Taking courses at Community Colleges
Using Assist.org:
To determine if credits from a California Community College are accepted at UC Merced, students may use
www.assist.org to verify which classes can be accepted for credit.
Assist.org is an online student-transfer information system that shows how course credits earned at a public community
college can be applied when transferred to a four year university.
**Grades from community college classes do not get transferred to UC Merced. You will only receive subject credit
Other assist.org info
Some Social Science and Humanities/Arts
(SSHA) general education courses are not listed on assist.org. If you are unsure if a class at a community college is
equivalent to a UCM class, you should contact your academic advisor.
Is the Course you want to take available?
Check on school website for the summer course catalog to see if the courses are available.
Apply to the Community College:
Follow instructions for enrollment on the Community College website.
Financial Aid:
Before summer registration period opens at your community college, check with their financial aid office to see if you
qualify for any aid.
Proof of enrollment:
If a class you are taking during the summer is a prerequisite for a class you will take at UCM in the Fall, you will need to
show proof that you are enrolled in the summer class before your advisor enters an override for your fall class – no
exceptions. At the end of summer school, you must show proof of the final grade.
Note: It is recommended that students at UC Merced register in the Fall as though they are not taking coursework at a
Community College during the summer, then make adjustments to their Fall schedule once their summer registration at
the Community College is confirmed.
Example: Edward is taking Math 005 in the Spring. He plans to take the Math 021 equivalent course at a community
college in summer. He will need to show his advisor proof of enrollment in the Math 021 equivalent course before an
override can be entered for him to enroll in Math 022 at UCM in the Fall. Edward will also need to submit official
transcripts to UCM at the end of summer school to show that he passed the class with a C- or better.
Both Must Be Done
To Stay in Fall Courses:
In order to remain in your fall courses, you will need to send your advisor proof that you passed the course. This can only
be done by sending your advisor your unofficial transcripts (you may also take a screen shot).
To Get Credit for the Course:
In order to receive credit for courses taken outside of UCM, you must submit official transcripts from the institution you
attended. Failure to submit transcripts prior to the beginning of the fall semester could result in non-transfer of credit,
and/or the inability to enroll in subsequent course for the Fall.
Send official transcripts to:
UC Merced
Office of the Registrar
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA 95343