International Journal of
Original Research Paper
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 30
Feasibility Study for Developing an Event Prioritizing System Using
Abdullah Hussein*
, Rozlina Mohamed
Submitted: 18/10/2022 Revised: 24/12/2022 Accepted: 04/01/2023
Abstract: A content management system (CMS) is software that lets users make, modify, publish, and save digital information. These
systems provide a piece of software called a plugin, model, or extension that plugs into users' sites and add new functionality or extends
existing functionality on the user site. In current events, prioritization is done manually. When changes in event attributes like personnel,
logistics, or money happen after the hand-prioritized list of activities is completed, it is not an easy task to reprioritize. By developing an
event prioritization plugin, the organizations in need will use it and reduce time and money consumption. This study aims to recognize and
evaluate the existing CMSs, their domains, and available plugins. Assess the availability of event prioritization plugins and recommend
developing a plugin to help charity organizations to select the best team and resources and conduct the events effectively. The search is
done in the area of the developed research questions. Search phrases containing pertinent keywords were used to find primary studies
linked to CMSs categorized under journal articles, conference papers, seminars, symposiums, book chapters, and related CMSs websites.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Bitrix, Content management systems (CMSs), Drupal, Extension, Event management, Joomla,
OpenCart, Prioritization, Plugin, PrestaShop, Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, Wix, Webflow.
1. Introduction
The business of organizing events for other organizations is known
as event management. In rare cases, the attendees and the event's
logistics may come from several organizations in addition to the
organizers' organization. There are many different events,
including opening ceremonies, business events, seminars, brand
promotions, Etc. Event planning is a science as well as a culture
and social life [11][57].
Several organizations have planned and produced festivities like
local product festivals, community fairs, or sporting events to draw
locals and visitors. [13][19][20][33] Moreover, the event industry
provides communities with economic and social benefits. An event
is a pre-arranged occasion or activity, such as a social gathering
[17]. Alternatively, a gathering of individuals is organized for a
specific reason, such as a party, conference, trade show, or meeting
[18]. People attend significant sports events in large numbers,
especially large-scale ones, and any organization errors arouse all
the media due to the high number of people watching worldwide
Event management is a part of project management, although event
management has its distinct concepts and problems. As a result, it
requires more advanced techniques, instruments, and algorithms.
Determine the best staffing, logistics, and budget for the event;
monitor changes to the budget and scheduled activities; and, as a
problem, fail to prioritize related tasks. At the moment, event
management is done manually in the organization. When changes
in event attributes like personnel, logistics, or money happen after
the hand-prioritized list of activities is completed, it is not an easy
task to reprioritize [11].
Another difficulty in event management is time management,
which is very important. There is no way to prepare for each event
because planning some events is like scaling different-sized
mountains, some of which are enormous and some small. Without
beginning the voyage, it is impossible to estimate how long it will
take. Therefore, getting things going as soon as possible is crucial
to avoid having the event's quality suffer [6]. Charity organizations
organize sports events and auctions to fundraise for their activities,
and people can attend these events and support them [72].
Prioritization is a technique that ranks decisions and actions (which
are the attributes) according to their relative relevance to other
comparable attributes to organize the events [28]. It is the
determination of the significance or relevance of actions required
to maintain the significance of the product produced or even the
process for producing the product in the context of evaluating a
decision being made [28]. One of the crucial roles in a
prioritization process is that of a stakeholder. Different
stakeholders may influence different decisions and priorities for
activities. That is because stakeholders decide the relative
comparison and weight of attributes based on their perspective and
authority. Researchers and practitioners have concentrated heavily
on prioritization techniques, including Cumulative Voting (CV),
Numerical Assignment (NA), Analytical Hierarchy Processing
(AHP), and Analytical Network Processing (ANP), but it is highly
dependent on stakeholders. Scalability is where CV and NA are
good, whereas AHP is best in precision. When interdependency
and outer dependence are present as qualities, ANP is more
noticeable when compared to AHP. However, both have poor
1 Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 UMP,
Pahang, Malaysia, ORCID ID : 0000-0002-4201-940X
2 Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 UMP,
Pahang, Malaysia, ORCID ID : 0000-0002-4804-2539
* Corresponding Author Email:
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 31
Research Questions
Search strategy
Study Selection
scalability [78]. As a result, proper data arrangement of the event
attributes for hierarchical criteria is required.
A content management system (CMS) program enables users to
create, edit, organize, and publish digital information. Any
business can utilize it, but small businesses can benefit
significantly from using CMSs to develop and organize content
without technical knowledge or a big budget [62]. As a result,
creating an event prioritization plugin for a CMS will help the
organization to determine what kind of event is most appropriate
to be conducted by making use of all resources (goods, people &
services) available in the charity-based organization. It is
affordable for nonprofit organizations to manage their workload
and data using an open-source content management system
(CMS). Therefore, CMS is considered one of the best tools for
developing customized systems, including event management
This study aims to review existing literature on CMSs, the domains
and advantages of these CMSs, and the available plugins; we try
to discover the AI plugins and their reputation and success on the
market. How does developing an event prioritization system or
application benefit from these AI plugins? In order to gain a
concept for future work, which involves creating an Events
prioritizing plugin, Charity organizations will use the proposed
plugin to select the volunteer team and the resources required to
conduct an event.
The remainder of the review is structured as follows: The research
methodology is described in Section II, the research technique is
represented in Section III, and the findings are presented in Section
IV. In Section V, we examine and evaluate recent research to
pinpoint knowledge gaps and propose opportunities and
approaches for future research. The paper is concluded in Section
2. Research Method
The strategy suggested by [42] was used to conduct this research
see Fig 1. The six phases of the review protocols are as follows,
with reference to Fig 1: research questions, search strategy design,
data extraction findings, scrutiny, quality assessment criteria, and
data synthesis. Based on the goal of this study, a series of research
questions were created in the first phase.
The development of search techniques, which included selecting
search terms and literature resources, was done in the second phase
in accordance with the developed study questions. The collation of
extracted data was the focus of the third phase. In contrast, the
fourth phase was dedicated to improving extracted data by
examining the titles of the collated studies to ensure relevancy. The
studies were assessed using the quality assessment criteria in the
fifth step, and the final studies were chosen for analysis and action
in the sixth phase.
Fig 1. Phases of the review
2.1. Research questions
This SLR intends to analyze the existing literature on CMSs, their
domains, and their benefits. It also examines the various plugins,
including event management plugins, and tries to learn more about
the reputation and market success of AI plugins. What are the
advantages of using these AI plugins while creating an event
prioritization system or application? To get an idea for future work,
which entails developing an Events prioritizing plugin, consider
the following: charity organizations will use this plugin to carry
out their duties automatically rather than manually, and it will
assist in selecting the appropriate resources and volunteers to
conduct an event. Four research questions (RQs) were created to
accomplish this goal, and they are listed below:
RQ1: which CMSs is mainly used by people five years back?
RQ2: What are the domains and advantages of these CMSs?
RQ3: What are the plugins and templates provided for specific
system functions?
RQ4: What are the AI-based plugins in the market?
2.2.1. Search strings
The search terms were created using the procedures listed below
(a) The primary terms' derivation from the study questions.
(b) Listing different ways to spell key terms and their synonyms.
Search Process
Quality Assessment Criteria
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 32
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
a. Articles about Content management systems.
b. Articles about top-rated plugins or extensions or modules.
c. Articles about AI plugins and their functionality.
d. Every article published is in English.
a. Articles presenting new CMS
b. Articles about uncommon CMS
c. Articles about new plugins
d. Articles that did not match the inclusion criteria
e. Papers that are not in English.
Fig 2. Quantity and proportion of collected studies
Book chapters
IEEE Bulletin
(c) Finding relevant articles' or books' keywords.
(d) Using the Boolean OR to consider different spellings and
(e) Using the Boolean AND operator to connect the key terms.
The repositories were searched using the following strings: Event
management prioritization AND (Plugin / OR Extension /OR
Module), CMSs AND ( Compare /OR WordPress /OR Joomla
/OR Drupal /OR Wix /OR Squarespace/ OR Bitrix /OR Webflow
/OR OpenCart /OR Plugins /OR Extensions /OR Modules /OR AI
2.2.2. Literature resources
This study mainly extracted synchronization data from the
following electronic database resources. These include Google
Scholar, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Springer, and other journals
and websites. The search criteria used to find published journal
papers, conference proceedings, symposiums, book chapters, and
IEEE bulletins were title, abstract, and index terms.
2.2.3. Search process
A systematic literature review thoroughly searches all pertinent
materials related to a discussion topic.
Step ) 1(of the search electronic database sources were thoroughly
searched, and the returning results (papers) were compiled into sets
of potential papers. Step )2 ( of the search involved looking through
all relevant papers' reference lists for any other papers that might
be pertinent, then combining those papers, if any, with those found
in step ) 1(.
2.3. Study selection
In the first stage, 157 prospective studies were accomplished. The
titles of these research were then scrutinized and used to compile
relevant studies. This activity was required to get rid of research
that was redundant and unnecessary.
The 157 articles were subjected to the quality assessment criteria
and the research questions. As a result, 71 pertinent studies were
chosen, selected, and considered qualified to offer solutions to the
posed research questions.
2.3.1. Scrutiny
In the initial search, prospective studies were found. So, careful
consideration was required to narrow down this research to those
that were pertinent. Each study's title was considered before its
contents were quickly examined. As a result, publications that do
not answer any of the proposed study questions or do not reflect
the subject of discussion were removed from the list of relevant
studies. Additionally, Only English-language studies were taken
into consideration for the list of relevant studies.
Peer-reviewed journals, conference papers, seminars, book
Fig 3. CMSs cited in the review papers
WordPress Shopify Wix Squarespace
Joomla Drupal Bitrix Webflow
PrestaShop OpenCart
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 33
chapters, and IEEE bulletins were the sources for these
investigations. However, only the most complete, up-to-date, and
improved document copy is used in the search, leaving the older
versions out when several versions of the same paper are found.
Our review targeted peer-reviewed articles about CMSs published
between January 1, 2017, and May 1, 2022. Only articles in
English were included. Table 1. include the inclusion and
exclusion criteria we followed during this review.
2.3.2. Quality assessment of the chosen studies
The quality assessment (QA) of the chosen studies was attained
using scoring methods to identify relevant papers that might
answer each research question. If the article offers solutions to any
research questions, the answer is ''Yes,'' and the score equals one.
If none of the research questions are addressed in the article, then
the answer is ''No,'' the score is zero, then the score is calculated
by summing the scores for the four research questions and the
articles arranged in descending order.
2.4. Data synthesis
Data synthesis aims to handle or answer the research questions by
condensing the evidence from the chosen studies. This exercises'
goal is to synchronize the chosen studies to improve clarity.
Additionally, it will make it easier to find accurate responses to the
research questions. Both quantitative and qualitative data were
included in the extracted data for this study.
3. Results and Discussion
The results of this review are presented and discussed in this
section. We begin by providing a summary of the chosen studies.
Secondly, we thoroughly describe the review's conclusions in each
subsection in light of the research questions. This section also
provides an interpretation of the review findings.
3.1. A summary of selected studies
For this investigation, 71 studies were chosen, 42 were published
in journals, 2 conference papers, 2 from book chapters, and 14
websites were visited, among them the websites of the CMSs
selected in this paper and 11 from IEEE Bulletin. These numbers
are presented in Fig 2. Furthermore, Fig 3. shows the CMSs cited
in the review papers.
3.2. which CMS is mainly used by people five years back?
This research aims to study the CMS systems and their market
share in the last five years. It also aims to study these systems'
functionality domains and their available plugins, focusing on
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plugins. Firstly, CMS is a multiuser,
server-based tool that interacts with repository-stored content. This
repository could be located on the same server as a part of the same
software or on a different storage facility.
The CMSs discussed in [54] mention that the three main types of
CMS systems are open source, proprietary, and software-as-a-
service (SaaS) CMS, including cloud-based systems.
The most popular CMS is open source because it can be
downloaded free and does not require a license or upgrade fees.
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, and PrestaShop are the most
widely used open-source CMS [54].
Commercial CMS software, usually referred to as proprietary
CMS, is created and maintained by a single firm and requires the
payment of a license fee for the usage of the software as well as an
annual or monthly fee for upgrades or maintenance. Choosing this
CMS will depend on the stage of the website where it will be used.
In contrast, if the CMS is going to be integrated into an already-
existing website, it must be carefully picked as it must fulfill all
needs right out of the box and could necessitate extensive backend
development work. New websites should pick a CMS that meets
their present functionality, flexibility, and future needs. Popular
proprietary content management systems include Kentico, Pulse
CMS, Sitecore, and Shopify [54].
SaaS CMS systems, which are hosted in the cloud and use a
subscription-based business model, include content management
software, web hosting, and technical support from a single
provider. Pricing is often based on the number of users or sites and
depends on how much data is transferred, stored, and supported
continuously. The cloud CMS can be totally or partially cloud-
based, and it can be chosen based on the needs of the business.
Compared to fully cloud CMS, which is controlled by the supplier,
is provided as part of a package or service, and is sometimes
difficult to customize, partial cloud CMS is in the company's cloud
webserver, giving more flexibility in changing the functionalities
either with add-on modules or by changing the source code itself
Other classifications of CMSs represented in [40] three CMSs
types are as follows, commercial (paid), open source (free), or
custom. Various options could be used to fulfill an organization's
or project's objectives. As a result, Open Source and Custom CMSs
are currently the most popular solutions among users, and there
may be "more open-source possibilities accessible in CMSs than
in any other genre of software."[9]. In [39], The results show that
open-source content management systems are more widely
adopted and used than other popular content management systems
currently in use. Table 2. shows the share percentage of CMSs in
the market during the past five years, from 2017 to 2021 [81].
In [44] author claims that the open-source CMS concept began to
take shape around 2000, and by 2004, various CMSs had begun to
develop distinctive features that suited the user's preferences. The
CMS may be set up and operated on a web server. Innumerable
adjustments can be made under company or individual
requirements, including adding plugins, installing SEO tools,
altering themes and layouts, Etc.
According to the primary studies, there are more than 141 content
management systems (CMS) available, but few have more than a
1% market share. Each has its features, benefits, and drawbacks,
but open-source CMS like Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal stand
out due to qualities like usability, customization potential, support,
security, adaptability, and the number of resources available
(modules, components, and plugins)., This article shows the 10
most common CMSs in the market and their plugins, extensions,
and components, which ease and provide the required functionality
for a website.
The related work of CMSs involved comparing different CMSs.
For example, [66] Concluded that Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress
have different features, capabilities, flexibility, and user-
friendliness. The UI of Joomla is pretty simple to use, allowing
users to create websites with more content and structural solidity
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 34
than WordPress. If a customer wants a typical website with
standard features like a blog, a static/dynamic front end, or a
forum, Joomla is quite helpful. Joomla is a good option for small
to midsize e-commerce sites, while Drupal is a better alternative if
users need something more robust for
organizational use. WordPress is frequently described as a little
CMS. Although not as strong or capable as Drupal or Joomla, it is
still simple enough for any layperson to utilize. WordPress is a
better CMS for people looking for a straightforward, user-friendly
blogging solution that looks excellent and can easily accommodate
numerous authors. Therefore, users should turn to Drupal first if
they are creating a significantly more complex website. [2]
Compare WordPress and Drupal as they both have significant
market shares and are well-known among users, with WordPress
being the more popular CMS.
At the same time, [10] compare CMSs and conclude that
WordPress is the most user-friendly content management system,
but it does not support substantial commercial websites like Joomla
and Drupal. Drupal is also not intended for beginners and assumes
that the user has intermediate-level programming knowledge. [41]
says WordPress is a
leading content management system (CMS) rapidly draws clients
requiring real-time data administration with variable outputs and
large profits. [50] States Joomla has the most flexible system
needs, whereas WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla all rank equally in
terms of security. Typo3 delivers the best performance and can be
very helpful for businesses that need to manage large amounts of
material effectively. DotNetNuke outperforms the competition in
terms of built-in features and plugins by providing the most built-
in functionality. WordPress has the fewest management options,
while Joomla offers the finest asset, advertising, and clipboard
However, [49] Claims that Web CMS is now used to implement
over 50% of Internet web pages. The fact that they are designed for
a vast audience and do not require advanced computer skills, as
well as the fact that they provide a wide range of features, are two
factors contributing to their success.
However, Due to its simplicity during installation, user-
friendliness, intuitive interface, functionality, flexibility in adding
new features as needed, open-source nature, the extensive
development community, and availability of plugins, Joomla! is
the best package currently available, according to the author of
[74]. [71] States that using a static copy of a dynamic website can
be advantageous for server-side and client-side website operating
CMSs have developed from simple systems with limited
functionality to a system that provides a variety of possibilities and
features for managing websites. CMSs enable efficient and
dynamic content posting, management, editing, deletion, and
modification. They even enable workflow management for
websites and give designers and developers the freedom to alter
the appearance and functioning of the system. For managing
websites, blogs, eCommerce, and web applications, CMSs are
frequently used. Users prefer them because of their many benefits,
such as their user-friendly interface. Community and developer
support simplicity of upkeep, including updates, cost-
effectiveness, especially when using open source or free solutions,
and flexible functionality with features that are Search Engines
optimization (SEO) friendly thanks to the abundance of plugins,
add-ons, and extensions. On the other hand, there are a few
difficulties, such as the requirement for occasionally hidden
expenditures for implementation, customization, maintenance, and
the application of routine upgrades to guarantee the website's
safety and security [24][70].
Authors of [47][37] Mention that the three primary CMSs, Joomla,
WordPress, and Drupal, stand out is essential because of their
unique features and abundance of plugins. WordPress is still the
most popular CMS, accounting for about 60% of the market and
having access to thousands of free and premium plugins and
Author of [85] Search CMSs SEO performance and claims that
custom-built websites that do not rely on popular content
management systems CMSs commonly appear at the top of search
results. However, the Drupal CMS ranks very high despite being
utilized by a limited number of websites throughout the web.
There are CMSs for mobiles Magnolia CMS, Cellular CMS,
Mobile CMS, and mFabrik, are just a few CMSs created by
companies specifically for mobile platforms [48].
While [80] Examined CMSs now in use to identify common
accessibility issues, then assessed a set of enhancements offered by
Acosta to solve these issues. In [5] they compare using a CMS or
developing a website from scratch; they compare the two options
and conclude that consumers can choose between them depending
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
1 Jan
Table 2. Most popular CMSs and their share in the market
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 35
on their needs. But [16] Compare Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla's
SEO performance.
The following papers build their websites using a CMS, for
example, [3] Build Overcomers' Arena, a website to help with their
online visibility. The website was created using WordPress
because it is a popular CMS and offers effective plugins. [65]
Developed a university website using WordPress CMS. While [73]
Create a WordPress website for WICN Public Radio Station. [52]
Utilize WooCommerce and the WordPress CMS to create an
online store. [69] Developed an online store using WooCommerce
and WordPress. [75] utilizing Word Press and the Johku gateway
to create a tourism website. [77] recommends Drupal, WordPress,
and Joomla as platforms for e-Learning websites. In [43] States
that any staff member can alter the page and access the booking
system settings on the WordPress-built Tietsikkari booking
website as needed.
Due to the popularity of WordPress, many paper search security
issues. [64] Provide suggestions for improvements that could result
in better and more organized management of the security actions,
as well as suggestions for enhancements that could result in better
and more organized management of the security community's
responses if vulnerabilities are discovered. [63] Create a
framework that outlines several processes for a secure content
management system.
Article [76] suggests a CMS Common Metamodel encapsulating
the essential concerns needed to model and implement CMS-based
Web applications.
3.3. What are the domains and advantages of these CMSs?
Table 3. shows the different CMS and their domains. Some CMSs
are not working for some domains, or their specialty is in one
domain only, while others, like WordPress, can be used for
different domains.
A business website can take many different shapes because it is
one of the most well-liked and adaptable sorts of websites out
there. The dealer can advertise a particular service or good for sale
using business websites. They frequently have parts where a dealer
may show off and describe the products he is selling. Most
websites for service businesses have a booking system that makes
it simple for customers to schedule an appointment for website
owner service. Suppose the website is a service SaaS (software as
a service). These websites allow the vendor to promote his
software and make user sales.
On the other hand, websites for product-based businesses
frequently directly display the product and facilitate easy
purchasing. These are frequently comparable to the eCommerce
websites that we discuss below. Additionally, there are start-up
websites created to aid with business development.
A blog is a website that lets bloggers create extensive information
about almost anything. They often center around a particular theme
and are mostly made up of articles and graphics. Travel and food
blogs are two of the most well-liked categories of blogs. It is easy
to notice that blogs have recently become extremely popular on the
internet. Numerous factors have led to this. First, creating one of
the most straightforward websites is possible, and starting a blog
is straightforward. Also, blogs allow the blogger to write about his
specialty and share his knowledge with the world. [29] Talk about
sophisticated blogging. An advanced blogging website accepts
numerous entries from organization members and bloggers who
are somehow connected to the organization.
eCommerce websites, often known as online stores, let dealers sell
things online, just as the business websites discussed above. These
websites frequently have product sections where the dealer can
showcase his products and a shopping cart and checkout options.
People frequently utilize websites to showcase their work or
abilities. The best kind of website to construct for this purpose is a
portfolio. They frequently include a gallery where users can show
off their work and text and where users may describe their area of
expertise and be specific about their work. Depending on users'
work, numerous portfolio options have slightly varying formats.
Depending on their line of work, users might create anything, from
a marketing portfolio to a design portfolio.
When applying for jobs, portfolios are frequently used in addition
to resumes or as a digital business card that tells others more about
the applicant. Setting up a personal website is a quick approach to
increasing the user profile. Essentially, a website of this type
surrounds and represents a specific person. Many people use
personal web pages to showcase their identities and
accomplishments. It is the ideal structure for author websites and
actor websites, among other things, because it is similar to a
portfolio in many aspects but has fewer visual components. A
resume website is one of the most common styles of personal
websites. Resumes are increasingly being used worldwide to
summarize who website owners are and what they have
accomplished. People now frequently use resume websites to
present their accomplishments elegantly and conveniently.
Event websites have gained enormous popularity because the
globe has migrated online. These websites enable users to present
extensive schedules, travel advice, maps, and other details about
their events. They may also include scheduling and ticketing
applications that let people book seats at their event. This type of
website can be utilized for virtual events and is particularly helpful
for conferences, shows, concerts, and other gatherings. A wedding
website is one of the most well-liked styles of event websites.
When considering how to make a wedding website, users can
consider including information about the couple, the wedding, a
spot for guests to RSVP, and connections to registries.
Online forums are another product of our digital world. Using
forums, users may communicate, discuss various subjects, and
pose queries. More and more websites are starting to offer a forum
so that users may communicate with one another and promote
discussion on the site. The forum websites frequently act as a form
of unofficial assistance that enables site users to support one
another. Numerous situations call for the use of membership
websites. Maybe users run an online publication or magazine that
requires subscribers. Alternatively, users might want to create a
club or private group website, but the user only wants to allow
members access.
Nonprofit websites are another category of websites. These
websites, which resemble corporate websites, usually include a
description of the nonprofit organization, details about the work
they do, a gallery of recent events, and a donation page.
There are numerous varieties of nonprofit organizations. Popular
nonprofit websites include petition websites, church websites, and
school websites. A nonprofit website may successfully represent
all these organizations despite their different objectives.
Informational websites are within a broad category that includes
numerous items. They act as resources and platforms whose
purpose is to transmit information. Informational websites should
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 36
not be designed to make money; they should offer helpful
information. Wikipedias, news websites, encyclopedias, and other
similar websites are examples of informational websites. These
websites frequently share many characteristics with blogs. For
example, both have long content. Searching features to help site
visitors locate what they are looking for is another commonality
among informational websites.
WordPress began as a blogging platform but, over time,
transformed into a content management system. For web
development, there is a list of features from which to choose a
CMS. Web development category, license status, operating system
platform, supported web servers, supported database systems,
supported middleware systems, template design, and other aspects
are among the characteristics of CMS systems [59]. WordPress
makes it very simple to create blogs or other online material, and
its plugins are its best feature. Unlike WordPress, Joomla gives
users more structural flexibility when creating websites. Drupal
offers a methodical approach to the complex site [24].
With new competitors entering the CMS market every year across
the whole CMS spectrum, the market is attractive. Instead of
attempting to be the most excellent CMS for all customer profiles
or sectors, as WordPress does, many of them are attempting to be
the best in specific sectors [12].
3.4. What are the plugins and templates provided for specific
system functions? (RQ3)
CMSs provide users with plugins to extend the functionalities of
their websites. Plugins can be installed via a command prompt or
a graphical interface; each of the CMSs has many plugins. Some
are free, but most are paid plugins; the plugin's functionality ranges
from statistics, Search Engine Optimization, Backups, contact
forms, advanced galleries, related posts, email subscriptions, spam
protection, security checking, and media embeds. The best practice
when there is a need for a plugin is to search the CMS community
read the user's feedback and get the feedback posted by other users,
and pick up the suitable plugin for the functions the website needs.
A plugin typically consists of two components: the front end and
CMSs domain
Event Websites
Online Forums
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 37
the back end. The portion that the user sees is called the front end.
All administrative tasks, including adding, modifying, and deleting
content, are completed on the backend [60].
For example, [22] created WPBMB, a WordPress plugin, to ensure
that all research labs and department publications were current.
Several WordPress plugins provide this capability; however,
frequently, the plugins are either no longer updated, lack features
that would need the usage of multiple, potentially incompatible
plugins, or lack features for layout on a webpage.
Due to the large user base that draws hackers to target websites,
the more popular a CMS is, the more attacks it receives. [32]
Introduce SQLBlock; this plugin prevents PHP web applications
from accessing databases and is compatible with Drupal and
WordPress. [36] Create two plugins that enable users to add
Symbiota software capabilities to their websites, and the plugins
are compatible with WordPress. Moreover, using [51] plugin, It
was possible to cut the website's page load time (PLT) by more
than 10% compared to the initial PLT by creating a plugin
compatible with WordPress.
Article [23] Discuss how to integrate Joomla with the LAPD server
utilizing the LAPD plugin and additional plugins. [21] Claims that
Wordpress's plugins are primarily helpful. Although it is user-
friendly and has good basic functionality, Joomla lacks a few
essential capabilities.
From the security perspective, [1] States that because users often
choose risky plugins randomly or without experience, problems
can lead to websites being hacked. Furthermore, [45] Asserts that
plugins are essential for CMS websites to improve functionality
and preserve trustworthiness and security. [46] Find
incompatibilities occur when plugins unintentionally share six
different types of resources, not simply between plugins that add
features to one another.
The annotation plugin mentioned in [38] has two primary
functions: (a) they let content creators link a particular page or post
to a particular annotation stored on (Semantify. it). and (b) they can
utilize a page's URL to find an annotation whose URL matches the
value of the URL property. Although most users find this
functionality to be very helpful, they can always choose to use
manual annotation selection instead. Components, modules,
plugins, templates, and languages make up extensions [79].
By introducing new features and enabling control over "all parts of
the website related to the development, organization, and search
engine optimization," plugins serve as the system's primary
functional components [30][58].
WordPress has the most plugins of any platform, followed by
Drupal and Joomla. A WordPress plugin is a PHP scripting
software that enables adding a particular set of capabilities to a
WordPress website. Additionally, it enables simple site
modification, customization, and enhancement through the
addition of functionalities rather than by altering the WordPress
core program code [37].
The only system that has maintained attention over time is
WordPress. The explanation for this growth may be the sizeable
online community for WordPress and the availability of online
site-building tools compared to other CMSs. Hard coding may be
essential for some projects, but the COVID-19 Malay Corpus
project has shown that any project can be completed without it with
the correct CMS, plugins, and custom programming. The main
benefit of CMS is that it makes it simple to manage, change, and
enhance the website's content.
The CMS provides a variety of plugins, extensions, and modules
for marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Using
WordPress, users have access to countless plugins that improve the
essential operation of their websites [25]. One of the plugins that
receive much attention is Yoast SEO, one of the more well-known
ones on the market. Yoast SEO. Everybody who owns a blog or
website powered by WordPress uses this plugin. Finding websites
that do not already have Yoast SEO installed might be difficult.
Everyone should utilize it to rank higher in search engines.
Jetpack, created by Automattic, tops the list of WordPress plugins
in terms of popularity. Now, it is Jetpack, a versatile tool with
(nearly) infinite uses. Users can use it to help with design, security,
and marketing. Site analytics, automated social media publishing,
a wide selection of WordPress themes, spam filtering, uptime
tracking, malware scanning, login security, sluggish picture
loading, content delivery network CDN, and others are just a few
of its many features. The Akismet plugin is beneficial for security
and automation since it prevents malicious or problematic content
from being published on users' websites.
Takayuki Miyoshi created the Contact Form 7 plugin; It can
control several contact forms on the same website, incorporates
Akismet spam filtering, and enables users to choose the styling and
fields they want. The plugin provides CAPTCHA and Ajax
submitting. Installing the Elementor plugin on the user’s website
is one of those things he really must do because it dramatically
benefits him, especially if he desires complete control over his
design. The Elementor library contains a lot of free templates that
he can use to start building a page immediately.
A WordPress plugin called Categories pictures was also utilized to
allocate the picture to a specific category for visual identification.
It was also possible to sort the categories in a specific order and
tell which categories are a parent and which are children simply by
reading them, thanks to a plugin called Taxonomy Terms Order
[37]. The user management tool uses the Ultimate Member plugin,
which reduces the administrator's workload by creating new
accounts and is easy to use [37].
We anticipate disinformation websites may be more likely to use a
free CMS than news websites. Use CMS plugins for social media
integration and SEO since disinformation websites are aggressive
about content virality and more likely to use a customized version
of a stock CMS theme rather than designing a new theme
themselves. For instance, the disinformation website utilizes the affordable mts-best theme, the free
WordPress CMS, and the Facebook-comments plugin [26].
Currently, CMS plugins enable users to post their content
automatically on Twitter [4].
The Octolooks Scrapes plugin extracted online Malay news
articles from eight online news sources. The demand for
automatically extracting and copying content from other websites
into WordPress is met by the Octolooks Scrapes plugin [25]. The
COVID-19 Malay Corpus during the COVID-19 crisis replaces
WordPress's default search engine with one with more capabilities
and customizable settings. These include indexing, searching, and
deleting stop words [25]. Numerous modules and extensions for
SEO and marketing are available for both Joomla and Drupal.
WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal plugins, extensions, and modules
use the Google Visualization API. Examples include the
WordPress plugins Visualizer and wpDataTables, the Joomla
extensions Pslotalot and JA Google CHart, and the Drupal plugin
Views Charts [24].
Users can quickly upload spreadsheets from Excel, CSV, and other
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 38
data sources using plugins, extensions, and modules in WordPress,
Joomla, and Drupal, such as Visualizer, wpDataTables, and Data
Tables Generator in WordPress, Art Data, and POWr Graphs in
Joomla, and Chart Suite and Data Visualization Wizards in Drupal
Other charting libraries like Chart.js or Highcharts are also used
via plugins, modules, and extensions. Charts in Drupal, the J
Modules Chart in Joomla, and the M Chart in WordPress are a few
examples of these. The charting libraries allow for the rapid and
easy creation of light and simple charts with minimal page load
impact [24].
The template is a frame programmed and ready for the user to edit
and control styles. [31] created a theme with WordPress, which
they chose because users commonly use it. [27] Many web
builders, like WordPress, Wix, and OpenCart, offer pre-made
website templates to customers that need coding knowledge. These
templates, however, are frequently unable to be freely modified as
developers desire. The expensive service price for establishing and
operating processes is another significant drawback. On the other
hand, [53] discusses the evaluation of the extensions and declares
that the Joomla core system must be given the same amount of
consideration as highly-rated extensions. Before being included in
the official directory, each extension should be thoroughly
3.5. What are the AI-based plugins in the market? (RQ4)
Computer technologies such as machine learning and artificial
intelligence provide more innovative solutions for various
electronic products, including smart TVs, GPS devices, TV apps,
and other smart gadgets. Thanks to artificial intelligence, computer
programs now have the power to make decisions devoid of human
wisdom. In order to enhance artificial intelligence and enable the
program to make better decisions, machine learning enables it to
learn from experiences, data, and user actions. These tools enable
programmers to automate operations that typically require human
intelligence. For instance, most contemporary mobile phones and
smart devices use voice recognition, search patterns, translations,
image recognition, and more.
Artificial intelligence can make decisions using preprogrammed
knowledge. At the same time, machine learning improves artificial
intelligence by acquiring knowledge and self-learning through user
engagement. This procedure improves artificial intelligence's
intellect and enables more precise decision-making. Artificial
intelligence can give website visitors a wiser and significantly
improved user experience. It can, for instance, enhance WordPress
search, grammar, and style checking, display relevant content,
increase conversions, and increase e-commerce sales, among other
AI-based plugins for CMSs are available, offering a wide range of
features that let users add robust functionality to their websites.
The primary benefits are the automated processes that, before AI,
required manual labor but are now completed automatically and
without interference from people. The following are a few
examples of AI-based plugins that improve websites' functionality:
One of the two plugins that are pre-installed on each WordPress
website is Akismet. To identify spam comments, it employs
machine learning and artificial intelligence. The spam submitted
by bots can now nearly entirely be detected by Akismet, which
millions of websites use. By learning from its errors and
identifying patterns across millions of websites, it can also detect
spam comments manually sent by actual human users.
WordLift connects users’ WordPress websites to their web-based
service. It provides SEO hints to enhance user content using their
knowledge graph. It analyses user content to provide facts, figures,
and media that fit user articles and help create contextual
relationships, leading to better content recommendations.
After Previously being offered as a separate WordPress plugin,
The Deadline is now a part of the JetPack plugin family. It is a
grammar checker driven by artificial intelligence that evaluates the
readability of user material to assist users in writing better. It
supports British, American, and Canadian English with some
French and German grammar assistance.
The simplest way to translate a website's content without building
a multilingual WordPress website is to utilize Google Language
Translator. User WordPress website now features the AI and
machine learning translation engine from Google.
A cloud-based solution for content curation is called MyCurator.
users can incorporate an artificial intelligence-powered content
aggregator, which displays articles relevant to visitors' chosen
topics and enhances its performance by gaining knowledge from
visitors' additions and votes.
Watson analyses the emotional impact of user content using IBM
Watson's cognitive artificial intelligence. This plugin teaches users
how to change their content's emotional impact to increase visitor
User may check their WordPress site for malware and malicious
code using Quttera Web Malware Scanner. This checking is
beneficial if users believe that search engines have black-listed or
hacked their WordPress websites. The plugin uses artificial
intelligence to improve scan results depending on usage and learn
from false positives.
Live Chat 24-7 offers an AI-powered virtual chat agent for user
websites. This bot can carry out simple duties like directing people
in the right direction if users cannot afford to add live chat support
to their website. They must create a free account on the plugin
website. Following that, the bot will begin to learn as they use it.
Additionally, they may teach it how to respond to visitors’
inquiries and what to say.
A WordPress-related posts plugin that uses artificial intelligence is
called Related Posts by Bibblio. It gains knowledge from visitor
activity on websites to enhance its relevant content. Related posts
can be shown in the sidebar, below the article, or by utilizing a
short code.
Another recommendation engine with machine learning
capabilities is Recomendo, driven by artificial intelligence. It can
show relevant content wherever users want on their website.
Depending on how their visitors interact with the
recommendations, they get better. Because it is compatible with
multilingual websites using WPML and online shops using
WooCommerce, consumers can browse relevant products based on
what they have already seen on the user's website.
We can integrate an AI-based plugin. Such as the Watson platform
contains plugins like cybersecurity threats and spam detectors,
Chatbots, visual and voice recognition, translator, and text-to-
speech plugins that can be integrated with any website in CMSs
like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and many more.
One of the most significant attempts in this field was made by the
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which developed the AI2
adaptive cybersecurity platform [35]. AI2 combines machine
learning and experienced analysts to adapt and improve over time.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 39
The technology underwent 90 days of testing, processing 40
million log lines each day that came from an e-commerce website.
AI2 could identify 85% of attacks without help from a human after
the training [15].
Similarly, IBM's Watson artificial intelligence platform examines
unstructured data. Thousands of cybersecurity documents are read
and learned from each month. This information is then applied to
assess, identify, and prevent cybersecurity threats. The Watson
platform includes Chatbot plugins, Visual recognition, translator,
and text-to-speech plugins that can be integrated with any website
4. Research findings
Users can create, edit, organize, and publish digital content using
a content management system (CMS) tool. Individuals and
organizations can use it, but small firms can benefit from adopting
CMSs to create and manage digital content without requiring a
large budget or specialized skills [62]. From the literature
reviewed, the following findings were found:
(4.1) CMSs and their usability:
There are many CMSs in the market, but the most used CMS,
which has around 60% of the market, is WordPress, followed by
Drupal and Joomla, whose market share does not exceed 3%, while
Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace are the new competitors in the
market who gain a good reputation in the last few years, while
Bitrix and OpenCart market share around 1% percent last year and
PrestaShop and Webflow market share less than 1% percent.
(4.2) CMSs domains and functionalities:
WordPress was created for bloggers at first, but now it is used for
a wide range of websites like Informational websites, Shopping
websites, and other types of websites. Shopify was created for shop
websites, and it became the famous CMS for building a shop
website because it is easy and fast with many supported plugins.
While Drupal enables robust and complicated functionality and is
easily expandable for a website to have a million pages, WordPress
and Joomla are well suited to develop smaller sites swiftly. Various
websites can be created using Wix, Squarespace, Bitrix, and
Webflow. They have similar functionality to WordPress, just that
the plugins and extensions support is not equal to WordPress,
making it the best for newbie users. At the same time, PrestaShop
and OpenCart are used to build shop websites only.
(4.3) The CMSs plugins, extensions, and modules:
WordPress is reportedly the most widely used website
management or blogging system on the Internet, supporting over
60 million websites. It offers over 50,000 plugins with unique
capabilities that let users customize their websites to meet their
unique needs. Online applications with high performance can be
published using Joomla. The interface is simple to use and allows
easy management of all features and functionalities.
Additionally, many free extensions enable users to enhance and
modify their functionality to suit their objectives. Drupal has a
wide range of modules and plugins used to enhance the
functionality and performance of the users' websites. There is no
comparison between WordPress and the other CMSs regarding the
number of plugins available and the diversity of functionalities.
For many reasons, WordPress is the most common system among
users and has a simple interface that non-technical individuals can
handle easily. The essential functions are security plugins, backups
plugins, form builder plugins, and Emails plugins which are
essential for any website. On the other side, no event prioritization
plugin is available, which can be used for nonprofit organization
websites to select the best team from a pool of volunteers and
choose the required resources.
(4.4) AI plugins in the market:
Many AI plugins are already used. We mentioned IBM's Watson
artificial intelligence platform, which includes chatbot plugins
where they learn from experiences and form the visitors, and other
plugins used for security purposes to check the intruders and
security status continuously.
5. Discussion
This review paper tries to answer the questions provided earlier;
by answering these questions, we can examine the market and the
trends in CMSs, find their features, and identify the domains of the
most popular CMSs and their plugins. The WordPress is still in the
first place and the most popular CMS in the market, with 64%
percent in 2021. We have Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla, and
Drupal, with a percentage of less than 5%. WordPress is preferable
as the first choice by users due to many factors. WordPress is easy
to use without previous technical or programming experience. The
number of free and paid plugins available makes WordPress a great
choice, and the reputation of WordPress as CMS makes people
choose it among all other CMSs. While Drupal and Joomla lost
some of their places in 2021 and still have a place among the top
CMSs. we can see in Table 1. that Shopify is the most popular
system for building shopping websites. It is coming in second place
after WordPress in 2021. WordPress tries to be an ALL-IN-ONE
solution for all types of website domains and needs. We can see
Shopify as a System specialized in shopping websites and ranked
the first system after WordPress. WordPress has hundreds of
plugins ranging from designing to cybersecurity and many other
plugins. Joomla and Drupal are more complicated than WordPress.
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based plugins are used
for various tasks like spam detectors, Visual and Voice
recognition, text-to-speech, translation, and virtual chat chatbot to
increase the engagement of the website users and answer any of
their inquiries. Watson's platform includes all these features and
can be integrated with any website. The development of an events
prioritization plugin is required to avoid time and money
consumption. While the prioritization process is still done
manually nowadays, we need to make it automatic rather than
6. Conclusion
Event management has been an essential topic in the last few years
because it is relevant to any country's culture, community, and
economy. It is a vital source of money, especially for significant
events like the world cup and other sporting events. The
conferences and summits are also crucial for tourism and culture.
Currently, the Event management process is done by the
organization, and the problem is that the prioritization process is
done manually. When changes in event attributes like personnel,
logistics, or money happen, reprioritizing is not a trivial task. The
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 40
SLR is about CMSs because we need a programmable solution for
organizations. After all, we live in the data revolution era, and
using this solution will make the prioritization process less time
and money-consuming.
The findings of our study show that WordPress is occurring in
nearly 60% percent of the market, followed by Shopify, Wix,
Squarespace, Joomla, Drupal, Bitrix, Webflow, PrestaShop, and
OpenCart with less than 5% percent, respectively, and mentions
the domains of CMSs and their plugins with their functionalities.
The Artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based plugins
inspired the future of Event Management prioritization
organizations owners to support the work to use AI to enhance their
work quality. This paper reviewed the plugins and AI plugins in
the market and realized there is a need for such a prioritizing
plugin. This paper can be utilized for future searches in CMSs. In
the future, the CMS's popularity review can be done on larger
sample size as we have targeted only the top ten CMSs and their
plugins. The conclusion of this paper is to build an event
prioritizing plugin that is used to select the best team and resources
for charity organizations. Hence, the organizations conduct their
events based on their resources and volunteers, and the plugin must
be suitable for all CMSs available in the market.
7. Limitations
We have finished a rigorous evaluation exercise on CMS's study
within the parameters of the established paper questions. The result
is that 71 studies were eventually found and chosen to be capable
of effectively addressing, at the very least, one of the developed
research questions. However, due to the various types of CMSs in
the market and their plugins, extensions, modules, and
functionality, we cannot guarantee that all relevant studies have
been included in this field of study. Another issue to consider is
that crucial or pertinent studies are omitted if they are in a language
other than English because just English publications in this review
were considered. On the other side, there are limitations to articles
on event management plugins that help the user to select the best
team and resources available to conduct an event. There are already
plugins in volunteer management and event management, but they
are not specific and don't provide the desired results.
Table A. The papers mentioned the CMSs
Papers mention the CMS
[1], [5], [9], [10], [12], [16], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25],[26],
[29], [30], [31], [32], [36], [38], [39], [41], [43], [45], [46],
[47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [53], [58], [59], [63], [64], [65],
[66], [69], [70], [71], [74]
[12], [39], [70]
[3], [9], [27], [43], [70], [73], [75]
[9], [12], [39], [43], [70], [73]
[2], [3], [5], [9], [10], [12], [16], [21], [23], [24], [25], [30],
[31], [32], [36], [37], [38], [39], [41], [46], [47], [48], [49],
[50], [52], [53], [58], [59], [63], [65], [66], [69], [70], [71],
[73], [75], [76], [77], [79], [80], [85]
[2], [3], [5], [9], [10], [12], [16], [21], [24], [25], [30] , [31],
[32], [36], [37], [38], [39], [41], [46], [47], [49], [50], [52],
[53], [58], [59], [63], [64], [65], [66], [69], [70], [71], [73],
[75], [76], [77], [79], [80], [85]
[3], [70], [71], [85]
[27], [52], [70], [85]
Table B. CMSs plugins/extensions with their functionalities
It is a website-building platform
for WordPress.
It is developed for small-sized to
large-sized WordPress-
based online retailers.
It lets users know if their site has
been compromised and
alerts them.
WordPress "Search Engine
Optimization" SEO Plugin,
improve rankings and
increase traffic.
It is a scheduled backup plugin.
Create every type of WP Form,
contact forms, surveys,
payments, subscriptions,
and more.
Automatically screens all
comments and removes any
that appear to be spam.
Quickly translate the user's WP
website into several
languages. For every visitor,
create a customized
experience in their native
Encourage visitors to share
content with a unique share
button bar that stays in place
as a visitor scrolls.
Add a signup form to any post or
page and allow visitors to
join the owner list.
Shopify [67]
Design and build professional-
looking & sales-boosting
Increase conversions and
customer loyalty with
carbon-neutral shopping for
It offers a suite of certifications
that help alleviate people's
most common concerns
when they shop online.
SEO Image Optimizer
Page Speed
Google Search is friendly,
Preload user pages, and
optimizes image sizes.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 41
Rewind Backups
It back up the Shopify store so
the user can undo unwanted
Form builder- Contact
Create a custom or Shopify
contact form without the
need for technical expertise.
Spam Protection. No
Allows users to protect their
websites from spam.
T Lab
Translate user's store manually or
automatically, and it is a
Multi-Currency Support.
Video Ad Machine
It is a video marketing plug on
Allow users to make email
Design & sell products that stand
Create awesome popups & forms
with ease.
Make customers' journey smooth
and pleasant by offering
them lightning-quick site
search and flexible filtering
Rollover Image
Without writing a single line of
code, create breathtaking
visual picture effects. With
a few clicks, customize
thousands of cutting-edge
Salesdish Content
Prevent others from stealing user
images or text.
Event Viewer
Sell and manage tickets and
CRM and email automation
to manage and engage with
user attendees.
Magic Form Builder
Create and personalize contact
forms, online
questionnaires, tests, and
polls, among other things.
DropCommerce: US
It is fast, reliable shipping from
the US.
It is a Bookkeeping platform with
reporting, invoicing,
mileage tracking, and more.
Increase sales with branded
tracking pages, prompt
messages, and useful
shipment data.
Art of Where
Design custom-printed products
made on-demand. Leggings,
silk scarves, t-shirts,
handbags, notebooks &
Candid Wholesale
It is a better way to buy, sell and
pay wholesale.
EZ Texting
Send Smarter text promotions
and automated SMS
campaigns to users'
Manage multi-channel orders,
track inventory, and connect
to QuickBooks Online for
automated accounting.
Mailchimp for
Drive traffic and sales with
personalized marketing.
Order Desk
Order management app that helps
users automate their order
fulfillment process.
EZ Texting
Send Smarter text promotions
and automated SMS
campaigns to users'
Joomla [34]
Akeeba Backup
It produces a site backup that
may be restored on any host
that supports Joomla!
It is a whole Joomla SEO
Convert Forms
Allows users to create beautiful
and optimized forms with
no knowledge of coding.
AcyMailing Starter
It allows users to efficiently
manage an unlimited
number of subscribers,
classify them into mailing
lists, send customized
newsletters, and automate
Users can create links to
categories, articles, web
links, and contacts on their
site utilizing a unique and
valuable Link Browser.
They can upload, rename,
remove, cut, copy, paste,
and insert photos into their
Event Booking
It is able the user to create events
(both free and paid).
Advanced Module
It regulates modules and how
they ought to be controlled.
In order to get the website ready
to accept orders, the user
can add products and enable
built-in modules, payment
plugins, and shipping
plugins using this plugin.
Admin Toolbar
It helps site administration and
site-building navigation.
Users using this plugin can
include many paragraph
field types, including
images, text blocks, quotes,
slideshows, videos, and
It allows users to create contact
forms, surveys, or feedback
Layout Builder
The user can select from a
predetermined collection of
layouts to quickly create
For website administrators and
developers, it is a valuable
tool. Because of its capacity
to produce much content for
nodes, comments, users,
and different content types
and entities, it is frequently
used for testing purposes.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 42
Twig Tweak
It improves the experience of
development. Additionally,
it aids engineers in
producing well-organized,
understandable code.
Drupal GraphQL
It enables the creation of
GraphQL schemas on users'
Drupal websites and the
exposure of Drupal entities
via GraphQL client
Redirect and Pathauto
It is a super practical module that
makes creating URL
redirects easy.
Bitrix [7]
Make calls in one click, show a
client card when an
incoming call,
automatically create leads
from unknown numbers,
automatically create tasks
for missed calls, Forward
calls to the responsible
manager, Record
conversations in CRM, and
Receive chat notifications.
Workflow PDF
Is a plugin created to help convert
workflow information into a
.pdf format?
NovaPoshta, Justin,
Meest Express -
Logistics sync
It is an application for sending
goods or documents from
Bitrix24, creating shipments
from deals, and tracking
status changes in the same
It allows the users to integrate
Telegram linked to their
phone number.
Aliexpress Messenger
This integration is designed to
synchronize AliExpress
orders with Bitrix24 deals.
IQ Desk
Qdesk is the email and web form
ticketing system created
with customer service teams
in mind, enabling seamless
collaboration and the
delivery of effective and
prompt support to user
It makes enrollment and payment
fast, secure, and accessible.
It allows the user to filter and
search dynamic Collections.
Scrollbar Styler
It lets users change scrollbar
width, color, border, radius,
and shadow visually in a
Webflow-like environment.
Sweet Text
For any text contained in a
Webflow Rich Text block,
the user can apply custom
classes, styles, or Webflow
It automates time-consuming
procedures in operations,
marketing, fulfillment, and
other areas.
No coding is necessary; it
includes real-time search,
dynamic filtering, and
PrestaShop Metrics
Using PrestaShop Metrics and a
data-driven methodology
enhances business
efficiency and drives user
eCommerce performance.
Stripe Official (SCA-
It improves user conversion rates,
combats fraud, and expands
user scale globally using the
most convenient method of
accepting online payments.
PrestaShop Marketin
Users can create Performance
Max campaigns without
leaving their PrestaShop
dashboard to increase
traffic. Moreover,
connecting customers'
storefronts to Google makes
it simple to advertise their
goods to millions of users
on networks like Google
Search, YouTube, or Gmail.
PrestaShop Facebook
Enables users to quickly
showcase their products on
Facebook and Instagram so
that consumers may find
and purchase them.
PayPal Official
It is a provider of internet
payments. PayPal provides
a variety of quick, easy, and
secure alternatives.
Creative Elements
It is a page builder that offers
cutting-edge capabilities
and page designs.
OpenCart [55]
It hides the cart button or
Disables Add to Cart
It is a Full-Width Page Content
Fluid Container.
It is an extension for Fancy
HTML Product Attributes:
Custom HTML in the
It Shows the custom in-stock
status for each product
It helps users set products in the
backend, like the featured
products module, and shows
the product's image, short
description, and buy/learn
more links to the product
It allows the user to improve SEO
rankings and increase
The research was supported by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. We
are grateful that Dr. Rozlina Mohamed's aid with supervision and
insightful criticism substantially enhanced the manuscript.
Author contributions
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2023, 11(1s), 3045 | 43
Abdullah Hussein: Collecting literature, Methodology, Writing,
editing. Rozlina Mohamed: Supervisioning, reading, and
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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