Running head: HIGHER LEARNING 1
Higher Learning:
A Practical Guide to Studying
John P. Student
Community College of Denver
Author Note
This paper was prepared for English 121, Section 001, taught by Professor Smith.
Begin a new page. Your abstract page should already include the page header. On the first line of
the abstract page, center the word “Abstract” [otherwise unformatted: no bold, italics,
underlining, or quotation marks]. Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the
key points of your research. Do not indent. The abstract should be a single paragraph double-
spaced of usually less than 120 words. The abstract is also the only paragraph included on this
Higher Learning:
A Practical Guide to Studying
According to Dr. Jane P. Smith (2000), researcher at Columbia University, “ever since
scholasticism has been introduced to society, better ways of learning and studying have been
popular among educators and students alike” (p. 81). Throughout the years, different methods,
systems, and learning models have been created for students in attempts to introduce more
effective ways to study. Although many different approaches have been taken, there is no one
correct way to learn, and many people learn in different ways. In fact, “there are so many ways
to learn, instructors who fail to realize this often fail their students” (Smith, 2000, p. 234). This
research paper will review the different methods of studying by their effectiveness and usability
while responding to the following questions:
1. What are the different learning styles available?
2. How do different students learn?
3. What are the environmental factors that affect learning?
Finding particular learning styles that work for certain students must be the goal for educators to
ensure students are receiving the optimal learning experience.
What Are the Different Learning Styles Available?
Of the many different learning styles…
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Safire, W. (2008, June 8) Irregular Warfare. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Vonnegut, K. (2005). Slaughterhouse-five. New York, NY: Dial Press Trade Paperback.