Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and
Language Arts Language Arts
Volume 52
Issue 4
Sept/Oct 2013
Article 5
The Impact of Social Interaction on Student Learning The Impact of Social Interaction on Student Learning
Beth Hurst
Missouri State University
Randall Wallace
Missouri State University
Sarah B. Nixon
Missouri State University
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Hurst, B., Wallace, R., & Nixon, S. B. (2013). The Impact of Social Interaction on Student Learning.
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The Impact of Social Interaction
Dr. Beth Hurst, Dr. Randall Wallace, Dr. Sarah Nixon
Due to the lack of student engagement in the common lecture-
centered model, we explored a model of instructional delivery
where our undergraduate and graduate classes were structured so
that students had opportunities for daily interaction with each
other. Specifically, we examined how students perceived the value
of social interaction on their learning by reflecting on their
classroom experiences at the end of each class period. Three
literacy teacher preparation courses during a summer session were
chosen for this study based on the highly interactive nature of
each course. The purpose of the study was not to determine the
difference between different models of instruction, but to
determine our students’ perceptions of the value of the social
interaction that was taking place in our classrooms on their
learning. The findings reveal that students in all three courses
perceived that social interaction improved their learning by
enhancing their knowledge of literacy and teaching and their
critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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The Impact of Social Interaction on Student Learning
Today’s students have taken to social networking like fish to water; yet, from
our perspectives, there is little social interaction taking place in many of today’s
classrooms from kindergarten through college. The model of discourse in most
classrooms is a one-way communication from the teacher to the students. For
example, the first thing one kindergartener said to his mother after his first day of
school was: All teachers do is talk, talk, talk.” He said the same thing after his
first day of high school and his first day of college. His observations are not
uncommon. As early as 1984, Goodlad wrote “the data from our observations in
more than 1,000 classrooms support the popular image of a teacher standing in
front of a class imparting knowledge to a group of students” (p. 105). Smith wrote
in 1998 that teachers talk 90% of the time in classrooms. Frey, Fisher, and Allen
(2009) observed that “students are expected to sit hour after hour, taking notes,
and answering the occasional question with little interaction with peers” (p. 70).
The concept of teachers doing all of the talking in classrooms is in direct
contrast to the philosophy that learning is primarily a social activity (Dewey, 1963;
Lindeman, 1926) and the idea that the person who is doing the work is the person
doing the learning (Hurst, 1998). Teachers expend a lot of energy preparing
lectures. They must read various texts and synthesize the information, pick out the
most important points and organize them in a cohesive manner, write lecture
notes, and then deliver the information to students who sit passively often
thinking of everything but what the teacher is saying. Who is doing all of the
work in this process? The teacher. The teacher is the one reading, writing, thinking,
speaking, and therefore, the one who is learning. Vacca and Vacca (2002) contend
that we need to shift “the burden of learning from teachers’ shoulders to students”
(p. 7). Wilkinson, Soter, and Murphy (2010) agree “there needs to be a gradual
release of responsibility for control of the discussion from teacher to students” (p.
156). Probst (2007) states, “it’s the student who should be doing most of the
work” (p. 43).
One way for students to shoulder the responsibility for learning is for them
to be the readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers in the classroom through
active engagement in social interaction with others (Alvermann & Phelps, 2005;
Vacca, Vacca, & Mraz, 2011). For the purpose of this study, we define social
interaction as meaningful dialogue among learners. Socially interactive learners are
engaged learners (Vacca et al., 2011). Routman (2005) contends “students learn
more when they are able to talk to one another and be actively involved” (p. 207).
In short, social interaction is vital to the learning process.
The Impact of Social Interaction
Years ago, Goodman (1986) stressed that reading, writing, listening, and
speaking should be kept whole (as in whole language) instead of teaching each one
separately. He promoted that reading, writing, listening, and speaking should be
incorporated into everything students do throughout the day. Because reading,
writing, and social interaction are part of everyday life in the real world, it does
not make sense for classrooms to be social interaction-free zones where the teacher
talks while students listen. Gee (2001) contends “reading and writing cannot be
separated from speaking, listening, and interacting, on the one hand, or using
language to think about and act on the world, on the other” (p. 714).
Kasten (1997) found it “amusing that the teachers of another era spent so
much time keeping their classes quiet and then wondered why so many students
were terrified of occasional oral reports and even continued into adulthood to be
uncomfortable speaking to a group” (p. 100). She stated “teachers and principals
of the past who worked hard to keep children quiet (myself included) did not
know how critical social interaction and collaboration are in learning” (p. 99).
They also may not have known how to incorporate social interaction into their
classrooms. The problem is not that students are unwilling to talk; many teachers
say they spend the better part of their days trying to get their students to stop
talking (whether in person or texting). The problem is getting the students to talk
about the subject at hand.
Social Interaction among Teachers
The social constructivist theory is based on the belief that individuals
actively construct knowledge and understanding and that constructing
understandings of one’s world is an active, mind-engaging process. In other words,
information must be mentally acted upon in order to have meaning for the learner
(Piaget, 1979; Sigel & Cocking, 1977). According to constructivist views, learning
involves building on the background knowledge the learner brings to the situation
and restructuring initial knowledge. Since learners have different background
knowledge, experience, and interests, they make different connections in building
their knowledge over time. Brooks and Brooks (1993) state:
We construct our own understandings of the world in which we
live. We search for tools to help us understand our experiences. To
do so is human nature.... Each of us makes sense of our world by
synthesizing new experiences into what we have previously come
to understand. (p. 4)
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Within a constructivist framework, the learning of skills and concepts occur
within meaningful and integrated contexts not in an isolated and hierarchical
manner. Learning is built over time as initial knowledge is revised when new
questions arise and old knowledge is challenged. “Deep understanding, not
imitative behavior, is the goal....We look not for what students can repeat, but for
what they can generate, demonstrate, and exhibit” (Brooks & Brooks, 1993, p. 16).
One way to prepare teachers to incorporate social interaction in their
classrooms is to incorporate it into teacher education courses. When social
interaction becomes part of the classroom dynamics, classrooms become active
places; teachers need to experience this for themselves so they know how to create
this type of learning environment in their own classrooms (Darling-Hammond &
McLaughlin, 1995).
Students are not the only ones who need to be talking and listening to one
another while learning. Teachers are often left to navigate through a maze of
complex activities. Teachers are bombarded by problems originating from student
need and from various negotiations with students, parents, and administrators.
Furthermore, curriculum is multifaceted with instruction relying on assessment,
management, and effective presentation. Success depends on teachers having a
thorough understanding of a variety of subject areas, learning how to reflect on
their efforts, and developing problem-solving skills regarding any number of
potential problems.
Encouraging social interaction among teachers is one of the most effective
ways for teachers to learn creative methods to solve complex problems (Darling-
Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995). Teachers, like students, can effectively improve
their learning skills by frequently discussing the dynamics of their classroom with
peers experiencing the same challenges. Good teachers are highly motivated to
improve the content of their curricula for their students and the quality of their
interactions with parents and administrators. They will take the time to
communicate with others when they see the value in the communication; they
will promptly commit to educational activities they think will help them improve
their instruction (Bakkenes, De Brabander, & Imants, 1999).
Two fundamental processes that help teachers improve their skills are
reflection and collaboration. Teachers need to use reflection to evaluate and
inform their practices and use collaboration to learn to negotiate effective
interactions among themselves, the students, parents, and administration (Askell-
Williams, Murray-Harvey, & Lawson, 2007). Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin
(1995) suggest preservice and inservice courses should focus on developing
The Impact of Social Interaction
teachers who have a deeper understanding of themselves as educators and of the
students they educate. These authors state that effective professional development
must “be collaborative, involving a sharing of knowledge among educators and a
focus on teachers’ communities of practice rather than on individual teachers” (p.
643). Furthermore, they argue:
Teachers learn by doing, reading, and reflecting (just as students
do); by collaborating with other teachers. This kind of learning
enables teachers to make the leap from theory to accomplished
practice. In addition to a powerful base of theoretical knowledge,
such learning requires settings that support teacher inquiry and
collaboration and strategies grounded in teachers’ questions and
concerns. To understand deeply, teachers must learn about, see,
and experience learning-centered and learner-centered teaching
practices. (pp. 242-243)
A goal of teacher education programs should be to present curriculum in
such a way as to teach the necessity of social interaction. Preservice and inservice
programs need to model how social interaction encourages collective problem
solving and knowledge sharing (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995). In this
study, instead of the common lecture-centered model, we explored a model of
discourse where our undergraduate and graduate students interacted with each
other during each class period. The purpose of this study was to determine our
students’ perceptions of the impact of social interaction on their learning. We
wanted to know: 1) How does social interaction contribute to our students’
learning? 2) What do our students learn about literacy through social interaction
in our courses? and 3) Are we preparing our students to utilize social interaction
in their future classrooms?
Three literacy teacher preparation courses during a summer session were
chosen for this study because of the highly interactive nature of each course: (a)
an undergraduate content area literacy course (N=15), (b) a graduate content area
literacy course (N=17), and (c) a graduate literacy tutoring course (N=13) for a
total of 45 students. The last few minutes of each class were devoted to students
completing an exit slip where they answered three questions. Exit slips, according
to Vacca et al. (2011), are index cards or half sheets of paper where “students react
to what they are studying or to what’s happening in class” so teachers can obtain
feedback regarding the day’s lesson (p. 292). The exit slips were filled out after
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each class period because the lesson content and student experiences were unique
and distinctive each day.
The intent of our investigation was to gather information regarding our
students’ perspectives of our highly interactive and reflective classes. The
limitations of our investigation were that: 1) we did not set out to determine the
difference between different models of instruction, but to determine our students’
perceptions of the value of the social interaction that was taking place in our
classrooms on their learning; 2) we did not formally estimate the reliability and
validity of the exit slips; and 3) we did not examine the demographics of our
sample (e.g., looking for variation between graduate and undergraduate students or
between elementary and secondary students).
In order to answer research question one regarding students’ perceptions of
how social interaction contributed to their learning, we asked the following two
questions: How did collaborating with colleagues during today’s class help you
when thinking about your students and future lesson plans (student interest,
engagement, and self-direction)? and What did you learn about the concept of
collaboration from working with others in class today? Both exit slip questions
were analyzed together to answer question one. In order to answer research
question two concerning what our students learned about literacy through social
interaction, we asked: What did you learn about literacy from collaborating with
colleagues today? In order to answer research question three regarding our
students’ opinions on how prepared they feel to incorporate social interaction in
their future classrooms, students completed an additional exit slip on the final day
of class. They were asked to rate on a scale of 1-10 how prepared they feel to
incorporate social interaction in their future classrooms. At the end of data
collection, we each analyzed our own set of data, and then we combined the data
to look for patterns of responses among the three sets of student responses.
Individual Class Data Analysis
What follows is a description of each of the three courses, along with each
instructor’s individual analysis of the students’ responses to the exit slips
throughout the course.
Undergraduate Content Area Literacy Course (Hurst)
The purpose of the undergraduate content area literacy course at our
university is to teach future middle and high school teachers from every content
area how to incorporate reading strategies into their daily lessons. In my classes, I
define a reading strategy as something that provides students with the impetus to
The Impact of Social Interaction
actually read and interact with a text and with others. An example of the reading
strategies modeled includes K-W-L (Ogle, 1986), List-Group-Label (Taba, 1967),
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (Stauffer, 1969), Semantic Feature Analysis
(Baumann, Kame’enui, & Ash, 2003), Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (Haggard,
1982), Jigsaw (Aronson, 1978), Guided Reading Procedure (Manzo, 1975), Found
Poems (Hobgood, 1998), and Memory Game (Robinson & Hurst, 2007). The ideal
reading strategy, in my opinion, is one that naturally incorporates reading, writing,
and social interaction. I also espouse Glasser’s (1993) idea that one of the basic
human needs is to have fun, and I find reading strategies show students learning
can be fun and enjoyable. For the reading strategies, the reading can be any type
of text; writing can be any form from freewriting to brainstorming lists to
reflective writing; and social interaction can be anything from whole group
discussions to turning to a neighbor to discuss to grouping students in any
number of ways.
To provide an example of a reading strategy, one of the strategies I model in
my class is the use of a combination of written and verbal learning logs (Hurst,
2005). Students are asked to read the text, not for what they think will be on a
test, but for what they find interesting or for something that draws their attention.
On a piece of paper with a line drawn vertically down the center, students jot
down on the left side what it was that piqued their interest (writing the page
number in the left margin), and then on the right side they explain why they
found it interesting. Students are asked to write about at least three things of
interest. The reading and writing for this activity is completed independently. The
social interaction occurs the following class period when students take turns
sharing with the class one thing from their learning log. By the time each student
has shared something of interest from the text, and with me embedding points in
the discussion that I want covered, we have had a fairly thorough discussion of
the text. Through this strategy, students read the text, interact with the text
through writing, and interact with others about the text.
Since the purpose of the course is to provide future teachers with a
repertoire of reading strategies and a mindset for how to incorporate them into
their daily teaching, my class is structured so that every class period, instead of me
lecturing about the importance of utilizing reading strategies, I model the strategies
using various types of texts. Additionally, one of the requirements for the class is
for each preservice teacher to choose a reading strategy to model for the class
using a text from the student’s content area, so each class period includes the
modeling of one or two strategies by me and one strategy modeled by a student.
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Since social interaction is one element of each reading strategy, it is inherent in
the structure of the class.
During this summer session, there were 15 undergraduate preservice teachers
in the class from the following subject areas: math, English, science, history,
physical education, family and consumer science, art, agriculture, and business.
The two credit hour class met two days a week for three hours for five weeks. Exit
slips were completed at the end of each class period to answer the three research
Research question one: How did social interaction contribute to our
students’ learning?
To analyze the students’ 180 responses on the exit slips regarding how social
interaction impacted their learning, the number of times each response was given
was tabulated. Four themes accounted for 57% of the responses. Students believe
social interaction: (a) helps students learn from others (23%), (b) makes learning
fun (16%), (c) gets students interested and engaged (10%), and (d) allows students
a chance to talk in the classroom (8%). The four themes did not surprise me, but
the sheer number of different responses did. In addition to the four themes, the
remaining 43% of the responses included 25 different topics: it improves
comprehension, makes the classroom a learning environment, helps students
become comfortable and confident, prepares students for the real world, teaches
students how to work together, makes students want to come to class, helps
students develop social skills, helps students improve their communication skills,
makes it so students are the ones working in the classroom, helps teachers get to
know students better, provides for more ownership of learning, prepares well-
rounded students, helps time pass and breaks monotony, builds group mentality,
and promotes self-assigned roles in groups.
One student wrote, social interaction encourages students to think, read,
conclude, summarize, question, etc.Another student’s comment closely matches
Vacca et al.’s (2011) views: We were able to achieve more, faster, and more
accurately when we worked in groups (Student); Vacca et al. asserted when
students work together in cooperative groups they “produce more ideas,
participate more, and take greater intellectual risks” (p. 152). Another student used
the term a hive mindto describe how that particular group worked together,
while another student referred to the whole being greater than the sum of the
parts.Several students mentioned that learning with others is more effective than
learning on their own.
The Impact of Social Interaction
Research question two: What did our students learn about literacy
through social interaction in our courses?
In analyzing 180 the responses to what students learned about literacy, the
four most often given responses were: they learned that (a) reading can be fun
(25%), (b) reading strategies help get students to actually read (22%), (c) reading
strategies help students learn a lot of material (15%), and (d) other students’
interpretations of a text can help all students better understand the text (10%). In
addition to these four responses, the remaining 18% was divided into 32 additional
responses that were mentioned more than once including: always give students a
reason to read, the importance of prior knowledge, the best way to become a
better reader is to read, there will be many different reading levels in our
classrooms, reading can be made enjoyable by adding diversity to teaching
methods, reading and sharing make for more learning to take place, the classroom
does not have to be quiet, how to determine the grade level of a text, interest
plays an important role in comprehension, many things students can do when
they come to a word they do not know, phrasing and fluency play an important
role in reading, the importance of teaching how to read between the lines,
discussion increases comprehension, discussion makes self-initiated information-
seeking more likely, everyone gets something different out of a text, and how to
get students in English classes to actually read literature.
Research question three: Did we prepare our students to utilize social
interaction in their future classrooms?
When students were asked on the last day of class to rate on a scale of 1-10
how prepared they feel to incorporate social interaction in their future classrooms
(10 meaning the most prepared), 12 out of 15 (80%) students responded with a
score from 8-10. The remaining three (20%) responded with scores from 5-7.
Further research would be helpful to determine if these students actually
incorporate social interaction in their future classrooms as often as they intended.
In conclusion, based on the responses to the questions on the exit slips in
this one summer course, it appears the preservice teachers found social interaction
contributed to their learning, they learned about literacy through social
interaction, and they plan to carry on the practice in their future classrooms. One
student wrote:
I learn best by being in an active learning environment. As a
future teacher, I envision my classroom as being very interactive.
Students will always be engaged in group learning, small projects,
group discussions, debate, etc. I feel this type of environment
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makes learning fun and engages the students like me who struggle
in a lecture environment.
Graduate Content Area Literacy Course (Nixon)
Our graduate content area literacy course is designed to provide a framework
for teachers to help students with literacy in the content areas, metacognition,
study skills, and critical thinking skills. Course competencies focus on increasing
relevant knowledge, pedagogical and professional practice, and professional
attributes related to content area literacy. The majority of the students who take
this course are working on graduate degrees in Masters of Science in Education-
Reading (MSED-RDG) and Masters in the Art of Teaching (MAT). A smaller
number of students are pursing degrees in MSED-Elementary Education or more
specific discipline-based graduate degrees in MSED-Secondary Education or
Masters of Art (MA).
My summer course consisted of 17 graduate students: a total of eight MAT
students representing agriculture, biology, business, English, family & consumer
science, and Spanish; four MSED-RDG students; a total three MSED-Secondary
Education students representing Chemistry, Educational Administration, and
English; one MSED-Elementary Education; and one MA-Theater student. Eleven
of these students (65%) had no formal teaching experience; however, all of them
had completed at least one practicum and student teaching, and several had
worked as substitute teachers. Six students (35%) had one to three years of formal
teaching experience; two were elementary teachers, three taught high school, and
one taught at the college level. The three credit hour class met for five weeks,
twice a week for four hours and 30 minutes for a total of 45 contact hours.
I define a literacy strategy as a purposeful activity that actively engages
students in reading, writing, and discussion. During each class, I use demonstration
lessons to model numerous literacy strategies, such as Anticipation Guides (Vacca
et al., 2011), ReQuest (Manzo, 1969), Reciprocal Teaching (Brown & Palincsar,
1984), Questioning the Author (Beck et al., 1997), Discussion Webs (Alvermann,
1991), Word Sorts (Gillet & Kita, 1979), Concept Circles (Vacca et al., 2011), Point
of View Guides (Wood, 1988), Unsent Letters (Smith, 2002), and RAFT writing
(Holston & Santa, 1985). Each lesson is structured around one short piece of text
using various topics (to cover the range of disciplines) and types of texts (textbook
excerpts; primary documents; short story; poetry; articles from magazines,
newspapers, and the internet; art work; music lyrics). These demonstration lessons
are taught in a 45-55 minute block—the same timeframe the teachers in class have
The Impact of Social Interaction
to work with in their own classrooms. After the lesson is taught, we unpack it,
discussing each strategy from various aspects such as: theory and pedagogical
features, strengths and benefits, skill-building aspects, as well as any possible
drawbacks to using it. Each demonstration lesson utilizes various strategies from
the course text, Content Area Reading (Vacca et al., 2011), and is structured
around the ERR instructional framework, a “working instructional guide” (Steele,
2001, p. 7) consisting of three stages: Evocation, Realization of Meaning, and
Reflection. According to Steele, the ERR framework “provides a model for
understanding teaching processes and serves as a mechanism for organizing
instruction that corresponds to what is known about how students learn best(p.
8). The ERR framework is similar to the before reading, during reading, and after
reading (B-D-A) lesson structure (Vacca et al.). Vacca et al. state, What a teacher
does before reading, during reading, and after reading (B-D-A) is crucial to active
and purposeful reading” (p. 131). They describe the B-D-A lesson structure as “a
generic framework for planning content literacy lessons. How teachers adapt the
B-D-A lesson depends on the students in the class, the text that they are studying,
and the kinds of activities that will be reflected in the lesson” (p. 138).
During the summer semester, I require all students to present two lessons:
one 15-minute mini-lesson that utilizes one literacy strategy from the text and
incorporates discussion in pairs, small groups, and/or whole class; and a longer,
more in-depth 35-40 minute presentation that employs the ERR framework and
utilizes multiple strategies for each stage of the lesson as well as various types of
collaborative discussions (i.e., pair shares, small group, whole class). At the
completion of each class meeting, students filled out an exit slip requesting their
thoughts and perspectives on the role of collaboration and social interaction that
occurred in class that day. Comments on the exit slips might address my
demonstration lesson, students’ mini-lessons, or their longer, more in-depth lesson
presentations. Exit slips were then analyzed using the constant comparative
method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) by examining students’ comments for emerging
themes and placing data into interrelated categories. Once categories were formed,
I asked a qualified colleague to review the categories for integrity and
conclusiveness (Merriam, 1992).
Research question one: How did social interaction contribute to our
students’ learning?
Students were asked to comment on what they learned about the concept
of collaboration from working with others in class. After examination of 170 exit
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slips, analysis of data revealed that students found social interaction: (a)
encouraged different perspectives (24%); (b) created an effective working
environment (22%); (c) enhanced critical thinking (21%); (d) expanded
comprehension and retention by activating prior knowledge, making connections,
and consolidating new ideas (18%); (e) demonstrated application and modifications
of various literacy strategies and collaborative learning (8% ); and (f) promoted
ownership of one’s own education by actively engaging and motivating students
(7%). One student commented, “It [social interaction] made me think in different
ways.” Another student noted, I love ‘doing!’ It helps me think deeper and
remember longer! Additionally, one student wrote, social interaction activates
learning beyond the topic.
Research question two: What did our students learn about literacy
through social interaction in our courses?
Students were invited to ponder what they learned about literacy when
collaborating with others. Analysis of data revealed the extent of the depth of
students’ collaborative literacy experiences. Through social interaction, they
realized: (a) an increase of knowledge regarding the act of reading (25%); (b) the
ERR framework is vital organization tool (24%); (c) there are different ways to
approach reading tasks (18%); (d) each reader interprets texts differently (11%); (e)
the importance of activating students’ prior knowledge before reading (9%); (f) the
clarification and consolidation of new information through reflective discussion
(8%); and (g) why students need to monitor their own comprehension while
reading (5%).
One student thoughtfully remarked,
All students need opportunities to talk about what we’re reading.
By doing this, I learned that reading is not just an individual
action—it should not just be an individual act— but also a
community action that helps us to connect to the text and clarify
Research question three: Did we prepare our students to utilize social
interaction in their future classrooms?
On the final day of class, students were asked to rate on a scale of 1-10 how
prepared they felt they were to incorporate social interaction in their future
classrooms. Eight students (47%) gave themselves a 10, the highest rating, while 7
students (41%) rated their level of preparedness a 9. Two students (12%) marked 8.
Many students commented they would implement social interaction strategies in
The Impact of Social Interaction
their future classes because they believed this method helped strengthen their own
comprehension and retention of knowledge, and they personally found it to be an
effective teaching tool.
In conclusion, students in this summer graduate content literacy course
discovered that social interaction with their colleagues offered a myriad of benefits:
enhanced critical thinking, a variety of perspectives, an effective working
environment, ownership of one’s learning, deeper comprehension, and an
opportunity to apply the instructional strategies. Additionally, through social
interaction these graduate students expanded their knowledge of literacy: they
experienced different ways to approach various literacy tasks; they learned each
reader interprets text in unique and different ways; and they discovered the
importance of activating prior knowledge, monitoring comprehension, and
consolidating knowledge through active, robust discussion. In summary, as
teachers, they recognized and appreciated the importance of social interaction in
the acquisition of content area knowledge.
Graduate Literacy Tutoring Course (Wallace)
During the summer session, I taught two combined literacy courses required
for a Masters of Science in Education-Reading (MSED-RDG) and required by the
State of Missouri for Special Reading Teacher Certification. The graduate students
taking these two courses, Assessment of Reading Problems and Remediation of
Reading Problems, are teachers in a practicum-based project called the Summer
Reading Academy. The first week of instruction is devoted to learning and
reviewing different assessment instruments, discussing ways assessment results
should drive instruction, and reviewing the components of effective lesson plans.
Over the next seven weeks, the graduate students work with struggling grade-
school readers in a rather unique, teacher-collaborative setting. This was the third
time I had taught these reading courses and directed the Summer Reading
Academy. I frequently state at the beginning of these courses that the graduate
students would learn more from each other than they would from my instruction.
The questions on the exit slips permitted an examination of this idea.
This summer, the Summer Reading Academy consisted of 12 graduate
students enrolled in the Graduate Reading Program who were currently teaching
in the public schools and one not currently teaching, but who had prior teaching
experience. These 13 teachers worked with 32 grade-school struggling readers
ranging in age from 5 to 12 years with skill levels ranging from pre-primer to grade
six. The Summer Reading Academy was housed in four classrooms. Three
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classrooms had three teachers each and one classroom had a group of four
teachers. Some of the teachers were assigned to work with two struggling readers
and some with three struggling readers. Readers were placed in one of the four
rooms based upon age and estimated reading skill. The teachers were to provide at
least 45 minutes of individual instruction to students assigned as their primary
responsibility. While some teachers were working individually with their students,
other teachers were working in small group activities such as writer’s workshop,
shared reading, and word work. The teachers worked together to create a classroom
milieu that met the literacy needs of all students in their room by developing a
classroom theme and a schedule of literacy activities with $250 to purchase
necessary instructional materials.
Throughout the semester, the teachers created a portfolio containing their
assessment results, lesson plans, and pre- and post-tutoring reports; in addition,
each week the teachers sent home a portfolio of student artifacts along with notes
to parents. The portfolio was returned every Monday morning with a parent
signature indicating they had reviewed his or her child’s work.
The teachers met with students every morning for seven weeks, Monday
through Thursday, from 8:30 to 11:30. From 7:30 to 8:00, we met as a whole class
for instruction, then from 8:00 to 8:30, teachers met to collaborate about
classroom planning and schedule coordination. The last 20 minutes of the day
was specifically set aside for personal reflection and to complete the exit slips.
To analyze the exit slips, I read through all responses several times to
identify themes. After I identified what I thought were logical themes, I went back
through the statements and color-coded each theme with a different colored
highlighter. Then I tabulated the percentages of responses that corresponded to
each theme.
Research question one: How did social interaction contribute to our
students’ learning?
The focus of this question was to ask our students (teachers) to reflect on
what was learned about teaching. After examining 535 responses, four themes were
identified. First, 42% of the responses suggested that collaboration helped teachers
learn new reading strategies and improve their lesson planning (both short- and
long-term plans). Second, 24% of the responses suggested that collaboration,
through discussion and observation of others’ teaching, culminated in the sharing
ideas and resources. Third, 22% of the responses suggested that collaboration
helped teachers in various problem-solving situations involving individual students,
The Impact of Social Interaction
parents, curriculum, and procedures. And fourth, 12% of the responses delineated
the characteristics for successful collaboration and benefits of collaboration. The
bases for successful collaboration were cooperation, positive attitude, give and take
personalities, friendship, trust, open communication, and being good listeners.
The benefits included multiple insights, different perspectives and talents,
inspiration, confidence building, and personal validation.
Research question two: What did our students learn about literacy
through social interaction in our courses?
The focus of this question was to ask our students (teachers) to reflect upon
what was learned about the subject of literacy. After examining 282 responses, two
themes were identified. First, 49% of the responses specifically mentioned they
had learned more about a specific reading foundation. The two foundational
reading skills most frequently mentioned were phonics (word-based skills) and
comprehension. Second, 51% of the responses delineated a pedagogical
consideration centered on program delivery such as interest, engagement, high-
quality books, appropriate reading level, cooperative learning, differentiation,
assessment, strategy building, and modeling.
Research question three: Did we prepare our students to utilize social
interaction in their future classrooms?
On the last day of class a concluding exit slip was given to the students
(teachers) that asked them to rate from 1 (low) to 10 (high) how prepared they felt
they were to incorporate social interaction in their future classrooms. Ten of the
graduate students responded “10,” one “9.5,one “9,and one “8. The mean
response was “9.7.” One unsolicited response was: I love interaction with
colleagues and I am always asking questions and looking for opinions on more
effective methods.
In conclusion, social interaction among the graduate students during the
Summer Reading Academy focused on learning new content-related information,
sharing ideas and resources about teaching, problem solving about situations that
arose during their teaching, and providing insights into the qualities and dynamics
of a successful literacy program. First, the teachers in each classroom came from
different grade levels, fields of study, areas of expertise (e.g., special education),
and school districts. The social interaction among this diverse set of individuals
became an authoritative resource. The advice or modeling by one teacher was
often “new” to the others in the class. There was the “Eggbert Lesson,” poetry
lessons, graphic organizers, Depth of Knowledge questions on a beach ball,
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different ideas to improve writing, and many other ideas that others professed they
would incorporate in their upcoming school-year curriculum. Second, the use of
multiple teachers created invaluable sharing opportunities. Colleagues helped each
other with planning, assessment, “bouncing” writing activities around for Writer’s
Workshop, guided reading lessons, classroom management techniques, and ways to
build student confidence and motivate students. Third, social interaction was
useful in solving various problems encountered during their teaching. Many times
the graduate students commented: “Two heads are better than one.” The problems,
where support and insight were needed, included discussing a child’s progress with
his or her parent, motivating particular students, and ways to help individual
students become successful. And finally, social interaction, itself, was analyzed by
the graduate students. They saw social interaction as successful when they became
good listeners, felt trusted, and were comfortable offering different perspectives to
a problem. The social interaction experience triggered many new ideas, was
comforting and confidence building, and created friends or as one of them
referred to the others as “their closest allies.”
By synthesizing these four themes, an even greater reason for the importance
of social interaction in the classroom setting can be seen. Social interaction
assisted these graduate students (teachers) to grow multi-dimensionally. Their
teaching skills improved with respect to curriculum, problem-solving skills, and
student learning, and, most importantly, they improved by better understanding
themselves as both teachers and learners.
Findings and Discussion
Our study sought to answer three research questions. First, we wanted to
know how social interaction contributed to our students’ learning. Analysis of
data revealed three findings: (a) students learned from others, thus enhancing
comprehension and retention by activating prior knowledge, making connections,
and consolidating new ideas; (b) social interaction created a positive working
environment; and (c) social interaction provided a means for our students to view
topics from multiple perspectives and enhance their critical thinking and problem
solving skills. Our findings indicate that students in all three courses recognized a
strong connection between social interaction in the classroom and their learning.
They perceived that interacting with their classmates contributed greatly to their
learning in the class. This concept is strongly supported in the literature (Bromley,
2008; Dewey, 1963; Kasten, 1997; Smith, 1998; Vacca et al., 2011; Wilkinson et al.,
2010). Ketch (2005) contends, “Conversation helps individuals make sense of their
The Impact of Social Interaction
world. It helps to build empathy, understanding, respect for different opinions,
and ownership of the learning process” (p. 8). Almasi and Gambrell (1997) believe
“participation in peer discussions improves students’ ability to monitor their
understanding of text, to verbalize their thoughts, to consider alternative
perspectives, and to assume responsibility for their own learning” (p. 152).
Furthermore, students in our study noted that social interaction enhanced
their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In 1926, Lindeman wrote about
the importance of discussions as a method of instruction for developing thinking
skills. He advocated that all students should be taught a set of analytical skills that
could be applied to a range of situations, beyond curriculum, and he believed the
best way to teach and hone these skills was through small group discussions. Eight
decades later, many researchers still concur. For example, Roberts and Billings
(2008) believe that thinking is a “fundamental literacy skill(p. 33). They state,
“There is no question that reading, writing, speaking, and listening are
interconnected skills that develop synergistically. They are also the key to teaching
thinking” (p. 33). Additionally, Wilkinson et al. (2010) contend “talk offers
students a means to combine their intellectual resources to collectively make sense
of experience and to solve problems” (p. 143). One of our students stated: “Social
interaction is important in the classroom because it gets students to
communication with each other. When there is talking, learning is talking place.”
Second, we wanted to know what our students learned about literacy
through social interaction in our courses. As a result of data analysis, findings
revealed that participants of this study expanded their pedagogical knowledge of
program delivery. However, the majority (60%) of the students in this study did
not have any formal teaching experience and were studying to be secondary
content teachers rather than literacy teachers; consequently, findings noted that
these preservice teachers increased their general knowledge regarding the act of
reading. On the other hand, 40% of the teachers in this study were practicing
elementary teachers; thus, findings indicated that they learned more about specific
reading skills such as phonics, comprehension, activation of prior knowledge, and
retention. Teachers must become lifelong learners who continue to develop and
hone their craft by observing students, working with other teachers, and reflecting
on their own teaching. This type of learning process, based on social interaction,
ultimately helps teachers take the theoretical aspects of teaching and translate it
into useful classroom practice (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995). Bean
(2004) contends “when teachers are involved in an activity that is especially
meaningful to them, they will become more engaged in the process and are
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generally more willing to apply what they are learning to their classroom practices
(p. 91).
Finally, we sought to find out if we had prepared our students to utilize
social interaction in their future classrooms. The overall mean response from the
three classes to this question was 9.21 out of a 10 point scale. Table 1 shows the
percentages for each class.
One study participant noted:
I want to use social interaction in my future classroom because it
is more fun, it allows students to learn from classmates, allows
teachers to teach, and allows teachers to learn more about the
students’ personalities and interests. Another student wrote: “It
makes the classroom more of a learning environment by
encouraging students to think, read, conclude, summarize,
question, etc.
In addition to students’ responses on a Likert scale about if they plan to
incorporate social interaction in their future classrooms, they also communicated
through their daily responses that they plan to do so because they reported that
talking was an important part of their learning process in that it enhanced their
comprehension and retention of new information about literacy. According to
Routman (2003), Talking with others about what we read increases our
understanding. Collaborative talk is a powerful way to make meaning” (p. 126).
Raphael, Brock, and Wallace (1997) believe “it is through talk that children make
Undergraduate content
reading class (n=15)
% of responses
Graduate content
reading class (n=17)
% of responses
Graduate practicum-
based class (n=13)
% of responses
Table 1: Student Responses to Utilizing Social Interaction in
Future Classrooms
The Impact of Social Interaction
sense of their world, and through talk that teachers and students construct
meaning” (p. 178).
For over a century, researchers and scholars have been writing about the
importance of actively engaging students in their own learning process. Dewey
(1963) believed in active engagement in the learning process because it is through
this active involvement that knowledge is constructed and, therefore, owned by
the learner.
Social interaction among preservice and inservice teachers enhances and
improves their skills as teachers and learners. Preservice teachers benefit from
working with other students who model how to teach and reflect on one’s
experiences, and inservice teachers learn to refine their craft of teaching from
collaborating with other teachers—teachers at the same grade-level, at different
grade-levels, and specialists. For students, the typical lecture, note-taking, and exam
format does not model the process we ultimately want to see in the classroom. We
want school classrooms active and engaging. To teach our preservice teachers how
to do this, we want to model a socially-interactive process that teaches our students
to become active learners.
For teachers, the traditional workshop format does not follow what we
know to be good teaching practice (Borko, 2004). Harwell (2003) states
professional development is “not an event, it’s a process” (p. 1). The professional
development paradigm in education, where a specialist presents a workshop to a
group of teachers, often does not translate into improved teaching in the
classroom. This format usually requires the teacher to work in isolation or in a
group on activities outside the context of a classroom of students. A more
successful manner of teacher development should consider how teachers develop
insights into the craft of teaching and how they change their behavior to improve
their instructional techniques or strategies.
Page (2010) suggests learning is individualized, constructed, interactive,
emotional, and social. These characteristics are similar among all types of learners.
In short, teachers learn in the same manner as their students. According to
Buchler (2003),
Teachers need time and support to re-examine, redefine, and
reabsorb what it means today to be a student who is responsible,
who takes charge, and who self-regulates in the context of today’s
changing learning environment. This rethinking process may help
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teachers both foster lifelong learning in their students as well as
realize the goal themselves. (p. 1)
The components for successful teacher development need to include open
conversation and dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge of subject. Teachers, like
students, learn best when motivated to learn and are actively engaged in the
learning process. Teachers need to commit to become independent learners, self-
motivated to improve their teaching, and to test their ideas in real-life contexts.
To improve their instructional behavior, teachers should self-analyze and
reflect when evaluating their teaching. They must be open to the comments and
ideas offered from observing teachers and be willing share their ideas and
evaluations when observing other teachers.
Learning is a constructive process where teachers try out specified activities
in the classroom with students and then debrief the results with other teachers in
the same classroom (Borko, 2004). Teachers must be able to converse honestly and
address issues such as what are the best ways to teach a child, group of children,
or class. Teachers are generally eager to talk about teaching with others; but, rarely
do teachers share their thoughts and ideas about teaching and practice ways to
improve their skills in a context of classroom students and other teachers (Borko,
Final Thoughts
Students in our classes this summer noted that social interaction positively
impacted their learning and they plan to carry on the tradition in their future
classrooms. Li (2006) states “Teachers need to create a safe and nonthreatening
learning community in which students feel comfortable participating and in which
students develop confidence that they can learn and achieve high academic
standards” (p. 39). According to Bromley (2008), active engagement helps create “a
positive classroom environment and establish a community of learners who
support each other” (p. 111). When we model this type of environment in our
college classes for teachers, our hope as teacher educators is that the teachers will
implement social interaction in their own classrooms.
The Impact of Social Interaction
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About the Authors
Beth Hurst and Sarah Nixon are professors, and Randall Wallace is an
associate professor, in the Reading, Foundations, and Technology Department at
Missouri State University where they teach graduate and undergraduate reading/
literacy courses for elementary, middle school, and secondary teachers.
The Impact of Social Interaction