MISO Market User Interface
(MUI 2.0)
API User Guide
January 18, 2024
Revision 1.22
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Table of Contents
About This Document......................................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose of This Document ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope of This Document .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
User Authentication ..................................................................................................................................4
Technology Prerequisite Knowledge ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Test Tools ....................................................................................................................................................5
External Interface Data Exchange Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5
Data Exchange Synopsis ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
OpenAPI / Swagger Editor ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Introduction to the API .................................................................................................................................. 8
Messaging Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Role of the End User ........................................................................................................................8
The Role of MISO ....................................................................................................................................8
The Role of the MP..................................................................................................................................9
Required Capabilities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Authentication ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
HTTP/HTTPS and TLS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Security Best Practices .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Session Management ............................................................................................................................10
Check for MISO Public Key ..................................................................................................................10
IP Whitelisting Notifications Connections .........................................................................................10
Rate Limits .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Historical Data Availability ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Using JSON ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Notifications....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Notifications Registering URL and Sending Test Messages ..........................................................13
3. Common Principles ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Participant Registration ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
OpenAPI Specification Schema................................................................................................................................................... 14
HTTP Methods .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
HTTP Headers ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Delete Behavior ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Pnode Based GET Endpoint Behavior ...................................................................................................................................... 16
POST Endpoints Supporting Multiple Locations or Pnodes ............................................................................................. 18
Retrieving Bulk Real-Time Prices ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Confirming Financial Schedules and Contracts .................................................................................................................... 19
Optional JSON Elements ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
API and Error Responses ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
HTTP Status Codes .............................................................................................................................21
Transaction Semantics and Transaction Identifier .........................................................................22
Transaction Log ..................................................................................................................................22
JSON Data Type and Specification Semantics .................................................................................................................... 22
JSON Date and Time in the MUI interface. ......................................................................................22
MP Representing Asset Owners .............................................................................................................................................. 23
MP Query/Submit on Behalf of Asset Owners ................................................................................24
Notification Dispatch Messages sent to MP ....................................................................................24
4. Testing in the Customer Connectivity Environment (CCE).............................................................. 24
CCE URL .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Historical Data in CCE .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Rate Limits in CCE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Notification Testing in CCE .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
5. Terms and Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... 26
Recent Change Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
About This Document
This document introduces software engineers to the Application Programable Interfaces (APIs) of the MISO Market
User Interface 2.0 (MUI) component of the MISO Day-Ahead and Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserves market.
Purpose of This Document
This document is intended to introduce readers to the API design and implementation strategy for the MISO MUI
2.0 being built as part of the MISO Market System Upgrade project.
Readers of this document should be familiar with the general context of APIs, RESTful webservices and JSON.
Scope of This Document
The document will not cover implementation details for individual APIs. This information is provided by way of an
OpenAPI 3 specification which can be viewed using Swagger tooling.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Related Documents
Document Name
MUI 2.0 API Specification.yaml
For detailed descriptions and technical definition of the
individual APIs and payloads
LSA Policy Guide
Information related to the Local Security Administrator role
Self-Service LSA User Guide Information related to provisioning and managing users that
access the MUI
Market Participant Registration
Website for more information on Market Participant
1. Introduction
Market participants (MP) interact with the MISO Energy and Operating Reserves market through a variety of
software systems hosted by MISO. These include asset registration and equipment modeling, SCADA over ICCP for
telemetry and controls, settlements and invoicing among others.
The Market User Interface (MUI) provides participants an interface to interact with the MISO Energy and Operating
Reserves market. The MUI provides this interface using standard internet technologies. At a high level, the MUI
provides the following capabilities:
The ability to submit any parameters that can change daily or hourly as part of market participation, such as
resource limits, runtimes, ramp rates and other physical parameters, generation offers, demand bids, virtual
bids, virtual offers and others depending on the system operator
The ability to query out what has been submitted
The ability to query results of the day-ahead and real-time markets as they clear
The ability to do all the above as an authenticated user over the public internet through either a
programmatic web API or a web-based user interface
The ability to receive web API push messages from certain events in the market, such as operational
messages to the participants, clearing results, resource start and stop commands, and dispatch instructions.
User Authentication
User Authentication is accomplished by a user Digital Certification managed by a Local Security Administrator
within each Market Participant Company. See Self-Service LSA User Guide
for details on user management.
Should be reviewed using Swagger Editor
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Technology Prerequisite Knowledge
In order to design and implement a JSON-based data exchange with the MUI using the programmatic APIs, the
reader should be familiar with:
Using JSON for data description, JSON parsing and validation
RESTful Web Services
OpenAPI Specification and Swagger Editor
Protocols HTTP, HTTPS and TCP/IP
Security and authentication technologies: encryption, authorization, and secure sockets layer/transport
level security (SSL/TLS).
General network communication software methodology.
Test Tools
These API test tools can help developers quickly interact with the MUI API. While MISO finds these tools useful,
they are not neither endorsed nor supported by MISO. There are other equivalent tools available.
Talend API Tester: a simple browser plugin for REST/JSON interactions
Postman and SoupUI: Feature-rich desktop applications for REST/JSON interactions
Swagger Editor: for reviewing the OpenAPI specification document
External Interface Data Exchange Overview
The participants of the Day-Ahead and Real-time market that exchange data with MISO include:
Companies that provide energy supply in the form of generation
Companies that provide energy supply in the form of demand response resources
Companies that require energy demand to service loads
Local Balancing Authorities that monitor and manage load and generation in a geographic region
Other interested registered participants
Individual generating companies or load serving entities are represented by MPs who act as agents to submit energy
supply offers or demand bids. Other participants may be registered and query or submit data as well (e.g.
distribution companies, virtual energy traders).
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Data Exchange Synopsis
Data exchange is described in terms of data submitted by the participant and data received as a result of a query in
different functional categories as shown in the table below. For detailed descriptions and technical definition of the
individual APIs and payloads supported review the MUI 2.0 API Specification.yaml
OpenAPI specification.
Category Description
Day-Ahead Market (DA)
Day-Ahead Energy and Operating Reserve Market: The forward
market for purchases and sales of Energy, Operating Reserve, Up
Ramp Capability, Down Ramp Capability, and Short-Term Reserve
conducted by the Transmission Provider the Day prior to the
Operating Day
The Day-Ahead Market includes Resource Offers, Financial/Physical
Bilateral Transactions, Price Sensitive Demand Bids, Fixed Demand
Bids and Virtual Bids/Supply Offers.
Real-Time Market (RT) Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market: The Market for
purchases and sales of Energy, Operating Reserve, Up Ramp
Capability, Down Ramp Capability, and Short-Term Reserve
conducted by the Transmission Provider during the Operating Day.
The Real-Time Market information includes Resource Offers,
Financial/Physical Bilateral Transactions and Self Schedules.
Financial Schedules
This data exchange set allows for the definition of bilateral financial
schedule contracts and daily hourly schedules of energy and ancillary
The financial schedules center is open to receive Day-Ahead contract
definitions and schedules up to noon the day before the operating
day and noon the day after for real-time adjustments to the Day-
Ahead schedules.
Operations and Local
Balancing Authority
Data set that is submitted by local balancing authorities or required
by market operations. Includes emergency notifications, energy
supply resource start/stop and dispatch instructions.
Portfolio Management
Portfolios are participant named and specified collections of energy
supply resource locations, and demand bid locations that can be used
by the interactive web browser user and the XML query processor.
Portfolios are used to group resources and location nodes together
for the benefit of the participant in viewing and managing data.
Independent Market
Data set that is submitted by the Independent Market Monitor
(IMM). Includes reference prices and cost schedules that are bundled
as resource assignments.
Should be viewed using the Swagger Editor
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
OpenAPI / Swagger Editor
The Swagger Editor is a tool to easily visualize any Open API specification. The figure below is an example
screenshot that shows the OpenAPI specification MUI 2.0 API Specification.yaml in the Swagger Editor software. On
the left is the raw file, on the right in is an interpreted version of the specification showing the different API
endpoints supported.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
2. Introduction to the API
The MUI supports REST-based (RESTful) programmatic APIs using the JSON data-exchange format. These
programmatic APIs are used by market participants to exchange data with MISO via the MUI. In function, the
programmatic API mimics the interactive web user interface; almost all functions supported by the web pages are
supported by the programmatic API.
To use these APIs the participant software must implement the messaging protocol according to the guidelines
described in this document and its associated OpenAPI Specification. This software implementation relies heavily on
standard technologies that can be obtained freely on the internet (i.e. open software) or that can be obtained from
third-party vendors.
Messaging Overview
The programmatic API is a messaging API used by MISO to exchange data with the MPs. In this communication there
are roles for the participant, MISO, and MP.
The Role of the End User
This role description presumes a generic end user. It does not address the requirements or rules stipulated for an MP
acting as an agent for other MPs.
The end user uses the programmatic API to implement an automated interface to the market services provided by
MISO. Using the programmatic API, the end user can implement software that integrates efficiently with other
applications and processes on the end user side of the network. This allows the necessary message exchange to fit
more easily into the end user’s business processes and methods.
The end user uses the programmatic API to query MISO for market results and other public data.
The Role of MISO
MISO provides services that support the programmatic API. These services are identified by Universal Resource
Locators (URL) and made available to the end user. When the MISO server receives a request at a given URL, the
following processing is performed:
The request is validated both syntactically and semantically. Any error results in an error response.
If the request is a data submission. then the change is verified to conform to market business rules. Any
violations result in an error response and the total rejection of all data in the message. If there are no errors,
then the data is accepted.
If the request is a data query and the request is correctly formatted, then the data requested is packaged as
a JSON objects and returned to the participant.
MISO sends (pushes using asynchronous messaging) notification and dispatch messages to MPs who are registered
to receive such messages. The MP must implement and make a message listener available to receive such messages.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
The Role of the MP
An MP is a market participant that is qualified to represent a transmission customer or energy supplier (asset owner
(AO)) for purposes of scheduling and/or settlement with MISO. MISO will only settle with such an MP that is
registered with MISO (See MISO Market Participant Registration
website for more information on MP registration).
An MP can represent multiple asset owners.
An MP uses the programmatic API to:
Submit market bids and offers on behalf of the AO into the day-ahead and real-time markets
Query MISO for market results and other public and private data
Receive notification and dispatch messages with a registered message listener
It is the responsibility of the MP’s Local Security Administrator (LSA) to provision access for end users in order to use
programmatic API to implement an automated interface to the market services provided by MISO. See the
Policy Guide for more information related to the LSA role and the Self-Service LSA User Guide for more information
related to provisioning end users.
Required Capabilities
A REST API client should support the following:
HTTPS and the configuration of a client certificate
Operations for standard methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
Ability to set and read request and response headers
Ability to generate and process JSON data
The MUI API uses X.509 digital certificates to provide authentication, which maps a session to a client identity and
company registered with MISO. Discussion of this user management process is outside the scope of this document.
See the Self-Service Local Security User Guide
for more information on the user management process.
Connecting to the MUI API requires using HTTPS
and Transport Layer Security (TLS). The REST API & Notifications
supports HTTP 1.1 and TLS protocol version 1.2. Once TLS 1.3 becomes the norm, MISO will move to TLS 1.3.
All message exchange between the participant and the MISO server uses HTTPS protocol, which is HTTP over an SSL/TLS (encrypted) session.
The name HTTP names the protocol commands, the suffix of S refers to the secure connection. When discussing the protocol, the name HTTP will
be used.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Security Best Practices
Session Management
For security reasons, MISO requires establishing a session with a small transaction. MISO recommends sending a
GET operations with an invalid parameter.
For example:
Or if working in the CCE environment:
This will establish the session, while failing quickly and using the least amount of resources. Even though the invalid
GET operation will return an error response, the session is still established and an MRHSession cookie is returned.
The MRHSession cookie is a set of hex digits and you can find in the http header as below:
Set-Cookie: MRHSession=HexDigits;path=/;secure
The MRHSession cookie should be included on subsequent API transactions. Without the MRHSession cookie some
API transaction calls will be rejected with a failure for security reasons.
Be prepared to reestablish your session. When you get a session error message, reestablish the session using the
same GET operation as above, and retry the transaction. There can be several reasons for a session to drop. For
example, idle sessions are eventually dropped. Do NOT reestablish the session for each API call.
Check for MISO Public Key
Best practice is to validate your connection against the MISO service certificate. This allows a client connecting to
the MUI to validate that they are actually connected to MISO. MISO MUI exposes this public key for clients and is
available here
. This server certificate is valid for all member accessible production and test environments.
IP Whitelisting Notifications Connections
In addition to the MUI for submitting data and retrieving results, MISO also pushes notifications to market
participant listeners that have one or more registered listener URLs (see section Notifications). To ensure that the
notifications received are indeed from MISO, market participants should allow only MISO servers to reach their
notification listeners through network configuration. This is often referred to as IP white listing.
For Production, MISO will send Notifications from the either of the following IP addresses.
For Customer Connectivity Environment (CCE), MISO will send Notifications from the following IP Address.
In addition, you can validate against the MISO server certificate (see section Check for MISO Public Key).
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Rate Limits
The MUI API imposes rate limits on API usage. In the case where a rate limit is exceeded, the API will respond with
an error message and the HTTP status code: 429 Too Many Requests. Invalid requests will be counted towards this
limit. Client applications can reattempt any rejected request and should implement self-throttling to the published
The rate limit default is 100ms and applies to only GET requests for a given endpoint. Endpoints with a different rate
limit than the default are list below. These can be adjusted without notice to address excessive traffic affecting
system availability. See External Systems Acceptable Use Policy
for more information.
The rate limit is enforced for a given user (defined by the client certificate) and the acting asset owner (see section
MP Representing Asset Owners). In other words, if a give client certificate is querying for two different asset
owners, the two queries do not count against each other.
Group Endpoint Rate Limit (ms)
Historical Data Availability
In addition to the current operating day, MISO retains 10 days of past market results data. The MISO website
contains additional historical public market results data.
Using JSON
The MUI uses standardized JSON messages for both requests and responses. The format of these messages is
described in the OpenAPI Specification. In addition to standard HTTP status codes, a common API Response JSON
message is returned for errors or on successful submission of a request to update a resource (see section API and
Error Responses).
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
The MUI supports push notifications with asynchronous messaging. The client is MISO, which issues a notification or
a dispatch instruction message that is sent to the participant’s server. To receive push-style messages, the
participant must have a message listener active at all times. This is because these messages are asynchronous with
participant activity. The participant does not request these messages (no polling is performed).
For all push messages, MISO is always the client and the participant is always the server. MISO will log the HTTP
status code returned from the server but will not log the response payload (if it was sent by the server). A response
should take place immediately.
To protect against inefficient or non-functioning servers, MISO will quickly close the connection after the HTTP
response from the server is received.
Figure 5 illustrates the push (asynchronous) protocol.
Figure 5: Push (asynchronous) protocol
The client is MISO and the server is the participant. The processing steps are:
Step 1 MISO’s software formulates the message (notification or dispatch instruction) and sends it to the
server (participant). After sending the message, MISO client software waits for the response (step 2).
Because MISO initiates the message sending without any request message from the participant, this is
called push or asynchronous messaging.
Step 2 The server (participant) software is actively listening for new messages and receives the message
sent by MISO. The server software validates the message request and gives an immediate response with an
HTTP status 200 before processing the message action. A successful response is indicated by returned
HTTP status 200 OK, while any another HTTP status is treated as unsuccessful. The response body is not
relevant and will not be stored.
Regardless of HTTP status response, MISO will never attempt to resend a notification.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Step 3 & 4 MISO’s software receives the response message and logs the HTTP status code. The response
body is not stored. If the response is not sent before the connection is close, HTTP status 408 Request
Timeout is recorded.
MISO sends messages by sending an HTTP POST message to the registered participant server computer. The
participant’s server is implemented like a standard web server that can receive and acknowledge the sent messages.
The participant’s web server is identified by a URL that is registered with MISO and must support HTTPS (or SSL)
requests. Although at this time MISO allows self-signed certificates, MISO recommends using well established third
party signed certificates. At some time, MISO will require third-party issued certificates.
Notifications Registering URL and Sending Test Messages
The registration of the participants URL and subsequent subscriptions to different message types is supported by
the MUI user interface. Participants are expected to self-service the registration and subscriptions.
The MUI user interface also allows participants to send test messages to subscribed URLs. Messages sent via the
notification test screen will have the test element of the message set to true, “test”: true.
Recommended Best Practice: Your production Listener should check that the test element is not true. This
would prevent test messages from accidentally being processed by your production system. In addition, IP
Whitelisting would provide an additional layer of protection (see section IP Whitelisting Notifications
To register a URL and send a test notification, the MUI user must have their Local Security Administrator grant their
certificate “DART: Notification URLs (submit)” access in CCE or Production. With this access, you can update the
target URL for notifications and send a test notification from either CCE or Production.
Since the push messaging exchange is all performed using SSL/TLS and authenticated using digital certificates, the
participant must be able to support the following related activities:
Establish a web listener identified by a server style digital certificate whose root authority is a well
established third party signed certificates. MISO does not allow self-signed listener certificates.
Recognize the digital certificate used by MISO to authenticate all notification and dispatch messages.
Additionally, it is recommended to check the MISO public certificate and whitelist the IP address of MISO clients
(see section Check for MISO Public Key).
3. Common Principles
This chapter describes common requirements and messaging concepts used by all message types.
Participant Registration
All market participants using the JSON programmatic interface must be registered with MISO. Each registered user
must have a digital certificate to specify:
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
A unique username that is defined within the digital certificate
A participant identifier or company name defined at the time of registration
Access permission based on the roles defined by the registration system
An MP who represents other participants must establish permission to operate as an agent for each participant via
the registration system. Only after such a relationship has been defined and entered into the registration system will
the MP be able to submit data or query requests on behalf of another participant.
OpenAPI Specification Schema
The API’s specification is provided via an OpenAPI 3.0.3 specification schema. The schema describes API paths, path
and query variables, and request/response messages. MISO’s schema is located at the URL specified below.
It is recommended to view the schema via the Swagger Editor or other software that can interpret the OpenAPI
All functions and data provided by the MISO server are addressed using a URL. This URL is made up of base URL,
resource name and query string where the base URL is the root location of resources.
The API descriptions in the OpenAPI specification describe the resource and query elements along with associated
JSON payloads and responses. The base URL contains the protocol, host and base API path, which may vary based
on environment and thus is not covered in the specification.
Note the breakdown of this URL:
exante?portfolio=”ALL ASSETS”
Base URL
CCE: https://cce.midwestiso.org/dart2
(customer facing test environment)
Production: https://markets.midwestiso.org/dart2
(note: not in production at this time)
?portfolio="ALL ASSETS"
The field and naming requirements of the X.509 digital certificates and the registration process are defined outside of this document.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
HTTP Methods
All requests submitted to MISO Server use either the HTTP POST or HTTP GET methods. Most available resources
specify a collection such as the market results for a day or schedule offers for an Asset Owner. A collection that is
tied to a participant will reference that participant in its path.
While general information will not include the participant reference.
All submissions that modify data use the POST method while queries use GET. Though PUT and DELETE are often
supported in RESTful API’s, they are not used in this system. To understand how to delete objects, see section Delete
When querying a collection resource, query string parameters are used to filter the data
GET /markets/day-ahead/{day}/offer/schedule/participants/BigPower?portfolio="ALL ASSETS"
If no filters are provided for a query then all data that is applicable for the API, for which the user is authorized will
be returned.
HTTP Headers
The following headers should be set, or are returned, as applicable when making HTTP requests to the MUI API:
Since only the application/json content type is supported this value is somewhat superfluous.
Required when making a POST. The only content type currently accepted or returned is application/json.
Response header contains a unique transaction identifier assigned by MUI. Identifier is a GUID represented
without hyphens.
Example: '34571c664e48ca0b1e30d7ffb9b3b287'
Response header contains a timestamp string of when the request was received by the MUI.
Header to override default acting participant of NERC ID. Will be validated against participant collection
resource when specified in path.
The user-agent header must not emulate a browser and should be explicitly overwritten. For example, using
a value of the NERC ID of the client.
When using a browser-based API tool such as Chrome Talend, a “Cookie” header with a null/blank value is
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
required on POST transactions to overwrite the XSRF session token value. If it is not included, the response will be a
403 Forbidden.
Delete Behavior
Delete is achieved via posting a payload with elements which are null. The HTTP DELETE request is not used.
Elements or higher-level objects that can be deleted are described as nullable in the specification. If a collection
resource is nullable then an empty JSON array ([]) will be treated as null for submission.
Deleting data occurs for certain types of data (i.e. Offer Overrides) not in the value of a name/value pair but at the
Object level if that Object is listed as nullable: true (i.e. unitLimitOverrides: null).
Pnode Based GET Endpoint Behavior
Generally, the API GET endpoints associate with Pnodes are divided into two types: public and private. Both public
and private GET endpoints support three options for setting the scope of a GET call (which Pnodes you are
requesting data for).
1. Provide the pnode parameter return data for that Pnode
2. Provide the portfolio parameter return data from the collection of Pnodes within the portfolio
3. Provide neither the pnode nor the portfolio paramenter return data for all eligible pnodes
If the GET endpoint is public, then all pnodes in scope return data.
If the GET endpoint is private, then return data varies. Please refer to the API Specification for details on each
endpoint and the table below.
/markets/day-ahead/{day}/reports/lmp-exante Returns all public pnodes that are part
of the Day-Ahead market Ex-Ante
results for the operating day.
/markets/day-ahead/{day}/reports/lmp-expost Returns all public pnodes that are part
of the Day-Ahead market Ex-Post
results for the operating day.
Returns all participant resources as
well as any location with cleared
demand or virtual bids/offers by the
participant from the Day-Ahead
market Ex-Ante results for the
operating day.
Returns all public pnodes that are part
of the Real-Time market Ex-Ante
results for the operating day and
specific interval report.
/markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-expost Returns all public pnodes that are part
of the Real-Time market Ex-Post
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
results for the operating day and
specific interval report.
Returns all public pnodes that are part
of the Real-Time market Ex-Post
results during the operating day.
/markets/day-ahead/{day}/demand/participants/{participantName} Returns all valid demand bid locations
for the participant for which bids exist
on the operating day.
Returns all valid virtual locations for
which participant bids/offers exist on
the operating day.
Returns all valid resources supporting
Real-Time market rate curves for the
participant on the operating day. EAR
and SER resources do not support
ramp rate curves.
Returns all valid Combined Cycle
Aggregate resources for participant
on the operating day.
Returns all valid regulation qualified
resources for participant which have
had their regulation offer overridden
on the operating day. Regulation
Offers are overridden under the
following circumstances.
1. The Participant’s combined
Regulation Capacity and Mileage
Offers exceed the allowable Total
Regulation Offer range (this can occur
if a Deployment Rate change occurs).
2. The Participant’s Resource is
awarded regulation capacity in the
Day Ahead Market, and Participant’s
Real-Time regulation offer differs
from its Day Ahead regulation offer
for the operating day.
Returns all valid resources for
participant on the operating day.
/markets/{market}/{day}/offer/schedule/participants/{participantName} Returns all valid resources for
participant on the operating day.
Returns all valid resources for
participant on the operating day.
Returns all valid resources for
participant on the operating day.
Returns all valid Wind or Solar
resources for participant on the
operating day for which there is 5-
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
minute forecast data created by the
Midwest ISO forecast tool.
Returns all valid Load Zones,
Intermittent and Dispatchable
Intermittent Resources (DIR) for
participant on the operating day for
which there is hourly forecast data.
/markets/real-time/{day}/forecast/dir/participants/{participantName} Returns all valid Dispatchable
Intermittent Resources (DIR) for
participant on the operating day for
which there is 5-minute generation
capability forecast.
Returns all valid DRR Type-I and Type-
II resources for participant on the
operating day for which there is 5-
minute level contingency reserve
deployment forecast.
POST Endpoints Supporting Multiple Locations or Pnodes
In general, POST endpoints support submitting one location or pnode per POST. There are a several POST endpoints
which will support multiple locations or pnodes within one POST. These cover Demand Bids, Schedule Offers, and
While supporting multiple locations in one POST, MISO limits the number of locations for security and performance
The table below lists the POST endpoints that support multiple locations in one POST and the maximum number of
locations allowed. The locations within the POST must be the same type.
Location Limit
/markets/day-ahead/{day}/demand/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/day-ahead/{day}/virtual/participants/{participantName} 1000
/markets/{market}/{day}/offer/schedule/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/offer/ramp-curves/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/{market}/{day}/offer/defaults/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/offer/overrides/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/common/{day}/offer/cc-status/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/offer/ramp-curves/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/{market}/{day}/offer/defaults/participants/{participantName} 200
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
/markets/real-time/{day}/offer/overrides/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/forecast/dir/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/forecast/rt-demand/participants/{participantName} 200
/markets/real-time/{day}/forecast/drr-load/participants/{participantName} 200
Retrieving Bulk Real-Time Prices
In order to support retrieving bulk real-time prices, the “interval5” query parameter can contain a list of intervals.
interval5 can be a single value or a list of values
When multiple intervals are requested, they still must fall on the {day} referenced in the URL, be in the past,
and cannot exceed 12 intervals (one hour)
When neither pnode, portfolio, nor interval5 is provide, then all public pnodes for the latest interval are
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-exante?pnode=ITCI
The following real-time endpoints support this feature:
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-exante}
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-expost
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/zonal-lmp-exante
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/zonal-lmp-expost
The query parameter allows providing multiple values as a comma-separated list or “exploded” into multiple query
parameters. This is true for any APIs that support lists in the MUI 2.0 APIs. For example, the following two calls are
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-exante?pnode=ITCI
&interval5=2020-11-05T21:00:00-05:00, 2020-11-05T21:05:00-05:00
Is equivalent to:
GET /markets/real-time/{day}/reports/lmp-exante?pnode=ITCI
Confirming Financial Schedules and Contracts
The POST endpoint /markets/bilateral/participants/{participantName}/contract-confirmation is used to confirm
both contracts and schedules. It can be used to approve a contract and a schedule in one transaction. If only one type
is being confirmed, then the type not included must be set to null or an empty data set.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Optional JSON Elements
The OpenAPI specification documents if an element is optional or required. It also often the cases that a higher-level
object is optional, but if it is included, all fields must be supplied. Again, this is described in full by the OpenAPI
The concept of sparse updates is also supported. Therefore, if an optional element is not posted as part of an update,
but previously it has been, the absence of the element will not cause a delete of the element in the database.
Deletes must be explicitly specified.
API and Error Responses
A common API Response JSON message is returned for errors or on successful submission of a request to update a
resource in addition to the status returned by the HTTP status code. This is done to provide the possibility of
warnings or other feedback beyond what the HTTP status code can convey.
For example, a successful submission could return:
"responses": [],
"action": "SUBMITTED",
"transactionId": "<transaction id>",
"transactionTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS-05:00"
While an error on a submit (or query) could return something like:
"action": "SUBMIT_FAILED",
"responses": [
"messages": [
"level": "ERROR",
"msgId": "MESSAGE_ID",
"params": [],
"userMsg": "Bad request message for MESSAGE_ID."
"transactionId": "<transaction id>",
"transactionTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS-05:00"
"responses": [],
"action": "SUBMITTED",
"transactionId": "-1",
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
"transactionTime": "2020-08-20T02:24:51-05:00"
See the OpenAPI specification MUI 2.0 API Specification.yaml
for details regarding the specific API response
formats for each endpoint.
HTTP Status Codes
The follow HTTP Status Codes are used by the RESTful MUI API.
HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK
Successful operation.
201 Created
202 Accepted
The request has been received but not yet acted upon.
Only applies to asynchronous APIs.
400 Bad Request
User error. Request was invalid for some reason. See
response for details.
403 Forbidden
Participant does not have token.
2) Rejected due to insufficient permissions.
404 Not Found
Resource not found. The path provided does not point
to an entity in the system.
405 Method Not Allowed
HTTP request method is not supported.
406 Not Acceptable
Target resource does not have an acceptable
representation based on content negotiation headers
and default representation.
415 Unsupported Media Type
Server refuses to accept the request due to
unsupported payload format.
429 Too Many Requests
User has sent too many requests in a given amount of
500 Internal Server Error
Servers are not working as expected. The request is
probably valid but needs to be requested again later.
503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout
Gateway did not a get a response in time from the
upstream server needed to complete the request.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Transaction Semantics and Transaction Identifier
Each submittal is executed using a transaction and the server logs the submittal request message and identifying
aspects of the message.
Each API request produces a uniquely identifying transaction identifier. This identifier is then returned in the http-x-
request-id response header for all requests, and as part of the response body itself when errors are encountered or
for successful submissions.
The data submitted is saved and can be recalled by a subsequent query. It should be noted that there is a limited on-
line data retention window after which special requests will need to be made to MISO in order to retrieve historical
Transaction Log
The transaction event log maintains a complete history of all changes initiated by the participant interface, whether
initiated by the web user or directly against the exposed APIs. This log is available for review via the web interface.
The fields supported include:
Transaction ID
Time and Date of Transaction Event
REST Operation
URL Path, including query parameters
Participant ID of the owner of the data set
Username of the submitter (or web user)
Service handling the request
For submissions the data that was posted by the client
Note: Response payloads for GET response are not stored.
JSON Data Type and Specification Semantics
The API adheres to the OpenAPI specification, for a general discussion of the supported data models (schemas) see
the Swagger website (www.swagger.io
JSON Date and Time in the MUI interface.
Time is described in different ways depending upon the message and use case. All values are processed in Eastern
Standard Time and if the time value is included it must include the-05:00’ offset so the intention is clear.
If a different Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset is supplied the message will be rejected.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
HourLabel Hour-ending label.
Represents an hour segment
of time. The first hour of a day
is HE1 and the last hour of a
day is HE12.
Integer 1
Effective market operating
day of data. RFC 3339. 'YYYY-
Effective market interval of
Date-time as defined in RFC
3339. 'YYYY-MM-
Note: 5-minute intervals are
interval ending. Therefore, for
a given day,00:05:00-05:00’
represents the first 5-minute
interval of the first hour. The
last or twelfth 5-minute
interval is 01:00:00-05:00’.
This applies to both Real-Time
5-minute data and dispatch
Daylight Savings Time Transition
MISO does not recognize daylight savings time transitions in the Spring and in the Fall. As a result, all times are
Eastern Standard Time. All days are composed of 24 hours. There are no 23- or 25-hour days.
All passed in time values must include the-05:00’ UTC offset to be clear that it is Eastern Standard Time. Likewise,
all returned time values are Eastern Standard Time and include the ‘-05:00’ UTC offset.
MP Representing Asset Owners
The following examples show how an MP submits query requests or submits data on behalf of asset owners. To use
this method, the MP must be an authenticated user with the proper permissions granted to act as an agent for other
participants. Also, the asset owner must be registered granting permission to the MP to submit and query data on
their behalf.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
MP Query/Submit on Behalf of Asset Owners
When an MP queries data on behalf of an asset owner, the asset owner NERC ID is specified using the x-acting-
participant header as part of the request. The x-acting participant is the equivalent of “party” in the legacy MUI
XML. If the resource requested applies to a particular asset owner, then the asset owner will also be present in the
URL, and validation will be performed such that the x-acting-participant header provided aligns with the participant
specific resource being requested. If the x-acting-participant is not provided, then the NERC ID is the default value
for this authorization.
The rule is that whenever an MP is representing an asset owner, the x-acting-participant header is required to be the
asset owner and needs to match the participantName parameter.
If the MP chooses to submit a query request without representing an asset owner, then the request should not
include the x-acting-participant attribute.
Notification Dispatch Messages sent to MP
When an MP is the registered handler for notification and deployment dispatch instructions, then they will have
subscription in addition to, or instead of, the asset owner. The asset owner name must be registered to be
represented by the MP receiving the message.
4. Testing in the Customer Connectivity Environment (CCE)
MISO provides a test environment where members can safely test their systems. This section describes the
particulars of this environment and how it differs from production.
Forming proper paths in CCE is exactly like production, except for the base URL. For testing in CCE please use base
URL below.
See section OpenAPI Specification Schema for more information.
For CCE, MISO will send Notifications from the following IP Address.
Historical Data in CCE
While production data is a rolling 10 days of data as each market day passes, CCE contains a static 10 days of data.
MISO periodically refreshes CCE data with a snapshot from production and will send an announcement when this
occurs. Below list a few caveats to CCE data refresh.
Permissions are not copied or synced between CCE and production. Permissions between these
environments are managed independently by the LSA.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Historical transaction logs and notifications are not copied from production to CCE. This is temporary as the
new MUI 2.0 system does not use the same data source as the current production MUI for this type of data.
Once the new MUI 2.0 is in production, data refreshes will include both transaction log and notification
Transactions submitted to CCE will create a transaction log entry in CCE that can then be queried.
Notification initiated from CCE using the notification test tool will create a historical notification that can
then be queried.
To determine the current range of data within CCE, log in to the interactive CCE MISO User Interface. The
announcement on the splash screen indicates the current data range.
Rate Limits in CCE
Currently in the Customer Connectivity Environment (CCE) MUI 2.0 rate limits are set to what we expect to have
them set in production and may vary from the legacy MUI. For an explanation of rate limits in production see section
Rate Limits.
Notification Testing in CCE
Notifications target URLs are set up in either in CCE or in Production. These are independently set up and are NOT
synced between CCE and Production nor between legacy MUI and the new MUI 2.0. Below are important aspects of
Notification behavior in CCE:
MUI 2.0 does not contain legacy notifications. To create a set of historical notifications, use the Tools-
>Notification Subscription screen in the MUI 2.0 user interface and generate test messages. A MUI user
must have their Local Security Administrator grant them “DART: Notification URLs (submit)” access in CCE
to generate test messages.
During the time where both legacy and new MUI 2.0 are running in parallel, the Notifications target URLs
between legacy and MUI 2.0 are independently managed. Meaning target URLs in legacy are NOT
replicated into MUI 2.0 and vice versa. This is by design as the notifications from legacy and MUI 2.0 cannot
both hit the same listener. This is because the MUI 2.0 Notifications have a JSON body and the legacy
Notifications have an XML body.
A MUI user must have their Local Security Administrator grant their certificate “DART: Notification URLs
(submit)”. Access between CCE and Production is unlinked, meaning any access granted in CCE does not
grant access in Production and vice versa.
Access between legacy and MUI 2.0 is synced within the same environment, but not across environments. In
other words, an LSA access change to CCE applies to both Legacy MUI and MUI 2.0 for both the MUI API
and Notifications. But that access change made to CCE will NOT show up in production.
Setting up URLs in CCE does not count against the URL limit in Production and vice versa.
While MISO periodically copies Production data into CCE, the Notifications data and permissions are not
copied over.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
5. Terms and Acronyms
Term or
Asset Owner
An asset owner is a transmission company customer such as a generation company
or load serving entity that is represented in the market by a Market Participant
See push messaging.
Universal Time
The primary standard by which time is measured worldwide. It is not adjusted for
daylight saving time.
Energy The generic name applied to generation supply and demand response resource
offers submitted into the day-ahead and real-time markets. The schedule offer
applies to energy supply and is used both by generation company participants as
well as demand response resource participants.
Transfer Protocol
An application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia, information
systems. Or, more simply, HTTP is a network communications protocol used to send
and receive data over the internet. The version of HTTP used by this specification is
1.1 and this is often referred to as HTTP/1.1. The HTTP/1.1 protocol is defined by
RFC 7231.
Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS)
A secure protocol where the security is established by SSL/TLS (see terminology
entry). HTTPS does not define, nor does it add new communications features to
HTTP, it is merely a secure version of HTTP. The HTTPS name is used to specify the
protocol in the URL declaration to identify it as being secured by an SSL.
Protocol (ICCP)
Enables data exchange over Wide Area Networks between utility control centers,
Independent System Operators (ISOs), Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs),
and other generators
Market Monitor
The entity responsible for monitoring energy and capacity markets, generation
market power indices, energy imbalance markets and congestion management
mechanisms. The monitor also collects data and analyzes markets for potential
indicators of market power such as withholding capacity or bidding anomalies.
Internet Protocol
The principal communications protocol to relay datagrams across network
JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON)
An open standard file format, and data interchange format, that uses human-
readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attributevalue pairs
and array data types.
Local Security
Each Market Participant has one or more individuals designated as an LSA. The LSA
manages MUI users (creation, access management, and termination).
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Term or
Participant (MP)
A market participant is a registered user who is authorized to submit offers and bids
into the day-ahead and real-time market on behalf of another participant known as
an asset owner (AO). All settlements are between the MP and the Regional
Transmission Organization (RTO).
Market User
Interface (MUI)
A web user interface provided by MISO that can be used to interact with REST APIs.
See entry for Pnode.
OpenAPI Specification (OAS), formerly Swagger Specification, is an API description
format for RESTful APIs. See https://swagger.io/specification/
for more details.
Pricing Node
All resources, generators, demand response resources, and demand and virtual
bid/offer locations are specified at specific pricing nodes defined by MISO. Pricing
nodes are network locations where a locational marginal price (LMP) has been
computed. All nodes described in this document are pricing nodes. Pricing nodes are
commonly associated with the location of the resource and therefore the attribute
or field name of location is commonly used.
Private Data Private data refers to access control of data. Private data is data that is private to a
given participant. Private data includes supply offers, resource attributes and
parameters, demand bids, virtual offers and bids, and market clearing results. Access
permission must be granted to read and write private data. Such access permission
is implicit to the participant who owns the data or the MP that operates as an agent
for the owner participant. Not all private data is necessarily equally available for
access by MPs and participants.
Public Data
Public data refers to access control of data. Public data is data that is common to all
registered participants and the general public (see entry for general). Not all public
data may be available to the general public. Contrast public data with private data.
Push Messaging Push messaging, also called a webhook, is an asynchronous sending of messages by
MISO to participant message listeners. This is referred to as asynchronous because
it is not a response to a requested message (e.g. Request/Response). Thus, it is
activity asynchronous to the activity of the participant. Therefore, the participant
must always be listening to asynchronous messages. This type of messaging has
become more popularly known as push style messaging because the message is
pushed by MISO to the participant as opposed to the more normal request message
issued by the participant.
Request/Response is a messaging style where a client sends a request message to a
server and the server responds with a response message. Request/Response is also
sometimes called Client-Server messaging. In the case of the RTO interface, the
participant is always the client who initiates the request and the RTO is always the
server who responds with a reply.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Term or
state transfer
A software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for
creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style,
called RESTful Web services, provide interoperability between computer systems
on the internet. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and
manipulate textual representations of Web resources by using a uniform and
predefined set of stateless operations. Other kinds of Web services, such as SOAP
Web services, expose their own arbitrary sets of operations.[1]
Controls or operates the transmission facilities of its transmission-owning members
used for the transmission of electricity in interstate commerce and provides
transmission service under the Tariff.
Control and Data
A control system architecture comprising computers, networked data
communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process supervisory
Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL)
A protocol standard used to establish a secure, encrypted, connection between a
given client and server. The MUI uses TLS, which is an updated, more secure, version
of SSL.
Control Protocol
A standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation
through which application programs can exchange data. TCP works with the
Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers send packets of data to each
Transport Layer
Security (TLS)
An updated, more secure version of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It is used to provide
HTTPS encrypted communication between the server and the client.
Identifier (URI)
A similar construct to URL. URL is a kind of URI. The URI is used to name internet
resources that are not necessarily internet locations. More information on URI can
be found in RFC 3986.
Resource Locator
URL (which is also a URI) is the standard method for specifying network addresses
and network resources used by internet protocols. The URL defines the protocol,
network host address, optional port number, resource path and fragments. URLs are
used to specify MISO’s server addresses that receive messages sent by the
participants. The URL is also referred to as the endpoint for a REST API. URL/URI
are defined by RFC 3986.
As used in this context, valid is the measurement of a JSON document that is
correctly formatted according to its schema. In the case of the MUI this schema is
described by an OpenAPI Specification. The RTO accepts only valid JSON
documents in messages received from participants. All valid JSON documents are
implicitly also well-formed.
Well-formed Well-formed measures a JSON document that is formatted according to the syntax
rules set forth by JSON standards. A well-formed document can be correctly parsed
by a JSON parser. A document that is not well-formed may fail to parse completely.
See RFC 8259 for more details regarding the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
data interchange format.
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Recent Change Summary
Revision Date Comments
1.12 7/23/2021 JSON Date and Time in the MUI interface: corrected that 5-minute real-
time intervals are interval ending and which twelve 5-minute increments
make up a given hour.
1.13 8/12/2021 Session Management: clarified applications may have to periodically
reestablish their session
1.14 9/14/2021
HTTP Headers: updated section to include the User-Agent header must
not emulate a browser and needs to be explicitly overwritten.
1.15 9/20/2021 Rate Limits: corrected table listing rate limited endpoints.
1.16 10/1/2021 Rate Limits: clarified how rate limits are enforced on only GET calls and
enforced for a given client certificate (user) and the acting asset owner used
in the GET call.
Notifications Case Event Notification: new section providing details on
the new “case-event” notification
Updated server IP address that sends CCE Notifications. The new IP
address is
1.17 12/6/2021
When using a browser-based API tool such as Chrome Talend, a
“Cookie” header with a null/blank value is required on POST transactions to
overwrite the XSRF session token value. If it is not included, the response
will be a 403 Forbidden.
MUI 2.0 Consumer Notifications.yaml: removed references to obsolete file
1.18 2/15/2022 Updated Rate Limits
1.19 6/17/2022 Updated links, removed Case Event Notification section 2.9.1
MISO MUI 2.0 API User Guide
Revision Date Comments
1.20 7/12/2022 Updated endpoints in section 2.5.1
1.21 5/23/2023 Corrected endpoint in section 2.5.1
1.22 1/18/2024 Updated related documents links