Standard Operating Procedures
APPROVED: September 30, 2019
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Table of Contents
Policy Cross Reference Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................... 5
FUNDRAISING ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Pre-Approval Required ............................................................................................................................... 6
Activities Requiring Pre-Approval ........................................................................................................... 6
Advance Approval ................................................................................................................................... 6
Organizations and Group Benefitting......................................................................................................... 6
Student Groups and Organizations ......................................................................................................... 6
School Fundraisers .................................................................................................................................. 6
Parent Organizations .............................................................................................................................. 7
Fundraising for Non-FBISD Organizations............................................................................................... 7
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 8
Prohibited Fundraisers ................................................................................................................................ 8
Fundraisers Per Year ................................................................................................................................... 8
Accounting for Funds .................................................................................................................................. 8
Contributions .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Food Sales .................................................................................................................................................... 9
REQUEST/APPROVAL/RECAP PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 10
Activities Requiring Approval as a Fundraiser ......................................................................................... 10
Steps for Receiving Permission to Fundraise ........................................................................................... 10
Financial Recap .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Campus Oversight ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT A Criteria for Requiring Fundraising Approval ..................................................................... 11-12
EXHIBIT B Fundraiser Approval Process ................................................................................................ 133
EXHIBIT C Fundraiser Request Form ........................................................................................................ 14
EXHIBIT D Steps to Request a Fundraiser ................................................................................................ 16
EXHIBIT E Campus Tools and Financial Recap Process ............................................................................ 23
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
The Board encourages students to participate in activities, including fundraising efforts, designed to serve
and support others. The Board believes that such participation contributes to the studentsoverall
development as servant leaders and compassionate citizens. Furthermore, the Board believes student
participation in fundraising efforts to support the cost of learning experiences and co/extra-curricular
activities is one way students can demonstrate ownership of and responsibility for their learning.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Fort Bend ISD encourages students to participate in fundraising efforts to support the expenses of
learning experiences and extra-curricular activities as an important way to make those experiences
possible and affordable. Students can have the opportunity to demonstrate ownership of and
responsibility for their learning.
Pre-Approval Required
Activities Requiring Pre-Approval
The District has identified a wide variety of money-collecting activities that must be approved in
advance as “fundraisers.” This administrative procedure identifies those activities and describes
the District’s online Request/Approval/Recap process. See the section below called “Activities
Requiring Approval as a Fundraiser”.
It is important to note that even if the intent is not to make a profit for the student organization,
the activity may still be considered a fundraiser. See [EXHIBITS A-E] for specific requirements,
discussion and steps.
Certain other money-collecting activities shall not be considered “fundraisers” as discussed here.
However, they must be conducted with permission of the principal and carried out following all
accounting procedures for activity funds. These include collection of student organization or
faculty dues; school fees such as parking permits, materials fees, and test fees; student fines; and
monetary donations not part of a donation campaign.
Advance Approval
Fort Bend ISD requires all fundraisers to be reviewed and approved by the principal and assistant
superintendent in advance. The advance approval allows the District to ensure that all
appropriate laws and policies are followed. Additionally, the advance approval helps protect the
District, clubs, and organizers from potential problems including schedule conflicts and
irresponsible accounting of funds.
Organizations and Group Benefitting
Student Groups and Organizations
Student groups and organizations are formed per Policy FM(LOCAL).
Each student organization must be supervised by a “sponsor”, who is a staff member. The
sponsor of a student group or organization is responsible for the financial activity and
resources of the student organization, even if the governance of the organization lies primarily
with the students. The sponsor shall be familiar with District procedures and ensure they are
While fundraising activities shall not occur during regular school hours, these activities are an
extension of the school program.
School-wide Fundraising
When fundraising activities are in the name of a campus or the District and open to the entire
student body, all funds raised become Campus Activity Funds. When fundraising activities are
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
confined to a specific student organization or group, all funds raised belong to the group or
organization responsible for raising the Student Activity Funds.
Students shall not be required to participate in fundraising activities and cannot be penalized for
choosing not to participate. Money raised shall be used to benefit all students of the applicable
group or organization and not only those who participated in the fundraising efforts.
Participation in fundraising activities does not guarantee that any student will be selected for the
team, activity or organization.
Parent Organizations
Parent Organizations include PTOs, PTAs, booster clubs, and other parent organizations
established to promote school programs or complement student groups or activities. Even
though a parent organization/booster club works very closely with the District, it is a separate
entity from the District. The funds raised by the organization are deposited into the parent
organization’s bank account and controlled by its officers.
The fundraisers of these organizations
must be requested and approved in advance through the processes described in these
administrative procedures.
Fundraising for Non-FBISD Organizations
Students representing their school may participate in charitable institution and community
drives. Such participation shall be on a strictly voluntary basis, and shall not disrupt the regular
school day.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Prohibited Fundraisers (See Exhibit A)
Charitable Raffles: The District is not a qualified nonprofit organization and shall not sponsor or conduct
raffles, [FJ(LOCAL)].
Parent organizations should contact the Texas Attorney General’s Office to
determine eligibility.
Crowdfunding and online donation pages: For schools wishing to solicit monetary contributions online,
NEVER use outside crowdfunding platforms. The District encourages the use of the District’s webstore
Bingo: The District and its schools and student organizations/clubs may not conduct bingo fundraisers.
Parent organizations may, if they follow state regulations. Consult the Texas Lottery Commission for
Door-to-Door Sales: This type of fundraising is strictly prohibited for students in grades PK-8 and strongly
discouraged for students in Grades 9-12. The school sponsor is required to lead and attend any door-to-
door sale activities.
Paid Solicitors: The District prohibits any hired third-party solicitors (i.e. telemarketers).
Curriculum-Based: A fundraiser shall not be used to underwrite the cost of supplies or materials for a
curriculum function. Fundraising activities shall not interfere with the instructional program or
time. [FJ(LOCAL)]
Individual Benefit: A fundraiser shall not be conducted to collect money for a specific individual facing
financial hardship or to receive an individual benefit.
Outside Organizations: Outside organizations may not solicit contributions of any type from students
within the schools. Students may participate in a charitable institution or community fundraising drive
on a strictly voluntary basis and shall not disrupt instructional time.
Fundraisers Per Year
Approved student organizations are generally limited to two fundraisers, as defined here per school year,
but may conduct more than two with the approval of the school principal and the assistant
Accounting for Funds
Funds collected by student groups shall be deposited into the activity fund established for the student
group and shall be used only for the purposes authorized by the organization or upon approval of the
staff sponsor. Funds collected from school-wide fundraisers shall be deposited into the activity fund
designated for the appropriate use and accounting of those funds. The principal shall approve all
disbursements. Staff involved in fundraising and or dispursements shall adhere to policies related to
financial ethics, conflict of interest, employee standards of conduct, and activity fund management. [See
CAA, DBD, DH, and CFD].
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Donations received outside of a scheduled fundraiser made to the school or club funds shall be made in
accordance with accepted District procedures. See the District’s policy regarding Donations at Policy
CDC(LOCAL) as well as administrative procedures for CDC.
Contributions made in connection with a fundraiser or fundraising event are considered part of the
Food Sales
All fundraising projects or activities where food is sold during the school day (from midnight until 30
minutes after the last bell for the day), shall be in compliance with all State and Federal laws or
regulations governing food sales on District campuses during the school day. These regulations include a
la carte sales, school stores, vending machines, and fundraisers. [see FFA].
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Activities Requiring Approval as a Fundraiser
The types of money collecting activities that should go through the request/approval process are
addressed by [EXHIBIT A].
Steps for Receiving Permission to Fundraise
The process for receiving permission to conduct a fundraising activity are addressed by [EXHIBIT B].
To ensure that all fundraising activity follows the appropriate work flow, please refer to Steps to Request
a Fundraiser. See [EXHIBIT D].
Financial Recap
Activity fund fundraisers shall go through a financial recap process after their conclusion to determine
their financial effectiveness. See [EXHIBIT E].
Campus Oversight
Each principal is required to report to assistant superintendent all possible fundraising ideas.
The principal at each campus is responsible for developing procedures for his or her campus staff to
submit fundraising requests and for retaining all necessary records related to fundraising projects in the
event of an audit or on request of the District central office.
On initiating a fundraising activity or project, each sponsor and principal shall agree to comply with all
relevant state and federal laws and regulations related to fundraising, including any eligible tax-exempt
fundraising projects. The District’s Activities Fund Manager shall be consulted with any questions or
The following information must be retained by each campus principal, at a minimum:
1. Printed copy of the online fundraising activity request form along with the approval or denial by
the assistant superintendent
2. Campus records and documents pertaining to financial transactions of fundraisers
3. List of approved Student Groups and Student Organizations annually
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT A Criteria for Requiring Fundraising
What is a “fundraiser?” The better question is:
What money-collecting activities should go through the online Request/Approval/Recap process?
What if we plan to not make a profit?
While making a profit is usually a criterion, some money-collecting activities that should go through the
request/approval/recap process are not intended to make a profit.
Schools may NEVER raise money for their activity funds in the following ways. :
1. Raffles
2. Crowdfunding online donation pages
3. Bingo
4. Door-to-door sales (unless accompanied by appropriate adult supervision)
Parent Organizations could possibly raise money in the following ways, ONLY if follow strict criteria:
1. Raffles Contact the Texas Attorney General’s Office to determine eligibility.
2. Bingo Contact the Texas Charitable Bingo Operations Division of the Texas Lottery Commission
and secure a bingo license in advance.
Fundraisers Required to apply online for Request/Approval/Recap process:
1. Selling items to students, families and staff (i.e. school store, school spirit wear, Field Day shirts,
2. Selling items away from school.
3. Working with an outside company which pays a commission or takes a commission based on the
revenue generated.
4. Soliciting donations to the group, organization or school. A letter-writing or emailing campaign
(i.e. coin drive, car wash, tip jars, etc.).
5. Soliciting donations to send to an outside charity.
6. An event where admission is charged (i.e. dance, pep rally, teacher-student game, tournament,
etc.). Exempted: ticketed fine arts plays and performances.
7. An event that is free to attend but sells things or collects money (i.e. carnival, festival).
8. Selling food in the campus or on school property.
9. An event where money is collected and food is served on the campus or school property.
10. Food is sold away from campus but will be delivered to campus to be distributed.
11. Staff “Jeans-daycollection.
12. School-wide fundraiser.
13. Library Book Fair.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Requires permission from the principal; online request/approval/recap optional:
1. Restaurant Spirit Night
2. Student organization or faculty fund dues
3. Yearbook sales or ad sales
Requires permission from the principal; online request/approval/recap not necessary:
1. Receiving one-off donations
2. PE Uniforms sales
3. Parking Permit sales
4. Test or course fees
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT B – Fundraiser Approval Process
Fort Bend ISD requires all fundraisers to be reviewed and approved by the principal and assistant
superintendent in advance. The advance approval allows the District to ensure that all appropriate laws
and policies are followed. Additionally, the advance approval helps protect the District, clubs, and
organizers from potential problems including schedule conflicts and irresponsible accounting of funds.
Steps for Obtaining Permission to Fundraise
A fundraising request must be completed by the person in charge of the project (i.e. sponsor, teacher or
administrator). Information on this form includes dates, location of the sale or event, items to sell (or
other means of generating revenue), the estimated expected profit, the planned use of the profits, and
other information that supports the request.
The fundraising project request forms are completed online using the FBISD Fundraiser Request process.
The requester submits the request to the principal for review and approval. If approved by the principal,
the request shall be considered for approval by the assistant superintendent. However, if food will be
sold, served or delivered on campus property, Child Nutrition shall approve the request before going to
the assistant superintendent. If approved by the assistant superintendent, the fundraiser is approved to
take place.
The submitter and campus administration shall receive a confirming email when a fundraiser is approved.
A fundraising project shall not begin until the campus and requester receives this final approval.
Fundraisers related to a school activity fund will go through a financial recap process after their
conclusion to determine their financial effectiveness. After the bookkeeper requests the financial recap,
the sponsor should prepare it for the bookkeeper’s review. After the bookkeeper reviews the financial
recap, it should be submitted to the principal for approval. The fundraiser financial recap process is not
required for parent organization fundraisers.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT C – Fundraiser Request Form
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT D - Steps to Request a Fundraiser
Activity Fund Fundraisers
The fundraiser request processed by staff is as follows:
1. In the menu, choose >Fundraisers >New Fundraiser Request to begin a new fundraiser request or
>Fundraisers >Search to retrieve one that the requestor previously saved.
2. Save to finish later if do not have all the required information ready.
3. Click "Submit for Approval" and an email will be sent to the principal for his/her review (it will be
approved, denied, or requestor may be contacted with a request to modify or add additional
information). Once submitted, requestor will be unable to edit the request. (If requestor needs to
make edits, ask for the status to be changed back to “not submitted.”)
4. Once approved by the principal, the assistant superintendent shall be notified for his/her review
and approval. (If food is sold, served or distributed on campus, it shall go to Child Nutrition first.)
5. Once all approvals are given, the requestor will be notified by email and may proceed with the
6. Following the fundraiser, school activity fund fundraisers will go through a post-fundraiser
financial recap. After the fundraiser has been conducted and all bills are paid, the bookkeeper or
secretary will log in and notify the requestor that the financial recap shall be prepared. (This is
not required of parent organization fundraisers.)
7. The requestor shall provide financial information to show the revenue, expenses and profit, and
attach pertinent information. The school bookkeeper shall review this and when agreement
exists between sponsor and bookkeeper, the report shall be forwarded to the principal for final
8. The school bookkeeper or principal's secretary will receive an email notification any time a
request is submitted to the principal; is approved by the assistant superintendent; or denied by
Parent organization fundraisers
The fundraiser request processed by parent organization is as follows:
1. In the menu, choose Fundraisers/New Fundraiser Request to begin a new fundraiser request or
Fundraisers/Search to retrieve one that requestor previously saved.
2. Save to finish later if you do not have all the required information ready.
3. Click "Submit for Approval" and an email will be sent to the principal for his/her review (it will be
approved, denied, or requestor may be contacted with a request to modify or add additional
information). Once submitted, requestor will be unable to edit the request. (If requestor needs to
make edits, ask for the status to be changed back to “not submitted.”)
4. Once approved by the principal, the assistant superintendent shall be notified for his/her review
and approval. (If food is sold, served or distributed on campus, it shall go to Child Nutrition first.)
5. Once all approvals are given, requestor will be notified by email and may proceed with the
See below table for instructions on accessing and using the Fort Bend ISD Fundraiser
Request/Approval/Recap System.
Access the fundraiser request system from the Fort Bend ISD website.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Activity fund (FBISD Staff)
Parent Organizations
Choose the appropriate link:
Activity fund (FBISD Staff)
Parent Organizations
Set up a user name, provide your name and
contact information, and choose a password.
Then “Create User”
Read more, if you want:
Read more, if you want:
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
To start a new fundraiser request, choose the “New” that applies to your group
To go to an existing fundraiser request to finish it, to review it, or to do a post-fundraiser
Financial Recap, choose “Search”
Notice the Status and Approval Progress Flow line. Fundraiser ID will be assigned when the
request is saved.
Tell us about proposed fundraiser:
Campus (will be defaulted)
Activity Fund account name and number. (NOTE: If it is not on the drop down Save for Later,
and ask the business office to add the account).
Account’s current balance (ask bookkeeper)
Name of fundraiser. Please be specific and descriptive.
Proposed dates. Be as exact as possible to avoid scheduling conflicts and, the bookkeeper will
know when to expect to begin seeing money. Ask your campus.
Proposed location. On-campus/ off-campus? In the cafeteria? Library? Parking lot or ball
fields? This is very important, especially if food will be sold, served or distributed, and for
facility use considerations.
Estimated profit. Give a range, not expected to be exact.
Proposed use of funds. Tell us why need to raise this money.
Provide a detailed description. Please be descriptive. If sales, include the selling price and the
cost to purchase. If a commission sale, state what the expected return rate is. If it entails
multiple components (i.e. ticket sales, apparel sales and concession), explain that. If 100% of
the proceeds will be sent to a certain charity, state that fact.
Upload documents which will explain fundraiser and its details. Include a flier or budget plan.
Anything that makes a case for the good idea.
Has this organization conducted this fundraiser before? (If Yes, what was the profit?)
Will food be sold, served or distributed on campus? This is critically important because if food
will be sold, served or delivered on campus property, Child Nutrition shall approve the request.
Are selling items normally subject to sales tax? (This is a prompt to be aware of sales tax rules
and to help set your price appropriately.)
Will this be a one-day, tax-free sale? A few organizations may be eligible for this (most are
not). Consult your bookkeeper.
Rental of District facilities required? This is a prompt to take those steps, if necessary.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
The Status will change to
Once submitted, you will not be
able to make edits. However, if you
need to make changes, ask your
principal to change the status back
to “Not Submittedto continue
Notice the Status and Approval Progress Flow line. Fundraiser ID number has been assigned. Use this
for future tracking and editing.
Status = “Awaiting Principal Approval:” What happens next?
Auto-generated email will be sent to principal
Principal will open the fundraiser request (by clicking on link in the email). (He/she may also
open the request by navigating to the website and using “Search” to see and open the
o If the principal approves the fundraiser, then at the top-right section of the form
he/she will change the status to the next stop in the forward progression and click
save. The choice will be “Awaiting Assistant Supt. Approval” or “Awaiting Nutrition
Approvalif food will be sold, served or delivered on campus property, Child Nutrition
shall approve the request.
o If the principal does not approve the fundraiser as submitted but wants the requester
to make changes to it, then he/she will change the status to “Not Submitted” and click
o If the principal chooses to completely disallow it, he/she will change the status to
“Denied” and click Save. A denied fundraiser cannot be revived and a new request
must be initiated. In many cases, the previous option is preferred if changes can be
Status = “Not Submitted:” What happens next?
If the principal has sent the request back down to the requestor (status = “Not Submitted), the
requestor shall make any changes or additions. This might include changing the dates, any
elaborating on descriptions, adding or modifying attachments, or correcting any radio button
selections. It could also require the food-related information.
When ready to move on, the requester will click the “Submit for Approval” button.
If the requester wants to cancel the fundraiser request, he/she can ask the business office to
delete the fundraiser request.
Status = “Awaiting Nutrition Approval:” What happens next?
If food will be sold, served or distributed on campus property, then it must route to the Child
Nutrition department after the principal and before the assistant superintendent.
This routing is accomplished by choosing “Yes” to the question “Will food be sold, served or
distributed on campus?”
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Auto-generated email will be sent to principal and, nutrition staff will open the fundraiser
request (by clicking on link in the email). Staff may also open the request by navigating to the
website and using "Search" to see and open the request.
o If the nutrition staff approves of the fundraiser, then at the top-right section of the
form he/she will change the status to the next stop in the forward progression and
click save. The choice will be "Awaiting Assistant Supt. Approval."
o If the nutrition staff does not approve the fundraiser as submitted but wants the
requester to make changes to it, then he/she will change the status to “Not
Submitted” and click Save.
o If the nutrition staff chooses to completely disallow it, he/she will change the status to
“Denied” and click Save. A denied fundraiser cannot be revived and a new request
must be initiated. In many cases, the previous option is preferred if changes can be
Status = “Awaiting Assistant Superintendent Approval:” What happens next?
Auto-generated email will be sent to assistant superintendent.
Assistant superintendent will open the fundraiser request (by clicking on link in the email).
(He/she may also open the request by navigating to the website and using “Search” to see and
open the request.)
o If the assistant superintendent approves of the fundraiser, then at the top-right section
of the form he/she will change the status “Approved” and click save.
o If the assistant superintendent does not approve the fundraiser as submitted but
wants the requester to make changes to it, then he/she will change the status to the
next lower and click Save. He/she shall also communicate with the staff at that stage
about what needs to be changed. It may need to go back one or two earlier steps if
o If the assistant superintendent chooses to completely disallow it, he/she will change
the status to “Denied” and click Save. A denied fundraiser cannot be revived and a new
request must be initiated. In many cases, the previous option is preferred if changes
can be made.
If the requested fundraiser is approved, an auto-generated email will be sent to the original
requestor and the bookkeeper or executive assistant at the school. The fundraiser may
If the requested fundraiser is denied, an auto-generated email will be sent to the original
requestor and the bookkeeper or executive assistant at the school. The fundraiser may not
Status = “Approved:” What happens next?
The fundraiser may proceed.
For activity fund fundraisers, once all deposits have been made and all bills have been paid, the
financial recap should be done.
Parent organization fundraisers do not undergo a financial recap.
The campus bookkeeper or executive assistant will go to the fundraiser to request a financial
recap to be done by the requestor:
o Bookkeeper/executive assistant superintendent will open the fundraiser request by
navigating to the website and using “Search” to see and open the fundraiser.
o Bookkeeper/executive assistant will click the button “Request Financial Recap.” The
status will change to be “Awaiting Financial Recap.”
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Status = “Awaiting Financial Recap:” What happens next?
Auto-generated email will be sent to requestor.
Requestor will open the fundraiser request (by clicking on link in the email). (He/she may also
open the request by navigating to the website and using “Search” to see and open the
o The form will ask some general questions
o The requestor shall attach information supporting the results. At a minimum, a marked
up general ledger showing relevant transactions.
o The form will ask some financial questions:
Total collected at campus (and deposited)
Total that customers may have paid directly to the vendor(s)
Total revenue will be calculated
School payments to the vendor(s)
The profit (in dollars and percent of revenue) will be calculated
o The requestor should comment on the actual profit, including an explanation if the
profit differed from expectations.
Requestor will click “Submit Financial Recap to Bookkeeper”
The status will change to be “Awaiting Financial Recap. By Bookkeeper”
Status = “Awaiting Financial Recap. Approval by Bookkeeper” What happens next?
Bookkeeper reviews the information
o If it needs to be corrected, bookkeeper sends it back by clicking “Financial Recap Needs
More Info”
o Requestor will receive auto-generated email and shall make edits and re-submit to
o When requestor and bookkeeper are in agreement, bookkeeper shall submit the
financial recap to the principal. Status will become “Awaiting Financial Recap Approval
by Principal”
Status = “Awaiting Financial Recap. Approval by Principal What happens next?
Principal reviews the information
o If it is acceptable, principal will click to show his/her approval. Status will become
“Financial Recap Approved”
o If it needs to be corrected, principal sends it back by clicking “Financial Recap Needs
More Info”
Status = “Denied:” What happens next?
Nothing. The fundraiser request cannot be edited or deleted. If the campus or requestor wants
to resubmit a modified idea, a new fundraiser request should be started.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Other Things to Know
Food Sold, Served or Distributed on Campus
If you have questions about this section, please call Child Nutrition at 281-634-1855.
NOTE: Due to our health permit requirements, Child Nutrition needs to be aware that even if the food
items are sold elsewhere, such as out in the neighborhood or if it is being distributed at a campus, Child
Nutrition still needs to know about it. Typical examples are cookie dough and candy bars.
To continue or to review a fundraiser request: “Search Fundraisers.”
Fundraiser requests can only be viewed by what your username and permission level allows.
Be aware that there is a filter for each school year, therefore, 2017-18 and 2018-19 will be presented at
different searches; however, a filter may be used on a username.
Campus administrative staff shall make good use of filtering for various approval statuses.
From this screen, the current status of the request can be seen, and can click on the Item number at the
left to view it and make changes (and then Submit) if allowed to do that.
Duplicate or Unneeded Fundraiser Requests?
If the campus staff wants to cancel a fundraiser request, he/she can ask the business office to delete the
fundraiser request.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
EXHIBIT E Campus Tools and Financial Recap
Staff who cannot be a requestor:
The flow of the recap system will stall due to internal logic problems. Someone else must be the
Elementary School Exec Assistant or Principal
Middle School Bookkeeper, Exec Assistant or Principal
High School Bookkeeper or Principal
Approvers – Do not deny a fundraiser request if it just needs modifications.
Better to send it back to a lower level and ask for edits.
Watch out for duplicate fundraiser requests
Duplicate fundraisers will accumulate. If detected, notify the activity fund staff in the business office to
have the duplicate fundraiser deleted.
Duplicate fundraiser requests that have status of Approved or Denied cannot be deleted.
See steps later in this document in the Financial Recap section.
What to do with changes in plans.
If the changes are material (i.e. adding food to the plan, making a significant change in date,
revamping the event to have a different character or method).
If the fundraiser has not yet been approved, it is possible for the item to be moved back
downward to the campus to make those changes and then move it back along the approval
If a fundraiser has been approved but the plan has a material change, may need to re-submit,
and do a financial recap on the approved one.
Don’t worry about small changes in plans. Slight date changes (less than 3months), minor
changes such as adding a new product to sell, etc.
Financial Recap
Activity Funds only. Parent organization fundraisers do not need to have a financial recap done.
When to send out the request for a financial recap:
When all deposits are posted and the bills are paid.
Attach backup support:
Always have at least one attachment to the financial recap section of the page. At the very minimum, a
marked-up general ledger showing the relevant transactions. The attachment should support the figures
that were input to the basic questionnaire. The sponsor and bookkeeper should work together to
determine the best attachments.
If the requestor’s figures on the financial recap do not match those of the bookkeeper/secretary?
The figures on the financial recap should take into consideration the revenue, any money deposited
directly to the vendor, sales tax, webstore fees, etc. Differences between the sponsor figures and the
bookkeepers figures, if any, should be worked out between the two before submitted to the principal.
Student Fundraising Handbook Approved 09.30.2019
Duplicate fundraiser requests that have status of Approved
If there are multiple copies of a fundraiser approved, go through the financial recap process completely
for one of them. For the other(s):
The bookkeeper/secretary will request the financial recap, and the sponsor will answer two
questions on the Financial Recap, and then the bookkeeper/secretary can move it along to
completion. This avoids any future concern that the endeavor took place but no one did the
financial report.
The sponsor will:
o Click “No” to the question “Did this fundraiser take place?”
o Type the reason “Why?” state “Duplicate item – see #xxxx
If the fundraiser did not happen:
Have the requestor fill out the financial recap. The requestor shall answer two questions:
The sponsor shall click “No” to the question “Did this fundraiser take place?” The requestor will then type
a brief reason to answer “Why? The requestor shall submit the recap for approval by the bookkeeper.
The bookkeeper will then submit this recap to the principal for final approval.