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You Will Likely Face
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Faculty and Graduate Students
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Laying the Groundwork
Editorial: Preparation for Graduate School Starts Now BY CYNTHIA LARIVE .............1
Is Graduate School Right for Me?
BY MATTHEW J. MIO ..............................2
Undergrad vs. Graduate School: How Do They Compare?
BY AMY M. HAMLIN ..........4
Getting in
The Graduate School Process BY JAMES BATTEAS ..................................6
Personal Statement Pointers
BY HOLLY C. GAEDE .................................10
Getting that GREAT Letter of Recommendation
BY MICHELLE BOUCHER ................12
Making the Most of Graduate School Visit Weekends
BY AMY M. HAMLIN ............14
Ask the Graduate School Recruiter
BY MELISSA BOWMAN ...........................17
You’re in — Now What?
Navigating the Ups and Downs of Graduate School BY BURT HOLLANDSWORTH ..........18
Mastering Graduate School Acrobatics
BY ALLISON PROFFITT ........................21
Research Projects: A Matter of the Right Chemistry
The Teaching Assistant’s Guide to Success
BY AMY M. HAMLIN ......................26
Easing the Transition to Graduate School: Ho the ACS Graduate
and Postdoctoral Scholars Can Help You
© Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved. None of the contents of this publication may be reproduced,
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f you’re considering graduate school, there is a lot you
can do to ensure your success… and it’s never too early
to start.
Most important is completing a rigorous undergraduate
curriculum, such as one that meets the requirements of an
ACS-certified degree. Since chemistry research is becoming
increasingly interdisciplinary, taking electives in other sci-
entific areas of interest can be good preparation for inter-
disciplinary graduate work.
While your B.S. curriculum is likely to be course-inten-
sive, graduate programs, especially those leading to the
Ph.D., place less emphasis on courses and more on research.
Therefore, completing an undergraduate research experi-
ence is excellent preparation. As a researcher, you will learn
how chemistry is practiced, experience the challenges of
asking scientific questions and designing experiments, and
gain important skills and experience working in the lab as
part of a research team.
Consider applying to an NSF Research Experience for
Undergraduates (REU) program, which offers summer
research experiences and provides a stipend that will allow
you to live and work at another university in the U.S. or
abroad. Alternatively, you could take advantage of summer
internship opportunities at a corporate or government lab.
In graduate school you will be expected to give seminar
presentations, write papers, and prepare a thesis or dis-
sertation describing your research. Therefore, it’s helpful to
look for opportunities to hone your communication skills by
presenting your undergraduate research results on campus
and at regional or national ACS meetings.
Some students have trouble choosing one particular
area to focus on in graduate school. To learn more about
the different areas of chemistry, attend (or start) a semi-
nar program in which students give presentations on their
research or recent literature developments. Reading the
scientific literature will also give you a better grasp of
modern chemistry and the leading researchers in your
field of interest. The ACS Directory of Graduate Research
( is a great (and free) online tool that can
help you find professors working in different areas of chem-
istry and related fields.
A great opportunity to build leadership and teamwork
skills is to become involved in your student chapter and in
the ACS. Volunteer or work as a chemistry tutor, or organize
a group of students to do chemistry demonstrations at a
nearby school.
All of these activities will help you develop the skills you
need to be successful in graduate school and beyond. The
sooner you take charge of your own professional develop-
ment, the better you will ensure your success as a future
M.S. or Ph.D. student.
Cynthia Larive is chair of the ACS Committee on
Professional Training and professor of chemistry at the
University of California Riverside.
EDITORIAL: Preparation for
Graduate School Starts Now
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
Is Graduate School
Right for Me?
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
here are many questions that students considering
graduate school in the chemical sciences must ask them
selves, but two of the most fundamental are, “Should I
go to graduate school?” and, if the answer to that ques
tion is yes, “Do I have good reasons for doing so?”
In my experience as an undergraduate academic advisor, it
is the first of these questions that stymies students the most,
but the second is also critical. This article aims to help students
answer both.
Professional vs. graduate degrees
Many undergraduate students who cross paths with the subject
of chemistry are interested in earning a professional degree in the
health professions. Professional degrees of any sort— including
law, business, and architecture— are academic degrees that pur-
posefully prepare the holder to work in a certain profession and
stress skills and practical analysis.
Graduate degrees, in contrast, embrace a different educational
outlook, and emphasize theory and research – the systematic
search for information. Those who wish to earn such degrees
are expected to make original contributions to knowledge dur-
ing their graduate career. This is the core difference between a
professional and a graduate degree: one accentuates skill compe-
tency, whereas the other stresses research.
Understanding this subtle difference can be difficult in light
of modern society’s pop culture fascination with the health and
legal professions. Although Grey’s Anatomy and Damages-type
dramas abound, there have been very few TV shows about chem-
ists (one telling exception is Breaking Bad!). Yet, this differentia-
tion is at the very heart of answering the first question posed
above: “Should I go to graduate school?”
I believe performing research at the undergraduate level is
the single greatest factor in a student’s educational maturation.
Why? Those who engage in undergraduate research find out very
quickly if they enjoy the discovery aspect of chemistry; in addi-
tion, the presentation aspect of research can develop writing,
speaking, and critical thinking abilities. Having research experi-
ence is one way undergraduates can distinguish themselves from
the pool of applicants with similar GPAs when it comes to apply-
ing for graduate school and professional employment positions.
Remember that “systematic search for information” mentioned
above? Certainly you’ve heard this definition before— it’s science!
The engine of graduate study is research, and that engine
is put together with the gears of science. Experimenting with
undergraduate research can help you assess your interests and
to science. Of
course, it’s also OK
to find out that you do
not have a strong interest
in laboratory work.
research experiences,
even if negative, are
significant factors to con-
sider when making deci-
sions about your future.
Research is a major
component of graduate
school and in entry-level
research and develop-
ment (R&D) positions in
industry. In industry, after
you have a few years of
experience, if you wish to
branch out to new areas, there are many other paths
that you can take that do not involve laboratory work.
You can also choose a nontraditional career in chem-
istry that does not involve R&D, including forensics,
public policy and advocacy, law, sales and marketing,
public health, and regulatory affairs.
As a budding chemist seeking to determine your pathway,
you can also personally investigate the question at hand. Ask
members of ACS what got them interested in chemistry, and
you are bound to get a variety of responses: a caring educator in
their past, an inquisitiveness about materials, a love for “stinks
and bangs,” a desire to know more about the nanoscopic world.
But ask the same individuals why they went to graduate school,
and they’ll very likely tell you that they love to do science. If
you love doing science, then you owe it to yourself to consider
graduate school.
Evaluating your motivations
If your devotion to science has you thinking about graduate school,
the next stage of your decision is to evaluate your reasons for
attending. In short, why go? Some people’s faces light up when
the subject of tuition-free higher education is discussed, but they
may not be fully aware of the time and effort needed to persevere
through a graduate education (five or more years, on average).
I am an undergraduate academic advisor, but I also served
my own graduate
department as a
recruiter. In both
capacities, I have
had unique oppor-
tunities to work
with and observe
students who are
motivated to attend
graduate school for
a variety of reasons.
Some of these rea-
sons, however, tend
to ultimately result
in student unhappiness, research advisor discon-
tent, and premature cessation of study.
Seriously— think twice about attending gradu-
ate school if your sole motivation is pressure from
family, friends, or your professor. As always,
attempting to please others as a first priority inevi-
tably leads to not pleasing yourself; however, when
your heart is in your work, it never seems like work.
Some people who earn a Ph.D. do so because
they are extremely motivated to be among the 2% of the popula-
tion who have Ph.D.s, or to be considered “the best of the best.”
For many others, however, getting a Ph.D. credential and the title
‘doctor’ are small recompense for a five-year or longer invest-
ment of time and effort; the ends will not justify the means. I’ve
also seen many students who choose to go to graduate school
for no particular reason at all. People in this category tend to be
more apathetic about their studies and research and more likely
to drop out of graduate school. They seem to lack the commit-
ment to education needed to succeed.
I’ve also observed some patterns among students who had
successful graduate school careers characterized by positive
research experiences, gainful employment, and personal growth
and satisfaction.
Successful Ph.D. students are often motivated by a passion to
deepen their knowledge of chemistry. Graduate school demands
a paradoxical combination of qualities from the student. For
example, you must be willing to become an expert at the same
time that you are augmenting your overall knowledge base. In
fact, when you complete your thesis, you will be the only person
on the planet with expertise in that specific area! If you go on to
work in industry, you will be considered an expert in your field
and will be treated with much respect by your co-workers.
Others are highly ‘career-motivated.’ They view their careers
as lifelong vocations that are professionally rewarding and
financially viable, and tend to aspire toward ever-higher levels
of responsibility. In many ways, these are some of the ultimate
goals of every professional.
By rising to the challenges of graduate school and graduate-
level research projects, you will also gain leadership, collabora-
tion, and communication skills, as well as learn valuable lessons
about teamwork. B.S. and M.S. level chemists typically work under
the direction of a Ph.D. (or equivalent experience) level chemist.
Chemists at all degree levels make valuable contributions to their
companies’ success, which makes your decision very important to
your personal fulfillment on your career path.
Some students apply to graduate school because they seek
intellectual challenge or maturity. They find that testing one’s
limits is an excellent way to delineate strengths and weaknesses;
knowing weaknesses can lead to self-improvement. They may
also be fascinated by the thought of finding what they don’t
know— this is a scary prospect that even many veteran profes-
sionals are not willing to face. Again, knowing your limitations
helps promote your intellectual maturity.
Get your thinking in order
Be honest about your true reasons for attending graduate school.
Proper alignment of priorities before enrolling in graduate school
can yield fantastic, long-term career opportunities and personal
A very wise chemistry professor once told me: “Always get
your thinking in order first.” Why is it so important to consider
the question, “Should I go to graduate school?” The path to even
getting into graduate school is long, often lasting 8–10 months,
and is fraught with the highs and lows of any major life decision.
However, that process pales in comparison with the commitment
needed to survive and succeed in earning one’s degree!
Graduate school involves year-round coursework, reading,
writing, presenting, and of course, research lab work that leads to
a dissertation. Earning a terminal degree is not meant to be easy,
and definitely is not for everyone. If you get your thinking in order
ahead of time, the probability of success rises exponentially. Put
simply, if you have dedication for science, you should consider
attending graduate school. And if your motivation is strong, it will
be one of the most gratifying experiences of your life. Good luck
and never stop asking questions!
Matthew J. Mio is an associate professor at the University of
Detroit Mercy in the Department of Chemistry and Biochem-
istry. In his more than eight years as a faculty member, the
most enjoyable part of his career has been academic advising
and helping students with their pre-professional training.
rad vs. Graduate Schoo
How Do They Compare?
ow that you have mastered the art of balancing
a full course load, a decent study schedule, some
undergraduate research, and a social life, gradua-
tion is upon you… and it is time to move on to the
next chapter of your life, graduate school. Gradu-
ate school may seem like a continuation of your undergraduate
studies, but there are several differences one should be aware of
before embarking on a journey toward a master’s or Ph.D.
First, the way in which you are expected to learn new informa-
tion will change. As an undergrad, there is a huge focus on grades
and GPAs. You are expected to learn from lectures, textbooks,
and hands-on laboratory experiments— and then be able to
display your understanding of the concepts through exams, proj-
ects, or papers.
In graduate school there is less of a focus on classwork and
GPAs. You will still take classes, but they will be fewer in num-
ber and usually only during your first year or two. These classes
typically move at a faster pace and require more time outside of
lecture. While it is still important to do the best you can in these
courses, it may be difficult to completely grasp all the concepts
presented. Your focus in graduate classes should not be on the
grade, but instead on setting the foundation necessary for further
independent study in your field.
Neither the number of credit hours you have taken nor the
grades you receive measures your progress or success in a gradu-
ate program. Instead, progress is measured by your completion of
specific program requirements, work in the research lab, and abil-
ity to communicate results to other scientists. Requirements differ
by school but may include research reports, a qualifying exam,
teaching requirements, a research proposal, a written thesis, and
a thesis defense. Your research advisor will also have a big influ-
ence on your progression through graduate school and when you
will graduate.
Chart your own path
The journey through grad school is unique for each student and is
often influenced by your specific research project, as well as your
advisor’s opinion of your progress as a researcher and teacher.
Everyone will take a different amount of time to complete his or
her requirements, and the deadlines to complete specific mile-
stones are not set in stone. Another student, even one who began
at the same time as you, may not necessarily graduate at the
same time. Time to complete a graduate degree depends on the
group you join, the research project you undertake, and the pace at
which you work. One’s journey
through graduate school is also
influenced by future career and
personal goals. For example,
someone who wants an aca-
demic career may focus more on
teaching and mentoring compared
with someone focused on a career in
As an undergraduate, you have the ability to tailor
your degree toward your interests and future career goals
by choosing your major, your elective classes, or a minor
in another field. There are also opportunities to participate in
extracurricular activities, internships, or study abroad programs.
In many ways, this is similar to graduate school. There are many
academic clubs for graduate students and student leadership
positions available. You can also take classes outside of your field
if you choose to. Some graduate students will also participate in
summer internships or visiting student positions. It is also not
uncommon for graduate students to continue taking or sitting in
on classes even after the required classwork is completed.
As you progress through your graduate career, you will be
expected to learn independently through reading the literature
and attending seminars instead of textbooks and formal lectures.
After classes are completed, there are no formal lectures or exams
encouraging you to learn; instead, you must motivate yourself to
continue learning. Reading and searching through the literature
will become part of your daily routine. You will learn from both
your colleagues and visiting professors, and through group meet-
ings and informal discussions with lab mates. Many undergrads
take advantage of opportunities to attend local or national scien-
tific meetings to present their work, and these opportunities will
continue into graduate school.
The focus on research
Probably the biggest difference between undergraduate and grad-
uate school is that as a grad student, research becomes your main
priority. Most undergrads thinking about going to grad school
do participate in some type of undergraduate research, but not
with the same intensity as a graduate student. As an undergrad,
research is fitted into your schedule around classes, studying, and
other extracurricular activities— but as a grad student, everything
else is scheduled around your time in the lab. Early in your gradu-
ate career, you will begin working on your thesis project, and work-
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
ing on this project will be your primary focus
for the next few years of your academic life.
Research will often require late nights, early
mornings, and weekends in the lab. Extracurricular
activities and time with family and friends are often scheduled
around experiments. For some graduate students, this rigorous
lab schedule does not allow for as much flexibility or free time.
In fact, sometimes it will be necessary to give up time with family
and friends in order to focus on your work. Although it may seem
attractive as an undergrad to be able to only fcus all your time on
science instead of having to worry about other required classes
outside of your major, it is possible to become burned out if you do
not take a break to do something else every once in a while.
In college, there are times when school requires your complete
attention, such as when studying for finals, finishing a final proj-
ect, and so on. This is also true for graduate school. The few weeks
before a department presentation or a qualifying exam can be very
stressful, but these are the times when the studying and planning
skills you learned in college will come in handy. There may also
be occasions when more time is required in the lab, right when
you’re also trying to finish a paper or thesis, for example. Your
organizational skills learned in college will be very useful during
semesters in grad school when you have to juggle classes, teach-
ing, and research. So don’t throw out that college planner just yet!
There are also some other obvious differences between undergrad
and grad school. First, as a graduate student in the sciences, your
tuition and fees will be covered and you will receive a modest
teaching or research stipend to cover living expenses. So instead
of relying on family, scholarships, part-time jobs, or student loans
to finance your education, your educational expenses will now be
covered— and you may even have a little extra money.
Another difference is that instead of getting breaks from
school, such as spring break or summer break, you will have vaca-
tion time. Some schools or groups may even have a set number
of vacation days you may take per year. University breaks mean a
break from teaching, but that doesn’t mean that you get a break
from the lab. Lab work may even require working through long
weekends and holidays when your friends are off having fun.
It is important to know what is the most pressing priority dur-
ing each stage of your graduate career. Study and organizational
skills learned in college will be very helpful as you further your edu-
cation, but don’t expect graduate school to just be a continuation
of your undergrad experience. Graduate school is a huge commit-
ment, but it also provides many new and exciting opportunities to
learn and make a contribution to the scientific community.
Amy M. Hamlin is a graduate student at the University of
California, Berkeley studying synthetic organic chemistry. She
graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2009 with
a B.S. in chemistry.
Deciding to go or not to go?
The first step, of course, is deciding if graduate school will
further your career goals. This will depend on what you see
as your long-term career plans. If you think that academia is
in your future, then a Ph.D. is a must. If your career plans are
focused on entering the chemical industry, you might take a
job right after completing your B.A. or B.S., but an advanced
degree may become important for potential advancement. In
many industrial settings, only those with advanced degrees
will be considered for management tracks and other leader-
ship roles.
Let’s assume that, whatever your reasons may be, you do
want to go to graduate school. Now what? You probably have
many questions, and a limited amount of time to plan your
way forward. If so, here are a few answers and pointers to help
you through the process.
How to choose which schools to apply to
Once you have decided that graduate school is part of the
career path for you, the next step is to pick the schools to
which you want to apply. But how should you choose? At pres-
ent there are approximately 170 schools that offer advanced
degrees in chemistry. Depending on your situation, many
factors may influence where you consider attending school,
including family obligations or work constraints that place geo-
graphical restrictions on you (e.g., your company is paying for
you to attend a graduate program, etc.).
However, the single most important factor in deciding those
schools to which you should apply is the research focus (or
foci) of the faculty. For each school you consider, you need to
ask: “Are the faculty engaged in the type of research that I am
interested in doing?” If you are not sure what area of research
you want to pursue, then probably a bigger school is better for
you, since it will tend to offer a broader range of opportunities.
How do you find out what faculty at the schools are inves-
tigating? Go to graduate school fairs, carefully look through
departmental websites, and call or e-mail the department to
request information on their graduate programs and faculty.
It is good to do your homework at this stage, because once
you decide to go to graduate school, you (and the school) are
making an approximately five-year commitment. You want to
make sure you are going to the place that is best for you. By the
way, it also wouldn’t hurt to e-mail the specific faculty mem-
bers with whom you are interested in working. Most faculty
love to talk about their work with prospective students, so drop
them a note! Sending form e-mails to faculty, however, should
be avoided.
What should go into your applications?
Luckily, most applications for graduate schools are about the
same, so you will be able to recycle some of what you prepare
for every school. Pay attention to the deadlines… and APPLY
EARLY! Why? Many programs have additional fellowship funds
to award, depending on the program, and when you apply
early you have a better chance of being considered for these
fellowships. At the very least, apply on time. Graduate recruit-
ers and admissions committees may regard late applications as
a lack of commitment or organization on your part, and these
intangibles may make your application less competitive.
The Graduate
School Process
For many students, the prospect of going
to graduate school can be daunting.
Here I discuss some simple guidelines to
help you through the process of making
decisions about graduate school.
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
Be prepared to pay, as you will encounter fees
along the way. Each time you take the Graduate
Record Examination (GRE) costs around $140, for
example. On top of these costs, there may also be
application fees for the graduate programs you are considering,
meaning that applying to six or seven schools could cost you as
much as $600! If you can’t pay the fee, ask the program if the fee
can be waived or reduced. It never hurts to ask.
Almost all graduate school applications will
require transcripts from ALL schools you have
attended. That includes that the local community
college where you may have taken classes while
home for the summer. Make sure that you request all of the
transcripts in time to arrive by the application deadline (or ear-
lier), as applications may be considered incomplete without
them, and thus not get reviewed. In terms of grades, most grad-
uate programs require a B average or better (3.0/4.0) to gain
admission. Your application will be especially strengthened by
good grades in your upper division courses. In fact, many places
consider these grades more heavily than those in your first two
You will also need to submit scores from the GRE.
Check to see which exams are required by the
schools to which you are applying, and learn their
typical score requirements for admission. Not all
schools require the subject test, but some do. Plan accordingly to
have these exams completed in enough time for the scores to be
reported before the application deadline.
If you are applying for admission in the fall, you should really
target taking these exams by September of your senior year.
If you are applying for spring admission (i.e. January or Febru-
ary), then you will need to have your GREs done by May of the
year you graduate to receive your scores in time. Check with the
schools to which you are applying to see whether they will con-
sider applications for spring admission (some may not). If you
are an international student, you may also be required to submit
scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Again, you want to make sure that these scores are reported in
time for the application deadline.
Every school will require you to submit a personal
statement, in which you should succinctly describe
what you have done to prepare for graduate
school. You should take this part of the application
very seriously. Here are a few tips for success:
Articulate your personal goals. Explain to the admissions
committee why they should make you an offer to come to their
school. Describe your career goals and what area(s) of research
you wish to pursue. Take the time to outline the relevant course-
work you have taken to prepare for advanced studies.
Describe your undergraduate research. Many places will not
strongly consider applications from students with no research
experience, so if you have not been involved in research yet, do
so. This research can come in many forms, ranging from partici-
pating in research at your home institution, to going away for
the summer to participate in a Research Experiences for Under-
graduate (REU) program. The National Science Foundation main-
tains a list of schools with active REU programs on its website.
Also, many schools, companies, and national labs offer summer
programs that are internally supported, so check with them. No
matter how you get it, research experience is a must for getting
into a good graduate school. In your personal statement, you
should relate your overall experience to the committee.
Explain your extracurricular activities. In addition to research,
if you have been involved in clubs or other activities that have
allowed you to develop leadership skills (e.g., serving as secretary
of your local ACS Student Affiliates chapter, etc.), this is also use-
ful to describe to the committee.
Research the faculty. Take the time to tell the admissions
committee under which faculty members you are most inter-
ested in studying. This shows the committee that you have done
your homework and that you have thought about what you
want to do. As a rule of thumb, you should be sure there are at
least three faculty members whose research interests you, since
admission to a doctoral program does not guarantee you admis-
sion into a particular faculty member’s group.
Most programs will request at least three letters
of recommendation in support of your application.
These letters should come from faculty or employ-
ers who can speak to your experience in chemistry.
You should include letters from faculty who have taught you in
class or with whom you have done research. Make sure that you
ask for these letters at least a month in advance.
Take the time to sit down with any letter writers who don’t
know you well to discuss your career aspirations. Prior to your
meeting, give them a copy of your current résumé. If you don’t
have a résumé, learn how to create one now. As you begin to
enter the professional workforce, an up-to-date résumé is a
must, and many schools have services to help you prepare one
(see the sidebar about resources, below). This will help your
letter writers provide a more meaningful assessment of your
background and goals to the admissions committee. Also, don’t
hesitate to bug your letter writers and remind them of upcom-
ing deadlines.
If you are lucky enough to be admitted to more
than one program, then you face the tough task of
narrowing down your options to one program. How
do you decide?
The Graduate School Process continued
Check out these resources from ACS
Graduate Education in Chemistry— Informa-
tion about resources, planning for graduate work in
chemistry, and more! and click
on Graduate Education.
DGRweb— The ACS Directory of Graduate Research,
an online resource on faculty and their research pro-
grams in institutions throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Experiential Programs in Chemistry—
A one-stop source for information on summer research,
internship, and co-op opportunities.
Many programs will offer you the opportu-
nity to visit their school (and will pay for it)
either during a visitation weekend or set of
weekends. If you can’t make one of the sched-
uled dates, ask about individual visits. You should take
advantage of this, as it gives you the chance to see the
school and meet with faculty and students to determine if
you can see yourself in that program for the next five years.
This is not the time to geographically restrict yourself.
Graduate school can be an opportunity to live somewhere
different for a few years; and even if you don’t like a particu-
lar area that much, you will only need to be there for a finite
time. Ultimately, of course, just as with your decision about
where to apply, you need to ensure that there are faculty
members at the school with whom you would like to work.
By visiting, you will have the chance to meet with these fac-
ulty and their students to get the ‘real scoop’ on what it is
like to go to graduate school there.
When you visit, take a close look at the facili-
ties that the program offers. You want to make
sure that you will have access to the equip-
ment you need to conduct your research in a
timely fashion. For example, if you are going to be doing a
fair amount of synthesis, find out whether you will need to
send your samples out for NMR or X-ray diffraction or mass
spectrometry analysis, or will be able to have such proce-
dures done on site.
In terms of your long-term career goals, try to evaluate
how the program assists students in obtaining jobs once
they graduate. See if they offer career assistance such as
helping students prepare résumés, and whether companies
actively seek students from the program for employment.
Does the school have on-site interviews? Find out where
the graduates from the school have gone after graduation,
especially the students of the faculty with whom you are
interested in working.
How many and what types of courses will
you need to take? Since doctoral programs are
research-intensive, it is unlikely that you will
take many classes, but requirements vary from
school to school. Are there cumulative exams or oral exams
that you will need to pass? Many programs require students
to teach a minimum number of courses. What is that
requirement for the programs in which you are interested?
While requirements vary, you will find that much of the
overall workload is generally comparable, with probably the
largest variations coming in coursework. Talk with several
students at the school when you visit, and see how they feel
about their course/workload. Individual impressions of the
school can vary, so get a balanced opinion. If you hear the
same things from several people, then the information is
probably more reliable.
Most places will make you an offer that
includes a teaching and/or a research assis-
tantship. To fairly compare offers between
schools, you must determine what your take-
home pay will be, as well as what tuition and fees you will
need to pay. At many places these costs may be waived; at
others, tuition and fees are paid by the students, while the
schools pay the students a higher salary. Don’t be fooled by
hidden costs! What types of health benefits are available to
you as a student? What is the local cost of housing?
All this being said, don’t let the stipend be your sole guide
in choosing between schools. You are not going to graduate
school to make money immediately; rather, you are going
there to enhance your future career and overall earning
potential. Everyone in graduate school ‘lives on peanuts’
so ultimately, you need to be working with faculty whose
research interests match your own.
Once you have decided, sign your offer on the dotted
line and prepare to work hard. The next step is choosing a
research advisor, a process that is addressed in this issue’s
editorial by Marjorie Caserio. Earning an M.S. or Ph.D. is not
easy, but it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of
your early career. Revel in the challenge!
James Batteas is an associate professor of chemistry
and graduate recruitment coordinator at Texas A&M
University in College Station, TX.
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riting a personal statement can be the most
daunting part of preparing a graduate school
application. Your grades and GRE scores are
just numbers, but the personal statement
is, well, personal. The whole purpose of this
statement is to reveal something about you.
Your aim should be to reveal not only that you are well-pre-
pared for graduate school in general but also that you are par-
ticularly suited to the program for which you are applying. So,
while you can have a common essay framework that you use for
all your applications, you must tailor your applications for each
school. Because of the customization that’s required, prepar-
ing a good statement takes some research, which in turn takes
time. Begin working on your essays early in the fall semester of
your senior year so you can meet the graduate school applica-
tion deadlines without pulling all-nighters that interfere with
your grades.
Most graduate school programs ask for a statement that
describes your research experience and career goals in one to
two pages. In your essay, then, you need to talk a little bit about
your past and a little bit about your future. However, don’t
make the mistake of beginning your essay with a statement
along the lines of “I have been interested in chemistry ever since
I was a little kid” or “Being a chemist has always been a dream
of mine.” Such trite approaches don’t provide any useful infor-
mation to the reviewing committee, and believe me, they have
read it before. Include only extraordinary pre-college science
experiences. For instance, you should definitely write about par-
ticipation in the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad or the Intel
Science Talent Search. However, having a great high school AP
chemistry teacher isn’t all that unusual (thank goodness!) and
says more about the teacher than it does about you.
Describe your research experience
Discuss your research experience. Most admissions committees
want to see that you understand the nature of research. While
coursework can provide you with basic laboratory skills, it rarely
gives you a good idea about the (sometimes frustrating) pace of
research. No program wants to admit a student who is going to
quit the first time an experiment doesn’t work. For this reason,
undergraduate research is practically a prerequisite for gradu-
ate school. Fortunately, undergraduate research can take place
in several different settings, including at your home institution,
at a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), or
through an industrial internship. Some students are even lucky
enough to have experienced more than one of these options.
In any case, talk about the overarching goals of the project(s)
and what you specifically contributed. Point out uncommon
skills that you acquired through your research (e.g., software,
methods, instruments, or reactions that most undergraduates
wouldn’t have practiced).
Address how this experience influenced your desire to attend
graduate school. If appropriate, comment on any obstacles or
difficulties you surmounted to show that you have the perse-
verance necessary to succeed in graduate school. If you have
presented your research in a formal setting or expect to have it
published, provide the appropriate references. Publications and
presentations show the committee that you can communicate
Personal Statement Pointers
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
your science and that you can bring projects to completion.
If for some reason you haven’t had an undergraduate
research experience, you will have to convince the committee
that your other experiences have sufficiently prepared you for
graduate school. Possible approaches include writing about
any projects you may have completed within the context of an
instructional laboratory. Alternatively, you may be able to dis-
cuss what you learned from attending research seminars or con-
ferences. There really is no substitute for research experience, so
try your best to get some before you begin your application.
Discuss your career goals
Talk about your career goals. You may not have firm career
plans yet, but if you are already set on an academic or industrial
career, explain how you came to that decision. More impor-
tantly, you need to explain why you think this program will
prepare you best for that career path. Make sure your goals
align with the education the institution provides. For example,
if you are convinced that you want to become a professor at a
research-intensive university, it doesn’t make much sense to
apply to a school that sends all of their graduates to industrial
careers, or vice versa. Doing so will show the admissions com-
mittee that you haven’t done your homework— not a great
argument for admission to a research program! If you are uncer-
tain about your career goals and would like to keep your options
open, say so. Explain why you think this institution and their
curriculum will enable you to do so.
Tell the admissions committee what type of chemistry you’d
like to study. If you want to study, say, bioinorganic chemistry,
explain how that interest developed. Is it because you really
loved both inorganic and biochemistry courses, and see this field
as the perfect marriage of your interests? Is it because you’ve
done research or an internship in the area? Have you taken a
special course in the area? Show the committee that you have
given some serious thought to this question. However, don’t
be worried that you are painting yourself into a corner. Admis-
sions committees understand that your interests are evolving
and that, even as you apply for graduate school, you still have
a semester of your undergraduate curriculum left to explore.
Many students indicate one interest area (or more) in an appli-
cation but ultimately decide to pursue another specialty when
they begin graduate school the following fall.
Explain program fit
Once you have explained what you want to study, you need to
explain why you want to study it there. Obviously, this section
of your essay also requires customization. You are wasting the
admissions committee’s time (and your own) if your interest lies
in bioinorganic chemistry but you apply to an institution that
doesn’t have a single bioinorganic chemist on the faculty. Aim
to list two or three faculty members whom you’d like to work
for, and highlight the aspects of their research that appeal to
you. Don’t go overboard, though; you don’t need to rewrite their
research brochure. (The admissions committee should be quite
familiar with their own faculty members’ research interests!) Of
course, your research interests should support your career goals.
When your stated goal is to work in a pharmaceutical company,
the admissions committee will be puzzled if you express interest
in working for a gas-phase physical chemist.
Relevant extracurricular activities can be briefly mentioned,
especially if used to illustrate a specific point. For example, if
you completed an honors thesis as a varsity athlete, you know
something about time management! Teaching or tutoring expe-
rience may show the committee that you’ll be able to handle
the first-year teaching assignment. Leadership in the ACS stu-
dent chapter will show that you have an interest in chemistry
that extends outside the classroom or laboratory. Involvement
in other activities may show the committee that you are a well-
rounded person with interests outside of science.
Proofread, proofread, proofread
Once you have written your statement, you should proofread
it carefully. Essays with grammatical, spelling, or typographical
errors will reflect poorly on you. Statements that mistakenly
refer to schools other than the one to which you are applying
are especially embarrassing and may convince the committee
that you lack attention to detail. Particularly if you are not a
native English speaker, ask someone else to read your state-
ment. While confusing or muddled statements may not sink
your chances for admission, they certainly won’t improve them!
Your college or university writing center may be able to help you
improve your application essay.
Preparing a thoughtful personal statement can be a use-
ful exercise that helps you clarify your goals and narrow your
graduate school choices. Remember, the personal statement is
just one piece of the application puzzle. Once you are admitted,
you’ll have the chance to visit the campus so the faculty can
meet you in person. At that point, the admissions committee
has already decided that you are a good fit for their program,
and you will have the chance to decide whether you agree!
Holly C. Gaede is the undergraduate advisor and a senior
lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M
University in College Station, TX.
Once you have
explained what you
want to study,
you need to explain
why you want to
study it there.
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
Of course
I’ll write you
a recommendation.
You’re an awesome
Thanks, Prof.
That means a
lot to me.
Getting that
of Recommendation
here is more to getting a great letter of recommen-
dation than simply having good grades. If it were
just about grades, you wouldn’t need letters; your
GPA would speak for itself! Schools and programs
use letters of recommendation as a way to go
beyond your grades and learn about you as a student and a per-
son. They want to hear about your strengths and weaknesses to
help them decide if you would be a good fit for their program.
When I write a letter of recommendation, I try to include
as much information about a student as I can. Since letters of
recommendation are meant to provide evidence that you will
succeed in your desired program or job, the more examples
about you that I can provide, the better your letter will be. It is
not how much a professor likes you, but rather how well he or
she knows you that makes the difference between an okay and
a great letter.
A great letter of recommendation will highlight all the ways
a student is a perfect fit for a program. It can also put into con-
text any weaknesses that might appear in a transcript; if you
struggled in a particular class or semester, a recommender can
use this place to explain (with your permission) what happened
or how that experience helped you grow into a better student. A
letter of recommendation should leave the reader feeling as if he
or she really knows the student. It can often be the deciding fac-
tor in determining acceptance to a program. So how can you get
one of those great letters of recommendation?
Ask someone who knows you well
I cannot say it often enough: letters of recommendation are
about more than how you scored on exams. Don’t just ask fac-
ulty from your highest-scoring classes to write your letter. Ask
someone who knows you and can really speak to your strengths
and potential.
Be prepared and organized
When you ask for a letter of recommendation, make an appoint-
ment with your professor, and expect to spend a little time
talking with him or her. Bring with you a list of your potential
schools or programs. Good letters of recommendation include
discussions as to why the student is applying for the specific job
or program, so expect that your recommender will want to know
why you have chosen the places you have. Be sure to prepare
a list of important information, including deadlines and how
the letter needs to be delivered. For example, is it a system that
requires your recommender to send in the letter by e-mail, or
do you need a paper copy to include in your materials? Does the
recommender need
to send the letter
directly to the school
or program? Some
recommenders like
reading admission
essays before writing
their letters, since it is
another way to get
to know you better. It
would be a great idea
to have your essay at
least started before
your meeting.
Start early
Hopefully you are
starting to see that
there is more to get-
ting a good letter of
than simply picking
a person and send-
ing them an e-mail.
Start early — in fact,
as early as you can! Approaching your professor a month or two
(or more!) ahead of the deadline may seem too early to you, but
it really isn’t. If I have decided to write a letter for you, it means
I believe in you and your potential to succeed in your desired
program. I want to take the time needed to write the best letter
I can, full of examples of your strengths and how well you would
succeed. I might even want to have a follow-up meeting with
you to ask for the details that I need to make a strong case for
your acceptance to the program. Most professors can, if pressed,
produce a letter in a much shorter time frame… but why rush
them for something so important to you?
Be a good student
Don’t skim past this paragraph! I know that this seems, well,
obvious… but hear me out! When I say that you should be a
good student, I mean more than simply aiming to earn good
grades (which are, of course, very helpful). A good student is
also interested in learning material that is above and beyond
what is needed for the exam, and is also an active learner who
demonstrates his or her interest in learning. Do you volunteer to
answer questions? Do you ask questions beyond the “will this be
Of course
I’ll write you
a recommendation.
You’re an awesome
Thanks, Prof.
That means a
lot to me.
on the test” variety?
Do you ever visit dur-
ing your professor’s
office hours? Are you
interested in how the
classroom material
could be applied to
real-life examples,
and do you some-
times discuss these
points with your pro-
fessor? These interac-
tions provide fantastic
evidence, beyond just
your GPA, that your
recommender can use
to prove that you are
a good student.
Be involved
The more experience
you have in your cho-
sen field, the better
the argument I can
make that you’ll be
successful in that field. It’s just common sense! Tutoring, being
part of your ACS student chapter, doing research, attending talks
on campus… there are lots of ways to be part of your departmen-
tal community. If you are involved with professional activities
outside of campus (such as shadowing chemistry professionals,
doctors, or pharmacists), be ready to talk about these experi-
ences with your letter writer. The more evidence about your suit-
ability for the program or position, the better!
You might notice that many of the things that will help get
you a good letter of recommendation are activities that will also
tend to make you a better student and future chemist (or doc-
tor or pharmacist). Absolutely correct! If you start early thinking
about how to get that great letter of recommendation, chances
are very good that you’ll become the type of student who gets
those great letters.
Michelle Boucher is an associate professor of chemistry at
Utica College. Between her roles as organic chemistry
instructor and co-advisor of the Utica College ACS student
chapter, she writes a great number of letters of recommen-
dation each year.
From So-So to Great: Letters in Action
A so-so letter of recommendation will try to be helpful but have
very few examples or details, and usually will be very short. There
are some standard phrases that show that the recommender is
trying to be positive but has to stretch a few facts or impressions
into a full letter. For this first letter, Millie Mole is a student who
came to class and did reasonably well on her exams, but never
asked or answered questions in lecture or lab, and had no other
interactions with the professor or the department.
“She seemed to be prepared for class and appeared to enjoy
the subject matter.”
“Millie works well with her partner in the laboratory section of
the class, and I believe that she would function well in a team
“From everything I know about your program, it seems likely
that it would be a good fit for Millie.”
“I have no reservations in recommending Millie Mole to your
A great recommendation letter offers a number of specific exam-
ples to support the points the recommender is trying to make.
When backed with details, the recommender can be a real advo-
cate for the student and make a strong argument about why the
student deserves to be considered for the program. For this sec-
ond letter, Millie Mole is a student who was active in class, spent
some time talking with her professor about her future plans, and
was also involved in the department.
“Millie Mole did very well in my class and was always
completely prepared to engage the day’s material; she came
ready to ask questions amd reference the readings, and was
quick to respond when I asked a question of the class. Millie
worked hard outside of class and often attended my office
hours to ask for clarification of a lecture point or get help on a
particularly tough homework problem.”
“Millie is a cheerful and helpful presence in the department,
as well as being a natural leader. For example, Millie took the
lead and organized an outreach event for the ACS student
chapter. She dealt with the challenges of organizing a trip to a
local second-grade class, including…”
“Millie is also an effective tutor for the department, and twice
a week she helps the general chemistry lecture students work
through homework problems and teaches them with cheerful
patience. Her experience with these students will transfer well
into a graduate teaching assistantship position, and I know
she will do well as a graduate student instructor.”
“After performing research in our department for the past
year, she understands the joys and challenges of laboratory
work. Millie has been very successful in the laboratory and has
learned a number of skills working on her project, including…”
“Millie has spent a great deal of time considering her post-
graduate plans, and is certain that she wants to attend your
graduate school. From all our conversations about your
program, I know that it would be a great fit for Millie since…”
“I am delighted to recommend Millie Mole to your school, and
I am certain that she will be a credit to your program.”
the Most
of Graduate
School Visit
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
hen you receive graduate
school acceptance letters, you’ll
likely feel relieved that your
future as a graduate student is
secure. But now comes the big
decision: Which graduate school will be the best
fit for you?
Many factors go into deciding which school
to attend, including specific research interests,
location, and the size of the department. While
at first glance it may seem overwhelming to
gather this information about each school that
has accepted you, all of this information is read-
ily available online through ACS’s DGRweb 2009
at www.acs/dgrweb This searchable database
provides comprehensive information on chemical
research and researchers at universities in North
America. Take the time to check this resource.
Being well prepared for a visit weekend can help
make the visit much more productive.
Many Ph.D. programs will pay for part or all
of your travel expenses and hotel for the week-
end— but remember, these road trips are not a
vacation. Rather, the purpose of visit weekends is
for a student already accepted into a program to
gather information about the institution and the
department before deciding whether or not to
accept the offer. It is a unique opportunity for you
to interview the professors and current graduate
The right frame of mind
On a weekend visit, you don’t need to worry about
getting rejected. You’re no longer the one being
judged; rather, it is the chemistry department’s
turn to impress you. Remember too, you are not
competing with the other visiting students.
Instead, you are now the interviewer, and tak-
ing on this role requires doing the proper research.
Before you leave for the visit weekend, you should
be prepared with the questions you want to ask
and the information you want to gather about
the department. Most departments post infor-
mation online, such as the requirements for
the different degrees and statistics about the
program. Do your best to learn about the
specific program before the visit weekend;
this will better prepare you to ask ques-
tions. Be sure to do some research into the
groups that interest you, read a few of the
recent publications, and explore the various groups’ websites to
get a feel for the different research opportunities available. This is
also a good time to decide which factors— such as prestige, loca-
tion, research interest, and facilities,— are the most important to
you when choosing which school you want to attend.
What to expect
Every graduate school’s visit weekend is a little different, but in
general the events are pretty casual. I would not recommend
wearing your lab T-shirt full of holes, but you do not need to break
out your fancy suit either; a nice pair of pants and shirt will be
fine. Most visit weekends will include a presentation about the
department, which will include information such as the require-
ments for the program and other general information about the
department. You will also have time to meet with the professors
and current graduate students to hear about their research and
ask questions about their group. Some programs may
also include facility tours, a social event, or a city tour as
part of the visit weekend schedule.
Getting to know the professors
One of the most important aspects of the visit weekend
is meeting with the professors. It is very important that
you choose a graduate school and a research group
that will allow you to pursue your research interests.
During the weekend you will have the oppor-
tunity to meet with several of the professors
either individually or in a small group. The pro-
fessors will probably ask about your research
interests and past research experiences, and
will possibly ask what you are looking for in
a research group. Based on this information,
Keep Your Eyes And Ears Open:
Be Observant and Ask the Right Questions
our interests may match those of a graduate program
group on paper… but you will not know if the group will
be a good fit for you until you actually meet the professors
and some of the current graduate students. Make sure you
feel comfortable and that you get a positive “vibe” from
the experience. Be observant of your surroundings and the
interactions among professors, staff, and students.
Look around the laboratory and take note of the range
of experiences and backgrounds among the students and
professors. Look in the professors’ offices and note if there
are personal items or family photos. While you are visiting,
do people stop into the offices? Are the offices close to
the labs? Go into the labs with the professors and observe
the interactions between the professors and the graduate
When you meet with professors or graduate students, be
sure to ask questions.
Do graduate students work together on projects or does each
person have his or her own project? Describe the culture of
the chemistry department.
What are the typical hours and days that the members of the
groups work?
What is the average time it takes for graduate students to
complete their degrees?
How much time per week do professors spend in the lab with
graduate students?
How often do graduate advisors have meetings with
graduate students?
What are the funding sources for the laboratory? Are
graduate students responsible for seeking funding?
What are the laboratory protocols?
How many graduate students and postdocs are typically in
each research group?
What equipment is available to graduate students?
If I have an issue on a research project, what steps would I
take to resolve it?
How are conflicts resolved?
What is the publication process for the lab? Who are the
authors, co-authors, etc.?
What types of professional development opportunities are
provided to graduate students, including conference and
meeting attendance, career training, and job placement
How is personal leave or emergency leave handled? Are there
flexible work arrangements?
Would you please describe your current research projects?
How do you maintain diversity in the laboratory? Describe
the work environment of your laboratory.
This list is not exhaustive; don’t be afraid to ask any question
that may come to mind. Listen to the questions others ask; they
may come up with great questions you may not have thought of
and make observations of things you have not noticed.
Making the Most of Graduate School Visit Weekends continued
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they will discuss with you the projects in the group that may
be of the most interest to you, and why you should consider
attending that school.
From the mouths of graduate students
Even though the meetings with the professors are very impor-
tant, the current graduate students will probably provide you
with the most valuable information. While professors are only
going to share with you positive aspects of the department
and their group, the graduate students will not hide anything.
If there are weaknesses in the program, graduate students will
not hesitate to share these with you if you ask. Graduate stu-
dents will be honest about the things they like about the pro-
gram and their group, and the things they are unhappy with.
Talk to as many graduate students as you can. They are filled
with information about what it is really like to work in a spe-
cific group and how well-equipped the facilities actually are.
Location, location, location
Another very important aspect to look into during the visit
weekend is the community in which the school is located.
Some schools will offer tours of the local area or of typical
graduate student housing. The location of the school is more
important for some prospective students than for others.
Remember: you will be living here for the next several years
and will become part of the community; it is important that
you can feel at home.
Look at the cost of living in the area and ask current gradu-
ate students what they can reasonably afford with the stipend
to determine if you can afford the lifestyle you desire during
graduate school. Maybe being close to family is important to
you, or maybe you want to be close to a skiing area, or in a big
city; these are all things you should consider when looking at
the location of the school. I recommend spending some time
during the weekend to explore the area around the school
on your own.
Digesting the experience
Visit weekends may feel overwhelming, but it is important
that you gather as much information as you can about each
school you visit. Even visit weekends that go poorly can teach
you a lot about what you want in a graduate school. After the
visit weekend is over, keep in touch with professors and gradu-
ate students you met at the schools that still interest you. They
will be happy to answer any further questions you may have in
making your decision.
Try to enjoy the visit weekend and relax a little bit— but
do your best to make a good first impression; one conversa-
tion during the weekend may greatly influence your decision.
During the visit weekend process, keep an open mind about
each school you visit. If you make up your mind about a school
before you visit, you may miss out on a great opportunity.
Amy M. Hamlin is a graduate student at the University of
California Berkeley studying synthetic organic chemistry.
She graduated from the Univer sity of Detroit Mercy in
2009 with a B.S. in chemistry.
Featuring questions and answers with
guest columnist Melissa Bowman,
Coordinator of Academic Programs for
Polymer Science at the University of
Akron (UA), OH. One of her main respon-
sibilities is recruitment and admissions
for the M.S. and Ph.D. programs. If you have a question
to ask a graduate school recruiter, please e-mail it to
: How important is the GPA to the graduate school
Bowman: Admissions committees typically place a lot of
weight on the GPA, especially in math and science courses. The
average GPA of students admitted into UA M.S. and Ph.D. pro-
grams in polymer science is 3.50. Every part of each student’s
application is examined closely by the admissions committee, so
there is no single element that would make or break a student’s
admission. Even though they are ranked by GPA, all applicants in
the 3.0 or higher GPA range are evaluated on an individual basis.
: Do any other factors compensate for low GRE scores,
or will high GRE scores compensate for low grades?
Bowman: Many admissions committees view GRE scores as
good indicators of success. Successful research experience can
sometimes compensate for lower GRE scores. UA’s average GRE
scores range from 1000 to 1200, verbal plus quantitative. With
international applications, we find that each country typically has
trends of certain scores, and the admissions committee keeps this
in mind when evaluating these applications.
: If an applicant has had academic obstacles as an
undergraduate, are admissions officers understanding
of this, or do they focus on the GPA trend?
Bowman: Ph.D. programs typically have a very tough first-
year interdisciplinary curriculum, and the rest of the program is
research-intensive. Admissions committees often feel the best
predictors of students’ success are grades and test scores in sci-
ence and math. Both help predict whether students are able to
take on difficult subject matter and succeed. The admissions com-
mittee may be willing to take into consideration one or two subpar
semesters, but not a pattern of such performance.
: How important is being published? Do you expect
undergraduates to have first authorship on research
papers when they apply to graduate school?
Bowman: Publications certainly catch the eye of our admissions
committee members, but first authorship is not a necessity. Some
prior research experience, however, is usually a must.
: Do undergraduates need to include recommendation
letters from their research advisors?
Bowman: If a student has had a research experience, admis-
sions committees typically expect to see a letter speaking about
what they did, how they did it, and their outcomes. Letters of rec-
ommendation should come from professors who have first-hand
knowledge about how the student handles a scientific question
and answer. Our admissions committee members look closely at
the wording in recommendation letters and often will contact a
recommender if they have questions.
: What do admissions committees look for in a
recommendation letter?
Bowman: Graduate school admissions committees look for
students who are hardworking, innovative, and creative problem
solvers who also have a passion for research. They want to see
how students attacked problems, what avenues they used to solve
problems, and the outcomes. They look for students who can work
independently, yet contribute to a group as well. Recommendation
letters should be based mostly on students’ performance in the
classroom and laboratory, so students should work hard in both. If
students have the passion for scientific research it will show, and
their professors can write about it.
: Should applicants e-mail faculty at the institution to
which they’re applying during the application process?
Bowman: We encourage prospective students to initiate con-
versation with graduate faculty about research topics and ask
questions about their research. The best way to initiate contact is
by e-mail.
: What is the expected ‘netiquette’ when contacting
graduate professors?
Bowman: Send an e-mail introducing yourself and explain why
you are contacting them. Let them know what kinds of projects
you are working on and if there is any connection to something
they are doing. Any questions about the application process, on
the other hand, should be directed to the admissions office.
…about Applying
to Graduate School
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
here it is. it’s sitting in your mailbox. You glance
and see that it’s a thick envelope from the well-
respected, top-notch chemistry graduate school that
just happens to be your first choice. Your friends
make you open it, and after a suspenseful moment
you exclaim, “I’m in!”
You’ve just experienced your first graduate school high. Of
course, there could just as easily be a letter that politely thanks
you for your application, mentions that it was an especially tal-
ented class of undergraduates that applied this year, and wishes
you the best with your other applications. Unfortunately, this is
the start of the “ups and downs” of graduate school.
Even the best students will experience high and low points in
their graduate careers. Here are some of the major pitfalls that
you might encounter, and how to avoid them in most cases.
Choosing the wrong advisor
Four or five years of working for the wrong person will
wreak havoc on your mental condition. Advisors come
with all sorts of managerial styles, most of them
learned from their own Ph.D. and postdoc-
toral advisors. Try not to pick a Ph.D. advi-
sor solely on reputation, number of
publications, group size, or by the
advisor’s research description in
a catalog. Soon after arriving on
campus, interview the advisors
and get a feel for their person-
alities. Narrow your focus
to two or three potential
candidates, and then spend a
considerable amount of time
talking to their graduate stu-
dents and postdocs.
Get a feel for their mana-
gerial style by asking ques-
tions like, “How often is this
person in the lab?,” “How
often are group meetings?,”
and “How much of the day-
to-day tasks and training
are handled by the postdocs
and senior members of the
group?” If you are the type of
person who needs creative
space, don’t join the group of a micromanager or an advisor who
sets strict work hours. Conversely, if you feel like you need guid-
ance and direction and will need an advisor who is continually
challenging you with new ideas and checking up on you through-
out the week, then go with someone who will keep you focused.
Picking a not-yet-tenured faculty member is one way to ensure
that you will get plenty of personal attention and will be chal-
lenged to produce results quickly and often. A personality mis-
match with your advisor is a pitfall to avoid from the start.
Navigating the Ups and Downs
of Graduate School
Eight Common Pitfalls… and How to Avoid Them
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
Having too many advisors
Another situation to avoid is having too many advisors. It’s not
uncommon to work for two research groups at the same time
on a collaborative project. These collaborations expose stu-
dents to different types of experiments, give increased access
to instrumentation and other equipment and personnel, and
also give students two potentially strong recommendation
letters instead of one. However, in some cases, neither advisor
keeps track of “shared” students, and over time the students
might fall off the map. If you choose to work with two Ph.D.
advisors, be intentional about maintaining a strong relation-
ship with both of them.
Spending too much time in the lab
Graduate school will be the best time of your life to focus solely
on chemical research. Take advantage of the time that you have
to learn new lab skills and enjoy the thrills of frontline research.
However, even though you may be tempted, don’t spend every
waking hour in the lab, especially if you are in a more competi-
tive research group. Working too hard will cause a quick burnout,
especially if your research is not producing results commen-
surate with your effort. It is not a pretty sight when graduate
students burn out. They become irritable when small things go
wrong or when they perceive that other group members are not
working as hard. They sometimes become discouraged and start
to work strange hours to avoid other people. Schedule some
leisure time in your day that will get your mind off of chemistry.
Join some friends for a regular walk or workout and encourage
each other. It’s a great idea to take at least one of the days of the
weekend off to recharge your energy level.
Spending too little time in the lab
Avoid being the group workaholic, but also avoid being the
slacker who spends the least amount of time in the lab. Put
yourself on a schedule, even if you are producing steady results.
One unfortunate aspect of working for busy advisors is that they
don’t spend much time in the lab. If you are never there when
they happen to be walking through the lab, then it is easy to fall
through the cracks and out of favor with your advisor.
Letting results dictate your outlook
Every graduate student goes through both productive and slow
times in the lab. The nature of chemical research dictates that
there will be reactions that do not work, computations that need
to be redone, and instruments that need to be fixed. Most gradu-
ate students will tell you that interesting results typically come
in small bursts when several components of the research come
together all at once. It’s important to maintain some emotional
distance from the process. Celebrate when things go well, but
don’t let your research success be the only source of joy in your
life. When the results are lagging, keep in mind that a temporary
stall in one area of research might yield unexpected results in the
future. Think of every unexpected side product or instrumental
glitch as another paragraph in your thesis.
Navigating the Ups and Downs continued
Painting yourself into a corner
Consider adopting the strategy of working on two separate
lines of research at the same time. For instance, if your main
research problem is the synthesis of a protein inhibitor, do
some computational work on the side modeling the active
site-inhibitor complex. If your synthetic work hits a snag, at
least you will have some computational results to fall back on.
If your computations become frustrating, then maybe you can
make a breakthrough with an interesting synthetic interme-
diate. In this way, you can avoid putting all of your research
“eggs in one basket.”
Living an unhealthy lifestyle
Hopefully, you will look back on graduate school as the most
productive time of your life. For some chemists, graduate
school was also the time when they picked up some of their
worst habits. Binge drinking or drug use is not a good response
to failed research efforts. Drinking may help you forget your
research troubles for a night, but they will still be there the
next day. Stimulants may help you work all day and night on
Monday but will cause you to crash on Tuesday. Keep a healthy
and responsible attitude toward stress relief, and surround
yourself with friends who do the same. Take time to exercise
and to otherwise take care of yourself.
Being afraid to say “no”
One of the hardest lessons to be learned is how to say,
“No.” There is nothing wrong with politely declining to be a
graduate student council representative, teaching a course
as an adjunct, reorganizing your group’s chemical inventory,
redesigning the group webpage, or running the summer
softball league if you need to focus on your lab work. None
of these activities is inherently bad, but they will all detract
from your primary mission in graduate school, which is to
contribute a body of original scientific work to the field of
chemistry. You may be tempted to pad your résumé with
all sorts of extracurricular activities, but remember that no
item will carry more weight than a strong recommendation
from your Ph.D. advisor.
Remember, too, that you are not alone— so do not isolate
yourself. Build a network. Great places to start are joining the
ACS Graduate Students Facebook group or a LinkedIn group.
As you progress through graduate school, keep an open
mind. Don’t become too discouraged when the going gets
tough, and keep yourself open to suggestions on better ways
to carry out your research. Try not to get too high or too low
when the results roll in or dry up. Avoid the common pitfalls…
and your graduate school experience will be as enjoyable as it
is productive.
Burt Hollandsworth graduated from The Ohio State
University in 2004 with a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry. He
is on the faculty of Harding University in Searcy, AR, and
is a member of the ACS Younger Chemists Committee.
Most graduate students
will tell you that interesting
results typically come in
small bursts when several
components of the research
come together all at once.
Mastering Graduate
School Acrobatics
Balancing Research and
Coursework with Relationships,
Hobbies, and other Interests
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
hile in China recently, I saw the
Shanghai Acrobatics Troupe per-
form. One of the acts was a group
of women spinning plates. It was
surprisingly beautiful. They held up
to eight long, thin poles— four in each hand— each
topped with a whirling plate. With the tiniest flicks of
the wrist, they kept all eight discs spinning, all eight
poles gracefully splayed, dancing all the while. At the
end, lest you thought it was all a trick, they dropped the
plates, then the poles, and everything came crashing to
the ground.
Graduate school can be like that. Keeping even
two plates aloft and spinning (your coursework and
research) is hard enough! Anything else— includ-
ing relationships, hobbies, and other interests
seems like an impossibility. If you catch a
glimpse of someone doing it well, you can’t
help but wonder if their plates are
somehow attached to the poles. It
may be tempting to dig in and
focus solely on
coursework and
research; after all,
that’s what you’re there
for. But most successful
graduate students recom-
mend striving for a little more
variety than that.
Chemists with whom I spoke
encourage students to spend time
building relationships, both inside and
outside of the university, to prioritize
healthy activities such as exercise or sports
when possible, and to remain flexible and
open with advisors for when (not if!) sur-
prises pop up.
“One regret I have heard from others and
that I also feel is that many people put their
life on hold while in graduate school. In my
own case, I purposely waited until I had an
exit date before I even considered marriage
and the possibility of a family. Now I wish
I’d started sooner, or at least while in gradu-
ate school,” says one chemist.
Of course, relationships can be tricky.
While another chemist notes that many mar-
ried graduate students seemed more stable
and secure than their single colleagues, the
stresses of graduate school can undoubtedly
strain relationships. Not every nonstudent
partner will understand the demands of
graduate school, but many will. “I really need
to give credit to my husband,” says Meghan
Knapp, who had been married for two years
when she started graduate school. “I really
made sure he was on board with my return-
ing to school, so it was a family decision…
He really helped me to stay sane!”
Several chemists urge students to carefully interview advisors
and labs before making decisions. “Interview potential advisors
over and over again, and talk to people in the group,” advises
Daniel Lutterman. “There are lots of good projects, but you
want to be sure that you are a good fit for the lab environment.”
Christopher Pollock, a second-year graduate student at Cornell
University, agrees. “From my experience, your choice in advisors is
critical to how flexible you can be in grad school.” Deciding early
on that you are committed to a balanced life while in graduate
school means that you will be more likely to choose an advisor
and a lab environment that will be supportive of that.
Another chemist suggests that students make time to build
relationships with more than one professor in the department.
“Get to know at least two other professors in the department
really well. You always need three letters of reference later on
anyway,” he says.
inChemistry spoke with three chemists about some of their
challenges balancing life and graduate school, and solicited their
MEGHAN KNAPP, who earned her Ph.D. in
chemistry in 2006, started graduate school after
teaching high school for three years. By the time
she started graduate school, she’d been married
for two years and owned a home. She had her
first daughter the summer between her second
and third year, and her mother was diagnosed
with breast cancer several months earlier. Two
and a half years later, her second daughter was born— right before
her dissertation defense.
iC: What were some things you did well in balancing graduate school
with the rest of your life? Any recommendations?
MK: I wanted to stay plugged in with the other grad students,
especially since I wasn’t going to be on campus as much. We invited
them over to our house a few times, and I made sure to stay involved
socially with the other grad students as well. This really helped to cre-
ate a support network on campus. I found other “nontraditional” grad
students, as well as others who were considering getting married.
One of the key things is to select an advisor willing to work
with you. I interviewed several advisors and mostly discussed their
research, but I also tried to get a sense of the expectations of hours
spent on campus and flexibility. Some types of research are going
to demand that you be on campus at odd hours. Fortunately, I was
able to find research I loved that I could do mostly during the day.
Of course, that meant I couldn’t wait until 10 to come in; I had to be
there early if I wanted to go home early.
I tried to keep realistic expectations about what I could do and
to be very upfront with my advisor. Communication is really key.
When we had to change daycare centers on short notice, I knew that
would affect my work schedule. Even though my advisor wasn’t over
my shoulder every moment of the day, I didn’t want to miss work
without letting him know why. I also let my advisor know right away
about my mother’s condition. That way, when I needed to go out
of town for her surgery, I was able to take care of things smoothly
rather than dumping it all on him at once.
In response to requests from several graduate students, the
department worked on a policy to handle pregnancy and maternity
leave. I tried to arrange things on my own for my first pregnancy, but
it would have been much better if the policy were already in place.
Finding an ally with some authority can really help make changes.
While some may be more sensitive to your needs, professors who
haven’t gained tenure may be reluctant to make waves.
Christopher Pollock in the lab and taking some time out
to enjoy a whitewater rafting adventure with friends.
Mastering Graduate School Acrobatics continued
Several chemists mention intramural sports and exer-
cise as key parts of their life in graduate school. For other
students, maintaining a favorite hobby— photography
or music, for example— was a priority. Students who are
involved in regular exercise, sports, or other activities have
a natural release valve for stress and build a supportive
network of friendships outside of the lab. “It is important to
take care of yourself,” says Knapp.“That means getting exer-
cise or doing something relaxing to help relieve the stress.”
Of course, there is a limit to the number of plates even the
most accomplished acrobat can spin. Some semesters, two
plates will be plenty, and you’ll pat yourself on the back for
keeping just those two aloft. Other semesters, you’ll be willing
to pick up two or three more. The key is knowing when two is
enough and, when you have space for more, always being as
graceful as possible in the transition.
For the acrobats, the applause doesn’t come until the end
of the performance, when the dancers drop their plates and
poles and the audience lets out its collective breath and cheers.
In grad school, don’t forget that there is an end. You will drop
those plates with a soul-satisfying crash… and then walk off
the stage, hopefully to thunderous applause.
As you consider what is worth your time and energy,
remember that graduate school is only temporary. Don’t
neglect lifelong pursuits— be they relationships or hobbies
because of this fleeting performance. While spinning extra
plates may take a bit more concentration, you will be glad at
the end that you put forth the effort to do so.
Allison Proffitt is a writer and editor based in Singapore
and covers science all over the world. When she’s not
writing, she’s traveling as much as she can.
Before ANDY KIDWELL graduated with an
M.S. degree in chemistry in 2002, he had
decided early on that completely immersing
himself in graduate school wasn’t going to
work. He also made sports a priority, playing
on recreational and intramural basketball,
softball, and football teams. When his advisor
accepted a position at another university, he
chose to move with him and, in the process, gained some valuable
insider experience in moving and setting up a lab.
iC: How did you balance graduate school with your other interests?
Can you share any lessons you learned?
AK: To me, it was very important to have friends to socialize with
from inside my department and school. It was equally important
to nurture friendships outside of school, for many reasons; I spent
a lot of time building those relationships, many of which are still
active today.
iC: Looking back, what do you wish you’d done differently? What
advice would you offer?
AK: Moving during your graduate studies is an extra burden. If,
during your career, you need to set up a lab, having such an expe-
rience can help you know what really needs to be done when so
you can maximize your time. However, moving will cost you valu-
able research time. At some point, you have to just pack as well
as possible and let the movers do their job. On the arrival end, the
goal should always be to unpack and get back up as fast as pos-
sible. Don’t let it cost you too much time.
DANIEL LUTTERMAN received his Ph.D. in
chemistry in 2007. He got married the sum-
mer before graduate school, and his children
were born while he was in school. Having
played baseball in college, sports were a pri-
ority outlet for him as well.
iC: How did you succeed at balancing graduate school with the rest
of your life?
DL: Put some time into trying to relax. I see a lot of graduate stu-
dents who work from dusk ‘til dawn. The results come a lot easier
when you learn not to stress so much!
iC: Looking back, what do you wish you’d done differently?
DL: I wish our families had been closer to Ohio State. We were
both separated from our families and, since we had our children
in graduate school, it would have been a lot easier if we had not
been living so far apart.
ot so long ago, I was a graduate student slogging
away in the laboratory, with no light at the end of
the tunnel. The project that I had been working on
for the past two years was a high-profile project that
aimed to open up a whole new field for my labora-
tory. It was the type of project that seems to draw young idealistic
graduate students in droves: exciting, risky… and going nowhere.
A big problem was that my project was outside of the core
expertise and focus of my lab, with the end result being that I
wasn’t able to benefit from the guidance of the more senior grad-
uate students and postdocs.
Fortunately, midway through my third year in graduate school,
a postdoc in my lab proposed that I work on a small side project
that would answer some questions that had resulted from his
work. At first glance, my new project did not seem to be terribly
exciting, but by this point I just wanted to get my hands on pub-
lishable data. The thought of standing in front of an almost com-
pletely data-free poster at yet another conference, talking about
experiments that I planned to do (once I got the project working)
was more than I could bear. Since I had little to lose except my
time, I decided to give it a try.
With my new side project, I was working in an area that fell
within the core competencies of my lab for the first time in my
graduate career. Additionally, the postdoc who had proposed my
side project was an advocate with a vested interest in my success.
I received excellent technical advice from those around me and
began churning out data in no time. As it turned out, the results
that I generated were exactly the opposite of what we had antici-
pated, and my side project quickly became my main project. My
research led to a controversial hypothesis that eventually became
the cornerstone of my thesis and the springboard to several first-
author papers in respected journals.
Fortunately, my story had a happy ending, and I was able to
graduate in just under five years, despite the fact that not one
single experiment from my first two-and-a-half years of research
ended up in my thesis. But we have all heard horror stories of the
seven- or eight-year dissertation and, while you can never com-
pletely control for this scenario, you can take precautions to avoid
having it happen to you.
Take care in selecting a lab
For starters, it is crucial that upon entering graduate school you
select the right lab. Do your research! Find out how many gradu-
ate students your potential advisor has trained. Where are they
now? How long did it take them to get their Ph.D.s? Give them
a call and find out first-hand what they thought of the lab. Of
course, if you are considering training with a new professor, you
can’t rely on their past record, but you can inquire about their
expectations of a graduate student working in their lab. If a
potential advisor expects a minimum commitment of six years
in order to complete your graduate studies, you should at least
know that up front.
Evaluate potential projects
Once you are in the lab, you should choose your main project
carefully. Ideally, this would involve hours of discussion with your
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
Research Projects:
A Matter of the Right Chemistry
advisor and other members of your lab, during which your tech-
nical skills and scientific aspirations are considered and carefully
matched with potential projects.
In reality, the scenario may fall somewhere between your
advisor telling you exactly what project to work on, or your advi-
sor taking off for a few weeks to go on the conference
circuit while you figure it out yourself.
Either way, if you have any choice in the matter, I would
advise against selecting a risky project, particularly one that is of
interest to no one in your lab except you and your advisor. It is
great to be independent as a postdoc, but your job in grad school
is to graduate!
The most efficient way to gain new technical skills and
develop into an independent researcher is to learn from the
more experienced members of your lab. By having a project that
is synergistic with the overall research focus of the lab, you are
setting yourself up for success.
Take on side projects
A wise researcher once told me, “You should always be doing 10
things at once— one of them will work!” While I don’t advise
overextending yourself, I do think it is a good idea for most
graduate students to have a side project or two. In fact, if you
have decided not to heed my warning regarding risky main proj-
ects, having a safe side project is even more crucial. In addition
to providing a backup plan should your main project fizzle, a side
project can allow you to pick up additional skills and techniques
that you might not have encountered otherwise.
I would recommend that your side project be one that is
almost guaranteed to produce publishable results; try to pick
the “low hanging fruit” of your lab. Often, a great opportunity
for a side project is created by an exiting graduate student or
postdoc. If possible, spend a few days chatting with them before
they leave. Buy them coffee, take them out to lunch. You might
be amazed at the new directions that they had in mind for their
project that they will not be able to follow up on. An alternative
source for side project leads is to read the dissertations of some
of the recently minted Ph.D.s from your lab.
An additional benefit of a side project is that it will also allow
you to retreat from your main project during periods of frustra-
tion. When you feel like setting your lab notebooks on fire, you
can take a break and work on your side project for a few days (or
weeks). Sometimes this can allow you the distance to frame the
problem in a new way, resulting in a better approach when you
return to it.
Make lemonade out of lemons
Finally, what should you do if you find yourself stuck with a
project that is turning out to be a lemon? I would advise sitting
down with an experienced and objective researcher and going
over your progress to date. If they can’t advise you on a new
approach, perhaps they can help you to identify portions of your
data that could be turned into a small publication. It may not be
the splashy paper that you had envisioned, but even a modest
publication can help you to gain the closure you need in order to
move on.
Sometimes you just need to cut your losses. After a point, you
do not learn anything more from beating your head against the
wall over and over again with a failing project. Time spent on a
project that is later abandoned is not wasted. Those years spent
laboring at the bench while nothing worked? You were learning
how to do research and gaining the skills that would allow you
to take advantage of the opportunity when you finally had a
project worthy of your devotion.
Kelly Boatright Sexton obtained her Ph.D. from the
University of California, San Diego. She completed
postdoctoral training at Stanford University in 2005 and
is currently a Senior Licensing Associate in the Office of
Technology Transfer at North Carolina State University.
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
he first few weeks of graduate school can often be over-whelming;
between adjusting to living in a new area, taking several graduate
courses, and researching possible Ph.D. advisors, you will probably feel
like you are being pulled in too many directions at once. Along with
these responsibilities, many first-year graduate students are expected
to serve as teaching assistants (TAs) for a laboratory course or discussion section.
This responsibility is often one of the top worries for an incoming graduate stu-
dent. But even though teaching can be stressful, it can also be one of the most
rewarding experiences of your first year.
Surviving the first day
You may feel nervous about your first day of teaching. With intimidating eyes
staring back at you and students expecting you to share your knowledge with
them, you may be asking yourself such questions as, “Am I qualified to teach
other students?,” “Will the students take me seriously and listen to what I say?,”
“Will I be able to answer the students’ questions sufficiently?,” or “Can I take
command of a classroom or laboratory when needed?”
Yes, it may feel strange to be the one standing in front of the room teaching
a course that you took only a year or two ago. But remember, you are teaching
a subject that you love and excelled at as an undergraduate. Share some of that
enthusiasm with your students! If you take your teaching responsibility seriously,
your students will take you seriously. Having a sense of responsibility and being
prepared for each class will help you to gain your students’ trust and respect and
will give you authority in the classroom.
The students have confidence that you know what you are teaching, so have
confidence in yourself. You do not have to know everything. If you do not know
the answer to a question, be honest with the students and admit that you do not
know. Have the students help you as you work through the problem, or look up
the answer after class and return to the question at the beginning of the next
class. The students will probably learn more this way than if you just immedi-
ately spit out the answer to them.
Learn your students’ names; it will help you to gain their respect and also help
you feel more comfortable in front of them. Be sure to prepare the material for
each class beforehand; the more prepared you are, the more comfortable you
will feel in the classroom. Brainstorm possible sticking points in your presenta-
tion or techniques that students might find difficult during experiments, and be
prepared to respond to these situations.
Seek help
Remember that you are not alone as you embark on your first semester of teach-
ing as a graduate student. There are many resources available to you as a new
TA, including on-campus teaching resource centers and professors or instructors
in the department— but one of your greatest resources will be your peers.
Older graduate students were once in your shoes, teaching the same course
as you. They can be full of useful advice about how to handle situations you
may encounter, such as a rowdy classroom or a cheating student. They can also
The Teaching Assistant’s
Guide to Success
help you figure out how to balance your time among your many
responsibilities. You might even be able to get an embarrassing
teaching story or two out of them.
Your first-year classmates can also be a great resource to
turn to as you develop your teaching skills. Just as you studied in
groups to understand the material you learned in undergradu-
ate courses, you can team up with your graduate school class-
mates as you learn how to teach. Find the other graduate stu-
dents teaching the same course as you. Discuss with them that
week’s material and how best to present it to the students. After
each week, sit down together and discuss what went well and
what you could do to improve. If your section meets later in the
day or week, it is also very helpful to ask someone who has just
taught the class about what problems (if any) they encountered.
Solicit feedback
Consider sitting in on other TAs’ sections to observe their teach-
ing styles. Everyone explains concepts in a slightly different way,
and by observing different ways of presenting the same mate-
rial you will be able to improve your own skills. They might even
have a trick or two that you can use to help your class run more
smoothly. It may also prove helpful to ask one or two of your fel-
low TAs to sit in on your class while you are teaching and have
them suggest improvements that you could make.
Your students can also be a great resource. After a few
classes, survey your students to ask them what they like and
what topics they are still confused about. The students are there
to learn, so they will be honest with you about what worked for
them and what did not. Each group of students is unique, so it
is important to adapt your teaching style to what best fits your
students. Be sure to use a variety of teaching styles so as not to
favor one type of student.
Begin preparing now
There are also several things you can do as an undergraduate to
prepare to teach. The first is to pay attention to the teaching style
of your professors during your courses. Notice how they keep
the students’ attention and how they respond to questions. You
can also gain some teaching experience by working as a tutor for
other undergraduates. Some colleges will even let undergradu-
ates be TAs alongside a graduate student or professor.
Strive to be your best
No one is a perfect teacher the first time they step up to the
board. It is a skill that is continuously developed over years and
years of practice. To be a great teacher, you must be able to
evaluate yourself and adapt to what works for your group of
One technique that really helped me was to keep a teach-
ing journal. At the end of every class, I wrote down what went
well and what I could improve upon. This helped me to evaluate
what techniques worked for me and what areas of teaching I
needed to work on. I would use my notes as I prepared for the
next class to improve upon the weaker points. Throughout the
semester, I was writing down more and more things that went
well and less about what I needed to fix for my next class. Using
this technique, I saw a great improvement in my confidence as
the semester progressed.
After the first few classes, you will feel more comfortable in
front of your students and you will start to realize how reward-
ing teaching can be. It is very encouraging to help students
understand concepts they previously struggled with and to
watch students gain an interest and appreciation for the subject
that you love. You will also gain confidence in your ability to
share your knowledge with others— a quality that will help you
greatly throughout your graduate school career. Remember to
enjoy teaching: it is a great learning experience, and it can also
be a lot of fun.
Amy M. Hamlin is a first-year graduate student at the
University of California, Berkeley, studying synthetic organic
chemistry. She received her B.S. from the University of
Detroit Mercy, where she was involved with the ACS student
Your first-year classmates can also be a great resource
to turn to as you develop your teaching skills.
Laying the Groundwork Getting In You’re In — Now What?
f you decide to pursue graduate studies in the chemical sci-
ences, you will find that more is expected of you than when
you were an undergraduate. Greater personal responsibility
is just one example— first, relating to your studies and your
research work, and later, with regard to your status as a freshly
minted master’s or Ph.D. chemist.
You’ll also find differences between the types of ACS offer-
ings and programs available to you as a graduate student com-
pared with those programs offered by the ACS Undergraduate
Programs Office. To help you successfully adjust to this transi-
tion, this article will introduce you to the offerings of the ACS
Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Office (GPSO) and give you
a few tips on how best to access and make use of the many
programs and resources ACS offers to the graduate and postdoc-
toral scholars (GPS) community.
Access online resources now
The GPS community webpage,, should be the
first place you go as an aspiring graduate student. You’ll find
relevant and useful information on how to plan for and find the
right graduate school, links to grants and fellowships, informa-
tion for international students coming to the United States
from abroad to study, and access to the many programs and
resources ACS offers to the GPS community.
The ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist is e-mailed
monthly to ACS graduate student members and subscribers.
Subscribe to this free publication and take the time to read
the Bulletin articles on careers and various opportunities and
resources targeted to graduate students and postdocs. The
information will help you gain a broader perspective on the
chemical world around you. The magazine also lists funding and
volunteer opportunities, science news, and meeting announce-
ments. (See current and past issues, and subscribe to receive the
magazine at
Connect with other graduate students
The ACS Graduate Students page on Facebook will help you con-
nect with other chemistry graduate students. This page provides
an excellent forum for networking with other chemists at similar
points in their careers, and also for keeping in touch with GPSO
staff. You’ll get regular updates on topics and programs that are
timely and relevant, receive invitations to special events at ACS
national meetings, and become eligible for thank-you gifts by
participating in our surveys. To access the ACS Graduate Students
page, go to and search for “ACS Graduate
tion to
Graduate School
How the ACS Graduate
and Postdoctoral Scholars
Office Can Help You
Ask Your Graduate Chemistry
Department to Host a Workshop!
elp spread the word! The Preparing for Life after Graduate
School workshop provides invaluable information on the
job search and recruitment process, and GPSO wants to partner
with your graduate chemistry department and/or graduate school
to bring this resource to graduate students and postdocs. For
more information, contact Corrie Kuniyoshi at [email protected] or
at (800) 227-5558, ext. 6864.
Connect with ACS, and
students like you, for excellent
networking opportunities
A Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Reception is held at
every ACS national meeting, usually from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on
Monday, just before the popular poster session Sci-Mix. This
reception generally attracts more than 700 graduate students
and postdocs, who enjoy and evening of complimentary refresh-
ments, opportunities to network with ACS technical division rep-
resentatives, and a chance to win an iPad.
Plan your career
Depending on your particular situation as a graduate student, the
responsibility for career preparation may fall largely or entirely
on your shoulders. The two-day Preparing for Life after Graduate
School workshop ( is organized by
ACS GPSO with the support of a host chemistry department, and
provides senior graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with
information, tools, and strategies on making career choices, obtain-
ing positions, and other challenging tasks. This unique workshop
will enable you to:
Examine careers suitable for Ph.D. chemists
Get to know the critical non-technical skills that employers
look for in candidates
Find employment opportunities
Prepare for academic positions
Learn to put this knowledge into practice.
Joe Z. Sostaric is manager of the GPSO at
ACS. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry in
1999 at the University of Melbourne,
Australia, and has worked in scientific
research, consulting, and graduate education.
Corrie Y. Kuniyoshi is a senior education
associate in the GPSO at ACS and editor of ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral
Chemistry. She obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of
California, Los Angeles in 2005.
Get Involved!
CS is committed to building a strong chemistry graduate
student community through GPSO and other programs and
activities. However, because the decisions you make as a gradu-
ate student may have long-ranging implications later in your
career, the responsibility falls mostly on you.
Given this fact, you cannot afford to wait for opportunities
to come knocking on your door. Start planning for your success
early! Become involved with groups within ACS, such as the
Younger Chemists Committee, your local section, and technical
divisions. Seek out mentors, network with your fellow students
and other chemists at ACS national meetings and, most of all,
make sure you know how to go about starting a successful career.
The period in your life where you must take a proactive role to be
successful begins now. ACS has the programs and resources you’ll
need as a graduate student— but we will need to hear from you
and your fellow students and postdoctoral colleagues in order to
deliver many of these services to you.
Be sure to stay in touch with us and the GPS community so
that your needs can be met. Indeed, whether you’re an under-
graduate student considering graduate school, or you’ve already
taken that step, join the ACS Graduate Students page on Face-
book today and leave a post on the wall to let us know that
you’ve arrived! We’ll be glad to welcome you!
If you have any questions about the programs and resources
available through the ACS GPSO, or would like to share any
comments or concerns, do not hesitate to connect with us at
[email protected]. We look forward to serving you!
Graduate Students and Recent
B.S. Recipients Receive Discounts
on ACS Dues!
person who is a full-time graduate student, majoring in a
chemical science or related academic discipline, is entitled to
a discount of one-half of the membership dues. Special student
subscription prices for most journals are available.
In addition, if you are graduating with a bachelor’s degree in a
chemical science, you may apply for membership within one year
from the date of graduation to receive an extra discount of one-
half of the membership dues.
The ACS GPSO provides opportunities for graduate students to connect with one another. One of the most popular events is the Graduate and
Postdoctoral Scholars Reception, which is held at every ACS national meeting.
American Chemical Society
Undergraduate Programs Office
1155 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(800) 227-5558, ext. 4480