Project-based Administrative Plan
Project-based Section 8
Administrative Plan
King County Housing Authority
This is the latest version as of: 5/14/2024
Project-based Administrative Plan
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1-1
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE ............................................................... 1-1
HOW PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE IS FUNDED ............................................................... 1-2
POLICY GOALS ................................................................................................................. 1-2
JURISDICTION RESTRICTIONS .......................................................................................... 1-3
PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ....................................................................... 1-3
POTENTIAL PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS .................................................... 1-5
BLOCK GRANT POLICIES ................................................................................................... 1-5
FAIR HOUSING ................................................................................................................. 1-6
ETHICAL STANDARDS....................................................................................................... 1-6
CATASTROPHIC PLANNING ............................................................................................. 1-7
DEFINITION OF TERMS ..........................................................................................2-1
ALLOCATION OF PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE ......................................................3-1
METHODS TO ALLOCATE PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE .................................................. 3-1
PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE COMPETITION .................................... 3-3
PUBLIC NOTICE OF OWNER SELECTION ........................................................................... 3-3
OWNER APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................4-1
ELIGIBLE OWNERS ........................................................................................................... 4-1
THE OWNER’S APPLICATION ........................................................................................... 4-1
HOUSING TYPE ......................................................................................................5-1
ELIGIBLE HOUSING TYPES ................................................................................................ 5-1
INELIGIBLE HOUSING TYPES ............................................................................................ 5-2
SITE SELECTION STANDARDS .................................................................................6-1
A. ALL PROJECTS .................................................................................................................. 6-1
B. ADDITIONAL SITE STANDARDS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ............................................. 6-2
SUPPORT SERVICES ...............................................................................................7-1
OWNER’S ABILITY TO PROVIDE SERVICES ........................................................................ 7-1
Project-based Administrative Plan
OWNER EXPERIENCE IN PROVIDING SERVICES ................................................................ 7-1
TYPES OF SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ..................................................................................... 7-1
HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN SERVICES ............................................ 7-2
TERMINATION OF SERVICES ............................................................................................ 7-2
MONITORING OF SERVICES ............................................................................................. 7-2
SUBSIDY LAYERING REVIEW ..................................................................................8-1
SUBSIDIZED UNITS INELIGIBLE FOR ASSISTANCE ............................................................. 8-1
OWNER DISCLOSURE ....................................................................................................... 8-2
OWNER CERTIFICATION .................................................................................................. 8-2
KCHA FEASIBILITY REVIEW ............................................................................................... 8-3
KCHA CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 8-4
OTHER FEDERAL REGULATIONS .............................................................................9-1
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW .............................................................................................. 9-1
UNIFORM RELOCATION ACT ............................................................................................ 9-3
(AHAP) 10-1
PURPOSE OF THE AHAP ................................................................................................. 10-1
WHEN KCHA WILL ENTER INTO AN AHAP ...................................................................... 10-1
FORM OF THE AHAP ...................................................................................................... 10-2
CONTENTS OF THE AHAP ............................................................................................... 10-2
WHEN AHAP IS EXECUTED ............................................................................................. 10-3
COMPLETION OF HOUSING DEVELOPMENT .................................................................. 10-4
EXECUTION OF HAP CONTRACT .................................................................................... 10-4
PURPOSE OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CONTRACT ........................................ 11-1
FORM OF THE HAP CONTRACT ...................................................................................... 11-1
OWNER CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 11-2
WHEN THE HAP CONTRACT IS EXECUTED ..................................................................... 11-3
HAP CONTRACT TERM ................................................................................................... 11-3
EXTENSION OF TERM .................................................................................................... 11-4
TERMINATION BY KCHA FOR INSUFFICIENT FUNDING .................................................. 11-4
CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP ............................................................................................... 11-4
Project-based Administrative Plan
ATTACHING ASSISTANCE TO UNITS ............................................................................... 11-5
AMENDMENT TO ADD CONTRACT UNITS ...................................................................... 11-5
AMENDMENT TO DECREASE CONTRACT UNITS ............................................................ 11-6
OWNER NON-COMPLIANCE WITH HAP CONTRACT ....................................................... 11-6
CONTRACT RENTS ............................................................................................... 12-1
A. DATA USED TO DETERMINE THE CONTRACT RENT AMOUNT ....................................... 12-1
DETERMINATION OF CONTRACT RENT .......................................................................... 12-3
OWNER REQUEST TO REVISE THE CONTRACT RENT ...................................................... 12-4
OTHER FEES AND CHARGES ........................................................................................... 12-4
CONTRACT RENTS FOR SPECIAL HOUSING TYPES .......................................................... 12-5
TENANT APPLICATION PROCESS .......................................................................... 13-1
GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 13-1
ORDER OF SELECTION- ALL PROGRAM CATEGORIES ..................................................... 13-3
TIMING/VERIFICATION OF LOCAL PREFERENCE ............................................................ 13-4
DENIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE ..................................................................................... 13-5
REMOVING APPLICANT NAMES FROM A WAITLIST ....................................................... 13-5
HOUSED STATUS ........................................................................................................... 13-6
TENANT ELIGIBILITY .................................................................................................. 1
ELIGIBILITY FOR INITIAL SCREENING ................................................................................... 1
HOUSEHOLDS ............................................................................................................................ 8
OWNER-DETERMINED TENANT SELECTION CRITERIA ....................................................... 8
ACCOMMODATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES .......................................... 15-1
REGULATORY BACKGROUND ......................................................................................... 15-1
VERIFICATION OF DISABILITY ......................................................................................... 15-3
CONFIDENTIALITY OF DISABILITY INFORMATION .......................................................... 15-4
Project-based Administrative Plan
VERIFICATION OF NEED FOR REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION ................................... 15-4
EXAMPLES OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS ........................................................ 15-5
DISAGREEMENT WITH TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION ..................................................... 15-8
SPECIFIC REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS ................................................................. 15-9
SUBSIDY STANDARDS .......................................................................................... 16-1
MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ................................................................................ 16-1
GENERAL HOUSING PRINCIPLES .................................................................................... 16-1
OWNER SUBSIDY STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 16-3
INAPPROPRIATE UNIT SIZE OR ACCESSIBLE UNITS ........................................................ 16-3
GRANTING OF EXCEPTIONS TO UNIT SIZE STANDARDS ................................................. 16-5
VERIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 17-5
VERIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 17-5
EFFECTIVE TERM OF VERIFICATIONS ............................................................................. 17-2
METHODS OF VERIFICATION ......................................................................................... 17-2
ENTERPRISE INCOME VERIFICATION (EIV) ..................................................................... 17-4
SPECIFIC FORMS OF VERIFICATION ............................................................................... 17-5
EXCEPTIONS TO VERIFICATION PROCEDURES ............................................................... 17-5
PARTICIPANT BRIEFING ....................................................................................... 18-1
BRIEFING OF PARTICIPANTS .......................................................................................... 18-1
B. WHEN A BRIEFING IS CONDUCTED BY NON-KCHA STAFF .............................................. 18-1
BRIEFING TOPICS ........................................................................................................... 18-1
BRIEFING AND TENANCY INFORMATION PACKET ......................................................... 18-2
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES ............................................................................................. 18-3
HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS AND INSPECTIONS ........................................... 19-1
THE HOUSING QUALITY INSPECTION ............................................................................. 19-1
B. CORRECTION OF FAILED ITEMS ..................................................................................... 19-3
C. LEAD-BASED PAINT ........................................................................................................ 19-4
Project-based Administrative Plan
D. HOUSING QUALITY STANDARD UPGRADES ................................................................... 19-4
E. HQS ALLOWANCES SPECIFIC TO PROJECT-BASED .......................................................... 19-6
F. INFESTATION ................................................................................................................. 19-7
G. RECORD KEEPING .......................................................................................................... 19-8
I. HQS PILOT PROGRAM ................................................................................................... 19-9
REVIEW OF FAMILY ELIGIBILITY ..................................................................................... 20-9
THE RECERTIFICATION PROCESS .................................................................................... 20-2
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGES FOR RECERTIFICATIONS ................................................ 20-3
OWNER REQUEST FOR RENT INCREASE ......................................................................... 20-3
RECERTIFICATION RULES SPECIFIC TO WIN RENT HOUSEHOLDS ................................... 20-4
SPECIAL REVIEWS .......................................................................................................... 20-7
PROCESSING INTERIM AND SPECIAL RECERTIFICATIONS .............................................. 20-7
DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURES................................................................................. 20-10
GENERAL REVIEW PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 20-13
LEASING AND TENANCY ...................................................................................... 21-1
THE DWELLING LEASE.................................................................................................... 21-1
OWNER SECURITY DEPOSIT ........................................................................................... 21-2
DETERMINATION OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT ................................................ 21-3
PARTICIPANTS ...................................................................................................................... 21-9
DETERMINATION OF THE ENERGY ASSISTANCE SUPPLEMENT .................................... 21-12
VACANCIES .................................................................................................................. 21-13
CONTINUED ASSISTANCE .................................................................................... 22-1
A. FAMILIES ELIGIBLE FOR CONTINUED ASSISTANCE ......................................................... 22-1
Project-based Administrative Plan
E. TRANSFERS .................................................................................................................... 22-2
F. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF ASSISTANCE .......................................................................... 22-3
TERMINATION OF PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE ................................................. 23-1
AUTHORITY ........................................................................................................................... 23-1
TERMINATION OF HAP CONTRACT BY KCHA ................................................................. 23-6
TERMINATION OF TENANCY BY THE OWNER ................................................................ 23-8
TERMINATION OF THE HAP CONTRACT BY THE OWNER ............................................. 23-10
TERMINATION OF TENANCY BY FAMILY ...................................................................... 23-10
INFORMAL REVIEW AND HEARING PROCEDURES ............................................... 24-1
GREENBRIDGE AND KCHA MANAGED PROPERTIES) ............................................................. 24-2
AND KCHA MANAGED PROPERTIES) ..................................................................................... 24-6
D. INFORMAL HEARING PROCEDURES FOR AN OWNER .................................................. 24-11
EXHIBIT A- INCOME INCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 1
EXHIBIT B - INCOME EXCLUSIONS........................................................................ 26-1
I. ANNUAL INCOME ...................................................................................................... 27-1
II. ASSETS ....................................................................................................................... 27-7
III. ADJUSTED INCOME ALLOWABLE EXPENSES (DEDUCTIONS) ................................. 27-10
IV. GUIDELINES FOR IMPUTING INCOME FROM ASSETS ............................................... 27-13
EXHIBIT D - PAYMENT STANDARD/INCOME LIMITS ............................................ 28-1
EXHIBIT E- ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF VERIFICATION ............................................. 29-1
I. INCOME VERIFICATION .............................................................................................. 29-1
II. ASSET VERIFICATION .................................................................................................. 29-4
III. VERIFICATION OF DEDUCTION/ALLOWANCES ........................................................... 29-6
IV. OTHER GENERAL VERIFICATION................................................................................. 29-8
V. VERIFICATION FOR TENANT SELECTION PREFERENCES ............................................. 29-9
VI. SOCIAL SECURITY DISCLOSURE AND DOCUMENTATION .......................................... 29-12
Project-based Administrative Plan
EXHIBIT F- DISPOSITION OF RECORDS POLICY ..................................................... 30-1
EXHIBIT G - TRANSFER POLICY ............................................................................. 31-1
I. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................... 31-1
II. APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................................ 31-1
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE TRANSFER POLICY ...................................................................... 31-3
IV. DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATE HOUSING RESOURCE ........................................... 31-3
V. CATEGORIES OF TRANSFERS ...................................................................................... 31-4
VI. ORDER OF SELECTION ................................................................................................ 31-8
VIII. REJECTION OF A UNIT OFFER ..................................................................................... 31-9
IX. COST OF THE FAMILY'S MOVE ................................................................................. 31-10
X. TENANTS IN GOOD STANDING ................................................................................. 31-10
XI. TENANT REQUESTED TRANSFERS ............................................................................ 31-10
XII. RIGHT OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY IN TRANSFER POLICY .................................... 31-11
VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, OR STALKING ....................................................................... 31-11
EXHIBIT H- CONFIDENTIALITY OF TENANT RECORDS ........................................... 32-1
I. GENERAL POLICY ........................................................................................................ 32-1
II. DATA COLLECTION AND DISCLOSURE ........................................................................ 32-1
IV. HA GUIDELINES ON RELEASE OF INFORMATION ....................................................... 32-2
EXHIBIT I- (RESERVED) ........................................................................................ 33-1
EXHIBIT K- HQS GUIDELINES FOR INSPECTORS .................................................... 35-1
A. FURNACES .................................................................................................................. 35-1
B. SITE AND NEIGHBORHOOD CONDITIONS .................................................................. 35-1
EXHIBIT L- (RESERVED) ....................................................................................... 36-1
EXHIBIT M- LEAD BASED PAINT REGULATIONS.................................................... 37-1
I. GENERAL POLICY ........................................................................................................ 37-1
II. HUD STANDARDS FOR STABILIZING DETERIORATED PAINT ....................................... 37-2
III. CLEARANCE REPORT .................................................................................................. 37-5
EXHIBIT N- (RESERVED) ....................................................................................... 38-1
Project-based Administrative Plan
EXHIBIT O- LIST OF MAJOR AND MINOR FAIL ITEMS ........................................... 39-1
EXHIBIT P- HOUSING AUTHORITY CODE OF CONDUCT ........................................ 40-1
EXHIBIT R- ORIGINAL PROJECT-BASED PROGRAM POLICY ................................... 42-1
I. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 42-2
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 42-3
III. POLICY GOALS ............................................................................................................ 42-8
IV. PROGRAM CATEGORIES ........................................................................................... 42-11
V. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 42-12
VI. IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION ..................................................................... 42-19
EXHIBIT S- ENERGY ASSISTANCE SUPPLEMENT TABLE ......................................... 43-1
EXHIBIT T- INCOME BAND TABLES ....................................................................... 44-1
Project-based Administrative Plan
1-1 3/17/2020
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has established a Moving to
Work Demonstration Program in which high-performing housing authorities, including the
King County Housing Authority (KCHA), have the opportunity to develop their own housing
programs and policies based on local needs and circumstances in lieu of the provisions of
the 1937 Housing Act. KCHA has established an MTW Agreement with HUD, under which
KCHA is authorized to develop a locally designed Section 8 Project-based Assistance
Program and Policy. KCHA’s Board of Commissioners adopted the “Project-based Assistance
Program Policy” on May 12, 2003 and an amendment that expanded upon this policy on
March 13, 2006. Subsequent minor revisions have been made and will continue to be made
as the program evolves.
Under the Project-based Assistance Program Policy, the Board of Commissioners
Assistance Program that outlines the administrative procedures for implementing the
policy. This Plan identifies the major Project-based Programs and outlines the procedures
for administering this funding, contracting with owners, and supporting applicants and
participants. The Plan is implemented by KCHA’s Section 8 Department, which also
administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program under a separate Administrative Plan.
The Section 8 Department will establish implementation goals for each of the Project-
based Programs in each of KCHA’s Annual MTW Plans. KCHA will annually evaluate the
outcomes of the Project-based Assistance Program against the goals and objectives
established in the policy and the annual implementation plans. These evaluations will be
included in KCHA’s Annual MTW Reports to HUD.
The term “Project-based” Assistance is used to distinguish this assistance from the “Tenant-
based” assistance provided under the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. In the
Project-based Assistance Programs, the assistance is attached to the structure, rather than
to the tenant. The Project-based Assistance Program is designed to meet the housing needs
of low-income individuals not met by the Housing Choice Voucher program or other housing
programs in King County. Project-based Assistance is also used as an important tool in the
development of affordable housing. The formal and binding commitment of Project-based
Assistance to housing owners is made through either a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP)
Contract or an Agreement to enter into a HAP Contract (AHAP). During the term of the HAP
Contract, KCHA makes housing assistance payments to the Owner for units leased and
occupied by eligible Families.
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The Project-based Assistance program is funded with a portion of appropriated funding
(budget authority) under KCHA’s Housing Choice Voucher program Annual Contributions
Contract (ACC) with HUD. The Authority converts this funding into Project-based Assistance.
There is no special or additional funding for Project-based Assistance. HUD does not
allocate funding in the form of Project-based Assistance or provide any additional funding
for this purpose. KCHA is not required to administer a Project-based Assistance program.
KCHA is responsible for determining the amount of budget authority that is available for
Project-based Assistance and for ensuring that the amount of assistance that is attached to
each unit is within the amounts available under the ACC.
Under its MTW agreement, KCHA will not be limited in the number of units assisted under
the Project-based program.
The Project-based Assistance Program and Policy is designed to meet the following goals:
1. Increase the supply of the affordable housing stock in King County through the support
of new development.
2. Increase the level of affordability of existing affordable housing stock.
3. Preserve and revitalize existing affordable housing stock.
4. Increase housing choice for “special needs” Households by strengthening and expanding
the continuum of supportive housing programs in King County.
5. Focus on the needs of extremely low income Households.
6. Assist in deconcentration initiatives by replacing public housing units targeted for
7. Reduce concentrations of subsidized households, especially families with children.
8. Enhance the opportunities for families to become economically self-sufficient.
9. Maximize coordination of Section 8 assistance, housing development and support
service resources.
Approved under MTW 4-11-12
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KCHA reserves the right to enter into HAP Contracts or AHAPs with Owners in other Housing
Authorities’ jurisdictions subject to an inter-agency agreement with the other Housing
Under its MTW Agreement, KCHA is not limited to the number of units to be assisted in a
Project-based Assistance will be allocated for a range of population groups and purposes
according to a number of individual Project-based Assistance Programs. These Programs
include both transitional and permanent housing for individuals and families with children
who may or may not need on-site support services. Because each of these Programs has
unique goals and target populations, specialized implementation procedures are identified
in this Administrative Plan for each Program as needed. The following is a list of Project-
based Programs:
1. PBA Supportive Housing Program
Permanent Supportive Housing:
Assistance will be made available for Project-basing to create or preserve service-
enriched permanent housing opportunities for homeless and/or disabled families and
individuals who need on-site support services. This model allows for a higher level of
on-site care for these households. Project-based assistance may include one-bedroom
units and group homes serving individuals, and larger bedroom units serving families.
Project-based assistance is competitively allocated in conjunction with service funding
to provide integrated housing and services. In some cases, tenant-based or sponsor-
based assistance may be reallocated as Project-based assistance to better serve the
needs of the identified special populations.
Transitional and Conditional Supportive Housing:
KCHA has attached 254 units of Project-based assistance to projects in private or KCHA-
owned buildings. KCHA transitional housing programs provide rental assistance in
support of the Sound Families Initiative in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation to create new transitional housing units for families with minor children. As
Approved MTW Policy Section V.15
Approved MTW Policy Section V.3
Approved MTW Policy Section IV
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with Permanent Supportive Housing, housing with services are integrated. The focus is
on serving homeless families, primarily in two and three bedroom units. For graduates
of the transitional and conditional housing program, priority placement is given to
KCHA’s public housing.
2. PBA Local Program
KCHA will attach Project-base assistance in projects that require temporary or
permanent operating or rental Subsidies in order to continue to serve extremely low-
income households. This category provides subsidy funding to housing that was
originally funded without subsidies and is now at risk. The assistance preserves
affordable housing stock where cash flow is insufficient to maintain developments. It is
also used as a financing tool to revitalize physically distressed housing.
3. PBA Private Housing Program
KCHA will Project-base 459 replacement vouchers provided by HUD under the Park Lake
HOPE VI project in housing it owns/controls/finances, and in projects owned by
nonprofit organizations funded by A Regional Coalition for Housing or other government
funders. Project-based assistance replaces units lost through public housing
redevelopment and creates affordable units in low-poverty areas of King County.
4. PBA Public Housing Redevelopment Program
To replace or redevelop decommissioned Public Housing units while providing returning
residents a single subsidized housing program that mirrors the Public Housing it is
replacing, KCHA intends to supply subsidies to permanently replace housing that was
formerly Public Housing. KCHA may also temporarily use Project-based Assistance for
returning residents that need subsidies beyond the permanent cap. Project-based
Assistance will be removed from these temporarily Project-based units as families move
or income-graduate until the permanent number of contract units is reached.
KCHA’s Project-based Public Housing Redevelopment Program is designed to conform the
guidelines of Project-based Assistance and Public Housing into a “blended subsidy” in order
to create a common set of rules for program participants and administrators. Parts of this
blended program (generally those related to contracting) follow the Project-based
Assistance policies and procedures as outlined in this PBA Administrative Plan. Other parts
(generally those relating to operations) follow the Public Housing Admissions and Continued
Occupancy Policy (ACOP). This Administrative Plan notes where the Program defers to the
guidance of the ACOP.
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In addition to those Programs listed above, KCHA may also enter into other Project-based
contracts with owners for programs designated to address specific segments of the low
income special needs community such those listed below. This is a non-inclusive list and
additional programs may be added through changes to our MTW Annual Plan.
Demonstration Programs: KCHA reserves the right to provide Project-based assistance to a
limited number of housing projects that will serve an important public purpose, but may not
qualify under the Project-based Program’s policies.
King County’s Community Plan to End Homelessness: As a member of the Committee to
End Homelessness, KCHA reserves the right to identify new program Categories to further
the goals of the King County Plan to End Homelessness.
Transition in Place”: If resources are available, KCHA may allocate up to 30 “transition in
place” vouchers to KCHA-subsidized Transitional Housing Programs on an annual basis.
KCHA receives the majority of its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Funds in the form of a
block grant. KCHA may elect to assist in financing the acquisition or rehabilitation of
housing through a block grant to a housing owner, provided that such housing:
1. Furthers the goals set forth in the Project-based Assistance policy;
2. Meets threshold owner application criteria;
3. Is determined not to have excess public assistance as determined by a Subsidy Layering
4. Is made available to low income households under the eligibility criteria detailed in
KCHA’s admissions policies;
5. Will be dedicated to such use for a minimum of ten years;
6. Will serve at least the same number of tenants as the funding would have served under
the tenant-based program;
7. Has clearly defined program goals and measures of tenant success; and
Approved MTW Policy Section IV
Approved MTW Policy Section V.12
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8. KCHA may also adjust payment standards as appropriate to further the goals and
objectives of this policy for units subsidized through the block grant program.
Projects that are block granted are not required under MTW to attach assistance directly to
a specified number of contract units. The assistance may be provided to the overall project,
provided that the criteria above has been met and documented.
It is the policy of the King County Housing Authority to comply fully with all Federal, State and
local nondiscrimination laws; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development regulations governing Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, familial
status, sexual preference or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under KCHA programs.
To further its commitment to full compliance with applicable Civil Rights laws, KCHA will
provide Federal/State/local information to applicants and participants in the Section 8
Program regarding discrimination and any recourse available to them if they believe they may
be victims of discrimination. Such information will be made available with the application,
and all applicable Fair Housing Information and Discrimination Complaint Forms will be made
available at KCHA’s Section 8 office. In addition, all written information and advertisements
will contain the appropriate Equal Opportunity language and logo.
KCHA will assist any Household that believes they have suffered illegal discrimination by
providing them copies of the housing discrimination form. KCHA will also assist them in
completing the form, if requested, and will provide them with the address of the nearest
HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.
1. Conflict of Interest
In accordance with 24 CFR 982.161, neither KCHA nor any of its contractors or
subcontractors may enter into any contract or arrangement in connection with the
Project-based Programs in which any of the following classes of persons has any
interest, direct or indirect, during his or her tenure with KCHA or for one year
a. Any present or former member or officer of KCHA;
Approved MTW Policy Section V.11
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b. Any employee of KCHA or any contractor, subcontractor, or agent of KCHA who
formulates policy or who influences decisions with respect to the programs;
c. Any public official, member of a governing body, or State or local legislator who
exercises functions or responsibilities with respect to KCHA’s programs; or
d. Any member of Congress of the United States.
Any person described above must disclose their interest to KCHA. Exceptions to these
criteria include, but are not limited to, low-income residents of housing developments
contracted to receive Project-based Assistance who are a member of the Owner or
Service Provider’s Board of Directors.
2. Solicitation or Acceptance of Gifts
No Commissioner or KCHA employee may solicit any gift or consideration of any kind,
nor may any HA employee accept or receive a gift from any person who has an interest
in any matter proposed or pending before the HA.
KCHA Personnel policies should be consulted for more information on both Conflict of
Interest and Solicitation or Acceptance of Gifts.
3. Program Monitoring
In order to maintain the appropriate quality standards for the Section 8 and Project-
based Assistance Programs, KCHA will annually review files and records to determine if
the work documented in the files or records conforms to program requirements. A
supervisor or another qualified person other than the one originally responsible for the
work or someone subordinate to that person shall perform the monitoring.
This policy details KCHA policies and procedures that are in place under normal day-to-day
operations. However, should a catastrophic event occur (i.e. severe flood, pandemic
sickness, etc.), KCHA may modify certain policies or procedures to help ensure health, safety
and/or security of residents, staff and the community. Changes may only be made upon
Executive Director declaration of an Emergency as a result of catastrophic event(s). At the
discretion of the Executive Director, modifications determined necessary may remain in
effect for up to 60 days following the end of the declared emergency to allow KCHA
operations to normalize. Examples of policy and procedure changes that could be
implemented include, but are not limited to, the following:
Approved under MTW 11/18/09
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1. Modified Office Hours:
In the event of a declared emergency, KCHA may limit office hours or close designated
offices to the public entirely as determined necessary by KCHA. In such instances, staff
will remain available to clients through phone and/or email. Information regarding
revised office hours including anticipated length of the closure/modification and how
to contact KCHA staff with questions and/or concerns - will be clearly posted on all
office doors and in community areas, if appropriate. Information will also be distributed
to clients via email and direct delivery when KCHA determines such is available and
2. Modified Inspection process:
Recertification inspections scheduled during the catastrophic event may be extended
for an additional 12 months. However, upon notification of the delay, the participant
will be advised to report any necessary repairs that have not been addressed by the
owner. If the tenant reports a life threatening failure, the owner will be required to
abate or correct the condition immediately, per KCHA policy.
To help ensure client access to housing, tenant move-ins and new inspections will be
prioritized and completed as soon as possible (pending road closures or other obstacles
preventing immediate response).
3. Modified Review and Verification procedures:
In the event of a declared emergency, KCHA may modify client review schedules and/or
implement revised verification policies under the protocols listed above. For example,
should a catastrophic event occur, it may be difficult to verify tenant information
through normal documentation methods or complete reviews under the current
process. In such cases, reviews could be temporarily delayed, and verification processes
relaxed by weighting all forms of verification equally. A notation regarding any changes
authorized as a result of the Executive Director’s declaration will be noted in all affected
client files.
Project-based Administrative Plan
2-1 6/30/2022
ACC Reserve Account: An account established by HUD from amounts by which the
maximum payment to the HA under the consolidated ACC during the HA fiscal year exceeds
the amount actually approved and paid. This account is used as the source of additional
payments for the program.
Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). The plan that describes the HA
policies for the administration of KCHA Public Housing units.
Adequate Housing: The lack of adequate housing means:
A Family is living in substandard or dilapidated housing; or
A Family is homeless; or
A Family is displaced by domestic violence; or
A Family is living in an overcrowded unit.
Adjusted Annual Income:
Total Household Annual Income less the sum of total eligible
deductions for unreimbursed medical expenses, handicapped assistance expenses and/or
childcare expenses (as defined) which the household is determined to receive during the
recertification process and determination of tenant rent.
Adjusted Monthly Income: One-twelfth of Adjusted Income
Administrative Fee: Fee paid by HUD to the HA for administration of the program.
Administrative Fee Reserve: Account established by the HA from excess administrative fee
income. The administrative fee reserve can only be used for housing purposes.
Administrative Plan: The plan that describes HA policies for the administration of the
Section 8 Project-based programs.
Agreement to Enter into a HAP Contract (AHAP): A written contract between the HA and
the Owner in the form prescribed by HUD. The AHAP defines requirement for development
of housing to be assisted under the Project-based program.
Amounts deducted from the household’s gross annual income in
determining adjusted annual income (the income amount used in the rent calculation).
Under KCHA’s EASY Rent and WIN Rent programs, only allowances for medical expenses,
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handicapped assistance expenses, and childcare expenses for children under 13 years of age
are allowed (as outlined in this plan).
Annual Contributions Contract (ACC): A written contract between HUD and a HA. Under
the contract HUD agrees to provide funding for operation of the program, and the HA
agrees to comply with HUD requirements of the program.
Annual Income: Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, that: (1) go to (or on
behalf of) the Family head or spouse (even if temporarily absent) or to any other family
member, or (2) are anticipated to be received from a source outside the Family during the
12-month period following admission or recertification effective date, and (3) are not
specifically excluded from annual income (See Exhibit B).
Applicant (Applicant Family): A person or Family that has applied for admission to a
program, but is not yet a participant in the program.
Child Care Deduction:
The amount allowed under KCHA’s WIN Rent program as a
reduction from Annual Income when child care expenses (as defined) are incurred by a
participating household. Households with income in excess of $75,000 and above are not
eligible for this deduction. A child care deduction is only provided when KCHA determines
no other adult in the household is available to provide care AND the amount paid (1) is not
reimbursed by another party or source; (2) is reasonable in relation to the time and hours
worked; (3) is not paid to a family member; (4) does not exceed the income received as a
result of the provision of the care. A Child Care Deduction may not be granted to a
household operating an in-home childcare facility in order to provide for the care of the
household’s own children. The actual amount of the deduction provided is established by
KCHA according to the following expense bands:
Eligible Child Care
Expenses Incurred
$ Amount of
Below $2,500
$2,500 - $4,999
$5,000 $7,499
$7,500 - $9,999
$10,000 or more
See Section 21 and Exhibit C for additional information.
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Child Care Expenses:
(See Adjusted Income) The “out-of pocket” amount paid for (1)
the care of children in the household under 13 years of age and/or (2) attendant care
and auxiliary apparatus for a Handicapped or Disabled Family member. Under the WIN
Rent program, child care expenses must: (1) be necessary to enable a member of the
household to be gainfully employed or further his/her education; (2) not be reimbursed
by another party or source; (3) be reasonable in relation to the time and hours worked;
(4) not be paid to a family member; (5) not exceed the income received as a result of the
provision of the care.
Citizen: A citizen or national of the United States.
Consent Form: Any consent form approved by HUD to be signed by assistance
applicants and participants for the purpose of obtaining income information from
employers and SWICAs, return information from the Social Security Administration, and
return information for unearned income from the IRS. The consent forms may
authorize the collection of other information from assistance applicants or participants
to determine eligibility or level of benefits.
Contract Rent. The total amount of rent specified in the Housing Assistance Payments
Contract as payable by the HA and the Tenant to the Owner for an assisted unit.
Co-Tenant: An adult member of the Family household who is neither head nor spouse,
but who enters the lease jointly with the Head of Household. A Co-Tenant has the same
standing in the lease as would a spouse.
Dependent: A member of the Family household (excluding foster children and foster
adults) other than the Family head or spouse, who is under 18 years of age or is a
Person with disabilities. An unborn child shall not be counted as a Dependent except
when determining initial eligibility of a single pregnant woman without other children in
the household.
Domestic Violence: the term “domestic violence” will include domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault or stalking or the threat of physical violence against the resident
or member of the resident’s household, as defined under the Violence Against Women
and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013.
Dilapidated Housing Unit: For selection preference purposes, a housing unit is
considered dilapidated if it does not provide safe and adequate shelter, and in its
present condition endangers the health, safety, or well-being of a Family, or it has one
or more critical defects, or a combination of intermediate defects in sufficient number
or extent to require considerable repair or rebuilding. The defects may involve original
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construction, or they may result from continued neglect or lack of repair or from serious
damage to the structure.
Disability Assistance Expenses: Reasonable expenses that are anticipated during the
period for which Annual Income is computed, for attendant care and auxiliary apparatus
for a Disabled family member, and that are necessary to enable a family member
(excluding the Disabled member) to be employed, provided that the expenses are
neither paid to a member of the Family nor reimbursed by an outside source.
Disabled Family: A Family whose head (including co-head), spouse, or sole member is a
person with disabilities (see definition); or two or more persons with disabilities living
together; or one or more persons with disabilities living with one or more live-in aides.
Displaced Person or Family: For eligibility purposes, a Family in which each member, or
whose sole member, is displaced by governmental action, or whose dwelling has been
extensively damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster declared or otherwise
formally recognized under Federal disaster relief laws.
Domicile. The legal residence of the household head or spouse as determined in
accordance with State and local law.
Drug-related Criminal Activity. The illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, or use of a
drug, or the possession of a drug with the intent to manufacture, sell, distribute or use
the drug. (As defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
Drug-trafficking: The illegal manufacture, sale or distribution, or the possession with
intent to manufacture, sell, or distribute, of a controlled substance (as defined in section
102 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802).
EASY Rent Program:
The rent calculation method applied by KCHA to EASY Rent
households (see definition). Under EASY Rent program rules, rent is calculated based
upon 28% of an eligible household’s adjusted gross income. Minimum rent paid by
eligible families is $0 per month, in accordance with the policies outlined in this Plan.
Households under the EASY Rent program undergo a full recertification of income and
program eligibility once every three (3) years. Unit inspections will still be performed
annually and update reviews will be performed on the off years.
EASY Rent Household:
Will be defined as:
A. A family in which (1) All adults in the household (excluding live-in attendants) are
Elderly or Disabled (as defined); and (2) have no source of income, or, at least 90%
of total household income is derived from a combination of the following fixed
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income sources: Social Security, SSI, Government Pension, Private or Public
Pensions, and/or GAU (DSHS general assistance grant). An EASY Rent Household
includes a household in which a dependent minor has turned eighteen (18) years of
age in between the established (3 year) recertification period; or
B. Any family living in, or applying for, a former Public Housing mixed population
EASY Rent Households may also be referred to as a “fixed income” household in this
Plan as their income is typically from a fixed source such as Social Security or SSI.
EIV: Enterprise Income Verification system is a form of Up-front Income Verification
(UIV) used to verify and/or validate tenant reported (or unreported) income.
Elderly Person or Family: A Family whose head (including co-head) or spouse or sole
member is a person who is at least 62 years of age, or two or more persons who are at
least 62 years of age living together, or one or more of such persons living with a live-in
Eligible Immigration Status: An immigration status in one of the following categories:
1. A noncitizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by Section
101(a)(20) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as an immigrant, as defined
by section 101(a)(15) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(20) and 1101(a)(15), respectively)
(immigrants). (This category includes a noncitizen admitted under section 210 or
210A of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1160 or 1161), (special agricultural worker), who has been
granted lawful temporary resident status);
2. A noncitizen who entered the United States before January 1, 1972, or such later
date as enacted by law, and has continuously maintained residence in the United
States since then, and who is not eligible for citizenship, but who is deemed to be
lawfully admitted for permanent residence as a result of an exercise of discretion by
the Attorney General under Section 249 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1259);
3. A noncitizen who is lawfully present in the United States pursuant to an admission
under section 207 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1157)(refugee status); pursuant to the grant
of asylum (which has not been terminated) under section 208 of the INA (8 U.S.C.
1158)(asylum status); or as a result of being granted conditional entry under Section
203(a)(7) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1153(a)(7)) before April 1, 1980, because of
persecution or fear of persecution on account of race, religion, or political opinion or
because of being uprooted by catastrophic national calamity;
4. A noncitizen who is lawfully present in the United States as a result of an exercise of
discretion by the Attorney General for emergent reasons or reasons deemed strictly
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in the public interest under section 212(d)(5) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(5))(parole
5. A noncitizen who is lawfully present in the United States as a result of the Attorney
General’s withholding deportation under section 234(h) of the INA (8 U.S.C.
1253(h))(threat to life or freedom); or
6. A noncitizen lawfully admitted for temporary or permanent residence under section
245A of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1255a)(amnesty granted under INA 245A).
Energy Assistance Supplement (EAS):
(Formerly known as Utility Allowance) The
amount provided by the Housing Authority as a reduction to the household’s Total
Tenant Payment, when the costs of utilities are the responsibility of the family
occupying the unit. As determined by the Housing Authority, the EAS is established
based upon the reasonable energy consumption of a reasonably conservative household
of modest means.
Tenants who reside in units for which all utilities are paid by the Landlord do not receive
an Energy Assistance Supplement.
Energy Supplement Reimbursement:
The amount, if any, by which the Energy
Assistance Supplement for the unit exceeds the Total Tenant Payment for the Family
occupying the unit. The amount of reimbursement may be limited by any Minimum
Rent policies established by the Housing Authority as outlined in this Plan.
Extremely Low-Income: Those families whose incomes do not exceed the higher of the
Federal poverty level or 30% of the median income for the area, as determined by the
Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger families.
Fair Market Rent (FMR): FMRs are established by HUD for housing units of varying sizes
(number of bedrooms) and are published in the Federal Register annually.
Family includes, but is not limited to, the following, regardless of actual or
perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. In all cases the Head of
Household must be at least 18 years of age, unless they have documented approval as
an Emancipated Minor pursuant to Washington State regulations (RCW 13.64.):
1. A group of two or more persons sharing residence whose income and resources are
available to meet the Family needs and who are either related by (1) Blood,
marriage, or operation of law (excluding custody of foster children), or; (2) who have
evidenced a stable family relationship.
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a. A group of "two or more persons" includes a single pregnant woman without
other children and individuals in the process of securing legal custody of a
b. Members of the Family temporarily absent shall be included in the Family group.
To establish what constitutes a "temporary absence," the following clarification
is provided.
A service member shall be classified as "temporarily absent" when away
from home due to military service. Therefore, each service member shall be
counted as part of the Family for purposes of qualifying as an eligible family
for admission or continued occupancy and for establishment of rent, but not
for determining size of unit required.
If the Family claims a child as a family member, but does not have full
custody, or if the child lives only part time with the Family, it will be the sole
discretion of the HA as to whether to count the child as part of the Family.
If the Family has a dependent away at school, the dependent may be
considered a member of the household if the dependent normally lives in the
household while not attending school.
The HA may consider an absent child to be part of the Family if there is
evidence that the child would reside with the Family if the Family were
admitted to the HA's housing.
2. An Elderly Person or Family (as defined)
3. A Person with disabilities or Family (as defined)
4. A Remaining Member of a tenant family (as defined)
For purposes of determining initial eligibility a family must include at least one
household member who is disabled, elderly, or who qualifies as a dependent. Single-
persons (as defined: those who are not elderly, near-elderly or disabled) will not be
placed on the waiting list. However, such individuals may be considered eligible for
assistance and be placed on the waiting list for any specific targeted “set-aside”
program(s) established by the Housing Authority (such as programs to assist Chronically
Homeless individuals or youth transitioning out of foster care) for which they qualify.
Family Income: For purposes of qualifying for a Selection Preference, Family Income is
"Monthly Income".
Family Self-Sufficiency Program: (FSS) A program established to promote self-
sufficiency among participating families, including the coordination of "supportive
services" to these families (See Action Plan).
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Family Share: The portion of rent and utilities paid by the Family or the gross rent minus
the amount of the housing assistance payment.
Financial Assistance: Included in annual income is any financial assistance that a
student receives in excess of tuition and other required fees and charges (e.g., athletic
and academic scholarships) and that the student receives (1) under the Higher
Education Act, (2) from private sources, or (3) from an institution of higher education as
defined by the Higher Education Act of 1965 (See definition). Financial assistance does
not include loan proceeds.
1. Higher Education Act Assistance under the Higher Education Act of 1965 includes
Pell Grants, Federal Supplement Educational Opportunity Grants, Academic
Achievement Incentive Scholarships, and State Assistance under the Leveraging
Educational Assistance Partnership Program, the Robert G. Byrd Honors Scholarship
Program, and Federal Work Study programs.
2. Assistance from Private Sources is non-governmental sources of assistance, including
assistance that may be provided to a student from parent, guardian or other family
member, whether residing within the Family in the Section 8 assisted unit or not,
and from other persons not residing in the unit.
3. Assistance from an Institution of Higher Education requires reference to the
particular institution and the institution’s listing of financial assistance.
4. Loans Are Not Financial Assistance, and therefore, the loan programs cited in the
Higher Education Act of 1965 (the Perkins, Stafford and Plus loans) are not included
in the term “financial assistance” in determining student eligibility for Section 8
Fixed Income Household: A Section 8 Family in which (1) All adults in the household
(excluding live-in attendants) are Elderly or Disabled (as defined); and (2) at least 90%
of total household income is derived from a fixed income source such as Social Security,
SSI, Government Pension, Private Pensions, and/or GAU (DSHS general assistance
grant). A Fixed Income Household includes a household in which a dependent minor
has turned eighteen (18) years of age in between the established (3 year) recertification
Foster Care Payment: Payments to eligible households made by State, local, or private
Full-time Student: A person who is carrying a subject load, which is considered full-time
for day students under the standards and practices of the educational institution
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attended. An educational institution includes a vocational school with a diploma or
certificate program, as well as an institution offering a college degree.
Gender Identity: The actual or perceived gender-related characteristics of a participant.
Gross Rent: The sum of the rent to an Owner, plus any utility allowance.
Handicapped Assistance Expenses: Reasonable expenses that are anticipated, during
the period for which Annual Income is computed, for attendant care or auxiliary
apparatus for a Handicapped or Disabled Family member, and that are necessary to
enable a Family member (including the Handicapped or Disabled member) to be
employed or to further his/her education, provided that the expenses are neither paid
to a member of the Family nor reimbursed by an outside source.
Head of the Household: The adult family member who is the head of the household for
purposes of determining income eligibility and rent and is held accountable for the
Family. A Head of Household must be 18 years of age or older, unless they have
documented approval as an Emancipated Minor pursuant to Washington State
regulations (RCW 13.64.).
Homeless Family: For selection preference purposes, an applicant is considered a
Homeless Family if they:
1. Lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; AND
2. Have a primary nighttime residence that is:
a. Living outside (i.e., no fixed roof, in a park, in a tent, etc.);
b. Living in a temporary publicly or privately owned shelter; or
c. Living in an automobile or recreational vehicle.
3. Are a graduate from a KCHA funded sponsor-based program or are a graduate from
the Shelter Plus Care program.
A Homeless Family will also include an applicant living with family or friends in an
overcrowded situation (does not meet occupancy standards) AND who has been
approved for housing within a 90-day time period at a HA recognized transitional
housing program.
In targeted supportive housing voucher programs, a Homeless Family may also include a
Family at imminent risk of homelessness such as a Family with a pending eviction. An
alternate definition may be used based on individual targeted program requirements.
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As a general rule, a Homeless Family does not include any individual imprisoned or
otherwise detained pursuant to an Act of the Congress or a State law. However, in
targeted voucher programs that are designed to serve households discharged from jail
or prison, this portion of the definition will not apply. See Section 1 for an overview of
targeted voucher programs.
Housing Authority (HA): The King County Housing Authority, a public corporation.
Housing Assistance Payment (HAP): The monthly assistance payment by the HA, which
1. A payment to the Owner for rent to owner under the Family's lease; and
2. An additional payment to the Family if the total assistance payment exceeds the rent
to owner.
Housing Assistance Payments Contract (HAP Contract): A written contract between an
HA and an Owner, in which the HA agrees to make housing assistance payments to the
Owner on behalf of an eligible Family.
Housing Quality Standards (HQS): The minimum housing quality standards for housing
being assisted under the voucher program.
HUD: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Imputed Income: For households with net family assets of more than $50,000,
amount calculated by multiplying net family assets by a HUD-specified percentage. If
imputed income is more than actual income from assets, the imputed amount is used as
income from assets in determining annual income.
Imputed Welfare Income: The amount of annual income not actually received by a
Family, as a result of a specified welfare benefit reduction, that is nonetheless included
in the Family’s annual income for purposes of determining rent.
Income Category: Designates a Family’s income range. There are three categories: low
income, very low income, and extremely low income.
Income Limits: A schedule of incomes that do not exceed a percent of the median
income for the area as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller or larger
Families, except that HUD may establish income limits higher or lower on the basis of its
findings that such variations are necessary because of the prevailing levels of
construction costs, unusually high or low incomes, or other factors (See Exhibit D).
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Independent Student: For the purpose of determining the Section 8 eligibility of a
student who is seeking assistance separately from their parents, a student will be
considered independent if they meet the definition laid out by the U.S. Department of
Education in the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, 20 U.S.C 1087vv(d).
Initial Lease Term: The initial term of the assisted lease. The initial lease term must be
for at least one year unless the HA, at its sole discretion, determines there is good cause
for a term shorter than 12 months.
Institution of Higher Education: Shall have the meaning given this term in the Higher
Education Act of 1965 in 20 U.S.C. 1001 and 1002.
1. Institution of higher education means an educational institution in any State that:
a. Admits as regular students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a
school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such a
b. Is legally authorized within such State to provide a program of education beyond
secondary education;
c. Provides an educational program for which the institution awards a bachelor’s
degree or provides not less than a 2-year program that is acceptable for full
credit toward such a degree;
d. Is a public or other nonprofit institution;
e. Is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association, or if
not so accredited, is an institution that has been granted preaccreditation status
by such an agency or association that has been recognized by the Secretary for
the granting of preaccreditation status, and the Secretary has determined that
there is satisfactory assurance that the institution will meet the accreditation
standards of such an agency or association within a reasonable time; and
2. Institution of higher education also includes:
a. Any school that provides not less than a 1-year program of training to prepare
students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation and that meets the
provision of paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) of subsection (1), above, and
b. A public or nonprofit private educational institution in any State that, in lieu of
the requirement in subsection (1)(a) above, admits as regular students persons
who are beyond the age of compulsory school attendance in the State in which
the institution is located.
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Interim (examination) Recertification: A reexamination of family income, expenses,
and household composition conducted between the regular recertifications when a
change in a household's circumstances warrants such a reexamination.
King County Housing Authority (KCHA) Managed Properties. Properties managed by
KCHA’ s Property Management department.
Lease: A written agreement between an Owner and a tenant for the leasing of a
dwelling unit to the tenant. The lease establishes the conditions for occupancy of the
dwelling unit by a Family with housing assistance payments under a HAP Contract
between the Owner and the HA.
Lease Addendum: In the lease between the tenant and the Owner, the lease language
required by HUD.
Live-in Aide: A person who resides with one or more elderly persons, or near elderly
persons, or persons with a disability, and who: (1) is determined to be essential to the
care and well-being of the person; (2) is not obligated for the support of the person; and
would not be living in the unit except to provide the necessary supportive services. (See
Exhibit G.M.7.)
Local Preference: A preference for admission as described in Section 13 of the
Administrative Plan.
Low-income Family: A Family whose Annual Income does not exceed 80% of the
median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and
larger families.
Medical Deduction:
The amount allowed under KCHA’s EASY Rent program as a
reduction from Annual Income when medical expenses (as defined) are incurred by a
participating household. Households with income of $75,000 and above are not eligible
for this deduction. The actual amount of the deduction provided is established by KCHA
according to the following expense bands:
Eligible Medical
Expenses Incurred
$ Amount of
Below $2,500
$2,500 - $4,999
$5,000 $7,499
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$7,500 - $9,999
$10,000 or more
Under KCHA’s Hardship Policy, a WIN Rent Household may qualify for a Medical
Deduction only when it can be demonstrated that the household’s childcare and
medical costs, and calculated Total Tenant Payment (Rent + Energy Assistance
Supplement) results in the household facing an “extraordinary cost of living”.
Medical Expenses:
The “out-of-pocket” amount paid by a household for (1) the
medical care of elderly and disabled household members and/or (2) attendant care or
auxiliary apparatus for a Handicapped or Disabled Family member that are necessary to
enable a Family member to be employed or further his/her education. The total
attendant and auxiliary costs included under this category must (1) be reasonable in
relation to the time and hours worked; (2) not be paid to a family member; (3) not
exceed the income received as a result of the provision of the care. Claimed expenses
may not be dually included in the calculation of Child Care Expenses in order to
determine a household’s adjusted annual income.
Member of the Armed Forces: A person in the active Military or Naval Service of the
United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, National Guard, Coast Guard or
reserves. For the purposes of determining Annual Income, a Member of the Armed
Forces shall be the Head of Household, Spouse, or other family member whose
dependents are residing in the unit.
Minimum Rent:
The minimum monthly amount payable to the HA as rent by an EASY
Rent and WIN Rent household.
Mixed Family: A Family whose members include those with citizenship or eligible
immigration status and those without citizenship or eligible immigration status.
Mixed Finance Buildings: Buildings where Low-income Tax Credits, Bonds, Public
Housing subsidies and Housing Voucher funding are mixed in order to allow the
property to be financially feasible. Because each program type may operate under
different regulations, one set or a combination of program rules may be adopted
through MTW for successful operation.
Monthly Income: One-twelfth of Annual Income.
National: A person who owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
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Near-elderly Family:
A Family whose head (including co-head), spouse, or sole
member is a person who is at least 55 years of age but below the age of 62; or two or
more persons, who are at least 55 years of age but below the age of 62, living together;
or one or more persons who are at least 55 years of age but below the age of 62 living
with one or more live-in aides.
Near-elderly Person:
A person who is at least 55 years of age but below the age of
Net Family Assets:
1. Net cash value after deducting reasonable costs that would be incurred in disposing
of real property, savings, stocks, bonds, and other forms of capital investment,
excluding interests in Indian trust land and excluding equity accounts in HUD home
ownership programs, and excluding the equity in a housing cooperative unit or in a
manufactured home in which the Family resides. The value of necessary items of
personal property such as furniture and automobiles shall be excluded.
2. In cases where a trust fund has been established and the trust is not revocable by, or
under the control of, any member of the Family or household, the value of the trust
fund will not be considered an asset so long as the fund continues to be held in trust.
Any income distributed from the trust fund shall be counted when determining
Annual Income.
3. The determination of net family assets shall include the value of any Business or
family assets disposed of by an applicant or tenant for less than fair market value
(including a disposition in trust, but not in a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale, during
the two years preceding the date of application for the program or reexamination,
as applicable, in excess of the consideration received therefore. In the case of a
disposition as part of a separation or divorce settlement, the disposition will not be
considered to be for less than fair market value if the applicant or tenant receives
important consideration not measurable in dollar terms. (See Exhibit C).
Noncitizen: A person who is neither a citizen nor national of the United States.
Noncitizen Student: A noncitizen who:
1. Has a residence in a foreign country, that the person has no intention of
abandoning; and
2. Is a bona fide student qualified to pursue a full course of study; and
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3. Is admitted to the United States temporarily and solely for purposes of pursuing
such a course of study at an established institution of learning or other recognized
place of study in the United States, particularly designated by such person and
approved by the Attorney General after consultation with the Department of
Education of the United States, which institution or place of study shall have agreed
to report to the Attorney General the termination of attendance of each
nonimmigrant student.
Occupancy Standards: See Subsidy Standards.
Operating Reserve: The administrative fee reserve.
Other Criminal Activity: Criminal activity that would adversely affect the health, safety,
or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents, persons residing in
the immediate vicinity, the owner or public housing employees.
Overcrowded Housing: In the case of a family unification family and according to
program guidelines, a Family is considered to be living in an overcrowded unit (as
defined in Section 16: Subsidy Standards) if:
1. The Family is separated from its child, or children, and the parent(s) are living in an
otherwise standard housing unit, but, after the Family is reunited, the parents’
housing unit would be overcrowded for the entire Family and would be considered
substandard; or
2. The Family is living with its child, or children, in a unit that is overcrowded for the
entire Family and this overcrowded condition may result in imminent placement of
its child, or children, in out-of-home care.
Owner: Any person or entity having legal right to lease or sublease a unit to a
participant and who has been determined by the HA to be eligible to participate in the
Participant. (Participant family): A Family that has been admitted to the HA program,
and is currently assisted in the program. The Family becomes a participant on the
effective date of the first HAP contract executed by the HA for the Family (first day of
initial lease term).
Payment Standard: In the voucher program, the maximum subsidy payment for a
Family (before deducting the family contribution). For a voucher tenancy, the HA sets a
payment standard based on current market trends.
Approved under MTW 10/8/07
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2-16 6/30/2022
Person with Disabilities: Per the HUD definition, a person is considered disabled if (1)
the following Social Security disability definition is met, or (2) the individual has a
developmental disability as described in Paragraph 2 below:
1. Has a disability as defined in Section 223 of the Social Security Act which states:
Inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity because of any physical or
mental impairment that is expected to result in death, or has lasted or can be
expected to last continuously for at least 12 months; or, for a blind person at least
55 years old, inability because of blindness to engage in any substantial gainful
activities comparable to those in which the person was previously engaged with
some regularity and over a substantial period.
2. is determined, pursuant to regulations issued by HUD to have a physical, mental or
emotional impairment that:
a. is expected to be of long, continued and indefinite duration;
b. substantially impedes that person's ability to live independently; and
c. Is of such a nature that such ability to live independently would be improved by
more suitable housing conditions.
3. Has a developmental disability as defined below and in Section 102 (7) of the
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 6001 (7))
which is a severe, chronic disability that:
a. Is attributable to a mental and/or physical impairment (or a combination of
mental and physical impairments);
b. Is manifested before the person attains age twenty-two;
c. Is likely to continue indefinitely;
d. Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following
areas of major life activity:
(1) Capacity for independent living;
(2) Self-care;
(3) Receptive and responsive language;
(4) Learning;
(5) Mobility;
(6) Self-direction;
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(7) Economic self-sufficiency; AND
e. Reflects the person’s need for a combination and sequence of special,
interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services that are of lifelong
or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.”
A person with disabilities does not exclude persons who have the disease of acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome or any condition arising from the etiologic agent for
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
For purposes of qualifying for low-income housing, it does not include a person where
disability is based solely on any drug or alcohol dependence.
PHA: The King County Public Housing Authority.
Premises: The building or complex in which the dwelling unit is located, including
common areas and grounds.
Private Housing: Housing developed off-site to replace those Public Housing units
demolished as a result of a redevelopment program so that an equal ratio of units
demolished to units developed will be maintained. Replacement Housing and Private
Housing may be used interchangeably throughout this policy.
Project: a single building, multiple contiguous buildings or multiple buildings on
contiguous parcels of land.
Project Reserve: ACC reserve account.
Reasonable Accommodation: A change in Housing Authority policy, procedure or unit
structure that allows a disabled individual with an opportunity to utilize the Section 8
program in a manner equal to that of a non-disabled individual.
Reasonable Rent: A rent that is reasonable in comparison to rent for other comparable
unassisted units.
Recertification: The reexamination of a household's income, expenses, and Family
composition to determine the Family's continued eligibility for program participation
and to calculate the family's share of rent. As described elsewhere in this plan,
recertification is completed at least once every three (3) years for Fixed Income EASY
Rent households (see definition) and biennially (every 2 years) for WIN Rent households.
Approved under MTW 5/19/08 and 11/1/10
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Remaining Member of a Tenant Family: A member of the Family listed on the lease
who continues to live in an assisted household after all other family members have left.
1. Rent means Total Tenant Payment as defined in this section.
2. For selection preference purposes, rent is defined as:
a. The actual amount due, calculated on a monthly basis, under a lease or
occupancy agreement between a Family and the Family's current landlord; and
b. In the case of utilities purchased directly by tenants from utility providers:
1. The utility allowance (if any) determined for the Section 8 Voucher Program;
2. If the Family chooses, the average monthly payments that it actually made
for its utilities for the most recent 12 month period, or if that information is
not obtainable, for the entire period of an appropriate recent period (such
period shall be no less than 6 consecutive months).
For an individual who owns a manufactured home but leases the space, rent calculation
shall be conducted according to 24 CFR Part 882.623.
Replacement Housing: See Private Housing.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexuality, heterosexuality, transgender or bisexuality.
Single Person:
A person who lives alone or intends to live alone, and who does not
qualify as an elderly, near-elderly or displaced person, a person with disabilities, or (for
continued occupancy) as the remaining member of a Family. For purposes of
determining initial eligibility, a single pregnant woman without other children or an
individual in the process of securing legal custody of a dependent is not considered a
single person.
Social Security Number (SSN): The number assigned to a person by the Social Security
Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services which identifies the
record of the person's earnings that are reported to the Administration.
Special Admission: Admission of an applicant that is not on the HA waiting list or
without considering the applicant's waiting list position.
Approved under MTW 7/21/08
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Spouse: Spouse means the husband or wife of the Head of Household.
Standard Replacement Housing: For selection preference purposes, standard
replacement housing is housing:
1. That is decent, safe, and sanitary;
2. That is adequate for the Family size (according to the HA's occupancy standards);
3. That the Family is occupying pursuant to a lease or occupancy agreement.
Such housing does not include transient facilities (such as motels, hotels or temporary
shelters for victims of domestic violence or homeless families nor the housing unit in
which the applicant and the applicant's spouse or other member of the household who
engages in such violence lives).
Subsidy Standards: Standards established by a HA to determine the appropriate
number of bedrooms and amount of subsidy for families of different sizes and
Tenant: The person or persons (other than a live-in aide) who executes the lease as
lessee of the dwelling unit and who has legal capacity to enter a lease under State and
local law. Legal capacity means that the tenant is bound by the terms of the lease, and
may enforce the terms of the lease against the landlord.
Tenant Rent:
The amount payable monthly by the Family as rent to the owner (as
determined by the program EASY Rent or WIN Rent) for which the family qualifies. This
definition does not limit the owner’s ability to accept payment of rent or other charges
due under the lease from a 3rd party agency or individual on behalf of the Tenant to
expedite payment receipt and/or processing and ensure client stability.
Total Tenant Payment (TTP):
For EASY Rent Households, the TTP is equal to 28% of
the household’s gross adjusted income. For WIN Rent Households, the TTP is equal to
the Gross Rent established for the household’s associated gross adjusted income. In
general, the TTP, less the established Energy Assistance Supplement, is the monthly
Tenant Rent payable by a household, subject to any Minimum Rent established by the
Housing Authority.
UIV: Up-front income verification system used to verify income before or during a
Family reexamination through an independent source that systematically and uniformly
maintains income information in computerized form for a large number of individuals.
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
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USCIS: The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.
Utility Allowance: Allowances that are established by the HA that are adequate to
cover the cost of tenant-supplied utilities in average size units in average conditions
using average consumption patterns.
Very-low Income Family: A Low-income Family whose Annual Income does not exceed
the very-low income limit, which is 50% of the median income for the area, as
determined by HUD, with adjustments for smaller and larger families.
Violent Criminal Activity: Any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the use,
attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or be
reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage.
Welfare Benefit Reduction:
1. A reduction of welfare benefits by the welfare agency, in whole or in part, for a
family member, as determined by the welfare agency, because of fraud by a family
member in connection with the welfare program, or because of welfare agency
sanction against a family member for noncompliance with a welfare agency
requirement to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program.
2. “Welfare reduction” does not include a reduction or termination of welfare benefits
by the welfare agency:
a. at the expiration of a lifetime or other time limit on the payment of welfare
b. because a family member is not able to obtain employment, even though the
family member has complied with welfare agency economic self-sufficiency or
work activities requirements; or
c. Because a family member has not complied with other welfare agency
WIN Rent:
The rent calculation method applied by KCHA to WIN Rent households
(see definition). Under WIN Rent program rules, rent is calculated based upon
established Income Bands. Minimum rent paid by eligible families is $25 per month, in
accordance with the policies outlined in this Plan. Households under the WIN Rent
program undergo a full recertification of income and program eligibility once every two
(2) years.
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WIN Rent Household:
A household that does not qualify as an EASY Rent Household.
Typically, WIN Rent Households include at least one adult (over age 18) family member
who is currently working or considered “work-able”.
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
Project-based Administrative Plan
3-1 3/24/17
KCHA may select Owner proposals for existing housing and new or rehabilitated housing
constructed through non-competitive or competitive allocation, and demonstration
programs as described below. While individual unit selections will not be submitted for
HUD review, information regarding Project-based allocations will be provided through
KCHA’s MTW Annual Plans and/or Reports. The procedures for each method are listed
1. Non-Competitive Allocation
Project-based Assistance may be allocated non-competitively in the following cases:
a. KCHA-controlled or financed units. KCHA-controlled units include units owned
directly or indirectly by KCHA or units owned by a general partnership in which
the Authority is the general partner. Such units may also include those owned or
controlled by another PHA when subsidy is allocated under a partnership
agreement between the Agency and KCHA to Project-base units within the
partner agency’s jurisdiction.
KCHA financed units include housing that has received conduit financing from
the King County Housing Authority, provided KCHA enters into a long-term loan
and regulatory agreement with the owner that controls the use and affordability
of the project for at least 20 years or the term of the Project-based Assistance,
whichever is longer. Such noncompetitive allocation can only be made on the
basis of the Project-based Program’s policy goals and objectives. KCHA will make
documentation available for public inspection regarding the basis for the
selection of a KCHA owned/controlled or financed unit upon request.
b. A process sponsored by a partner government or philanthropic funder that will
stand in lieu of a separate KCHA competitive process provided the selection
occurred through a prior competitive process and it was not known that the
selection would receive Project-based assistance. In each case, KCHA will insure
that the project meets KCHA’s Project-based Assistance Policy requirements. All
procurement documentation and related documents such as application
materials will be maintained for record keeping by the lead procurement agency.
Examples include but are not limited to:
1. A Regional Coalition for Housing. See Exhibit L for the details of this
designation through an agreement between KCHA and ARCH.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.1
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2. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Sound Families initiative.
3. The King County Combined Homeless Housing and Services NOFA.
4. The Washington Families Fund.
Unit selection using either form of non-competitive allocations will not be submitted
for HUD review.
2. Demonstration Programs
KCHA reserves the right to provide Project-based Assistance to a limited number of
housing projects that will serve an important public purpose, but may not qualify
under the Project-based Program’s policies. Parameters for demonstration programs
will be included in the MTW Annual Plan and/or Report.
3. Competitive Allocation
Project-based Assistance for units not controlled by the Authority or an authority
under contract with the KCHA must be awarded on a competitive basis through one
of the following types of solicitations:
a. Requests for Qualifications (RFQ), Requests for Proposal (RFP), or Notice of
Funds Available (NOFA) issued by KCHA.
b. An RFQ, RFP, or NOFA issued in partnership with other housing or service
Notice of Awards or Rejections will be made to each party that submits an eligible
application from the Funder that leads the solicitation process. KCHA will not
advertise notice of such awards.
4. Allocation to Entities other than Housing Owners
KCHA may solicit and award Project-based Assistance to project sponsors that are
not the Owner of a development that will receive Project-based Assistance in
instances when the project sponsor has a direct and binding relationship with the
Owner. Following are two examples:
a. Service Providers who will then identify an owner with whom KCHA will establish
a HAP Contract.
b. KCHA may award block grants to Service Providers who will then administer the
Housing Assistance Payments to the housing owner through a Sponsor-based
Supportive Housing agreement with KCHA.
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In each case, the Authority will insure that the project meets KCHA’s PBA Program
goals and objectives and applicable HUD/KCHA program requirements. The
Authority will use one of the three solicitation methods listed above to notify
prospective sponsors of a PB voucher allocation.
The notice of competition initiated by KCHA and its partner Funders will be published to
provide broad public notice which may include web-based notices, a local newspaper of
general circulation, targeted minority publications with significant distribution, direct
email announcements to the mailing lists maintained by KCHA and its partner funders.
Notices will specify the submission deadline. Detailed application and selection
information will be provided at the request of interested parties. KCHA will not limit
proposals to a single site or impose restrictions that explicitly or practically preclude
competition between or among Owner or Sponsor proposals for Project-based housing
on different sites. A minimum number of units to be Project-based in any one
development may be established for each solicitation. Competitive selection shall occur
through the following means:
1. Requests for Qualifications
In a Request for Qualifications issued by KCHA or a partner funder, interested parties
are invited to submit their agency’s qualifications to administer a proposed concept
that meets KCHA’s PBA Policy goals. Parties eligible to respond will include housing
providers, and in the case of supportive housing, service providers. A service
provider that is qualified under an RFQ must identify a housing provider and housing
that meets KCHA’s goals and requirements within a specified period of time
established by KCHA in the funding announcement. Selection criteria will be outlined
in each RFQ issued.
2. Notice of Funds Available or Requests for Proposal
In a Notice of Funds Available or a Request for Proposal, interested parties are
invited to submit their agency’s qualifications and specific proposed project to meet
a goal of KCHA’s PBA Policy as outlined in the NOFA or RFP. Selection criteria will be
outlined in each RFP or NOFA issued.
KCHA will give written notice to all parties that submitted a proposal as to whether or
not their proposal has passed the competitive selection. Should additional reviews be
necessary, KCHA will continue to apprise the applicant of the status of their application.
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KCHA is not required to provide public notice of selection but will provide this
information to any party upon request.
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4-1 3/5/18
KCHA will solicit and select proposals from the following types of organizations:
1. Nonprofit Organizations
2. For-profit housing owners and their representatives
3. The King County Housing Authority
Eligible owners will be required either during or immediately following solicitation to
provide an Application. Contents of the application will be dependent upon the type of
solicitation and housing to be contracted as described below:
1. Requirements for Non-competitively Selected Projects
Owner Application criteria for non-competitively selected projects (as described in
Section 3) may include, but are not limited to:
a. Project Description: A project fact sheet or other such documentation that
provides information regarding the project and site standards as described in
Section 6.
b. Contact Information for the Owner or Owner’s representative.
c. Policy Checklist: HAP Contracts for units selected non-competitively must include
a checklist of each of the policy goals of KCHA’s Project-based Assistance Policy.
The checklist must specify how the project meets each policy goal described in
Section 1. If a specific policy goal is not applicable to the project, the Owner must
certify that the Project is not in conflict with that goal.
d. Other Federal Regulations Checklist: If committing Project-based Assistance to a
project triggers other Federal Regulations (as described in Section 9), a checklist
of these items and supporting documentation must demonstrate how the
project meets these requirements.
e. The number of proposed units and proposed contract rents by bedroom size or
the proposed HAP amount (depending upon the project-specific solicitation
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f. Tenant Selection methods and criteria including the Owners affirmative fair
housing marketing plan (except in the case of projects marketed through KCHA’s
Public Housing offices).
g. An MOU with a Supportive Services provider in the case of supportive housing.
2. Requirements for Competitively Selected Projects
Owner Application criteria for competitively selected projects (as described in
Section 3) may include, but are not limited to:
a. Expression of Interest or Cover Letter with Owner contact information.
b. A project description that indicates that the project is eligible housing and meets
site selection standards (as described in Section 6).
c. Organizational Qualifications Form
d. Housing Management Experience
e. Supportive Services Delivery Experience (if applicable)
f. Statement of Non-Debarment
g. Non-Collusive Affidavit
h. Section 3 Certification
i. Equal Opportunity Certification
j. The number of proposed units and proposed contract rents by bedroom size or
the proposed HAP amount (depending upon the project-specific solicitation
k. Utility Worksheet
l. Floor Plans
m. Tenant Selection Methods and Criteria
n. Other Federal Regulations Checklist: If adding Project-based Assistance to a
project triggers other Federal Regulations, a checklist of these items must specify
how the project meets these other federal regulations
o. A copy of the Owner’s Lease and addendums
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p. The Operating Pro Forma for nonprofit Owners, or a property budget for for-
profit owners.
q. A Sources and Uses Table
r. If applicable, a Supportive Services Budget
s. If applicable, a resident transition plan for Transitional Housing.
t. Evidence of site control or proposed timeline for obtaining site control
u. Civil money penalty. Penalty for owner breach of HAP contract. See 24 CFR
v. Disclosure and verification of income information. See 24 CFR part 5, subpart B.
w. Program accessibility. Certification of compliance with regulations implementing
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794). See 24 CFR parts 8
and 9 as described in Section 15.
x. KCHA site visit
y. Proof of Insurance
z. A W-9 Form
3. Existing Housing
Additional Requirements Specific to Existing Housing Projects:
a. HQS Readiness.
b. For housing built prior to 1978: Evidence that a Lead-paint Risk Assessment was
conducted by a certified EPA lead-based paint risk assessor (See Exhibit M).
c. Certification that the development has no building code or site violations.
d. Certification that the development meets crime statistic requirements.
e. Certification and documentation of the process to inform and provide subsidy to
all interested and eligible in-place tenants.
4. Project for which an AHAP is signed
Additional Requirements specific to projects for which an AHAP will be signed are
listed in Section 10: AHAP.
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Housing Eligible for Project-based Assistance will be considered in each of the following
stages of housing development:
Existing Housing- Housing that was built prior to selection by KCHA must substantially
meet HQS upon proposal selection or within a window of time designated by KCHA in
the solicitation not to exceed 180 days.
For former Public Housing and other KCHA
owned units converting to Project-based, KCHA may substitute the most recent passed
unit inspection in lieu of performing a new inspection provided the unit inspection is no
more than 12 months old.
New Construction-Newly Constructed Housing is housing for which demolition and/or
construction has not begun prior to selection by KCHA. KCHA will make a formal
commitment of assistance for this housing in the form of an Agreement to enter into a
HAP Contract in accordance with Section 10: AHAP.
Rehabilitated Housing- As a general rule, KCHA will not commit Project-based
Assistance funding to projects undergoing rehabilitation until the project can meet the
HQS. KCHA reserves the right to commit funding through an AHAP if the Owner needs a
formal commitment in order to secure other project financing or if the rehabilitation is
significant. KCHA will only make such a formal commitment if the Owner can certify that
all required federal regulations have been fulfilled.
1. Group Homes
a. Provides housing and supportive services for two to twelve persons for projects
serving households with special needs and/or with disabilities.
b. Residents share common areas such as living room, kitchen and bathroom.
c. Must be licensed, certified or otherwise approved in writing by the State as a
Group Home in the State of Washington.
d. May include one or more group home units.
e. A separate lease is executed for each family who resides in a group home. The
agreement of supportive services must be attached to the lease.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.16
Approved MTW 5/20/2009
Approved MTW Policy 4-11-12
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f. The State approval shall be reexamined periodically based on a schedule
established by the State.
2. Single Room Occupancy Housing (SRO’s)
3. Single-family homes and Individual units of multi-family housing
4. Permanent and Transitional Housing
5. Shared Housing for Projects Serving Households with Special Needs
a. Allowable shared housing units will be identified through the Project-based
Housing Assistance contract.
b. An assisted family may share a housing unit with the following people:
i. Other persons who are assisted under the Project-based housing program;
ii. Each assisted family will have a separate lease.
6. An assisted living facility that provides home health care services such as nursing and
therapy for residents of the housing
7. Manufactured Homes where the space and unit are rented as a single unit
8. Transitional Housing
9. Cooperative Rental Housing
KCHA will not attach Project-based Assistance to units in the following types of housing:
1. Units on the grounds of a penal, reformatory, medical, mental or similar public or
private institution.
2. Nursing Homes or facilities providing continuous psychiatric, medical, nursing
services, board and care, or intermediate care.
3. Units that are owned or controlled by an educational institution or its affiliate and
are designated for occupancy by students of the institution.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.8
Approved MTW 5/20/2009
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4. Units occupied by an Owner of the housing including those under a cooperative
ownership agreement. (An exception to this may be made in the case of Accessory
Dwelling Units).
5. Manufactured home space rental.
6. The Section 8 Homeownership Program.
7. Other Subsidized units as described in Section 8: Subsidy Layering.
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KCHA will ensure that the housing site complies with Project-based Assistance Policy
goals by meeting the following Site Selection Standards:
The site and neighborhood must be:
1. Adequate in size, exposure, and contour to accommodate the number and type of
units proposed. Adequate utilities and streets must be available to service the site.
For existing and rehab projects, “adequate utilities” includes, but is not limited to, a
private disposal system and private sanitary water supply for the site. For new
construction projects, “adequate utilities” includes, but is not limited to water,
sewer, gas and/or electricity.
2. Accessible to social, recreational, educational, commercial, municipal and health
facilities and services that are at least equivalent to those typically found in
neighborhoods consisting largely of unassisted, standard housing of similar market
3. So located that travel time and cost via public transportation or private automobile
from the neighborhood to places of employment providing a range of jobs for lower-
income workers is not excessive. While it is important that housing for the elderly
not be totally isolated from employment opportunities, this requirement need not
be adhered to rigidly for elderly projects.
4. The site must also meet the following criteria:
a. Deconcentration of Poverty - Project-based assistance will be provided only in
Census Tracts with poverty rates below 20 percent based on the official
Decennial Census estimates available at the time of allocation of assistance. In
addition, in the selection of projects for assistance, KCHA will give higher
priority to developments located in low-poverty Census Tracts and those with
low concentrations of subsidized housing units. Furthermore, Project-based
assistance for permanent housing for families with children and off-site HOPE VI
replacement units will only be provided in areas with poverty rates at or below
15 percent. However, the Executive Director may waive these restrictions in
areas where public housing units were previously constructed and were
redeveloped, where supportive housing is being developed for homeless
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individuals or families, and in economically impacted areas where KCHA plans to
preserve existing affordable housing.
b. Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - The site must be determined
suitable from the standpoint of facilitating and furthering full compliance with
the applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.
2000d-2000d(4) and HUD’s implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1; Title VIII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 301-3629); and HUD’s implementing
regulations at 24 CFR parts 100 through 199; Executive Order 11063 (27 FR
11527; 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 652) and HUD’s implementing regulations at
24 CFR part 107. The site must meet the section 504 site selection
requirements described in 24 CFR 8.4(b)(5).
c. Compliance with HQS - The site must meet the HQS site standards at 24 CFR
982.401(1) at the time of HAP contract execution and continuously throughout
A site for newly constructed housing must also meet the following site and
neighborhood standards for deconcentration of low-income minority households:
1. Street Access
a. Streets must be available to serve the site.
2. Minority Concentration
a. The site must not be located in a racially mixed area if the project will cause a
significant increase in the proportion of minority to non-minority residents in the
b. The site must not be located in an area of minority concentration unless
sufficient, comparable opportunities exist for housing for minority families in the
income range to be served by the proposed project outside areas of minority
concentration or the project is necessary to meet overriding housing needs that
cannot be met in that housing market area.
“Sufficient” here does not require that in every locality there be an equal number of
assisted units within and outside of areas of minority concentration. Rather, application
of this standard should produce a reasonable distribution of assisted units each year,
which, over a period of several years, will approach an appropriate balance of housing
choices within and outside areas of minority concentration.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.2
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An appropriate balance in any jurisdiction must be determined in light of local
conditions affecting the range of housing choices available for low-income minority
families and in relation to the racial mix of the locality’s population.
Units may be considered “comparable opportunities,” if they have the same household
type (elderly, disabled, family, large family) and the tenure type (Owner/renter); require
approximately the same tenant contribution towards rent; serve the same income
group; are located in the same housing market; and are in standard condition.
Application of this sufficient, comparable opportunities standard involves assessing the
overall impact of HUD-assisted housing on the availability of housing choices for low-
income minority families in and outside areas of minority concentration, and must take
into account the extent to which the following factors are present, along with other
factors relevant to housing choice:
a. A significant number of assisted housing units are available outside areas of minority
b. There is significant integration of assisted housing projects constructed or
rehabilitated in the past 10 years, relative to the racial mix of the eligible population.
c. There are racially integrated neighborhoods in the locality.
d. Programs are operated by the locality to assist minority families that wish to find
housing outside areas of minority concentration.
e. Minority families have benefited from local activities (e.g., acquisition and write-
down of sites, tax relief program for homeowners, acquisitions of units for use as
assisted housing units) undertaken to expand choice for minority families outside of
areas of minority concentration.
f. A significant proportion of minority households have been successful in finding units
in non-minority areas under the tenant-based assistance programs.
g. Comparable housing opportunities have been made available outside areas of
minority concentration through other programs.
Application of the “overriding housing needs” criterion, for example, permits approval
of sites that are an integral part of an overall local strategy for the preservation or
restoration of the immediate neighborhood and of sites in a neighborhood experiencing
significant private investment that is demonstrably improving the economic character of
the area (a “revitalizing area”). An “overriding housing need,” however, may not serve
as the basis for determining that a site is acceptable, if the only reason the need cannot
otherwise be feasibly met is that discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, familial status, or disability renders sites outside areas of minority
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concentration unavailable, or if the use of this standard in recent years has had the
effect of circumventing the obligation to provide housing choice.
The neighborhood must not be one that is seriously detrimental to family life or in
which substandard dwellings or other undesirable conditions predominate, unless there
is actively in progress a concerted program to remedy the undesirable conditions.
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KCHA will approve the supportive services to be provided for projects in the Supportive Housing
Program prior to entering into a HAP contract for such projects. KCHA will approve the
supportive services on its own, or in partnership with a recognized supportive services funder
that is invested in the project as part of the Owner’s application for Project-based Assistance.
An Owner must document its ability to provide supportive services. Such documentation
may be provided through one of the following means:
1. The Owner Must Have Enumerated In Its Articles Of Incorporation The Delivery Of
Supportive Services To Low-Income Households; Or
2. The Owner Must Have A Written Agreement With A Nonprofit Organization That Has
Enumerated In Its Articles Of Incorporation The Delivery Of Supportive Services To
Low-Income Households.
3. In All Cases, Direct Services Must Be Delivered By Paid, Professional Staff.
The Owner, or the Owner’s approved service provider, must demonstrate a history of
successful provision of services to the target population that will be served by the
The Owner will be required to submit a supportive services plan for the project.
Generally, supportive services will include case management that creates a direct
relationship between the service provider and a member of each household. Services
will also include additional supports and linkages including, but are not limited to:
mental health and substance abuse treatment, self-sufficiency and educational
programs, housing stabilization, socialization activities, daily living skills, job training and
job placement. If the supportive services are provided as part of an established
program, the Owner must submit a plan that identifies which program, describes the
services available, and shows the staffing and frequency of contact. The Owner must
also provide a services budget that demonstrates that the source and amount of service
funding will be adequate to provide the services detailed in the plan.
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At the time of initial lease execution between the Family and the Owner in
transitional/conditional housing, the Family will sign a supportive services lease
addendum with the Owner. The Owner is responsible for monitoring the household’s
participation in their supportive services. The Owner is responsible for notifying KCHA
when the tenant is in violation of its lease for nonparticipation in services. The
household will also sign a Statement of Family Responsibilities with KCHA that contains
the Family’s obligations to participate in a service program. KCHA will not require
participation in medical or disability-related services other than drug and alcohol
treatment in the case of current abusers as a condition of living in any supportive
housing unit, although such services may be offered.
Families living in permanent supportive housing will not be required to sign a lease-
addendum with the Owner requiring services and KCHA will not require a Statement of
Family Responsibilities that includes services as a requirement. If services are required,
the amount and type of service will be clearly stated in the lease addendum.
If a Family at the time of initial tenancy is receiving, and while the resident of a unit has
received, supportive services and successfully completes the supportive services
requirement, the unit will continue to receive Project-based assistance for as long as the
Family resides in the unit. If a Family in a transitional or conditional unit fails without
good cause to complete its service requirements, KCHA may take action to terminate
assistance and the Owner may terminate the lease.
KCHA will monitor the Owner’s provision of supportive services on its own, or in
partnership with a recognized supportive services funder that is invested in the project.
In either case, KCHA will assume responsibility for ensuring that adequate supportive
services are provided to all of KCHA’s supportive housing participants. Monitoring will
be conducted on an annual basis. At a minimum, the aspects of the program that will be
evaluated include: the success rates of participating families, the demographics of
families served, and the relationship between the housing and service provider.
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The subsidy layering review is intended to prevent excessive public assistance in the
financing of housing developments that combine (layer) Project-based Assistance with
other governmental housing assistance from Federal, State, or local agencies, including
assistance such as tax concessions or tax credits.
Subsidy layering requirements are not applicable to existing housing, nor is an additional
subsidy layering review required for housing selected as new construction or
rehabilitation of housing if HUD’s designee has previously conducted a review, which
included a review of PBV assistance, in accordance with HUD’s PBV guidelines.
When a subsidy layering review is required KCHA will not enter into an AHAP or HAP
Contract for a new construction or substantially rehabilitated development until HUD,
or a qualified housing credit agency (HCA) approved by HUD, has conducted a subsidy
layering review for the development and determined that the PBA, when combined with
other governmental housing assistance, is in accordance with HUD subsidy layering
requirements. As allowed under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA)
the Washington State Housing Finance Commission (WSHFC) received designation from
HUD as a qualified HCA and is a pre-approved entity for performing subsidy layering
reviews on projects seeking Project-based Assistance. In cases where the WSHFC is
unable or declines to perform the subsidy layering review, such review may be
completed by HUD or another HUD-designated qualified HCA.
KCHA will not attach or pay Project-based Assistance to any of the following types of
subsidized units:
1. A public housing dwelling unit that continues to receive PH operating subsidy from
2. A unit subsidized with any other form of Section 8 assistance.
3. A unit subsidized with any governmental rent subsidy that pays all or any part of the
4. A unit subsidized with any other governmental subsidy that covers all or any part of
the operating costs of the housing. (If another governmental subsidy that covers
part of the operating costs of the housing is provided to non-contracted units, KCHA
and the Owner must demonstrate that the operating subsidy and PBA are not
supporting the same units.)
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5. A unit subsidized with Section 236 rental assistance payments (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1).
However, KCHA may attach assistance to a unit subsidized with Section 236 interest
reduction payments.
6. A unit subsidized with rental assistance payments under Section 521 of the Housing
Act of 1949, 42 U.S.C. 1490a (a Rural Housing Service Program). However, KCHA may
attach assistance for a unit subsidized with Section 515 interest reduction payments
(42 U.S.C. 1485).
7. A unit subsidized through the Section 202 funding for non-elderly persons with
disabilities (assistance under Section 162 of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1987, 12 U.S.C. 1701 q note).
8. A unit subsidized with Section 811 funding Project-based supportive housing for
persons with disabilities (42 U.S.C. 8013).
9. A unit subsidized with Section 202 supportive housing for the elderly (12 U.S.C.
10. A unit subsidized with Section 101 rent supplement funding (12 U.S.C. 1701s)
11. A unit subsidized with any form of tenant-based rental assistance (as defined at 24
CFR 982.1 (b)(2)) (e.g., a unit subsidized with tenant-based rental assistance under
the HOME program, 32 U.S.C. 12701 et seq.).
12. A unit with any other duplicative Federal, State, or local housing subsidy, as
determined by KCHA or HUD in accordance with HUD requirements. For this
purpose, “housing subsidy” does not include the housing component of a welfare
payment; a Social Security payment; or a Federal, State, or local tax concession (such
as relief from local real property taxes).
The Owner must disclose any committed or proposed public assistance for the project at
the time of Application by submitting a “Sources and Uses” table that reflects both
public operating and capital funds. This table will be submitted with an Operating Pro
Forma or budget for an assessment of reasonable operating costs. KCHA will review
these documents and clarify any questions regarding other public assistance for the
project with the Owner and/or the other project funders.
The HAP Contract must contain the Owner’s certification that the project has not
received and will not receive (before or during the term of the HAP Contract) any public
assistance for acquisition, development, or operation of the housing other than
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assistance disclosed in the subsidy layering review in accordance with HUD
requirements. If KCHA determines that an Owner has not disclosed such assistance,
KCHA reserves the right to modify the HAP Contract with a lesser amount of HAP or
terminate the HAP Contract.
In addition to the subsidy layering reviews undertaken by the Washington State Housing
Finance Commission for Tax Credit Projects or by other designated agencies, KCHA may
conduct reviews pursuant to its Project-based Assistance Policy, MTW Agreement and
24 CFR 4.13 to determine that the assistance provided to the project is no more than is
necessary to make the assisted activity feasible. Specific Project reviews include, but are
not limited to:
1. Sources and Uses of Funds: KCHA reviews the reasonableness of the sources and use
of funds when the revenue stream established by Project-based Assistance and
other operating revenue supports amortizing debt.
2. Operations: Income and expenses for each project are reviewed to insure that the
Project-based Assistance is no more than necessary to pay reasonable operating
costs including operating and replacement reserves, debt service (above) and
appropriate debt-service coverage. Management fees and cash flow distributed to
the Owner receives particular attention. The operating costs of each project are
evaluated against those incurred within KCHA’s 2000+ unit portfolio of tax credit
projects or data from third-party sources on operating costs of developments in the
Puget Sound region.
3. The management fee should be a reasonable percentage of gross income, although
allowable management fees may be significantly higher for small projects or where
gross income has been suppressed to insure housing affordability.
4. The Debt-service coverage ratio should be within the typical industry standard of
1.10 to 1.15 unless the project has little or no amortizing debt, in which case cash
flow will be measured against monthly operating expenses in lieu of annual debt
5. In the case of tax credit properties that are self-managed by the general partner or
managing member of the ownership entity, management fees, incentive
management fees, asset management fees, and cash flow may be summed and
analyzed collectively for reasonableness due to the common practice of expensing
cash flow to avoid generating taxable income.
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In making the certification for assistance, KCHA will consider the aggregate amount of
assistance from KCHA and from other sources that is necessary to ensure the feasibility
of the assisted activity. KCHA will take into account all factors relevant to feasibility,
which may include, but are not limited to, past rates of returns for Owners, sponsors,
and investors; the long-term needs of the project and its tenants; and the usual and
customary fees charged in carrying out the assisted activity.
If KCHA determines that the aggregate of public assistance to a housing project from
KCHA and from other governmental sources exceeds the amount that KCHA determines
is necessary to make the assisted activity feasible, KCHA will consider all options
available to enable it to make the required certification, including reductions in the
amount of Section 8 subsidies. KCHA also may impose a dollar-for-dollar, or equivalent,
reduction in the amount of Project-based Assistance to offset the amount of other
government assistance. KCHA may make these adjustments immediately, or in
conjunction with servicing actions anticipated to occur in the near future (e.g., in
conjunction with the next annual adjustment of Section 8 rents).
By executing the HAP Contract, KCHA certifies that the Subsidy Layering review has been
completed and either approved at the proposed level of HAP subsidy or that the
approved HAP subsidy has been adjusted in light of other public funding in the project.
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Activities under the PBA program are subject to HUD environmental regulations in 24
CFR Part 50 and 58.
1. Local Responsible Entity authorized to conduct the Environmental Review
Under CFR part 58, a unit of general local government, a county or State (the
“responsible entity” or “RE”) is responsible for the Federal environmental review
under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
related applicable Federal laws and authorities in accordance with 24 CFR 58.5 and
58.6. In KCHA’s jurisdiction, the RE is King County government. The branch of King
County designated to do this work is part of the King County Department of
Community and Human Services (DCHS) Housing Finance Division. KCHA will prepare
the project description and supply all available, relevant information necessary for
the RE to perform any required environmental review for any site.
a) If KCHA objects in writing to having the RE perform the federal
environmental review, or if the RE declines to perform it, then HUD may
perform the review itself (24 CFR 58.11). 24 CFR part 50 governs HUD
performance of the review.
2. Environmental Review Process
KCHA’s role in the environmental review process is limited to the following:
a. Identify Responsible Entity;
b. Designate Environmental Project Sites;
c. Prepare the Project Description;
d. Submit Project and Environmental Information to HUD or the RE;
e. Facilitate Public and Resident Notice and Participation (as requeted by the RE or
f. Wait for Authorization to Use Grant Funds;
g. Abide by Review Requirements;
h. Advise of Changes in Scope or Conditions; and
i. Maintain Appropriate Records.
KCHA initiates an environmental review by submitting a complete and clear project
description of the activities it anticipates undertaking at an environmental project
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site over a five-year period to its Responsible Entity under 24 CFR Part 58 (or to HUD
under 24 CFR Part 50). Once the project is submitted, KCHA will work with the RE
(or HUD, if applicable) to provide any additional information that may be required.
The RE that is responsible for the environmental review will review the information
submitted in order to determine the appropriate level of the review. Such review
could result in a determination that the project is “categorically excluded”, eligible
for a limited scope review or will require a full review under the National
Environmental Policy Act and the laws and authorities listed in 24 CFR 58.5. The
extent of the environmental review depends on the nature of the proposed
activities and the location of the project.
3. Limitations on actions before completion of the environmental review
KCHA may not enter into an Agreement or HAP contract with an owner, and the
PHA, the owner, and its contractors may not acquire, rehabilitate, convert, lease,
repair, dispose of, demolish, or construct real property or commit or expend
program or local funds for PBV activities under this part, until one of the following
a. The RE has completed the environmental review procedures required by 24 CFR
part 58, and HUD has approved the environmental certification and HUD has
given a release of funds, as defined in §983.3(b); or
b. The RE has determined that the project to be assisted is exempted under 24 CFR
58.34 or is categorically excluded and not subject to compliance with
environmental laws under 24 CFR 58.35(b); or
c. HUD has performed an environmental review under 24 CFR part 50 and KCHA
has received written notification of HUD’s approval of the site.
Letters of support and preliminary conditional statements regarding KCHA’s intent
to provide Project-based assistance are non-binding and do not constitute a
commitment of Federal assistance to a prospective project.
4. HUD Release of Funds
In the case of a project that requires an Environmental Review prior to approval of
Project-based Assistance, King County DCHS will conduct an Environmental Review
and request HUD approval for the release of Project-based Assistance funds. When
Project-based Assistance is the only Federal funding in the project, King County
DCHS will conduct an Environmental Review and request the release of funds
specifically for Project-based Assistance. Should King County DCHS decline to
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conduct an Environmental Review
, then HUD may perform the review itself. The
necessary documents shall be gathered by KCHA and submitted to HUD in order to
conduct the review. HUD shall then perform the Environmental Review and notify
KCHA in writing of its approval.
HUD will not approve funds for PBA if KCHA, the Owner, or any other party enters an
Agreement or HAP Contract or otherwise incurs any costs or expenditures to be paid
or reimbursed with such funds before HUD approves the request for release of funds
(where such submission is required).
KCHA will require the Owner to carry out mitigating measures required by King
County DCHS (or HUD, if applicable) as a result of the Environmental Review.
If a tenant is displaced as a result of demolition or rehabilitation of the property where
s/he resides after KCHA has made a formal commitment (AHAP or HAP contract) to fund
PBA in the development where that tenant resided, that tenant may be eligible for
relocation assistance up to the levels described in accordance with the requirements of
the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (URA) (42
U.S.C. 4201-4655) and implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24.
1. When Relocation is Triggered
In computing a replacement housing payment to a residential tenant displaced as a
direct result of privately undertaken demolition of the real property, the term
“initiation of negotiations” means the execution of the AHAP between the Owner
and KCHA.
a. New Construction: If an existing building is being demolished prior to new
construction, the tenants of that existing building may be eligible for relocation
benefits under the URA.
b. Existing Housing: If an Owner chooses to project-base specific units in a
development and an ineligible household lives in the unit to be Project-based,
the Owner may wait until the tenant vacates the Contract Unit, or may provide
the existing tenant with relocation benefits under the URA.
2. Relocation Costs
King County DCHS may decline to conduct the review when Project-Based Assistance is the only federal
funding and the project is owned and developed by KCHA.
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The costs of relocation assistance may be paid with funds provided by the Owner, or
with local public funds, or with funds available from other sources. Relocation costs
may not be paid from voucher program funds.
3. Relocation Monitoring
The King County Department of Community and Human Services Department will
perform monitoring of Relocation benefits for all projects where DSHS has also
provided federal funding. When Project-based Assistance is the only Federal funding
in a project, KCHA will either designate a KCHA staff person with Relocation
expertise or establish an agreement with an outside agency such as DCHS to do the
In the case of an Agreement for development of nine or more Contract Units (whether
or not completed in stages), the Owner and the Owner's contractors and subcontractors
must certify compliance with Davis-Bacon. This provision also applies to development
and rehabilitation work that is undertaken within 18 months post Housing Assistance
Payment contract execution.
Compliance includes paying the wages to laborers and mechanics employed in
development of the housing and performing the necessary monitoring paperwork.
When State-prevailing wages are higher than Davis-Bacon wages, an Owner may pay
State-prevailing wages so long as the documentation for Davis-Bacon is completed. The
Owner and the Owner's contractors and subcontractors must comply with the Contract
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, Department of Labor regulations in 29 CFR part 5,
and other applicable Federal labor relation’s laws and regulations. KCHA may monitor
compliance with labor standards or designate a responsible party to do so.
1. Monitoring of Davis Bacon
Where KCHA is the owner, KCHA will perform monitoring of Davis Bacon. Where
KCHA is not the owner and King County and/or Washington State are committing
funds to a project, KCHA will acquire a letter from the public entity performing the
monitoring to certify compliance. When Project-based Assistance is the only federal
funding in a project, KCHA will either designate a KCHA staff person with Davis
Bacon monitoring expertise or establish an agreement with an outside agency such
as DCHS to do the monitoring.
2. Section 3--Training, Employment, And Contracting Opportunities
During development, the Owner must certify compliance with Section 3 of the
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) and the
implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 135.
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3. Equal Employment Opportunity
During development the Owner must certify compliance with Federal equal
employment opportunity requirements of Executive Orders 11246 as amended (3
CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), 11625 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616), 12432 (3
CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198) and 12138 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393).
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This section applies to newly constructed or rehabilitated housing for which KCHA has made a
formal commitment of funds through an “Agreement to Enter into a HAP Contract” (AHAP).
In the AHAP the Owner agrees to develop the Contract Units in compliance with the Section 8
Housing Quality Standards (HQS), and KCHA agrees that, upon timely completion of such
development in accordance with the terms of the AHAP, KCHA will enter into a HAP Contract
with the Owner for the Contract Units.
The purpose of the AHAP is to establish a formal commitment of Project-based
Assistance funding to a project before it is ready to meet HQS. This funding commitment
assures the Owner that when the project is HQS ready, KCHA will provide the assistance.
The AHAP also assures KCHA that the Owner is in compliance with the application
requirements and the Project-based Assistance policy.
1. New Construction
An AHAP is required in all cases where KCHA is committing Project-based Assistance
funding to a newly constructed development. As a general rule, KCHA will not enter
into a HAP Contract for New Construction projects in which demolition or
construction started prior to application for Project-based Assistance and execution
of an AHAP. However, KCHA reserves the right to consider these projects if KCHA
determines that the project is in compliance with all other Federal regulations
relating to Project-based Assistance and KCHA’s Project-based Assistance Policy.
2. Rehabilitation
As a general rule, KCHA will not formally commit Project-based Assistance in an
AHAP to projects undergoing rehabilitation until the project can meet the HQS.
KCHA reserves the right to commit funding through an AHAP if the Owner needs a
formal commitment in order to secure other project financing.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.16
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KCHA may use the HUD form 52531-A: Agreement to Enter into a HAP Contract or a
locally-written version of the AHAP that meets the intent of this policy and the
Administrative Plan.
At a minimum, the AHAP must describe the following features of the housing to be
developed (newly constructed or rehabilitated) and assisted under the PBA program:
1. Site;
2. Number of Contract Units and bedroom sizes to be included under the HAP Contract;
3. Services, maintenance, or equipment to be supplied by the Owner without charges in
addition to the rent to Owner;
4. Utilities available to the Contract Units, including a specification of utility services to
be paid by Owner (without charges in addition to rent) and utility services to be paid
by the tenant;
5. Indication of whether or not the design and construction requirements of the Fair
Housing Act and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 100.205, the accessibility
requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794)
implementing regulations at 24 CFR 8.22 and 8.23, and the required percentage of
accessible units apply to units under the AHAP. If these requirements are applicable,
any required work item resulting from these requirements must be included in the
description of work to be performed under the AHAP;
6. Estimated initial rents to Owner for the Contract Units;
7. Description of the work to be performed under the AHAP;
a. If the AHAP is for rehabilitation of units, the work description must include the
rehabilitation work write up and, where determined necessary by the KCHA,
specifications, and plans;
b. If the AHAP is for new construction, the work description must include the
working drawings and specifications;
8. A certification from the Owner or the Owner’s architect that the housing will comply
with the HQS;
9. KCHA reserves the right to establish additional requirement for project quality so long
as these requirements are specified in the AHAP;
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10. The approved Owner’s Application;
11. A copy of the unexecuted HAP Contract.
12. For rehab projects where an AHAP is signed: Housing built prior to 1978 must show
evidence that a lead-based paint risk assessment was conducted by a certified EPA
Lead-based Paint Risk Assessor (See Exhibit M).
The AHAP may not be executed before the following conditions are met:
1. The subsidy layering review is completed either by Washington State Housing
Finance Commission when the project has tax credit financing or by KCHA or its
designated entity.
2. King County DCHS or HUD has completed the Environmental Review procedures
required by 24 CFR Part 58, if necessary.
3. The Owner agrees to carry out development work in accordance with the AHAP and
the following described in Section 9:
a. Labor Standards
b. Section 3
c. Equal Employment Opportunity
4. The owner has certified that the project is in compliance with the uniform relocation
5. The owner has certified its eligibility to participate in federal programs and activities.
6. The owner has certified that the owner and other project principals (including the
officers and principal members, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a
substantial interest in the project) are not on the U.S. General Services
Administration list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-
procurement programs.
7. The owner has disclosed any possible conflict of interest that would be a violation of
the AHAP, the hap contract, or HUD regulations and KCHA has found there to be no
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The Owner must develop and complete the housing in accordance with the AHAP. The
AHAP must specify the deadlines for completion of the housing and for submission by
the Owner of the required evidence of completion.
1. Required evidence of completion
At a minimum, the Owner must submit all of the following items as evidence of
completion before KCHA will execute the HAP Contract:
a. The Certificate of Occupancy (or other evidence that the units comply with local
requirements such as Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or city issued Permit
that allows occupancy).
b. Owner certification that the work has been completed in accordance with the
HQS and all requirements of the AHAP.
c. Owner certification that the Owner and its contractors have complied with labor
standards and equal opportunity requirements in development of the housing.
d. The architect’s certification that the working drawing and specifications for the
units where designed in accordance with local codes and ordinances, and zoning
2. Owner Non-compliance with HAP Contract
If KCHA determines that the Owner has provided misleading or false information
and/or has not complied with the certifications of the AHAP, KCHA may terminate
the AHAP.
If KCHA determines that the housing has been completed in accordance with the AHAP
and that the Owner has submitted all required evidence of completion, KCHA will
submit the HAP Contract for execution by the Owner and must then execute the HAP
Approved MTW 5/20/2009
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The purpose of the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract is to provide housing
assistance payments for units leased and occupied by eligible households during the
HAP contract term. KCHA will enter into a HAP contract with the housing Owner or the
Owner’s representative.
KCHA may use HUD form 52530A or 52530B: Housing Assistance Payments contract, but
reserves the right to create alternate forms of the HAP contract in order to meet the
goals and requirements of its PBA policy. At a minimum, the HAP contract will include:
1. The approved Owner’s Application
2. The name of the project
3. The total number of Contract Units
4. The bedroom sizes of the Contract Units
5. The initial rent to Owner by unit size for the first 12 months.
6. The project location
7. Utilities available to the Contract Units including a specification of utility services to
be paid by the Owner (without charges in addition to rent) and utility services to be
paid by the tenant
8. Services, maintenance and equipment to be supplied by the Owner without charges
in addition to the rent to Owner
9. Features provided to comply with program accessibility requirements of Section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24
CFR part 8
10. The HAP contract term
11. In the case of supportive housing, the HAP contract will require the Owner to have a
signed agreement with a social service organization responsible for the provision of
services. (If the service agreement is terminated, the Owner will have 90 days to find
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a new service provider. Should the Owner not identify a new provider within 90
days, the HAP contract may be terminated.)
12. The ability for KCHA to terminate the contract at their discretion.
13. Contracts must specify that upon termination or expiration of the contract without
extension an assisted family may choose to remain in the unit with Tenant-based
assistance, as long as the unit is used for rental housing and is otherwise eligible for
HCV assistance. This would include the unit meeting HQS as well as rent
reasonableness standards. In this circumstance, tenants will not be required to
initially qualify for HCV assistance.
By signing the HAP Contract, the Owner certifies:
1. That the Owner will maintain and operate the Contract Units and premises in
accordance with the HQS including performance of ordinary and extraordinary
2. The Owner must provide all the services, maintenance, equipment, and utilities
specified in the HAP contract with KCHA and in the lease with any assisted
3. To the best of the Owner’s knowledge, the members of the Household reside in
each Contract Unit for which the Owner is receiving housing assistance payments,
and the unit is the Household’s only residence.
4. The Owner (or principal or other interested party) is not the spouse, parent, child,
grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother of any member of a household residing in
a Contract Unit.
5. The amount of the housing assistance payment is the correct amount due under the
HAP contract.
6. The rent to Owner for each Contract Unit does not exceed rents charged for other
comparable unassisted units.
7. That except for the Housing Assistance Payment and the tenant rent as provided
under the HAP contract, the Owner has not received and will not receive any
payment or other consideration (from the Household, KCHA, HUD, or any other
public or private source) for rental of the Contract Unit.
8. The assisted Household does not own or have any interest in the Contract Unit.
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1. For Existing Housing:
The HAP contract will be executed following approval of the Owner Application.
2. Housing for which an AHAP was executed:
In the case of housing for which an AHAP was signed, the HAP contract will be
executed after the requirements of the AHAP have been met and the Owner has
furnished all required evidence of completion.
3. Staged completion:
If Contract Units are placed under the HAP contract in stages commencing on
different dates, the annual anniversary for all Contract Units is the annual
anniversary date for the first Contract Units placed under the HAP contract. The
expiration of the HAP contract for all of the Contract Units completed in stages must
be concurrent with the end of the HAP contract term for the units originally placed
under HAP contract.
Using MTW program flexibility, KCHA has the sole discretion to set the initial term of the
HAP contract. While the length of any HAP contract may not be for less than one year,
KCHA will generally establish initial HAP terms no longer than 30 years. KCHA reserves
the right to offer longer contracts if determined necessary for financial leveraging and
underwriting requirements. In the case of KCHA owned properties, the initial term will
generally be for 30 years. Contracts will be awarded conditioned on annual
appropriations. If appropriations are reduced, priority for extensions will be given to
Project-based assistance over Tenant-based assistance.
Contracts may be extended after expiration of the initial term at the sole discretion of
the Authority. In the case of a project that is under regulatory agreement for
affordability, KCHA may establish a Contract Term for the duration of that affordability
as long as other required provisions can be assured such as the provision of supportive
In the case of a contract in which the initial term was less than 30 years, the initial term
may be extended to the full 30 year by mutual agreement of the HA and the owner. This
is provided that the contract is still within the initial term and that the HA determines
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that an extension is appropriate to continue providing affordable housing for low-
income families.
Within twenty-four months before expiration, KCHA may agree to extend the term of
the HAP contract without limit if KCHA determines that an extension is appropriate to
continue providing affordable housing for low-income households or to expand housing
For units that are not KCHA owned properties, the HA reserves the right to conduct a
subsidy layering review prior to contract extension. Subsequent extensions are subject
to the same requirements. An Owner must be in good standing with KCHA in all aspects
of the HAP contract for the development under contract and any and all other contracts
or agreements between the Owner and KCHA.
Any extension is conditioned upon available budget authority, KCHA’s discretion and is
subject to approval by the Executive Director.
The HAP contract must provide that the contract term is subject to the availability of
sufficient appropriated budget authority. “Sufficient” in this part means the availability
of appropriations, and of funding under the ACC from such appropriations, to make full
payment of housing assistance payments payable to the Owner for any contract year in
accordance with the terms of the HAP contract. If it is determined that there may not be
sufficient funding to continue housing assistance payments for all Contract Units and for
the full term of the HAP contract, KCHA has the right to terminate the HAP contract for
all or any of the Contract Units by notice to the Owner.
HAP contracts will only be terminated for insufficient funding after the HA has
implemented cost saving measures throughout the HCV program per HUD guidance in
PIH Notice 2011-28 or subsequent updates or additional guidance as applicable.
Decisions on which HAP contracts are terminated may consider cost, tenant impact, the
obligation to affirmatively further fair housing, the effect on the availability of
affordable housing in the region and contract obligations.
If an Owner sells their property and a change of ownership occurs, KCHA must approve
the new owner and must receive a written request from the Owner who originally
executed the HAP contract in order to make changes regarding who is to receive the
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housing assistance payment. In addition, KCHA requires a written request from the new
owner along with the following documents:
1. Deed of Trust showing transfer of title; and
2. Tax identification number or Social Security number.
New owners will be required to execute IRS form W-9. KCHA may withhold the rent
until the taxpayer identification number is received.
KCHA will attach assistance to units in selected developments according to one of the
following methods:
1. Designated Units:
Specific units may be designated as Contract Units in the HAP contract. Designated
units in multi-family developments may not be identifiable by location or designated
to the least desirable units. For example, Project-based units may not all be basement
apartments or clustered in one less desirable area of the development. The HAP
contract may be amended to substitute a different unit at KCHA’s discretion.
2. Floating Units:
The number of Contract Units and range of potential bedroom sizes will be specified,
and the specific units may “float” within the property. Floating means that the
subsidy may be attached to different units based upon unit turnover so long as the
Owner continues to make the agreed-upon number of units available at all times.
The floating units will then be leased to eligible applicants upon unit turnover as
vacant units become available.
The method of attaching assistance to units shall be noted in the HAP contract for
each project.
At KCHA’s discretion, the HAP contract may be amended to add additional Contract
Units in the same development. The anniversary and expiration dates of the additional
units must be the same as the anniversary and expiration dates of the Contract Units
originally placed under HAP contract. Any amendment to increase the number of
Contract Units will require the signatures of both the Owner of the property and the
KCHA Executive Director.
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Units that are added to an existing contract are not subject to either competitive
selection procedures or environmental review. Units added in this fashion are expected
to provide and increase the availability of affordable housing and to continue to meet
the Project-based Administrative Policy goals.
At KCHA’s discretion, the HAP contract may be amended to decrease the number of
Contract Units in a development under contract. KCHA may decrease the number of
Contract Units under the following circumstances:
1. If KCHA determines that the project has excess public assistance in response to
information gathered from an interim subsidy layering review.
2. If an Owner is forthcoming that the level of subsidy granted by the full number of
contract terms is no longer needed.
3. If no eligible Household rents a vacant Contract Unit within 120 days (commencing
on the first day of the month following the month that the vacancy occurs).
Any amendment to decrease the number of Contract Units will only require the
signature of the KCHA Executive Director.
If KCHA determines that the Owner has provided misleading or false information and/or
has not complied with the certifications of the HAP contract, KCHA may terminate the
HAP contract and/or require the Owner to return any HAP funding for the period of
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The amount of contract rent is initially determined at the beginning of the HAP contract term
and redetermined, at the request of the Owner, at the anniversary date of the HAP contract.
The annual anniversary of the HAP contract is the first day of the month after the end of the
preceding contract year. The adjusted Rent to Owner amount applies for the period of 12
calendar months from the annual anniversary of the HAP contract.
1. The Payment Standard:
The Payment Standard for the Project-based Assistance Program will default to that
of the Housing Choice Voucher program unless otherwise noted in this Plan. Using
Moving to Work authority, KCHA has the flexibility to set multiple Payment
Standards throughout the County to accommodate varying market conditions.
Exhibit D reflects the current Payment Standards at any given time.
KCHA will review the Payment Standard for all parts of the County as needed to
determine whether an adjustment needs to be made.
2. Rent Reasonableness
a. The Reasonableness of the rent is determined at the following times:
i. Prior to the Agreement to Enter into a HAP Contract as an estimate which
may be replaced by a subsequent rent study prior to the execution of the
HAP contract;
ii. Prior to the execution of HAP contract;
iii. Prior to the annual anniversary of the HAP contract upon the Owner’s
request for a rent adjustment;
iv. If KCHA determines that the rents in a particular submarket have decreased
v. If the Owner changes the responsibility for payment of utilities;
vi. If directed by HUD.
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b. In making a rent reasonableness determination, the HA will consider such factors
as location, quality, size, unit type, age of unit, and any amenities, housing
services, maintenance, or utilities provided by the Owner. In any determination
about the reasonableness of the rent for a particular unit, KCHA will review and
consider the following sources of information:
i. Data supplied by GoSection8. The rent reasonableness form will include the
basic features of the unit being processed as well as information on three to
five similar units from the GoSection8 database;
ii. Other databases available to KCHA. Examples of this include Apartment
Insights and Craigslist;
iii. Any Owner unsatisfied with the rent determination may supply KCHA with
rent comparable documentation obtained informally or through a licensed
third party appraiser. KCHA will consider this information along with all
other data gathered in their rent determination. However, the decision on
the final amount remains at the sole discretion of KCHA;
iv. Where comparables are insufficient or unavailable, KCHA may require the
Owner to hire a licensed third party appraiser to conduct a rent study.
c. Rent Reasonableness for KCHA Units
i. KCHA will perform rent reasonableness for all KCHA units in accordance with
this section.
3. Determination of Energy Assistance Supplement
For all Project-based Programs, the Energy Assistance Supplement (EAS) used to
determine the tenant’s portion of the rent will be taken from KCHA’s EAS table for
the Tenant-based Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program except those listed in
Exhibit S.
Generally, utilities must be separately metered within each unit and separately
billed to the tenant by the utility company if the Owner wishes to make the tenants
individually responsible for the utility cost. However, current market trends now
have more and more apartment complexes charging for utilities where there is not a
separate meter or individual bill. KCHA will allow an Owner to bill a tenant
separately for each utility as long as it is clearly stated in the lease that the utility will
be the responsibility of the tenant.
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1. Except as stated in B.3 below, the initial and annual contract rent to an Owner will
be the lower of:
The Owner’s request.
The Reasonable Rent (as determined in accordance with paragraph A.2.).
The Payment Standard or KCHA’s Regional Payment Standard less the applicable
EAS in place at the time of rent determination.
The amount of subsidy needed as determined by a Subsidy Layering Review.
2. Additional Contract Rent Limitations
The amount of rent to Owner may also be subject to rent control or other limits
under local, State, or Federal law including:
HOME. For units assisted under the HOME program, rents may not exceed rent
limits as required by the local administrator of the HOME program (24 CFR
92.252), King County.
Subsidized projects (1) this paragraph applies to any contract units in any of the
following types of federally subsidized projects:
o An insured or non-insured Section 236 Project-based Assistance
o A formerly insured or non-insured Section 236 project that continues to
receive Interest Reduction Payment following a decoupling action
o A Section 21 (d)(3) below market interest rate (BMIR) Project
o A Section 515 project of the Rural Housing Serve
o A project receiving low-income housing tax credits
o Any other type of federally subsidized project specified by HUD
3. Contract Rent Exceptions
The HA may approve gross rents (contract rent + EAS) that exceed the payment
standard up to the rent reasonable amount. When an exception is approved,
the gross rent will be the payment standard when calculating the tenant rent.
Exceptions may be granted in the following cases:
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o For privately-managed developments with supportive service programs.
o When a change in the EAS amount increases the gross rent above the current
payment standard.
A revision of rent to Owner must be made according to the following guidelines:
1. Rent Increase
The Owner may request an increase in the contract rent 60 days prior to the annual
anniversary of the HAP contract by written notice to KCHA. KCHA may not approve and
the Owner may not receive any increase of rent until and unless the Owner has
complied with all requirements of the HAP Contract, including compliance with the HQS.
The Owner may not receive any retroactive increase of rent for any period of non-
Implementation of Rent Increase
KCHA will only make an adjustment to the Contract Rent once per year. The Owner may
only apply the adjustment to the Tenant Rent at the tenant’s lease anniversary.
2. Rent Decrease
When there is a significant decrease in the market rents in King County, KCHA will
review the rents of Owners in the Project-based Assistance Program through a rent
reasonableness study and lower the rents if necessary.
1. The cost of meals or supportive services may not be included in the rent to Owner
and the value of meals or supportive services may not be included in the calculation
of reasonable rent. The cost of meals may be added to the tenant portion of rent
only if all tenants have the option to choose such a meal program and the cost of
meals is not attributed to the Project-based subsidy payments.
2. The lease may not require the Tenant or family member to pay charges for meals or
supportive services. Non-payment of such charges is not grounds for termination of
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3. The Owner may not charge the tenant extra amounts for items customarily included
in the rent in the locality or provided at no additional cost to the unsubsidized
tenants in the premises.
4. One exception is that in a certified assisted living development receiving Project-
based Assistance, Owners may charge an additional fee to Tenants, family members,
or both for meals or supportive services. These charges may not be included in the
rent to Owner, nor may the value of meals and supportive services be included in
the calculation of reasonable rent. Non-payment of such charges is grounds for
termination of the lease by the Owner in a certified assisted living development.
1. Shared Housing
As a general rule, Shared Housing will only be allowed as a reasonable
accommodation for those families with members who are disabled to make the
program more easily accessible; however, it may be used for non-disabled
participants where support services are involved.
a. Under the Project-based program, the shared housing will be considered one
housing unit for determining Rent Reasonableness and the Housing Assistance
Payment. Only those families qualifying for Section 8 can reside in the shared
housing units.
b. Each assisted Family must be determined eligible under the same guidelines
used to qualify other Section 8 applicants (i.e., meeting the definition of a
Family; income eligibility limits, etc.).
c. Each assisted Family will have a separate lease for their portion of the unit.
d. Determining the Rent and Housing Subsidy:
i. Contract Rent
The Contract Rent for each subsidized Family is pro-rated by dividing the
total contract rent for the unit by the number of bedrooms in the unit to
determine a per bedroom price. This figure is then multiplied by the
number of bedrooms the Family is eligible to occupy to determine the
total pro-rated rent.
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The total bedrooms in the unit may not be less than the total bedrooms
required by all persons living in the shared unit and all pro-rated rents
must add up to the total contract rent.
ii. Rent Reasonableness
The rent to Owner for the subsidized Family may not exceed the pro-
rated portion of the reasonable rent for the shared housing unit.
iii. Housing Subsidy The payment standard is the lower of:
The payment standard for the Family unit size; or
The pro-rated portion of the payment standard for the shared housing
unit size.
iv. Energy Assistance Supplement
The EAS for an assisted Family residing in shared housing is the pro-rated
portion of the EAS for the shared housing unit.
e. The rent and HAP will be determined as stated above, except in the following
special situations:
i. The Willows
The Contract Rent is set on a per-family basis and will be determined by
averaging a 10-bedroom payment standard with a 2-bedroom payment
standard. Each housing unit will house no more than 15 families spread
among the three units.
Rent reasonableness is based on 2-bedroom units in the area, as
information on 10-bedroom units is unavailable.
Housing Subsidy- in determining the housing subsidy, the payment
standard will equal the Contract Rent.
f. Vacating the Unit
i. Filling a Vacancy - When one Family chooses to leave the shared housing
unit, it is the Owner’s responsibility to refill the vacant portion of the unit.
Neither the residual tenants nor the HA can be asked to pay the lost
ii. Payment for Move-out Month - If an assisted Family moves out of the unit,
the Owner may keep the housing assistance payment payable for the
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calendar month when the Family moves out. However, the Owner may not
keep the payment if KCHA determines that the vacancy is the Owner’s fault.
iii. Vacancy Payments - KCHA will make no vacancy payments to the Owner
beyond the remainder of a move-out month.
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The following application requirements apply to ALL Project-based Assistance Programs.
1. Income Targeting Requirements
KCHA applies the statutory requirement of the Housing Choice Voucher Program
requiring 75% of newly admitted families in any fiscal year be Extremely Low-Income
families to the Project-based Assistance Programs. This requirement does not apply
to each individual Project; rather it applies to the Project-based Assistance Program
as a whole. To ensure that this goal is met, KCHA will twice yearly monitor incomes
of newly admitted families and the income of the families on the waitlists. If it
appears the requirement is not being met, KCHA will determine whether particular
projects are not meeting the requirement and work with them to make adjustments
in program outreach and screening as needed. KCHA retains the right to skip higher
income families on the waiting list to reach extremely low-income families. If there
are not enough extremely low-income families on the waiting list, KCHA will conduct
outreach on a non-discriminatory basis to attract extremely low-income families to
reach this goal.
2. Waitlists
KCHA and/or Owners will administer waitlists in a manner that affirmatively furthers
Fair Housing goals and prohibits discrimination. Waitlists and selection will be
administered in a manner that is in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, the Federal Fair Housing Act, Executive Order 11063, as amended, Executive
Order 12259, Executive Order 12892, Title II of the American with Disabilities Act,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975,
State or local Fair Housing laws, and any other HUD requirements and regulations
issued under the above authorities.
In addition, KCHA will ensure compliance with the Violence Against Women Act of
2013 (VAWA 2013) which provides that an applicant for assistance under a covered
housing program may not be denied admission to or denied assistance on the basis
or as a direct result of the fact that the applicant is or has been a victim of domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, if the applicant otherwise
qualifies for admission, assistance, participation, or occupancy.
Waitlists are Program specific. Generally applicants applying for Permanent
Replacement Housing would apply through the Central Applications Center and
choose “Private Housing” as their waitlist choice. Supportive Housing Programs do
not maintain a waitlist due to the urgent situation of the households targeted.
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Instead, owners and/or their contracted service provider will refer households
needing a unit as they become available.
3. Referral and Waitlist Monitoring
To ensure that Project-based Assistance referral and waitlist processes are effective
in meeting Fair Housing guidelines, KCHA monitors the processing of applicants on
the waitlist. In the case of project sponsors managing and maintaining a waiting list,
the sponsor will be required to submit a detailed Tenant Selection and Assignment
Plan that meets all of the requirements of furthering Fair Housing goals and
objectives and the Authority’s policies and procedures. If this monitoring appears to
reflect a disproportionally underrepresented portion of the target population, KCHA
will begin more frequent monitoring of those projects and begin corrective action
including, but not limited to: requiring new referral sources be added to the
outreach plan, changes in program design that provide more culturally-appropriate
services, and/or replacement of the referring agency.
4. Suspension of Applications
If the number of Applicants claiming Preferences on any waitlist greatly exceeds the
number of Families that the Housing Authority is likely to be able to house within
the following 12 months, the Housing Authority may at any time suspend the
acceptance or processing of new applications or the addition of any new Applicants
on that waitlist.
5. Housing Choice Voucher Program Applicants
KCHA will not directly offer applicants on its HCV waitlist the opportunity to apply
for Project-based Assistance. However, applicants on the HCV waitlist or any KCHA-
managed subsidized housing waitlist may apply for any Project-based Project waitlist
for which they are eligible.
6. Availability of Information regarding Project-based Projects
KCHA and/or Owners will make information available to Applicants upon request
regarding Project-based Projects including: a description of the development,
services offered, and estimates of the time that an applicant may be on a specific
7. Rescheduling Appointments
The Housing Authority will allow a Family to reschedule for good cause. Generally,
no more than one opportunity will be given to reschedule without good cause, and
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no more than two opportunities will be given for good cause. The decision as to the
qualifications of “good cause” will be made on a case-by-case basis and will be at the
discretion of the Housing Authority. Applicants who are being removed from a
waitlist for reasons other than lack of response will be offered the right to an
informal review before being removed from a waitlist.
1. Preferences
Preferences establish groups of Applicants that are prioritized over other Applicants,
regardless of date and time. Preferences are established for each Project-based
Assistance Program. KCHA will publicly notify interested parties for comment any
time a new local preference is proposed or a current local preference is revised.
Interested parties will be invited to comment on the proposed changes and present
any concerns they feel should be addressed. Any change in the Project-based local
preferences will be made in accordance with the provisions of the MTW Agreement
with HUD and its MTW Annual Plan.
2. Executive Director’s Waiver
Applicants who, as determined by KCHA, are in urgent situations where they do not
qualify for any of the preferences in a particular Program may be approved to
receive Project-based Assistance by the Executive Director. All such situations will be
verified as to the urgency of the Applicant’s housing needs.
3. Accessible Units
In selecting families to occupy Project-based units with special accessibility features
for persons with disabilities, KCHA will refer, and the Owner must select families
needing these unit features above others on the waitlist.
4. Eligibility
For purposes of eligibility, all families who qualify for a preference will be considered
eligible to be placed on the Project-based waiting list except “other” single persons
who are defined as those who are not elderly, near-elderly, or disabled attempting
to apply on their own.
5. Existing Tenant Protections
In order to minimize displacement of in-place families, the HA will have full
discretion to either turn on Project-based subsidies upon vacancy at the property, or
to offer in-place protections. In-place protections are applicable if an existing unit
that is to be placed under contract is occupied by an eligible family on the date of
the execution of the Project-based HAP contract. These protections also apply to
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occupied units where rehabilitation is planned. If this is the case, families will be
given the opportunity to apply for assistance. Admission of such families is not
subject to income targeting, however existing tenants must meet a local housing
preference described under Section G.4 in order to qualify for the Project-based
subsidy. If an existing family is determined eligible and placed on KCHA’s waitlist,
they will be given an absolute selection preference and referred to a unit that is
appropriately sized for the family. Families under lease at the time of execution of a
HAP contract will be required to sign a new one-year lease at the time that their
subsidy begins.
a. Notice to Existing Tenants. If Project-based Assistance is to be turned on upon
unit vacancy, this section does not apply. KCHA will ensure that Owners of
Existing Housing Developments notify all existing eligible tenants of the
opportunity to apply for assistance and that all tenants are given ample time and
accommodations to make an application for assistance. Once an Owner has
notified existing tenants of the opportunity to apply for Project-based assistance,
tenants will have a specified time frame (generally not less than 30 days) in
which to submit an application for assistance to the Owner. If an existing tenant
seeks to apply for assistance after the specified time frame or moves in after the
effective date of the HAP contract the Applicant will be required to apply
through the standard application waitlist. The Owner will initially screen the
existing tenants for eligibility and send this documentation to KCHA for
All applicants will be allowed to initially qualify for a Preference by claiming their
Preference on their application. Before actually being approved for assistance, all
applicants will be required to document that a Preference exists. If an Applicant does
not certify or cannot provide such verification, or if a change in the applicant's
circumstances has occurred resulting in the loss of a Preference, the Applicant will be
withdrawn. The HA will waive this requirement for applicants who are participants in
the Rapid Rehousing Program (RRP) or any similar short-term subsidy program (lasting
12 months or less). Such applicants will be eligible to retain their initially claimed local
preference during participation in these programs.
If a Project-based Applicant is currently receiving Tenant-based assistance under the
HOME Program, the HA determines whether the applicant qualifies for a Local
Preference based on the situation of the applicant at the time they received assistance
from the HOME Program.
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An Applicant denied a Preference will receive a prompt written notice giving a brief
statement of the reasons for the denial and given an opportunity to utilize the Informal
Review process to review the denial. This review will be limited only to the issue of
whether the applicant meets the criteria for receiving a Preference.
The Housing Authority or Owner will not remove an applicant’s name from a waitlist
1. The applicant requests that their name be removed (in writing);
2. The applicant fails to respond to a written request for information or a request to
declare their continued interest in the program or misses scheduled appointments;
3. The applicant does not meet the eligibility criteria for the Project; or
4. There is insufficient funding for the Section 8 Program to cover the costs of the
Project. Should this occur, the Housing Authority reserves the right to cancel all or a
portion of the applications on the Project-based waitlist(s) without prior notice to
the Applicants.
Should one of these situations occur, the application will be listed as "Withdrawn”.
Sufficient information is to be entered on the application form to establish the
ineligibility status and the applicant is to be informed in writing of the reason(s) for the
denial and right to appeal the determination.
The Housing Authority will consider written requests for reinstatement of non-
responsive applicants within twelve months of the date of withdrawal. In addition, any
applicant who subsequently maintains that their failure to respond was caused by their
disability will be provided reasonable accommodation to explain their circumstances.
Should the Family be reinstated, their application will be placed in their former position
on the waitlist.
Persons with disabilities who require a reasonable accommodation in completing an
application may call the Housing Authority to make special arrangements. A
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available for the hearing impaired. The
TDD telephone number is posted in the Section 8 Office and each Public Housing
Management Office.
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When an applicant is housed in a Project-based KCHA managed property, the applicant’s
name will be withdrawn from all other Project-based waitlists. For those housed in
transitional housing, once the applicant completes their transitional program, they
would be eligible for Public Housing through the Sound Families Graduation Process. If
a tenant later leaves their Project-based unit in good standing, there is no restriction on
reapplication for any housing program later.
The Project-based Permanent Replacement Housing Program “replaces” demolished
Public Housing units by attaching Project-based assistance to privately-managed
Developments in geographic areas of low poverty and high employment rates. The
Program is known to the public as the “Private Housing Program”. The Permanent
Replacement Housing Application Process mirrors that of the Public Housing Program as
closely as possible in order to ensure these Project-based Units are as accessible as the
public housing units they are replacing once were.
1. Permanent Replacement Housing Waitlist Process
After all qualified existing tenants have been assisted; new Applicants will typically
be referred by KCHA to Owners in the Permanent Replacement Housing Program at
a ratio of 1 to 1 between the Standard Project-based Regional Waitlists and the
Sound Families Graduate Waitlist, except in cases where the property maintains a
site-based waitlist (see below).
a. Standard Permanent Replacement Housing Waitlists
Unless otherwise stated, Applicants wishing to apply for Permanent
Replacement Housing will apply through a Regional Permanent Replacement
Housing Waitlist based on bedroom size needed. Those Permanent
Replacement Housing Developments not designated in the regional waitlist area
will maintain site-specific waitlists until two or more Developments are
contracted in a particular region, at which point KCHA may establish a new
Regional Waitlist.
Interested households may obtain an initial application for Housing through
KCHA’s Central Applications Center (CAC) and/or website This
form provides the opportunity to apply for a number of KCHA’s subsidized
housing programs. Once completed, the CAC places the Applicant Family on the
appropriate Waitlists.
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The applicant must report changes in their applicant status including changes in
family composition, income, or preference factors to the CAC who will make any
changes to the application and update their place on the waitlist. Confirmation
of the changes will be confirmed with the Family in writing.
b. Identifying the Next Applicant
Due to the large number of unresponsive applicants, KCHA may contact a cluster
of applicants on any Permanent Replacement Housing waitlist prior to receiving
a Notice of Available Unit from an Owner to pre-screen the applicant for Housing
Authority eligibility. When KCHA sends an Update Letter to an applicant, the
applicant will have 10 days to respond. If the applicant does not respond within
10 days, their application may be withdrawn from the waitlist. An applicant may
be reviewed for re-instatement on the waitlist if s/he responds in writing within
12 months of the date of the Update Letter and request to be reinstated.
Updated applicants will be offered available units based upon the date of their
response to these inquiries and the certified date of their application.
c. Site-specific waitlists
For a subset of projects, it may be more appropriate for Owners to maintain
their own waitlists. KCHA shall make the determination on an individual case-by-
case basis as to whether it is appropriate for a Permanent Replacement Housing
project to have a site-based waitlist. This may be considered in cases where the
project serves a specific target population (i.e. seniors) from which KCHA’s
waitlist may not have sufficient eligible applicants to select or when the Owner’s
application requirements and/or fees vary from KCHA’s.
In such cases, KCHA will review the Owner’s referral sources and tenant selection
methods and criteria at the time of the Owner’s application for Project-based
Assistance, to determine that they are broad-based, affirmatively furthering Fair
Housing goals, and prohibiting discrimination.
2. Sound Families Graduate Waitlist
Only graduates of KCHA-funded Sound Families programs are eligible for this set-
aside waitlist. Upon graduation, the graduate and his/her case manager completes
an Update Packet and Graduation Notice and submits them to the CAC. The CAC
dates and time-stamps the Update Packets and processes them to the extent
necessary to determine whether the applicant is eligible for permanent subsidized
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The CAC will update information in KCHA’s management information system
according to the bedroom size needed, preference and date/time of application and
will keep it in a permanent file at the CAC. Updated graduates are then placed on
the Sound Families set-aside waitlist for permanent, subsidized housing at the CAC.
Sound Families transitional housing participants are only eligible for the Permanent
Replacement Housing Program upon graduation. They are not, however, eligible for
Permanent Replacement Housing projects where a site-specific waitlist has been
approved. If a Family applies for Permanent Replacement Housing prior to
graduation, KCHA will notify the Family in writing that they are not eligible to be
placed on the Permanent Replacement Housing waitlist until KCHA has received a
written Graduation Notice and Update Packet confirming their status.
3. Applicant Notification and Eligibility Determination
Prior to or upon receipt of a Notice of Available Unit, KCHA will contact the next
qualified applicant from either the Sound Families or Standard Permanent
Replacement Housing Waitlist and instruct him/her to contact the Owner
immediately. KCHA will also immediately provide the Owner with the name and
contact information for the applicant.
KCHA will make a preliminary eligibility determination upon initial contact with the
applicant and work with the applicant to collect information to verify preferences
and income at the same time as the Owner screening process.
a. Owner Suitability Determination
The Owner will screen the applicant using standard screening criteria used for all
applicants to the Development. Owners may apply set-aside requirements from
the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program to their selection criteria.
Applicants for Permanent Replacement Housing will be required to pay any
screening fees and provide screening documentation directly to the Owner. The
Owner is responsible for notifying KCHA whether or not each applicant passes
their screening in a timely manner. If the applicant fails to make contact with
the Owner within 48 hours, the Owner may request that KCHA refer the next
applicant on the waitlist.
b. Owner Approval of Applicant
If the applicant passes the Owner’s screening, KCHA will determine the Total
Tenant Payment (TTP), brief the applicant, and schedule the inspection in
accordance with other Sections of this Administrative Plan.
c. Owner Rejection of Applicant
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If the applicant does not pass the Owner’s screening, the applicant will be
allowed to remain on the Permanent Replacement Housing waitlist and be
screened by a second Owner with an available unit. If the applicant does not
pass the second Owner’s screening, the applicant will be removed from all
Permanent Replacement Housing waitlists. Owner-denial does not apply in the
case of applicants who were denied based upon Owner criteria for tax-credit set-
asides. Applicants denied by Permanent Replacement Housing Program Owners
will not be removed from any other KCHA subsidized housing waitlists. A
withdrawal from the Permanent Replacement Housing waitlist does not affect
the Public Housing waitlist status.
d. Applicant Rejection of Unit
Applicants may only reject the offer of a unit for good cause. Rejection for good
cause will preserve the applicant’s placement at the top of the waiting list.
Rejection of a unit for other than good cause will result in removal from the
Permanent Replacement Housing waitlist. Good cause includes the following:
Documented reasons related to health, disability or proximity to work,
school, or childcare (for those working or going to school), or
Documented situations where an applicant is temporarily unable to move at
the time of the offer (such as major surgery requiring a period of time to
recuperate, or serving on a jury; or
Refusal (turn-down) of a studio apartment by a household that includes more
than a single individual; or
Refusal by an applicant who has turned down an offer for a unit in order to
continue participating in a documented transitional housing program from
which they have not yet graduated as long as the graduation date does not
to exceed 12 months from the date of refusal.
Where it is determined that an applicant’s basis for refusal of an offered apartment
does not meet established good cause criteria, the applicant will be offered the right
to an informal review of the decision to cancel their application for housing
4. Permanent Replacement Housing Program Order of Selection
Permanent Replacement Housing Program Applicants who meet one of the
following Housing Choice Voucher “Local Preference” Categories will be served
before those applicants who do not.
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Extremely Low-Income Household. Applicant whose total household income is
equal to or less than the higher of the Federal poverty level or 30% Of the Area
Median Income for Their Household Size.
Recipients of federal rent subsidy programs are excluded from qualification
of a local preference under this category
Involuntarily Displaced. A Family is or will be considered involuntarily displaced
if the applicant has vacated or will have to vacate the unit where the applicant
lives because of one or more of the following:
Displacement by disaster;
Displacement by government action;
Displacement by action of a housing Owner (where a signed lease existed);
Displacement by domestic violence;
Displacement to avoid reprisal;
Displacements by hate crimes. Hate crimes are actual or threatened physical
violence or intimidation that is directed against a person or his or her
property and that is based on the person's race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, disability, or familial status;
Displacement by inaccessibility of unit;
Displacement because of HUD disposition of a multifamily project.
Substandard Housing. A Family is living in "Substandard Housing" if they are
"Homeless" as defined in Section 2 of this Administrative Plan, or if living in
housing that:
Is dilapidated;
Does not have operable indoor plumbing;
Does not have a usable flush toilet inside the unit for the exclusive use of the
Does not have electricity, or has inadequate or unsafe electrical service;
Approved under MTW 11/18/09
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Does not have a safe or adequate source of heat;
Should, but does not have a kitchen;
Has been declared unfit for habitation by an agency or unit of
Rent Burden. A rent-burdened Family is a Family who is currently paying more
than 50% of total family income for rent and utilities. (Individuals and families
who choose to pay a rent in excess of the established FMR for their bedroom size
will not qualify as rent burdened.)
The Project-based Public Housing Redevelopment Program attaches Project-based
Assistance to units that were formerly subsidized with Public Housing operating
subsidies. The waiting lists, application process, and order of selection for Project-based
units in this Program are operated in accordance with Section 6 of the Public Housing
ACOP including any and all amendments.
Income and family composition for residents living in Public Housing at the time of
redevelopment will be determined using verification from the most recent Public
Housing review (interim, update, or full recertification) provided it is no more than 12
months old. Existing residents will not be required to meet a Local Preference (as
described above in G.4) as they are considered to be “continuously assisted”.
The Project-based Local Program uses Project-based Assistance to preserve the
affordability and physical integrity of Existing Housing stock that serves low-income
households and is in physical jeopardy due to a lack of capital reserves and/or
operating subsidy.
1. Local Program Waitlist
After all qualified existing applicants have been assisted; KCHA will establish a
waitlist at the Project site or may pull applicants from existing housing waitlists
managed by KCHA. The waitlist must be established according to date and time of
application by bedroom size. Interested households may obtain an application on
the KCHA website at or at any property.
2. Order of Selection
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Applicants of Local Program Developments will be required to meet one of KCHA’s
“Local Preference” categories as described in section G.5 above and will be served
before those applicants who do not.
The Permanent Supportive Housing Programs assist households who need supportive
services in order to access and remain in their housing. The units subsidized in these
Projects are targeted to homeless households and/or those with disabilities.
1. Permanent Supportive Housing Waitlists
Because of the urgent housing situation of the households targeted for these
Programs, neither KCHA nor Owners will maintain waitlists for Supportive Housing
Projects. Instead, Owners and/or their contracted Service Providers will refer
households needing Permanent Supportive Housing as units become available.
Referring agencies may take roommate-compatibility into consideration in shared
housing situations. At the time of the Owner’s application for Project-based
Assistance, KCHA will review the Owner’s referral sources and tenant selection
criteria to determine that they are broad-based, affirmatively furthering Fair
Housing goals, and prohibiting discrimination.
2. Applicant Referrals
When a HAP contract is executed for a Supportive Housing Project or unit turnover
produces a vacancy, the Service Provider will work with the Owner to ensure
suitability prior to referring applicants to KCHA for eligibility determination. The
Service Provider will assist applicants in completing the eligibility packet and will
designate a representative to answer questions and correspond with KCHA.
The Service Provider will send enough completed eligibility packets to KCHA to fill
their vacant contract units. When a large number of applicants are in the process
for a particular Project at any given time, KCHA will arrange a group briefing in
accordance with Section 18.
3. Order of Selection for Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless Families
As stated in paragraph J.2. above, applicants are selected as units become available
and therefore, selection is based on an as needed basis.
4. Order of Selection for Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
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When a Supportive Housing Project is established for people with disabilities who
are not specifically moving out of homelessness, a Project-specific waiting list can be
established with the following preference:
a. Disabled households needing supportive services - A Supportive Housing waiting
list may give preference to disabled households who need services offered at a
particular Project. The preference is limited to the population of households with
disabilities that significantly interfere with their ability to obtain and maintain
themselves in housing:
i. Who, without appropriate supportive services, will not be able to obtain or
remain in housing; and
ii. For whom such services cannot be provided in a non-segregated setting.
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Applicants must meet both KCHA eligibility and Owner screening in order to be offered a
Project-based unit. Among income eligible applicant families of the size and composition
appropriate to available Project-based units, families will be selected without regard to
race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, familial status, marital status, parental
status, sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog by a
visually or hearing impaired person. In addition, no person will be automatically
excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of the Project-based program
solely because of membership in a class such as unmarried mothers, recipients of public
assistance, persons with a disability, etc.
1. Families will be considered eligible who:
a. Qualify as a "Family" as defined in Section 2.
b. Have a head of household who is at least 18 years of age (the legal age to enter
into and be held accountable for a lease under state law), unless the designated
Head of Household documents approval as an Emancipated Minor pursuant to
Washington State regulations (RCW 13.64.).
c. Have Annual Income, at the time of application that does not exceed 80% of the
median income for the area (See Exhibit D) set by HUD with the following
i. For Tax Credit residents, Annual Income level cannot exceed 60% of area
median income.
ii. New applicants applying to live at the Project-based units at the Bellevue
Homes, Campus Court I & II (house), Shoreham, Victorian Woods, Evergreen
Court, Federal Way Homes, Kings Court, Eastridge House, Greenleaf,
Cedarwood, Juanita Court, Juanita Trace I & II, Kirkwood Terrace, Avondale
Manor, Forest Grove, Glenview Heights, Vista Heights, Youngs Lake
Commons, Pickering Court, Riverton Terrace Family units, and Wellswood
must be at or below 60% of their Adjusted Median Income for the family
Income Limits apply only at admission and are not applicable for continued
occupancy. An applicant who initially qualifies but whose income subsequently
increases beyond the income limits prior to housing shall be denied admission.
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d. Are current residents of a Public Housing Redevelopment property, regardless of
their income level, who were living on the property at the time of conversion,
and who have been continuously assisted in their unit since the date of
e. Qualify as Citizens or as Noncitizens who have eligible immigration status (as
defined in Exhibit E).
i. A family that consists of a single individual who does not contend to have
eligible citizenship or immigration status is not eligible.
ii. A family that includes two (2) or more individuals must include at least one
household member who is a citizen or has eligible immigration status. KCHA
may not make assistance available to a Family applying for assistance until at
least the eligibility of one family member has been established by the
submission of the required documentation (and then assistance must be
prorated based on the number of individuals in the Family for whom the
required verification has been submitted).
iii. Once the verification has been properly submitted, no Family shall have their
assistance delayed, denied, or reduced because of delays in verifying this
information on the part of the USCIS.
iv. Applicants denied assistance as a result of their immigration status will be
informed of their right to request an appeal of the results of the USCIS
verification to the USCIS or request an Informal Review with the Housing
Authority (in lieu/upon completion of the USCIS appeal). The notice will also
inform the applicant:
Of the reason for the denial.
That they may be eligible for pro-ration of assistance based on the
number of family members with “eligible immigration status”.
Of the time limits and procedures that must be followed when requesting
an appeal to the USCIS and/or Housing Authority.
That assistance may not be delayed, denied, or reduced until the
conclusion of the USCIS appeal process, but, that assistance may be
delayed, denied, or reduced while awaiting the outcome of the Housing
Authority’s Informal Review process.
2. Families will be considered ineligible who:
a. Fail to disclose and submit required documentation to verify the assigned
Social Security number (SSN) for each family member.
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i. A family is required to disclose and submit proper SSN documentation for
each household member. However, the HA may not deny assistance to a
Mixed Family due to non-disclosure of an SSN by an individual who does
not contend to have eligible immigration status.
ii. See Exhibit E for additional information, including but not limited to
information regarding applicability to current tenants who have not
previously disclosed and/or documented an assigned SSN and special
requirements when requesting the addition of a new family member to
an existing household.
b. Who sign the required consent forms:
i. In order to be eligible, each member of the family who is at least 18
years of age, and each family head and spouse regardless of age, shall
sign one or more consent forms.
ii. The consent form must contain, at a minimum, the following:
1. A provision authorizing HUD or the Housing Authority to obtain from
State Wage Information Collection Agencies (SWICAs) any
information or materials necessary to complete or verify the
application for participation or for eligibility for continued occupancy;
2. A provision authorizing HUD or the Housing Authority to verify with
previous or current employers income information pertinent to the
family's eligibility for or level of assistance;
3. A provision authorizing HUD to request income information from the
IRS and the SSA for the sole purpose of verifying income information
pertinent to the family's eligibility or level of benefits; and
4. A statement that the authorization to release the information
requested by the consent form expires 15 months after the date the
consent form is signed.
c. Owe rent or other amounts to the Housing Authority or to another public
housing authority in connection with Section 8 or public housing assistance
under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937.
d. Have failed to reimburse KCHA or another public housing authority for any
claims paid to an Owner for:
i. Rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the Family to the
Owner under the lease;
ii. Vacancy payments.
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e. Have breached an agreement with the Housing Authority to pay amounts
owed to a Housing Authority, or amounts paid to an Owner by a Housing
Authority. (At its discretion, the Housing Authority may offer a Family an
opportunity to enter an agreement to pay such amounts but the Housing
Authority will prescribe the terms of such agreement).
f. Have engaged in abusive, violent or threatening behavior directed toward a
Housing Authority staff member.
g. Have been evicted from a previous Project-based Housing Program in the
previous 6 months.
h. Have previously been denied eligibility to a Housing Authority program,
terminated from Section 8 for violation of any family obligations under the
program (as defined in Section 23), or who have been previously evicted
from public housing. Applicants meeting this criteria will be denied Section 8
housing assistance beginning on the date of such denial, eviction or
termination according to the following minimum criteria:
Abusive or violent behavior towards a Housing Authority employee will
be denied for 10 years.
Violent criminal activity (other than towards a Housing Authority
employee) will be denied for five (5) years.
Persons convicted of manufacturing or producing methamphetamine in
an assisted unit will be permanently banned.
Any other drug-related criminal activity occurring in the previous 3 years
will be denied eligibility for five (5) years. Housing Authorities may waive
this requirement if:
o The person demonstrates successful completion of a rehabilitation
program approved by the Housing Authority; or
o The circumstances leading to the eviction no longer exist. For
example, the individual involved in drugs is no longer in the
Fraud or misrepresentation of a housing program (e.g. unreported
income, unreported live-in, knowingly permits another individual who is
not eligible for assistance due to immigration status to reside in the unit,
subleasing a unit, side payments, etc.) will be denied eligibility for five (5)
Serious damage to a previous housing unit beyond normal wear and tear
will be denied eligibility for two (2) years.
Violations of the lease (other than those listed above) will be denied
eligibility for one (1) year.
All other Section 8 terminations will not be denied eligibility.
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i. Have been illegally using a controlled substance or have given the Housing
Authority reasonable cause to believe that the family member’s pattern of
illegal use of a controlled substance may interfere with the health, safety, or
right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents. A waiver of
this may be granted if the Family can demonstrate to KCHA’s satisfaction that
the family member is no longer engaging in illegal use of a controlled
substance or abuse of alcohol and:
i. Has successfully completed a supervised drug rehabilitation program;
ii. Has otherwise been rehabilitated successfully; or
iii. Is participating in a supervised drug rehabilitation program.
j. Have given the Housing Authority reasonable cause to believe that the family
member abuses alcohol or has a pattern of abuse that may interfere with the
health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other
residents. A waiver of this may be granted if the Family can demonstrate to
the Housing Authority’s satisfaction that the family member is no longer
engaging in illegal use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol and
i. Has successfully completed a supervised alcohol rehabilitation
ii. Has otherwise been rehabilitated successfully; or
iii. Is participating in a supervised alcohol rehabilitation program.
k. Includes any member subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a
State sex offender registration program. The family will be given the
opportunity to remove the ineligible family member in order to preserve
their eligibility. If the family is unwilling to remove that individual from the
household, the participant will be denied admission to the program.
l. Have been convicted of manufacturing or producing methamphetamine on
the premises of federally assisted housing. Such families will be banned
permanently from the Section 8 program.
m. Have a record of criminal activity by any family member, which would be
judged by the Housing Authority to have an adverse effect on the health,
safety, or welfare of other property residents or HA employees. The Housing
Authority will deny admission to an applicant if a criminal background check
reveals any family member has been convicted of a serious violent crime(s)
including but not limited to:
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Domestic Violence
Fraud (theft of government services, forgery, identity theft, bribery)
Hate Crimes
Kidnapping/Unlawful imprisonment
Sexual Offences/Exploitation (rape, molestation, incest, indecent
Terrorism/Treason (supporting, engaging or conspiring to commit)
Unlawful Use/Possession of Weapons, Explosives or Firearms
VUCSA (Violation of Uniform Controlled Substance Act)
While this list is not all inclusive, it provides examples of the type of offenses that
could result in denial of housing assistance. Comparable crimes, or a criminal record
that indicates a family member exhibits habitual criminal behavior, will also result in
denial of housing assistance. Denial will continue for a period of 12 months
following release from incarceration, however, this timeline may differ if the offense
occurred within a federally assisted unit (See Section l above).
While a criminal record will not automatically exclude an applicant from
consideration, it is important criteria used in determining a person’s eligibility. Prior
to denying assistance, the Housing Authority will provide the applicant an
opportunity to present any mitigating circumstances or information for
consideration which would indicate the applicant could be eligible for the program.
Criminal history screening requirements beyond HUD baseline requirements shall
not apply to the Housing Authority’s housing initiatives where supportive services
are directly connected to subsidies and where all contracted owners mandate
criminal screening, prior to applicant approval. These programs include Project-
based Transitional Housing; Project-based Permanent Supportive Housing; Project-
based Replacement Housing, Scattered Site Supportive Housing for households with
disabilities; Housing for Veterans on the VASH program; Scattered Site Family
Supportive Housing; Homeless Youth Initiatives; Re-entry Initiatives;
Deinstitutionalization Initiatives; and Terminal Illness set-asides.
a. Have a conflict of interest as defined in the ACC; HAP Contract and Section 1
of this Administrative Plan;
b. Have misrepresented any material fact during the application process. If the
Authority determines after an applicant has been housed that such
misrepresentation has occurred, the Housing Authority will terminate the
Family's housing assistance payment and, if applicable, charge retroactive
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rent. The participant will also have access to the Authority's Informal Hearing
c. Qualifies as a student enrolled in an institution of higher education as
described in paragraph B below.
The following rule does not apply to a student who is currently living with their parents
already living in an assisted unit and receiving Section 8 assistance nor does it apply to a
student living with parents who are applying for Section 8 assistance. For all others, in
determining the eligibility of a student for Section 8 assistance, the HA must first
determine whether or not the individual is:
1. Under the age of 24; and
2. Enrolled in an institution of higher education (See Section 2).
If the student meets the above criteria, then the HA needs to determine whether or not
the student:
1. Is a veteran of the United States military; or
2. Is married; or
3. Has a dependent child.
4. Is a person with disabilities and was receiving Section 8 assistance as of November
30, 2005.
If the student does not meet any of the second set of criteria, then there is a two-part
test that must be met in order for the student to be eligible for Section 8 assistance:
1. The student must be eligible for Section 8 assistance; AND
2. The student’s parents, individually or jointly, must be eligible for Section 8
assistance; UNLESS the student can demonstrate his or her independence from their
parents. (Parents eligibility only refers to “income” eligibility. Verification need only
consist of a self-declaration by the parents unless the HA believes the information to
be untrue.)
If a student is attempting to prove their independence from their parents, the following
criteria should be considered:
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1. The student must be of legal contract age under State Law (age 18 or over or
2. The student must be verified as an independent student. This may be done via two
a. The student meets the definition of independent student as defined in 20 U.S.C
1087vv(d) paragraphs (B), (C) or (H), whereby HUD considers the individual is a
vulnerable youth and such determination is all that is necessary to prove
independence or;
b. Prove a student’s independence from their parents by doing all of the following:
i. Review and verify previous address information to determine evidence of
a separate household or the individual meets the U.S. Department of
Education’s definition of an independent student (See Section 2);
ii. Review the student’s prior year income tax return. The student must not
be claimed as a dependent by parents or legal guardians pursuant to IRS
regulations or the individual meets the U.S. Department of Education’s
definition of an independent student (See Section 2);
iii. The student must obtain a certification of the amount of financial
assistance that will be provided by the parents or legal guardian, signed
by the individual providing support. Certification will still be required
even if no financial assistance is being provided.
Any Family containing a student who is ineligible to receive assistance will not be eligible to
receive assistance as long as that family member remains in the unit.
The HA will give the Owner the household’s current and prior address as shown in
KCHA’s records (if known) and the name and address of the landlord at the Family’s
current and any prior address. KCHA may also share information regarding income
verifications and eligibility with Owners. KCHA will give the Family a description of its
policy on providing information to Owners. KCHA will provide the same types of
information to all Owners.
Project Owners may establish additional eligibility criteria and written tenant selection
procedures that are consistent with the purpose of improving housing opportunities for
very low-income families and reasonably related to program eligibility and an
applicant’s ability to perform the lease obligations. The Owner’s screening may include
Approved MTW Policy Sections V.5 and V.19
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income eligibility in order to comply with other regulatory set-asides such as in the Low
Income Housing Tax Credit Program. The Owner’s tenant selection plan and criteria will
be reviewed by KCHA in the Owners Application. The Owner is responsible for ensuring
that their eligibility criteria meet all Federal Fair Housing and Civil Rights laws.
1. During the term of the HAP contract, the Owner must lease Contract Units only to
eligible families selected in accordance with KCHA policies.
2. An Owner must promptly notify KCHA in writing of any rejected applicant and the
grounds for any rejection.
3. The Owner must ensure that the Contract Unit leased to each Family is appropriate
for the size of the Family under KCHA’s subsidy standards. At the time of full
Recertification or update, the family will be notified in writing by KCHA if the unit
size does not meet subsidy standards. The family will be required to transfer to the
appropriate bedroom size at or near another contracted property when a unit
becomes available or may choose to remain in the larger unit and pay the difference
in rent. KCHA will work in conjunction with the owner to resolve the occupancy issue
(See Exhibit P of the ACOP for KCHA managed Properties).
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In cases where KCHA is the landlord of the property, accommodations regarding specifics to
the unit or lease will follow the policies outlined in Exhibit L of the ACOP.
King County Housing Authority (KCHA) complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1968 (as amended by the Community
Development Act of 1974 and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1968), Executive
Order 11063, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Titles II and III of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, (as amended by the ADA Restoration Act), the
Washington Law Against Discrimination, R.C.W. 49.60 et seq., and King County Code
12.20 et seq. KCHA will comply with any legislation, implementing rules and regulations,
protecting the rights of applicants, participants or staff that may subsequently be
Although the above-cited anti-discrimination laws vary from each other in their wording,
their prohibitions against discrimination are similar and well summarized by the
following excerpts:
The Fair Housing Act regulations state: “It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to
make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when such
accommodations may be necessary to afford a handicapped person equal opportunity
to use and enjoy a dwelling unit, including public and common use areas.”
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that “no otherwise qualified
individual with handicaps in the United States… shall, solely by reason of his or her
handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial
Anti-discrimination laws require the Housing Authority to make reasonable
accommodation in the rules, policies, practices or services in order to give a person with
a disability an equal opportunity to apply for housing and to use and enjoy a dwelling
unit or common space, unless doing so, would result in a fundamental alteration in the
nature of the housing program, or poses an undue financial and/or administrative
The Federal definition of disability provides:
1. Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life
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A physical impairment that includes but is not limited to a physiological disorder,
contagious disease, cosmetic disfigurement or anatomical loss in one or more
systems. The disability could be neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory,
cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, genito-urinary, hemic, lymphatic, skin or
A mental impairment or psychological disorder. The disability includes, but is not
limited to, mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental
illness, or specific learning disorders.
Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing
manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting,
bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking,
communicating and working.
2. Has a record of such impairment (which means the individual has a history of
impairment or a record of having been misclassified as having impairment.)
3. Is regarded as having such an impairment, the individual has no impairment or has
an impairment not limiting major life activity, but is treated as disabled by agency
qualified medical, rehabilitation or other non-medical service agency professional.
Furthermore, the Washington State Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) defines
disability to mean the presence of a sensory, mental, or physical impairment that
Is medically cognizable or diagnosable, or
Exists as a record or history, or
Is perceived to exist, whether or not it exists in fact.
Under the WLAD, a disability exists whether it is temporary or permanent, common or
uncommon, mitigated or unmitigated.
The definition of disability used may vary depending upon the request.
Note: Although some state and federal laws may use the terms “handicap” or
“impairment”, the preferred term is “disability”.
The Housing authority (HA) may ask all applicants questions that relate to their ability to
meet the requirements of the Section 8 program. However, the HA cannot ask certain
questions only of people with disability or people it believes may have a disability. As an
example, the HA can only ask applicants if they currently use illegal drugs if it asks all
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applicants the same question. The question cannot be asked only to people with
disabilities or to individuals the HA believes has a disability.
The general rule is that the HA cannot ask a person with a disability about the nature or
severity of a disability, or any question that would require the person to waive or
disclose a medical condition or medical history. Nor can the HA ask whether any
member of the applicant’s family or any friend or associate has a disability. For
example, the HA cannot ask any of the following questions:
“Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist?”
“Have you ever been in drug or alcohol rehab?”
“Do you take medications?”
“Can you live independently?”
However, there are exceptions to this general rule:
If during the screening process negative information is revealed about a person’s
past tenancies, the HA can ask the person to explain the negative information. The
person may choose to reveal information about the existence, nature, or severity of
their disability that helps to explain the presence of negative information. The
applicant may also decide not to say anything about their disability. That is the
person’s right. The HA, however, has the right to review and respond to negative
information on a case by case basis.
If an applicant or participant requests the HA provide reasonable modifications or
accommodations, the HA may ask the person to verify that they have a disability and
the need for the requested accommodation.
If an applicant is applying for housing that is designated for persons with disabilities,
the HA may ask the person to document that they have a qualifying disability.
Unless the person is applying for housing designated for individuals with a particular
type of disability, the HA cannot inquire about the nature of a person’s disability as
long as the Housing Authority has sufficient information to determine eligibility
according to the program’s guidelines (a person is not obligated to reveal that they
have a disability; however, a person who chooses not to reveal their disability would
not be able to establish their eligibility.)
An applicant may not be required to give the HA their medical records as proof that they
have a disability or a particular disability. A letter from the person’s doctor or other
qualified professional stating that they have a disability that satisfies the eligibility
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requirement is sufficient documentation. It is not required that this documentation be
completed by a physician. Other professionals, such as rehabilitation centers, service
agencies, social workers or similar professionals familiar with the person’s disability may
be able to provide such verification.
All information that is obtained about a disability, such as medical information, must be
kept confidential. The HA can only reveal this information to others with the applicant
or participant’s permission, or as necessary to provide reasonable accommodations.
If a reasonable accommodation is requested, the HA may ask the applicant/participant
to provide reliable documentation (not medical records) that they have a disability,
along with documentation of the need for the particular accommodation. Verification
of need may not be requested in every situation, especially in cases where the disability
may be readily apparent to a HA representative. An example of where verification of
need from a third party may not be needed is a request for a wheelchair accessible unit
where it is readily apparent that the requesting individual uses a wheelchair. Generally,
if the HA is unfamiliar with an applicant/participant or the person’s need is not readily
apparent, we may request verification of need. An applicant or participant may contact
the Section 504 Coordinator to determine whether verification of need is required. The
type of verification needed will depend upon the specifics of the situation. Finally, the
HA will not ask any questions about the nature or severity of the disability except as
specifically related to the requested accommodation.
The requirement to provide reasonable accommodation is intended to provide equal
opportunity for persons with disabilities to participate in housing programs through
modification of policies, procedures, or structures. This policy is not intended to provide
greater program benefits to persons with disabilities than to non-disabled participants
or applicants. It may mean, however, that persons with disabilities will sometimes be
treated differently in order to ensure equal access to programs and services.
The HA is committed to providing accommodations to qualified persons with disabilities
so that the choice of living arrangements is, as a whole, comparable to other persons
eligible for housing assistance under the same program as long as the accommodation is
reasonable (i.e., does not cause undue financial and/or administrative burden or cause a
fundamental alteration in the nature of the program.) In seeking an accommodation, a
qualifying applicant/resident may request a change in the HA’s rules, policies, or
procedures (e.g., how the HA communicates with a resident).
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KCHA will work with an applicant/participant to make an accommodation that is
reasonable and that suits their needs, giving priority to those methods that offer
programs and activities in the most appropriate integrated setting. Individuals with the
same disability may not need, or desire, the same level of accommodation. There is no
standard approach and what works for one person may not work for another in the
same situation.
Information regarding the availability of reasonable accommodations will be made
available to applicants and participants at time of application, during initial housing and
at the time of annual review. This type of information will also be provided at other
times the HA deems appropriate, or at other times as requested by the applicant or
Forms and other documents used for applicants and participants will, as much as
feasible, be written in plain, intelligible language. Upon request, the HA will present
documents in alternative formats, provide auxiliary aids, or communicate with a third
party designated by the applicant or participant.
Reasonable accommodations will be made in response to individual requests from a
qualified person with disabilities. The request may be made in any manner that is
convenient for the person with a disability, including a verbal request to their Section 8
caseworker. When a verbal request is made by the participant, the housing staff
member who receives the verbal request will send a letter summarizing the request to
the participant within 14 days. HA staff can encourage participants to make the request
using a form that the HA provides (KCHA 826) or use it as a guide in making the request.
If the participant needs assistance making the request, the HA will assist in completing
the form. Once completed and received at the Central Office (with verification, if
needed), the HA will respond to the participant in most cases within 45 days, unless
there is a problem verifying the information needed or unless the participant and the
HA agree to a longer period of time.
This list is not exhaustive or comprehensive, but is merely meant to illustrate examples
of different accommodations that may be requested by individuals with disabilities.
To facilitate communication with persons with disabilities, KCHA will furnish auxiliary
aids. An auxiliary aid means services or devices that enable persons with sensory,
manual or speaking disabilities to have an equal opportunity to participate in, and to
enjoy the benefits of programs and activities. However, the HA is not required to
provide individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other
services of a personal nature. In determining what auxiliary aids are necessary, the HA
will give primary consideration to the request(s) of the individual with disabilities.
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Aids and services, to be equally effective, are not required to produce identical results
for individuals with disabilities and non-disabled persons, but should afford individuals
with disabilities equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit,
or to reach the same level of achievement. Examples may include:
Making arrangements to accept an application or conduct an interview elsewhere if
the office is not accessible.
Providing individual and/or additional explanation of program rules and
Sending mail or making phone calls to a person designated by the individual with
disabilities as a contact person.
Offering information in accessible formats (e.g., large type) and in plain language.
Providing pencil and paper for those with speech difficulties, a sign language
interpreter or a reader, telecommunication device for the deaf (TTY), or Assistive
Listening Device (ALD.)
Providing visual alarms and tactile signs.
Providing written information that gives the name, address and telephone number
of the HA’s Section 504 coordinator, as well as the TTY number.
General Accommodations
Permitting an additional bedroom to accommodate a household member with a
disability when the additional bedroom is documented to be medically necessary.
Approving a higher utility allowance if documentation is provided showing why it is
Adding to the household a live-in aide who will reside in the unit and provide
necessary support services.
In most instances, the HA will accept the judgment of the person with disabilities that
the requested accommodation is the most appropriate, but the HA will take into
account the associated financial and/or administrative burdens. The HA may explore
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alternatives to the requested accommodation where the alternative accommodation
meets the individual’s disability-related need.
If a number of potential accommodations will satisfy the needs of the person with
disabilities (and are equally effective), the HA retains the right to select the
accommodation that is most administratively convenient and cost-effective. This
includes the option to select a change in procedure or policy rather than to make a
structural change when the procedure changes would be equally effective.
If the requested accommodation creates an undue financial and/or administrative
burden, the request will be accommodated to the extent that it can be met without
creating undue burdens.
If the request constitutes a fundamental alteration in the nature of the program, the
request will be denied. However, the HA may approve any action that would not result
in a fundamental alteration but would nevertheless ensure that a person with
disabilities has an equal opportunity to receive the program benefits and services. The
HA’s determinations with respect to fundamental alterations will be made on a case-by-
case basis.
Types of actions which would be denied include, but are not limited to:
Engaging in criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful
enjoyment of other residents or staff;
Actions that require the HA to add supportive services (e.g. counseling, medical, or
social services) that fall outside the scope of existing services offered by the HA to
applicants/participants in the program;
Actions that require the HA to offer housing or benefits of a fundamentally different
nature from the type of housing or benefits that the HA does offer;
Actions that substantially impair the HA’s ability to meet program requirements.
Once a Request for Reasonable Accommodation is received, the following guidelines will
be used to evaluate the request:
Step 1: Is the disability documented or readily apparent?
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If the disability is not documented or readily apparent, the HA must obtain third
party verification that the individual is a person with a disability.
If necessary documentation is not provided or the disability is not otherwise
verifiable, the HA is not obligated to make a reasonable accommodation and may
deny the request. An applicant or participant will be advised of their right to provide
additional information for reconsideration of their request.
Step 2: Is the requested accommodation related to the disability?
If the RA is not related to the disability, the HA is not obligated to make the
accommodation and may deny the request.
If more information is needed to determine that the accommodation request is
related to the disability, the applicant will be notified that additional information is
Step 3: Is the requested accommodation reasonable?
If the RA is reasonable, the HA will approve the request. A written description of the
accommodation will be included in the approval letter.
If more information is needed, the HA will notify the applicant/participant either
verbally or in writing.
If the RA is not reasonable, the HA may deny the request or offer an alternative
accommodation. The denial will be made in writing.
Applicants and participants who have been denied reasonable accommodations are
entitled to pursue available grievance procedures, including an informal meeting
and/or hearing with the Housing Authority.
Applicants/participants are encouraged to request an informal meeting with the HA if the
applicant/participant does not agree with the outcome of their request. If they
subsequently request a different accommodation because they believe that an incorrect
accommodation was made, or that the accommodation that was made wasn’t sufficient,
the HA will decide whether to provide a different accommodation on the same basis using
the same process/verification as was made on the initial accommodation.
The law does not set a limit on the number of accommodations the HA must provide.
Every request for accommodation must be considered and provided if it does not
fundamentally alter the nature of the housing program or result in an undue financial
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and/or administrative burden. The HA may, however, require additional documentation
that the person needs the requested accommodation and that it is likely to be effective.
KCHA will not unilaterally change or discontinue a particular method of providing a
reasonable accommodation, without giving notice. A family may be required to re-verify
their need for a reasonable accommodation at the time of their annual review if there
has been a change in family composition or any other change that would affect the need
for the accommodation. Notice of change or discontinuation of a reasonable
accommodation will be given to the participant with disabilities, including the
participant’s right to appeal the decision to change or discontinue the accommodation.
Listed below is a non-exclusive list of requests where the HA has determined there may
be reason to grant an accommodation to make the program accessible to and usable by
a family member with a disability provided proper documentation is received.
Reasonable accommodation may be granted in cases where:
1. The applicant family fails to respond to the check-in letter because of the family
members disability and their application is canceled from the waiting list. If the
family can show how the disability prevented them from checking in, the application
will be reinstated in its former position on the waiting list.
2. An additional bedroom has been granted to accommodate a household member
with a disability when the additional bedroom is documented to be medically
necessary. KCHA will verify use of the extra bedroom for the documented purpose at
each annual inspection.
3. The family requests an EAS amount which is higher than the applicable amount on
the EAS schedule, provided documentation is presented to show why an increase is
needed. This increased amount will be determined by taking the families most
recent three month average of actual utility bill amounts rather than from the HA
EAS schedule. In no case will the EAS be less than that on the approved EAS
4. The family requests a live-in aide reside in their unit to provide necessary support
a. A family that consists of one or more elderly, near-elderly, or disabled persons
may request a live-in aide reside in the unit to provide necessary support
services. The request must be approved by the HA to make the program
accessible to and usable by a family member with a disability.
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b. The HA may refuse to approve a particular person as a live-in aide, or withdraw
such approval if:
i. The person commits fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in
connection with any Federal housing program;
ii. The person commits drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal
activity; or
iii. The person currently owes rent or other amounts to the HA or another HA
in connection with the Section 8 or Public Housing program.
c. While a relative is not prohibited from serving as a live-in aide (and thus having
their income excluded), they must prove that:
i. They are essential to the care and will-being of the family member (for a
person with disabilities or a person who is at least 55 years of age) and not
obligated for their support; and
ii. They must be one who would not be living in the unit except to provide the
necessary supportive services.
d. The identity (name) of the live-in aide must be presented to the HA prior to
execution of the lease.
e. Occasional, intermittent, multiple or rotating care givers do not reside in the unit
and would not qualify as living in the unit. Therefore, an additional bedroom will
not be approved under these circumstances (HUD Notice 2009-22).
Removal of a live-in aide from the unit must be reported to the HA within 30 days of
its occurrence. The family will be given 180 days from the date the live-in aide left
the unit to move in a replacement. Time limit extensions may be granted on a case-
by-case basis through the reasonable accommodation process. A family failing to
move-in a replacement live-in aide by the end of 180 days (or extension) will have
their voucher size reduced to the appropriate size for the remaining family
5. The family requests to terminate their lease prior to the end of the initial term and
the owner agrees. Generally, a family and owner shall not be allowed to mutually
terminate the lease during the first year of the lease and the family shall be
restricted to no more than one move during any one year period.
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The following subsidy standards will be used for all Project-based units except KCHA managed
properties. In those cases, please refer to the ACOP Occupancy Standards (Section 3) and
Transfer Policy (Exhibit G).
In determining the proper bedroom size for each Family, the following principles apply:
1. The subsidy standards must be applied consistently for all families of like size and
2. The subsidy standards must be in compliance with applicable State and local law.
These general principles result in the following subsidy standards: (See paragraph F
for possible exceptions to these standards.)
1. No more than two (2) persons shall be required to occupy a bedroom. At the choice
of the participant, family size may exceed the 2 people per bedroom limit by one (1) in
order to obtain or retain housing (i.e., family of five (5) may rent a 2-bedroom unit).
Approved under MTW 4/5/2004
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2. Persons of the opposite sex, other than husband and wife, shall not be required to
share a bedroom. Two (2) unrelated, unmarried adult individuals who have
indicated a current, regular relationship with each other and who have been
determined eligible as a Family shall be treated the same as husband and wife and
assigned to one bedroom.
3. Persons of different generations shall not be required to share a bedroom. As an
example, a grandmother shall not be required to share a bedroom with her children
or her grandchildren.
4. Children:
a. Children of the same sex shall share a bedroom.
b. Children of the opposite sex, with the exception of those under the age of four
(4), shall not be required to share a bedroom. At the option of the Family,
children of the opposite sex past the age of four (4) years may share the same
bedroom or living/sleeping room for continued occupancy.
c. Included in determining the bedroom size are the following:
i. All children anticipated to reside regularly in a dwelling unit. Examples
include children expected to be born to pregnant women, children who are
in the process of being adopted by an adult, or children whose custody is
being obtained by an adult.
ii. Children who are away at school, but who will live with the Family during
iii. Children who are temporarily absent from the home due to placement in
foster care.
iv. Foster children.
5. Two (2) or more single Elderly persons or persons with a disability residing in the
same dwelling unit shall be assigned to a unit so that each has a separate bedroom, or
so that the bedrooms may be occupied by two (2) persons, at the option of the Family.
6. A live-in aide who is not a member of the Family shall not be required to share a
bedroom with another unrelated member of the household. A live-in aide's family
members may reside in the unit provided doing so:
a. Does not require a larger bedroom size unit; and
b. The presence of the live-in aide’s family does not overcrowd the unit.
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7. Dwelling units shall be assigned so as not to require use of the living room for
sleeping purposes, with the exception of zero-bedroom units.
8. Space will not be provided for a family member who will be absent most of the time,
such as a member who is away in the military.
KCHA will permit Owners to enforce subsidy standards different than those listed above
when the Owner can certify that these standards are in line with landlord-tenant law.
As a general rule, KCHA’s policies attempt to limit moving families between Project-
based units. If a move is required, it will occur at the greater of 3 months from the date
of change or the families next update or full recertification, whichever comes first. Any
move shall first be approved by the landlord. KCHA may allow moves to occur upon the
Family’s annual review in the following cases:
1. When the Dwelling unit is too small for the household
At the time the family member is added to the household, where the size of the
dwelling unit is now too small for a participant family in accordance with the above
standards, the Family will be allowed the following options:
a. If there is an appropriate sized Contract Unit within the same housing
development available, the Family may transfer their assistance upon
notification to the Housing Authority.
b. If the appropriate bedroom size unit is not available under contract, but is
available in the development, KCHA may determine a reasonable and
comparable rent for the unit and change the size of that one contract unit
temporarily to accommodate the Family. When that Family moves out, the
Contract will usually revert to the original bedroom-size units under Contract,
however, on a case-by-case basis may remain the current bedroom size if
needed for a specific case.
c. If the appropriate bedroom size is not available but is under the HAP contract,
KCHA will allow the Family to remain in the unit with written approval from the
landlord until an appropriate-sized unit becomes available.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.21
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d. If the appropriate bedroom size is not under the HAP Contract, KCHA will allow
the Family to remain in the unit as long as they have approval from the landlord
and are not jeopardizing their health and safety as determined by KCHA.
e. If KCHA or the landlord does not allow a Family to remain in a unit too small for
the Family, the KCHA transfer policy applies in the case of non-supportive
housing. In the case of supportive housing, a determination will be made by both
the Housing Authority and the social service agency working with the Family.
2. The Dwelling Unit is too large for the household
At the time of the next full recertification, where it is determined that the size of the
dwelling unit is too large for a participant Family in accordance with the above
standards, the Family will be allowed the following options:
a. The Family may choose to remain in the larger unit and pay the difference in rent.
b. If the appropriate size Contract Unit within the same housing development is
available, the Family may transfer to the smaller unit upon notification by the
landlord that the unit is ready for occupancy.
c. If the appropriate bedroom size is not under the HAP contract, but is available in
the development, the Family will be given the option to move. KCHA will
determine a reasonable and comparable contract rent for the smaller size unit and
temporarily amend the contract to include the unit of the smaller size. When the
Family finally moves from the apartment complex, the contract will revert back to
the original allocation of bedroom sizes, however, on a case-by-case basis may
remain the current bedroom size if needed for a specific case.
d. If no unit in the development is the appropriate size, KCHA’s transfer policy will
be implemented in the case of non-supportive housing. In the case of supportive
housing, KCHA shall make a determination as to the best option in collaboration
with the service agency supporting the tenant.
e. Families opting to move will continue to have their rent calculated using the
higher payment standard until such time that a unit is available. Failure to move,
without good cause (see transfer policy-Exhibit G) when a unit becomes
available will require recalculation of rent using the lower payment standard and
repayment of any amounts overpaid by the HA during the waiting period.
3. Accessible Units
If, at the time of initial leasing, no other appropriately-sized Contract Unit is
available for a non-disabled Household, and an accessible unit is available with the
Approved MTW 5/20/2009
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bedroom size that the Family requires, the Household may elect to move into the
accessible unit as long as they acknowledge that, upon the Owner’s notification, the
Household will move, at their own expense, to another suitably sized vacant
Contract Unit in the project. The Household further acknowledges that the rent may
change when they move to the new unit. If the Household fails to move and return
possession of the accessible unit within an agreed time period, the subsidy will cease
and the Family will be terminated from the Project-based program.
The criteria and standards prescribed for the determination of any applicant's unit size
should apply to the vast majority of families. Unique situations, including a request for a
reasonable accommodation, may warrant the assignment of a different size unit than
stated in KCHA's subsidy standards. As an example, a Family may need an exception to
the subsidy standards for a unit that is large enough to accommodate a member of the
Family or a person associated with that Household who has a physical or mental
disability or where State, local or Federal law requires. Such exceptions must be fully
verified and documented in the Applicant or Tenant's file.
KCHA will notify an Applicant/Participant that exceptions to the standards may be
granted and of the circumstances in which the granting of an exception will be
In order to carry out the HA's responsibility to ensure that income information
provided is complete and accurate and to verify that eligibility, preference, and rental
payment determinations have been made properly, all factors affecting eligibility and
tenant payment must be verified. This requirement is a condition of admission to, or
continued occupancy of, any assisted housing unit. Failure to provide the required
verification within the stated time limits will be considered sufficient grounds for
canceling an application or termination of a Family's assistance. Age and relationship
will only be verified in those instances where needed to make a determination of level
of assistance.
To facilitate the obtaining of verification of information as may be deemed necessary
by KCHA, the Head of Household and any other member of the Family 18 or older will
be required to sign a Release of Information ("Authorization") form at the time of
application, selection for housing, and each Annual Recertification. Refusal to sign the
"Authorization" form will be sufficient cause to declare an applicant ineligible or
terminate the assistance and/or tenancy of a participant Family.
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In situations where an applicant or participant Family reports income that appears to
be less than adequate for the Family's needs, or if the Family appears to be eligible for
income that is not reported (i.e., public assistance, unemployment compensation, child
support, etc.), the absence of such income must be verified by the Family.
The HA may reject any tenant-provided documentation for the following HUD-
approved reasons:
1. The document is not an original; or
2. The original document has been altered, mutilated, or is not legible; or
3. The document appears to be a forged document.
The HA will explain to the tenant the reason(s) the submitted documents are not
acceptable and request the tenant to provide additional documentation. If at any time
the tenant is unable to provide acceptable documentation, the HA will submit a
traditional third party verification form to the third party source for completion.
For initial housings, recertifications and interim recalculations, all verification will be
considered valid if dated by the third party no later than 180 days prior to the effective
date of the action, unless a change in income and/or other information is reported or
believed to have occurred within the 180 day period.
If the Family’s source or
amount of income changes between the date reported and the initial date of housing
or full recertification, verification of the change will be required.
For interim reviews, all factors that have changed since the last review must be
reverified and updated. Reverification of factors that have not changed is not
required, even if the documentation is more than 180 days old
However, in any case listed above, if there is reason to believe the verification is no
longer valid, updated verification will be required.
1. Up-Front Income Verification through a HUD system
Approved under MTW 8/18/2008
Approved under MTW 8/18/08
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The verification of income before or during a family reexamination, through a HUD
system (i.e., EIV) that systematically and uniformly maintains income information
in computerized form for a number of individuals.
2. Up-Front Income Verification through a Non-HUD system
The verification of income before or during a family reexamination, through a Non-
HUD system (i.e., Employment Security) that systematically and uniformly
maintains income information in computerized form for a number of individuals.
3. Written Third Party
An original or authentic document generated by a third party source dated either
within the 180-day period preceding the reexamination or HA request date. Such
documents may be in the possession of the tenant (or applicant), and are
commonly referred to as tenant-provided documents. Examples include but are
not limited to: pay stubs, payroll summary report, employer notice/letter of
hire/termination, SSA benefit verification letter, bank statements, child support
payment stubs, welfare benefit letters and/or printouts, and unemployment
monetary benefit notices. Two current and consecutive pay stubs are required
when determining income from wages.
4. Written Third Party Verification Form
A standardized form to collect information from a third party source. The form is
completed by the third party by hand (in writing or typing). Usually HA’s, send the
form directly to the third party source by mail, fax, or email.
5. Third Party Oral
Independent verification of information by contacting the individual income/expense
source(s), as identified through the UIV technique or identified by the family, via
telephone or in-person visit. Documentation of the contact including the date and
time of the telephone call (or visit to the third party), the name of the person
contacted and telephone number, along with the confirmed information should be
placed in the tenants file.
6. Non-Third Party Documentation
Tenant Declaration The tenant submits an affidavit or notarized statement of
reported income and/or expenses to the HA. This verification method should be used
as a last resort when the HA has been unsuccessful in obtaining information via all
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other verification techniques. Documentation must be included in the tenant file as to
why other forms were not available. This form of verification cannot be used for the
convenience of the applicant/participant nor in a situation where an
applicant/participant claims to be unable to remember necessary information.
HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system will be used when possible to verify
tenant income in the following manner:
1. For each new admission, the HA is required to print/review the EIV income report
within 120 days of the PIC submission to confirm income reported by the family
and resolve any income discrepancy (see below) with the family within 60 days of
the EIV income report date;
2. For each interim reexamination of family income and composition, the HA is
required to have the following documentation in the file:
a. The Individual Control Number (ICN) page when there is no discrepancy in
listed income, or
b. The EIV income report plus appropriate third party documentation when there
is a discrepancy in listed income.
3. For each full recertification of family income and composition, the HA is required
to have the following documentation in the file:
a. No dispute of EIV information: EIV income report, current acceptable tenant-
provided documentation, and if necessary, traditional third party verification.
b. Disputed EIV information: EIV income report, current acceptable tenant-
provided documentation, and traditional third party documentation.
c. Tenant-reported income not verifiable through EIV: Current tenant-provided
documents and traditional third party documentation.
If the EIV report reveals an income source that was not reported by the tenant or
there is a substantial difference between the tenant-provided information and the
information obtained using EIV ($200 or more per month or $2400 annually), the HA is
required to take the following action:
1. Discuss the income discrepancy with the tenant; and
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2. Request the tenant to provide any documentation to confirm or dispute amount;
3. In the event the tenant is unable to provide acceptable documentation to resolve
the income discrepancy, the HA is required to request from the third party source,
any information necessary to resolve the income discrepancy; and
4. For KCHA managed properties if an income discrepancy is found, the HA shall
determine if it was intentional or due to administrative error and shall pursue
appropriate legal action if necessary; and
5. Determine the tenant’s underpayment of rent; and
6. Make any adjustments retroactively, if applicable;
7. Create a repayment agreement for the balance owed by the resident following
procedures outlined in Section 20.
For more specific guidelines on verification requirements for income, assets, family
composition, preferences, Social Security numbers, Immigration status, etc., see
Exhibit E.
1. In cases where the most recent income and family composition information
supplied by the tenant result in the tenant being responsible for the entire rent
amount requested by the landlord, no further income verification will be
Any subsequent reduction in income resulting in the resumption of a
Housing assistance payment, will fall under the normal verification guidelines.
2. Public Housing Unit Conversion For former Public Housing units converting to
Project-based, at the time of initial conversion, KCHA may use income and family
composition verification used for the most recent review (interim, update, or full
recertification) provided it is no more than 12 months old.
Approved under MTW 10/9/03
Approved under MTW 4/11/12
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When a Family accepts an offer of a Project-based unit, the Family must receive an oral
briefing to learn their responsibilities and rights under the program, as well as the
responsibilities of the Owner. Briefings may be given individually or in groups, in
person or by phone, depending on the circumstances surrounding the housing.
Applicants needing to reschedule their briefing date due to extraordinary
circumstances must notify KCHA in advance. However, if an Owner feels that the time
needed to reschedule and conduct a rescheduled briefing is excessive and the Owner
is not willing to wait for the applicant to participate in a briefing, the Owner may
choose to disqualify the applicant after one missed briefing.
At KCHA’s discretion, and based generally upon the size and location of the program,
an Owner may be permitted to conduct briefings for the Owner’s project. The Owner
must assign a specific representative to conduct the briefings. The Owner’s
representative must complete a training conducted by KCHA regarding the information
in this section and any additional documentation needed at the time of the briefing.
Each briefing conducted by an Owner’s representative must be reported to KCHA upon
completion. The report must include the name and signature of the person who
conducted the briefing. Section 8 will monitor owner-conducted briefings at least once
All briefings will cover the following areas:
1. A description of how the program works including the fact that there is no
continuing Section 8 assistance if the Family moves from the Project-based unit and
that the Owner must sign an initial year lease changing to a month-to-month status
following the first year;
2. Statement of Family Responsibilities;
3. In briefing a Family that includes any person with disabilities, KCHA will take
appropriate steps to ensure effective communication in accordance with federal
Approved MTW Policy Section V.23
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requirements or the Family may designate a representative to receive this
4. The housing quality standards procedures for Family and Owner inspections;
5. Information on significant aspects of Federal, State and local Fair Housing laws and
how they affect their participation in the Project-based Assistance program;
6. KCHA's informal review and hearing procedures for applicants and participants;
7. HUD and HA required forms, including the fact that the Family may obtain copies
of the HQS and other pertinent forms or documents on request;
8. KCHA subsidy standards, circumstances regarding inappropriate unit size, unit size
information (including exceptions);
9. Information on Terminations of tenancy and Landlord requirements to terminate
tenancy for cause;
10. Information on Penalties for perjury, misrepresentation, fraud in the application.
KCHA will ensure that every new Participant receives an information packet. This can
be given to them at their briefing, faxed to them, or in the case of Transitional
Housing, delivered to them by their Landlord. The packet will include information on
the following:
1. The Statement of Family Responsibilities Form (827PB); including the grounds on
which KCHA may terminate assistance for a Participant Family because of Family
action or failure to act;
2. How KCHA determines the Family’s portion of the rent, the housing assistance
payment, the payment standard and KCHA EAS table;
3. The applicable Project-based "lease addendum” (H52530C and 830PB);
4. HA subsidy standards, including when KCHA will consider granting exceptions to
the standards;
5. The HUD lead-based paint (LBD) brochure (Most current year);
6. Information on Federal, State and local Fair Housing laws, and a copy of the
housing discrimination complaint form (HUD Form 903);
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7. A statement of what information KCHA will provide to the Owner regarding current
and past tenant rental information;
8. HA informal hearing procedures. This information will describe when KCHA is
required to give a participant Family the opportunity for an informal hearing:
9. HA requirements for reporting changes affecting income or family composition and
the form to complete in the case of changes.
10. Rent program rules (WIN & EASY)
11. Tenant rights under VAWA-Domestic Violence (H5380)
Applicants unable to attend a briefing due to a disability may request a reasonable
accommodation such as having the briefing presented at an alternative location. If the
head of household or spouse is a disabled person, KCHA will take appropriate steps to
assure effective communication in conducting the briefing and in providing the written
information packet, including in alternative formats.
KCHA will take reasonable steps to assure meaningful access by persons with limited
English proficiency in accordance with the obligations contained in the Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 13166.
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All units will be inspected prior to initial leasing to determine that the unit is in compliance
with minimum Housing Quality Standards (HQS). A unit's subsidy will not begin or continue
until the unit has passed its HQS Inspection.
As the purpose of these inspections is to determine the livability of each unit according to the
Standards set by HUD, the inspections will pass judgments only on housing conditions that are
visible. Hazards which are within wall systems, or which require testing to detect (other than
Lead-based paint), are beyond the scope of an HQS inspection. By participating in this
inspection, the inspector is expressing an opinion only regarding the quality and condition of
the matters reported upon and nothing contained in the inspection report shall be considered
as a representation of any fact or as a warranty by it as to quality or condition. The Family and
Owner will be required to sign a Lease Addendum acknowledging the purpose and limitations
of the HQS inspection. Inspections may be conducted in-person or virtually at the discretion of
the HA and with the consent of the owner and tenant.
The inspections are based upon the information contained in the Housing Inspection Manual,
24 CFR Part 982.401, and the MTW Agreement as guides in explaining and interpreting
Housing Quality Standards. A qualified HQS Inspector will perform all annual inspections.
KCHA-qualified owners’ representatives will perform some inspections as detailed below. In
addition, the inspection will be governed by State and local law and local fire codes
concerning identification of units and operation and placement of smoke detectors.
1. Initial Inspection
a. Prior to proposal selection, the site will be examined to determine if the units
substantially comply with KCHA’s inspection standards. Units qualifying as
“Existing” must meet HQS within 180 days of selection
b. KCHA will inspect developments under application at the time of contract
execution. Each unit must pass the inspection prior to signing of the contract and
occupancy of the unit. For former Public Housing and other KCHA owned units
converting to Project-based, KCHA may substitute the most recent passed unit
inspection in lieu of performing a new inspection provided the unit inspection is no
more than 12 months old.
2. Recertification Inspections
KCHA has established Annual and Biennial Inspection schedules that consider the type and
condition of the unit to ensure compliance with HQS and related HUD and KCHA
Approved MTW Policy Section V.9
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regulation and policies. Inspections (Annual and Biennial) will be scheduled 60 to 120 days
in advance of the next scheduled inspection due date to help ensure units are inspected
no less than once every 12 or 24 months as detailed below. Units will be considered in
compliance with HQS requirements if the inspection is passed prior to the annual or
biennial inspection due date
a. Annual Inspections
Following the initial inspection, Annual inspections will be completed for all (1) Single
Family units and (2) units located within developments that do not qualify for the
Biennial Inspection schedule outlined in 2(b) below. This Annual inspection cycle will
not be tied to the anniversary of the move-in date. The first Annual inspection
following the initial inspection will occur no less than 8 months from the initial move-in
date and no more than 20 months from the initial move-in date. All subsequent
inspections will occur within 12 months of last inspection.
b. Biennial Inspections
Following initial inspection, units located in multi-family developments meeting the
following standards will be inspected using a Biennial (at least once every 24
month) cycle:
i. The unit is located in a development that meets KCHA’s initial
inspection rating of average or higher.
ii. The HA does not have a record of outstanding residential/building code
violations for the site and the site does not have a history of repeated
residential/building code non-compliance;
iii. The owner and/or tenant do not have a history of HQS non-compliance
that has resulted in the need for rent abatement or termination of
program participation;
iv. The HA does not have a record of substantiated community or tenant
complaints regarding the owner/landlord’s failure to properly maintain
units in accordance with established Housing Quality Standards.
The Biennial inspection cycle will not be tied to the anniversary of the move-in.
Rather, units within the development will be divided into to two groups based on the
month housed. Units housed in even numbered months will be inspected in even
numbered years and those housed during odd numbered months inspected in odd
numbered years. Using this schedule, some inspections will be completed within the
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first 12 months of initial occupancy in order to properly align future inspections with
the appropriate biennial inspection schedule.
Developments that fall out of compliance with the standards listed above will be
designated as ineligible to have units inspected under the HA’s streamlined Biennial
inspection process. During this period, all units in the development will revert to the
Annual inspection schedule outlined in section 2(a) above.
3. Special Inspections
At the request of the Owner, tenant, or other interested party, the HA will perform special
4. Reinspection
The HA will conduct reinspections only on units that failed as a result of major failures An
extensive list of minor and major fail items will be kept by the HQS Inspection Coordinator
and will be reviewed periodically with the inspection team for possible revisions (See
Exhibit O). The list may be updated without approval by the Board of Directors
If any “fail” items are discovered, the HA will contact the Owner regarding the HQS violations.
Once notified, the Owner has two options:
1. They may correct all failed items on their own, regardless of who actually caused the
damage; or
2. They may make a determination which failed items are caused by the tenant and require
the tenant to make the repairs. If this option is chosen, the Owner must notify both the
Housing Authority and the tenant explaining which items the tenant will be responsible for
and when the repairs must be made.
For failed items requiring reinspection, the Housing Authority will give the Owner a
reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiencies. If the violation is considered life
threatening, the repairs must be made within no more than 24 hours from notification
(Examples include: No hot or cold water, no electricity, major plumbing or natural gas leak,
exposed electrical wiring, etc.). All other repairs must be corrected within no more than 30
calendar days (or any HA-approved extension).
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If the repairs have not been made by the required date, the HA will determine who is
responsible for the repair of each item not corrected. Failure by the Owner to correct the
“owner” caused fail items within the time frame will result in abatement of the HAP until the
corrections are made. Should the abatement continue for 30 days, the HA may place further
restrictions on the Owner. Failure by the Family to correct the “tenant” caused fail items
within the time frame allowed will result in termination of assistance. The HA will not hold
the Owner responsible for a breach of the HQS determined to be caused by the Family.
The Housing Authority has established procedures to eliminate, as far as practical, lead-based
paint hazards in housing occupied by participants receiving Project-based assistance. The
following Lead-based paint procedures apply to all Project-based units built prior to 1978 in
the following manner:
1. Multifamily properties. (24 CFR 35.715)
For these properties, owners will be required to complete a Lead-based paint risk
assessment prior to signing a Project-based contract with the HA. The risk assessment
must be performed by a state-approved Risk Assessor. After completion of the risk
assessment, the Owner shall incorporate ongoing lead-based paint maintenance and
reevaluation into the regular building operations unless all lead-based paint has been
2. Single-family properties. (24 CFR 35.720)
For these properties, owners are not required to complete a Lead-based paint risk
assessment prior to signing a Project-based contract. However, the Tenant-based Lead-
based paint regulations will be applied to all units (built prior to 1978) regardless of the
age of the Family members.
The HA will abide by 24 CFR part 35 for inspection and treatment of affected Lead-based paint
surfaces (See Exhibit M). This includes communication with the local health department
regarding children with elevated blood lead levels.
In association with HUD and through the HA MTW agreement, the following upgrades have
been made to the minimum Housing Quality Standards:
1. The drain line attached to the pressure relief valve on all hot water heaters must extend to
within at least 6 inches off the floor.
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2. All units must have unit numbers located on the unit and visible from the street (per King
County Fire Code).
3. Window locks must by permanently attached to the window or window frame. Sticks are
no longer a substitute for a locking device.
4. In addition to published requirements, all rooms to be considered a bedroom (unless the
room was originally designed and intended for use as a bedroom) must:
a. have a window in an exterior wall;
b. have four permanent walls (no curtains or freestanding dividers);
c. have an entry way which can be closed for privacy (doors preferred but not required);
d. have an acceptable permanent heat source with the room, except when a heat source,
which is completely adequate for both rooms, is adjacent to this room;
e. be at least seventy (70) square feet (per WSC);
f. not be used for any other purpose other than sleeping (i.e. laundry room, bathroom,
5. In addition to published requirements, all rooms to be considered a living/sleeping room,
a. have a window in an exterior wall;
b. have at least three permanent walls;
c. have an acceptable permanent heat source with the room, except when a heat source,
which is completely adequate for both rooms, is adjacent to this room;
d. not be one of the following rooms: kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, or
garage/attached shed;
e. be limited to only one per unit.
6. Units rented under the Project-based program must be for the exclusive use of the
members of the family listed on the lease and their belongings. Use of any portion of the
unit for storage or other use by someone other than the family is prohibited. Detached
units such as a shed or garage are exempt from this rule if the family does not have access
to the unit and will not be responsible for any utility cost associated with the detached
7. Per state law RCW 19.27.530 all owners of non-owner occupied dwelling units will be
required to install and maintain carbon monoxide alarms outside each sleeping area with
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at least one on each level of the residence. Installation must be in accordance with code
and manufacturer's instructions.
1. Transitional housing inspections
KCHA will allow contracted owners to designate a representative to perform initial
inspections for Supportive Housing targeted for the Homeless upon unit turnover and
when the tenant moves within a development. Only the person trained by KCHA’s Section
8 HQS Inspection Coordinator is permitted to conduct and sign-off that these inspections
have passed. This owner’s representative will certify that all such units have been
inspected and meet the required housing quality standards. KCHA will continue to conduct
annual inspections of all units. All HQS guidelines and HA upgrades will apply. Copies of all
inspections performed must be submitted to the HA for review.
2. KCHA Managed Properties
KCHA managed properties will be inspected by Housing Authority staff or staff appointed
by the Housing Authority.
3. All Other Project-Based Units
For all units other than those listed above, a Section 8 HQS Inspector will conduct all initial
and turnover inspections.
4. Shared Housing and group homes
In shared family/group housing units with Project-based subsidies, the following additions
apply to the HQS:
a. At initial occupancy or upon turnover of the entire unit a full HQS inspection will be
conducted by the Housing Authority.
i. Initial inspections will not be conducted when turnover occurs for less than the
entire unit.
ii. Annual inspections will be conducted by the Housing Authority in accordance with
paragraph A of this Section for the entire unit.
b. The entire unit must provide adequate space and security for all residents (whether
assisted or not);
c. Each unit must contain private space for each assisted family, plus common space for
shared use by the residents of the unit;
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d. The private space for each assisted family must contain at least one bedroom for each
two persons in the Family;
e. A zero or one-bedroom unit may not be used as a group home or for shared housing.
f. A group home must contain a living room, dining area, kitchen, minimum of one
bathroom for every four persons, one sleeping room of appropriate size for every two
persons, and other appropriate social or recreational community space.
g. A cooking stove or range and a refrigerator(s) of appropriate size in sufficient quantity
for the number of occupants shall be present. The stove and refrigerator must be
included with the unit and may not be provided by the tenant(s).
h. A group home that accommodates physically disabled occupants with wheelchairs or
other special equipment shall provide access to all sanitary facilities and shall provide,
as appropriate, basins and toilets of appropriate height, grab bars to toilets, showers
and/or tubs; shower seats; and adequate space for movement. The unit shall be free
of architectural barriers which impede access or use, and handrails and ramps shall be
provided, as appropriate.
i. An emergency exit plan shall be developed and explained to the occupants. Regular
fire inspections shall be conducted by appropriate local officials. First aid supplies and
fire extinguishers shall be readily accessible throughout the group home. Smoke and
carbon monoxide detectors shall be provided and emergency phone numbers shall be
available at each phone and provided to each occupant. All emergency and safety
procedures shall meet applicable State and local standards.
j. The group home shall be located in a residential setting similar in size and appearance
to housing generally found in the neighborhood. The unit shall be within walking
distance or accessible via transportation to medical and other appropriate commercial
and community service facilities.
k. In determining whether a group home resembles housing in the neighborhood,
consideration shall be given as to whether the group home is residential in
appearance, the number of people housed, or its method of providing services.
When there is evidence of infestation, but it is not possible to determine the extent of
infestation, the property must be inspected by a qualified extermination firm and, if
necessary, treated for the infestation.
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A report of every unit inspection and reinspection will be maintained in the Family’s file
according to KCHA’s record retention policies and will reflect:
1. Any defects or deficiencies in the unit that need correcting to meet HQS; and
2. Other defects or deficiencies observed by the HA inspector (for use if the Owner later
claims that the defects or deficiencies were caused by the Family).
Neither 24 CFR Part 982 nor anything in this Section creates any right of the Family, or any
party other than HUD or the HA, to require enforcement of the HQS requirements by HUD or
the HA, or assert any claim against HUD or the HA, for damages, injunction or other relief, for
alleged failure to enforce the HQS.
To promote consistency in inspections, a supervisor (or designee) will randomly reinspect a
sampling of the HQS inspections. The minimum number of files and/or inspections checked
shall be checked using the following formula: For HQS inspections and HQS enforcement 30
files for the first 2000 units under contract plus 1 for each additional 200. If any "fail” items
are discovered at these monitoring inspections, the following will occur:
1. The Owner and tenant will be contacted by mail to ensure that the corrections are made.
Items which violate HQS will be treated in the same manner as described in paragraph B of
this section.
2. The inspections will be regularly analyzed to determine if any patterns of errors occur.
Information derived from this analysis will then be used in the HA's on-going HQS Training
In addition, the HA will monitor at least an additional 5% of the units that qualified for self-
certification as a result of minor fail items. If, as a result of the monitoring inspection, it is
found that the items have not been repaired and it is determined that the Owner intentionally
misrepresented the correction of these items, self-certification will no longer be an option for
this owner. Depending on the severity of the misrepresentation, the HA reserves the right to
implement other sanctions against the Owner including abatement or termination of the
Housing Assistance Payments contract.
A HQS supervisor or qualified appointee will also randomly reinspect a minimum of 5% of the
transitional units initially inspected during the year. If any "fail” items are discovered at these
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monitoring inspections, the owner and tenant will be contacted by mail to ensure that the
corrections are made and if repairs are not made, the Section 8 HQS Inspection Coordinator
may revoke the Owner’s ability to conduct initial inspections.
As part of its MTW program, the HA may develop and implement one or more HQS pilot
programs that allow testing of potential modifications to inspection protocols on a limited
basis. Such pilot programs are intended to allow further analysis regarding how a
proposed change might impact (both positively and negatively) program operations
leading to informed decisions regarding the potential to implement changes program-
wide. Any pilot program will be documented and approved by the Executive Director (or
his designee) prior to implementation. Documentation will include:
1. The specific changes to HQS protocols the pilot will examine.
2. Plan for implementation, including but not limited to.
a. Timelines for the pilot, including how long it is expected to run, when data points will
be collected (reporting frequency) and when a final determination regarding whether
the pilot is successful will be completed.
b. Size and scope of the units included. How will the HA determine whether a unit
and/or landlord qualifies to participate in the pilot program?
c. Anticipated outcomes and how will they be measured to determine success or failure.
For example: What data points will be analyzed to determine the effects, both positive
and negative of the pilot? How will success of the program be defined?
3. If modification of a pilot plan becomes necessary, the change and the reasons for it must
be documented and approved by the Executive Director (or designee).
A change which has been piloted and which has been deemed successful such that the HA
wishes to make it a permanent change will be documented in the Administrative Plan.
To assure that each Family participating in the Project-based Program is meeting the
eligibility requirements for continued participation and to calculate the appropriate
Total Tenant Payment for each Family, their eligibility status, Total Family Income,
Family Composition, and all allowable deductions will be reviewed periodically. The
frequency of the scheduled recertification, other than for Transitional Housing
(described below) is determined by the rent calculation method (EASY Rent or WIN
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Rent) assigned to the household. Should a family change from one program to the
other, the change will occur at their next full recertification.
1. Transitional Housing Program
As the scheduled stay in Transitional Housing is to last no longer than 24 months,
there is no need to perform a second annual review. In the event a participant
remains in the unit longer than 24 months, the rent amount will continue on a
month-to-month basis for an additional 3 months or until the Family moves from the
unit, whichever is less. If the Family is still in the unit after 27 months, a full review
will be performed to determine the tenant’s new rental portion.
The information gathered at the recertification includes the minimum necessary to
certify the household’s continued eligibility for program participation and proper
assignment of unit size. Regularly scheduled recertifications will be completed every 3
years for EASY Rent Households and every 2 years for WIN Rent households as detailed
in this Plan. The Housing Authority will send a notification letter to the family letting
them know that it is time for their recertification. The letter includes information for
families who may need to request an accommodation due to a disability of a family
As a general rule, the recertification process shall begin 90-120 days in advance of the
scheduled anniversary date so that the Family and Owner can be given reasonable
notice of any changes. The family will provide all information regarding income, assets,
expenses, and other information necessary to determine the family's Total Tenant
Payment (TTP). Where appropriate, the Authority shall use the same procedures for
obtaining, verifying, and calculating information that were used at admission and will
compare the information the Family reports to the Family's most recent recertification
and to information available through HUD’s EIV system to identify any discrepancies.
Upon receipt of verification, the Housing Authority will determine the family's annual
income and will calculate the rent according to the terms of the applicable EASY Rent or
WIN Rent program as outlined in this Plan.
If the Family fails or refuses to provide the information needed (information that the HA
determines the Family is capable of supplying) within the required time limits, the HA
shall begin the process of terminating the Family from the Section 8 Program and ending
the lease.
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Once rent is established during the recertification, the rental rate shall remain in place
until the next scheduled recertification or until circumstances occur that qualify for an
Interim or Special rent adjustment as described in this policy.
Any rent adjustment determined as a result of the recertification process will generally
be effective at the Tenant's anniversary date, with thirty (30) days’ notice of any rent
increase to the family.
If the rent determination is delayed due to a reason beyond the control of the family,
any rent increase will be effective the first of the month after the month in which the
family receives a 30-day notice of the amount. (The family’s recertification date will not
change as a result of such a delay in implementation of the increased rent.) If the
change results in a reduction in rent, the reduction will be effective on the anniversary
When the Family causes an unreasonable delay in the reexamination process and the
Family's rent decreases, the HA shall implement the decrease the first of the month
following the completion of the reexamination processing. A rent increase under these
circumstances will be retroactive to the scheduled anniversary date. (The family’s
review date will not change as a result of such a delay in implementation of the
decreased rent.)
Under the Project-based program owners are allowed to request an increase in rent 60
days prior to the anniversary date of the contract. Any approved rent adjustment will
be implemented for new participants at the time of their housing.
The increase for
current participants will be implemented at their next update or full recertification,
whichever comes first.
1. Recertification Every 3 Years: Under the EASY Rent program, Fixed Income
Households will undergo a complete Recertification every three (3) years. In
completing the recertification, the Housing Authority will follow the general
guidelines established in Section B above. Following completion of the
recertification, the tenant’s rent will be set at 28% of household adjusted income.
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Aprroved under MTW 11/1/10
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a. In intervening years, income and rent will be automatically adjusted to reflect
(COLA) increases applied to Social Security and SSI income received by the
household as well as any changes to the contract rent amount or adjustments to
the EAS. No other changes in rent will be processed during the intervening years,
except as outlined in Sections F and G below.
b. Families remain subject to regularly scheduled Unit Inspections.
c. EASY Rent Households will remain subject to certification requirements
applicable to overlaying programs, such as those of the Low Income Tax Credit
(LIHTC) program. However, these certifications will be conducted to determine
the residents continued eligibility for program participation only. Actual tenant
rent will be calculated according to the criteria established in this plan.
1. Recertification Every 2 Years: Under the WIN Rent program, households will
undergo a complete recertification every two (2) years. The WIN Rent program
utilizes “income bands” to group resident income and allows income to grow
without an immediate change in their required monthly rent. In completing the
recertification, the Housing Authority will follow the general guidelines established
in Section B above. Following completion of the recertification, the tenant’s rent
will be set at the level equal to the Gross Rent Amount associated with the Income
Band within which the household’s Adjusted Gross Income falls.
a. In intervening years, adjustment to rent may result from changes to the contract
rent amount requested by the Owner or adjustments to the EAS. Income and
rent WILL NOT be adjusted to reflect increased income received by the
household except as outlined in Sections G and H below.
b. Families remain subject to regularly scheduled unit inspections.
c. WIN Rent Households will remain subject to certification requirements
applicable to overlaying programs, such as those of the Low Income Housing Tax
Credit (LIHTC) program. However, these certifications will be conducted to
determine the residents continued eligibility for program participation only.
Actual tenant rent will be calculated according to the criteria established in the
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1. KCHA Required Interim Reviews: An interim review will be required in the following
a. Whenever the family seeks approval to add a member to the household.
However, tenant rent will be changed only when:
For WIN Rent Households: The addition of the household member results in
increasing household income above the current income band;
For EASY Rent Households: The addition of the household member results in
an increase in household income of greater than $2,000;
b. When a family removes or changes a live-in aide;
c. When a family is removed from the Earned Income Disregard;
d. Increases in income for a household that is currently paying the Minimum Rent,
on a minimum rent waiver or has a reported income of $0. In such cases, interim
reviews will be required until the household no longer qualifies for the minimum
e. An increase in income following a reported decrease in income that results in a
change in rent;
f. Discovery of Errors, misrepresentation and/or fraud.
Increases in household income that are not the result of one of the actions listed
above will not be included in the rent calculation until the next full recertification for
a household.
2. Tenant Requested Interim Reviews: Upon request, KCHA will complete an interim
review under the following circumstances:
a. For WIN Rent Households:
i. A Household composition change resulting in a decrease in income
below the current income band;
ii. A decrease in income that results in a drop in income below the current
income band;
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iii. Increase in unreimbursed childcare expenses greater than $2,000 when
total childcare expenses exceed $2,500 (available only to households
eligible to claim a reduction in gross income for childcare expenses);
iv. Increase in unreimbursed medical expenses greater than $2,000 when
total medical expenses exceed $2,500 (WIN Rent households must be
granted an exception under KCHA’s Hardship Policy in order to qualify for
a deduction for medical expenses); or
v. Discovery of errors, misrepresentation and/or fraud.
Under the WIN Rent program, households are limited to two (2) tenant-
requested Interim reviews in any two-year recertification cycle.
When completing a tenant requested interim to reduce rent, all sources of
income received by the household (including employment income of household
members who have turned 21 since the last full recertification) together with all
current out-of-pocket expenses for childcare will be included in calculation of the
adjusted rent.
b. For EASY Rent Households:
i. A Household composition change resulting in a reduction in household
income greater than $2,000;
ii. A decrease in income in an amount greater than $2,000 through no fault
of their own;
iii. Increase in unreimbursed medical expenses greater than $2,000 when
total medical expenses exceed $2,500; or
iv. Discovery of errors, misrepresentation and/or fraud.
3. Interim recertifications will only be processed if the effect of the loss of income is
expected to be longer than thirty (30) days. KCHA will not reduce the rent of a
household due to a reduction in welfare assistance specifically due to fraud or
failure to participate in an economic self-sufficiency program or comply with a work
activities requirement. This exception does not apply if: (i) the reduction results
from the expiration of a lifetime limit on receiving benefits; (ii) as required the family
members have sought, but cannot find, employment; (iii) the family has complied
with welfare program requirements but loses assistance because of a durational
time limit such as a cap on benefits for a period of no more than 2 years in a 5 year
Interim rents remain in place until the next scheduled recertification or until the
household experiences an increase in rent, whichever comes first. Households
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receiving an interim rent reduction must report any subsequent income increase to
the Housing Authority within thirty (30) days of occurrence. Failure to report within
the thirty (30) day period will result in retroactive rent charges and may result in
Housing Authority action to terminate tenancy.
If at the time of the income determination it is not possible to make an estimate of
Adjusted Income for the next twelve month period with any degree of accuracy because
of no current income or unstable past income patterns, KCHA shall determine current
rent based on available income data and annualize this amount. A Special Review shall
then be scheduled for a specified time (30, 60, 90, or 120 days) depending upon KCHA's
estimate of the time required for the Family circumstances to stabilize. This process
shall be continued, if necessary up to the Family's next full recertification, until such
time as a reasonable estimate of Adjusted Income can be made.
If income has changed at the time of any Special Review, the rate of income shall again
be projected for a twelve-month period and rent charged accordingly.
If at any time the Family reports it has zero income, Special Reviews may be scheduled
until such time as a stable source of income is reported (See Exhibit C, item I.R for
additional information). If a Family is eligible for certain sources of income but claims
they do not have any income, the Family shall be required to document that they are
not receiving income to which they are entitled.
1. Reporting of Changes
Families are required to report the following changes in writing to the Housing
Authority within 30 business days of their occurrence:
a. Changes affecting family composition; and
b. Any increase in income
Failure to properly report required changes could be cause for termination of
tenancy and/or housing assistance payments; and, if applicable, shall require a
retroactive rent charge.
Whenever additional members are being added to the household (other than
newborn children), written permission must be obtained (in advance) from KCHA
and the Landlord. A person being added to the household must meet KCHA's
eligibility requirements and standards prior to being added to the household. The
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same standards of eligibility and tenant suitability that KCHA uses for applicants shall
be used in evaluating a person who is joining a Family already in occupancy.
2. Processing of Reported Changes
Upon receipt of the reported information, the changes will be processed in the
following manner:
a. If the change qualifies for an interim review, KCHA will:
i. Consider all current family income and deduction
Childcare amounts must be verified in all cases;
Medical amounts should only be verified if the change affects the medical
Income from family members who have turned 21 since the last review
should now be included in total family income.
ii. Notify the tenant within fourteen (14) business days that the review will be
iii. Always give the tenant thirty (30) days written notice of a rent increase.
b. If the change does not qualify for an interim review, KCHA will notify the tenant
within thirty (30) calendar days that the review will not be conducted.
c. Whenever there is evidence that additional changes to income for family
composition will occur as a result of the reported changes, KCHA reserves the
right to delay processing an interim review for a period not to exceed thirty (30)
days in order to allow the situation to stabilize.
3. Effective Date of Rent Changes/Retroactive Charges
a. Increased Tenant Rent
i. If the change has been reported as required and results in an interim review,
the increased rent shall be made effective the first of the second month
following the month in which the change in family income or composition
ii. If the change has been reported as required and results in an interim review,
and the processing of the interim review is delayed due to the fault of KCHA,
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the rent increase shall be effective the first of the month thirty (30) days
following the processed change.
iii. If the change has not been reported as required, or if the tenant fails to
provide the required information, and an interim review would have been
processed, the Family shall be determined to have caused an unreasonable
delay in the interim review process. The rent will be increased the first of the
month thirty (30) days following the processed change. However, the
effective date of the increase will be the first of the month following the date
the change occurred. Any money due KCHA as a result of the difference
between the date the rent was increased and the effective date of the
increase will be charged to the tenant as retroactive rent.
b. Decreased Tenant Rent
i. If the change has been reported as required on or before the 22
day of the
month, a decrease in tenant rent shall be effective the first of the month
following the change. If the change has been reported as required, but after
the 22
day of the month, a decrease in rent shall be effective the first of the
second month following the month in which the change occurred. However,
no downward rent adjustments shall be processed until all the facts have
been verified, even if a retroactive adjustment results.
KCHA will not reduce the total tenant payment because of a reduction in
the Family’s welfare assistance specifically because of fraud or failure to
participate in an economic self-sufficiency program or to comply with a
work activities requirement. This exception does not apply if the
reduction results from:
o The expiration of a lifetime limit on receiving benefits;
o When a family has sought, but cannot find, employment;
o The Family has complied with welfare program requirements but
loses welfare because of a durational time limit such as a cap on
welfare benefits for a period of no more than two year in a five year
period; or
ii. If the change has not been reported as required, a decrease in tenant rent
shall be effective the first of the second month following the date the change
was reported.
c. Discovery of Errors
If an error in rent is revealed at any time, KCHA shall make adjustments to
correct the error as follows:
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i. If the error was due to misrepresentation/fraud (i.e., not reporting a change,
withholding information, etc.) and corrective actions result in an increased
tenant rent, such rent shall be retroactive to the first month following the
day the misrepresentation occurred. Unless otherwise agreed to by KCHA, all
retroactive rent charges shall be payable the first of the month following
determination of the charge.
ii. If the error was the fault of the tenant and corrective action results in
decreased rent, such decrease shall be effective the first of the month
following the date when the error was discovered.
iii. If the error was not the fault of the tenant and corrective action results in
increased tenant rent, such rent shall be effective the first of the second
month following the date the error was discovered.
iv. If the error was not the fault of the tenant and corrective action results in
decreased tenant rent, the change in rent shall be made retroactive to the
effective date the error was made, and the tenant shall be reimbursed
Before a debt is assessed against a participant or owner, the HA’s claim that a debt is
owed to King County Housing Authority must be properly documented, which shall
include a clear written explanation of the method used to calculate the debt. The debt
file, with all supporting documentation, shall be made available to the owner or the
participant who owes the debt. When fraud is involved, the HA may refer a participant’s
or owner’s case to the HUD Inspector General, in addition to pursuing any available civil
remedy against the participant or owner.
1. Methods of Debt Collection
a. Every effort shall be made to collect all debts owed, which includes, but is not
limited to:
Demands for lump sum payments;
Execution of a payment agreement;
Partial abatements when appropriate;
Reductions in HAP in cases of an owner owing the HA;
Use of collection agencies; and
Securing judgments.
2. Payment Agreements
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a. A payment agreement is a written agreement entered into between the HA and
a person who is indebted to the HA. It shall contain a promise to repay the debt,
details regarding the nature of the debt, the terms of payment, any special
provisions, and the remedies available to the HA in the event of a default by the
debtor. Payment agreements must be signed and dated by the HA and the head
of household and spouse/co-head (if applicable).
b. The HA, at its sole discretion, may enter into payment agreements with owners
or participants. The HA will generally not enter into payment agreements when:
There is an existing payment agreement between KCHA and the owner or
The HA determines that the owner or participant has committed or has
attempted to commit program fraud; or
The HA determines that the amount owed is more than the owner or
participant can repay based on their current income and the time limits for
repayment (see below).
c. The HA shall prescribe the terms and conditions of any payment agreement
based on the following criteria:
Amounts $600 or under must be repaid within 12 months.
Amounts between $601 and $1200 must be repaid within 24 months.
Amounts between $1201 and the Federal or State threshold for criminal
prosecution must be repaid within 36 months.
d. The monthly payment shall be the greater of $50 or the total amount due
divided by the number of months in the terms stated above. Payments may be
made by Personal Check, Cashier Check or Money Order. Cash will not be
accepted. All payments are due by the close of business on the last day of the
month. If that day does not fall on a working day, the due date is the close of
business on the first working day following the last day of the month.
e. If the above payment schedule causes an undue hardship and the family can
provide satisfactory evidence to the HA that the plan would cause an undue
hardship, the HA has the discretion to require a lesser payment over a longer
period of time.
f. If the family refuses to repay the debt, enter into a repayment agreement, or
breaches a repayment agreement, the HA will terminate the assistance upon
notification to the family and pursue other modes of collection. Families will
have the right to grieve the termination or to ask for a Reasonable
Accommodation to the payment schedule, if applicable.
3. Late or Missed Payments
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a. If full payment is not received by the end of the business day on the date due,
and prior approval for the missed or partial payment has not been given by the
HA, the HA will send the family a delinquency notice giving the family 10
business days to make the late payment. If the payment is not received by the
due date of the delinquency notice, it will be considered a breach of the
agreement and the HA will terminate assistance. If a family receives three
delinquency notices for unexcused late payments in a 12-month period, the
repayment agreement will be considered in default, and the HA will terminate
assistance in accordance with administrative policy.
b. The Section 8 Associate Director may approve a decrease or temporary deferral
(up to 6 months) of the monthly payment for participants who experience a
hardship (such as loss of income or a medical situation), provided that the
participant requests a hardship in a reasonable time, provides verification of the
hardship, and has been in compliance with the terms of the agreement up until
the hardship. The change in monthly payment shall be an attachment to the
payment agreement and shall be signed by the Section 8 Senior Housing
Program Manager and the participant(s). The term of the payment agreement
shall be lengthened accordingly.
4. Debts owed by New Applicants
a. Generally a family applying for housing will not be considered eligible if they
currently have a debt with any Housing Authority. Any legally collectable*
amounts owed must be repaid in full prior to being considered for housing with
the following exception:
Families applying for programs where supportive services are directly
connected to the subsidy will be given the opportunity to enter an
agreement to repay such amounts. The terms of the agreement will be
prescribed by the Housing Authority where the debt was incurred.
* Legally collectable debts means debts that are not beyond the statute of limitations, 6
years, or are not barred from collection due to a bankruptcy action taken by the family
to erase the debt.
5. Current Participants moving with a current debt
a. Current participants wishing to move must agree to repay any amount owed or
maintain the agreement depending on where they are moving. Families wishing
to move on the program within the KCHA jurisdiction will not be approved until
the family is current in their payment agreement, unless the move is the result of
one of the following causes:
Family size exceeds the HQS maximum occupancy standards;
The HAP Contract is terminated due to owner non-compliance or opt-out;
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A man-made or natural disaster;
The move is pursuant to a reasonable accommodation approved by the HA;
The move is necessary as a result of domestic violence, with documentation
of police reports and a court-ordered restraining order.
b. Families wishing to move outside of the HA jurisdiction will not be approved until
the debt is paid in full.
6. Debts owed by an Owner
a. If an owner has received Housing Assistance Payments or claim payments to
which the owner is not entitled, the HA may recover such amounts from future
Housing Assistance Payments or claim payments owed the owner. If future
housing assistance or claim payments are insufficient to recover the amounts
owed in a reasonable time, the HA may:
Demand that the owner pay the amount in full within 30 days;
Enter into a payment agreement with the owner for the amount owed;
Refer the debt to a collection agency;
File a lawsuit to recover the debt; or
Prohibit the owner’s future participation in the program.
7. Debts Sent to Collection
a. For families who vacate the Section 8 program and who have either not signed a
repayment agreement or have stopped making payments for at least 90 days after
the date of vacate, the remaining debt amount will be sent to a collection agency.
While the debt is still owed and the families will still be barred from the program,
the HA will no longer pursue repayment.
1. Tenant Files/Entries
Data assembled at the time of a Review is to be filed in the folder set up for the
Family at the time of its admission. The Head of Household and/or spouse is
required to submit the necessary information for completion of an application or
recertification for tenant eligibility and computation of rent.
All entries shall be made in ink or typed. Corrections or changes are to be made by
lining through the original entry and entering the correct data. Such changes are to
be dated and initialed by the person recording the changed data, and the reasons
and authority for such changes are to be noted in the record.
2. Verification and Documentation of Review Data
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The information submitted by the Family is to be verified according to the
verification requirements of Section 17 and Exhibit E. All members of the household
over the age of 18 shall be required to complete and sign KCHA's Release of
Information (Authorization) form to allow access to third party verification.
Complete and accurate verification records shall be kept in the Family's file.
3. Action Required Following a Review
For all reviews, the Family shall be promptly notified of the results and the effective
date of any change. Specifically, notification shall be given as to:
a. Eligibility status and, if ineligible, the date housing assistance payments will
b. Any change to be made in the Tenant Rent.
c. Any change to be made in the size of the dwelling unit if the unit is over housed
or under housed.
d. Any instances of misrepresentation or violation of the Family Obligations and any
action that is to be taken. If a determination is made by KCHA that data supplied
or not properly reported was misrepresented, either on the application or any
subsequent review, KCHA may cancel the Project-based assistance, adjust the
Tenant Rent, collect from the Family the difference between the rent it has paid
and what it should have paid, and/or terminate the Family's housing assistance.
The Family shall be notified, where applicable, of their opportunity for an Informal
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Each assisted Family is required to sign a lease with the Owner. Owners must use their
own lease in conjunction with the Project-based Assistance lease addendum. When
applicable, the Supportive Services Lease Addendum will be attached to the lease (and
noted on the lease as an Exhibit).
1. Lease Requirements
The lease must contain, at a minimum, the following information:
a. Names of the Owner and Tenant;
b. The address of the rental unit;
c. The term of the lease;
d. The amount of monthly tenant rent to the Owner;
e. The utilities and appliances to be furnished by the Owner;
f. A specification of what services, maintenance, equipment, and utilities are to be
provided by the Owner;
g. The amount of any charges for food, furniture, or supportive services (if in an
assisted living program); and
h. The Project-based Assistance Lease Addendum.
The Owner will be informed that KCHA does not review the Owner’s lease for
compliance with State and local law, but that the Owner is certifying to such compliance
when they sign the HAP contract. The Owner will also be informed that if there is a
conflict between the Owner’s lease and the addendum, the provisions of the addendum
will prevail. The Tenant and Owner must execute the lease and provide a copy to KCHA.
2. Form of Project-based Assistance Lease Addendum
KCHA will use the HUD-approved Project-based Assistance Lease Addendum, but
reserves the right to develop a new addendum so long as it is consistent with KCHA’s
MTW Policy for Project-based Assistance.
3. Tenant’s Legal Capacity
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The Tenant must have legal capacity to enter a lease under State and local law. Legal
capacity means that the tenant is bound by the terms of the lease and may enforce the
terms of the lease against the Owner.
4. Changes in the Lease
If the Tenant and the Owner agree to any change in the lease, such change will be in
writing, and the Owner must immediately give KCHA a copy of all such changes. The
Owner must notify KCHA in advance of any proposed change in lease requirements
governing the allocation of Tenant and Owner responsibilities for utilities. Such changes
may be made only if approved by KCHA and in accordance with the terms of the lease
relating to its amendment. KCHA will redetermine reasonable rent based on any change
in the allocation of responsibility for utilities between the Owner and the Tenant, and
the redetermined reasonable rent shall be used in calculation of rent to Owner from the
effective date of the change.
5. The Initial Term of the Lease
The initial lease term will generally be for a minimum one year. However, under special
circumstances the term can be varied with KCHA approval. For example former Public
Housing units converting to Project-based Assistance and households who transfer from
one project-based unit to another, will continue to be recertified using their established
(WIN or EASY Rent) recertification schedule. This may result in an initial lease term at
their new unit of less than a year.
6. Subsequent Lease Terms
Lease renewals following the completion of the initial lease may be on a month-to-
month basis or longer.
The Owner may collect a Security Deposit from the Tenant. The amount of the Owner-
requested Security Deposit is determined by private market rental practices and cannot
be in excess of amounts charged to other unassisted units. KCHA will not determine the
Security Deposit for an Owner nor will KCHA determine whether the Security Deposit is
reasonable. If any participant feels they have been discriminated against with regards
to the Security Deposit, they may contact KCHA for assistance.
When the tenant vacates the unit the Owner must give the Tenant a written list of all
items charged against the Security Deposit and the amount of each item. After
deducting the amount used to reimburse the Owner, the Owner must promptly refund
the full amount of the balance to the Tenant in accordance with Landlord/Tenant law. If
the Security Deposit is not sufficient to cover amounts the Tenant owes under the lease,
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the Owner may seek to collect the balance from the Tenant. KCHA has no liability or
responsibility for payment of any amount owed by the Family to the Owner.
The monthly housing assistance payment by KCHA to the Owner for a Contract Unit
leased to a Family is the rent to Owner minus the tenant rent (total tenant payment
minus the utility allowance). KCHA is responsible only for making housing assistance
payment to the Owner on behalf of a Family in accordance with the HAP contract. KCHA
is not responsible for paying the tenant rent, or any other amount claimed by the
1. When Housing Assistance is Paid
While the Family is residing in the unit, housing assistance payments are paid to the
Owner in accordance with the terms of the HAP contract and may only be paid to
the Owner (unless otherwise directed by the Owner in writing or a by court of law)
during the lease term. Housing assistance payments will terminate if:
The lease terminates;
The HAP contract terminates; or
KCHA terminates assistance for the Family.
If the Family moves out of the unit, KCHA may not make any housing assistance
payment to the Owner for any month after the month the Family moves out. The
Owner may keep the housing assistance payment for the month in which the Family
moved out of the unit regardless of the date of eviction, abandonment, or voluntary
move-out. In the case of abandonment by the tenant, KCHA will pay through the end of
the month in which it can be reasonably determined that the unit was vacated. KCHA
would not pay through the end of the month when both the tenant and the Owner
mutually agree to terminate the lease on a date other than the end of the month. KCHA
will not make further vacancy payments to the Owner.
1. Tenant Rent
Tenant rent is the portion of the rent to Owner paid by the Family and is determined
by KCHA. Following the Family’s initial rent determination, there is no limitation on
the tenant’s portion. Any changes in the amount of the tenant rent will be effective
on the date stated in a notice by KCHA to the Family and Owner and is the maximum
amount the Owner may charge the Family for rent. The Family is not responsible for
payment of the portion of the rent to Owner covered by the housing assistance
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payment under the HAP contract. The Owner may not terminate the tenancy of an
assisted Family for nonpayment of the housing assistance payment.
2. Total Tenant Payment
Calculation of rent will vary depending upon whether the Family qualifies as an EASY
Rent Fixed Income Household or a WIN Rent Household. Information regarding the
calculation or Total Tenant Payment and Tenant Rent for both programs is outlined
a. EASY Rent Program:
i. The total tenant payment (TTP) is equal to 28.3% of adjusted monthly
income (as defined in Section 2). [Note: In the first year of implementation,
any increase in tenant rent resulting from the change to the Easy Rent
program will be limited to a cap of $100 per month.]
EASY Rent Households with medical and/or handicapped assistance
expenses of $2,500 or more may be eligible to receive a Medical
Deduction as defined in this Plan. (See Section 2 and Exhibit C for
additional information.)
ii. A household’s monthly Tenant Rent is equal to the calculated TTP, less the
assigned Energy Assistance Supplement established by the Housing Authority
for the assigned unit subject to any Minimum Rent (as defined).
Energy Assistance Supplement tables approved by KCHA (Exhibit S)
Minimum Rent: When the TTP calculated for a household is less than the Energy
Assistance Supplement Utility Allowance, the Family will be provided with an
Energy Utility Reimbursement for the difference between the EAS Utility
Allowance and calculated TTP. However, the household may remain at the
resulting Credit Rent for a limited period of six (6) months. After this six (6)
month period, if the Family’s calculated TTP remains below the established EAS
utility allowance, the Tenant Rent will be adjusted to the established Minimum
Rent of $0 and the credit rent removed. Adjustment to the minimum rent does
not constitute an interim review and therefore income and family composition
verification requirements do not apply.
iii. Hardship Review: A Family may be eligible to apply for additional relief from
the $0 minimum rent under the established Hardship Policy (see below).
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iv. Recertification and Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): Fixed Income EASY
Rent Households will be required to undergo a recertification at least once
every three (3) years. In intervening years, income and rent will be
automatically adjusted to reflect (COLA) increases applied to Social Security
and SSI income received by the household
b. WIN Rent Program Policies
A household who does not qualify as an EASY Rent Household will be placed
under KCHA’s WIN Rent program. Typically, WIN Rent Households include at
least one adult (over age 18) family member who is currently working or
considered “work-able”. The WIN Rent program provides residents who are
employed or able to work the opportunity to increase income without an
immediate impact on the monthly rent paid by the household.
i. A household’s Total Tenant Payment (TTP) is calculated to “Income Bands”
established by KCHA (Exhibit T). The TTP for each WIN Rent Household is
equal to the Gross Rent Amount associated with the Income Band within
which the household’s Adjusted Gross Income falls. [Note: In the first year
of implementation, any increase in tenant rent resulting from the change to
the WIN Rent program will be limited to a cap of $100 per month.]
WIN Rent Households with out-of-pocket child care expenses (as defined)
totaling $2,500 or more may be eligible to receive a Childcare Deduction.
(See Section 2 and Exhibit C for additional information.)
WIN Rent Households are not eligible for a Medical Deduction unless one
is granted following the family’s request for a Hardship Review as a result
of documented extraordinary cost of living expenses.
ii. A household’s monthly Tenant Rent is equal to the calculated TTP, less the
assigned Energy Assistance Supplement established by the Housing Authority
for the assigned unit subject to any Minimum Rent (as defined).
Energy Assistance Supplement tables approved by KCHA are listed in
Exhibit S of this Plan.
iii. Minimum Rent: When the TTP calculated for a household is less than the
EAS, the family will be provided with an Energy Reimbursement for the
difference between the EAS and calculated TTP. However, the household
may remain at the resulting Credit Rent for a limited period of six (6) months.
After this six (6) month period, if the family’s calculated TTP remains below
the established utility allowance, the Tenant Rent will be adjusted to the
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established Minimum Rent of $25 and the credit rent will be removed.
Adjustment to the minimum rent does not constitute an interim review and
therefore income and family composition verification requirements do not
iv. Hardship Review: A family may request and be determined eligible for relief
from the calculated Tenant Rent when documentation shows the family
meets the criteria outlined under KCHA’s established Hardship Policy(see
v. Recertifications and Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): WIN Rent
Households will be required to undergo a recertification once every two (2)
Rent will not be adjusted to reflect (COLA) increases in the intervening
c. Hardship Policy
Households notified of a rent increase will be informed, in writing, of their ability
to seek a waiver based on financial hardship through the Housing Authority’s
established Hardship Policy. The policy is designed to allow KCHA flexibility to
address unique, unforeseeable circumstances that may occur and to protect
families in crisis. In order to receive a hardship rent, the household must apply
for all benefits for which it may be eligible. Zero income households will be
required to report income changes on a quarterly basis, until income is restored
to the household.
i. Hardship Criteria. The following categories for Hardship will apply to all
program participants under KCHA’s EASY Rent and WIN Rent programs:
Extraordinary Cost of Living: A household may apply for a hardship
review when they experience an extraordinary cost of living that exceeds
50% of the household’s monthly income. Examples of when a family
might meet this criterion include:
o Any household whose combined gross rent plus monthly out-of-
pocket medical or childcare expenses exceeds 50% of household
monthly income. Gross Rent is defined as actual monthly rent paid
plus the assigned energy assistance supplement, or, minimum rent (if
applicable). Only unreimbursed medical expenses incurred for the
care of an elderly and/or disabled household member will be
considered in determining extraordinary costs. Childcare expenses
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will only be allowed when the expense meets eligibility thresholds for
all other WIN Rent households as defined by the Housing Authority
and when the amount is not reimbursed from another source.
Waiver of Minimum Rent / Extension of Energy Assistance
Reimbursement beyond six (6) months: A household may apply for an
extension of its energy assistance reimbursement (credit rent) beyond
the initial six month cap. To be eligible for hardship relief, the household
would need to demonstrate that: (1) the loss of additional energy
assistance would put the household at risk of losing their housing; (2)
their continued lack of income has not been through the fault of the
household, and (3) the household has applied for, but been unsuccessful
in connecting to available financial resources for which they might be
o Exception: Residents with exempt or excluded income and those
who have been denied assistance (TANF, etc.) due to non-compliance
with program requirements would not be considered to have a
hardship meeting this category.
Additional Interim Review: A WIN Rent household that has previously
requested the maximum number of interim reviews to decrease their
rent, but experiences an additional unforeseen decrease in income may
request a hardship review. To be eligible for relief (1) the family’s
decrease in income could not have been due to the action or inaction of a
member of the household; and (2) if the interim review was not applied,
the family’s shelter burden would exceed 50% of monthly income. No
hardship will be granted if KCHA determines the family could (but is not)
accessing an available alternate income source.
Deduction for Medical or Childcare Expenses above the $10,000 Cap: A
household eligible to receive a reduction from gross income for medical or
childcare related expenses may request a hardship review to request a
reduction of gross income above the $10,000 cap. In order to be eligible
for relief under this criterion, the family must document that (1) the
claimed expense is not reimbursable from an outside source; and (2)
annualized costs for rent and out-of-pocket medical and/or childcare
expenses would exceed 50% of gross income. In the case of childcare
expenses, the amount of childcare assistance paid is reasonable in relation
to amounts charged for similar care available in close proximity to the
household’s current childcare provider.
Mandatory Reductions to Fixed Income in excess of $500. Households
who experience a reduction in a “fixed” source of income (GAU, Disability
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Lifeline, SSI, Social Security, TANF, and Government of Private Pensions)
may be eligible for a reduction in rent when KCHA determines the loss of
income was out of the control of the recipient. In such cases, KCHA will:
o Conduct an interim review for reduction to a fixed income source in an
amount greater than $500 per year. (Rather than the standard $2,000
threshold required under KCHA’s Interim Review policy.)
o Coordinate with state and/or federal agencies as soon as possible to
document the income changes and streamline the interim review
process using its existing tenant database to recalculate rent “in mass”
in order to limit the impact upon the participating household. Under
such circumstances, a modified interim review policy will be utilized to
allow the HA to adjust rent based ONLY upon the revised income
reported by the state and/or federal agency. Additional income and
deduction amounts for the household will be carried over from the
previous Recertification completed for the household. Any errors in
rent resulting from use of data supplied directly from the state and/or
federal agency will be considered caused by HA action and will
corrected as outlined in Section 10 of this plan.
ii. Hardship Committee. A KCHA appointed Hardship Committee will be
responsible for review of all Hardship Requests. The Committee shall be
comprised of KCHA staff, including the Director of Housing Initiatives, the
Senior Programs Manager, and an additional Resident Services Department
staff person. Once a hardship review request has been submitted, the
Committee will examine each family’s circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
The Committee has a choice of remedies it can recommend (including
permanent, family-specific rent caps) as deemed appropriate, to reduce a
qualifying household’s rent burden.
Remedies Available under the Hardship Policy: The Hardship Committee
has a number of determinations that can be made under the policy
o No hardship exists;
o Rent should be set at a permanent, family specific cap;
o The energy assistance reimbursement (credit rent) should be
extended for a specific period of time;
o The rent increase should be phased in over a specific period of time;
o The $100 per month rent increase cap should be extended for up to
one year resulting in a two year maximum (Available only to
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families in occupancy when the EASY Rent and WIN Rent programs
were implemented);
o The $100 per month rent increase cap should be phased out over a
specific period of time not to exceed three years for EASY Rent
Households and two years for WIN Rent households; (Available only
to families in occupancy when the EASY Rent and WIN Rent programs
were implemented);
o Approval of an additional interim review for a family that has
previously exhausted the established limit of 2 interim reviews per
every 2-year cycle for WIN Rent households. In order to be
considered for relief, the household must first meet the criteria for an
interim review established above;
o Approval of a Medical or Childcare Expense reduction from gross
income in an amount above the $10,000 maximum. Relief may be
granted for a specific period of time, or indefinitely, as determined by
the Committee. However, no relief will be granted without
documentation of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of
the household;
o Authorize completion of an interim rent recalculation for reductions
in income below established thresholds. (NOTE: Available only to
households affected by a reduction in a “fixed” source of income
through no fault of their own.)
o Appropriate combination of above listed options.
ii. Appeals: Families, who disagree with the recommendation of the Hardship
Committee and/or final approval of the Director of Housing Management or
Director of Resident Services, as applicable, may appeal the determination
through the Housing Authority’s existing Informal Hearing process.
A family housed in a former Public Housing Redevelopment unit who has a total income
above 80% AMI for their family size will have their rent amount capped at the lower of
the contract rent for the unit or the amount determined through the normal WIN or
EASY rent calculation method.
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1. Families with all eligible family members (i.e., U.S. citizens, eligible noncitizens) will
have their assistance calculated using the formula described above.
2. Families whose members include those with citizenship or eligible immigration
status and those without (mixed families) must prorate their assistance in the
following manner:
a. Assistance Payment times the number of eligible family members divided by
total family members.
b. The provisions of prorated assistance do not apply to any person who is
determined to be a noncitizen student or the Family of a noncitizen student,
described below.
c. Proration Exceptions
i. Family of a Noncitizen Student: The prohibition of prorated assistance also
extends to the noncitizen spouse of the noncitizen student and minor children
of any noncitizen student if the spouse or children are accompanying the
student or following to join such student.
ii. A family living in a former Public Housing Redevelopment property who was
living on the property at the time of conversion and who had been
continuously assisted in their unit since the date of conversion will have their
rent frozen at their last Public Housing amount for 12 months, provided
income and family composition remain unchanged. Following the 12 months,
rent will be calculated in accordance with 2.a. above.
a. Group Homes
a. Contract Rent
i. For Housing Vouchers, the dollar amount of the Payment Standard for the
entire home is divided by the total number of potential occupants (excluding a
Resident Assistant).
ii. Rent reasonableness must be considered as well and is determined for the
entire unit not individual bedrooms.
iii. The Contract Rent is the maximum rent the owner can receive for the GH. A
higher amount cannot be received, for example, by charging unassisted
occupants more than the assisted ones.
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iv. The owner is eligible for an adjustment in the contract rent once a year. As
more than one assisted participant may be living in the home, the owner’s
anniversary date will be that of the Project-based contract anniversary date.
b. Tenant Rent
i. In order to determine the gross rent for each assisted tenant residing in the
GH, the gross rent for the entire home is divided evenly among the occupants
(both assisted and unassisted).
One Resident Assistant living in the home may be excluded from this
calculation when determining the total number of occupants.
For purposes of this program, it will be the responsibility of the owner to
inform the HA of the total number of potential occupants that will be
living in the unit. It will be this number that is used to calculate each
occupant’s share of the gross rent – whether or not that potential total
number is always present in the unit. Vacancies are the owner’s
responsibility to fill and will not result in an interim review to revise
remaining tenant rents.
ii. Tenant rent is computed as per normal rent calculation methods, however the
rent is based on the individual’s appropriate share of contract rent.
iii. If the owner does not pay for all of the utilities, the appropriate EAS for the
house will be determined based on the Section 8 Energy Assistance Schedule.
To determine the assisted tenant’s EAS, divide the total EAS by the potential
number of occupants of the house, excluding the Resident Assistant, if any.
c. Housing Assistance Payment
i. The Housing Assistance Payment is the difference between the contract rent
and the sum of all tenant portions. In no case will the contract rent plus EAS
amount plus the sum of all tenant portions exceed the appropriate payment
2. Shared Housing
a. Contract Rent
i. The contract rent for each subsidized family is pro-rated by dividing the total
contract rent for the unit by the number of bedrooms in the unit to determine a
per bedroom price. The figure is then multiplied by the number of bedrooms
the family is eligible to occupy to determine the total pro-rated rent.
ii. The total bedrooms in the unit may not be less than the total bedrooms
required by all persons living in the shared housing unit and all pro-rated rents
must add up to the total contract rent.
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b. Rent Reasonable - The rent to owner for the subsidized family may not exceed
the pro-rated portion of the reasonable rent for the shared housing unit.
c. Housing Assistance Payment To calculate the assistance payment, the payment
standard will be the lower of:
i. The payment standard for the family unit size; or
ii. The pro-rated portion of the payment standard for the shared housing
unit size.
d. Energy Assistance Supplement The EAS for an assisted family residing in
shared housing is the pro-rated portion of the EAS for the shared housing unit.
e. When one family chooses to leave the shared housing unit, it is the responsibility
of the owner to refill the vacancy. Neither the residual tenant or the HA can be
asked to pay the lost rent.
1. Energy Assistance Supplement Tables
a. The Housing Authority has established an Energy Assistance Supplement (EAS)
table based upon regional average consumption and have been designed to
project the energy needs of a reasonably energy-conservative household of
modest circumstances consistent with the requirements of a safe, sanitary, and
healthful environment. EAS amounts do not include allocations for telephone,
internet or cable services and are intended only to supplement a household’s
actual energy costs. As such, the supplement may not cover the entire energy
costs of a household that does not follow conservative energy use guidelines.
b. Energy Assistance Supplements will be adjusted annually using the CPI
Household Energy Cost factor for the region. KCHA will review historical data
available regarding energy consumption at least every 5 years to determine
whether regional changes in energy consumption have occurred.
i. Where KCHA can reasonably determine that the structure type or
construction of KCHA owned or controlled developments would produce
consumption below the established amounts, adjustments to the
approved Energy Assistance Supplements (to reflect lower energy usage
at individual sites) will be implemented as appropriate.
ii. EAS revisions will be effective at each family’s next interim, annual or full
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
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2. Applying the EAS
a. The HA will review the Request for Tenancy Approval or other documentation
supplied by the landlord to determine the amount of EAS, if any, for tenant-paid
utilities (where all utilities are included therein, there will be no EAS).
b. For all project-based units except KCHA manage properties, in calculating the
EAS amount, the lesser of the unit size or the size listed on the voucher will be
used. For KCHA managed properties, the actual unit size shall be used to
determine the EAS amount.
c. In order to receive the allowance for Water/Sewer/Trash the family must be
responsible for at least two out of the three utility bills.
d. In addition, on request from a family that includes a person with a disability, the
HA may approve an EAS which is higher than the applicable amount on the
Energy Assistance schedule, if a higher EAS is needed as a reasonable
accommodation. This increased amount will be determined by taking the
family’s most recent three month average of actual utility bill amounts rather
than the HA EAS. In no case will the EAS be less than that on the approved HA
e. Generally, utilities must be separately metered within each unit and separately
billed to the tenant by the utility company if the owner wishes to make the
tenants individually responsible for the utility cost. However, current market
trends now have more and more apartment complexes charging for utilities
where there is not a separate meter or individual bill. In order to not unduly
restrict housing choice for voucher holders, the Housing Authority will allow an
owner to bill a tenant separately for each utility as long as it is clearly stated in
the lease that the utility will be the responsibility of the tenant.
i. The above exception does not apply to electricity, gas, oil, or bottled gas
or in the case of mother-in-law apartments. Separate meters or bills
from the utility company will be required in these cases.
The Owner must promptly notify KCHA of any vacancy or expected vacancy in a Contract
Unit. After receiving the Owner notice, KCHA must make every reasonable effort to
promptly refer a sufficient number of families for the Owner to fill such vacancies. The
Owner must lease vacant contract units only to eligible families. The Owner and KCHA
must make reasonable good faith efforts to minimize the likelihood and length of any
vacancy. The Owner will not be paid by the HA during the time a unit is vacant.
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1. Reducing Number of Contract Units
If any Supportive Housing Contract Units have been vacant for a period of 120 or
more days since the Owner notified KCHA of the vacancy (and notwithstanding the
reasonable good faith efforts to fill such vacancies), the HA may give notice to the
Owner amending the HAP contract to reduce the number of Contract Units by
subtracting the number of contract units (by number of bedrooms) that have been
vacant for such period.
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1. Those who qualify as a Family (See Section 2). A Person with disabilities who
subsequently “recovers” from their disability is eligible to remain in assisted
housing; however, the Family will no longer be eligible for program deductions
associated with their disability.
2. Those who are in compliance with the Family obligations listed on their Statement of
Family Obligations and other Housing Authority requirements.
3. Those who conform to the subsidy standards set forth in Section 16.
4. Those whose family members qualify as Citizens or Noncitizens who have eligible
immigration status (as defined in Section 2). Families in which one or more members
are determined ineligible may be given the option of receiving prorated assistance.
1. Those who have voluntarily moved from their Project-based unit.
2. Those who have had their subsidy terminated for reasons described in Section 23:
Termination of Project-based Assistance.
1. KCHA shall have the sole discretion to determine which members of an assisted
family will continue to receive assistance in the program if the Family breaks up.
2. It is the general policy of KCHA to provide the assistance to the Family members
remaining in the unit unless it is determined the Family member(s) remaining in the
unit is the abuser in a situation of domestic violence. If a superior court determines
the disposition of property between members of the assisted family in a divorce or
separation under a settlement or judicial decree, KCHA shall be bound by the court's
determination concerning which family members continue to receive assistance in the
program. If the deserving family members no longer reside in the unit, the assistance
for those still in the unit will be terminated.
3. If this results in a change in bedroom size, the Family will be required to move in
accordance with Section 16 - Subsidy Standards.
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It is the policy of KCHA that, in order to continue receiving the benefit of a Project-based
housing subsidy, a family is expected to reside continuously in the dwelling unit and may
only be absent for brief periods. Absence means that no members of the Family are
residing in the unit. The lease may specify a maximum absence from the unit that may
be shorter than the period permitted by KCHA.
This policy shall be enforced utilizing the following requirements:
1. The Family must notify both the Owner and KCHA of any absence from the unit
including providing any information requested concerning the purpose of family
2. KCHA may verify family occupancy in the unit, or absence from the unit, by such
techniques as visits, calls or letters to Landlords, neighbors, etc.
3. The following specific policies apply:
a. Absence from the dwelling unit due to incarceration after being convicted of a
crime will result in the immediate termination of housing assistance;
b. Absence from the dwelling unit due to hospitalization or rehabilitation will be
limited to a maximum period of ninety (90) days in any twelve-month period
(extensions due to unforeseeable circumstances regarding hospitalization or
rehabilitation may be granted up to 30 additional days);
c. Absence from the dwelling unit due to vacations will be limited to a thirty-day
period in any twelve (12) month period;
d. Absence from the dwelling unit due to temporary relocation due to employment
will be limited to l80 days.
4. If a family is absent for longer than the maximum period permitted above, housing
assistance payments will cease.
5. The Owner must reimburse KCHA for any housing assistance payment for the period
after the termination.
1. Moving from one Project-based unit to another in a development is prohibited
except in the cases of reasonable accommodation, over-and under-occupied units,
KCHA-initiated moves and moves permitted by the transfer policy (Exhibit G).
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2. In the case of shared housing, a family may be permitted to move between
bedrooms within the unit.
3. In the case of KCHA managed properties, KCHA may permit transfers between
Project-based units and Public Housing
4. If a family is permitted to move by KCHA, the subsidy paid for that tenant shall not
overlap from one unit to another.
5. All moves must be approved by KCHA in advance
KCHA will provide alternate forms of continuing rental assistance to residents in Project-
based unit in the following categories only:
1. Transitional Housing
a. KCHA will provide continued assistance to graduates of KCHA Project-based
Transitional housing programs in the form of a waiting list set-aside in KCHA’s
public or replacement housing program. Only transitional participants whose case
managers have certified that they have completed a one-year lease and all
program requirements of their transitional program will be eligible for this set-
b. The transitional housing Programs Sponsors agrees to continue to house the
Family who has applied for KCHA’s public or replacement housing until the Family
has accepted or declined one offer for a public or replacement housing unit.
2. Transition In Place
a. Application for Transition-in-place Vouchers
KCHA may, from time-to-time make available allocations of Project-based
Replacement Assistance to Owners who have contract replacement units and who
also have transitional housing contract units at their property. These replacement
vouchers will be available when the property notifies KCHA that they have a unit
available under the replacement contract. The transitional client must have
completed the “Graduation Requirements” and submitted the KCHA update packet
to the Central Applications Center. KCHA would then offer the Family the
opportunity to transition in place. If the Family stays in the same unit, the next
available unit would then go back to the agency to house a new transitional Family.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.7
Approved MTW Policy Section IV.8
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b. Program Eligibility:
i. The total number of transitional and “transition in place” vouchers must not
exceed 30% of the total number of units in any one development.
ii. The Family must be made aware of the full range of permanent housing
opportunities available to them by the project sponsor prior to choosing the
transition in place unit.
iii. Families will be eligible for the transition in place units on a first-come, first-
serve basis. A Family may choose this option or pass on it for another
permanent housing option.
iv. The Owner will be contracted for a base number of units for their transitional
housing program. If the program meets the eligibility criteria, the program
will be permitted to add a Project-based unit to their contract on a one-to-
one basis with KCHA each time a graduating family elects to transition in
v. Should a graduate decide that they would prefer to transition in place at a
time when the program has already met its three-unit maximum, the project
sponsor may elect to convert a transitional unit into a permanent unit and
reduce the number of transitional units in their contract.
c. Requirements for Services
Project sponsors must agree to provide supportive services as-needed to families
transitioning in place for up to 6 months or, as long as they stay in the permanent
unit if needed and the project sponsor remains under contract with KCHA.
d. A Family Moves from a Transition in Place Unit
i. When a family moves from a transition in place unit, the project sponsor may
convert that unit to a transitional unit so long as the maximum number of
transitional units is not exceeded; OR
ii. The Owner may make available the option to transition in place to the next
graduating transitional tenant; OR
iii. The Owner may elect not to rent the unit using Project-based Assistance until
the need for this use has been determined.
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KCHA has the right to terminate housing assistance payments that are being made on
behalf of the participant under an outstanding Contract. Reasons for termination of
assistance may include any or all of the following:
1. If the Family has engaged in or threatened abusive or violent behavior toward HA
2. If any member of the Family has ever been evicted from Public Housing or has ever
had their assistance terminated under the voucher program.
3. If the Family has not reimbursed any HA for amounts paid to an Owner under a HAP
contract for rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the Family under
the lease.
4. If the Family currently owes rent or other amounts to this HA or to another HA in
connection with Section 8 or Public Housing assistance under the 1937 Act and has
been offered the opportunity to repay and either refused to pay or has not
maintained a repayment agreement.
5. If KCHA determines that the person’s abuse of alcohol interferes with the health,
safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents.
6. If any member of the Family fails to sign and submit consent forms for obtaining
information as required by program regulations.
7. If the Family is not eligible due to the following restrictions on assistance to non-
a. Required documentation of citizenship (i.e., the declaration) and eligible
immigration status is not submitted by at least one family member to KCHA.
b. The Family knowingly permits another individual who is not eligible for
assistance to reside (on a permanent basis) in the assisted unit. This provision
does not apply to a family if the ineligibility of the ineligible individual was
considered in calculating any proration of assistance provided for the Family.
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c. Evidence of citizenship and eligible immigration status is timely submitted, but
USCIS verification does not verify eligible immigration status of a family member
i. The Family does not pursue USCIS appeal or informal hearing rights; or
ii. USCIS and/or informal hearing rights are pursued, but the final appeal or
hearing decisions are decided against the Family member.
8. If any family member fails to meet the eligibility requirements concerning an
individual enrolled at an institution of higher education, as specified in Section 14 of
this Administrative Plan.
9. If the Family fails to move after being required to by KCHA (due to such reasons as
the unit being overcrowded or the Family being under housed See Subsidy
Standards, Section 16).
10. If any household member is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a
State sex offender registration program.
11. Death of the sole member of the family. Termination of the Housing Assistance
payment will occur at the end of the month in which the death occurred.
12. If a Family in a Transitional Housing Program fails to participate in Support Services
as outlined in the Support Services Lease Addendum and the Statement of Family
13. If the Family violates any family obligations under the program as stated on HUD
form 52578-B (Statement of Family Responsibilities) and listed below. The Family
a. Supply any information that KCHA or HUD determines is necessary in the
administration of the program, including submission of required evidence of
citizenship or eligible immigration status and information for use in a regularly
scheduled reexamination or interim reexamination of family income and
composition. "Information" includes any requested certification, release or
other documentation.
b. Disclose and verify Social Security numbers and must sign and submit a consent
form for obtaining information.
c. Supply any information requested by KCHA to verify that the Family is living in
the unit or information related family absence from the unit.
d. Promptly notify KCHA in writing when the Family is away from the unit for an
extended period of time in accordance with HA policies.
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e. Allow KCHA to inspect the unit at reasonable times and after reasonable notice.
f. Notify KCHA and the Owner in writing before moving out of the unit or
terminating the lease.
g. Use the assisted unit for residence by the Family. The unit must be the Family’s
only residence.
h. Promptly notify KCHA in writing of the birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody
of a child.
i. Request HA written approval to add any other family member as an occupant of
the unit.
j. Promptly notify KCHA in writing if any family member no longer lives in the unit.
k. Give KCHA a copy of any owner eviction notice.
l. Pay utility bills and supply appliances that the Owner is not required to supply
under the lease.
m. Ensure all information supplied to KCHA is true and complete.
n. Not own or have any interest in the unit.
o. Not commit any serious or repeated violation of the lease. Examples of serious
or repeated violations of the lease include but are not limited to:
i. Any of the following actions by the tenant, any member of the household, a
guest or other person under the tenant's control;
o Any activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises by other residents;
o Any activity that threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful
enjoyment of their residences by persons residing in the immediate
vicinity of the premises; or
o Any drug-related criminal activity on or near the premises.
o Activity directly relating to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking that is engaged in by a member of a tenant’s
household or any quest or other person under the tenant’s control shall
not be cause for termination or assistance, tenancy or occupancy rights
if the tenant or affiliated individual or the tenant is the victim or
threatened victim of the domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking. An “affiliated individual” is defined as a spouse,
parent, brother, sister, or child of that individual, or any individual to
whom stands in place of the parent, or any individual, tenant, or lawful
occupant living in the household of that individual.
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ii. A family pattern or history of disturbance of neighbors or destruction of
property, or living or housekeeping habits resulting in damage to the unit or
iii. Eviction from the unit for tenant-caused reason (except in the case of a
family being evicted solely for non-compliance with their Social Service
Participation requirement on the Project-based voucher program).
p. Not commit fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with
the programs.
q. Not engage in drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal activity (as
defined in CFR 24 982.553).
i. If KCHA seeks to deny or terminate assistance because of illegal use, or
possession for personal use, of a controlled substance, such use or
possession must have occurred within the previous five years of the date of
KCHA determination to deny or terminate assistance. In determining
whether to deny or terminate assistance for use or possession of a controlled
substance by a family member, KCHA shall take into consideration whether
he or she can demonstrate that they:
o Have an addiction to a controlled substance, have a record of such an
impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment; and
o Are recovering, or have recovered from such addiction and do not
currently use or possess controlled substances (evidence of participation
in, or successful completion of a treatment program shall be required as
one of the conditions to being allowed to reside in the unit).
ii. In making its determination as to whether drug-related criminal activity or
violent criminal activity occurred, the issue will be whether the
preponderance of evidence indicates that a family has engaged in such
activity, regardless of whether the Family member has been arrested or
iii. In cases of termination as a result of persons convicted of manufacturing or
producing methamphetamine on the premises of the Section 8 unit (defined
as the building or complex in which the dwelling unit is located including
common areas and grounds), KCHA will permanently deny further
participation on any assisted housing program.
r. Not sublease or sublet the unit or assign the lease or transfer the unit.
s. Not receive Section 8 Project-based voucher assistance while receiving another
housing subsidy, for the same unit or for a different unit, under any other
Federal, State or local housing assistance program.
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t. Not damage the dwelling unit or premises (other than damages beyond ordinary
wear and tear) or permit any guest to damage the unit or premises.
i. If the Family caused damage is life threatening, the Family will be required to
correct the defect within no more than 24 hours. For other family caused
defects, the Family will be required to correct the defect within no more than
30 calendar days (unless an extension is granted by KCHA).
ii. Serious or repeated tenant caused damages may result in the termination of
the Family's housing assistance payment.
u. For families in Transitional Housings, those that have failed to participate in
support services required by the tenant lease addendum.
If KCHA initiates an action to terminate the assistance of a participant, the participant
will receive written notice of this decision with a brief statement of the reasons for the
decision. The notice will also state that the participant may request an Informal Hearing
to contest the decision and will explain the procedures for obtaining such a Hearing. A
copy of KCHA's Informal Hearing procedures will be attached to the letter. The written
notice will also state the deadline for the Family to request an Informal Hearing.
The Violence Against Women Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) protects applicants, tenants and
program participants from being evicted, denied assistance or terminated from housing
assistance based on acts of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking
against them. If the Family is claiming the reason for the termination is a result of such
action the Family may be provided protection under VAWA 2013. A family seeking
VAWA protections must provide KCHA with documentation (as detailed on HUD form
5380 and 5382 as applicable) regarding the actual or threatened abuse. The
certification must also include the name of the perpetrator on the HUD-5382 only if it is
safe to do so. While KCHA will follow HUD regulations and guidelines to ensure VAWA
protections are made available to qualified households, nothing in this section limits the
authority of KCHA to comply with a court order with respect to the rights of
access/control of property, including civil protection orders issued to protect a victim of
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or the distribution or
possession of property among members of the household. Nor does this section limit
the HA’s authority to evict or terminate assistance for any violation when: (1) such
violation is not premised on an act of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault,
or stalking; or (2) the HA can demonstrate an actual and imminent threat to other
tenants or to those employed at or providing service to the property when no other
actions that could be taken to reduce the threat have been successful including
transferring the client, barring the perpetrator from the property, involving law
enforcement or seeking other legal remedies to prevent the perpetrator from acting on
a threat. In addition, the HA has the right to remove or terminate the occupancy rights
to any unit occupant who engages in criminal acts of violence or poses an actual or
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23-6 3/5/18
imminent threat against family members or others, without penalizing the victim of
such violence.
Any Section 8 participant for which assistance is to be terminated for failure to receive a
certification of eligible immigration status from the INS must be notified of their right to
request an appeal of the results of the INS verification to the INS instead of, or in
addition to, an Informal Hearing with the Housing Authority. The Notice must also
inform the tenant of:
1. The reason for the proposed termination of assistance.
2. That they may be eligible for prorated assistance, continued assistance, or a
temporary deferral of termination and the procedures for obtaining each.
3. The time limits and procedures to follow in order to pursue an INS and/or Housing
Authority appeal and that, if the Family chooses to pursue the appeals process the
tenant’s assistance cannot be delayed, denied, reduced or terminated until all
appeals are processed.
It is the general policy of KCHA to assist an owner in correcting any problems with their
Project-based units in order to maintain an adequate supply of affordable housing
throughout the jurisdiction of KCHA. However, there are some situations where it is in
the best interest of both the Section 8 program and its participants to terminate or deny
an Owner's participation. In this regard KCHA has the sole discretion of denying or
restricting participation by an Owner in the following cases:
1. If HUD or any other agency directly related has informed KCHA that the Owner has
been disbarred, suspended, or subject to a limited denial of participation;
2. If HUD has informed KCHA that the Federal government has instituted an
administrative or judicial action against the Owner for violation of the Fair Housing
Act or other Federal equal opportunity requirements;
3. If HUD has informed KCHA that a court or administrative agency has determined
that the Owner has violated the Fair Housing Act or other Federal equal opportunity
4. If the Owner has committed any fraud or made any false statement to KCHA or HUD
in connection with the HAP contract.
5. If the Owner has committed fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in
connection with any Federal housing assistance program;
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6. If the Owner has engaged in drug trafficking, drug related criminal activity, or any
violent criminal activity;
7. If the property where the contract units are located is subject to a lien or security
interest securing a HUD loan or a mortgage insured by HUD, and
a. The Owner has failed to comply with the regulations for the applicable mortgage
insurance or loan program, with the mortgage or mortgage note, or with the
regulatory agreement, or
b. The Owner has committed fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in
connection with the HUD loan or HUD-insured mortgage.
8. If the Owner has failed to comply with any obligation under the HAP contract for the
unit in question or any other unit under contract on the Section 8, including the
Owner's obligation to maintain the unit in accordance with HQS;
9. If the Owner has a history of inadequate enforcement of the lease obligations as
outlined in the lease and lease addendum.
10. If the Owner refuses, or has a history of refusing, to take action against tenants
(including household members and guests) who constitute a:
a. Threat to the health or safety of, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises by, other tenants or employees of KCHA, an Owner, or other
manager of the housing;
b. Threat to the health or safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the residences
by persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises;
c. Threat by being involved in drug-related or violent criminal activity.
11. If the Owner has a history or practice of non-compliance of the Housing Quality
Standards for units leased under the Section 8 program as described below:
a. For serious violations involving life threatening situations, termination will occur
after a maximum of three separate violations regardless whether abatement has
occurred. However, depending on the severity of the violation, KCHA has the
option to terminate sooner;
b. For non-life threatening violations, termination will occur after a minimum of
three notices to terminate assistance due to abatement have been issued;
c. In all cases, except very serious life threatening situations where immediate
termination is necessary, the Owner will be given an opportunity to meet with
the Associate Director of Section 8 Programs and Section 8 Inspection
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Coordinator prior to termination in order to present the reasons why they
believe they should not be denied participation on the program.
12. If the Owner has a history or practice of renting units that fail to meet State or local
housing codes;
13. If the Owner has not paid State or local real estate taxes, fines or assessments;
14. If the Owner has other conflicts of interest under Federal, State or local law;
15. If KCHA determines, in accordance with HUD requirements, that funding under its
consolidated Annual Contributions Contract is insufficient to support continued
assistance for families in the program.
If it is determined the Owner has breached the Contract, KCHA may implement one or
more of the following sanctions: recovery of overpayments, abatements or other
reduction of housing assistance; termination of housing assistance; and/or termination
of the HAP contract.
If a decision is made to terminate an Owner’s participation on the program, no new
units owned or managed by this Owner will be allowed on the program until either the
problem(s) is cleared up or the termination takes place. If termination does occur, all
failed units belonging to the Owner in question will be removed from the program and
KCHA will not allow any new units from the same Owner for a minimum of 12 months.
After 12 months, the Owner may appeal reinstatement to KCHA and provide
documentation detailing what has been done to remedy the situation and to prevent it
from occurring in the future. Any reinstatement shall be at the sole discretion of KCHA.
Current tenants of the failed units will be offered an equitable Project-based unit
elsewhere or, if not available, issued a Tenant-based voucher and asked to find another
unit within sixty (60) days except in cases of serious life threatening violations where
they will be asked to move immediately pending unit termination.
If the Housing Authority makes a decision NOT to terminate an Owner’s participation
but concludes the situation is serious enough to warrant termination and believes there
is a high chance of reoccurrence, restrictions on future new housings may occur for a
specified time to ensure continued program compliance.
While an internal review process is not available to an Owner being denied program
participation, any Owner so affected will be given an opportunity to meet with the
Section 8 Program Coordinator or designee.
During the initial term of the lease, the Owner may not terminate the tenancy except on
the following grounds:
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1. Material noncompliance with the lease; or
2. Material failure to carry out obligations under any State landlord and tenant act; or
3. Other good cause (does not include a business of economic reason or desire to use
the unit for an individual, family, or non-residential rental purpose).
In the case of a supportive housing where a tenant is required to participate in
supportive services, this requirement must be part of the lease. If the participant fails to
participate in services as certified by the service provider, the Owner must follow
landlord-tenant law by issuing a notice of noncompliance.
Upon lease expiration, an Owner may:
1. Renew the lease;
2. Refuse to renew the lease for good cause; or
3. Refuse to renew the lease without good cause, in which case KCHA will either
terminate the HAP Contract with the Owner or reduce the contract by one unit for
each refusal.
Note: A family is not responsible for payment of the portion of the rent to owner
covered by the housing assistance payment and failure by KCHA to pay the HAP to the
Owner is not a violation of the lease between the tenant and the Owner and is not a
cause for termination of tenancy.
The Owner must give the tenant a written notice, with a copy to KCHA, which specifies
the grounds for termination of tenancy. This notice must be given at or before
commencement of eviction action and the tenancy does not terminate before the
Owner has given this notice.
KCHA’s Section 8 Department does not authorize eviction actions nor determine
whether an Owner has good cause for termination of a tenancy (as required by the
Lease), but termination must be made in accordance with the lease and State and local
Housing Assistance payments are paid to the Owner in accordance with the terms of the
HAP contract. These payments may only be paid to the Owner during the lease term,
and while the Family is residing in the unit. However, if the Owner has commenced the
process to evict the tenant, and if the Family continues to reside in the unit, KCHA will
continue to make housing assistance payments to the Owner in accordance with the
HAP contract until the Owner has obtained a court judgment or other process allowing
the Owner to evict the Tenant. KCHA will continue such payments until the Family
moves from or is evicted from the unit.
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The Owner may terminate the HAP contract upon notice to KCHA if the amount of the
rent to owner on any contract unit is adjusted below the initial rent or at the end of the
term of the Housing Assistance Payments Contract.
The Family may terminate the lease without cause at any time after the first year of the
term the lease in accordance with Landlord-Tenant Law. Termination of tenancy by the
Family will remove the Family from the Project-based program. Except in the following
case(s), families terminating their Project-based lease will not be eligible for continued
rental assistance.
For former Public Housing units converting to Project-based assistance, families
will have the option of early release from their unit and receiving a Tenant-based
voucher if they give notice to move from their Project-based unit within the first
six months of their Project-based conversion and are in currently in compliance
with their Section 8 responsibilities. Families will have up to the end of the first
12 months to move from their unit.
Approved MTW Policy Section V.7
Approved under MTW 4/11/12
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1. When Assistance is Denied:
KCHA will give prompt written notice to an applicant of a decision denying
assistance, including a decision denying:
a. Listing on the Project-based waiting list; or
b. Participation on the Project-based assistance program.
The notice will contain a brief written statement of the reasons for the denial and
will give an applicant an opportunity to request an informal review of a KCHA
decision to deny assistance by contacting the Section 8 office within ten (10) days of
the date of the written notice.
2. KCHA Procedure for Conducting the Review is as Follows:
a. The review will be conducted by a person designated by KCHA other than a
person who made or approved the decision under review or a subordinate of
such person.
b. The person conducting the review will have sole responsibility for regulating the
conduct of the review.
c. The applicant will be given the opportunity to present written or oral objections
to a KCHA decision.
d. If either the Family or KCHA fail to appear at the time scheduled for the review,
the hearing officer may determine that the non-appearing party has waived the
right to a review or may postpone the review for a period not to exceed five (5)
e. Both the Family and KCHA may have a maximum of three (3) other persons in
attendance at the informal review. Because of the serious nature of the review
process, children will not be allowed in the review room unless they are serving
as a witness. Families are responsible for arranging for necessary childcare.
f. Evidence will be considered without regard to admissibility under the rules of
evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. All reviews shall be conducted
informally and both oral and documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and
issues raised may be received. The challenges to the admissibility of evidence
shall be determined solely by the hearing officer.
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g. KCHA will notify the applicant in writing of its final decision after the informal
review, including a brief statement of the reasons for the final decision within 10
business days following the informal review.
3. KCHA is not required to provide an opportunity for an informal review in the
following situations:
a. To review discretionary administrative determinations by KCHA or to consider
general policy issues or class grievances;
b. To review KCHA’s determination of the Family unit size under KCHA subsidy
c. To review KCHA’s determination not to grant approval to lease a unit under the
program or to approve a proposed lease;
d. To review KCHA’s determination that the unit is not in accordance with HQS
because of the Family size or composition; or
e. To review a decision against the Family by the project owner.
4. Denials Due to Immigration Status
Families denied assistance as a result of their immigration status will be informed of
their right to request an appeal of the results of the INS verification to the INS or
request an Informal Review with the Housing Authority (in lieu/upon completion of
the INS appeal). The notice will also inform the applicant:
a. Of the reason for the denial;
b. That they may be eligible for proration of assistance based on the number of
family members with “eligible immigration status”;
c. Of the time limits and procedures that must be followed when requesting an
appeal to the INS and/or Housing Authority;
d. That assistance may not be delayed, denied or reduced until the conclusion of
the INS appeal process, but, that assistance may be delayed while awaiting the
outcome of the Housing Authority’s Informal Review process.
1. KCHA will provide a participant in its Section 8 Project-based Assistance Program an
opportunity for an Informal Hearing to consider whether decisions relating to the
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individual circumstances of the Family are in accordance with the law, HUD
regulations and/or policies, in the following cases:
a. A determination of the Family’s annual or adjusted income, and the use of such
income to compute the housing assistance payment;
b. A determination of the appropriate utility allowance (if any) for tenant-paid
utilities from KCHA’s utility allowance schedule;
c. A determination of the Family unit size under KCHA subsidy standards;
d. A determination that a program participant family is residing in a unit with a
larger number of bedrooms than appropriate for the Family unit size under KCHA
subsidy standards, or KCHA’s determination to deny the Family’s request for an
exception from the standards;
e. A determination to terminate assistance for a participant family because of the
Family’s violation of its responsibilities under program rules;
f. A determination to terminate assistance because the participant family fails to
provide evidence of citizenship and eligible immigration status, or provides the
evidence, but the INS fails to certify the Family is eligible for housing assistance.
2. In those cases described in numbers 1.d, e, and f, KCHA will issue a prompt written
notice to the Family stating the reason for the decision, that the Family has the right
to request an informal hearing on the decision if they do not agree by personally
presenting such request (either orally or in writing) to the Section 8 office within ten
(10) days of the date of the notice to the Family. In addition, any family being
terminated for reason 1.f. must be notified of their right to request an appeal of the
results of the INS verification to the INS instead of, or in addition to, an Informal
hearing with the Housing Authority. The Notice must also inform the tenant of:
a. The reason for the proposed termination of assistance;
b. That they may be eligible for prorated assistance, continued assistance, or a
temporary deferral of termination and the procedures for obtaining each;
c. The time limits and procedures to follow in order to pursue an INS and/or
Housing Authority appeal and that, if the Family chooses to pursue the appeals
process the tenant’s occupancy cannot be terminated until all appeals are
In those cases described in numbers 1.a, b, and c above, KCHA will notify the Family
that they may ask for an explanation of the basis of the HA determination. If the
Family does not agree with the determination, the Family will be notified they may
request an informal hearing on the decision by personally requesting (either orally
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or in writing) an informal hearing on the determination from the Section 8 office.
The request must be made within ten (10) days of the date the Family received an
explanation of the basis for the HA determination.
3. KCHA is not required to provide a participant family an opportunity for an informal
hearing in the following cases:
a. To review discretionary administrative determinations by KCHA or to consider
general policy issues or class grievances;
b. To review establishment of KCHA’s schedule of utility allowances for families
under the program;
c. To review KCHA’s determination not to approve a lease;
d. To review KCHA’s determination that the unit is not in accordance with HQS
because of the Family size or composition;
e. To review a determination by KCHA to exercise or not to exercise any right or
remedy against the Owner under the HAP contract; or
f. To review a decision against the Family by the project owner.
4. The informal hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Officer no sooner than seven
(7) days, but not later than fifteen (15) days after the receipt by the Section 8 office
of the request for the informal hearing.
5. The procedures for conducting the informal hearing are as follows:
a. The Hearing Officer will be selected from a list of qualified individuals established
by the Housing Authority in response to an advertised request for services. The
Housing Authority’s list of Hearing Officers will be presented to the Resident
Advisory Board for their review and comment. Individuals selected for this list of
Hearing Officers need not be legal professionals, but must be able to show
sufficient experience and training in the areas of Housing Authority regulations
and Landlord Tenant law as well as proven experience in effectively
communicating findings and conclusions both orally and in writing.
b. Prior to KCHA’s informal hearing, the Family will be given the opportunity to
examine any HA documents at KCHA’s office (including records and regulations)
that are directly relevant to the hearing. The Family will be allowed to copy any
such document at the Family’s expense. Any document not made available to
family prior to the hearing cannot be relied upon at the hearing.
c. KCHA must be given the opportunity to examine at the HA office prior to the
informal hearing, any family documents that are directly relevant to the hearing.
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KCHA must be allowed to copy any such document at KCHA’s expense. Any
document not made available to KCHA prior to the hearing cannot be relied
upon at the hearing.
d. The Family may be represented by a lawyer or other representative at its own
e. If either the Family or KCHA fail to appear at the time scheduled for the hearing,
or attempts to reschedule the hearing with less than 24 hours’ notice, the
hearing officer may determine that the Family has waived the right to a hearing
or may postpone the hearing for a period not to exceed five (5) days. In making
the determination, the hearing officer must consider documented emergencies
(i.e., medical reasons, car accident, etc.) that would limit the client’s ability to
reschedule in a timely manner.
f. The person conducting the hearing will have sole responsibility for regulating the
conduct of the review. Failure to comply with the directions of the hearing
officer may result in exclusion from the proceedings, in a decision adverse to the
interests of the disorderly party, or in such other relief as the hearing officer
shall reasonably determine.
g. Both the Family and KCHA may have a maximum of three (3) other persons in
attendance at the informal hearing. Because of the serious nature of the hearing
process, children will not be allowed in the hearing room unless they are serving
as a witness. Families are responsible for arranging for necessary childcare.
h. Both KCHA and the Family will be given the opportunity to present evidence, and
may question any witness.
i. Evidence will be considered without regard to admissibility under the rules of
evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. All hearings shall be conducted
informally and both oral and documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and
issues raised may be received. The challenges to the admissibility of evidence
shall be determined solely by the hearing officer.
6. The hearing officer will notify the Family in writing of the HA final decision within ten
(10) business days following the informal hearing, including a brief statement of the
reasons for the final decision. Factual determinations relating to the individual
circumstances of the Family shall be based on a preponderance of evidence
presented at the hearing.
7. The hearing officer’s decision shall be binding on KCHA unless:
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a. The decision concerns a matter for which KCHA is not required to provide an
opportunity for an informal hearing, or otherwise exceeds the authority of the
hearing officer under the HA hearing procedures;
b. The decision is contrary to HUD regulations or requirements, or otherwise
contrary to Federal, State, or local law.
8. If KCHA is not bound by a hearing decision, KCHA will promptly notify the Family of
the determination and the reasons for the determination.
This procedure shall be applicable to all individual Tenant Grievances, except as stated
The Grievance Procedure shall not be applicable to disputes between Tenants or
to class grievances against the Housing Authority.
The Grievance Procedure is not be used as a forum for initiating, negotiating, or
reviewing policies established by the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.
1. Informal Settlement of Grievance
Any Grievance shall first be presented, either orally or in writing, to the Property
Management office so that the Grievance may be discussed informally by the
Complainant and the Manager and settled, if possible, without a hearing. All
Grievances must be presented to the office within ten (10) business days of the date
of the receipt of the notice of the Housing Authority’s proposed adverse action (or
of the date of the Housing Authority’s alleged failure to act), except in the case of a
14-day notice for termination of a tenancy for nonpayment of rent or a 3-day notice
for any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful
enjoyment of the premises of other residents or employees of the Housing
Authority, or a 3-day notice for any drug-related criminal activity in which event the
Grievance must be presented within three (3) business days of the receipt of the
notice to forestall service of a Summons and Complaint. Failure to request the
informal review with the Manager within the above time limits will result in the
Complainant forfeiting any further rights to have their grievance heard within the
internal grievance procedure. However, if the Complainant establishes to the
satisfaction of the Hearing Officer that the failure to comply with this requirement
was for good cause the Hearing Officer may elect to proceed with a formal grievance
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The Complainant and the Manager shall attempt to resolve the complaint or dispute
at this informal discussion. The Complainant and the Manager may each have a
maximum of three (3) other persons in attendance at the informal discussion. After
the meeting, the Manager shall write a detailed account of the meeting, shall send
the original account to the Tenant with a copy to the Tenant’s representative, if
requested, and place a copy in the Tenant’s file. This account of the proceedings,
along with a copy of the Grievance Procedure shall be sent to the Complainant
within three (3) business days after the meeting. The procedures for obtaining the
formal grievance hearing are set forth in Section C.2 below.
2. Procedure to Obtain a Hearing
a. Request for a Hearing
The Complainant must submit a written request for a hearing to the Property
Management Office within five (5) business days after the receipt of the
Manager’s account of proceedings prepared pursuant to Section C.1 above.
Receipt is defined as the earlier date of actual delivery to a member or tenant
household, or eight (8) days from the date of proper mailing (properly
addressed, postage prepaid) of the Manager’s account of the proceedings. The
written request shall specify: (1) the Grievance; (2) the reasons for the
Grievance; and (3) the action or relief sought. The Tenant’s request for a
grievance hearing will be dated immediately upon receipt at the appropriate
Area Office and filed with a copy of the account of the informal discussion and a
copy of the letter to the Tenant in the Tenant’s file. After the hearing is
completed, a copy of these documents, along with the written decision of the
Hearing Officer, will be placed in a separate grievance hearing file marked with
the date of hearing. All names and identifying references shall be deleted from
said file.
b. Failure to Request a Hearing
If the Complainant does not request a hearing in the manner provided in
Subsection C.2.a above, the Housing Authority’s disposition of the Grievance
under Section C.1 shall become final; provided, however, that the failure to
request a hearing shall not constitute a waiver by the Complainant of the right
thereafter to contest the Housing Authority’s action in disposing of the
complaint in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
c. Amounts Owing
No grievance hearing may be scheduled on any grievance involving rent which
the Housing Authority claims is past due until the Complainant pays to the
Housing Authority an amount equal to the undisputed part of the rent that is the
subject of the dispute. If a grievance does not involve rent, payment of the rent
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must be made in the normal manner without regard to the pending grievance
hearing. In all cases, the undisputed portion of the rent must remain current
until the decision of the Hearing Officer is announced and the Tenant shall be
obligated to continue paying rent until the rented premises are vacated as set
forth in the Tenant’s lease with the Housing Authority.
d. Scheduling of Hearings
When the Tenant has satisfied the requirements of Subsections ‘a’ and ‘c’ of this
Section, a hearing shall be scheduled by the Hearing Officer no sooner than
seven (7) calendar days but no later than fifteen (15) business days after receipt
by the Area Office of the request for hearing specified in Section C.2.a above, the
time and place of the hearing to be convenient both to the Complainant and to
the Housing Authority. Extension of this time limit shall be agreed to in writing
by both parties. The Tenant and the Housing Authority shall be given written
notice of the time, the place and the procedures governing the hearing, such
notices to be delivered to both the Housing Authority and to the Tenant
personally, or sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid, properly addressed to the
Housing Authority Office and to the Tenant at the premises.
3. Selection of Hearing Officer
a. For grievances involving a charge under $100, the Hearing Officer will be an
impartial employee of the Housing Authority who was not involved in the original
b. For all other grievances, the Hearing Officer shall be an impartial person who shall
not be an officer, employee, agent, or tenant of the Housing Authority. In these
cases, the following applies:
i. The Hearing Officer shall be selected from a list of qualified individuals
established by the Housing Authority in response to a request for services bid
ii. The Housing Authority reserves the right to pay the Hearing Officer a stipend for
his/her services and to provide training on such areas as the grievance
procedure, dwelling lease requirements, and other related policies.
4. Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities
a. At any time during the Grievance process, a Complainant may request
reasonable accommodation of a handicap/disability of a household member,
including reasonable accommodation so that the Complainant can meet lease
requirements or other requirements of tenancy.
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b. The Housing Authority shall provide reasonable accommodations for persons
with disabilities to participate in the Grievance process. Reasonable
accommodation may include: qualified sign language interpretation, readers,
and accessible locations.
c. If the Complainant is visually impaired, any notice to the Complainant which is
required as part of the Grievance procedure shall be in an accessible format.
5. Procedures Governing the Hearing
a. The Complainant shall be afforded a fair hearing providing the basic safeguards
of due process which shall include:
i. The opportunity to examine before and during the hearing and, at the
expense of the Complainant, to copy all documents, records and regulations
of the Housing Authority directly relevant to the grievance hearing. Any
document not identified and made available to the Complainant upon
reasonable request may not be used by the Housing Authority at the hearing;
ii. The right to be represented by counsel or any other person designated by
Complainant as Complainant’s representative, and to have such person make
statements on the Complainant’s behalf;
iii. The right to a private hearing unless the Complainant requests a public
iv. The right to present evidence and argue in support of the complaint, to
contest evidence or information relied on by the Housing Authority and to
confront or cross examine all witnesses upon whose testimony or
information the Housing Authority relies; and
v. A written decision based solely and exclusively upon the facts presented at
the hearing and that includes a statement of the reasons for the
b. The Hearing Officer may render a decision without proceeding with the hearing if
the Hearing Officer determines that the issue raised by the Grievance has been the
subject of a decision in a previous proceeding which provided the Complainant
procedural safeguards at least equal to those required herein.
c. If either the Complainant or the Housing Authority fails to appear at a scheduled
hearing, the Hearing Officer may continue the hearing for a period not to exceed five
(5) business days for documented good cause or may determine that the non-
appearing party has waived the right to a hearing. Both the Complainant and the
Housing Authority shall be notified of the decision of the Hearing Officer; provided,
however, that a determination that the Complainant has waived the right to a
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hearing shall not constitute a waiver of any right the Complainant may have to
contest the Housing Authority’s disposition of the Grievance in an appropriate
judicial proceeding.
d. At the hearing, the Housing Authority shall present its reason for taking or failing to
take the action that is in dispute followed by the Tenant’s explanation for why he or
she thinks that the Housing Authority action or failure to act was incorrect.
e. All hearings shall be conducted informally by the Hearing Officer, and both oral and
documentary evidence pertinent to the facts and issues raised by the Grievance may
be received without regard to whether such evidence would be admissible under
the rules of evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. Irrelevant and unduly
repetitive evidence shall be excluded. Challenges to the admissibility of evidence
shall be determined solely by the Hearing Officer in its reasonable discretion. The
Hearing Officer shall require the Complainant, the Housing Authority, counsel and
other participants or spectators to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. Failure
to comply with the directions of the Hearing Officer may result in exclusion from the
proceedings, in a decision adverse to the interests of the disorderly party or in such
other relief as the Hearing Officer shall reasonably determine.
f. The Complainant or Housing Authority may arrange in advance and at the expense
of the party making the arrangement, for the reporting or recording of all or any
part of the proceedings at a hearing. If proceedings at a hearing are reported or
recorded, the record so made shall be made reasonably available to either party
with the expense of reviewing or copying the record of a hearing to be paid by the
party requesting the review or copy.
5. Decision of the Hearing Officer
a. The Hearing Officer shall prepare a written decision, stating the findings of fact and
conclusions upon which the result is based, within a reasonable time after the
hearing, but not exceeding ten (10) business days. A copy of the decision shall be
sent to the Complainant and to the Housing Authority in the same manner as in
Section C.2. The Housing Authority shall retain a copy of the decision in the Tenant’s
folder. A copy of such decision with all names and identifying references deleted
may also be kept in a file maintained by the Housing Authority and made available
for inspection by prospective Complainants, their representatives, or by
subsequently appointed Hearing Officers.
b. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be binding on the Housing Authority which
shall take all actions, or refrain from any actions, necessary to carry out the decision
unless the Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners determines within a
reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, and promptly notifies the
Complainant in writing of its determination, that:
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1. The Grievance does not concern the Housing Authority’s action or failure to act
in accordance with or involving the Complainant’s lease or Housing Authority
regulations, in a way which adversely affected the Complainant’s rights, duties,
welfare or status;
2. The decision of the Hearing Officer is contrary to Federal, State, or local laws, to
the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, to Department of Housing
and Urban Development regulations and requirements, to the Housing
Authority’s regulations and policies, or to the Annual Contributions Contract in
effect on the date of the hearing.
c. A decision by a Hearing Officer in favor of the Housing Authority, or which denies the
relief requested by the Complainant in whole or in part, or a determination by the
Housing Authority Board of Commissioners under Subsection 6.b., paragraphs i. and
ii. shall not constitute a waiver of, nor affect in any manner whatever, any rights the
Complainant may have to a trial de novo or judicial review in any judicial
proceedings, which may thereafter be brought in the matter.
6. Proposed Adverse Actions/Eviction Actions
a. In the case of proposed adverse actions other than a proposed lease termination,
the Housing Authority shall not take the proposed action until the time for the
Tenant to request a grievance hearing has expired, and (if a hearing was timely
requested by the Tenant) the grievance process has been completed.
b. If the Grievance involves a Housing Authority notice of termination of tenancy
(including any concurrently served notice to vacate required under State or local
law), the tenancy shall not terminate until the time for the Tenant to request a
grievance hearing has expired, and (if a hearing was timely requested by the Tenant)
the grievance process has been completed.
c. After completion of the grievance procedure, an unlawful detainer action will
commence if the Tenant does not voluntarily vacate in accordance with the decision
of the Hearing Officer.
1. The Housing Authority will provide an owner in the Project-based Program an
opportunity for an informal review to consider whether decisions relating to the
individual circumstances of the Owner are in accordance with the law, HUD
Regulations, the HA MTW Agreement, and/or other policies in the following cases:
a. To review KCHA’s determination that a unit is not in compliance with HQS;
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b. To dispute a rent reasonableness determination made by KCHA; or
c. To dispute a denial of participation in the Section 8 program.
2. Owners wishing to dispute one of the above reasons must request a review of the
determination in writing, making reference to the specific problem they wish
reviewed. A time will be scheduled with a Section 8 supervisor who was not a party
to the original decision within ten (10) days of the request. The review, depending
on the request can be performed either by telephone or in a meeting at the Section
8 office with all parties present.
3. Utilizing either method, the Owner shall have the right to submit any documentation
they believe should be considered in making a decision. After all items have been
discussed, the Owner will receive a written response from KCHA within ten (10)
business days of the review detailing the final determination and the reasoning
behind the decision.
4. If the Owner is not satisfied with the decision, they may request, in writing, that the
Section 8 Program Coordinator review the information. No formal meeting will be
held. The response of the Section 8 Program Coordinator is final and will be issued
within (10) business days of the request.
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A. Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, that:
1. Go to (or on behalf of) the Family head or spouse (even if temporarily absent) or to
any other family member, or
2. Are anticipated to be received from a source outside the Family during the 12-
month period following admission or annual examination effective date; and
3. Are not specifically excluded from annual income.
B. Income includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. The full amount of employment income (wages and salaries, overtime pay,
commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services)
of all household members
(Except as excluded by Exhibit B).
2. The net income from operation of a business or profession. Expenditures for
business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness shall not be used as
deductions in determining net income. An allowance for depreciation of assets used
in a business or profession may be deducted, based on straight line depreciation, as
provided in Internal Revenue Service regulations. Any withdrawal of cash or assets
from the operation of a business or profession will be included in income, except to
the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested in the
operation by the Family.
3. Where a Family has total Assets which value $50,000
or more, Annual Income
shall include: Interest, dividends, and other net income of any kind from real or
personal property. Expenditures for amortization of capital indebtedness shall not
be used as a deduction in determining net income. An allowance for depreciation is
permitted only as authorized in paragraph 2 of this Exhibit. Any withdrawal of cash
or assets from an investment will be included in income, except to the extent the
withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested by the Family. Annual
Income shall include the greater of the actual income derived from all Net Family
Assets or a percentage of the value of such assets based on the current passbook
savings rate, as determined by HUD.
4. The full amount of periodic payments received from Social Security, annuities,
insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits and other
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similar types of periodic receipts, including a lump-sum payment for the delayed
start of a periodic payment (except lump sum payment of deferred SSI and Social
Security benefits). (See Paragraph 13 of Exhibit B).
5. Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation,
worker's compensation, and severance pay (except lump sum amounts as listed under
Paragraph 3 of Exhibit B).
6. Welfare Assistance.
a. The actual amount of the TANF benefit paid to the Family each month, or
b. The Imputed Welfare Income, if the TANF amount has been reduced due to Fraud
or Non-compliance with TANF requirements. Imputed Welfare Income is the
amount of annual income not actually received by a family as a result of a specified
welfare benefit reduction due to fraud or noncompliance with TANF requirements
that is, nonetheless, included in the Family’s annual income for purposes of
determining rent. (See Exhibit C.I.(J). for clarification on Imputed Welfare Income).
7. Periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments, and
regular contributions or gifts received from organizations or from persons not residing
in the dwelling.
8. All regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces (See
Paragraph 7 of Exhibit B).
9. Any financial assistance, in excess of amounts received for tuition and other required
fees and charges that an individual receives under the Higher Education Act of 1965,
from private sources or from an institution of higher education, except that financial
assistance as described is not considered income for persons over the age of 23 with
dependent children. This inclusion of income does not apply to students who currently
live with their parents who are receiving or applying for Section 8 assistance. (See
Paragraph 6 of Exhibit B).
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1. Income from employment of household members other than family head, spouse or co-
tenant under the age of 21 years
2. Payments received for the care of foster children, or foster adults (usually individuals
with disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who are unable to live alone). These
amounts include Kin-GAP payments and similar state guardianship payments available
to children exiting the juvenile court system.
3. Lump-sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments,
(including payments under health and accident insurance and worker's compensation),
capital gains and settlement for personal property losses (except as provided under
Paragraph B.5 of Exhibit A).
4. Amounts received by the family that is specifically, for or in reimbursement of, the cost
of medical expenses for any family member.
5. Income of a Live-In Aide, as defined.
6. Except as described in paragraph 9 of Exhibit A, the full amount of student financial
assistance paid directly to the student or to the educational institution. Loan proceeds
are not considered income.
7. The special pay to a family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to
hostile fire.
8. Income from Assets when the total value of assets held by the Family is less than
9. The amounts received from the following programs:
a. Amounts received under training programs funded by HUD or other qualifying
training program funded in whole or in part through Federal, State or local
government sources. (See Exhibit C for additional information).
b. Amounts received by a Person with disabilities that are disregarded for a limited
time for purposes of Supplemental Security Income eligibility and benefits because
they are set aside for use under a Plan to Attain Self-Sufficiency (PASS).
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c. Amounts received by a participant in other publicly assisted programs which are
specifically for, or in reimbursement of, out-of-pocket expenses (special equipment,
clothing, transportation, child care, etc.) and which are made solely to allow
participation in a specific program. Among the programs to which this applies are
the Community Work Experience and Employment School Program. This provision
would also apply to amount received to cover transportation costs of a Volunteer
d. A resident service stipend (not to exceed $750 per month
) received by a resident
for performing a service for the owner (HA) or participating in activities, on a part-
time basis, that enhances the quality of life in the development and/or increase the
economic self-sufficiency of the resident through education and training. As
determined by the HA, services may include, but are not limited to, laundry room
attendant, fire patrol, hall monitoring, lawn maintenance, and resident initiatives
coordination and serving as a member of the Housing Authority Board of
Commissioners. No resident may receive more than one such stipend during the
same period of time. The maximum amount payable as a resident service stipend
and excluded from income will be reviewed annually and adjusted to reflect any
COLA increase approved for KCHA administrative staff beginning with the first full
pay period of November 2024.
e. Participants receiving services through the COPES program AND living in a COPES
assisted unit receiving Project-based assistance shall have all income excluded.
10. Non-recurring or sporadic income (including gifts).
11. Reparation payments paid by a foreign government pursuant to claims filed under the
laws of that government by persons who were persecuted during the Nazi era (effective
April 23, 1993).
12. Adoption assistance payments.
13. Deferred periodic payments of supplemental security income (SSI) and Social Security
benefits that are received in a lump sum payment.
14. Amounts received by the family in the form of refunds or rebates under state or local
law for property taxes paid on the dwelling unit.
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15. Amounts paid by a state agency to a family with a developmentally disabled family
member living at home to offset the cost of services and equipment needed to keep the
developmentally disabled family member at home.
16. Payments made by a State Agency to a landlord to assist Section 8 participants with
disabilities living in shared residential settings in obtaining or maintaining housing at an
affordable level. This exclusion will not be applied if DSHS or other governmental entity
reduces the household’s income in order to provide this contribution.
17. Amounts specifically excluded by any other Federal statute from consideration as
income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance
programs that includes assistance under the United States Housing Act of 1937. The
following types of income are subject to such exclusions:
a. The value of the allotment provided to an eligible household, regardless of the form
of the allotment, under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2017 [b]).
b. Payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973 (42
U.S.C. 5044[g], 5058).
c. Certain payments received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C.
d. Income derived from certain sub-marginal land of the United States that is held in
trust for certain Indian tribes (25 U.S.C 459e).
e. Payments or allowances made under the Department of Health and Human Services'
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (42 U.S.C. 8624[f]).
f. Income derived from the disposition of funds of the Grand River Band of Ottowa
Indians (Pub. L.94-540, section 6; 90 Stat. 2503-2504).
g. The first $2,000 of per capita shares received from judgment funds awarded by the
National Indian Gaming Commission or the U.S. Court of Claims, the interests of
individual Indians in trust or restricted lands, and the first $2,000 per year of income
received by individual Indians from funds derived from interests held in such trust or
restricted lands. This exclusion does not include proceeds of gaming operations
regulated by the Commission (25 U.S.C. 1407-1408).
h. Amounts of scholarships funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965,
including awards under the Federal Work Study Program or under the Bureau of
Indian Affairs Student Assistance Program (20 U.S.C. 1087uu). For Section 8
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programs only, the law requires that the amount of financial assistance in excess of
tuition and other required fees and charges shall be considered income except for
those persons over the age of 23 with dependent children (Pub. L. 109-115, section
327) (as amended).
i. Payments received from programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act
of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3056[f]).
j. Payments received after January 1, 1989 from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund or
any other fund established pursuant to the settlement in the In Re Agent Orange
product liability litigation, M.D.L. No. 381 (E.D.N.Y.).
k. Payments received under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub. L.
96-420, 94 Stat 1785).
l. The value of any childcare provided or arranged (or any amount received as
payment for such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such care) under the
Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. sec. 9858q).
m. Any earned income tax credit received on or after January 1, 1991 (26 U.S.C. 32 (j).
n. Payments by the Indian Claims Commission to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of
Yakima Indian Nation or the Apache Tribe of Mescalero Reservation (Pub. L. 95-433).
o. Allowances, earnings and payments to AmeriCorps participants under the National
and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12637(d)).
p. Any allowance paid under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 1833(c) to children of Vietnam
veterans born with spina bifida (38 U.S.C. 1802-05) children of women Vietnam
veterans born with certain birth defects (38 U.S.C. 1821), and children of certain
Korean service veterans born with spina bifida (38 U.S.C. 1821).
q. Any amount of crime victim compensation (under the Victims of Crime Act) received
through crime victim assistance (or payment or reimbursement of the cost of such
assistance) as determined under the Victims of Crime Act because of the
commission of a crime against the applicant under the Victims of Crime Act (42
U.S.C. 10602).
r. Allowances, earnings and payments to individuals participating in programs under
the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2931).
s. Any amount received under the Richard B. Russell School Lunch Act and the Child
Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 USC 1780(b)), including reduced-price lunches and food
under the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children
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t. Payments, funds or distributions authorized, established, or directed by the Seneca
Nation Settlement Act of 1990 (25 USC 1774f((b)).
u. Payments from any deferred Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits that
are received in a lump sum amount or in prospective monthly amounts (42 USC
v. Compensation received by or on behalf of a veteran for service-connected disability,
death, dependency, or indemnity compensation as provided by an amendment by
the Indian Veterans Housing Opportunity Act of 2010 to the definition of income
applicable to programs authorized under the Native American Housing Assistance
and Self-Determination Act of 1966 (25 USC 4101) and administered by the Office of
Native American Programs.
w. A lump sum or a periodic payment received by an individual Indian pursuant to the
Class Action Settlement Agreement in the case entitled Elouise Coball et al. v. Ken
Salazar et al., 816 F.Supp.2d 10 (Oct. 5, 2011 D.D.C), for a period of one year from
the time of receipt of that payment as provided in the Claims Resolution act of 2010
(Pub. L. 111-291).
x. Any amounts in an “individual development account” as provided by the Assets for
Independence Act, as amended in 2002 (Pub. L. 107-110, 42 U.S.C. 604(h)(4)).
y. Per capita payments made from the proceeds of Indian Tribal Trust Cases as
described in PIH Notice 2013-30 “Exclusion from Income of Payments under Recent
Tribal Trust Settlements” (25 U.S.C. 117b(a)).
z. Major disaster and emergency assistance received by individuals and families under
the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Pub. L. 93-288,
as amended) and comparable disaster assistance provided by the States, local
government, and disaster assistance organizations (42 U.S.C. 5155(d)).
aa. The entire value of an individual’s ABLE account. The actual or imputed interest on
the ABLE account balance is also not counted as income under section 103 of the
Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. (Pub. L. 113-295; PIH Notice 2019-09)
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A. General Rule
Annual Income is the gross income anticipated to be received by the Family from all sources
during the 12 months following the effective date of admission or reexamination. (See
Exhibits A and B of this policy for the listing of income inclusions and exclusions.)
To compute the Annual Income, the HA will:
1. Use current family circumstances to anticipate income unless the verification forms
indicate an imminent change.
2. Annualize all income, including income that may not last the full 12 months (such as
unemployment benefits). When circumstances change, an Interim or Special
Reexamination may be processed.
To annualize full-employment, the HA will multiply:
1. Hourly wages by 2080
2. Weekly wages by 52
3. Bi-weekly wages by 26
4. Semi-monthly wages by 24
5. Monthly amounts by 12
B. Non-wage Income
Count any benefit income or other non-earned income (TANF, SSI, Social Security,
unemployment benefits, etc.) paid to or on behalf of household members, including minors
unless the income is from a source specifically excluded under Exhibit B. However, DO
NOT prorate income from Social Security or SSI due to receipt of Cost-of-Living adjustments
that are anticipated to be received in the following year. Cost-of-Living adjustments to
Social Security or SSI are only to be applied to Recertifications effective January 1
of any
given year.
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C. Employment Income
Count the gross income (before deductions for taxes, etc.) anticipated from employment
(wages, salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips, bonuses and other compensation
for personal services) of the family’s Head of Household, Spouse, Co-Tenant and/or from
other household members age 21 and older. DO NOT include employment income from
household members under the age of 21, other than the Head, Spouse or Co-Tenant.
D. Income from Assets
Income from Assets will not be considered in the calculation of Family Income when the
total value of Assets held by the Family is less than $50,000.
When the family has assets of more than $50,000, use the greater of:
a. Actual income from assets or
b. Imputed income from assets based upon the HA established passbook rate.
passbook rate must be within 75 basis points of the Savings National Rate.
E. Income from Temporarily Absent Family Members
Count all of the income of every family member who is on the lease including those who are
temporarily absent. In addition, count the income of the spouse of the head of household if
that person is temporarily absent, such as away at college or in the Armed Forces, even if
that person is not on the lease (See Exhibit B for Income Exclusions).
F. Income of Persons Confined to a Hospital or Nursing Home
If a household member is confined to a nursing home or hospital on a long-term basis, allow
the family to remove that family member's name from the lease, (with the owner's
permission), exclude the income, and do not allow any deductions for the individual
removed from the lease. The family member would be considered to be permanently
absent and the family would be issued a Voucher for a smaller bedroom size at the time of
the next annual review or mutual rescission.
G. Regular Contributions and Gifts
Count as income regular contributions and gifts from persons outside the household. This
may include rent or utility payments regularly paid on behalf of the family, and any other
cash or non-cash contributions provided to the family on a regular basis. In determining
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
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See Section IV for additional guidelines on Imputing Income
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whether contributions should be counted, consider whether these contributions make up a
regular portion of the family's annual income or whether they are sporadic or casual
contributions, which should not be counted. Bartering in lieu of cash payment is to be
counted as income.
H. Alimony or Child Support
Count amounts awarded as part of a divorce or separation agreement unless the applicant
certifies that the income is not provided and documents that the required efforts have been
made to collect these amounts. (See Verification Requirements, Exhibit E) This also applies
to situations where an applicant states they are receiving less than specified in the court
judgment or settlement agreement.
I. Earned Income Tax Credit
Earned income tax credits will not be used in calculating annual income.
J. Lump-Sum Payments Counted as Income
Generally lump-sum amounts received by a family are considered assets, not income
(inheritances, insurance settlements, proceeds from the sale of property, etc.). Lump-sum
payments made because of a delay in processing unemployment, child support or welfare
benefits are counted as income.
However, a lump-sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment from SSI and
Social Security is not counted as income.
K. Imputed Welfare Income/Welfare Benefit Reduction
The Imputed Welfare Income is the difference between the welfare payment the Family
receives and the welfare payment the Family would have received had it not been reduced
and is based on information presented by the welfare agency. The Imputed Welfare
Income is to be included in the calculation of the Family Income along with the Family’s
other income.
A reduction of welfare benefits by the welfare agency, in whole or in part for a family
member, is determined by the welfare agency because of fraud by a family member in
connection with the welfare program; or because of welfare agency sanction against a
family member for noncompliance with the agency’s requirement to participate in an
economic self-sufficiency program.
However, a welfare benefit reduction resulting in “Imputed Welfare Income” does not
include a reduction or termination of welfare benefits:
1. At the expiration of a lifetime or other time limit on the payment of welfare benefits
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2. Because a family member is not able to obtain employment, even though the family
member has complied with welfare agency economic self-sufficiency or work activities
requirements; or
3. Because a family member has not complied with other welfare agency requirements.
The Housing Authority will work with the welfare agency in order to receive written
information regarding the amount and term of any welfare benefit reduction for a family
member, and the reason for such reduction, as well as information which will also inform
the Housing Authority of any subsequent changes in the term or amount of such specified
welfare benefit reduction.
The Housing Authority will only include Imputed Welfare Income in annual income if the
family was an assisted resident at the time the sanction began.
If the family is not satisfied that the Housing Authority has calculated the amount of
Imputed Welfare Income correctly and if the Housing Authority denies the family’s request
to modify such amount, the Housing Authority will give the resident written notice of such
denial, with a brief explanation of the basis for the determination of the amount of Imputed
Welfare Income. The notice shall also state that if the resident does not agree with the
determination, the resident may file for a hearing in accordance with the Authority’s
Informal Hearing Procedure.
1. The Housing Authority is responsible for determining the amount of Imputed Welfare
Income that is included in the family’s annual income as a result of a welfare benefits
reduction as determined by the welfare agency.
2. The Housing Authority is not responsible for determining whether a reduction of welfare
benefits by the welfare agency is correctly determined by the welfare agency, nor for
providing the opportunity for review or hearing on such welfare agency determinations.
L. Income from a Business (Includes Self-Employed, Rental of Real Property, etc.)
Consider business expenses in computing the family's net income from a business.
Generally, net income equals gross income less:
1. Depreciation (computed on a straight-line basis),
2. Interest payments on loans and
3. Other business expenses, except expenses related to business expansion or capital
Count as income any withdrawals of cash or assets by the family from the business unless
the withdrawal is for reimbursement of amounts the family invested in the business.
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For those families wishing to operate a small business out of their residence, the following
will apply:
1. Prior to beginning the business, the tenant must obtain:
a. the proper business licenses and permits from the city in which the unit is located;
b. prior written approval from the landlord.
2. The tenant must provide the HA with quarterly statements of income until a pattern of
income can be established. Accepted forms of verification include: Financial Statements or
Tax records filed with the IRS.
M. Income of Foster Children
Income for care of foster children or foster adults is excluded.
N. Income of a Live-in Aide
Income received by a live-in aide is excluded and no deduction is allowed.
O. Student Financial Assistance
Student financial assistance paid directly to the student or to the educational
institutions shall not be counted as income if the person is over the age of 23 with
dependent children or lives with their parents.
For persons who do not meet one of the exemptions listed above, student financial
assistance in excess of tuition and required fees should be counted as income.
Note that loans are not considered student financial assistance and should never be
counted as income.
P. Resident Stipend
A resident stipend is an amount received by a resident for performing a service for the
owner (HA) on a part-time basis that enhances the quality of life in the development and/or
increases the economic self-sufficiency of the resident through education and training. As
determined by the Housing Authority, services may include, but are not limited to, laundry
room attendant, fire patrol, hall monitoring, lawn maintenance, and resident initiatives
coordination, and serving as a member of the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.
It should be emphasized that if an owner (HA) pays a resident more than the approved
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KCHA exclusion limit (See Exhibit B, Income Exclusions),
per month, then the entire
amount received is counted as income. There is no limit as to the number of stipends a
family may receive, however, each family member may only exclude one stipend at a time.
Q. Payments awarded to Vietnam Veterans Affected by "Agent Orange"
Payments awarded to Vietnam Veterans affected by "Agent Orange" are to be treated as
1. Lump-sum payments would not be counted as annual income, but would affect total
2. Periodic payments would be counted as annual income.
R. Zero Income, Zero Rent or EAS Reimbursement
If at any time the family reports it has zero income, or whose rent is zero or receives an EAS
Reimbursement, a Special Review will be scheduled to ensure compliance with income
reporting requirements. Typically, such reviews will be completed no later than 6 months
following the prior review, during which rent will be adjusted in accordance with the HA’s
established minimum rent policy, as applicable. However, more frequent Special Reviews
may be completed, if determined necessary by HA staff. In completing such review(s), the
HA may utilize controls, such as periodic submission of household budgets or review of EIV
and other similar verification sources, to assist in insuring proper income documentation. If
an EASY Rent or WIN Rent household appears eligible to receive certain sources of income
(TANF, unemployment, etc.), but claims they do not receive such benefits, the family shall
be required to document that they are not receiving income to which they are entitled.
Families who do not access all available sources of income are not eligible to be granted
relief from the calculated rent under KCHA’s Hardship Policy.
S. State or Local Employment Training
This exclusion exempts compensation received from qualifying employment training
programs and training of resident management staff. To qualify, the compensation must be
a component of a state or local employment training program with clearly defined goals and
objectives. This exclusion only covers compensation received while the resident
participates in the employment training program. Please note, only the compensation
received incident to the training program is excluded (any additional income received
during the training program, such as public assistance, will continue to be counted as
income). The employer needs to be aware the client is in a job training program as
verification will be required from the employer.
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To qualify as a job training program, it must have all six (6) of the following components:
1. Be a program providing employment training and supportive services;
2. Be authorized by Federal, State, and local law;
3. Be funded by Federal, State or local government;
4. Be operated or administered by a public agency;
5. Have as it’s objective to assist participants in acquiring employment skills; and
6. Have clearly defined goals and objectives and is for a pre-determined, limited time
period, and initially, not to exceed one year.
T. Exclusion of Income Received Under Training Programs Funded by HUD
Exclusion of income received under training programs funded by HUD includes amounts
received such as stipends, wages, transportation payments, and childcare vouchers received
pursuant to the training program. Income received as compensation for employment is
excluded only if the employment is a component of a training program. The exclusion of
income earned is allowed only during the job training program, or training oriented
employment, but not during employment secured or maintained once all training has been
completed. The employer needs to be aware the client is in a job training program as
verification will be required from the employer.
A. Valuing Assets
Since the cash value of assets is used in this computation, consideration must be given to
expenses involved in selling or converting assets to cash. Cash value is the market value of
the asset minus reasonable costs that were or would be incurred in selling or converting the
asset to cash, such as:
1. Penalties for premature withdrawal of funds (for IRA, Keogh, time deposits, etc.);
2. Broker and legal fees for selling or converting assets to cash; and
3. Settlement costs for real estate transactions.
The cash values of the following are examples of assets that are to be considered in the
calculation of income:
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1. Current amounts in savings accounts and the average balance of the last six months in
checking accounts, where such average balance has exceeded $50,000
(including credit
unions). Note that some specialty savings accounts, such as ABLE accounts may be excluded
per Exhibit B;
2. Stocks, bonds, savings certificates, money market funds and other investment accounts;
3. Equity in real property or other capital investments. Equity is the estimated current
market value of the asset less the unpaid balance on all loans secured by the asset and
reasonable costs (such as broker fees) that would be incurred in selling the asset. Do not
include equity in an owner-occupied cooperative or manufactured housing unit if the family
intended to continue living in the cooperative unit or manufactured housing home after
being admitted to the Section 8 program. For real estate, have tenant certify the estimated
Fair Market Value (no appraisal needed) and subtract mortgage and established costs (i.e.,
attorney's fees, closing costs, etc.).
4. The cash value of any trusts available to the family. Do not include the value of trusts
that no family member of the family or household can control. The value of the trust fund
will not be considered an asset so long as the fund continues to be held in trust. However,
any income distributed from the trust shall be counted when determining the family's
annual income.
5. IRA, Keogh, and similar retirement savings accounts. These are included because
participation is voluntary and the family has access to them, even though withdrawal would
result in a penalty.
6. Company retirement/pension funds.
a. While the family member is employed, include amounts the family can withdraw
without retiring or terminating employment.
b. At retirement or termination or employment, count as an asset any amount the
member elects to receive as a lump-sum. If the benefits will be received through a
periodic payment, include the benefit in annual income.
7. Assets disposed of for less than Fair Market Value.
a. For any assets the family has disposed of for less than Fair Market Value during the
two years prior to the effective date of the admission or reexamination being
processed, count the difference between the market value and actual amount
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b. Assets disposed of as a result of foreclosure or bankruptcy is not considered an asset
disposed of for less than Fair Market Value.
c. Small amounts, such as charitable contributions, under $1,000 will not be counted.
If value of the disposed assets is over the $1,000, the entire amount will be counted.
d. Assets disposed of as a result of a divorce or separation agreement are not
considered disposed of for less than Fair Market Value if family has received
consideration not measurable in dollar terms.
e. Verification of assets disposed of for less than Fair Market Value will be verified by
applicant certification. Only those certifications that warrant it will be verified.
8. Business assets are not considered in determining the value of net family assets;
however, if business assets have been disposed of for less than Fair Market Value in the
past two year preceding the effective date of the reexamination or move-in, the
difference between the amount realized and the Fair Market Value is included in the net
family assets. In this regard, business assets are treated the same as any other family
9. Assets Owned Jointly
If more than one person owns assets and the Applicant/Tenant has unrestricted access
to the asset, the full value of the asset is counted.
10. Lump-Sum Receipts
Includes inheritances, capital gains, one-time lottery winnings, settlements on insurance
and other claims, etc.
11. Personal Property Held as an Investment
Includes gems, jewelry, coin collections, or antique cars held as an investment. If the
family does not know the Fair Market Value, verification is required. An applicant's
wedding ring and other personal jewelry are considered necessary personal property
and not assets.
12. Cash Value of Life Insurance Policies.
13. "Loaning" of Family Assets
In situations where the family claims to have "loaned" assets to other private parties
(relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.), the HA will continue to count the asset as under the
family's control and continue to count the net cash value of the asset - letting the family
deal with actually recovering the money at some time in the future.
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If the family claims they gave the asset away, however, the HA would consider it an
asset "disposed of for less than Fair Market Value" and calculate the income based on
that procedure.
B. Items Not Counted as Assets
1. Necessary personal property (furniture, clothing, cars, etc.).
In distinguishing necessary personal property from assets, consider the following:
a. Necessary personal property usually is not expected to increase in value, and
b. Necessary personal property is usually used by the owner.
2. Vehicles especially equipped for the disabled.
3. Assets not accessible to the family and which provide no income for the family.
4. Interest in Indian trust lands.
5. Assets that are a part of an active business or farming operation.
6. The equity in owner-occupied cooperatives and manufactured homes in which an
assisted family lives.
A. Childcare Expenses -**Not applicable to fixed income “EASY Rent” households**
Reasonable Childcare expenses for the care of children, including foster children, under age
13 are permitted when such care is needed to enable a family member to work or to further
his/her education (academic or vocational). In order to qualify for a childcare deduction,
the Family must demonstrate that:
1. No adult household member is available to provide care during the hours needed;
2. The amount submitted for deduction is reasonable in terms of costs, number of hours
and type of care;
3. The amount of childcare expense, which enables a family member to work, does not
exceed the employment income earned. When more than one family member works, it
should be assumed that the childcare expense enables the lowest paid individual to
work, unless this is obviously not the case;
Approved under MTW 11/1/10
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4. The amount is not paid to a family member living in the household;
5. The amount is not paid or reimbursed by an agency or individual outside the household.
The applicant's written certification is needed as to whether any of the childcare
payments have been or will be reimbursed by outside sources. If only a portion of the
childcare expense is reimbursed, the remainder would be considered for deduction;
6. If the childcare provider also cares for other family members, the amount for the care of
children under 13 must be prorated;
7. The amount is not paid for the care of any child under 13 years of age who resides in a
household operating an in-home childcare facility. Such households will be determined
able to provide care for their own household members and will not be eligible for a
reduction from gross income.
Child support payments for children who do not live in the unit are not considered childcare
payments and, therefore, are not included in this allowance.
The actual amount of the deduction provided is established by KCHA according to the
following expense bands:
Eligible Child Care
Expenses Incurred
$ Amount
Below $2,500
$2,500 - $4,999
$5,000 $7,499
$7,500 - $9,999
$10,000 or more
B. Handicapped Assistance Expense
Households may deduct anticipated expenses for attendant care and auxiliary apparatus for
a member with a disability (according to the HUD definitions) if such expenses enable a
family member (including the person with disabilities) to be employed. The amount of the
deduction may not exceed the employment income received by the family member who is
able to work as a result of the provision of attendant care or auxiliary apparatus for the
person with disabilities.
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Any family with a disabled family member may qualify for this allowance even if neither the
Head of Household nor spouse is disabled.
1. For households under KCHA’s WIN Rent program, out-of pocket expenses under this
category will be combined with out-of-pocket Childcare Expenses, if any, when
determining Adjusted Annual Income for the household.
2. Under the EASY Rent program, out-of-pocket expenses in this category will be combined
with out-of-pocket Medical Expenses, if any, when determining Adjusted Annual income
for the household.
Auxiliary apparatus includes items such as wheelchairs, ramps, adaptations to vehicles,
special equipment to enable a blind person to read or type, etc. which directly relate to
permitting the person with a disability or other family member to work. If the apparatus is
a specially equipped van, the expense is to be based on the difference between it and the
cost of a regular, moderately priced car.
Care attendant expenses may be paid to a relative only if it is determined that the relative is
not a member of the family.
When a child care provider takes care of children under age 13 and a member with a
disability 13 years or older, expenses must be prorated appropriately since the way in which
child care and disabled expenses are computed differ.
C. Medical Expenses
Allowances for medical expenses are permitted when total “out-of-pocket” unreimbursed
expenses exceed $2500.
The actual amount of the deduction provided is established by KCHA according to the
following expense bands:
Eligible Medical
Expenses Incurred
$ Amount of
Below $2,500
$2,500 - $4,999
$5,000 $7,499
$7,500 - $9,999
$10,000 or more
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Under KCHA’s Hardship Policy, a WIN Rent Household may qualify for a Medical Deduction
only when it can be demonstrated that the household’s childcare and medical costs, and
calculated Total Tenant Payment (Rent + Energy Assistance Supplement) results in the
household facing an “extraordinary cost of living”.
In calculating the household’s eligible expense level, include expenses that are not covered
by outside sources, such as insurance, and that are anticipated to be incurred during the
next 12 months following the family's examination/reexamination. Additionally, include the
portion of expenses that were incurred during the 12 months prior to the annual review but
were paid prior to the currently scheduled reexamination. Expenses such as the following
would be allowed:
a. Services of doctors and health care professionals.
b. Services of health care facilitators.
c. Medical insurance premiums.
d. Prescription medicines.
e. Transportation to and from treatment facilities.
f. Dental expenses (including the costs of obtaining/repairing dentures).
g. Eyeglasses, hearing aids, batteries.
h. Live-in attendant or periodic medical assistance.
i. Monthly payment(s) on accumulated medical bills.
j. Costs associated with the use of a service animal trained to assist persons with physical
disabilities. Grooming parlor expenses associated with luxury-type care, and costs
incurred for boarding an animal when not in use are excluded.
These guidelines are to be used only if the total family assets are greater than $50,000. No
income from assets is included in annual Income when the value of total family assets is less
than $50,000.
STEP I. Determining Whether Imputing Income is Necessary
a. Multiply the total assets by 0.75% (.0075).
b. Calculate the actual income received from all assets.
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c. Compare the totals from A and B above and follow the applicable instructions
* If A is less than B, STOP HERE. The ACTUAL income from assets will be used to
determine total family income. NO FURTHER CALCULATIONS ARE NEEDED.
* If A is greater than B, CONTINUE TO STEP II to determine if you must impute income
from assets.
STEP II. Calculating Disposal Costs
Use the following guidelines to determine the disposal cost of each family asset:
Type of Asset
Disposal Cost
Real Estate
10% of the assessed value
Mobile Homes
10% of the assessed value
Time Deposits or CD's:
7-31 Days
All of the interest earned, or 1/2 of the
interest that could have been earned,
whichever is greater
32-364 Days
One month's interest
12-59 Months
Three months' interest
60-120 Months
Six months' interest
Stocks, Bonds, Annuities, Mutual Funds,
Brokerage rates vary, contact the
agent listed on the verification for a
written estimate of disposal costs
Savings, Checking, Money Markets
Generally, no disposal costs
STEP III. Calculating a Net Asset Value
a. Deduct any applicable disposal cost found in STEP II above from the value of the
corresponding asset. This is the Net Value of the Asset. (If an asset has no disposal
costs, its Net Asset Value is the Actual Value of the asset).
b. Calculate the family's TOTAL NET ASSET VALUE
STEP IV. Calculating Imputed Income From Assets
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c. Multiply the figure found in Step III. b. above (Total Net Assets) by 0.75% (.0075).
STEP V. Comparing Imputed and Actual Income From Assets
a. Compare the Imputed income found in STEP IV above to the total actual income
from assets (from STEP I. b.)
b. The amount added to the family's annual income is the greater of the imputed
income found in STEP IV or the actual income from assets.
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Housing Choice Voucher Program
Effective April 1, 2024
Family Composition
Extremely Low-
Very Low-Income
1 Person
2 People
3 People
4 People
5 People
6 People
7 People
8 People
9 People
10 People
11 People
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Effective January 1, 2024
1. Look for the zip code below to determine the tier for the unit.
2. Look at the bottom table for the bedroom size in that tier to determine the payment standard.
ZIP Code
ZIP Code
ZIP Code
ZIP Code
* These ZIP codes partially include non-KCHA jurisdictions and may be either outside King County or within
Seattle or Renton city limits
1 BR
2 BR
3 BR
4 BR
5 BR
6 BR
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As a general rule, HA’s required to access the EIV system to obtain an Income Report for
each household member on the Section 8 program. If the Income Report does not contain
any employment or income information for the family or if the family disputes the amount
given through EIV, the HA must use the next lower lever verification type (see below). The
following is a list of income sources along with acceptable forms of verification:
A. Employment Verification
Except for the time of application or new admission (see Section 7), all employment
verification must contain the EIV income report (if available) plus one of the following forms
of verification for each family member receiving earned income prior to the calculation of
income. The verification forms are in order of acceptability:
1. Verification from Employment Security
2. HA employment form (verification completed by the employer). If hand carried or
faxed, the information must be followed up by oral confirmation. All third party
employment verification forms must provide the following information:
a. Date of hire;
b. Frequency of pay and effective date of the last pay increase;
c. Probability and effective date of any increase during the next 12 months;
d. Bonus, commission and tip amounts, if applicable; and
e. Manager signature and telephone number.
3. Check stubs or earning statements showing employee's gross pay per pay period and
frequency of pay.
4. W-2 forms if applicant has had the same job for at least two years and pay increases can
be accurately projected.
5. Notarized statements, affidavits or income tax returns signed by the applicant
describing self-employment and amount of income or income from tips and other
B. Social Security, Pensions, Supplementary Security Income (SSI), Disability Income.
1. Third party verification of applicants and household members receiving SS/SSI benefits:
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a. Since EIV does not contain SS or SSI benefit information of applicants, HA’s are
required to request copies of SS or SSI benefit letters, dated within the last 60
calendar days. If the applicant does not have the letter, direct them to the SSA
website at Once received, the HA should use the gross
benefit amount listed on the letter.
2. Third party verification of participants and household members receiving SS/SSI
a. HA’s are required to use EIV to verify SS/SSI benefits of current participants.
b. If the participant agrees with the EIV amount, the HA will use the gross amount
to calculate annual income.
c. If the participant disputes the amount, they must provide a current SSA benefit
letter dated within the last 60 calendar days.
d. If the information is not in EIV or if the participant cannot provide the required
documents, income is calculated as described in section 1.a. above.
3. For Social Security benefits due to age, apply the cost of living factor to the benefits
reported on the previous determination of Total Tenant Payment. Reverify the
income of all Social Security benefits under the age of 62 and recipients of
Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
4. Photocopies of Social Security checks or bank statements are NOT acceptable forms
of verification as the dollar amount may not be the gross benefit amount.
C. Unemployment Compensation.
1. Data obtained through EIV.
2. Computer printout from the unemployment office stating payment dates and amounts
or monetary determination form.
D. Public Assistance Payments.
1. HA Verification Form completed by Public Assistance Agency
2. Welfare agency's written statements as to type and amount of assistance the Family is
now receiving, and any changes in assistance expected during the next 12 months.
3. Oral verification by HA personnel through use of the 1-800-DSHS hotline.
E. Alimony or Child Support Payments.
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1. Copy of a separation or settlement agreement or a divorce decree stating amount and
type of support any payment schedules.
2. If an applicant/tenant who is eligible for child support states they are not receiving it or
they are receiving less than the total amount they are entitled to receive, third party
verification is required to support this. The entire amount indicated in the court papers
is to be used to calculate income unless documentation indicates otherwise.
3. Acceptable documentation includes:
a. A letter from the applicant's attorney stating they are not receiving the amount they
are entitled to receive or
b. A letter for Support Enforcement stating the above, or
c. A copy of any revised court documents.
F. Net Income from a Business.
The following documents show income for the prior years. Consult with tenants and use
this data to estimate income for the next 12 months.
1. IRS Tax Return, Form 1040, if any:
a. Schedule C (Small Business)
b. Schedule F (Farm Income)
c. Schedule E (Rental Property Income)
2. Audited or unaudited financial statement(s) of the business.
3. Loan Application listing income derived from the business during the previous 12
4. Applicant's notarized statement or affidavit as to net income realized from the business
during previous years.
G. Recurring Gifts
1. Notarized statement or affidavit signed by the person providing the assistance. Must
give the purpose, dates and value of gifts.
2. Applicant's notarized statement or affidavit that provides the information in G.1. above.
H. Student Financial Assistance
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For those families where Student financial assistance is to be included in income (See
Exhibits A and B), the following verification guidelines should be used:
1. Verify the amount of Financial Assistance each type must be verified, via written
documentation, by the administrator(s) of the assistance. Documentation must include,
at a minimum the student’s name and the school year(s) and what the assistance is used
2. Verify the amount of Tuition and required fees and other charges must be verified by
the institution of higher education via written statement. Required fees include all fixed
sum charges that are required of a large proportion of all students. Examples of required
fees include, but are not limited to, technology fees, athletic fees, lab fees and fees
specific to the student’s major or program (i.e., nursing program). Expenses related to
attending an institution of higher education must not be included as tuition. Examples
of these expenses include, but are not limited to, room and board, books, supplies, meal
plans, etc.
3. The difference between these two amounts should be counted as income.
For combined asset values of less than $50,000, no verification is required and will not be
included in the calculation of income. Participants and applicants will be allowed to self-
certify the asset amount up to $50,000.
For combined asset values of $50,000 or
greater, the following verification procedures apply:
A. Family Assets Now Held.
For non-liquid assets, collect enough information to determine the current cash value - the
net amount the Family would receive if the assets were converted to cash.
1. Verification forms, letters or documents from a financial institution, broker, real estate
agent, etc. indicating current value of the asset and penalties or reasonable costs to be
incurred in order to convert non-liquid assets into cash.
2. Passbooks, checking account statements, certificates of deposit, bonds or financial
statements completed by a financial institution or broker. For Checking and savings, use
current balance in savings account and last 6 months average balance in checking
3. Quotes from attorneys, bankers, stock brokers or realty agents as to net amount the
Family would receive if they liquidated securities or real estate.
Approved under MTW 5/14/2007
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4. Real estate tax statements if tax authority uses approximate market value.
5. Copies of closing documents showing the selling price, the distribution of the sales
proceeds and the net amount to the borrower.
6. Appraisals of personal property held as an investment.
7. Applicant's notarized statements or signed affidavits describing assets or to verify
cash held at the applicant's home or in safe deposit boxes.
B. Assets Disposed of For Less Than Fair Market Value (FMV) During Two Years Preceding
Effective Date of Certification or Recertification.
1. For all certifications and recertifications, Family's certification as to whether any
member has disposed of assets for less than FMV during the two years preceding
effective date of the certification or recertification.
2. If the Family certifies that they did dispose of assets for less than FMV -- a certification
that shows:
a. All assets disposed of for less than FMV,
b. The date they disposed of the assets,
c. The amount the Family received, and
d. The assets' market value at the time of disposition.
C. Savings Account Interest Income and Dividends.
1. Account statements, passbooks, certificates of deposit, etc., if they show enough
information and are signed by the financial institution.
a. Current interest amount can be obtained by contacting the source by phone and
properly documenting the Verification Form.
2. Broker's quarterly statements showing value of stocks or bonds and the earnings
credited the applicant.
3. If an IRS Form 1099 from the financial institution is acceptable, adjust the information to
project earnings expected for the next 12 months.
D. Interest Income From Sale of Real Property Pursuant to a Purchase Money Mortgage,
Installment Sales Contract, or Similar Arrangement.
1. A letter from an accountant, attorney, real estate broker, the buyer, or a financial
institution stating interest due for next 12 months. (A copy of the check paid by the
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buyer to the applicant is NOT sufficient since appropriate breakdowns of interest and
principal are not included.)
2. Amortization schedule showing interest for the 12 months following the effective date
of the certification or recertification.
E. Rental Income From Property Owned by Applicant.
(Owners must adjust these amounts for changes expected during the next 12 months.)
1. IRS Form 1040 with Schedule E (Rental Income).
2. Copies of latest rent checks, leases, or utility bills.
3. Documentation of applicant's income and expenses in renting the property (tax
statement, insurance premiums, receipts for reasonable maintenance and utilities,
bank statements or amortization schedules showing monthly interest expense.)
4. Lessee's written statement identifying monthly payments due the applicant and
applicant's affidavit as to net income realized.
A. Childcare Expenses
1. Written verification from the person who receives the payments.
a. If childcare is provided by a licensed business, verification on its letterhead
stationery will be acceptable.
b. If childcare is provided in a private home (i.e. friend, relative), written notarized
verification will be required.
c. If verification is unavailable, copies of tax returns may be used as well as actual bills
and receipts.
2. Verifications must specify the hours and days during which the care is provided, the
names of the children cared for and the frequency and amount of compensation
3. Costs must reflect "reasonable hours" and "reasonable costs for the jurisdictions"(as
costs may often vary by seasons.)
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4. If the total childcare expense is state-subsidized and is $50 or less per month, Section 8
applicants and participants will be allowed to self-certify such amounts in lieu of
obtaining third party documentation.
B. Medical Expenses.
1. Written verification by a doctor, hospital or clinic personnel, dentist, pharmacist, etc.,
a. The estimated medical costs to be incurred by the applicant and of regular
payments due on medical bills
b. Extent to which those expenses will be reimbursed by insurance or a
government agency.
2. The insurance company's or employers written confirmation of health insurance
premiums to be paid by the applicant plus a copy of a receipt, canceled check or pay
3. Social Security Administration's written confirmation of Medicare premiums to be paid
by the applicant over the next 12 months.
4. For Attendant Care.
a. Doctor's certification that the assistance of an attendant is medically necessary.
b. Attendant’s written confirmation of hours of care provided and amount of
frequency of payments received from the Family (or copies of canceled checks the
Family used to make those payments).
c. Applicant's certification as to whether any of those payments have been or will be
reimbursed by outside sources.
5. Receipts, canceled checks or pay stubs that indicate health insurance premium costs,
etc., that verify medical and insurance expenses also likely to be incurred in the next 12
6. Copies of payment agreements with medical facilities or canceled checks that verify
payments made on outstanding medical bills that will continue for all or part of the next
12 months.
7. Receipts or other records of medical expenses incurred during the past 12 months that
can be used to anticipate future medical expenses. Use this approach for "general
Approved under MTW 8/30/2004
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medical expenses" such as non-prescription drugs and regular visits to doctors or
dentists, but not for one-time, non-recurring expenses from the previous year.
C. Assistance to the Disabled.
1. Live-in aide care: In all cases, written certification from a doctor or a rehabilitation
agency that the person with a disability requires the services of a Live-in aide or the use
of auxiliary apparatus to permit the person with a disability to be employed or to
function sufficiently independently to enable another family member to be employed.
a. Live-in aide’s written certification as to amount received from the applicant/tenant,
frequency of receipt, hours of care provided and/or copies of canceled checks
applicant/tenant used to make those payments.
2. Auxiliary apparatus: In all cases, written certification from a doctor or a rehabilitation
agency that the person with a disability requires the services of an attendant or the use
of auxiliary apparatus to permit the person with a disability be employed or to function
sufficiently independently to enable another family member to be employed.
a. Receipts for purchases of, or evidence of monthly payments for, auxiliary apparatus.
b. In cases where the person with a disability is employed, a statement from the
employer that the auxiliary apparatus is necessary for employment.
c. Family's written certification as to whether they receive reimbursement for any of
the expenses in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above and the amount of any reimbursement
A. Family Type and Membership in Family.
1. For an elderly household age may be provided by:
a. A copy of a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, census record, or
b. Receipt of SSI Old Age benefits or Social Security retirement benefits.
2. For Disabled Head or Spouse, an applicant or Participant/Tenant receiving Social
Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits will be
considered to be disabled under HUD's definition, (an applicant receiving veteran
disability benefits, however, does not necessarily qualify as disabled under HUD's
definition). A Family who is not receiving either of the above benefits may still qualify
by providing verification from a health or service professional. After admission, a Family
must continue to qualify as a disabled Family at the time of their annual reexamination
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in order to get the benefit of the disabled deduction and in order to have medical
expenses considered in determining the rent. However, a person with disabilities who
"recovers" can remain in subsidized housing but is no longer considered disabled for
deduction purposes.
a. Self-certification of family membership will be accepted at the time of admission to
the program; however, family members being added after admission must verify
relationship by birth certificate, adoption papers and/or custody agreements.
b. Medical need for larger unit. Certification from a reliable medical source that such
arrangements are medically necessary.
B. Registered Lifetime Sex Offender Status
The Housing Authority will use the DRU Sjordin National Sex Offender database located at to verify national sex offender status for all members of an assisted
A. Extremely Low-Income Preference
Applicants will be considered extremely low-income if the family’s total income is equal to
or less than the higher of the Federal poverty level or 30% of Area Median Income for their
household size.
1. This preference only applies to applicants applying for Permanent Replacement
2. Recipients of federal rent subsidy programs are excluded from qualification of a local
preference under this category.
B. Involuntary Displacement Preference.
Applicants will be considered involuntarily displaced if they (a) have already vacated a unit
and are not living in standard permanent replaced housing, or (b) within no more than six
months from the date of certification, the Family will be forced to vacate their unit for any
of the reasons described in Section 13.
Required verification for an Involuntary Displacement Preference includes:
1. Written certification from a unit of government concerning displacement due to a
Approved under MTW 5/1/2004
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2. Written certification from a unit of government concerning displacement due to code
enforcement or public improvement/development;
3. Certification from an Owner concerning displacement due to Owner action
a. An applicant will not be considered displaced unless there was a prior rental
agreement between the Owner and the applicant. Verification must include a rental
agreement and canceled checks or money orders showing rental payment for not
less than 90 days.
b. The individual serving the notice of displacement must legally own the property in
which the applicant resides. (Renters can't displace.)
4. HUD-approved VAWA certification form or certification from local police, social service
agency, court of law, physician or public/private shelter/counseling facility concerning
displacement due to domestic violence. An applicant who qualifies for a preference
based on domestic violence must certify that the abuser will not reside with the
applicant without prior HA approval.
5. For displacement due to reprisals, certification from a law enforcement agency
indicating that family members provided information on a criminal activity and that the
agency recommends relocating the Family to avoid or minimize the risk of violence due
to retaliation.
6. For displacement due to hate crimes of a recent or continuing nature, certification from
a law enforcement agency stating that the family member has been a victim of a hate
crime and has vacated the housing unit because of such a crime.
7. For displacement due to inaccessibility, certification by a health care professional that a
family member has a mobility or other impairment that makes the current unit
inaccessible and a statement by the Owner that they are not legally obligated to make
the necessary changes to the unit.
8. For displacement due to HUD disposition of a multifamily project, certification by HUD
of the disposition.
C. Substandard Housing Preference.
Applicants will be considered to be living in substandard housing if they (a) qualify as a
homeless family (as defined in Section 2) or (b) is living in a unit that is considered
dilapidated, does not have operable indoor plumbing, a flush toilet, a usable bathtub or
shower, adequate electrical service, a kitchen, adequate heat source, or has been declared
unfit for habitation.
Required verification for this preference includes:
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1. Written certification from a unit of government that the unit's condition meets the
federal definition of substandard;
2. Written certification from an applicant's current landlord that the unit's condition meets
the federal definition of substandard;
3. For "homeless families," written certification of their status from a public/private facility
providing shelter to the Family, from local police or a social service agency. (This
includes applicants receiving HOPWA funding.)
4. For the Family Unification Program only, written documentation from the current
landlord or child welfare agency certifying the Family is, or will be, living in an
overcrowded situation once the Family is reunited. Verification must include:
a. Number of people living in the unit, or could be living in the unit after unification;
b. The number of bedrooms in the unit; and
c. Whether there are any rooms that could qualify as a living/sleeping room.
D. Paying more than 50 percent of Income Preference
Applicants will be considered to be a rent burden if they are (a) paying more than 50% of
their income for rent and utilities and (b) have been paying this amount for more than 90
days. Applicants will not qualify for this preference if the reason they are paying more than
50% of their income is because their housing assistance under the Section 8, Public
Housing, Rent Supplement, or Section 236 program was terminated for refusal to comply
with applicable program policies and procedures.
Required verification for this preference includes:
1. Third party verification of all income sources, as required by the HA;
2. For rent, an applicant is required to produce a copy of either a lease (rental agreement)
or rent receipts showing the applicant has been paying over 50% of their income for
rent for the previous 90 day period. If the submitted documentation is not satisfactory,
however, further information will be requested.
3. For utility allowances, an applicant can choose to either:
a. Use the HA's Section 8 Utility Allowance (if the applicant provides documentation
showing the bedroom size of their current unit); or
b. Provide information (copies of bills, receipts, etc.) of all utility payments made for
the prior 12 month period, or if information is not obtainable, for the entire period
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of an appropriate recent period (such period shall be no less than six consecutive
A. Disclosure and Documentation Requirements
All tenants and applicants to the HA's Section 8 Housing Program must disclose and
document (as described in VI.B. below) complete and accurate Social Security Numbers
(SSN,s) assigned to the applicant/tenant and to each household member, including live-in
aides and foster children.
1. A family is required to disclose and document the proper SSN for each household
member. However, the HA may not deny assistance to a Mixed Family due to non-
disclosure of an SSN by an individual who does not contend to have eligible immigration
2. Rules for Applicants: Submission of SSNs and acceptable documentation must be
provided during the applicant’s final determination of program eligibility. Applicants
may not be housed in a unit prior to the submission of required information for ALL
household members, except as those included as members of a Mixed Family who do
not contend to have eligible immigration status (see item VI.A.1 above).
3. Rules for Current Tenants as of January 31, 2010: Excluding persons age 62 or over as
of January 31, 2010, disclosure and documentation of a complete and valid SSN is
required no later than the date of the next regularly scheduled recertification or
interim review of income, family composition and program eligibility for all occupants
a. Have not previously disclosed a SSN;
b. Previously disclosed an SSN that HUD or the SSA determined was invalid; or
c. Have been issued a new SSN.
Current occupants over age 62 as of January 31, 2010 are not required to provide
additional verification. This exemption continues in the current unit, or in any future
assisted unit in which the occupant may reside.
4. Rules regarding the addition of NEW Household members:
a. Addition of family members under the age of 6 who have not previously been
assigned a SSN: Such children may be added to the program, however, the family
must disclose and document a valid SSN within 90 calendar days of the child being
added to the household;
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o At the HA’s discretion, an additional 90 days may be granted where failure to
comply was due to circumstances that could not have been reasonably
foreseen and were outside the control of the participant.
b. Addition of family members age 6 and over or who are under age 6 and have an
assigned SSN: The family must disclose and document the assigned SSN upon
requesting to add the new family member, or at the time of processing the interim
and recertification of family composition that includes the new member(s).
c. In accordance with procedures outlined in item C.2 below, the HA must terminate
the assistance of any participant (and the participant’s household) for failing to meet
applicable SSN disclosure and documentation requirements for all household
members, including live-in attendants and foster children.
B. Acceptable Forms of Documentation
Documentation accepted to verify the Social Security Number of an individual will include
the following:
1. A valid Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administration of the
Department of Health and Human Services;
2. An original document issued by a federal or state government agency, which contains
the name of the individual and the SSN of the individual, along with other identifying
information of the individual. For example, a state driver's license that displays the
Social Security Number;
3. Such other evidence of the SSN as HUD may prescribe or approve.
a. For participants in the VASH program only, a DD-214 or a VA verified 10-10EZ may
be accepted as valid verification of a SSN.
Note: Photocopies or plastic replicas of an individual's Social Security card cannot be
C. Inability to provide Social Security Number Documentation
1. Denial of Eligibility for Applicants. The HA must deny the eligibility of any applicant
household who has not met the SSN disclosure and documentation requirements for
each household member, including live-in attendants and foster children. However, if
the family is otherwise eligible, they may retain their place on the waiting list for 90
calendar days in order to allow the applicant time to provide the required
documentation for all household members. If the applicant fails to comply with
applicable SSN disclosure and documentation requirements within the time period
specified, their application will be cancelled and removed from the waiting list.
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a. The HA may defer the cancellation, and provide the household an additional 90
calendar days to disclose and document a SSN only if the HA determines (in its
o The failure to meet the requirement was due to circumstances that could not
have reasonably been foreseen and were outside the control of the applicant;
o There is reasonable likelihood that the applicant will be able to disclose and
document the missing SSN data within the 90 day extension period.
b. In no case can the applicant be housed until SSN disclosure and documentation
requirements have been met for all members of the household, including live-in
attendants and foster children.
2. Termination of Assistance for current Participants. The HA must terminate the
assistance of any participant (and the participant’s household) for failure to meet
applicable SSN disclosure and documentation requirements for each household
member, including live-in attendants and foster children.
a. The HA may defer the termination, and provide the household an additional 90
calendar days to disclose and document a SSN only if the HA determines (in its
o The failure to meet the requirement was due to circumstances that could not
have reasonably been foreseen and were outside the control of the participant;
o There is reasonable likelihood that the tenant will be able to disclose and
document the missing SSN data within the 90 day extension period.
A. Each family member, regardless of age, must submit the following evidence to the Housing
1. For citizens, the evidence consists of a signed declaration of U.S. Citizenship;
2. For noncitizens who are 62 years of age or older, the evidence consists of a signed
declaration of eligible immigration status and a proof of age document;
3. For all other noncitizens, the evidence consists of a signed declaration of immigration
status, the eligible USCIS documents (see section F of this Exhibit), and a signed
verification consent form.
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4. Family members who choose not to contend they are a U.S. Citizen or have eligible
immigration status, are not required to sign the declaration, however, the Family must
identify to the Housing Authority which member(s) have elected not to contend.
B. The declaration is a form signed under penalty of perjury whereby each family member
declares whether they are a U.S. citizen or have eligible immigration status. The verification
consent form allows the Housing Authority to verify declared immigration status with the
USCIS. Each adult must sign both the declaration and consent forms. For each child, the
declaration and consent forms must be signed by an adult residing in the assisted dwelling
unit who is responsible for the child.
C. The Housing Authority shall require evidence of eligible status be submitted at the following
1. For applicants, the evidence must be submitted at the time of original application.
2. For new occupants of assisted units, the evidence shall be submitted at the first interim
or regular reexamination following the person’s occupancy.
D. Extensions
1. The Housing Authority must extend the time for applicants and residents to submit the
required evidence if the family member:
a. Submits the declaration certifying eligible immigration status; and
b. Certifies that the evidence needed to support the claim is temporarily unavailable,
additional time is needed to obtain the evidence, and prompt and diligent efforts
will be made to obtain the evidence.
2. The Housing Authority’s decision to deny or grant an extension must be issued to the
Family by written notice. If the extension is granted, the notice will state the period of
extension, not to exceed a maximum limit of 30 days. If the extension is denied, the
notice shall explain the reasons for the denial.
a. For each family member, the Family is required to submit evidence of immigration
or citizenship status only once during continuously assisted occupancy under any
covered program.
b. Acceptable evidence of eligible immigration status are as follows:
1. Form I-551 Alien Registration Card
2. Form I-94 Arrival Departure Record annotated with one of the following:
a. Admitted as Refugee Pursuant to Section 207
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b. Section 208 or Asylum
c. Section 243(h) or Deportation stayed by Attorney General
d. Paroled Pursuant to Section 212(d)(5) of the INA
3. Form I-94 Arrival Departure Record not annotated, must be accompanied by one
of the following:
a. A final court decision granting asylum
b. A letter from the USCIS asylum officer, or from the INS district director
granting asylum
c. A court decision granting withholding or deportation
d. A letter from an USCIS asylum officer granting withholding of deportation
4. Form I-688 Temporary Resident Card annotated with Section 245A or Section
5. Form I-688B Employment Authorization Card annotated with Provision of Law
274a.12(11) or Provision of Law 274a.12
6. A receipt from the USCIS indicating the application for issuance of a replacement
document for one of the above.
c. When the eligible evidence is submitted, the Housing Authority must verify the
Family’s eligibility status in the following manner:
1. Primary Verification: The Housing Authority must contact the USCIS automated
verification system (SAVE) to reverify the documents. The SAVE system provides
access to names, file numbers, and admission numbers of noncitizens. Should
the SAVE system confirm eligibility, the Family will be eligible for assistance.
Should the SAVE system not confirm eligible immigration status of the Family,
the Housing Authority must institute Secondary Verification.
2. Secondary Verification: This is a manual search of the USCIS records requested
by the Housing Authority in writing within 10 days of receiving the results from
the SAVE system. The manual search is initiated by forwarding copies of the
original USCIS documents provided by the Family, attached to the USCIS
document G-845S, to the designated USCIS office for review.
d. If a Family fails to submit the required evidence within the time period specified, or
if the evidence is submitted, but fails to establish eligible immigration status as
described in paragraph G.2. of this section, the Housing Authority shall determine
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the Family or family members ineligible and notify them of their options under the
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The activity of identifying qualified families and providing public housing and/or low-income
housing subsidies pursuant to Title 24 CFR and/or other federally-subsidized public housing
program. Also includes unsubsidized residential housing on agency-owned property.
1. Application (Tenant/Participant) Criminal Conviction Records/Sex Offender Registry
Criminal conviction records obtained from law enforcement agencies by the housing
authority for use in screening applicants for admission to housing programs and/or for lease
enforcement or eviction of families residing in public housing or subsidized housing
pursuant to 24 CFR Part 5 Subpart J. Also includes applicants for unsubsidized residential
housing on agency-owned property. Also includes sex offender registration information
obtained from any state or local agency responsible for the collection or maintenance of the
state sex offender registration program pursuant to 24 CFR §5.905.
Retain until purpose(s) for which the record was requested has/have been accomplished
and expiration of period for filing a challenge to the housing authority action then Destroy.
2. Application (Tenant/Participant) Ineligible or Withdrawn
Records relating to the application process for public housing or Section 8 where the
applicant is determined to be ineligible, or where the application is withdrawn by the
applicant. Also includes applicants for unsubsidized residential housing provided by the
a. Includes, but is not limited to:
Application (and supporting data);
Social Security Number disclosure consent, documentation, verification,
investigation and resolution;
Eligibility verification documentation (consent forms, wage & claim information,
Correspondence and notifications to applicant;
Racial, ethnic, gender, and place of previous residency data;
Applicant appeal/hearing records.
b. Excludes:
Ineligibility appeals based on immigration status, which are covered by HA2014-
Appeals filed by existing tenants/participants, which are covered by HA60-01-52.
Retain for 3 years after application withdrawn or applicant determined ineligible and
expiration of appeal period and conclusion of appeal, if filed then Destroy.
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3. Application (Tenant/Participant) Ineligible Due to Immigration Status (Appealed)
Records relating to the denial of public housing or subsidy assistance to applicants based on
immigration status where the decision is appealed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) (formerly Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)) or through an
informal hearing process pursuant to 24 CFR § 5.514.
a. Includes, but is not limited to:
Correspondence and notifications to and from applicant;
Application for financial assistance;
Photocopies of any original documents (front and back), including original USCIS
Signed verification consent forms;
USCIS verification results;
Request(s) for USCIS appeal and/or informal hearing;
Final USCIS determination and/or informal hearing decision(s).
b. Excludes:
Denials that are not appealed, which are covered by HA60-01-51;
Termination of assistance to existing tenants/participants covered by HA60-01-
Retain for 5 years after resolution of informal hearing or USCIS appeal then Destroy.
4. Police Reports
Informational notifications received from law enforcement agencies relating to incidents
occurring within the jurisdiction of the housing authority.
Retain until no longer needed for agency business then Destroy.
5. Tenant/Participant Files
Records relating to tenants and/or participants who participate in a federally-subsidized
housing program administered by public housing agencies. Also includes tenants of
unsubsidized residential housing on agency-owned property.
a. Programs include, but are not limited to:
Public Housing (Title 24 CFR);
Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) (Title 24 CFR);
HOME Investment Partnerships (tenant-based rental assistance, etc.) pursuant
to Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (24 CFR Part
Rural Housing Stability Assistance pursuant to Subtitle D of Title IV of the
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 USC § 11408);
Rental Assistance (Rural and/or Farm Labor) pursuant to 7 CFR Chapter XVIII
(regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)).
b. Records include, but are not limited to:
Application (and supporting data) from the family;
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Eligibility verification documentation (consent forms, wage & claim information,
Social Security Number discrepancy/investigation/resolution, copies of original
documents of eligible immigration status (24 CFR § 5.510), etc.);
Family income/composition reexaminations (HUD Family Report Form 50058,
Record of Certification Form 50059, Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) reports,
etc.) conducted pursuant to 24 CFR § 960.257, 24 CFR § 5.657, 24 CFR § 884.218
, etc.;
Executed lease;
Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract (HUD forms 52641, Tenancy
Addendum 52641-A);
Basis for determining (reasonable) rent pursuant to 24 CFR 982.158(f)(7);
Family Portability Information (HUD-52665);
Request for tenancy approval (HUD-52517);
Special admission documentation (such as non-waiting list, HUD-targeted
assistance provided in accordance with 24 CFR § 982.203);
Lead-based paint records required by 24 CFR Part 35, Subpart B (IMPORTANT:
See exclusion, below);
Move-in/move-out inspection reports (FORM HUD-90106, etc.);
Disposition of tenant/participant personal property;
Termination of subsidy;
Grievance/informal hearing procedures;
Correspondence with tenants/participants (including notifications, complaints
and responses, notices of entry of dwelling unit during tenancy, etc.).
c. Excludes records covered more specifically in this retention schedule or the Local
Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE) including, but not limited
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) records covered by HA2014-006 and
Lead-based paint abatement/remediation on agency-owned property, which is
covered by CORE series GS50-19-15;
Criminal records checks covered by HA60-09-49;
Damage claims and collections covered by CORE series GS50-01-10 and GS50-
Retain for 6 years after termination of lease or subsidy, whichever is later and expiration of
appeal period and conclusion of appeal, if filed then Destroy.
6. Waiting Lists (Tenant/Participant)
Records relating to the creation, monitoring, closing, and opening of waiting lists for any/all
programs offered by the housing authority.
a. Includes, but is not limited to:
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Opening and closing of waiting lists (public notices, etc.);
Correspondence to and from applicants relating to the waiting list (update
notifications, recertification, change in preference status, interview notification,
Removal of applicants from waiting list (non-response, change of circumstances,
Retain for 3 years after end of fiscal year then Destroy.
1. Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Programs
Records relating to participation in a Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program in accordance
with 24 CFR § 984 by families receiving public housing and/or low-income housing subsidies
pursuant to Title 24 CFR.
a. Includes, but is not limited to:
FSS contract of participation (FORM HUD-52650, etc.);
Escrow account credit worksheet (FORM HUD-52652, etc.);
Records documenting family responsibility fulfillment (training and services,
welfare assistance certification, etc.);
Escrow account reports;
Termination of family’s participation (for any reason, including successful
completion of program, non-compliance, etc.).
b. Excludes:
Tenant/Participant Files covered by HA60-01-52;
Financial records, which are covered in CORE Financial Management.
Retain for 6 years after completion, termination, or expiration of contract of participation
1. Reporting (Applicant/Tenant/Participant-Specific) Mandatory
Records relating to reports pertaining to specific applicants, tenants, and/or participants
which are required to be submitted to a regulatory agency in accordance with Title 24 CFR,
where not covered by a more specific records series.
a. Regulatory agencies may include, but are not limited to:
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD);
Department of Homeland Security (DHS);
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA);
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
b. Records may include, but are not limited to:
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Reports and supporting documentation;
Confirmation of submission, revisions, corrections, etc.;
Correspondence, inquiries, etc.
c. Includes, but is not limited to:
Notification to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of aliens not
lawfully present in the United States pursuant to section 404 of the Welfare
Reform Act.
d. Excludes:
Reporting which is NOT specific to individual applicants, tenants or participants;
Reporting relating to finances, which is covered by CORE series GS2011-189,
Reporting/Filing (Mandatory) Financial Management;
Records covered in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) section of this
records retention schedule.
Retain for 3 years after submission of report and until completion of State Auditor’s
examination report then Destroy.
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To establish a policy governing the transfer of participants currently residing in KCHA’s
subsidized housing programs. While the goal of the Transfer Policy is to maintain the
household’s occupancy within proximity to their current residence, this policy is designed to
give KCHA additional options for accommodating the needs of its clients the option of a
transfer of a client to another housing program when KCHA determines such a move is in
the best interest of the client and KCHA.
Exceptions to this policy may be made when approved by the Executive Director to carry
out an approved relocation plan for a capital project.
This policy is primarily applicable to KCHA’s Public Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher and Project-based assistance provided under KCHA’s Private Housing, Local/Tax
Credit and Mixed Finance programs. However, in limited circumstances, a transfer may be
made available to occupants of KCHA’s Preservation program site(s) to assist residents with
a move out of the property when KCHA determines such a move is the best option
A. KCHA will first seek to maintain a Family’s occupancy within the program group (See
below) under which the household currently resides.
B. This policy DOES NOT apply to Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing
operated under contract with KCHA. Current residents of such programs are not
permitted to transfer within their program or to other programs as stipulated in
individual program and occupancy agreements. (Refer to the Tenant Selection section of
the applicable ACOP or Administrative Plan for additional options that may be available
to current participants of KCHA affiliated transitional and conditional housing
C. Participants approved to transfer to an alternate housing program (i.e. Public Housing to
Project-based subsidy, etc.) will be treated as current participants of the new housing
program and will not be subject to standard Housing Authority applicant screening
procedures or wait list requirements. [Exception: Participants transferring into the
Private Housing Program, may be required to pass Owner screening. Cost of screening
may be passed to the participant.]
Approved under MTW 12/1/2007
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D. Participants transferring to an alternate housing program must meet any eligibility
requirements specific to the program and/or unit. Upon transferring, Participants will
be subject to the rent policies, rental terms and subsidy parameters that apply to the
new dwelling unit and/or program. No transfer will be completed until the Participant
signs all paperwork required by KCHA for participation in the new program.
The following program groups will be used to determine housing options available to KCHA
under this policy:
A. Program Groups:
1. KCHA Project-based Subsidy programs: Includes KCHA’s Public Housing units and
Mixed-Finance and other Project-based Section 8 units owned and/or managed in
partnership with KCHA (i.e. Egis, Greenbridge, Birch Creek and other Project-based
Section 8 units located at former Public Housing sites as well as other HOPE VI
Private Replacement Housing where the applicant waiting list has been combined
with KCHA’s Public Housing program waiting list).
a. In general, this program group can accept transfers from any other group, as
determined necessary under this policy. However, individual property
constraints may limit transfers to Public Housing units operated under a special
“set-aside” program or Project-based units jointly funded under the Low-Income
Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.
2. KCHA Tenant-based Subsidy program: Includes subsidized units funded through the
use of a KCHA Housing Choice Voucher.
a. Due to limited resources, transfers into the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
(HCV) program may only be considered, on a discretionary basis by KCHA, as a
last option when no other suitable unit is available. As outlined in Section VII of
this policy, KCHA will allocate a maximum of 15 Housing Vouchers annually to
ensure suitable housing is available when a family’s wait for an appropriate unit
has exceeded the maximum threshold established under this policy. Assignment
of this set-aside for use by an individual household will be at the sole discretion
of KCHA.
3. Preservation Program: Includes units operated and owned by KCHA under a
Preservation program contract administered by HUD’s Multi-Family Housing office.
a. HUD regulations do not allow households to transfer into this property from
another program group.
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The objectives of the Transfer Policy include the following:
A. To address emergency situations.
B. To fully utilize housing resources available within KCHA’s housing programs in a manner
that balances the needs of current participants with that of the Housing Authority.
C. To avoid overcrowding or under occupancy of units by insuring that each Family
occupies the appropriate size unit.
D. To facilitate the relocation of a Family when required for modernization or other
management purposes.
E. To facilitate relocation of families with inadequate housing accommodations, such as
the need for accessibility features not found in the current dwelling unit.
F. To provide an incentive for families to assist in meeting the King County Housing
Authority's deconcentration goal.
G. To eliminate vacancy loss and other expense due to unnecessary transfers.
As stated in Section I above, the Housing Authority will first seek to maintain a Family’s
occupancy within the program group under which the household currently resides.
However, under limited circumstances, completion of a transfer to an alternate program
group (i.e. transferring a Section 8 HCV participant to Public Housing) may become
necessary in order to meet the needs of the household and/or the Housing Authority.
Determination of the need to provide assistance under an alternate program group will be
made at the sole discretion of the Housing Authority after careful consideration of the facts
and documentation received. In determining whether to offer such a transfer, KCHA will
evaluate all elements including but not limited to: the individual client’s need and urgency
of the request; program requirements and regulatory constraints, inventory and turnover;
limited resources and availability of other alternative housing options; the number of recent
transfers into and out of a program; and, other general considerations of the housing
programs. If the evaluation identifies housing resources that can be made available through
more than one program, KCHA will have sole discretion regarding the program to which a
client’s transfer will be approved.
Subsidy under an alternate program group identified in Section II (above) may be provided
if a unit of appropriate size, type and location does not exist within the client’s current
program, or, if such unit does not become available within:
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For Category 1 transfers
within 2 Months
For Category 2 transfers
within 12 Months
For Category 3 transfers
within 24 Months
For Category 4 transfers
within 48 Months
All requests that have exceeded the time limits within the appropriate category will be
reviewed quarterly to determine if an alternate program group should be used to complete
the transfer. As described in Section VII, KCHA will set-aside up to fifteen (15) Housing
Choice Vouchers annually in order to ensure access to suitable housing for households who
have exceeded the wait thresholds listed above. The determination to utilize one of the
HCV set-asides will be left to the sole discretion of the Housing Authority and offered only
as a last resort, following a determination that no other suitable housing is (or will soon be)
available. If the Housing Authority’s HCV program is over-leased or if HUD funding is
deemed to be inadequate, the option of providing HCV vouchers may be suspended at the
sole discretion of the Executive Director or his designee.
In addition, the following guidelines will apply in determining the appropriate housing
resource for each household:
A. If a resident turns down a suitable unit offered to them as part of their transfer
request without good cause, they will not be eligible to receive a voucher, even if
they have exceeded the time limits established by category for transfers.
B. In cases of emergency, KCHA reserves the right to immediately consider all housing
options available and assign households to an alternate program group. Such
determinations will be made based on individual household circumstances and only
with the approval of KCHA Executive Director or designee.
C. Current residents approved for transfer under Category 5 (Incentive Transfers) will
not be provided the opportunity to transfer to another housing program.
D. The Housing Authority will consider a dwelling unit located within 25 miles of the
current residence suitable for purposes of transfer approval. This means that a
resident would not be able to turn down a unit without good cause that is offered at
a property that is located within 25 miles of their current property.
Category 1: Emergency transfers. These transfers are necessary when conditions pose an
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immediate threat to the life, health, or safety of a Family or one of its members. Such situations
may involve the need to move a tenant due to:
a. defects of the unit or the building in which it is located that render the current unit
b. planned modernization work that requires relocation of the household so that work
can proceed;
c. the health condition of a family member which results in a determination that the
need for the transfer is an “urgent medical necessity”;
d. acts of retaliation or a hate crime against a tenant or household member resulting in
a determination a transfer is warranted to ensure safety of the household;
e. the documented request of a local law enforcement agency in order to protect the
safety of a witness to a crime; or,
f. documented evidence of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking
or the threat of physical violence against the resident or member of the resident’s
household, as defined under the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice
Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. Residents seeking protection under VAWA will
be required to provide certification of their qualification as a victim of domestic
violence as defined under the law prior to approval of any transfer request.
Acceptable forms of certification include:
1. A completed HUD-approved certification form;
2. A statement, which you must sign, along with the signature of an employee, agent,
or volunteer of a victim service provider, an attorney, a medical professional or a
mental health professional (collectively, professional”) from whom you sought
assistance in addressing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or
stalking, or the effects of abuse, and with the professional selected by you
attesting under penalty of perjury that he or she believes that the incident or
incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking are
grounds for protection.;
3. A record of a Federal, State, tribal, territorial, or local law enforcement agency,
court, or administrative agency that documents the incident of domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Examples of such records include
police reports, protective orders, and restraining orders,
KCHA’s Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual
Assault, or Stalking (see Section XIII of this Exhibit) provides information, including how to
request an emergency transfer, confidentiality protections, how an emergency transfer may
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occur and guidance to tenants on safety and security. This plan is based on a model
emergency transfer plan published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), the Federal agency that oversees that KCHA is in compliance with VAWA.
Category 2: Immediate administrative transfers. These transfers are necessary in order to:
a. permit a Family needing accessible features to move to a unit with such a feature;
b. allow a dwelling to be available for non-occupancy purposes when the Housing
Authority or Owner has determined such use is in the best interest of the
c. permit a transfer to/from a unit designated for a specific use (i.e., child care
designated unit) to allow the unit to be used for the specific intended purpose; or,
d. permit a family qualifying for a specific type or size of unit to transfer to a Public
Housing development in order to address administrative needs.
Category 3: Administrative transfers. A participant will be approved to transfer under this
category only once in every 3-year period. The following minimum criteria must be met for
transfers in this category: (1) The Family must have been a participant for a minimum of one
(1) year prior to the date of the transfer request; and; (2) the Family will be required to provide
third party verification that documents the need for the transfer. These transfers are approved
in order to:
a. allow a Family to move closer to the head or spouse’s place of employment or
education when the following criteria are met:
1. if to be closer to employment, the tenant has been employed at the existing
job for a minimum of three (3) months and documentation indicates the
likelihood that such employment will continue to be ongoing; or,
2. if to be closer to school, the tenant is currently enrolled in and attending
classes, and documentation indicates the education program is projected to
continue for a minimum of one (1) year;
In both instances, documentation must indicate that the move will substantially
reduce the mileage and/ or travel time or costs of the tenant. (See Section IV:
Determining the Appropriate Housing Resource for mileage minimum)
b. allow the Family to move closer to a specialized school where one or more of the
children in the Family must attend such a school and documentation is provided to
demonstrate that attendance at the school is essential to the child’s physical or
cognitive development.
1. A transfer would not be approved when attendance at the special school is
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due to a matter of “choice” rather than documented need.
c. allow an Elderly or Disabled household to move closer to a natural support or service
provider for a specific stated reason that will improve or eliminate the detrimental
affects of the current living situation.
d. other transfers approved by the Housing Authority when a transfer is the only or
best way of solving a serious problem. (requires approval of the Executive Director)
Category 4: Occupancy Related Transfers. These transfers are approved in order to correct
occupancy standards where the unit size is inappropriate for the size and composition of the
family as follows:
a. Under housed units a Family is under-housed when the number of household
members residing in the unit would exceed the maximum Occupancy Standards
established by the Housing Authority in Section 16 of this plan.
b. Over housed units a Family who resides in a unit larger (i.e. contains more
bedrooms) than would be assigned according to Occupancy Standards established
by the Housing Authority is considered over-housed.
Review of family composition will be completed at the time of each household’s Annual
Update (or Lease renewal date or other Re-certification schedule). Participants will be
placed on the transfer list as of the date of their review and selected for transfers within
the following guidelines:
a. “Over-housed” families will be prioritized for transfer over those qualifying as
“Under-housed” as listed in Section VI (Order of Selection) of this policy.
b. Transfers completed in this category will be limited to a maximum of 4 per
Category 5: Incentive transfers. These transfers are approved in order to offer incentives to
families willing to help meet certain Housing Authority occupancy goals when:
a. the transfer of a family is necessary as part of the Authority’s Deconcentration
Plan as described in Section 6 (Tenant Selection and Assignment) of the ACOP;
Residents approved for transfer under Category 5 will not be provided the opportunity to
transfer to another housing program.
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Transfers will be sorted by the above categories and within each category where applicable
by date and time of the approved transfer request. Households will be selected and offered
a transfer according to the following:
a. Transfers in categories 1, 2 and 3 (Emergency, Immediate and Administrative
transfers) will be housed ahead of any other families, including those on the
applicant waiting list. Emergency transfers (category 1) will be housed ahead of
transfers in category 2. Immediate transfers (category 2) will be housed ahead
of those in Category 3.
b. Occupancy-related transfers (category 4) will be housed after transfers in
categories 1-3. “Over-housed” families will be prioritized within Category 4 and
pulled from the transfer list at a ratio of 3 for every 1 transfer of those who
qualify as “Under-housed”. Transfers completed in this category will be limited
to a maximum of 4 per month, unless otherwise determined necessary by the
Housing Authority in order to meet specific goals or approved by the Executive
Director or designee.
c. Incentive Transfers (Category 5) will have the lowest priority and will be housed
only after needs in Categories 1,2, 3 and 4 have been addressed and only when
the transfer meets the Occupancy and Administrative needs of KCHA.
Units will not be held open for availability to particular transfer group if no eligible
household is approved for transfer within such group.
Exceptions may be made to the order of selection when approved by the Executive Director
in cases of documented urgent need.
This policy is designed to give KCHA additional options for accommodating the needs of its
clients in light of the limited housing resources available. In limited circumstances, resulting
from the urgency of the request or type of unit needed, it may not be possible to identify an
appropriate housing resource within KCHA’s subsidized unit inventory. In such instances,
KCHA reserves the right to offer a participant a transfer to the Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher (HCV) program. Up to a maximum of fifteen (15) HCV’s will be allocated by KVHA
for this purpose annually.
Availability of the use of the HCV program in this manner is not intended to provide a right
to any participant to obtain a Housing Voucher upon approval of a transfer request. Any
decision to utilize the Section 8 Housing Voucher program as an alternate housing resource
will be made at the sole discretion of the Housing Authority’s Executive Director (or
designee) after careful consideration of the facts and documentation received, including the
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impact upon HCV resources and competing program needs. Documentation supporting
KCHA’s determination will be maintained in the participant’s file.
A family approved to transfer to the Section 8 Housing Voucher program to permit a move
to an accessible unit will not be allowed to utilize the voucher to lease a unit that does not
meet the accessibility requirements indicated on the transfer request.
The following is the policy for the rejection of an offer to transfer:
A. If the Family rejects with good cause any unit offered, they will not lose their place on
the transfer waiting list. Good Cause is defined as:
1. Reasons related to health and safety, proximity to work, school and childcare (for
those working or going to school); or,
2. Documented situations where an applicant is temporarily unable to move at the
time of the offer (such as major surgery requiring a period of time to recuperate, or
serving on a jury.); or,
3. Refusal (turndown) of a zero-bedroom apartment (alcove unit) by a household that
includes more than a single (one) individual; or
4. Refusal (turndown) of a transfer to a Project-based or Tenant-based Section 8
subsidy (or unit) by a “Mixed Family” (see definition in Section 2) when the mixed
family “prorated rent” calculation procedures of the new subsidy (or unit) would
result in a rent that is not affordable for the household.
B. If the transfer is being made at the request of the Housing Authority and/or Owner
and the Family rejects two offers without good cause, the Housing Authority and/or
Owner will take action to terminate their tenancy and/or subsidy. If the reason for the
transfer is that the current unit is too small to meet the Housing Authority or Owner’s
optimum occupancy standards, the Family may request in writing to stay in the unit
without being transferred so long as their occupancy will not exceed two people per
living/sleeping room.
C. If the transfer is being made at the Family’s request, and the Family rejects a unit offer
without good cause the Housing Authority will cancel the transfer request and remove
the Family from the transfer list.
D. If the transfer request is a reasonable accommodation request and a suitable unit is
offered by the HA and subsequently turned down by the resident without good cause as
described in Section IX-A, the reasonable accommodation request will be considered
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E. “Over-housed” families will receive a one-time $200 payment if they accept the first
suitable unit offered to them. (Applies to Greenbridge or KCHA managed properties
F. Over-housed families who refuse to accept a transfer to an offered unit without good
cause (see VIII.A above) will be charged a monthly use (surcharge) fee until they move
to a suitably sized unit. The charge will be calculated as the difference between KCHA’s
(1) Payment Standard for the family’s current unit size and (2) the Payment Standard for
the unit size for which the family actually qualifies.
1. The cost of the transfer will be the responsibility of the Family except when approved
under the following circumstances:
A. When the transfer is needed at the request of KCHA in order to carry out rehabilitation
or modernization activities;
B. When action or inaction by the Housing Authority has caused the unit to be unsafe or
inhabitable; or,
C. When the transfer is part of an approved reasonable accommodation request.
2. Where it is determined that the cost of the transfer is the responsibility of the Housing
Authority, the Housing Authority will reimburse the tenant for the reasonable costs
associated with the move, as determined by the Housing Authority.
When the transfer is at the request of the Family, it will not be approved unless the Family
is in good standing with the King County Housing Authority and/or their current Owner. This
means the Family must be in compliance with their lease, current in all payments to the
Housing Authority or Owner, and must pass a housekeeping inspection, if required by the
individual program from which the Family will move.
A tenant may request a transfer at any time by completing a transfer request form. In
considering the request, the Housing Authority may request a meeting with the tenant to
better understand the need for transfer and to explore possible alternatives. The tenant will
be required to provide supporting documentation regarding their request. The Housing
Authority will review the request in a timely manner and if a meeting is desired, it shall
contact the tenant within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request to schedule a
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The Housing Authority will approve or deny the transfer request in writing within ten (10)
business days of receiving the request or holding the meeting, whichever is later.
If the transfer is approved, the Family's name will be added to the appropriate transfer
waiting list.
If the transfer is denied, the denial letter will advise the Family of their right to utilize the
grievance procedure applicable to their current housing program.
The provisions listed above are to be used as a guide to insure fair and impartial means of
assigning units for transfers. It is not intended that this policy will create a property right or
any other type of right for a tenant to transfer or refuse to transfer.
A. Emergency Transfers
In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
the King County
Housing Authority (KCHA) allows tenants who are victims of domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, or stalking to request an emergency transfer from the
tenant’s current unit to another unit. The ability to request a transfer is available
regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
The ability to honor such
request for tenants currently receiving assistance, however, may depend upon a
preliminary determination that the tenant is or has been a victim of domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and on whether HP has another dwelling
unit that is available and is safe to offer the tenant for temporary or more permanent
This plan identifies who may be eligible for an emergency transfer, the documentation
needed to request an emergency transfer, confidentiality protections, how an
emergency transfer may occur, and guidance to tenants on safety and security. This
plan is based on a model emergency transfer plan published by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal agency that oversees that KCHA is
in compliance with VAWA.
Despite the name of this law, VAWA protection is available to all victims of domestic violence, dating violence,
sexual assault, and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Housing providers cannot discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, including race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, or age. HUD-assisted and HUD-insured housing must be
made available to all otherwise eligible individuals regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender
identity, or marital status.
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B. Eligibility for Emergency Transfers
A tenant who is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking,
as provided in HUD’s regulations at 24 CFR part 5, subpart L is eligible for an emergency
transfer, if the:
1. tenant reasonably believes that there is a threat of imminent harm from further
violence if the tenant remains within the same unit; or
2. tenant is a victim of sexual assault that occurred on the premises within the 90-
calendar-day period preceding a request for an emergency transfer.
A tenant requesting an emergency transfer must expressly request the transfer in
accordance with the procedures described in this plan. Tenants who are not in good
standing may still request an emergency transfer if they meet the eligibility
requirements in this section.
C. Emergency Transfer Request Documentation
To request an emergency transfer, the tenant shall notify their management office and
submit a written request for a transfer. KCHA will provide reasonable accommodations
to this policy for individuals with disabilities. The tenant’s written request for an
emergency transfer should include either:
1. A statement expressing that the tenant reasonably believes that there is a threat
of imminent harm from further violence if the tenant were to remain in the
same dwelling unit assisted under HP’s program; or
2. A statement that the tenant was a sexual assault victim and that the sexual
assault occurred on the premises during the 90-calendar-day period preceding
the tenant’s request for an emergency transfer.
D. Confidentiality
KCHA will keep confidential any information that the tenant submits in requesting an
emergency transfer, and information about the emergency transfer, unless the:
1. tenant gives KCHA written permission to release the information on a time
limited basis, or
2. disclosure of the information is required by law or required for use in an eviction
proceeding or hearing regarding termination of assistance from the covered
This includes keeping confidential the new location of the dwelling unit of the tenant, if
is provided, from the person(s) that committed an act(s) of domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against the tenant. See the Notice of
Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act For All Tenants for more
information about KCHA’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of information
related to incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
E. Emergency Transfer Timing and Availability
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KCHA cannot guarantee that a transfer request will be approved or how long it will take
to process a transfer request. KCHA will, however, act as quickly as possible to move a
tenant who is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking
to another unit, subject to availability and safety of a unit. If a tenant reasonably
believes a proposed transfer would not be safe, the tenant may request a transfer to a
different unit. If a unit is available, the transferred tenant must agree to abide by the
terms and conditions that govern occupancy in the unit to which the tenant has been
transferred. KCHA may be unable to transfer a tenant to a particular unit if the tenant
has not or cannot establish eligibility for that unit.
If KCHA has no safe and available units for which a tenant who needs an emergency
is eligible, KCHA will assist the tenant in identifying other housing providers who may
have safe and available units to which the tenant could move. At the tenant’s
request, KCHA will also assist tenants in contacting local organizations offering
assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking
that are attached to this plan.
F. Safety and Security of Tenants
During processing and following completion of the transfer, the tenant is urged to take
all reasonable precautions to be safe. The following resources are provided for
informational purposes to assist in increasing client safety and security. However. IN
Victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the National Domestic Violence
Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. For persons with hearing impairments, the hotline may be
reached by calling 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). In addition, tenants may contact a local
domestic violence shelter, for assistance in creating a safety plan.
Victims of sexual assault may call the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network’s
Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE, or visit the online hotline at
Victims of stalking seeking help may visit the National Center for Victims of Crime’s
Stalking Resource Center at
1. Additional Resources:
Local organizations assisting victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual
assault, or stalking include:
a. Lifewire at 425-746-1960 (Helpline available 24 hours daily)
b. Domestic Abuse Women’s Network (DAWN) at 425-656-7867 (Helpline
available 24 hours daily)
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c. New Beginnings at 206-522-9422 (Helpline available 24 hours Daily)
d. Washington Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-562-6025
(Daily 8am to 5pm).
e. King County Sexual Assault Resource Center at 1-888-998-6423.
Helpline is available 24 hours daily)
For referral to KCHA Resident Services staff, who may be able to provide additional
resources, please contact your Property Manager or Section 8 Program representative
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It shall be the policy of the HA to comply with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, particularly
as it relates to the protection of both Applicant and Tenant records. Implementation of this
policy shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in 24 CFR Part 16 and 42 CFR Part 2. All
HA employees, commissioners, officers, and consultants shall be bound by the requirement
that all Tenant/Applicant information shall be kept strictly confidential. Any requests for
information which are not clearly defined below are to be referred to the Housing
Authority’s Central Office for review and approval.
All Applicant or Tenant records in a HA sponsored program must be stored in a confidential
manner and will be made available to HA employees, (or authorized persons) upon a “need
to know” basis. The following lists specific examples of when information may be released:
1. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed pursuant to a written request signed by all
individuals to whom the records pertain.
2. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed to employees within the Housing Authority
who need the records to perform their duties.
3. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed to other public housing authorities to whom
the tenant applies for tenancy.
4. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed to the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development.
5. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed to other federal and state agencies with a
right to know.
6. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed pursuant to a lawfully issued subpoena or
court order or as otherwise required by law.
7. Tenant/Applicant records may be disclosed to another agency or governmental entity
for a civil or criminal law enforcement purpose if the agency or governmental entity has
made a written request specifying the information desired and the law enforcement
activity involved.
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The HA requires that records be kept of any disclosure that it does make. The record must
show (at a minimum) the date, nature and purposed of each disclosure, as well as the name
and address of the person or agency to whom the disclosure was made.
In determining eligibility/suitability for housing assistance, the HA will require that all adult
family members declare any previous criminal history and to sign a consent form
authorizing the release of criminal records to the HA.
The HA will ensure that all criminal records obtained for this purpose are maintained in a
manner that is strictly confidential, allowing access to the information only to those
employees, officers, or HA representatives who have a job-related “need to know”. Such
information shall not be misused or improperly disseminated and will be destroyed once
the purpose for which it was obtained is accomplished. Upon request the HA will provide a
copy of the criminal record directly to the person for whom it was obtained and, in the case
of the receipt of adverse information, provide the applicant with an opportunity to dispute
the accuracy or relevancy of the record.
1. Information Requested Regarding Current HA Participants/Applicants
a. Requests must be specific as to the information sought and must be in writing.
Documentation must include: date, nature and purpose of such disclosure, and the
name and address of the person or agency to whom the disclosure is made.
b. Any requests for information made by journalists must be referred to the Central
Office unless otherwise directed.
c. For statistical research, information may be given by the Area Office as long as the
information/data is transferred in a form that does not identify individuals.
2. Information Requested Regarding Former HA Participants/Applicants
a. Requests must be specific as to the information sought and must be in writing.
b. Released information must be provided in short, specific terms that can be easily
supported by proper file documentation. Narrative comments, especially opinions,
are to be avoided.
c. Regarding rental delinquencies, the number of “valid” delinquencies may be given,
however, it is the Manager’s responsibility to ensure that proper consideration is
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given to those delinquencies where an agreement had been reached or where there
were mitigating circumstances.
d. Regarding inquires about complaints lodged against the Family, negative
information about the Family is not to be given out unless it has previously been
thoroughly evaluated by the management staff and efforts had been made to assist
the Family in correcting the problem area(s).
e. Always keep in mind that anything negative put down in writing goes out with the
Managers signature, making the Manager liable for any inaccuracies or charges that
cannot be supported. If in doubt, always give a positive response.
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EXHIBIT J- Housing Choice Voucher Program Client Assistance
The King County Housing Authority provides a range of client assistance support to KCHA
voucher holders to successfully lease up and stay housed. The types of assistance outlined
in this policy, including unit holding fees, move-in assistance, deposit assistance and housing
stability, are defined below. On a case-by-case basis, exceptions to this policy may be made
with the approval of a Department Director.
The assistance outlined in this policy is offered only when dedicated funding is available.
All funds distributed through this policy must be made payable to KCHA approved third
party landlords or vendors. No funds shall be paid directly to an HCV participant household.
Upon move-out, any deposits refunded by a landlord will belong to the HCV participant
This Client Assistance Policy replaces all previous policies.
A. Unit Holding Fees (HASP and VASH Only)
1. Definition: A fee paid to a landlord to hold a unit in KCHA’s jurisdiction.
2. Eligible Households: Newly issued KCHA voucher holder with a HASP or VASH
voucher. Port-in voucher holders are not eligible. Households leasing up in a unit
where KCHA has allocated Project-based assistance are not eligible.
3. Eligible Expenses: Fees paid to a landlord who has agreed to hold a unit for an
unidentified voucher holder or for a voucher holder who has not yet signed a formal
4. Maximum amounts: Holding fees are capped at one month’s full contract rent for the
applicable unit. The amount of the holding fees is negotiated on a case-by-case basis
and any unused portion of the fee is applied to the HCV participant’s move-in related
expenses charged by the landlord.
B. Move-in Assistance (HASP and VASH Only)
1. Definition: Fees paid to a landlord or other third party to cover a range of fees
including, but not limited to, application fees, deposit assistance and utility deposit
fees required to establish new service.
2. Eligible Households: Newly issued KCHA HASP or VASH voucher holder. Port-ins,
households moving with HCV assistance and households moving between KCHA
subsidy programs are not eligible. Eligible households must be leasing up in
KCHA’s jurisdiction or in a unit where KCHA has allocated Project-based assistance.
3. Eligible Expenses: Allowable uses of funds include but are not limited to:
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a. Application, screening and administrative fees payable to the landlord.
b. Required deposits, including pet deposits, established in the lease and payable
to the landlord.
c. Utility deposit fees payable to the utility vendors as required to establish
service necessary to make the unit habitable including water, sewer, gas,
electricity and garbage. Fees to establish services similar to telephone and
cable are not eligible expenses.
4. Maximum amounts: Total move-in assistance payable on behalf of a HASP or VASH
voucher holder is limited to one month’s payment standard for the applicable unit.
Maximum amounts do not include unit holding fees paid on behalf of the HASP or
VASH voucher holder.
C. Deposit Assistance
1. Definition: Payments made on behalf of an eligible household to a landlord to cover
all or a portion of the required deposits, except pet deposits, established in the lease.
2. Eligible Households: Newly issued KCHA voucher holder with the exception of
HASP and VASH voucher holders. (See Sections A, B and D of this policy for
assistance available for HASP and VASH voucher holders.) Port-ins, households
moving with HCV assistance, households moving between KCHA subsidy programs
and households leasing up in KCHA managed properties are not eligible. Eligible
households must be leasing up in KCHA’s jurisdiction or in a unit where KCHA has
allocated Project-based assistance.
3. Eligible Expenses: Required deposits, excluding pet deposits, established in the lease
and payable to the landlord.
4. Maximum amounts: The total security deposit assistance payable under this policy is
limited to the lower of the actual contract security deposit or:
a. $500 for a studio and one bedroom voucher
b. $750 for a two bedroom voucher
c. $1,000 for a three bedroom voucher
d. $1,250 for a four bedroom voucher
e. $1,500 for a five bedroom voucher or greater
D. Housing Stability Assistance (HASP Only)
1. Definition: Financial assistance payable to third parties that assists voucher holders to
remain housed when they are at risk of losing their housing due to non-payment of
rent, utilities, etc.
2. Eligible Households: KCHA issued HASP voucher holders at risk of losing their
housing and leased up in KCHA’s jurisdiction or in a unit where KCHA has allocated
Project-based assistance. Port-in voucher holders are not eligible.
3. Eligible Expenses: Allowable uses of funds include but are not limited to:
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a. Back rent and related fees (excluding amounts due to KCHA) and payable to
the landlord.
b. Non-rent related expenses, including damage fees, payable to the landlord.
Retro Rent fees due to KCHA are not eligible expenses.
c. Fees payable to a third party service provider that supports housing stability
(e.g. housekeeping and supportive services related to hoarding).
d. Moving assistance including but not limited to deposit assistance when a
household is required to move to avoid legal actions (e.g. an eviction) and/or
e. Utility payment arears payable to the utility company.
4. Maximum amounts: Total housing stability assistance available in one calendar year
is limited to one month’s payment standard.
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This exhibit serves as a resource to set consistent guidelines for situations which an HQS
inspector may encounter.
A. Furnaces
1. KCHA may require professional certification to verify the safety or operation of
fuel burning heating appliances such as oil and gas furnaces.
2. When a furnace is not visible or the inspector cannot determine the safety of the
equipment, professional certification may be used to verify safety and adequacy
of the heating system.
B. Site and Neighborhood conditions
1. Garbage and Debris: Excessive debris on the property must be removed as it
presents a hazard.
a. Debris may be considered excessive if it would take more than 2 hours to
clean up.
b. Examples of debris include - piles or bags of refuse, appliances or excessive
plant growth.
2. Automobiles:
a. All vehicles on the property that are in disrepair and their physical condition
(i.e. broken windows, up on jacks, sharp metal edges, etc.) constitute a safety
hazard. Such hazards must be corrected through the removal or repair of the
b. Vehicles not parked in areas designed for parking or left parked in
landscaped areas such as lawns or gardens, may have an adverse impact on
site and neighborhood conditions.
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New Lead-based paint regulations set hazard reduction requirements giving much greater
emphasis to reducing lead in house dust thereby reducing the exposure to young children.
The Housing Authority, as part of its regular initial or annual inspection process, will conduct
a visual evaluation of the interior and exterior painted surfaces including common areas,
stairways, boundary fences and garages during the initial and periodic inspections of the
rental property. The inspector will look for any signs of deteriorated paint such as peeling,
chipping, chalking or cracking, of any paint or coating located on the interior or exterior
surface that is otherwise damaged or separated from the substrate.
King County Housing Authority strongly urges landlords to regularly inspect their property
and remove any defective paint according to the Federal requirements prior to the initial or
annual inspection. A good owner maintenance program is the easiest solution to prevent
paint problems from occurring.
If the unit was built before 1978, and is expected to be or is occupied by a family with a
child under 6 years of age, the regulations require the owner to perform “paint
stabilization” activities using “safe work practice” on all surfaces above the de minimis level
until a risk assessment has been performed and the owner has received the a written
De Minimis Levels- Safe work practices and clearance are not required when maintenance
and hazard reduction activities do not disturb painted surfaces that total more than (a) 20
square feet on exterior surfaces (this is an area about 4 feet 6 inches on each side); (b) 2
square feet in any one room or space (this is a square about 17 inches on each side); or (c)
10 percent of the total surface area on an interior or exterior component with a small
surface area such as window sills and trim.
Once the report has been received, the Housing Authority will exempt from such treatment
defective paint surfaces that are found in a report prepared by a Certified EPA Lead-based
Paint Risk Assessor or Lead Paint Inspector not to be lead based.
In our continued effort to partner with landlords, King County Housing Authority is
committed to making this process as efficient as possible and will assist in providing
information and resources to landlords and participants at their request.
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During the initial and annual inspection the Housing Authority will visually inspect the unit
for deteriorated paint. This notice will provide directions on how to complete paint
stabilization if the unit was built before 1978.
Loose, peeling or cracking paint may contain lead and therefore poses a serious health
hazard for children under the age of 6 years.
Paint stabilization must be completed prior to occupancy.
In case of an annual inspection, paint stabilization must be completed within 30 days of
notification of deteriorated paint.
Failure to complete paint stabilization within the designated time frame will result in
housing assistance payments being abated or terminated.
Deteriorated surfaces: Any physical defect on a painted surface must be repaired
before treating the surface.
Remove Loose Paint: All loose paint or other loose material should be removed from
the surface to be treated.
Apply New Paint: Paint stabilization includes the application of a new protective coating
of paint. The surface must be dry and protected from future moisture damage before
applying new protective coating or paint.
Wet scraping or sanding.
Chemical stripping on or off site.
Replace painted components.
Scraping with an infrared or coil type heat gun with temperatures below 1,100 degrees
HEPA vacuum sanding.
HEPA vacuum needle gun.
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Abrasive sanding with HEPA vacuum.
Covering of defective paint surfaces with durable materials such as wallboard or vinyl
siding with joint sealed and caulked.
Open flame burning or torching.
Machine sanding or grinding without HEPA local exhaust.
Abrasive blasting or sandblasting without HEPA exhaust.
Uncontained hydroblasting and high-pressure water washing.
Heat guns operating above 1,100 degree F or charring pt.
Dry scraping or dry sanding except in conjunction with heat guns or within 1 foot of
electrical outlets.
Paint stripping in a poorly ventilated space using a volatile stripper that is a hazardous
Apply a new protective coating or paint over area(s) that had paint removed.
It is strongly recommended that you use certified contractors when performing any
operation beyond routine maintenance.
The individual performing the paint stabilization must be trained in accordance with
OSHA’s Hazard Communication regulations (29CFR 1926.59). In addition, the individual
must meet one of the following:
A certified abatement supervisor supervises the work of the individual performing
the paint stabilization.
The supervisor has successfully completed an accredited abatement supervisor
The individual has successfully completed an accredited Lead-based paint
abatement worker course.
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The individual has successfully completed the Lead-based Paint Maintenance
Training Program developed by the National Environmental Training Association of
the Remodeling Industry.
The individual has successfully completed the Remodeler’s and Renovator’s Lead-
based Paint Training Program Developed by HUD and the National Associated of the
Remodeling Industry.
The individual has successfully completed the equivalent course approved by HUD.
The following safe work practices help minimize and control the spread of lead-
contaminated dust and debris while protecting workers and residents from exposure
to lead:
Cover yourself; wear eye protection, a respirator and proper clothing.
Cover the ground; seal off vents and doorways with poly sheeting.
Tenants shall not be permitted to enter the work site during stabilization.
Personal belongings should be relocated and covered.
Soil and playground equipment must be protected from contamination during
Waste/debris must be disposed of per all State and Local applicable law.
These safe work practices are NOT required when paint stabilization disturbs
painted surfaces that total less than the following “De Minimis Levels”:
20 sq.ft. on exterior surface.
2 sq. ft. in any one interior room or space.
10% of total surface area on an interior or exterior component with a small
surface area. Examples: Windowsill, baseboards, trim, etc.
The work site must be thoroughly cleaned to remove lead-based paint dust.
Clean washing surfaces with a lead specific detergent or its equivalent.
Vacuum cleaners with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Accumulator) filters should be
used during cleanup.
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Waste and Debris must be disposed of properly.
A Clearance Examination is the last step of paint stabilization and includes the following:
A Visual assessment of the treatment.
Collection of dust samples.
An EPA certified lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor or certified clearance
technician must conduct clearance.
Clearance exams are not required when deteriorated paint is less than the “De Minimis
A clearance report must be prepared by a Certified clearance examiner and provided to
the tenant within 15 days of the completion of the lead Hazard reduction activities.
The Housing Authority will require a copy of this notice for the tenant file.
The unit must pass clearance and the form must be signed and returned to the Housing
Authority before unit can pass inspection.
You must institute ongoing maintenance of painted surfaces and safe work practices.
Once a year, visually assess painted surfaces to identify deterioration. Stabilize any
deteriorated paint. Use safe work practices.
Special procedures are required if a child under the age of 6 years residing in a
subsidized unit is identified with an EBLL (Lead Poisoning). When you become aware of
this situation, immediately contact the Housing Authority and your Local Health
The Housing Authority may exempt from such treatment defective paint surfaces that
are found in a report prepared by a certified Lead-based inspector not to be Lead-based.
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No officer of the Housing Authority, employee or any contractor, subcontractor or agent of
the HA shall engage in any act which is in conflict with the performance of official duties. A
conflict of interest shall be deemed to have occurred if the officer of the Housing Authority,
employee or any contractor, subcontractor or agent of the HA directly or indirectly:
1. Accepts or seeks for others any employment, travel expense, service, information,
compensation, gift or thing of value on more favorable terms than those granted to
other officers of the Housing Authority, employees or any contractors, subcontractors or
agents of the HA.
2. Accepts any gift, favor loan, retainer, travel expense, compensation or other thing of
value from any person doing business or seeking to do business with the HA when such
acceptance may conflict with the performance of their official HA duties. A conflict shall
be deemed to exist where a reasonable and prudent person would believe that the gift,
compensation, thing of value, or more favorable terms, was given for purpose of
obtaining special consideration or to influence HA action.
Anyone suspecting conflict of interest should report this information to their department
director or Human Resources. Upon receipt of such notification, action shall be taken to
resolve the potential conflict of interest, including but not limited to designating within a
reasonable time an alternative person to perform the duty which is involved in the potential
conflict. The disposition of the potential conflict shall be stated in writing in files
maintained by the department director of Human Resources.
If the conflict of interest is determined to be purposeful and results in a violation of HA
policy, the HA may take corrective or disciplinary action. Although in most instances, the
HA will apply corrective action in steps of increasing severity, the HA reserves the right to
apply whatever corrective action it deems necessary including immediate discharge without
prior corrective action or notice.
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County Consolidated Plan, 2005 2009, the three major impediments to fair housing are
1. Housing Discrimination Impediments:
Rental market discrimination, with the most notable discrimination occurring on
the basis of race, national origin, disability and familial status;
Discriminatory financing in home ownership including predatory lending, on the
basis of race or national origin and sometimes age; and,
Discriminatory zoning issues and practices and discrimination by housing
2. Administrative Practice Impediments:
Access to fair housing rights information on a day-to-day basis;
Confusion about where to go for help with fair housing and where to send
people for help;
Local jurisdiction capacity for fair housing enforcement mechanisms where most
of the discrimination occurs; and
Lack of monitoring for sub-recipients, i.e., entities awarded funds for projects.
3. Inadequate supply of affordable households for the lowest income levels:
Since 2003, King County Housing Authority has been a Moving to Work Housing
Authority, as a result of being named a high-performing housing authority by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As mandated by
Congress, the MTW Demonstration project provides KCHA and other designated
housing authorities with significant flexibility to develop approaches to meet the
jurisdiction’s housing needs. Two specific goals of the MTW program are to
expand KCHA clients’ housing choices and preserving and increasing affordable
housing opportunities while focusing on those in greatest needs.
A. Actions taken by King County Housing Authority (KCHA) to further fair housing
Through the annual submission of an MTW Report to HUD, KCHA outlines program
accomplishments and evaluates progress towards upcoming goals. In addition, an
MTW Annual Plan is developed and submitted annually to HUD detailing any new
projects which are being proposed for the upcoming year. A number of revisions have
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been made to the Section 8 program to further fair housing including increases to the
payment standard, creation of programs to assist homeless and special needs clients,
and increased access to the reasonable accommodation process.
The following are specific King County Housing Authority efforts to identify and reduce
impediments to fair housing choice.
1. Expanding its role as the safety net for homeless and special needs populations in
King County: In partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and local
governments, King County Housing Authority (KCHA) has created a network of
service-enriched housing for homeless families. It has redefined tenant selection
preferences to move more homeless families into public housing. KCHA’s “Housing
First” program, in partnership with local behavioral health care systems and United
Way, provides housing and services to chronically homeless individuals, those who
are most susceptible to housing discrimination.
2. Ending Homelessness: KCHA is a leader in the region’s efforts to end homelessness
by expanding housing for homeless and special needs households, working to serve
“hard-to-house” populations not traditionally served by mainstream housing
programs, and coordinating rental subsidies with private and public service funding.
This year, partnering with King County and behavioral health providers, KCHA will
house up to 100 chronically homeless and mentally ill individuals who currently cycle
between psychiatric hospitals, jails and the street.
3. Public Housing and Section 8 Admissions Preferences: When selecting applicants,
KCHA uses local preferences for the Public Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher and Project-based Assistance programs. Each program’s policies will be
developed in concert with other admissions-related policies. KCHA will continue to
monitor the impact of the Public Housing site based, regional and Sound families
waiting lists and use MTW authority where needed to address problem areas.
4. Limited English Persons (LEP): Communicating with clients with limited English
proficiency is a priority to assure that applicants and residents understand program
requirements. Since public housing residents speak more than 20 languages, KCHA
has developed a plan to assist clients with limited English proficiency navigate our
programs. A working group meets regularly to discuss new ideas on improving
communication to LEP clients.
5. Reasonable Accommodations: When an applicant for housing indicates on the
application that he/she needs reasonable accommodations in their housing, the
application is referred to KCHA’s Section 504 Coordinator for assistance in locating
accessible public housing units that meet the reasonable accommodation needs of the
applicant. Those needs include voucher extensions, additional bedroom requests, and
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higher payment standards to name a few. In 2008 the King County Section 8
program received 591 requests of which 454 were approved.
6. Staff Training, Advocacy and Tenant Education: King County Housing Authority
pursues the following additional strategies to address identified impediments to fair
housing choice, including:
Providing staff training on current changes in laws and regulations.
Providing active outreach and education to landlords throughout King County
about Section 8 to increase the number of potential landlords willing to accept
Section 8 tenants.
Intervening with landlords to address concerns.
Offering education to Section 8 and Public Housing program participants about
their fair housing rights and how to file complaints, sometimes assisting them
with the filing process.
King County Housing Authority staff in all offices including the corporate office, the
Section 8 office and the on-site management offices are aware of local resources
which can assist tenants to deal with discrimination in housing. When an applicant
or tenant calls regarding a landlord/tenant concern, the caller is referred to their local
fair housing office and the Tenant’s Union. Applicants receiving housing vouchers
also are given information regarding fair housing at their orientation. Between 2004
and 2006, King County Housing Authority established site-based management offices
at each of its public housing sites in an effort to make services more accessible. In
addition an on-line Section 8 Housing application was instituted for greater
1. 1. Deconcentration: Utilizing the HOPE VI program, new project-basing rules for
Housing Choice vouchers developed under MTW and KCHA’s bond and tax credit
financed inventory, KCHA is giving low income households greater access to
neighborhoods with strong school systems and ample entry-level job opportunities.
2. Encouraging Homeownership: Using a Resident Opportunity Self-Sufficiency (ROSS)
grant and MTW flexibility, KCHA is helping public housing residents become
homeowners. Exceeding the program target, 312 households purchased homes
under the program, with 66% utilizing KCHA down payment assistance grants of up
to $15,000.
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3. King County’s Plan to End Homelessness in Ten Years (A Roof Over Every Bed in
King County: Our Community's Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness): This local Ten-
Year Plan reflects a regional commitment to seek long-term and sustainable
solutions to homelessness, utilizing best practices and programs that produce
tangible results. Its priorities are: homeless prevention; development of new
housing and improved connections to support services; and building the community
and political will to end homelessness. In 2005, this Plan was adopted and the
Committee to End Homelessness in King County (CEHKC) was formed. CEHKC is
made up of representatives of nonprofit organizations, businesses, local
governments, homeless advocates and the faith community. KCHA's Executive
Director, Stephen Norman, is the Co-Chair of the Interagency Agency Council, which
oversees implementation efforts of the 10-year plan. KCHA uses this plan as a tool
in identifying unmet housing needs and aligning KCHA resources with other funders
to address those needs.
E. Actions undertaken by KCHA to proactively address accessibility problems for persons
with disabilities:
King County Housing Authority maintains policies and procedures which are part of a
reasonable accommodation plan with the deliberate intention of addressing challenges
of all people with disabilities. The following proactive steps address these challenges:
1. Assist program applicants and participants to gain access to supportive services
available within the community, but not require eligible applicants or participants to
accept supportive services as a condition of continued participation in the program.
King County Housing Authority provides Resident Services Coordinators for each of
the 23 senior and disabled properties. Each of these coordinators has information
and directories of services available in the community and can inform residents of
supportive services provided by community-based agencies. Acceptance of
supportive services is not a condition of continued participation in the program.
2. Identify public and private funding sources to assist participants with disabilities in
covering the costs of structural alternations and other accessibility features that are
needed as accommodations for their disabilities. In the public housing properties
owned by King County Housing Authority, costs of approved reasonable
accommodations are paid for KCHA. In both Section 8 Tenant-based and Project-
based programs, requests for reasonable accommodations are between the resident
and the landlord. Section 8 staff maintains lists of possible private agencies that can
help complete the work and can assist in locating resources.
3. Not deny persons who qualify for HCV under this program other housing
opportunities or otherwise restrict access to PHA program to eligible applicants who
choose not to participate. Generally, King County Housing Authority does not make
participation in services a condition of housing. However, under certain
circumstances where the service is directly tied to the housing program, particularly
in Project-based units, services may be required for program participation.
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4. Provide housing search assistance. In addition to maintaining a list of landlords
willing to participate in the Section 8 program, King County Housing Authority
contracts with the YWCA of Seattle, King and Snohomish Counties to provide
housing search assistance for HCV applicants.
5. In accordance with rent reasonable requirements, approve higher rents to owners that
provide accessible units with structural modifications for persons with disabilities.
King County Housing Authority performs a rent reasonable test on all Section 8 units
and will consider any improvements made by a landlord to make a unit accessible for
a person with a disability. In addition, KCHA has a full time 504 Coordinator who
reviews any request for a higher rent as a reasonable accommodation and will adjust
rents for accessible units.
6. Provide technical assistance, through referrals to local fair housing and equal
opportunity offices, to owners interested in making reasonable accommodations or
making units accessible to persons with disabilities. The King County Housing
Authority Section 8 office provides a website that allows owners to advertise
accessible units. While KCHA does not fund a private owner to renovate for
accessibility, they will assist by directing them to possible agencies that perform or
fund the desired accommodation.
TAKEN To further fair housing:
Records of analysis and actions outlined in this plan are kept through monthly,
quarterly, and yearly reports presented in a variety of formats including the MTW
Annual Report and Plan, quarterly financial reports, monthly Section 8 and Public
Housing management reports, and updates to the HCV Administrative Plan.
1. Certification
The King County Housing Authority certifies that it operates it programs in
conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4), the
Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(29 U.S.C. 794), and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.
12101 et seq.).
2. Sources of information include the following:
The major source of information providing guidelines for the investment of
certain federal housing and community development funds in King County
outside the City of Seattle, during 2005-2009 is the “Consolidated Plan,” a
document written by representatives of the King County Consortium, an
organization made up of 35 small cities and the unincorporated areas of King
County. The Plan had extensive input from a wide range of additional
stakeholders including agencies, advocates, community-based organizations,
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local and state government staff, and members of the public including low
income individuals.
The most current housing action plan and “Analysis of Impediments to Fair
Housing Choice” was published in 2005 and will be in effect through 2009.
Reference is made to fair housing in the 2009 Moving to Work Annual Plan for
the King County Housing Authority.
Reports are published quarterly by the Committee to End Homelessness.
HOUSING DISCRIMINATION HOTLINE: 1-800-669-9777 or the Federal Information Relay
Service at 1-800-887-8339.
All Section 8 applicants attend an orientation briefing where they receive
information packets including copies of the Fair Housing Complaint file form and
instructions for filing. This paperwork includes the toll free number for the housing
discrimination hotline. If they file a complaint, they can send these forms directly, or
King County Housing Authority will send the forms for them.
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King County Housing Authority
Making Transition Work
Project Based Assistance Program Policy
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Under HUD’s Moving to Work Demonstration Program (renamed “Making Transition Work”
by KCHA or MTW), high-performing housing authorities, including KCHA, have the
opportunity to develop their own housing programs and policies based on local needs and
circumstances in lieu of most of the provisions of the 1937 Housing Act. KCHA must,
however, continue to follow related federal laws, including fair housing and other anti-
discrimination provisions. The Authority’s MTW Agreement with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) authorizes KCHA to develop a Section 8 Project-
Based Assistance Program with locally designed policies and procedures.
Under current HUD rules, KCHA is allowed to provide some of its Section 8 funding as an
operating subsidy for housing units (project-based subsidy) as opposed to specific
households in the form of a tenant-based voucher. KCHA has awarded Project Based
Assistance in a number of Program Categories in the past few years. For example, KCHA has
partnered with the Sound Families Initiative to create new transitional housing in the
county. Partnerships with agencies serving the disabled have resulted in service-enriched
housing opportunities for individuals with disabilities. KCHA has also used Project Based
Assistance to replace demolished public housing units and to preserve existing affordable
housing. In October of 2005, HUD issued its Final Rule on Project Based Assistance. Some
aspects of these regulations enhance opportunities to use Project Based Assistance locally.
Others are more restrictive and do not support the goals of KCHA’s PBA Program.
The perceived need for a new and expanded Project Based Assistance program is not based
on any failure on the part of the Section 8 tenant-based program. On the contrary, KCHA
operates a highly successful tenant-based program by a number of standards. For example,
more than 90 percent of new participants in the program are extremely low-income
households. All new participants meet one or more of KCHA’s local admissions preferences.
The program also includes a very successful set-aside program for more than 1,500
households with disabilities, the Housing and Services Program (HASP). In addition to the
successful outcomes for the program’s clients, KCHA has operated the tenant-based
program with a high degree of efficiency.
A locally designed Project Based Assistance Program provides an additional tool that allows
the Authority and its partners to meet affordable housing needs and problems that the
Section 8 tenant-based program is not designed to address. This memorandum details the
problems that this program will seek to address, outlines the program’s policy goals.
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Staff and other KCHA stakeholders have identified a number of affordable housing issues
and opportunities that a project-based rental subsidy program can address. In addition,
some existing project-basing rules and regulations themselves represent a barrier to
efficiently and effectively addressing the affordable housing needs of the County’s poorest
households. The following is a discussion of the affordable housing issues that have been
1. Affordable Housing Issues in King County
A. Production of New Affordable Housing
Few housing units currently being produced in King County are affordable to households
earning below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI). Production under the tax-exempt
bond and tax credit programs primarily serves households in the 45% to 60% of AMI
range. Rising rents in parts of King county make it desirable to create new affordable
units in particular submarkets before income diversity is lost. Coordination of Section 8
rental subsidies with other government financing programs to increase the production
of new “hard” units affordable to very low income households should be an element in
the region’s overall growth plan and part of a regional strategy for assuring the long
term availability of a supply of affordable housing independent of market conditions.
New production also provides opportunities for the development of units for
underserved elements of the market, including very large families and physically
handicapped individuals.
B. Preserving Economic Diversity in Gentrifying Communities
Many submarkets in the region have experienced significant increases in resident
incomes and housing costs over the past decade, resulting in growing market pressures
on low-income households. Communities to the east of Lake Washington, in particular,
have seen a significant loss of economic diversity as older rental housing is either
converted to condominium ownership, rehabilitated as higher income rental housing or
demolished to make way for higher income uses. Despite “exception rent” waivers
provided by HUD, which enable KCHA to approve higher rents for households seeking to
utilize Section 8 vouchers in these communities, the supply of available stock affordable
to voucher holders on the Eastside continues to shrink. The percentage of KCHA Section
8 voucher holders renting in these communities has decreased from 22% in 1994 to 15%
in 2006.
Failure to retain economic diversity in these communities also exacerbates the over
concentration of lower income households in other parts of the county and deprives
low-income households of ready access to entry-level employment opportunities,
superior community facilities, and educational resources available in these
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Production or retention of affordable housing in communities experiencing steep
increases in housing costs should be explored under the project basing initiative.
C. Overconcentration of Affordable Housing
Significant concentrations of poor households, especially in areas with limited resources,
have a detrimental impact on the ability of those households to escape poverty. These
areas typically have fewer resources for needed human services, poorer performing
student bodies, limited employment growth or job opportunities, and higher crime
Despite KCHA’s historical commitment to higher rent payment standards to provide
Section 8 participants with greater geographic choices, over 75percent of the program’s
more than 8,000 households live in the south end of the county, traditionally the area
with higher poverty rates. This percentage is higher for households with children81
percentand even higher for minority populations, encompassing 88 percent of the
program’s minority households with children. In addition, more than 70 percent of
public housing for families with children is located in the south end of the county. An
examination of the distribution of other affordable housing in the county outside of
Seattle will likely show a similar geographic distribution.
Targeting Project Based Assistance to achieve a more balanced geographic distribution
of affordable housing opportunities could help reduce overconcentrations of low
income housing in specific locales.
D. Replacement Housing Initiative
Under the HOPE VI program, KCHA is replacing a World War II vintage public housing
complex in White Center with a new mixed income community. White Center is one of
the poorest communities in Seattle/King County and currently accommodates 22% of
KCHA’s total family public housing inventory.
The redevelopment of Park Lake will provide a more balanced mix of public, workforce
and for-sale housing and will result in the loss of 269 public housing units from the site.
KCHA is committed to the one-for-one replacement of all of these public housing units
with “hard” units, affordable to families on KCHA’s waiting list, in other communities.
Providing “hard” units that are affordable to households earning below 30% of AMI is
not possible without on-going operating subsidies. KCHA has applied for, and received,
contract authority for 269 additional vouchers, to be used specifically to provide off-site
replacement housing. KCHA anticipates utilizing replacement housing as part of the
strategy to address other older sites of public housing as well.
The MTW policy will facilitate KCHA’s provision of replacement housing units prior to
the initiation of demolition activities at Park Lake. Off-site replacement housing will be
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created through project basing in existing developments, in new developments acquired
or built by KCHA and in housing acquired or developed by non-profit housing developers
in partnership with local government. Replacement units will be sited at locations that
strengthen KCHA’s response to deconcentration, economic diversification and job co-
location issues.
E. Affordability Limits in Existing Subsidized Housing
KCHA owns a portfolio of over 4,000 units of tax credit and bond-financed housing.
Nonprofit housing providers also own and manage additional affordable housing in the
County outside of Seattle. These housing opportunities generally serve households with
incomes between 45 percent and 80 percent of AMI. Although KCHA and nonprofit
housing providers desire to use this housing to serve lower income groups—KCHA’s
Board has established a goal of making a portion of these units available to households
at or below 30 percent of AMIlower rents are not financially feasible without
additional subsidies. Project Based Assistance can be used to “buy down” the level of
affordability to provide additional housing opportunities for households with incomes
below 30 percent of AMI.
F. Maintaining the Viability of the Existing Affordable Housing Inventory
The long-term viability of some of the remaining affordable housing in King County is
threatened by unmet capital needs and deferred maintenance issues that are becoming
increasingly critical as this inventory ages.
Underlying financial vulnerabilities stemming from limited cash flow provided by below
market rents and inadequately underwritten capital reserves have left affordable
housing complexes without the resources necessary to deal with significant life cycle
replacement costs and upgrading needs.
Additional pressure is being placed on this housing through significant increases in
operating expenditures, including property and liability insurance and utility costs. The
strategic use of Section 8 subsidies to preserve affordability, strengthen cash flow and
fund critical capital improvements to preserve existing affordable housing should be
G. Strengthening the County’s Existing Supportive Housing System
Existing supportive housing in King County is a critical resource for preventing and
reducing homelessness. In most cases, households served under these programs would
have difficult accessing and maintaining private sector housing even with tenant-based
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Existing supportive housing is vulnerable to the same pressures that all affordable
housing in the county is dealing with, including limited rental incomes, rising operating
costs, inadequate capital reserves and aging physical plants. In addition, supportive
housing facilities must, in many instances, fund on-site supportive services from project-
specific revenues.
Funding for human services is being significantly reduced at present at virtually all levels
of government: federal, state, county and suburban jurisdictions. Use of project based
Section 8 to stabilize operations at these facilities, pay for necessary capital
improvements, and help assure sufficient cash flow to support critical on-site services
should be considered.
H. Underserved and Homeless Populations
An important element of KCHA’s core mission is its role as a safety net for the poorest
and most vulnerable populations in King County. Despite KCHA’s focus on extremely
low-income families in its public housing and Section 8 programs, where 90% to 95% of
new program participants have incomes below 30 percent of AMI, some of the poorest
households in the county are still underserved for a variety of reasons and have a high
likelihood of becoming homeless.
These households include:
Individuals with special needs, for example, individuals with developmental, mental
health, physical, or other disabilities
Recipients with poor credit histories and landlord references
Households with substance abuse histories
Victims of domestic violence
Children aging out of foster care
The development of additional housing for special needs populations in partnership
with non-profit service providers is a critical need identified in the 10 Year Plan to End
Homelessness in King County. Increased coordination of Section 8 rental subsidies with
local government resources and philanthropic initiatives such as the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation’s Sound Families Initiative and the HASP program are an important
element of the response to this issue.
2. Problems Related to Current Program Rules
Although federal regulations currently allow for project-basing of Section 8 assistance,
and have been updated to facilitate program implementation, a number of existing HUD
regulations remain cumbersome. In addition to the need to streamline the program,
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the regulations need to be changed so that project-basing can become a more effective
tool for addressing affordable housing issues and priorities in King County. Significant
constraints presented by existing regulations that are addressed under KCHA’s program
The restriction on Transitional Housing eliminates the opportunity to project-base
under an important housing type.
The restriction of HAP contract term extensions to 15 years may not be suitable for
new construction/acquisition projects involving longer term financing commitments.
The requirements of the current cumbersome process for allocating vouchers to
units controlled by KCHA is replaced by the noncompetitive application of a clear set
of policy objectives and project selection criteria.
The restriction of project-basing to census tracts with a higher than 20 percent
poverty rate does not allow project-basing to be used as a financing tool to leverage
significant private sector involvement in the revitalization of distressed
The current limitation on project-basing to 20 percent of Section 8 tenant-based
budget authority may be too restrictive.
The 25 percent limit on family units in a building that can receive Project Based
Assistance is too restrictive.
The requirement to offer project-based housing to households on the PHA’s waiting
list may not be appropriate or practical for some projects.
The requirement to maintain a waiting list for project-based units is not practical for
homeless households because these households can not wait for housing. Waiting
lists will easily become stagnant and inefficient in meeting immediate housing
The requirement to maintain a waiting list for project-based units is not practical for
people with disabilities moving into shared housing because compatibility of
roommates must be taken into account in determining the next household member
to be added.
The rent limit in tax credit projects is too restrictive and may inhibit the ability to
serve extremely low-income households in these developments. Rent
reasonableness standards should apply instead, combined with appropriate subsidy
layering reviews.
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The requirement to provide a tenant-based voucher to tenants receiving Project
Based Assistance after 12 months will have an inequitable impact on the tenant-
based voucher pool and waiting list.
The current Contracts and forms required by HUD are not suitable for all potential
project-basing uses.
The goals of Public Housing redevelopment initiatives may be better addressed with
a Project Based Assistance policy that allows for a blending of Project Based
Assistance and other government subsidy program rules.
Efficient operations management in mixed-income developments receiving multiple
government subsidies is not possible when subsidy rules are incompatible.
The requirement to submit projects to HUD for subsidy layering and Environmental
review can take a significant amount of time and could postpone development,
thereby increasing costs. KCHA has the expertise and relationships with partner
funders to conduct these reviews.
KCHA’s Making Transition Work Demonstration Program includes a number of overarching
goals that are relevant to the project-basing of Section 8 assistance. In addition, the
problems identified above suggest objectives that a new program should pursue. The
following list of goals is based on KCHA’s Mission, the MTW Demonstration Program goals,
and the problem statement. These goals will be pursued within the context of the
requirement of HUD, and commitment by KCHA, that the Housing Choice program continue
to serve substantially the same number of very low income households as it had served
prior to the MTW Demonstration Program.
The Project Based Assistance Program and Policy is designed to achieve the following goals:
1. Increase the supply of the affordable housing stock in King County through the
support of new development.
Measurable Outcomes:
Project-basing will contribute to a net increase in the number of “hard” units
available for low-income households in KCHA’s jurisdiction.
Project-basing will not result in a decrease in the total number of extremely low-
income households served (tenant- or project-based) by KCHA and other providers
of affordable housing.
2. Increase the level of affordability of existing housing stock.
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Measurable Outcomes:
Existing housing units not currently affordable to extremely low-income households
will become affordable to such households.
Pursuit of this goal will not lead a net reduction in the number of extremely low-
income households served by KCHA or other affordable housing providers.
3. Preserve and revitalize existing affordable housing stock.
Measurable Outcomes:
Project Based Assistance may be used as a tool to preserve the affordable housing
stock in KCHA’s jurisdiction where project cash flow cannot sustain the responsible
management, service provision and maintenance of these facilities and continued
ability to serve extremely low-income households over the long term.
Project Based Assistance may be used as a financing tool to assist in the
revitalization of physically distressed properties or as part of initiatives to address
housing conditions in economically distressed neighborhoods.
4. Increase housing choice for “special needs” households by strengthening and
expanding the continuum of supportive housing programs in King County.
Measurable Outcomes
Project Based Assistance will continue to be used to support the development of
transitional housing opportunities.
Project Based Assistance will be used to preserve existing supportive housing where
project cash flow cannot sustain the responsible management, service provision and
maintenance of these facilities.
Project Based Assistance will be used to increase service-enriched permanent housing
opportunities for households, including individuals with special needs, who are not
able to live independently without such services.
Project Based Assistance will be used to increase service-enriched housing
opportunities for households who have barriers to admission to public housing and/or
tenant-based programs.
5. Focus on the needs of extremely low income households.
Measurable Outcomes:
Housing units receiving Project Based Assistance will serve (admit) the same or
greater percentage of extremely low income households as the tenant-based program.
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The net effect of implementing the project-based program will be to maintain or
increase the percentage of extremely low income households subsidized (admitted) by
the Section 8 program as a whole (project plus tenant-based).
Seventy-five percent of project-based tenants will be below 30% of AMI for the
entire Project Based Assistance program.
6. Assist in deconcentration initiatives by replacing all public housing units targeted
for redevelopment or disposal.
Measurable Outcomes
KCHA will use project-basing as a major tool to replace all hard units targeted for
demolition under current and future revitalization efforts.
KCHA will try to ensure that the number of hard units serving primarily extremely
low income households in KCHA’s jurisdiction will not decrease at any time during
the revitalization process.
7. Reduce concentrations of subsidized households, especially families with children.
Measurable Outcomes
The majority of units receiving Section 8 Project Based Assistance, including units
serving families with children, will be located in low-poverty, high-employment
areas, especially neighborhoods with a low number subsidized housing units.
As a general rule, with the exception of transitional housing or service-enriched
housing for disabled and elderly households, re-developed public housing, and
smaller developments, the total number of units receiving Project Based Assistance in
any given development will not exceed 25 percent of the units in that development.
8. Enhance opportunities for families to become economically self-sufficient.
Measurable Outcomes
A higher percentage of households receiving Project Based Assistance (than tenant-
based recipients) will live in low-poverty areas with greater access to employment
Project Based Assistance-assisted households receiving TANF will become
employed, remain employed, and achieve wage progression at higher rates than
tenant-based voucher recipients receiving TANF benefits.
9. Maximize coordination of Section 8 assistance, housing development and support service
Measurable Outcomes
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Project Based Assistance will be used to leverage capital and other funding to create
new housing.
Project Based Assistance will be used to leverage appropriate support services
funding for residents of developments assisted under this program.
KCHA will make Project Based Assistance available over the course of the MTW
Demonstration in order to address the issues and achieve the objectives enumerated
above. Different categories of vouchers will be allocated for a range of population groups
and purposes. These include both transitional and permanent housing opportunities for
individuals and families with children who may or may not need on-site support services.
General numerical targets for units to be project-based annually in each category will be
reflected in KCHA’s Annual Plan. The following is an initial list of current and potential
Project Based Assistance Program Categories:
1. Private Housing Program (Off-site HOPE VI Replacement Housing): KCHA will project-
base 269 replacement vouchers provided by HUD under the Park Lake HOPE VI project
in housing it controls (and in projects owned by nonprofit organizations and funded by A
Regional Coalition for Housing (about 120 units) or other government funders.
2. Public Housing Re-development (On-site Public Housing Replacement Housing): To
replace or redevelop public housing units on-site at former Public Housing sites, KCHA
will permanently and/or temporarily project-base up to 275 units to serve new and
returning residents at Greenbridge. Further use of this tool may be contemplated if
additional redevelopment sites are identified.
3. Supportive Housing: Housing and Services Program (HASP) vouchers will be made
available for project-basing to create or preserve service-enriched permanent housing
opportunities for disabled households and individuals who need on-site support
4. Transitional Housing: KCHA will support the Sound Families Initiative in partnership with
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create new units of transitional housing.
5. Families with Children: To increase housing opportunities for households with children
in low-poverty, employment-rich areas with limited subsidized housing opportunities,
KCHA may commit Project Based Assistance for such projects. Such opportunities may
be pursued only after KCHA’s replacement housing goals have been met and will be
conditioned on the availability of additional vouchers.
6. Local Preservation: KCHA will attach Project Based Assistance to projects that require
temporary or permanent operating subsidies in order to serve extremely low-income
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7. King County’s Community Plan to End Homelessness: As a member of the Committee to
End Homelessness, KCHA reserves the right to identify new program categories to
further the goals of the King County Plan to End Homelessness.
8. Transition in Place: If resources are available, KCHA will allocate “transition in place”
vouchers to Transitional Housing Programs that are funded by KCHA and Sound Families
as needed.
9. Demonstration Programs: KCHA reserves the right to provide Project Based Assistance
to a limited number of pilot projects that will serve an important public purpose, but
may not qualify under the Program’s policies.
The following policy recommendations represent changes to the Department of Housing
and Urban Development’s project-basing rules and regulations.
1. Allocation of Project Based Assistance
Project Based Assistance may be allocated noncompetitively to KCHA-controlled or
financed units. KCHA-controlled units include housing units owned by the Authority or
owned by a partnership in which the Authority is the general partner. KCHA financed
units include housing that has received conduit financing from the King County Housing
Authority, provided KCHA enters into a long-term loan and regulatory agreement with
the owner that controls the use and affordability of the project for at least 20 years or
the term of the Project Based Assistance, whichever is longer. Such noncompetitive
allocation can only be made on the basis of the Project-Based Program’s policy goals
and objectives. Unit selections will not be submitted for HUD review.
Project Based Assistance for units not controlled by the Authority must be awarded on a
competitive basis through Requests for Qualifications, Requests for Proposals, or Notice
of Funds Available issued by KCHA and/or a partner governmental or supportive service
KCHA may solicit and award Project Based Assistance to Service Providers who will then
identify an owner with whom KCHA will establish a HAP Contract.
KCHA may solicit and award Project Based Assistance in the form of a block grant to
Service Providers who will then administer the Housing Assistance Payments to the
housing owner.
In each case, the Authority will insure that the project meets KCHA’s project based
program goals and objectives and applicable HUD/KCHA program requirements. Unit
selection will not be submitted for HUD review.
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KCHA will make public notice of the availability of Project Based Assistance when
allocated in partnership with other funders.
Notice of Awards or Rejections will be made to each party that submitted an eligible
application but KCHA will not advertise notice of such awards.
2. Location Restrictions
Project Based Assistance will be provided only in Census Tracts with poverty rates below
20 percent based on the official Decennial Census estimates available at the time of
allocation of assistance. In addition, in the selection of projects for assistance, the
Authority will give higher priority to developments located in low-poverty Census Tracts
and those with low concentrations of subsidized housing units. Furthermore, Project
Based Assistance for permanent housing for families with children and off-site HOPE VI
replacement units will only be provided in areas with poverty rates at or below 15
percent. However, the Executive Director may waive these restrictions in areas where
public housing units were previously constructed and were redeveloped, and in
economically impacted areas where KCHA is attempting to preserve and improve
existing affordable housing.
3. Restrictions on the Percentage of Project Based Assistance in a Development
As a general rule, the Authority will not project-base Section 8 assistance in more than
25 percent of a development unless it is a transitional, supportive or elderly housing
program, regardless of the number of other subsidized units on-site. The Authority
reserves the right to waive this requirement in buildings with fewer than 20 units. KCHA
may also exceed the 25% cap when Project Based Assistance is used to establish
redeveloped units on a former Public Housing Site, so long as the number of project-
based units is fewer than the original number of public housing units.
4. Waiting List and Referral System for Developments Receiving Project Based Assistance
The following policies will apply to the waiting list system for developments receiving
Project Based Assistance:
Project-based units designed to house homeless families and individuals will be
made available through referrals from KCHA approved service providers. No waiting
lists will be maintained for these developments.
The Authority and/or project sponsors will manage and maintain waiting list(s) for all
other developments receiving Project Based Assistance.
Waiting List guidelines will be established for each operational Program Category in
the Project Based Assistance Administrative Plan.
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The Authority and/or project sponsors will manage the application process in a
manner that affirmatively furthers Fair Housing goals and prohibits discrimination.
In the case of project sponsors managing and maintaining a waiting list, the sponsor
will be required to submit a detailed Tenant Selection and Assignment Plan that
meets all of the requirements of furthering Fair Housing goals and objectives and the
Authority’s policies and procedures.
5. Households Eligible for Housing Assistance
To be eligible for a housing unit receiving Project Based Assistance, applicants must
meet the eligibility criteria of KCHA’s Section 8 tenant-based program established in the
Section 8 Administrative Plan. These include:
Income eligibility (gross household income at or below 80% of Area Median Income)
Family eligibility (households with children, or elderly or disabled households or
Citizenship (Citizens, nationals, or noncitizens with eligible immigration status)
In addition to the current Section 8 eligibility criteria, children who age out of foster
care are eligible for Project Based Assistance if the Authority chooses to establish a
program for this purpose.
KCHA and Project owners may establish additional eligibility criteria based on the
owner’s approved application for Project Based Assistance. The owner is
responsible for ensuring that any additional eligibility criteria meet all federal Fair
Housing and Civil Rights laws. These criteria will be included in an admissions and
occupancy plan provided to KCHA for approval as a condition for entering into a
Housing Assistance Payment Agreement.
6. Admissions Preferences
The policy intent of the Project Based Assistance Program is to provide assistance to
extremely low-income households. Not less than 75% of all project-based participants
will be below the higher of the Federal poverty level or 30% of area median income.
KCHA will establish admissions preferences consistent with this goal for each of the
Project Based Assistance Program Categories in the PBA Administrative Plan.
7. Continuing Assistance
KCHA will not provide tenant-based Section 8 vouchers to residents moving out of
project-based units. In the case of mixed-finance developments, KCHA may permit
transfers between project-based units and public housing. Graduates of project-based
transitional units will be eligible for a set-aside wait list for the Public Housing Program
as described in KCHA’s Public Housing Admissions to and Continued Occupancy Policies.
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The Authority and its partners will make every effort to ensure that residents moving
out of transitional housing developments receiving Project Based Assistance will have
adequate options for permanent housing. All residents of housing units receiving
Project Based Assistance will be encouraged to apply for various and appropriate types
of permanent housing assistance offered by the Authority and other providers of
affordable housing.
8. Shared-Housing Projects
The Authority will accept proposals from agencies that provide opportunities for
households who want to share a housing unit. The following provisions apply to shared
housing funded in part by Project Based Assistance:
Section 8 eligibility will be determined separately for each of the individual
households who are being considered for a shared housing unit.
Project managers will determine suitability of each of the individual households
considered for shared housing.
Project owners may consider the gender of adults and older children of different
households, subject to all Fair Housing laws and regulations, in determining the
compatibility of households under consideration for a shared housing unit.
A shared housing unit will be considered one housing unit for the purpose of
determining rent reasonableness and determining Housing Assistance Payments.
However, the Executive Director is authorized to develop unique methods of
determining contract rents and payment standards as appropriate for projects with
shared housing units.
Housing assistance payments will not be increased if a shared housing unit is not
fully occupied. Because a household’s rent contribution is based on its income, the
landlord may not increase an individual household’s rent contribution if the unit is
not fully occupied.
Upon program completion, each of the individual households in a shared housing
unit in a transitional program may be eligible for public housing if they meet all the
eligibility conditions for public housing and subject to the same limitations specified
in Section 7 above.
9. Ensuring Safe and Decent Housing
The Authority will ensure that all housing units and developments receiving Project
Based Assistance are safe and decent. The Authority will utilize its Section 8 housing
choice voucher program inspectors to inspect units receiving Project Based Assistance,
including KCHA controlled and financed units, and will use HUD’s Quality Housing
Standards as a basis for conducting initial and annual inspections of all such units.
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However, the Authority may develop its own housing quality standards to ensure that
housing receiving Project Based Assistance is safe and decent. KCHA will inspect
developments under application at the time of Contract execution rather than on the
proposal selection date.
The management entity will be required to inspect all units receiving Project Based
Assistance upon unit turnover and certify annually that all such units have been
inspected and meet the required housing quality standards. Once a year, KCHA will
perform inspections of a minimum of five units or 10 percent (randomly selected);
whichever is more, of a development’s units that receive Project Based Assistance. If
more than 20 percent of the units fail inspection, 100 percent of the units will be
inspected. The actual percentage inspected annually will be based on performance
under past annual inspections.
10. Payment Standards and Contract Rents
The payment standards used to determine the appropriate subsidy level will be set
independently of those for the Authority’s Section 8 tenant-based program. KCHA
intends to ensure that whenever possible, tenants of project-based units do not pay
more than 30% of their adjusted income toward rent and utilities. Therefore, gross
rents, which are calculated by adding the contract rent and the utility allowance for the
minimum number of occupants for the unit size, will not exceed the Payment Standard.
The Executive Director is also authorized to develop a unique set of reduced payment
standards and project operating, capital and service reserve requirements to reflect, as
appropriate, subsidy layering issues in projects receiving other governmental funds.
11. Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contracts and other HUD documents
The Housing Authority will enter into an agreement (HAP Contract) with the property
management entity responsible for the units receiving Project Based Assistance. The
contract may be executed following the start of demolition or construction so long as
the owner can document that all federal requirements and Project Based Assistance
policies have been met. The HAP Contract may specify the number of units under
contract and the range of bedroom sizes under the contract rather than specific units.
Additional, appropriate revisions to HUD’s HAP Contract and other HUD-prescribed PBA
documents will be made as necessary to ensure consistency with the policy provisions
contained in this document and to reflect the use of the HAP contract to leverage
private sector investment in affordable housing.
12. Block Grant Policies
KCHA receives the majority of its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Funds in the form of
a block grant. To the extent that KCHA chooses to project base block grant funds, KCHA
may elect to utilize a portion of these funds to assist in financing the acquisition or
rehabilitation of housing, provided that such housing:
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Furthers the goals set forth in this policy.
Is made available to low income households under the eligibility criteria detailed in
KCHA’s admissions policies.
Will be dedicated to such use for a minimum of ten years.
KCHA may also adjust payment standards as appropriate to further the goals and
objectives of this policy for units subsidized through the block grant program.
13. Contract Term
The term of HAP contracts awarded under this policy will generally be for ten years or
less, conditioned on annual appropriations. If appropriations are cut back, priority for
renewals will be given to Project Based Assistance over tenant-based assistance.
However, the Authority reserves the right to offer longer contracts if determined
necessary for financial leveraging and underwriting requirements. Contracts may be
renewed after expiration of the five-year terms without limit and without competition
at the sole discretion of the Authority.
14. Rent Reasonableness
Housing authority employees will make rent reasonableness determinations for all units,
including KCHA controlled and financed units, using the same methodology and data
source used for determining rent reasonableness for the Section 8 tenant-based
program. If sufficient comparables are not available, KCHA may require a project owner
to hire a third-party appraiser to conduct a market comparability study.
15. Jurisdiction Restrictions
KCHA reserves the right to enter into HAP contracts with owners in another Housing
Authority’s jurisdiction subject to an inter-agency agreement with the other Housing
16. Housing Type
KCHA will generally accept applications for Project Based Assistance for existing housing
and new construction only. KCHA reserves the right to execute an Agreement to enter
into a HAP Contract (AHAP) for rehabilitation projects when the AHAP is necessary to
meet the requirements of other financing or to ensure that the project owner meets
other federal requirements when PBA is the only federal funding source.
KCHA will add manufactured housing, transitional housing, and high-rise elevator
buildings for families to the list of HUD-approved housing types.
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17. Inspections other than Housing Quality Standards.
Project owners will be required to conduct their own construction or rehab inspections
mandated by the jurisdictions in which the project is located. KCHA staff will not
conduct such inspections.
18. Subsidy Layering Reviews
KCHA will not submit projects to HUD for subsidy layering review. KCHA will conduct
subsidy-layering reviews in-house, or in partnership with local funders, and insure
compliance with HUD guidelines.
19. Mixed-Finance Developments and Public Housing Re-development Projects
KCHA may conform the funding structure and operating procedures of Project Based
Assistance to that of other public subsidy programs in developments that have more
than one type of government operating or rental subsidy and in developments that
were formerly public housing developments. Changes may include: unique utility
allowances; rent calculation methods and income disregards; interim review
procedures; and community service requirements. Additional changes will be made in
accordance with the Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy.
20. Annual Tenant Recertification
KCHA will not conduct the second annual review for transitional program residents who
are expected to move out at 24 months unless a tenant exceeds this time frame by an
additional 3 months.
21. Occupancy Standards
Occupancy Standards shall follow KCHA’s Public Housing standards.
If a family is in a wrong-size unit or an accessible unit that they do not require, they will
be permitted to stay in that unit until an appropriate Contract Unit becomes available. If
no appropriate unit-type is under contract, the following will occur:
Under-sized units: KCHA will permit tenants of units too small for their family size to
stay in the unit so long as they have landlord approval and are not jeopardizing their
health and safety.
Over-sized units: Tenants will be permitted to remain in the larger unit without an
adjustment to tenant rent for the greater of 3 months or the tenant’s next annual
review, at which time they will be required to pay a higher rent or move from the unit.
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22. Environmental Review
The Local Responsible Entity (RE) for KCHA’s jurisdiction, as determined by HUD, is King
County Government. King County will conduct all Environmental reviews for projects
receiving other federal sources of funding. If the local RE refuses to conduct the review
because KCHA provides the only source of federal funding in a project, KCHA or HUD will
conduct the review.
23. Tenant Briefings
KCHA will permit KCHA-trained project owners and service providers to conduct
24. Supportive Services
Supportive services for all KCHA-funded supportive housing programs are defined as
services that have a professional case management component that creates a direct
relationship between the service provider and a member of each household. Services
may also include, but are not limited to: mental health and substance abuse treatment,
self-sufficiency & educational programs, housing stabilization, socialization activities,
daily living skills, job training and job placement. KCHA will monitor the owner’s
provision of supportive services on an annual basis on its own or in partnership with a
recognized supportive services funder that is invested in the project.
The Executive Director is authorized to develop a Project Based Assistance Program
Administrative Plan to guide the implementation and operations of the Project Based
Assistance Program consistent with the goals and provisions of this policy. In addition, the
MTW annual plan will establish goals and limits for the number of Section 8 vouchers to be
project-based and identify and prioritize the housing needs that will be addressed.
The Authority will annually evaluate the outcomes of the Project Based Assistance Program
against the goals and objectives established in the policy and the annual implementation
plans. These evaluations will be included in the Annual MTW Reports.
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A. The following EAS tables will be used for all Project-based units unless listed in section B
B. The following Project-based units should refer to the ACOP for determination of the
proper EAS amount:
Birch Creek, Green River Homes, Bellevue 8 Homes, Campus court I & II,
Shoreham, Victorian Woods, Evergreen Court, Federal Way 3 Homes, Kings Court,
Eastridge House, Green leaf, Cedarwood, Juanita Court, Juanita Trace I & II,
Kirkwood Terrace, Avondale Manor, Forest Grove, Glenview Heights, Vista Heights,
Youngs Lake, Pickering Court, Riverton Terrace (Family), Wellswood, Seola
Crossing, Nia, Salmon Creek, and Eastbridge.
Who provides
electricity to your
Does tenant pay for
Who provides
electricity to your
Does tenant pay for
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Adjusted Gross Income
Gross Rent Table =
Total Tenant Payment (TTP)
Less than $1,000
1,000 - 1,999
2,000 - 2,999
3,000 - 3,999
4,000 - 4,999
5,000 - 5,999
6,000 - 6,999
7,000 - 7,999
8,000 - 8,999
9,000 - 9,999
10,000 - 12,499
12,500 - 14,999
15,000 - 17,499
17,500 - 19,999
20,000 - 22,499
22,500 - 24,999
25,000 - 29,999
30,000 - 34,999
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35,000 - 39,999
40,000 - 44,999
45,000 - 49,999
50,000 - 54,999
55,000 - 59,999
60,000 - 64,999
65,000 - 69,999
70,000 - 74,999
The above table represents Total Tenant Payment amounts under the WIN Rent program
ONLY, as outlined in Section 21. In general, the actual Tenant Rent due is equal to the TTP
(above), less any applicant KCHA established Energy Assistance Supplement for the unit. If
the resulting Tenant Rent is less than the established Minimum Rent of $25, the Minimum
Rent will be applied, subject to any available Energy Reimbursement credit for a period not
to exceed 6 months. For households with income equal to $75,000 or more, the TTP is
equal to 28.3% of the household’s total Gross Monthly Income.
In limited circumstances, KCHA has entered into mixed finance operating agreements under
the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program (LIHTC). Where LIHTC regulations limit the
amount of rent that can be charged to a resident to an amount below that show above (and
calculated according to WIN Rent program policies), the lower LIHTC rent maximum will be