Exam Writing Guide: Cambridge C1 Advanced
Writing Guide
for the
Cambridge C1
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Table of contents
Section 1. Writing Exam Structure 3
1. 1. Two-part exam 3
1. 2. Writing: 4-step process 3
1. 3. Time management 6
1.4. Register 6
1.5. Grading 9
Section 2. Writing Exam Part 1 10
2.1. Essay 10
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2 15
3.1. Types of texts 15
3.2. Formal letter/email 15
3.3. Informal letter 21
3.4. Proposal 25
3.5. Report 30
3.6. Review 35
References 40
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 1. Writing Exam Structure
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Section 1. Writing Exam Structure
1. 1. Two-part exam
Part 1 Essay
Part 2 Choose one:
Formal letter/email e.g. writing a job application or
Informal letter/email e.g. writing to a cousin.
Proposal e.g. suggesting a solution to a problem.
e.g. summarising information and making a
recommendation to your boss.
Review e.g. giving your opinion of a book in a blog.
1. 2. Writing: 4-step process
Writing well has four fundamental steps:
Step 1. Identify key words
Identify… Helps with… Essential for high grade in
…whom are you writing Correct register Communicative achievement
…what you are writing Correct style Communicative achievement
…what ideas you must include Relevant Content Content
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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Step 2. Organise
Organisation is 25% of the grade in the writing paper. A plan is essential to organise
the content into paragraphs that transmit your ideas clearly.
Here are three methods that are useful in planning proposals, reports, reviews, etc.
1. Brainstorming related ideas:
2. Organising ideas e.g. contrasting positive versus negative aspects of different
Positive aspects Negative aspects
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
3. Listing paragraphs:
Introduction: Background of topic & introduce ideas 1 & 2.
Develop idea 1.
Develop idea 2.
Conclusion: Evaluation of idea 1 & 2.
Idea 1
Idea 2Idea 3
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Step 3. Write
Write the recommended number of words (220-260): You will NOT be directly
penalised for writing more, or less, than the recommended word limit. However, it
may negatively affect your grade in other areas:
Writing that is too long:
Content. You have included content that is irrelevant.
Language. You have run out of time and are unable to check your work and
correct mistakes.
Writing that is too short:
Content. You will lose points if you have not included all the points and
developed your ideas sufficiently.
Step 4. Check
Stop writing and check your work: It is essential to check, check
and check again to maximise your grade in language.
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1. 3. Time management
As can be seen below, writing takes up only 60 % of the time.
Writing Paper exam 90 minutes (2 tasks)
Two writing tasks to complete: 45 minutes per task
1. Reading question and identify content: 2 minutes
2. Organising ideas: 6 minutes
3. Writing: 27 minutes
4. Checking: 10 minutes
TIP When practising, limit your time to that of the exam.
1.4. Register
Formal or informal?
Using the correct style (register) is critical to scoring high in Communicative
To determine the style, you first need to decide:
To whom you are writing.
What your purpose is.
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Section 1. Writing Exam Structure
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Formal or informal linking words and discourse markers?
Formal and informal discourse markers should NOT be mixed in the same piece of
Semi-formal/neutral markers can sometimes be adapted to a more, or less, formal
style, if appropriate to context.
Do not over-use, as this can seem artificial.
Adding more
Summarising Referencing
First and
Moreover, In contrast, Therefore, Regarding…,
Initially Furthermore, However, Accordingly,
With reference
Further Additionally, Nonetheless, Consequently,
With regard
Subsequently In addition, Nevertheless, Thus, In relation to…,
Formal letter/email
Letter/email to a friend
Very formal
Semi formal/neutral
Very informal
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Section 1. Writing Exam Structure
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Adding more
Summarising Referencing
Initially Likewise, Although, Therefore, Generally,
Subsequently, In addition, Even though, Accordingly, In general,
Further Additionally, Whereas, Overall,
In most/many
Lastly, Similarly, Besides…, As a result, In relation to…,
Adding more
Summarising Referencing
After…, Also, But…, Anyway/Anyhow Since…,
Then, As well as…, Or Because, So,
Next, Just as…, Though, At any rate, Well…,
Avoid firstly/secondly/thirdly; on the one hand/on the other hand.
Common positioning and punctuation of discourse markers
Discourse marker at beginning of sentence. Follow with a comma:
Formal: Further to your letter, I would like to add… (adverbial phrase).
Informal: Well, you know that pub I went to for my birthday…
Discourse marker in middle of sentence. Precede and follow with comma:
Formal: I would like to add, however, that I strongly disagree.
Informal: I really don’t agree, and, at any rate, what does it matter?
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Section 1. Writing Exam Structure
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1.5. Grading
A maximum of five points are awarded for each area:
Language (25%. 05 points): Organisation (25% 0-5 points):
Use complex clauses and a varied range
of structures.
Accurate language.
Be ambitious.
Paragraphing makes sense.
Ideas in a clear and logical order.
Good use of linking devices for
continuity and contrast of ideas.
Easy to read.
Communicative Achievement
(25%. 0-5 points):
Content (25% 0-5 points):
Appropriate register and tone.
Interesting writing.
Complex ideas expressed clearly.
All the points are covered and
All content is relevant.
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 2
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 1
2.1. Essay
Part 1: Compulsory question
There will only be one question with a short text.
You must write an essay.
Reasons for writing
Write an essay based on points included in the text.
Give reasons for your opinion.
NOTE: It is essential to show your ability to select, defend and evaluate ideas.
Write in third person throughout, using an objective style.
Exception: thesis statement (e.g. Here, I will argue that…) and conclusion (e.g. I
would argue that…) may briefly use the first person.
Use the passive voice where appropriate: it is argued that…. Not: *I believe…
An essay is made up of defined parts that provide cohesion to the writing.
Each part plays a role in providing structure to the argument. See table below.
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 2
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Paragraph 1
Background: Introduce topic.
Thesis statement: This essay will discuss [Idea 1 and idea 2].
Paragraph 2
Paragraph leader: Express idea 1 in one sentence.
Paragraph body: Develop idea 1.
Paragraph 3
Paragraph leader: Express idea 2 in one sentence.
Paragraph body: Develop idea 2.
Paragraph 4
Summary: Evaluate ideas 1 and 2.
Future suggestion, comment. Closing comment or question
Step 1. Identify key words
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 2
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Step 2. Organise
Paragraph Function What to say
Paragraph 1
Background Funding important for schools.
Thesis statement:
Mention idea 1 &
2, and which is
more important,
This essay will
discuss /Here I will
Playground (developing friendships).
Library (learn to enjoy reading).
Both important in education, though
sometimes forgotten.
Idea 1 Children learn through play.
Paragraph 2
Justify idea 1
Shade to avoid sunburn in summer.
Freedom to express themselves.
Make friends.
Relax in between classes.
Paragraph 3
Idea 2 Books-fundamental for learning.
Paragraph 3
Justify idea 2
Explore new ideas.
Discover passion for reading.
Paragraph 4
State which idea of
the two is more
Justify selection.
Both time spent in the playground and library
are necessary for child’s full development.
Developing the playground.
Learn life skills through play
Future suggestions Maybe library in future?
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 2
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rather than
repeating words
in the questions,
followed by
structure to
the text.
Start with
leaders clearly
state the main
idea of the
-ing form of
verbs can act
like nouns.
Formal writing
often contains
more nouns.
Step 3. Write
The decision on how to best allocate school funds can greatly affect
the functioning of each educational centre. Here, I will argue that
while traditional schools may mainly focus on formal learning,
both the playground and the library are pivotal in education, and
indeed, to a child’s full development.
Schools should include facilities such as playgrounds. Recent
learning theories support multiple intelligences, such as Inter- and
intrapersonal skills. These are fundamental life skills which children
learn through play. Moreover, if we invest in a sunshade as
suggested in the meeting, we protect young children from sunburn
and heatstroke. In a country such as Spain with such high summer
temperatures, playing for prolonged periods of time in the sun can
be dangerous.
Books are a fundamental learning tool for discovering and
exploring new ideas. Providing a well-
stocked library offers the
opportunity for children to discover a passion for reading. Clearly,
children can only develop this pa
ssion if we provide ample
opportunities and repeated exposure to books. We could also
provide a weekly story telling activity for younger children who
cannot yet read.
Therefore, I would argue that both the playground and the library
are among the most important facilities a school can provide, and
both critically require funding in our school. However, due to the
current state of disrepair, a well-developed playground is arguably
the most urgent. If additional funding becomes available in the
future, this could be invested in improving the library.
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Section 2. Writing Exam Part 2
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Step 4. Check
Practice! Read the following questions and write an essay in 45 minutes.
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an
appropriate style. You have 45 minutes.
1. Your local sports club has received a donation. You have attended a meeting to
discuss how the money should best be spent. You have made the notes below:
How should the donation be spent?
exercise machines
more classes
additional staff
Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
“The machines are always busy.”
“I can never join a class as I’m working at that
“There aren’t enough monitors to help members.”
Write an essay discussing two of the possible ways to spend the donation from your
notes. You should explain which improvement is more important for the club
members, giving reasons in support of your answer.
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Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
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Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
3.1. Types of texts
Choose one from a selection of three. The possible models are:
Formal or informal letter/email (e.g. writing a job application or writing to a
Proposal (e.g. suggesting a solution to a problem).
Report (e.g. summarising information and making a recommendation to your
boss). Review (e.g. give your opinion of a book or film in a blog).
3.2. Formal letter/email
Reason for writing
To reassure someone, justify a course of action, or correct a misunderstanding. For
Letter or email of application (for a job).
Letter or email of complaint.
A letter of application (for a job etc.) is one of the most formal of all writing styles,
with very strict conventions in its opening and closing sentences.
An email of application will still follow a formal style but may use less strict
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Write in the first person where appropriate.
Use paragraphs to structure your writing and give coherence to your ideas:
Opening Dear
Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic/ state reason for writing.
Paragraph 2
Develop the topic.
Give description and details.
Paragraph 3 Further discussion if necessary.
Paragraph 4
Discuss the desired result of the letter.
Suggestions, recommendations, closing comments.
Sign off Yours sincerely, faithfully (depending on title used).
Starting and ending the letter
Useful language
Opening sentences (letter of application)
I am writing to apply for the post / position of ... as advertised in (newspaper/ date)...
I am writing in reference to your advertisement, from the (newspaper/ date)...
Dear Sir/Madam,
If you don’t know the name
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr X, Yours sincerely,
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Opening sentences (letter of complaint)
I am writing with regard to the article entitled (when/where) to express my concern
about /disapproval of (reason for writing)
I am writing in reference to the article entitled (when/where) to express my
disappointment with/dissatisfaction with (reason for writing)…
Body (letter of application)
I am sure that I would be successful in this post as I
I am particularly interested in completing (the course) as…
Body (letter of complaint)
Firstly, / To begin with, / I would like to state that/ I would like to point out that
In fact, / furthermore, / moreover, / in addition, / finally,
According to (your article),
Your (article) states that ... However,
Closing sentences of a letter of application
I very much hope you will (desired result)
I would appreciate it/be grateful if you would (desired result)
I look forward to receiving/seeing (desired result)
Desired result a letter of complaint
I trust you will (desired result)
It seems only fair that you should (desired action)
Considering the above, (I feel I am entitled to a full refund and a formal apology)
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Step 1. Identify key words
Step 2. Organise
Who to? Newspaper editor.
Register? Very Formal. No name. Dear Sir/Madam.
Paragraph 1 Disagree with opinion about young people.
Paragraph 2 Article was wholly negative. Should have included positive points.
Paragraph 3
Describe good points- not just mobile phones also: sport, music.
Good with technology.
Paragraph 4 Not badly behaved. Example: volunteer work.
Paragraph 4 Recommendation-publish another article with more balanced view.
Sign off Yours faithfully.
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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Correctly follows
formal letter
when opening
the letter
Step 3. Write
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in reference to the article entitled “The young
problem” which appeared in the latest edition of your magazine to
express my dissatisfaction with the image presented of young
people today.
Firstly, I consider that the article presents a wholly negative view
of today’s young people. In my experience, there are many positive
points that could have been made in the article.
We all know that young people have been born in a technological
society surrounded by smart phones, however they are also
engaged in far more extracurricular activities, such as sport, music,
and language activities. Their command of technology will create
more opportunities to find a good job.
Furthermore, it is not true that all young people are badly-
behaved. Many young people show respect for others in different
situations and they are involved in voluntary work when they finish
their degrees. Additionally, in many schools they can participate
with less fortunate people who are sick in hospitals.
In my opinion, a good education when they are children will solve
these problems and they will be well-behaved and use technology
I am a dedicated reader of your magazine and I would be grateful
if you would consider publishing an article taking into account this
alternative point of view in the future editions of your magazine.
Yours faithfully.
follows formal
letter writing
to sign off
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Step 4. Check
Starting the paragraph in a formal letter can be the trickiest part.
Learn 1 or 2 opening sentences to help you.
Practice! Write a formal email/letter in 45 minutes.
You recently bought tickets for a tour of a historic site while on holiday. You feel that the tour
was unsatisfactory as the driver was late picking you up from the hotel. As a result, you had
less time to spend at the site before returning. You have decided to write a letter to the tour
company, stating your dissatisfaction and suggesting a possible solution.
Write your letter.
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3.3. Informal letter
Reason for writing
Email/letter to family member or friend.
Ask for a favour/ a request for help.
A relaxed style with a very light tone.
Mimic your style of speaking.
Use exclamation marks and informal punctuation.
Keep it fun/light-hearted if appropriate.
Write in the first person.
Use paragraphs to structure your writing and give coherence to your ideas:
Paragraph 1 Greeting. Setting up response for paragraph 2.
Paragraph 2 Idea 1 of required content + justification.
Paragraph 3 Idea 2 of required content + justification.
Paragraph 4 Closing sentences. Signing off.
Useful language
Hi there!
Regards (email-neutral)
From (letter-neutral)
Love (family & best friends)
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Step 1. Identify key words
Step 2. Organise
Topic Weekend trip to my town.
Who to? Friend.
Register? Very informal.
Where to go? Castle. Pub.
When to go? Early or late. Book a table if evening.
Spectacular views.
Avoid crowds.
Good food. Cheap.
Very busy.
Great to hear from you!
Hey! How are you?
Write back as soon as you can.
Can’t wait to hear what happens!
Write soon!
Opening paragraph
Closing paragraph
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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contractions in
informal texts
Ommission of
I’m upon starting
sentence is very
chatty informal
Step 3. Write
Hi there!
Great about your job! I’m so pleased for you! I know you were really
worried about starting at the office. Really excited that you are
coming here! I can’t wait
haven’t seen you in ages. Are you
coming with your colleagues or alone? If you are coming alone, you
can stay at my place. Let me know if you need picking up from the
Places to go? Well, there’s no missing the castle up on the hill. It’s a
nightmare to walk all the way up there, but it will worth it! The views
are spectacular! And the castle is really well-maintained. Looks like
one of those Disney castles! Best avoid the crowds as it gets really
packed, so I’d go either first thing or last thing in the evening.
Where else? Well, you know that pub I went for my birthday? I sent
you a selfie of me outside. It was built in the 1600s so it’s a really
attractive place. They’ve got fabulous food, and it’s pretty good
value not pricey at all. I’d definitely phone up and book though, if
you go in the evening. It’s impossible to get a table otherwise. Not
quite so busy at lunchtime, so maybe better then.
I think they might be turning on the Christmas lights that week, so
if you are lucky you’ll get to see the display over the harbour that
can be amazing at night. But you know how cold it gets over here in
December make sure you wrap up! You’ll freeze, if not!
Can’t wait to see you!
Lots of love,
informal style
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Step 4. Check
Do NOT use formal language and discourse markers to show off
your knowledge. Keep a chatty informal style throughout.
Practice! Read the following question and write an informal email/letter
in 45 minutes.
You have received an email from an English friend:
… Don’t worry! Of course I’ll look after your sister while you’re away. Especially as you say
she is really looking forward to staying with me!
As she is going to be here over the weekend, let me know what she enjoys doing. And tell me
about what she likes to eat! I’ll go shopping before she gets here, and I’ll buy her favourite
Enjoy your trip!
Write your email in reply. You do not need to include the email address.
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3.4. Proposal
Reason for writing
Suggest a solution to a problem.
Written for your manager, a professional group or a school administrator.
Support your suggestion with factual information and be persuasive.
Semi- formal or neutral language.
Use headings/bullet points to aid organisation for easy reference.
Make sure you answer the who/what, why and how of the problem.
Use paragraphs to structure your writing and give coherence to your ideas:
Paragraph 1
Introduction. General background
Paragraph 2
Reason for problem.
Paragraph 3
Recommendation/suggestion to solve problem.
Paragraph 4
Further details of recommendation/suggestion.
Paragraph 5
Concluding comments.
Useful language
Use a very simple title (Proposal for __________)
The first section should describe the problem and the possible solutions.
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Make your recommendation.
Presenting and contrasting arguments
The main argument in favour / against is
First of all, I should like to consider…
The first point I would like to consider/to be considered is…
To make the problem clear, I would like to present some examples of
Apart from that
Even though / In spite of…
What is more…
What matters most in this case is…
There is no doubt that…
Because of / As a result of
On account of…
Owing to / Due to / Therefore
To sum up, it could be said that…
On this basis, I can conclude that
Having proved this, I would like to…
In conclusion, I would like to stress that…
Given this, it can be concluded that…
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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Step 1. Identify key words
Step 2. Organise
Who to? School committee.
Register? Semi-formal.
Paragraph 1 Propose playing music club. Everyone can do it.
Paragraph 2
Beginning. Publish on school website. People register
with instrument.
Paragraph 3 What and how. I can volunteer. Low cost. Enjoy music.
Paragraph 4 Where and when. Meeting room. Twice month.
Paragraph 5 Why? Conclusion. Music is special art.
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allow easy
Step 3. Write
Playing an instrument is another way of communication and, overall, it
is an art which everybody could be interested in. There is a belief about
how difficult it is, but it is not true. Many people who work here can plan
an instrument: guitar, violin, piano, flute, percussion… and even a
We can start by publishing a notice on the website with an e-mail
address and by asking people which instrument they play and which
kind of music they like. As soon as we have this clear, we could make
the groups.
The idea is that pupils can meet, get to know other people, and enjoy
making music. The best thing is that as I love music, I could voluntarily
conduct the groups or the orchestra by myself, and as people have their
own instruments, the cost of this club would be quite low.
Another advantage is the fact that we could perform at local and school
events. It will make people closer, and it will be good publicity for our
establishment, too.
I think the best place for our rehearsals is the meeting room on the
second floor, where we could play on Friday afternoon after work
without disturbing anybody. We could take turns and play once or twice
a month, depending on each band’s preferences.
Music is a special art that makes us better people, and we have the
option to develop this activity under our roof, so I can assure you that
choosing this club would be a good decision.
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Step 4. Check
Clear headings can substitute discourse markers at the beginning
of the paragraph.
Practice! Read the following question and write a proposal
in 45
There are plans to develop an old and badly maintained park in the town where you live. You
feel that the park should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council
explaining why you think the park should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to
modernize it and saying how the park could benefit local people.
Write your proposal.
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3.5. Report
Reason for writing
Evaluate your experience.
Summarise information.
Make a recommendation based on your evaluation.
Written for your manager, a professional group, or a school administrator.
Semi- formal or neutral language.
Concise and well organised.
Use headings/bullet points to aid organisation for easy reference.
Use paragraphs to structure your writing and give coherence to your ideas:
Paragraph 1
Introduction. General background
Paragraph 2
Positive aspects of point 1.
Paragraph 3
Negative aspects of point 1.
Paragraph 4
Positive aspects of point 2.
Paragraph 5
Negative aspects of point 2.
Paragraph 6
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Useful language
Presenting and contrasting arguments:
The main argument in favour/ against is…
First, I should like to consider…
The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is…
To make the problem clear, I would like to present some examples of …
Apart from that
In spite of…
On the other hand…
What is more…
What matters most in this case is…
There is no doubt that…
As a result of / On account of /Owing to /Due to
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
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Step 1. Identify key words
Step 2. Organise
Who to? Company manager.
Register? Semi-formal.
Paragraph 1
Introduce topic. Evaluate catering facilities. Company
staff. Problems: no food. Insufficient quality.
Paragraph 2
Problem 1: Failure to provide food due to error-
caterers thought bank holiday.
Paragraph 3
Solution 1. Talk to company. Only close national
Paragraph 4
Problem 2: insufficient quantity due to extra personnel
on training.
Paragraph 5
Solution 2: company dept. must provide caterers with
dates for training.
Paragraph 6 Conclusion. Not necessary to change catering firm.
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Each problem
has a heading
for easy
allows easy
summary and
Step 3. Write
To: Company Manager
From: Marcos García
Subject: Evaluation and recommendation regarding the staff catering
facilities in Avila office
The aim of this report is to evaluate the staff catering facilities provided
at the local office in Avila. The services are currently provided by an
external company and are used by almost 100% of the personnel on a
daily basis. Recently, two problems have been
detected: failure to
provide any food on one day, and insufficient quantity on another two
Failure to provide food
When contacted, the firm provided the following explanation: due to an
error, the catering company had assumed that our premises would be
closed on local public holidays, and had therefore not provided any
catering. We have since explained that, as a nationwide company, we
do not close on local public holidays, only national bank holidays. We
have been assured that this error will not reoccur.
Insufficient quantity
Following two training periods where extra personnel from other offices
had eaten at the Avila office, 12 people were not provided with food in
the staff canteen. As a result, the company had to contact a take-away
food service. Upon investigation, the catering company had not been
informed beforehand of the training sessions, and had therefore not
been able to provide sufficient portions. The company department
responsible for this had been advised that they must inform the catering
company of any training sessions to avoid this happening again.
Accordingly, I believe these episodes were isolated incidents and have
been resolved satisfactorily. I do not believe it necessary to change the
catering firm.
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Step 4. Check
Providing a subject at the beginning of the report helps you to
clarify argument.
Practice! Read the following question and write an informal email/letter
in 45 minutes.
You have been asked to write a report for your company manager about the quality of the
staff sports facilities provided at your head office. In your report you should discuss how
frequently the facilities are used, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for the
company and staff, and suggest improvements.
Write your report.
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
3.6. Review
Reason for writing
Review a book, article, film, holiday etc.
Describe and give your opinion.
Written for a magazine, newspaper, or blog.
Use semi- informal language.
Use first person where appropriate (I think, I believe…).
Use headings/bullet points to aid organisation, if preferred.
Make it enjoyable and interesting to read.
Use exciting language to capture the reader’s interest.
Use rhetorical questions.
Use paragraphs to structure your writing and give coherence to your ideas:
Overview of book/film/holiday/restaurant etc.
Greater detail on a book/film/holiday/restaurant etc.
Evaluate and make recommendation.
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Useful language
Expressing opinions
In my opinion
Personally, I believe that…
I agree/disagree with…
I am in favour of…
I am against the idea of…
In my view
If you ask me…
I believe that…
I sympathize with…
It seems to me that…
Rhetorical questions
Have you ever…?
Are you one of those people who think that…?
What would life be like if…?
What do you think about…?
Are you one of those people who…?
1. Identify
2. Organise
3. Write
4. Check
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Step 1. Identify key words
Step 2. Organise
Who to? Travel blog.
Register? Semi-formal.
Paragraph 1
Background of resort: Palm beach resort, 5-star, 5
pools. Garden.
Paragraph 2 Bad start. Plane delayed. Hotel room not ready.
Paragraph 3 Décor old fashioned but comfortable. Older guests?
Paragraph 4 Great breakfasts. Pancakes! Good variety.
Paragraph 5 Surrounding area- shops pricey.
Paragraph 6
Evaluation? Would recommend, but only with good
deal. Not worth full price. Only for relaxing holiday.
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
markers suit
summary to
Step 3. Write
Palm Beach Resort appears in the brochure as an ideal holiday get-
away. It is a five-star hotel right on the seafront that boasts 5 swimming
pools and a large garden complex. A place to relax and enjoy yourself.
The reality for us was somewhat different. We had a bad start to the
holiday with the plane being delayed for six hours. And while that
wasn’t the hotel’s fault and arriving at a hotel at midnight is never easy,
when your rooms are not available it can seem like a nightmare instead
of a dream holiday!
Still, once that problem was sorted and we’d had a good night’s sleep,
things started looking up. The rooms were comfortable and spacious.
Personally, I’d say the décor was a little old-fashioned and not really
suited to a beach resort. It seemed to be catering for older guests. The
balcony, though, was great with spectacular views overlooking the
ocean- well worth the supplement. There was a lounging area which
was ideal for a pre-dinner cocktail!
We had breakfast included in the price of the room. The breakfast buffet
can only be described as plentiful and varied. Eggs and bacon were
cooked in front of you, though the best part for me was definitely the
pancake stand.
There area around the hotel contains mainly boutiques and some very
small and expensive food shops speciality foods, really, rather than a
local supermarket to buy a baguette and beers to take to the beach.
All in all, I would recommend Palm Beach Resort as long as you can get
a good deal I definitely wouldn’t pay full price. Provided you aren’t
looking to live up dancing to the small hours and prefer a calm and
relaxing break, this is a great choice just hope you don’t arrive late!
Exam Writing Guide C1
Section 3. Writing Exam Part 2
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Step 4. Check
Think of and write about a real town/book/film that appeals to
you. It will be easier to write about and more interesting to read.
Practice! Read the following question and write an informal email/letter
in 45 minutes.
A travel magazine is looking for reviews of cities that are suitable to advertise as short city
breaks. You decide to write about a town you know well. Explain the kind of holiday maker
this break would appeal to, which places you would most recommend visiting, and why.
Write your review.
Unit x. Test
© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Cambridge Assessment (UCLES), (2018). Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) [web
file]. Retrieved from: http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/advanced/