Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
Ref#: 353216-003US
July 2024
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
Ref#: 353216-003US 1
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Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
Ref#: 353216-003US 2
Revision History
November 2022
001 The initial release of the document.
January 2023
Reference to GitHub added
(Section 3.2.3).
Replaced section of incorrect code
(Appendix B Example 2).
July 2024
Added Section 3.2.2 Intel® DSA
Read Buffer Controls.
Updated Figure 3-2.
Changed appendices into chapters.
Updated Code in Chapter 8.
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
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Table of Contents
Notices & Disclaimers ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Revision History .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Tables ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Figures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Examples ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Document Organization ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Platform Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) Configuration ............................................................................................... 13
2.2 Linux Kernel Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Intel® IOMMU Driver ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Intel® DSA Driver ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Non-SVM Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3 Intel® DSA Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Intel® DSA Device Enumeration .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 PCI Information ........................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.2 sysfs Directories ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Device Configuration and Control Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Intel® DSA WQs/Engines/Groups ............................................................................................................. 18
3.2.2 Intel® DSA Read Buffer Controls .............................................................................................................. 18
3.2.3 Intel® DSA Traffic Class Configuration ...................................................................................................... 19
3.2.4 Linux Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.5 accel-config .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
.2.6 WQ Device File Permissions ................................................................................................................................ 21
Chapter 4 Intel® DSA Programming ............................................................................................................................ 22
4.1 Sample Linux Application .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 Descriptor Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.2 Descriptor Submission Portal Mapping .................................................................................................... 23
4.1.3 Descriptor Submission .............................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.4 Completion Polling ................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.5 Partial Completion Handling .................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Programming Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 26
4.2.1 Ordering/Fencing ..................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Destination Address in Persistent Memory .............................................................................................. 26
4.3 Library Support for Intel® DSA ............................................................................................................................ 27
Chapter 5 Intel® DSA Performance Micros ................................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 6 Intel® DSA Performance Counter References ............................................................................................ 29
Chapter 7 Steps for Using ACCEL-CONFIG: Examples ................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 8 C Functions for GCC Versions Without MOVDIRB64, ENQCMD, UMWAIT, or UMONITOR Support .......... 31
Chapter 9 Sample C Program ...................................................................................................................................... 33
9.1 Steps .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
9.2 The Program ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Chapter 10 Actions for Continuation After a Page Fault............................................................................................... 38
Chapter 11 Dedicated and Shared WQ Comparison Descriptions ................................................................................ 40
Chapter 12 Debug Aids for Configuration Errors .......................................................................................................... 41
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Table 1-1 Acronym Definition ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 1-2 References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 2-1 Linux Operating System Vendors Supporting Intel® DSA Drivers ......................................................................................... 15
Table 4-1 Libraries with Support for Intel® DSA ................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 5-1 Intel® DSA Performance Micro (dsa_perf-micros) Links ....................................................................................................... 28
Table 10-1 Software Actions for Continuation After a Page Fault ........................................................................................................ 38
Table 11-1 Dedicated and Shared WQ Comparison ............................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 3-1 Logical Organization of an Intel® DSA and Cores on an Intel
Generation Xeon® Server Processor ............................. 14
Figure 3-2 Intel
DSA BW Range & Read Buffer Controls ..................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-4 Intel® DSA Device/Group/Engine/WQ Configuration and Control sysfs Entries .................................................................. 20
Figure 4-1 Descriptor Processing Sequence ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Example 2-1 Linux Kernel Configuration Options for the Intel® IOMMU Driver .................................................................................. 13
Example 2-2 Linux Kernel Configuration Options for the Intel® DSA Driver ......................................................................................... 13
Example 2-3 IDXD Driver Initialization Messages ................................................................................................................................. 14
Example 3-1 Listing All Intel® DSA Devices ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Example 3-2 lspci Output for an Intel® DSA Device .............................................................................................................................. 15
Example 3-4 SVM Capabilities and Status ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Example 3-5 sysfs SVM Capability ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Example 3-6 Intel® DSA sysfs Directories ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Example 3-7 Profiles Included in accel-config ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Example 3-8 accel-config Command Line with WQ Configuration File ................................................................................................. 21
Example 3-9 Using accel-config to Verify Device Configuration ........................................................................................................... 21
Example 3-10 WQ Device Files ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Example 4-1 Descriptor Initialization .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Example 4-2 Descriptor Submission ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Example 4-3 Descriptor Completion Check .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Example 4-4 Descriptor Completion Check with Pause ........................................................................................................................ 25
Example 4-5 UMONITOR/UMWAIT Sequence to Reduce Power Consumption While Polling ............................................................. 25
Example 8-1 MOVDIR64B ..................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Example 8-2 ENQCMD .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Example 8-3 UMWAIT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Example 8-4 UMONITOR ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Example 9-1 Intel® DSA Shared WQ Sample Application ..................................................................................................................... 33
Example 12-1 Linux Kernel ACPI Subsystem Messages When VT-d is Enabled .................................................................................... 41
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
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DSA is a high-performance data copy and transformation accelerator integrated into Intel
processors, starting
with 4
and 5
Generation Intel
processors. It is targeted for optimizing streaming data movement and
transformation operations common with applications for high-performance storage, networking, persistent memory,
and various data processing applications.
This document is for system administrators who may need to configure Intel DSA devices and developers who want
to enable Intel DSA support in applications and use libraries that provide interfaces to Intel DSA. It should be read
alongside the Intel
DSA Architecture Specification and documentation for software utilities and libraries that
support Intel DSA, such as accel-config/libaccel-config, Libfabric, and Intel
This document is informally divided into two sections. The first describes Intel DSA setup and configuration, and
the second provides sample code for Intel DSA. However, the document does not include configuration
mechanisms and settings specific to domain-specific software stacks like DPDK, SPDK, etc. For additional
information, please refer to the appropriate documentation.
1.1 Definitions
Table 1-1 Acronym Definition
BIOS Basic Input Output System
ATS Address Translation Service
A protocol defined by the PCI Express* specification to
support address translations by a device.
I/O Memory Management
A DMA Remapping Hardware Unit defined by Intel®
Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O.
Peripheral Component
A local computer bus for interconnecting peripheral
devices with the processor/memory subsystems. PCI
Express is a serial computer bus expansion standard
designed to replace the PCI.
PRS Page Request Service
When an endpoint determines that it requires access
to a page for which the ATS translation is unavailable,
it sends a Page Request message requesting that the
page be mapped into system memory.
Process Address Space
A value used in memory transactions to convey the
address space on the host of an address used by the
OS Operating System
Allocates hardware resources (for example, processor
cores, memory, and devices) to ensure optimal usage
by multiple concurrent applications.
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SVM Shared Virtual Memory
An ability for an accelerator I/O device to operate in
the same virtual memory space of applications on
host processors. It also implies the ability to operate
from pageable memory, avoiding functional
requirements to pin memory for DMA operations.
QoS Quality of Service
The ability of a system to provide predictable latency
and bandwidth.
SKU Stock-Keeping Unit
The part number or product number that identifies an
Work queue
A queue in the device used to store descriptors.
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Table 1-2 References
Intel® DSA Architecture Specification
Intel® DSA Perf Micros
Intel® DSA Perfmon Support
Intel® Architecture Instruction Set
Extensions Programming Reference
Intel® Data Movement Library
PCI Express* Base Specification 4.0
Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed
I/O (Intel® VT-d or Intel® IOMMU)
Intel® MPI
SPDK IDXD driver
accel-config and libaccel-config
accel-config ( and-
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
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1.2 Document Organization
This document has two general sections. The first describes the Intel DSA setup/configuration, and the second describes the
sample code for Intel DSA. Configuration mechanisms and settings specific to domain-specific software stacks like DPDK,
SPDK, etc., are not included in this document. Please refer to the appropriate documentation for additional information.
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2.1 Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) Configuration
This document primarily focuses on Intel® DSA usage with user space memory, requiring Intel® Virtualization Technology or
Directed I/O (VT-d) to be enabled. As described in the Address Translation sections of the Intel® DSA Architecture
Specification, DSA may also be used with physical or other virtual addresses (for example, I/O virtual address, IOVA). While
a detailed discussion of this is beyond the scope of this document, Section 2.3
provides a brief description and some related
2.2 Linux Kernel Configuration
2.2.1 Intel® IOMMU Driver
The Intel
IOMMU driver with scalable mode support (CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU_SVM) must be enabled in the kernel
configuration, as shown in Example 2-1
. If either the CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU_DEFAULT_ON or the
CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU_SCALABLE_MODE_DEFAULT_ON options are not enabled, then “intel_iommu=on,sm_on" must be
added to the kernel boot parameters.
Example 2-1 Linux Kernel Configuration Options for the Intel® IOMMU Driver
2.2.2 Intel® DSA Driver
When building/installing the Linux kernel, enable the kernel configuration options shown in Example 2-2.
Example 2-2 Linux Kernel Configuration Options for the Intel® DSA Driver
Work queues (WQs) are on-device storage to contain descriptors submitted to the device and can be configured to run in
either of two modes:
Dedicated (DWQ), or
Shared (SWQ).
A SWQ allows multiple clients to submit descriptors simultaneously without the software overhead of synchronization needed
to track WQ occupancy. SWQ is the preferred WQ mode since it offers better device utilization versus hard partitioning with
DWQs, which may result in underutilization. The Intel
DSA Driver (IDXD) with DWQ support was introduced in kernel
version 5.6. The IDXD driver with SWQ support is available in Linux upstream Kernel versions 5.18 and beyond.
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IDXD driver initialization can be checked using the dmesg command, which prints the kernel message buffer, as shown in
Example 2-3
Example 2-3 IDXD Driver Initialization Messages
$ dmesg -t | grep "idxd"
idxd 0000:6a:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:6a:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:6a:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:6a:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:6f:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:6f:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:6f:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:6f:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:74:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:74:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:74:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:74:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:79:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:79:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:79:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:79:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:e7:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:e7:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:e7:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:e7:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:ec:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:ec:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:ec:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:ec:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:f1:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:f1:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:f1:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:f1:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:f6:01.0: enabling device (0144 -> 0146)
idxd 0000:f6:01.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
idxd 0000:f6:02.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
idxd 0000:f6:02.0: Intel(R) Accelerator Device (v100)
Table 2-1 shows the distribution kernel versions with complete IDXD driver support. For the latest information, please refer
to vendor documentation.
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Table 2-1 Linux Operating System Vendors Supporting Intel® DSA Drivers
Vendor Intel® DSA Driver
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES 15 SP4
Redhat Enterprise Linux RHEL 8.7 & 9.1
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.10
2.3 Non-SVM Configuration
To use Intel DSA without SVM, it is recommended to use the vfio-pci Linux driver.
$ driverctl -v list-devices | grep idxd
0000:6a:01.0 idxd ()
$ driverctl set-override 0000:6a:01.0 vfio-pci
If the IOMMU is disabled or unavailable, vfio-pci may be used in "no-iommu" mode.
$ echo 1 > /sys/module/vfio/parameters/enable_unsafe_noiommu_mode
If vfio-pci is unavailable, a uio module (for example, uio_pci_generic) may be used.
When operating in non-SVM mode, it is the application's responsibility to use appropriate driver APIs to register and pin
memory regions before initiating any DMA operations. Details of the APIs are beyond the scope of this document. Please
refer to DPDK or SPDK documentation for examples of such uses
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This section describes how Intel
DSA devices and WQs can be configured and enabled by a superuser before running
an application that uses Intel DSA. Before describing the configuration process, Linux OS structures for Intel DSA are
described to help debug configuration issues.
3.1 Intel® DSA Device Enumeration
3.1.1 PCI Information
Figure 3-1 shows the logical organization of an Intel DSA and cores on a 4
and 5
Generation Xeon® server
processor. Depending on the processor SKU, one, two, or four Intel DSA devices exist per socket. A system with two
sockets can have up to eight Intel DSA devices.
Figure 3-1 Logical Organization of an Intel® DSA and Cores on an
Generation Xeon® Server Processor
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Intel DSA PCI device ID is 0x0b25. The following command lists the Intel DSA devices on the system:
Example 3-1 Listing All Intel® DSA Devices
$ lspci | grep 0b25
6a:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
6f:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
74:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
79:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
e7:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
ec:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
f1:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
f6:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
The complete lspci output for an Intel DSA device can be obtained, as shown in Example 3-2. If the Kernel driver in use
field within the lspci output is blank, use the modprobe idxd command to load the driver.
Example 3-2 lspci Output for an Intel® DSA Device
/*1 of 2*/
lspci -vvv -s 6a:01.0
6a:01.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0b25
Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device 0000
Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr+ Stepping- SERR+
FastB2B- DisINTx-
Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- <TAbort- <MAbort-
Latency: 0
NUMA node: 0
Region 0: Memory at 206ffff60000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=64K]
Region 2: Memory at 206ffff00000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=128K] Capabilities: [40]
Express (v2) Root Complex Integrated Endpoint, MSI 00
DevCap: MaxPayload 512 bytes, PhantFunc 0
ExtTag+ RBE+ FLReset+
DevCtl: CorrErr+ NonFatalErr+ FatalErr+ UnsupReq-
RlxdOrd+ ExtTag+ PhantFunc- AuxPwr- NoSnoop+ FLReset-
MaxPayload 128 bytes, MaxReadReq 4096 bytes
DevSta: CorrErr- NonFatalErr- FatalErr- UnsupReq- AuxPwr- TransPend-
DevCap2: Completion Timeout: Not Supported, TimeoutDis+, NROPrPrP-, LTR+
10BitTagComp+, 10BitTagReq+, OBFF Not Supported, ExtFmt+, EETLPPrefix+, MaxEETLPPrefixes 1
EmergencyPowerReduction Not Supported, EmergencyPowerReductionInit-
Capabilities: [80] MSI-X: Enable+ Count=9 Masked-
Vector table: BAR=0 offset=00002000
PBA: BAR=0 offset=00003000
Capabilities: [90] Power Management version 3
Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA PME(D0-,D1-,D2-,D3hot-,D3cold-)
Status: D0 NoSoftRst+ PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
Capabilities: [100 v2] Advanced Error Reporting
Status: D0 NoSoftRst+ PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
Capabilities: [100 v2] Advanced Error Reporting
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/*2 of 2*/
UESta: DLP- SDES- TLP- FCP- CmpltTO- CmpltAbrt- UnxCmplt- RxOF-
MalfTLP- ECRC- UnsupReq- ACSViol-
UEMsk: DLP- SDES- TLP- FCP- CmpltTO- CmpltAbrt- UnxCmplt- RxOF-
MalfTLP- ECRC- UnsupReq+ ACSViol-
UESvrt: DLP- SDES- TLP+ FCP- CmpltTO- CmpltAbrt- UnxCmplt- RxOF-
MalfTLP+ ECRC- UnsupReq- ACSViol-
CESta: RxErr- BadTLP- BadDLLP- Rollover- Timeout- AdvNonFatalErr-
CEMsk: RxErr- BadTLP- BadDLLP- Rollover- Timeout- AdvNonFatalErr-
AERCap: First Error Pointer: 00, ECRCGenCap- ECRCGenEn- ECRCChkCap-
ECRCChkEn- MultHdrRecCap- MultHdrRecEn- TLPPfxPres- HdrLogCap-
HeaderLog: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Capabilities: [150 v1] Latency Tolerance Reporting
Max snoop latency: 0ns
Max no snoop latency: 0ns
Capabilities: [160 v1] Transaction Processing Hints
Device-specific mode supported
Steering table in TPH capability structure
Capabilities: [170 v1] Virtual Channel
Caps: LPEVC=1 RefClk=100ns PATEntryBits=1
Arb: Fixed+ WRR32- WRR64- WRR128-
Ctrl: ArbSelect=Fixed Status: InProgress-
VC0: Caps: PATOffset=00 MaxTimeSlots=1 RejSnoopTrans-
Arb: Fixed- WRR32- WRR64- WRR128- TWRR128- WRR256-
Ctrl: Enable+ ID=0 ArbSelect=Fixed TC/VC=fd
Status: NegoPending- InProgress-
VC1: Caps: PATOffset=00 MaxTimeSlots=1 RejSnoopTrans-
Arb: Fixed- WRR32- WRR64- WRR128- TWRR128- WRR256-
Ctrl: Enable+ ID=1 ArbSelect=Fixed TC/VC=02
Status: NegoPending- InProgress-
Capabilities: [200 v1] Designated Vendor-Specific <?>
Capabilities: [220 v1] Address Translation Service (ATS)
ATSCap: Invalidate Queue Depth: 00
ATSCtl: Enable+, Smallest Translation Unit: 00
Capabilities: [230 v1] Process Address Space ID (PASID)
PASIDCap: Exec- Priv+, Max PASID Width: 14
PASIDCtl: Enable+ Exec- Priv+
Capabilities: [240 v1] Page Request Interface (PRI)
PRICtl: Enable+ Reset-
PRISta: RF- UPRGI- Stopped+
Page Request Capacity: 00000200, Page Request Allocation: 00000020
Kernel driver in use: idxd
Kernel modules: idxd
Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) is a usage where a device operates in the CPU virtual address space of the application
accessing the device. Devices supporting SVM do not require pages accessed by the device to be pinned. Instead, they
use the PCI Express Address Translation Services (ATS) and Page Request Services (PRS) capabilities to implement
recoverable device page faults. Devices supporting SVM use PASIDs to distinguish different application virtual address
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PCIe capabilities and status related to SVMATSCtl, PASIDCtl, and PRICtl are enabled, as shown in Example 3-3. Refer
to the Address Translation section within the Intel
DSA Architecture Specification for further details on how Intel DSA
utilizes the PASID, PCIe, ATS, and PRS capabilities to support SVM.
Example 3-3 SVM Capabilities and Status
Capabilities: [220 v1] Address Translation Service (ATS)
ATSCap: Invalidate Queue Depth: 00
ATSCtl: Enable+, Smallest Translation Unit: 00
Capabilities: [230 v1] Process Address Space ID (PASID)
PASIDCap: Exec- Priv+, Max PASID Width: 14
PASIDCtl: Enable+ Exec- Priv+
Capabilities: [240 v1] Page Request Interface (PRI)
PRICtl: Enable+ Reset-
PRISta: RF- UPRGI- Stopped+
Page Request Capacity: 00000200, Page Request Allocation: 00000020
SVM capability is also available in sysfs.
Example 3-4 sysfs SVM Capability
$ cat
3.1.2 sysfs Directories
The Linux sysfs file system is a pseudo-file system that provides an interface to kernel data structures. The files under
sysfs provide information about devices, kernel modules, file systems, and other kernel components.
The Linux driver generates the sysfs directories shown in Example 3-5
for an example dual-socket system with eight
total Intel DSA devices (four devices per processor). The Intel DSA and Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Inte
IAA) devices are both managed by the IDXD device driver. The numbering of Intel DSA and Intel IAA devices depends
on the number of each device in the CPU SKU. In the dual-socket example below, four Intel IAA devices are present
per socket. They are named iax{1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15}. Correspondingly, the Intel DSA devices are named
Example 3-5 Intel® DSA sysfs Directories
$ ls -df /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa*
/sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa0 /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa2
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3.2 Device Configuration and Control Interfaces
The Intel DSA device is configured through entries in the sysfs filesystem. After configuration, the device and WQ can be
enabled. The driver creates a /dev/dsa/wqD.Q device file for every enabled WQ, where D is the Intel DSA ID, and Q is the
WQ ID. The application uses the WQ device file to submit work to the hardware, as described in Section 4.1
3.2.1 Intel® DSA WQs/Engines/Groups
Software specifies work for the device by constructing descriptors in memory and submitting them to the WQ. Shared
WQs allow multiple clients to submit descriptors concurrently and are recommended for application use.
Dedicated WQs require SW to manage flow control by keeping track of descriptors submitted and completed to
ensure the WQ capacity is not overrun. Hence, they are helpful in cases where a single OS-level process uses the WQ.
An engine is an operational unit within an Intel DSA device. A group is a logical organization of a set of WQs and engines
to achieve a specific QoS objective. Multiple groups can provide performance isolation between applications sharing the
device. Refer to the Work Queues, Engines, and Groups sections in the Intel
DSA Architecture Specification.
for more
details on Intel DSA WQ/Engine/Group capabilities and controls.
Some documentation may also refer to each Intel DSA device enumerated by the OS as an Intel DSA instance.
With current implementations, the memory bandwidth achievable by a given Intel DSA instance for data sizes of 4KB
or larger may be realized with only a single engine within the device. In such cases, provisioning additional engines in
the same Intel DSA instance may not offer additional performance benefits. However, using additional engines may be
useful to improve the quality of service (QoS) within the Intel DSA instance. A user may achieve higher aggregate
performance as compared to a single Intel DSA instance using multiple Intel DSA instances.
3.2.2 Intel® DSA Read Buffer Controls
DSA uses read buffers to hide memory read latency. Administrative software may utilize the read buffer controls to
achieve an approximate range of read bandwidth numbers (min and max) for a group.
DSA per-group configuration provides two fields to control Read Buffers available to a group.
Read Buffers Allowed: A non-zero value for the Read Buffers Allowed field indicates the maximum number of
Read Buffers that may be in use at one time by all engines in the group. This field can limit the read bandwidth
achievable on an idle system.
Read Buffers Reserved: A non-zero value for the Read Buffers Reserved field ensures a minimum number of read
buffers available to the engines in the group and allows a guaranteed read bandwidth irrespective of system load.
The magnitude of memory read latency that a single read buffer can hide may vary depending on the system load. As
a result, when Read Buffers Allowed equals Read Buffers Reserved for a given group, the achievable read bandwidth
falls within a range of values, as shown in Figure 3-2
. Under system idle conditions in the current implementation, a
group can reach peak bandwidth with 48 or more read buffers available.
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Figure 3-2 Intel
DSA BW Range & Read Buffer Controls
Please refer to Section 4.3 of the Intel DSA Specification for restrictions on programming Read Buffers Allowed and
Read Buffers Reserved controls.
3.2.3 Intel® DSA Traffic Class Configuration
First-generation Intel® DSA devices on 4th and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors are limited to using a single
virtual channel for DMA traffic different from the virtual channel used for descriptor submissions to the device (VC0).
Software should avoid using Traffic Class 0 (TC0) for DMA traffic by programming TC-A (Bits 2:0) and TC-B (Bits 5:3)
fields in the device Group Configuration Table GRPFLAGS register to a non-zero TC value, which is mapped to Virtual
Channel 1 (VC1). Sharing a single virtual channel for DMA traffic to both high-bandwidth and low-bandwidth memory
targets may impact the throughput of some operations.
The Linux driver default Traffic class configuration follows the guidelines mentioned above for the respective device
versions. This default behavior is overridden by passing the tc_override parameter to the driver, and the user can
customize traffic class configuration via the traffic_class_a and traffic_class_b entries within the per-group sysfs
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3.2.4 Linux Interfaces
Intel DSA Groups/Engines/WQs are configured using sysfs entries created by the IDXD driver.
Figure 3-4 shows the configuration and control sysfs entries for the dsa0 device. WQs are configured by a superuser and
must be configured with a size and type at a minimum. A group must have at least one constituent WQ and one
Engine. The configuration using the accel-config utility is described in Section 3.2
. An Intel DSA device and associated
WQs may only be enabled after configuring the corresponding Group/WQ/Engine(s).
$ ls /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa0
group0.0 max_work_queues uevent
group0.1 max_work_queues_size version
group0.2 numa_node wq0.0
group0.3 op_cap wq0.1
max_batch_size pasid_enabled wq0.2
max_engines power wq0.3
max_groups read_buffer_limit wq0.4
max_read_buffers state wq0.5
max_tokens subsystem wq0.6
max_transfer_size token_limit wq0.7
Figure 3-3 Intel® DSA Device/Group/Engine/WQ Configuration and Control sysfs Entries
3.2.5 accel-config
accel-config is a Linux application that provides a command line interface for Intel DSA configuration. It links to a
shared library ( that applications can use to query and modify Intel DSA configuration.
accel-config can be used with text-based configuration files. Recommended configurations for a few use cases are
included in the accel-config installation.
Example 3-6 Profiles Included in accel-config
$ cd idxd-config/contrib/configs/ && ls *.conf
app_profile.conf net_profile.conf os_profile.conf storage_profile.conf
app_profile.conf is a configuration intended for user space applications and provides two groups with one SWQ
and one engine each.
The WQs are configured so that applications desiring to use Intel DSA for operations with a relatively small memory
footprint can submit descriptors to the WQ with a smaller value of maximum transfer size configured for that WQ.
This avoids head-of-line blocking, i.e., prevents these operations from queuing. Example 3-7
shows how to configure
and enable WQs using app_profile.conf. A super-user must execute this command since only a super-user can modify
sysfs entries.
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Example 3-7 accel-config Command Line with WQ Configuration File
$ accel-config load-config -c contrib/configs/app_profile.conf -e
Enabling device dsa0
Enabling wq wq0.1
Enabling wq wq0.0
Chapter 7 shows a command-line example for enabling an Intel DSA WQ with a custom configuration and saving the
configuration to a file.
accel-config can be shown the current configuration using the list command, as shown in Example 3-8.
Example 3-8 Using accel-config to Verify Device Configuration
$ accel-config list
3.2.6 WQ Device File Permissions
The accel-config command line creates WQ device files, as seen in Example 3-9.
Example 3-9 WQ Device Files
$ ls -la /dev/dsa/wq0.0 /dev/dsa/wq0.1
crw------- 1 root root 240, 1 Oct 5 11:58 /dev/dsa/wq0.0
crw------- 1 root root 240, 0 Oct 5 11:58 /dev/dsa/wq0.1
The super-user must grant read-write permissions to the device file to the user/group under which the process runs.
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A user can initiate an application that uses Intel
DSA, but only after the superuser configures an Intel DSA device with
at least one associated WQ. Additionally, the superuser must enable the user’s access to the WQ character device file
(see Section 3.2). The commands used to configure the device and a shared WQ are provided in Chapter 11
This section provides walk-through C program snippets illustrating the steps needed to use Intel DSA. Chapter 9
provides a complete source code listing for a C program that uses Intel DSA.
4.1 Sample Linux Application
Figure 4-1 shows the steps from descriptor preparation to descriptor completion. Each step is discussed in further detail
within respective sub-sections.
Figure 4-1 Descriptor Processing Sequence
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4.1.1 Descriptor Preparation
Sample code to prepare a Memory Move descriptor (as described in the Memory Move section within the Intel® DSA
Architecture Specification) is shown in Example 4-1
. Since the Block On Fault flag is zero, if a descriptor incurs a page
fault on either source or destination addresses, the operation status code indicates that the operation has completed
with a page fault. The number of bytes transferred for the memmove operation is provided in the completion record.
For details on the Block on Fault flag, please refer to Section
4.1.5 .
Example 4-1 Descriptor Initialization
struct dsa_completion_record comp __attribute__((aligned(32)));
struct dsa_hw_desc desc = { };
desc.opcode = DSA_OPCODE_MEMMOVE;
*Request a completion since we poll on status, this flag
*must be 1 for status to be updated on successful
desc.flags = IDXD_OP_FLAG_RCR;
/* CRAV should be 1 since RCR = 1
desc.flags |= IDXD_OP_FLAG_CRAV;
/* Hint to direct data writes to CPU cache */
desc.flags |= IDXD_OP_FLAG_CC;
desc.xfer_size = BLEN;
desc.src_addr = (uintptr_t)src;
desc.dst_addr = (uintptr_t)dst;
comp.status = 0;
desc.completion_addr = (uintptr_t)&comp;
4.1.2 Descriptor Submission Portal Mapping
Before submitting a descriptor to the device, an application must open a previously configured WQ device file (for
example, /dev/dsa/wq0.0) and map into its address space (the work submission portal on that WQ). The portal may
now be used to submit descriptors to the device.
A shared WQ device file can be opened by multiple processes concurrently, whereas only a single process can open a
dedicated WQ device file at any given time. The map_wq() function in Chapter 9
shows the use of accel-config library
functions to enumerate WQs and select an enabled WQ of the desired type.
As a mitigation for a potential security vulnerability in some Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator (Intel® DSA) and Intel®
Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA) V1.0 for some Intel® 4th or 5th generation Xeon® processors may allow denial of
service. Intel is releasing prescriptive guidance and software updates to mitigate this potential vulnerability; the OS
may disallow an unprivileged process from mapping the work submission portal into its address space
. Specifically,
Please see the Intel® DSA and Intel® IAA Advisory
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Linux divides superuser privileges into “capabilities” that can be independently controlled. Only a process with the
CAP_SYS_RAW_IO capability can map the work submission portal into its address space.
For unprivileged applications, the Linux device driver provides the write system call to submit descriptors. The security
issue also requires the write system call to disallow batch descriptor submission. The sample program in Chapter 9
also shows how to check for the presence of WQ mmap support in the driver and how to use the write system call.
4.1.3 Descriptor Submission
Depending on the WQ type, the software may use the ENQCMD or MOVDIR64B instruction for descriptor submission.
The Shared Work Queue section within the Intel
DSA Architecture Specification describes ENQCMD returning a non-
zero value if the descriptor is not accepted into the device. gcc10 supports the enqcmd() and _movdir64b() intrinsics
for ENQCMD and MOVDIR64B, respectively, via the -menqcmd and -mmovdir64b switches; for older compiler
versions, equivalent code is shown in Chapter 8
Since MOVDIR64B and ENQCMD are not ordered relative to older stores in WB or WC memory, SW must ensure
appropriate ordering (when required) by executing a fencing instruction such as SFENCE, preferably using a single
fence for multiple updates to reduce the fencing instruction overhead.
Example 4-2 Descriptor Submission
#include <x86gprintrin.h>
if (dedicated)
_movdir64b(wq_portal, &desc);
else {
retry = 0;
while (_enqcmd(wq_portal, &desc) && retry++ < ENQ_RETRY_MAX);
4.1.4 Completion Polling
The Intel DSA hardware updates the status field of the completion record when it is done processing the descriptor. The
completion check is shown in Example 4-3
Example 4-3 Descriptor Completion Check
retry = 0;
while (comp.status == 0 && retry++ < COMP_RETRY_MAX);
if (comp.status == DSA_COMP_SUCCESS) {
/* Successful completion */
} else {
/* Descriptor failed or timed out
*See the “Error Codes” section of the Intel® DSA Architecture Specification for
*error code descriptions
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A pause instruction should be added to the spin loop to reduce the power a processor consumes.
Example 4-4 Descriptor Completion Check with Pause
#include <x86gprintrin.h>
retry = 0;
while (comp.status == 0 && retry++ < COMP_RETRY_MAX)
Further power reduction can be achieved using the UMONITOR/UMWAIT instruction sequence.
UMONITOR provides an address, informing that the currently running application is interested in any writes to a
range of memory (the range that the monitoring hardware checks for store operations can be determined using the
CPUID monitor leaf function, EAX=05H).
UMWAIT instructs the processor to enter an implementation-dependent optimized state while monitoring a range of
addresses. The optimized state may be either a lightweight power/performance optimized state or an improved
power/performance optimized state. The selection between the two states is governed by the explicit input register
bit[0] source operand.
Example 4-5 UMONITOR/UMWAIT Sequence to Reduce Power Consumption While Polling
#include <x86gprintrin.h>
* C0.2 Improves performance of the other SMT thread(s)
* on the same core and has larger power savings
* but has a longer wake-up time.
#define UMWAIT_STATE_C0_2 0
#define UMWAIT_STATE_C0_1 1
retry = 0;
while (comp.status == 0 && retry++ < MAX_COMP_RETRY) {
if (comp.status == 0) {
uint64_t delay = __rdtsc() + UMWAIT_DELAY;
_umwait(UMWAIT_STATE_C0_1, delay);
4.1.5 Partial Completion Handling
Intel DSA supports the PCI Express Address Translation Service (ATS) and Page Request Service (PRS) capabilities and
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uses ATS requests to the IOMMU to translate virtual addresses in descriptors to host physical addresses. These
translation requests can return faults due to not-present translations or a mismatch between access permissions and
the access type.
The device may encounter a page fault on:
A Completion Record address
The Descriptor List address in a Batch descriptor
Readback address in a Drain descriptor
Source buffer or destination buffer address
For the first three cases, the device blocks until the page fault is resolved if PRS is enabled; otherwise, it is reported as
an error. For the fourth case, the device can either block until the page fault is resolved or prematurely complete the
descriptor and return a partial completion to the client, as specified by the Block On Fault flag in the descriptor.
The Block On Fault in the descriptor is set to zero in the descriptor preparation sample code in Example 4-1
Therefore, any page fault on the source or destination addresses would cause the operation to complete partially. The
completion record reports the faulting address and the number of bytes processed completely. The application can
choose between completing the operation in software and resubmitting the operation to Intel DSA after modifying
the descriptor as necessary; for example, for a memmove descriptor, SW can touch the faulting address reported in
the completion record and resubmit the operation after updating the source address, the destination address, and
transfer size fields in the descriptor. Please refer to
Appendix D for further information on resubmitting descriptors for
other operations.
To maximize the utilization of the device, provide equitable BW allocation when configured as a shared device, and
provide comparatively better execution predictability, it is recommended to configure the WQ with Block On Fault
4.2 Programming Considerations
4.2.1 Ordering/Fencing
Applications may need to guarantee ordering in descriptor execution. Please refer to the Ordering and Fencing section
within the Intel® DSA Architecture Specification for details on conditions under which ordering is guaranteed and the
utility of the fence flag in descriptors within a batch.
4.2.2 Destination Address in Persistent Memory
The Persistent Memory Support section of the Intel® DSA Architecture Specification describes how descriptor flags
must be programmed to guarantee data persistence at descriptor completion.
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4.3 Library Support for Intel® DSA
Table 4-1 Libraries with Support for Intel® DSA
Library Description
Intel® DML
Intel has also developed an open-source library, Intel Data Movement
Library (DML), which provides a low-level C and high-level C++ API for
data processing using Intel DSA and a software path in case Intel DSA is
unavailable. The DML also includes sample applications that can help
quickly enable support for Intel DSA in applications.
Libfabric includes support for Intel DSA within its shared memory
provider since libfabric version 1.17.0; this enables Intel DSA usage in
HPC applications that use the Intel MPI, MPICH, OpenMPI, and
MVAPICH libraries.
Intel® MPI
Intel MPI includes support for Intel DSA since version 2021.7.
Instructions for enabling Intel DSA for the shm transport used for
intranodal communication are available in the Intel MPI documentation.
The Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) provides tools
and libraries for writing high-performance, scalable, user-mode
storage applications.
DPDK is the Data Plane Development Kit with libraries to accelerate
packet processing workloads running on various CPU architectures.
Intel® DTO
Intel DSA Transparent Offload (DTO) library is a Linux user-level library
that allows applications to use Intel DSA transparently (i.e., without
modification). DTO library links with the applications to intercept certain
API calls (memcpy, memset, memcmp, and memmove) and uses Intel
DSA to perform these operations.
SHM provider for libfabric is described at:
SPDK support for Intel® DSA is described at:
DPDK support for Intel® DSA is described at:
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The Intel
Data-Streaming Accelerator Performance Micros (Intel
DSA Performance Micros) utility allows software
developers to characterize latency and bandwidth for Intel DSA operations and determine the device configuration and
programming parameters that would work best for their application.
Table 5-1 Intel® DSA Performance Micro (dsa-perf-micros) Links
Download command ($ git clone)
Build instructions
Sample command lines
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helps collect information about key events occurring in different parts of the Intel
DSA hardware. These
counters may be useful for debugging and performance tuning. The Performance Monitoring Events appendix of the
Intel® DSA Architecture Specification
describes events defined for different categories:
Address Translation
Intel DSA performance counters can be set up and read using the Linux perf command.
The -e option of the perf stat
command can be used to program performance counters to count events.
Parameters that can be specified for Intel DSA are listed in sysfs:
A single event can be read every 1s with the -I flag using the command syntax below.
Multiple events can be read using a comma-separated list.
Multiple events can be configured for a counter, and a set of filters can constrain each event. Examples of filters are
WQ, Engine, Traffic Class, and Transfer Size. A command line with multiple events configured for a single counter and
filtered by 4KB ≤ transfer size < 16KB follows.
Additional information on the usage of the perf command is available on the DSA Perf Micros GitHub repository.
$ ls /sys/bus/event_source/devices/dsa0/format
$ perf stat -e dsa0/event_category=0x1,event=0x2/ -I 1000
$ perf stat -e dsa0/event_category=0x1,event=0x2/,dsa0/event_category=0x1,event=0x4/
-I 1000
$ perf stat -e dsa0/event_category=0x1,event=0x6,filter_sz=0x8/ -I 1000
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1. Configure the device.
2. Configure the group by configuring the engine and WQ.
3. Enable the device and WQ.
4. Save the configuration to the config file.
$ accel-config config-device dsa0
$ accel-config config-engine dsa0/engine0.2 --group-id=0
accel-config config-wq dsa0/wq0.0 --group-id=0 --wq-size=32 --priority=1 --block-on-
fault=0 --threshold=4 --type=user --name=swq --mode=shared --max-batch-size=32 --max-
transfer- size=2097152
$ accel-config enable-device dsa0
$ accel-config enable-wq dsa0/wq0.0
$ accel-config save-config -s save_config.conf
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GCC supports the ENQCMD and MOVDIR64B since the gcc10 release with the -menqcmd and -movdir64b switches,
respectively. The UMONITOR and UMWAIT instructions have been supported since the gcc9 release with the -mwaitpkg
Example 8-1 MOVDIR64B
static inline void
movdir64b(void *dst, const void *src)
asm volatile(".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x38, 0xf8, 0x02\t\n"
: : "a" (dst), "d" (src));
Example 8-2 ENQCMD
static inline unsigned int
enqcmd(void *dst, const void *src)
uint8_t retry;
asm volatile(“.byte 0xf2, 0x0f, 0x38, 0xf8, 0x02\t\n”
“setz %0\t\n”
: “=r”(retry) : “a” (reg), “d” (desc));
return (unsigned int)retry;
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Example 8-3 UMWAIT
static inline unsigned char
umwait(unsigned int state, unsigned long long timeout)
uint8_t r;
uint32_t timeout_low = (uint32_t)timeout;
uint32_t timeout_high = (uint32_t)(timeout >> 32);
asm volatile(".byte 0xf2, 0x48, 0x0f, 0xae, 0xf1\t\n"
"setc %0\t\n" :
"=r"(r) :
"c"(state), "a"(timeout_low), "d"(timeout_high));
return r;
Example 8-4 UMONITOR
static inline void
umonitor(void *addr)
asm volatile(".byte 0xf3, 0x48, 0x0f, 0xae, 0xf0" : : "a"(addr));
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9.1 Steps
1. Install the accel-config library from or your distribution’s package manager.
2. Configure Shared WQ using the example in Chapter 7. Assuming the source file is intel_dsa_sample.c. Use the
following command to compile.
9.2 The Program
Example 9-1 Intel® DSA Shared WQ Sample Application
/* Intel DSA Shared WQ Sample Application */
/* Page 1 of 5 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <linux/idxd.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <accel-config/libaccel_config.h>
#define NOP_RETRY 10000
#define BLEN 4096
struct wq_info {
bool wq_mapped;
void *wq_portal;
int wq_fd;
static inline int enqcmd(volatile void *reg, struct dsa_hw_desc *desc)
uint8_t retry;
asm volatile (".byte 0xf2, 0x0f, 0x38, 0xf8, 0x02\t\n"
"setz %0\t\n":"=r" (retry):"a"(reg), "d"(desc));
return (int)retry;
static inline void submit_desc(void *wq_portal, struct dsa_hw_desc *hw)
while (enqcmd(wq_portal, hw)) _mm_pause();
$ make intel_dsa_sample LDLIBS=-laccel-config
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/* Page 2 of 5 */
static uint8_t op_status(uint8_t status)
return status & DSA_COMP_STATUS_MASK;
static bool is_write_syscall_success(int fd)
struct dsa_hw_desc desc = {0};
struct dsa_completion_record comp __attribute__((aligned(32)));
int retry = 0;
int rc;
desc.opcode = DSA_OPCODE_NOOP;
comp.status = 0;
desc.completion_addr = (unsigned long)&comp;
rc = write(fd, &desc, sizeof(desc));
if (rc == sizeof(desc)) {
while (comp.status == 0 && retry++ < NOP_RETRY)
if (comp.status == DSA_COMP_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
static int map_wq(struct wq_info *wq_info)
void *wq_portal;
struct accfg_ctx *ctx;
struct accfg_wq *wq;
struct accfg_device *device;
char path[PATH_MAX];
int fd;
int wq_found;
wq_portal = MAP_FAILED;
accfg_device_foreach(ctx, device) {
* Use accfg_device_(*) functions to select enabled device
* based on name, numa node
accfg_wq_foreach(device, wq) {
if (accfg_wq_get_user_dev_path(wq, path, sizeof(path)))
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/* Page 3 of 5 */
* Use accfg_wq_(*) functions select WQ of type
* ACCFG_WQT_USER and desired mode
wq_found = accfg_wq_get_type(wq) == ACCFG_WQT_USER &&
accfg_wq_get_mode(wq) == ACCFG_WQ_SHARED;
if (wq_found)
if (wq_found)
if (!wq_found)
return -ENODEV;
fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
if (fd >= 0) {
wq_portal =
fd, 0);
if (wq_portal == MAP_FAILED) {
* EPERM means the driver doesn't support mmap but
* can support write syscall. So fallback to write syscall
if (errno == EPERM && is_write_syscall_success(fd)) {
wq_info->wq_mapped = false;
wq_info->wq_fd = fd;
return 0;
return -errno;
wq_info->wq_portal = wq_portal;
wq_info->wq_mapped = true;
wq_info->wq_fd = -1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd;
struct dsa_hw_desc desc = { };
char src[BLEN];
char dst[BLEN];
struct dsa_completion_record comp __attribute__((aligned(32)));
uint32_t tlen;
int rc;
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/* Page 4 of 5 */
struct wq_info wq_info;
rc = map_wq(&wq_info);
if (rc)
memset(src, 0xaa, BLEN);
desc.opcode = DSA_OPCODE_MEMMOVE;
* Request a completion since we poll on status, this flag
* needs to be 1 for status to be updated on successful
* completion
desc.flags |= IDXD_OP_FLAG_RCR;
/* CRAV should be 1 since RCR = 1 */
desc.flags |= IDXD_OP_FLAG_CRAV;
/* Hint to direct data writes to CPU cache */
desc.flags |= IDXD_OP_FLAG_CC;
desc.xfer_size = BLEN;
desc.src_addr = (uintptr_t) src;
desc.dst_addr = (uintptr_t) dst;
desc.completion_addr = (uintptr_t)&comp;
if (wq_info.wq_mapped) {
submit_desc(wq_info.wq_portal, &desc);
} else {
int rc = write(wq_info.wq_fd, &desc, sizeof(desc));
if (rc != sizeof(desc))
while (comp.status == 0) _mm_pause();
if (comp.status != DSA_COMP_SUCCESS) {
if (op_status(comp.status) == DSA_COMP_PAGE_FAULT_NOBOF) {
int wr = comp.status & DSA_COMP_STATUS_WRITE;
volatile char *t;
t = (char *)comp.fault_addr;
wr ? *t = *t : *t;
desc.src_addr += comp.bytes_completed;
desc.dst_addr += comp.bytes_completed;
desc.xfer_size -= comp.bytes_completed;
goto retry;
} else {
printf("desc failed status %u\n", comp.status);
} else {
printf("desc successful\n");
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/* Page 5 of 5 */
rc = memcmp(src, dst, BLEN);
rc ? printf("memmove failed\n") :
printf("memmove successful\n");
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This table describes the changes software may make to a faulting descriptor to create a continuation descriptor after
resolving the fault and clearing the Status field of the completion record. These steps apply to descriptors that complete
with status 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x1a, or 0x1f. When encountering “increase” or “decrease” in this table without a quantity,
use the Bytes Completed.
Table 10-1 Software Actions for Continuation After a Page Fault
Operation Recommended adjustment after partial completion
No change. The descriptor may be resubmitted as-is.
Increase Descriptor List Address by Descriptors Completed × 64 and decrease Descriptor
Count by Descriptors Completed.
If any operations before the fault are completed with status success, and any
descriptor after the fault has the Fence flag set, decrease the Descriptor Count not to
execute the descriptor with the Fence.
If the Descriptor Count is 1, submit the descriptor as a single descriptor rather than a
No change. The descriptor may be resubmitted as-is.
If Result = 0, increase source and destination addresses and decrease transfer size.
If Result = 1, decrease transfer size. (No change to source and destination addresses.)
Create Delta
Increase source addresses and decrease transfer size by Bytes Completed.
Increase Delta Record Address and decrease Maximum Delta Record Size by Delta
Record Size.
o If the remaining Maximum Delta Record Size < 80, don’t resubmit the descriptor;
instead, treat it as completed with Result = 2.
The result must be saved and combined with the Result from the subsequent
completion record.
Delta Record Size must be saved and combined with the Delta Record Size from the
subsequent completion record.
Offsets in deltas created by the continuation descriptor will be incorrect.
Apply Delta
Increase Delta Record Address and decrease Delta Record Size. (No change to Destination
Address or Transfer Size.)
Increase source and destination addresses and decrease transfer size.
Increase source address and decrease transfer size. Fill in CRC Seed with CRC Value.
CRC with Copy
Increase source and destination addresses and decrease transfer size.
Fill in CRC Seed with CRC Value.
DIF Check
Increase source address and decrease transfer size.
Fill in Reference and Application Tag Seeds with the values from the complete record.
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Operation Recommended adjustment after partial completion
DIF Insert
Increase source address and decrease transfer size by Bytes Completed.
Increase destination address by Bytes Completed + (Bytes Completed / Block Size) × 8.
Fill in Tag Seeds with the values from the completion record.
DIF Strip
Increase source address and decrease transfer size by Bytes Completed.
Increase destination address by Bytes Completed - (Bytes Completed / Block Size) × 8.
Fill in Tag Seeds with the values from the completion record.
DIF Update
Increase source and destination addresses and decrease transfer size. Fill in Tag Seeds with
values from the completion record.
Cache Flush
Increase destination address and decrease transfer size.
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
Ref#: 353216-002US 40
Table 11-1 Dedicated and Shared WQ Comparison
Dedicated WQ Shared WQ
Client Scaling
A limited number of DWQs intended
only for specific vertical uses (e.g.,
networking and storage
Can scale to a large number of clients (e.g.,
process, VM, container) with simultaneous SW-
lock-free work submitted to the same WQ.
This is the preferred interface for all work
submissions, especially when sharing the device
across multiple clients/users.
WQ Sharing
Single client per DWQ and SW tracks
the number of outstanding
submissions to ensure no queue
SW does not need to keep track of outstanding
submissions and can use the ENQCMD ISA result
to identify successful vs. unsuccessful
Submission Rate
The software can stream descriptors
to the device at a very high rate using
MOVDIR64B ISA with low latency. If a
descriptor execution order guarantee
is not a requirement, SW can use
different portal addresses to avoid
serializing writes to the same address
and achieve a higher submission
Rate of descriptor submission limited by
ENQCMD round-trip latency (approx. 200-250ns
on 4th Generation Intel® Xeon®).
Refer to the Ordering and Fencing Section of the Intel® DSA Architecture Specification.
Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator User Guide
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Suggestions for troubleshooting and debugging for commonly encountered error situations are provided below.
Verify that VT-d is enabled in the BIOS.
Run dmesg | grep -i ACPI | DMAR. The output should be similar to the messages in
o Verify that the Linux Kernel configuration options mentioned in Section 2.2
are enabled.
Example 12-1 Linux Kernel ACPI Subsystem Messages When VT-d is Enabled
$ dmesg -t | grep ACPI | grep DMAR
ACPI: DMAR 0x000000007738F000 000550 (v01 INTEL INTEL ID 00000001 INTL 20091013)
ACPI: Reserving DMAR table memory at [mem 0x7738f000-0x7738f54f]
Use lspci to ensure the expected Intel DSA devices exist, and the lspci output indicates that the “Kernel driver in
use:” is set to idxd.
Run dmesg | grep -i dmar to ensure the kernel enumerates DMAR (DMA remapping reporting) devices.
o If VT-d is enabled in the BIOS and no DMAR devices are reported, then the IOMMU driver may not be
enabled by default.
o Reboot with “intel_iommu=on,sm_on” added to the kernel command line to enable VT-d scalable mode.
Run dmesg | grep -i idxd if you see “Unable to turn on SVA feature,” VT-d scalable mode may not be enabled by
o Reboot with “intel_iommu=on,sm_on” added to the kernel command line to enable VT-d scalable mode.
On certain platforms, VT-d 5-level paging capability is disabled by the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS); you will
see “SVM disabled, incompatible paging mode” in the dmesg output.
o In this case, pass no5lvl on the kernel command line. This boot-time parameter disables the 5-level paging
mode and forces the kernel to use the 4-level paging mode.