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Cover Letter Planning
What is a Cover Letter?
An effective cover letter inspires an employer to read your resume. The cover letter
demonstrates familiarity with the organization and emphasizes how your experience meets the
needs of the organization. Communication skills, attention to detail, enthusiasm, and style are all
demonstrated through a well-written letter. A cover letter should not re-state the information on
your resume, but should rather show relationships between your skills and the position for which
you are applying.
Where Do I Begin?
To start your cover letter, begin by thinking about the following: What unique skills do you
have that match the position requirements? Why should they interview/hire you? Why do you
want to work for that particular employer? How can the employer benefit from your education,
experience, etc.?
Does HSC SON Offer Cover Letter Assistance?
Yes! The Career Services Center provides you with Optimal Resume which contains a Resume
and Cover Letter Builder and can be accessed at After you have
used the Optimal Resume site, email your cover letter for review to one of the Career Services
Center staff. We will send you feedback in a timely manner. For additional information, visit our
Cover Letter Tips
Follow these easy tips to improve the quality of your cover letter
Limit your cover letter to 3-4 brief paragraphs; aim for a total length of one-half to three-
quarters of a page.
Be specific when describing abilities, skills, honors, activities and experience; provide examples.
Fill in the blanks your resume leaves out; your cover letter provides the employer with
additional information about who you are and what you have done.
Avoid using slang terms, jargon, or exaggerating when writing your cover letter.
A cover letter should indicate that you have a clear understanding of your career goals and job
Either use the same heading as your resume with your contact information, or include it at the
top of the letter.
Margin your cover letter to the left with no indentations. Single space your paragraphs and
leave three or four blank spaces in which to sign your name.
Tailor a new cover letter for each employer and revise paragraphs for every letter.
Make sure your envelope matches the same professional look of your cover letter and resume.
Avoid hand writing your envelope.
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Cover Letter Strategies
Addressing Your Cover Letter
What if there is no contact name in the job advertisement? Who do you send your cover letter
to? Find one! This will take some research, either via telephone or the Internet. You may want to
call the target employer and get an actual name of a recipient for your cover letter. Make sure you
get the correct spelling of the name and the appropriate job title. This will set you apart from most
applicants. If you are unable to address your letter to a specific individual with his or her correct
title, you may want to write “Employer” or “Human Resources.”
Begin with a Strong “Hook”
Catch an employer’s attention immediately by advertising your strengths and unique skills.
Provide the reader with evidence as to why you are the best candidate for the position.
Emphasize How “You” Will Contribute to the Organization/Employer
Your letter should be employer centered, not self-centered. Ask yourself “How can I be of
service to this employer?”
Cover Letter Essentials
Follow these easy guidelines to improve the quality of your cover letter:
Use the same font and paper as your resume
Typed and laser printed
Original (avoid mailing the same exact letter to multiple employers)
Positive, professional, confident and enthusiastic sounding
Error free (have someone proofread it)
Brief and to the point (one page)
Use an outline system to organize your thoughts before writing
Include the reference job code if mentioned in the ad
Provide additional information and details which are not on your resume or expand on your
main selling points
Send to the SON Career Services Center staff for review/critique
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Cover Letter Format
Contact Information
Your Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Telephone Number
Today’s Date
Name of Contact
Title Company/Organization
Street Address City, State Zip Code
Dear Ms. /Mr.:
First Paragraph—Introduction
State the reason for writing this cover letter. Name the specific job title or type of work for which
you are applying. Indicate where you learned of the opening (newspaper, Job Connection/Internet,
SON Career Services Center, Career Fair, friend, etc.). State that you believe you possess/have a
background that deserves consideration for the position.
Second Paragraph—Body
Explain why you are interested in the position and field of work or why you are interested in
working for that employer. Explain your qualifications and achievements (this may include
your academic background, work experience and or skills). Try not to repeat exact information
found in your resume; however make reference to the enclosed resume. State how you could be
successful in this position, why you are qualified and how you match the requirements of the job
description. Mention specific accomplishments that directly relate to the field of work for which
you are applying and why you enjoy that work (you may want to cite a specific experience on the
job, project, committee, or task that you worked on).
Third Paragraph—Closing
Indicate that you are interested in meeting with the employer to further discuss the position and
that you welcome an interview. Refer to your address and telephone number above should they
require any additional information or should they request an interview of you. Indicate times/dates
that you will be available, if necessary. Thank the reader/employer for reading your resume and
cover letter and their thoughtful consideration of you for the position.
[Your Signature]
Your Name Typed
NOTE: If you use a formal heading with your
contact information, do not list it again.
(See page 4)
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Sample Cover Letter
May 5, 2011
Ms. Rita Recruiter
Recruiting Specialist
Healthcare Hospital
1234 Helpful Lane
Lubbock, TX 79000
Dear Ms. Recruiter:
I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Interior Design position at Paychex, which is
posted on your website. My professional experience and my interest in corporate facilities design
are an excellent fit for this position, and I am enthusiastic about joining the professional staff at
Paychex. My resume is enclosed for your consideration.
Through my education at Texas Tech University and my co-op experience at ABC Employer, I have
enjoyed designing and planning attractive and useful interiors for local businesses. This includes
4+ years of experience in retail and office furnishing sales. In addition, my experiences and
expertise in interior design include the following:
Experience in coordinating and implementing all aspects of project design, space planning,
fabric selection, drawings, furniture specification, accessories, and design presentation.
Specific attention to detail and set up of jobs within allotted time and budget constraints.
Excellent interpersonal and team building skills with direct experience of being a liaison
between departments.
General knowledge of AutoCAD and Haworth Furniture systems.
I am especially interested in this position because I have a direct interest in managing and
designing cost-effective commercial offices. As a result, I am confident that I would enhance the
function and quality of interior space at Paychex. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with
you in person to discuss my qualifications further. Please contact me at 502-555-5555 to schedule
an interview or if you are in need of additional information. Thank you for your consideration.
I appreciate your assistance and look forward to speaking with you.
[Your Signature]
Angela Applicant
AngelA ApplicAnt
3601 4th Lubbock, TX 79430 502-555-5555 [email protected]
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Sample Cover Letter
Angela Applicant
3601 4th
Lubbock, TX 79430
May 5, 2014
Ms. Rita Recruiter
Recruiting Specialist
Healthcare Hospital
1234 Helpful Lane
Lubbock, TX 79000
Dear Ms. Recruiter:
I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Interior Design position at Paychex, which is
posted on your website. My professional experience and my interest in corporate facilities design
are an excellent fit for this position, and I am enthusiastic about joining the professional staff at
Paychex. My resume is enclosed for your consideration.
Through my education at Texas Tech University and my co-op experience at ABC Employer, I have
enjoyed designing and planning attractive and useful interiors for local businesses. This includes
4+ years of experience in retail and office furnishing sales. In addition, my experiences and
expertise in interior design include the following:
Experience in coordinating and implementing all aspects of project design, space planning,
fabric selection, drawings, furniture specification, accessories, and design presentation.
Specific attention to detail and set up of jobs within allotted time and budget constraints.
Excellent interpersonal and team building skills with direct experience of being a liaison
between departments.
General knowledge of AutoCAD and Haworth Furniture systems.
I am especially interested in this position because I have a direct interest in managing and
designing cost-effective commercial offices. As a result, I am confident that I would enhance the
function and quality of interior space at Paychex. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with
you in person to discuss my qualifications further. Please contact me at 502-555-5555 to schedule
an interview or if you are in need of additional information. Thank you for your consideration.
I appreciate your assistance and look forward to speaking with you.
[Your Signature]
Angela Applicant