www.vanderbilt.edu/writing Revised 07/15/2008
How Do I Write a Compare-Contrast Essay?
An Essay Map
There are two common ways of organizing the body of a compare-contrast essay: whole-to-whole or part-to-part. After
formulating an acceptable working thesis, it is important to decide which organization best suits your argument.
In a whole-to-whole format argument, you discuss Subject A first; then you discuss Subject B, relating it back to
Subject A.
o This format works best for short essays with few points of comparison (3-6 pages).
In a part-to-part format argument, you choose two Subjects and several topics of analysis (parts); discuss Subjects
A and B together in relation to each part.
o This format works best for longer comparisons (6 or more pages).
Use this essay map to help you get started, and to decide which structure best suits your argument. Most likely you will
need to adjust the number of subject and/or topic categories to accommodate your argument.
Thesis statement / main argument:
Subject A: Subject B:
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Topic 4:
Style Tip:
When writing a compare-contrast essay, don’t let yourself to be tempted to merely or simply list
differences and similarities between your subjects. Remember that you are making an argument; your
writing style should demonstrate the development of your ideas. Employing simple transitional terms
can help smooth your style.
Some useful terms :
Whereas A…, B ... , While both A and B are..., only B…,
Nevertheless, although, on the contrary, despite, however, similarly, on the other hand, in the same way