King County
Housing Authority
Form #: 12003
Subsidy #:
Unit #:
Effective Date:
PHONE: (206) 214-1300 FAX: (206) 243-5927
LiveIn Aide Certification
Form to be completed and signed by households seeking approval of livein aide designation
I am seeking a reasonable accommodation approval for a livein aide. The livein aide accommodation carries several benefits, but also some
responsibilities. An alternative option to livein aide is the possibility of adding another person to my household composition which would
also be subject to approval of the Housing Authority.
LiveIn Aide:
The livein aide is a person who resides with one or more persons with disabilities and is determined to be essential for my care and well
being, is not obligated for my support, and would not be living in the unit except to provide the necessary supportive services.
z A livein aide may not be:
{ A family member who would otherwise be living with me, although this person may otherwise perform the necessary
supportive services;
{ Someone who is only providing services to me on an occasional, intermittent, or rotating basis (someone providing several
hours a day or even several days/nights a week may not be a designated as a livein aide if they are not living in the unit); OR
{ The head of household
z The livein aide has no residual rights to the unit. In other words, if I am no longer able to live in the unit and/or receive housing
assistance, or in the event of my death, my designated livein aide will not be allowed to continue to live in the unit, or receive the
housing assistance.
z A household with an approval livein aide may receive a maximum of one additional bedroom to their housing allowance.
z Income from a designated livein aide will not be counted in determining my household rent.
z The livein aide accommodation may be subject to continued need verification on part of the Housing Authority.
z If it is determined that I am no longer eligible for the services of a livein aide, the livein aide designation will be removed from my
household, and my bedroom eligibility subsequently adjusted.
Household Member:
am interested in adding an additional person of my choosing to my household composition (not a livein designation), subject to the
review, approval and screening of the Housing Authority.
z Eligible household members must meet one of the following definitions:
{ Be related to me by blood, marriage, adoption, or be to show a stable ongoing relationship;
{ Be disabled; or
{ Be 62 years of age or older.
z Household members may continue to receive housing assistance in the event that I am no longer able to live in the unit and/or
receive housing assistance, or in the event of my death.
z The income of an additional household member will be counted in the calculation of my household rent.
z My bedroom eligibility may increase with the addition of household members, subject to Housing Authority Occupancy Standards.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the livein aide. I have marked my choice. If I choose to proceed with the
reasonable accommodation of a livein aide and receive approval for this request, I agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the
livein aide program.
Signature of Head of Household: Date: