Directions to Haverford College
The closest airport to Haverford College is the Philadelphia International Airport. We suggest
that while making your travel arrangements, you try to fly directly, or arrange for connecting
flights to Philadelphia’s airport. Further information regarding Philadelphia International
Airport can be accessed at:
From New York’s John F. Kennedy(JFK), LaGuardia,or New Jersey
You can use the Google Maps Directions feature to figure out public transportation options to
get from New York City or Newark to Haverford College.
City to city transport options include:
Peter Pan
The AMTRAK and most of the inter-city buses arrive in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania 30th
Street Station. When you arrive at 30th Street Station, you can use the transport options listed
below to get to Haverford’s campus.
From Philadelphia (Airport or City) to Haverford’s campus
There are many ways to get from Philadelphia to Haverford’s campus.
Taxi: Maxwell Cab (reservation highly recommended)
9 West Athens Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19003
Hybrid Planet Chauffeurs (reservation necessary)
If you are unable to make reservations ahead of time and don’t have anyone to pick you up, talk
to the airport staff, they can help you get a taxi. There is usually a taxi line outside of the arrivals
gate at the airport and at 30th Street Station.
Train: SEPTA (Southeastern Public Transportation Authority)
SEPTA’s Airport High Speed Line has four stops in the Philadelphia International Airport at
Terminals A, B, C/D and E. From any of these stops, please take the R1 Train, also known as
the Airport Line to 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. Inform the conductor that your final
destination is Haverford, Pennsylvania and that you will need a transfer ticket. The cost of the
fare (oneway) will be around $10. It is important that you keep your ticket receipt in a safe
place as you will need it to board the next train. Approximate traveling time will be around 20
–30 minutes.
Upon arrival at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia, take the Paoli/Thorndale Train to Haverford
Station. Travel time will be around 20 minutes. Haverford’s campus is a ten minute walk from
the train station. It will take you around 20 minutes to walk from the Haverford Station to the
Gardner Integrated Athletic Center (GIAC) where ISO’s arrival check in will be held. If you wish
to take a taxi, please call one of the taxi companies listed above.
Rental Car: Rental car companies that are available at the Philadelphia Airport can be found
Uber / Lyft: Uber and Lyft are also available in Philadelphia. Please note that they require an
American phone number and American debit/credit card.