Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.
JUNE 14, 2024
Kansas Preschool Revenue Calculator and
Budget Template
Revision History
Reason of Change
July 20, 2023
2024-2025 Updates:
Deleted Revenue Calculator Other Potential Sources of Revenue Additional
District General Fund Transfer line
June 14, 2024
2025-2026 Updates:
“At-Risk (K-12)” to “At-Risk (PreK-12)”
Adjusted formatting to improve review process
Added 2024-2025 Kansas Preschool Pilot grant awards, 2024-2025
Preschool-Aged At-Risk program approvals, 2023-2024 Indicator 6
Updated BASE and categorical aid estimates to Spring 2024 consensus
Deleted Federal COVID relief funds; any remaining relief funds can be
budgeted as “Other Revenue”
Related Documents
Document Title
Document Location
2024-2025 Kansas Preschool Pilot
(KPP) Grant Requirements and
Application (PDF)
KSDE Preschool Programming
2024-2025 Preschool Revenue
Calculator and Budget Template
KSDE Preschool Programming
2024 Summer Budget Workshops -
Early Childhood Funding
information (PDF)
KSDE Early Childhood webpage
2024 KSDE TASN Summer Leadership
Conference Slides - including
Preschool Funding (PDF)
KSDE Early Childhood webpage
Special Education Reimbursement
KSDE Fiscal Auditing webpage
Special Ed - Early Childhood FTE
KSDE Fiscal Auditing webpage
Table of Contents
Revision History.................................................................................................................................................1
Related Documents..........................................................................................................................................2
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................4
Completing the Kansas Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template .................................5
Overview .........................................................................................................................................................5
Instructions and Summary Tab .................................................................................................................5
Preschool Revenue Calculator ..................................................................................................................6
Other Potential Sources of Revenue ...................................................................................................8
2025-2026 Revenue Forecast Requested Kansas Preschool 2024-2025 grant funding .. 10
2025-2026 BASE and categorical aid ................................................................................................ 13
Budget Template ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Expenditures .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Program ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Cost Category ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Budgeted Expenditures ....................................................................................................................... 14
Total Budgeted Expenditure ............................................................................................................... 15
Expenditure Explanation ..................................................................................................................... 15
Completed Instructions and Summary Tab ........................................................................................ 15
Additional instructions for applicants that include multiple school districts................................... 16
Requesting additional support ................................................................................................................... 16
The purpose of this Revenue Calculator and Budget Template is
to allow school districts to estimate preschool revenue and
expenses for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.
Districts are not limited to spending the amount of funding
generated by preschool students on preschool, nor are they
required to spend all state aid generated by preschool students
on preschool programming. However, for the Kansas Preschool
Pilot grant, districts applying for funds will use this template to
first demonstrate that they are reinvesting other available
sources of funding (state enrollment aid and accompanying
weightings, special education funds, federal Head Start grants)
into their preschool programs before requesting Kansas
Preschool Pilot funding to supplement gaps.
If any questions arise as you fill in the template, please contact
Amanda Petersen (apetersen@ksde.org).
Completing the Kansas Preschool Revenue Calculator
and Budget Template
The Kansas Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template is an Excel spreadsheet that
includes 3 tabs for applicants to complete:
1. Instructions and Summary
2. Revenue Calculator
3. Budget Template
Users should only edit cells that are highlighted in yellow. Other fields are automatically
populated using the information entered by users. There is data validation in some of the
columns to ensure users provide answers in the correct format - please provide answers from
the allowable list of drop-down options in these fields.
Be sure to save along the way as you enter information into the spreadsheet.
Do not export the spreadsheet to GoogleSheets. This may prevent some of the features in the
spreadsheet from working correctly.
Instructions and Summary Tab
Begin on the Instructions and Summarytab at the bottom of the workbook.
The top of the page (Row 3) shows the date the spreadsheet was last updated. Double-check
to confirm you are using the most recent available version of the spreadsheet, which will be
posted on the KSDE Preschool Programming webpage.
Begin by filling out the District’s USD Number in Cell C6. This will auto-populate other fields in
the workbook. This is the only item you will enter on this tab of the worksheet. You will return
to this page after completing the rest of the workbook to see a summary of your projected
revenue and expenses.
Users will not enter any other information on the “Instructions and Summary” tab. This
information will autopopulate as the “Revenue Calculator” and “Budget Template tabs are
Districts should type USD
number (for example “000”) in
cell C6. District name will auto-
populate in cell D6.
Preschool Revenue Calculator
Select the Revenue Calculator Tab at the bottom of the page.
Again, you will only complete cells that are highlighted in yellow. Blue highlighted cells will
calculate automatically.
Districts should complete both the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Revenue Forecast sections.
When entering information into the calculator be sure to include all preschool students
enrolled in the district. Include students served by partners (interlocal, special education
cooperatives, Head Start, nonprofit agencies, etc.) who are enrolled as students in the district.
Note that the calculator uses headcounts of preschoolers, not FTE. For example, if a district
has two 3- or 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-Risk students enrolled on September 20, they will
enter a “2” in cell B8. If both of those students also qualify for free lunch (using the same
process for determining the at-risk weighting as K-12 students), then the district will enter a “2”
in cell B9.
Beginning in 2021-22, eligible 3-year-old preschool-aged at-risk students generate Preschool-
Aged At-Risk school finance formula funding. Districts should include this state aid for 3-year-
old preschool-aged at-risk students when estimating revenue. Once districts enter the District
Number into the “Instructions and Summary” tab, Row 7 will of the “Instructions and Summary”
tab will indicate whether the district’s programming for both 3- and 4-year-old students
currently meets Preschool-Aged At-Risk program requirements. If the district’s programming
for 3-year-old preschool students does not currently meet Preschool-Aged At-Risk program
requirements, contact Natalie McClane (nmcclane@ksde.org) to determine what program
changes would be needed to allow these students to generate funding moving forward.
Remember that the Kansas Preschool Pilot supplements gaps; if your district previously used grant
funding to serve 3-year-olds, it may be wise to evaluate whether supplemental grant funding is
necessary moving forward in light of school finance formula funding for 3-year-old preschool-aged
at-risk students.
Districts may choose not to include some services (like transportation) in their preschool
revenue calculator and budget.
If your district is including services like transportation, ESOL,
meals and snacks, etc. as part of the preschool budgeted expenses, forecast the associated
revenue source. For example, if a district includes the costs of transporting students in the
Budget Template, they should connect with their local transportation director to forecast the
amount of funding generated by preschoolers’ transportation weightings and/or
reimbursement. The estimated revenue should be entered in cell B71, and cell C71 should
explain how this forecast was calculated.
District users will begin by entering 2024-2025 enrollment and revenue, completing cells that
are highlighted in yellow. The first questions in cells B8 through B12 relate to preschoolers
enrolled on Count Day for the 2024-2025 school year. In many districts this will be students
reported as enrolled on September 20. If your district participates in the February MILT Count,
you should include that additional estimated enrollment as well. The Superintendent’s
Organization Report (SO66) Headcounts Table is a good place to find these enrollment
numbers. Keep in mind that you should enter Headcount, NOT FTE, in the Preschool Revenue
You will enter in three types of preschool students: 3- and 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-Risk
students, preschool students with IEPs, and other preschool students. Each student will belong
to only one of these three groups; taken together, the sum of these three numbers, which
automatically calculates in cell B13, will be your total preschool enrollment.
You will first report the number of 3- and 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-Risk students enrolled
on Count Day for 2024-2025. This is reported as “Preschool-Aged At-Risk (4 yr old)” and
“Preschool-Aged At-Risk (3 yr old)” on the Superintendent’s Organization Report (SO66)
Headcounts Table.
In response to the question “How many of these students qualify for free lunch?” you should
enter in the number of these 3- and 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-Risk students who qualify
for free meals to estimate the funding that will be generated by the At-Risk weighting. This
corresponds to the students who are reported in KIDS Field D34 as “2 = Eligible for Free Lunch
as Determined by the National School Lunch Application or the Direct Certification Process
including Direct Certification with Medicaid (Free)” or “4 = Eligible for Free Lunch as Determined
by the KSDE Household Economic Survey”. This may include preschool students who do not
each lunch at school. For more information visit www.ksde.org, Fiscal Auditing
, Enrollment
Handbook, At-Risk Student Weighting.
Next you will report the number of preschool students with IEPs enrolled in the 2024-2025
school year. This includes any students who have IEPs for speech services. This is reported as
“Preschool-Aged (with IEP)” on the Principal’s Building Reports. You will also report the number
of these student who qualify for free lunch.
Next, report the number of other preschool students who are enrolled. This is reported as
“Preschool-Aged (without IEP)” on the Principal’s Building Reports. This may include students
who are typically-developing peers of students with IEPs and other students whose slots are
paid for by tuition, parent fees, or other district funds. These students do not generate funding
via enrollment or accompanying weightings in the school finance formula.
After you have entered this information, you will see the total number of preschool students
enrolled for 2024-2025 in cell B13. You will see the total state enrollment aid generated by 3-
and 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-Risk students in cell B15 and the total state enrollment aid
generated by preschool students with IEPs in cell B16. 3- and 4-year-old Preschool-Aged At-
Risk students and preschool students with IEPs each count as ½ student (0.5FTE) in calculating
enrollment and accompanying weightings.
Cell B18 will populate the total number of preschoolers counted for state at-risk funding. The
at-risk student weighting is calculated by first determining the number of students eligible for
free meals included in the district enrollment and then multiplying by 0.484. Note that this
amount will be higher if a district receives high-density at-risk funding, but for the purposes of
this Revenue Calculator 0.484 will be used for all districts. As noted above, preschool students
may generate this funding even if they do not eat lunch at school.
Next you will enter in information related to Categorical Aid Reimbursement for the 2024-2025
school year. The Special Education Reimbursement Guide and the Special Education Early
Childhood FTE Calculator are both useful resources to complete this section. If teachers and/or
paraeducators are delivering services to students enrolled in the district using the Early
Childhood Special Education service delivery model, you should complete cells B23 and B24
regardless of whether your district or another agency employs those staff and claims the
reimbursement. If preschool students with IEPs do not receive services in the Early Childhood
Special Education service model in your district, you should enter “0” in these cells.
For the purposes of the Kansas Preschool Pilot grant application, districts providing special
education using an Early Childhood Co-Teaching Service Model or an Early Childhood Itinerant
Service Model are not required to complete cell B25
IF the cost of providing those special
education services is not included in the district preschool budget. If the cost of providing
those special education services is included in the district preschool budget, enter the
associated FTE claimed for reimbursement in Cell B25. Similarly, if the cost of other special
education staff is included in the district’s preschool budget, the associated FTE claimed for
reimbursement should be included in cell B25.
Districts will follow the same steps to forecast enrollment and categorical aid for 2025-2026.
The Budget Justification Enrollmentsection in cell B60 should provide an explanation if the
district forecasts a reduction in enrollment and associated revenue in 2025-26 from 2024-25.
Other Potential Sources of Revenue
The final section of the portion of the Revenue Calculator asks you to report other sources of
revenue that support the cost of providing the types of early childhood programming for which
you are requesting Kansas Preschool Pilot grant funding. Applicants might not generate
revenue from all of the sources listed in this section.
Parent fees/tuition - These are any funds paid by families. Additional guidance
regarding charging fees for preschool can be found at
www.ksde.org, Early Childhood,
Preschool Programming, Preschool Frequently Asked Questions
Transportation Weighting/Reimbursement- Districts receive transportation weighting
based on costs attributable to providing transportation. 3- and 4-year-old Preschool-
Aged At-Risk students and preschool-aged students with IEPs may both be included
when calculating a district’s transportation weighting in the school finance formula.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may also claim reimbursement for special education
transportation. Note that reimbursement will not be paid if a student has been counted
in determining the regular route transportation weighting of the district; this is intended
to prohibit reimbursing the same mileage twice. The
Special Education Reimbursement
Guide and the Enrollment Handbook are both useful resources to begin understanding
these sources of funding. Preschool administrators can consult with their district
transportation director for additional information.
Bilingual Weighting (See the Enrollment Handbook and ESOL Program Guidance)- Two
requirements must be met in order for a student to qualify for bilingual weighting:
1. Student must qualify for services
2. Teacher must be qualified (have the proper license endorsements)
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)- The Child and Adult Care Food Program
(CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursement for healthful meals and snacks
served to children and adults. Because CACFP participants’ nutritional needs are supported
on a daily basis, the program plays a vital role in improving the quality of child care and
making it more affordable for families. Districts may also utilize the National School Lunch
Program (NSLP) and/or other federal nutrition funding to support the costs of healthy
meals and snacks. Contact the KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness Team (785-296-2276) for
additional information.
Child Care and Development Block Grant (child care assistance/subsidy)- The Child Care
and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act provides federal funding to states for child
care subsidies for low-income families with children under age 13.
McKinney-Vento- KSDE is committed to helping districts serve students who are in
homeless situations. Guidance is provided to districts, families, and communities who
need information regarding students who may be in homeless situations.
ESEA Title I- Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is a federally-
funded program which provides supplemental support to students in high-poverty
schools. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and
significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum,
proficiency on challenging State academic standards. The U.S. Department of Education
updated the non-regulatory guidance
“Serving Preschool Children Through Title I, Part A
of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended” in February
ESEA Title II- Title IIA is designed to improve student achievement by providing funds
with the focus on training, recruitment, and retention of highly qualified teachers and
Federal Head Start Funding- Head Start programs promote the school readiness of
infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children from low-income families. Services are
provided in a variety of settings including centers, family child care, and children’s own
home. Head Start programs also engage parents or other key family members in
positive relationships, with a focus on family wellbeing.
Other gifts and grants
Other revenue
Early Childhood Block Grant (Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund)
Kansas Preschool Pilot 24-25 grant award-CIF as of February 2024- This number will
auto-generate when you enter your USD number on the first page of this worksheet.
Note that if the district is a part of a consortium where another entity is the fiscal agent, this
will not auto-populate the district can overwrite the formula to enter the grant award in cell
Kansas Preschool Pilot 24-25 grant award-TANF as of February 2024- This number will
auto-generate when you enter your USD number on the first page of this worksheet.
Note that if the district is a part of a consortium where another entity is the fiscal agent, this
will not auto-populate the district can overwrite the formula to enter the grant award in cell
To complete this section, you may need to reach out to multiple people across the
district/organization to determine if and how much funding from each of these sources is used
for your early childhood programs.
When this section is complete, the Total Revenue for your program will generate in cell B42 (for
2024-2025) and cell B82 (for 2025-2026).
2025-2026 Revenue ForecastRequested Kansas Preschool 2024-2025 grant funding
In cell B81 enter the amount of funding you wish to request from the Kansas Preschool Pilot
for 2025-2026.
This should match the amount of funding requested in the grant application for
Requested Kansas Preschool Pilot 2025-2026 grant funding”. This is the total requested grant
funding for your project. This should include total requested costs for all activities for which
funding is sought by the applicant organization and/or partnership.
The following information is included in the 2024-2025 Kansas Preschool Pilot (KPP) Grant
Requirements and Application: The amount of Kansas Preschool Pilot grant funding remains
limited. KSDE anticipates that the same amount of funding will be allocated in 2024-2025 as
was allocated in 2023-2024 ($8,332,317). Districts are encouraged to consider other larger,
more sustainable options to invest in preschool, including state school finance formula funds,
special education funds, and federal Head Start grants.
To focus time and energy on more sustainable options to invest in preschool, the following
will be in place for 2024-2025:
2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees
will first have the opportunity to renew the
2023-2024 amount of grant funding for 2024-2025.
Kansas Preschool Pilot grant
awards will not exceed the gap between a program’s revenue and expenses. Applicants
will use the 2024-2025 Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template to estimate
the amount of funding they will receive (state enrollment aid and accompanying
weightings, special education funds, Head Start funds) and demonstrate how they plan
to spend that funding.
o If the gap between forecasted revenue and expenditures remains larger or
equal to the 2023-2024 grant award, the grantee will receive level Kansas
Preschool Pilot grant funding for 2024-2025. If other sources of funding will
reduce the gap between forecasted revenue and expenditures, the grantee will
receive a 2024-2025 grant equal to the size of the gap between revenue and
Any remaining funding will then be awarded on a competitive basis to applicants
proposing initiatives to improve the quality and availability of preschool in their
community. Applicants may apply for up to $50,000 in new Kansas Preschool Pilot
funding. These applicants may include both applicants who do not currently receive
Kansas Preschool Pilot grants and current Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees
demonstrating a gap between preschool revenues and expenditures. Initiatives to
improve the quality and availability of preschool may include:
o Expenditures that will improve the percentage of preschool students with
disabilities receiving the majority of special education and related services in the
least restrictive environment (Indicator 6)
o Partnerships that increase overall community preschool capacity, particularly
capacity to provide full-day/full-year early childhood care and education
o One-time expenditures that will enhance the quality of programs (professional
development, instructional materials, supplies, etc.)
o Other innovative practices described by the applicant to improve preschool
services in their community
Remember, programs applying for this grant must demonstrate that they are reinvesting other
available sources of funding into their programs before requesting this funding to supplement
gaps. Describe how your district/organization is fulfilling this requirement in Cell B84. Once you
have completed both the Revenue Calculator and Budget Template, you can review the
“Summary information on the “Instructions and Summary” tab.
Be sure to save your work on this tab before moving onto the next.
2025-2026 BASE and categorical aid
BASE (Base Aid for Student Excellence) K.S.A. 72-5132: In 2019, the legislature passed the
school finance bill (House Sub for Senate Bill 16) that included amending the “base aid for
student excellence” per pupil. The BASE is used to calculate the amount of funding generated
by a district’s enrollment and accompanying weightings. Beginning in school year 2023-2024,
the BASE will be adjusted by the average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for
all urban consumers (CPI-U) in the Midwest region during the three immediately preceding
school years. The Spring 2024 Consensus Estimate set the 2024-2025 BASE at $5,378. This
means that ½ student (0.5 FTE) would generate $2,689 in 2024-2025. Visit the School Finance
homepage under the Legal Max General Fund, School Finance Studies link: Base Aid for
Student Excellence (BASE) (72- 5132) for the history of the BASE per pupil.
The 2025-2026 Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template includes the most recent
estimates for 2025-2026 BASE and categorical aid. The preliminary 2025-2026 BASE will be
updated in November 2024. The final 2025-2026 BASE will be available in April 2025. Once
available, districts can enter the new BASE into the Revenue Calculator, cell B44 to update the
state aid amount that will be generated based on forecasted enrollment.
Similarly, the amount of funding that will be generated by 1.0 FTE of categorical aid
reimbursement varies based on funding availability and the number of staff claimed statewide.
The Spring 2024 estimate is that 1.0 FTE of categorical aid reimbursement will generate
$30,800 in 2024-2025. Users can enter updated estimates in cell C63 of the Revenue
Budget Template
Choose the Budget Template tab at the bottom of the page.
This template will calculate expenditures for your early childhood programs. Complete the
yellow highlighted cells for each of your expenditures.
Important! The first section of this template is for 2024-2025. Applicants are required to
complete the budget for 2024-2025 AND for 2025-2026. Double-check to make sure that you
are entering expenditures in the correct year so that the “Instructions and Summary” tab will
auto-calculate correctly.
Districts should include all costs associated with providing preschool services to all students
enrolled in the district. Include students served by partners (interlocal, special education
cooperatives, Head Start, nonprofit agencies, etc.)
In Column A, list all expenditures. Include each staff position on a separate line-item, or include
annual salaries/rates for each position Column M description.
Column B is an optional field to identify which program/service this expenditure supports.
Possible entries include, but are not limited to, Preschool Services, Home Visitation, 0-3 yr. old
Child Care, 3-5 yr. old Child Care, Maternal and Behavioral Health Services, Case Management,
Social Emotional Classroom and Family Consultation, Coaching Consultation/Professional
Development. Grantees allocating funding to different partner entities can identify which
partner entity will receive the funds here.
Cost Category
Make sure that you select the appropriate Cost Category from the drop-down in Column C.
Calculations on the Summary tab will not auto-populate without this selection complete. Refer
to the KSDE Accounting Handbook (posted under “Guidelines”) and consult with district budget
staff if you are unsure how to record expenditures.
Budgeted Expenditures
In Columns D through K, enter the amount of funds from each source you have budgeted for
the corresponding expenditure from Column B. For example, if you are claiming 0.4FTE of a
teacher for categorical aid reimbursement and paying the remaining portion of the salary from
Preschool-Aged At-Risk funds and At-Risk funds for serving qualifying preschool students, you
would list the amount from each source under the corresponding column.
Total Budgeted Expenditure
The total of Columns D through K will automatically populate in Column L, total budgeted
expenditure. You do not need to enter any information in this column.
Expenditure Explanation
In Column M describe the corresponding expenditure and how it was determined. This
description is required for each entry.
Completed Instructions and Summary Tab
Once you have correctly completed both the Revenue Calculator and the Budget Template,
information from those two tabs will auto-populate in the summary on the Instructions and
Summary Tab.
In cell B61, the total revenue from all sources except for requested Kansas Preschool Pilot
funds will auto-populate based on the previous tabs. In cell B62, the total expected
expenditures will auto-populate based on the previous tabs.
In cell B63, the revenue minus the
expenditures will auto populate. This amount shows the anticipated gap between revenue and
expenses. This is the maximum amount of grant funds an applicant could be eligible to receive
if it selected for grant funding.
Cell B65 shows the Requested Kansas Preschool Pilot grant funding, as entered in cell B81 of
the Revenue Calculator tab. It is wise to double-check that the amount of funding requested
matches both what is listed in the grant application survey and budgeted expenditures.
Additional information will populate in rows 61-65 of the “Instructions and Summary tab
indicating whether reported revenue and expenditures justifies a need for grant funding in
Additional instructions for applicants that include
multiple school districts
Applicants submitting proposals that will fund preschool slots in multiple school districts
should submit multiple Budget Worksheets (one Excel file per school district). Applicants
funding multiple entities should double-check that the total amount requested across entities
matches the total amount of grant funding requested in the grant application survey.
Example 1: Organization A serves as the fiscal agent for a consortium that includes 3 school
districts and Partner B, which is a non-school-district entity. Organization A is requesting funds
that will be distributed to each of the 4 partner organizations. Organization A should complete
and submit 4 total Revenue Calculator/Budget Template files: one Excel file for each partner
school district showing each district’s total preschool revenues and expenditures, and an
additional Excel file that can include both Organization A and Partner B expenses
(differentiated using Column B, “Program”, on the “Budget Template” tab).
Example 2: Organization C contracts with school districts to deliver preschool services to
students enrolled in those districts. Organization C will list the revenue it receives from school
districts as “Other revenue” on the Revenue Calculator and describe the terms of the contract.
Those school districts and Organization C will collaborate to confirm that those school districts
list a corresponding contractual expenditure in their Budget Template, if they are also applying
for funds.
Requesting additional support
If you have additional questions, please contact Amanda Petersen (apetersen@ksde.org). If you
need additional rows added to the Budget Template, please contact Amanda rather than
adding new rows yourself, so that we can ensure other tabs will auto-populate correctly.