portal: Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2016), pp. 477–489.
Copyright © 2016 by The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 21218.
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the
Library Profession
Jennifer Turner
abstract: Librarians in many types of libraries frequently nd themselves positioned as instructors
in formal and informal educational settings. Librarians can help ensure that learner needs are better
dened and addressed by gaining basic competency in instructional design (ID), an intentional
process used to create effective, efcient educational and training programs. Additionally,
instructional design skills have the potential to benet librarians in nonteaching roles. This paper
examines existing library literature to determine how librarians can benet from ID skills and to
identify core ID competencies for the profession, and suggests opportunities to investigate how
librarians might best acquire these skills.
early all librarians provide some degree of instruction, whether it comes in the
form of library instruction for undergraduate students, training sessions for
fellow librarians and library technicians, or the development of online learning
modules for remote library users. Despite the prevalence of teaching in library work,
many librarians complete their master of library and information science degree (MLIS)
or an equivalent degree without acquiring a good foundation in instructional design (ID).
This paper examines how librarians across library types and departments can benet
from instructional design prociencies and argues that librarians should strive to attain
core ID skills through formal or informal educational opportunities. It investigates ID
theories discussed in library literature and compares the skills presented in the literature
to a list of essential ID competencies for librarianship. This paper will investigate the
following questions:
How can librarians of all types benet from knowledge of instructional design?
What instructional design competencies should librarians consider as essential
skills within their profession?
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
This report will conclude with arguments in favor of including basic instructional de-
sign education in most, if not all, MLIS programs and will suggest how this might be
Librarians as Educators and Instructional Designers
Multiple studies demonstrate librarian engagement with instruction in some form,
regardless of library type. Instructional roles are usually correlated with academic
and school librarians. However, a national survey of public librarians reports that 100
percent of city libraries offer formal
or informal technology training, such
as computer skills, photography, and
website development classes.
ence librarians at nearly any library in-
struct patrons on how to use resources
on a one-to-one or one-to-many basis.
Circulation librarians teach visitors
how to check out, renew, and return
materials, and they show new circula-
tion technicians how to use the technology to perform these actions. Technical services
librarians instruct technicians on how to use integrated library systems or how to catalog
new resources. In addition to face-to-face teaching and training for the public or internal
staff, many librarians create instruction modules such as handouts or online tutorials to
assist patrons in accessing resources. Clearly, instructional roles for librarians are found
across library and librarian categories. The use of instructional design concepts can help
librarians design and implement effective educational experiences for their users.
Instructional design is a systematic process used to develop effective educational ses-
sions and tools.
Although there are multiple ID models, analyses by Purnima Valiathan
demonstrate that each approach equips instructors to create lessons that meet dened
and quantiable learner needs.
Instructional design enables its practitioners to extend
their teaching beyond passive “sage on the stage,” lecture-based instruction to create
educational situations and materials that meet specied, measurable learning objectives.
To use instructional design methods effectively, teachers and trainers must become
familiar with dened ID processes. The International Board of Standards for Train-
ing, Performance and Instruction, known as ibstpi, is a nonprot group that develops,
validates, and publishes ID standards for instructors, training managers, instructional
designers, and evaluators. The group has identied 105 “performance statements” for
instructional designers grouped under 22 broader “competencies.”
As ibstpi explains,
even full-time instructional designers may not gain prociency in each competency. This
may be especially true for librarians and others who must juggle instructional design
with responsibilities outside of their teaching roles. Steven Bell and John Shank agree,
observing that librarians might not have time for thorough instructional design but might
use elements of the process to improve library services.
It is important for librarians to
focus on the specic skills needed to succeed in their specialized teaching roles, not to
attempt to become fully trained instructional designers.
Many librarians complete their mas-
ter of library and information science
degree (MLIS) or an equivalent de-
gree without acquiring a good foun-
dation in instructional design (ID).
Jennifer Turner 479
Key ID Competencies for Librarians
For librarians to gain prociency in instructional design, it is important to identify
which ID concepts are essential for them. The library literature often focuses on the use
of specic ID models in planning library or information literacy instruction sessions.
Bell and Shank, Char Booth, Valeda Dent Goodman, Troy Swanson, and other librarian-
authors refer to the ADDIE model for instructional design.
ADDIE guides practitioners
through ve stages of design:
1. Analysis, in which the practitioner denes learner needs.
2. Design, in which the practitioner identies strategies to meet learner needs.
3. Development, in which the practitioner creates learning products, such as activi-
ties and materials.
4. Implementation, in which the practitioner or another qualied individual deliv-
ers products to learners.
5. Evaluation, in which the practitioner assesses the effectiveness of the learning
ADDIE may take more time and resources than many librarians can accommodate,
so Bell and Shank introduced BLAAM—the Blended Librarians Adapted ADDIE Model.
BLAAM streamlines ADDIE for academic librarians and encourages them to:
1. Assess learner needs through discussions with course instructors (assuming
library instruction is part of a larger class, such as English Composition) and by
informal assessments of student needs.
2. Create simple, measurable learning objectives.
3. Quickly develop instruction by drafting a simple plan and sharing it with a col-
league or the course instructor for feedback.
4. Deliver the instruction and, as appropriate, provide training to other librarians
teaching the lesson.
5. Measure the degree to which learning objectives were achieved to provide evi-
dence of learning and to make enhancements to instruction.
The components of BLAAM and ADDIE may be used interchangeably, allowing
librarians to customize the instructional design process to t specic situations.
understanding of ADDIE, BLAAM, or other ID methods will assist any librarian in
developing effective instruction tools or sessions, but these methods are only models
and do not provide a full understanding of the ID process.
Valeda Dent Goodman reviews Myles I. Friedman and Steven P. Fisher’s 1998 Hand-
book on Effective Instructional Strategies: Evidence for Decision-Making, which generalizes
the components of instruction. Goodman recommends that librarians develop aware-
ness of select instructional competencies.
Of the 12 principles identied by Friedman
and Fisher, Goodman highlights six as relevant to librarians in their instructional roles:
1. Surveying student readiness to identify whether students will be able to achieve
the desired learning outcomes.
2. Dening instructional expectations to learners.
3. Providing contiguity to enable learners to make connections to the information
and to ensure that evaluation relates to instruction.
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
4. Using repetition to reinforce learning.
5. Providing transfer of learning between tasks, so that students take knowledge
acquired in one situation and apply it to another. To do this effectively, the se-
quence of activities must be clear, so that students and their instructors understand
which skills must be mastered before moving on to more complex tasks.
6. Using subject matter uniers, such as outlines, hierarchical diagrams, and picto-
rial representations, to identify relationships within new information.
Goodman’s recommended principles do not reect a specic instructional design
method. Instead, they offer generalized guidance to librarians for the analysis and de-
velopment portions of the ID process. However, Goodman’s principles may not provide
enough detail for librarians to practice these skills effectively. Goodman’s list also ignores
the need to evaluate instruction, as recommended in most ID approaches.
ADDIE, BLAAM, and Goodman’s analysis of Farmer and Friedman’s strategies
offer starting points for thinking about instructional design, but ibstpi goes further.
The group has identied an expansive list of principles for professional instructional
designers, providing a much more detailed set of skills than those found in literature
relating to specic models of instructional design.
To identify which generalized skills
stand out as essential, it is important to review the library literature about instructional
design and the lists of professional competencies recommended by library organizations
to create a set of key ID competencies for librarians.
The ibstpi publication Instructional Designer Competencies: The Standards sets out 105
performance statements grouped under 22 broader competencies. According to ibstpi,
the performance statements and competencies
may be classied as “essential,” meaning that
all instructional designers should have that
skill; “advanced,” meaning that experienced
instructional designers should have the skill; or
“managerial,” meaning that only managers of
instructional design functions or teams require
the skill.
As previously noted, librarians need
to be selective in the ID skills they acquire be-
cause they often must balance instructional roles with other elements of librarianship.
One starting place for identifying core instructional design skills for librarians is to
compare the “essential” ID competencies and performance statements from the ibstpi
list to the elements of instructional design commonly mentioned in library literature.
A short version of ibstpi’s “Instructional Design Competencies” is available online and
can be downloaded free after registration. See the ibstpi website at http://ibstpi.org/
Table 1 compares the “essential” ID competencies identied by ibstpi to the ADDIE
and BLAAM instructional design models frequently cited in library literature and to the
ID principles Goodman identies as highly relevant to library instruction.
Table 2 compares the six “essential” performance statements listed by ibstpi to
those mentioned in the library literature. Only two of these performance statements are
not covered by common librarian approaches to instructional design or by Goodman’s
Librarians need to be selective
in the ID skills they acquire be-
cause they often must balance
instructional roles with other
elements of librarianship.
Jennifer Turner 481
Table 1.
Instructional design competencies cited by ibstpi compared to
those in library literature
ibstpi competency* ADDIE BLAAM Valeda Dent
Keeping the
User in
Communicate effectively in visual, oral, and x x x
written form (p. 24)§
Update and improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes
pertaining to instructional design and related elds (p. 25)
Identify and respond to ethical, legal, and political
implications of design in the workplace (p. 25)
Identify and describe target population and
environmental characteristics (p. 26) x x x
Select and use analysis techniques for determining
instructional content (p. 26) x x
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging
technologies and their potential use (p. 27) x x
Use an instructional design and development
process appropriate for a given project (p. 27) x
Organize instructional programs and/or products to
be designed, developed, and evaluated (p. 27) x
Design instructional interventions (p. 27) x x
Select or modify existing instructional materials (p. 28) x x
Develop specications that serve as the basis for
media production (p. 28) x x x
Revise instructional and noninstructional solutions
based on data (p. 29) x x
* Tiffany A. Koszalka, Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Robert A. Reiser, Fernando A. Senior Canela, Barbara Louise
Hopkins Grabowski, and Clinton J. Wallington, Instructional Designer Competencies: The Standards, 4th
ed. (Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2013).
Steven J. Bell and John D. Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librarian’s Guide to the Tools
and Techniques (Chicago: American Library Association, 2007).
‡ Valeda Dent Goodman, Keeping the User in Mind: Instructional Design and the Modern Library (Oxford,
U.K.: Chandos, 2009), from Myles I. Friedman and Steven P. Fisher, Handbook on Effective Instructional
Strategies: Evidence for Decision-Making (Columbia, SC: Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in
Education, 1998).
§ The page numbers refer to Koszalka, Russ-Eft, Reiser, Senior Canela, Grabowski, and Wallington,
Instructional Designer Competencies, 4th ed.
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
Table 2.
Instructional design performance standards identified by ibstpi
compared to those in library literature
ibstpi performance standard* ADDIE BLAAM Valeda Dent
Keeping the
User in
Explain key concepts of instructional design
(p. 24)§
Apply systems thinking to instructional design and
performance improvement programs (p. 24)
Describe the nature of a learning or performance
problem (p. 26) x x x
Identify the learning processes and outcomes to be
measured (p. 28) x x x
Ensure that assessment is aligned with instructional
goals, anticipated learning outcomes, and instructional
strategies (p. 29) x x x
Implement formative and summative
evaluation plans (p. 29) x x
*Not covered under an essential instructional design competency, as listed in Table 1; Tiffany
A. Koszalka, Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Robert A. Reiser, Fernando A. Senior Canela, Barbara
Louise Hopkins Grabowski, and Clinton J. Wallington, Instructional Designer Competencies: The
Standards, 4th ed. (Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2013).
† Steven J. Bell and John D. Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librarian’s Guide to
the Tools and Techniques (Chicago: American Library Association, 2007).
Valeda Dent Goodman, Keeping the User in Mind: Instructional Design and the Modern Library
(Oxford, U.K.: Chandos, 2009), from Myles I. Friedman and Steven P. Fisher, Handbook on Effective
Instructional Strategies: Evidence for Decision-Making (Columbia, SC: Institute for Evidence-Based
Decision-Making in Education, 1998).
§ The page numbers refer to Koszalka, Russ-Eft, Reiser, Senior Canela, Grabowski, and Wallington,
Instructional Designer Competencies, 4th ed.
Jennifer Turner 483
identication of ID principles relevant to library instruction. The two missing perfor-
mance statements, “Explain key concepts of instructional design” and “Apply systems
thinking to instructional design and performance improvement programs,” may fall
outside a librarian’s role.
However, the other “essential” aptitudes are well suited to
library uses of instructional design.
For the most part, ibstpi’s list of “essential” instructional design skills correlates
with ID components recommended for librarians by the literature. The literature about
instructional design omits, how-
ever, the competencies advising de-
signers to (1) update and improve
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
pertaining to instructional design
and related elds and (2) identify
and respond to ethical, legal, and
political implications of design in
the workplace.
Nevertheless, lists
of recommended professional com-
petencies for librarians encourage
members of the profession to be procient in related areas. In fact, a review of profes-
sional standards for all librarians and for librarians in specic roles within the discipline
provides further encouragement for librarians to become skilled in ibstpi’s “essential”
instructional design competencies.
Table 3 identies how ibstpi’s “essential” ID competencies performance statements
compare to the core competencies recommended by library organizations, such as those
for special librarians, music librarians, research librarians, and reference and user services
The Association of College and Research Libraries document “Standards for
Prociencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators” includes a section dedicated to
instructional design, and all the competency sets from library groups contain elements
relating to ID. In fact, only two of the 18 ibstpi “essential” skills, “Explain key concepts
of instructional design” and “Apply systems thinking to instructional design and per-
formance improvement programs,” remain outside suggested librarian competencies.
Given the literature’s support of librarians as educators, it is not surprising to nd
elements of instructional design mentioned in competency sets for librarians. Beyond
formal and informal library training and instruction, Troy Swanson points out that
planning and assessment—two basic concepts of instructional design—have applica-
tions across librarianship.
As Swanson argues, instructional design may be applied to
develop a user-centric approach to libraries by giving librarians a framework for devel-
oping clear understandings of user needs for services, space, instruction, and more.
user experience and assessment grow in importance, knowledge of instructional design
will assist librarians in analyzing user needs, developing and designing facilities and
services to meet those needs, implementing services for maximum impact, and assessing
the effectiveness of their offerings.
A review of professional standards for
all librarians and for librarians in spe-
cific roles within the discipline provides
further encouragement for librarians
to become skilled in ibstpis essential”
instructional design competencies.
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
Table 3.
Instructional design competencies and performance standards identified by library organizations
Competency or performance American Special Music Association of Reference and Association of
standard* Library Libraries Library Southeastern User Services College and
Association Association Association Research Association Research
Libraries Libraries
Communicate effectively in visual, oral, and written
form (p. 24)* x x x x x x
Update and improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes
pertaining to instructional design and related elds (p. 25) x x x x
Identify and respond to ethical, legal, and political
implications of design in the workplace (p. 25) x x x x x x
Identify and describe target population and
environmental characteristics (p. 26) x x x x x x
Select and use analysis techniques for determining
instructional content (p. 26) x x x x x x
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging
technologies and their potential use (p. 27) x x x x x x
Use an instructional design and development process
appropriate for a given project (p. 27) x x x x x x
Organize instructional programs, products, or both
to be designed, developed, and evaluated (p. 27) x x x x x
Design instructional interventions (p. 27) x x x x x
Select or modify existing instructional materials (p. 28) x x x
Develop specications that serve as the basis for media
production (p. 28) x x x x x x
Jennifer Turner 485
Revise instructional and noninstructional solutions
based on data (p. 29) x x x x
Explain key concepts of instructional design (p. 24)
Apply systems thinking to instructional design and
performance improvement programs (p. 24)
Describe the nature of a learning or performance
problem (p. 26) x x
Identify the learning processes and outcomes to be
measured (p. 28) x x x x x
Ensure that assessment is aligned with instructional
goals, anticipated learning outcomes, and instructional
strategies (p. 29) x x x x x x
Implement formative and summative evaluation plans (p. 29) x x x x x
* Tiffany A. Koszalka, Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Robert A. Reiser, Fernando A. Senior Canela, Barbara Louise Hopkins Grabowski, and Clinton J. Wallington,
Instructional Designer Competencies: The Standards, 4th ed. (Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2013)
Table sources:
American Library Association (ALA) Council, 2009
Special Libraries Association, 2003
David Hunter, “Core Competencies and Music Librarians,” 2002
Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, 2000
Reference and User Services Association Task Force on Professional Competencies, 2003
Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008
Competency or performance American Special Music Association of Reference and Association of
standard* Library Libraries Library Southeastern User Services College and
Association Association Association Research Association Research
Libraries Libraries
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
Librarian Education in Instructional Design
Despite the prevalence of instruction in librarian positions and the importance and
applicability of ID skills for all librarians, Jenny Bronstein notes a number of studies
indicating that librarians lack condence in their ability to educate.
This insecurity
may result from Farmer’s nding that while “instruction has become a core function
for most librarians . . . academic preparation of librarians does not always include the
principles of instruction, especially that of instructional design.”
This is unfortunate.
As Bell and Shank observe, embracing the librarian’s role in teaching and learning is an
opportunity to transform the profession and to maintain relevance in the face of new
search technologies that may marginalize it.
However, librarians may hesitate to un-
dertake instructional roles and to apply ID techniques if they lack the rm foundation
in educational skills, including the components of instructional design, that would pro-
mote condence. These observations indicate a gap in the education of future librarians.
Becoming effective educators by developing ID skills will improve librarians’ ability to
move the profession into the future.
The Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information
Studies (MLIS) of the Council of the American Library Association (ALA) requires MLIS
programs to prepare librarians to be effective and productive members of their profes-
However, because librarian-
ship is diverse and the standards are
suggestive rather than prescriptive,
accredited programs are not required
to provide specific courses or to
address specific student learning
outcomes. The ALA says, however,
that these programs must include
coursework that “encompasses infor-
mation and knowledge creation, communication . . . organization and description . . .
[and] dissemination.”
A rm grounding in instructional design will assist librarians in
creating learning materials and instruction sessions that enable library patrons to access
and use information effectively.
In addition to preparing students to create, organize, describe, and disseminate
information, masters programs accredited by the ALA are required to ensure that their
graduates meet core competencies for the profession. These core competencies often
align with instructional design, as demonstrated in Table 3. Further, the ALA standards
dictate that an MLIS curriculum should provide “the opportunity for students to construct
coherent programs of study that allow individual needs, goals, and aspirations to be
met . . . and that will foster development of the competencies necessary for productive
Instructional design work will allow students to gain the skills they need to be
effective instructors. Finally, the standards for accreditation advocate for innovative and
forward-thinking programs of study. The accreditation standards, while not explicitly
calling for ID coursework, certainly support its inclusion in MLIS curricula.
ALA-accredited programs have increasingly included formal courses in instruction.
Loyd Mbabu reports that most library and information science curricula now offer a series
A firm grounding in instructional
design will assist librarians in creat-
ing learning materials and instruction
sessions that enable library patrons to
access and use information effectively.
Jennifer Turner 487
of classes in instruction,
which likely cover instructional design. However, as Heidi
Julien notes, few master’s programs require these courses as part of the core curriculum.
While librarians interested in careers in academic librarianship may take these courses,
many soon-to-be librarians lack the opportunity or interest to take such classes. This
means many librarians may begin their professional careers with little or no knowledge
of the ID process. Indeed, Leslee Shell, Steven Crawford, and Patricia Harris note that
librarians do not necessarily understand instructional design upon entry to the eld
and may have knowledge gaps that impair their ability to design effective instruction.
As the comparison of ibstpi competencies to core competencies for librarians in Table
3 suggests, and as Swanson argues, ID has applications beyond traditional teaching.
The same knowledge gaps that impair a librarian’s ability to design effective instruction
may also hinder the ability to create effective services and spaces.
If librarians complete their formal educations without receiving an introduction
to instructional design, library instruction—and library services in general—may suf-
fer. When librarians do become aware
of the utility of instructional design,
they must seek professional develop-
ment opportunities or rely on outside
resources to gain a background in
instructional design. If resources al-
low, librarians may collaborate with
ID specialists at academic institutions
or engage in professional develop-
ment to learn instructional design for
themselves. However, for librarians with limited resources, it may not be possible to
collaborate with instructional designers or to learn about ID through professional de-
velopment opportunities. Ensuring that core competencies for instructional design are
included in core MLIS curricula, not just as elective courses, would help ensure that all
librarians graduate with a basic knowledge of this important skill set.
Librarians’ educational roles in a variety of professional settings support their acquisi-
tion of core instructional design concepts. A review of existing literature about librarians
and instructional design shows that ibstpi’s “essential” ID prociencies are well suited
for librarians. Additionally, a review of core competencies identied by various library
organizations demonstrates how ibstpi’s “essential” prociencies align well with the
professional skills librarians are expected to possess.
However, MLIS education generally does not require future librarians to take courses
that introduce core concepts of instructional design. While the ALA may not require that
all MLIS students take instruction classes, it might look at how ID concepts could be
integrated into core curricula. Future studies could investigate which ID competencies
are currently present in MLIS curricula and in which classes these skills are introduced.
Researchers might also explore how skills might be embedded in core classes to ensure
that the majority of graduates have some prociency in instructional design. If elements
Ensuring that core competencies for
instructional design are included in
core MLIS curricula, not just as elec-
tive courses, would help ensure that
all librarians graduate with a basic
knowledge of this important skill set.
Instructional Design: Skills to Benefit the Library Profession
of instructional design are already taught in core classes not clearly labeled as “instruc-
tion,” studies might look at how students could be encouraged to identify how these
elements combine to create the ID process. Perhaps students of library science are already
learning instructional design but need assistance synthesizing concepts in ways that give
them the condence that they have the skills to develop, deliver, and assess instruction.
Instructional design is a powerful tool for creating educational programs to meet
real learner needs. Beyond instruction, elements of instructional design have applica-
tions for planning and assessing all library services. It is time to empower librarians to
create services to meet the real needs of patrons or library users by encouraging them
to develop ID competencies.
Jennifer Turner is the instructional services librarian at Minnesota State University, Mankato;
she may be reached by e-mail at: jennifer[email protected].
1. John Carlo Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Jean Lee, Kristofer Dubbels, Abigail J. McDermott, and
Brian Real, 2013 Digital Inclusion Survey: Survey Findings and Results Executive Summary
(College Park: University of Maryland College Park, College of Information Studies,
Information Policy & Access Center, 2014), 10, accessed February 6, 2015, http://
2. Lesley S. J. Farmer, Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Professionals (New
York: Neal-Schuman, 2011); Valeda Dent Goodman, Keeping the User in Mind: Instructional
Design and the Modern Library (Oxford, U.K.: Chandos, 2009); George M. Piskurich, Rapid
Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right (San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2006).
3. Purnima Valiathan, “Instructional Design,” Training Journal, March 2010, 74; Purnima
Valiathan, “Instructional Design,” Training Journal, February 2010, 76; Purnima Valiathan,
“Instructional Design,” Training Journal, January 2010, 74.
4. Tiffany A. Koszalka, Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Robert A. Reiser, Fernando A. Senior Canela,
Barbara Louise Hopkins Grabowski, and Clinton J. Wallington, Instructional Designer
Competencies: The Standards, 4th ed. (Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2013).
5. Steven J. Bell and John D. Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librarian’s
Guide to the Tools and Techniques (Chicago: American Library Association [ALA], 2007).
6. Bell and Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design; Char Booth, Reective Teaching, Effective
Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators (Chicago: ALA, 2011); Goodman, Keeping
the User in Mind; Troy A. Swanson, “ADDIE [Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and
Evaluate] in the Library: Building a Model for the Information Age Library,” Community &
Junior College Libraries 13, 2 (2005): 51–61.
7. Bell and Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design.
8. Ibid., 55–58.
9. Goodman, Keeping the User in Mind.
10. Ibid., 106–10.
11. Ibid.
12. Koszalka, Russ-Eft, Reiser, Senior Canela, Grabowski, and Wallington, Instructional Designer
13. Ibid.
14. Goodman, Keeping the User in Mind.
15. Koszalka, Russ-Eft, Reiser, Senior Canela, Grabowski, and Wallington, Instructional Designer
Competencies, 24.
Jennifer Turner 489
16. Ibid., 25.
17. For the purposes of this paper, competencies recommended only for instruction
coordinators are excluded from analysis because instruction coordinators are a specic
subset of instruction librarians.
18. Swanson, “ADDIE in the Library.”
19. Ibid.
20. Jenny Bronstein, “The Role and Work Perceptions of Academic Reference Librarians: A
Qualitative Inquiry,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 11, 3 (2011): 791–811.
21. Farmer, Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Professionals, xiv.
22. Bell and Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design.
23. Council of the American Library Association, Standards for Accreditation of Master’s
Programs in Library & Information Studies (Chicago: ALA, 2008), accessed February 6,
2015, http://www.ala.org/accreditedprograms/sites/ala.org.accreditedprograms/les/
24. Ibid., 3.
25. Ibid., 8.
26. Loyd G. Mbabu, “LIS Curricula Introducing Information Literacy Courses alongside
Instructional Classes,” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 50, 3 (2009):
27. Heidi Julien, “Education for Information Literacy Instruction: A Global Perspective,”
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 46, 3 (2005): 210–16.
28. Leslee Shell, Steven Crawford, and Patricia Harris, “Aided and Embedded: The Team
Approach to Instructional Design,” Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance
Learning 7, 1–2 (2013): 143–55.
29. Swanson, “ADDIE in the Library.”