From: Ruben Lopez
Subject: Fee Proposals for Letter of Protest filings
Date: Sunday, September 22, 2019 2:12:12 AM
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the proposed $100 fee to file a letter
of protest on potential trademarks.
It is my belief that the actual fees to trademark should be increased and that there
should be a penalty to those who file frivolous trademarks that are then ruled null
and void.
The people coming to you to file these letters of protest are performing a service to
the USPTO by pointing out false and frivolous trademarks.
These invalid Marks are forcing many people to change or close businesses due to
rules not being correctly applied.
I also believe monetary penalties should be enforced and trademarks stripped when
a business with specific trademark bullies, harasses or abuses other businesses by
misusing the rights given to them in that trademark.
Too often, small businesses are shut down due to simple words and popular phrases
which should never be given a trademark without proof that the filer is 100%
behind the usage and creation of said phrases and words.
People who file letters of protest should not be punished when they are doing what
is right in the eyes of the law. With words like "Dogs" being trademarked by this
office the public has every right to fight abuse of copyright/trademark laws.
Please do not punish the whole of the public and reward big business by not giving
the public a fair hand in helping you to do your job. I implore you to please listen to
reason when changing your fee schedule.
Respectfully yours
Ruben Lopez Jr
San Diego, CA.