EPA Training Delivery Format
Developed for:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Submitted by: ICF
20, 2019
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 1
2.2 Training Delivery Formats ............................................................................................. 1
2.3 Instructional Design Models and Terminology ................................................................ 2
2.3.1 ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) Model ................ 2
2.3.2 Levels of Interactivity ............................................................................................. 2
2.3.3 Active and Passive Learning .................................................................................... 3
2.3.4 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Learning ................................................................... 3
2.3.5 Determining the Optimal Training Delivery Format .................................................... 4
3 Training Delivery Format Descriptions and Features/Components ................................ 6
3.1 On-the-Job Training ...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Microlearning .............................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Packaged Training Video ............................................................................................... 7
3.4 Online Web Conference (Webinars and Webcasts).......................................................... 7
3.5 Live-Streamed Training (Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training) .............................. 8
3.6 Basic eLearning (Level 1) ............................................................................................... 9
3.7 Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2 and 3) ............................................................................ 10
3.8 Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training) ................................................................ 10
3.9 Performance Aids and Tools ........................................................................................ 11
3.10 Blended Learning ....................................................................................................... 11
4 Comparison of Training Delivery Formats ...................................................................... 12
4.1 Portability ................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Audience ................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Accessibility (i.e., Section 508 compliance) ................................................................... 14
4.4 Scalability (i.e., number of learners it could accommodate) ........................................... 14
4.5 Ease of Updating ........................................................................................................ 16
4.6 Resource Requirements .............................................................................................. 16
4.7 Average Development Costs and Level of Effort ............................................................ 18
4.8 Provider Computer and Other System and Equipment Requirements ............................. 20
4.9 User System Requirements ......................................................................................... 24
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
4.10 Timing and Recommended Length ............................................................................... 25
4.11 Learning Management System Platform Requirements ................................................. 26
4.12 Effectiveness of an Adult Learning Tool ........................................................................ 26
5 References ......................................................................................................................... 28
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
ICF, in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conducted an evaluation of
training delivery formats using criteria and training delivery formats provided by EPA (refer to the
section of this report). ICF reviewed and analyzed past and current research on instructional
design and training delivery formats and consulted with instructional design and multimedia design
2.1 Criteria
EPA provided the following criteria to guide the evaluation of the training delivery formats:
Portability (i.e., ability to view on different devices)
Accessibility (i.e., Section 508 compliance)
Scalability (i.e., number of learners it could accommodate)
Ease of Updating
Resource Requirements (i.e., staffing/people)
Development Costs (e.g., actual cost, Adobe Connect license, level of effort [LOE])
Provider Computer and Other System and Equipment Requirements (e.g., development
User System Requirements
Timing and Recommended Length (i.e., does the class need to be taken all at once, or can you
start/stop over a period?)
Learning Management System (LMS) Platform Requirements
Effectiveness as Adult Learning Tool (i.e., effectiveness at information retention/learner
engagement, where it lands on the active-passive learning spectrum)
**Please note: This list is not comprehensive and factors such as complexity/stability of content/subject
matter, timing, and other factors should be taken into consideration when selecting the optimal training
delivery format.
2.2 Training Delivery Formats
EPA provided the following training delivery formats for evaluation:
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Packaged Training Video
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Online Web Conference (Webinars and Webcasts)
o Recorded Webinar
Live-Streamed Training (Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training [vILT])
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2 and 3)
Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training [ILT])
Performance Aids and Tools
Blended Learning
Using the provided criteria, we expanded each format to provide more detailed descriptions and
comparisons between each type in the Training Delivery Format Descriptions and Features/Components
section of this report.
2.3 Instructional Design Models and Terminology
In this section, widely used models and methods that guide instructional design processes are described
briefly, along with common terminology used in this report. These instructional design models and
methods are crucial for the success of any training project provided in any format.
2.3.1 ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) Model
When beginning a training project, the traditional process
includes use of the ADDIE instructional design model and
framework. The ADDIE model has five phases: AAnalysis, D
Design, DDevelopment, IImplementation, and EEvaluation
(see Exhibit 1: ADDIE Model). In the analysis phase, the
instructional goals and learning objectives are determined, as
are information about the audience, the learner’s existing
knowledge and skills, and the behavioral outcomes.
During the design phase, the instructional delivery format is
selected, which is the format used to deliver the instruction. The
method of delivery can range from basic eLearning to classroom
training, which ICF has outlined in this report.
A training project should not begin with a preconceived notion
of what training delivery format to use, but rather the instructional designer(s) should select the most
appropriate format based on a variety of factors, including learning objectives, corresponding
content/subject matter, complexity/stability of the content/subject matter, timing, and budget.
2.3.2 Levels of Interactivity
When designing and developing eLearning training, three levels of interactivity and media richness can
be used that increase in complexity. Each level is defined in Exhibit 2 below.
**Please note that there is a Level 4, which is not used as often as Levels 13, in which learners have full
control over pace and content through use of high-level 3D simulations, avatars, virtual reality,
gamification, etc.
Exhibit 1: ADDIE Model
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
2.3.3 Active and Passive Learning
Passive learning involves content that is transmitted to learners whoabsorb” the information, such as
through a lecture or reading assignment, whereas active learning engages learners in activities in which
they are exploring, communicating, creating, or practicing their new skills to gain experiences. Active
learning can include hands-on exercises/activities, role playing, simulations, mentoring/job shadowing,
and group discussions, to name a few.
**Please note that the “Learning Retention Pyramid” or “Cone of Learning,” referenced in an article
, puts active and passive learning on a spectrum that has been heavily disputed and is not based on
research. Therefore, ICF did not assign the various formats to a position within a “active-passive learning
spectrum.” It is important to note that active learning provides a more engaging experience for learners,
but a mix of both active and passive learning in a blended learning solution can be very engaging and
can increase knowledge retention.
2.3.4 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Learning
**Please note that in this report, the term “synchronous” describes live-streamed training or vILT.
Synchronous learning refers to a type of training (primarily delivered online) that happens on a set
schedule in which learners and instructor(s) meet at the same time. Asynchronous learning allows
learners to complete the training on their own time, in a self-directed manner; typically, learners are
provided a timeframe to complete the training.
These terms can also be used to describe components of a training. For instance, a live-streamed web
conference or chat that happens during a web conference can be considered synchronous, whereas a
discussion board or the materials provided to support a course, such as job aids, videos, etc., can be
considered asynchronous.
Level 1 Interactivity: Low Media
The learner acts solely as a
receiver of information. The
learner reads the text on the
screen or views images, graphics,
and simple animations and uses
navigation buttons to move
through the course. It also
includes basic quizzes/knowledge
checks. It can be considered a
Level 2 Interactivity: Intermediate
Media Richness with Emulation
The learner receives information
but also makes simple responses
to instructional cues and
emulations. It includes liberal use
of multimedia (audio, video, and
animations). The navigation
expands to menus, glossaries, and
links to external resources. Also, it
includes simple exercises such as
drag-and-drop, matching, and
identification components.
Level 3 Interactivity: Intermediate
Media Richness with Low- to
Moderate-Level Simulation
The learner is directly involved in a
realistic set of complex cues and
responses through simulations.
Level 3 interactivity is highly
interactive and includes complex
simulations where learners can
enter data into fields and
investigate scenario-based cases.
Exhibit 2: eLearning Levels of Interactivity
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
2.3.5 Determining the Optimal Training Delivery Format
The optimal training delivery format
can be determined through use of
ICF’s Media Selection
Methodology/Blended Learning
Analysis Model (see Exhibit 3),
developed by Alice G. Hirzel.
Determining the best training
delivery format to use can depend on
many factors but using this model
can help to determine the format
that is best aligned with the learning
objectives and corresponding
content. The model is based on
research that shows that blended
learning solutions can maximize
learner retention and real-world
For instance, if developing an ILT
course, each course and lesson
objective (along with its associated
content) would be examined, and the
following five-step process would be
Step 1: Determine the type of
learning (learning domain) required
to achieve the course/lesson
The domains listed in Table 1 below
specify a focal area of a training. This
taxonomy is well known among the
instructional design and training communities and is widely used in training development and delivery
Exhibit 3: ICF’s Media Selection
Methodology/Blended Learning Analysis Model
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Table 1: Learning Domains
Learning Domain
Cognitive Domain (mental skills/knowledge). The cognitive
domain involves knowledge and the development of
intellectual skills.
This includes the ability to recall,
recognize, understand, apply in new
situations, analyze, synthesize or
evaluate specific facts, procedures, and
Affective Domain (feelings or emotional areas/attitude).
The affective domain encompasses how people relate
emotionally to their environment and to other people.
This includes the ability to selectively
apply attention, willingness to hear,
participate actively in the learning
environment, ability to compare and
understand different values and apply
a value system to specific situations.
Psychomotor Domain (manual or physical skills). The
psychomotor domain requires that the learner master
technical, tactile and tactical skills, such as using a fire
extinguisher, which require the learning to engage
knowledge, judgment, movement and skill. Development of
these skills typically requires practice in performing them.
This includes physical movement and
the coordinated use of motor-skills.
Step 2: Identify the learning environment, as listed in Table 2 below, appropriate for achieving the
course/lesson objectives.
Table 2: Learning Environment
Learning Environment
Information. The learner interacts with the material at only a basic or very simple level (e.g., solitary
reading, watching a video). No human interaction is necessary. The interaction is one-way between
the learner and the learning environment.
Interaction. Some level of participation of the learner with the material occurs (e.g., demonstrations
and simple exercises that can be completed by a single person). No human interaction is necessary.
The interaction is two-way between the learner and the learning environment.
Collaboration. Learners interact not only with the material but with other learners (e.g., delivery that
centers on case studies and scenarios with discussion with other learners). Human interaction is
necessary, and the interaction is among students and between students and instructors is two-way
through a learning environment.
Collocation. Learners move into another arena to re-enact certain circumstances as they would exist
in the real world (e.g., simulation drills either in sophisticated computer programs or outdoor
activities). Human interaction is necessary, and the interaction is face-to-face among students and
Step 3: Within each learning environment, identify the corresponding delivery medium.
Within each learning environment identified in Step 2, identify the corresponding delivery medium that
will enable learners to meet the learning objective. Please note that the categories below are
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
generalized, and the specific types of training delivery formats listed in this report could fit under one or
more of these categories:
Synchronous (instructor and learner interact in real time) or asynchronous (instructor and
learner interactions are separated in time) delivery. In asynchronous delivery, the course
developer may be the instructor.”
Internet/web-based, CD, or DVD delivery medium.
Multimedia eLearning. Blending of multiple media that can be delivered over the internet/web
and/or CD/DVD (e.g., streaming video/audio, simulations, gaming).
Collaborative learning. Asynchronous (e.g., email feedback from fellow learners or the
instructor) or synchronous interactions with other learners (e.g., study group, online discussion
boards, conference calls).
Face-to-face. In-person experiential/hands-on learning/classroom.
Step 4: Determine the media richness (level of interactivity) necessary to achieve the course/lesson
Step 5: Identify course and lesson objectives that are and are not adaptable to eLearning. Based on the
results of previous steps in the analysis, identify the degree to which the course and lesson objectives
can be adapted to an eLearning environment.
3.1 On-the-Job Training
OJT provides an opportunity for learners to practice actual
required behaviors needed to complete a task on an
immediate basis and is provided in the same environment
in which they will be working. OJT can include:
Job rotation
Job instruction
Committee assignments
Typically, OJT is divided into two types: structured (formal) and unstructured (informal). Unstructured
OJT does not have any planning involved, such as assigning a new employee to observe an experienced
employee. Structured OJT is planned and usually led by experienced employee(s).
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of OJT materials:
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
3.2 Microlearning
Microlearning provides training that delivers content in
short, focused bites that fit naturally into a learner's
Microlearning is short in duration and focuses on a single
learning objective. Also, it is usually accessed more than
once when learners need it, so that it can serve as refresher
It can be delivered in a variety of formats, including
infographics (static and interactive), videos (animated,
interactive live action, instructive, webinars), webcasts and
podcasts, educational games, and software applications. It can be as simple as a
PowerPoint (PPT) presentation or a shorter eLearning (WBT) module.
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of microlearning:
3.3 Packaged Training Video
A packaged training video provides one-way
communication and instruction through use
of video. Videos can include:
Live actors
Presentations or vignettes
Simple 2D or 3D
Static images
Screencasts (e.g., showing how to
use a new software)
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of packaged training videos:
Simple 2D animation video: https://vimeo.com/229322628
Live actor video:
3.4 Online Web Conference (Webinars and Webcasts)
An online web conference is a live event or broadcast in which all learners attend online, and audio,
video, and visuals are streamed. It can either be a webinar or a webcast. A webinar facilitates two-way
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
communication with interactivity, whereas a webcast facilitates one-way communication with little to
no interactivity.
Typically, a webinar provides a live, instructor-led presentation or seminar (through a PPT) at a single
point in time that can be coupled with:
Breakout sessions
In contrast, a webcast broadcasts a live or pre-recorded presentation in which learners can view but not
interact. Both bring large groups together for consistent messaging.
Both webinars and webcasts can be recorded and posted to a server or LMS for learners to access
Additional Characteristics
Instruction Type
Live, Instructor-Led Training
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Limited to number of spaces on the web
conferencing license or the server or LMS, if
previously recorded and posted to a server or
Optimal Course Timing
Two hours or less
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of online web conferences:
3.5 Live-Streamed Training (Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training)
Live-streamed training or synchronous virtual instructor-led training (vILT) provides training where
learners are accessing the instruction (provided by an instructor) over the web/phone in real time. It is a
live, in-person classroom event broadcasted online to include remote trainees/learners that are not
located in the same place.
vILT offers training sessions online, to replicate a classroom course, across a certain period of time (e.g.,
a week or month). vILT is also supplemented with various components, such as:
Online discussions
Breakout sessions
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Additional Characteristics
Virtual classroom that uses web conferencing or
other synchronous eLearning media to provide
access to trainees/learners at remote locations
Instruction Type
Live/Virtual, Instructor-Led Training
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Variable but limited to 30 people or fewer
Optimal Course Timing
Hours to days
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of vILT:
(navigate to “Virtual Instructor-Led Training
for Emergency Response Personnel”). Chrome works best to view this website.
3.6 Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Basic eLearning (Level 1) provides
training via the internet or digital
device that is typically
asynchronous. Level 1 is passive and
has little to no interactivity (refer to
the Levels of Interactivity
section of
this report).
Typically, the term eLearning is
synonymous with web-based
training (WBT).
Additional Characteristics
Online through an LMS or other learning content
Instruction Type
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Optimal Course Timing
Hours to days
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of basic eLearning (Level 1):
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
3.7 Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2 and 3)
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2 and 3) provides
training via the internet or digital device that
is typically asynchronous. Levels 2 and 3
interactivities include more complex
animations and graphics than does Level 1.
Most basic eLearning at Level 2 includes
liberal use of multimedia (e.g., audio, video,
and animations) and a more expansive
navigation including menus, glossaries, and
links to external resources. It also includes
quizzes and knowledge checks that are more
extensive than multiple choice questions
(e.g., matching). An eLearning course can also include elements of adaptive learning in which the
learning adapts to the learner’s needs and responses. For instance, a quiz will select questions based on
the learner’s previous responses or topics are selected based on the learner’s input to a survey.
Level 3 interactivity is more complex, and the learner has more control. It usually includes sophisticated
scenarios, animated videos, and custom animations. It is highly interactive, and participants are
immersed in scenario-based cases in which they can enter data into fields.
Level 4 interactivity, which is employed less often, encompasses high-level 3D simulations, avatars,
virtual reality, gamification, etc.
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of basic eLearning (Levels 2 and 3):
Level 2 eLearning:
Level 3 eLearning: https://ppls-portfolio.learning-transformation.com/ (navigate to “Solar
Geometry Online Training”). Chrome works best to view this website.
Level 3 eLearning: http://cdc-infection-control.s3-website-us-east-
3.8 Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training)
Classroom training or instructor-led training (ILT)
provides training that is face-to-face and delivered in
a live format. It is an in-person event at which learners
and instructor(s) are collocated. ILT can include a
combination of one or more:
Role playing exercises
Group discussions
Guided practice
Pre- and post-work (planned reading)
Case studies
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Additional Characteristics
Classroom, laboratory, auditorium, or other
physical training facility
Instruction Type
Live, instructor-led training
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Variable, but it is best to limit to 30 people or
Optimal Course Timing
Hours to days
Refer to the following websites for example(s) of ILT materials:
(navigate to “Exercise-Based Instructor-Led
Training for U.S. Marshals Service”). Chrome works best to view this website.
3.9 Performance Aids and Tools
Performance aids or tools provide a repository for information,
processes, or perspectives that are external to the individual and that
support work and activity by directing, guiding, and enlightening
performance (Rossett, Gautier-Downes, 1991).
Performance aids are sometimes referred to as "Job Aids.”
Performance aids can be technical manuals, flowcharts, or other
documents that aid or list steps of a task that can easily be integrated
into a learner's workflow.
Additional Characteristics
Office, library, online
Instruction Type
Passive, self-directed
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Optimal Course Timing
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of performance aids and tools:
3.10 Blended Learning
Blended learning provides a mix of different training delivery formats (i.e., classroom, instructor-led
training supplemented with eLearning, and/or self-paced asynchronous formats). Typically, it is a formal
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
learning experience such as an ILT course combined and enhanced with self-paced asynchronous
formats such as eLearning, webinars, videos, etc.
Blended learning can include a mix of components across all the training delivery formats listed in this
report. It could be an eLearning course enhanced with interaction with an instructor or other learners
(through discussion boards, email, webinars, video, etc.).
Additional Characteristics
Dependent on the format used because it is a mix
of different training delivery formats
Instruction Type
A mix of different training delivery formats, such
as both active, instructor-led training and passive,
self-directed learning
Optimal Number of Trainees/Learners
Depends on the training delivery format; would
be constrained by the classroom sections of the
course; online sections could serve multiple
classroom sections
Optimal Course Timing
Depends on the training delivery format
Refer to the following website(s) for example(s) of blended learning:
(navigate to “Management Development
Program for Fortune 500 Casual Dining Company”). Chrome works best to view this website.
In this section, the training delivery
formats are compared based on
portability, audience types, accessibility
(e.g., Section 508 compliance), scalability
(i.e., number of learners it could
accommodate), ease of updating,
resource requirements, average
development costs, provider and user
system requirements, timing, LMS
platform requirements, and effectiveness
as an adult learning tool.
4.1 Portability
Portability is the ability for users to access
training materials and/or courses on
modern devices and browsers. Refer to
Exhibit 4 for list of various training
formats categorized on a scale from low
to high portability.
Packaged Training Videos
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2 and 3)
Performance Aids and Tools
Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training [ILT] materials)
Online Web Conference (Webinars and Webcasts)
Blended Learning
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Exhibit 4: Training Delivery Formats Portability
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
High portability: Can be accessed and developed to work on all modern devices (e.g., computer, phone,
iPad) and browsers, depending on the requirements and multimedia and/or software used.
Medium portability: Can be accessed and developed to work on some modern devices and browsers,
depending on the requirements and multimedia and/or software used.
Low or no portability: Cannot be accessed or developed to work on most modern devices and browsers.
In terms of portability for OJT, it is considered low because the job site may have physical constraints
(for instance, a field office with no computer) to access OJT materials or there may not be sufficient
equipment available for learners to practice on. In addition, you need experienced
coworkers/employees, managers, or human resource (HR) staff to be available and it can be depend on
their schedules and availability, which makes portability lower.
For medium portability, online web conferences and blended learning, depending on the components
used, may not be able to be accessed or developed to work on some modern devices and browsers, due
to any constraints accessing the webinar software. For instance, Adobe Connect requires a flash player
and a certain connection speed for learners to access a web conference.
Packaged training videos, basic and enhanced eLearning, microlearning, performance aids and tools, and
ILT materials can be customized and developed to work on all modern devices, which makes them highly
4.2 Audience
As a best practice, an informal audience analysis should be conducted to determine the most effective
training delivery format, by asking the following questions:
Who is the audience? What are their current levels/roles and backgrounds? What are their
How many participants/learners will attend?
What motivates them?
What are their expectations for the training?
What type of learning do they prefer?
Where are they located?
How well do the participants know each other?
What successes or difficulties have this audience encountered with this training topic?
Are there any other audiences that need to be considered?
The answers to these questions can help guide you in determining the optimal training delivery format
for your audience.
Typically, the audience for OJT is new hired employees, interns, or someone new to a position. For
microlearning, packaged training videos, online web conferences, vILT/ILT, and basic and enhanced
eLearning, the audience can be any but depends on factors such as:
Learner level/background/seniority/skill set
Type of learning preferred
Learner expectations
Learner availability to take the training
Size of the audience
For instance, according to the 2019 Training Industry What Learners Want: Strategies for Training
Delivery report, learners preferred ILT over all other types of training delivery formats. The next
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
preferred type of training delivery format was OJT, followed by eLearning and vILT. Also, learners whose
jobs may be considered more complex prefer informal training that can be online/virtual. Learners with
more direct reports prefer self-paced methods of learning such as basic and enhanced eLearning,
performance aids and tools, microlearning, packaged training videos, or online web conferences (that
are recorded).
In addition, microlearning can cater to learners who might have competing demands in the workplace
and reduced attention spans. ILT can be an effective training delivery format for learners who may be
averse to technology and change. For blended learning, the audience would depend on the answers to
the questions listed above and what components would be used.
4.3 Accessibility (i.e., Section 508 compliance)
All training products must be developed to be Section 508 compliant, but it can depend on the
complexity of interactions and media used especially for vILT and eLearning products. Section 508 is part
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require all Federal agencies to make their technology and electronic
products accessible to individuals with disabilities.
For videos to be Section 508 compliant, they must include the following:
Synchronized closed captioning that is overlaid on top of the video frame and encoded within
the video
Audio descriptions and audio track that describes the video
Section 508-compliant player that displays the closed captioning below the video file
For online web conferences, the webinar and webcast tools used would need to meet the accessibility
requirements of the audience. In addition, any handouts or resources provided would need to be
Section 508 compliant.
It is also important to note that for eLearning with Level 3 interactivity, Section 508 compliance may not
be possible with highly complex interactions; therefore, a product that is instructionally equivalent
would need to be created.
All performance aids and tools can be developed to be Section 508 compliant. Most performance aids
and tools use Microsoft Word, but PPT, Excel, and/or PDF may be used, which also have specific rules
(e.g., adding alternative text, adding column headers to tables) about Section 508 compliance.
For more information, refer to: https://section508.gov/create
4.4 Scalability (i.e., number of learners it could accommodate)
Scalability refers to the number of learners a training delivery format could potentially accommodate.
Refer to Table 3 below.
Table 3: Scalability for Each Training Delivery Format
Training Delivery Format
On-the-Job Training
Dependent on EPA division/office/organization capabilities and
staffing resources
Unlimited, but dependent on LMS and other server space where
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Packaged Video Training
Unlimited, but dependent on LMS and other server space where
Online Web Conference
(Webinars and Webcasts)
Typically, up to 1,500 people but dependent on the license; for
breakout sessions, five or fewer
Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual
Instructor-Led Training)
25 to 30 or fewer; for breakout sessions and/or activities, five or
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Unlimited, but dependent on LMS and other server space where
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2
and 3)
Unlimited, but dependent on LMS and other server space where
Classroom Training (Instructor-
Led Training)
Dependent on training requirements, cost, and facilities used, but
ideal to limit size to 25 to 30 or fewer; for breakout
sessions/activities, five or fewer
Performance Aids and Tools
Blended Learning
Dependent on components used
For OJT, scalability is dependent on EPA’s division/office/organization capabilities and staffing resources.
For microlearning and packaged training videos, scalability can be unlimited in theory, but depends on
the LMS or other server space where the microlearning is hosted.
Webinar and webcast software (such as Adobe Connect) can accommodate up to approximately 1,500
people. If a webinar is used and it includes interactivity such as breakout sessions to conduct
exercises/activities, it is recommended that the class size be limited in size. Specifically, it is ideal to keep
a breakout session limited to groups of five or fewer. In general, if using a webcast, more people can
attend without affecting the experience. A webinar or a vILT (as explained below) tends toward more
interactivity (e.g., breakout sessions, chats) so fewer participants are ideal unless you have co-
facilitators who can handle a larger class size.
vILT sessions can be challenging if there are many participants, so it is ideal to keep the size limited to 25
or fewer. If conducting a breakout session and/or activity as part of a vILT, it is ideal to keep it limited to
groups of five or fewer.
For Levels 13 eLearning, scalability can be unlimited, in theory, but it depends on the LMS or other
server space where the eLearning is hosted.
For ILT, small class sizes are ideal to increase engagement, pace, and the interaction between the
instructor(s) and learners. Class size can also depend on the training requirements, cost, and facilities
used, but it is ideal to keep size limited to 25 or fewer.
For performance aids and tools, scalability is also unlimited; for blended learning, it depends on the
training requirements and components used.
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
4.5 Ease of Updating
For all formats, the ease of
updating (the ability to easily
revise and maintain training
courses and/or materials) can
be dependent on the
complexity and/or stability of
the material/content and
interactions, if used. Refer to
Exhibit 5.
Microlearning is typically easier
and quicker to update than
eLearning and videos. In
general, videos are harder to
update than microlearning or
eLearning because they are
more complex. If using live
actors, it can be harder to update than if
animations, images, or graphics (depending on the complexity) were used. Typically, webinars and
webcasts use a PPT presentation to deliver instruction, which can easily be updated, along with the
script. The ease of updating an eLearning course depends on the amount of interactivity, narration, and
animation used. The more these are integrated in the course, the harder the content is to update.
Many vILT programs offer their content (through Microsoft PPT and Word) in shorter, incremental
modules that are intended to be completed in combination with other curricula, so they can be easily
updated. Typically, OJT materials, ILT materials, and performance aids and tools are the easiest to
update because they usually include handouts, instructor/participant guides, job aids, etc. that are static
and originally created using Microsoft Word and PPT.
4.6 Resource Requirements
Resource requirements can vary widely among the different training delivery formats. Table 4 below
provides information on the recommended staffing resources needed to manage, design, and develop
the training delivery formats outlined in this report.
Table 4: Recommended Resources/Staffing for Each Training Delivery Format
Training Delivery Format
Recommended Resources/Staffing
On-the-Job Training
Peers (experienced coworkers/employees)
Sometimes human resource team members
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Voiceover artist(s)
Subject matter experts (SMEs)
Exhibit 5: Training Delivery Formats Ease of Updating
Easy to
On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Classroom (Instructor-Led
Training (ILT))
Performance Aids and Tools
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Live Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual
Instructor-Led Training (vILT))
Blended learning
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2
and 3)
Packaged Training Video
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Recommended Resources/Staffing
If using video, refer to the column below.
Packaged Video Training
Media producer/director and/or project manager/training
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
2D artist(s)
3D modeler(s) and 3D animator(s)
2D animator(s) (for motion graphics)
Voiceover artist(s)
Sound engineer(s)
Camera operator (for live action video)
Music director/composer (optional)
Production assistant(s) (for live action video)
Note that 12 people can take on multiple roles, depending on
the budget and need. Also, these roles are dependent on the type
of video developed (for instance, if using 3D animation, a 3D
modeler and/or animator would be needed).
Online Web Conference
(Webinars and Webcasts)
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Webinar/webcast moderator(s)
Webinar/webcast technical support
Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual Instructor-
Led Training)
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Webinar/webcast moderator(s)
Webinar/webcast technical support
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Voiceover artist(s)
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Recommended Resources/Staffing
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2
and 3)
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
2D artists, 3D modeler(s), and 3D animator(s) for Level 3
Voiceover artist(s)
Classroom Training (Instructor-
Led Training)
Project manager/training lead
Instructional designer(s)
Multimedia programmer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Performance Aids and Tools
Project Manager/Training Lead
Instructional designer(s)
Graphic designer(s)
Blended Learning
Depends on the type of components that will be part of the
blended learning solution. Refer to the other rows for
recommended resources/staffing, per delivery format.
4.7 Average Development Costs and Level of Effort
Cost and development hours (or LOE) can vary greatly depending on the training delivery format that is
chosen. In addition, costs can be dependent on a multitude of factors, as listed below. On-the-Job Training
For OJT, costs can vary and be dependent on EPA’s capabilities, staffing resources, employee skill sets,
and the type of OJT component used. Microlearning
Costs and development hours can vary greatly depending on the length and format of the microlearning,
interactivity, complexity/stability of content, and LMS administration (if hosted on an LMS). Typically,
microlearning can be a quarter of the cost and development hours of a Level 1 eLearning course. Packaged Training Videos
For training videos, cost and development hours can vary greatly depending on the training need,
budget, special effects, complexity/stability of the content/material, LMS administration (if hosed on an
LMS), and the length and complexity of the script. Costs can include:
Pre-production tasks (e.g., scriptwriting, concept development, casting talent if live action)
Production tasks
Post-production tasks (e.g., video editing, motion graphics, captioning for Section 508
Deliverables (e.g., uploading to YouTube, hosting)
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
19 Online Web Conferences
For online web conferences, costs and development hours can vary greatly depending on the training
need, budget, complexity/stability of the content/material, LMS administration, and size of the
In addition, webinar/webcast software/licenses would be needed, and prices would vary depending on
EPA's need. Multiple platforms can be used, including Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting, and Zoom:
Costs for Adobe Connect can be found here: http://buyconnect.adobe.com/
Costs for GoToMeeting can be found here: https://www.gotomeeting.com/meeting/pricing
Costs for Zoom can be found here: https://zoom.us/pricing Live-Streamed Training (Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training)
The cost of vILT can be less than ILT because travel and lodging costs are not involved for the learners
and facilitator(s)/instructor(s).
The cost and development hours are similar to ILT without the travel or lodging costs; refer to the
section for more information. Basic and Enhanced eLearning
For eLearning, costs and development hours can vary based on the level of interactivity, as outlined in
Table 5 below. Please note that these costs and LOE estimates do not include the costs/hours for
reviews, revisions, LMS administration (backend database communication), consulting fees, graphic user
interface (GUI) development, meetings, and consultation with SMEs. Refer to Table 5 below for
estimated development hours and average costs depending on the level of interactivity.
Table 5: Estimated Development Hours and Cost for eLearning Courseware
Level of
Estimated Development Hours
Estimated Average
Level 1
Development hours can range from 49 to 125 (not including
reviews and revisions), depending on the amount of
interactivity. On average, it can take 79 development hours per
1 hour of Level 1 WBT.
On average, 1
finished hour of
WBT (Level 1) can
cost approximately
$10,054 but can be
cost-effective for
large scale
Level 2
Development hours can range from 127 to 267 (not including
reviews and revisions), depending on the amount of
interactivity. On average, it can take 184 development hours
per 1 hour of Level 2 WBT.
On average, 1
finished hour of
WBT (Level 2) can
cost approximately
$18,583 but can be
cost-effective for
large scale
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Level of
Estimated Development Hours
Estimated Average
Level 3
Development hours can range from 317 to 716, depending on
the amount of interactivity. On average, it can take 490
development hours per 1 hour of Level 3 WBT.
On average, 1
finished hour of
WBT (Level 3) can
cost approximately
$50,371 but can be
cost-effective for
large scale
deployments. Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training)
For ILT, development
hours can range from
22 to 82 not
including reviews,
revisions, LMS
(backend database
consulting fees,
meetings, and
consultation with
SMEsdepending on
the complexity of the
subject matter and
amount of classroom
materials. On average,
it can take 43
development hours
per 1 hour of ILT. Refer to Exhibit 6 to review how average development hours differ between ILT and
eLearning courses.
. As previously mentioned in the Scalability section
, ILT and vILT should ideally be constrained to 25-30
learners or fewer since its challenging facilitating activities and exercises if there are many participants.
So, microlearning, packaged training videos, basic and enhanced eLearning could be more cost effective
if you have a lot of participants since scalability is unlimited. Blended Learning
Cost and development hours depend on the type of components that will be part of the blended-
learning solution.
4.8 Provider Computer and Other System and Equipment Requirements
The provider and other system requirements and equipment can vary depending on the type of training
delivery format. Refer to Exhibit 7 for a list of software that could be used to design and develop each
type of training delivery format. Refer to Table 6 for a list of suggested equipment for each type of
training delivery format.
Exhibit 6: Average Development Hours to Develop One Hour of Training
ILT Level 1 eLearning Level 2 eLearning Level 3 eLearning
Average Development Hours to Develop
One Hour of Training
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
For OJT, the materials developed would be similar to what might be included in an ILT but with a
structured approach as to when the learner participates. Thus, Microsoft Work and PPT could be used to
create any supporting materials to accompany OJT coaching, mentoring, etc.
For microlearning and eLearning, the requirements depend on the format and level of interactivity.
Development software, such as Articulate Storyline 360, Trivantis Lectora, Adobe Captivate, Custom
Code, and Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition, and Premier Pro) can be used. If
creating static microlearning, Microsoft Word and PPT could be used.
For video development, development software can include, but is not limited to: Adobe Creative Cloud
(Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition,
Premier Pro, After Effects, and
Character Animator), 3D Studio Max,
or whiteboard animation software
such as Videoscribe or PowToon.
For facilitation of webinars and vILTs,
webinar/webcast software such as
Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting, and
Zoom can be used. It also requires use
of a video camera, microphones, and
speakers, as well as a high-speed
processor and internet connection
with high bandwidth to stream live
video. To create presentations used in
webinars and vILTs, Microsoft PPT and
Word typically are used. If providing a
live or virtual course, it may be
necessary to have a video camera,
microphones, and speakers situated
throughout the room, among other
equipment listed in Table 6. For a live,
in-person course, it may require a high-
speed processor to stream the live
video and a high-speed internet
connection with high bandwidth.
For ILT materials and performance aids
and tools development, Microsoft Office
products such as Word, PPT, and Visio can be used.
Table 6: Suggested Equipment Needed for Each Training Delivery Format
Training Delivery Format
Equipment Needed
On-the-Job Training
No special equipment needed other than what is used on the job
such as a computer, unless it’s a technical type of job and certain
equipment is needed to show someone how to use it.
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7
On-the-Job Training
Microsoft Word and PPT ($)
Packaged Training Video
Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition,
Premier Pro, After Effects, and Character Animator) ($-$$)
3D Studio Max ($$$)
TechSmith Camtasia ($)
VideoScribe or PowToon (for simple animations) ($)
Microlearning and eLearning
Articulate Storyline 360 ($$$)
Trivantis Lectora ($$$)
Adobe Captivate ($)
Custom Code
Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition, and
Premier Pro) ($-$$)
TechSmith Camtasia ($)
Microsoft Word and PPT ($)
Online Web Conferences and Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training)
Adobe Connect ($)
GoToMeeting ($)
Zoom ($)
Microsoft Word and PPT ($)
Classroom Training (ILT) Materials and Performance
Aids and Tools
Microsoft Word, PPT, and Visio ($)
Exhibit 7: Provider Computer and Other System Requirements for Each
Training Delivery Format
Low Cost - $ Moderate Cost - $$ High Cost - $$$
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Equipment Needed
Packaged Video Training
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7 for 2D/3D
animations and live action. Below lists additional equipment
needed in order to produce a live action video, from basic to
Live action:
Camera such as a high quality cell phone
LED 3 point kit (lighting cord, stand, and lighting
Cardioid condenser microphone
2-channel field recorder (what you plug your
microphone into)
15' microphone cable
Microphone stand
Live action:
Mirrorless digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
LED lighting instrument
4-channel field recorder (what you plug your
microphone into)
LED 3-point kit (lighting cord, stand, and lighting
instrument); multiple as needed
1 hypercardioid condenser and 1 supercardioid
1 wireless lav microphone
Microphone wind protection
Medium-grade quality microphone cables
Live action:
Professional digital cinema camera
LED lighting instrument
8-channel field recorder (what you plug your
microphone into)
LED 3-point kit (lighting cord, stand, and lighting
instrument); multiple as needed
4 hypercardioid condenser and 4 supercardioid
6 wireless lav microphone
Microphone wind protection
Microphone blimp and cover
Microphone boom
Medium to high-grade quality microphone
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Equipment Needed
Online Web Conference
(Webinars and Webcasts)
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7. Additional
equipment that would be needed is listed below from basic to
Webcam or video camera on
facilitator/instructor’s computer with an
internet connection
Headset (headphones with microphone)
A good quality microphone
Mirrorless digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
LED lighting instrument
4-Channel Field Recorder (what you plug your
microphone into)
LED 3-point kit (lighting cord, stand, and lighting
instrument); multiple as needed
1 hypercardioid condenser and 1 supercardioid
1 wireless lav microphone
Microphone wind protection
Medium-grade quality microphone cables
High quality microphone/broadcast microphone
Microphone boom arm so facilitator(s) do not
have to hold a microphone and ensure all sound
is recorded
Professional digital cinema camera
LED lighting instrument
8-channel field recorder (what you plug your
microphone into)
LED 3-point kit (lighting cord, stand, and lighting
instrument); multiple as needed
4 hypercardioid condenser and 4 supercardioid
6 wireless lav microphone
Microphone wind protection
Microphone blimp and cover
Microphone boom
Medium to high-grade quality microphone
Optional green screen backdrop
Optional video editing software such as Adobe
Premier Pro or iMovie if using video in your
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Equipment Needed
Optional image editing tool such as Photoshop
to insert high quality images and graphics into
your PPT deck
Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual Instructor-
Led Training)
Equipment needed would be the same as Online Web Conference.
Refer to row above.
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7
Enhanced eLearning (Levels 2
and 3)
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7
Classroom Training (Instructor-
Led Training)
Large conference room to accommodate the number of
learners with tables/chairs in a U- or V-shape arrangement for
interaction with facilitator(s)/instructor(s)
Internet connection and computer
Facilitator/instructor guide, participant guide, handouts, and
PPT deck
Overhead projector or computer projection system
and cables
for proper connection
Optional electronic remote device to advance slides in PPT
presentation, if available
Projection screen (at least 6’ x 6’)
Optional pointer (preferably laser type), if available
Flip charts with easel and/or whiteboard with dry erase pens
and eraser
Large markers (in assorted colors)
Participant tent cards (to list names and be placed on tables)
Performance Aids and Tools
Computer and software listed above Exhibit 7
Blended Learning
Depends on the components that will be part of the blended
learning solution.
4.9 User System Requirements
Most of the training delivery formats, including microlearning, videos, webinars, vILT, and eLearning,
would be developed to work on modern devices, including the latest browsers (Internet Explorer version
11, Edge, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome).
If computers are used in an ILT session, an internet connection would be needed. For the development
of performance aids and tools, an internet connection may be needed and as would access to Microsoft
Office products. For blended learning, system requirements would depend on the components used.
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
4.10 Timing and Recommended Length
Timing refers to how often the training needs to happen over a course of year. In addition, the timing
and recommended length of each training delivery format is discussed and listed below in Table 6.
Table 7: Timing and Recommended Length of Each Training Delivery Format
Training Delivery
Recommended Length
On-the-Job Training
Depends on when the need to
learn a new skill (or set of skills) is
high; for example, directly
following new employee
onboarding, or over a period of
time when an employee is
transitioning into a new role,
possibly because of promotion or
succession planning.
Depends on the employer and/or human
resources (HR) to align with a
probationary period, transitioning to a
new role, completing an apprenticeship
program, completing a certification, etc.
Anytime, on-demand.
Typically, 1–5 minutes in length
depending on the format used.
Packaged Video Training
Anytime, on-demand.
Research shows that videos should be
shorter in length (on average about 23
minutes) to increase engagement and
knowledge retention.
Online Web Conference
(Webinars and
Depends on the subject matter,
audience availability, and the time
needed to cover the content.
Typically, learners lose interest after two
hours, so it is recommended
webinars/webcasts be less than two
hours in length.
Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual
Instructor-Led Training)
Depends on the subject matter,
audience availability, budget, and
the time needed to cover the
content. Typically, a vILT course
offers multiple sessions spread
out over a certain period of time.
Each session should be less than two
hours in length to ensure optimal
engagement and knowledge retention.
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Anytime, on-demand.
Depends on many factors including
subject matter and budget but should be
short in length or broken up into multiple
modules to ensure optimal engagement
and knowledge retention.
Typically, eLearning modules can be 30
minutes to 1 hour in length.
Enhanced eLearning
(Levels 2 and 3)
Anytime, on-demand.
Depends on many factors, including
subject matter and budget, but should be
short in length or broken up into multiple
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery
Recommended Length
modules to ensure optimal engagement
and knowledge retention.
Typically, eLearning modules can be 30
minutes to 1 hour in length.
Classroom Training
(Instructor-Led Training)
Can vary greatly and depend on
the subject matter, audience
availability, and the time needed
to cover the content.
Typically, ILT is broken up over a
series of days or even
Can vary greatly and depend on the
subject matter, audience availability, and
the time needed to cover the content.
Performance Aids and
Anytime, on-demand.
Depends on many factors including
subject matter, complexity, and budget.
Blended Learning
Depends on the components that
will be part of the blended
learning solution.
Depends on the components that will be
part of the blended learning solution.
4.11 Learning Management System Platform Requirements
The Learning Management System (LMS) requirements are dependent on what training delivery format
is used and its capabilities. All products can be developed to work on an LMS, given its requirements and
the LMS ability to accept the product.
Videos, online web conferences, and vILTs can also be standalone (i.e., provided via a website) but can
be developed/packaged to work on an LMS. For ILT, courses can be listed in an LMS depending on the
type of LMS and its capabilities. The LMS could be used for ILT coordination and enrollment/tracking.
For blended learning, platform requirements depend on the components used and the LMS ability to
accept its capabilities.
4.12 Effectiveness of an Adult Learning Tool
In this section, the effectiveness of information retention and learner engagement is discussed for each
training delivery format, as is whether it assists with active or passive learning, or both. In addition, each
training delivery format is also discussed in terms of where it falls within each of the learning domains as
referenced in the Determining the Optimal Training Delivery Format/Method
section of this report, as
shown in Table 7.
Table 8: Learning Domain Alignment and Active/Passive Learning
Training Delivery Format
Active, Passive, or Both?
On-the-Job Training
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
Training Delivery Format
Active, Passive, or Both?
Packaged Video Training
Online Web Conference
(Webinars and
Passive X X
Live-Streamed Training
(Synchronous Virtual
Instructor-Led Training)
Basic eLearning (Level 1)
Passive X X
Enhanced eLearning
(Levels 2 and 3)
Both X X
X (Level 3)
Classroom Training
(Instructor-Led Training)
Active X X
Performance Aids and
Blended Learning
Depends upon components
Depends upon components used On-the-Job Training
OJT can be immediately applied on the job. It can target cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
development, so it provides one of the highest forms of learner knowledge retention and engagement.
OJT is considered active learning because it provides a comprehensive hands-on experience. OJT should
be selected for certain types of learning, such as those that: (1) require a high level of case-by-case and
individual judgment; (2) involve processes that are unpredictable and inconsistent; and/or (3)
necessitate the development of detailed technical skills. Microlearning
Because microlearning can utilize a variety of formats that connect to a wider variety of learning styles,
learner engagement is high. Content is shorter, and knowledge retention is higher, especially if spaced
repetition (practicing new topics repeatedly over time) and retrieval practice (using questions to recall
information and strengthen memory) is incorporated. In addition, with growing evidence of increasingly
reduced attention spans, microlearning can meet the needs of learners in the workplace. Microlearning
can target cognitive and affective development. Microlearning is mostly passive learning, but active
learning elements can be included. Packaged Training Videos
Videos are ideal for showing learners how to perform a task or demonstrate a soft-skill training action
that cannot be adequately represented in writing. They can also be used to model correct/incorrect
behaviors or performance. Videos can target cognitive and affective development and are considered
passive learning.
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
28 Online Web Conferences
Webinars and webcasts can target cognitive and affective development. Webinars are mostly passive
learning, but active learning elements can be included (e.g., exercises, discussions), whereas webcasts
are considered passive learning. Live-Streamed Training (Synchronous Virtual Instructor-Led Training)
vILT retention can be higher than that of WBT alone because it can include ILT discussions and
exercises/activities to help reinforce material. vILT can target cognitive and affective development and is
mostly passive learning, but active learning elements can be included. Basic and Enhanced eLearning
Basic eLearning (Level 1) can target cognitive and affective development and is considered passive
learning. Basic eLearning (Level 1) should not be used to teach psychomotor skills; rather, it is ideal for
subjects that are short in duration (e.g., compliance training) and easy to assimilate.
Enhanced eLearning can increase retention more than Level 1 basic eLearning because it can provide
more complex scenario-based learning and real-world application. It is considered passive learning, but
active learning elements can be included. Enhanced eLearning can target cognitive and affective
development, and sometimes psychomotor in complex scenarios and simulations (Levels 3 and 4). Classroom Training (Instructor-Led Training)
ILT encourages collaborative learning techniques and opportunities and is considered active learning. It
also works well for learners adverse to technology and change. In addition, it exposes learners to
multiple learning modalities that can target cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. ILT can
be very effective when focused on problem-solving and exchanging and sharing new ideas and solutions.
Similar to OJT and blended learning, ILT provides one of the most engaging forms of learning, with a
higher rate of knowledge retention than asynchronous formats, eLearning, videos, webinars, and
microlearning. It provides the maximum opportunity for learning, engagement, and retention. Performance Aids and Tools
Performance aids and tools can target cognitive development and should not be used for psychomotor
skills or if the learner does not have prerequisite skills. They are considered passive learning. Blended Learning
Blended learning can target cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development, depending on the mix
of formats. Because of the use of multiple learning modalities and formats, it provides one of the
highest forms of learner knowledge retention and engagement. It can provide a mix of active and
passive learning. The key to success with blended learning is choosing the right tool for each portion of
the content. Blended learning can be the most powerful tool in the arsenal because it can be customized
based on the learner and content. Learners and trainers alike benefit from the flexibility this format
offers. It works very well with a large curriculum that is broken into pieces/sections and provided in a
given order.
Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A
revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longman.
EPA Training Delivery Format Evaluation
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Sink, L. Darryl (2014). Design models and theories for adults. American Society for Training &
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