AN996: WF111 Linux Driver Installation
This document describes how to compile and install the Linux
drivers for Bluegiga WF111 802.11 b/g/n module and how to veri-
fy the driver functionality.
The WF111 Linux driver architecture is briefly described below.
Complete instructions on WF111 Linux
driver compilation and installation
Driver installation verification
WF111 configuration
WF111 usage examples for STA and AP
Introduction to troubleshooting
WF111 Linux Driver Architecture
| Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3
1. Prerequisities
To install the WF111 Linux driver on armv5 or armv7 machines, the driver first need to be cross compiled by a separate build machine
which is a Linux machine. The armv5 or armv7 machines are the target machine where the WF111 Linux driver is running as well as
the WF111 module is integrated. There are prerequisites for both build and target machine.
1.1 Build Machine Prerequisites
Install cross compiler on build machine.
Build Linux kernel source code for the kernel version which is running on the target machine. The Linux kernel source tree need to
be prepared by:
make modules_prepare ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-linux-
The CROSS_COMPILE is the prefix for the ARM tool chain, so for example if the ARM gcc is "/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc",then the
prefix would be "/usr/bin/arm-linux-".
In the configuration file (usually .config) of Linux kernel source code, the following options have to be enabled:
Please note that these options are enabled for the kernel of your target machine.
In case you get the message "WIRELESS_EXT is missing from the kernel config" during compilation, it means that Wireless-Exten-
sions are not enabled. One way to enable them is by following the procedure below:
$ make ARCH=arm menuconfig
=> Networking support
=> Wireless
<> cfg80211 - wireless configuration API
<> Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (mac80211)
=> Device Drivers
=> Network device support
=> Wireless LAN
[M] IEEE 802.11 for Host AP (Prism2/2.5/3 and WEP/TKIP/CCMP)
1.2 Target Machine Prerequisites
WF111 Linux driver requires kernel version 2.6.24 up to 4.1. Minimum kernel version is 2.6.37 if at91_mci mmc driver is used be-
cause of a multiblock transfer bug in the driver code. Your target systems kernel version can be checked by:
$ uname -a
Linux apx4devkit 3.2.36 #1 Tue Mar 25 02:48:55 EET 2014 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
For client mode (STA) with WPA/WPA2 support requires:
wireless-tools version 28 or newer. This can be checked using the command iwconfig -v
wpa_supplicant version 0.7.3. The version can be checked using the command wpa_supplicant -v
Userspace must support firmware loading, in particular when using an embedded system with Busybox and its mdev, the option
ENABLE_FEATURE_MDEV_LOAD_FIRMWARE must be set. On a non-busybox system this is normally handled by udev.
Busybox version 1.11 or newer is required if mdev is used as kernel hotplug event handler.
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Prerequisities | Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3 | 2
1.3 Needed Files
There is separate driver package for armv5 and armv7 machines. The driver package wf111-linux-driver-5.2.2-r4_ARCH.tar.gz contains
following items:
Word ARCH in the file name is replaced by the architecture of system (for example armv5) and number r4 reports release number.
WF111 Linux kernel module source
Source code for unifi_sdio.ko
WF111 dynamically and statically linked userspace applications for ARM.
unififw - The script that runs unifi_helper with the appropriate parameters when a WF111 module is detected. This gets automati-
cally called by the kernel module to start the unifi_helper.
unifi_helper - User-space helper daemon for the WF111 driver, started by the unififw.
unifi_config - Configuration and status reporting utility, used for example to configure power saving modes.
WF111 firmware and configuration files
staonly.xbv - Station firmware executed in the WF111 module.
ap.xbv - Access Point mode firmware executed in the WF111 module.
ufmib.dat - Symbolic link to the used firmware file that contains configuration parameters.
mib111_drv.dat - Firmware file without coex or activity LED support.
mib111_drv_led.dat - Firmware file without coex but activity LED support enabled. This is default.
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2. Compiling, Installing, and Loading WF111 Driver
2.1 Compiling WF111 Driver on the Build Machine
Based on the architecture of your target machine, download the corresponding version of WF111 linux driver from Bluegiga the web-
Extract the driver files on your build machine.
In the directory where you have extracted the driver files, issue the following commands to compile the WF111 driver:
tar xzvf wf111-linux-driver_5.2.2-r3_armv5t.tar.gz
cd wf111-linux-driver_5.2.2-r3_armv5t
make install_static ARCH=arm KDIR=path/to/arm_kernel/source CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-linux
The CROSS_COMPILE is the prefix for the ARM tool chain, so for example if the ARM gcc is "/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc", then the
prefix would be "/usr/bin/arm-linux-".The KDIR is the path to where the Linux kernel source code are located on the build ma-
chine. You need to change the "path/to/arm_kernel/source" to match the location of ARM Linux kernel source code.
Run "make help" to get more information about build parameters.
After this, an output folder will be generated in the build machine located at: wf111-linux-driver_5.2.2-r3_armv5t/output.
2.2 Overriding the MAC Address
If you want to override the MAC address of WF111 module, you need to write a file called lib/firmware/unifi-sdio/mac.txt, which will be
located in the output directory after the previous commands. If there is no need to override the MAC address, the file mac.txt should be
deleted if exists.
Sample mac.txt file format
2.3 Installing the Driver Files on Target Machine
Copy the full file system hierarchy of the output folder in the build machine and paste it to the target machine. The files on the target
machine should be as follows:
/lib/firmware/unifi-sdio/ufmib.dat -> mib111_drv_led.dat
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2.4 Loading the Linux Driver on Target Machine
On the target machine, execute the command below to load the WF111 driver into the kernel.
depmod -a
modprobe unifi_sdio
To increase debug level of the unifi driver use unifi_debug kernel module parameter
modprobe unifi_sdio unifi_debug=3
or change debug level on the fly
echo 3 >/sys/module/unifi_sdio/parameter/unifi_debug
where 3 is debug level from 0 to 9.
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3. Verifying Driver Installation
On the target machine, execute the command below to verify that the driver has been correctly installed.
1. Run lsmod and verify that unifi_sdio is installed.
2. Plug the WF111 module in your target machine.
3. Run dmesg and verify that the output looks as in the following example. The UniFi ready message is the sign that the driver has
been correctly installed and the module is successfully initialized. Alternatively the output can be seen from the Linux system log
file (syslog)
unifi0: UniFi f/w protocol version 9.1 (driver 9.1)
unifi0: Firmware build 1089: 2010-10-05 14:50 cindr03_core_softmac_rom_sdio_gcc 1089 bfsw@eagle@630492
unifi0: Firmware patch 1410
unifi0: unifi0 is wlan0
unifi0: UniFi ready
Always make sure that the protocol version matches the driver version. The first line of the example above shows the correct situation
where both versions are 9.1
You can also verify that the wireless interface is enabled by running iwconfig.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11-bgn ESSID:off/any
Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate=0 kb/s
RTS thr=0 B Fragment thr:off
Power Management period:500ms mode:All packets received
Link Quality:25/40 Signal level:-51 dBm Noise level:-76 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
Note that unless changed, the WF111 kernel module will call the device wlanX where X is the interface number.
At this point, the standard Linux wireless tools on the target machine can be used to manage the new wireless interface. For example
you can test that scanning for access points works by using the iwlist command, as seen below, or you can try to connect to a open
wireless network with the command iwconfig.
iwlist scan
In order to connect to WPA/WPA2 protected networks you would need to use the WPA_Supplicant (iwconfig is only working with open
networks). This requires the wpa_supplicant.conf to be configured before launching the related executable. For more information about
Linux wireless tools, please refer for example to:
For protection against Key Reinstallation Attacks (KRACK) in 4-way handshake it is required to use at least wpa_supplicant v2.6 with
applied patches from
Unifi driver has it's own roaming algorithm so it is needed to disable roaming from wpa_supplicant by adding following lines to
wpa_supplicant build time configuration file (.config).
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There is an example wpa_supplicant configuration file delivered with driver package at csr/os_linux /wpa_supplicant/wpa_suppli-
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4. Configuration
WF111 configuration can be done with a command line application called unifi_config. It can be used to configure the WF111 or report
it's status on the target machine.
unifi_config provides the following status information:
Version information
Power-save mode
Co-existence mode
unifi_config can be used to control the following features:
Turn the WF111 ON or OFF
Control power save modes
Packet filter configuration
WMM power save configuration
unifi_config can be found under /usr/sbin.
Argument Description
--help Prints usage information
--dev <filename> Device to open.
Default: /dev/unifiudi0
--show Displays status information
--wifion Turns WF111 ON
--wifioff Turns WF111 OFF
--powersave none
--powersave fast
--powersave full
--powersave auto
Configures the power save mode and allows user to override the automatic power saving.
none: turns off power saving and forces active mode
fast: puts WF111 into a power save mode where WF111 enters 802.11 power save mode after 2 seconds of
802.11 inactivity
full: forces WF111 into a full power save mode where WF111 is always in 802.11 power save mode
auto: restores the 802.11 power save control to the Linux driver
Default: none
--batteries yes
--batteries no
This option informs the devices system power state and whether the device runs of batteries or not.
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Configuration | Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3 | 8
5. AP Mode
This section instructs how to turn the WF111 into Access Point (AP) mode.
This is done by first issuing the following driver specific iwpriv command meant to configure the AP parameters:
# iwpriv wlanN AP_SET_CFG ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID="<network name>",SEC="<open/wpa2-psk>",KEY=<PSK>,
CHANNEL=<channel number>,PREAMBLE=<0/1>,MAX_SCB=<N>,END
wlanN is the network interface
SSID is the network name (1 to 32 characters)
SEC is the security mode used (open or WPA2-Personal)
KEY is the (AES-CCMP) PSK converted to a string (32 characters)
CHANNEL is the 802.11b/g channel (1-14, but restricted by the regulatory domain)
PREAMBLE is either short (1) or legacy preamble (0)
MAX_SCB is the maximum number of stations allowed to be connected to AP at any time (1 to 8 stations)
Then the AP mode can be started with the following command:
# iwpriv wlanN AP_BSS_START
At any time the AP mode can be stopped by the command below:
# iwpriv wlanN AP_BSS_STOP
After starting the AP it is needed to assign an IP address for example by using the ifconfig utility.
In addition, it is possible to also configure the AP's parameters below:
PHY support (b/g/bg)
Beacon interval
DTIM period
Enable/disable WMM
Maximum allowed listen interval
WPA2 related parameters
This can be done by calling unifi_config with parameter --setap_cfg <config file>
To generate the security key (KEY) use Linux command line tool : wpa_passphrase <SSID> <passphrase>. The tool will output the
network security key in correct mode.
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An example of configuration file for the unifi_config --setap_cfg is given below:
##### CSR AP configuration file ##############################################
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored
# Operation mode (b = IEEE 802.11b, g = IEEE 802.11g,
# Default: IEEE 802.11b\+ IEEE 802.11g + IEEE 80211n
# bit0=>Reserved. Shall be set to 0.
# bit1=>b
# bit2=>g
# bit3=>n
# Default :0x0E=>bgn &nbsp;
# Beacon interval in kus (1.024 ms) (default: 100; range 15..65535)
# DTIM (delivery trafic information message) period (range 1..255):
# number of beacons between DTIMs (1 = every beacon includes DTIM element)
# (Default: 3)
# WMM Enable/Disable : Default Enabled
# Maximum allowed Listen Interval Default: 255
##### IEEE 802.11 AP MAC configuration #######
# Using 9 mcrosecond slot instead of 20 microsecond slot. Note that if Enabled, AP shall use short slot time
only if
# all the station in the BSS support short slot.
# 0 => use 20 microsecond 1=> use 9 microsecond if possible.
# ctsProtectionType indicates use of CTS protection in various conditions
# 0 : Always use CTS protection
# 1 : Never use CTS protection
# 2 : Use CTS protection when an overlapping legacy BSS is detected or if our BSS has non ERP stations.
# 3 : Use CTS only if our BSS has non ERP stations.
##### IEEE 802.1x related NME configuration #####################
# Valid only if WPA2 is configured via UI.
# Group key timeout in seconds after which group rekey procedure is triggered.
# Default 0 => No group rekeying.
# Whether to enable group key rekeying every time a station leaves our BSS.
# Default : Disabled.
# GroupMasterKey time out in msec.
# Default 0 => No time out.
# Time in msec for which Wifi Stack waits for an EAPOL response after sending a request.
# Default 100 msec.
# Number of times an EAPOL Request is retransmitted.
##### IEEE 802.11n related configuration ######################################
# Following parameters are relevent only if 11n is enabled.
# Allow reception of receiving frames that are sent using the Space-Time Block Code (STBC)
# Default : 1
# Allow RIFS (Reduced InterFrame Space) in the BSS
# Default : 0
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6. Troubleshooting
Before starting the troubleshooting process, please verify that the pre-requisites are fulfilled, especially the Linux kernel configuration,
as described in the Prerequisites section. If you are using a WF111 Evaluation Kit, make sure it has proper connection to the SDIO slot.
There is script in the driver package which may help in troubleshooting.
6.1 MAC Fault
On occasion when the driver is loaded, a MAC fault message will be generated. This is nothing to worry about, the driver will automati-
cally recover from this.
unifi0: 543633: MAC fault 0030, arg 0924 (x6)
6.2 Block Write Failed
If the EEPROM is faulty, the module's firmware may fail to start. The symptom of this is a quick stream of error messages.
UniFi SDIO Driver: 5.0.1 Sep 2 2011 13:25:15 CSR SME with WEXT support Kernel 3.1.0
UniFi: Using native Linux MMC driver for SDIO.
sdio bus_id: mmc0:0001:1 - UniFi card 0x0 inserted
unifi0: Initialising UniFi, attempt 1
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi0: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi0: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: MAILBOX2 non-zero after reset (mbox2 = ffff)
unifi0: unifi_dl_patch c2c4de98 0100060e
unifi0: Block write failed
unifi0: CMD53 failed writing 2042 bytes to handle 1
unifi0: Failed to copy block of 2042 bytes to UniFi
unifi0: Patch failed after 0 bytes
unifi0: Failed to patch image
unifi0: Failed to patch firmware
unifi0: Failed to establish communication with UniFi
unifi0: Failed to start host protocol.
unifi0: Failed to initialise UniFi chip.
unifi0: Initialising UniFi, attempt 2
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi0: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi0: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: MAILBOX2 non-zero after reset (mbox2 = ffff)
unifi0: unifi_dl_patch c2c4de98 0100060e
unifi0: Block write failed
unifi0: CMD53 failed writing 2042 bytes to handle 1
unifi0: Failed to copy block of 2042 bytes to UniFi
unifi0: Patch failed after 0 bytes
unifi0: Failed to patch image
unifi0: Failed to patch firmware
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6.3 Hotplug/Firmware Loader Faults
If you don't have working hotplug system (kernel options enabled, mdev/udev) you will get something like below. There is a long delay
after first line.
unifi mmc0:0001:1: firmware: requesting unifi-sdio-0/staonly.xbv
unifi0: SDIO block size 64 requires 8 padding chunks
unifi0: UniFi f/w protocol version 8.0 (driver 9.1)
unifi0: Firmware build 1089: 2010-10-05 14:50 cindr03_core_softmac_rom_sdio_gcc 1089 bfsw@eagle@630492
unifi0: UniFi f/w protocol major version (8) is different from driver (v9.1)
unifi0: Failed to establish communication with UniFi
unifi0: Failed to start host protocol.
unifi0: Failed to initialise UniFi chip.
unifi0: Initialising UniFi, attempt 2
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi0: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi0: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
6.4 No "unifi0: ..." Messages Appear in System Log File
When the driver is loaded using modprobe the following is output to the system log:
UniFi SDIO Driver: 5.1.0 May 13 2013 15:25:41
CSR SME with WEXT support
Split patch support
Kernel 3.1.10
UniFi: Using native Linux MMC driver for SDIO.
However nothing else gets printed, i.e. the unifi0 driver doesn't detect the card.
When the WF111 evaluation kit is not detected in the SDIO, this typically means that it is not getting power or card detect system of the
SDIO driver does not detect WF111. Please check the jumper configuration and card detect signals.
6.5 Driver Goes to Sleep and Never Wakes Up
It is likely that MMC_AT91 driver is being used, but this is deprecated in latest kernel. MMC_AT91 has also multiblock transfer issue
which is fixed in kernel version 2.6.37
See more about SDIO multiblock transfer fix at;a=commit;h=a2255ff45143001fecbc5e5a4b58fcb999d393ae
Please, use MMC_ATMELMCI mmc driver instead.
This symptom also has been known to occur on a Freescale i.MX35 running Kernel 2.6.31, using the Freescale mx_sdhci driver. The
problem in this case is that the SDIO interrupts were not indicated to the SDHC driver correctly. Disabling the host capability
MMC_CAP_SDIO_IRQ solved the issue.
unifi: <= CsrSdioInterruptEnable
unifi0: New state=0
unifi0: bh_thread goes to sleep.
unifi0: bh_thread calls unifi_bh().
unifi0: bh_thread goes to sleep.
6.6 Invalid or Corrupted MIB File (syslog)
In case the MIB file is corrupted, the following output is expected:
Mar 2 08:53:48 apx4devkit daemon.notice unififw: Synergy Wifi Example Application starting...
Mar 2 08:53:48 apx4devkit daemon.notice unififw: 2013/03/02-08:53:48.670 CRT CsrWifiSme .MIBFSM |MIB
configuration header not 'UDMI' in file 1
Mar 2 08:53:48 apx4devkit daemon.notice unififw: 2013/03/02-08:53:48.673 ERR CsrWifiSme .UNIFI |Ini-
tialisation of MIB failed (MibStatus_InvalidParameters)
Mar 2 08:53:48 apx4devkit user.notice kernel: unifi0: SME client close (unifi0)
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6.7 Missing Firmware File or Invalid Firmware Version (dmesg)
If you don't have working hotplug system (kernel options enabled, mdev/udev) you will get something like below. There is a long delay
after first line.
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi0: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi0: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi0: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi0: SDIO block size 64 requires 8 padding chunks
unifi0: UniFi f/w protocol version 8.0 (driver 9.1)
unifi0: Firmware build 1089: 2010-10-05 14:50 cindr03_core_softmac_rom_sdio_gcc 1089 bfsw@eagle@630492
unifi0: UniFi f/w protocol major version (8) is different from driver (v9.1)
unifi0: Failed to establish communication with UniFi
unifi0: Failed to start host protocol.
unifi0: Failed to initialise UniFi chip.
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6.8 Internal Reference Clock Not available
In cases when internal reference clock for some reason is not available, it is not possible to use the module even though the "UniFi
ready" message is printed.
mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
sdio bus_id: mmc1:0001:1 - UniFi card 0x1 inserted
SDIO: Skip power on; card is already powered.
unifi1: Initialising UniFi, attempt 1
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi1: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi1: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: unifi_dl_patch c3bb9ebc 0100060e
unifi1: SDIO block size 64 requires 8 padding chunks
unifi1: UniFi f/w protocol version 9.1 (driver 9.1)
unifi1: Firmware build 1089: 2010-10-05 14:50 cindr03_core_softmac_rom_sdio_gcc 1089 bfsw@eagle@630492
unifi1: 1047564: PHY fault 001f, arg 6590 (x1)
unifi1: Firmware patch 1247
unifi1: unifi1 is wlan0
unifi1: UniFi ready
unifi1: Failed to read from UniFi (addr 0x8644) after 3 tries
unifi1: Failed to read to-host sig written count
unifi1: Error occured reading to-host signals
unifi1: unifi_bh: state=0 A, clock=50000kHz, interrupt=0 host=0, power_save=enabled
unifi1: Failed to read valid chip version sr=4 (0x0000 want 0x3a22) try 0
unifi1: Try function enable
unifi1: Read chip version 0x3a22 after 1 retries
unifi1: Last UniFi PHY PANIC 800e arg 0002
unifi1: handle_bh_error: fatal error is reported to the SME.
unifi1: SME client close (unifi1)
unifi1: Message for the SME dropped, SME has gone away
unifi1: sme_complete_request: request not pending CsrWifiSmeWifiOffCfmHandler (s:2)
unifi1: Initialising UniFi, attempt 1
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi1: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi1: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 64 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: Mini-coredump capture at t=625039104
unifi1: unifi_dl_patch c3bb9ebc 0100060e
unifi1: SDIO block size 64 requires 8 padding chunks
unifi1: UniFi f/w protocol version 9.1 (driver 9.1)
unifi1: Firmware build 1089: 2010-10-05 14:50 cindr03_core_softmac_rom_sdio_gcc 1089 bfsw@eagle@630492
unifi1: 79991: PHY fault 0001, arg 800e (x1)
unifi1: 79994: PHY fault 0094, arg 0002 (x1)
unifi1: 1049793: PHY fault 001f, arg 6590 (x1)
unifi1: Firmware patch 1247
unifi1: UniFi ready
unifi1: Failed to read from UniFi (addr 0x8644) after 3 tries
unifi1: Failed to read to-host sig written count
unifi1: Error occured reading to-host signals
unifi1: unifi_bh: state=0 A, clock=50000kHz, interrupt=0 host=0, power_save=enabled
unifi1: Failed to read valid chip version sr=4 (0x0000 want 0x3a22) try 0
unifi1: Try function enable
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6.9 Debugging for More Info
By using the module with a higher debug level, much more information can be obtained.
First remove the WF111 module from the SDIO bus.
To enable more verbose debugging, issue commands:
sudo rmmod unifi_sdio
sudo modprobe unifi_sdio unifi_debug=3
After issuing the above command re-insert WF111 back to the SDIO bus. An example trace of WF111 initialization log is below:
unifi1: UDI 0 (0xc3b55fa8) registered. configuration = 0x0
unifi1: Netdev c3b54000 client (id:0 s:0xC000) is registered
unifi: uf_netdev_event: ignore e=5, ptr=c3807c00, priv=c3807f40 lo
unifi: uf_netdev_event: ignore e=1, ptr=c3807c00, priv=c3807f40 lo
unifi: uf_netdev_event: ignore e=5, ptr=c3920800, priv=c3920b40 eth0
unifi: uf_netdev_event: ignore e=1, ptr=c3920800, priv=c3920b40 eth0
unifi1: Allocate buffers for 5 core dumps
unifi1: Core dump configured (5 dumps max)
unifi1: CsrWifiRouterTransportInit:
unifi1: run UniFi helper app...
unifi1: starting /usr/sbin/unififw
unifi1: running /usr/sbin/unififw 1 2
unifi1: UDI 1 (0xc3b56004) registered. configuration = 0x22
unifi1: SME client (id:1 s:0xC100) is registered
unifi1: UNIFI_BUILD_TYPE userspace=AP
unifi1: CsrWifiRouterCtrlWifiOnReqHandler(0x0003)
SDIO: Skip power on; card is already powered.
unifi1: Initialising UniFi, attempt 1
unifi1: Resetting UniFi
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: Block mode SDIO
unifi1: Chip Version 0x3A22
unifi1: Calling CsrSdioHardReset
unifi1: Falling back to software hard reset
unifi1: Chip ID 0x07 Function 1 Block Size 512 Name UniFi-4(UF60xx)
unifi1: Hard reset (IO_ENABLE)
unifi1: waiting for disable to complete, attempt 0
unifi1: Disable complete (function 1 is disabled) in ~ 0 msecs
unifi1: waiting for reset to complete, attempt 0
unifi1: Reset complete (function 1 is disabled) in ~ 0 msecs
unifi: Set SDIO function block size to 64
unifi1: unifi_configure_low_power_mode: new mode = disabled, wake_host = FALSE
unifi1: unifi_run_bh: discard message.
unifi1: waiting for MAILBOX1 to be non-zero...
unifi1: MAILBOX1 ready (0x0100) in 0 millisecs
unifi1: MAILBOX1 value=0x0100
Alternatively it is possible to change debug level of the driver using sysfs interface:
echo 3 >/sys/module/unifi_sdio/parameter/unifi_debug
AN996: WF111 Linux Driver Installation
Troubleshooting | Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3 | 15
6.10 Other Hints
Problems related to communication over the SDIO interface are the most common, so the following aspects should be checked careful-
How are the SDIO data lines wired? (Short wires and proper grounding should be used: remember that signal frequency is high)
Are SDIO interrupts and SDIO multiblock tranfer supported by the SDIO host driver?
Does decreasing the bus frequency to 400 kHz make the module initialize appropriately? (modprobe unifi_sdio sdio_clock=400)
Does switching the bus width into 1 bit mode make the module initialize appropriately? (modprobe unifi_sdio buswidth=1)
Does testing the latest mainline kernel make the module initialize appropriately (It might have improvements in SDIO drivers)
Use atmel_mci driver instead of at91_mci with Atmel processors (at91_mci is known to have issues in 2.6.36 and earlier)
In case of high packet loss or low bit rate when using an external antenna:
Check RF signal path
Check antenna connection
Test another antenna
Try another Wi-Fi AP
For further help, please contact Silicon Labs' technical support and provide the following documentation or debug information depend-
ing on the actual problem being experienced:
Design material, such as schematics (especially WF111 parts, powering and data lines between CPU and module)
Photo of PCB (the quality should be good enough to see small RF components and SDIO signal wires of the module)
Information about CPU model, SDIO controller and driver
Outputs of dmesg and syslog after increasing debug level (modprobe unifi_sdio unifi_debug=3 or unifi_debug=9)
Output of shell script which is delivered with the driver package at scripts folder. It is recommended to forward
the output of supportinfo script to the log file with following syntax: "./ > /tmp/supportinfo.log".
Signal quality, signal level, noise level (iwlist scan and/or iwconfig)
AN996: WF111 Linux Driver Installation
Troubleshooting | Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3 | 16
7. Revision History
Revision 2.3
June, 2018
Updated to WF111 Linux driver v5.2.2 r4.
Added information about KRACK protection.
Updated document format.
Revision 2.2
January, 2017
Updated to WF111 Linux driver v5.2.2 r3.
Removed coex MIB files.
Revision 2.1
Updated to WF111 Linux driver v5.2.2 r2.
Revision 2.0
Updated to WF111 Linux driver v5.2.2.
Revision 1.6
Improved driver installation instructions.
AN996: WF111 Linux Driver Installation
Revision History | Building a more connected world. Rev. 2.3 | 17
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