CSP- 18, CSP-19, CSPE-02, CSPE-3
(Theory & Practical)
SESSION: 2020-21
Master of Science (CYBER SECURITY)
Please read the instructions carefully before attempting assignment questions.
Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur, Odisha Website:, e-mail: [email protected]
Master of Science (Cyber Security) (4
Dear Learner,
You are required to submit one assignment per course within the stipulated time in order to become eligible
to appear in the term-end examination. The assignments will be evaluated by the counsellors at your Study
Centre. Please submit your assignment solutions to the Coordinator of your Study Center.
Purpose of Assignments:
1. Assignments are part of the continuous evaluation process in Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
system. Due weightage is given to the marks/grades you obtain in assignments. This will help you for better
performance in the term-end examination. If you secure good grades/marks in assignments, your overall
performance will improve.
2. Assignments are also a part of the teaching-learning process in ODL system. Your assignment, after
evaluation, will be returned back to you with specific and general comments by the evaluator. This will
help you to know your strength as well as your weakness. Thus, it will establish a two-way communication
between learner and evaluator.
How to Write Assignments:
Please read the instructions for writing the response of an assignment before you start writing your answer.
1. Write your name, programme code, course title, enrolment no. and study centre name with code in
the top sheet of the assignment answer booklet as per the format given below.
PROGRAMME TITLE: ...............................ENROLMENT No.: …………………
COURSECODE…………COURSE TITLE:……………………………………….
ASSIGNMENT CODE:………………. SIGNATURE:…………………………….
STUDY CENTRE: ..........................................DATE: ……………………………….
2. Before you attempt the assignments, please go through the course materials carefully, understand
the same and write answers in your own language and style.
3. Write the answers in your own handwriting. Give sufficient margin in the left side of each page
so that the evaluator will give comments on each paragraph/page.
4. Your handwriting should be neat and readable.
Weightage for each Assignments:
1. Each Theory Assignment will carry 15% weightage and each Practical Assignment will carry 10%
weightage and term-end examination will carry 75% weightage.
2. Each assignment will be of 100 marks. But it will carry 25% (15+10) weightage.
3. You have to score minimum pass mark i.e. 40% in each assignment. In case you do not submit
assignment or get fail mark in assignment you have to re-submit in the next year.
July Session
Course Code
Name of the
Last date of
Day As per
28th Feb 2021
28th Feb 2021
28th Feb 2021
28th Feb 2021
Computer Forensics Lab
28th Feb 2021
Programming in JAVA Lab
28th Feb 2021
Programming in Python Lab
28th Feb 2021
Master of Science (Cyber Security) 4
Computer Forensics
Full Mark 100
Q. No. 1 Answer all the questions, each within on word or one sentences Mark: 1×10= 10
a) What does CART Stand for?
b) EFS stands for.
c) Name any two Tools for passwords cracking.
d) What is logparser?
e) ____________ is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address.
f) What does WiFi stands for?
g) Call detail records and cell site (tower) dumps cannot show the phone owner's location
h) The first step in forensic readiness is to define _______________ of an evidence collection
i) Name different stages in Digital Evidence Investigation Process.
j) Write the key used to get the last saved directory in IE.
Group ‘B’
Q. No. 2 (Word Limit: 50 Words) Mark: 5 × 4= 20
a) What is Cyber Crime? Discuss different form of Crime.
b) Explain different phases of Computer forensics.
c) What are the components of a computer investigation toolkit?
d) Notes on Repudiation.
Group ‘C’
Q. No. 3 (Word Limit: 200 Words) Mark: 10 × 4= 40
a) What are Digital Forensics? What are the different types of digital forensics explain.
b) What is Forensics Readiness? Explain about the goals and benefits of Forensic Readiness.
c) Explain Data organization in Windows.
d) What is Cyber-attack? Explain different types of Web Attacks.
Group ‘D’
Q. No. 4 (Word Limit: 250 Words) Mark: 15 × 2= 30
a) Discuss about Forensic Team.
b) What is email Attack? Discuss different email attacks or crimes.
Cyber law and Regulation of Cyberspace (CSP-19)
Full Mark 100
Q. No. 1 Answer all the questions, each within on word or one sentences Marks: 1 × 10= 10
a) Sniffing is related to hamper private & public reputation of a person. (T/F)
b) What is the full form of NIXI?
c) _______ Act handles technology related laws.
d) _______ of the Act permits retention of information in electronic form and give legal
recognition to electronic records
e) Which is the main agency responsible for trade & development in US?
f) DLIS stands for _____?
g) Section _______ of IT Act, related to Cyber Pronography.
h) In which year TRAI was formed?
i) “mockingbird” is a special case of Worm. (T/F)
j) What do CRAT Stand for?
Group ‘B’
Q. No 2. Short answer-type Questions (Word Limit: 100 Words) Marks:5 × 4 = 20
a) Write a note on “Digital Signature”.
b) Discuss about Cyber Stalking and laws related to it.
c) Define the role of an Adjudicating Officer.
d) Justify the term: - “Legal Recognition of Electronic Records”.
Group ‘C’
Q. No 3. Medium answer-type Questions (Word Limit: 200 Words) Marks: 10 × 4 = 40
a) Discuss about the various functions of CRAT.
b) Write a brief note on IT Act,2000.
c) Discuss the amendments to the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
d) What is the use of Cyber Forensics?
Group ‘D’
Q. No 4. Long answer-type Questions (Word Limit: 300 Words) Marks: 15 ×2 = 30
a) Give a brief description about the principles enunciated in the WSIS Summit.
b) What is ODR System? Briefly describe various kinds of ODR System.
Programming in Java
Full Mark 100
Q. No. 1 Answer all the questions, each within on word or one sentences Mark: 1×10= 10
What is the class of java?
String is mutable or immutable.
Write the syntax to create an array.
How many types of Exception in Java?
How many reserve words are there in java?
Which keyword is used for making the object in java?
While writing applet examples which class we are extending?
For creating a child thread in java which interface we are implementing?
.equals() is used for what purpose in String.
Which method is used for initiation of Garbage Collector operation in java.
Group ‘B’
Q. No. 2 (Word Limit: 50 Words) Mark: 5 × 4= 20
a) What are the different edition of Java?
b) Why java is Platform independent? Justify.
c) Explain about final, Finally & Finalize statement with example.
d) Write a Java Program to get Input from User using Scanner class.
Group ‘C’
Q. No. 3 (Word Limit: 200 Words) Mark: 10 × 4= 40
a) Difference between C++ and JAVA (any 10 point)
b) Notes on Type casting
c) Program to check whether input number is prime or not
d) Difference between interface and abstract class.
Group ‘D’
Q. No. 4 (Word Limit: 250 Words) Mark: 15 × 2= 30
a) Explain the features of java.
b) What is applet life cycle? Explain with a suitable example.
Programming in Python
Full Mark 100
Q. No. 1 Answer all the questions, each within on word or one sentences Mark: 1×10= 10
a) What will be the output of the following Python code?
b) Write the syntax to take input in python.
c) What does ~4 evaluate to?
d) What does 3 ^ 4 evaluate to?
e) Evaluate the expression (A % B // A) if A = 16 and B = 15.
f) What will be the output of the Python statement >>>"a"+"bc" ?
g) What is the data type of (1)?
h) What type of data is: a=[(1,1),(2,4),(3,9)]?
i) Write the syntax to create an object in python.
j) What is Instantiation in terms of OOP terminology?
Group ‘B’
Q. No. 2 (Word Limit: 50 Words) Mark: 5 × 4= 20
a) What is a Constructor in Python?
b) Python Program to generate all the divisors of an integer.
c) Write the application of Python
d) Write a small python program to illustrate Inheritance concept.
Group ‘C’
Q. No. 3 (Word Limit: 200 Words) Mark: 10 × 4= 40
a) Python Program to Transpose a Matrix
b) Python Program to Print the Fibonacci sequence
c) Note on List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary
d) Discuss about Immutable Python Data Types.
Group ‘D’
Q. No. 4 (Word Limit: 250 Words) Mark: 15 × 2= 30
a. Short Note on Break, Continue and pass keyword with example
b. Discuss Exception handling in Python.
Master of Science (Cyber Security) 4
Computer Forensics Lab (CSPL-18)
Answer all (each question carries 20 marks)
1) Discuss different tools used for forensic investigation.
2) What is Steganography? Write the step by step procedure to hide and unhide inside an
image file using command prompt in Windows OS.
3) How to Recover Deleted Files using FTK Imager Forensics Tools.?
4) What is a forensic image? Why Mount an Image? What is the procedure to mount an
image using Access Data FTK Imager?
5) What is Data Carving? Write the step by step procedure for Forensic Data Carving
using Foremost.
Programming in Java Lab (CSPEL-02)
Answer all (each question carries 20 marks)
1. Write a java program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to a
Function using Scanner class.
2. Write a Java program to find all substrings of a string.
3. Write a Java program to show user defined package
4. Write a Java Program to Implement Merge Sort Algorithm
5. Write a Java program to clear using StringBuffer using delete().
Programming in Python Lab (CSPEL-03)
Answer all (each question carries 20 marks)
1. Write a Python Program to Check Leap Year
2. Write a Python Program to print all integers that aren’t divisible by either
2 or 3 and lies between 1 and 50.
3. Write a Python Program to read a number n and compute n+nn+nnn.
4. Write a Python Program to exchange the values of two numbers without
using a temporary variable.
5. Write a Python Program to Find LCM.