Proposal for an Individual Internship
Brigham Young University
International Study Programs
Student Information
Name: Last First BYU ID
Phone: Home Cell E-mail
Internship Information
Country City Organization
Address Web Address
Internship Supervisor (in country) Name Phone E-mail
Internship Dates (circle the BYU semester) Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer
Internship housing address and contact information (phone at apartment or home, cell phone)
Type of work with internship organization:___________________________________________
List any language or international experience:_________________________________________
Academic Information
Department Major Minor
Department Internship Coordinator Signature Phone
Proposed BYU Internship Courses
For Office Use Only
Accepted Date __________
Redraft Date ___________
Declined Date __________
Proposal to be returned to Aaron Rose, international internships coordinator
International Study Programs, 204 HRCB, (801) 422-8241, [email protected]
Preparation Steps for an International Internship
Application Process (3 months before departure)
Students apply for an “Individual Internship” through International Study Programs (ISP) at
for the term/semester they will be enrolled for their internship credits.
In conjunction with this, students should check with their Department Internship Coordinator to assure the
internship focus is in line with the department’s academic focus. A list of Department Internship Coordinators
may be found at:
Pre-Departure Seminars (2 months before departure)
All individual interns are required to meet with the ISP staff five times prior to departure for international and
cross-cultural preparation seminars. These seminars are offered the second block of fall and winter semester
and summer term. The seminars cover cross-cultural communication, culture shock, personal safety,
international security, and how to maximize the international internship experience. Check with the ISP
Individual Internship Facilitator (below) for the schedule of seminars.
Course Contracts Registration for BYU Credit (2 months prior to departure)
Registration for BYU credit earned while abroad will occur through the “Course Contract” method through
ISP. ISP serves as the registrar for any BYU credit earned while students are outside of the United States.
With departmental approval, courses from any department may be set-up as “study abroad” sections through
ISP. Course Contract forms are obtained from the Individual Internship Facilitator. Students are responsible
for turning in completed Course Contracts to the Facilitator.
International Health Insurance (1 month prior to departure)
ISP will purchase secondary international health insurance coverage on behalf of the student through HTH
Worldwide. Student intern coverage will cost approximately $148 per semester. This charge will be placed
automatically on the student account. Accompanying spouse and child coverage is also available. Students
should not withdraw from their primary insurance carrier as HTH Worldwide is only supplemental.
BYU International Travel Policy
BYU’s first priority in sending students abroad is personal safety and security. Students and faculty should
review the BYU Travel Policy on the Kennedy Center TravelSmart page for travel and international updates
at Students will not be able to participate in internships, fieldwork, or any
activities where the BYU Travel Policy has a travel restriction.
International Internship Master Agreement
A signed master agreement must be secured prior to departure or within the first week of the internship. An
online version is available at
ISP Individual Internship Facilitator
Students should work with the Facilitator for completing all of the above. Contact the Individual Internships
facilitator at 101 HRCB, (801) 422-3686, or [email protected].