Financial Reporting
Using Microsoft Excel
Presented By:
Jim Lee
2014 SedonaOffice Users Conference Financial Reporting Using Excel
Marco Island, Florida Presented By: Jim Lee
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Table of Contents
Financial Reporting Overview ................................................................................................ 4
Reporting Periods.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Microsoft Excel ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SedonaOffice General Ledger Structure ................................................................................. 5
Invoice Example ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
General Ledger Account Code ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Branch Code ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Category Code ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Fiscal Year ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Monthly Period ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
GL Mask ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Extracting the GL Data from SedonaOffice to Excel ................................................................ 8
The GL Summary Table ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
GL Summary Update Wizard............................................................................................................................................... 8
Importing the SedonaOffice GL Data into Excel .................................................................... 11
Understanding the GL Data .................................................................................................. 15
GL Data Elements................................................................................................................................................................... 15
The Zero (0) Period Balance Sheet Accounts Only ............................................................................................... 16
Retained Earnings Account ............................................................................................................................................... 16
GL Account, Branch and Category Codes .............................................................................. 17
Excel Commands ................................................................................................................. 18
Concatenate ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Sumif ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Setting up your “Template” Excel Spreadsheet .................................................................... 19
The Variables Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Creating a Simple Income Statement ................................................................................... 20
Report Header ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Report Data .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
GL Mask ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Data Selection .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
GL Data ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Copy and Paste Additional Rows .................................................................................................................................... 21
Summing Data and Format ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Setting the Print Area ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adding a Year-to-Date column to the Income Statement ...................................................... 25
The SUMIF for YTD ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
Creating a Balance Sheet ..................................................................................................... 27
Retained Earnings Balance ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Net Income (Loss) for the Current Fiscal Year .......................................................................................................... 27
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Creating a Budget ................................................................................................................ 30
Actual to Budget Income Statement ........................................................................................................................... 31
Month to Date Budget .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Yearly Budget ............................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Branch Level Income Statement........................................................................................... 33
Category Level Income Statement........................................................................................ 34
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Financial Reporting Overview
Balance sheets, income statements and other financial statements are essential for
understanding a company’s financial status and performance. This guide illustrates the
steps for creating different types of financial statements using the general ledger data from
Reporting Periods
The reports created using the tools described herein are period end reports. Reports can be
run for a complete year, year-to-date, quarterly or monthly periods. They are not meant to
be used for mid-month, weekly or daily financial reports.
Microsoft Excel
All the reports as reviewed within this guide are created using Microsoft Excel. For
purposes of this guide Microsoft Excel 2007 has been used. Excel 2007 or higher is highly
recommended as it has expanded capabilities to handle over one million rows of data.
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SedonaOffice General Ledger Structure
Before we begin, let’s review the SedonaOffice General Ledger Structure. Understanding of
this and how transactions are created in SedonaOffice is essential to create useful financial
Let’s start off by looking at the creation of a general ledger transaction. Remember there
are many different ways a general ledger transaction is created in SedonaOffice, but each
has the same characteristics upon completion.
Invoice Example
This is a simple service invoice.
Below is the journal information for the invoice created.
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General Ledger Account Code
The first segment of each transaction is the GL Account. The collection of GL accounts
within your accounting system is called the Chart of Accounts.
Branch Code
The next segment to a transaction is the Branch GL Code. This code is setup in the Branch
setup in SedonaOffice. Each Branch requires a unique GL Code (including any inactive
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Category Code
The third segment is the Category GL Code. This code is setup in the Category setup in
SedonaOffice. Each Category requires a unique GL Code (including any inactive Branches).
Fiscal Year
The fourth element of each transaction is the fiscal year. This is automatically set based on
the posting period for the entry.
Monthly Period
The last element of the general ledger transaction is the monthly period. This is
automatically set based on the posting period for the entry.
GL Mask
The GL Mask is the complete set of GL Data created for each line in a transaction. The GL
Mask is made up of 5 parts:
GL Code Branch Category Fiscal Year Period
The separator used by SedonaOffice is a ‘-‘ (dash). Therefore it is highly recommended you
do not use a dash in any of your GL Codes.
In the invoice example above we have three lines of GL Data. Here is the complete GL Code
for each line.
1) Debit to Accounts Receivable 11000-20-000-2007-12
2) Credit to Income 40010-20-101-2007-12
3) Credit to Sales Tax Liability 24030-20-000-2007-12
NOTE: The Category GL Code for balance sheet accounts is always all zeros. In this case it is
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Extracting the GL Data from SedonaOffice to Excel
GL data must be extracted from SedonaOffice for use in building financial reports in Excel.
But don’t worry; this is an easy process using the tools provided by SedonaOffice.
The GL Summary Table
The GL Summary Table resides in your SedonaOffice database and is the data source for
your Excel-based financial statements. Refreshing the table can take up to 20 minutes
depending on the size of your database, but should be much less for properly configured
GL Summary Update Wizard
Select the SedonaOffice Client Tools to begin the process of updating the GL Data.
Select the GL Summary Update Wizard option then press Open.
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Choose the SedonaOffice database to update then press Next.
Wait for the process to finish; it can take up to 20 minutes based on the size of your
database and configuration of your server.
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Then press Finish.
NOTE: You must run the GL Summary Update Wizard to update the GL Summary Table to
reflect any modifications to the GL Data in SedonaOffice. Consequently, you may run the
process several times during your month-end closing process as you make adjustments in
SedonaOffice and create your financial statements.
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Importing the SedonaOffice GL Data into Excel
Let’s now review how to import the GL Data into Microsoft Excel. In this example we are
going to use the feature in Excel to Query an External Data Source using Microsoft Query.
This feature is available in most recent versions of Excel.
If you have not already done so, you will need to create a Data Source connection to your
SedonaOffice database.
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To create the new Data Source:
1) Name the data source appropriately
2) Select ‘SQL Server’ as the driver to connect to the database
3) Press the Connect button
a. On the SQL Server Login Screen select the name of the SQL Server for
b. Use “SedonaReports” as the Login ID, no password is needed
c. Select the Options tab and select the name of your production SedonaOffice
4) Press OK
Select the data source you just created to create the Query. Uncheck the ‘Use the Query Wizard...”
this will take you directly to Microsoft Query to create the Query.
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Select the “SO_Complete_GL_Total_YTD” table to use in the Query. Then click Close.
Next, select the data fields and criteria for the data to be returned. Select all the data elements in the
Table. While it doesn’t really matter what order to display the data fields, using the order as shown
below will be more logical when viewed with Excel.
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Since this table can contain thousands if not hundreds of thousands of records, it is best to use some
criteria to limit the data that returns.
Criteria Selections:
1) YTD_Net <> $0 By selecting this option only data with values will be returned.
2) Fiscal Year >= 2011 In this case only years 2011, 2012 and 2013 are needed so limit the
data to only these fiscal years.
3) Fiscal Year < 2014 In this case since 2014 has been created we can remove these entries
since were still reporting on 2013.
4) Net_Amount <>$0 This is included as an ‘OR’ selection. This is necessary to return the
Retained Earnings account (more on this later).
Now that we have completed the Query, click the Return Data icon, and the GL Data will be returned
to Excel.
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Understanding the GL Data
Now that the GL Data has been retrieved, let’s take a close look at what we have.
GL Data Elements
Account_Cast The Account_Cast is the complete GL Mask that includes the GL Account
Code, Branch, Category, Fiscal Year and Period. There is one unique Account_Cast for each
accounting period of the unique combination of GL Code, Branch and Category.
Debit_Amount The Debit_Amount is the current period debit total for all transactions
with this Account_Cast.
Credit_Amount The Credit_Amount is the current period credit total for all transactions
with this Account_Cast.
Net_Amount The Net_Amount is the current period net balance based on the
Balance_Rule for the GL Account.
YTD_Debit The YTD_Debit is the running balance of the YTD Debits for the Account_Cast.
YTD_Credit The YTD_Credit is the running balance of the YTD Credits for the
YTD_Net The YTD_Net is the running YTD total for the GL Account based on the
Balance_Rule The Balance_Rule specifies if the GL Account is a debit or credit balance
o 1 = Debit Balance The Net amounts are calculated as Debit Credit
o 2 = Credit Balance The Net amounts are calculated as Credit Debit
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The Zero (0) Period Balance Sheet Accounts Only
Balance sheet accounts will contain a 0 (zero) period which is the YTD carry forward from the
previous fiscal year.
Income Statement GL Accounts do not have a 0 (zero) period as each new fiscal year these accounts
begin accumulating new.
Retained Earnings Account
The Retained Earnings account’s GL Data is carried forward in the 0 (zero) period record only, and
the carry forward retained earnings is in the Net_Amount bucket. You’ll need to remember this
when you put together your balance sheet.
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GL Account, Branch and Category Codes
Before we begin creating the financial statements, let’s discuss the things you need to consider
when building your GL Codes.
When creating your codes you will want to use a numbering sequence that is logical to the way you
want to present your financial reports. Let’s review a few examples.
Let’s say you have 3 different bank accounts; the checking account, the payroll account and a
savings account. When you prepare your balance sheet you may want to display each account on
the report or you may want to consolidate the three accounts into one.
For our example we want to consolidate them. So we’ll give them the following GL Account Codes:
10010 Checking Account
10020 Payroll Account
10030 Savings Account
With this numbering scheme each of the bank accounts begins with a ‘100’. This will allow us to
select all the bank accounts by selecting a mask of ‘100*’ when selecting the bank accounts. (We’ll
review this further when we build the reports)
You can use this same numbering scheme for all the different GL Codes as well as for Branches and
NOTE: Setting up the proper GL Codes is essential to creating your financial statements.
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Excel Commands
Here are the Excel commands needed to build the financial reports.
The Concatenate command is necessary to build the GL Mask for the selection of data to report on.
The purpose of the Concatenate command is to join several text strings into one text string.
The Sumif command is used to bring back the data based on the results of the Concatenate value
created. The Sumif command is used to add (sum) cells based on a given condition.
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Setting up your “Template” Excel Spreadsheet
The financial statement spreadsheet you build is really a template in that you will be able to use the
same spreadsheet month after month. You simply refresh the GL Data and modify a few variables
to produce your financial reports for a specific month. Like any spreadsheet, be sure to create a
back-up copy each time you make modifications to the template.
The Variables Tab
In the sample below are a set of Variables that will be used for the financial statements. Some of
these variables are fixed while others will need to be updated each month. As we build the financial
statements you will see how the data is used.
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Creating a Simple Income Statement
Let’s start out by creating a very simple income statement.
Report Header
For the header we start off with the company name. In this case we use the following command.
This command returns the value from the Variables tab that contains the company name.
For the title of the income statement, we typed in “INCOME STATEMENT”
For the period ending line, we use the following command, which brings in the month and year
from the Variables tab.
Report Data
In this example we are going to break our income into four different lines. For this example we are
going to mask the lines of data using a GL Mask.
GL Mask
Let’s review how we retrieve and format a row of data. The first row of data is the installation
revenue. In this example all the installation revenue GL Codes have been mapped to begin with
“400”, therefore to return all the GL Data with these values we select a GL Mask of “400*
Data Selection
The next key element to return the correct GL Data is the Data Selection. The Data Selection is a
mapping of the “GL Code – Branch Category Fiscal Year Period”. In the example for the first
row of GL Data to create a Data Selection to return the installation sales we build the data using this
In this example:
The GL Code is returned from the cell “B10”, which contains the installation revenue GL Mask. “400*”
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The Branch returns the “All Branches” variable from the Variables tab. “*”
The Category returns the “All Categories” variable from the Variables tab. “*”
The Fiscal Year returns the Current Fiscal Year variable from the Variables tab. “2013”
The Period returns the Current Accounting Period variable from the Variables tab. “12”
Between each variable a “-“ is used in the command to separate each element.
The end result of the command is: 400*-*-*-2013-12
GL Data
The last command we need to know is the SUMIF, which will be used to bring back the results from
our Data Selection.
For the first line of data for the installation sales, we use the following SUMIF command:
Here’s how this command brings back the installation sales.
The first variable is the data to look for in the GL Data tab, here we have selected the entire Column A.
The next variable is the data to compare on, for this transaction we are using the GL Data we mapped
for the installation sales.
The last variable is the data to SUM when a match is found. Since this is a monthly report, we will
select the Monthly Net_Amount which is contained in Column D.
The subset of data below from the GL Data tab represents the data that matched the criteria for the
installation sales. All the amounts in Column D were summed to return the total installation sales
for the month.
Copy and Paste Additional Rows
Creating all the additional rows is very easy. Simply fill in the GL Mask and Description for each
row, then Copy and Paste the Data Selection and GL Data formulas (you can also use the Copy Down
“CTRL-D” command).
Summing Data and Format
Use the SUM command to add all the revenue lines.
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Use the borders feature in Excel to create separation and formatting for the financial statement.
Here is how the top section of our income statement looks with all the Revenue lines.
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Here’s the completed income statement.
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Setting the Print Area
Set a Print Area in the Excel spreadsheet to not include the GL Mask and Data Selection and you end
up with a very nice looking income statement.
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Adding a Year-to-Date column to the Income Statement
In this example we have added a new column called YTD:
All we have to do is modify the SUMIF command to return the data from the YTD_Net column based
on using the same Data Selection as used in the monthly financial statement.
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Here’s the completed Year to Date income statement.
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Creating a Balance Sheet
In this example we’ll create a simple balance sheet. The same rules will apply using the GL Mask, the
Data Selection and the SUMIF command.
Retained Earnings Balance
As discussed earlier the Retained Earnings is always stored in the zero accounting period. For this
one Data Selection you’ll need to change the accounting period to zero. Remember the Retained
Earnings amount is stored in the Net_Amount column, so you’ll need to adjust the SUMIF command
Net Income (Loss) for the Current Fiscal Year
The net income (or loss) for the current fiscal year is not stored in a GL Account, so the easiest way
to pick up this value is from the YTD Income Statement created earlier.
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The final Balance Sheet is shown below.
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Creating a Budget
When you create a budget you want to use the same format as your Income Statement layout. This
is necessary as there should be a direct one-to-one relationship for each line of data on the income
statement with a line on the budget.
In the Budget shown above there are some hidden columns which contain the rolling YTD totals by
period. We’ll need these totals when we create Actual to Budget YTD financials.
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Actual to Budget Income Statement
In this example we can copy the YTD Income Statement to a new worksheet, and then add the
Budget and Variance columns.
Month to Date Budget
To get the results for the month-to-date budget use the OFFSET command. The OFFSET command
will return a value from the offset of a base cell location (i.e. D10). In this case we offset the value
based on the month number setup in the Variables tab (i.e. $G$8 = 12) times 2 (i.e. 12*2=24) minus
1 to return column 23 (i.e. $220,000 is the value in the 23
column to the right of D10.
Yearly Budget
For the Yearly Budget we must return the value from the Year to Date totals on the Budget. In this
case we’ve used the SUMIFS command.
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Branch Level Income Statement
Here’s an example of introducing the Branch level into our financial reporting. In this example
we’ve broken down the income statement at the Branch level, creating a Monthly and YTD income
statement for our two Branches.
NOTE: In this example we need to create two DATA SELECTION statements, one for each
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Category Level Income Statement
In this example we’ve created an Income Statement by Department (Category).
In the Data Selection we added the Category to select the financial data.