Last Update: September 2013
Contact: APEC Secretariat
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1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2
2. Purpose of this document .................................................................................... 2
3. Definitions of terms used in this document .......................................................... 2
4. APEC Website ..................................................................................................... 3
5. APEC Host Economy Website ............................................................................. 3
6. APEC Satellite Website ....................................................................................... 5
6.1 Drafting a Satellite Website proposal for review and approval ...................... 6
6.2 Develop and launch the Satellite Website ..................................................... 7
7. APEC Satellite Website Guidelines ..................................................................... 8
7.1 Goal and Audience ........................................................................................ 8
7.2 Writing Content ............................................................................................. 9
7.3 Hyperlinks ..................................................................................................... 9
7.4 Accessibility and Navigation ........................................................................ 11
7.5 Logo, Typography, Colors and Style ........................................................... 11
7.6 Images ........................................................................................................ 13
7.7 Website Copyright ....................................................................................... 15
7.8 Including a Disclaimer ................................................................................. 15
8. APEC Satellite Website Services ....................................................................... 15
8.1 APEC Subdomain Web Address ................................................................. 15
8.2 APEC Satellite Website Template ............................................................... 16
8.3 APEC Satellite Web Blog ............................................................................ 17
8.4 APEC Satellite Website Hosting .................................................................. 17
8.5 Third-Party Satellite Website Hosting .......................................................... 18
9. Annex A - APEC Satellite Website Services Terms of Use ............................... 19
9.1 General Terms of Use ................................................................................. 19
9.2 Satellite Website Template Terms of Use ................................................... 21
9.3 Satellite Web Blog Terms of Use ................................................................ 26
9.4 Satellite Website Hosting Terms of Use ...................................................... 30
10. Annex B - APEC Satellite Website Review Request Form ............................. 32
11. Annex C Flowchart: Planning and Launching an APEC Satellite Website .. 33
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1. Introduction
Websites help an organization disseminate news and information, distribute data,
promote outreach and improve the organization’s branding.
Successful websites are well planned and organized, have up-to-date content, and
effectively meet the information needs of their target audience.
2. Purpose of this document
Included in this document are the guidelines to follow when developing an APEC
Satellite Website.
Adherence to these guidelines will ensure that a Satellite Website is properly
planned and developed. A well-planned and quality Satellite Website, in turn,
reinforces the positive image of APEC.
In addition to the guidelines described in this document, the APEC Member should
implement other checks and measures to improve and audit the Satellite Website
where appropriate.
This document aims to help an APEC Member:
- Understand the roles of the APEC Website and Satellite Websites
- Understand how to plan a Satellite Website and get it approved and launched
- Know what website services the APEC Secretariat provides to help the APEC
Member develop and/or host its Satellite Website, and their terms of use.
- Learn the principles of good website design and effective web communication
- Ensure that the Satellite Website is compliant with APEC Guidelines
3. Definitions of terms used in this document
In the context of this document, these terms are defined as follows:
- “APEC Members” refers to APEC member economies and/or APEC fora.
- APEC Website” refers to the main APEC website (http://www.apec.org)
which is managed by the APEC Secretariat.
- APEC Satellite Website or Satellite Website” refers to an APEC website that
is developed, owned and managed by an APEC Member.
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- “APEC Guidelines” refers to the APEC nomenclature, APEC Logo Guidelines,
APEC Sponsorship Guidelines, APEC Publications Guidelines, APEC
Intellectual Property Policy and APEC Website Guidelines.
- Contractor” refers to a company and/or individual engaged by the APEC
Member to develop its Satellite Website.
- Project Overseer” refers to the person from the APEC group who is in charge
of the Satellite Website project.
- Website Administrator” refers to the person who is in charge of managing the
Satellite Website and updating its content.
4. APEC Website
The APEC Website is the primary source of information on APEC and its fora
The APEC Website communicates the benefits and outcomes of APEC processes in
a manner that is easily understood by readers unfamiliar with APEC.
The APEC Website extends APEC’s branding online and promotes APEC as a
dynamic, relevant and effective forum with a clear mandate of advancing free trade
and prosperity.
The APEC Website provides APEC news releases, features, speech transcripts,
events information, photos and videos.
Each APEC forum has a webpage in the APEC Website. The forum webpage
provides information on the latest forum developments, achievements, current
activities, contact persons, related news and events. For example, Economic
Committee’s forum webpage is at http://www.apec.org/Groups/Economic-
The APEC Events Calendar provides a complete listing of APEC activities, meetings,
seminars and workshops.
5. APEC Host Economy Website
The APEC host economy should have an official Host Economy Website to distribute
news, media, and information from the APEC meetings.
These are the general guidelines for the Host Economy Website:
1. The official language of the Host Economy website should have an English
version. The host economy may localize the website and develop other
versions for the local language (e.g. Russian, Chinese, Korean languages
etc.) when appropriate.
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2. The Host Economy website must adhere to the APEC nomenclature. APEC
nomenclature can be found in the APEC Publications Guidelines.
3. The Host Economy Website must have an APEC Logo which hyperlinks back
to the APEC Website (http://www.apec.org). The APEC Logo must be on the
left side of the webpage.
4. The Host Economy Website must have a Host Logo which hyperlinks back to
the Host Economy Website. The Host Logo must be on the right side of the
5. The Host Economy website must adhere to the APEC Logo Guidelines and
APEC Tagline Guide
6. Before the official website is launched, the host economy should email APEC
Secretariat Communications and Public Affairs (CPAU) Director the web
address/url of the website so that APEC CPAU can review and provide
comments and suggestions.
7. Once the official website is launched, the host economy should inform APEC
Secretariat Communications and Public Affairs (CPAU) Director. A hyperlink
will link the official Host Economy website to the APEC Website at
These are the functional guidelines for the Host Economy Website:
1. The website is recommended to have these sections for easy access:
- News (For distributing news relating to developments from APEC
- Photos (For distributing photo resources of APEC Meetings)
- Videos (For distributing videos of APEC Meetings)
- Meetings (Which meetings are taking place and the date and venue )
- Contacts (Contact information for delegates and media)
- Media Advisory (Useful information for getting around the economy and
the meeting venue)
- Accreditation
o Official
o Media
2. The website is recommended to make use of technology to facilitate the
distribution of media resources. For example, a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
section can allow the media to download multimedia files, such as high-
resolution photos and video.
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3. A sample layout is shown. The Host Economy Website should maximize
usability to enhance the users' experience when surfing the website. The host
economy may design alternative creative website layouts as long as the
APEC Logo and Host Logo are clearly visible at the top of the website.
6. APEC Satellite Website
A Satellite Website may be developed to host in-depth information on the forum’s
project (e.g. a new initiative, database, meeting or workshop).
The completed Satellite Website will be hyperlinked from the associated forum
webpage in the APEC Website. This allows the reader to navigate between the
APEC forum webpage and its Satellite Websites to locate information.
Examples of Satellite Websites are:
- Websites of APEC Expert Groups
- Websites of projects and initiatives endorsed by APEC fora
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- Websites of APEC events, such as Meetings and Workshops
6.1 Drafting a Satellite Website proposal for review and approval
The Project Overseer should follow these steps to draft the Satellite Website
proposal and get it reviewed and approved:
1. The APEC Member should draft a proposal for a Satellite Website and seek the
approval of the forum /Chair. The Program Director for the APEC forum at the
APEC Secretariat should be informed of the proposal. The proposal should at
least include these key points:
- What is the purpose of the Satellite Website?
- What content/data will be hosted and who will provide and manage the
- Who is the target audience of the Satellite Website?
- What is the web address of the Satellite Website?
- Who is the Website Administrator of the Satellite Website? The Website
Administrator will safe-keep the website account password, manage the
Satellite Website, troubleshoot reported problems, and update the website
content as long as the Satellite Website is ‘live’.
- Who should review the website content regularly after the Satellite Website is
- How often should the content be reviewed to keep the website up-to-date?
- Will the Satellite Website be hosted by a third-party web hosting company or
the APEC Satellite Website hosting service?
- Who will design and develop the Satellite Website in accordance with the
APEC Member’s requirements?
- Who will fund the development of the website?
- Who is the Project Overseer of the Satellite Website project?
- When will the Satellite Website be launched?
- Is the Satellite Website a permanent or temporary website? If temporary,
when should it be taken offline?
2. The Project Overseer or associated Program Director should email the Satellite
Website proposal to the APEC Secretariat’s Web Manager for review.
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3. APEC Secretariat’s Web Manager will provide advice on the Satellite Website
proposal and the Project Overseer may update the proposal as required.
4. The Project Overseer will complete and email the “APEC Satellite Website
Review request form (see Annex B) to the Web Manager.
5. The Web Manager will process the completed form and email the Project
Overseer and Website Administrator (as stated in the form) the requested web
resources (E.g. web address, hosting account login details etc).
6.2 Develop and launch the Satellite Website
The Project Overseer should follow these steps to develop and launch the Satellite
Website after approval has been obtained:
1. The Project Overseer can engage a Contractor to design and develop the
Satellite Website.
If the Satellite Website is not using the APEC Satellite Website Template, the
Project Overseer is required to email the final draft of the Satellite Website design
to the Web Manager for review.
It is strongly recommended that the Satellite Website use the APEC Satellite
Website Template for design. Otherwise, the custom design should be sent to the
Web Manager for review as early as possible. This is to avoid excessive re-work
in case the custom website design does not comply with APEC Guidelines.
Once the website design has been reviewed to be compliant with the APEC
Guidelines, the Project Overseer can work with the Contractor to develop the
Satellite Website.
2. The APEC Member shall populate the website with accurate, up-to-date content
that complies with APEC nomenclature.
3. If there is a sponsorship agreement for the Satellite Website, a copy of the
sponsorship agreement should be emailed to the APEC Secretariat’s
Publications and Corporate Affairs Manager.
4. If a media release is required to announce the launch, the Project Overseer must
inform the Communications and Public Affairs Unit Director at least 1 month
before the launch of the Satellite Website.
5. The APEC Member should test the Satellite Website thoroughly, ensure that the
website is working properly and is of high quality before launch.
6. Once the Satellite Website is ready for launch, the Project Overseer is required to
email the Web Manager at least 7 working days in advance to review the content.
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7. After reviewing the Satellite Website, the Web Manager will inform the Project
Overseer of any changes (if necessary) that are required to comply with APEC
8. The Project Overseer must ensure that the Satellite Website meets the APEC
9. If the Satellite Website is approved, an APEC Logo reference number will be
assigned and the Satellite Website is authorized to display the APEC Logo. The
Project Overseer will be notified of the approval and the APEC Logo reference
number by email.
It should be noted that a website that does not conform to the APEC Guidelines
will not be authorized to display the APEC Logo. The website will not be
hyperlinked from the APEC Website.
10. The Project Overseer will proceed to launch the Satellite Website. Once the
website is launched, the Project Overseer should inform the forum Chair,
Program Director, Communications and Public Affairs Unit Director and Web
11. The Web Manager will then create a hyperlink to the Satellite Website from its
associated forum webpage in the APEC Website.
7. APEC Satellite Website Guidelines
7.1 Goal and Audience
The APEC Member should identify the goal of the Satellite Website and its target
Different target audiences may have different levels of understanding of a subject or
project, and may need different information/data from the website.
By specifying the intended audience for its Satellite Website, the APEC Member can
tailor the content to deliver the message more effectively, and organize the website
to help the target audience locate the required information.
The APEC Member should choose a quantitative or qualitative method of measuring
the success of the Satellite Website.
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7.2 Writing Content
Content must adhere to the APEC nomenclature and follow these guidelines:
- Keep the content accurate and up-to-date.
- Write the content clearly using minimal APEC or technical jargon. Assume
that the reader has no knowledge of APEC processes.
- Review the content regularly and update cited figures.
- Write web-friendly paragraphs. Readers tend to scan web content instead of
read it word-by-word. Use white spaces for easy reading.
- Use the active voice and use bullet points and headings to break up lengthy
- Keep sentences short. Express an idea clearly and succinctly.
- Remember that the content must be Current, Clear, Concise and Compelling
(the 4Cs).
7.3 Hyperlinks
Content of a Satellite Website should not duplicate information already available
from the APEC Website and/or other Satellite Websites. Hyperlinks should be
created to lead readers to related information at other websites.
7.3.1 APEC Publications Database
APEC publications are published on the APEC Publications Database
(http://publications.apec.org). Copyright of all APEC publications belongs to the
APEC Secretariat, unless otherwise indicated in the reports. When referring to a
particular APEC publication, the Satellite Website should hyperlink to the executive
summary webpage of the publication at the APEC Publications Database website.
E.g. Education Guideline 3: Textbook for Higher Education - Standardization:
Fundamentals, Impact, and Business Strategy
7.3.2 APEC Meeting Documents Database
The APEC Meeting Documents Database (http://aimp.apec.org/MDDB/default.aspx)
is the key repository of all APEC meeting documents. When referring to a particular
APEC meeting paper, the Satellite Website should hyperlink to the document at the
APEC Meeting Documents Database website.
E.g. Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPRs) and Binding Corporate Rules (BCR): An
Overview and Comparison
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7.3.3 APEC Projects Database
The APEC Projects Database (http://aimp.apec.org/PDB/default.aspx) is the key
repository of all APEC projects. When referring to a particular APEC project, the
Satellite Website should hyperlink to the project webpage at the APEC Projects
Database website.
E.g. Practical Management Strategies for Avian Influenza
7.3.4 APEC Forum Webpage
Each APEC forum updates its latest achievements, current activities, news and
contact information at its forum webpage at the APEC Website. If a Satellite Website
refers to an APEC forum, a hyperlink should be made to the APEC forum webpage.
If an APEC Member wishes to post relevant information on the Forum Webpage, the
APEC Member should inform the forum’s Program Director at the APEC Secretariat.
The Program Director will review the update and notify the Communications and
Public Affairs Unit if the forum webpage update is appropriate.
E.g. Economic Committee
7.3.5 APEC Events Calendar
The APEC Events Calendar (http://www.apec.org/Events-Calendar.aspx) lists all
APEC meetings, workshops, seminars and activities. The APEC Member should list
its forum events on the APEC Calendar, and create hyperlinks from the Satellite
Website to the APEC Events Calendar.
An event must be approved/endorsed by its APEC forum before it can be listed on
the Events Calendar. The event can either be APEC-funded or self-funded by an
APEC economy.
If an APEC Member wishes to post an event on the APEC Events Calendar, the
APEC Member should inform/email the forum’s Program Director at the APEC
Secretariat. The Program Director will review the forum event suggestion and notify
the Web Manager if the event is appropriate for the APEC Events Calendar.
7.3.6 APEC Tenders and RFPs
The APEC Tenders and RFPs (Request for Proposal) webpage
(http://www.apec.org/Projects/Tenders-and-RFPs.aspx) lists all APEC project tender
documents. The APEC Member should post its RFP document on this webpage, and
create hyperlinks from the Satellite Website to the APEC Tenders and RFPs
webpage when referring to its RFP.
The APEC Member should submit Tenders/RFPs update requests to the APEC
Secretariat’s Program Director for review first. The Program Director will notify the
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Web Manager about the Tenders/RFPs update if the requested update is
7.4 Accessibility and Navigation
Satellite Websites must be accessible to readers in all APEC economies. The APEC
Member must ensure that the Satellite Website loads fast and displays properly on
common web browsers (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome).
Content and data should be organized into logical sections and categories that can
be accessed intuitively from the homepage. The website should be structured so that
information can be located easily and quickly.
For better accessibility and navigation, the Satellite Website should:
- Have a primary navigation that links to the major website sections.
- Have a secondary navigation that links to main pages of each section.
- Have a sitemap that describes the entire Satellite Website content structure.
- Have navigation breadcrumbs to indicate the page the user is currently at.
- Have an email form to contact the Website Administrator. Alternatively, show
the Website Administrator’s contact details in the website.
- Have a site-search function.
- Ensure that webpages can be bookmarked and are hyperlinked back to the
- Ensure that webpages are printer-friendly.
7.5 Logo, Typography, Colors and Style
The APEC Logo must be displayed at the top left corner of the Satellite Website and
must comply with the APEC Logo Guidelines. To ensure legibility and clarity, the
Logo must measure at least 60 pixels (15mm) in height or at least 65 pixels in width.
For more information, please refer to the APEC Logo Guidelines. The Logo must be
hyperlinked to the APEC Website (http://www.apec.org)
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Acceptable Logo sizes
For consistent typography, the Satellite Website should use the Georgia typeface for
main headers (H1) and titles, and the Arial typeface for navigation, paragraph and
other text in the website.
The Satellite Website can use this color scheme as reference:
- Use blue shades for banner graphics, navigation and text highlights.
- Use these neutral grey shades for background color of broad areas.
The design style should follow these guidelines:
- Use a visually appealing web-safe color scheme that enhances readability.
- Apply the same style consistently throughout the Satellite Website.
- Avoid graphics and use small-sized graphics where necessary.
- Use a page layout width of 980 pixels.
- Avoid framed pages.
- Avoid the use of pop up windows.
- Avoid inappropriate use of sound and interactive elements. For example,
playing unsolicited sound when a webpage is loaded.
- List the latest information and/or content of high importance/relevance on the
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7.6 Images
The Satellite Website may use images and photos to complement the content.
Selected images and photos should:
- Aid in the understanding of the content (e.g. Location map, charts).
- Bring interest and visual appeal to the content (e.g. Use stock photos that are
suggestive of education, trade etc)
- Not have negative connotations (not politically, religious or gender sensitive)
- Complement the website's design
Excessive use of images and photos will increase the loading time of a webpage. It
is good practice to optimize the image for the web, reducing the image size as much
as possible.
Examples of acceptable and unacceptable images for a Satellite Website:
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7.7 Website Copyright
The APEC Member owns the copyright of the content published in the Satellite
Website and should ensure that the content does not infringe the copyrights of other
organizations. A copyright statement should be included in the Satellite Website to
protect the intellectual property of the APEC Member.
Here is an example of a copyright statement:
Copyright [2012] APEC [Energy Working Group]. All Rights Reserved
Replace the text in brackets accordingly.
7.8 Including a Disclaimer
A disclaimer should be included in the Satellite Website if the Satellite Website
contains third-party content that the APEC Member does not manage, or if the
Satellite Website hyperlinks to third-party websites.
A sample disclaimer is as follows:
“Disclaimer: The website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites that may not
comply with the APEC nomenclature and Guidelines. APEC shall not be held
responsible for the accuracy of the information/data of the third-party websites, which
are hyperlinked for your convenience.
8. APEC Satellite Website Services
The APEC Secretariat provides a suite of free Satellite Website Services to assist
the APEC Member with content publishing, website development and/or hosting.
The APEC Member can apply for the appropriate Satellite Website Service(s) using
the “APEC Satellite Website Reviewrequest form.
To use any of the Satellite Website Services, the APEC Member must comply with
the Satellite Website Services Terms of Use (See Annex A).
8.1 APEC Subdomain Web Address
The APEC Member can apply for an APEC subdomain web address (i.e.
http://websitename.apec.org ) for its Satellite Website.
The APEC subdomain web address does not start with ‘www’. For example, the
recommended URL is http://websitename.apec.org, not
http://www.websitename.apec.org. This is to keep the URL short and easy to
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To apply, the APEC Member should choose two preferred subdomain names (first
choice and second choice). The chosen subdomain names should reflect the
Satellite Website’s purpose, title or its associated APEC forum.
The first subdomain name choice will be created unless it has been reserved or
taken by another Satellite Website. If the first choice is unavailable, the second
choice will be created (unless it is unavailable for the same reason).
If the Satellite Website is hosted with a third-party (i.e. non-APEC) web hosting
provider, the APEC Member must specify the hosting server’s Internet Protocol
address (i.e. IP address) when applying.
There is no setup or annual renewal fees for the APEC subdomain web address.
It is highly recommended, though not compulsory, that a Satellite Website use an
APEC subdomain web address.
For example, the APEC Business Mobility Group has a Satellite Website for the
APEC Business Travel Card. The web address is http://travel.apec.org.
8.2 APEC Satellite Website Template
A Satellite Website should be well designed and aesthetically pleasing.
The APEC Communications and Public Affairs Unit released Version 1 of the APEC
Satellite Website Template in July 2009 to help APEC Members with website design.
Version 2 was released in February 2011.
The Satellite Website Template is professionally designed and easy to use. The
template is in HTML format and can be easily adapted for use in custom web
As the APEC Member does not need to design the website from scratch, the
Satellite Website Template helps the APEC Member save cost and time. The APEC
Member can channel its efforts and resources to prepare quality content for the
target audience instead.
The Satellite Website Template has a look-and-feel that is complementary to the
APEC Website. A professional, consistent and unified design for all APEC Satellite
Websites reinforces APEC’s online branding. In turn, this strengthens trust and
credibility with the target audience, and gives a positive impression of unity and
coordination between the APEC Members.
The APEC Satellite Website Template is free for use by APEC Members for
approved Satellite Websites.
It is recommended, though not compulsory, for a Satellite Website to use the APEC
Satellite Website Template.
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8.3 APEC Satellite Web Blog
The APEC Satellite Web Blog Service (Version 1) was launched by APEC
Communications and Public Affairs (CPAU) in January 2012 to further simplify web
publishing for APEC Members.
The Satellite Web Blog account is ready to use and comes with the Satellite Website
Template design. The APEC Member can immediately post content on the Web
The Satellite Web Blog Service is meant for the APEC Member who wants a basic,
standard APEC Satellite Website to post project information, but does not wish to
spend excessive time and money on website development.
This service uses the TypePad web blogging platform. A staff without technical or
web skills can easily update and maintain the Satellite Website with its user-friendly
content editor.
The APEC Satellite Web Blog Service has certain limitations as specified in the
Satellite Web Blog Terms of Use (See Annex A Section 9.3). The APEC Member
must accept and comply with the Satellite Web Blog Terms of Use to utilize this
If the Satellite Website requires unique features or customization, the APEC Member
should consider using the APEC Satellite Website Hosting Service.
8.4 APEC Satellite Website Hosting
The Satellite Website Hosting Service provides the APEC Member with 1 GB of web
space to host its Satellite Website.
The Satellite Website must meet the technical pre-requisites for hosting. The APEC
Member must accept and comply with the APEC Satellite Website Hosting Terms of
Use (See Annex A Section 9.4) to use this service.
The APEC Member is given the account user-id and password to manage the
website. It is the responsibility of the APEC Member to keep the account password
The APEC Member has to plan, develop the website and transfer the website files to
the APEC hosting server. The APEC Member may engage a Contractor to handle
the tasks involved in developing and launching the Satellite Website. The APEC
Member must ensure that the Contractor complies with the APEC Guidelines.
After the Satellite Website is launched and ‘live’, the APEC Member has to update
the content, maintain the website and troubleshoot any website problem.
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The APEC Secretariat only provides web hosting space to host the Satellite Website.
The APEC Secretariat does not provide staff, financial resources or expertise to
develop, troubleshoot, transfer or update the Satellite Website.
The Satellite Website must be developed using the web technology supported by the
APEC hosting server CentOS Linux Operating System, Apache Web Server,
MySQL Database Server, PHP and HTML. See the APEC Satellite Website Hosting
Terms of Use (See Annex A Section 9.4) for details.
For example, EGS Satellite Website (http://egs.apec.org/) is hosted using the
Satellite Website Hosting Service.
8.5 Third-Party Satellite Website Hosting
If the APEC Member requires more web hosting space (i.e. larger than 1 GB), and/or
more sophisticated hosting features, the APEC Member can search for a suitable
third-party (i.e. non-APEC) web hosting service provider to host its Satellite Website.
In this case, the APEC Member should apply for an APEC subdomain web address
and use the APEC Satellite Website Template.
This approach is suitable for a Satellite Website that has complex customization
requirements and specialized functions.
For example, the Satellite Website (http://hrd.apec.org) is not hosted using the
Satellite Website Hosting Service. The HRD forum is hosting its Satellite Website on
its chosen web hosting service provider.
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9. Annex A - APEC Satellite Website Services Terms of Use
By using any of the APEC Satellite Website Services - APEC Subdomain Web
Address, APEC Satellite Website Template, APEC Satellite Web Blog or APEC
Satellite Website Hosting, the APEC Member agrees to accept the terms stated in
this policy, and will fully comply with the terms as long as the website service is in
These terms may be revised from time to time. The latest version of the APEC
Website Guidelines can be downloaded at the APEC Policies and Procedures
webpage (http://www.apec.org/About-Us/About-APEC/Policies-and-
9.1 General Terms of Use
The APEC Member must comply with these terms if the APEC Member uses one or
more of the APEC Satellite Website Services:
9.1.1 The Satellite Website must be approved as described in Section 6.1. An
APEC Logo reference number must be obtained from the APEC Secretariat to
display the APEC Logo. Unauthorized use of the APEC Logo on a website
without the approval of the APEC Secretariat is a breach of copyright.
9.1.2 The “Trade Mark License” should be signed among parties to ensure that the
APEC mark is reproduced accurately. The parties must comply with the APEC
Intellectual Property Policy.
9.1.3 The APEC Logo must be clearly displayed at the top left side of the website,
and hyperlinked to the APEC Website (http://www.apec.org) as described in
Section 7.5.
9.1.4 To apply for the service(s), the APEC Member must email the completed
APEC Satellite Website Review request form to the APEC Secretariat’s Web
Manager at least 30 working days before the launch date of the Satellite
9.1.5 The APEC Member must provide two choices of APEC subdomain web
addresses in the request form.
9.1.6 The APEC Member must designate a person as the Website Administrator for
the Satellite Website. This person will be the point of contact for all matters
regarding the Satellite Website, including content updates.
9.1.7 The Satellite Website Administrator and associated APEC Member must keep
the content up-to-date and ensure that the content complies with the APEC
nomenclature and APEC Guidelines at all times.
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9.1.8 The APEC Secretariat does not provide resources (i.e. staff resources,
financial resources or other resources) to help the APEC Member develop,
troubleshoot, transfer and update its Satellite Website.
9.1.9 The APEC Member is responsible for the design, development, project
management and maintenance of the Satellite Website.
9.1.10 The APEC Member will remain the owner and administrator of the Satellite
Website. The APEC Member is responsible for safekeeping the Satellite
Website Services account information and passwords.
9.1.11 The APEC Member is responsible for the regular backup of the website files,
content and data uploaded to the Satellite Web Blog or Satellite Website
Hosting service.
9.1.12 The APEC Member may engage a Contractor to develop or administer its
Satellite Website. The APEC Member has to ensure that the Contractor
abides by the APEC Guidelines.
9.1.13 The APEC Secretariat may review the Satellite Website from time to time to
ensure that the APEC Guidelines are adhered to. The APEC Secretariat will
contact the Website Administrator of the Satellite Website if there are
reported/observed website issues. (e.g. outdated content, broken hyperlinks,
website bugs etc.) The Website Administrator must rectify the website issues
as soon as possible.
9.1.14 The APEC Secretariat reserves the right to suspend or close the Satellite
Website (hosted using the Satellite Web Blog or Satellite Website Hosting
service) without further notice if the Website Administrator is not contactable,
or if no action is made by the APEC Member to comply with the APEC
Guidelines despite repeated reminders. Hyperlinks to the non-compliant
Satellite Website may be removed from the APEC Website as well.
9.1.15 In the case of Satellite Web Blog and Satellite Website Hosting service, the
APEC Secretariat is the facilitator between the APEC Member and the hosting
service provider. If there is a hosting server problem, the APEC Secretariat
will liaise directly with the hosting service provider to resolve the problem.
9.1.16 The APEC Member is to inform the APEC Secretariat of any change in
Website Administrator and/or any website revamp after the Satellite Website
is launched.
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9.2 Satellite Website Template Terms of Use
Figure 1 shows the Satellite Website Template. Figure 2 shows the generic
homepage and Figure 3 shows the generic story page of the template. Figure 4
shows the generic email newsletter template.
The APEC Member must comply with these terms if the APEC Member uses the
APEC Satellite Website Template:
9.2.1 The APEC Member can modify the content area and replace/modify the
graphic banner to suit the Satellite Website’s purpose. These design
customizations are allowed:
Can show or remove “Search” and “Login” fields
Can re-design and change the banner graphic.
The size of the new banner must be 980 by 125 pixels
Can modify/remove “dropdown menus”
Can change footer links and copyright
Can modify content area as required
Can place logos of organizations who are partnering with the
Satellite Website here
9.2.2 These design customizations are not allowed:
Cannot change the colour of templates
Cannot change APEC header logo, header and footer colour
9.2.3 The two restrictions (B1, B2) stated in 8.2.2 will be strictly enforced by APEC
Secretariat when reviewing the Satellite Website for APEC Guidelines
The APEC Secretariat may deny an APEC Member the right to use the APEC
Satellite Website Template if the APEC Member does not comply with the
terms of use, and/or does not remove unacceptable template changes that
affect the consistent look-and-feel of the Satellite Website Template.
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Figure 1: APEC Satellite Website Template
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Figure 2: Generic Homepage - APEC Satellite Website Template
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Figure 3: Generic Story Page - APEC Satellite Website Template
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Figure 4: Generic E-mail Newsletter - APEC Satellite Website Template
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9.3 Satellite Web Blog Terms of Use
The APEC Member must comply with these terms if the APEC Member uses the
APEC Satellite Web Blog service:
9.3.1 The APEC Satellite Web Blog is designed for a Satellite Website with basic
content publishing and editing requirements. The content should consist of
plain text with simple formatting (e.g. bold, italic, headers), have minimal
images and data in table format, and have no special formatting/display
9.3.2 The APEC Satellite Web Blog is a pre-built generic Satellite Website with
fixed features, categories and display layout. The Web Blog has a homepage,
five section tabs, three categories (i.e. news, announcements, notices) to
classify content. It comes with Site Search function and Site RSS feed. The
APEC Secretariat does not provide customization for Satellite Web Blogs.
9.3.3 The APEC Satellite Web Blog Service provides only ONE user account for
website administration. The APEC Member must designate a staff from the
working group as the Website Administrator. The Website Administrator will
be responsible for the user account password, content update and website
9.3.4 The APEC Secretariat does not guarantee the perpetual renewal of the APEC
Satellite Web Blog Service. If the APEC Secretariat decides to discontinue the
Satellite Web Blog Service for any reason, the Website Administrator of the
affected Web Blog will be informed at least 6 months in advance before the
termination of the service. The APEC Member is responsible for transferring
its Web Blog to a third-party Web Blog service provider before the last day of
the service if this happens.
9.3.5 After approving the APEC Member’s request for a Satellite Web Blog account,
the APEC Secretariat will:
1. Create the APEC subdomain web address
2. Create the Satellite Web Blog account
3. Email the Satellite Web Blog account login details to the Website
Administrator as specified on the completed form
9.3.6 Figure 5 shows the Satellite Web Blog. Figure 6 shows the content editor of
the Satellite Web Blog.
With reference to Figure 5, the table below explains which customizations are
allowed or disallowed for the Satellite Web Blog.
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Can re-design and change the banner graphic.
The size of the new banner must be 980 by 125 pixels
Can rename the five section titles. The APEC Member must
specify exactly five section titles.
The Site Search cannot be removed as it is a standard feature.
This feature cannot be customized.
Postings categorized as “Announcements” will appear here. This
section cannot be customized.
Postings categorized as “Newswill appear here. This section
cannot be customized.
Postings categorized as “Notices“ will appear here. This section
cannot be customized.
There can only be one Featured story at a time. The Featured
story will stay at this position until it is replaced by another
Featured story. This feature cannot be customized.
The Contact Us link will be set to the Website Administrator’s
email address.
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Figure 5: APEC Satellite Web Blog
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Figure 6: Satellite Web Blog Content Editor
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9.4 Satellite Website Hosting Terms of Use
The APEC Member must comply with these terms if the APEC Member uses the
APEC Satellite Website Hosting service:
9.4.1 The APEC Secretariat does not guarantee the perpetual renewal of the APEC
Satellite Website Hosting Service. If the APEC Secretariat decides to
discontinue the Satellite Website Hosting Service for any reason, the Website
Administrator of the affected Satellite Website will be informed at least 6
months in advance before the termination of the service. The APEC Member
is responsible for transferring its Satellite Website to a third-party Web
Hosting service provider before the last day of the service if this happens.
9.4.2 The Satellite Website and associated programs must be compatible with
Linux CentOS operating system, PHP programming language and MySQL
database. For more information, please contact the APEC Secretariat’s Web
9.4.3 The Satellite Website may be a static HTML website. (i.e. Website consists of
web pages, images, hyperlinked documents and/or audio/video files)
9.4.4 The Satellite Website files must not exceed 1 GB in size.
9.4.5 The APEC Member will not have access to the operating system of the APEC
hosting server.
9.4.6 If the APEC Member needs to run special commands via the operating
system to make the website work, the APEC Member must specify the
commands in the correct sequence and syntax in a MS-Word document and
email the APEC Secretariat for approval.
The APEC Secretariat will review the request and reserves the right to deny
any request that may have security or system implications on the APEC
hosting server. In such a case, the APEC Member will have to find alternative
ways to make the affected website functionality work.
9.4.7 After the APEC Member’s request for the Satellite Website Hosting service is
approved, the APEC Secretariat will: Create the APEC subdomain web address. Create the 1GB Website Hosting account. Create one MySQL database for the Website Hosting account. Create a test webpage for the Website Hosting account.
Page 31 of 31 Email these account details to the Website Administrator as specified on
the form:
o FTP username and password
o MySQL database name, database username and password
o URL of the test webpage.
9.4.8 The APEC Member must ensure that the Satellite Website is developed within
the technical requirements of the APEC hosting server. Program code should
be modified to make the Satellite Website work with the existing system
settings of the APEC hosting server.
It should be noted that requests to change any system/server (e.g. Web
Server or Operating System) configuration on the APEC hosting server will
not be approved, since the requested configuration change may affect other
hosted Satellite Websites adversely.
9.4.9 The APEC Member is responsible for the transfer of the completed Satellite
Website files to the APEC hosting server, database tables creation and web
content/data migration.
9.4.10 The APEC Member is responsible for testing the Satellite Website and is
required to troubleshoot and resolve any Satellite Website problem.
9.4.11 The APEC Member must ensure that the web space usage of the Satellite
Website remains within the allocated web space of 1 GB.
9.4.12 The Disaster Recovery process for the Satellite Website Hosting Service is as
follows: In case of an APEC hosting server outage, the APEC Secretariat will
contact the Web Hosting Provider to restore the service. The Web Hosting
Provider normally has internal measures to ensure that hosted websites
can be restored intact, and no further action is required by the APEC
Member. If the hosted websites cannot be restored by the web hosting provider (e.g.
lost/corrupted server data), the APEC Secretariat will reset the Satellite
Website Hosting account so that the APEC Member can restore backup
files to the APEC hosting server. (Backup by APEC Member is required as
stated in 8.1.11) The APEC Secretariat will check the default account test webpage to
ensure that the APEC subdomain web address for the Satellite Website
works, and that the Satellite Website Hosting account functions normally.
Page 32 of 31 The APEC Member will test and verify the restored Satellite Website.
10. Annex B - APEC Satellite Website Review Request
The APEC Satellite Website Review request form can be downloaded at
http://www.apec.org/About-Us/About-APEC/Policies-and-Procedures.aspx (Under
Website section).
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11. Annex C Flowchart: Planning and Launching an
APEC Satellite Website