than the Jews may well have
substituted an image for a man, just as the Greeks did later; perhaps when
all went well the Jews also had learnt to do the same, but in the hour of
dread and danger, blood, and only human blood, could satisfy the
The prophets of Jehovah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, had pro claimed
that He had doomed Judah to destruction. What then of the Great Mother.
Perhaps she at least would hear them? But in this hour of extremity no
paltry substitutes would suffice. We may well believe that the frenzied
worshippers of Astarte cried, It is meet that one man should die for the
whole people. And who but the High Priest of Tammuz could prove an
acceptable sacrifice?
But Ezekiel leaves us in little doubt on the point, for in the next
chapter but two he says :—‘Moreover, the Spirit lifted me up and brought
me unto the East gate of the Lords house, which looketh eastwards, and
behold at the door of the gate five and twenty men, among whom I saw
Jaazaniah, the son of Azur, and Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, Princes of
the people. Then said He unto me, Son of Man, these are the men that
devise mischief and give wicked counsel in this city: which say, Let us
build houses: this city is the cauldron and we be the flesh.
The meaning of this phrase seems obscure, but we will follow it
up in a moment. Meanwhile we obtain one of the keys to the problem,
two verses further on, in the fiery denunciation of the Prophet.
Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, ye have filled the
streets thereof with slain. Therefore, thus saith the Lord God; Your slain
whom ye have lain in the midst of it they are the flesh and this the
Frazer, Adonis, Attis, Osiris. 3rd ed. Vol. I. p. 9.
Ezekiel 11. 1 sq.
cauldron. . . . Ye have feared the sword, and I will bring a sword upon
you, saith the Lord God.
Here, from the burning and justifiable wrath of the prophet we
learn that these twenty-five men, in order to avert the threatened attack by
the Babylonians, had recently had a great Day of Blood, no doubt like
that of Cybele in Rome, but with fatal results. We learn also that
Jaazaniah was one of the Princes of Israel, and have previously seen that
the old Syrian Kings considered that they were incarnations of the God
Tammuz. Thus there can, I fear, be little doubt as to whether it was a real
or simulated corpse which lay in the rock hewn tomb while the voice of
lamentation went up at the North gate.
The reference to the cauldron and the flesh must now be
considered. Jeremiah when the Lord asked him What seest thou?
answered, And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is
towards the North. It will be noticed that the face of the pot is towards
the place where stood the shrine of Astarte: the place of darkness and of
the Underworld, which is most significant. At first sight it might be
thought that this pot was merely a parable, but it appears that it was really
one of the chief causes of the wrath of Jehovah, since it stood for a Pagan
Rite which He abominated. There is a widespread magical process of
which we find many traces whereby if a man is slain, cut up and boiled in
a pot, he will be restored to youth and life. According to Greek legends
Medea took advantage of this superstition to encompass the death of her
father-in-law, and the ancient British God of the Sea had a magic
cauldron in which he placed the bodies of men who had been slain in
battle and brought them back to life again.
In the High History of the Holy Graal we have a very unpleasant
story concerning such a cauldron. The Son of a King who followed the
Old Law was slain by a Giant.
Sir Gawain killed the Giant and brought
back the boys corpse, whereupon to his amazement the father took the
corpse, cut it up, boiled it in a cauldron and then distributed the pieces
among his chief men.
Jeremiah 1. 13.
Mabinogion pp. 87, 44. Everyman ed
The High History of the Holy Graal. Trans. by Dr. S. Evans. Every-
man ed. p. 76
Many competent critics now consider that the Graal legends
incorporate incidents from the old cult of Adonis,
a view with which I
agree, and if so we at once see that this cauldron was used by the Jews to
perform a ceremony intended to assist in the rejuvenation and resurrection
of the slain Adonis, and for this reason it was placed with its face towards
the North. Whether the worshippers, like the King and nobles in the Graal
story, partook of the ghastly food, we cannot definitely say, but
unfortunately this seems probable. We know that similar cannibalistic
feasts take place among savage tribes; we know that the corn was spoken
of as the body of the Dead God, and as such was consumed as a
sacrament by the worshippers; we know that the wine was likened to his
blood, and that these substitutes were an amelioration of an older
cannibalistic feast. Therefore, at a time of crisis we may well fear that the
frenzied Jews who followed this cult would not hesitate to go so far.
Indeed, the very denunciations of the prophet point in this
direction. We know that the Prophet of Jehovah after referring to some
idolatrous practice constantly says a similar fate shall fall upon the whole
For example, in this very passage Ezekiel, after referring to these
slayings, says that the men who did them shall in their turn be slain.
Moreover, a few chapters later in denouncing Judah he says : Thou
hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast born unto Me, and
these hast thou sacrificed to devour them. Thou hast slain my children and
delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them.
The combined effect of these two passages indicates quite clearly
that not only were the children sacrificed by means of fire, but they were
actually eaten.
In verse 13 of chapter 2, Ezekiel tells us that Pelatiah died.
Perhaps herein we receive a hint as to who was the silent corpse in the,
secret chamber, for there Jaazaniah alone is mentioned by name.
But there were other incidents connected with these rites of
Adonis, for He said also unto me,
Turn thee yet again, thou shalt see
greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the
J. L. Weston, The Quest of the Holy Graal.
See also the fate of the false prophets in Jeremiah 14, 15.
Ezekiel, 16. 20 sq.
Ezekiel, 8, 13.
gate of the Lords house which was towards the North;
and behold there
sat women weeping for Tammuz. And he said unto me, Hast thou seen, 0
Son of Man? turn thee yet again, thou shalt see greater abominations than
these. And he brought me into the inner court of the Lords house, and,
behold at the door of the Temple of the Lord, between the porch and the
altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs towards the Temple of
the Lord, and their faces towards the east; and they worshipped the sun
towards the east.
We learn further that they put the branch to their nose. This
might appear to be only a sign of derision, but a branch or a tree is always
closely associated with Tammuz, as we have already seen, and Mr.
Stanley Smith of the Assyrian Department of the British Museum agrees
with me that this also was one of the ritual practices of the cult. The soul
of the slain man was sup posed to enter into a tree, which symbolically
grew out of the grave. The original idea was that the seed which was
planted and died transmitted its soul to the plant or branch which grew
That the Jews enacted a tree drama, similar to that in the Cult of
Attis, is shown by Jeremiah. For the customs of the people are vain: for
one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman,
with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails
and with hammers, that it move not.
They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs
be born, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them.
This clearly indicates the ceremonial carrying in of a decorated
tree, probably with an image of Tammuz fastened thereon, as we find
elsewhere, particularly in the worship of Attis.
We know that they said of a stock, i.e., a pillar of wood, Thou
art my father. These stocks were plain pieces of wood, merely trunks of
trees, and it is clear that they were not only symbols of the phallus but
also the residing place of the Spirit of Vegetation. Among many primitive
Where stood the figure of Astarte and apparently the seething
Jeremiah 10. 3. sq.
races the belief is current that the souls of those waiting to become
incarnate dwell in the trees, so much so that many races think that a
woman can become pregnant if the seed or flower of certain trees falls on
her. Thus certain Central African races believe that if the purple blossom
of the banana tree falls on the back of a woman, even though she be
unmarried, she will have a baby.
In this belief we have the cause and origin of many stories well
known to the students of folk-lore in which a virgin gives birth to a child
because she has smelt a flower, eaten a fruit, or perhaps merely handled
either. For example, Attis himself is said to have been born because his
virgin mother, Nana, placed a certain seed in her bosom. Nana,
incidentally, means Mother, and is of course the name of the Great
Mother. Probably the answer given to the inquisitive child to-day who
wants to know whence the new baby has come, namely, that it was grown
on a gooseberry bush, is the worn down tradition of this once almost
universal belief. Fantastic as it sounds, even now many tribes do not know
that a woman cannot become a Mother without the help of a man.
say that she becomes a mother only when a soul which is waiting for the
opportunity can slip inside her, and the most common method adopted by
these waiting embryos is to hide themselves in a seed or flower, or merely
fall from a bush on to a woman. Races who still hold these beliefs are the
tribes of New Guinea and the Australian blacks. Hence to these people
there is nothing very remarkable in a virgin birth.
Now all these tribes believe in re-incarnation, and their line of
argument runs somewhat as follows:We bury our dead in the ground,
and lo, a tree or plant grows from the spot. This contains the life-principle
of him who dies, his soul is in it, and from it he leaps into a woman and so
once more is born. Frankly, the modern man who, while acknowledging
that a human being has a soul, appears to believe that that soul is created
by the same procedure that creates the infants body is even more
illogical, for how can a material act create an immaterial and immortal
The doctrine of re-incarnation attaches to the Spirit of Vegetation
in a much higher degree. The God dies and is buried, a tree springs up
Rev. J. Roscoe, The Baganda, pp.47 sq.
Prof. Malinowski, The Beliefs of the Trobriand Islands, New
from his grave, and therein resides the soul which can again enter into
flesh. So powerful is this divine soul that it can, as it were, eject, or at any
rate overshadow, the ordinary human soul resident in a suitable body, and
take its place. Therefore certain of the ceremonies of the Vegetation Cult
include elaborate details for transferring the soul of the dead God-man
into a strong and healthy physical body, which hence forth is supposed to
possess the Divine Soul, and ultimately suffers the same fate as its
predecessor. Among such rites are raising the Corpse and drawing in the
dead mans breath; stepping over the corpse or over its grave, etc. Thus it
would appear as though the transference of the Divine soul of Adonis in
Judea was made by someone sniffing a bough which had either formed
part of the Adonis tree or had been planted on his grave. This fact
explains the significance of the sprig of acacia in masonry.
We now understand why the Jews said of a tree trunk or Stock,
Thou hast begotten us. The actual passage is as follows :
Saying to a stock, Thou art my father:
arid to a stone,
hast brought me forth: for they have turned the hinder part of their necks
to me and not the face.
The authorized version says, Backs but the above is the literal
Hebrew and conveys an important piece of information. Their backs
might be merely allegorical, but the other phrase admirably depicts what
the twenty-five elders were doing, i.e., with heads bent back gazing
upwards, watching for the sun to rise above the horizon, which would
indicate that the soul of the dead Tammuz had arisen and passed into the
bough which his successor was about to sniff.
Thus we see in both scriptural passages a reference to the worship
of the sun and to a tree, and in each case the primitive idea is clearly
rebirth, or the resurrection of the slain God, Tammuz, over whom the
women at the north gate were weeping, while the seventy and one elders
in the tomb were by means of prayer and incense striving to raise him.
We can have little doubt that a sprig, possibly of acacia, was sticking in
or Hast begotten me.
These seem to have been flat stones with a socket into which the
Stock was set. These would symbolise Mother Earth, and the Stock the Spirit
Vegetation. The Phallus and Yoni symbolism is obvious.
Jeremiah, 2.27.
the rock of sacrifice, beneath which lay the human representative of
Tammuz, while the silent watchers waited for the golden dawn in the East
to proclaim the great truth Adonis, the Lord, hath risen from the dead;
the whole earth will be fertilised through his Divine energy. Then, no
doubt, the watchers seizing the bough or tree sniffed it ceremonially.
Thus we see a tendency to unite in Tammuz, the Vegetation
Spirit, or Corn God, and also the Sun God, nor is evidence lacking that he
also gathered up details which in strictness belonged to the Moon. For
example, the mourning for Adonis lasted three days, which is meaningless
if he was either a purely Solar or a purely Corn God, whereas the Moon
vanished from the sky for three whole days every month. On the other
hand, this occurs thirteen times in the year and not once a year, as does
the burying of the seed. Astarte also takes on, at quite an early date, the
attributes of the Moon and of Venus, a point which is of some importance
to us. It should also be noted that she was from the very earliest not only
the Goddess of Love but of War and Destruction, therein showing her
similarity to Kali in India, and giving a good reason why her mate should
bear such a title as He who destroys.
The date of the mourning for Tammuz seems to have been near
Midsummer in Judea, in other words, at the gathering in of the Harvest,
which in Palestine takes place in two sections :the barley in April and
the wheat towards the end of May and the beginning of June. The second
half of June and the first half of July is still called Tammuz by the Jews.
The mourning synchronized with the threshing,
hence the significance
of the fact that the Temple was built on the threshing floor of Arunah the
Jebusite. It is generally believed that it actually occurred about
Midsummer Day, or St. John in Summer, as we should call it, and
Professor Jastrow says :—‘ The calendar of the Jewish church still marks
the seventeenth day of Tammuz as a fast, and Houtsma has shown that the
association of the day with the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans
represents merely the attempt to give an ancient festival a worthier
Compare the ritual death and resurrection rite among the Australian
Blacks. See Chap. XX.
Frazer, Adonis, Attis, Osiris. 3rd ed. Vol. I. p. 231.
Prof M. Jastrow, The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. pp. 547,
We have thus learnt from the Bible itself a good deal about the
Rites of Tammuz, and here and now we must note that 600 years later
than the time of Ezekiel, namely in the days of Josephus, the Essenes
worked a secret Initiation Rite of four degrees, and though regarded as
good Jews, nevertheless prayed to the Sun just before the dawn as if
invoking Jiim to rise.
Surely this fact is most significant and suggests
that in the Essenes we have at least one of the links by which the old
Adonis Cult, cleansed and purified, was passed on to the Roman Colleges
of Architects, and so, via the Mediaeval Comacine Masons, to us.
Let us now recapitulate what we have discovered concerning the
Rites of Adonis among the Jews, as revealed in their own writings. There
were three courts in the Temple of King Solomon, which may hint at
three degrees. The first was the womens court, beyond which they were
not permitted to pass, and which therefore would symbolise birth. The
second court was that of the men, and obviously symbolises life in this
world of work and war. The third was restricted to the Priests, and it was
here that the great natural rock altar of sacrifice stood; on this the burnt
offerings were made, and beneath it was the mysterious rock- hewn
chamber, still in existence. Is not this the open grave the tomb, the
symbol of death and also, be it noted, of sacrifice?
Beyond this lay the porch, whence the twenty-five elders looked
east towards the Sun. Here at times stood the throne of the King; may we
not call it the chair of the Master? Behind lay the enclosed part of the
Temple, divided into two, and into the Sactum Sanctorum only the High
Priest himself might enter.
To us the porch would symbolise the Installed Master, the risen
King, and beyond lay the mystery of the unity of the God head and the
Sacred Name, while the innermost secrets were reserved for the High
Priest, who would correspond to the J. of the R .A., and his ceremonies to
the Masonic degree of High Priest, which seems to have been originally
part of the secrets of J.
It will be noticed that if so, the King or Master sat in the West,
which is precisely what we still find in an Operative Lodge, and the
Josephus, The Wars of the Jews, 11.8: Antiquities 18.5. par. 9:
18. 1. par. 5.
Ward, An Explanation of the R .A. Degree.
present position in a Speculative Lodge may be due to the increasing
triumph of the Solar Cult over the old Vegetation Cult.
Students are of the opinion that the Kings of Judah were anointed,
crowned and enthroned between the Pillars, and we know that Adonis in
other Syrian Kingdoms was the Divine King of the city. His robes were
red, like those of the Z. in the R .A., and when the Roman soldiery in
mockery crowned Jesus they robed him in Royal red
in a manner similar
to that in which the figure of Adonis lay in state.
The women were certainly not in the secret vault, that is clear,
and therefore the regulation which debarred them from approaching
nearer to the altar than their own court was not exclusively a Jehovistic
command. It is thus quite probable that there were in Judah, just as there
were in other ancient religions, an exoteric and an esoteric Cult. The
ordinary worshippers never got further than the substituted secrets, which
in this case would be an explanation that the ceremony was a magical one
intended to increase the fertility of the soil; the Priests, however, who
entered the Temple itself, learnt there not merely an allegorical
interpretation of the external ceremonies, but, still more important, that
God was one, and one only. This teaching, which as masons well know,
forms the essence of the R .A., is common to many faiths, but in Judea it
seems as if some members of this supreme degree, filled with zeal for the
true God, refused to remain silent. They shouted from the house tops their
great discovery that there was but one God, and, despite persecution, and
probably in many cases death itself, persisted in their teaching.
Nevertheless, there may have been other spiritually minded men
who, while recognising that the old Adonis Cult as it then stood contained
much that was repulsive, perceived that it also contained much that was
good, and therefore set themselves to purge it of certain objectionable
elements. And we shall see in the next chapter, in the writings attributed
to King Solomon, there seems to be the beginning of an attempt to attach
an allegorical meaning to some of the ceremonies. After the Captivity this
school of thought, I suggest, used this Cult as an allegory, and by
dramatic representations taught the great truth that death does not end all,
for beyond the grave of the willing sacrifice lies the resurrection, and only
Purple in Biblical and classical times means Red, not the violet
colour we now call purple.
by that path can men truly enter into the knowledge of God. These men, I
consider, were represented in the days of Josephus by the Essenes.
Let us now concentrate on what the Adonis Rites were:
(1) There was a tree and the slaying of a God-man; which
ceremony may in times of prosperity have been merely a dramatic
representation, but in times of stress, as even to-day in India,
no doubt
men were slain.
(2) There was a ceremony with a cauldron.
(3) The women offered cakes in the form of the phallus to
Astarte, and wept for Tammuz, the cakes being clearly a substitute for the
male organs of their husbands.
(4) Meanwhile in a secret cave under the altar of sacrifice the
Elders were endeavouring to raise the slain man to life.
(5) In front of the altar, and facing the rising sun, twenty- five
other Elders were invoking the Sun, waiting for it to rise, as that was the
sign that he who had died as a man had entered into Heaven as a God.
(6) After that a branch of a tree played an important part and was
sniffed by some of the worshippers. This branch was apparently growing
out of the grave of the dead man.
(7) There was a sacramental meal consisting of bread and wine,
symbolising the body and blood of the Vegetation God, which in all such
Rites replaces a more cannibalistic feast, hinted at in the presence of the
cauldron, which later appears in the Graal legend, even in the 12th
century. This feast seems to have been an integral part of the Essene
Now all these features were, as we have seen, characteristic of the
Rites of the Great Mother and her lover Son all over the world, and most
In January 1915, I stood in the Kaligat at Calcutta and saw the goats
being slaughtered as a sacrifice in front of the door of the Temple of Kali. My
Brahmin guide said, Before the British came they sacrificed men to her, and
even now when famine visits the land the people secretly offer a man to the Great
Goddess. Kali represents the destructive side of Shiva, but she is also the Great
Mother. She is the only Divinity in India still worshipped with blood sacrifices.
of them in a more decent form survive in Freemasonry to-day, either in
the Craft or in the higher degrees.
Moreover, we have not yet exhausted all the information
concerning these ceremonies which we can obtain from the Bible itself,
and in the next chapter we shall learn a good deal from two books which
are supposed to have been written by King Solomon.
There existed, however, among the Jews not only the open Rites
of Adonis but also an inner secret ceremony. Can we there fore trace any
further features of the Adonis Cult, and in particular what was supposed
to befall the Soul of the representative of Adonis during the three days
between his death and resurrection? This quest we will take up in the next
chapter but one, for there is no doubt that the legend of Jonah deals with
this theme.
The Jews, like the nations around them, had a mystery system at
the beginning of the Christian era. This consisted of the four degrees of
the Essenes
and has always been a problem to students of antiquity, for
our knowledge is, alas, somewhat limited. What we have, however, is
definite enough and will bear recapitulating here.
They were a celibate order among the Jews, first mentioned in the
time of Jonathan Maccabee (161 -144 B.C.), but although this is the
earliest record of their existence the authorities agree that they were of a
far earlier origin. The three earliest authorities are Philo,
Pliny the
, and Josephus.
Eusebius quoting a lost book of Josephus also
gives us some interesting details, and one of the last references to them is
in Epithanius, who died in A.D. 402.
Our best account is that given by Josephus, in which he tells us
that the Essenes were mostly ce1ib but that a few of them did marry. That
they formed a kind of brotherhood and could recognise each other, so that
Encycl. Brit. Vol. 9. p. 779, also Vol. 2. p. 457 sq.
Philo, Quod omnis probus.
Pliny, Nat. Hist. V. 17.
Josephus, The Wars of the Jews. U. 8. Antiquities. XIII. 5.para.9:
XVIII. 1.para.5.etc.
when traveling from city to city they neither took food nor money with
them because their brother Essenes would always supply them with the
necessities of life. They held all goods in common, despised riches, and
led very frugal lives. As he seems to have been admitted to the first
degree, although he went no further, he undoubtedly knew of what he was
speaking. He says, As for their piety towards God, it is very
extraordinary, for, before Sun-rising, they speak not a word about profane
matters, but put up certain prayers, which they have received from their
forefathers, as if they made a supplication for its rising.
On ceremonial occasions they clothed themselves in a white
garment and we are also told that they assembled in an apartment of their
own, into which it is not permitted to any of another sect to enter; while
they go after a pure manner into the dining room, as into a certain holy
temple. We learn that they were famed for their fidelity, truthfulness and
mercy, were particularly charitable to the poor and distressed, while they
abominated lax conduct or profanity.
Now if anyone hath a mind to come over to their sect, he is not
immediately admitted, but is prescribed the same method of living which
they use for a year, while he continues excluded, and they give him also a
small hatchet and the aforementioned girdle and the white garment.
when he has given evidence during that time that he can observe their
continence, he approaches nearer to their way of living, and is made a
partaker of the waters of purification; yet is he even now not admitted to
live with them; for after this demonstration of fortitude, his temper is tried
two more years and if he appears to be worthy, they then admit him into
their society.
And before he is allowed to touch their common food, he is
obliged to take tremendous oaths, that in the first place he will exercise
piety towards God and then he will observe justice towards men, and that
he will do no harm to anyone, either of his own accord or by the
command of others; that he will always hate the wicked and be assistant
to the righteous; that he will ever show fidelity to all men and especially
Note the axe, the emblem of Sandan, etc., and the same as the gavel,
likewise the cord and the badge of innocence.
to those in authority, because no one obtains the government without
Gods assistance.
That he will neither conceal anything from his own sect, nor
discover any of their doctrines to others; no, not though anyone should
compel him so to do at the hazard of his life. Moreover, he swears to
communicate their doctrines to no one any otherwise than as he received
them himself; that he will abstain from robbery, and will equally preserve
the books belonging to the sect and the names of the Angels.
These are
the oaths by which they receive their proselytes to themselves.
But for those that are caught in any heinous sin, they cast them
out of their society. . . . What they most honour, after God Himself, is the
name of their legislator,
whom if anyone blaspheme, he is punished
They also think it a good thing to obey their elders and the
majority. Accordingly, if ten of them be sitting together, no one of them
will speak while the other nine are against it.
Now if my brother masons will cast their minds back to their own
ob. and to the charge after initiation they cannot fail to be struck with the
Josephus further informs us that the society was divided into four
distinct degrees, one above the other, that the members believed that man
had a soul which survived death, therein differing from the Sadducees,
and that after death the souls of the righteous go to Paradise, whereas the
wicked are in a place of punishment. His words are:
But when they are set free from the bonds of the flesh they then,
as released from a long bondage, rejoice and mount up wards. And this is
like the opinion of the Greeks that good souls have their habitations
The phrase, Names of the Angels has always puzzled the
commentators, who suggest messengers. A more probable explanation is that
the names of the angels were the pass words of the degrees.
Some commentators suggest that this legislator was Moses, but
without producing the slightest evidence. On the contrary, had it been Moses
undoubtedly Josephus would have said so. Who this semi divine legislator could
have been we can only surmise, no doubt he was a reputed founder of the Order,
perhaps Solomonpossibly Hiram Abiff.
This means having the head cut off. Clearly the legislator who could
be blasphemed must have been semi-divine.
beyond the ocean in a region such as is refreshed by the gentle breathing
or a West wind, that is perpetually blowing through the ocean; while they
allot to bad souls a dark and tempestuous den, full of never ceasing
punishment. And indeed the Greeks seemed to me to have followed the
same notion when they allot the Islands of the Blest to their brave men,
whom they call heroes and demigods; and to the souls of the wicked, the
regions of the ungodly, in Hades.
From the concluding lines it is clear that Josephus means that the
Essenes, like the Greeks, believed that the Paradise of the good was in the
Isles of the Blest. Later on he tells us that the Pharisees also believed in
the immortality of the soul. They say that all souls are incorruptible, but
that the souls of good men only are removed into other bodies, but the
souls of bad men are subject to eternal punishment.
This passage seems to imply that whereas the Essenes believed in
the ultimate re-incarnation of both bad and good after a period spent in
Purgatory or Paradise, the Pharisees believed that only the good were
ultimately reborn on earth (in a body) ; the wicked remained in perpetual
torment. He further tells us that the Sadducees did not believe in any form
of immortality at all.
If the Essenes were descended from the old worshippers of
Adonis we should certainly expect some trace in their beliefs of re-
incarnation, since that doctrine underlies the whole of the beliefs
associated with Tammuz. In any case Josephus account is of great
importance to us for it records several details which indicate that the
Essenes were really a reformed version of the old Tammuz cult, and that
they are a very probable link in the chain of the evolution of that cult into
modern Speculative Free masonry.
Firstly the worship of the sun is very remarkable in an orthodox
Jewish sect. Ezekiel thundered against it at the time of the Babylonian
Captivity, and yet we thus find it still going on among a recognised sect
of the Jews, circa 70 A.D.. More significant still, his denunciation of the
Solar Worship is linked up with a denunciation of women weeping for
Tammuz. And from that account we learn that Ezekiel either in the flesh
or, more probably, in a vision saw three sets of heathen practices taking
place about the same time in the Temple itself.
(a) The elders of Israel in a secret underground chamber offering
incense to all the Gods of the Syrians and Canaanites.
(b) The women weeping for Tammuz at the North Gate.
(c) Twenty-five Elders of Israel, with their backs to the Temple
itself, looking towards the East and invoking the Sun.
Thus we see that the worship of the sun and the lamenting for
Tammuz were closely interlocked, and yet we find the Essenes
invoking the Sun at Dawn. Moreover, Ezekiel accuses the King of
Tyre of claiming to be a God, a claim which the King would certainly
consider himself entitled to make as an incarnation of Tammuz. Therefore
we are bound to conclude that Ezekiel was attacking a semi-secret cult of
Tammuz, or Adonis, popular in Jerusalem, which acknowledged the King
of Tyre to be the living representative of Tammuz.
It is obvious that Hiram of Tyre, who lived in the days of King
Solomon and David, could not have been alive 500 years later, and yet
Ezekiel speaks as if it were the same man who had helped to build the
Temple. He even says that he walked in Eden, which itself seems to imply
that he knew and believed the Rabbinic legends which say that Hiram was
allowed to enter Paradise alive because of the important service he had
rendered to King Solomon. The only feasible explanation is that Hiram,
like Pharaoh, is a title, and that Ezekiel, hearing men speak of a Hiram,
King of Tyre, thought that he was the same man as had helped Solomon,
and this probably explains why he seemed so distressed at having to
denounce him for what he regarded as a falling away from the light.
What, however, we must now realise is that a rite which involved
invoking the sun at dawn, and which was denounced by Ezekiel in the 6th
century B.C., was still being performed in 70 A .D. by an Order which
had secret initiation Rites, and taught the doctrines of the resurrection and
of re-incarnation. This Order, I suggest, was merely a reformed and
purified survival of the old Tammuz cult. If this be so we can well
understand why they tested their candidates so rigorously and bound them
by tremendous penal oaths.
The more closely we investigate the Essenes the more clear it
becomes that on the one hand they were derived from the old Cult, and on
the other passed on some of their ceremonies to kindred secret societies,
such as the Dervish rites, which still survive in Palestine. The ceremonial
bathing or kind of baptism which the Essenes practised was always
associated with the Adonis and Attis rites. It has survived in the Operative
rituals to day, although it is no longer enforced. According to the ritual
the candidate has to step right into a bath, after which he is clothed with a
long white garment, opening in front. I know quite a number of men who
had to go through this ceremony only ten or twelve years ago. Although
the bathing has now been omitted the white robe is still used, and similar
robes were in use in old Dundee Lodge, a Speculative Lodge, in the 18th
century, and were still in existence, though not in use, up to 1904, when
they were destroyed.
Similar robes were in use in Boston, U.S.A. in
The convenience of these robes when testing a mans virility is
obvious, and this was a custom which had not died out in Wales 40 years
The celibacy adopted by the majority of the Essenes was almost
certainly a mild substitute for the emasculation at one time demanded by
the Great Mother, which still at this date (A .D. 71) was exacted from the
Priests of the more primitive forms of the cult at Heirapolis and
The four degrees have a striking similarity to the Masonic
arrangement of the three Craft degrees and the R .A.. It is also worth
mentioning that the Essenes had a strong objection to slavery, and
protested against it as unjust and a violation of the brotherhood of man.
Have we here the origin of the Masonic objection to receiving into the
Order anyone who is not free? At any rate we may feel sure that any slave
made an Essene was immediately set free, and therefore the Order would
contain only free men. It may be noted that this humanitarian attitude was
unique at that time in the ancient world. Even the best Pagans saw no
harm in slavery, indeed accepted it as inevitable.
The very name Essenes presents an interesting problem. The
commentators have been entirely unable to suggest its derivation, except
that it may come from a Persian word, and here their arguments are far
from convincing. Now Diana, or Artemis of Ephesus, who was of course
merely another form of Astarte, had an order of Priests who were either
A. Heiron, Ancient Freemasonry and Old Dundee Lodge, pp. 49 sq.
called Essenes or at any rate had a High Priest over them known by the
title of Essen.
These priests were eunuchs, and the common name by
which they were known was Megabuzoi, which indicates a Persian origin.
It therefore seems probable that this Jewish secret society derives its
name, not from a Hebrew word meaning the Pail, as some have
suggested, but from the name also applied to the Priests of the Great
Mother at Ephesus, who like them were naturally celibates. The emblems
of this goddess were the bee, the lion, the goat and the bear, and three of
these are closely associated with Freemasonry.
The striking similarity of their obligation to ours and to our E .
Charge seems to link this order with Freemasonry. That all traces of the
old fertility cult were not extinct even among the orthodox Jews is shown
by the Festival of Purim. This feast, right down into the 18th century at
any rate, had nearly all the characteristics of the Roman Saturnalia, and
one of the most extraordinary features was the hanging of a figure of a
man on a tree or cross. The man was said to be Haman, but modern critics
are agreed that this is a substitute for the old fertility god.
See Artemis.’’ Encyl. Brjt. Uth. ed. vol. II.
Frazer, Scapegoat. p. 392 sq.
The double-headed Eagle of the Kadosh is also the insignia of a
Patriarch in the Eastern Church, and five years ago (1919) was bestowed on the
Archbishop of Canterbury by a vote of the Eastern Synod. In short it is still the
badge of an Eastern Priest-King.
See Appendix 9
Midrashim are traditional interpretations of Scripture based on legends. The commentaries are on
both legal and non-legal issues
Baigent, 1983, pp56-58
For the purpose of this book, the author prefers to focus on the Indo-Hittites rather than the broader
Indo-European population group
Bloom, p4
Pike describes the bowls in the Great work purported to be taken from the 29th Degree (Scottish
Elder Master or Knight St. Andrew) ritual
A nanometer is one thousandth millionth of a metre
Calculated from test results provided by Hudson
Hudsons Portland workshop
Concord Research Corporation, 19 June 1989
Interview with David Hudson in Tampa, Florida, 31 May 1996
Hudsons Los Angles Lecture
Hudson, Science of the Spirit Foundation Newsletter Issue 5, February 1996
Hudson, Science of the Spirit Foundation Pre-Shipment Information, April 1998
Hudson, Science of the Spirit Foundation Newsletter Issues 6& 7, March/April 1996
Hudson, Science of the Spirit Foundation Pre-Shipment Information, April 1998
Ginzberg, Vol III, pp194, 243 & 395 and Hancock, p276; see also Morgenstern, p20, note 25 and
The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol II, pp105-106
Bardeen, John, Robert J Schrieffer and Leon N Cooper (1972) for their jointly developed theory of
superconductivity, usually called the BCES - theory
Bednorz, J George, K Alexander Muller (1987) for their important breakthrough in the discovery of
superconductivity in ceramic materials; Lee, David M, Douglas D Osheroff and Robert C Richardson
(1996) for their discovery of superfluididity in helium-3
1 Samuel 5:6-12 and Sassoon & Dale, p228
Josephus, Antiquities 6:1.1
1 Samuel 4:3ff
Ginzberg, Vol III, pp157 & 228 and Hancock, p276
Zohar 3:67
Hudsons source material has the following characteristics:
Element Oz/ton Percent
Ruthenium 250 10.34%
Rhodium 1200 49.62%
Palladium 5 0.21%
Osmium 150 6.20%
Iridium 800 33.08%
Platinum 12.5 0.52%
Gold 1 0.04%
Schwaller De Lubicz, p197
Ancient and Near East Texts 287-288 in Prichard, Vol. 1, p200-201
The first invasion in 597BCE is mentioned by Josephus in Against Apion, although he obtained
his information from Berossus, and by Eupolemus who derived his information from Alexander
Jeremiah 52:1730
I Maccabees 1:21-23
Josephus The Jewish Wars VI-254 to 277
Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, p395-6
Josephus The Jewish Wars VI-254 to 277
Josephus The Jewish Wars, see Williamson & Smallwood, pp358-359
Schonfield, 1956, p5
Genesis 15:18 & 1 Kings 4: 20. Redford DB, Thutmose I and the Euphrates JSSEA 10 (1979), 68-
9, Liverani Prestige and Interest, pp. 38-9 and BAR II par.70-73 for identification of the Tuthmose
Is northern boarder at the Euphrates River, which is inscribed as " far as the inverted water which
goes downstream
Graves, 1961, p150
Kenyon, pp255-256
Prichard, 1974, p35
Bloom, p22
1 Chronicles 2
Velikovsky, pp148-154
Velikovsky, p159; Davies, pp53-54; Evans, p257
Gardner, pp266 & 310
Hall [1937], pp140 & 150 refers to The Initiation of Plato from a play called The Freemason,
printed in Paris in 1867 and reproduced in a magazine entitled The Kneph
BoM 19 refers to Ecclesiastes 2:8. See also Mathers, p101
Herodotus, Book 2, 111 and 132
Josephus, Antiquities, Book 8, Chapter 10
II Chronicles 12:2 & Jeremiah 25:26
1 Kings 11: 26-40 & 12: 1-17
BM8 (British Museum)
The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus ruled 193 to 211CE
Schonfield, 1984, p66 & Mathers, p11
Isaiah 11:1-11
Jeremiah 25:17-26
Joint expedition of the Hebrew University and the Albright Institution for Oriental Research, see
Gitin, S, T Dotan & J Naveh in Qadmoniot, Journal of the Israeli Exploration Society, 1997
1 Samuel 21:10
Revelation 18 to 21, thought to be written about 95CE
Mishnah is a collection of oral laws that forms the first or oldest part of the Talmud. These oral
laws were formulated between 135-220CE by Rabbi Judah ha-Kadosh also known as Judah ha-Nasi.
Some of this oral tradition dates from at least the first century BCE with the Elders of the Sanhedrin,
Rabbis Shammai and Hillel.
Graves, 1961, p14
Mathers, p272, note
Temple, 2002, p84
Ward, 1921, pp28 & 32-33; Mackey, On, pp619-620 & Hall [1950], p44
Yarker, [1878], p15 Note 16
Graves, 1961, pp464 & 469-471
Graves, 1961, pp464 & 468
Graves, 1961, p414
Graves & Patai, p38 note 3
Genesis 1:2
Habsburg, pp86-87
Graves, 1961, pp390, 392-393, 333, 418
Graves, 1992, p34 4.1, p55 13.4; Pausanias ix. 19. 2
Graves, 1992, pp13-14
Graves, 1992, p15 & p125 31.7
Graves, 1992, p19 & p187 53.3
Graves, 1992, p405 110.2 & p543 138.5
Graves, 1992, p15
Graves, 1992, p18 & p365 103.1
Graves, 1992, p85 22.1 & p42 7.2; Plutach Greek Questions 39
Graves, 1992, p255 75.4
Graves, 1961, p333
Graves, 1992, p47 9.4 & p107 27.1
Graves, 1992, p612 154.9
Graves, 1992, p347 98.5 & 98.6; Proclus Chrestomathia 28
Graves, 1961, p373
Graves, 1961, p332
Graves, 1961, p325
Graves, 1961, p325
Graves, 1961, p330
Graves, 1992, pp87-88 23.1, p316 92.2 & p108 27.2
Graves, 1992, p316 92.4
Graves, 1992, p297 88.8; Pliny Natural History xxxvi. 85; Scholiast on Euripides Andromache
1139; Homers Iliad xviii. 592; Lucian On the Dance 49
Graves, 1992, p343 98u & p346 98.4; Plutarch Theseus 21
Homer Iliad xviii. 592
Graves, 1992, pp345-346 98.2
Graves, 1992, p346 98.3
Graves, 1992, p370 104.4
Ecclesiastes 11:30
Genesis 32:24-28
Song of Songs 2:1, Graves, 1961, p261
Ward, 1925, p113
Ward, 1925, pp117-118
Song of Songs 1:17; Graves, 1961, pp 265, 338 & 339
Canticles 2:1
Isaiah 35:1
Ward, 1925, p34
Graves, 1992, p72 18.7, p95 24.11 & p275 81.1
Temple, 1998, pp114-115
Patai, pp 20 & 27
Patai, p99
1 Kings 10:2
1 Kings 3:1
Graves, 1961, p356
Phillips, 2002, pp114-117
Wildung, p172
Wildung, pp170-175
Wildung, pp138-145
Hall, 1929, p401; note Isiac means of Isis, rather than of Isaiah
Rohl, pp175-176
1 Kings 9:15
Numbers 20:1 & 13
II Chronicles 8:11, Psalms 2:6, Joel 2:1 and 3:17, Daniel 9:16 and 9:24, and Nehemiah 11:1
Isaiah 48:2
Bernal, Vol 1, pp69 & 70
Hall, [1937] p69
Graves, 1961, p337
Horizontal dendrogram from hierarchical cluster analysis of data presented by Nei and
Roychourdhury 1993, see also Nei 1995, 1996
Magee, p34
Nature, 5 December 2002, the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium
Cavalli-Sforza , 1998
Horizontal icicle plot with clusters combined using the average linkage between groups method
(called UPGMA)
Cann, Stoneking and Wilson, 1987
Nei and Takezaki 1996
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis; Rotation Method: Oblimin Oblique Rotation
with Kaiser Normalization. Correlation of Components: Asian to Caucasian 0.307, Asian to African
0.615, Caucasian to African 0.119
Data Set I; Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis; Rotation Method: Oblimin Oblique
Rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Correlation of Components: African to Caucasian/South Asian
0.121, Caucasian/South Asian to North Asian/ Amerindian 0.517, African to North Asian/
Amerindian 0.00. Chimpanzee to Caucasian/South Asian 0.763, to African 0.415, to North Asian/
Amerindian 0.671
Wolpoff, Wu and Throne, 1984
Morgan presents the controversial Aquatic Ape theory of Sir Alister Hardy 1982 & 1985
Morgan 1990, pp50-58
Morgan 1990, p141
Morgan 1990, pp83-91
Benveniste and Todaro, 1976; Todaro, 1980; Todaro, & Bonner, Birkenmeier, Gonda, Mark,
Searfross, 1982; see also Morgan 1990, pp176-179
Morph or mt. Hpa 1-1 is commonly found in Asian man and Orangutans but not in the ancient
African populations of the Pygmy and Bushman
Natasja G. de Groot et al
See American Association of Physical Anthropologists 66
Annual Meeting; Hammer, et al 1997,
Hammer, et al 1998; and Harding, et al 1997
Jin, Li and P Underhill, V Doctor, R W Davis, P Shen, L Cavalli-Sforza and P Oefner
Dawkins, p272 note 43 and pp276-277 note 9
Yogananda, pp320-321
Semen, 1996; and Cavalli-Sforza , 1998
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p532
Vinci, p115 quotes Treccanis Encyclopedia; see also pp118-119 & 219
Vinci, pp 11, 120, 131 & 201
Baring & Cashford, p156
Graves, 1992, p573 146.1
Graves, 1961, p62
Graves, 1992, p598 151.3
Graves, 1961, p241 & Graves, 1992, p589 149.1
Graves, 1992, p297 88.7 & p596 151e
Geoffrey of Monmouth, pp72-74 & 286
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p531
The Elba Tablets of Tell Mardikh in north-western Syria, excavated in 1964, contain early
Hebrew-Canaanite language in Sumerian cuneiform
Exodus 21:24-25
Hershel Shanks Scrolls, Scripts & Stelae - A Norwegian Collector Shows BAR His Rare
Inscriptions BAR Sept/Oct 2002
Lambert, pp137, 141,146, 161, 173
Genesis 2:10-14
Gilbert 1996, p117
Manley, pp36 & 50
Manley, pp56-57
Manley, pp36 & 44
Greywacke is grey sandstone of biotite, chlorite, felspar, hornblende, magnetite, pyroxene, quartz
and serpentine minerals in a fine-grained clay matrix.
Petrie; pp99-100 & 131-133; see also Marston pp61 & 168-170 for biblical comment.
Wildung, pp86-87
Eckenstein, Petries student, pp6-7 & 39-40
Herodotus, Book II, 104 & 105
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp25, 26
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp272
Ward, 1921, p193 6° of Ancient & Accepted Rite
Josephus History of the Jews Book I:22; Clearchus of Soli; Higgins, Godfrey vol. I; pp 400-405
Graves, 1961, p339
Graves, 1961, p339; Graves, 1992, p327 95.5
Graves, 1992, p42 7.2-7.4
Graves, 1961, p341
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p289
Allegro, 1970, p249, note VIII.54
Graves & Patai, p208 note 5
Sitchin, "When Time Began", p105
Wolkstein & Kramer , pp53-54
Allegro, 1970, p237, note VI.24
Allegro, 1970, pp 234 & 235, note VI.16
Graves, 1992, p600 152g
Graves, 1992, p602 152.5
Graves, 1961, p339
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p291
Graves, 1961, p339 quoting 1 Kings 4:33
Genesis 10: 2
Nennius, s18
Graves, 1961, p132
Graves, 1992, p598 151.3
Ezekiel, 38:17
Odyssey XI, 13-16,19; Graves, 1955, p170.4
Graves, 1961, pp207 & 237-238
Bernal, Vol2, 1991, p231
Reid, Howard pp 216-221
Adam of Bremen IV, 19; Vinci, p138
Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum VII, VI, 8; Vinci, p138
Gardner, pp245-247
Ashmole [1715], p15
Collins, p119
Ferdowsi, pp47-48
Zend-Avesta, see Collins, p119
Eliade, p99
Graves, 1961, p218
Graves, 1946, p326
I Chronicles 2:54,55
Plinius mentions Magan in Arabia.
Genesis 10:8
Sanheribs report about the Meluhhan help for Hiskija.
The discussion on the Meluhha comes from Bjarte Kaldhol on the Ancient & Near East forum.
Deuteronomy 2:23
Besor is the dialectal form of Misor.
Exodus 2:18, Exodus 18 & Numbers 10:29
Briffault, vol3, p108
Ezekiel 9:4
Joyce, p52
Graves, 1946, pp402-403
Graves, 1992, p38 6.2
Ward, 1925, p62
Ovid The Death of Orpheus Book XI, 1-94, pp249-251; see also Graves, 1961, p99
Ovid Medea and Aeson Book VII, 288-316, p153 and 159-218, pp140-141
Ovid Tereus, Procne, and Philomela Book VI, 567-596, pp139-140
Exodus 15:20-23
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews Book II, Chapter 4
Graves, 1961, p172
Graves, 1992, p615 155.2
Josephus Against Apion Book II VIII; see also Aberro, Charles, 1976
Graves, 1992, p515 134b
Graves, 1992, p44 8.1; p47 9.2
Graves, 1961, p403
Graves, 1961, p404; Graves, 1992, p71 18.1, p302 89.3 & p651 160.10
Graves, 1992, p302 89.2
Graves, 1992, p417 112.1
Graves, 1992,p32 3.1
Bernal, Vol 1, 1987, p65
Herodotus, Book Two, 42-46, pp101-104
Dawkins, 1985, p95
Graves, 1961, p218
Dawkins, 1988, p62 and p268 note 24
Hall, [1937], Initiation of Plato, Third Tableau, Second Scene, p159
Odyssey X 234-235; Rig-Veda VIII, 29, 1 & IX, 3, 9; Vinci, pp114 & 208
Herodotus, Book 1, 198, p79. Book 4, 194, p and Book 7,31, p386 refer to man made honey.
Graves, 1992, p36 3.1
Graves, 1992, p71 18.3 & p280 82.4
Graves, 1992, p169 47.1
Graves, 1992, p31 2.2
Graves, 1992, p72 18.4
Graves, 1992, p85 22.1; Ward, 1925
Anderson, p23
Graves, 1992, p102 26.1
Graves, 1992, p103 26.2, p111 27.12, p651 160.10
Graves, 1992, p114 28.2
Graves,1992, Forward, p17 & p108 27.2
Graves,1992, pp176-177 50.2 - 50.3, p255 75.4, p359 101.1
Graves,1992, Forward
Mayor, pp 32 to 40
Onat, Yegen, Lawrence, Oktay A and Oktay S
Strabo: Geography
Graves, 1992, p517 134j; Pliny Natural History xxv. 12, 15, 27 & 37
Temple, 2002, pp101-109
Pliny Natural History Book XXV, 59, 106 trans Vol. VII, p215; Temple, 2002, p109
Harris, pp217-221
Eighth to sixth century BCE
Virgil, Book 6, p91
Mead, The Virgin of the World, Vol III, p78
Dawkins, 1985, p35
Graves, 1961, pp389 & 393
Graves, 1961, p472
Ovid Orpheus and Eurydice Book X, 1-100, pp225-228
Hall, [1937], Initiation of Plato, First Tableau, Seventh Scene, p114
Christoph Willibad Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice, 1762, Vienna
Graves, 1961, p399
Graves, 1961, p393
Graves, 1992, p57 14.5
Graves, 1992, p120 30.4
Graves, 1961, p195
Exodus 12:5
Ovid The Doctrines of Pythagoras Book XV, 335-370, p362
Oeuvres de Philon Juif, French translated 1588, p341 see Charbonneau-Lassay, p328
Judges 14:14
Church, Chapter 6
Graves & Patai, p242 note 1
Graves, 1946, p56
Graves, 1961, p356
Genesis 24:15
Watts, p198
Charpentier, p142
Favier, pp32 7 98
Graves & Patai, p154 note 3
Genesis 15:10,17-18; Jeremiah 34:18; the Treaty of Mati'ilu of Arpad and Ashurnirari V; and in
Herodotus VII, 39 the Persian king Xerxes has his army march between the pieces of a cut up man.
Ward, 1925, pp 55, 70, 100, 110, 132 & 134
Exodus 4:24-26
Exodus 24:5-8
Cohn, pp60 & 61
1 Kings 11:1-4
1 Kings 11:41-43
Graves, 1946, p6
Exodus 13:2
Micah 6:7
Judges 11:30&31; Graves, 1992, p715 169.5
Leviticus 18:21 & 20:2; I Kings 11:7, 2 Kings 23:10, Jeremiah 7:35
Jeremiah 17:1-2
Jeremiah 7:31 & 32; see also Graves & Patai p175 note 3
Leviticus 27:29
Leviticus 1:11, Graves, 1961, p441 & Graves & Patai, p32 note 6
Cohn, pp72 & 73
Exodus 34:19&20
Genesis 22:2
Hebrews 11:19
Graves, 1946, p5
Graves, 1946, p5, repudiation or divorce of the Goddesses is found in Ezekiel: 26.
Genesis 17:3-12
Numbers 33:52-3
Deuteronomy 20:16-17
Graves, 1992, p715 169.6
Deuteronomy 20:13-14
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p356
Joshua 6:21,24
Baring & Cashford, p442
Manetho, Aegyptiaca, fragment 42, 1.75-79.2; Josephus, Against-Apion, I, XIV, 75; Tutimaeus is
unknown; the Egyptian word for Hyksos is Aamu.
Velikovsky, p64
Josephus, Against-Apion, I, XXVI
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp357
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p357
Tablet EA 256 (British Museum)
Daniel 2: 46-49
Zuckerman, p47 quotes Ahmed ibn Muhammad Al-Makkari
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp40-41 & Graves, 1992, p399 109.2
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp321
Collins, pp138-139 & 243
Manning dates Theras eruption dated to the later 17th century BCE, probably c.1628BCE
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, pp xxiix
Graves, 1961, p275
Lambert, p53
Bernal, Vol 2, 1993, p408
Prichard, 1955, p232-233, Carnarvon Tablet I.
Prichard, 1955, pp233-234
Annals of Karnak, James Breasted, Vol 2, Sec 416 in Velikovsky, p141
Tablet EA 288 (British Museum)
Schwaller de Lubicz, pp126-135
Cohn 1993, p9
Cohn 1993, p10
Cohn 1993, p21
Cohn 1993, p21
Knight & Lomas, 1996, p127
Collins, p190-191
Sitchin, pp71 & 72
1 Kings 6:1 the Exodus took place 480 years before the fourth year of Solomon's reign
Simms, Kitchen, Lichtheim, Johnson 1988, pp26-46; 1991, pp231-6 and 1996, pp65-82
Wildung, p114
Desroches-Noblecourt, p130
El-Mahdy, p128; Evans, Lorraine, p127
Parkinson and Schofield, pp125-6; Evans, Lorraine, p171
Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica; Eusebius/St Jerome Die Chronik des Hiernyms (Berlin 1956) &
Manetho Aegyptiaca
Evans, pp26-32
Bower, Walter Scotichronicon, edited by D.E.R Watt, Aberdeen University Press, 1993, p112
Josephus retelling of Manethos notice
Papyrus Harris 75 dated to the early reign of Ramses IV
Ward, 1925, pp 101 to 108; Phillips, 2002, pp114-117
Stephen of Byzantium, Ethnica, London, 1925; Phillips, 2002, p271
Graves, 1992, p639 159.4
Graves and Patai, p262, note 1
Phillips, 2002, p119
Bernal, Vol 2, p36
Phillips, 2002, pp27-39
Habakkuk 3:3; Phillips, 2002, pp238-9
Josephus Against Apion derived its material from Berossus' Babyloniaca; see Josephus,
Against Apion Book II, 2
Leiden Papyrus (1350BCE approx.), see Luckert, pp112-113
Exodus 3:14
Graves, 1961, pp266 & 337-8
Graves, 1961, p335
Graves, 1961, p440
Graves, 1961, p424
Graves, 1961, p287
Graves, 1961, p340
Graves, 1992, p29
Gilbert, 1996, p184
Briffault Vol3, p90
Graves, 1961, p366
Graves, 1961, p464
Graves, 1961, p370
Dawkins, 1985, p24
Wilhelm pp 54-55
Dawkins, 1985, p30 & p271 note 19.
Hall [1950], p44, shows that the letters AUM also stand for Artifex Universus Mundi meaning the
Great Architect of the World and by numerical cipher have the sum of 33, as does the name Bacon
Temple, 2002, pp148-159
Phillips, 2002, pp264-272
Williams ab Ithel, p41 and Gilbert, 2002, pp22 & 227
Graves, 1961, pp468 & 248-250
Graves, 1961, pp285-287
Graves, 1961, p468
Yarker, 1878, p14
Gardner, p257: also Ean Begg The Cult of the Black Virgin p103
Ward, 1921, p281
Ward, 1921, p281
Harris, p192
Numbers 6:22-27
Graves, 1961, p469
Genesis 36:13 & 17, 1 Chronicles 1:37, see also Bartlett, p89
Koestler, p11 quotes Ibn Fadlan
Ward, JSM, 1925, p167
Anon, Ordo ab Chao
Koestler, p16 quotes Ibn Fadlan, Istakhri, St Julien, Frazer
The forty two letter name of God is ABG YThTz QRO ShTN NGD YKSh BTR TzThG ChKB
Ward, 1925, pp 96 & 105
Graves, 1946, pp219-220, Graves, 1961, pp119 & 189
Zohar GHA 996 see Mathers, p235
GHA 1094
Zohar GHA, 90:996 see Mathers, p235, where antimony has been substituted for philosophical
Wildung, p 100
Wildung, p 105
Morris Silver: comment on Ugaritic text KTU 1.23; see also Jeremiah 17:1-2 for Asherah poles
Ward, 1925, p35
Foxcroft English edition of 1690
Gesta Danorum III, VI, 24-25; Odyssey XI 174-175, 184-186; Vinci, pp32, 77, 85, 213
Macrobius Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, Chapter XII: 1-5; Temple, 2002, p144
Hall [1937], p59
Hall [1937], p59
Graves, 1961, pp103 & 113
GHA 1090 & 1091
Dawkins, 1985, p285 note 153
LHA 382:
LHA 347 & 363
Pike, Chapter 32 (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret) The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi
The Ancient Mysteries, pp858-861
Act 4, Scene 1
Act 5, Scene 1
Graves, 1992, p96 25a
Mathew 27:46, Mark 15:34 & Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 32°, p377
Hall [1937], p155, The Initiation of Plato, Third Tableau, Second Scene, from the magazine The
Form and Order of the Service to be used on Tuesday, 2
June, 1953 being The Day of
Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II H.M.S.O London
Temple, 2000, p438
Collins, p161
Collins, p163
Moses Khorenatsi, p80, see Collins, p165
Graves & Patai, p147 (g)
Genesis 10
Moses Khorenatsi, pp84-92, see Collins, p165
Genesis 11:31&32
Genesis 24
Genesis 29
Dawkins, 1985, p272 note 25
Bright p70 and Graves & Patai, p132 note 1
Eusebius, of Caesarea, lib 9 & Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews Book I Chapter 7, Para 2
quotes the words of Berossus
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews Book I, Chapter 7, Para 2 quotes the words of Nicolaus of
Genesis 12:9 & 10
Genesis 14:16 & 17
Pande, G D
Roux, p242 & Graves & Patai, p145 Note 1
Genesis 23
Briffault, Vol 3, p108
Bright, pp80 & 91
Gilbert, 1996, pp183-4
Mackenzie, p408 of first edition, 1877
Baigent, p189
Patai, p300
Graves & Patai, p141 notes that there is no scriptural authority for Abraham denouncing the idols
Chwolsohn, pp382-98
Baigent, pp185-187
Lambert, p212
Hall, [1937] pp127-128
Baigent, p185
Gilbert, 1996, p154
Gurdjieff, pp161-164; also Gilbert, 1996, p40
Gilbert, 1996, pp112 - 116
also Yamauchi, p415; Josephus History of the Jews Book I:22; Clearchus of Soli; Higgins,
Godfrey vol. I; pp 400-405
Mazumdar,, p 48
Stoyanov, p6
Stoyanov, pp3-11
Stoyanov p7, refers to the Gathas of Zoroaster, Avestan section of Yasna, 31:20, a book bound
with 7 seals.
Stoyanov, p17
Stoyanov, p10
Gilbert, 1996, p154
Patai, p75
Baigent, p181
Sinclair, 1993, pp 151 & 246, although this has been disputed
Sinclair, 1993, p151; 1996, pp83-84; Wren
Gilbert, 1996, pp 68-70
Psalms 72:10
Higgins, Vol I, pp 421-424
Ezekiel 27:23 & 24
Schonfield, 1984, p131
Briffault, vol3, p85
Revelation 12:1
Genesis 36:39
Genesis 36:39; also Aesch-Mezareph or Purifying Fire, Chapter I
Patai, p443
Leiden Papyrus (1350BCE approx.), see Luckert, pp112-113
Baigent, 1994, p27
Baigent, p27
Zoroastrian Holy Book Bundahishn, see Collins, pp217-218
2 Samuel 8:17 & Luckert, pp143 & 156
Mazumdar,, p48
Graves, 1946, p57
Maccabees 7:13 & 42; See also Mackey, Chasidim, p179 & Pharisees, p656
Mackey, p656
Exodus 25:30, 29:40, Leviticus 27:30ff, Numbers 28:26ff & Graves & Patai, p150 note 5
Graves, 1946, p9
1Chronicles 24
Joyce, pp51-52
Genesis 14; Psalm 110
Graves, 1946, p10
Josephus The Jewish Wars XIII, 8, Antiquities 13:5:9 & 18:1:5; see also Ward, 1925, pp136-140
Josephus, The Jewish Wars, II, 165
Graves, 1946, p332
Comment from Steven Mizrach Re: Rex Deus Yahoo! Groups priory-of-sion Message 38659
1 Samuel 10-15
Collins, p31
Diodorus Siculus The Library of History
Graves, 1946, p308
Kersten, p78
I Maccabees 2: 27; see also Joyce, p54
Joyce, pp9-14 7 & 171-214
Kersten, Holger, pp7-20 & 206-233
Jeremiah 35
Collins, pp147-150
Collins, pp147-150
Marconis (de Negre), 18º, p144, Ward, 1921, p253 & Dawkins, 1985, pp57 & 70
Dawkins, 1985, p57
Marconis (de Negre), 18º, p144; Ward, 1921, p253
Sepher-Toldos Jeshu, the Talmudist authors of Sota and Sanhedrin p. 19, book of Jechiel, and Tela
Ignea Satanae (the Fiery Darts of Satan), all quoted by Eliphas Levi in La Science Des Esprits, 1865,
who is in-turn quoted by Blavatsky Vol 2, p201; see also Epiphanius (Haeres. 78; Antidic. 5.vii.) for
the tradition Josephs family name Panther
Wilson, 1985
Levi, 1913, p208 & 210
Yarker [1909], pp156-7 & 167
Blavatsky Vol 2, p386
Levi, 1913, pp147-148
Drach I pp168-169, translated from the Hebrew in Abbé Chiarini, Le Talmud de Babylone, p. 45
Lexicon Talmudicum, sub Abanarbel and Talmud Babli Sanhedrin 106b, 43a, 51a; see Graves,
1989, p vii
Psalms 2: 7 & 8; see also Graves, 1961, p423
Graves, 1961, p472
The Coptic Gospel of Thomas: 100
Yarker [1909], pp156-7, 167
Graves, 1961, pp473-475
Graves, 1961, p469
Ward, 1921, pp282-283 & 306-307, Yarker [1909], pp168-169
Apocryphal New Testament; p 288 Acts of Paul
Graves, 1961, p424
Penni, p231
Joyce, pp34-37
Mazumdar,, p48
Hebrews 7: 3; Graves & Patai, pp147 & 150
Genesis 14: 18
Hebrews 7:3
Hebrews 7
Graves, 1961, p161
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews Book I Chapter 10, Para 2
Hebrews 7:3 and Schonfield, 1984, p5
Graves, 1961, p118
Allegro, 1970, pp 34, 35 & 102
Eisenman & Wise pp142-145
Exodus 16:31-34
II Chronicles 2-4; 1 Kings 7; and Yarker, [1909], p324
Yarker, [1909], p324
Collins, Andrew, pp25-27
Hancock, pp51-53
Fulcanelli, p103
Graves, 1961, p164 refers to Schonfield Historical Background to the Bible
Graves & Patai, p277 Note 4
Yarker, [1878], p75, note 1
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p282 refers to the similar British remnant
Amos 9:11-12
Schonfield, 1984, pp20-21
Josephus The Jewish War, II, 115 & Zuckerman, p5
Van Buren, p30
Judges 13:2
Zuckerman pp74-75 & 112
Zuckerman pp49-50
Zuckerman p56
Zuckerman p59
Zuckerman p82
Zuckerman p173
Zuckerman pp140-145
Zuckerman p260
Zuckerman pp374-378
Ward, JSM, 1925, p154-157
Mackey, Albert G, p244
Mackey, Albert G, pp736-737 & Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 33°, p401
Bernard of Clairvaux, xix
Yates, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p72-74 & p286; see also Dawkins, 1988, pp106-108
Genesis 49:1,16-18
Graves, 1992, p204, 60.3
I Chronicles 4-9
Judges 5:17
2 Chronicles 9:20-23
Ezekiel 27
Judges 18:11-12
Joshua 19:47, Judges 18:29
Judges 3:3 & I Chronicles 5:23
Unger , p191
Church, p124
Graves, 1992, p196 58.1
Judges 17, 18:30
Jerome Homily 45, p338 & Enoch 6:5-8
Freedman, p158 Hermon, Mount
Doresse, p225
Doresse, p39 note 97
Psalm 68:15,16
Freedman, p.159 Hermon, Mount
Johnson, Buffie, p315
Jerome Homily 66 p70 & Encyclopedia Britannica, 15
ed., 1987, p876, Hermon, Mount means
forbidden place
Cavendish, p1289
Van Buren, p142-143
Morris, p537
Unger , p273
Cirlot, p93
Psalm 110
Keating, p40; & Moore, Vol 1, pp59-63
Baigent et al, 1983, p275
Moore, Vol 1, p60
Van Buren, p141-142
Van Buren, p141-142
Chronicles of Eri., Vol. 2, pp98-103
Moore, pp 86-88
I Kings 9:27; 10:22
Jeremiah 40:2-5
Jeremiah 41:10
Isaiah 37:32 & 2 Kings 19:30
Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica; Eusebius/St Jerome Die Chronik des Hiernyms (Berlin 1956) &
Manetho Aegyptiaca; Evans, pp26-32
Genesis 38:26-29
Judges 9:6; 2 Kings 11:1-4; 2 Chronicles 23:13
Ezekiel 37:22
Genesis 28:12-22
Daniel 2:34
2 Kings 17:5-6
Bosanquet, Vol 3
Apocryphal book of 2 Esdras 13 vs. 40-44
Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 11:5: 2
Antiquities of the British Church, Stillingfleet
Graves, 1992, p378 106c & p381 106.1
Tumer, S, p57 & 87; Milton, Book 3
Phillips, 2000, p256
Bede, p7
Taylor, The Celtic Influence pp19
Reid, pp145-146
Taylor, The Magnet of the Isles pp13-14
Moore, p60
Graves, 1992, p296 88.3
Genesis 38:30
Genesis 49:17
Graves, 1992, p170 48b, p201 60f, p205 60.8 & p567 145.2
Graves, 1992, p330 96.2
Graves, 1992, p208 62.3
Diodorus Siculus 1:28:1 5
Graves, 1992, p28 & Strabo 5.2.40
Herodotus 6:53
Graves, 1992, p639 159.4
National Message Magazine, September 1976, page 268
Graves, 1992, p707 168.7
Maccabees I 12:20-21
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 13: 5;8
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 13: 5;8
Graves, 1992, pp27-28 Note 3: Pausanias viii. I.2
Graves, 1992, p330 96.2
Graves, 1992, p27 Note 1: Pliny Natural History iv. 35 & vii. 67; Homer Iliad xx, 223.
Graves, 1992, p28
Graves, 1992, p125 32b; Pausanias i. 33. 3; Homer Cypria, quoted by Athenaeus p. 334b;
Apollodorous iii. 10. 7
Graves, 1992, p649 160.1
Graves, 1992, p664 162.3
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p72-74 & p286; see also Dawkins, 1988, pp106-108
McCrum, MacNeil & Cran, p56
Diodorus Siculus Historical Library II 47; Vinci, pp 130, 138
Temple, 2000, p242
Moffat, pp73-76; Vinci, p 131
Vinci, pp13-14
Plutarch De Defectu Oraculorum XVIII; Aristotle fr. 687 Rose; Vinci, pp193-194
Tacitus Germania, 34, 2; Vinci, pp194
Odyssey V, 70-74; Genesis 2, 10-14; Vinci, pp194, 210
Smith, p5
Vinci, pp85, 120-121
Vetus Chronicon Holsatiae, p54
Vinci, p115 cites Treccanis Encyclopedia
Plutarch De Facie quae in orbe lunae apparet XXVI; Vinci, pp216-217
Vinci, p117
Genesis 49:1,16-18
Ezekiel 21:25-27
Ezekiel 21:14
Ezekiel 21:27
Luke 1:32-33
Psalm 89:3-4 and 89:20-37
Judges 14:14
Judges 14:8-9
Exodus 31:6,7
Numbers 2:25a
Genesis 49:9
Deuteronomy 33:22
Psalm 22:12,13 & 21
2 Chronicles 2:13,14
Jeremiah 50:4,20
Romans 11:26
Irenaeus, Vol. 302 & Hippolytus, pp. 14 & 15
Jeremiah 8:16
Numbers 2:25 & I Kings 12:28-30
Amos 8:11-14
I Chronicles 4-9
Revelations 7:5-7
Jeremiah 8:15-17
Isaiah 14:29 -31
Jeremiah 4:15, 23-27
Hall, 1923, p108
Cirlot, p93 & Unger , p273
Anon, Ordo ab Chao, p391
Genesis 49:17, Numbers 2:25 & Unger , p273
Baigent, pp199-200
Baigent, p194
The Disciples of Wisdom A fragment of Julian the Emperor (reigned 360-363CE) from Cyrils
Contra Julianum V, 176 (Migne) col. 770A, see Mead, G R S, Vol III, p199
Godwin, Joscelyn, 1996
Gilbert, 1996, p78
Howard, p4
Dobbs, pp271-277
Secretum Secretorum
Temple, 2002, p96
Pliny Natural History 37,64; Temple, 2002, p96
Diodorus Siculus The Library of History, Book II, 51-2 translated by CH Oldfather, Loeb Classical
Library, Harvard University Press, USA, Vol II, pp54-56; Temple, 2000, p417
Steele, R. and Singer, p488
Godwin, 1996
Stoyanov, p12
Allegro, 1979, p114
Stoyanov, p13
Stoyanov, p15
Graves, 1961, p163
Stoyanov, p xv
Stoyanov, p xvii
Stoyanov, p xiv & p1
Stoyanov, p42
Begg, pp53-55 & 3-4
Yarker, 1878, p63 quotes Rymer - Foed. Tom. XII
Patai, p260, see Thermo Judaei (1325-1371 approx.) Physical Questions and Decisions of
Distinguished Men
Temple, 1998, p183 & Budge , 1904, Vol II, p164
Anon Testament of Nicholas Flamel; the child of Saturn is Stibnite Sb
purified by melting
and dripping the melt into distilled water. This turns the water an orange-red color
Fulcanelli, 1991
Plutarch, De Isis et Osiris, xxxiii
Budge, 1974
Prichard, 1955 Fr. 54; Numen. fr. 35; Porph. 'de antro nymph.' 10
Prichard, 1955Fr. 58; Plut. 'de aud.' 41 a
Prichard, 1955Fr. 31; Hippol. 'Refut.' IX 10,4
Bakr Ibn Bishrun 'Treatise on Alchemy' in Rosenthal,
Skinner, Chapter 5
Stedmans Medical Dictionary, p1893
Stedmans Medical Dictionary, p61
Au + 3NO
+ 6H
----> AuCl
+ 3H
O + 3NO
Dasgupta, Rajib, Y Charles Guan and Kenneth N Han The Electrochemical Behavior of Gold in
Ammoniacal Solution at 75°’ Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B, Abstracts, Volume 28B,
Number 1, Feb 1997
Sen, P K, A Sanyal and K K Sen Gupta Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Hydrogen
Peroxide by Gold (III) in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Medium Bulletin of the Chemical Society of
Japan, Volume 69, Number 6, June 1996, pp1543-1548
Fulcanelli, p153
Graves, 1961, p411
Graves, 1992, p401 109.8
Graves, 1992, p56 14c
Graves, 1961, p256 & Graves, 1992, p474 125.1
see also Virgil, Book 6, p92
Graves, 1992, p21 & p126 32.1
Graves, 1992, p125 32a
Hall, [1937], pp152-154, Initiation of Plato, Second Tableau, Eighth Scene and Third Tableau,
First Scene
Graves, 1961, p255
Graves, 1961, p253
Graves, 1961, pp214, 216, 258, 341 & 468
Graves, 1961, p263
Lambert, p76; Graves, 1992, p435, 115.3
Graves, 1992, p424 113.2
Vinci, pp32, 77, 85
Graves, 1992, p383 107a
Graves, 1992, p386 107.1
Graves, 1992, p384 107d
Graves, 1992, p375 105.3
Graves, 1992, p425 113.6
Graves, 1961, pp180 & 375
Graves, 1961, p196
Graves, 1961, p65
Allegro, 1970, p214 note II.23 & p250 note VIII.56 and Wolkstein & Kramer p68
Lambert, pp78, 109-111; Stibnite is Antimony Trisulphide Sb
; also Fulcanelli Les Demeuers
Philosophales (The Dwellings of the Philosopher's) p234
Lambert, p78
Baigent 1994, p187
Pliny Hist. Nat. ix. 36 and Lambert, pp 76, 85-86
Graves, 1961, pp280-284
Graves, 1961, 286
Exodus 23:13 & Aesch-Mezareph or Purifying Fire, Chapter IV
Graves, 1961, p177
Graves, 1961, p177
Lambert, p190
Lambert, pp176-181 & 184
Lucas and Harris, pp254-255; Evans, p255
Rogerii Baconis Angli Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimonii, subtitled On the true and right
Preparation of Stibium to heal human weaknesses and illnesses therewith, and to improve the
imperfect metals, Nuremberg AC 1731, translated by Kjell Hellesoe 1985. See Appendix 2.
Lambert, p212`
one drachm or dram is a unit of apothecary weight equal to 3.888 grams. A fluid drachm is a unit
of volume equal to 60 minim or drops, 1/8 fluid oz, 3.5516ml, or ¾ of a 5ml teaspoon
In Skinner: Vade Mecum - On the Manner of Projection
Patai, p151
Ripley (in Skinner)
Patai, p404
Patai, p520
Lambert, pp205-206
Lambert, p207
The book of Quintessence or the Fifth Being: That is to Say Mortal Heaven. Sloane MS. 73, fol.
10. British Museum: Translated from an edition published 1866 by the Early English Text Society,
Frederick J. Furnivall (ed), translation copyright 1995 Bryan J. Maloney.
Watts , p176
Patai, p12
Allegro, 1970, p237 note VI.24
Patai, p474
Graves, 1961, p164
Graves, 1992, p127 33f & p507 133a
Ovid The Death and Apotheosis of Hercules Book IX, 191, p205; see also Charbonneau-Lassay,
Graves, 1992, p50 12b; Scholiast on Homers Iliad i. 609; Pausanias ii. 36.2 & 17.4
Graves, 1992, p127 33d
Graves, 1992, p513 133.4
Fowden, p123-125
Holmyard, p165
Habsburg, p158-159
Bear on Edmund Spencer's "Faerie Queen", Book 1
Dawkins, 1985, p203
Bear on Edmund Spencer's "Faerie Queen", Book 1
Fulcanelli Les Demeuers Philosophales (The Dwellings of the Philosopher's), p151
Mackey, Abaddon, p1
Anderson, Maxwell L, pp10 & 55
Dawkins, 1985, pp53-56
Marsh, pp40-41
Graves, 1992, p504 132.1
Ovid Perseus and Andromeda Book IV, 611-671, p94
Ovid Death and Apotheosis of Hercules Book IX, 189-223, p205
Collins, p213
Graves, 1961, pp379-380
Graves, 1961, p387 also Lucifer
Revelation 12 & 13
Revelation 13:18
With thanks to Bro. Ezzahir
With thanks to Bro. Ezzahir: the sequence of 3,5,7,9 and 11 the Atbash Cipher maps the Alphabet
PhLA ThYB to Elohim (ALHYM)
Dante Inferno VII canto: Papé Satan, Papé Satan aleppe; Vinci, p145
Vinci, p144
Graves, 1961, p125 & Graves, 1992, p209 63.2
Graves, 1961, p387
Yarker, [1909], p189 quotes from J P Brown The Dervishes
Pickering, Michael and Paul Heard Search for the Hero Artist: M People, publisher: BMG Music
Publishing/EMI Music Publishing
Ovid The Doctrines of Pythagoras Book XV, 371-407, pp363-364
The Coptic Gospel of Thomas: 70
Archbishop Stylianos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia, The Sydney Morning
Herald, April 13-15, 2001 News 7
Ashmole [1715], pp70-71
Habsburg, p20
Ashmole [1715], pp73-74
Carr pp313-4 Les francs-Maçons Ecrases [The Free-Masons Crushed] by the Abbé Larudan,
Amsterdam, 1747
Dawkins, 1985, p58
Dawkins, 1985, p135
Marsh, p169
Marsh, p169
Dawkins, 1985, p296 note 335
Howard, p44
Dawkins, 1988, p267 note 16
Graves, 1992, p93 24.1
Graves, 1992, p311 91.4
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p81-87
Graves, 1992, p19
Graves, 1992, p21 &n p639 159.3
Graves, 1992, p72 18.5 & p212 65.1
Graves, 1992, p544 138.5
Graves, 1992, p235 72h & p276 81.7
1 Kings 11: 26-40 & 12: 1-17
Bryant, pp133-135
Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica; Constantine the Great ruled from 307-337CE
Ashmole, [1715] p411
Graves, 1992, p400 109.3
Dawkins, 1985, p106
Dawkins, 1985, p109
Ward, 1921, pp 6 & 139; Ward, 1925, p152; also Blavatsky Isis Unveiled, p232
Dawkins, 1985, p109
Ashmole [1715], pp84-85; see also Dawkins, 1985, pp104 & 108-109
Ashmole [1715]
Ashmole [1715], p3
Ashmole [1715], p132
Ashmole [1715], p129
Hall, [1950], p25
Mackey, Ragon, p713; Rebold, Emmanuel & J.Fletcher Brennan, p309
Dawkins, 1988, p61 & p267 note 17
Ovid Perseus and Andromeda Book IV, 642-671, p94
Ovid Perseus and Andromeda Book IV, 704-739, p96
Levi, 1913, p87
Ovid Medea and Jason Book VII, pp144-148
Graves, 1992, p346 98.4
Graves, 1992, p307 90.2; p347 98.5
Ovid The Minotaur Book VII, pp175-176
Graves, 1992, pp346-347 98.4 & p401 109.7; Aristophanes Clouds 540
Graves, 1961, pp103 & 106; Vinci, p208
Graves, 1992, p340 98o; Plutarch Theseus 20; Bacchylides xvi. 116
Graves, 1992, p347 98.5
Graves, 1992, p318 92.11
Graves, 1992, p318 92.11; Etymologicum Magnum; Eustathius On Homers Odyssey xi. P1688;
Strabo viii. 6. 2; Pliny Natural History xxxiv. 83
Warner Brothers Records Inc., 1998
Graves, 1992, p52 12.5
Graves, 1961, p106; Graves, 1992, p364 103.1
Graves, 1961, p179
Graves, 1992, p310 91.1
Graves, 1961, p179
Herodotus Book II, 148; see also Manley, p36
Graves, 1961, p231
Graves, 1992, p44 8.1, p47 9.5
Graves, 1961, pp381-382
Patai, p331
Patai, p322
Waite, p97
Othello III: 3
Fulcanelli, 1925, p134
Fulcanelli, 1999, pp137-138
Hudson, 1994
Schwaller de Lubicz, pp221 & 246
Schwaller de Lubicz, p105
Schwaller de Lubicz, pp222-225
Knight and Lomas, 1996, p140
Corbin, 1978, p87 & 135
Corbin 1978, p52
Corbin 1978, p56
Stoyanov, p8
Cohn, p92-93
Corbin, 1978, p7 and pp112-113
Watts, p153 & 154
Corbin, 1978, p12
Scholia to the Golden Treatise of Hermes
Corbin, 1978, pp111 & 126
Howard, p27
Corbin, 1978, p78
Corbin, 1978, p143
Mead, Vol III, p91
Isis to Her Son Horus (Paris mss. 2327, 1478CE; Paris mss. 2250, seventeenth century); see
Berthelot, vol. II, pp. 28-31 and vol. III, pp. 31-33
Mead, Vol III, pp59-80 and reference to the Black Rite on p66
Sonnet des voyelles in Illuminations, 1886, Paul Verlaine
Sinclair, 1998, pp259-260
Yarker, The Secret High Degree Rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis, 52° Sage of the
Labyrinth, pp56-57
Odyssey X 305; Graves, 1992, p729 170.5
Vinci, pp53, 182
Ovid The Island of Circe Book XIV, 289-319, p334; Graves, 1992, p544 138.6
Ovid The Doctrines of Pythagoras Book XV, 371-407, pp363-364
Ovid Myrrah Book X, 284-529, p234 & 240
Ovid Venus and Adonis Book X, 499-529, p241
Genesis 38:15
Anderson, pp11, 38-39 & 46
Genesis 38:21
Greenberg, p95
II Samuel 13:10-14
Deuteronomy 23:17
Ward, 1925, pp 112-114
Fulcanelli, p132
Judges 14:3-18 & Charbonneau-Lassay, Louis The Bestiary of Christ, Arkana, 1991, p327
Patai, p410
Ovid Hyacinth Book X, 160-250, pp230-232 and Ajax and Ulysses Book XIII, 380-407, p306;
also see Appendix 4
Graves, 1992, p687 165.2
Graves, 1992, p686 165j
Graves, 1992, p79 21m
Dawkins, 1988, pp195-196
Dawkins, 1988, p194
Diodorus Siculus Historical Library, II, 47; Vinci, pp130-131
Ashmole, Elias Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, V, p899, see Epistola ad Hermannum
Charbonneau-Lassay, pp427-440 and Mathers, p52 note
Waite, p97
Fisher, p84 & Graves & Patai, p176 note 4
Genesis, 22:11-13
Dawkins, p288 note 9
Graves, 1961, p264
John 12, Mathew 26:6-13 & Mark 14:3-9
Phillip: 63:30 & 64:10
John: 19:25
Bearing & Cashford, p592
Bearing & Cashford, p592
John 20:17 & Watts, p171 note 1
Haskins, pp16-17; Warner, p228
Mark 15:40, Matthew 27:56 & Mark 16:1-6
Luke 8:3
Mark 6:22-25
Ward, 1925, p147
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII, ch5: sect4
Herodotus, Book Eight, 138, p495
Marshall, p97
Fisher, p7
The Knights Tale in Canterbury Tales
The Two Noble Knights, Act II, Scene ii
Gilbert, 1996, p151
Dawkins, 1985, p42
Gilbert, 1996, p283
Temple, 1998
Ward, 1921, pp48
Dawkins, 1985, pp38-39 & 42
Graves, 1961, p92
Graves, 1961, p395
Yarker, The Secret High Degree Rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis, 64° Sage of Mythras,
pp77 & 79
Allen, Woody Deconstructing Harry 1998
Dawkins, 1985, p113
Zohar Bereshith 37b
Dawkins, 1985, pp114-117
Graves, 1961, p273 & Graves, 1992, p194 58b: Europë is the daughter of Agenor, the King of
Phoenicia. Europë rode from Phoenicia to Crete on the back of a bull.
Dawkins, 1985, p105
Dawkins, 1988, p77
II Timothy 4: 21
Graves, 1961, p437
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p72-74 & p286; see also Dawkins, 1988, pp106-108
Dawkins, 1985, p285 note154 &p286 note159
Dawkins, 1985, p287 note160 described the Faerie Queen, Book 1
Graves, 1992, p46 9d; Hesiod Theogony 886-900; Pindar Olympian Odes vii. 34 ff; Appolodorus
i. 3. 6
Dawkins, 1988, p106
Dawkins, 1985, p31
Dawkins, 1988, p162
Dawkins, 1988, Appendix 1, p251
Fisher, p77
Fisher, p75
Dawkins, 1985, p42
Graves, 1946, p240
Graves & Patai, p246
Graves, 1946, p65
Graves, 1946, p269
Geoffrey of Monmouth, p77
Exodus 17:8-17
Graves, 1961, p82
Genesis 14:
Collins, p170
Graves & Patai, p106
Graves, 1992, p445 117.3
Graves, 1961, p82
Graves & Patai, p107
Book of Jasher found in Rouen Cathedral in 1929; Phillips, 2002, pp185-188
Graves, 1961, p160
Graves, 1961, pp159-164
Graves, 1946, p420
Genesis 27, also Graves, 1961, p219 and Graves & Patai, pp233-234 notes 1 & 2
Graves, 1946, p54
Clement of Alexandria, Stromata iii, see Graves, 1946, p vii
Graves, 1989, pp263-267
Graves, 1989, pp262-267
Acts 21 & 22
Matthew 24: 15, 21 and 22 are based on Daniel 12:1-11
Luke 1:31-33
Davidy, Brit-Am Israel newsletter, 2/9/99
Thory, pp 336-337, in Schonfield, 1984, p167; Thory was Conservator a Vie of the Library of the
Rite Ecossaise Philosophique. Upon Thorys death, Dr Charles Morison 33º purchased the
magnificent collection of nearly two thousand items. He bequeathed this to the Grand Lodge of
Scotland and it can be viewed at Freemasons Hall, 96 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DH
Marconis (de Negre), p1 Introduction, pp10, Burt, p260, 18
Degree and Thory, Vol 1, pp336-7.
Marconis (de Negre), p2 of Introduction and p10
Godwin, 1994, p361
Hall, [1950], pp67-69
Thory, and Schonfield, 1984, Appendix B, p167
Howard, p34
Gardner, p323
Graves, 1961, p190
Marconis (de Negre), first Degree, p 225, note 101
Hall [1929] p401 and Watts, p31 note 2; Marconis (de Negre), first Degree, p79; the Dead Sea
Scrolls show that the Essenes referred to Qumran as Damascus
Howard, p42; Ward, 1921, p209; Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 20°, pp234 & 239; Yarker, [1909], p275
Dated 20 December 1660 and dedicated to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.
See Francis Thynne, "Emblemes and Epigrammes" ed FJ Furnivall (1876). Early English Texts
Series, Old Series, p25
Dawkins, 1988, p173 refers to the Thermis Aurea
Ovid Minerva meets the Muses on Helicon Book V, 233-260, p106
Graves, 1961, pp383 & 386
Ovid Minerva meets the Muses on Helicon Book V, 261-290, p107; Graves, 1992, p253 75b
Graves, 1992, p17, p62 16.5 & p399 109.2
Loves Labours Lost, Act 1 Scene 2
Hall, [1950], p42 provides an illustration from Old England (London, 1854)
Josephus The Jewish War, I - 407 & 3 - 522
Hackett, p341
Church, p124
Genesis 49:16-7
Josephus The Jewish War, I - 139
Josephus The Jewish War, III - 495 to 522
Joyce, p58
Josephus The Jewish War, III - 34 to 60
Josephus The Jewish War, I - 347 to 363
Dawkins, 1988, p113
Berthelot Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, II, p129
Hall [1950], p44
Peacham, Henry "The Truth of Our Times", 1638 pp173-174
Dawkins, 1988, p260 note 11
Graves, 1961, p290
Corneille in Fulcanelli, pp107-108
Godwin, Joscelyn, 1994, p119
MS.Ashm. 1417, p41
La Rose-Croix, Gerard de Sede, Jai Lu, 1962, p. 11; Mazet, pp55 & 56
Hall [1950], p51
Watts, p38
Gardiner, pp177 & 299
Eisenman & Wise, p152
Exodus 22:18
Dawkins, 1988, p159
Hall [1950], p51
Gardner, pp303-314
Baigent & Leigh, 1990, pp 220 & 376
Dawkins, 1988, Appendix 1, pp251-257 outlines Dr John Dee's great Freemasonic manuscript
General & Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Art of Navigation, 1577
Bernal, Vol 1, 1987, p177
Rebold, Emmanuel & J.Fletcher Brennan, p256; Hall [1950], pp58-59
Hall [1950], p60 and Anon, Ordo ab Chao, Volume II and Anon, Secret Ritual of the 33° and
Last Degree
Andrews & Schellenberger, p 69, and Sinclair, 1993, p45, 55 & 75
Graves, 1946, p297
Dawkins, 1988, p275 note 10
Graves, 1992, p446 117.6
Magee, p60
Popper, 1979
Ellis, 1975
Higgins, Godfrey, 1836,II, p301
McIntosh, 1994, p97
McIntosh, 1994, p216
Kirsop, Wallace, Francis Yates, 1975, Marsh and particularly Hamilton, Alastair
Dawkins, 1988, pp197-8
Dawkins, 1985, p283 note 138
Dawkins, 1985, pp69-71
Dawkins, 1988, p263 note 43 & p286 note 5
Dawkins, 1988, p287 note 5 refers to Robert Fludd's Tractus Apologetica
Dawkins, 1988, p96
Josephus, Against Apion Book II, 31
Rig-Veda VII, 18-19; Vinci, pp51, 53, 186 & 197; Bucci
Vinci, p37
Dawkins, 1988, p263 note 33
Ovid Atalanta Book X, 716-739, p248 and Hyacinth Book X, 188-221, p231
Dawkins, 1988, p288 note 25
Dawkins, 1988, p287
Dawkins, 1988, p42
Dawkins, 1988, p62 & p269 note 27, which refers to Hall [1937]
Dawkins, 1988, pp94 & 106
Fulcanelli, p72 & Graves, 1992, p649 160.4
Collins, p186
Ward, 1921, pp210-211, 21° Patriach Noachite or Prussian Knights, records the legend of an
architect or supervisor of building at the Tower of Babel called Peleg who was descended from Noah
and therefore may be earlier than Imhotep; see also Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 21°, pp250-252
Wildung, p157
Wildung, p157
Strabo, Lib XVI, p92 & p471 & Ward, 1921, p133
Libanius in Orat. XI Antiochus Vol II, p343
Howard, p16
Fanthorpe, p122
Maccabees 7:13 & 42
Josephus, Lib 13 cap 19 and Pliny, Lib V cap 17
Andronicos, pp12-14
Graves, 1992, p714 169.2
Graves, 1992, p48 10d; Pausanias x. 24. 4 & i. 19. 2
Anderson, pp7 & 23
Dionis. Halicarn. Lib. III p229 1691
Yarker, [1909], p229
Howard, p18
Anderson, p8
Ovid The Apotheosis of Julius Caesar Book XV, 753-84, p375; Geoffrey of Monmouth, p107;
& Graves, 1992, p392 108.5, p393 108.8, p401 109.7 & p699 168c
Graves, 1992, p623 158i & p628 158.3
Graves, 1992, p69 18f & g
Graves, 1992, p72 18.3
Graves, 1992, p73 18.7
Ovid Myrrah Book X, 284-529, pp234-241
Genesis 19: 30-38
Genesis 38:18
Mekhilta Beshallah, Mass. diShirata 72; Sifre 81a see Graves and Patai, p171 and 172 note 2
Graves, 1992, p705 168.1
Sinclair, 1993, p154-6
Vitruvius & Yarker, John, [1909], p231
Lambert, p31
Lambert, p83
Sinclair, 1993, p156
Gilbert, 1996, p245
Graves, 1992, p288 85.1
Graves, 1992, p288 85.1, p730 170.8
Gilbert, 1996, pp245-7
Gilbert, 1996 p249
Ward, 1921, p283 & pp244-249
Lawlor, p10
Favier, p172
Favier, pp26 & 80
Sinclair, 1993, p110: Laborare Est Orare
Sinclair, 1996, p91
Bernard of Clairvaux letter to Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, Letter 67, p91; see also Sinclair,
1996, p82
Yarker, [1909], p288
Charpentier, p150 see Les Tours Inachevées and La Pendule à Solomon, ed Julliard
Charpentier, p144
Rebold & Brennan, pp35, 50 & 74; Sinclair, 1993, p151
Ward, 1921, p146
Wren, 1750
Sinclair, 1993, p 156
Fulcanelli shows extensive photograph evidence.
Charpentier, p15
James, I An investigation into the uneven distribution of churches in the Paris Basin, 1140-1240
The Art Bulletin, Mar 1984, pp13-46
Howard, pp18 & 19
Sinclair, 1993, p156
Howard, p42; Ward, 1921, p209; Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 20°, pp234 & 239; Yarker, [1909], p275
Sinclair, 1993, p156
Weir & Jerman, Gazetteer, pp160-164
Ovid Philemon and Baucis Book VIII, p193
Graves, 1992, p391 108.3 & p567 145.1
Graves, 1992, p392 108.5 & p393 108.10
Wolkstein & Kramer, pp124 &168
Graves, 1961, p222
Graves, 1961, p128
Graves, 1961, p127
Graves, 1961, p128
Graves, 1992, p17
Graves, 1992, p43 7.7
Graves, 1992, 79 21o; Homer Iliad i. 60-4; Plutach On the Pythian Oracles 17
Graves, 1992, p19
Ovid Diana and Actaeon Book III, 161-235, p56
Ovid The Island of Circe Book XIV, 256-319, pp333-334
Ovid Medea and Aeson Book VII, 252-287, p152
Ward, 1921, p116; Wright, T Womankind in Western Europe; & Graves, 1992, p370 140.4 7 p374
Graves, 1961, p70
National Theatre of Greece Euripides Medea Australian Tour, May 1998
Graves, 1992, p335 97.2, p618 157a & p620 157.1
Ovid Tereus, Procne and Philomela VI, 597-689, pp140-142
Graves, 1961, p385
Graves, 1961, p103
Graves, 1992, p41 7f; Pausanias x. 24. 5
Graves, 1961, p175-177; also Graves, 1992, p567 145.5
Graves, 1961, p68
Graves, 1992, p50 12b & p123 31.2
Produced by Bob Clearmountain & Jimmy Iovine, 1986
Allegro, 1977, pp109-110
Howard, p125
Watts, p196
Allegro, 1977, pp110-111
Hall, [1937], pp 154-155, Initiation of Plato, Third Tableau, Second Scene; also pp145-153,
Second Tableau
Ward, 1921, p219, 28° and Anon, Ordo Ab Chao, 28°, pp285-318; also Mackey, Ragon, p713
Allegro, 1979, p130 & 1977, pp107-108
Allegro, 1977, pp107-108
Harrison, 1973
Dawkins, 1988, p264, note 1
Mackey, Egyptian Priests, pp272-273
Temple, Robert, 2002, pp14
Paget see Temple, Robert, 2002, pp12-13
Temple, Robert, 2002, pp28-32
Temple, Robert, 2002, pp36-54
Bernal [1987], pp25 & 162-164
Mackey, Ramsay, Andrew Michael and Ramsay, Rite of, pp714-717
Gould, Vol v, pp87-88
Redivivus in Faivre, 1986
Ragon, p21
Moffat, p177
Moffat, p245
Howard, p42; Ward, 1921, p209; Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 20°, pp234 & 239; Thory, i, 336
Levi, 1913, p210
see footnote in HP Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled Vol 2, p382
Mackey, Heroden, p380; Roman Colleges of Artificers, p746 for Heredom as Kilwinning in
Scotland; Templar Origin of Masonry, pp904-905
Leadbeater, C.W. pp205 & 210
Notes on the Rainsford papers in A.Q.C., XXVI. 99
Rebold, Emmanuel & J.Fletcher Brennan, p47; Noonan, p128
Marconis (de Negre), 18°, p113
Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 18°, pp200-201 and Marconis (de Negre), p11 describes the schism
Marconis (de Negre), pp9-10 & 15
Marconis (de Negre), Notes by J Ray Shug, Secretary N.C. Lodge of Research, p214
Marconis (de Negre), Introduction, p2, note 4; pp 9 & 15
Marconis (de Negre), p10
The Coptic Gospel of Thomas: 105
Webster, pp140-141 & Waite p442, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
Anon, Lives of the Alchemystical Philosophers, pp9-11
Morieni Romani
Hall, [1950], p59
Yarker, 1878, p75, note 1
Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 28°, pp308-312 and 29°, pp352-356
Mackey, Frederick the Great, pp328-331 & Ward, 1921, p226, comment that there is an absence
of reliable evidence for the 1786 date and even for Frederick IIs specific involvement. Yarker, John,
1896, p146, note 32, provides a summary of contrary opinion that Fredericks role was a hoax.
Franckens Manuscript of 1783
Habsburg, p204
Habsburg, p204
Streidt & Frahm, pp289-290
Streidt & Frahm, pp39-41
Streidt & Frahm, p20
Streidt & Frahm, pp26-30
Andrews & Schellenberger, pp104-105
Ward, 1921, pp210-211, 21° Patriach Noachite or Prussian Knights, marks the records of Peleg.
Mackey , Clermont, p189
Marconis (de Negre), p12
Ungerer, p409
Ashmole [1715], p24
Ashmole [1715], p24
Ward, 1921, pp284-299, particularly p291 for a spirited defense of the authenticity of the Charter
of Larmenius and Mackey, Temple, Order of the, pp 912-917 for a summary of the accusation that the
Charter was forged by Régent de France, Philippe, Duc d'Orléans, and his accomplice Father Bonani,
an Italian Jesuit
Mazet p43 translates part of Histoire Pittoresque de la Franc Maconnerie, by Clavel, an 1849
manuscript in the Musee du Compagnionage at Tours.
Waite Mysteries of Magic
Schonfield, 1984, pp164-5
With thanks to Bro. Ezzahir: rotation of the letters YHWH through 8,10,12 and 14 respectively
leads to BphOM
Again with thanks to Bro. Ezzahir: rotation of the letters BPhOMTh through 8,10,12, 14 and 16
respectively leads to YHWShO
Deuteronomy 6:4
Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln, 1983, figure 16b
Spence, Lewis, p203
Watts, p11
Watts, p31 Note 2
Michelet, I, p212
Howard, p40
Stoyanov, p6
Bernal, Vol 1, 1987, pp182-183
Graves, 1961, pp266-268; Godwin, 1984, p4; pp 81-83 for a description of Godfrey Higgins
theory; and pp 68-71 for Arnold Mackey's theory; also Godwin, 1993, for an extensive analysis of
polar myths and the lost Golden Age, Ovid's Metamorphoses (see Appendix 6) and Dawkins, 1985,
pp39-40; Graves, 1992, pp35-37
Vergil, Fourth Eclogue, from Virgil: The Pastoral Poems, trans. EV Rieu, Penguin Books,
Hammondsworth, 1967, pp53-57; Temple, Robert, 2002, p14
Holmyard, E J, pp110 & 101
Ravenscroft, pp167-169
Graves, 1961, p480
Graves, 1961, p486
Ward, 1925, pp62 & 143
Genesis 1:3-10; Graves, 1992, p39 note 6.6
Cohn, p47 Enuma elish
Graves, 1992, p177 50.4
Graves, 1992, p297 88.7
Graves, 1992, p170 47.3 & p493 131.6
Graves, 1992, p181 51.2
Revelation 1:13-16
Wolkstein & Kramer, p61
Witt, p20
Wolkstein & Kramer, p61
Numbers 21:8 & 9
Watts, pp54 & 79 and Graves, 1946, p233
Numbers 20:11
John 3:14
Wolkstein & Kramer, p89
Wolkstein & Kramer, p31
Odyssey X 516-520, 526-530 & XI; Vinci, p192
Ward, 1921, p307
Bishop Epiphanius, fourth century, Panarion, see Koch; Allegro, 1977, pp 122 - 123
Ravenscroft, pp166-167
Ravenscroft pp168-169
Sinclair, 1993, p96
Graves, 1961, p485
Fulcanelli, pp 197f; see also Faivre, 1993, pp53-55 and Ward, 1925, p77
A selection from Act 2, Scenes 3 to 5
Allegro, 1970, p299, note XVII.93
Allegro, 1970, pp 122-123
Ward, 1921, p 280 (6) in ano, p211 & Anon, Ordo ab Chao, 21°, pp248 & 255
Sitchin, p108
Schwaller de Lubicz, p113
Matt, p245
Exodus 16:13-15
Deuteronomy 8:2-4
Sitchin, pp58, 71 & 72
Allegro, 1970, p249, note VIII.54
Velikovsky, p 148-166
Wildung, pp80-81
Witt, p152
Temple, 1998, p185; Plato Critias, 114e; Vinci, p154
Plutarch (44; 61)
Schwaller de Lubicz, p183 also Witt, p152 and Graves, 1961, p53
Graves, 1961, p53
Exodus 3: 21-22
Exodus 12: 35-36
Exodus 32:19 & 20
Joshua 5:12
Hebrews 5:4-6 & 7:11-28; John 6:49
Baigent, Campion & Harvey, p30-31
Graves & Patai, p233 note 1
Faivre, p22
Jeremiah 17:1, Ezekiel 3:9; Ward, 1925, p111; Sinclair, 1996, p 6
Schonfield, 1984, p166
Baigent & Leigh, 1991, pp159-160
Down "The Secret of Engedi Unlocked", Archaeological Diggings, Vol 4 No 3 June/July 1997
Lambert, p125
Lambert, pp126
Josephus, p140
Herod. iv. 183 and Lambert, p109
Josephus, VII, 176, p388
Marshall, p40 quotes Needham, p295
Kersten p184 & Dioscorides, Materia Medica (4,80)
Kersten p184 quotes Prof Seydel Das Evangelum von Jesus Leipzig, 1882, p273; see also
Marshall, p94
Rig Veda 8:48, 9.2, 9.46
Diodorus Siculus The Library of History; Phillips, 2002, pp276 & 280
Toxic weed may help to treat brain cancer ANANOVA, 1 October 2002
Rig Veda 8.100
Lambert, pp109-111 & 116
Charpentier, Louis, pp197-198
Fulcanelli Les Demeuers Philosophales (The Dwellings of the Philosopher's), p218
Favier, p76
Yarker, [1909], p302 notes from Roger Bacons De Nullitate Magiæ of 1216 that Bacon
discovered the formula in the manuscript of Marcus Græcus
Deuteronomy 29:23 & 24, also Patai, pp442-3
Joshua 6
Joshua 6:24
Sinclair, 1993, p83
Hebrews 7: 3
Josephus, War II, p151
Temple, 1998, p104
Artephius Tractus de vita proroganda (Tractate about the Propagation of Life) written in the
twelfth century
Eliade, p52
Temple, 1998, pp61-63
Matt, p xiii
Sassoon and Dale, p32
Matt, p163
LHA 759, see Sassoon and Dale, p36
GHA 938, see Sassoon and Dale, pp41-43
Daniel, 7:9-13
Iliad XVIII, 373-377, 412-417, 417-420, 468-473; Vinci, p182
Sassoon & Dale
Taylor, pp39-43
LHA 435 to 440
Joshua 5:12
Hanes Taliesin, see Graves, 1961, p82
Judges 18:18, 30-1
GHA 1056
GHA 48 & 1046
Matt, p113-115, omitted in the translation by Mathers, S L MacGregor
Psalm 78:25
BoM 46-49, GHA 536-558 (The Skull of the Microprosopopeia) and Matt, pp165-166
Graves & Patai, p101 (i) refers to the Clementine Homolies 11-17, an early third century Christian
tract & Enoch 6-8, 106, 13f
Symbols aureae mensae duodecim nationum, and Patai, p77
Patai, pp 20 & 244
Baigent & Leigh, 1990, p20
Patai, pp252-5
Ragon,, Rank of Rose Croix
Charpentier, p51
Charpentier, p69
Andrews and Schellenberger, pp162-5 & 419-426
Baigent, 1983, pp91-93
Ward, 1921, p308
Baigent, 1983, pp92-93 and Mazet, pp42 &43 refers to Descadeillas in LAutre Monde, Edition
Speciale sur lOrdre des Templiers, 1er Trimestre 1987, p. 38-42
Sinclair, 1993, p84
Graves, 1992, p377 105.7
Leviticus 7:32 & 11:21
Genesis 4:8
Joseph had the coat of many colors. His brothers sold him into slavery and in Egypt there he
became a grand Vizier.
Genesis 47:28-31
Hanes Taliesin, see Graves, 1961, p82
noticed by Tim Maidment, see Byrne,, p155
Charpentier, p69
Ward, 1921, pp284-299, particularly p 291 to 292 for a spirited defense of the authenticity of the
Charter of Larmenius and Mackey, Temple, Order of the, pp 912-917 for a summary of the
accusation that the Charter was forged
Phillips, 1995, pp34& 38
Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, pp 306-311
Bernard of Clairvaux letter to Henry, Archbishop of Mainz, Letter 393, p465; see also
Charpentier, p58
Corbin, 1971, pp153
Charpentier, p115
McIntosh, 1980, p32
Sinclair, 1993, p70
Godwin, 1994, pp12-13 & pp138-9
Corbin, 1978, pp16 & 17 and Majriti: The Goal of the Sage
Watts, p39
Corbin, 1978, pp28-30
Watts, p189, note 2
Godwin, 1993, pp144-145
Temple, 2000, pp407-409
Josephus, VII 122 to 123
See Patai, Raphael The Jewish Alchemists, Introduction.
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Rogerii Baconis Angli Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimonii, subtitled On the true and right
Preparation of Stibium to heal human weaknesses and illnesses therewith, and to improve the
imperfect metals, Nuremberg AC 1731, translated by Kjell Hellesoe 1985
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Mead, Vol III, pp59-62
In her aspect of Diktinna, the Triple Goddess was she of the net.
Hall [1937] Crata Repoa and Dawkins, Peter, 1988, pp57-62. See also Yarker, 1878, p15 Note 17
for a full presentation.
Marconis (de Negre), p18
There may be some confusion in the Crata Repoa between the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees. The
overcoming of the Gorgon, either male or female, is the first major test of the flesh, and the
overcoming of the lusts, in the form of a beautiful woman, as the last major test of the flesh. In
between each is the test of water.
Jung, p198
Dawkins, Peter, 1988, p65
Herodotus, Book 2, 125, p132. Tompkins notes that Herodotus statement was first unraveled
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Tompkins Appendix, p371, Livio Catullo Stecchini
Mackey, Cross Templar, p220
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rectangle but does not provide a method to match to a square.
Higgins, Frank, p41
Higgins, Frank, pp53-56
Commentarii de gallica , see Gilbert, 2002, pp265-268 for extended calculations
Schonfield, 1956, pp 1-7
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Scholem, p338
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Numbers 6: 26-27
With thanks to Bro. Ezzahir
Yarker, [1909], p234
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33°, 473, 484, 493, 498
A. muscariae, 81
AA, 115, 116, 166, 191, 256, 277, 287,
288, 289, 290, 346
Aa Pehti Set, 102, 108, 375
Aamu, Hyksos, 468
Aaron, 87, 117, 154, 155, 356
Abaddon, 226
Abandoner, 226
Abbadie, Jacques, 185, 475, 493
Abbot of Cîteaux, 379
Abel, 371
Aberdeen, 160, 300, 469
Abraham, vi, 43, 62, 112, 127, 128,
129, 130, 153, 156, 178, 197, 209,
260, 272, 357
Abu-Simbel, Temple of, 101
acacia, 260
Accession Day Tournament, 266
Acemannan, 18
Achaeans, 60, 92, 290, 302
Achish, 32
Acre, 344
Actaeon, 302, 486
Adam, 91, 130, 156, 234, 432
Adam of Bremen, 73, 465
Adams, Douglas, 118
Adamson, Henry, 484, 493
Adar, Gate of, 335
Adonis, 251, 290, 295, 481
Adriano de Armado, 277, 290
Aeaea, 289
Aegean, 99, 212, 269, 277
Aegyptopithecus, iv, 51, 53
Aegyptus, 176
Aenead, 373
Aeneas, 82, 294
Aeolians, 177
Aeolic, 294
Aesch-Mezareph or Purifying Fire, 471,
Afar Gulf, 51, 52
Afghanistan, 69, 132
Africa, iv, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 61,
African Pygmy, 464
Afro-Asiatics, iv, v, 9, 52, 61, 71, 78,
83, 84, 85, 92, 93, 97, 98, 284, 494
Agade, v, 62
agape, 413
Agathodaimon, 130
Agenor, 482
Agni, 414
Agnus Dei, 83, 228
Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, 166, 191
Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, 170,
Ahmose, 100, 105, 108, 384
Ahmose-Nefertari, Queen, 105
Aholiab son of Ahisamach, 191
Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, 188, 212
Ahriman, 133, 196
Ahura Mazda, 44, 74, 114, 117, 133,
134, 248, 275, 324, 381
Ai Ai, Apollo's cry, 256
Aiaie, 302
Aiaìe, 289, 304
AIDS, 19, 21
Ainu, 56
Airyana Vaêjo, 289, 494
Ajax, 256
Akhenaten, vi, 97, 104, 105, 171
Akkadians, v, 61, 62, 75, 83, 89, 127,
212, 252
Al Azif, 325
Alan, 72
Alba, 180, 181, 269
Albania, 180, 182, 197
Albanians, 60
albedo, 217
Albigensian Crusade, 199
Albion, 61, 269
Albion, land of, 180
Albion, Land of, 269
Albiones, 181
alchemy, wet and the dry, 201
Alcmaeon, 209
Alcmena, 221
Alembic, 215
Alexander the Great, 160, 434
Alexandria, 7, 85, 157, 275, 276, 278,
337, 343, 344, 483
Algeria, 168
al-kimia, 201
Al-Kindi, 129
Allegro, John, 465, 473, 476, 477, 478,
486, 488, 489, 493
Allen, Woody, 482
al-Llah, 136
Al-Masudi, 132
Aloe Vera, 18, 19, 255
Altai Mountains, 56
Altheide, T K, 497
Amalekites, 75, 272
Amarna, 41
Amarna letters, 75, 108
Amazons, 327
amber, 34
amber route, 170
Ambrosius Aurelianus, 268, 378
Amen Hetep Son of Hapu, 103, 104,
Amenemhe I, 66, 69
Amenemhe II, vi
Amenemhe III, vi, 242
Amenemhe IV, vi
Amenhotep III, 102
Amenhotep III, 103
Amenhotep III, 292
Amenmesse, 107
America, 184, 186, 187, 282, 286, 429,
495, 496, 498
Amesha Spentas, 248
amethyst, 66, 394
Amiens, 299
Ammonites, 89, 153, 170
Ammonium Chloride, 214
Ammonium Nitrate, 214
Amon, 28, 43
Amorites, v, 62, 93
Amos, viii
Amphipithecus, iv, 51, 53
Amun, 12, 28, 41, 42, 44, 101, 103,
104, 113, 114, 118, 119, 138, 204,
206, 211, 228, 292, 337, 338, 339,
Amun, Temple of, 206
Anakim, 29, 182, 272
Ananus ben Ananus, 143
Anatha, 36, 91, 114, 116, 284, 323
Anatolia, vi, 8, 9, 60, 61, 63, 66, 72, 73,
84, 92, 94, 97, 98, 99, 134, 138, 147,
212, 290, 337, 384
Anchises, 295
anchor of peace, 232
Ancient of Days, 8, 34, 197, 354, 355,
356, 362, 379, 384
Ancient One, 355, 356
Ancients Freemasons, 310
Anderson, Maxwell L, 466, 481, 485,
Andersons New Book of Constitutions,
Andrea, Johann Valentin, 281, 283
Andrews, Richard, 484, 487, 490, 493
Andromeda, 226, 240, 478, 479
Andronicos, Manolis, 485, 493
Anglo Saxons, 60
Anglo-Saxon, 180
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 183
Angra Mainyu, 133
Anjou, Count, 271, 276
Anjou, Duke, 236
Anna Austin, 290
Annales Cambriae, 183
Annals of Clonmacnoise, 169
Annals of Esarhaddon, 173
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, 168,
169, 175
Anson, Lady, 365
Anson, Lord, 120, 362, 363, 365, 369,
Antediluvian Pillars, 193
anthos, 40
Antichrist, 189
antimony, i, 25, 119, 121, 131, 155,
203, 212, 244, 347, 470, 477
Antimony Trichloride, 213, 215, 216
Antiochus Epiphanes, 178
Antiochus I Epiphanes, 134
Antiochus IV, 25
Antiquities of the Jews, 498
anti-Semitic, 186
Anu, 87
Anubis, 246, 266, 272, 341
anxiety, 17, 259
Apaosha, 229
Apepi I, 101
Aphrodite, 80, 114, 115, 116, 152, 228,
234, 295
Apis Bull, 106
Apocalyptic Faith, 495
apocrine glands, 53
Apocryphal New Testament, 472
Apollo, 114, 181, 208, 229, 256, 289,
292, 294, 302, 408, 411
Apollyon, 226
Apophis, 100, 101, 229, 242
Apophis, Children of, 101
apple, 207, 208, 355
Apple tree, 207, 209, 222, 224, 344, 356
apples, golden, 222, 224
Appolodorus, 482
Apuleius, 258, 493
Aqua Regia, 12, 14, 206, 245, 349, 387,
389, 392
Aquarius, Age of, 266
Aquarius, Golden Age of, 289
Arabia, 121, 138, 210, 466
Arabian Nights, 40
Arabs, 6, 37, 40, 61, 135, 136, 138, 192,
Araby tree, 252
Aral Sea, 56, 60, 133
Aramaic, 61
Arc of the Covenant, 25
Arcadia, 174, 179, 180, 269, 277, 318,
365, 369, 371, 495
Arcadians, 80, 177, 295
Arcanum arcanorum, 39, 382
Arcanum, major, 118
Archbishop of Canterbury, 124, 283,
Archelaus, 157
archetype, 2, 3, 25, 28, 40, 93, 155, 293
Argeioi, 290
Ariadne, 6, 36, 38, 241, 242, 308
Ariagne, 241
Ariel, 169
Aries, Constellation of, 213, 393, 400
Arinna, 102
Aristarchos, 343
Aristobulus III, 142
Aristophanes, 480
Aristotle, viii, 135, 193, 475
Ark of the Covenant, 22, 23, 42, 154,
329, 342, 362
Arktos, 247
Armenia, 183
Armenians, 60, 71
Armstrong, Herbert W, 186, 475, 482,
Arnald de Villanova, 199
Arnald-Almaric, 198
Arpad, 467
ar-Razi, 202
arsenic, 210
Artemis, 36, 80
Artemisia absinthium, 251
Artephius, 203, 207, 213, 350, 490, 493
arthritis, 17, 21, 218
Arthur, 242
Arthur, King, 435
Aryans, 58, 59, 63, 97
as above, so below, 257, 297
Asclepias acida, 256, 346
Asclepius, 292
Asgar, iv, 59
Asgerd, 59, 182
Ashdod, 23
Asher, 113, 164
Asherah, 90, 120, 165
Asherah poles, 90, 118, 120
Ashima, 91, 116, 323
Ashmole, Elias, 40, 239, 281, 326, 357,
465, 479, 481, 487, 493
Ashmolean Museum, 240
Ashridge, monastery, 199
Ashurnirari V, 467
Asia, iv, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60,
61, 63, 64, 128, 180, 221, 269, 464,
494, 497, 503, 504
Ass, The Golden, 258
Assaracus, 179, 295
Assassins, 160, 324, 335, 385
Assembly of the Gods, 135
Assideans, 140
assumption that ancient civilization did
not possess advanced science, 386
Assuruballit I, 104
Assyria, vii, 36, 37, 64, 72, 79, 85, 104,
Assyrians, 72, 75, 104, 140, 146, 163,
169, 173, 174, 182
Astarte, 39, 41, 165
Astronomers of Babylon, 314
Atabyrius, 113, 342, 381
Atbash Cipher, 31, 138, 229, 322
Athena, 116, 228, 240
Athena, Pallas, 243, 290
Athena, Sanctuary at Delphi, 301
Athene, 37, 76, 234
Athene, Pallas, 78
Athens, 84, 134, 208, 241, 305, 363,
409, 493
Athos, Mount, 315
Atlas, 227
Aubrey, John, 283, 484, 493
Augustus Caesar, 295
Augustus, Caesar, 294
AUM, 33, 34, 115, 250, 316, 469
Aurea Catena Homeri, 249
Auric Hydroxide, 207
aurum potable, 137, 341
Australian Aborigine, 56
Australoid-Caucasian, 56
Australopithecus, 51
Avaris, 41, 75, 99, 100, 107, 108
Avienus, 181
Avienus, Ptolemy, 182
axe, double headed, 327
Axe, Double-headed, 327
Aymery, Brother of Limoges, 360
Ayurvedic alchemy, 351
Azazel, 29, 85, 133, 155, 272
Azerbaijan, 271, 325
Azoth, 216
Baal, 75, 113, 164, 167, 428
Baal Rock, 183
Baal-Gad, 75
Baal-Zephon, 113
Baal-Zubul, 113
Babylon, 25, 31, 33, 117, 156, 228
Babylonians, vii, 25, 76, 116, 128, 138,
339, 493
bacchanals, 81
Bacchic Mysteries, 196
Bachir, 110, 111
Bacon, Roger, 199, 202, 213, 217, 220,
348, 478, 491
Bacon, Sir Francis, 162, 181, 232, 256,
270, 279, 283, 287, 302, 334, 407,
469, 495
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 232
Bactria, iv, 59, 69, 132, 248
Baghdad, 135, 381
Bahrain Island, 138
Baigent, Michael, 462, 471, 474, 476,
477, 484, 488, 489, 490, 491, 493
Bakr Ibn Bishrun, 202
BAL, 115, 316
Balaam the Lame, 149
Balantrodoch, 361
Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, 161
Baldwin II, 161, 359
Bale, John, 473, 493
Balliol, John, 236
Balthasar, 122
Bannockburn, 321
Bantu race, 53
Baphomet, 78, 322, 323
Barberini, Cardinal Francesco, 371
Barcelona, 159
Bardeen, John, 461
Bards, 269
Baring, Anne, 464, 468, 493
barley cakes, 306
barley-god, 113
Barrow people, v, 60
Barruel, Abbé, 315
Barthlome, 166
Bartholomews Day Massacre, 231
Bartlett, John, 470, 493
Baruch, Samuel, 358, 380, 383
Bashan, 165, 188
Bashemath, 137
Basil Valentine, 244
Basilides of Alexandria, 151
Bassanio, 123
Bassarids, 76
Battle of Rephadim, 272
BCS - theory, 461
Beelshamin, 129
Beaker people, v, 61
Bear Race, 269
Bear, Great constellation of, 247, 383
Bear, Richard, 478, 493
Bearing, Anne, 481
Beauvias Cathedral, 298
Bede, 175, 474, 493
Bede, the Venerable, 300
Bednorz, J George, 461
Bedouin, 76
bee, 79, 80, 85, 132
beech tree, 344
bees, 80, 85, 157, 187
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 306
Begg, Deike, 476, 494
Begg, Ean, 469, 476, 494
Beja people, 61
Bel, 113, 167, 211, 319
Beli, 36
Beli the Great, British King, 268
belladonna, 82
Belus, 167, 176, 192
Belus River, 344
Ben Gurion, David, 111
Ben Stone, 339
Benedictines, 360
Beneficent Immortals, 248
Beneficent Knights, 359
Benjamin, 34, 150, 273
Benjamin of Tudela, 156
Benjamites, 144
Benveniste, R E, 464, 494
Berber people, 61
Bering Strait, 56
Bernal, Martin, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469,
484, 487, 488, 494
Bernard, St, 87, 116, 161, 297, 298,
334, 359, 360, 361, 379, 473, 485,
491, 494
Berossus, 128, 461
Berry, Duke, 236
Berthelot, Marcellin, 483, 494
Bertrand de Blanchefort, 374
bestiality, 310
Bethel, 165, 172
Beth-Luis-Noin, 211
Bezaleel, 154, 155, 188, 191, 212, 260,
Bibby, Geoffroy, 138, 494
Bible, 2, 7, 8, 9, 27, 28, 29, 31, 39, 42,
64, 71, 88, 93, 95, 117, 127, 130,
136, 153, 192, 266, 337, 341, 349,
350, 355, 502, 504
Big Dipper, 247
Binah, 122
biretta, 224
Birkenmeier, Edward, 464, 503
bitches, 35
Bitter Lakes, 109
black monks, 360
Black Prince, 199
Black Rite, 480
Black Sea, v, 59, 60, 66, 72, 81, 98,
174, 180, 182, 212, 269
Blake, William, 256
Blanchefort Castle, 361
Blavatsky, HP, 472, 487, 494
Blayse, monk, 378
Bloom, Harold, 461, 462, 494
blue, 131, 136, 220, 249
Blue, Chartres, 348
Blum, Howard, 469, 494
boar, 174, 290, 302
Boaz, 119
Bodleian Library, 326
Boethus, High Priest, 142
Bogomil, 324
Bogomils, 197, 198
Bogomils, Great Heresy, 7
Boibel-Loth, 211
BoM, 353, 462, 490
Bond, J, 497
Bonet, Pierre, 198
Bonhommes, 199
Bonner, M R, 497
Bonner, Tom, 464, 503
Bonneville, Chevalier de, 315
Book of Adam, 315
Book of Invasions, 175
Book of John, 315
Book of Splendor, 15, 353
Book of the Concealed Mystery, 15, 29,
Book of the Greater and Lesser Holy
Assembly, 15
Boreas, 179, 269, 397
Bosanquet, J, 474, 494
Boscoreale, 80, 294
Boscotrecase, 226, 251, 253
Bosworth Field, Battle of, 271
Boudica, 175
Bourbon, Louis, 318
Bourges, 299
Bower, Walter, 469
Boyle, Robert, 218, 276, 351
Boyles Law of Gasses, 218
Brach, Simon, 170, 171
Brahmâ, 123, 264
Brahmatmas, 59
Brahmins, 116
Bran the Blessed, 268
Bread of Heaven, 154
Bread of Life, 309, 342
Bread of the Presence of God, 23, 154,
breast cancer, 21
Brennan, J.Fletcher, 479, 484, 485, 487,
Brethren of the Rosy Cross, 280
Briffault, Robert, 466, 469, 471, 494
Bright, John, 470, 471, 494
Brit Milah, 88
Britain, 7, 37, 38, 45, 58, 60, 61, 72, 76,
109, 162, 163, 167, 168, 173, 174,
176, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 234,
238, 240, 242, 255, 256, 266, 267,
268, 269, 270, 271, 283, 287, 289,
300, 301, 311, 360, 495, 496, 497,
500, 502
British Imperial Christianity, 162
British Israelism Monarchial, 185
British Israelism, Monarchial, 191
British Israelism, Postmillennial, 185
British Israelism, Radical, 185
British-Israelites, 187
Britons, 175, 180, 182, 183
bronze, 28, 99, 329
Bronze Age, 9, 63, 64, 66, 73, 98, 99
bronze pillars, 119
Brothers of the Boiled Dew, 280, 351
Brothers, Richard, 185
Bruce, Robert, 236, 321
Brunswick, Duke of, 284
Brutus, 162, 176, 180
Bryant, Arthur, 479, 494
Bucci, Onorato, 484, 494
Buddhists, 250
Budge, Sir E A Wallis, 476, 477, 494
Bukhara, 64, 132, 133
Bukkerwise, Swedish May-play, 78
Bulgarian Empire, 197
Bull, 228
bull, golden, 341
bulls-foot, 37
Burgundy, Duke, 236
Burnetts of Leys, 434
Burt, Calvin C, 483, 494
Bushman, 55
Butes, 80
Byblos, 69, 99
Byrne, Patrick, 491, 494
Caer Sidi, 241, 242
Caers, 165
Caesarea, 26
Cain, 371
Cainan, 197
Calani, 69
Caleb, 273
Calebites, 156, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274
Caledonia, 182
Caledonians, 174
calf, golden, 114, 380
Caliban, 182
Caliph Al Mamoun, 130
Caliph of Baghdad, 159
Callirrhoë, 145
Calydon, 174
Calypso, 181
Cambria, 182
Cambridge University, 310, 495
Cambyses II, 42
Camden, William, 183, 475, 494
Campion, N, 489, 493
Canaan, 10, 61, 69, 87, 92, 127, 129,
Canaanite art, 43
Cancer, 80
Cann R, 464, 494
cannibalism, 78, 335
Canticles, 38
Capernaum, 197, 342
Capetians, 318, 320
Caradoc, British King, 238, 268
Caraïte, 70
Carbon 14, 21
Carcassonne, 361
Cardea, 306
Carians, 63
Carnarvon Tablet I, 468
Carolingians, 157, 160, 320, 321
Carr, Harry, 479, 494
carrots, 17, 21
Carthaginians, 168
Casaubon, Isaac, 312
Cashford, Jules, 464, 468, 481, 493
Caspian Sea, 56, 59, 60, 64, 173, 175,
Cassidens, 140, 293
Cassiopeia, supernova, 289
Cassiterite, 211, 212
Cassius, Andreas, 296
Cassius, Purple, 296
castration, 76, 86, 87, 89, 306
cat, 114, 334
Çatal Hûtûk, 98
Cathars, 7, 196, 197, 198, 282, 335
Catherine of Aragon, 162
Cat's Monument, 363
Caucasian, iv, 59, 69, 97
Caucasus Mountains, 72, 182
cauldron, 70
Cavalli-Sforza, L, 464
Cavalli-Sforza, LL, 464, 494, 498
Cavendish, Richard, 474, 494
Cayce, Edgar, 245
Cedar tree, 39, 71
Cei, Celtic Mabinogin, 380
celestial pole, 247, 249, 382
Celts, 60
ceramic materials, 461
Cerberus, 341
Chadic, 61
Chaldeans, 76, 195, 285
Champagne, 360, 361
chaos, 83, 102, 326, 328, 495
Chapter of Clermont, 312, 316
Charbonneau-Lassay, Louis, 467, 478,
481, 494
Charity, 44, 79, 224, 288
charity of God, 354
Charity, Charter of, 379
Charlemagne, 158, 159, 160, 435
Charles I, 281, 283
Charles V of France, 200
Charles V, Dauphin, 236
Charlie's Wain, 247
Charpentier, Louis, 467, 485, 486, 489,
490, 491, 494
Chartres Cathedral, 11, 87, 155, 297,
299, 348, 494, 496
Chassidim, 140, 141, 142, 293
Chatsworth, 365
Chaucer, 262
chemistry, 2, 8, 199, 222, 223, 343, 351,
385, 499, 503
cherubim, 42
Chigi, Agostino, 152
Childeric III, 157
Children of Dan, 356
Children of God, Cult, 287
Children of Israel, 25, 273
Children of Solomon, 299
chimpanzee, iv, 51, 53
China, 195, 348, 500
Chinese mushrooms, 19
Chi-Rho, symbol of Christ, 119, 280
Chistophoris, 240
chivalry, 316, 381, 502
Chloride of Potash, 214
Christ, 192, 326, 381, 481, 494
Christ Brotherhood of Sirius, 264
Christian Rosencranz, 281
Christian Rosenkranz, 120
Christian Unions, 281, 283
Christianity, 116, 134, 161, 197, 275,
281, 282, 283, 285, 295, 300, 337,
343, 350, 380, 498, 502, 503
Christianity, British Imperial, 162
Christians, 135
Christians, Jewish, 142
Chronicles, 25, 30, 32, 163, 166, 168,
189, 198, 462, 463, 466, 470, 473,
474, 476
Chronicles of Eri, 168, 474
chrysopoeia, 341
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, 348
Church, J R, 474, 495
Church, JR, 467, 483, 494
Churchill, Winston, 316
Chwolsohn, D, 471, 495
Chymia, 201, 242, 415
Chymical Wedding of Christian
Rosenkranz, 120
Cimmerians, 71, 72, 174
Circe, 251, 289, 302, 481, 486
circumcision, 68, 88, 91, 141
Cirlot, JE, 474, 476, 495
Cistercians, 161, 198, 298, 299, 319,
321, 334, 359, 360, 361, 379, 384,
Cistercians, of the Common
Observance, 361
Cistercians, of the Strict Observance,
Cîteaux, 359, 379
Clairvaux, 298, 359
Claudius, Emperor, 268
Clearmountain, Bob, 486
Clegg, J B, 497
Cleopatra, 279
Cleopatras Needle, 339
Clermont, 318
Codex Nasarous, 315
Cohen, 169
Cohn, Norman, 467, 468, 480, 488, 495
Colchis, 39, 64, 67, 68, 81, 350
College of Cardinals, 224
Collegia, Roman, 293, 294, 295
Collins, Andrew, 465, 468, 470, 472,
473, 478, 482, 484, 495
colloids, metal, 17
Comacini, 313
Commagene, vii, 1, 37, 64, 69, 71, 72,
93, 98, 101, 112, 126, 127, 132, 134,
135, 147, 259, 273, 296, 339
Commandments, Ten, 34
Como, 299
Compagnonnage, 7, 299, 300, 311
compass, 328
Compass, The, 40
Compost, 214, 215, 216
Compostela, 175
Comyria, 69
Concord Research Corporation, 461,
491, 495
concrete, 297
Confucians, 248
Conservers of the Hermetic Secrets, 275
Conservers of the Mosaic Secrets, 275
Consistory, 224
Constantine, 479
Constantine, Emperor, 119, 237, 238,
266, 268, 282, 496
Constantinople, 7, 135, 192, 222, 325
Cooper, Leon N, 461
Cooper, William, 351
copper, v, 28, 64, 75, 131, 210, 212,
Copper Scroll, 358
Corbin, Henry, 379, 480, 491, 495
cordax, 241
Corinthian columns, 294
Corneille, Thomas, 280, 483, 495
Cornuke, Bob, 109
Cornwall, 169, 182, 183
Corona Borealis, 241, 242, 308, 383
Coronae Borealis, 36
Coronation Chair, 172
Coronation Stone, 172
Corpus Hermeticum, 130, 191, 192,
193, 195, 337
Corsica, 167
Council of Tours, 199
Countenance, 61, 234, 290
counterfeiting, 8, 200
Covenant, 154
Covenant of Circumcision, 88
Covenant, God of the, 331
Coventry Cathedral, 78
Cox, M J, 497
Crab, 228
Cran, William, 475, 499
Crata Repoa, 66, 311, 413, 491
Crathes Castle, 160, 434
cream of tartar, 214
Creation Epic, 325, 326
Crete, 36, 37, 42, 98, 99, 175, 212, 241,
Critas, 489
crocus colchium, 39
crocus flower, 39, 40, 70, 296
crocus sativus, 40
Croke, Richard, 162
Cro-Magnon Man, 53
Cromwell, Oliver, 184
crone, 35, 234, 308
Cronos, 87, 113, 210
Cross of Salem, 284, 382
Cross Patté, 419, 420
Cross Patteé, 298, 419
Cross, St Andrews, 119
crow, 76
Crowley, Aleister, 326, 333
Crown of Light, 289
Crows Bill, 217
Crucible, 495
Cruciferous Rose, 262
Crusaders, 135, 296, 502
crux, 280
Cthulhu, 226, 326
cube, 137, 295
Cuchulain, 242
Cudi Da i, Mt Judi, 127
Culdees, 300
Cult of the Material Universe, 128
Cumbria, 182
Cunobelinus, British High King, 268
Cup of Sweetness, 416
Cupid, 280
Curetes, 69
Cushitic, 61
Cyclades, 42
cyclamen, 251
Cydonian apple, 208
Cymry, 72, 174, 182, 269
Cyprus, 99, 260
Cyrus the Great, 25, 42, 134
Daath, 226
Dacians, 61
Daedalus, 38, 241, 242, 409
Daena, 382
Dale, Rodney, 355, 461, 490, 502
Damascus, 62, 100, 128, 154, 156, 157,
276, 277, 337, 483
Damascus Document, 70, 154
Dan, 85, 128, 155, 157, 161, 162, 163,
164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 176, 178,
183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,
191, 235, 254, 274, 278, 356
Dan, Tribe of, 190, 278
Danaans, 37, 290
Danaë, 301
Danaides, 176
Danaioi, 177, 178
Danakil Alps, 51, 52
Danakil Depression, 51
Danaoi, 176
Danaus, 176, 177
dancing, 500
Danes, 170, 183
Daniel, viii, 490
Danites, 164, 170, 184, 185, 188, 190
Danmark, 172
Dannites, 184
Dante, 229, 479
Danube River, iv, 59, 180
Dark Ages, 350
Dasgupta, Rajib, 477
Daughters of Man, 182
Daughters of the West, 208, 222
d'Aumont, Pierre, 314, 321
David, 160
David, King, vii, 25, 27, 28, 37, 87, 88,
89, 92, 98, 140, 141, 153, 156, 159,
168, 186, 197, 268, 272, 273, 356,
Davidy, Yair, 483, 495
Davies V, 501
Davies, N de G, 462, 495
Davis, RW, 464, 498
Dawkins, Peter, 464, 466, 467, 469,
470, 472, 473, 475, 478, 479, 481,
482, 483, 484, 486, 488, 491, 495
Day of Willows, 36
de Vere, Richard, 270
Dead Sea, 11, 30, 70, 109, 110, 141,
145, 153, 172, 254, 278, 279, 281,
344, 358, 361, 403, 483, 493, 495,
Dead Sea Scrolls, 30, 110, 153, 254,
281, 358, 483, 495, 502
Deborah, 163
Dechend, Professor Hertha von, 264,
Dee, Dr John, 283, 288, 326, 484, 488,
Dee, John, 162, 191, 264, 267
Defender of the Faith, 238
Delilah, 242
Delphi, 35, 80, 277, 293, 294, 301, 302,
305, 306, 493
Delphos, 29
Demeter, 80, 224, 261, 277, 301, 305,
306, 309, 369, 370, 371
Demeter, Mysteries of, 176
Demiurge, 196
Demiurgos, 196
Denmark, 73, 120, 170
Denudata, 354
Department of Defense, American, 17
depression, 17
Dervishes, 238, 351
Descadeillas, 490
Descent of the Inanna, 325, 326
Despoina, 80
Desroches-Noblecourt, C, 468, 495
Deuteronomy, 86, 466, 468, 476, 481,
488, 489, 490
Devenish Abbey, 171
Devil, 198, 282
dew, 8, 39, 280, 355, 356, 358
Dew, Brothers of the Boiled, 351
Diana, 177, 262, 302, 308, 486
Diana, Princess, 308
Diana, Temple of, 262
didactic philosophy, 221
Didcot Perceval, 378, 379, 381, 495
Diktinna, 491
Dilmun, 138, 383, 494
Dinah, 163
Diocletian, 295, 343, 350
Diodorus, 121, 136
Diodorus Siculus, 176, 177, 180, 475,
Dionysian Artificers, 7, 140, 293, 299
Dionysian Mysteries, 221
Dionysis, 293
Dionysius, St, 248
Dionysus, 37, 79, 113, 137, 196, 208
Dioscorides, 346, 489
Director of the Great Mansion, 292
Djoser, v, 292
DNA, 21
Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter, 476, 495
Dog Men, 156, 272
dog rose, 239, 259, 270, 365, 369
Dog Rose, 262, 264
dog roses, 376
Dog Star, Sirius, 264, 272
Dogon tribe, 264
Domestic Annals of Ireland, 166
Dominicans, 199
Donne, John, 334
Doresse, Jean, 474, 495
Dorians, 60, 177, 178, 293, 294, 302
double entendres, 3
double-headed axe, 328
Douglas, Michael, 226
Dover, 181, 498
Dowd's Town, 169
Down, David K, 489
Drach, P.L.B, 472, 495
Dracos, 247
dragon, 182
Dragon, 222
dragon, winged, 221
Dread Book, 325, 326, 327, 335
Druids, 34, 61, 163, 165, 207, 239, 259,
269, 313
drunk as a Templar, 174
Druze, 118
Dryopithecines, iv, 51
dualism, i, 133, 196
Duc d'Orléans, Philippe, 377, 488
Duchares, 137
Duke of Chartres, 318
Duke of Devonshire, 365
Dumuzi, 83, 331
Dun Telve, 314
Dun Troddan, 314
Dundee, 184
Dunraven, 184
Dupuis, Charles, 324
Dyer, Sir Edward, 270
eagle, 190, 327
Easter, 230
Ebionites, 146, 495
Ecclesia Spiritualis, 247
Eckart, Dietrich, 326
Eckenstein, Lina, 465, 495
Eco, Umberto, 3, 495
Eden, 64, 136
Edessa, 127, 135
Edgar, 237
Edict of Nantes, 319
Edinburgh, 314, 361, 483
Edmund, 224, 237, 478, 493
Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, 199
Edom, 273, 493
Edomites, 137, 274, 493
Edward I, 262
Edward I of England, 162, 172
Edward I, King of England, 235
Edward II, 200, 320
Edward II, of England, 321
Edward III, King, 199, 238
Edward IV, 262
Edward the Confessor, King, 238
Edward VI, 271
egg, glain, 230
Egyptian Blue, 296
Egyptian Priests, 486
Egyptian Rite of Passage, 23
Egyptians, v, vi, vii, 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 27,
28, 29, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 59,
61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 74, 78, 79, 86, 87,
92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 104, 109, 113, 114, 127, 128,
133, 134, 135, 138, 142, 192, 195,
201, 202, 206, 210, 220, 221, 242,
246, 247, 249, 255, 264, 266, 272,
275, 280, 285, 292, 324, 334, 336,
337, 339, 341, 343, 344, 348, 353,
383, 384, 413, 414, 415, 416, 494,
495, 496, 497, 499, 504
Eireneus Philalethes, 351
Eisenman, Robert, 473, 484, 495
Ekron, 23, 32
El, 113, 128, 136, 211
Elamites, 63
Elea, School of Philosophy of, 193
Eleazar, Abraham, 357, 358, 495
electricity, 34
electron pair annihilation, 21
Elephantine, 66, 292
Eleusian mysteries, 319
Eleusian Mysteries, 197, 266
Eleusis, 78, 304
Eliade, Mircea, 74, 466, 490, 495
Elixir of Life, 6, 8, 201, 329
Elixir of Youth, 12
Elizabeth I, Queen, 266, 267, 289
Elizabeth II, Queen, 124
Elizabethans, 7
Ellis, Dr Albert, 285, 484, 495
El-Mahdy, Christine, 468, 495
Elysian Fields, 234
Elysium, 307, 308
embracing, 83, 87, 117, 260, 386
emerald, 195, 249, 380
Emerald City, i
Emerald Tablet, 193, 195, 197, 297, 502
Enfants de Solomon, 299
Engedi, 145, 344, 489
England, 1, 7, 17, 61, 199, 256, 262,
280, 281, 283, 285, 288, 296, 300,
320, 323, 332, 349, 351, 495
English Commissions, 200
English Parliament, 200
Enki, 327
Enlightenment, 500
Enlil, 229
Ennead, 35
Enoch, 130, 146, 197, 264
Enoch, Book of, 29, 155, 182, 272, 357
Enos, 197
Enzu, 114
Eochaide, 171
Ephesus, 293
Ephraim, 186, 188
Ephrath, 272
Epigoni, 209
Eratosthenes, 181
Ereshkigal, 328
Ericepaius, 80
Eriphyle, 209
Esau, 137, 273
Eskimos, 56
esotericism, 291
Essenes, 7, 26, 27, 70, 145, 146, 147,
149, 270, 275, 293, 313, 343, 344,
348, 350, 483, 502
estrus, 53
et in arcadia ego, 318
Et in Arcadia Ego, 365, 369, 371
Ethiopians, 61, 100, 197, 359
Etruscans, 60, 71, 99
Eucharist, 7, 85, 229, 306, 316
Euclid, 135, 343
Eudoxus of Cnidos, 135
Eudoxus, of Cnidos, viii
Eugenius III, Pope, 419
Euhemerus, 105, 171
Euphrates River, 27, 64, 100, 128, 462
Eupolemus, 461
Euripides, 81, 177, 305, 463, 486
Europë, 482
Eusebius, 171, 469, 474
Eusebius of Caesarea, 145
Eusebius, of Caesarea, 237, 470, 479,
Eustathius, 480
Eutychus, 127
Evans, Lorraine, 462, 468, 469, 474,
478, 496
Eve, 45, 149, 156, 232, 234
Exile, vii, 9, 91, 116, 274
Exile, Recital of, 249
Exodus, vi, vii, 2, 6, 30, 32, 90, 93, 95,
102, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110, 154,
169, 175, 188, 191, 339, 381, 466,
467, 468, 469, 472, 473, 475, 477,
482, 484, 489
Eye of Providence, 354
Eymerich, Nicholas, 200
Ezekiel, viii, 34, 72, 150, 172, 186, 439,
441, 442, 443, 444, 446, 451, 457,
458, 465, 466, 468, 471, 473, 474,
475, 489
Ezzahir Bro., 478, 479, 488, 492
fable of Christ, 152
Faerie Queen, 224, 482
Faivre, Antoine, 487, 489, 496
Family of Love, 227, 230, 232, 283,
287, 337, 497, 498, 499, 504
Fanthorpe, Lionel & Patricia, 485, 496
Faroe Islands, 181
Farsi, 141
Faust, i, 8, 249
Favareti, 382
Favier, Jean, 467, 485, 490, 496
Feast of the Tabernacles, 36, 90
fecundity, 83, 89
Fell, Barry, 496
Fellows of the Rosy Cross, 280
Female, the, 83, 309
Ferdowsi, 465, 496
Feridun, 74
Festival of the Wild Women, 84
Feuillants, Cistercian monks, 361
Ficino, Marsilio, 192
field of holy apples, 356
Field, Richard, 270
Fifth Dynasty, 247
Finnish, 56
fir tree, 39
Firbolgs, 163, 167
Firdowsi, Arabian poet, 74
First Temple, 25, 26, 29, 33, 44
Fisher, John, 481, 482, 496
flame, golden, 379
Flamel, Nicholas, 250, 254, 276, 350
flax, 64
Flegetanis, 380, 381
Fleur-de-Lys, 296, 297
Florence, 192
Flower Queen, 38, 90
Fludd, Robert, 289, 351, 382, 484
followers of Set, 107, 108
fool's gold, 220
foot race, 35
Foreign Companions of the Devoir de
Salomon, 299
Forge, 495
Formorians, 167
Forsaker, 226
Fowden, Garth, 478, 496
Fox, John, 265, 266
Frahm, Klaus, 487, 502
France, 61, 135, 276, 296, 297, 299,
Francis Yates, 484
Franciscans, 199
Francken, Henry, 487, 496
François I, King, 231
Frank Lloyd Wright, 241
frankincense, 138
Fraser, Sir Ronald, 494
Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, 280
Fratres Rosi Crucis, 280
Fratres Solomonis, 299
Frazer, Sir James, 470, 496
Frederick II, 295, 312, 316
Frederick III, Emperor, 35
Frederick the Great, 371
Freedman, David N, 474, 496
Freemasonry, 2, 6, 7, 34, 73, 78, 122,
129, 200, 239, 246, 280, 283, 284,
287, 288, 291, 293, 299, 300, 311,
312, 336, 349, 351, 385, 493, 497,
498, 499, 502, 503
Freer, Ian, 488, 496
French Revolution, 318, 351
Frerés de la Rosee Cuite, 280
frescoes, 294
Friedman R, 501
Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia,
Fulcanelli, 207, 209, 211, 245, 334,
471, 473, 477, 478, 480, 481, 483,
484, 486, 489, 496
Fullerton, S M, 497
fulminating gold, 207, 348, 349
Gaballa,, 469, 496
Gabriel, 296
Gad, 75, 128, 176
Gadelius, 176
Gaius Octavius, 294
Gala, 334
galena, i, 66, 210
Galilee, 26, 157, 261, 278, 344
Galilee, Sea of, 278
Galla, 210
Ganymede, 179
Garcerandus de Teus, 116
Gardner, Laurence, 462, 465, 469, 483,
484, 496
garnet, fire, 34
Garter, Order of, 238, 493
Gath, 23
Gauls, raids on Delphi, 306
Gawain, 331, 381
Gebal, 97, 221
Gebel el-Ahmar, 292
Gematria, 122
Gemini, 264
Genesis, 72, 122, 127, 141, 153, 163,
181, 251, 339, 371, 373, 374, 428,
462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470,
471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 481,
482, 483, 485, 488, 490, 491
Genghis Khan, 130
Gennesaret, Lake, 260, 278, 279
Gennesaret, Plain of, 279
gentiles, 357
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 162, 234, 272,
464, 473, 475, 479, 482, 485, 496
geometry, 298
George Gemistos, 192
Georgi, 162
Georgia, 72
Georgius Syncellus, 134
Gerber, 199
Germans, 7, 60, 97, 281, 282, 283, 285,
299, 326, 351, 360
Gesta Danorum, 120, 470
GHA, 353, 470, 490
gibberish, 199
Gibbon, iv, 53, 55
Gibraltar, 181
Gigantpithecus, 55
Gilbert, Adrian, 465, 469, 471, 476,
482, 485, 491, 496
Giles, JA, 501
Gilgamesh, 228, 234
Gilgamesh and the Cedar Forest, 227
Gilgamesh, Epic of, 83, 89, 258
Gimbutas, M, 466, 496
Ginzberg, Louis, 461, 496
Gisors, 160, 276
Giza, 297
Glamis, Castle, 160
Glenbeag, 314
Gluck, Christoph Willibad, 84
Gnosis, 500
Gnosticism, 7, 147, 196, 197, 198, 226,
227, 229, 234, 238, 247, 291, 333
Gnostics, 151, 196, 197, 198, 199, 226
goat, 61, 75, 78, 83
Goat-god, 75, 78
goat-stag, 208
Gobi Desert, 58
Goda, Goddess, 78
Goddess, Mother, 35, 76, 87, 89, 179,
260, 302, 305, 334
Goddess, Triple, 35, 60, 76, 77, 83, 89,
91, 144, 150, 208, 222, 224, 234,
242, 243, 252, 271, 272, 277, 305,
307, 309, 328
Goddess, White, 35
Goddess, Wisdom, 243
Godefroi de Bouillon, 159, 161
Godfrey de Bouillon, 435
Godwin, Joscelyn, 476, 483, 488, 491,
Godwin, Malcolm, 491, 497
Goethe, i, 249
gold, 17, 19, 23, 28, 43, 119, 127, 137,
138, 200, 203, 206, 210, 218, 219,
220, 221, 222, 223, 244, 245, 255,
312, 339, 341, 342, 343, 348, 351,
358, 359, 387, 388, 389, 392
gold chloride, 218
gold chloride, homeopathic, 218
gold fulminate, 348
gold, flaming, 379
gold, monatomic, 19
gold, water of, 137, 341
Golden Age, 58, 80, 164, 187, 289, 488
Golden and Rosy Cross, 285
golden apple, 241
Golden Ass, the, 258
golden fleece, 64, 240, 496
Golden Fleece, Order of, 231
Golden Ratio, 297, 298, 417, 418, 419,
420, 423, 424
Golden Rose, 271
golden tear from the eye of Horus, 337
golden tree, i
Gomer, 71
Gonda, Matthew, 464, 503
Good, 62
Good and Evil, 122
good men, 199
Good Religion, 133, 275
Gorgon, 243, 327
Gorilla, iv, 51, 53
G-ORME, 387, 389, 392
Gospel of Thomas, 150, 230, 261, 314,
472, 479, 487
Gothic, 135, 195, 297
Goths, 174
Gould, R F, 487, 497
gout, herbal remedy, 40
Græcus, Marcus, 490
Grand Lodge of France, 312
Grand Master, 200, 276, 283, 293, 294
Grand Orient of France, 275
grand tour, 4
Grand Vizier, 292
grape juice, 19, 21
Graves, Robert, i, 2, 462, 463, 464, 465,
466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472,
473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479,
480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486,
488, 489, 490, 491, 493, 497
Great and Little She-Bears, 242
Great Chariot, 247
Great Initiates, 264, 265, 266, 267
Great Mother Goddess, 249
Great Plain of China, 56
Great Sanhedrin, 142
Great Work, 222, 245
Greater Mysteries, 226, 310, 316, 324,
336, 385, 413
Greece, 120, 229
Greeks, 7, 37, 42, 59, 60, 68, 87, 99,
135, 138, 195, 239, 262, 271, 292
green, i, 18, 131, 195, 204, 244, 245,
246, 248, 249, 250, 254, 258, 312
Green Dragon, 244
green eyd monster, 244, 245
Green George, 300
Green Lady, 436
Green Lion, 204, 217, 244, 250, 254,
258, 337
Green Man, 300
Greenberg, David, 481, 497
Greenwich, 191
Gregorian Chants, 248
greywacke, 66
Griffiths, R C, 497
grimoire magia, 291
Guan, Y C, 477
Guggenheim Museum, 241
Guilhelm de Toulouse de Gellone,
Master of Aquitaine, 159
Gulf of Aqaba, 109
Gulf of St Lawrence, 185
Gulf Stream, 181
gunpowder, 214, 348, 349
Gurdjieff, G I, 132, 471, 497
Gutians, v, 62
Gwydion, 242
Gyldenstierne, 120
Gymnosophists, 285
Gypsies, 282
Habren, 272
Habsburg, Géza von, 462, 478, 479,
487, 497
Hackett, Prof HB, 483, 497
Hadramis, 136
Hadrian, 27
Haggai, viii
Hall, Manly P, 413, 429, 430, 462, 463,
464, 466, 467, 469, 470, 471, 474,
476, 477, 479, 483, 484, 486, 487,
491, 497
hallucinogens, 81
Ham, 87, 165
Hamilton, Alastair, 484, 497
Hamlet, 15, 133, 209, 255
Hamlets Mill, 264, 502
Hammer of the Witches, 282
Hammer, Michael, 464, 497
Hammurabi, vi, 63
Han, K N, 477
Hancock, Graham, 461, 473, 497
Hansel and Gretel, 306
Harding, Etienne Abbot of Cîteaux, 379
Harding, Rosalind, 464, 497
Hardy, Sir Alister, 464
harlot, 260
Harodim, Degrees of, 312, 313
harp, 172, 410
Harpocrates, 242, 280
Harran, 6, 7, 8, 40, 64, 70, 86, 112, 126,
127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135,
136, 137, 138, 153, 192, 210, 211,
325, 339
Harris, JR, 478, 499
Harris, Marvin, 467, 469, 497
Harrison, Michael, 486, 497
harvest-god, 113
Harvey, C, 489, 493
Harvey, Gabriel, 270
Hashmal, 34
Haskins, Susan, 481, 497
Hasmonaeans, 26, 141
Hatshepsut, Queen, 292
Hattusilish III, King, 102
hawthorn, 260
Haxa, 95
head of gold, 132
Heard, Paul, 479
heavenly witness, 382
Heaven's Gate, 196
Hebat, Hittite Goddess, 102
Hebrew, 10, 61, 153, 226, 357, 379, 499
Hebrews, 192, 468, 473, 489, 490
Hebron, 36, 76, 128, 156, 272, 273,
356, 373, 374, 495
Hecate, 80, 224, 234, 237, 261, 272,
301, 305, 371
Hector, 159
Hector of Troy, 434
He-goat, 85
Hekataios of Abdera, vii, 95
Hekla III, vi, vii, 109
Helen, 179
Helen, Goddess, 177
Helicon, spring of, 277
Heliodorus, 377
Heliopolis, 113, 135
Heliopolis, Priest of, 292
helium-3, 461
hemlock, 82
hemorrhoids, 23
henbane, 82
Hengist and Hrosa, Saxon leaders, 183
Henry de Navarre, 231
Henry III, of Navarre, 318, 319
Henry IV, 262
Henry VII, 271
Henry VIII, 271, 300
Henry VIII of England, 162
Hephaestus, 37, 354
Hera, 84, 222, 234, 240, 241, 307
Heras Games, 35
Heraclids, 178
Heraclitus, of Ephesus, 202
Hercules, 134, 178, 208, 211, 221, 224,
227, 242, 341, 478
Heredom, 120
Heredom of Kilwinning, Degree, 120
Heredom, Degrees of, 313
heresy, 151, 161, 196, 199, 200, 282,
291, 320, 321, 322, 502
Heresy, Great of the Bogomils, 197,
198, 199, 287
hermaphrodite, 228, 256
Hermaphrodite, 216
Hermes, 82, 130, 133, 165, 192, 193,
211, 240, 325, 334, 394, 405, 416,
480, 499
Hermes Trismegistus, 130, 133, 192,
193, 194, 203, 204, 240, 297, 325,
357, 381, 496
Hermes, Swiss, 222
Hermes, Trismegistus, 500
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, 275
hermetic drift, 3, 40, 44, 147, 207, 270
Hermeticism, 3, 8, 247
Hermon, Mount, 164, 165, 166, 182,
189, 191, 277, 278
Hero, 230, 241
Hero, Search for the, 230
Herod Antipas, 157, 261
Herod the Great, 25, 142
Heroden, Degrees of, 313
Herodotus, viii, 29, 68, 78, 79, 101,
174, 177, 242, 262, 417, 418, 462,
465, 466, 475, 480, 481, 491, 497
Heroticus, 168
Herremon, 171
Herremon, Eochaide, 171
Herremon, Gede the, 171
Herremon, Prince, 187
Heru-pa-khret, 280
Hesiod, 234, 482
Hesperides, 35, 222, 227, 307
Hesperides, garden of, 221, 224
Hezekiah, 143
Hibernia, 180
Hierothesion, 134
Higden, Ranulf, 497
Higgins, Frank C, 491, 497
Higgins, Godfrey, 465, 471, 484, 488,
Hillel, Rabbi, 142, 462
Himilco the Carthaginian, 168, 181
Hippolytus, 111, 189, 344, 476, 498
Hiram Abiff, 34, 71, 73, 91, 103, 154,
155, 188, 293, 298, 314, 349, 359,
428, 439, 456, 497, 499, 503
Hiram Key, 499
Hiram King of Tyre, 34, 91
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, 119
Hittites, 42, 44, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
63, 70, 71, 72, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89,
93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 102, 104, 105,
108, 114, 128, 150, 151, 177, 179,
180, 197, 229, 248, 258, 264, 273,
274, 280, 284, 290, 309, 322, 327,
331, 385, 416
Hivites, 92
hoama, 346
Hochmah, 122
hog, 302
holiness, 284
holly oak, 209, 210
Holmyard, E J, 478, 498
Holy and Ineffable Name, 243
Holy Apples, 208
Holy City, 43, 100, 102, 156
Holy Ghost, Order of, 231
Holy Grail, 1, 8, 132, 155, 215, 331,
337, 350, 360, 378, 379, 380, 381,
385, 493, 496, 497, 501, 502
Holy Grail, Fellowship of, 381
Holy Immortals, 248
Holy Lamb of God, 256
Holy of Holies, 23, 137, 342
Holy One, 251
Holy Order of Knights Beneficent of
the Holy City, 359
Homer, 87, 177, 179, 181, 234, 249,
250, 332, 463, 475, 478, 480, 486,
Homo Erectus, 49, 53
Homo Habilus, iv, 53
Homo Sapien (Sapien), iv, 53, 56, 58,
homoeopathic alchemy, 255
honey, 79, 81, 82, 85, 100, 154, 157,
187, 254, 258, 301, 302, 466, 500,
honeycomb, 80, 82
Horai, S, 497
Horemheb, 105
Horites, 92
Horne, Alexander 33°, 498
horse, white, 301
Horus, 13, 34, 44, 71, 121, 230, 242,
246, 250, 264, 280, 295, 296, 353,
405, 415, 418
Hosea, viii
House of Song, 133
House of Spring, 228
House of the Tragic Poet, 304
House of Worst, 133
Houses of Love, 287
Howard, Michael, 476, 479, 480, 483,
485, 486, 487, 488, 498
Huang-Ho River, 56
Hudson, David, 2, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23,
245, 342, 387, 461, 480, 498
Hudson, Thomas, 365
Hugh de Payens, 313
Hugh of Champagne, 161
Huguenots, 231
Hugues des Payens, 161, 359
Hundred Years War, 236
Huns, 97
Hur, 272
Hurrian, 101
Hurrians, 42, 60, 63, 69, 92, 95, 97, 98,
99, 100, 108, 272, 273, 274, 504
Hyacinth, 256, 289, 290, 410
Hyksos, vi, 41, 42, 71, 75, 95, 96, 97,
98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107,
108, 113, 128, 176, 228, 242, 247,
337, 341, 375, 384, 468
Hynde, Chrissie, 308
Hypatia, beautiful mathematician, 350
Hyperborean Bear Race, 180
Hyperboreans, 58, 61, 207, 264, 269
Hyperdulia, 151
Hyrcanus I, John, 141
hyssop tree, 71
I.N.R.I, 147, 150, 230
Iahu, 34, 71, 76, 113
Iahu, Calf, 71
Iakeb Aarhu, 102, 375
Ibath, 167
Ibn as-Samh, 498
Ibn Bishrun, Bakr, 477, 498
Ibn Khaldun, 498
Ice Age, iv, 58, 59, 61
Iceland, vi, vii
Icolmkill, 313
Ida, the young Dionysus, 208
Idris, 264
Iggi, 335
Ignis innaturalis, 214
Iimbic, 215
Il Guercino, 318, 371
Iliad, 463, 475, 478, 486, 490
Illiad, 177, 179
illuminati, 285
Iltigius, 268, 482, 498
Ilus, 179, 295
Imhotep, v, 42, 103, 292, 337, 384, 485
Immanent Principle of God, 270
immortality, 78, 114, 143, 144, 153,
196, 208, 306, 337, 351
Inanna, 70, 114, 284, 323, 327, 329,
330, 331, 334, 335
incest, 210, 295, 408
India, iv, 56, 59, 229, 293, 351
Indo- European, 60
Indo-Aryan, 60
Indo-Hittites, iv, v, vi, 9, 33, 44, 60, 63,
64, 70, 71, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92, 93, 97,
98, 104, 113, 114, 144, 337
Indo-Iranians, 9, 60, 92, 95, 97, 98, 99
Indra, 60, 83, 89, 229
Indus River, v, 59, 138
Indus Valley, 61
Inferno, 229, 479
Initiates, Gate of the, 87
initiation, 79, 83, 247, 356, 383
Initiation of Plato, 123
inquisitors, 282
Instauration, Great, 289
interrex, 36
Invasions, Book of, 163
Inventory Stele, 418
Invisible College, 283, 351, 496
Iohanan, Prophet, 313
Iona, 313
Ionians, 60, 71, 177, 293, 294
Iovine, Jimmy, 486
Iran, 49, 64, 69, 132, 173, 229, 247
Iranian mysteries, 332
Iraq, 98
Ireland, v, 7, 60, 61, 163, 166, 167, 168,
169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
176, 184, 185, 187, 300, 332, 498,
Irenaeus, 189, 476, 498
iridium, 17, 18, 19, 392
iris, 296
iron, 73
iron pyrites, 220
Iron sulphide, 213
Isaac, vi, 86, 91, 127, 197
Isaiah, viii, 39, 43, 463
Ishmael, 128, 137
Ishtar, 39, 42, 114, 116, 228, 261, 323,
329, 334
Isiac ark, 42
Isis, 42, 43, 44, 87, 113, 114, 116, 121,
123, 210, 228, 246, 249, 250, 251,
258, 264, 266, 272, 289, 329, 331,
341, 353, 405, 415, 418, 463, 477,
479, 480, 498, 504
Isis Unveiled, 487
Islam, 129, 323
Isle of Skye, 314
Isle of the Albiones, 181
Israel, 6, 9, 25, 28, 44, 90, 140, 144,
281, 293, 342, 358, 494
Isra-El, 127
Israeli, 10, 136
Israelites, 2, 9, 42, 71, 76, 85, 86, 92,
93, 95, 98, 100, 113, 135, 137, 339,
341, 355, 356, 381, 384
Italic Latins, 60
Italy, 193
Itjtawy, 66
ivy ale, 81
ixias, 81
J, Biblical author, 28, 494
Jabal, 193
Jabal al Lawz, 109
Jâbir ibn Hayyân, 199
Jachin, 119
Jacob, 30, 38, 41, 91, 93, 95, 102, 127,
128, 144, 260, 273, 373, 375, 376,
383, 432, 492
Jacob, Patriarch, 163, 166, 168, 172,
176, 186, 188, 189, 274
Jacobs ladder, 383
Jacob's pillar-stone, 172
Jaffa, 39
Jalame, 344
James I of England, 7, 281
James the Righteous, 143
James, I, 486
Janneus, King, 148
Janus, 327
Japan, 56
Japheth, 71, 127
Jared, 197
Jarmo, 98
Jason, 64, 70, 305, 480
Jason and the Argonauts, 64, 240, 241
Java Man, iv, 55
Javan, 71
Jaxartes River, 133
Jebel esh Shiekh, 278
Jebusites, 92, 140
Jechiel, 472
Jefferson, Thomas, 286
Jehoiarib, tribe of, 141
Jehovah, 138, 272, 322
Jenkins, T, 497
Jerel, amber, 34
Jeremiah, viii, 32, 146, 170, 171, 172,
186, 187, 189, 190, 427, 439, 440,
444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 461, 462,
467, 468, 470, 472, 474, 476, 489,
Jericho, 93, 279
Jericho, Rose of, 262
Jerman, James, 486, 503
Jeroboam, 235
Jerome, 37, 165, 474, 498
Jerome, St, 313, 498
Jerusalem, vi, 7, 8, 11, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 75, 90, 92, 95, 100, 102, 107,
108, 109, 113, 134, 140, 142, 146,
149, 153, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163,
166, 171, 176, 178, 186, 187, 189,
238, 256, 272, 287, 298, 316, 319,
321, 325, 348, 356, 359, 360, 369,
373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 384, 421,
439, 440, 450, 458, 502
Jerusalem, new, 347
Jeshu-ha-Notzri, 149
Jessaeans, 147
Jesuit degree, 315
Jesus, 36, 39, 40, 116, 134, 139, 140,
143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151,
153, 154, 197, 230, 238, 260, 261,
274, 330, 331, 334, 343, 353, 496,
Jesus ben Panthera, 148, 150
Jesus, of Gennesaret, 146
Jesus bones, 362
Jethro, 76
Jewel of Iran, 248
Jewish Encyclopedia, 461, 498
Jews, 40, 86, 134, 221, 275, 282, 284,
358, 491, 498, 501
Jin, Li, 464, 498
Joachim, 197
Johanites, 313
Johannites, 116, 315
John of Patmos, 328
John the Baptist, 136, 143, 157, 261,
266, 279
John the Good, 236
Johnson, Buffie, 474, 498
Johnson, W. Raymond, 468, 498
Jonathan, 142, 143, 164, 165, 178
Jonathan, High Priest, 142
Joppa, 167
Jordan River, 11, 75, 164, 277, 278, 279
Joseph, 95, 97, 128, 155, 197, 238, 249,
268, 316, 373, 374, 375, 376, 409,
493, 499
Joseph of Arimathea, 238, 268
Joseph, Patriach, 490
Joseph, Patriarch, 176, 184, 269
Josephus, 23, 25, 26, 29, 36, 106, 108,
111, 117, 127, 128, 143, 145, 155,
261, 278, 293, 344, 350, 461, 462,
466, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473,
474, 475, 481, 483, 484, 489, 490,
491, 498
Josephus, Flavius, 26, 77, 143, 153,
156, 157, 174, 178, 278, 289, 465,
471, 485
Joshua, vii, 77, 88, 93, 154, 160, 163,
273, 349, 468, 473, 489, 490
Josuah, 435
Jove, 116
Joyce, Donovan, 466, 472, 473, 483,
Jubal, 193
Judah, 10, 25, 28, 29, 32, 34, 85, 90,
144, 150, 157, 163, 168, 171, 178,
183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 220,
251, 268, 272, 273, 274, 295, 323,
Judah Ben Solomon, 220
Judah ha-Kadosh, Rabbi, 462
Judah ha-Nasi, Rabbi, 462
Judas Maccabeus, 160, 435
Judas of Gamalas, 147
Judas the Galilean, 143, 146
Judges, 76, 90, 168, 329, 467, 473, 474,
475, 481, 490
Judgment, 119, 121, 133, 145, 356, 357,
Judgment of Paris, 234
Judi, Mount, 127
Julius Caesar, 160, 294, 295, 371, 434,
July Revolution, 377
Jung, C J, 93, 491, 498
Jupiter, 27, 113, 131, 210, 211, 221,
Justice, 44, 119, 121
Justinian, 134
Jutes, 183
Kaaba, 129
Kabbalah, 7, 8, 33, 122, 136, 145, 162,
323, 339, 353, 354, 394, 499, 502
Kabuchi mushrooms, 19
Kadesh on the Orontes River, 43, 102,
Kadesh the Deceitful, 101
Kadesh, Battle of, 29
Kadesh, Jerusalem, 37, 43, 156, 384
Kadesh, Merbah, 43
Kadesh, Palestine, 100
Kadesh, Wilderness of Zin, 330
Kadesh-Barnea, 43, 128
Kaldhol, Bjarte, 466
Kalybs, 72
Kamchatka Peninsular of Siberia, 56
Kamose, 100, 384
Kaphtorim, 75
Kaposi Sarcomas, 21
Karafet, T, 497
Kara-kum Desert, 132
Karnak, 28, 30, 41, 43, 101, 102, 103,
104, 105, 119, 338, 339, 468
Kassites, 60, 99
Kay, 242, 380
Kay Khosraw, Iranian Knight, 380
Keating, Geoffrey, 474, 498
Kedorla'omer, 153, 272
Kenites, 37, 71, 75, 78, 98, 272
Kenyon, Dame Kathleen, 462, 498
Keplinger, J, 484, 498
kerm, 209
Kerm King, 181
kerm-oak tree, 76, 209, 210
Kerotakis, 215
Kersten, Holger, 472, 489, 499
Key to Resurrection, 229
Khorsabad, 173
khvarnah, 74
kid, 79, 83, 84, 85
Kilwinning, 300, 487
King Arthur, 160
King Athelstan, 300
King Edward I of England, 172
King George III of England, 186
King James I of England, 172
King James VI of Scotland, 172
King Janneus, 148
King Jesus, 497
King Lear, 234, 237, 268
King of Lombard, 299
King of Righteousness, 153, 155, 254
King Solomon, 28, 29, 33, 34, 40, 43,
73, 119, 137, 298, 330, 349, 360,
King Solomons Temple, 34
King Solomon's Method, 344
King Solomon's Temple, 25, 26, 27, 28,
40, 73, 119, 137, 276, 298, 316, 330,
339, 342, 349, 360, 498
Kingly Fortune, 74
Kir, great God, 69
Kirchweger, 249
Kirgis, 56, 70
Kirgiz Steppes, 56, 70
Kirsop, Wallace, 484, 498
Kiryat Shemona, 164
Kitchen, KA, 468, 499
Kiyumars, 74, 147
Kiz'il-Kum Desert, 132
Klu Klux Klan, 186
Knight of Holiness, 228
Knight of the Golden Stone, 120
Knight Quadosh, 232
Knight, Christopher, 468, 480, 499
Knight, Iranian, 380
Knighthood of the Rosy Cross, 120
Knights Hospitaller, 319
Knights of Palestine, 275, 313, 314, 315
Knights of the Blue Garter, 239
Knights Templar, 7, 9, 78, 116, 121,
132, 135, 160, 199, 200, 217, 238,
275, 276, 277, 282, 284, 291, 292,
298, 299, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316,
319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325,
330, 332, 333, 334, 335, 349, 350,
351, 352, 359, 360, 361, 362, 374,
375, 376, 379, 380, 384, 385, 419
Knossos, 38
know thyself, 266
knowledge of the Orientals, 380
Koch, Glenn A, 488, 495
Koestler, Arthur, 470, 499
Korea, 56
Kramer, Samuel Noah, 465, 477, 486,
488, 504
Krings M, 464
Krings, M, 499
Kullervo, 414
Kumarbi, 87
kundalini yoga, 332, 333, 382
Kur, 147
Kurdistan, 62, 64, 98
Kurgan, v, 60, 61, 70
KUR-KUR, 39, 70, 290, 327
Kutmuhi, 64
La Jonquière, 363
Laban, 128, 129
Labryadae, 328
labrys, 327, 328
labyrinth, 4, 6, 241, 242, 294, 409, 414
Labyrinth, Egyptian, 38
Lady Godiva, 78
Laguna, Andrés, 82
Lake Baikal, 56
Lake Balkhash, 56
Lake Van, 59, 132, 139, 182
Lambert, Joseph B, 465, 468, 471, 477,
478, 485, 489, 499
Lamech, Lost Wisdom of, 193, 197
Lancelot, 380
Land of the Fish, 264
Landulf II of Capua, 326
Language of the Birds, 33
Languedoc, 157
Lanthorn of Demosthenes, 363
Lapidus, 502
Lapis Lazuli, 34, 43
Laplanders, 56
Larmenius, John, 321
Last Supper, 195
laurel, 81
Laurion field, 212
lavender, 250
Lavoisier, Antoine, 351
Lawlor, Robert, 485, 499
Lawrence R, 467, 501
lead, 66, 69, 98, 101, 131, 210, 212,
219, 220, 255, 269, 320, 393
Leadbeater, CW, 487, 499
Lebanon, 39, 69, 71, 100, 160, 168,
277, 345
Lebanon, Mount, 276
Lee, David M, 461
Leiden Papyrus, 469, 471
Leigh, N, 489
Leigh, Richard, 462, 484, 488, 490,
491, 493
Lenaea, festival, 84
Leo, 80
Les Bergers d'Arcadie I, 365, 371
Les Bergers d'Arcadie II, 365, 369, 371,
374, 376
Les Companions des Devoirs du Tour
de France, 299
Lesser Mysteries, 309, 413
L'Etoile Flamboyante, 314
Levant, 69
Levi, 34, 150
Levi, Eliphas, 472, 480, 487, 499
Leviathan, 226
Levites, 34, 90, 137, 140
LHA, 353, 470, 490
lia-fail, 172
Liban, Mount, 276
libations, 140
Liber Logaeth, 326, 495
Liberality, 121, 122, 123, 126, 132, 140
Library of Alexandria, 350
Libya, 12, 61, 107, 168, 206
licensee, alchemy, 199
Lichfield, Earl of, 363
Lichtheim, Miriam, 468
Life, 117, 197, 257, 280
light, 8, 117, 129, 130, 245, 247, 248,
249, 257, 258, 259, 280, 281, 284,
337, 343, 357, 382, 495, 499
Light, 118
Light, cross of, 280
light, divine, 383
light, gamma photon, 21
light, green, 382
Light, Lame God of, 37
Light, Lord of, 36
light, of glory, 379
Ligou, Daniel, 503
lilac, 8, 39, 40, 244, 250, 254, 255, 257,
296, 327
lily of the field, 70
Lincoln, Henry, 462, 488, 491, 493
lineage of custodianship, 379
Linear A, 99
Linus, First Bishop of Rome, 268, 269
lion, 64, 85, 114, 228, 244, 254
Little Bear, 247
Little Chariot, 247
Liverani, 462
Loire Valley, 294
Lomas, Robert, 468, 480, 499
Longinus, Spear of, 238
loranthus, 81
Lord Anson's Blue pea, 363
Lord Iaooue, 114
Lord of Heaven, 114
Lord of the Abyss, 226
Lord of the Mansions, 113
Lord of the North, 113
Lord of Wisdom, 114
Lorraine, 160, 161, 180
Lot, 295, 432
Lotan, 226
lotus flower, 280
Lou Gehrig, 21
Louis IX, 318
Louis Philippe dOrleans, 377
Louis Philippe Joseph dOrleans, 318,
Louis VII, 296
Louis XIV, 378
Louis XVII, 318
Louis XVIII, 318
Louis, Saint, 318
Louvre, 231, 365
love, 38, 136, 381
Love Apple, 208
Lovecraft, H P, 325, 499
Lucas A, 478, 499
Lucas, George, 226
Lucas, Paul, 351
Lucian, 463
Lucifer, 330, 478
Luckert, Karl, 469, 471, 472, 499
Lucy, 51
Luminous Night, 249, 330
luna white, 217
Lust, 78, 503
Luther, Martin, 313
Luvians, 63
Luxor, 41
Luxor, Temple of, 101
Lydians, 60, 63
Lyon, 157, 216
Lysimachos, 111
M People, 479
Marib, 136
Maat, 101, 102
Mabinogin, 380
Maccabees, 26, 141, 142, 146, 485
Mackenzie, Kenneth, 129, 471, 499
Mackey, Albert G, 462, 472, 473, 478,
479, 486, 487, 491, 499
Mackey, Arnold, 488
MacNeil, Robert, 475, 499
Madai, 71
Madonna, 241, 308
maenads, 81
Maenads, 80
Magan, 75, 325, 326, 466
Magan text, 326
Magee, Bryan, 484, 499
Magi, 64, 146, 213, 285, 290, 325, 393,
magia, 282
magic, 74, 199, 282, 342
Magistri Comacini, 7, 295, 297, 298,
299, 300
Magnificences, of Catherine de Medici,
Magog, 71
Magyar, 56
Maier, 244, 258, 277, 351, 357
Maimonides, 130
Maine, 320
Majriti, 491
Makhir, Prince of Septimania, 159
Malaspina, P, 497
Malleus Maleficarum, 282
Manasseh, 186
Manchuria, 56
Manchurian Mushroom Tea, 19
Mandaean, 324
Mandaeans, 127, 136, 315
mandrake, 82, 345
Manetho, vii, 95, 99, 105, 106, 108,
171, 176, 292, 468, 469, 474
Manichaeanism, 196, 198, 247, 335
Manichaeans, 314
Manley, Bill, 465, 480, 499
manna, i, 6, 22, 123, 134, 154, 224, 339,
341, 342, 353, 354, 355, 356, 379,
Manna Machine, 502
Manning, Sturt W, 468, 499
Manu, 58, 416
Marah, 77
Marconis (de Negre), Etienne Jacques,
314, 472, 483, 487, 491, 499
Marduk, 83, 89, 113, 327, 328, 335
mares, 35, 179
Mari, 100, 128, 129, 212
Maria the Jewess, 134, 357
Mariamme, 142
Marianity, 151
Ma'rib, 135, 138, 153
Mariette, Auguste, 418
Marilaha, 129
Mariology, 151
Mark, 260
Mark, George, 464, 503
Marmaria, 80, 293, 301
Maronites, 276
Mars, 13, 131, 152, 209
Marseilles, 323
Marsh, Christopher, 478, 479, 484, 499
Marshall, Peter, 481, 489, 499
Marston, Sir Charles, 465, 499
Mary, 334
Mary Magdalene, 116, 198, 260, 261,
334, 365
Mary of Bethany, 260
Mary, Magdalen, 497
Mary, Virgin, 501, 503
Maslamah, al-Majriti, 498
Masonic Collegia, 300
Masons of the Orient, 314
Mass, High, 250
Massada, 26, 146
Master of the House, 246
Masters of the Valley, 314
Mater Ecclesiae, 152
Mathers, S L MacGregor, 462, 470,
481, 490, 492, 499
Mathieu, Parfait, 198
Matt, Daniel Chanan, 489, 490, 499
Mattathias, Judas ben, 141
Maui, 229
Mauritania, 61
Mayor, Adrienne, 467, 500
Mazadan, 381
Maze, 304
Mazet, Nicolas Henri, 484, 488, 490,
Mazumdar, Akshoy Kumar, 471, 472,
473, 500
McCrum, Robert, 475, 499
McDuff, Euan, 483, 500
McIntosh, Christopher, 484, 491, 500
Mead, G R S, 467, 476, 480, 491, 500
Mecca, 129
Medea, 64, 70, 77, 203, 240, 302, 305,
466, 480, 486
Medes, 32, 173, 174
Median fire worshippers, 271
Medians, 71
Medici, 231
Medici, Catherine de, 266
Medici, Cosimo de, 7, 192
medicine, 2, 8, 134, 199, 219, 220, 255,
292, 337, 350, 358, 380, 393, 398,
Medusa, Gorgon, 240
megalithic builders, 269
Megiddo, 42, 43, 100
Meissner Field, 22, 23
Meissner, Karl W, 22
Melchizedek, 6, 7, 8, 11, 23, 43, 62, 87,
121, 127, 140, 141, 145, 152, 153,
154, 155, 156, 157, 161, 166, 184,
197, 254, 281, 284, 298, 321, 342,
350, 359, 361, 376, 385
Melchizedek Priests, 7, 156, 376
Melchizedek, Order of, 385
Melchizedek, Priests of, 184, 190
Melchizedekians, 156, 161, 190
Melek Taus, 272
melissae, 80, 82, 293
Melkarth, 91
Melrose, 300
Melrose Abbey, 300
Meluhha, 466
Memphis, 66, 106, 113, 134, 252, 275,
276, 292, 416, 481, 482, 494, 499,
Memphis, Rite of, 275
Mend s, 78
Mennahem, 146
Mennaseh ben Israel, 184
Menorah, 114
Merchant of Venice, 15, 122, 210, 255
Mercury, 131, 201, 203, 204, 222, 255,
334, 383
Mercury of the Wise, 215
Mercy, 44, 119, 122, 123, 124, 354,
357, 402
Merenptah, 41, 107, 108
meridienne, 376
Meritaten, 171
Merkabah, 34, 118, 119
Merlin, 378
Merovingians, 61, 157, 160, 180, 276,
318, 320, 321
Mesha stone, 30
Meshech, 71
Mesopotamia, 229
Mesopotamians, iv, v, vi, 27, 39, 59, 60,
62, 63, 70, 83, 99, 128, 129, 136
messiah, 153
Messiah of Aaron and Israel, 155
Messiah of the Righteous, 254
metallurgy, 1, 66, 99, 131, 155, 212,
337, 385
Metamorphoses, Ovid, 373, 409, 488
metaphysics, 193, 351
Methuselah, 197
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 79, 80,
Mezahab, 137, 138
mezahah, 137
Micah, viii, 90
Michael, 36
Michael, Archangel, 61, 270, 281, 331
Michael, Order of St, 231
Michael, the Protector, 61
Michelangelo, 311
Michelet, M, 488, 500
Michell, R J, 497
Midas, King, 262
Midianite, 76, 137
Midrash, 275
Midrashim, 22, 295, 461
Migdal, 260
Mighty One, 358
Mikal, 36
Milcah, 129
Milesians, 163, 176
milk, 79, 84, 100, 204
Milk of God, 347
Milk of Heaven, 347
milkweed, 346
Milky Way, 264
Milton, 168, 183, 474, 475, 500
Minaeans, 61, 136
Minerva, 61, 152, 232, 267, 270, 271,
Minna Antrim, 244
Minotaur, 241, 242, 409
Miranda, 181
Miriam, 415, 499
Mishnah, 462
mistletoe, 81
Mistra in the Peloponnese, 192
Mitanni, 60, 97, 100, 104, 105
Mithra, 324, 331
Mithras, 116
Mithridates VI of Pontus, 72
Mitra, 60
Mizpah, 170
Mizrach, Steven, 472
Mizraim, 75
Mizvar Dan, 164, 278
Mochlos hoard, 36, 241
Modein, 145
modern man, 56
Moffat, Alistair, 475, 487, 500
Mohammed, 192, 249
Mohenjo-Daro, 138
Molay, Jacques de, 324
Molesme, Abbey of, 359
Moly, plant, 250
monasteries, 199, 300
Monatomics, Monoatomics, 18, 391
Mongols, 56
Monson, John, 463, 500
Monster, 245
Monte Cassino, 360
Montjuhotep II, Pharaoh, 66
Montségur, 7
Moon God, 114, 126, 129, 136, 137,
323, 326, 331, 339, 380
Moreh, 153
Moreh Tzedek, Morehzedek, 142, 153,
Morgan, Elaine, 464, 500
Morgenstern, Julian, 461, 500
Moriah, 153
Morieni Romani, 487, 500
Morison, Dr Charles, 483
Mormons, 184
Morning Star, 215
Morocco, 168
Morris, Robert, 166, 474, 500
Mosaic Law, 143
Moschians, 61, 71, 72
Mose, Chief Accountant, 106
Moses, vi, 28, 30, 42, 61, 76, 77, 85, 87,
88, 90, 91, 106, 107, 109, 111, 117,
137, 140, 154, 164, 165, 176, 188,
189, 221, 230, 240, 260, 272, 273,
317, 329, 330, 339, 341, 342, 349,
353, 355, 381, 414, 431, 470, 500
Moses bar Shem Tov of Leon, 353
Moses Khorenatsi, 470, 500
Moses, mountain of, 109
Most High, 382
Moth, 277
Mother Goddess, 80, 114, 176, 209, 308
Mother of the Church, 152
Moulin, D S, 497
Mount Ararat, 64, 127
Mount Athos, 315
Mount Atlas, 222, 307
Mount Cardou, 360, 361, 362, 374, 376
Mount Carmel, 39
Mount Eryx, 80
Mount Hermon, 160, 191
Mount Horeb, 76
Mount Lebanon, 276, 290
Mount Lycaeum, 80
Mount of God, 314
Mount Qâf, 380
Mount Sion, 276
Mount Sipylus, 241
Mount Tabor, 113
Mount Zion, 25, 189, 356, 360
Mountain of Lead, 210
Mull of Kintyre, 172
Mull, Island, 314, 321
Muller, K Alexander, 461
murder, 8, 25, 350
Muriate of Potash, 214
Muses, 35, 270, 277, 483, 493
mushroom, amanita muscaria, 81
mushroom, panaeolus papilionaceus, 81
Muslims, 130, 132, 135, 275, 282, 380
Muwatallis, King, 101
Mycenaean, 99
Mycenaean civilization, 60
Mycenaean Greeks, 177
Mycenaeans, 60, 99, 176, 177, 179, 294
Mysteries, 4, 8, 27, 44, 78, 79, 85, 87,
145, 148, 150, 151, 154, 176, 197,
208, 222, 240, 243, 250, 251, 253,
259, 261, 283, 284, 289, 305, 324,
384, 385, 413, 416, 470, 488, 494,
495, 497, 504
Mysteries of Isis, 250
Mysteries, Greater, 79, 240, 311, 326,
329, 414
Nabateans, 40, 136, 137
Nabu, 114
Naharin, 27, 100
Najmoddin Kobra, 248
Nakkur, 128
name of God, 34, 35, 110, 112, 115,
243, 470
Nan Shan Mountains, 56
Nanna, Moon God, 331
Naphtali, 164, 173
Napoleon, 318
Narbonne, 159
Nart sagas, 72
Nasurai, priesthood of Magi, 146
natures crowing achievement, 278
Naunton, Robert, 319
Nautonnier, 276
Navajo Indians, 19
Navigator, 276
Nazarenes, 136, 143, 144, 146, 147,
149, 150, 190, 197, 274, 287, 296,
313, 321
Nazarenes of Basra, 313
Nazareth Iris, 296
Nazarite, 168, 274
Nazoraeans, 145, 146
Neanderthal, iv, 53, 56, 59
Nebuchadnezzar, King, 25, 31, 97, 156,
170, 186
necromancy, 326, 332
Necronomicon, 325, 326, 499
necrophilia, 335
Needham, J, 476, 500
Needham, Joseph, 489
Nefertari, Queen, 105
Nefertiti, 171
Nefertiti, Queen, 105
Nehemiah, viii
nehushtan, 230, 329
Nei, Masatoshi, 45, 46, 48, 49, 464,
500, 501
Nemed, 163, 166, 167
Nennius, 71, 183, 465, 501
Neolithic farmers, 59
Nephilim, 29, 182, 272, 357
Nephthys, 246, 266
Nergal, 209
Nero, 120
Nerval, Gerard de, 501
Neurotic, 495
New Jerusalem, 298
New Troy (London), 180
New York, 28, 79, 80, 226, 239, 241,
429, 494, 496, 497, 499, 502, 503,
Newton, Sir Isaac, 195, 200, 218, 276,
351, 385, 495
nightshade, 82
Nigredo, 217
Nimmo, W P, 498
Nimrod, 166
Nineveh, 173
Ninurta, 83, 89
Ninus, 166
Nisibis, 132
nitric oxide, 21, 206, 392
Nitrogen 14, 21
Nitze, William, 501
Noah, 87, 91, 127, 130, 197, 258, 485
Nobel Prize, 22
Noonan, Damien, 487, 501
North America, 56
North Pole, 247
North Wind, 58, 241, 264, 269
Notre Dame, 156, 275, 276, 350
Novelletto, A, 497
Novum Organum, 181
Nozri, 146
Nubia, 99
Numa Pompilius, 294
Nusaybin, 37, 102, 132
nymph, 35, 84, 203, 234, 477
Oak, 81, 85, 207, 210, 212, 242, 306
Oak King, 212
Oak tree, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 344
oak-god, 113, 211
oak-god, scarlet, 113
oaks, 81
Obedience of Bethany, 116
Occam's Razor, 3, 4, 44
Occipital Bun, 53
occult gold, 6
Ochsenfeld, R, 22
Octavian, 294
Oddy, Palm of the Valley of, 250
Odin, Norse god, 59, 170, 182
Odyssey, 79, 120, 181, 182, 251, 269,
332, 465, 466, 470, 475, 480, 481,
488, 502
Oefner, P, 464, 498
Oenomaus, 238
Ogham alphabet, 121
ogive, 297
Ogygia, 181
Ohrmazd, 83, 275
Oimellas, 79, 302
Oklahoma, 494
Oktay A, 467, 501
Oktay S, 467, 501
Old Kingdom, 337
Old Man of the Mountain, 276
Old Ones, 326
Old Serpent, 226
olive tree, 39
Ollamh Fodhla, 168, 169
Olympic Games, 35
Om, 33, 40
Oman, 138
omophagia, 306
omphalos, 306
On, 33, 40, 61, 478
Onat FY, 467, 501
Oncocyclus, 296
Onias, 140, 178
Onias III, High Priest, 140
Onne, Heike Kamerlingh, 22
Ophelia, 255
Ophet, 103
Ophiuchus, supernova, 289
oral, 59, 93, 144
Orangutan, iv, 51, 53, 55, 464
Order of the Garter, 239
Order of the Solar Temple, 196
Order out of Chaos, 328
Ordo ab Chao, 470, 473, 476, 483, 484,
485, 486, 487, 493
Ordo Templi Orientis, 275
orichalcum, 341
oriflamme, 379
Orion, 264, 297
ORMEs, 392
ORMES, 347
Ormus, 275, 276
Orontes River, 43, 100, 101
Orpheus, 76, 84, 242
Orpheus and Eurydice, 84
Orphic Mysteries, 324
Orphism, 197
Orphist initiation, 79
Ortygie, 256
Oschophoris, 36
Osheroff, Douglas D, 461
Osiris, 42, 43, 79, 87, 101, 130, 202,
211, 246, 284, 331, 414
osmium, 392
Osorkon, 30
Ossaeans, 147
Ossetians, 72
Ostanes the Mede, 134
Othello, 244, 480
Ottomans, 197
our gold and silver, 203
ouroborus, 257
Ouroborus, 386
Out of Africa, 497
Ovid, 85, 227, 230, 251, 256, 295, 302,
373, 384, 409, 466, 467, 478, 479,
480, 481, 483, 484, 485, 486, 488
Owain, 242
owl, 371, 415
Oxus River, 133
Oyl, green, 82
ozone, 21
Pairuad, Hugh de, 324
Pakistan, 138
Palaic, 63
Palamon and Arcite, 262
Palestine, vi, vii, 2, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37,
41, 42, 43, 44, 92, 95, 97, 99, 100,
101, 102, 107, 108, 109, 148, 156,
164, 166, 174, 178, 241, 275, 296,
339, 343, 359, 360, 384
palladium, 392
Palladium, 295, 461
palm tree, 39
Palm, Valley of Oddy, 250
Pan, 164, 165, 279, 327, 371, 385, 497
Pan, Brotherhood of, 279
Pande, G D, 471
Pande, GD, 501
Paneas, 164
Paneas, source of Jordan River, 277,
Panias, 235
Pantheon, 295
Papal Ornament, 271
Papyrus Harris 75, 469
Paracelsus, 222, 351, 385
Pareto, Vilfredo, 333
Parkinson, Richard, 469, 501
Parmenides, viii, 193
Parnassus, Mt, 293
parricide, 209
Parsifal, 365, 381
Partholan, 163, 166
Parushim, 141
paschal lamb, 85
Passover, 85, 232
Patai, Raphael, 462, 463, 465, 469, 470,
471, 473, 476, 478, 480, 481, 482,
485, 490, 491, 497, 501
patent, 17
Patriarch in the Eastern Church, 327
Paul, St, 274
Pausanias, 475, 478, 485, 486
Payns, Hugues de, 360
peace, 62, 117
Peacham, Henry, 483
Peacock Angel, 272
Peacocks Tail, 217
pearl of great price, 197
Pearson, 495
Pegasus, horse, 277
Peking Man, iv, 55
Pelagian heretics, 313
Pelagius, 313
Pelasgians, 60, 177, 179
Pelasgus, 179
Peleg, 485, 487
Pelican, 215
Pelion, 39
Pelopids, 177
Peloponnese, 269, 277
Peloponnesus, 176, 177, 179
Pelops, 238
Pelusium, 99
Penni, Gian-Giacomo, 152, 473, 501
pentagonal, 264
Pentateuch, 28, 272, 273, 353
Pepin III, the Short, 157, 159
Perceval, 261, 327, 378, 379, 380, 495
Perfect Nature, 381, 382
Perfect Pyramid, 298, 417, 418, 419,
420, 421
Perfect Pyramid, Knights of, 298
perfection, 73, 118, 194, 196, 221, 222,
223, 246, 284, 298, 311, 312, 322,
393, 394, 407
Perlesvaus, 501
peroxide, 21
Perry, Inez Eudora, 471, 501
Persephone, 80
Perseus, 226, 227, 240, 243, 290, 414,
478, 479
Persians, vii, 25, 60, 63, 64, 74, 79, 114,
115, 132, 134, 135, 138, 174, 202,
246, 247, 255, 271, 324, 380
Pesach, 37, 90
Pesne, 317
Petra, 137, 172
Petrie, Sir Flinders, 312, 465, 501
Phanes, 80
Pharaoh, 79, 246, 337, 502
Pharaoh Unas, 247
Pharaonic Rite of Passage, 206
Pharez, 171
Pharisees, 36, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,
145, 156, 472
pharmaceuticals, 223, 385
pharmacos, 300
pheromone glands, 55
Philae, Nile Island, 41, 42, 292
Philippe IV, 349
Philippe Le Bel of France, 319, 324
Philippines, 56
Philistine, 32, 168, 177, 274
Philistines, 23, 32, 144, 177, 178, 242,
Phillip, the Good, 231
Phillips, Graham, 463, 469, 474, 482,
489, 491, 501
Philo, 293
Philo Judaeus, 85
Philo of Alexandria, 343
Philosophers Angel, 382
Philosophers of the Orient, 247
Philosophers' Stone, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 23,
39, 40, 134, 155, 195, 201, 203, 204,
218, 219, 240, 254, 255, 257, 271,
279, 296, 312, 327, 337, 339, 341,
342, 350, 356, 357, 358, 379, 380,
381, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387
Philosophers Stone, 6, 11, 207, 217
Philosophical Egg, 216
Philosophical Research Society, 429
Philosophical Rose, 258
Phoenicia, 69
Phoenicians, 7, 25, 27, 37, 61, 99, 164,
167, 168, 170, 184, 193, 195, 269,
278, 482
Phoenissa, 328
phoenix, 166, 190, 191, 252, 327, 328
Phoenix, 2, 13, 24, 230, 247, 251, 252,
327, 342, 414
Phoenix, Arizona, 17
Phrygian Cap, 290, 291, 383
Phrygians, 60, 262
Picatrix, 325, 337, 496
Pickering, Michael, 479
Picts, v, 61, 72, 166
Pieria, Mount, 277
Pieta, 311, 353
pig, 18, 302
pigs, 289
Pike, General Albert, 470, 501
Pilate, Pontius, 147
Pillar of Beauty, 121
Pillars of Atlas, 181
Pillars of Briareus, 181
Pillars of Hercules, 168, 181
Pindar, 482
Pine trees, 19
Pirkentavl Tower, 120
pistachio-oak tree, 209
Pivot of Jade, 248
plague, 329
Plain of Sharon, 273, 376
Plantin, Christopher, 287
platinum, 17, 206, 347, 392
Plato, viii, 79, 84, 123, 124, 130, 135,
193, 196, 208, 275, 311, 462, 466,
467, 470, 477, 486, 489
Platonic Academy, 134
Plethon, 192
Plinius, 466
Pliny, 81, 134, 135, 344, 345, 463, 467,
475, 477, 480, 485
Pliocene Era, 51, 53
plough, 247
Plutach, 463, 486
Plutarch, 116, 181, 184, 341, 463, 475,
480, 489
poison, 204, 358, 380
Polaris, 247
Pole, North, 247, 382
Polestar, God of, 382
Polychronicon, 497
Polyhistor, Alexander, 461
Polynesia, 229
Pomegranate, 208
pomegranates, 27, 119, 271
Pompeii, 80, 226, 251, 294, 296, 302,
304, 493
Pons Arnaud de Chateau-Verdun, 198
Pontifex Maximus, 294
Pontius Pilate, 150
Pool of Siloam, 36
poor in spirit, 249
Pope Adrian VI, 282
Pope Alexander III, 199
Pope Eugene IV, 282
Pope Gregory IX, 326
Pope Harminius, 321
Pope Innocent VIII, 282
Pope John XXII, 199, 282
Pope Julius II, 282
Pope Leo X, 152, 231
Pope Paul VI, 152
Popess of the Tarot, 289
Popper, Sir Karl, 2, 284, 484, 501
Portia, 122, 123, 215, 255
Portland cement, 296
Poseidon, 328
Potassium Carbonate, 207
Potassium Chlorate, 214
Potassium Nitrate, 206, 214
Potsdam, 316, 502
Poussin, Nicholas, 226, 318, 365, 369,
371, 374, 376
Praeconium, Paschal, 221, 330
precession, 242
Pretenders, the, 308
Priam, 179
Prichard, James, 461, 462, 468, 471,
477, 501, 502
Priestly Blessing, 117, 428
Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion, 275,
276, 350
Prima Materia, 12
prima material, 207
primogeniture, 86, 235
Prince Charles, 88
prince of the church, 224
Prince of the Royal Secret, 487
Prince of the Sanctuary, 268, 378
principle of economy in logic, 3
Proclus, 463
Proconsols, 51, 53
Projection, 219, 478
Prometheus, 70, 155
Promised Land, 273, 342
Prophet Elisha, 244
Propliopithecus, iv, 51
Prospero, 181
Protocols of the Elders of Sion, 186
Provence, 361
Provins, 271
Provins, Guiot de, 380
Psalm 133, 356
Psalter of Cashel, 167
Psellus, 135, 192
Psellus, Michael, 192
Psusennes I, 30, 41
Psusennes II, 30
Ptah, 113, 385
Ptah, Son of, 292
Ptersus, 290, 327
Ptersus the Destroyer, 327
Ptolemy I Soter, 343
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 110, 343
puberty, 264
Pulesti, 178
Purple of Cassius, 296, 348
Purple, Tyrian, 211
Pythagoras, viii, 130, 193, 251
Pythagoreans, 34
Python, 229, 293, 301, 302
Python Priestesses, 293, 301, 302
Qera, 69
Q're, 69, 71, 113, 114, 323
Quatuor Coronati, 295, 298
Queen Anne, 271
Queen Elizabeth I, 271
Queen Elizabeth I of England, 162, 172,
Queen Elizabeth II, 124, 173, 268
Queen Elizabeth II of England, 172
Queen of Ethiopia, 289
Queen of Heaven, 114
Queen of Sheba, 40, 195
Queen Zer of Egypt, 68
Quert, 207
quince, 208
Quirites of Rome, 71
Qumran, 7, 26, 30, 145, 155, 344, 483
Qumran Covenanters, 198
Qures, 71
Ra, 113, 211, 229, 246, 385
Rabbi Akiva, 26
Rabbi Eleazar, 142
Rabbi Elhanan, 148
Rabbi Jacob Snowman, 88
Rabbi Jehosuah Ben Perachiah, 148
Rabbi Joahanan, 143
Rabbi Shimón, 356
Rabbi Simon bar Yochai, 353
Rabbinical Judaism, 140
rabbitt, 212
Rachel, 144
Radclyffe, Charles, 312
Radulphus de Gisisco, 116
Ragon, J-M, 240, 310, 311, 487, 490,
Rainsford, General, 314
ram, 78, 91, 118, 128, 129, 207, 210,
211, 212, 213, 228, 259, 334, 337
Ramapithecus, 51, 55
Ramesses III, 177
Ramesseum, 101
Ramon Lull, 199
Ramsay, Andrew Michael, 312, 317
Ramses II, vii, 29, 30, 41, 43, 98, 100,
101, 102, 103, 106, 108, 375, 384
Ramses III, 108, 109
Ramses IV, 469
Raphael, 231
rapture, 22
Rasa Shastra, Indian Alchemy, 351
Rasanayagam, A, 497
Ratio of Osiris, 425
Ravenna, 299
Ravenscroft, Trevor, 488, 489, 502
Razi, 202
Reapers of the Holy Field, 356, 359
Rebecca, 127
rebirth, 85, 86, 261
Rebold, Emmanuel, 479, 484, 485, 487,
Rechabites, 146
red, 131, 155, 203, 218, 244, 245, 246,
249, 262, 312
Red Hand, 176
Red Lion, 244
Red Man, 13, 216
red man and his wife, 155, 203
Red Poppy of the Rock, 217
red powder, 218, 219, 223
Red Sea, 51, 52, 109, 210, 330
Redford DB, 462
Redivivus, Miles, 487, 502
Reformation, 199, 300, 309, 310
Regulus, 201, 213, 215, 216, 244
Rehoboam, 29, 30, 31, 40, 89, 144, 235
Reid, Howard, 465, 474, 502
Reims, 297, 299
Rekhmire, 495
Rekhmire, vizier, 28
remnant, 274
Renaissance, 7, 193, 288, 311
Rennes le Château, 360, 365, 374, 496
Reseph the Canaanite Osiris, 36
resurrection, 143, 208, 211, 232, 246,
249, 306, 329, 330, 331, 414
Revelation, 33, 330, 462, 471, 488
Rhodes, 176
rhodium, 17, 18, 19, 392
rhodium chloride, 21
Rhone River, 159
Richard I, King, 160, 238
Richardson, Robert C, 461
riddle, 85
Rift Valley, 51, 52, 53, 56
Rig Veda, 346, 347, 489
righteous, 62, 119, 142, 145, 151, 154,
237, 239, 327, 333, 357
Righteous Teacher, 154
Righteousness, 62, 126, 132, 153, 211,
258, 289, 312
Rig-Veda, 79, 289, 466, 484
Rimbaud, Arthur J N, 250
Ripley, George, 203, 478, 502
Rite Ecossaise Philosophique, 275, 483
Rite of Heredom, 315
Rite of Mizraim, 275
Rite of Perfection, 250, 315
Rite of Righteous, 384
Robert Bruce, of Annandale, 236
Robert de France, 318
Robert the Bruce, 236
Robertson, JM, 481, 502
Robin, Benjamin, 363
Rohl, David, 463, 502
Roman Catholic Church, 7, 152, 192,
197, 198, 199, 250, 281, 282, 291,
320, 327, 331, 359, 385
Roman College of Architects, 294
Romulus, 414
ros, 280
Rosa alba maxima, 271
Rosa alba semi-plena, 271
Rosa caninae, 262, 264
Rosa damask, 262
Rosa gallicanae, 262
Rosa richardii, 262
Rosa sancta, 262
Rosa sysnstylane, 262
Rosalia, 293
rose, i, 8, 239, 244, 258, 262, 271, 275,
293, 296, 334, 496
Rose Croix Knights, 237
Rose Cross, 280, 500
rose logic, 39, 40, 44, 87, 117, 254, 259,
260, 261, 274, 301
Rose of Jericho, 262
Rose of Sharon, 38, 39, 276
Rose Window, 11
rose, dog, 365
Rose, Jacobite, 271
Rose, Mystic of Kab, 250
Rose, Tudor, 271
Rose, White of York, 271
Rosenberg, David, 494
Rosenholm Castle, 120
Rosenthal, Franz, 477, 498
Rosicrucian Court in Exile, 281
Rosicrucians, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 28, 93, 161,
190, 204, 232, 239, 242, 256, 257,
276, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 287,
288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 311,
329, 337, 351, 382, 385, 495, 498,
500, 504
Rosicrucians, German, 287
Rosie Cross, 281
Rosslyn Chapel, 121, 155, 315, 350,
Rosy Cross, 280, 284, 500, 503
Rosy Cross of the Orient, Brethren of
the, 314
Rosy Cross, Knighthood, 120
Rosy Cross, Temple of the, 277
Rouen, 297
Roux, George, 471, 502
Royal Arch Freemasonry, 264
Royal Commission on Historical
Monuments, 310
Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia, 129
Royal Purple, 211
Royal Secret, 122
Royal Society, 283, 351, 502
Roychourdhury, Arun, 45, 46, 48, 49,
464, 500
ruby, 347
Ruha Kadishta, 315
Rule of Jupiter, 217
Rule of Luna, 217
Rule of Saturn, 215, 216, 217
Rule of Sol flavus, 217
Rule of the Knights Templar, 359
Rule of Venus, 217
Russian Steppes, 58, 60
Rutgers University, 494
ruthenium, 392
Ruzbehan of Shiraz, 247, 381
Saba, 135, 136, 251
Sabazios, 70
Sabians, 8, 40, 61, 71, 127, 130, 135,
136, 137, 138, 192, 337
Sabians of Yemen, 61, 135, 137, 138
Sabras, 136, 272
Sabrina, 272
Sacred Banner of the Milesians, 176
sacred marriage, 35, 38, 39, 77, 83, 84,
88, 90, 104, 118, 227, 228, 229, 230,
232, 251, 274, 290, 301, 305, 306,
323, 331, 369, 371
sacred marriage, of Amun, 103
Sacred Mushroom, 493
Sacred Wars, 306
sacrifice, 78, 86, 90, 91, 140, 143
Sacrificial King, 76, 89
Sacro Catino, 195
Sadducees, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,
Sadler, John, 162
saffron, 254
saffron dye, 40
Sages Step, The, 325
Sagittarius, 264
Saint Christopher, 334
Saint-Denis, 298
Sainte-Chappelle, 298
Sakkara, 66, 106
sal ammoniac, 12, 202, 204, 206, 214,
254, 255, 348
Salem, 62, 121, 152, 153, 156, 350, 384
saleuma, 37
Salim, 37
Salma, 36, 37, 38, 40, 90
Sal-Ma, 36
Salma, God of Light, 36, 43, 44, 153
Salmon, 36
Salome, 260, 261
Salome, Queen, 148
Salt of Ammon, 12
saltpeter, 204, 206, 214
Saltpeter, 349
Salvat Hill, 380
Samarkand, 133
Samson, 85, 242, 254
Samuel, 23
San Francesco, artist, 228
sanctuary, 6, 7, 43, 127, 135, 153, 283,
Sangiran, iv, 55
Sanhedrin, 142, 462, 472
Sanhedrin, Great, 25, 142, 143, 145
Sanherib, 466
Sans Souci, 295, 316, 371
Sanskrit, 97
Santillana, Professor Giorgio de, 264,
Santorini, vi, 70, 98
Sanyal, A, 477
Saoshyant, 133, 134
Saqqara, 247
Saracens, Islamic, 97, 159, 313
Sarah, 128, 129
Sardinia, 167
Sargon I, v, 62
Sarmatian, 72
Sarmoung Brotherhood, 132, 134, 296
Sassoon, George, 355, 461, 490, 502
Satan, 133, 198
Saturn, 131, 210, 257, 284, 333, 335,
Saturn Regime, 202, 210
Saturnalia, Egyptian, 210, 280
Saul, King, 144
Sauniere, Abbé Berenger, 365
Savoie, 361
Saxo Grammaticus, 73, 120, 465
Saxons, 174, 183, 184, 503
Saxony, 174
Scandinavia, 56, 170, 173, 174
scapegoat, 85, 300
scarlet dye, 209
scarlet-oak, 209
Sceptre and the Star, 155
Scheemakers, 365, 369
Schellenberger, Paul, 484, 487, 490,
Schneider, J A, 497
Schofield, Louise, 469, 501
Scholem, Gershom, 492, 502
Schonfield, Hugh, 462, 471, 473, 483,
488, 489, 491, 502
School of Solomonic Wisdom, 275
School of the Persians, 134
Schrieffer, J Robert, 461
Schwaller de Lubicz, R A, 461, 468,
480, 489, 502
Scotichronicon, 469
Scotland, v, 7, 61, 155, 172, 175, 184,
187, 255, 271, 283, 284, 300, 312,
313, 316, 321, 361, 483, 487, 493
Scots, Melesian, 163
Scots, Milesian, 175
Scottish Declaration of Independence,
Scottish Masters, 314
Scottish Rite, 93, 122, 123, 160, 190,
312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 336, 493
Scottish Thistle, 271
Scythia, 68, 166, 174, 175, 176, 183,
Scythians, 61, 73, 171, 173, 174, 175,
183, 327
Sea of Azov, 185
Seal Bearer, 292
Seal of God, 281, 376
Seale, Robert, 232
Search for the Hero, 479
Searfross, George, 464, 503
Sebeknofru, vi
Second Person, 150, 151
Second Stone, 217
Secret Fire, 12, 203, 204, 219, 226
Secretum Secretorum, 476
Sed Festival, 246
Sekhemet, 292
selenium, 210
Sem Priest, 103, 104
Seman, 40
Semen, O, 464, 502
Semnani, 249
Sen Gupta, K K, 477
Sen, P K, 477
Sepher Toldos Jeshu, 148, 313
Sepher Yetzirah, 353
Sepher-Toldos Jeshu, 472
Septimania, 159, 318, 319, 504
Septimius Severus, 462
Septuagint, 30, 343
Seqenenre Tao, 99
Serabit el-Khadim, 66, 68
Serapeum, 106
serpent, 36, 101, 163, 166, 176, 179,
186, 190, 191, 201, 204, 230, 232,
243, 245, 264, 328, 329, 330, 336,
serpent, brazen, 230, 329
Sesôstris I, vi, 29, 32, 63, 66, 68, 69, 98,
99, 100, 212, 242, 339
Sesôstris II, vi
Sesôstris III, vi
Set, 71, 101
Seth, 101, 130
Sethnakht, 107, 108, 109
Seti I, 105
Seti II, 107
Setne Cycle, 106
Setne Khamwas, 106
Seydel, Professor, 489
Shahnameh, Book of Kings, 74
Shaitan, 226
shake hands, 134, 264
Shakespeare, 15, 32, 120, 122, 133,
181, 209, 210, 215, 232, 234, 237,
244, 262, 270, 277, 290, 334, 384
Shamash, 102, 114, 284, 324, 331
Shambhala, 58, 495
Shamir, 12, 343, 349
Shammai, Rabbi, 142, 462
Shankara, Swami, i
Shark cartilage, 18
Sharon, Plain of, 39, 345
shatnez bandage, 204
Sheba, 38, 127, 135, 136, 502
Sheela-na-gig, 300, 301, 309
Shekhinah, 23, 61, 270
Shem, 117, 127, 353
Shemyaza, 155, 315
Shepherd's Monument, Shugborough,
shewbread, 140, 284, 339, 341
Shiloh, 76, 356
Shishak, 29
shittim-wood, 260
Shiva, 33, 123, 264, 310
Shoshenq I, 30, 31, 41
Shovous, 90
Shug, J Ray, 487
Shugborough Hall, 120
Shugborough Monument, 362, 363,
365, 369, 374, 376, 380
Shylock, the Jew, 122
Siberian Plains, 56
Sicarii, 26, 145, 146
Sicily, 37, 167, 326, 333
sickle, 371
Sidney, Sir Philip, 270
Sidra d'Yahya, 315
Sign of Silence, 280
Signaculum Dei, 281, 376
Silk Road, 64, 133
silver, i, 17, 28, 69, 131, 136, 200, 210,
219, 220, 222, 259, 323, 325, 341,
343, 348, 403
silver shoes, i
Silver, Morris, 466, 470, 502
Simms, Thomas, 462, 468, 469, 502
Simon, 488, 489, 502
Simon Bar Kochbar, 26
Simon Magus, 151
Simon of Cyrene, 151
Simplicius, 134, 135
Sin, 323
Sin, Moon God, 114, 129, 131, 136,
137, 339
Sinai, 66, 69, 76, 137, 138
Sinai Mysticism, 380
Sinclair, Andrew, 471, 480, 484, 485,
486, 489, 490, 491, 502
Singer, D W, 476, 502
Sinn, 127
Sinuhe, Story of, 66, 69
Si-Osiris, 106
Sirius, 263, 264, 267, 271, 272, 503
Sitchin, Zecharia, 465, 468, 489, 502
Siva/Rama Ape, 53
Sivapithecus, 53, 55
Siwa, Oasis of, 206
Skeels, Dell, 495
Skinner, Stephen, 477, 478, 502
Smallwood, E Mary, 462, 498, 502
smelting, v, 64, 68, 98
Smenkhkare, 105
Smith, 475, 502
Smith, Joseph, 184
smithy-god, 328
Snap Ice Age, 59
Soba, 136
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 287
Socrates, viii, 266
Sodium Chlorate, 214
sodomy, 335
Sohrawardi the Martyr, 247, 249, 379,
Sol, 33, 36, 203
Sol and Luna, 203
Solo Man, iv, 56
Solomon, 109
Solomon, King, vii, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33,
34, 35, 36, 40, 44, 71, 87, 88, 89, 91,
144, 197, 235, 240, 293, 298, 335,
352, 359, 381, 468, 498, 502
Solomon, Sons of, 299
Solomonic School of Wisdom, 275
Solon, viii
solstice, summer, 71
solstice, winter, 71
Solve et Coagula, 216
Solyma, 36
soma, 79, 346
Soma, 347
Son of Man, 150
Song of Solomon, 254
Song of Songs, 39, 254, 463
Sons of Solomon, 319, 332
Sons of the Widow, 314
Sons of Zadok, 146, 147
Sophia, 116, 197, 228, 322, 323
Sota, 472
South Africa, 51
sows, 35
Spain, 7, 61, 97, 157, 159, 164, 166,
167, 171, 176, 195, 276, 300, 319,
sparagmos, 305
Spartans, 176, 178, 179, 180, 412
Spence, Lewis, 488, 502
Spenser, Edmund, 270, 493
Spenta Mainyu, 133, 134, 248
sphinx, 41
Spica, 264, 297
Spinoza, Baruch de, 220
Spirit, 21, 133
Spirit of God, 116
Spirit of Man, 279
Splitting of the Elm, 276
Spondent pariter, 282
Spurdle, A B, 497
Squaring the Circle, 419, 420, 421
Sri Yukteswar Giri, Swami, i
St Alban, 300
St Andrew, 119, 238, 281, 283, 376,
St Andrews Cross, 376
St Andrews cross, 376
St Andrews Cross, 238
St Antony and St Paul, 365, 380
St Benedict, 360
St Bernard, 374
St Clair, 315
St Clair, Earl, 349, 361
St George, iii, 61, 147, 151, 222, 224,
226, 227, 231, 232, 238, 239, 240,
242, 267, 270, 271, 323, 326, 327,
329, 330, 331, 384
St George and the Dragon, 160
St George, of Lydda, 238
St Georges Cross, 238
St Jean Le Blanc, 276
St Jerome, 469, 474
St John the Evangelist, 270
St Johns Hostel, 161
St Michael, 231, 267
St Pauls Cathedral, 135
St Samson dOrleans, 276
St Sulpice, 376
St. Andrew's cross, 281
St. Dominic, 199
St. Germain, Count, 221, 341, 350
St. Johns Wort, 18
St. Michael's Mount, 182
St. Ninians Island, 175
Staffordshire, 363
stairway to heaven, 337, 383, 502
Stalin, Joseph, 316
star gate, 264
Star of Bethlehem, 215, 289
star of David, 176
Star of David, 424
Star of the Goddess, 422
Star Regulus of Mercury, 215
Star Wars, film, 226
Stecchini, Livio Catullo, 491, 503
Steele, R, 476, 502
Stephen III, Pope, 159
Steppes of Russia, 64
stibnite, i, 13, 206, 210, 212, 213, 214,
Stibnite, 212, 226, 476
Stone of Destiny, 172
Stone of Scone, 172
Stone of the Covenant, 165
Stoneking, M, 464, 494
Stoyanov, Y, 471, 476, 480, 488, 502
Strabo, 115, 177, 182, 183, 467, 475,
485, 502
Streidt, Gert, 487, 502
stripuja, 309
Stuart, James the Athenian, 363
sub rosa, 280
Subbhas, 136
Sub-Boreal Period, 60, 185
Sufism, 7, 132, 226, 247, 248, 249, 322,
324, 359, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384,
Sukkos, 90
Sully, Henry, 377
Sulphur, 203
Sumerians, v, 59, 61, 62, 63, 87, 92,
114, 138, 259, 290
Summa Perfectionis, 199
summer solstice, 35, 228, 242
Summis Desiderantes, 282
Sun, 114, 131, 194, 203, 323
superconductivity, 17, 22, 461, 498
Superman, 241
supernova explosions, 289
Suppiluliuma I, 104
Suppiluliuma II, 108, 177
Surya, 414
suzerainty, vi, vii, 42, 69
swallowing, 154, 246
swallowwort, 346
Sweden, 172, 231
swindles, 8
Symphony No 9, 307
syphilis, 222
Syria, vii, 42, 43, 61, 69, 76, 97, 100,
102, 132, 136, 293, 300, 313
Syriac Christians, 313
Syringa vulgaris, 255
Tabernacles, Feast of, 169
Tabor, 76
Tabula Smaragdina, 194
Tacitus, 25, 181, 475
Taiwan, 56
Takezaki, N, 464, 501
Taliesin, 414
Talmud, 34, 36, 40, 149, 156, 198, 462,
Tamar, 85, 251, 295
Tammuz, 39, 84, 113, 160, 254, 261,
331, 439, 440, 441, 443, 444, 445,
447, 449, 450, 451, 453, 457, 458
Tanis, 30, 41, 235
tanist, 35
Tantalus, 238, 300, 369
Tantrism, 309
Tara, 169, 171, 172
Tara, Feast of, 169
Tarshish, 164
Tau Cross, 76, 141, 229, 259, 327
Taurus Mountains, 212
Taylor, F Sherwood, 490, 503
Taylor, G, 474, 503
tchâm, mysterious metal, 341
Tea Tephi, 171
Teacher of Righteousness, 62, 153, 154,
155, 254
Tea-Tephi, 169, 171, 172
Tel Dan, 30
Tel Dan Park, 164
Tela Ignea Satanae, 472
Tell Amarna, 36, 105
Tell el Daba'a, 99
Tempest, Shakespeare, 181
Temple of Apollo, 293
Temple of Diana, 293
Temple of the Rose Cross, 276
Temple, Balantrodoch, 361
Temple, Robert, 462, 463, 467, 469,
470, 475, 476, 482, 487, 488, 489,
490, 491, 503
Templeton, A R, 497
Tenebrae, 248
Teniers, David the Younger, 369, 371
Terah, 112, 128, 129
Terebinth King, 182
terebinth tree, 76, 113, 209
terebinth-god, 113
Teshub, God Set of the Hittites, 102
Tetragrammaton, 34, 35, 117, 357, 358
Thabit ben Qorah, 132, 381
Thamesis, 182
The Poor, 146
Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 40,
194, 493
Thebaid, 315
Thebes, 66, 113, 416
Thelema, 333
Theocletes, Grand-Pontiff, 313
Theodoric, 159
Theodorus Philetas, 294, 325
Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim, 193, 222
Theosebia, 222
Theosophy, 496, 500
Thera, vi, 70, 98, 499
Therapeuts, 344
Thermo Judaei, 476
Theseus, 38, 203, 241, 242, 410
Thesmophoria, 176
Thessaly, 35, 207, 277, 301, 302
thief on the cross, 116
Third Stone, 217
Third Temple, 25
thirty third degree, 190
Thirty Years War, 7, 281
Thirty-third Degree, 316
Tholos, 80, 120, 293, 294, 301
Thompson, Robert W, 500
Thor, 229
Thory, Claude Antoine, 275, 483, 487,
Thoth, 133
Thoth-Hermes, 165
Thrace, 36, 67, 81, 180, 269, 302
Thracians, 61, 68, 196
Throne, A, 464, 504
Thule, 333
Thutmose III, 28, 29, 31, 43, 44, 93, 98,
102, 156, 339
Tiamat, 89, 226, 229, 327, 328
Tibarenians, 71
Tien Shan, iv, 56
Tigris Euphrates, 339
Tigris River, 139
Timna, 68
tin, 68, 131, 169, 182, 183, 211, 212,
Tinne, 211
tinstone, 211
Tiran, Strait of, 109
Tiras, 71
Tishtrya, 229
tithes, 140
Titus, 25, 26
Tiye, Queen, 105
Tochter of Elysium, 307
Todaro, George, 55, 464, 494, 503
Toland, John, 283, 284, 287
Toledot Yeshu, 117, 315
Tombos Stela, 27
Tompkins, Peter, 491, 503
Torah, 143, 353, 356
Toulouse, 361
Tower of Babel, 127, 485
Tower of the Winds, 120, 363
transcendent god, 113
Transition metals, 19, 392, 495
transmutation, 219, 220, 221, 223
Trappists, Cistercian monks, 361
Treasury, 80, 224, 293
Treasury of Massalia, 293
Treasury of the Residence, Munich, 224
Treaty of Mati'ilu, 467
Trebizond, 98
Tree of Knowledge, 329
Tree of Life, 330
triangle, equilateral, 297
tribute, 153
Trinity, 83, 150, 151, 394
Triple Goddess, 35, 83, 84, 118, 151,
234, 237, 241, 261, 270, 272, 274,
301, 306, 308, 309, 491
Trojan, 82
Trojan Horse, 179
Trojans, 61, 157, 175, 177, 179, 180,
239, 269, 295
Troy, 37, 38, 176, 179, 241
Troy-town, 241
Truman, Harry, 316
Truth, 133, 244
Tschoudy, Baron, 314
Tuatha De, 167
Tuatha-De-Danaan, 163, 167, 175
Tubal-Cain, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 193,
357, 358
Tudors, 162, 268, 269, 270
Tumer, S, 474
Tumer, Sharon, 503
Tunisia, 168
Turkey, 1, 37, 64, 98, 102, 351
Turkic, 56, 70
Turkmenistan, 132
Tushratta, King, 102
Tutankhamen, 212
Tutankhamun, vi, 104
Tuthmose I, 27, 462
Tuthmose III, vi, 27, 37, 42, 69, 100,
101, 348, 384
Twelfth-night cake, 334
Typhon, 44, 242, 415
Tyrian color, 217
Tyrian Purple, 211
Tyrrhenians, 71
Ugaritic, 61, 69
Ugolin, tower of, 250
Ugric, 56
Ulster, 169, 176
ultimogeniture, 30, 35, 40, 86, 102, 236,
Ulysses, 251
Unas, 246, 337
Underhill, P, 464, 498
underworld, 70, 84, 202, 210, 261, 328,
329, 331, 341
Unger, Merrill F, 474, 476, 503
Ungerer, G, 487, 503
Union Jack, 172
United Kingdom of Israel, 25
University of Jutland, 120
University, Heidelberg, 64
Upper Rtnw, 69
Ur, 36, 63, 130, 138
Ur of the Chaldees, 127, 129, 259
Ural Mountains, 56, 60
Uranus, 87, 210
Urfa, 127
Uri, 155
Uriah, 130
Uriel, 130
Urija, 130
urine, 81, 203, 204, 206, 214, 215, 254,
Urkesh, 102
Ur-Salimu, 36
Ursus Major, 383
Usas, 83
Ussat, Castle, 198
Utu, 331
Uzbekistan, 64, 132, 351
Valley of Death, 316
Valley of Oddy, 295
Van Buren, Elizabeth, 473, 474, 503
Van, Lake, 127, 139
Varuna, 60
Veddahs of Southern India, 56
Vedic Hymns, 58
Vegetation God, 300
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 462, 468, 489,
Venice, 299
Venus, 116, 131, 152, 203, 208, 228,
264, 280, 284, 290, 323, 330, 334,
verisimilitude, 3
Verlaine, Paul, 480
vesica piscis, 147, 263, 297
Vespasian, 26
Vetus Chronicon Holsatiae, 183, 475
Vienna, 323
Villa of the Mysteries, 226, 294
Vinci, Felice, 464, 465, 466, 470, 475,
477, 479, 480, 481, 484, 488, 489,
490, 503
vinegar, 204, 254
Virgil, 82, 211, 250, 371, 373, 467, 477,
Virgin Mary, 116, 136, 152, 197, 228,
261, 296, 334, 353, 360
Virgin of the World, 193, 250, 405, 467
Virgin Queen, 271
Virgin with Child, 116, 323, 423
Virgin Worship, 151, 313
virginity, 264
Virgins Milk, 334
Virgo, 296, 297
Vishnu, 123, 264
Visigoths, 97, 157
Vitali-Tea, 18
Vitruvius, 295, 296, 485, 503
Voguls, 56
Voltaire, 316, 487, 503
vowels, 34, 116, 209, 250
Vritra, 229
vulva, 301, 309, 335
Wadi el-Hudi, 66
Wadi Hammamat, 66, 292
Wadi Maghara, 66
Wadi Nasb, 68
Waite, A E, 480, 481
Waite, AE, 487, 488, 503
Waite. AE, 499
Wales, v, 61
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 287
Walter, Richard, 363
Ward, JSM, 439, 462, 463, 466, 467,
469, 470, 472, 473, 479, 481, 482,
483, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490,
491, 503
Warner, Marina, 481, 503
Washington, George, 290, 316
Watchers, 133, 155, 182, 272, 357
Watt, DER, 469
Watts, Alan, 467, 478, 480, 481, 483,
484, 486, 488, 491, 503
Wawat, Nubia, 66
wealas, 180
Webb, Professor Gregory, 310
weed, 256
Wegner, Ilse, 466, 503
Weir, Anthony, 486, 503
Welling, 249
Welsh Chronicle, 183
Welsh Triads, 162, 182
Weshesh, 179
Wessex, 60, 181, 300
Westminster Abbey, 172, 173
Wet Method, 213
What ailes thee uncle?, 381
What is it?, 337, 339, 356, 359, 378,
Whiston, William, 498
white bread, 339
White Chapel, 339
white dove, 217
White Goddess, i, 80, 215, 256, 426,
White Land, 256, 270
White Land of Albion, 269
White Land, of Albion, 180, 269
white monks, 360
white-bull god, 113
Whitegold, 8, 9, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 386,
Whitgift, 283
Wicked Priest, 154
Wildung, Dietrich, 463, 465, 468, 470,
485, 489, 504
Wilhelm V, Duke the Pious, 224
Wilhelm, Gernot, 468, 469, 504
Wilhelmsbad, 284
Wiliosioi, 179
William of Orange, 185
Williams, Larry, 109
Williamson, G A, 462, 498
Willow God, 36
Willows, Day of, 90
Wilson, A C, 464, 494
Wilson, Ian, 472, 504
Wilusha, 179, 180
Wisdom, 2, 4, 6, 9, 44, 58, 70, 71, 114,
115, 116, 117, 123, 132, 154, 193,
195, 200, 208, 221, 222, 236, 240,
246, 247, 250, 259, 289, 301, 310,
323, 328, 330, 332, 339, 357, 382
Wisdom, Goddess of, 39, 322
Wise, Michael, 473, 484, 495
witches, 35, 82, 282, 301, 497
Witt, Reginald, 488, 489, 504
Wolff, Christian, 316
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 379, 380,
Wolkstein, Diane, 465, 477, 486, 488,
Wolpoff, M, 464, 504
women's status, 86
Wood, E T, 497
Woodlawn Plantation, 290
wool, 64
Word, 246, 281, 337
Word of God, 115, 116
Word, RE, 430
work is prayer, 298
wormwood, 251
Wren, Christopher, 135, 299, 471, 486,
Wright, T, 486
Wu, X, 464, 504
Wyatt, Ron, 109
Xenophanes, i, viii, 193
Xerxes, vii, 134, 467
Xvarnah, 379, 382
Yaho, 76, 137
Yahweh, 34, 40, 44, 69, 71, 76, 89, 90,
91, 92, 93, 104, 113, 114, 116, 117,
130, 137, 140, 153, 196, 198, 209,
211, 272, 273, 280, 323, 328
Yahweh Mark, 76
Yamauchi, Edwin, 471, 504
Yangtze River, 56
Yanhamu, 97, 108
Yarker, John, 462, 469, 472, 473, 476,
479, 481, 482, 483, 485, 486, 487,
490, 491, 492, 504
Yates, Dame Francis, 281, 473, 484,
Y-chromosome, 55, 59
Yegen BC, 467, 501
yellow, i, 131, 249
Yemen, 8, 40, 135, 136, 325
Yeti, 55
Yishu Meshiha, 315
Yogananda, Paramhansa, 464, 504
Yogi, 309, 310, 504
York, 271, 286, 300, 495, 499
York Rite, 300, 349
Y'shua ha Meshiach, 147
Zaddoki, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,
Zadok, 211
Zagros Mountains, 62, 64
Zahab, 119
Zannanaz, 104
Zaragossa, 171
Zarah, 171, 175, 176
Zealots, 25, 26, 145, 147, 157
Zechariah, viii
Zedekiah, King, 170, 171, 186, 187
Zegura, S L, 497
Zeno, 193
Zero Meridian, 191
Zerubbabel, 25, 140
Zeus, 87, 114, 115, 179, 210, 211, 267,
270, 328
Zin, wilderness of, 43
Zodiac, 228, 501
Zohar, 7, 15, 29, 110, 121, 122, 353,
354, 356, 357, 379, 461, 470, 499
Zoreb Mountains, v, 62
Zoroastrianism, 26, 62, 79, 91, 117,
132, 133, 134, 135, 141, 196, 198,
247, 248, 264, 275, 324, 379, 381,
382, 471
Zosimus of Panopolis, 221, 222, 279
Zuckerman, AJ, 468, 473, 504