Java Project
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the LeadingAge California Java Project?
The California Department of Public Health has awarded a civil monetary penalties (CMP) grant of $1.9 million to the
LeadingAge California Foundation to implement Java Group Programs in 100 skilled nursing facilities across the state.
What are Java Group Programs?
Java Group Programs are the rst standardized peer support interventions designed to address the critical rates of
depression and loneliness across the senior living spectrum and older adults in the community.
The programs are made up of Java Music Club, Java Time, and Java Mentorship. These programs are research-based
and successfully trialled and tested for eectiveness. They have been implemented in long-term care homes, memory
care, assisted living and retirement homes, adult day centers, hospitals and most recently in community centers.
Java Group Programs have been implemented by over 1,400 senior living communities.
How long is the project?
The Java Project is a three-year grant-funded project, starting May 2022 and ending April 2025.
Who can participate in the project?
All Medicare and/or Medicaid certied skilled nursing facilities in California are eligible to participate.
If we are currently involved in another CMP grant-funded project, can we still participate?
Yes, if you feel that your skilled nursing facility can eectively manage the requirements of participation of multiple
CMP grant-funded projects.
How will you select the 100 skilled nursing facilities?
LeadingAge California has assembled a Stakeholder Group that will review project applications and select the
skilled nursing facilities to participate based upon pre-determined selection criteria. We seek to include a wide
representation of Californias skilled nursing facilities in the Java Project. Examples of selection criteria may include:
Geographic location (e.g. urban, rural, suburban)
Number of beds
Sta size
Medicare and/or Medicaid certied
Ownership information (e.g. for-prot, non-prot, government owned)
Sustainability plan at project’s end
Participation in current and/or past CMP grant-funded projects
What sta members need to be involved?
All sta members are encouraged to learn about and be involved in the Java programs with Activity sta taking the lead.
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Java Project
Frequently Asked Questions
What if our facility needs to quit or drop?
Once you agree to participate, you must do so for the duration of the project. You can contact the LeadingAge
California Grant Manager if you are experiencing challenges that are impeding the progress of your Java program.
What materials and training will we receive?
Java Music Club box – includes step-by-step instructions, group manual, facilitators guide, hand-carved
Aboriginal talking stick, eight CDs of custom recorded music in lower singable keys.
Java Time box – includes group manual, large print book of quotes and readings, facilitators guide, study
guide for engaging residents with dementia, handheld windchimes, forms CD that includes program
materials, eight CDs of custom recorded songs in lower singable keys.
Java Mentorship box – Facilitators guide, mentorship team meeting guide and tabletop sign, forms CD
that includes training handouts and more, training modules, mentor’s initiation ceremony guide, six
mentor bags.
Java training webinars and support throughout the duration of the project.
What is the nancial commitment?
There is no nancial commitment. The materials and training are provided at no-cost to you through the grant. There
is no program subscription to maintain at the end of the project and the materials and equipment remain with your
skilled nursing facility.
What is the time commitment?
Typically, there is one hour-long session (activity) per week. As the Java programs increase (Music Club, Time,
Mentorship) there will be two, and then three sessions per week. A one-hour training for sta on each Java program
is provided prior to implementation.
What are the performance measures? What data will you be collecting?
The Java scale evaluation tool will be completed by sta once per quarter and will assess levels of social well-being in
50% of the participating residents. A general observation form will also be completed by sta once per quarter. No
resident identifying information will be collected.
Interested in joining the LeadingAge California Java Project?
For more information, go to or email Grant Manager, Lindsay Fowks
at [email protected] or Director of CMP Grants, Amanda Davidson at [email protected]g.
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