The Economic Naturalist Writing
Robert H. Frank
Abstract: Several months after having completed an introductory economics
course, most students are no better able to answer simple economic questions
than students who never took the course. The problem seems to be that princi-
ples courses try to teach students far too much, with the result that everything
goes by in a blur. The good news is that a relatively small number of basic prin-
ciples do most of the heavy lifting in economics. By focusing narrowly on these
principles, it is possible to teach students to master them at a fairly high level in
just a single semester. The author describes a simple pedagogical device that has
proven effective in this effort. It is called the “economic naturalist writing
assignment,” an essay in which students must pose an interesting question about
something they have personally observed and then use basic economic principles
to answer it in no more than 500 words. The author gives examples of questions
and answers.
Key words: critical thinking, economic naturalist, introductory economics
JEL code: A22
Most students who take introductory economics seem to leave the course with-
out really having learned even the most important basic economic principles. For
example, their ability to answer simple economic questions several months after
leaving the course is not measurably different from that of people who never took
a principles course (Hansen, Salemi and Siegfried 2002). The problem seems to
be that instructors of principles courses almost always try to teach students far too
much. In the process, really important ideas get no more coverage than minor
ones. Everything ends up going by in a blur.
The good news is that a relatively small number of basic principles do most of
the heavy lifting in economics, so if instructors can bring themselves to focus nar-
rowly on those, they can actually teach students to master them at a fairly high
level in just a single semester. What principles should a good short list contain?
If someone asked a thousand economists to provide their own versions, they
would get a thousand different lists. Yet to dwell on their differences would be to
Robert H. Frank is the Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and professor of econom-
ics, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University (e-mail: [email protected]). The
author thanks John Siegfried for his invitation to write this article and Malcolm Getz for his helpful
comments on an earlier draft. Copyright © 2005 Heldref Publications
miss their essential similarities. Indeed, almost all would contain variants of
propositions like the following:
The scarcity principle: Having more of one good thing usually means having
less of another.
The cost-benefit principle: Take no action unless its marginal benefit is at least
as great as its marginal cost.
The not-all-costs-matter-equally principle: When making decisions, some
costs (e.g., opportunity and marginal costs) matter much more than others
(e.g., sunk and average costs).
The principle of comparative advantage: Everyone does best when each con-
centrates on the activity for which he or she is relatively most productive.
The principle of increasing opportunity cost: Use the resources with the low-
est opportunity cost before turning to those with higher opportunity costs.
The equilibrium principle: A market in equilibrium leaves no unexploited
opportunities for individuals, but may not exploit all gains achievable
through collective action.
The efficiency principle: Efficiency is an important social goal because when
the economic pie grows larger, everyone can have a larger slice.
Again, the important point is not whether this is the best possible short list of
principles but rather that instructors will teach their introductory students more
effectively if they begin with a well-articulated short list of some sort and then
doggedly hammer away at it, illustrating and applying each principle in context
after context.
This narrower, more focused approach has much in common with the way a
good tennis pro teaches a beginner to play tennis. In addition to the basic fore-
hand and backhand ground strokes, there are countless other strokes to master in
tennis—many of them highly nuanced, such as the top-spin lob, the American
twist serve, the drop volley, and so on. A good pro ignores those more compli-
cated shots entirely, concentrating instead on getting students to master the basic
forehand and backhand. Because the forehand is the easier of the two for most
students, good pros generally start with it, demonstrating the shot a few times,
then feeding literally hundreds of balls to students as they practice and refine the
stroke. Good pros then move on to the backhand, which most students find a lit-
tle more difficult to learn than the forehand. Again, they begin by demonstrating
the stroke, then drilling it intensively. Next comes a rudimentary serve, with
demonstration again followed by long periods of intensive, repetitive drill. The
payoff is that once students have achieved working competence in just these three
basic strokes—forehand, backhand, and serve—they are ready to play.
This is important because if the basic drills at the first stage were successful,
students will reap actual returns from their investments. Rather than having to
force themselves to go out and practice, most students find that they actually want
to go out and play. Play itself is the way the game is really learned. If students can
be led to the point at which they can hit well enough to have fun playing actual
games, a lifelong learning trajectory has been successfully launched. Students
will continue to play because they like to play, and the more they play, the better
Winter 2006 59
they will get. Contrast that with the experience of students whose teachers try to
teach them all the shots at once. Most become quickly discouraged and never go
on to play the game.
In summary, then, a successful tennis learning experience consists of first
achieving rudimentary competence in the basic ground strokes and serve through
a process of demonstration and repetitive drills, followed by practice in the form
of actual play. Those who aspire to move their games to a higher level typically
continue with formal instruction. However, for them, too, an important part of the
learning process is continued play.
A successful economics learning experience should mirror these same steps. A
short list of basic principles should be presented to students, one at a time in the
context of simple examples drawn from familiar settings. Following each, stu-
dents should be asked to practice the principle by using it to solve simple prob-
lems that are closely parallel to the ones used to illustrate the principle. The
student should then be given the opportunity to pose original questions and use
the same basic principles to answer them.
I will try to make this a little more concrete with some examples. In my view,
the cost-benefit principle is by far the most important one instructors teach. I usu-
ally introduce it by posing a sequence of questions like the following, which are
based on the work of Tversky and Kahneman (2001).
1. You can buy a computer game for $25 at a store next door or walk down-
town to buy it from a store selling it for $15. Where would you buy the
Although there is no uniquely correct answer, most students say they
would shop at the downtown store to save $10.
2. Would you walk downtown to save $10 on a $2020 laptop computer?
Although there is again no uniquely correct answer, this time most stu-
dents say they would spend the larger amount and buy the computer from
the store next door. Why walk downtown, they ask, when the percentage
savings would be so small?
These questions are a good way to introduce the cost-benefit principle because
most students answer them in a way that violates the principle. The principle says
that the purchase should be made from the downtown store only if the amount
saved exceeds the cost of the trip. The benefit in each case is the same (the $10
saved), and the cost of the trip in each case is also the same (the amount one
would pay to avoid having to make the trip). If the latter figure is less than $10,
the trip should be taken in both cases, otherwise not in both cases.
Most students quickly grasp this logic. On reflection, they seem to recognize
that measuring the benefit of each trip by the absolute dollar amount saved makes
more sense than measuring it by the percentage saved. The fact that they them-
selves chose inconsistently tends to make this point stick more firmly in memory.
Winter 2006 61
The next step is to drill students in the use of the cost-benefit principle, a step
that can be accomplished by posing additional questions that require its further
application in similar contexts. Most students who have thought through the
two questions just discussed can easily answer follow-up questions like this
Your employer has a travel discount voucher that can be redeemed on one of your
next two business trips. You could use it to save $100 on a $2000 plane ticket to
Tokyo, or you could save $90 on a $200 plane ticket to Chicago. If your goal is to do
what would be best for your company, for which trip should you use the coupon?
Most students answer correctly that it is better to save $100 on the Tokyo trip,
even though the percentage savings is smaller than for the Chicago trip. It is
nonetheless important for them to confront such questions right away because the
simple act of responding to them helps to reinforce the relevant concepts.
So much for the preliminaries about planting a basic economic principle in
the student’s mind. What is the best way to then test whether students have
actually acquired an in-depth understanding of it? In my own principles
course, I have long relied on an assignment that not only helps students acquire
an in-depth understanding of basic principles but also serves as a good vehicle
for testing their mastery of them. I call it the “economic naturalist” writing
assignment because it evokes the way that studying biology enables people to
observe and marvel at many details of the natural environment that would oth-
erwise have escaped notice. For the naturalist, a walk in a quiet woods
becomes an adventure. In much the same way, studying economics can enable
students to discover rich texture in even the most mundane details of ordinary
The basic assignment is described as follows on my course syllabus:
An important part of your experience in this course will be two short writing assign-
ments designed to foster your skills as an economic naturalist. In each of these
papers, your assignment is to use a principle, or principles, discussed in the course to
explain some pattern of events or behavior that you personally have observed.
Numerous examples are discussed in the text and many others will be discussed in
Your space limit is 500 words. Many excellent papers are significantly shorter. Please
do not lard your essay with complex terminology. Imagine yourself talking to a rel-
ative who has never had a course in economics. The best papers are ones that would
be clearly intelligible to such a person, and typically these papers do not use any
algebra or graphs. You need not include a bibliography.
This assignment is not a PhD dissertation. You are not expected to do voluminous
research in support of your argument, although a relevant fact or two might help con-
vince yourself and others that you are on the right track. It makes no difference
whether your topic is “important,” but try, as best you can, to choose something inter-
esting. A really successful paper is one that begins with a really interesting question
(one that makes the listener instantly curious to learn the answer) and then uses an
economic principle or principles to construct a plausible answer. You’ll know you
have a good paper if the first thing your roommate wants to do upon reading it is to
tell friends about it.
In response to this assignment, students in my principles course have tackled a
host of fascinating questions. The following are some recent examples:
Why do the keypad buttons on drive-up automatic teller machines have Braille
dots? (Bill Tjoa)
An interesting question! Visually impaired persons can do many remarkable
things, but they cannot drive automobiles on public roadways. Keypads at drive-
up machines have Braille dots, Mr. Tjoa reasoned, because once the keypad
molds have been manufactured, the cost of producing buttons with dots is no
higher than the cost of producing smooth ones. Making both types would require
separate molds and separate batches of inventory. If the patrons of drive-up
machines found buttons with Braille dots harder to use, these extra costs might be
worth bearing. But because the dots pose no difficulty for sighted users, Mr. Tjoa
concluded the best solution is to produce only keypads with dots.
Is this the right answer? After Ben Bernanke and I described Mr. Tjoa’s exam-
ple in our principles text (Frank and Bernanke 2003), we received an e-mail
pointing out that the suggested explanation, although plausible, was wrong—that
the Braille dots on drive-up ATM keypads were in fact a consequence of a Federal
regulation requiring them. Perhaps, but so what? For the purposes of the eco-
nomic naturalist writing assignment, all that matters is that the question posed be
interesting and that the proposed answer to it rest on plausible economic reason-
ing. On both counts, Mr. Tjoa’s response to the assignment clearly succeeded.
Yes, it is important to remind students that the additional step of testing a hypoth-
esis would need to be carried out before feeling confident enough to act on it. But
that is a step for another time and place.
Why do brides spend so much money on wedding dresses, whereas grooms
often rent cheap tuxedos, even though grooms could potentially wear their tuxe-
dos on many other occasions and brides will never wear their dresses again?
(Jennifer Dulski)
This is my all-time favorite economic naturalist question. In attempting to answer
it, Ms. Dulski began with the assumption that distinctive attire matters more for
women than for men on important social occasions. This might strike many as a
heroic assumption, but evolutionary biologists tell us that in largely monogamous
species, such as humans, distinctive appearance may indeed be more important for
women than for men. Precisely the opposite pattern is observed in species in which
dominant males take many mates. In those species, bright coloration and other dis-
tinctive features are more likely to be found on males than on females. Ms. Dulski
reasoned that if men need not wear distinctive clothing on special occasions, a
rental company could serve their fashion needs at relatively modest prices. Thus, by
focusing on only a few variants of the standard men’s tuxedo, a company could
maintain a sufficiently large inventory to accommodate clients of a wide variety of
sizes at rental prices that average roughly one-quarter of the garment’s purchase
price. If the goal were to appear in distinctive attire, however, it would be necessary
to hold an inventory in which numerous different styles were available in all differ-
ent sizes. Because this would require an inventory possibly dozens of times larger
than the corresponding tuxedo inventory to serve a given volume of rentals, a rental
Winter 2006 63
price that covered costs would have to be perhaps three or four times a garment’s
purchase price. And this, she concluded, is why women buy and men rent.
Again, I stress that whether this is the correct explanation for the observed pat-
tern is less important than the fact that Ms. Dulski’s question itself is interesting
and that her proposed answer is economically plausible.
Why are child safety seats required in cars but not in airplanes? (Greg Balet)
A mother cannot legally drive her 6-month-old son to a nearby grocery store
without first strapping him into a government-approved safety seat. Yet she can
fly with him from Miami to Seattle with no restraining device at all. Why this
In case of an accident—whether in a car or an airplane—an infant who is
strapped into a safety seat is more likely to escape injury or death than one who
is unrestrained. But the probability of being involved in a serious accident is hun-
dreds of times higher when traveling by car than when traveling by air, so the ben-
efit of having safety seats is greater for trips made by car. Using safety seats is
also far more costly on plane trips than on car trips. Whereas most cars have
plenty of extra room for a safety seat, parents might need to purchase an extra
ticket to use one on an airplane. Most parents appear unwilling to pay $600 more
per trip for a small increment in safety, either for themselves or their children.
Why are round-trip fares from Hawaii to the mainland higher than the corre-
sponding fares from the mainland to Hawaii? (Karen Hittle)
Most people whose trips originate on the mainland are on vacation when they
fly to Hawaii, Ms. Hittle reasoned, whereas those whose trips originate in Hawaii
are far more likely to be business or other nonleisure travelers. The distinction is
important because although trips taken on business typically entail destinations
that are dictated by external circumstances, vacation trips present travelers with
an almost inexhaustible choice of destinations. As a result, the price elasticity of
demand for business travelers tends to be higher for leisure than for business trav-
elers. This, according, to Ms. Hittle, is what accounts for the higher prices on
flights that originate in Hawaii.
Why do airlines charge much more for tickets purchased at the last minute, yet
Broadway theaters follow exactly the opposite practice? (Gerasimos Efthimiatos)
In both cases, firms face downward-sloping demand curves and thus stand to
gain if they can segregate buyers with high reservation prices from those with low
reservation prices. Why would last-minute purchases be associated with lower
reservation prices in the case of theater tickets but with high reservation prices in
the case of airline tickets? The answer, according to Mr. Efthimiatos, stems in part
from how a buyer’s reservation price case is linked to his or her opportunity cost
of time. By waiting until the last minute to buy a theater ticket, someone whose
opportunity cost of time is high would risk wasting a valuable evening if a seat
turned out to be unavailable, and hence his or her willingness to pay a premium
for an advance ticket. Although he or she might also be willing to pay a premium
to avoid missing a flight, an offsetting factor seems even more important, which
is that those travelers whose opportunity costs of time are highest—business
travelers, for the most part—tend also to be those who most often need to
rearrange their travel schedules to accommodate last-minute contingencies. By
making discounts available only to those who are willing to commit to a specific
travel schedule well in advance, airlines are thus able to charge higher fares to
those business travelers. Most remaining business travelers are made ineligible
for discounts by what for them proves to be an extremely effective hurdle—
namely, the Saturday night stay-over requirement. Because most vacation trips
involve at least a weekend, this hurdle is easily cleared by vacation travelers. But
having been away from their families during the week, few business travelers are
willing to extend their stay for the weekend just to receive a discount.
Why do many people buy larger houses when they retire and their own chil-
dren leave home? (Tobin Schilke)
Historically, the pattern was for couples to move to smaller houses in warmer
climates when they retired. These days, however, couples are far more likely to
sell the family home and then build or purchase a significantly larger one close
by. Why this change?
Mr. Schilke speculated that this change has been driven in part by changes in
family structure. It was once the norm for children to have at most four living
grandparents. With divorce and remarriage occurring at higher rates than in the
past, however, it has become common for any given child to have six, eight, or
even more living grandparents and step-grandparents. With a larger number of
grandparents and essentially no change in the number of grandchildren, we see
excess demand on the part of grandparents for visits with their grandchildren. By
building conveniently located houses with plenty of guest space, game rooms,
swimming pools, and other kid-friendly amenities, grandparents are in effect pay-
ing higher prices to satisfy their demand for visits with their grandchildren.
When working with unusually capable students, I often suggest that they
attempt to explain an observation that seems, on the surface at least, to be incon-
sistent with some of the basic economic principles discussed in the course. The
following is an example:
Why does a telecommunications equipment manufacturer offer “free” BMW
sedans to employees with more than one year of service?
Arcnet, Inc., a New Jersey company that designs and builds wireless
telecommunications systems, provides a “free” BMW sedan to every employee
with at least one year of service. The cars are not really free, of course. Each
one costs the company about $9,000 a year in leasing and insurance fees, and
employees who get one must declare that amount as additional income each
year to the Internal Revenue Service. So we are left with a puzzle: If the com-
pany had given not the car but an additional $9,000 a year in salary instead, no
one should have been worse off and at least some should have been better off.
After all, any worker who really wanted a BMW could have spent the extra cash
to lease one. Others who happen not to want a BMW would have come out
ahead by having $9,000 a year extra to spend on other things. So why give cars
instead of cash?
Essentially the same question is raised by ordinary gift exchanges among fam-
ily and friends. Why give someone a necktie he might never wear when you know
you could trust him to spend the same money on something he really wants?
Some would answer that giving cash is just too easy and is hence a less effective
way of demonstrating affection than taking the time and trouble to shop for a gift.
That explanation might work for small gifts but is surely a stretch for luxury cars.
A more promising tack was suggested by Thaler (1985), who observed that the
best gifts are often things we do not dare buy for ourselves. Why, for example, is
a man happy when his wife gives him a $1,000 set of titanium golf clubs paid for
out of their joint checking account? Perhaps he really wanted those clubs, but
could not quite justify spending so much on himself.
The plausibility of this way of thinking about gift giving is affirmed by the
advice it suggests for gift givers. For example, consider this thought experiment:
Among each of the following pairs of items costing the same amounts, which
item would be the more suitable gift for a close friend?
$20 worth of Macadamia nuts (1 pound) or $20 worth of peanuts (10 pounds)?
A $75 gift certificate for one of the nicest restaurants in town (one lunch) or a
$75 gift certificate for McDonalds (15 lunches)?
$30 worth of wild rice (3 pounds) vs. $30 worth of Uncle Ben’s converted rice
(50 pounds)?
For most people, the first item in each pair is almost surely the safer choice.
Arcnet and other employers may be giving away BMWs for essentially similar
reasons. An employee might find it awkward to explain to his depression-era par-
ents why he had bought a car costing almost twice as much as a Honda Accord.
Or he may worry that buying a new BMW might make his neighbors think he was
putting on airs. Or perhaps he really wants to buy the new BMW, but his wife
insists on remodeling the kitchen instead. A gift car from his employer erases all
these concerns and more.
Students must complete two economic naturalist writing assignments during
my course: one due at midterm and the other at term’s end. Not all the assign-
ments turned in at midterm are as interesting as the ones described above. Indeed,
some students appear to struggle in their attempts to formulate a suitable question
for their first paper. But by the time the second paper comes due, the far more
common problem is for them to confront a difficult choice among multiple attrac-
tive topics. Students approaching the second paper deadline frequently ask
whether it would be OK to do a medley—to explain not one but several different
phenomena they have observed. Invariably I overhear animated conversations in
which students discuss their projects with one another.
Once students realize that they can pose and answer interesting economic
questions on their own, they are hooked. This is the step that is analogous to
having learned the basic tennis strokes well enough to begin playing the game.
Winter 2006 65
Many students have described midsemester trips home in which the economic
naturalist questions discussed in class became the main topic of conversation at
the family dinner table. For these students, a lifetime trajectory has begun in
which their mastery of economic principles not only will not decay with each
year following completion of the course but will actually grow stronger as they
continue to hone their craft.
To repeat: Learning the economic way of thinking is essentially like learning a
new sport. Even the best athletes seldom master a new sport unless they learn
enough early on to experience pleasure in the act of playing it. The beauty of the
economic naturalist assignment is that it leads students to take pleasure in actu-
ally doing economics. The writing assignments provide instructors with an excel-
lent basis for assessing whether their students have learned anything useful.
For many professors, especially those who teach principles in large lecture
classes, a daunting feature of this assignment is the prospect of having to grade
so many papers. My own principles course has over 450 students, and I would not
be willing to use this assignment if it meant that I personally had to read 900 stu-
dent papers each semester. But there are simple alternatives that reduce the bur-
den to manageable levels. I describe two I have used.
TA Grading with Supplementary Review
Most large lecture courses employ TAs (teaching assistants). Mine does and I
have experimented with several ways in which the TAs can take on most of the
grading burden. In the variant that seems to have worked best, the TAs read the
papers and sort them into three categories: (1) satisfactory, (2) well above aver-
age, and (3) outstanding. Base scores for the papers are the same within each cat-
egory and increase across categories. I read only those papers in the outstanding
category and assign additional bonus points to those I consider best in that cate-
gory. I tell students that if they feel their papers have been evaluated unfairly, they
can appeal to me (subject to the understanding that my review might result in an
even lower grade than the one assigned by the TA). In response to this invitation,
I typically receive fewer than 10 papers for review from a class of over 400.
Student Peer Grading
Students submit papers electronically, identified only by their student ID num-
bers. The head TA then sends each student the papers of 10 classmates and asks
him or her to rank them from 1 to 10. The score for each paper is then computed
on the basis of the average rank assigned by the 10 peer reviewers. I then read the
top-scoring 10 or 20 percent of all papers by this measure and post them on the
course Web site. Each student is asked to nominate the 10 best papers from
among those posted. The top-scoring papers by both my reading and peer rank-
ings are then awarded additional bonus points.
Added attractions of the second scheme are that the first round exposes stu-
dents to a random sample of work done by their classmates and that the second
round exposes them to the very best papers. Reading those papers turns out to be
an extremely valuable learning experience because the best papers typically have
legs. Because they provide plausible answers to interesting questions, students
immediately begin discussing them with friends, in the process reinforcing their
understanding of the concepts involved.
No matter which of the two schemes I use, I typically end up reading 40 to 60
papers twice each semester. They average fewer than two typed pages, and the
entire evaluation process consumes less than two hours of my time per round.
Even that overstates the burden of grading this assignment. Because the papers
are prescreened, the ones I see are usually a delight to read.
The hurdles associated with grading the economic naturalist writing assign-
ment can be surmounted fairly easily. I recommend this assignment to my fellow
principles teachers in the strongest possible terms. It is not just an effective device
for helping students to master basic economic principles; it is also an extremely
effective vehicle for testing whether they have in fact acquired an in-depth under-
standing of those principles.
1For a general discussion of the merits of exposing students to current thinking in economics,
including concrete examples from the work of Nobel Laureates, see Becker (2003), an earlier ver-
sion of which appeared as Becker (2001).
2For additional discussion of the merits of peer review, see Hansen (1998).
Becker, W. 2001. How to make economics the sexy social science. The Chronicle of Higher Education
48 (December 7): B10–B11.
. 2003. Undergraduate choice: Sexy or non-sexy? Southern Economic Journal 70 (1): 219–25.
Frank, R. H., and B. S. Bernanke. 2003. Principles of economics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Hansen, W. L. 1998. Integrating the practice of writing into economics instruction. In W. Becker and
M. Watts, eds., Teaching economics to undergraduates: Alternatives to chalk and talk. Cheltenham,
UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar: 79–118.
Hansen, W. L., M. K. Salemi, and J. J. Siegfried. 2002. Use it or lose it: Teaching economic literacy.
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), 92 (May): 463–72.
Thaler, R. 1985. Mental accounting and consumer choice. Marketing Science 4 (3): 199–214.
Tversky, A., and D. Kahneman. 2001. The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science
211 (January): 453–58.
Winter 2006 67