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Working Paper 133
Impacts of Down Payment Underwriting Standards on Loan
Performance Evidence from the GSEs and FHA portfolios
Ken Lam
Robert M. Dunsky
Austin Kelly
Office of Policy Analysis and Research
Federal Housing Finance Agency
400 7th Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20024
December 2013
FHFA Working Papers are preliminary products circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
The analysis and conclusions are those of the authors and do not imply concurrence by other staff at the
Federal Housing Finance Agency or its Director. Single copies of the paper will be provided upon request.
References to FHFA Working Papers (other than an acknowledgment by a writer that he or she has had
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these papers.
Corresponding author: Ken Lam, Senior Economist. Email: [email protected]. We thank Andrew Leventis and
Patrick Lawler for helpful comments and Joshua Foster for capable research assistance on an earlier version of the
paper. We are grateful to Charles Capone of HUD for providing the FHA loanlevel data.
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Impacts of Down Payment Underwriting Standards on Loan Performance
Evidence from the GSEs and FHA portfolios
Ken Lam, Robert M. Dunsky, and Austin Kelly
Policy discussions are increasingly focused on a return to more conservative mortgage underwriting
standards. This study explores the relationship between down payment (loantovalue ratio or LTV)
requirements and loan performance of GSE and FHA mortgages, controlling for borrower characteristics
and housing market conditions. Loan performance models are estimated based on cohorts of loans
originated between 1995 and 2008. Model parameters are then used to conduct simulations to
estimate the marginal or incremental impact of adjusting the down payment requirements on
cumulative delinquency and foreclosure rates. Default and prepayment equations are estimated
simultaneously using large samples of loans drawn fr om the universe of loans from the GSE and FHA
origination data, which yield parameter estimates that are precise and robust. Serious delinquencies
and foreclosures are analyzed separately for different segments of the mortgage market. The study
sheds important light on the policy question regarding how down payment requirements should be
understood in conjunction with other underwriting guidelines. Specifically, we present simulation
results that demonstrate the relationship between down payme nt standards and loan performance by
borrower credit score category and debttoincome ratio category. We found that the lifetime
delinquency and foreclosure rates increase monotonically and nonlinearly as original LTV rises. The
magnitude of the impacts is sensitive to the borrower’s credit score and debttoincome levels.
Furthermore, there are appreciable differences across the GSE and FHA segments of the mortgage
market in terms of borrower responses.
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1. Overview
Since the collapse of the housing bubble, there has been increasing attention on the terms available to
mortgage borrowers, with a focus on preventing a repeat of our current foreclosure crisis. The goal is to
not just get borrowers into owner occupied housing, but to keep them there. Hence, we use the term
“sustainable mortgage.”
One key dimension for limiting default risk at the time a loan is underwritten is the down payment
requirement. Ceteris paribus, higher down payments result in lower default risk mortgages. While the
down payment is an important dimension of mortgage underwriting, it is not the sole determinant of
default risk. The effect of changes in the down payment requirem ent may be influenced by the
stringency of other variables used in the underwriting process. A key variable is the credit score for the
borrower, often calculated using models developed by Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) at loan origination.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the extent to which higher down payments produ ce more
sustainable mortgages. Specifically, we used hazard models to estimate the relationship between dow n
payment (loantovalue ratio or LTV) requirements and loan performance, controlling for a wide array of
borrower/loan characteristics and housing market conditions. The regression model parameters were
then used to conduct simulations to examine the marginal or incremental effect of LTV at ori gination on
loan performance outcomes. The simulations yielded a set of easytounderstand results that allow us
to quantify the relationship between down payment standards and loan performance by borrower
credit score and debttoincome ratio category. These estimates offer a more complete view of the
down paymentloan performance relationship than simple summary statistics and cross tabulations
would provide.
The study focuses on the segments of the reside ntial mortgage market served by the two housing
GovernmentSponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA). This includes the universe of singlefamily mortgages purchased by the GSEs or
insured by the FHA. The subprime and AltA segments of the market are not a focus of this study
because of our focus on sustainable m ortgages.
The down payment requirements vary across the GSE and FHA markets. Loans purchased by the GSEs
typically require a 20 percent down payment; those with less than a 20 percent down payment require
mortgage insurance or a second lien. FHA mortgages, on the other hand, are associated with a less
stringent down payment requirement. Many FHA borrowers pay only 3 to 4 percent of the purchase
price as down payment.
The layout of the rest of the paper is as follows. We begin with a brief literature review of mortgage
default modeling, with special attention paid to the limited literature focused on down payments. This
is followed by a section on the GSE and FHA data used to estimate the mortgage termination models.
The next section lays out the default and prepayment models used to estimate the effect of down
payments on cumulative delinquency and foreclosure rates. These models are then used to generate a
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wide variety of simulations relating down payment requirements to projected delinquency and
foreclosure rates.
2. Literature Review
While there is an exhaustive literature on mortgage termination models, there are few papers that focus
exclusively on the relationship between borrower’s down payment and loan outcomes. This study aims
to fill in this gap in the literature. Most discussion in the default modeling literature considers markto
market LTV ratio, which is the combination of the effects of the initial down payment and subsequent
house price appreciation or, more recently, depreciation. Excellent reviews of the mortgage default
literature may be found in Vandell (1995), the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) report on low
down payment mortgages (2005), and Quercia (1992). The summary in the GAO report is typical
equity, in the form of either initial down payment, or subsequent appreciation, and the borrower’s
credit capacity, as measured by a borrower credit score, are nearly universally found to be the two key
drivers of default risk.
Other variables are also found important in several studies, such as debtto
income ratios, accumulated reserves, loan amortization terms, and loan product type.
The effect of the initial equity (the complement of the down payment) on default was first assessed in
von Furstenburg (1969). Using a simple linear regression model, annual default rates of FHA mortgages
were regressed on the down payment amount (one minus original LTV), mortgage age, and its squared
term. The purpose was to measure the partial default elasticity with respect to the down payment
amount. The estimated regression coefficient for the down payment amount was found to be negative
and statistically significant across year cohorts and maturity term types, indicating that default rates fell
with a rise in the down payment amount.
Some subsequent work does not distinguish between initial and accumulated equity. A few papers
include separate variables for original LTV and subseq uent equity accumulation. For example, Deng,
Quigley, and Van Order (1996) used loanlevel data from Freddie Mac to estimate default and
prepayment equations in a proportional hazard framework, with the initial LTV as one of the
explanatory variables. The authors found that default decisions were sensitive to both LTV at loan
origination and the subsequent course of housing equity. The results also indicated the importance of
trigger events such as unemployment and divorce in affecting default and prepayment behavior. With
simulations, the model parameters were then used to analyze the program costs of offering low (in
particular, zero) down payment mortgages to middle and lowincome borrowers. They found that the
magnitude of the costs depends on the assumption of future house price appreciation.
The loan termination models built by Deng, Quigley, and Van Order (2000) also included original LTV,
aside from the put option and call option variables the authors were testing in a contingent claims
framework. Default and prepayment decisions were theorized as the exercise of financial options by the
Credit capacity here refers to both the borrower’s willingness to pay and ability to pay.
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3. Sources of Data
in the mortgage contracts. Mortgage default occurs if the borrower exercises the put option
when the market value of the mortgage equals or exceeds the value of the house; in such
circumstances, the put option is considered to be “in the money.” Similarly, the borrowers exercise the
call option to prepay their mortgages when the market value of the mortgage equal or exceeds the book
value of the mortgage. The original LTV was used to control for asymmetric information at loan
origination because, the authors argued, riskier borrowers choose to take out high LTV loans.
GAO’s study (2005) of FHA down payment assistance programs examined the down payment (in terms
of original LTV) as a default predictor, over and above the effect of marktomarket LTV. It found that
zero down payment mortgages had extremely elevated default propensities, especially in Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (MSAs) with flat housing prices. It also found that the source of the down payment
mattered a down payment from the borrower’s own resources reduced default by more than the
same sized down payment provided by a relative or a government program. FHA’s own work in its
actuarial studies (for example, HUD 2010) also found an important effect of down payment source.
Kelly (2008) also stressed the importance of down payment source and found that even a small amount
of down payment would substantially reduce default, when compared to loans that had zero down.
BenDavid (2011) finds similar results.
Other recent literature considers the stability of default models. Demyanyk and Van Hemert (2011), and
An et al. (2011) found that simple default models are unstable, and suggested the need to include
cohort dummies, and even cohort slope dummies, in regressions, to capture for the effects of
unmeasured changes in underwriting quality over time. Kelly (2009) consi dered the value of appraisals
and automated valuation models as additional signals of initial equity. Ehul (2009) looked at
securitization, and the extent to which an originator’s ability to offload credit risk coul d influence
underwriting and subseq uent default propensities. LaCourLittle (2009) found substantially elevated
default rates for loans with little or no borrower provided documentation (socalled Liar’s Loans).
There are
two primary sources of data used in this paper. The source of data for the GSEs’ market
segment is the Enterprises’ Historical Loan Performance (HLP) data maintained by FHFA. The HLP data
include loanlevel information on all mortgages Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac acquired or guaranteed
since the late 1970s. The database includes detailed loan history records (monthbymonth payment
amounts) and a wealth of initial loan characteristics. Loan product type (fixed vs. adjustable), initial loan
balance, sales price of the house, initial payment amount, borrower’s income, documentation level, and
FICO borrower credit scores are all provided. The date the loan was originated and the location of the
mortgaged property are als o provided. The loan history includes indicators for full prepayment and the
date of prepayment, indicators for spells of serious delinquency (90day plus), and final loan disposition
outcomes. Detailed payment histories are also included. While we have data as far back as 1979,
borrower credit scores only became ubiquitous around 1995. For this study, therefore, we used
originations from 1995 to 2008. Performance of the loans is observed from origination to liquidation
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(prepayment or foreclosure) or through December 31, 2012 if still performing. Loans originated in 2009
and after were not used in the study due to the lack of time to observe their performance.
For the FHA segment of the market, we used data from FHA’s singlefamily data warehouse (SFDW).
Similar to the HLP data, the SFDW data include loanlevel information on the origination and
performance of mortgages insured by FHA. Compared to the HLP data, the FHA database contains a
less detailed loan history, but it includes a richer set of information on the borrowers. The file contains
the main underwriting variables, such as borrower credit score, initial loan balance, and sale price of the
house, along with indicators for the source of the down payment (borrower, seller, government
program, etc.). All FHA loans have full borrower documentation. We also have indicators for claim
termination (FHA pays insurance for a credit loss, usually as a result of a foreclosure), nonclaim
termination (a prepaymen t), and the date that a 90day delinquency episode starts, along with
information on how the delinquency spell was resolved. However, for the FHA data we do not have
detailed monthly paymen t history. Because FHA only began the routine collection of borrower credit
scores in 2004, we have limited the evaluation of FHA mortgages to loans originated from 2004 to 2008.
As with the GSE mortgages, FHA loan performance is observed through December 2012. Originations
from 2009 and 2010 were not used due to the lack of sufficient loan performance history.
For estimation purposes, we merged the GSE and FHA data with quarterly data from FHFA on MSA and
statelevel house price indexes, data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on statelevel unemployment
rates, data from the Federal Reserve on Treasury yields for 2 and 10year maturities, and data from
Freddie Mac on prevailing mortgage interest rates (Primary Mortgage Market Survey). For simulating
delinquency and foreclosure rates, we used forecasts of house prices, interest rates, and unemployment
rates from Moody’s Analytics. We primarily relied on Moody’s “base case” projection scenario, but for
sensitivity analysis we have also incorporated alternative Moody’s forecasts, namely a “pessimistic case”
that assumes a slow recovery, and falling house prices.
In terms of mortgage product type, our analysis focused on traditional 30year fixedrate mortgages, as
this is the most common product type and represents the largest share of the total origination volume
each year. We further limited the analysis universe to home purchase mortgages. In other words,
refinances were excluded. In addition, we excluded from the analysis “investor loans” and loans
classified as AltA by the GSEs. These loan types were excluded because they had underwriting
requirements and performance history that were different from those of the owneroccupied home
purchases. The underlying mortgage performance model in terms of the relevant variables and model
parameters would most likely differ significantly for these loan types. Therefore, excluding them from
the analysis would allow us to avoid confounding factors and arrive at a more precise estimate of the
effect of the down paym ent on loan outcomes.
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To construct the estimation sample, we draw a 17 percent random sample of loans from the FHA
analysis universe and 5 percent random sample from the GSE analysis universe.
The differential sample
rates were used to ensure that the estimation sample size per year is in the same magnitude across the
two market segments. Exhibit 1 shows the number of loan origination volumes for the analysis
universes and estimation samples, separately by year and mortgage market segment (FHA vs. GSE).
t 1: Number of Loan Originations, by Market Segment: 19952008
30Year FixedRate Home Purchase Mortgages
Year of
Market Segment
1995 . 1,112,034
1996 . 1,167,487
1997 . 1,175,676
1998 . 1,773,979
1999 . 1,715,499
2000 . 1,626,949
2001 . 1,919,491
2002 . 1,813,925
2003 . 1,839,304
2004 467,297 1,488,681
2005 327,872 1,592,273
2006 296,698 1,642,807
2007 305,538 1,960,630
2008 803,296 1,310,068
Total 2,200,701 22,138,803
n Sample
Year of
Market Segment
1995 . 24,334
1996 . 47,959
1997 . 54,114
1998 . 77,309
1999 . 82,451
2000 . 73,663
2001 . 89,991
2002 . 85,887
2003 . 86,585
2004 42,499 72,183
2005 55,821 76,439
2006 54,191 79,903
2007 56,575 93,041
2008 154,380 70,531
Total 363,466 1,014,390
Source: FHFA
19952003 cohorts were excluded because borrower FICO scores are not available.
Excluded mortgage records with missing values on any covariates used in the loan termination models.
4. Loan Performance Model
Two loan performance measures are analyzed separately in this study:
Foreclosure completion
90day delinquency
The estimation sample excluded mortgage records that contain missing values in any of the variables we used in
the loan termination models.
We focused on the incidence of a borrower becoming 90day delinquent the firsttime since loan origination.
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90day delinquency is a commonly used benchmark in the mortgage industry for serious delinquency, as
loss mitigation/workout strategies and foreclosure proceedings usually start once a loan has reached the
90day delinquency mark. Of course, not all loans becoming 90days delinquent eventually end in
foreclosure. The measure nonetheless serves as a good earlywarning indicator for adverse outcomes,
as the link between 90day delinquency and foreclosure is strong.
Foreclosure completion is a measure aimed at capturing the adverse outcome that the loan is being
liquidated and that the borrower eventually loses his/her home in the foreclosure process. For loans in
the GSE portfolio, we defined foreclosure completion as: (1) short sales (also called preforeclosure
sales); (2) deedsinlieu; (3) thirdparty sales at the foreclosure sale/auction; (4) loans that ever entered
the realestate owned (REO) inventory; and (5) chargeoffs in lieu of foreclosure. For the FHA segment
of the market, we equated foreclosure completion as a claim termination. That is, all loan terminations
eventually resulted in a claim to the FHA mortgage insurance fund. It signifies the end of the foreclosure
process when the servicer/lender transfers the title of the property to HUD/FHA. It is worth noting that
this definition of foreclosure completion is not exactly comparable to the one used for the GSE loans.
Due to limitations of data provided by FHA, we were not able to construct a foreclosure completion
measure that is entirely consistent across the two segments of the market.
To explore the relationship between loan performance and underwriting standards, we built hazard
models using historical loanlevel data that explain loan performance based on loan characteristics and
macroeconomic drivers. Specifically, a “competing risk” model framework was used where default and
prepayment probabilities were estimated jointly. We have estimated two default/prepayment
competing risk models: one for foreclosure completion and one for 90day delinquency.
Mortgage lives were modeled as competing risks of termination via monthly prepayment or default
hazards, estimated simultaneously using a multinomial logit model. Each record used in the estimation
represented a loanmonth observation since origination. Jenkins (1995) has demonstrated that this
model set up is equivalent to estimating a discretetime competing hazard model. Key advantages of
hazard models are that they are useful for projection/forecasting and that they take duration
dependency into account. Separate models were developed for the GSE and FHA segments of the
Unlike 90day delinquency, foreclosure completion depends on an array of factors well beyond the scope of a
model for borrower behavior. For example, foreclosure completions have been impacted substantially in the last
few years by statelevel foreclosure moratoriums, court backlogs, and other legal challenges. These factors are
difficult to account for in our regression models.
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4.1 Explanatory Variables
For each mortgage market segment, a common set of explanatory variables was used across the two
measures of performance outcomes. The GSE and FHA models differed slightly in terms of the set of
explanatory variables used, as explained below.
Mortgage Age (Seasoning). Age since origination was captured in a series of linear spline
We picked the knots (or “cut points”) for the spline function differently across
the FHA and GSE models.
Seasonality. A series of monthly dummies were used to represent the season of the loan
month records. The dummy for the month of January was omitted and served as the
reference category.
Origination Cohort (Vintage). Cohort effects were captured by a series of cohort dummies
indicating the calendar year of loan origination.
Borrower FICO Score at Origination. This was represented by a series of spline variables.
The knots are: 620, 660, and 700.
LoantoValue (LTV) Ratio at Origination. This is a key variable for this study. One minus
LTV represents the down payment amount. For the GSE data, we were able to obtain the
combined LTV (i.e., first lien, plus any subordinate liens acquired by the GSEs) as of the time
of loan origination. However, it is worth noting that the data reflect the combined LTV only
in situations where the related second lien is simultaneously acquired or guaranteed by the
same GSE.
In other words, the LTV in the data does not always reflect the cumulative loan
balances of all mortgages associated with the property. The FHA database reports LTV for
the first lien only. Nonetheless, for home purchases, most of the FHA borrowers did not
have a second lien at origination.
To capture nonlinearity effects, we entered the LTV into the regression equation as a series
of piecewise linear spline variables. The knots are: 70, 80, 90, and 95.
Frontend DebttoIncome (DTI) Ratio at Origination. This is the ratio between total
monthly mortgage payment amount and total monthly household income, entered as linear
splines. The knots are: 0.25, 0.31, and 0.35.
To capture nonlinearity, linear splines allow us to estimate the relationship between the dependent variable Y
and an explanatory variable X as a piecewise linear function, which is a function composed of linear segments. The
linear segments are arranged so that they are joined at knots x1, x2, x3, etc. One linear segment represents the
function for values of X below x1; another linear segment represents the function for values of X between x1 and
x2; and so on. For variables used in the study, we tried to pick the knot points that are logical or represent
meaningful divisions in the data. For example, for variables using in the underwriting process such as borrower
FICO score, debttoincome ratio, and LTV, the knot points included the thresholds of these variables used in the
various underwriting regimes. For variables such as mortgage age and other financial variables, we picked the knot
points so that the underlying observations would be distributed approximately even across the spline segments.
In additional, the data do not capture information on any subordinate liens originated since the origination of the
first lien.
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Backend DebttoIncome (DTI) Ratio at Origination. This is the ratio between total debt
payment amount and total monthly household income, entered as linear splines. The knots
are: 0.30, 0.35, and 0.42.
Unpaid Principal Balance (UPB) at Origination. The variable is the original mortgage
amount, adjusted to constant dollars in 2013. It is represente d with a set of linear splines,
with knot points at $100,000, $200,000, and $300,000.
Interaction of MarktoMarket (Current) LTV and FICO Score at Origination. The markto
market LTV (MTMLTV) measures a borrower’s current house equity position. For each of
the subsequent loanmonth records since origination, we calculated the current LTV value
as follows. We first computed the UPB amount for each loanmonth record using the loan
terms and mortgage payment formula. Next, the house value was adjusted using FHFA’s
MSA and statelevel House Price Indexes (HPI).
Finally, we divided the UPB by the updated
house value.
The MTMLTV and FICO score were each specified as four linear spline variables. The knots
for the MTMLTV are 0.8, 1.0, and 1.25, while the knots for the FICO are 620, 660, and 700.
We entered the pairwise products of these spline terms into the regression model. They
represent a total of sixteen variables. This specification allows the model to estimate the
effect of MTMLTV on loan performance differently for borrowers with varying credit
Spread at Origination (SATO). This variable measures the difference between a loan’s
contract mortgage rate and prevailing rate, as reported by Freddie Mac’s PMMS survey at
the origination month. The spline format of the variable was used in the models, with knot
at 0.17.
Interaction of Refinance Incentives (Spread) and Burnout Factor. Following Dunsky and Ho
(2007), we used this set of variables to model the borrower’s decision to prepay (refinance).
The refinance incentive variable measured the ratio between the prevailing mortgage rate
at origination and the prevailing rate at each of the subsequent months.
We used the
historical rates for 30year fixedrate mortgages published by Freddie Mac’s PMMS as a
proxy for the prevailing mortgage rates. The burnout factor variable, a timevarying
covariate, was calculated as the significantly positive refinance spread cumulated over the
life of the mortgage, reflecting missed or forgone refinance opportunity.
Statelevel HPI were applied to housing units located outside of an MSA.
Alternatively, the variable could be specified as a simple difference, rather than a ratio. In either format, we do
not think the LTVdefault relationship would be sensitive to this set of variables, which are meant to capture the
borrower’s prepayment decision. We have estimated the regressions with both formats of the variables and found
no materialized impact on the other regression coefficients and the study’s findings.
Specifically, the refinance incentive or spread was calculated as:
The burnout factor was computed as:
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The refinance spread and burnout factor were each specified as three linear spline variables,
with knot points at 1.15 and 1.25 for the refinance spread and 0.3 and 0.8 for the burnout
factor. We entered the pairwise products of these spline terms into the regression model.
They represent a total of nine variables.
Yield Curve Spread. A timevarying covariate, this was calculated as the difference between
the 2year and 10year Constant Maturity Treasury, lagged one month.
Census Division. To control for the effect of regional housing market, we included
indicators for the eight Census Divisions (South Atlantic was omitted and served as the
reference category).
Metro vs. Nonmetro Location. This indicator was used to identify borrowers located in
MSAs, defined by the Census Bureau.
State Laws. State laws can have an impact on the borrower’s decision to default or prepay.
The consideration here is whether foreclosure is carried out through a judicial or non
judicial process. A judicial foreclosure process requires lenders to process foreclosure filings
through the court system. Nonjudicial foreclosures are generally simpler and quicker.
Some states offer both, although in such states nonjudicial proceedings are generally used
more frequently. In other states the judicial process is the only option. A small number of
states do not have a judicial foreclosure process. Also, some states allow the lender or
insurer to recover losses by filing a lien against assets of the borrower other than the house
that secured the mortgage. States with laws blocking deficiency judgments provide added
protection for the borrowers; we called these states antideficiency states. Combining these
two types of state laws, we grouped the states into four mutually exclusive categories: (1)
nonjudicial and no antideficiency; (2) nonjudicial and antideficiency; (3) judicial and no
antideficiency; and (4) judicial and antideficiency.
The first category was omitted and
served as the reference category in the regressions.
Unemployment Rate (State Level). Entered as linear splines with a knot at six percent,
unemployment rates were lagged one month in the regressions.
Sources of Down Payment Funds. This variable is available only in the FHA data. The four
mutually exclusive categories are: (1) buyer/owner; (2) family/relative; (3) nonprofit; (4)
government or other. We omitted the first category as reference in the model.
Existence of a Second Lien. This variable is available only in the GSE data. We flagged any
mortgages with a subordinate lien as of the time of origination.
Number of Housing Units. We included a dummy variable in the model to control for the
effect of houses with more than one unit.
Housing Structure Type. A dummy variable was used to flag the condominium unit type.
where 1.1 was assumed to reflect the refinance transaction cost. That is, we assumed that a refinance opportunity
would occur whenever the original PMMS rate exceeds the prevailing PMMS by 10 percent. See discussion in
Dunsky and Ho (2007).
For states that allow both judicial and nonjudicial foreclosure, we classified them as nonjudicial state. Our
classification follows Pence (2006) and the information provided by the nonprofit web site
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5. Simulations
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parameter estimates are reported in Appendix A. Because of the “stacked” loanmonth
records and multinomial logit set up, the estimated coefficients are difficult to interpret. Our use of the
piecewise linear splines and interaction terms in the models have added another layer of complexity to
the interpreta tion. Therefore, to examine the marginal or incremental effect of LTV at origination on
loan performance outcomes, we conducted simulations on a set of synthetic loans using the regression
coefficients. The setup and results are described in Section 5.
To check the goodness of fit of our models, we compared the obs erved and modelpredicted conditional
probability of the outcomes in terms of monthly average. The comparisons are presented in Appendix B
as a series of graphs. For example, Exhibit B1 plots, for the GSE market segment, the monthly average
conditional 90day delinquency rate by loan age. Exhibit B2 shows the rate by calendar date. Si milar
plots were done for the other performance outcomes and for the FHA market segment. Overall, the
modelpredicted rates track the observed rates fairly well.
To quantify the lifetime effect of LTV at origination on loan outcomes, we con ducted simulations using
the regression coefficients and a set of synthetic loanmonth records. The loanmonth records were
constructed in such a manner that there are variations across records for the variables of interest (in
particular, LTV, FICO score, and frontend DTI), while other loan and borrower characteristics are held
constant throughout. This setup allows us to explore, ceteris paribus, the marginal or incremental
impacts of changing the LTV (down payment) underwriting requirement on loan performance.
The set of synthetic loanmonth records were constructed with the following loan and borrower
1. Originated in January 2013.
2. Original mortgage amount is $200,000.
3. Mortgage rate at origination is 5 percent.
4. Borrower FICO score at origination varies from 620 to 740 by an increment of 40.
5. LTV at origination varies from 70 percent to 100 by an increment of 1.
6. Frontend debttoincome (DTI) ratio is set at 31 percent and 45 percent.
7. Backend debttoincome (DTI) ratio is set at 45 percent.
8. Source of down payment is selffinanced (only relevant to the FHA segment).
9. No second lien.
10. Structure contains one housing unit.
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11. Non condominium structure type.
12. Located in metropolitan area.
13. One loan per state (50 states plus the District of Columbia), per loan/borrower characteristic.
This setup generated a total of 12,648 unique synthetic loans. For each loan, we then generated
monthly records for seven years following origination. This resulted in a total of 1,062,432 loanmonth
It is important to note that the varying loanlevel characteristics are #4 (borrower FICO score), #5
(original LTV), and #6 (frontend DTI ratio) across this set of loans, aside from the state location.
To project the future performance of this set of loans, we used the estimated regression coefficients
from the loan termination models described in Section 4 to compute the conditional prepayment
probability and default probability for each loanmonth record.
For macroeconomic variables such as
future mortgage interest rate, Treasury yield (2 and 10year maturity), statelevel unemployment rate,
and the house price growth path, we utilized the baseline forecast scenario produced by Moody’s
Analytics. Next, the conditional probabilities by loanmonth were converted into cumulative
The outcomes of interest are:
Predicted sevenyear cumulative foreclosure completion rate
Predicted sevenyear cumulative 90day delin quency rate
We analyzed cumulative foreclosure complet ion and delinquency rates for the first seven years because
loan terminations happening in that duration are more likely due to underwriting variables rather than
other trigger events. As a loan ages beyond seven to ten years old, it becomes increasingly difficult to
tease out other confounding factors that would lead to a loan termination. In addition, in most cases,
Changes in the macroeconomic variables are tied to the state location of the loan.
For the cohort effect parameter in the regression model, we assumed these loans have the same coefficient as
the 2004 cohort because 2004 represented a typical year. The objective was to avoid picking a cohort coefficient
that is associated with the onset or aftermath of the 2007/2008 financial crisis.
Specifically, let us define:
D(t) = conditional default probability for loanmonth record at month t
P(t) = conditional prepayment probability for loanmonth record at month t
S(t) = surviving probability for loanmonth record at month t
= S(t1)‐ (P(t) + D(t))*S(t1)
CUMDEF(t) = cumulative default probability for loanmonth record at month t
= D(t)*S(t1) + CUMDEF(t1)
CUMPRE(t) = cumulative prepayment probability for loanmonth record at month t
= P(t)*S(t1) + CUMPEF(t1)
where S(0)=1 , CUMDEF(0)=0 , and CUMPEF(0)=0.
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the cumulative rates tend to taper off or flatten out beyond the first 7 years. In other words, the
simulation results would most likely be similar if we extend the forecast period.
It is important to note that our measure of foreclosure completion and delinquency rates is different
from the ones commonly reported in the popular press where the rates are defined as the share of loans
in foreclosure (or in delinquent) among the loans that are still outstanding. Our measure represents the
cumulative or lifetime probability of a loan becoming delinquent (or reaching foreclosure completion).
For each outcome measure, separate estimates were produced for the GSE and FHA segments of the
For the purpose of exposition, we will focus our presentation on the results for foreclosure completion.
However, we did test the sensitivity of our findings to the alternative metric. Findings on the 90day
delinquency rate are presented in a later section and the appendix.
To explore the sensitivity of our estimates to the macroeconomic forecasts, we also conducted the
analysis using an alternative scenario forecast called “protracted slump.” The cumulative delinquency
and foreclosure completion rates that we simulate are based on scenarios with flattorising interest
rate environments, so that the effect of prepayment on reducing observed default rates is muted. A
loan that prepays via a refinancing two years after origination can not be observed to default three years
after origination, although the (unobserved) new refinancing loan might fail.
To fix ideas and isolate overall marginal effects, our analysis focused on arriving at national level
estimates. To do so, we weighted the synthetic loan records by statelevel frequency weights. The
weights were derived from the 2010 decennial Census using the count of nonvacant owneroccupied
housing units at the state level. The same set of weights was use d for both the GSE and FHA segments
of the estimates.
5.1 Results on Lifetime Foreclosure Completion Rate
5.1A LTVForeclosure Relationship and Its Sensitivity to Borrower FICO Score
Using the regression coefficients and the synthetic lo an records, Exhibit 2 depicts the relationship
between original LTV and cumulative foreclosure completion rate, holding all other borrower and loan
characteristics constant with macroeconomic variables varying throughout the life of the mortgages. In
particular, borrower FICO score and frontend DTI are set at 620 and 31 respectively. The analysis was
conducted separately for the FHA and GSE segments of the market. It shows that, across market
Unlike the “marginal effect” estimates commonly reported in many of the econometric software packages,
which capture the instantaneous (monthly) effect of the regression coefficients, our simulation approach yields
estimates that represent the “total effect” of original LTV on loan performance outcomes throughout the life of
the loans.
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segments, as original LTV increases, the lifetime foreclosure rate rises monotonically.
The first column
shows that, for example, for the GSE loans, as original LTV increases from 70 to 100, the foreclosure rate
climbs progressively from 5.66 percent to 19.77 percent. GSE borrowers appear to have a higher
foreclosure rate compared to borrowers in the FHA market segment with the same original LTV. As
noted above, this is an artifact of our use of different foreclosure measures between the two market
To see the impact of original LTV on loan outcome, in the second column of each panel we present the
foreclosure rate changes in ratio format, where the results are shown relative to the baseline
foreclosure rate for loans with 80 percent LTV at loan origination. That is, they are expressed as
multiples of the baseline rate. These estimates provide a convenient way to see the loan performance
impact of adjusting the LTV requirement, ceteris paribus. The Exhibit indicates that, for example, the
foreclosure rate is 9.20 percent for a GSE loan with 80 percent LTV. If the same loan was underwritten
with 90 percent LTV, the foreclosure rate would be 1.48 times the baseline level. Alternatively, if the
same loan was underwritten with 70 percent LTV, the foreclosure rate would be 0.61 times the baseline
level. So apparently the LTV foreclosure rate relationship is nonlinear. This is especially the case for the
FHA segment. When the original LTV is changed from 80 to 70, the foreclosure rate would be 0.72 times
the baseline level. However, if we adjust the original LTV by the same increme nt in the other direction
from 80 to 90, the foreclosure rate would be 1.62 times the baseline level. This wider ranger of changes
seems to indicate that foreclosure rates are more sensitive or responsive to LTV changes in the FHA than
in the GSE segment of the market.
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Frontend DTI=31; Baseline LTV = 80
Market Segment
LTV at Origination
Ratio to
Ratio to
70 5.66% 0.61 3.54% 0.72
80 (Baseline) 9.20% 1.00 4.95% 1.00
85 11.26% 1.22 6.33% 1.28
90 13.66% 1.48 8.03% 1.62
95 16.55% 1.80 12.41% 2.51
100 19.77% 2.15 14.00% 2.83
Source: FHFA
Henceforward, foreclosure rate means cumulative or lifetime foreclosure completion rate, unless stated
Some of this difference across market segments could be result of an attenuation problem of how the combined
LTV is reported in the data. The measurement errors (underreporting) of original LTV is particularly acute for GSE
borrowers because of the data issue of incomplete second lien coverage mentioned in the earlier section. If the
coverage for the second liens were more complete, some of the GSE loans with 80 LTV would actually be 90 or 95
LTV. Therefore, it is not surprising there is less dramatic effect of higher observed LTVs.
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For GSE loans, as original LTV rises from 80 to 100, foreclosure rates would more than double (2.15
times baseline). On the other hand, when original LTV is changed from 80 to 100 for FHA loans,
foreclosure rates would increase by almost threefold (2.83 times baseline).
Exhibit 3 repeats the same analysis, separately, for borrowers with four FICO score levels: 620, 660, 700,
and 740. The objective of this analysis is to investigate whether the LTVforeclosure rate relationship
remains the same across borrowers with different credit capacity. For this analysis, the DTI ratio was
held constant at 31 percent. Once again, the changes in foreclosure rate are presented in ratio format.
The table rev eals that, holding LTV constant, borrowers with a lower FICO score are associated with a
higher foreclosure rate. This is consistent across the GSE and FHA market segments. When expressed
as a multiple of the baseline rate, the foreclosure rate grows steadily with LTV in each FICO class. This is
true for both the GSE and FHA markets. For example, for GSE borrowers across the four FICO classes,
foreclosure rate of loans with LTV 100 is about 2.2 times the rate of LTV 80.
Exhibit 3: LTVCumulative Foreclosure Completion Rate Relationship, by FICO Score at Origination
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
Frontend DTI=31; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 9.20% 6.10% 4.54% 2.85%
Ratio Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and Foreclosure Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.63
85 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.21
90 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.47
95 1.80 1.82 1.83 1.81
100 2.15 2.21 2.24 2.26
FHA Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 4.95% 3.40% 2.37% 1.37%
Ratio Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and Foreclosure Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.73
85 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.27
90 1.62 1.62 1.64 1.60
95 2.51 2.53 2.58 2.55
100 2.83 2.86 2.92 2.93
Source: FHFA
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Exhibit 3 reveals that as a multiple of the baseline rate the rate of foreclosure grows similarly for the
four FICO brackets. This nonetheless does not mean that the growth in the foreclosure rate is the same
across the four FICO groupings. In fact, the absolute rate of foreclosure rises with LTV much more
dramatically for borrowers with lower FICO scores than for borrowers with a higher FICO. Exhibit 4
shows this sensitivity by reporting the absolute difference in foreclosure rate instead of the ratio of the
rates. The Exhibit indicates that the same magnitude of LTV changes at loan origination would result in
different foreclosure rate changes acros s borrowers with different FICO scores. For instance, if LTV was
raised from 80 percent to 95 percent for borrowers with a FICO score of 620 in the FHA market segment,
the foreclosure rate would increase by 7.46 percentage points. In comparison, the same change in LTV
would result in an increase of foreclosure rate by only 2.12 percentage points for borrowers with a FICO
score of 740.
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
Frontend DTI=31; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 9.20% 6.10% 4.54% 2.85%
Percentage Point Difference Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and Foreclosure Rate of
Other LTV Categories
70 ‐3.55% ‐2.31% ‐1.73% ‐1.06%
85 2.02% 1.31% 0.99% 0.59%
90 4.46% 2.95% 2.23% 1.35%
95 7.35% 4.98% 3.77% 2.32%
100 10.57% 7.41% 5.62% 3.58%
FHA Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 4.95% 3.40% 2.37% 1.37%
Percentage Point Difference Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and Foreclosure Rate of
Other LTV Categories
70 ‐1.41% ‐0.97% ‐0.69% ‐0.37%
85 1.37% 0.95% 0.68% 0.37%
90 3.08% 2.12% 1.51% 0.82%
95 7.46% 5.20% 3.75% 2.12%
100 9.05% 6.31% 4.54% 2.65%
Source: FHFA
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Exhibit 5: GS E Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit 6: FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
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In Exhibits 5 and 6, separately for the GSE and FHA market segments, we plotted the LTV foreclosure
rate relationship for LTV ranging from 70 to 100. The analysis was stratified by the four FICO classes, so
there are a total of four curves in each exhibit. The blue curve in Exhibit 5, for example, depicts the
relationship between the original LTV and the cumulative foreclosure rate of GSE borrowers with a FICO
score of 620.
All the curves in the Exhibits are with an upward slope, implying that as LTV increases, foreclosure rate
would rise regardless of borrower FICO level. But the LTVforeclosure relationship is sensitive to FICO.
Furthermore, there are noticeable breaks or discontinuities in each of the four curves in the FHA market
segment, representing systematical changes in the LTV foreclosure relationship. The foreclosure rate
curve starts relatively flat and then climbs upward gradually, as LTV increases from 70 to 95 percent.
The rate shoots up noticeably at 90 percent LTV. Beyond 95 percent, the slope of the curves becomes
relatively flat again, implyi ng that the effect of LTV on foreclosure rate is attenuated. In comparison, the
curves for the GSE borrowers are all smooth and upward sloping.
Below we summarize our additional observations on the two exhibits.
Consistent with results from Exhibits 2, 3 and 4, the LTVforeclosure rate relationship is
nonlinear. This is tru e across both market segments.
The curves in general are steeper or have a higher slope for FHA borrowers than for GSE
borrowers, especially for loans in the high LTV segment. This means that the foreclosure rate is
more responsive to original LTV changes in the FHA than in the GSE segment of the market. The
implication is that the same level of change in original LTV requirement would have a larger
impact for FHA borrowers than for GSE borrowers.
Across both market segments, the curve is steeper or has a higher slope for borrowers with a
lower FICO score. This confirms that there is an interaction effect between FICO score and LTV.
Put differently: the LTVforeclosure rate relationship is sensitive to FICO. The same magnitude
of LTV change would generate a larger impact on the foreclosure rate in terms of percentage
point difference for borrowers with a lower FICO score than for borrowers with a higher FICO
score. This disproportionate impact is observed in both the FHA and GSE market segments, as
shown in Exhibit 4. For instance, if LTV was raised from 80 percent to 90 percent for borrowers
with a FICO score of 620 in the GSE market segment, the foreclosure rate would increase by 4.46
percentage points. In comparison, the same change in LTV would result in an increase of
foreclosure rate by only 2.23 percentage points for borrower with a FICO score of 700.
For FHA borrowers, the curves were steepest for the segment between 90 and 95 percent LTV.
A one percentage point rise in original LTV is associated with a largest increase in foreclosure
Once again, this could be a reflection that combined LTV values are underreported in the GSE data due to the
incomplete second liens coverage.
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rate for this LTV range than for any other LTV. This is true across the four borrower FICO score
The effect of LTV on foreclosure rate tends to rise less dramatically once original LTV goes
beyond 95 percent. The curve segments between 95 and 100 LTV all have a flatter slope. While
this is observed across market segments and FICO score levels, it is especially the case for the
FHA borrowers.
5.1B Sensitivity to Borrower DTI Ratio
We next looked at the LTVforeclosure rate relationship by allowing the level of frontend DTI ratio to
vary (from 31 percent to 45 percent), while holding FICO score constant (at 620). The purpose of this
analysis is to examine whether the relationship is sensitive to DTI. Exhibit 7 presents the ratio estimates,
once again using the foreclosure rate for loans with an LTV of 80 as the baseline. Foreclosure rate
changes in percentage difference format can be found in Exhibit C1 of Appendix C.
t 7: LTVCumulative Foreclosure Completion rate Rel ationship, by DTI at Origination
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
DTI at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 9.20% 10.52%
Ratio Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and
Foreclosure Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.61 0.62
85 1.22 1.22
90 1.48 1.48
95 1.80 1.78
100 2.15 2.12
FHA Market Segment
DTI at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 4.95% 5.45%
Ratio Between Foreclosure Rate of LTV=80% and
Foreclosure Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.72 0.72
85 1.28 1.28
90 1.62 1.61
95 2.51 2.49
100 2.83 2.80
Source: FHFA
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Exhibit 8: GS E Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit 9: FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
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In Exhibits 89, we plotted the LTV foreclosure rate relationship by allowing the level of LTV at
origination to vary from 70 percent to 100 percent while holding FICO score constant (at 620). The two
curves in each graph represent DTI at 31 percent and 45 percent respectively. Our observations are as
As expected, across all LTV levels, borrowers with a higher DTI had a higher foreclosure rate.
This is true across both market segments.
Overall, the LTVforeclosure rate relationship has a relatively modest sensitivity to the DTI level.
To be sure there is some sensitivity, as the foreclosure completion rate is uniformly higher for
the larger DTI. The dramatic effects of the FICO score impact on the LTVforeclosure
relationship are not observed here, however. This is true for both segments of the mortgage
market. As Exhibit 7 shows, for each market segment, the ratio estimates are largely the same
across the columns for DTI of 31 and DTI of 45.
This is also indicated by the fact that the two curves of different DTI levels are essentially para llel
in Exhibit 8 (and Exhibit 9).
5.1C Sensitivity to Loan Performance Metric
We tested the sensitivity of our analysis results to the loan performance metric we picked. Stating it
differently, we ask whether our findings from the previous sections would hold if a different measure of
loan performance other than foreclosure completion is used namely, the 90day delinquency rate. To
answer this question, we replicated the simulation analyses conducted in the previous sections with the
90day delinquency rate as the loan performance outcome.
Exhibit 10 presents the relationship between the original LTV and the cumulative 90day delinquency
rate, holding borrower FICO score and frontend DTI at 620 and 31 respectively. Exhibit 11 repeats the
same analysis, separately, for borrowers with four FICO score levels: 620, 660, 700, and 740. Frontend
DTI was held constant at 31. We once again used the delinquency rate of borrowers with an LTV of 80
as the baseline and computed the changes in delinquency rate in ratio (or multiple of the baseline)
Estimates based on percentage point difference are presented in Exhibit 12.
Hereafter, delinquency rate means cumulative or lifetime delinquency rate, unless stated otherwise.
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Exhibit 10 : Relationship Between Average Cumulative 90Day Delinquency Rate and Original LTV
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Frontend DTI=31
Baseline LTV = 80
Market Segment
LTV at Origination
Ratio to
Ratio to
70 29.53% 0.81 40.68% 0.95
80 (Baseline) 36.53% 1.00 42.75% 1.00
85 40.43% 1.11 43.80% 1.02
90 44.81% 1.23 44.96% 1.05
95 32.35% 1.36 51.94% 1.21
100 52.88% 1.45 53.30% 1.25
Source: FHFA
Exhibit 11: LTVCumulative 90Day Delinquency Rate Relationship, by FICO Score at Origination
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
Frontend DTI=31; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 36.53% 22.36% 14.29% 7.89%
Ratio Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.79
85 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.13
90 1.23 1.26 1.28 1.29
95 1.36 1.44 1.48 1.53
100 1.45 1.56 1.62 1.74
FHA Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 42.75% 27.87% 16.88% 10.39%
Ratio Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.95
85 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03
90 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06
95 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.29
100 1.25 1.29 1.32 1.30
Source: FHFA
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Exhibit 12: LTVCumulative 90Day Delinquency Rate Relationship, by FICO Score at Origination
Percentage Point Difference Estimates
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
Frontend DTI=31; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 36.53% 22.36% 14.29% 7.89%
Percentage Point Difference Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate
of Other LTV Categories
70 ‐7.00% ‐4.54% ‐3.04% ‐1.63%
85 3.90% 2.65% 1.81% 0.99%
90 8.28% 5.86% 4.02% 2.32%
95 13.19% 9.77% 6.79% 4.17%
100 16.35% 12.63% 8.83% 5.84%
FHA Market Segment
FICO Score at Origination
LTV at Origination 620 660 700 740
80 42.75% 27.87% 16.88% 10.39%
Percentage Point Difference Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate
of Other LTV Categories
70 ‐2.08% ‐1.58% ‐1.05% ‐0.57%
85 1.05% 0.78% 0.53% 0.29%
90 2.21% 1.60% 1.08% 0.61%
95 9.19% 7.02% 4.79% 3.04%
100 10.54% 7.96% 5.45% 3.53%
Source: FHFA
Overall, we found that, the LTVdelinquency rate rela tionship is very much like the LTV
foreclosure rate relations hip. As the original LTV rises, the lifetime delinquency rate increases
monotonically. This is true for both segments of the market and across FICO levels.
Comparing the ratio estimates presented in Exhibits 3 and 10, it is obvious that adjusting original
LTV would generate a larger impact on foreclosure rate than on delinquency rate, regardless of
market segment. For example, Exhibit 3 indicates that if LTV is increased from 80 to 90 percent
for a GSE bor rower with FICO score of 660, the foreclosure rate would be 1.48 times the
baseline level. The corresponding estimate for delinquency rate would be 1.26 times the
baseline level, as shown in Exhibit 10. This comparison is more dramatic for FHA loans. If LTV is
raised from 80 to 95 percent for a borrower with FICO score of 660, the foreclosure rate would
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be more than double (2.53 times) the baseline level. The corresponding estimate for
delinquency rate would be 1.25 times the baseline level.
Exhibit 11 indicates that, when expressed in ratio (or multiple) format, the LTVdelinquency rate
relationship varies somewhat across borrower FICO levels. As the LTV rises, the increase in
delinquency rate (as ratio to baseline rate) appears to be slightly larger for borrowers with
higher FICO.
This difference in LTVdelinquency relationship across the four FICO classes becomes more
obvious when we look at the estimates in percentage point difference format presented in
Exhibit 12. For example, if we increased the original LTV from 80 percent to 90 percent for
borrowers with a FICO score of 620 in the GSE market segment, the delinquency rate would
increase by 8.28 percentage points. In comparison, the same change in LTV would generate an
increase of delinquency rate by only 2.32 percentage points for borrower with a FICO score of
In Exhibits 13 and 14, separately for the GSE and FHA market segments, we plotted the LTVdelinquency
rate relationship for original LTV ranging from 70 to 100. Once again, the analysis was stratified by the
four FICO classes, so there are a total of four curves in each exhibit. Consistent with the findings for the
foreclosure rate, we found that all curves have an upward slope. The curves tend to have a flatter slope
for the delinquency outcome than for the foreclosure outcome. In other words, the same magnitude of
original LTV changes is associated with a smaller impact on delinquency outcomes than on the
foreclosure outcome. Comparing between market segments, the curves for the FHA borrowers have a
relatively flatter slope.
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Exhibit 13: GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit 14: FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
 
Next, in Exhibit 15, to explore whether the LTVdelinquency rate relationship is sensitive to borrower
DTI, we held FICO score stable (620) and examined the effect of LTV on delinquency rate for borrowers
with different DTI levels (31 percent and 45 percent). Once again, the effect was shown in terms of ratio
estimate. Results for percentage point difference format are presented in Exhibit C2 of Appendix C.
Just as we have seen in the LTVforeclosure relationship before, the LTV delinquency rate relationship is
sensitive to borrower DTI levels, but the impact is not particularly dramatic.
t15: Relationship Between Cumulative 90Day Delinquency Rate and DTI at Origination
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
DTI Ratio at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 36.53% 45.18%
Ratio Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and
Delinquency Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.81 0.82
85 1.11 1.10
90 1.23 1.20
95 1.36 1.32
100 1.45 1.39
FHA Market Segment
DTI Ratio at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 42.75% 48.47%
Ratio Between Delinquency Rate of LTV=80% and
Delinquency Rate of Other LTV Categories
70 0.95 0.95
85 1.02 1.02
90 1.05 1.05
95 1.21 1.20
100 1.25 1.23
Source: FHFA
6. Conclusion
In this study, using hazard rate models and simulations, we examined the relationship between down
payment requirement (in terms of LTV) and loan performance outcomes. The metric of loan
performance included both foreclosure completion rate and seriously delinquency rate. Our estimation
sample included large samples of longitudinal loan records covering both the GSE and FHA segment of
the mortgage market. The stylized results allow us to quantify the marginal or incremental effect of
adjusting LTV at loan origination on loan performance. The sensitivity of our results to other
underwriting variables namely, borrower FICO score and DTI ratio has been examined.
To explore the sensitivity of our results to the macroeconomic variables used in the simulation, it
should be noted that we have replicated the analyses using Moody’s more pessimistic “protracted
slump” scenario forecast of house price appreciation and unemployment rates. We found that our
overall results do not change significantly when the alternative scenario is used.
 
  
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Appendix A
Exhibit A1: Multinomial Logit Model Coefficient Estimates of Competing Hazard Models (Standard
Errors under Point Estimates): GSE Market Segment
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
Mortgage Age (Seasoning) Splines
Less than 6 months 0.192*** 0.404***
(0.003) (0.009) (0.003)
6 to than less 12 Months 0.069***
(0.001) (0.004)
12 to less than 24 months
(0.001) (0.002)
24 to less than 36 months
(0.001) (0.002)
36 to less than 48 months
(0.001) (0.002)
48 to less than 60 months
(0.001) (0.002)
60 to less than 72 months
(0.001) (0.002)
72+ months -0.019***
(0.000) (0.000)
0.125*** -0.173***
(0.006) (0.019)
0.214*** -0.265***
(0.006) (0.019)
0.193*** -0.253***
(0.006) (0.019)
0.141*** -0.153***
(0.006) (0.019)
(0.006) (0.019)
(0.006) (0.019)
(0.006) (0.018)
(0.006) (0.018)
(0.006) (0.018)
(0.006) (0.018)
Model 1 Model 2
90-Day Foreclosure
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
(0.006) (0.017) (0.006)
Cohort Year
Cohort Year 1996
0.004 0.060 -0.007
(0.009) (0.038) (0.009)
Cohort Year 1997
-0.011 -0.013
(0.009) (0.039)
Cohort Year 1998
0.064*** -0.188***
(0.009) (0.037)
Cohort Year 1999
-0.009 0.048
(0.009) (0.037)
Cohort Year 2000
0.093*** 0.481***
(0.009) (0.038)
Cohort Year 2001
(0.009) (0.037)
Cohort Year 2002
(0.009) (0.036)
Cohort Year 2003
(0.009) (0.035)
Cohort Year 2004
(0.009) (0.035)
Cohort Year 2005
(0.010) (0.034)
Cohort Year 2006
(0.010) (0.034)
Cohort Year 2007
(0.010) (0.034)
Cohort Year 2008
(0.011) (0.035)
Original LTV Splines
LTV less than 70
-0.017 0.188
(0.024) (0.157)
LTV 70 to less than 80
0.426*** 1.191***
(0.047) (0.235)
LTV 80 to less than 90
0.320*** 1.092***
(0.042) (0.146)
LTV 90 to less than 95
1.922*** 1.380***
(0.087) (0.264)
LTV 95+
-2.252*** -0.211
(0.125) (0.222)
Credit Score Splines
FICO less than 620
3.979*** -6.638***
(0.203) (0.229)
FICO 620 to less than 660
1.586*** -12.734***
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
(0.300) (0.638)
FICO 660 to less than 700
(0.210) (0.632) (0.207)
FICO 700+
(0.050) (0.239)
FrontEnd DebttoIncome (DTI) Splines
DTI less than 25 0.436*** 2.320***
(0.032) (0.121)
DTI 25 to less than 31
(0.086) (0.268)
DTI 31 to less than 35
(0.159) (0.409)
DTI 35+
(0.049) (0.099)
BackEnd DebttoIncome (DTI) Splines
DTI less than 30 0.046 -0.628***
(0.037) (0.163)
DTI 30 to less than 35
(0.096) (0.347)
DTI 35 to less than 42
(0.069) (0.210)
DTI 42+
(0.027) (0.068)
FICO Score and MTMLTV Interaction
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV less than -0.874*** 1.748***
(0.026) (0.073)
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 80 to less -4.251*** 3.027***
than 100)
(0.123) (0.138)
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 100 to less -3.197*** -0.626***
than 125)
(0.325) (0.172)
-1.039* 0.680***
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 125+)
(0.530) (0.167)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV less -0.844***
than 80)
(0.019) (0.069)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV 80 -4.377*** 1.968***
to less than 100)
(0.082) (0.135)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV 100 -2.663*** 1.252***
to less than 125)
(0.191) (0.140)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV -1.413*** 0.772***
(0.311) (0.116)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV less -0.755*** 1.671***
than 80)
(0.016) (0.068)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV 80
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
to less than 100)
(0.063) (0.140)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV 100 -1.518***
to less than 125)
(0.133) (0.136)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV -2.028***
(0.223) (0.100)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV less than 80)
(0.015) (0.071)
-3.131*** 4.284***
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 80 to less than 100)
(0.041) (0.132)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 100 to less than -1.298***
(0.070) (0.111)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 125+)
(0.103) (0.073)
Original UPB Splines (in 1,000s)
UPB less than $100
0.012*** -0.000
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $100 to less than $200
0.005*** 0.001***
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $200 to less than $300
0.002*** 0.002***
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $300+
0.001*** 0.003***
(0.000) (0.000)
Mortgage Rate Spread at Origination
(SATO) Splines
SATO less than 0.17
0.821*** 0.637***
(0.005) (0.021)
SATO 0.17+
0.352*** 0.424***
(0.004) (0.007)
Yield Curve Spread
10-yr Treasury yield - 2-yr Treasury yield
RefinanceBurnout Interaction
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout less than 0.3)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout less 6.696***
than 0.3)
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout less than 0.3)
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout 0.3 to less 9.115***
than 0.8)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout 0.3 to 6.455***
less than 0.8)
Model 1 Model 2
90-Day Foreclosure
Prepayment Delinquency Prepayment Completion
3.961*** 3.815***
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout 0.3 to less than 0.8)
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout 0.8+)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout 0.8+)
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout 0.8+)
Located in MSA
0.017*** 0.016
(0.004) (0.012)
State Law Indicator
Non-judicial and anti-deficiency
0.040*** -0.015
(0.004) (0.013)
Judicial and no anti-deficiency
-0.009*** 0.099***
(0.003) (0.010)
Judicial and anti-deficiency
0.161*** 0.238***
(0.007) (0.024)
Census Division
New England 0.164*** -0.082***
(0.006) (0.024)
-0.098*** -0.140***
(0.005) (0.015)
Northeast Central
0.411*** -0.110***
(0.004) (0.012)
Northwest Central
0.251*** -0.002
(0.005) (0.018)
Southeast Central
0.147*** -0.067***
(0.006) (0.019)
Southwest Central
(0.006) (0.018)
(0.005) (0.015)
(0.006) (0.019)
State Unemployment Rate Splines
Unemployment less than 6%
-0.037*** 0.177***
(0.002) (0.007)
Unemployment less 6%+
-0.124*** 0.047***
(0.001) (0.003)
Second Lien Indicator
Model 1 Model 2
Delinquency Prepayment
Yes -0.091*** -0.396*** -0.080*** -0.558***
Number of Housing Units
(0.006) (0.015) (0.006) (0.022)
More than one -0.394*** 0.046 -0.383*** 0.318***
Structure Type
(0.012) (0.034) (0.011) (0.049)
Condominium -0.083*** -0.012 -0.077*** 0.174***
(0.004) (0.013) (0.004) (0.017)
-16.424*** -8.038*** -16.217*** -10.014***
(0.131) (0.189) (0.122) (0.298)
Log likelihood -3,933,069.3 -3,806,355.3
Likelihood ratio Chi-square 672,208.0 580,353.9
Chi-square d.o.f. 186 186
Number of loan-month records 43,253,692 44,809,900
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: FHFA
Exhibit A2: Multinomial Logit Model Coefficient Estimates of Competing Hazard Models (Standard
Errors under Point Estimates): FHA Market Segment
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
Mortgage Age (Seasoning) Splines
Less than 6 months 0.144*** 0.229*** 0.139***
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
6 to than less 12 Months -0.048***
(0.002) (0.002)
12 to less than 24 months
(0.003) (0.003)
24 to less than 36 months
(0.003) (0.003)
36 to less than 48 months
(0.002) (0.002)
48+ months -0.012***
(0.000) (0.000)
-0.063*** -0.137***
(0.014) (0.015)
-0.086*** -0.335***
(0.014) (0.016)
-0.083*** -0.526***
(0.014) (0.017)
-0.066*** -0.420***
(0.014) (0.017)
-0.012 -0.330***
(0.014) (0.016)
(0.014) (0.016)
(0.014) (0.016)
(0.014) (0.015)
(0.013) (0.015)
(0.014) (0.015)
(0.012) (0.014)
Cohort Year
Cohort Year 2005
0.030*** 0.021
(0.011) (0.013)
Cohort Year 2006
-0.133*** 0.199***
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
(0.012) (0.014)
Cohort Year 2007
(0.015) (0.016)
Cohort Year 2008
(0.017) (0.016)
Original LTV Splines
LTV less than 80
3.612*** -0.291
(0.186) (0.260)
LTV 80 to less than 90
2.867*** -0.431
(0.278) (0.344)
LTV 90 to less than 95
1.612*** 2.813***
(0.352) (0.453)
LTV 99+
4.274*** -0.350
(0.360) (0.436)
Credit Score Splines
FICO less than 620
1.335*** -3.750***
(0.180) (0.095)
FICO 620 to less than 660
4.881*** -12.919***
(0.480) (0.561)
FICO 660 to less than 700
2.662*** -14.023***
(0.484) (0.786)
FICO 700+
2.023*** -10.215***
(0.156) (0.438)
FrontEnd DebttoIncome (DTI) Splines
DTI less than 25 -0.489*** 4.141***
(0.085) (0.115)
DTI 25 to less than 31
(0.175) (0.209)
DTI 31 to less than 35
(0.309) (0.353)
DTI 35+
(0.175) (0.187)
BackEnd DebttoIncome (DTI) Splines
DTI less than 30 0.085 -0.488**
(0.167) (0.223)
DTI 30 to less than 35
(0.253) (0.317)
DTI 35 to less than 42
(0.147) (0.175)
DTI 42+
(0.081) (0.100)
Model 1 Model 2
90-Day Foreclosure
Prepayment Delinquency Prepayment Completion
FICO Score and MTMLTV Interaction
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV less than -5.145*** 1.092*** -5.368***
(0.133) (0.227)
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 80 to less -4.095*** 2.151***
than 100)
(0.105) (0.106)
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 100 to less -0.830*** 0.123
than 125)
(0.117) (0.084)
-0.821*** 0.445***
(FICO less than 620)*(MTMLTV 125+)
(0.172) (0.087)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV less -5.154***
than 80)
(0.132) (0.228)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV 80
to less than 100)
(0.107) (0.140)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV 100 -0.341*** 1.416***
to less than 125)
(0.111) (0.104)
(FICO 620 to less than 660)*(MTMLTV -1.112*** 0.680***
(0.163) (0.094)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV less -5.202*** 0.873***
than 80)
(0.132) (0.231)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV 80 -3.546*** 1.836***
to less than 100)
(0.111) (0.197)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV 100 -0.349*** 2.427***
to less than 125)
(0.110) (0.136)
(FICO 660 to less than 700)*(MTMLTV -1.061*** 0.767***
(0.168) (0.125)
-5.216*** 0.716***
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV less than 80)
(0.133) (0.236)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 80 to less than 100)
(0.097) (0.256)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 100 to less than -0.548***
(0.091) (0.161)
(FICO 700+)*(MTMLTV 125+)
(0.136) (0.132)
Original UPB Splines (in 1,000s)
UPB less than $100
0.018*** 0.000
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $100 to less than $200
0.008*** 0.001***
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $200 to less than $300
0.005*** 0.004***
(0.000) (0.000)
UPB $300+
0.001*** 0.001***
(0.000) (0.000)
Mortgage Rate Spread at Origination
(SATO) Splines
SATO less than 0.17
0.801*** 0.198***
Model 1
Model 2
Prepayment Delinquency
Prepayment Completion
(0.010) (0.012) (0.010)
SATO 0.17+
(0.011) (0.012) (0.011)
Yield Curve Spread
10-yr Treasury yield - 2-yr Treasury yield
-0.005 0.011
RefinanceBurnout Interaction
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout less than 0.3)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout less 5.457***
than 0.3)
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout less than 0.3)
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout 0.3 to less 8.700***
than 0.8)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout 0.3 to 10.360***
less than 0.8)
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout 0.3 to less than 0.8)
(Refi less than 1.15)*(burnout 0.8+)
(Refi 1.15 to less than 1.25)*(burnout 0.8+)
(Refi 1.25+)*(burnout 0.8+)
Source of Down Payment Assistance
Relative of Borrower 0.028*** -0.037***
(0.008) (0.010)
Non-Profit Organization
(0.010) (0.011)
(0.016) (0.016)
Located in MSA
0.084*** -0.001
(0.014) (0.015)
State Law Indicator
    
Non-judicial and anti-deficiency
-0.006 -0.011
(0.010) (0.012)
Judicial and no anti-deficiency
-0.105*** 0.020**
(0.008) (0.009)
Judicial and anti-deficiency
0.153*** 0.173***
    
     
    
Model 1 Model 2
Delinquency Prepayment
Census Division
(0.017) (0.022) (0.017) (0.039)
New England 0.217*** -0.100*** 0.241*** -0.064
(0.016) (0.024) (0.016) (0.041)
-0.009 -0.161*** 0.001 -0.550***
(0.011) (0.015) (0.012) (0.032)
Northeast Central
0.472*** -0.061*** 0.482*** 0.321***
(0.010) (0.011) (0.010) (0.017)
Northwest Central
0.457*** 0.018 0.473*** 0.311***
(0.012) (0.016) (0.012) (0.025)
Southeast Central
0.170*** -0.037*** 0.167*** 0.435***
(0.012) (0.014) (0.012) (0.023)
Southwest Central
-0.348*** -0.066*** -0.339*** 0.349***
(0.013) (0.015) (0.013) (0.025)
0.392*** 0.064*** 0.411*** 0.482***
(0.010) (0.014) (0.010) (0.021)
0.161*** -0.132*** 0.204*** 0.221***
State Unemployment Rate Splines
(0.014) (0.018) (0.014) (0.028)
Unemployment less than 6%
-0.047*** 0.156*** -0.038*** -0.044***
(0.006) (0.007) (0.006) (0.013)
Unemployment less 6%+
-0.010*** 0.050*** -0.013*** -0.045***
Number of Housing Units
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.004)
More than one -0.356*** -0.014 -0.334*** -0.003
Structure Ty pe
(0.022) (0.028) (0.022) (0.048)
Condominium 0.007 -0.068*** 0.027** 0.014
(0.011) (0.015) (0.011) (0.023)
-13.680*** -7.938*** -14.022*** -18.880***
(0.187) (0.181) (0.185) (0.602)
Log likelihood -1,311,064.4 -1,049,035.3
Likelihood ratio Chi-square 194,216.08 140,472.14
Chi-square d.o.f. 166 166
Number of loan-month records 15,363,028 17,800,056
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: FHFA
Appendix B
Exhibit B1: Monthly Average Conditional 90Day Delinquent Rates, by Loan Age
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B2: Monthly Average Conditional 90Day Delinquent Rates, by Calendar Date
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Note: We omitted to plot the observations for the last 3 months before the data cutoff due to the lack of data points.
 
 
Exhibit B3: Monthly Average Conditional Foreclosure Completion Rates, by Loan Age
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B4: Monthly Average Conditional Foreclosure Completion Rates, by Calendar Date
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Note: We omitted to plot the observations for the last 3 months before the data cutoff due to the lack of data points.
Exhibit B5: Monthly Average Conditional Prepayment Rates, by Loan Age
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B6: Monthly Average Conditional Prepayment Rates, by Calendar Date
GSE Market Segment
Source: FHFA
 
 
Exhibit B7: Monthly Average Conditional 90Day Delinquent Rates, by Loan Age
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B8: Monthly Average Conditional 90Day Delinquent, by Calendar Date
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
 
 
Exhibit B9: Monthly Average Conditional Foreclosure Completion Rates, by Loan Age
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B10: Monthly Average Conditional Foreclosure Completion Rates, by Calendar Date
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
 
 
Exhibit B11: Monthly Average Conditional Prepayment Rates, by Loan Age
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Exhibit B12: Monthly Average Conditional Prepayment Rates, by Calendar Date
FHA Market Segment
Source: FHFA
Appendix C 
Exhibit C1 : LTVCumulative Foreclosure Completion rate Relationship, by DTI at Origination
Percentage Point Difference Estimates
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Baseline LTV = 80
 GSE Market Segment
 DTI at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 9.20% 10.52%
70 ‐3.55% ‐4.03%
Source: FHFA
70 ‐1.41% ‐1.54%
85 1.37% 1.50%
90 3.08% 3.35%
95 7.46% 8.09%
100 9.05% 9.81%
 
Exhibit C2 : LTVCumulative 90Day Delinquency Rate Relationship, by DTI at Origination
Percentage Point Difference Estimates
Moody’s Baseline Economic Scenario
FICO at Origination = 620; Baseline LTV = 80
GSE Market Segment
DTI Ratio at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 36.53% 45.18%
Percentage Point Difference Between Delinquency
Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate of Other LTV
70 ‐7.00% ‐8.06%
85 3.90% 4.36%
90 8.28% 9.15%
95 13.19% 14.37%
100 16.35% 17.68%
FHA Market Segment
DTI Ratio at Origination
LTV at Origination 31 45
80 42.75% 48.47%
Percentage Point Difference Between Delinquency
Rate of LTV=80% and Delinquency Rate of Other LTV
70 ‐2.08% ‐2.20%
85 1.05% 1.11%
90 2.21% 2.33%
95 9.19% 9.55%
100 10.54% 10.92%
Source: FHFA