U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Polar Bear
Conservation Management Plan
This Conservation Management Plan (Plan) delineates reasonable actions we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
(USFWS), believe will contribute to the conservation and recovery of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Funds
necessary to achieve the objectives identified in this Plan are subject to budgetary and other constraints,
as well as the need to address other agency priorities. This Plan does not necessarily represent the views,
official positions, or approval of any individuals or agencies involved in its formulation, other than USFWS.
The approved Plan will be subject to modification as dictated by new findings, changes in species status, and
the completion of conservation management actions.
This Plan represents the views and interpretations of the USFWS regarding the conservation and recovery
of the polar bear only. USFWS’s approach set forth in this polar bear Conservation Management Plan does
not necessarily preclude other approaches in developing Endangered Species Act recovery plans or Marine
Mammal Protection Act conservation plans.
Literature citation should read as follows:
Citation: U.S. Fish and Wildlife. 2016. Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Conservation Management Plan,
Final. U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Region 7, Anchorage, Alaska. 104 pp.
The Plan was written by Michael C. Runge and Jenifer Kohout, with significant written contributions
from Todd Atwood, Mary Colligan, Dave Douglas, Karen Oakley, Eric Regehr, Karyn Rode, Christopher
Servheen, Rhonda Sparks, Kim Titus, Jim Wilder, and Ryan Wilson.
The Plan can be downloaded from:
Polar bear cover photos, USFWS
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 1
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Prepared by the Polar Bear Recovery Team:
Region 7
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Anchorage, Alaska
/s/ Gregory E. Siekaneic
Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Date: 20 December 2016
2 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
USFWS gratefully acknowledges the commitment and efforts of the following current and former Recovery
Team members. Without their assistance and participation, this Plan, and the conservation we hope will
come from its recommendations, would not be possible.
Michael C. Runge (Recovery Team & Policy
Work Group Co-Chair) — U.S. Geological
Jenifer Kohout (Recovery Team & Policy
Work Group Co-Chair) — U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service
Todd Atwood (Science & TEK Work Group
Co-Chair) — U.S. Geological Survey
Eric Regehr (Science & TEK Work Group Co-
Chair) — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Paul Laustsen (Communications Work Group
Co-Chair) — U.S. Geological Survey
Sara Boario (Communications Work Group
Co-Chair) — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Kim Titus — Alaska Department of Fish and
Douglas Vincent-Lang — Alaska Department
of Fish and Game
Jack Omelak — Alaska Nanuuq Commission
Rhonda Sparks — Alaska Nanuuq
Joshua Kindred — Alaska Oil & Gas
Dave Yokel — Bureau of Land Management
Lisa Toussaint — Bureau of Ocean Energy
Basile Van Havre — Canadian Wildlife
Caryn Rea — ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.
Karla Dutton — Defenders of Wildlife
Mike Gosliner — Marine Mammal
Peter Boveng — National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration
Taqulik Hepa — North Slope Borough
Tom Lohman — North Slope Borough
Mike Pederson — North Slope Borough
Andrew Von Duyke — North Slope Borough
Geoffrey S. York — Polar Bears International
Elisabeth Kruger — World Wildlife Fund
Dave Douglas — U.S. Geological Survey
Karen Oakley — U.S. Geological Survey
Karyn Rode — U.S. Geological Survey
Mary Colligan — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Charles Hamilton — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Kurt Johnson — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Andrea Mederios — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Katrina Mueller — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Jeff Newman — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Christopher Servheen — U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service
Ted Swem — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
James Wilder — U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Deborah Pierce Williams — U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service
Ryan Wilson — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 3
ExEcutivE Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Plan Philosophy .......................................................................................................................................... 5
The Primary Threat to Polar Bears ......................................................................................................... 6
Conservation Strategy ............................................................................................................................... 6
Management Goals and Criteria .............................................................................................................. 6
Conservation/Recovery Actions ............................................................................................................... 7
i. Background .................................................................................................................................................. 9
The Primary Threat to Polar Bears ....................................................................................................... 10
ii. conSErvation StratEgy ........................................................................................................................... 13
iii. managEmEnt goalS and critEria ....................................................................................................... 14
A. Fundamental Goals .............................................................................................................................. 14
B. Conservation Criteria under the Marine Mammal Protection Act ............................................... 19
MMPA fundamental criteria .............................................................................................................. 19
Basis for the MMPA fundamental criteria ....................................................................................... 19
MMPA demographic criteria .............................................................................................................. 21
C. Recovery Criteria under the Endangered Species Act .................................................................. 24
ESA fundamental criteria .................................................................................................................. 24
Basis for the ESA recovery criteria .................................................................................................. 24
ESA demographic criteria .................................................................................................................. 26
ESA threats-based criteria ................................................................................................................ 29
D. Other Measures of Achievement ....................................................................................................... 33
E. The Population Dynamics of Conservation, Recovery, and Harvest ............................................ 34
A picture of conservation .................................................................................................................... 34
A picture of recovery ........................................................................................................................... 36
The compatibility of harvest with conservation and recovery ...................................................... 37
F. Uncertainty, Assumptions, and the Need for Adaptive Feedback and Management ................. 39
iv. conSErvation managEmEnt StratEgy .................................................................................................. 40
A. Collaborative Implementation ........................................................................................................... 40
B. Conservation and Recovery Actions ................................................................................................. 42
Limit global atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases to levels appropriate for supporting polar bear
recovery and conservation, primarily by reducing greenhouse gas emissions ........................... 42
Support international conservation efforts through the Range States relationships ............... 43
Manage human-polar bear conflicts .................................................................................................. 44
Collaboratively manage subsistence harvest ................................................................................... 45
Protect denning habitat ...................................................................................................................... 47
Minimize risk of contamination from spills ..................................................................................... 47
Conduct strategic monitoring and research .................................................................................... 48
4 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
v. litEraturE citEd ...................................................................................................................................... 53
vi. gloSSary ................................................................................................................................................... 58
appEndix a— Background .......................................................................................................................... 61
appEndix B— SpEcific conSErvation and rEcovEry actionS conSidErEd ......................................... 91
appEndix c—population dynamicS and HarvESt managEmEnt ........................................................... 97
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 5
Executive Summary
Today, polar bears roam the northern reaches of
the planet, but as their sea-ice habitat continues
to shrink due to Arctic warming, their future in
the U.S. and ultimately their continuation as a
species are at risk. Their eventual reprieve turns
on our collective willingness to address the factors
contributing to climate change and, in the interim,
on our ability to improve the chances that polar
bears survive in sufficient numbers and places
so that they are in a position to recover once the
necessary global actions are taken.
Polar bears are an ice-dependent species that rely
on sea ice as a platform to hunt ice seals and to
raise their young. The current global polar bear
population is estimated to be 22,000 to 31,000.
Polar bears range across 5 Arctic nations; for
management purposes, their population is divided
into 19 subpopulations. These subpopulations have
been further grouped into four ecoregions based
on the spatial and temporal dynamics of sea ice
in the subpopulations’ range. The near- and mid-
term impacts of sea-ice loss on polar bears will
vary among subpopulations and ecoregions but
over the long term, those impacts are anticipated
to be significant for polar bear numbers range wide
if global greenhouse gas emission levels are not
significantly reduced.
The Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
(Plan) was developed as a practical guide to
implementation of polar bear conservation in the
United States. From a legal perspective, the purpose
of the Plan is to articulate the conditions whereby
polar bears would no longer need the protections
of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and to lay
out a collective strategy that moves us towards
achieving those conditions. A parallel path is laid out
for improving the status of polar bears under the
Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA).
Many governmental and non-governmental
agencies, institutions, and organizations are
currently involved in polar bear conservation. These
entities are integral to the conservation of the
species. Going forward, conservation of polar bears
will require the collective will and collaboration of
nations and Native communities, of government
agencies and private organizations, of scientists
and subsistence hunters. This Plan reflects the
diverse input of several of those stakeholders. It also
emphasizes local engagement, from the oil and gas
industry activities on the North Slope of Alaska that
keep employees safe and minimize defense-of-life
kills, to the Alaska Native peoples who have lived
with and depended on polar bears for thousands
of years and will be integral to conservation of the
species going forward.
Although the Plan satisfies the statutory
requirements of the ESA and the MMPA, it is
more broadly focused than a typical recovery or
conservation plan. At its core, the Plan contains
a set of fundamental goals reflecting shared
values of diverse stakeholders. The goals focus on
conservation of polar bears while recognizing values
associated with subsistence take, human safety, and
economic activity.
6 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Executive Summary
These fundamental goals are described in
quantitative terms associated with ESA and MMPA
requirements, and are stepped down to measurable
demographic and threats-based criteria. The Plan
identifies a suite of high priority conservation and
recovery actions to achieve those criteria. Strategic
monitoring will focus both on implementation (the
extent to which the plan is followed and recovery
actions are taken) and effectiveness (the extent to
which recovery actions are successful and progress
is made).
This Plan is meant to be a dynamic, living document
and is expected to be revised periodically as new
knowledge becomes available. Recognizing the
uncertainties inherent in polar bear management,
monitoring and research are integral to
implementation. As new information is gathered
to track and evaluate progress, it should feed back
into the Plan, allowing revision of the conservation
and recovery criteria, as well as refinement of the
conservation strategy.
As identified in the final rule listing the polar bear
as a threatened species under the ESA, the decline
of sea ice habitat due to changing climate is the
primary threat to polar bears (73 FR 28211). The
single most important achievement for polar bear
conservation is decisive action to address Arctic
warming (Amstrup et al. 2010, Atwood et al. 2016),
which is driven primarily by increasing atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases. Short of
action that effectively addresses the primary cause
of diminishing sea ice, it is unlikely that polar
bears will be recovered. Addressing the increased
atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases that are
resulting in Arctic warming will require global
action. While this Plan calls for action to promptly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the focus is on
wildlife management actions within the United
States that will contribute to the survival of polar
bears in the interim so that they are in a position to
recover once Arctic warming has been abated.
Along with the threat posed by sea-ice loss and
the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms
to address climate change, other current or
potential sources of polar bear mortality will
likely become more significant going forward.
Potential management concerns in the U.S. include
human-bear conflicts and defense-of-life removals,
subsistence harvest, loss of denning habitat, and
contamination from spills. This plan outlines actions
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and
its partners (“we”) can take to preclude these from
threatening the persistence or recovery of polar
bears while the global community works to address
and limit atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases.
Polar bears are important to humans for many
reasons. In seeking an enduring, collaborative
strategy for management, this Plan recognizes
the array of values held by diverse communities
engaged in polar bear conservation. The Plan
proposes six Fundamental Goals. The first three
involve securing the long-term persistence of
polar bears on different geographic scales: (1)
range-wide (the global scale of the ESA listing);
(2) ecoregions (an intermediate scale that reflects a
goal of maintaining intraspecific diversity); and (3)
the State of Alaska (encompassing the 2 polar bear
subpopulations partially within the United States).
Fundamental Goal 4 recognizes the nutritional and
cultural needs of native peoples with connections to
polar bear populations, including the opportunity for
harvest of polar bears for subsistence purposes as
that term is understood in the context of U.S. laws.
Fundamental Goal 5 calls for continued management
of human-bear interactions to ensure human safety
and to conserve polar bears. Finally, Fundamental
Goal 6 seeks to achieve polar bear conservation
while minimizing restrictions to other activities
within the U.S. range of the polar bear, including
economic development.
Two criteria are identified as guidance for our
management actions under the MMPA. The first
calls for maintenance of the “health and stability of
the marine ecosystem” and for polar bears to retain
their role as a “significant functioning element of the
ecosystem,” as reflected in maintenance of at least
70% of the historical carrying capacity for polar
bears. The second is a take-based criterion requiring
that the rate of direct human-caused removals
maintains a subpopulation above its maximum
net productivity level (mnpl) relative to carrying
The ESA recovery criteria for delisting are
expressed at a fundamental level for two
geographic scales. At the scale of the listed species,
the fundamental criterion is that probability
of persistence worldwide be at least 95% over
100 years. This Plan identifies 4 recovery units,
corresponding to four polar bear ecoregions. At
this intermediate scale, the fundamental criterion
is that the probability of persistence in each of the 4
recovery units be at least 90% over 100 years.
The ESA demographic criteria focus on four
measures of population status: survival rate,
recruitment rate, carrying capacity, and the rate
of human-caused removals. Recovery is achieved
when all of the following conditions are met in each
recovery unit: (i) the mean adult female survival rate
is at least 93-95% (currently and as projected over
100 years); (ii) the ratio of yearlings to adult females
is at least 0.1-0.3 (currently and as projected over
100 years); (iii) the carrying capacity, distribution,
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 7
Executive Summary
and connectivity in each recovery unit, both
currently and as projected over the next 100 years,
are such that the probability of persistence over 100
years is at least 90%; and (iv) the rate of human-
caused removals maintains the population in each
recovery unit above its maximum net productivity
level relative to carrying capacity.
The Plan then identifies ESA threats-based criteria
representing the levels at which sea-ice loss and
human-caused removals would not be considered
a threat under the ESA. Sea-ice loss, the primary
threat identified in the 2008 listing determination,
will cease to be a threat to polar bear recovery
when the average duration of the ice-free period
in each recovery unit (i) is expected not to exceed
4 months over the next 100 years based on model
projections, or (ii) is expected to stabilize at longer
than 4 months and there is evidence that polar bears
can meet the demographic criteria (above) under
that longer ice-free period. Human-caused removals
were not identified as a threat in the 2008 listing
rule. However, the rule recognized the potential that
they could become a threat to polar bear recovery,
in particular as populations are affected by sea-ice
loss. This would be the case if those human-caused
removals reduce the probability of persistence
below 90% over 100 years in any of the 4 recovery
units. Potential future management concerns posed
by disease, oil and gas activities, contamination
from spills, and increased Arctic shipping are
acknowledged but, because these factors have not
been identified as threats at present, no recovery
criteria are associated with them.
To achieve recovery under the ESA, the criteria at
all three levels—fundamental, demographic, and
threats-based—must be met.
The Plan identifies a strategic suite of high priority
conservation and recovery actions. The first and
foremost action for the purpose of recovery is
to stop Arctic warming and the loss of sea ice
by limiting atmospheric levels of greenhouse
gases. The principal mechanism for doing that
is to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas
emissions. Other actions, which can be implemented
by USFWS and its partners, are aimed at the near-
and mid-term goal of providing polar bears in the
U.S. the best possible chance of persisting when
climate change has been addressed and further
Arctic warming has stopped. These actions include
managing human-bear conflicts, collaboratively
managing subsistence harvest, protecting denning
habitat, and minimizing the risk of contamination
from spills. While the focus of this plan is primarily
on actions in the U.S., priority actions also
include collaborating with Canada and Russia on
management of the 2 subpopulations for which the
U.S. shares oversight.
Along with these actions, the Plan calls for
monitoring and research specifically targeting the
information needed to assess the Plan’s criteria and
guide the Plan’s actions. Strategic monitoring will
enable us to determine whether our actions, and
this Plan, are effective in the near- and mid-term at
conserving polar bears or whether they need to be
Finally, to facilitate implementation of these actions,
the Plan envisions continuation of the Recovery
Team in the form of a collaborative Implementation
Team. The Implementation Team will meet on a
regular basis to share information, revisit priorities,
and leverage resources.
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I. Background
Figure 1. Map of the polar bear subpopulations (source: Polar Bear Specialist
Group). The subpopulations include: Southern Beaufort Sea (SB), Chukchi Sea,
Laptev Sea, Kara Sea, Barents Sea, East Greenland, Northern Beaufort (NB), Kane
Basin (KB), Norwegian Bay (NW), Lancaster Sound (LS), Gulf of Boothia (GB),
M’Clintock Channel (MC), Viscount Melville Sound (VM), Baffin Bay, Davis Strait,
Foxe Basin, Western Hudson Bay (WH), Southern Hudson Bay and the Arctic Basin
Polar bears occur in 19 subpopulations throughout
the seasonally and permanently ice-covered marine
waters of the northern hemisphere (Arctic and
Subarctic), in Canada, Denmark (Greenland),
Norway, Russia, and the United States (Fig. 1). The
United States contains portions of two subpopula-
tions: the Chukchi Sea and the Southern Beaufort
Sea. These 2 subpopulations have also been identi-
fied as “stocks” under the MMPA.
Polar bear subpopulations have been further
classified as occurring in one of four ecoregions (Fig.
2, Amstrup et al. 2008) based on the spatial and
temporal dynamics of sea ice in the subpopulation’s
range. Subpopulations classified as occurring in the
Seasonal Ice Ecoregion share the characteristic that
the sea ice in their range fully melts in the summer,
during which time bears are forced on shore for
extended periods of time until the sea ice reforms.
Subpopulations occurring in the Archipelago
Ecoregion are characterized as having heavy
annual and multi-year sea ice that fills the channels
between the Canadian Arctic Islands. Bears in this
ecoregion remain on the sea ice throughout the
year. The Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion, which
includes the two United States subpopulations, is
characterized by the formation of annual sea ice
that is swept away from the shore as sea ice melts
during the summer. The Polar Basin Convergent
Ecoregion is characterized by annual sea ice that
converges towards shoreline, allowing bears access
to nearshore ice year-round. Although information
is limited, the global genetic structure of polar bears
appears to reflect the four ecoregions (Paetkau et al.
1999, Peacock et al. 2015).
The most recent circumpolar population estimate
by the IUCN Red List Assessment was 26,000 (95%
Confidence Interval of 22,000 to 31,000) polar bears
(Wiig et al. 2015).
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 9
I. Background
Figure 2. Ice ecoregions (Amstrup et al. 2008). These ecoregions are equated with ESA
recovery units in this Plan.
Polar bears are relatively long-lived, and are
characterized by late sexual maturity, small litter
sizes, and extended maternal investment in raising
young. These are all factors that contribute to a low
reproductive rate; as a result, high adult survival
rates, particularly of females, are required to
maintain population levels. Survival rates exceeding
93 percent for adult females are essential to sustain
polar bear subpopulations (Regehr et al. 2015).
Sea ice is the primary habitat for polar bears. Polar
bears depend on sea ice as a platform on which
to: hunt and feed on seals; seek mates and breed;
travel to terrestrial maternity denning areas; den;
and make long-distance movements. Polar bear
movements are closely tied to the seasonal dynamics
of sea-ice extent as it retreats northward during
summer melt and advances southward during
autumn freeze.
A more detailed biological background can be found
in Appendix A.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) listed the polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
as a threatened species under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 as amended (ESA) on May 15,
2008 (73 FR 28211); as a result, it automatically
became a “depleted” species under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act of 1972 as amended
The USFWS has four purposes for this Plan. The
first is to meet the recovery planning requirement
of the ESA. Section 4(f) directs the USFWS to
develop plans for listed species which identify
“objective, measurable” recovery criteria and
site-specific recovery actions with estimated time
and cost to completion (16 USC §1533(f)(1)(B)). The
second purpose is to develop a conservation plan
under the MMPA, patterned after ESA recovery
plans but with a goal of conserving and restoring a
species to its optimum sustainable population (16
USC § 1383 (b)). The third purpose is to create a
national plan related to management of polar bears
in the U.S. to be appended to the Circumpolar
Action Plan for Polar Bear Conservation developed
by the signatories to the 1973 Agreement on the
Conservation of Polar Bears. Those signatories
are the five countries with polar bear populations
(Canada, Denmark on behalf of Greenland, Norway,
the Russian Federation, and the United States),
known collectively as the “Range States.” Consistent
with the 1973 Agreement (Articles VII and IX), the
Range States prepared a Circumpolar Action Plan,
which will be supplemented by a national plan from
each country to describe the specific conservation
actions it will take, in accord with its domestic laws.
The final purpose of this Plan is to provide a unify-
ing framework for conservation of polar bears by
partners within the United States.
The Primary Threat to Polar Bears
Sea ice is rapidly thinning and retreating
throughout the Arctic (Stroeve et al. 2012). Multiple
combined and interrelated events have changed
10 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
I. Background
the extent and characteristics of sea ice during all
seasons, but particularly during summer. Arctic
warming is likely to continue for several decades
and possibly centuries given the current trends in
global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC 2014), the
long persistence time of certain greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere (Moore and Braswell 1994), and the
lag times associated with global climate processes
attaining equilibrium (Mitchell 1989, Hansen et al.
2011). Hence, climate change effects on sea ice and
polar bears and their prey will very likely continue
for several decades or longer until increases in
atmospheric greenhouse gases are stopped.
The threats to polar bears identified in the ESA
listing determination were the loss of sea-ice
habitat due to climate change and the inadequacy
of existing mechanisms curtailing that threat (73
FR 28277). It cannot be overstated that the single
most important action for the recovery of polar
bears is to significantly reduce the present levels
of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which
are the primary cause of warming in the Arctic.
Recently, Atwood et al. (2016) corroborated the
climate threat by determining through Bayesian
network modeling that the most influential driver of
adverse polar bear outcomes in the future will likely
be declines in sea-ice conditions, and secondarily
declines in the marine prey base. Mortality from in
situ anthropogenic factors like hunting and defense
of life will likely exert considerably less influence
on future polar bear population outcomes, while
stressors such as trans-Arctic shipping, oil and
gas exploration, development, and production, and
point-source pollution appear to impose little risk to
the long-term persistence of polar bears.
The levels that global greenhouse gas emissions
reach in the coming decades will have a tremendous
influence on the abundance and distribution of
polar bears in the future. Polar bears will likely be
extirpated from much of their present-day range if
emissions continue to rise at current rates through-
out the 21st century (Amstrup et al. 2008); however,
if the rise in global mean temperature can be kept
below 2 degrees C, which could only be accom-
plished by prompt and very aggressive reductions in
worldwide GHG emissions, the probability of greatly
reduced polar bear populations could be substantial-
ly lowered (Atwood et al. 2016). The best prognosis
for polar bears entails aggressive GHG mitigation
combined with optimal polar bear management
practices, which together could maintain viable
polar bear populations in most regions of the Arctic
(Fig. 3, Amstrup et al. 2010). To that end, this Plan
provides a framework for USFWS and its partners
to accomplish the latter goal, while governments,
industries, and citizens throughout the world aspire
to accomplish the former.
There are positive signs. Parties to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) agreed at their Paris meeting in Decem-
ber 2015 to the goal of “holding the increase in the
global average temperature to well below 2°C above
pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit
the temperature increase to 1.5°C” (Article 2.1(a),
United Nations 2015). Although the self-determined
pledges by each nation toward reducing their emis-
sions over the next 10–15 years are non-binding and
currently insufficient to keep warming under 2°C,
the Parties have agreed to work together to increase
those pledges before 2020. If the Paris Agreement’s
central aim to keep global warming well below 2°C
can be achieved, it is far more likely that polar bears
Arctic-wide can be fully recovered because the
threat of sea-ice loss will be significantly curtailed in
all recovery units.
Figure 3 illustrates the markedly different levels
of impact on polar bear habitat during summer
that result when hypothetical best-case (Fig. 3a)
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 11
I. Background
and worst-case (Fig. 3c) scenarios of future GHG
emissions are compared. The figure shows coastal
areas where polar bears could come ashore during
summer and spend no more than 4 months before
the sea ice returned, a period of food deprivation
that polar bears are well-adapted to accommodate
assuming they have adequate advance access to
prey (Molnár et al. 2010, 2014; Robbins et al. 2012).
If present rates of GHG emissions were to continue
unabated to century’s end (a worst-case scenario,
Fig. 3c), limited areas in the Canadian Archipelago
and northern Greenland might be suitable for polar
bears to occupy during summer, or possibly not,
because half of the climate models project ice-free
conditions lasting 5 months (a point when modeled
effects of food deprivation become more severe;
Molnár et al. 2010, 2014) Arctic-wide. The possibility
for such extreme summer sea ice melt under the
worst-case GHG emissions scenario raises concerns
for polar bear persistence, especially since prey
abundances could also be negatively impacted by
changes to the Arctic Ocean’s food web (Arrigo et
al. 2008; Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010; Schofield
et al. 2010; Tremblay et al. 2015). In stark contrast,
Fig. 3a shows end-of-century outcomes for a best-
case scenario in which GHG emissions are promptly
and very aggressively reduced to levels that keep
average global warming below 2°C (relative to the
preindustrial era). The aims of the Paris Agreement,
adopted by 195 countries in 2015 (United Nations
2015), calls for such aggressive GHG mitigation. At
century’s end under an aggressively mitigated GHG
emissions scenario (Fig. 3a), all models agree that
most coastal areas in the Canadian Archipelago and
northern Greenland could be used by polar bears
during summer without undue risk of becoming
stranded onshore for more than 4 months, and
perhaps similarly for areas in Russia, which would
improve the chances of polar bears persisting in all
4 ecoregions. Achieving the levels of mitigation put
forth by the Paris Agreement is arguably tentative,
however, in that it requires timely and unprec-
edented global commitments as well as unproven
technological advances (Tollefson 2015; Smith et al.
2016). If GHG emissions are promptly mitigated
and stabilized (Fig. 3b), all or most climate models
project the Canadian Archipelago and northern
Greenland could be used by polar bears during
summer (like Fig. 3a), while only half the models or
fewer project suitable coastal areas throughout the
rest of the Arctic.
The future for polar bears is yet to be determined,
and while many sources of uncertainty preclude
our ability to precisely forecast their future status
(Douglas and Atwood 2017), the sooner global
warming and sea ice loss are stopped, the better
the long-term prognosis for the species. To this end,
we endorse efforts everywhere, big and small, to
mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in an ecologically
sound manner, and emphasize the direct and imme-
diate relationship between success in these efforts
and the future status of the polar bear.
Figure 3. Coastal areas where polar bears could come
ashore for no more than 4 months during each summer
of the last decade of the 21st century (2091–2100),
as projected by 6 global climate models forced with 3
greenhouse gas emission scenarios. With increasing
emissions (Representative Concentration Pathway
[RCP] 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5 respectively), coastal areas where
the offshore summer ice-free period is projected to be 4
months or less in duration occur in fewer areas, and are
corroborated by fewer models. Colors along the coast-
lines denote the level of agreement among the 6 models
analyzed; greater uncertainty exists when fewer models
agree. Inset shows the observed rise in atmospheric CO
from 1950–2014 (black line) and the scenario-specific
change from 2015–2100 (red line). Figure from Douglas
and Atwood (2017).
12 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
II. Conservation Strategy
Although the need to reduce emissions contributing
to climate change has been recognized in national
plans (President’s Climate Action Plan, White
House 2013b) and action by the USFWS and other
agencies (EPA proposed carbon pollution standards
for existing stationary sources, 79 FR 34830 et seq.),
more needs to be done in the United States and
around the globe to slow the warming trends that
are harming Arctic ecosystems and polar bears,
which depend on those ecosystems and play an
integral role in their functioning.
Recognizing that USFWS lacks the authority to
regulate greenhouse gas emissions, we must rely
on the United States and other nations to address
the emissions that are the primary contributor to
ongoing climate change, whether such reductions
are via laws, regulations, market-based incentives,
or a combination of approaches. Under this Plan,
our specific contribution toward curbing global
emissions will be a science-based communication
effort highlighting the urgent need for significant
reductions in emissions to help achieve a global
atmospheric level of greenhouse gases that will
support conditions for recovery of polar bears from
projected declines.
While global efforts are made to curb atmospheric
levels of greenhouse gases, there are actions the
USFWS and its partners can take in the U.S. that
will improve the ability of polar bears to survive
in the wild in sufficient numbers and distribution
so that they are in a position to recover once the
threat of further Arctic warming has been removed.
Overutilization was not identified as a threat to
the species throughout all or a significant portion
of its range. However, the listing rule noted that
continued efforts were necessary to ensure that
harvest or other forms of removal did not exceed
sustainable levels, particularly for subpopulations
experiencing nutritional stress or declining numbers
as a consequence of habitat change (73 FR 28280).
Even for populations affected to a lesser degree by
environmental changes and habitat impacts, the
rule noted that effective implementation of existing
regulatory mechanisms was necessary to address
issues related to overutilization (73 FR 28280).
Looking ahead, additional challenges to polar bear
conservation that may rise to the level of a threat
include disease, shipping, oil and gas activities, and
oil spills.
Specifically, our conservation strategy calls for the
following actions:
Limit global atmospheric levels of
greenhouse gases to levels appropriate for
supporting polar bear recovery and conser-
vation, primarily by reducing greenhouse
gas emissions
Support international conservation efforts
through the Range States relationships
Manage human-bear conflicts
Collaboratively manage subsistence harvest
Protect denning habitat
Minimize risks of contamination from spills
Conduct strategic monitoring and research
The focus of this Plan is on those actions the
USFWS and its partners can take, primarily in the
U.S. These include actions with stakeholders and
partners to mitigate various forms of disturbance
and mortality, which although they are not currently
threats to polar bear subpopulations, may become
threats in the future. Conservation actions, many
of which are already underway, will be proactive,
informed by strategic monitoring, and carried out
with ongoing support from an Implementation
We will track the effectiveness of these actions in the
near- and mid-term by monitoring demographic and
threats-based criteria in the Polar Basin Divergent
ecoregion—a region where polar bears are highly
vulnerable to Arctic warming (Atwood et al. 2016)
and the home to both of the United States’ subpopu-
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 13
III. Management Goals and Criteria
Fundamental Goals
The fundamental goals of the Polar Bear Conservation Management
Plan arise from the statutory obligations under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act, the goals of the
Circumpolar Action Plan, as well as the values of polar bear conserva-
tion partners in Alaska.
1. Secure the long-term persistence of wild polar bears as a species
and as a significant functioning element in the ecosystem of which
they are a part.
2. Secure the long-term persistence of polar bears at scales that
represent the genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological
diversity of the species.
3. Secure the long-term persistence of the two polar bear subpopula-
tions in the United States (the Southern Beaufort Sea and Chukchi
Sea subpopulations).
4. Recognize the nutritional and cultural needs of native peoples with
connections to polar bear populations, including the opportunity
for continued harvest of polar bears.
5. Continue to manage human-bear interactions to ensure human
safety and to conserve polar bears.
6. Achieve polar bear conservation while minimizing restrictions
to other activities within the range of the polar bear, including
economic development.
A. Fundamental Goals
The fundamental goals express the intentions of
this Plan and will be used to guide management,
research, monitoring, and communication. They
include the goals of the MMPA and the ESA, as they
relate to polar bear conservation and recovery, with
a particular focus on the U.S. The fundamental goals
also reflect the input and aspirations of stakehold-
ers closely connected with polar bears and their
habitat, including the State of Alaska, the North
Slope Borough, Alaska Native peoples, conservation
groups, and the oil and gas industry. In most cases,
the fundamental goals represent range-wide aspira-
tions, but the specific applications under this Plan
pertain primarily to the polar bear subpopulations
linked to Alaska.
The fundamental goals apply to three spatial scales:
the entire polar bear range, significant regional
population segments (currently equated with ecore-
gions), and subpopulations in the United States.
They also reflect different temporal scales ranging
from long-term (~100 years, to reflect generational
goals), to mid-term (~50 years, to reflect steps to
put polar bears in the best position to recover once
the primary threat is addressed), to near-term.
Anticipating that polar bear populations are likely
to decline as sea ice recedes (73 FR 28212), some of
the goals reflect long-term desired outcomes, rather
than predictions of the likely future. In addition,
it may not be possible to achieve all of these goals
simultaneously and to their fullest degree. One of
the challenges in implementing this Plan will be
finding the right trade-off among these fundamental
goals, appropriately recognizing the statutory
guidance, as well as other social values.
14 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
Fundamental Goal 1: Secure the long-term
persistence of wild polar bears as a species and as a
significant functioning element in the ecosystem of
which they are a part.
The central purpose of this Plan, both in itself, and
as the United States’ contribution to the Range
States’ Circumpolar Action Plan, is to ensure that
polar bears remain in the wild on this planet, and
remain a significant functioning element of the
Arctic ecosystem, long into the future. This central
purpose is readily shared by all stakeholders.
Species qualify for protection under the ESA if
they are in danger of extinction throughout all or
a significant portion of their range (endangered)
or are likely to become so in the foreseeable future
(threatened). The aim of recovery efforts, therefore,
is to ensure survival and reduce the risk of extinc-
tion to the point that the species no longer requires
or qualifies for protection under the ESA, rather
than to restore the species to historical levels.
The MMPA has specific provisions that apply to
“depleted” species, a status that applies to polar
bears as a species because of its ESA listing (16
USC §1362(1)). Congress found in the MMPA that
species and population stocks “should not be permit-
ted to diminish beyond the point at which they
cease to be a significant functioning element in the
ecosystem of which they are a part, and consistent
with this major objective, they should not be permit-
ted to diminish below their optimum sustainable
population” (16 USC §1361(2)).
In 2008 the USFWS found that the polar bear is
likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all of its range and
listed the species as threatened under the ESA (73
FR 28212). Thus, the focus of Fundamental Goal
1 is on polar bears as a species. The long-term
persistence aspect of this goal is especially related to
requirements of the ESA, and the role of the species
as a significant functioning element in the ecosystem
is especially related to requirements of the MMPA.
Fundamental Goal 2: Secure the long-term
persistence of polar bears at scales that represent
the genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological
diversity of the species.
Beyond the goal of keeping polar bears extant in the
wild, and recognizing that Arctic warming will not
affect polar bear subpopulations equally, it is also
important to maintain a broad geographic distribu-
tion to conserve genetic, behavioral, ecological, and
life-history diversity. Applicable recovery planning
guidance developed jointly by National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) and USFWS under the
ESA (NMFS and USFWS 2010) suggests recovery
units may be considered “to conserve genetic
robustness, demographic robustness, important life
history stages, or some other feature necessary for
long-term sustainability of the entire listed entity.”
In addition, although they apply explicitly to listing
decisions under the ESA, the “significant portion
of the range” and “distinct population segment”
policies provide guidance regarding the importance
of intraspecific diversity. Under the MMPA, the
finding by Congress that marine mammals should
be maintained as significant functioning elements of
their ecosystem supports the view that polar bears
should be conserved in more than a small portion of
their historic range. Intermediate-scale groupings of
polar bears capture important intraspecies genetic
and life-history diversity; as explained below, the
polar bear ecoregions (Amstrup et al. 2008) provide
a reasonable proxy of this diversity.
Beyond its fundamental importance, this goal also
serves as an effective means to secure the long-term
persistence of polar bears range-wide (Fundamental
Goal 1) and of polar bears in the United States
(Fundamental Goal 3). Conserving the broad spatial
distribution and ecological diversity of polar bears
over the near- and mid-term—while longer-term
solutions to climate change emerge—will provide
the greatest opportunity and flexibility for future
actions to achieve the ESA and MMPA standards
and goals for polar bears.
Fundamental Goal 3: Secure the long-term
persistence of the two polar bear subpopulations in
the United States (the Southern Beaufort Sea and
Chukchi Sea subpopulations).
Conservation of polar bears in Alaska is important
for ecological, cultural, spiritual, economic, and
aesthetic values. To achieve desirable outcomes
associated with these values, securing persistent
populations of polar bears in the United States over
the long term is an important goal. Admittedly,
current predictions pointing to range reductions and
population declines highlight the aspirational nature
of this goal. In the short- and mid-term, forestalling
potential extirpation of polar bears from the United
States will serve as a means to achieve Fundamental
Goals 1 and 2.
This Plan seeks conservation and recovery of the
species range-wide, even if the primary focus of the
Plan’s conservation and recovery actions is on the
two United States subpopulations. The individual
management plans produced by the other Range
States to underpin the Range States’ Circumpolar
Action Plan will address additional actions for the
remaining subpopulations in a manner consistent
with each nation’s own statutory, cultural, and
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 15
III. Management Goals and Criteria
economic objectives as well as the 1973 Agreement
on the Conservation of Polar Bears. We acknowl-
edge and support the conservation actions of the
other Range States to the extent they contribute to
recovery of the species.
Fundamental Goal 4: Recognize the nutritional and
cultural needs of native peoples with connections to
polar bear populations, including the opportunity for
continued subsistence harvest of polar bears.
Local native communities throughout the Arctic
have a long tradition of living with polar bears.
Those communities have engaged in polar bear
harvest consistent with long-standing traditions
that provide for the nutritional and cultural needs of
communities and have been integral to the success
of polar bear conservation activities. Article III of
the 1973 Agreement on the Conservation of Polar
Bears allows harvest of polar bears in the exercise of
traditional rights of local people. Congress recog-
nized the cultural importance of subsistence harvest
to Alaska Native peoples in both the MMPA and the
ESA. The MMPA specifically allows non-wasteful
harvest of marine mammals, including those that are
depleted, by coastal-dwelling Alaska Native peoples
(take of polar bears from the Chukchi Sea subpopu-
lation is governed under Title V, 16 USC §1423). The
ESA similarly exempts Alaska Native subsistence
harvest from the prohibition on take of threatened
or endangered species. Commercial trade is not
authorized, however. This does not preclude creation
and sale of authentic Alaska Native handicrafts and
clothing as authorized by these two statutes. Both
the MMPA and ESA acknowledge the conservation
context of the subsistence exception by authorizing
the Secretary to regulate such harvest if necessary
(16 USC §1371(b), 16 USC §1539(e)).
This fundamental goal is intended to provide future
generations of Alaska Natives the opportunity to
meet nutritional and cultural needs through the
harvest of polar bears. Achievement of this goal will
require the continued responsible management of
harvest by Alaska Native peoples, other indigenous
peoples, the United States, and other Range States.
Fundamental Goal 5: Continue to manage human-
polar bear interactions to ensure human safety and
to conserve polar bears.
The likelihood of interactions between humans and
polar bears increases: as polar bears spend more
time on shore due to a number of factors including
receding sea ice; as their primary prey declines and
they seek alternative food; as the human population
near the Arctic coast increases; and as industrial
activity in the Arctic increases. Ensuring the safety
of people living and working in the coastal areas
frequented by polar bears is a paramount concern.
A secondary but important consideration for polar
bear conservation is the outcome of human-bear
interactions on polar bears. Frequent interactions
with people pose a threat to polar bears, both
directly, if bears have to be killed, and indirectly,
through habituation to humans, food conditioning,
and other possible risks.
Fundamental Goal 6: Achieve polar bear conserva-
tion while minimizing restrictions to other activities
within the range of the polar bear, including
economic development.
Local, regional, state, national, and global communi-
ties benefit from human activities in the Arctic,
including tourism, recreation, oil and gas develop-
ment, mining, shipping, and scientific research.
In some cases, these activities may be compatible
with polar bear conservation; in others, there may
be conflicts. Finding strategies here in the United
States that allow both would benefit multiple
stakeholders. This goal reflects objectives in the
administration’s “National Strategy for the Arctic
Region” (White House 2013a), which calls on United
States federal agencies to use integrated Arctic
management to balance economic development,
environmental protection, and cultural values.
In the following three sections (organized by the
MMPA, ESA, and other motivations, respectively),
the Fundamental Goals are expressed as quantita-
tive measures; for the goals related to the MMPA
and ESA, criteria associated with conservation
and recovery are provided. Where appropriate,
these fundamental criteria are further described
with stepped-down demographic and threats-based
criteria (Table 1).
16 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
MMPA Conservation ESA Recovery Other Fundamental Goals
Fundamental Criteria & Performance Metrics
Conservation Criterion 1: The health
and stability of the marine ecosystem,
as evidenced by its capacity to support
polar bears, are maintained, and each
subpopulation of polar bears is maintained
as a significant functioning element of that
ecosystem. (FG3)
Conservation Criterion 2: Each
subpopulation is managed so that its
population size is above the maximum
net productivity level relative to carrying
capacity. (FG3)
Recovery Criterion 1: The
worldwide probability of persistence
is at least 95% over 100 years. (FG1)
Recovery Criterion 2: The
probability of persistence in each
recovery unit (ecoregion) is at least
90% over 100 years. (FG2)
FG4: Cumulative take (all human-caused
removals) level over the next 50 years for
each subpopulation that includes parts of
FG5: Number of human-bear conflicts in
Alaska that result in injury or death to
humans or bears.
FG6: Economic impacts of polar bear
management actions, including direct and
indirect expenses, and lost or foregone
Demographic Criteria
MMPA Demographic Criterion 1: The
intrinsic growth rate of each subpopulation
is above, and is expected to remain above,
a minimum level that indicates the health of
the marine ecosystem is not impaired; and
the carrying capacity in each subpopulation
is above, and is expected to remain above,
70% of mean historical carrying capacity,
indicating that the stability of the marine
ecosystem is not impaired.
MMPA Demographic Criterion 2:
Total human-caused removals in each
subpopulation do not exceed a rate h (relative
to the subpopulation size) that maintains
the subpopulation above its maximum net
productivity level relative to carrying capacity.
ESA Demographic Criterion 1:
The mean adult female survival
rate (at a density corresponding to
maximum net productivity level and in
the absence of direct human-caused
removals) in each recovery unit is at
least 93–96%, both currently and as
projected over the next 100 years.
ESA Demographic Criterion 2: The
ratio of yearlings to adult females (at
a density corresponding to maximum
net productivity level) in each
recovery unit is at least 0.1–0.3, both
currently and as projected over the
next 100 years.
ESA Demographic Criterion 3: The
carrying capacity, distribution, and
connectivity in each recovery unit,
both currently and as projected over
the next 100 years, are such that the
probability of persistence over 100
years is at least 90%.
Table 1. Three-tier framework for MMPA conservation criteria and ESA recovery criteria; and performance metrics
for the remaining Fundamental Goals. The criteria are arranged in three tiers: fundamental (directly related to the
fundamental goals); demographic (stepped-down to the level of population demographic rates); and threats-based
(stepped-down further to the level of threats). For the fundamental goals (FG) not directly linked to MMPA or ESA,
performance metrics are described, without additional tiers or performance thresholds.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 17
III. Management Goals and Criteria
MMPA Conservation ESA Recovery Other Fundamental Goals
ESA Demographic Criterion 4:
Total direct human-caused removals
in each recovery unit do not exceed a
rate h (relative to the population size
in the recovery unit) that maintains
the population above its maximum
net productivity level relative to
carrying capacity.
Threats-based Criteria
Sea ice: In each recovery unit, either
(a) the average ice-free period is
expected not to exceed 4 months
over the next 100 years based on
model projections using the best
available climate science, or (b) the
average ice-free period is expected to
stabilize at longer than 4 months over
the next 100 years based on model
predictions using the best available
climate science, and there is evidence
that polar bears in that recovery unit
can meet ESA Demographic Criteria
1, 2, and 3 under that longer ice-free
Human-caused removals: For
each recovery unit, the total level
of direct, lethal removals of polar
bears by humans, in conjunction with
other factors, does not reduce the
probability of persistence below 90%
over 100 years.
Table 1. Continued.
18 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
B. Conservation Criteria under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
Conservation plans are developed for depleted
species or stocks under the MMPA. “Each plan
shall have the purpose of conserving and restoring
the species or stock to its optimum sustainable
population. The Secretary shall model such plans
on recovery plans required under section 4(f) of
the Endangered Species Act of 1973” (16 USC
§1383b(b)(2)). Species or stocks of marine mammals
are designated as “depleted” in one of 3 ways:
because they fall below the optimum sustainable
population (OSP) level, as determined by the federal
government or by a state to whom authority has
been transferred; or because they are listed as
endangered or threatened under the ESA. In this
case, to no longer be considered depleted, polar
bears would have to be delisted under the ESA.
(The ESA recovery criteria are covered later; this
section considers only the MMPA criteria.) This
Plan describes MMPA conservation criteria at two
levels: fundamental and demographic (Table 1).
These criteria are nested: the demographic criteria
are derived from the fundamental criteria using the
best scientific information available at the time of
MMPA fundamental criteria
Fundamental Goals 1, 2, and 3 are tied to the
conservation standards of the MMPA. Here, those
Goals are translated into specific criteria. At the
fundamental level, the goals for conservation of
polar bears under the MMPA are achieved when
both of the following criteria are met:
MMPA Conservation Criterion 1: The health
and stability of the marine ecosystem, as
evidenced by its capacity to support polar
bears, are maintained, and each subpopulation
of polar bears is maintained as a significant
functioning element of that ecosystem.
MMPA Conservation Criterion 2: Each
subpopulation is managed so that its popula-
tion size is above the maximum net productiv-
ity level relative to carrying capacity.
The MMPA criteria apply both to the worldwide
population and to the individual subpopulations. The
depleted entity is the worldwide population of polar
bears, because the depleted status under the MMPA
was due to the listing of the species under the ESA.
Thus the criteria apply to the species as a whole. To
meet the criteria worldwide, it is sufficient to meet
them in each stock. The two Alaskan polar bear
subpopulations (Southern Beaufort Sea, Chukchi
Sea) have been identified as “stocks” under the
MMPA (74 FR 69139). This Plan further assumes
that all 19 of the polar bear subpopulations qualify
as stocks under the MMPA. The management focus
of this Plan is the United States’ contribution to
polar bear conservation, so the conservation actions
described below focus primarily on the two subpopu-
lations found in United States territory.
Basis for the MMPA fundamental criteria
In the MMPA, Congress found that stocks should
not be permitted to diminish below their OSP level.
The MMPA defines OSP as “the number of animals
which will result in the maximum productivity of
the population or the species, keeping in mind the
carrying capacity of the habitat and the health of
the ecosystem of which they form a constituent
element” (16 USC §1362(9)). One of the challenges
in interpreting OSP for polar bears is the expecta-
tion that both the carrying capacity and the intrinsic
growth rate of subpopulations may change over time
due to anthropogenic forces, namely climate change.
We have addressed that expectation by adopting
two MMPA criteria in this Plan: one focused on
maintaining the carrying capacity of the habitat
and the health of the ecosystem; and one focused
on managing lethal removals to maintain each
subpopulation above its maximum net productivity
level. These constituent elements in the definition of
OSP are not separable; to meet OSP, both elements
need to be met.
We considered two possible ways to keep “in mind
the carrying capacity of the habitat and the health
of the ecosystem” when defining OSP: one approach
is to adopt a single standard that combines the
concepts of maximum net productivity level and
carrying capacity into one criterion; the other
approach is to adopt two standards that specify
criteria for the two elements separately. Under the
first approach, Maximum Net Productivity Level
(MNPL) would be defined relative to a historical,
undisturbed carrying capacity and health of the
ecosystem; thus maintenance of carrying capacity
and management of removals are achieved under
a single criterion. Under the second approach,
maximum net productivity level (mnpl) would be
defined relative to the current carrying capac-
ity, and a separate (but not separable) criterion
would be established for maintenance of carrying
capacity and health of the ecosystem. We use the
abbreviations MNPL and mnpl to refer to the
one- and two-standard approaches to interpreting
OSP, respectively. Both of these may be reasonable
interpretations of the intent of Congress, with the
choice of interpretation being made to best achieve
conservation in the context of a particular species.
We believe the unique setting of polar bear conser-
vation calls for use of the second approach. First,
the primary threat to polar bears is loss of sea-ice
habitat brought about by climate change and a
corresponding loss of carrying capacity and ecosys-
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 19
III. Management Goals and Criteria
tem health. Thus, a criterion that deals specifically
with carrying capacity and ecosystem health allows
us to focus on the primary threat. Second, polar
bears are legally hunted in the United States for
subsistence purposes, and are occasionally legally
killed in defense of human life. The management of
such take is also important for the conservation of
polar bears, so a criterion that specifically addresses
such take is valuable. The one-standard approach
does not separate the effects of habitat change
from the effects of removals, and does not provide a
standard that can be used to directly manage take,
so it does not serve to advance the conservation
of polar bears. In this Plan, because of the unique
circumstances of polar bears, we follow the two-
standard approach to interpreting OSP.
Health and stability of the marine ecosystem. The
first criterion addresses the degree to which it is
acceptable for the marine ecosystem to change as
a result of anthropogenic causes (as reflected in
changes in the carrying capacity or the health of
the ecosystem). It is clear that significant declines
in these attributes are not acceptable under the
MMPA. In the “findings and declaration of policy
section of the MMPA, Congress indicates that “the
primary objective of [marine mammal] management
should be to maintain the health and stability of
the marine ecosystem” (16 USC §1361(6)). Another
purpose of the law is to ensure that stocks do not
“diminish beyond the point at which they cease to be
a significant functioning element in the ecosystem of
which they are a part” (16 USC §1361(2)). Further,
Congress directed that the “carrying capacity of the
habitat and the health of the ecosystem” be kept in
mind when determining OSP (16 USC §1362(9)).
In the extreme, if polar bears are extirpated from
large parts of their range because of loss of sea ice,
then they surely will have ceased to be a significant
functioning element of the ecosystem; indeed, the
“health and stability of the marine ecosystem”
will have been changed. The health and stability
of the marine ecosystem likely can, however, be
maintained, and polar bears likely can remain a
significant functioning element of the ecosystem
without remaining at historical numbers, provided
efforts are made “to protect essential habitats…
from the adverse effects of man’s actions” (16 USC
§1361(2)). We propose to evaluate the health of the
marine ecosystem using the intrinsic growth rate for
polar bears, and the stability of the marine ecosys-
tem using the carrying capacity for polar bears. If
the health of the ecosystem declines, the survival
and reproductive rates of polar bears, and hence
their intrinsic rate of population growth, will decline.
If the ability of the ecosystem to support polar bears
declines, the carrying capacity will decline.
Congress did not provide any further explanation
of the term “significant functioning element in the
ecosystem,” there is not any legislative history
associated with this term, and the case law is
limited. Further, we are not aware of any regulatory
action or conservation plans by either the USFWS
or NMFS that have defined or incorporated this
term. Nor is there guidance on interpreting “health
and stability of the marine ecosystem.” Neverthe-
less, we believe these purposes of the MMPA are
particularly relevant for polar bear conservation
because of the nature of the long-term threats, and
thus, we are applying these terms in this plan.
Polar bears play a unique function in the Arctic
ecosystem as a top predator. In considering the
ecological function of other top predators (grizzly
bears and wolves) in their ecosystems, Pyare and
Berger (2003) argue that the ecological function of
these large carnivores is as important a measure
of status as their demographic prospects, because
“Research continues to demonstrate that these
terrestrial carnivores, perhaps more so than most
other threatened or endangered species, have
far-reaching consequences for their ecosystems.”
Similar arguments can be made for the highly
influential role that sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have
in maintaining the marine ecosystems they occupy
(Estes and Duggins 1995; USFWS 1994, 2013).
The effects of the marine ecosystem on polar bear
populations and the effects of polar bear populations
on the marine ecosystem are both important consid-
erations in evaluating the health and stability of the
ecosystem, and whether polar bears are a significant
functioning element of the ecosystem. This broad
understanding of MMPA Conservation Criterion 1
is important in any future evaluation of the criteria
in this Plan. In the next section, we focus on intrinsic
growth rate and carrying capacity of the polar bear
population as indicators of the health and stability of
the marine ecosystem, respectively. They may not be
good indicators, but they are nevertheless indica-
tors, not direct measures of health and stability,
and the broader perspective of ecosystem function
should not be lost, especially at lower trophic levels.
The primary threat to polar bears, and the threat
most at odds with the intent of the MMPA, is the
expected long-term loss, through climate change, of
the ecosystem of which polar bears are a part. This
first MMPA criterion, perhaps the highest and most
ambitious standard in this Plan, would likely require
substantial reduction in worldwide greenhouse gas
emissions as well as substantial reduction in the loss
of sea ice Arctic-wide.
Maximum net productivity level. The second
MMPA criterion addresses the extent to which it is
acceptable for lethal removals to reduce the size of
a polar bear subpopulation relative to its potential
size in the absence of such removals. This criterion
integrates the biological concepts of carrying capac-
ity, maximum net productivity level, intrinsic growth
20 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
rate, sex- and age-composition of the population,
sex- and age-composition of lethal removals (includ-
ing subsistence harvest), and sustainable take. At
any point in time, the population size at which a
population is most productive is conditional on the
extent to which limiting resources are utilized. The
availability of limiting resources, which determine
the carrying capacity, can vary naturally or through
anthropogenic forces, and the maximum net produc-
tivity level (mnpl) will vary in proportion. Likewise,
the intrinsic growth rate can vary over time, as a
function of the health of the ecosystem, and the
intrinsic growth rate also affects the maximum
net productivity. Both of these considerations, the
possibly changing carrying capacity and the possibly
changing intrinsic rate of growth, need to be kept in
mind when evaluating the number of removals that
will maintain a population above its maximum net
productivity level. In long-lived mammal populations
in which removals are unbiased with regard to
age or sex, maximum net productivity occurs at
some population size greater than 50% of carrying
capacity; for polar bears, demographic analysis
suggests that this level occurs at approximately 70%
of carrying capacity (Regehr et al. 2015).
MMPA demographic criteria
Health and stability of the marine ecosystem. As
suggested above, the health and stability of the
Arctic marine ecosystem, respectively, are reflected
in the intrinsic rate of growth and the carrying
capacity of polar bear populations. The intent of the
first MMPA criterion is to ensure that polar bears
remain a functioning element of the ecosystems
associated with each subpopulation and that the
intrinsic growth rate and carrying capacity do
not decline to the point that this function is lost.
Although this does not require maintaining the
historical levels of intrinsic growth rate and carrying
capacity, it will require substantial and successful
efforts to limit the anticipated losses from climate
change, so that polar bears and their ecosystem
remain healthy and stable.
MMPA Demographic Criterion 1: The intrinsic
growth rate of each subpopulation is above,
and is expected to remain above, a minimum
level that indicates the health of the marine
ecosystem is not impaired; and the carrying
capacity in each subpopulation is above, and
is expected to remain above, 70% of mean
historical carrying capacity, indicating that
the stability of the marine ecosystem is not
The MMPA provides clear technical guidance on
how to determine the tolerable reduction in popula-
tion size as a result of human-caused removals (see
“Maximum net productivity level,” below), but it
does not provide similar guidance for reduction
as a result of habitat loss or other threats besides
human-caused removals. Nevertheless, with regard
to a loss of carrying capacity, we reason that the
reduction of carrying capacity to 70% of its histori-
cal level would produce an impact to a polar bear
population of similar magnitude to human-caused
removals at the level that achieves mnpl.
There is not a parallel way to determine a threshold
for the intrinsic growth rate, because reductions in
growth rate affect populations in a different manner
than reductions in carrying capacity or population
size. Thus, at this time, we cannot make the policy
interpretation needed to establish the first half of
MMPA Demographic Criterion 1.
The intrinsic growth rate and carrying capac-
ity may change independently. For instance, the
carrying capacity for a subpopulation might decline
substantially, but the intrinsic growth rate of the
subpopulation might remain satisfactory. For MMPA
Demographic Criterion 1 to be met, both conditions
need to be met.
For polar bears, we propose using the reference
period 1953–1972 for determinations of “historical”
carrying capacity. At the time of the enactment of
the MMPA, Arctic marine ecosystems were believed
to be intact, so the period preceding 1972 serves
as a time when the “health and stability of the
marine ecosystem” in the Arctic were at historical
levels. The period of measurement record for Arctic
sea-ice extent begins in 1953; the September sea-ice
extent over the period 1953–1972 showed variation
around a stable mean (Fig. 4). Thus, to the extent
that scientists and managers seek to determine the
historical carrying capacity for a given subpopula-
tion, we propose that the period 1953–1972 is a
relevant reference.
The estimation of carrying capacity, whether current
or historical, is difficult, because it can rarely be
observed directly. Rather it needs to be inferred
from magnitude and trends in population size and
habitat metrics, taking into account the levels of
human-caused removals. There are a variety of
methods that could be used for this estimation task,
and development of these for polar bear subpopula-
tions is needed. The possible methods include: (1)
establishing a relationship between current carrying
capacity and some relevant habitat metric for which
we have measurements in the reference period, and
back-extrapolating; (2) estimating carrying capacity
over a time series of abundance or other life-history
measures, using hierarchical population modeling
techniques, and inferring the historical carrying
capacity; or (3) assuming carrying capacity has
remained stable until recently, inferring the recent
carrying capacity from estimates of population size
and human-caused removal rates, and using that as
an estimate of historical carrying capacity. The first
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 21
III. Management Goals and Criteria
two methods will be quite difficult, the third method
is more manageable but the assumptions may be
more difficult to justify for some subpopulations.
As noted above, we are treating polar bear carrying
capacity as an indicator of the stability of the marine
ecosystem. For practical purposes, assessment of
individual subpopulations could be undertaken with
other indicators (e.g., sea ice).
Regarding polar bears as a functioning element of
the ecosystem, complex methods to assess the func-
tional diversity of ecosystems have been proposed
(e.g., Petchey and Gaston 2002), but the application
of such methods to a changing Arctic involving
polar bears would likely be difficult and insensitive
to meaningful near-term ecological changes. Thus,
at this time, we do not have enough information to
propose more detailed measures, and associated
thresholds, to directly assess the functional role
of polar bears in their ecosystem. Development of
such measures is an important task under this Plan.
Thoughtful development of approaches based on the
particular roles polar bears play in the ecosystem
could help with assessment as this Plan is updated in
the future.
Maximum net productivity level. At the fundamen-
tal level, MMPA Conservation Criterion 2 requires
that each polar bear subpopulation size is above
its mnpl; at this time, we estimate this occurs at
approximately 70% of the maximum number of
polar bears the environment can support on average
(Regehr et al. 2015). Estimating the subpopulation
size at carrying capacity, and by extension the
mnpl, is challenging because environmental factors
limiting population growth vary with time and are
difficult to measure. Nonetheless, it is possible to
manage wildlife populations in a way that satisfies
the fundamental criterion if removal levels are based
on an estimate of current population size and a
harvest rate h that is designed to maintain a popula-
tion above its mnpl with some acceptable level of
probability. Thus, the MMPA demographic criteria
for maintaining a subpopulation above mnpl can be
stated using this more proximate metric:
MMPA Demographic Criterion 2: Total
human-caused removals in each subpopulation
do not exceed a rate h (relative to the subpopu-
lation size) that maintains the subpopulation
above its maximum net productivity level
relative to carrying capacity.
The removal rate that achieves MMPA Demo-
graphic Criterion 2, h, depends on the underlying
demographic rates for the subpopulation, the sex
and age composition of the subpopulation, as well as
the sex and age composition of removals. A valuable
reference point is the removal rate, h
, that
achieves mnpl at equilibrium when removals are in
direct proportion to the sex and age composition of
the subpopulation (i.e., when removals do not select
for certain sex or age classes of animals). The value
of h
is derived based on population dynamics
theory, general life history parameters for the
species, and subpopulation-specific demographic
information (Runge et al. 2009). For polar bears,
is likely 79–84% of the intrinsic population
growth rate (Regehr et al. 2015). The theoretical
Figure 4. Arctic sea-ice extent in September, 1953–2015, in millions of square
kilometers. The solid and dashed lines show the mean extent for the period
1953–1972. We propose that this reference period is suitable for evaluating “histori-
cal” conditions of polar bears in the context of the MMPA.
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
22 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
maximum population growth rate for the species is
approximately 6–14% (Taylor et al. 2009, Regehr
et al. 2010) but may be less if habitat loss or other
factors affect subpopulations negatively through
density-independent effects.
These interpretations of mnpl represent the views
of USFWS for the purpose of conserving polar
bears. This approach does not necessarily preclude
other approaches to determining mnpl or MNPL in
other conservation plans.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 23
III. Management Goals and Criteria
C. Recovery Criteria under the Endangered Species Act
The ESA requires a recovery plan to incorporate,
to the maximum extent practicable, “objective,
measurable criteria which, when met, would result
in a determination, in accordance with the provisions
of this section, that the species be removed from
the list [of endangered and threatened wildlife]…”
(16 USC §1533(f)(1)(B)(ii)). Following a three-tier
framework, this Plan describes recovery criteria at
three levels (Table 1): fundamental, demographic,
and threats-based. These criteria are meant to be
compatible: the demographic and threats-based
criteria are derived from the fundamental criteria,
using the best available scientific information avail-
able at the time of assessment. To achieve recovery,
the criteria at all three levels need to be met.
ESA fundamental criteria
The aspects of Fundamental Goals 1 and 2 that
refer to securing long-term persistence are tied
to recovery under the ESA. Here, those Goals are
translated into quantitative measures with threshold
criteria associated with recovery. At the fundamen-
tal level, both of the following criteria need to be met
to achieve recovery of polar bears:
Recovery Criterion 1: the worldwide probabil-
ity of persistence is at least 95% over 100 years.
Recovery Criterion 2: the probability of
persistence in each recovery unit (ecoregion) is
at least 90% over 100 years.
Basis for the ESA recovery criteria
The conservation of species is a key purpose of the
ESA, and the Act defines conservation in terms of
bringing species to the point that the Act’s provi-
sions are no longer necessary. The ESA does not
specify a numerical standard for determining when
a species is threatened or endangered, nor is there
a universal approach for making such determina-
tions. Although the ESA does not use terms such
as “probability” or “persistence,” the definitions of
endangered (“in danger of extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range,” 16 USC
§1532(6)) and threatened suggest that the risk of
extinction is a primary concern. Thus, many scholars
of the ESA have identified the fundamental goal of
recovery as reducing the probability of extinction to
an acceptable level, stated equivalently as keeping
the probability of persistence above some threshold
(e.g., Doremus 1997, Gregory et al. 2013, Ralls et al.
2002, Regan et al. 2013, Seney et al. 2013). In listing
decisions and recovery plans where probability of
persistence has been used, the threshold between
“threatened” and “listing is not warranted” has been
characterized by a number of values, roughly rang-
ing between 90% and 99% probability of persistence
over a century (e.g., USFWS 1995, 2002; see also
DeMaster et al. 2004, Regan et al. 2013). In this
Plan, we adopt a desired probability of persistence
of 95% over a century for the listed entity; although
an even higher probability is the aspiration of all the
management partners, the question is the degree of
persistence at which the species no longer needs the
protections of the ESA. If the probability of persis-
tence is greater than 95% over the next 100 years,
then the risk of extinction is low enough and distant
enough that it is not likely to become in danger of
extinction in the foreseeable future.
This Plan uses probability of persistence to express
the fundamental recovery criteria for polar bears.
Given the nature of the primary threat to polar
bears–loss of sea ice due to changes in climate–as
well as the speed at which the climate would respond
to changes in atmospheric levels of greenhouse
gases, 100 years is a time period over which we
could see movement towards recovery or towards
extinction depending on worldwide efforts to curtail
emissions. The first criterion focuses on the listed
entity (the worldwide population of polar bears) and
indicates this particular measure of recovery will be
achieved when the probability of persistence over
100 years is at least 95%.
Beyond this Plan’s first criterion for survival of the
listed entity, the second criterion further specifies
that a significant portion of the diversity of the
species, as represented by the ecoregions, must also
be conserved, in order to promote recovery through
representation and redundancy. The risk tolerance
for extinction for each of the individual ecoregions
(10%) is higher than for the species as a whole (5%)
because the ecoregions are only components of
the listed entity. It’s worth noting that if the prob-
abilities of persistence in the four recovery units
are independent and each 90%, the probability of
persistence of the listed entity is 99.99%. Although
the assumption of independence is unlikely, this
calculation suggests that Recovery Criterion 2 may
be considerably more protective than Recovery
Criterion 1.
The purposes of an intermediate scale (i.e., recovery
unit) in Recovery Criterion 2 include (1) to preserve
diversity among polar bears—diversity that is at the
heart of ESA protection and important to species
viability; (2) to acknowledge that polar bears in
different regions may experience different threats
and conditions and exhibit different responses to
those, which may warrant different conservation
approaches now or in the future; and (3) to provide
redundancy, and hence increase the survival of the
species, by conserving polar bears in more than one
region. In order to remove the danger of extinction
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a
24 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
significant portion of the range” (16 USC §1532(20)),
a high probability of persistence in each of the
recovery units is needed.
Ecoregions. The best available science suggests that
the “ecoregions” proposed by Amstrup et al. (2008)
capture broad patterns in genetic and life-history
variation for the species. Furthermore, ecoregions
were based on observed and forecasted changes in
sea-ice habitat and thus capture anticipated varia-
tion in the primary long-term threat. We recognize
that further research, building on an existing body
of work (Spalding et al. 2007, Thiemann et al. 2008),
is needed on details of the genetic, behavioral,
ecological, and threats-based factors that distinguish
spatial groupings of polar bears.
Recovery units. In ESA recovery planning, a
recovery unit” is “a special unit of the listed entity
that is geographically or otherwise identifiable and
is essential to the recovery of the entire listed entity,
i.e., recovery units are individually necessary to
conserve genetic robustness, demographic robust-
ness, important life history stages, or some other
feature necessary for long-term sustainability of the
entire listed entity.” Furthermore, “establishment
of recovery units can be a useful recovery tool,
especially for species occurring across wide ranges
with multiple populations or varying ecological
pressures in different parts of their range.” (NMFS
and USFWS 2010, section Because recovery
units are “essential to the recovery of the entire
listed entity,” the criteria must be met in all recovery
units in order for recovery to be achieved and for
delisting to be recommended.
Ecoregions as recovery units. Polar bears occur
in 19 subpopulations throughout the circumpolar
Arctic; one of the largest ranges for an extant large
carnivore. Within this range the species exhibits
variation in genetics, behavior, and life-history
strategies. Within the timeframe considered by
this Plan, polar bears are expected to experience
different pressures resulting in potentially high
probabilities of extirpation (e.g., in some parts of
the Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion) to moderate
probabilities of persistence (e.g., in the Archipelago
Ecoregion) (Amstrup et al. 2008, 2010). National and
local management regimes, including collaborative
management across jurisdictions, also vary across
the species’ range.
This Plan uses the 4 ecoregions as recovery units
because this approach provides a reasonable
representation of important variation for both polar
bears and the threats they face. This approach helps
augment the persistence of polar bears as a whole
by conserving them in multiple regions and allowing
conservation actions to be tailored to the most press-
ing issues in each region. Consequently, persistence
of polar bears in all 4 ecoregions is necessary to the
recovery of the listed entity.
Any intermediate spatial-scale grouping of polar
bears, if meant to apply over a long time scale, will
reflect a number of assumptions and imperfections,
due to scientific uncertainty and the dynamic nature
of climate change and its effects on ecosystems.
Using the 4 ecoregions defined by Amstrup et
al. (2008) as recovery units represents current
knowledge of the ecological diversity of polar bears
and their future response to climate change. But
because the current information is imperfect, it
may be important to conserve an even finer-scale
representation of current polar bear diversity in the
near term, while seeking to improve our scientific
understanding of the distribution of important polar
bear ecological diversity. As understanding of polar
bears, climate change effects, and other relevant
information increases, the delineation of the recov-
ery units should be reviewed and, if appropriate,
modified, to reflect the best available science.
Definition of “persistence.” In the two ESA
recovery criteria (above), we define “persistence” as
maintaining the population size in a recovery unit
(or worldwide) at greater than 15% of the population
size of the unit at the time of listing or greater than
100 individuals, whichever is larger. If, at any point
during a 100-yr forecast, the projected population
drops below this threshold, it is considered not to
have persisted. This threshold is not a desired popu-
lation target. Rather, by focusing on the probability
of persisting above the threshold, the criteria repre-
sent the risk tolerance at which we could reasonably
conclude that polar bears are no longer threatened.
To achieve recovery, the population size needs to
be sufficiently larger than the threshold and the
threats sufficiently reduced to ensure that the risk
of dropping below the threshold is small (i.e., less
than 10% over 100 years). (The distinction between
“conservation and survival”, in the manner those
terms are used in Section 4(f) of the ESA [16 USC
§1533(f)], is useful here. The persistence threshold
represents the point at which the population is no
longer surviving. Recovery, that is, “conservation”,
is a higher bar than merely surviving.) For large
mammals, the effects of demographic stochasticity
become prominent at population sizes less than 100
(Morris and Doak 2002, Wieglus 2001). For polar
bears, mating success may decline when subpopula-
tion density falls below a fraction of present-day
values (i.e., there might be an Allee effect), but this
point depends on the sex- and age-structure of the
population, as well as the population-specific demo-
graphic parameters (Molnár et al. 2008, 2014). As
the geographic scope expands from subpopulation to
recovery unit to species, the Allee effect threshold
may occur at lower fractions of the original popula-
tion size, and will depend on the geographic distribu-
tion and connectivity of bears within the unit. The
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 25
III. Management Goals and Criteria
15% threshold is a placeholder based on available
information at a subpopulation level (Molnár et al.
2008), and should be re-evaluated on a case-by-case
basis and as new information arises. The 2015
update to the IUCN Red List Assessment for
polar bears (Wiig et al. 2015) summarizes the best
available information about the population size in
each ecoregion; although the underlying data span
a number of years, we view this as the best estimate
of the population sizes around the time of listing
(Table 2). The 15% threshold exceeds 100 animals
in all four ecoregions, thus, the 15% threshold is the
operational criterion for persistence (recognizing
that this is the threshold for survival, not recovery).
ESA demographic criteria
The demographic recovery criteria are derived from
the fundamental recovery criteria, but are stated
in more proximate measures of population status.
The spatial scale of the demographic criteria is the
recovery unit. Although the listed entity is polar
bears throughout their range, Recovery Criterion 2
identifies the ecoregions as recovery units. To meet
the ESA recovery criteria, the fundamental and
demographic recovery criteria need to be met for
each recovery unit. Thus, the recovery criteria can
be focused at the recovery unit level. Recognizing
that the United States only has management
jurisdiction in parts of one recovery unit (the Polar
Basin Divergent Ecoregion), that unit is the main
focus of our recovery efforts, but assessment of the
recovery of the listed entity needs to consider all of
the recovery units.
The demographic criteria focus on three measures of
population status: survival rate, reproductive rate,
and carrying capacity. Recovery at the recovery-unit
(ecoregion) scale would be achieved when all four of
the following criteria are met:
ESA Demographic Criterion 1: The mean adult
female survival rate (at a density correspond-
ing to maximum net productivity level and in
the absence of direct human-caused removals)
in each recovery unit is at least 93–96%, both
currently and as projected over the next 100
ESA Demographic Criterion 2: The ratio
of yearlings to adult females (at a density
corresponding to maximum net productivity
level) in each recovery unit is at least 0.1–0.3,
both currently and as projected over the next
100 years.
ESA Demographic Criterion 3: The carrying
capacity, distribution, and connectivity in each
recovery unit, both currently and as projected
over the next 100 years, are such that the
probability of persistence over 100 years is at
least 90%.
ESA Demographic Criterion 4: Total direct
human-caused removals in each recovery unit
do not exceed a rate h (relative to the popula-
tion size in the recovery unit) that maintains
the population above its maximum net produc-
tivity level relative to carrying capacity.
Although Fundamental Recovery Criterion 2 (90%
probability of persistence at the recovery unit level)
is the standard for assessment, these demographic
criteria use population metrics to represent an
equivalent condition, given the current state of
knowledge. These are, of course, a simplification of
all the population dynamics that give rise to a high
probability of persistence, but these are based on
the most influential drivers of persistence. Based on
life-history theory, adult female survival exerts the
largest influence on population growth rate, which is,
in turn, a strong driver of resilience and persistence.
The ratio of yearlings to adult females incorporates
a number of aspects of the recruitment process:
breeding probability, litter size, and cub-of-the-year
survival. Populations need recruitment to persist,
and for some long-lived species, recruitment rates
vary more than adult survival rates and drive most
of the observed variation in population growth rate.
Finally, the probability of persistence is related to
population size and hence carrying capacity, because
the risk associated with annual variation and chance
events is magnified at smaller population sizes.
The first three demographic recovery criteria are
not independent. The specific threshold required
for any one depends on the thresholds required for
the other two (Fig. 5). For example, if the carrying
Archipelago Convergent Divergent Seasonal Total
Population size
4945 3004 9751 8785 26485
(2015) estimate
(3900–6000) (800–5200) (5800–13700) (7800–9700) (22000–31000)
15% threshold
742 451 1463 1318 3973
Table 2. Estimates of population size (with 95% confidence limits) and persistence floor for each
ecoregion. The estimates and confidence limits for the ecoregions were calculated by the same
methods Wiig et al. (2015) used for the global population.
26 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
capacity were only expected to remain above 500
and the recruitment rate (ratio of yearlings to adult
females) were expected to remain above 0.2, the
adult female survival rate would need to remain
above 0.95 (assuming the rate of human-caused
removals is less than h). Because many possible
combinations of these three parameters can produce
the same probability of persistence, the criteria are
described as ranges, but to achieve recovery, the
combination of demographic criteria needs to meet
the standards for ESA Fundamental Criterion 2
(90% probability of persistence for the recovery
The third demographic criterion (carrying
capacity, distribution, and connectivity needed to
meet ESA Fundamental Criterion 2) provides the
buffer that is needed to protect the population
in a recovery unit from dropping below the level
at which small-population dynamics take over. A
specific threshold for carrying capacity cannot be
determined at this time because, as noted earlier,
there is uncertainty about how to scale potential
Allee effects from the subpopulation level up to
the ecoregion level. Given that future reductions
in population size due to habitat loss will likely be
accompanied by contraction of the geographic range
within each ecoregion, it is likely that Allee effects
and other negative small-population effects would
not manifest until population size is considerably
lower than 15% of the population size at the time of
listing. At the ecoregion level, the population size
at which Allee effects appear may also depend on
the distribution and connectivity of subpopulations
within the ecoregion. If the subpopulations in an
ecoregion were well connected, a carrying capacity
of 500–1000 animals, in combinations with the other
demographic criteria, may be enough to assure
the desired level of persistence (Fig. 5, Regehr et
al. 2015), but in other situations, a higher carrying
capacity might be needed. Thus, we cannot deter-
mine the specific thresholds for carrying capacity,
distribution, and connectivity at this time, because
we lack an understanding of how those factors will
interact to provide the buffer necessary to assure
a high probability of persistence. But we do know
that the buffer provided by the third demographic
criterion is needed; the other demographic criteria
alone cannot assure recovery.
The fourth demographic criterion specifies an
upper bound on the rate of direct human-caused
removals, and the other demographic criteria have
been calculated assuming that rate. (Direct human-
caused removals are those that occur as a direct
result of human action, such as subsistence hunting,
Figure 5. Values of three ESA demographic criteria that provide a 90% probability of persistence (Regehr et al.
2015). The combination of survival (x-axis), recruitment (y-axis), and carrying capacity (contours) needs to be above
and to the right of the corresponding contour to provide the required probability of persistence. There are trade-offs
among these criteria, such that if any of these measures are quite high, the standard for the others can be lower. For
example, if the recruitment rate (yearling to adult female ratio) was expected to remain above 0.3 and the carrying
capacity was expected to remain above 1000, the adult female survival rate would only need to be 0.93 to achieve
recovery. In this graph, the rate of total human-caused removals is assumed to be at the maximum rate allowable
under MMPA Demographic Criterion 2.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 27
III. Management Goals and Criteria
defense-of-life, and incidental take. Indirect remov-
als, such as those that occur as a result of habitat
degradation, are captured either in the survival rate
or the carrying capacity. This distinction is largely
in deference to the ability to monitor direct, but not
indirect, removals.) If the rate of human-caused
removals is less than this upper bound, the demands
for the other demographic criteria can be reduced,
provided the persistence criterion is met. It is also
possible to meet ESA Fundamental Criterion 2
(90% probability of persistence over 100 years)
without meeting ESA Demographic Criterion 4
(human-caused removal rate less than h), but this
would require even higher survival and reproduc-
tive rates than specified by the second and third
demographic criteria (see discussion, below, of ESA
Threats-based Criterion 2). Thus, while the fourth
demographic criterion is not strictly necessary for
recovery, we have included it as a recovery criterion
because it reiterates MMPA Demographic Criterion
2, the combination of non-anthropogenic mortality
and anthropogenic mortality is critical, and the other
demographic criteria can only be set in the context
of the anthropogenic mortality.
There are three particular challenges in developing
and evaluating these demographic criteria: climate
change effects, density-dependence, and harvest.
First, sea-ice loss related to climate change is a
long-term threat that will present changing condi-
tions for ice-dependent Arctic species like the polar
bear. All of these demographic criteria are likely met
currently for the Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion,
as well as for others; the concern is that they will
not continue to be met as climate-driven sea-ice
loss increases, which is why polar bears were listed.
Thus, the evaluation of the demographic criteria
needs to assess whether they will continue to be
met over the next 100 years. Second, survival and
recruitment (the first two demographic criteria)
may be density-dependent, that is, they naturally
decrease as the population size approaches carrying
capacity. Thus, a threshold value for those rates is
meaningless unless it is associated with a particular
population density. Here, we have chosen to estab-
lish these criteria in reference to the mnpl, which is
the population size, relative to the carrying capacity
at a point in time, that produces the highest net
annual production, assuming removals are unbiased
with regard to age and sex. This is a particularly
practical reference point because for polar bear
populations that are managed to be near mnpl,
the observed survival and recruitment rates can
be compared directly to the criteria. Third, for any
populations that are subject to direct human-caused
removals, the survival rate will be the product of
both the survival rate in the absence of anthropo-
genic take and the survival rate associated with
those removals, taking into account the sex and age
composition of the population and of the removals.
The survival rate in Demographic Criterion 1 refers
to the survival rate in the absence of removals, and
hence encompasses non-anthropogenic mortality;
the total take rate in Demographic Criterion 4 refers
to anthropogenic mortality.
The demographic criteria listed above are stated
in terms of average values of the true underlying
rates, not annual rates. Annual variation around
these mean values is expected; the criteria require
that the mean values of those stochastic processes
be above the indicated thresholds. Using average
values assumes that potential future change in how
much the rates vary from year-to-year will not, in
itself, have a meaningful effect on persistence. Also
the demographic criteria were derived assuming
a perfect ability to estimate them; the empirical
precision needed has not yet been developed. If the
demographic rates are measured or forecast with
considerable error, then it is possible to think that
the criteria have been achieved when the true values
do not, in fact, meet the criteria or, vice versa, to
think that the criteria have not been achieved when,
in fact, they have. The risk due to sampling error
has not been directly incorporated into the interpre-
tation of these criteria, but that consideration should
be evaluated carefully whenever a population status
assessment is made, and could be incorporated into
a future revision of this Plan.
The estimation of annual and mean rates for three
of the four demographic parameters (survival,
recruitment, and take rates) can be conducted with
monitoring programs that are already in place in
several polar bear subpopulations, including the
Southern Beaufort Sea. These programs currently
involve the marking and recapturing of individual
bears over time. Note, however, that the existing
monitoring programs are focused at the subpopula-
tion level but the ESA demographic criteria are
focused at the recovery unit level; research will be
needed to understand how to make inference at the
recovery unit level from data at the subpopulation
level (Regehr et al. 2015). The estimation of the
fourth demographic parameter, carrying capacity,
is notoriously challenging, because the link between
habitat variables and population responses is often
poorly understood. Modern statistical methods
(known as “hierarchical models”) provide a way to
estimate “latent” parameters like carrying capacity,
by integrating survival, recruitment, harvest,
habitat, and population size data into a single
statistical framework (Royle and Dorazio 2008). If
such a statistical model is developed for polar bears,
it can then be linked to forecasts of the habitat
variables (Durner et al. 2009) to provide the current
and projected estimates of carrying capacity needed
for Demographic Criterion 3.
As noted above, these demographic criteria should
be subject to periodic revision as new information
becomes available to inform their derivation.
28 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
Because of this, use of the demographic criteria is
not a substitute for development of a full population
viability analysis for evaluation of the fundamental
recovery criteria. Such development will allow both
refinement of the demographic criteria as well as
direct evaluation of the fundamental criteria.
ESA threats-based criteria
The ESA threats-based recovery criteria are
derived from the fundamental and demographic
recovery criteria described above, but are stated
with regards to the threats to the species, so that
they correspond to the listing factors described in
the ESA (16 USC§1533(a)) and facilitate achieve-
ment of the demographic criteria. The listing rule
for polar bears identified one threat, loss of sea ice,
under Factor (A) “threatened destruction…of its
habitat.” The rule also acknowledged, under Factor
(D) “inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms,”
that “there are no known regulatory mechanisms
in place at the national or international level that
directly and effectively address the primary threat
to polar bears—the range-wide loss of sea-ice
habitat” (73 FR 28288). In what follows, we discuss
threats-based recovery criteria in 3 categories: those
threats that were identified in the listing rule and
are currently an impediment to recovery (sea-ice
loss); those potential threats that are not currently
an impediment to recovery, but could become
impediments before the threats in the first category
are addressed; and those potential threats that
could become an issue in the future, but are of more
distant concern at this time. We develop threats-
based recovery criteria for the first two categories,
but not the third, noting that future revisions of this
Plan will need to revisit the proximity and severity
of threats and potential threats in all categories.
As with the demographic recovery criteria, the scale
of the threats-based criteria is the recovery unit. To
meet the ESA recovery criteria, the demographic
and threats-based recovery criteria need to be met
for each recovery unit.
Sea ice and terrestrial habitat. The primary threat
to polar bears is loss of its sea-ice habitat, driven
by Arctic warming. In some subpopulations, the
physiological and demographic effects of longer
ice-free periods are already evident (Regehr et al.
2007, 2010; Rode et al. 2014; Bromaghin et al. 2015)
and polar bears already have exhibited behavioral
responses to longer ice-free periods, spending
more time on land during the summer (Fischbach
et al. 2007; Schliebe et al. 2008; Rode et al. 2015;
Atwood et al. 2016). Given the predicted increase
in ice-free periods, these behavioral changes are
anticipated to increase and are expected to lead to
an increase in population-level demographic effects
in the future. In the long term, recovery of polar
bears will require measures to address the loss of
sea ice (climate change mitigation); in the mid-term,
recovery may also require attention to conservation
of the terrestrial habitats polar bears use during the
ice-free months. While there could be some trade-off
among these efforts, such that greater terrestrial
conservation might allow for achieving recovery
of polar bears with lesser climate mitigation than
otherwise would be needed, the most critical aspect
is that polar bears are able to maintain adequate
access to prey resources. Both aspects of this threat
(sea ice and terrestrial habitat) are discussed below:
a specific criterion is offered for sea ice; develop-
ment of a criterion for terrestrial habitat will require
more research.
In three of the four recovery units (Polar Basin
Divergent, Polar Basin Convergent, Archipelago,
Fig. 2), the annual ice-free period has historically
been short and polar bears have had potential access
to seals nearly uninterrupted year-round. But for
one of the recovery units (Seasonal Ice, Fig. 2),
polar bears have historically coped with an ice-free
summer during which they had reduced access to
prey. There is empirical evidence that the potential
for fasting mortality may increase after 120 days
(Lunn and Stirling 1985; Molnár et al. 2010, 2014;
Robbins et al. 2012; Cherry et al. 2013), thus, we
assume that polar bears, given sufficient access
to prey during other times of year, are capable
of persisting with an average ice-free period of 4
months or less. It is possible that polar bears can
persist with a longer ice-free period than 4 months,
or could do so if they made adaptations (e.g., altered
seasonal migration, alternative food sources). To
achieve recovery in a recovery unit, we would either
need to have evidence that the ice-free period was
going to remain 4 months or less, or evidence that
the ice-free period was going to stabilize at some-
thing longer than 4 months and that polar bears
were able to persist at that longer ice-free period.
ESA Threats-based Criterion 1 (sea ice): In
each recovery unit, either (a) the average
annual ice-free period is expected not to
exceed 4 months over the next 100 years based
on model projections using the best available
climate science, or (b) the average annual
ice-free period is expected to stabilize at longer
than 4 months over the next 100 years based
on model predictions using the best available
climate science, and there is evidence that
polar bears in that recovery unit can meet ESA
Demographic Criteria 1, 2, and 3 under that
longer ice-free period.
In making this assessment, the focus is on the area
of seasonal or permanent sea ice supporting prey
resources that underlie the carrying capacity of
a recovery unit. An ice-free month is defined as a
month during which less than 50% of the relevant
area of sea is covered by sea ice with more than
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 29
III. Management Goals and Criteria
50% ice concentration (based on monthly average
sea-ice concentration, or for more than 15 days if
based on daily sea-ice data). In addition to aligning
with the timeframe of the fundamental recovery
criteria, a 100-year period is used to allow long-term
feedbacks in the climate system to stabilize and to
average over short-term (decadal-scale) oscillations
associated with natural climate variability (Kay et al.
2011, Lovejoy 2014). The assessment of the stability
of the ice-free period in part (b) above should
accommodate the expectation that uncertainties in
100-year forcing scenarios and differences among
model ensembles may produce some forecasts with
subtle increases in the length of the ice-free period
(i.e., of no more than 1 month over 100 years), which
we accept as indistinguishable from “stable.”
These criteria may change in future revisions of
the Plan as more is learned about polar bears, their
habitat requirements, the availability of alternate
prey, and how polar bears and their prey populations
respond to diminishing sea ice. The sea-ice criteria
use model projections of sea ice extent as a proxy
for the amount of time polar bears will be forced
ashore or away from sea ice over shelf waters during
summer in the future. How an ice-free month is
defined underpins the proxy’s efficacy, and the
definition should be revised as more is learned about
what sea-ice conditions best predict when polar
bears arrive and depart from land, and how those
relationships differ in different recovery units.
Assessments of future sea-ice conditions should
be made using projections from an ensemble of
state-of-the-art, fully coupled, general circulation
models (GCMs) (Harris et al. 2014). Each model
in the ensemble should possess reasonable ability
to simulate past observations of seasonal sea-ice
dynamics (Wang and Overland 2009, Massonnet et
al. 2012). For projecting future sea-ice conditions,
the GCMs should be forced with one or more
scenarios that depict plausible levels of forcing for a
baseline future in which no presumptions are made
about greenhouse gas mitigation practices that have
not yet been adopted into law or that do not already
show empirical evidence of adoption. What consti-
tutes the baseline will hopefully change over time as
nations enact changes to stabilize global warming,
and future assessments should reflect these changes.
If more than one baseline forcing scenario is deemed
plausible, the sea-ice criteria should be evaluated
using projections from an unbiased representation
of the competing scenarios. Each model should be
represented by an equivalent number of realizations
(model runs), preferably more than one.
Using projections of future sea ice from climate
models assumes that the primary limiting feature
of the environment for polar bears is the sea-ice
platform itself, and that if the platform is stabilized
then polar bears will have adequate access to prey
(primarily ice seals). It is conceivable that changes
to the environment could alter the seal populations
and distributions so that even if the ice platform
were stabilized, polar bears would not have access
to suitable prey. Future status assessments should
consider prey abundance and prey availability and
reevaluate the assumption that sea ice is the sole
limiting factor for polar bear access to prey.
Although polar bears in several of the recovery
units have historically spent the majority of their
life on the sea ice, land has been and is increasingly
becoming important for denning and as a summer
refuge (Kochnev 2002, Ovsyanikov 2012, Fischbach
et al. 2007, Rode et al. 2015, Atwood et al. 2016).
Given that the extent of summer sea ice is projected
to decline through the 21st century (Overland and
Wang 2013, Barnhart et al. 2016), terrestrial habitat
is likely to become an increasingly important refuge
for polar bears. The ability of bears to maintain
access to terrestrial denning areas without compro-
mising foraging opportunities pre- and post-denning
may be an important factor determining whether
reproduction and cub survival is affected by sea-ice
loss (Derocher et al. 2004). This distributional
change may also have ramifications for the status
of the polar bear recovery units if use of terrestrial
habitat has fitness or genetic implications.
While ice habitat is critical to the ability of polar
bears to access their prey, protection of denning and
summering habitats is and may become increasingly
important in supporting the long-term persistence
of polar bears, including in the Polar Basin Diver-
gent Ecoregion. Increased use of land is likely to
heighten the risk of human-bear interactions and
conflicts, particularly if anthropogenic activity in
the Arctic increases as projected (e.g., Vongraven et
al. 2012), the human population in the Arctic grows,
and management of attractants to polar bears is not
improved. Moreover, an expanding anthropogenic
footprint has the potential to influence the spatial
distribution, connectivity, and quality of lands that
might serve as terrestrial refugia for polar bears.
Currently, access to usable terrestrial habitats is
probably not compromised for polar bears, but
there is insufficient data at this time to formalize
the criteria required to protect terrestrial habitat.
Further monitoring is needed of any potential
threats to polar bear terrestrial habitat use and
availability, and the effects those threats may have
on population vital rates.
The 2008 rule listing the polar bear as a threatened
species under the ESA acknowledged that there
were no known regulatory mechanisms in place at
the national or international level that directly and
effectively addressed the primary threat to polar
bears–-the rangewide loss of sea-ice habitat (73
FR 28288). Although Parties to the UNFCCC met
regularly to negotiate efforts to curb global green-
30 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
house gas emissions and temper the threats posed
by continued global warming, their efforts lacked
broad international consensus and commitment.
Meanwhile, global CO
emissions have increased
60% over the past 25 years (Jackson et al. 2016),
leading some to conclude that a warming climate of
2 degrees C or more above the pre-industrial level
is unavoidable (Sanford et al. 2014). The agreement
by those Parties to the goal of “holding the increase
in the global average temperature to well below 2°C
above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to
limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C” (Article
2.1(a), United Nations 2015) represents an impor-
tant step towards establishing a credible regulatory
mechanism designed to address the primary threat
to polar bears.
To keep net global warming well below 2°C, global
greenhouse emissions must be promptly and aggres-
sively reduced. Under a scenario of aggressive
GHG mitigation, Amstrup et al. (2010) forecasted
that polar bears in most regions of the Arctic could
have healthy populations if accompanied by full
implementation of well-designed wildlife manage-
ment. Atwood et al. (2016) forecasted a dominant
likelihood of greatly reduced polar bear populations
in two recovery units (the Polar Basin Divergent and
Seasonal Ice Ecoregions) based on contemporary
climate models forced with an aggressively miti-
gated emissions scenario (RCP 2.6). Nevertheless,
end-of-century model projections of sea ice under
the RCP 2.6 scenario show a likelihood that polar
bear populations could summer onshore for 4 or
fewer months in parts of all recovery units (Fig.
3), thus achieving Threats-based Criterion 1 (sea
ice), albeit with the possibility of greatly reduced
population sizes in some areas. And, since most
climate models do not project that the Arctic Ocean
will become entirely ice-free under the RCP 2.6
emissions scenario (Hezel et al. 2014), some polar
bears might adopt an alternative strategy (if viable)
of remaining on the sea ice as it retreats during
summer, then exercising an option to migrate
anywhere with abundant prey and sea ice during
Human-caused removals. There are multiple types
of direct, lethal removals of polar bears, including
legal harvest that meets management or conserva-
tion goals, legal harvest that results in overutiliza-
tion or other negative outcomes for management or
conservation, illegal harvest (poaching), authorized
incidental take, human-bear conflicts that result in
the death of polar bears, and polar bears killed as a
direct result of other human activity. In many of the
polar bear subpopulations where data are available,
mortality due to harvest exceeds mortality to
manage human-bear conflict, which exceeds human-
caused mortality from other sources (Shadbolt et al.
The subsistence harvest of polar bears, as repre-
sented by Fundamental Goal 4, was not identified as
a threat to polar bears in the listing rule, and should
not become a threat to recovery so long as harvest
occurs at a rate that has only a small or negligible
effect on the persistence of populations (Atwood
et al. 2016, Regehr et al. 2015). Guidelines for such
a rate for total human-caused removals, including
subsistence harvest, are established under the
MMPA-based demographic criteria associated with
Fundamental Goal 3 and related to Fundamental
Goal 4. In brief, these criteria seek to: (1) identify a
human-caused removal rate that maintains popula-
tions above the mnpl; (2) protect the opportunities
for subsistence harvest by minimizing other lethal
take; and (3) establish co-management of polar bears
by Alaska Native and Federal partners.
The ESA-based criterion for the total level of direct,
lethal removals for polar bears by humans, as
described here, does not replace the MMPA-based
criteria for human-caused removals. Rather, the
ESA-based criterion represents a less protective
take threshold at which removals would compromise
polar bear persistence in relation to Fundamental
Goals 1 and 2 (the MMPA-based criterion addition-
ally requires that take be low enough to allow the
population to stabilize above mnpl). A quantitative
Population Viability Analysis, similar to that used
for estimating demographic criteria, represents
an appropriate tool for evaluating the effects of
total human-caused removals following the tiered
framework proposed below.
The 2008 listing rule found that currently, human-
caused removals “[do] not threaten the polar bear
throughout all or a significant portion of its range”
but that “Continued efforts are necessary to ensure
that harvest or other forms of removal do not exceed
sustainable levels” (73 FR 28280). Provided the
following criterion is met, human-caused removals
will not be considered a “threat” to recovery.
ESA Threats-based Criterion 2 (human-caused
removals): For each recovery unit, the total
level of direct, lethal removals of polar bears
by humans, in conjunction with other factors,
does not reduce the probability of persistence
below 90% over 100 years.
As written, this criterion is largely a recapitulation
of ESA Fundamental Criterion 2 (90% probability
of persistence in each recovery unit), with a focus
on the effect of human-caused removals on the
probability of persistence. In the event that an
appropriate quantitative model is not available to
assess this criterion, it could be evaluated using a
tiered approach:
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 31
III. Management Goals and Criteria
1. Criterion met: Total human-caused removals
are below the removal rate that maintains the
population above mnpl (h), as defined under ESA
Demographic Criterion 4. Removals at this rate
are likely to have no effect, or a negligible effect,
on persistence. In this case, a population viabil-
ity analysis would not be needed to know this
criterion was met. As noted earlier, this is also
the most likely path to recovery, given the other
motivations in this plan to maintain removals at
or below this level.
2. Criterion possibly met: Total human-caused
removals exceed h but are below the upper
limit described under “Criterion not met.”
Removals within this range could result in
different outcomes, including: removals resulting
in equilibrium population size below mnpl but
with a negligible effect on persistence; removals
leading to a small equilibrium population size,
and therefore either having some negative effect
on persistence over the period of interest or
shortening the median time to extirpation; or
removals that have a high probability of resulting
in population sizes far below mnpl and a signifi-
cant negative effect on persistence. The annual
removal rate and its effects must be balanced
against other Fundamental Goals and threats to
achieve the desired overall level of persistence
as stated in ESA Fundamental Recovery Crite-
rion 2. This is the range in which ESA Demo-
graphic Criterion 4 is not met but recovery is still
possible, provided the other demographic rates
exceed their minimal standards enough to meet
the persistence criterion. If the human-caused
removals in a recovery unit were in this range, a
population viability analysis would be needed to
assess this potential threat.
3. Criterion not met: Total human-caused removals
result in a 10% or greater decrease in the prob-
ability of persistence over 100 years, compared
to a scenario with no removals. At this upper
limit, removals would violate ESA Fundamental
Criterion 2 even in the absence of all other
Additional factors of potential future concern. A
number of other factors, including disease, ship-
ping, oil and gas development, and oil spills, were
evaluated in the 2008 listing rule for polar bears but
not found to be threats; thus, they do not require
threats-based recovery criteria. Further, because the
potential for these factors to become threats in the
future is distant or low enough (Atwood et al. 2016),
they do not warrant development of specific criteria
to indicate when they might become a threat.
At present, exposure to disease and parasites
is not a threat to the persistence of polar bears.
However, data on the exposure of polar bears to
disease agents and parasites are quite limited (i.e.,
restricted almost entirely to the Southern Beaufort
Sea subpopulation), and there is no information on
putative links between disease status and population
vital rates. The lack of information is a concern
given that climate change is expected to have both
direct and indirect effects on disease dynamics in
the Arctic due to changes in host-pathogen associa-
tions, altered transmission dynamics, and host and
pathogen resistance (Burek et al. 2008). Concern is
exacerbated by the fact that polar bears have a naïve
immune system (Weber et al. 2013), which may make
them particularly vulnerable to new pathogens, and
greater time on land during ice-free summers may
increase exposure to new pathogens. Thus although
the best available science currently indicates that
disease and parasites are not a threat to polar bears
(Atwood et al. 2016), periodic monitoring of polar
bear health (to include exposure to disease agents,
pollutants, and contaminants) is warranted.
With regard to the other factors, the continued
decline of summer sea ice will allow greater human
access to the Arctic Ocean, increasing the prospect
of oil and gas exploration and development (Gautier
et al. 2009) and the opening of new shipping routes
(Smith and Stephenson 2013). There are a number
of hypothesized ways this increased activity could
affect polar bears, but perhaps the greatest risk is
through exposure to oil spills, because even minimal
ingestion of oil by polar bears can be lethal (St.
Aubin 1990). Other activities, like coastal patrol,
research, and commercial fishing, could also increase
with the decline of summer sea ice. But, changing
ice conditions have only recently allowed increased
human activities in the Arctic Ocean and limited
information exists to predict how polar bear popula-
tions would respond to increased human activity
(Peacock et al. 2011, Vongraven et al. 2012). The
current partnerships in the United States between
industry and natural resource management agencies
have led to successful mitigation efforts that have
limited disturbance to denning bears and reduced
the number of bears killed in defense of life, and are
likely to continue to do so in the near future. While
monitoring of these potential avenues of stress
to polar bears is warranted, these factors do not
require threats-based criteria at this time. In future
updates to this Plan, however, these factors should
be reevaluated.
32 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
D. Other Measures of Achievement
Fundamental Goals 4, 5, and 6 are not derived
directly from statute, but instead are included
because they are expressions of other societal values
that could be affected by polar bear management.
Performance requirements do not need to be
prescribed for these goals (as they do for ESA
recovery criteria and MMPA conservation criteria).
It is important, however, to measure achievement
of these goals, particularly to provide an adaptive
feedback loop for improving future conservation
actions. The following three measurement scales
provide quantitative expressions of these Funda-
mental Goals.
Fundamental Goal 4, measurement scale: Cumula-
tive take (all human-caused removals) level over
the next 50 years for each subpopulation that
includes parts of Alaska. The cumulative take level
over the next 50 years represents the opportunity
for subsistence harvest by multiple generations
of Alaska Natives combined with other forms of
human-removal. We strive to ensure sustainable
continued harvest opportunities, although providing
the opportunity does not require that the take
actually occurs at the full level specified under
MMPA Demographic Criterion 2. Note that harvest
management under the guidelines of this Plan may
include ongoing harvest—even for populations
that are declining due to environmental effects—as
long as the harvest is responsibly managed (in
accordance with the MMPA Demographic Criterion
2) and does not in itself become a driver of declining
ability to secure long-term persistence.
Fundamental Goal 5, measurement scale: Number
of human/bear conflicts in Alaska that result in
injury or death to humans or bears. With decreas-
ing sea ice, we anticipate an increase in the number
of bears onshore and an increase in human activities
in the Arctic. This combination will likely result in
an increase in human-bear encounters. To ensure
that the measurement scale actually reflects the
effectiveness of conservation efforts in improving
human safety, monitoring of additional variables
associated with human-bear encounters will be
needed to provide context.
Fundamental Goal 6, measurement scale: Econom-
ic impacts of polar bear management actions,
where “economic impacts” means additional cost
(direct expense, indirect expense, lost or foregone
opportunity, additional time) associated with a
specific action. This goal acknowledges that while
our primary goal is polar bear conservation, we
recognize the need for compatible economic activity
in the United States Arctic. The measurement
scale provides a means to consider whether and
how potential conservation strategies and actions
may affect economic development, both locally and
globally. This allows a more explicit consideration
of the trade-offs between economic development
and conservation actions, to seek solutions in which
economic development does not undermine the
ability to achieve recovery and conservation of polar
bears, and in which conservation does not unneces-
sarily limit economic development.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 33
III. Management Goals and Criteria
E. The Population Dynamics of Conservation, Recovery, and Harvest
If we are successful in achieving the criteria
described in this Plan, what will conservation and
recovery of polar bears look like? The conserva-
tion criteria under the MMPA and the recovery
criteria under the ESA are not stated in terms of
desired population sizes, because conservation and
recovery could be achieved at different population
levels. Instead, the criteria are stated in terms of
demographic processes (e.g., persistence, survival,
reproduction, carrying capacity, anthropogenic
mortality) that link back to the fundamental goals
for polar bears, several of which were framed in
terms of probability of persistence. The concepts
behind the demographic processes may be unfamil-
iar to some readers, so it is fair to ask, what would
conservation and recovery look like? Why do all of
these criteria add up to fulfillment of the obligations
under MMPA and ESA? And how is it that harvest
can be compatible with conservation and recovery?
A picture of conservation
As described above, the proposed MMPA criteria
seek two things: to maintain the health and stability
of the marine ecosystem, as reflected in the intrinsic
growth rate and carrying capacity for polar bears,
above a certain level; and to maintain each polar
bear subpopulation above its maximum net produc-
tivity level. The first MMPA criterion indicates
that there is a limit to the loss of carrying capacity
that can occur before the stability of the marine
ecosystem is lost and polar bears would cease to be
a significant functioning element of the ecosystem
(Fig. 6, scenario 1). The threshold described in this
Plan indicates that a substantial portion (70%) of
the historical carrying capacity must be maintained
(where “historical” carrying capacity refers to the
carrying capacity in the decades preceding enact-
ment of the MMPA). If a declining carrying capacity
Key Terms
Carrying capacity. The size at which a
population would stabilize if there were no direct
anthropogenic removals. The carrying capacity
can change over time, if the underlying habitat
Stable ecosystem threshold. The threshold for
carrying capacity identified in MMPA Conserva-
tion Criterion 1 below which the stability of the
marine ecosystem is unacceptably altered.
Intrinsic growth rate. The population growth
rate in the absence of anthropogenic removals
and at low density. This is the potential growth
rate, not the observed growth rate, and is an
important measure of the resilience of a popula-
Maximum net productivity level. The popula-
tion size at which the net growth in the popula-
tion (births minus non-anthropogenic deaths) is
greatest. Under the interpretation used in this
Plan, mnpl changes in proportion to carrying
Quasi-extinction floor. The threshold for
evaluating “extinction” under the ESA in this
Plan. Rather than use outright extinction as the
condition to be avoided, we are using a more
conservative definition that avoids the conditions
that might give rise to an unavoidable downward
spiral. If a population crosses below this
threshold, it has ceased to persist, for purposes
of assessment under the ESA.
34 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
stabilizes and is expected to remain stabilized above
the threshold associated with a stable ecosystem,
then the first criterion is met (Fig. 6, scenario 3).
This criterion does not require that the historical
carrying capacity (Fig. 6, scenario 3, black line) be
maintained, but rather that the decrease in carry-
ing capacity is limited and ultimately stabilized;
the historical carrying capacity is nevertheless
a valuable reference point for understanding
the extent of decrease in carrying capacity and
associated ecosystem stability. Note that the first
criterion concerns the carrying capacity, not the
population size (which may be below the carrying
capacity because of human-caused removals); if the
population size drops below the threshold, but the
carrying capacity does not, the criterion is still met,
although some thoughtful consideration of the level
of take might be prompted. In the absence of global
Figure 6. Achieving the MMPA conservation criteria requires keeping carrying capacity above the stable ecosystem
threshold, and keeping the population between mnpl and carrying capacity. Scenario 1 (red) shows the trend over
time of a subpopulation with well-managed take, but in an ecosystem that loses nearly all capacity to support polar
bears; this is the expectation for polar bears in most subpopulations if the threat of climate change is not abated.
Scenario 2 (purple) shows the trend over time of a subpopulation with unsustainable levels of take, which cause the
population size to decline below mnpl and may decrease population viability. Scenario 3 (green) shows the trend
over time of a subpopulation with well-managed take and an ecosystem that stabilizes before it reaches the point at
which the health and stability are lost, even though a portion of the original carrying capacity is lost. The black line
in scenario 3 provides a reference to the carrying capacity in the absence of an anthropogenic effect on polar bear
habitat. This figure is a simplification for the purpose of illustration; assessment of the criteria will also need to take
into account annual variation, precision of estimates, and other considerations.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 35
III. Management Goals and Criteria
efforts to abate the causes and effects of climate
change, scenario 1 is the expectation for polar bears
in most subpopulations; substantial worldwide effort
would be needed to turn scenario 1 into scenario 3.
Achievement of this goal is the most important and
ambitious aim of this Plan.
The second MMPA criterion addresses the level of
human-caused removals of polar bears. The maxi-
mum net productivity level (mnpl) is the population
size at which the net productivity (birth and survival
of juveniles to adulthood, minus deaths of adults) is
greatest; for polar bears, this is estimated to occur
at about 70% of the carrying capacity (Regehr et al.
2015). We have interpreted the mnpl as proportional
to the carrying capacity at any point in time (Fig.
6)—as carrying capacity declines, so does the
population size at which productivity is highest.
If human-caused removals exceed the allowable
rate, the population will decrease below mnpl
(Fig. 6, scenario 2). If all human-caused removals,
including subsistence take, are well-managed, then
the population size should remain between mnpl
and carrying capacity (Fig. 6, scenarios 1 and 3).
To do this requires adjusting the total take as the
population size declines, as the intrinsic growth rate
declines, or both.
Thus, scenario 3 (green) in Figure 6 shows a picture
of successful achievement of both MMPA conserva-
tion criteria developed in this Plan. This picture,
however, is not the current expectation for most of
the subpopulations worldwide. The second MMPA
criterion (maintenance of mnpl) is not a primary
concern, because the United States will continue
to work with its partners to maintain the Southern
Beaufort and Chukchi Sea populations above
mnpl, and because processes exist, or are being
initiated by the individual Range States, to manage
human-caused removals in many of the other
subpopulations. On the other hand, in all four of the
ecoregions, significant loss of carrying capacity is
expected as the extent, thickness, and duration of
sea ice decline (Atwood et al. 2016). Although the
specific analyses have not been completed against
the first MMPA criterion (ecosystem health and
stability), the best scientific information available
suggests that in at least three of four ecoregions,
this criterion is not expected to be met within 50–100
years (e.g., scenario 1 in Fig. 6). Thus, to achieve
the conservation purposes of the MMPA for polar
bears, global actions need to be taken to reduce the
long-term loss of sea ice to tolerable levels, while
responsibly managing all forms of human-caused
removal, including subsistence harvest.
A picture of recovery
The ESA criteria described above fundamentally
seek a high degree of assurance that viable popula-
tions of polar bears (as defined for the purposes of
this Plan) will persist in all four ecoregions for a
long period of time. To achieve such assurance, three
important qualities of the populations are needed:
resilience, buffering, and limited removals. Resil-
ience arises when the intrinsic population growth
is high, so that the population can quickly rebound
from any short-term decline; such resilience comes
from having high survival and reproductive rates
(ESA Demographic Criteria 1 and 2). A high
carrying capacity buffers the population from the
risk that natural variation will cause it to decline
to unacceptable low levels (ESA Demographic
Criterion 3). Finally, human-caused removals (for
any purpose, including defense-of-life and subsis-
tence) remove some of the resilience (by reducing
the survival rate), so they must be limited (ESA
Demographic Criterion 4). To assure long-term
persistence, these criteria not only need to be met at
the time of assessment, but also at all points in time
going forward 100 years from that point.
Currently, polar bears do not meet these criteria in
at least three ecoregions (Seasonal Ice, Polar Basin
Divergent, and Polar Basin Convergent). Based on
forecasts of atmospheric gases, Arctic air and sea
temperatures, and sea-ice extent, polar bear popula-
tions are expected to decline to small fractions
of their historical population sizes (Atwood et al.
2016). The red line in Figure 7 shows a hypothetical
scenario that roughly matches the expectation for
one or two of the ecoregions (including the Polar
Basin Divergent ecoregion)—as sea ice is lost, the
population will decline precipitously, crossing below
the threshold at which the dynamics of small popula-
tions take over. These dynamics include demograph-
ic stochasticity, Allee effects, and inbreeding, which
may create an “extinction vortex” that leads to
nearly inescapable extinction. The population level
at which these small population dynamics take over
is called the quasi-extinction floor and represents
failure—the effective loss of bears in an ecoregion.
To achieve recovery, the forecast trend needs to
be changed, so that the population is expected to
remain safely buffered above the quasi-extinction
floor. In most species that have recovered under the
ESA (e.g., wolves, bald eagles, peregrine falcons),
the trajectory looked like the blue line in Figure 7:
the species showed a substantial decline; the species
was listed under the ESA, often as the population
approached a perilous point; recovery actions were
implemented and the population trend turned
around; then delisting occurred when the long-term
prognosis was secure. But note that recovery under
the ESA did not necessarily return these species
to historical levels, only to levels that assured the
species no longer needed the protection of the ESA.
Polar bears were listed at a much earlier stage
because the primary threat, loss of sea ice, could be
foreseen in advance. With this advanced notice, we
have the potential opportunity to achieve recovery
without ever approaching perilously low numbers
36 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
(green line, Fig. 7). Although we would, of course,
prefer never to see a decline in polar bear numbers,
if we can turn the red line in Figure 7 (the current
status, with projected declines) into the green line,
we will have achieved a huge conservation success,
and polar bears would no longer need the protection
of the ESA.
The ESA criteria in this Plan add up to recovery.
Achievement of the demographic criteria would
indicate that the populations in each ecoregion were
resilient, and would remain so for a long period of
time. The carrying capacity criterion, coupled with
considerations of distribution and connectivity,
would ensure enough redundancy within each
ecoregion to buffer against the effects of environ-
mental variability and catastrophic events. The
achievement of these criteria in all four recovery
units would confer representation, ensuring that
the genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological
diversity of polar bears is conserved. Achievement
of the threats-based criteria would indicate that
the threats that led to listing had been addressed.
Finally, achievement of the fundamental criteria
indicates that the likelihood of becoming endangered
had been reduced to the point that polar bears no
longer needed the protections of the ESA. While it
may seem counterintuitive that all of this might be
achieved while still losing a substantial portion of the
present population, this is a consequence of having
been able to list polar bears early enough to address
a long-term threat. Reflection on past successful
recovery efforts shows that rather than a return to
historical levels, the ESA strives to reduce threats
to the point that the species is not in danger of
extinction, nor likely to become so in the foreseeable
future, throughout all or a significant portion of its
range. For many species, recovery can be achieved
at less than historical population levels.
The compatibility of harvest with conservation and
It is not unusual to authorize incidental take of a
species protected under either the MMPA or the
ESA, and the standards for such authorization are
well described and well implemented. It is, however,
much less common to purposefully seek to harvest
species that need the protections of the ESA or
the MMPA, but it does occur in a small number of
special cases. Subsistence harvest of polar bears
for a variety of cultural and nutritional purposes
Figure 7. Achieving ESA recovery criteria requires keeping the population level high enough that there is a low
chance of ever crossing below the quasi-extinction floor. Three hypothetical scenarios show population response to a
substantial loss of habitat. Recovery occurs when the threats are adequately ameliorated and available information
indicates with a high degree of confidence that the population will not drop below the quasi-extinction floor. This
requires resilience in the population (high potential growth rate) as well as a buffer (carrying capacity far enough
above the floor), but does not require the population to return to historical levels. The green and blue lines depict
hypothetical species trajectories where adequate management of threats occurs, stopping the decline and resulting in
stability, either without (green) or with (blue) the need for some restoration, whereas the red line depicts a situation
where threats are not ameliorated and the species’ status deteriorates until extinction occurs.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Listed (threatened)andnotrecovered
Quasiextinction floor
Recovered(threats avertedearlier)
Recovered(threatsaverted later)
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 37
III. Management Goals and Criteria
is a central tradition for Alaska Native people, as
well as other native Arctic peoples. The ESA and
MMPA both recognize the importance of subsistence
harvest for Alaska Native people. In fact, both
laws allow certain subsistence harvest by Alaska
Native people even when a species is “threatened”
or “depleted.” In this Plan, we recognize continued
subsistence harvest as a fundamental goal associ-
ated with polar bear conservation and recovery. We
also provide conditions for harvest to ensure: under
the ESA, that harvest does not appreciably reduce
the likelihood of survival or recovery; and under the
MMPA, that harvest does not affect our ability to
achieve the conservation goals of the Act.
The guidelines for harvest management described
in Section IV.b of this Plan outline a three-level
framework for implementation at the subpopulation
level (Fig. 8). The central idea of this framework is
that harvest opportunity can be maintained if its
management is sensitive to any changes in popula-
tion size, intrinsic growth rate, or carrying capacity.
The three zones arise out of an effort to balance the
Fundamental Goals of this Plan. In the green zone,
the opportunity for subsistence harvest (Funda-
mental Goal 4) dominates the management of take,
because the conservation goals (Fundamental Goals
1–3) are not facing near-term risk. In the red zone,
the conservation goals (Fundamental Goals 1–3)
dominate the management of take because threats
to the species have become severe, and thus, harvest
opportunity needs to be curtailed. In the yellow
zone, we seek a balance of the two sets of goals, with
continuation of some degree of harvest opportunity
while watching the conservation status carefully.
The concepts underlying this framework for
management of human-caused removals are founded
in harvest theory (Wade 1998, Runge et al. 2009)
and a careful consideration of polar bear population
dynamics. Appendix C provides the scientific basis
for managing harvest opportunity in a manner
compatible with the conservation and recovery of a
species that is expected to decline in the near- and
Figure 8. Three-level framework for management of polar bear take. In the green zone, the maximum number of
annual removals is proportional to the population size, with the proportion (the rate) sensitive to any changes in the
intrinsic rate of growth of the population. In the yellow zone, additional efforts are warranted, including consideration
of increased monitoring effort, reduction of defense-of-life or other removals, and reduction in subsistence harvest. In
the red zone, emergency measures to reduce or minimize all human-caused removals are recommended. In all three
zones, the colored region represents the range of removal rates that meet the conservation guidelines of this Plan;
the local choice of where to fall within those bounds can take into account the specific context of the subpopulation.
Removals are not a threat
to the sub-population
are a threat
Work hard to make sure
removals do not become
a threat
38 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
III. Management Goals and Criteria
F. Uncertainty, Assumptions, and the Need for Adaptive Feedback and
The links between the tiers of criteria in this
framework are based on our current understanding
of polar bear demography and threats, which is
incomplete. Thus, in deriving demographic criteria,
assumptions and uncertainty about the demographic
processes (such as regarding Allee effects), the
means and variances of the survival and reproduc-
tive rates, the mechanism and magnitude of density-
dependence, and the role of density-independent
drivers of change give rise to uncertainty about the
demographic criteria. Likewise, the derivation of
threats-based criteria is affected by various types
of uncertainty, such as: uncertainty regarding the
nature, mechanism, and magnitude of the various
threats; uncertainty about the behavioral responses
of polar bears to changing conditions in the marine
ecosystem, such as prey base, denning conditions,
and other effects of climate change; uncertainty in
the trajectory of sea ice as driven by climate change;
and uncertainty in climate forecasts themselves. We
recognize there are other gaps in knowledge that
add to scientific uncertainty. Even if there is strong
policy certainty about the fundamental criteria, the
demographic and threats-based criteria might be
less certain, because of the scientific uncertainty
inherent in their derivation. We also acknowledge
policy uncertainty in the establishment of the
fundamental criteria themselves.
The standards established in this Plan, however,
meet the statutory requirements of the MMPA and
ESA and will result in conservation and recovery,
even in the face of the uncertainties described
above. To achieve the statutory requirements in the
face of uncertainty, we needed to err on the side of
conservation and recovery of polar bears, possibly
at the cost of other fundamental goals. If and when
uncertainties are resolved, it is more likely than
not that the conservation and recovery criteria
can become less demanding, allowing even better
achievement of the other goals.
For these reasons, this Plan should be viewed as
dynamic, not static, and the criteria should be
revised over time as new data are acquired and
critical scientific and policy uncertainties are
reduced or resolved. The fundamental criteria could
be revised if policy insights arise. Depending on
the nature of any changes that may be made in the
fundamental criteria, the demographic criteria may
change. Further, even if the fundamental criteria
do not change, the demographic criteria may be
fine-tuned as new scientific information increases
our understanding of polar bear population dynam-
ics. The threats-based criteria will likely be subject
to revision as new data help us understand the
nature of the current and emerging threats and
the responses of polar bear populations to them.
Any changes to the demographic and threats-based
criteria will remain founded in the fundamental
It is the intent of this Plan to use an adaptive
management approach to revise and update the
fundamental goals, conservation criteria, and
recovery criteria, as well as various assumptions
underlying our analyses, as new scientific and policy
information becomes available that demonstrates
such revisions are appropriate. By using such an
adaptive feedback approach, we will be able to
identify triggers for such revisions to conservation
and recovery criteria and, therefore, maintain
transparency and support for any modifications.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 39
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
A. Collaborative Implementation
Implementation of the Conservation Management
Plan will rely on the participation of Alaska Native,
Local, State, Federal, Range States, and private
partners with a vested interest in polar bears in the
Alaskan Arctic. This strategy primarily focuses on
the actions within the purview of the partners who
developed this Plan; however, in the long term the
recovery and conservation of polar bears will depend
on actions taken by a much larger group of nations,
agencies, companies, entities, and individuals to
address the primary threat, as well as potential
future threats. With the exception of management
of atmospheric greenhouse gases, which requires
global engagement, this Plan addresses the actions
that can be taken under the jurisdiction of partners
in the Alaskan Arctic with an interest in polar bears.
Thus, in the text to follow, “we” refers to those
agencies and entities who will be primarily involved
in its implementation. This Plan focuses mostly on
actions needed to conserve and recover the polar
bear subpopulations linked to the United States. It
was generally not practicable to develop conserva-
tion and recovery actions for the subpopulations
outside of the United States. Given the autonomy
and unique statutory and cultural considerations of
individual Range States, developing actions beyond
what is included in this Plan would not promote the
conservation and survival of the species. However,
this Plan will be part of the Circumpolar Action Plan
for polar bears that was developed by the five Range
States with the goal of achieving polar bear conser-
vation rangewide. In addition, there are actions
outside the context of this Plan that the United
States government may undertake bilaterally or
multilaterally to advance polar bear conservation
A Recovery Implementation Team will be created
to coordinate implementation, monitoring, and
research activities to maximize efficiency and
effectiveness with available resources. The Imple-
mentation Team will evaluate progress toward the
criteria identified in Section III of this Plan and
will make recommendations regarding appropriate
adaptive management. It will serve as a venue
for the exchange of data, ideas, and information
among agencies, Native communities, entities, and
interested parties. In turn, it will make summaries
available to the public.
The Implementation Team will be composed of
representatives from Alaska Native, State, Federal,
International, and private agencies and entities
with a vested interest in and authority to manage
for polar bear conservation. The majority of the
focus of the Implementation Team will be on the
Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion, specifically the
two United States subpopulations. Recognizing
that recovery of polar bears requires effort in
each ecoregion, however, the USFWS will remain
active in implementing the 1973 Agreement on
the Conservation of Polar Bears and the 2000
Agreement with the Government of the Russian
Federation on the Conservation and Management
of the Alaska-Chukotka Polar Bear Population.
Similarly, the USFWS will remain an advisor to
the Inuvialuit-Inupiat Polar Bear Management
Agreement for management of polar bears in the
Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation and will
welcome opportunities to engage with Canada under
the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding for the
Conservation and Management of Shared Polar
Bear Populations.
The Implementation Team will consist of an Execu-
tive Committee that will provide overall guidance
on Plan implementation and be broadly responsible
for leading the Team by sharing and promoting the
exchange of data and information on: Alaska polar
bear populations and their habitat; threats; and
ongoing management, monitoring, and research
activities. The Executive Committee will produce
reports at least every two years highlighting
ongoing activities and tracking progress toward
the fundamental, demographic, and threats-based
criteria. The Executive Committee is not a decision-
making body, although it may provide recommenda-
tions to member agencies and entities on topics
such as priorities, funding, and cooperative projects.
The Executive Committee does not supersede the
authority of the USFWS or other member agencies.
The Executive Committee will establish Working
Groups as needed to address key issues and focus
areas (Fig. 9). Initially, Working Groups will be
created to address the following: (1) Science—
including both monitoring and research; (2) Human-
Polar Bear Interactions; and (3) Communications.
The goal is to have the Science Working Group
focused on the specific monitoring actions to track
the fundamental, demographic, and threats-based
criteria contained in this Plan. The Science Group
will also serve as a forum for exchange of informa-
tion on ongoing and planned research activities and
also to identify priority areas for research initia-
tives into the future. When considering research
opportunities, the Science Working Group will focus
on applied research, with a strong emphasis on
knowledge that will help to achieve the fundamental
goals in this Plan. Both the monitoring and research
aspects of the Science Work Group should appropri-
ately integrate empirical knowledge and Traditional
40 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Ecological Knowledge (Voorhees et al. 2014) and
should support the use of new technologies and
less-invasive methods.
The Working Groups and the Executive Committee
are not entities charged with action. They are
focused on coordinating and making recommenda-
tions. It is ultimately up to the individual agencies,
entities, and organizations themselves to take
actions consistent with their mandates, priorities,
and available resources. For example, a Commu-
nication Working Group may identify a need for
information to be provided to local communities on
deterrence methods for polar bears. Once this need
was identified, the responsible agencies or entities
would inform the Executive Committee whether this
was an action they could implement.
The Communication Working Group will be asked
to work with the Executive Committee to establish
a website to facilitate information exchange within
the Executive Committee as well as with the general
public. In the first five years of its existence, the
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Implementation Team will meet at least twice a year.
The intention is that one meeting will be an annual
assessment focused on documenting activities
conducted and new information made available
over the prior calendar year and looking forward
to planned activities for the upcoming calendar
year. The information on actions and progress in
the United States can then be provided as input to
monitor the Circumpolar Action Plan. A check-in
meeting will be held at approximately the six month
point to assess whether activities have proceeded
as planned and to make adjustments, as necessary
and appropriate. The meetings may occur in person
or by teleconference, as needed. After the first five
years, the Implementation Team should reconsider
the schedule on which it meets. Terms of reference,
appointment letters, and roles and responsibilities
for the Executive Committee and associated
Working Groups will be developed so that they can
be issued along with the final Conservation Manage-
ment Plan. The structure and functions outlined
here may be adjusted as implementation proceeds;
changes will be made to accommodate unanticipated
challenges and needs.
Figure 9. Structure of the Polar Bear Recovery Implementation Team.
Polar Bear Recovery Implementation Team
Recovery Plan Advisor
USFWS Polar Bear Team
Executive Committee
Members: Federal, State, Tribal
Management Agencies
(Chair: USFWS, Alaska Regional Director
or Assistant Regional Director)
Human-Polar Bear
Conflicts Working Group
Communications Working Group
Science Working Group
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 41
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
B. Conservation and Recovery Actions
The following high-priority actions (each explained
in detail below) are necessary to achieve the funda-
mental goals of this Plan:
Limit global atmospheric levels of
greenhouse gases to levels appropriate for
supporting polar bear recovery and conser-
vation, primarily by reducing greenhouse
gas emissions
Support international conservation efforts
through the Range States relationships
Manage human-bear conflicts
Collaboratively manage subsistence harvest
Protect denning habitat
Minimize risks of contamination from spills
Conduct strategic monitoring and research
Aside from actions to promote swift and substantial
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions at the global
and other large scales, the actions above are primar-
ily, but not exclusively, focused on the United States
portion of the Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion
with a management focus on the two subpopulations
shared by the United States. Many of the actions
emphasize the importance of local engagement and
implementation and are already underway. The
role of this Plan and the Implementation Team is to
continue and expand those actions, using adaptive
management to make them more effective where
Time and cost. The cost estimates in this document
are the projected annual costs, including salaries, for
2017–2022 as required to meet the proposed conser-
vation needs for the United States portion of the
Polar Basin Divergent Ecoregion during this initial
five-year period. We anticipate that continuation
of all of the high priority recovery actions will be
necessary until sea-ice loss is no longer driving the
population towards extinction or until our adaptive
management efforts lead us to identify new priori-
ties. Therefore, estimated costs to full recovery are
shown by projecting forward in five-year increments
each of the costs included, with appropriate adjust-
ments for inflation, until either of those conditions
occurs. These cost estimates are significantly higher
than current funding for polar bear management
and research in the United States as some needs
are currently not adequately addressed. All cost
estimates are approximate and subject to revision.
The actions described here will be undertaken if and
when funding is available.
Contingent on funding, these actions, if not already
underway, will be initiated in the next five years and
should continue until the effects of climate change
no longer pose a threat to polar bear conservation,
and recovery criteria have been met.
Management Actions that were considered but
not identified as high priority recovery actions are
included in Appendix B.
Limit global atmospheric levels of greenhouse
gases to levels appropriate for supporting polar
bear recovery and conservation, primarily by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions
As previously stressed, the single most important
action for conservation and recovery of polar bears
is a prompt and aggressive global reduction in the
emission of greenhouse gases contributing to Arctic
warming (Amstrup et al. 2010). More action is
needed in the United States and elsewhere to move
from the current baseline trajectory to an aggres-
sive effort to curtail emissions globally. Recently,
steps have been taken towards achieving this goal.
In December 2015, world leaders secured a global
agreement to combat climate change, but additional
commitments are still needed to keep global warm-
ing below 2 degrees C. In the U.S., domestic efforts
are underway to inspire that change by informing
key audiences about the likely impacts of changes
in global climate (see for example, U.S. Department
of State, 2015, initial GHG reduction pledge http://
and%20Accompanying%20Information.pdf; U.S.
Global Climate Change Research Project http://
www.globalchange.gov; and Environmental Protec-
tion Agency http://www.epa.gov/climatechange).
One specific contribution to this effort will be
research to better understand linkages between
atmospheric concentrations of GHG, sea ice, and
polar bear resource selection and demographics. A
second contribution will be to develop and deliver
a communication strategy that articulates the
consequences to polar bears and their habitat of the
likely effects of the current baseline GHG emissions
scenario compared to one that reflects an aggres-
sive approach to curtailing emissions worldwide.
The strategy will also communicate the effects of
climate change on coastal Arctic peoples who derive
cultural and nutritional benefit from polar bears.
The ultimate goal of our communication effort is
to prompt the needed actions to maintain and, as
needed, restore, sea-ice habitat by implementing
sufficient regulatory, market-driven, and voluntary
actions at global and national scales to address the
anthropogenic causes of Arctic warming and abate
the threat to polar bears posed by sea-ice loss.
42 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Support international conservation efforts through
the Range States relationships
Work closely with other Range States to implement
conservation actions outlined in Circumpolar
Action Plan for the global population. Polar bear
range reaches five Arctic nations. These Range
States have long recognized the need to coordinate
polar bear conservation efforts (1973 Agreement
on the Conservation of Polar Bears). In their
capacity as parties to that Agreement, the Range
States adopted a Circumpolar Action Plan in
2015. The purpose of the Circumpolar Plan is to
broadly address range-wide conservation challenges
such as the threat to polar bears posed by global
greenhouse gas emissions, and potential threats like
human-bear conflicts and illegal trade, which must
be effectively managed for the species to survive
until climate change is addressed. As a Range State,
we anticipate contributing to the implementation of
international priorities that coincide with our own
priorities and are in alignment with our statutory
responsibilities. We also plan to share strategies
and best management practices with our Range
State partners. In turn, advances in knowledge and
management practice made by Range State part-
ners will actively inform implementation of this Plan
in the United States. The Recovery Team recognizes
that there may be benefit in supplementing this Plan
and the Circumpolar Action Plan with additional
national or international actions for the benefit of
Arctic ecosystems and polar bears.
Pursue targeted conservation efforts with Canada
and Russia by sharing resources and expertise.
Along with implementation of measures in the
Circumpolar Action Plan focused on polar bear
conservation range-wide, we anticipate undertak-
ing specific conservation efforts with Russia and
Canada, international neighbors with whom we
share management of the Chukchi Sea and Southern
Beaufort Sea polar bear subpopulations, respec-
tively. Specifically, we will work with Russia to better
monitor and manage human-caused removals in that
country. Based on recent information, polar bear
take in Russia may be declining (Kochnev 2014) but
in past accounts, mortality was thought to be large
(Aars et al. 2006). We will also work with Russia to
protect denning habitat in Chukotka and on Wrangel
Island, where almost all denning for the Chukchi
Sea population occurs (Garner et al. 1990). Likewise,
in addition to working with Canada on issues related
to the Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation, we
will provide support to Canada’s efforts to manage
polar bears in the Canadian Archipelago, which we
anticipate will provide key terrestrial polar bear
refugia as sea ice declines (Derocher et al. 2004;
Amstrup et al. 2008, 2010; Peacock et al. 2015).
Conservation and recovery actions
Appropriate entities, both in the U.S. and internationally, will implement regulatory, market-driven, and
voluntary actions to address the anthropogenic causes of Arctic warming and abate the threat to polar
bears posed by sea-ice loss by keeping global warming below 2 degrees C. (Cost undeterminable)
(i). USFWS and partners will develop and deliver an effective communications strategy to inform
United States and global audiences of the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
the benefits to polar bears and to coastal Arctic peoples of doing so. ($685,000)
(ii). USFWS and partners will continue their efforts to reduce their own GHG emissions consis-
tent with Executive Orders and other organizational directives. ($7,000,000)
Total cost: minimum of approximately $7,685,000 per year
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Work closely with the other Range States to implement the conservation actions outlined in the Circum-
polar Action Plan for polar bears range-wide that are consistent with national priorities and in alignment
with statutory responsibilities.
2. Work with Russia to (a) protect denning habitat in Chukotka and Wrangel Island through development
of den detection models and avoidance strategies; and (b) better monitor human-caused removal of polar
bears in Russia and jointly improve efforts to minimize human-bear conflicts.
3. Provide support for polar bear management efforts in the Canadian Archipelago.
Total cost: approximately $729,000 per year
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 43
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Manage human-polar bear conflicts
With reduced ice extent, increasing numbers
of polar bears with poorer body condition than
observed historically are making their way to shore
earlier in the spring and staying later in the fall
(Obbard et al. 2006). Once on land, polar bears are
unable to reach their preferred food, ice seals, so
they primarily fast (Ramsay and Hobson 1991)
or scavenge (Miller et al. 2004). Simultaneously,
reductions in summer sea ice will allow expanded
development opportunities and growing human
activity in polar bear habitat (Vongraven et al. 2012).
These factors increase the likelihood of human-bear
conflicts with negative consequences for both
humans and bears.
Minimizing lethal take of polar bears from human-
bear conflicts, including take from industrial,
research, or other activities, contributes to polar
bear conservation over the long term (Fundamental
Goal 3) and in the near term, protects opportunities
for continued subsistence harvest (Fundamental
Goal 4). From a demographic perspective, wildlife
populations are affected by the total level of direct
human-caused removals. For polar bears, there are
several types of removals that have different causes
and different value to humans. Consistent with
provisions in the ESA and MMPA, this Plan recog-
nizes the importance of providing opportunities
for subsistence harvest as an inherently important
component. Lethal take of polar bears incidental
to human-bear conflicts, industrial operations, or
research activities should be minimized because
they have negative implications for the conservation
of subpopulations in the United States including
potentially reducing opportunities for subsistence
Provisions to minimize these other sources of
take will continue to be implemented within the
existing regulatory frameworks (e.g., the USFWS
Incidental Take Program under the MMPA, for
industrial activities) or review processes (e.g., the
USGS, USFWS, and ADF&G Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committees, for research activities).
Examples of these ongoing efforts include partner-
ships with the oil and gas industry over the past 30
years of operations on the North Slope, and polar
bear patrols led by the North Slope Borough. To
build on these efforts, we will develop an overarch-
ing strategy and best management practices to
prevent, monitor, and manage human-polar bear
conflicts in the United States. Those practices will
include rapid response plans for situations where
a large number of hungry bears are stranded on
We will work with local communities and with
industry to develop human-polar bear interaction
and safety plans that include attractant manage-
ment (to minimize bears being attracted to human
communities for food), bear awareness training,
safety procedures for bear encounters, proper bear
hazing techniques, and reporting requirements. And
we will work with communities to implement the
components of those plans such as best practices for
garbage management at households and community
landfills, bear-proof food-storage options, and loca-
tion of whale bone piles to reduce food attractants
that draw polar bears into human communities.
We will continue to support local capacity for polar
bear patrols and other management efforts directed
towards residents and visitors. Specifically, we will
expand the scope and improve the effectiveness of
44 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
community polar bear patrols through consistent
funding, standardized methods, and better reporting
of data on interactions through our work with the
Range States Conflict Working Group and the Polar
Bear Human Interactions Management System
(PBHIMS database).
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Develop and communicate a strategy to prevent, monitor, and manage human-polar bear conflicts for
the subpopulations in the United States with input from local residents, conservation partners, and invited
2. Develop and communicate response plans for the subpopulations in the United States to address the
prospect of increasing numbers of hungry bears on shore with input from local residents, conservation
partners, and invited experts.
3. Develop and implement human-polar bear interaction and safety plans for United States communities
with polar bears, to include attractant management, bear awareness training, safety procedures for bear
encounters, proper hazing techniques, and reporting requirements.
4. Reduce attractants in United States communities with polar bears, through development and distribu-
tion of best practices for garbage management and food storage.
5. Improve the scope and effectiveness of United States community polar bear patrols, through increased
funding, standardized methods, and better reporting of data on interactions.
Total cost: approximately $1,282,000 per year.
Collaboratively manage subsistence harvest
The co-management of polar bears by Alaska Native
and Federal partners is supported under domestic
laws and the 1973 Agreement on the Conservation
of Polar Bears, recognizing the importance of
co-management for maintaining the ability of Alaska
Native people to meet nutritional and cultural needs,
mitigating human-polar bear conflicts, monitoring
subsistence harvest, and ensuring subsistence
harvest rates that are consistent with the manage-
ment and conservation goals described in Section
III of this Plan.
In this Plan, we adopt a framework for identifying
limits on total human-caused removals. The goals
of this framework include: to ensure that remov-
als do not have a negative effect on population
persistence, thus increasing the likelihood that
recovery is possible once climate change has been
addressed; and to provide long-term opportunities
for subsistence use of polar bears by Alaska Natives.
A co-management system between Alaska Native,
Federal, and other partners provides the foundation
for this framework and its success. This includes
the ability to monitor take and collect biological
samples from harvested polar bears (e.g., through
the USFWS Marking, Tagging, and Reporting
Program and the North Slope Borough) and the
ability to adjust harvest rates towards adherence
with the principles in Section III of this Plan (e.g.,
through the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Agreement and
the Inupiat-Inuvialuit Agreement). Because both
United States polar bear subpopulations are shared
with other countries, continued cooperation with
international partners is necessary for responsible
management and conservation.
The framework for management of human-caused
removals, including subsistence harvest, is founded
on three principles. First, human-caused removals
are managed at the subpopulation level by the
appropriate co-management partners, taking into
account factors specific to that subpopulation (e.g.,
traditional practices, management objectives, and
local conditions). Second, annual removal levels
are state-dependent with respect to population size
(and by extension, carrying capacity) and intrinsic
growth rate. Thus, the framework is intended to
account for multiple ecological mechanisms through
which ecological change (e.g., loss or gain of sea-ice
habitat, decrease or increase in prey availability)
and other factors could affect polar bears. Third,
a three-level system identifies thresholds at which
increasing efforts are taken to minimize the effects
of human-caused removals (Fig. 8).
Under the three-level system, graduated manage-
ment and conservation actions are tied to pre-
established thresholds. Above the upper threshold,
the subpopulation shows a resilient intrinsic rate of
growth and the carrying capacity provides a large
buffer against the risk of extirpation (Fig. 8, green
zone). In this first zone, ESA and MMPA criteria
regarding take are met, and total human-caused
removals are managed using a state-dependent
strategy. It may be possible to meet conservation
goals for subpopulations in this zone with a rela-
tively low investment in monitoring, for example,
with longer intervals between monitoring efforts.
A subpopulation would fall into the second zone
(i.e., between the upper and lower thresholds) if
the carrying capacity, population size, or intrinsic
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 45
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
growth rate fell below thresholds indicating that
one or more conservation criteria were not being
met (Fig. 8, yellow zone). In this zone, additional
actions are warranted, and the best combination of
actions will depend on local considerations and the
causes of decline. Potential actions include: greater
investment in monitoring of human-caused remov-
als, population size, carrying capacity, or intrinsic
growth rate; decreased interval between monitoring
efforts; increased efforts to reduce conflicts that
require defense-of-life and other removals besides
subsistence harvest; and reduction in the rate of
total removals, including subsistence harvest. Thus,
should a U.S. polar bear subpopulation drop below
either of the MMPA demographic criteria (mnpl or
minimum carrying capacity), additional restrictions
on all human-caused removals, including harvest,
may be warranted. It should also be considered
that natural feedback mechanisms may decrease
removal rates for a subpopulation in this zone, such
as decreased interactions between humans and polar
bears, decreased access to traditional subsistence
hunting areas, and voluntary changes in the behav-
ior of individual hunters or villages.
A subpopulation would fall into the third zone (i.e.,
below the lower threshold) if the carrying capacity,
population size, intrinsic growth rate, or other
measures indicated that the risk of extirpation
was heightened (Fig. 8, red zone). In this zone,
emergency measures should be considered to reduce
or minimize all human-caused removals, with a goal
of affording the subpopulation an increased prob-
ability of persistence. Preliminary analyses suggest
that a subpopulation size below 350 animals may
warrant concern in this regard (Science and TEK
Work Group, unpublished data), although multiple
interacting factors can affect when a declining
subpopulation enters this third zone. Furthermore,
historically smaller subpopulations (e.g., those with
smaller geographic ranges) may meet the MMPA
demographic criteria, and thus remain in the first
zone for management purposes, at population sizes
below this threshold. Thus, this threshold should
only serve as preliminary guidance and should be
further evaluated on a subpopulation-specific basis.
If a subpopulation is managed according to this
framework for human-caused removals, we believe
that removals will not be a threat to persistence.
Thus, a subpopulation should fall into the third
zone if the primary threat has not been adequately
addressed; reduction of human-caused removals at
this point can only serve to provide a small amount
of additional time to address the primary threat.
Consistent, thorough, and coordinated monitoring
is needed to support this framework for managing
human-caused removals. The better the monitoring,
the less risk-averse the local authorities need to
be in setting annual limits for removals; that is,
good monitoring supports all of the Fundamental
Goals. Of particular importance is the reporting
of polar bear mortality itself, including reporting
of subsistence harvest, natural mortality, defense-
of-life-and-property removals, and industrial take.
Documentation of these mortalities, and where
possible, collection of samples for demographic and
health assessment, provides valuable information
for evaluating achievement of the criteria in this
plan, as well as for identifying priority actions. Such
monitoring is best undertaken using local personnel,
skills, and resources. The development of appropri-
ate protocols for reporting take may need to take
into account the local context. Local communities
may need resources from external partners to
support this reporting effort.
The details of the three-level system will, and should
be, specific to each subpopulation. The particular
criteria and thresholds that indicate transitions
between zones, and the actions to be undertaken
in each zone, will need to be developed. This Plan
offers guidance, in the form of the framework
described above, and the Implementation Team can
offer technical support. It is the vision of this Plan
that the specifics of management of subsistence
harvest and other human-caused removals be
developed at the subpopulation level by the partici-
pating co-management partners.
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Collaborate with co-management partners and others on implementation of robust and sustainable
subsistence management strategies for the Chukchi Sea and Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulations in the
context of existing agreements.
2. Develop detailed guidance, with proposed analytical methods, for designing a take-management frame-
work at the subpopulation level.
3. Maintain, improve, and support reporting protocols for all forms of human-caused mortality and for
harvest biomonitoring efforts, both within the United States and with international partners.
4. Improve communications with Alaska Native organizations and communities to ensure that hunters and
residents of rural Alaska are more meaningful partners in polar bear co-management activities.
Total cost: approximately $1,242,000 per year.
46 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Protect denning habitat
The availability of and access to terrestrial denning
habitat is an important component of polar bear
reproduction. Collaborative processes are currently
in place to minimize effects on denning bears (e.g.,
the Incidental Take Program under the MMPA, for
industrial activities). Going forward, we will continue
those efforts with industry and others, and will work
to improve our ability to detect dens and identify
desirable denning habitat.
As sea ice declines and the availability of stable
sea ice suitable for denning decreases, terrestrial
denning habitat will become even more important
(Fischbach et al. 2007). We will work with partners
to minimize development and disturbance on barrier
islands, which provide or could provide crucial
habitat for denning, migrating, and resting and
we will work collectively to minimize and mitigate
impacts when development occurs there.
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Continue den detection, mapping, behavioral, and habitat work in polar bear habitat in the United
2. Minimize development and disturbance on barrier islands (where denning habitat is most limited).
Where development occurs in polar bear habitat within the United States, work collaboratively to mitigate
loss of denning habitat.
Total cost: approximately $197,000 per year.
Minimize risk of contamination from spills
Ship traffic and offshore oil and gas activities have
increased due to summer sea ice declines (Gautier
et al. 2009, Smith and Stephenson 2013), increasing
the risk to polar bears and their prey of exposure
to oil spills. Spills have the potential to harm polar
bears in numerous ways, including through impaired
thermoregulation (Hurst and Øritsland 1982, Hurst
et al. 1991), ingestion (Derocher and Stirling 1991,
Øritsland et al. 1981, St. Aubin 1990), and consump-
tion of contaminated prey (Stirling 1990). Depending
on the size, location and timing, a spill could affect a
large number of animals (Amstrup et al. 2006).
Current regulatory processes (e.g., NEPA analyses,
ESA section 7 consultations, MMPA incidental take
regulations) and industry-led plans and practices
have contributed to the absence of any major
mishaps affecting polar bears in 30 years of oil
and gas operations on the North Slope. Continued
vigilance is imperative, particularly with the opening
of new shipping lanes, the prospect of offshore oil
exploration and development, and the increased
risk of contaminant release from community tank
farms and landfills along the coast. We will pursue
several avenues to minimize the risk of marine spills
and, should a spill occur, to improve the ability of
responders to minimize harm to polar bears and
their prey. Examples of specific actions include
continuing to provide feedback on oil exploration
plans and compliance documents; ensuring that
responders and companies have current information
on seasonal bear movements, aggregations, and
important habitat areas; and developing standard
operating procedures for deterrence, rescue, and
handling of oiled bears.
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Update existing oil spill modeling and scenarios; anticipate potential overlap with seasonal polar bear
movements, aggregations, and important habitats within the United States.
2. Review and comment on proposed projects and activities in polar bear habitat within the United States
(e.g., oil and gas exploration, new shipping routes and regulations, and community tank farms) to mitigate
potential adverse outcomes.
3. Develop and distribute standard operating procedures and mitigation plans for deterrence, rescue, and
handling of oiled polar bears.
Total cost: approximately $501,000 per year.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 47
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Conduct strategic monitoring and research
1. Strategic monitoring to determine if Plan goals are being met
This section focuses on strategic monitoring to
evaluate the effectiveness of this Plan. Areas of
research are identified and more details are provid-
ed in Appendix B. The monitoring actions identified
at this time are those possible with available knowl-
edge and tools, for example animal tracking using
collars or tags. Investment in additional research
is essential to improve our knowledge and identify
additional more effective and efficient (and less
invasive) methods for monitoring population status
and the effectiveness of our actions. This work
requires active engagement of current and new
partners in research activities including Universi-
ties, other Federal, State, and local agencies, along
with industry and non-governmental entities.
The fundamental goals, demographic criteria, and
threats-based criteria described above clearly
state the needs for conservation and recovery, and
represent the best interpretation of available policy
guidance and scientific evidence. To address the
remaining uncertainties in the policy interpretations
and scientific evidence, an adaptive management
plan for updating and revising the conservation
and recovery criteria should be designed early in
the recovery implementation process. Some of the
components of such a plan are described in detail
below; others are identified elsewhere in the docu-
ment. One of the first tasks of the Implementation
Team will be to prioritize these information needs.
As stated previously, the ultimate measure of
success of this Plan will be evaluated with the
fundamental criteria and performance metrics
(Table 1). As a practical matter, the specified demo-
graphic and threats-based criteria are intended to
guide conservation planning and status assessments.
These criteria are more easily measured proxies
for our fundamental goals, and can be used to track
progress toward those goals. In addition to monitor-
ing these criteria, which describe the condition of
polar bears and their environment, it is also impor-
tant to track implementation of the management
activities identified in the previous conservation and
recovery action section of this Plan. Furthermore, it
is important to evaluate whether the management
activities had the intended effect. Monitoring must
focus both on implementation (the extent to which
the plan is followed and recovery actions are taken)
and effectiveness (to what extent recovery actions
are successful and progress is made). Collectively,
monitoring the demographic and threats-based
criteria, tracking implementation of management
activities, evaluating the effect of management
activities, and continuing to refine the demographic
and threats-based criteria as new information is
obtained, provide the adaptive management frame-
work necessary to meet the goals of this Plan.
This section outlines methods to monitor demo-
graphic and threats-based criteria. The ultimate
goals of monitoring are to understand the state of
the system, continue to learn about its dynamics,
detect changes including those due to management
activities, and use this information to trigger new
or additional management actions as necessary to
meet the goals of the Plan. Recovery is an iterative
process. Through careful monitoring, the data
generated and lessons learned through implement-
ing individual recovery actions feed back into
refining the recovery plan and strategy.
One of the key questions regarding monitoring is
the appropriate scale. The ESA demographic and
threats-based criteria apply to each recovery unit
and the MMPA demographic criteria apply to each
subpopulation. Because of the logistical challenges
associated with monitoring outside the United
States, the focus of the monitoring actions in this
Plan is on the two subpopulations of polar bears
resident in the United States within the Polar Basin
Divergent Ecoregion. The fundamental goals will
ultimately be evaluated at the species level, which
will require international coordination.
This section provides the metrics that will be used
to monitor the Conservation Management Plan. It
is likely that the Implementation Team may identify
the need for a more detailed monitoring plan that
will specify the power of different monitoring
approaches, including use of Traditional Ecological
Knowledge, to detect change, what kinds of changes
are important (increases or decreases), and over
what time period. Traditional Ecological Knowl-
edge, for example, could be used to describe changes
that may be occurring prior to being detected by
science, and to provide insight to aspects of the
ecosystem possibly overlooked by science. Once
appropriate objectives are specified, scientists can
Conservation and recovery actions
1. Develop an adaptive management plan for updating and revising the conservation and recovery criteria.
2. Develop specific analytical methods for evaluating the ESA and MMPA Demographic Criteria.
Total cost: (included in operational costs of Implementation Team).
48 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
b. ESA demographic criteria
Monitoring Activity Data Obtained / Output
Monitor the number of subsistence hunting remov-
als in the SB subpopulation
Number of direct, lethal removals in the SB
Monitor the number of defense-of-life removals in
the SB subpopulation from villages, industry, and
any other causes
Monitor the number of subsistence hunting remov-
als in the CS subpopulation
Number of direct, lethal removals in the CS
Monitor the number of defense-of-life removals in
the CS subpopulation from villages, industry, and
any other causes
Total cost: $154,000 per year
then design monitoring that will meet the stated
needs. The Implementation Team may also identify
different or additional metrics to track progress
toward the fundamental goals.
1. The mean adult female survival rate (at a density
corresponding to mnpl and in the absence of
direct human-caused removals) in each recovery
unit is at least 93%-96%, both currently and as
projected over the next 100 years.
2. The ratio of yearlings to adult females (at a
density corresponding to mnpl) in each recovery
unit is at least 0.1-0.3, both currently and as
projected over the next 100 years.
3. The carrying capacity, distribution, and connec-
tivity in each recovery unit, both currently and as
projected over the next 100 years, are such that
the probability of persistence over 100 years is at
least 90%.
4. Total direct human-caused removals in each
recovery unit do not exceed a rate h (relative to
the subpopulation size) that maintains the popula-
tion above its mnpl relative to carrying capacity.
a. MMPA demographic criteria
Health and stability of the marine ecosystem. The
intrinsic growth rate of each subpopulation is above,
and is expected to remain above, a minimum level
that indicates the health of the marine ecosystem
is not impaired; and the carrying capacity in each
subpopulation is above, and is expected to remain
above, 70% of mean historical carrying capacity,
indicating that the stability of the marine ecosystem
is not impaired.
Maximum net productivity level. Total human-
caused removals in each subpopulation do not
exceed a rate h (relative to the subpopulation size)
that maintains the subpopulation above its maximum
net productivity level relative to carrying capacity.
Significant functioning element in the ecosystem.
As stated previously, at this time we do not have
enough information to propose measures to
directly assess the functional role of polar bears in
their ecosystem. Instead, we offer some potential
approaches that could serve as proxies by focusing
on particular roles that polar bears play. Further
thought should be given to these approaches during
implementation of this Plan and adjustments to
monitoring should be made as appropriate.
Energy flow among trophic levels linked to
polar bears
Behavior of prey species
Distribution and demographics of prey
Persistence and distribution of scavengers
that rely on polar bear kills (e.g., foxes)
Availability of polar bears for subsistence
Polar bear behavioral diversity necessary
to maintain resilience to environmental
Polar bear densities (e.g., bears per km
) on
sea ice or land habitats at certain times of
Carrying capacity and intrinsic growth rate
at the subpopulation and ecoregion level, as
estimated through hierarchical modeling of
demographic and habitat data
Habitat measures (like ice-free months)
that could serve as a proxy for health and
stability of the ecosystem
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 49
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
c. ESA Threats-based criteria
Monitoring Activity Data Obtained / Output
Conduct spring capture-based and genetic sampling
work on the sea ice in the southern Beaufort
Adult female survival rate
Ratio of yearlings: adult females
Conduct spring capture-based and genetic sampling
work on the sea ice in the Chukchi Sea subpopula-
Adult female survival rate
Ratio of yearlings: adult females
Demographic parameter estimation Index or estimate of subpopulation size, index or
estimate of subpopulation capacity for positive
growth (e.g., r
, the per capita growth rate
at mnpl), relationships between vital rates and
environmental conditions
Develop Bayesian hierarchical estimation methods Estimates of carrying capacity
Develop ecoregion- and subpopulation-specific
demographic modeling and population viability
assessment, for the ecoregions and subpopulations
that partially fall within the United States
Projected values of demographic criteria into the
future, probability of population persistence in the
Total cost: approximately $1,545,000 per year
The 2008 final listing of polar bears as threatened
under the ESA summarized the best available
scientific and commercial information regarding
threats to the polar bear. The conclusion of that
analysis was that the polar bear is threatened
throughout its range by habitat loss (i.e., sea-ice
declines). No known regulatory mechanisms in place
at the national or international level were identified
that directly and effectively address the primary
threat to polar bears—the range-wide loss of sea-ice
habitat. While not identified as factors currently
threatening polar bears, overutilization, disease
and predation, and contaminants were identified
as potential future threats as habitat loss occurs,
declining population levels are realized, and nutri-
tional stress becomes more prevalent. Given that
context, the sea ice threats-based criterion below
addresses the factor determined to be currently
threatening polar bears whereas the criterion for
human-caused removals is intended to monitor and
manage that factor to ensure it does not threaten
polar bears in the future.
Sea ice: In each recovery unit, either (a) the average
annual ice-free period is expected not to exceed
4 months over the next 100 years based on model
projections using the best available climate science,
or (b) the average annual ice-free period is expected
to stabilize at longer than 4 months over the next
100 years based on model predictions using the best
available climate science, and there is evidence that
polar bears in that recovery unit can meet ESA
Demographic Criteria 1, 2, and 3 under that longer
ice-free period.
Human-caused removals: For each recovery unit,
the total level of direct, lethal removals of polar
bears by humans, in conjunction with other factors,
does not reduce the probability of persistence below
90% over 100 years.
Additional factors of potential future concern: At
this point, the potential for disease, shipping, oil and
gas development, and oil spills to become threats
is relatively distant or low. However, recognizing
the rapidly changing Arctic environment and the
adaptive nature of this Plan, monitoring these
potential avenues of stress is warranted to an extent
that recognizes higher priorities described in this
The level of human-caused removal is needed to calculate
the effect of those removals on persistence, but collect-
ing data on human-caused removals is captured in the
previous table of monitoring activity so is not repeated
Monitoring Activity Data Obtained / Output
Update sea ice projections as substantial new
research, data, or tools become available
Projected duration of the ice-free period in each
recovery unit over the next 100 years
Continue analysis and monitoring to further refine
and track the potential effect of human-caused
removals on persistence
Probability of persistence with and without human-
caused removals
Total cost: $10,000 per year per subpopulation
50 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
d. Other measures of achievement
As stated previously, fundamental Goals 4, 5, and 6
are not derived directly from statute, but instead
are expressions of other societal values that could be
affected by polar bear management. Performance
requirements do not need to be prescribed for these
goals (as they do for ESA recovery criteria and
MMPA conservation criteria). It will be important,
however, to address achievement of these goals,
particularly to provide an adaptive feedback loop
for improving future conservation actions. If we
are successful in managing other threats to polar
bears such that populations persist, then we will
be better positioned to successfully recognize the
nutritional and cultural traditions of Native peoples
with connections to polar bears (Fundamental Goal
4). Monitoring the MMPA Demographic Criteria
specified above requires collection of data on the
number of lethal removals of polar bears, but to
put this into context data should be collected on the
broader effort to manage human-polar bear interac-
tions and the relative success of various deterrence
strategies (Fundamental Goal 5). Finally, there
should be a qualitative assessment of our success at
achieving polar bear conservation while minimizing
restrictions to other activities, including economic
development (Fundamental Goal 6).
2. Research needs for United States polar bear subpopulations
The previous section focused on monitoring
demographic and threats-based criteria to inform
management actions and adjustments. This section
focuses on research designed to develop or refine the
criteria that serve as proxies for our fundamental
goals, improve monitoring of these criteria, and
improve our understanding of the relationships (e.g.,
between sea-ice availability and vital rates) and
ecosystem dynamics that cumulatively determine
polar bear persistence. We divide research into
the following five areas: (1) population dynamics
and distribution; (2) habitat ecology; (3) health and
nutritional ecology; (4) nutritional and cultural use
of polar bears; and (5) human-polar bear interac-
tions. We briefly review these areas of research and
a list of representative research projects is attached
(Appendix B). Specific priorities and cost estimates
for these areas will be developed by the Recovery
Implementation Team and Team members. We envi-
sion a dynamic and adaptive process through which
this Plan is updated to reflect new information, and
research planning is updated to reflect the living
Conservation Management Plan document. We also
envision the active engagement of current and new
partners in these activities including Universities,
other Federal, State, and local agencies along with
industry and non-governmental entities.
Population dynamics and distribution. Research in
this area is intended to improve our understanding
of the relationship between polar bears and the
environment. This research will provide insights into
how factors such as sea ice and prey abundance and
availability affect polar bear distribution and vital
rates. We have learned from research and monitor-
ing on the two polar bear subpopulations shared
by the United States that physical and biological
differences among populations may affect how polar
bears respond to habitat loss associated with climate
change, especially in the near term. Long-term
studies of subpopulation status (e.g., including vital
rates used as demographic criteria) and trends are
needed to measure progress towards persistence-
based goals. Where possible and appropriate, we
will pursue research on population dynamics and
distribution of our shared populations with our
international partners.
Habitat ecology. Under this research area, we will
study the response of polar bear subpopulations
to biotic and abiotic changes in the environment,
including intermediate effects on primary (seals)
and alternate (e.g., stranded marine mammals) prey.
This will provide an improved understanding of the
mechanistic links between habitat and demograph-
ics. Further research is also needed to understand
linkages between atmospheric concentrations of
GHG, sea ice, and polar bear resource selection and
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 51
IV. Conservation Management Strategy
Health and nutritional ecology. This research will
attempt to identify causal links between factors that
determine health and population-level processes,
which are difficult to establish for marine mammals
that inhabit Arctic or subarctic ecosystems.
Nutritional and cultural use of polar bears.
Historically, native communities throughout the
coastal Arctic have relied upon polar bears as both
a nutritional and cultural resource. Research,
including through Traditional Ecological Knowledge,
may help to better understand the cultural and
nutritional significance of polar bears to communi-
ties that have historically relied upon them, and how
climate change may affect the use of polar bears as a
renewable resource in the future.
Human-polar bear conflict. There is a need to
continuously improve our understanding of human-
polar bear interactions including the causes and
consequences (both positive and negative outcomes).
Understanding the factors that cause an interaction
to result in success or a conflict, with consequences
to humans, polar bears, or both, will provide essen-
tial feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of existing
mitigation measures.
52 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
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Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 57
VI. Glossary
Allee effect. A negative population growth rate that
occurs at low population density. There are a number of
mechanisms that could give rise to this effect; in polar
bears, the most likely mechanism is difficulty in finding
mates (Molnár et al. 2014).
Conservation. As defined under the MMPA, conservation
is “the collection and application of biological informa-
tion for the purposes of increasing and maintaining
the number of animals within species and populations
of marine mammals at their optimum sustainable
population” (16 USC §1362(2)). In this Plan, we use the
term “conservation” to refer to the activities designed
to achieve the purposes of the MMPA. Note that the
ESA also contains a definition of the term, “the use of all
methods and procedures which are necessary to bring any
endangered species or threatened species to the point at
which the measured provided pursuant to this Act are no
longer necessary (16 USC §1532(3)). To avoid confusion,
in this Plan, “conservation” is used in reference to the
MMPA and “recovery” is used in reference to the ESA.
Demographic stochasticity. Variation in demographic
rates due to the random events that happen to individual
animals. This type of variation becomes important at small
population sizes.
Distinct population segment (DPS). Under the ESA,
a “species” includes “any subspecies of fish or wildlife or
plants, and any distinct population segment of any species
of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when
mature” (16 USC 1532(16)). Under policy guidance issued
by USFWS and NMFS (61 FR 4722–4725), three elements
should be considered in deciding whether a population
qualifies as a DPS: the discreteness of the population in
relation to the rest of the species; the significance of the
population segment to the species; and the population
segment’s status in relation to the standards for listing
under the ESA.
Ecoregion. Amstrup et al. (2008) defined polar bear
ecoregions on the basis of temporal and spatial patterns
of sea-ice dynamics, observations of the patterns of polar
bear responses to these dynamics, and forecasts of future
sea-ice patterns. There are four ecoregions: the Seasonal
Ice Ecoregion (SIE), the Archipelago Ecoregion (AE), the
Polar Basin Convergent Ecoregion (PBCE), and the Polar
Basin Divergent Ecoregion (PBDE). The two subpopula-
tions found in United States territory both fall within the
Endangered. Under the ESA, an endangered species is
“any species which is in danger of extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range” (16 USC 1532(6)).
This classification represents the highest level of concern
for a species under the ESA.
Health of the marine ecosystem. In the MMPA,
Congress found that the “primary objective of [marine
mammal] management should be to maintain the health
and stability of the marine ecosystem” (16 USC 1361(6)).
The term “health of the marine ecosystem” is not
otherwise defined, although the definition of OSP makes
reference to it. In this Plan, we assume that the health of
the marine ecosystem is reflected in its ability to support
marine mammals, and use the intrinsic growth rate of a
polar bear subpopulation as its measure.
Human-caused removal rate. In this Plan, under MMPA
Demographic Criterion 2, we define a satisfactory human-
caused removal rate as a fixed-rate removal of polar bears,
h, that maintains a subpopulation above its mnpl. Under
this definition, continued take is possible even when the
carrying capacity and the population size are declining,
provided the take is adjusted annually to account for
the change in the population size, and the population
size at all times is maintained above its mnpl relative
to carrying capacity. This definition is offered for the
broader purposes of this Plan, but does not preclude more
protective criteria being used for specific subpopulations
(e.g., “sustainable take” under the United States-Russia
bilateral agreement for the Chukchi Sea subpopulation).
Inbreeding depression. A negative consequence of small
population size. Inbreeding depression can arise through
breeding of related individuals, the consequent reduction
in genetic diversity, and the expression of deleterious
recessive genes.
Intrinsic population growth rate. The rate of growth
of a population in the absence of human-caused removals
and at a low density relative to the carrying capacity.
This growth rate is a measure of resilience—the higher
the intrinsic rate of growth, the quicker a population can
rebound from a short-term impact.
Maximum net productivity level (mnpl and MNPL).
The population size that results in “the greatest net
annual increment in population numbers or biomass
resulting from additions to the population due to repro-
duction and/or growth less losses due to natural mortality
(50 CFR 403.02).
Optimum sustainable population (OSP). As defined
in the MMPA, OSP is “the number of animals which will
result in the maximum productivity of the population or
the species, keeping in mind the carrying capacity of the
habitat and the health of the ecosystem of which they form
a constituent element” (16 USC 1362(9)). Congressional
reports and agency policies have further clarified that
OSP represents a range of population sizes between
the maximum net productivity level and the carrying
capacity of the ecosystem. One of the primary purposes
of the MMPA is to restore and maintain marine mammal
populations at OSP.
58 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
VI. Glossary
Population. A group of animals in the same taxon below
the subspecific level, in common spatial arrangement that
interbreed when mature (50 CFR 17.3). Specific popula-
tions have not been identified for polar bears. The smallest
groupings recognized by the Polar Bear Specialist Group
are referred to as “subpopulations.” In this Plan, we avoid
using the term “population,” except as a generic term to
refer to a group of polar bears.
Recovery. Under the ESA, the Secretary (of the Interior
or of Commerce) is required to develop recovery plans
“for the conservation and survival of endangered species
and threatened species listed pursuant to this section” (16
USC 1533(f)(1)). The term “recovery” is not defined in the
ESA, but is interpreted to be similar to “conservation”
under the ESA (see above), namely, improvement in the
status of a listed species to the point at which listing is no
longer appropriate under the criteria set out in section
4(a)(1) of the ESA (50 CFR 402.02). We use the term
recovery” to refer to the purposes of this Plan under the
ESA (and “conservation” to refer to the purposes of this
Plan under the MMPA).
Recovery unit. Under the ESA, “a special unit of the
listed entity that is geographically or otherwise identifi-
able and is essential to the recovery of the entire listed
entity, i.e., recovery units are individually necessary to
conserve genetic robustness, demographic robustness,
important life history stages, or some other feature
necessary for long-term sustainability of the entire listed
entity” (NMFS and USFWS 2010). In this Plan, the four
polar bear ecoregions are identified as recovery units.
Significant functioning element of the ecosystem. In
the MMPA, Congress found that “species and population
stocks should not be permitted to diminish beyond the
point at which they cease to be a significant functioning
element in the ecosystem of which they are a part, and,
consistent with this major objective, they should not be
permitted to diminish below their optimum sustainable
population” (16 USC 1361(2)). The term is not otherwise
defined. In this Plan, the maintenance of polar bears as
a significant functioning element of the Arctic marine
ecosystem is an important conservation goal. As a top
predator, polar bears have a significant role in the energy
flow in the ecosystem, and in the distribution and behavior
of prey species. Potential measures for their function in
the ecosystem are proposed in the Plan.
Stability of the marine ecosystem. In the MMPA,
Congress found that the “primary objective of [marine
mammal] management should be to maintain the health
and stability of the marine ecosystem” (16 USC 1361(6)).
The term “stability of the marine ecosystem” is not other-
wise defined. In this Plan, we assume that the stability of
the marine ecosystem is reflected in its ability to support
marine mammals, and use the carrying capacity of a polar
bear subpopulation as its measure.
Stock. Under the MMPA, a stock is “a group of marine
mammals of the same species or smaller taxa in a common
spatial arrangement, that interbreed when mature” (16
USC 1362(11)). The Southern Beaufort Sea and Chukchi
Sea polar bear subpopulations have been identified as
stocks under the MMPA. In this Plan, we assume that all
subpopulations could be identified as stocks.
Subpopulation. The Polar Bear Specialist Group has
identified 19 relatively discrete “subpopulations” of polar
bears (Fig. 1). In this Plan, we reserve this term to refer
specifically to those groupings of polar bears.
Take. Under the MMPA, “take” means “to harass, hunt,
capture, or kill, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or
kill any marine mammal” (16 USC 1362(13)). Under
the ESA, “take” means “to harass, harm, pursue, hunt,
shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt
to engage in any such conduct” (16 USC 1532(19)). This
Plan primarily addresses lethal take of polar bears, and is
less specific about non-lethal take. Thus, for the purpose
of brevity, unless otherwise noted, “take” refers to all
anthropogenic lethal removals of polar bears, but the
broader definitions remain the legal standard.
Threatened. Under the ESA, a threatened species is “any
species which is likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a signifi-
cant portion of its range” (16 USC 1532(20)). Polar bears
were classified as threatened under the ESA in 2008.
Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). The cumula-
tive body of knowledge about local natural resources
accumulated by indigenous, aboriginal, or local people and
often passed down through generations through practice
and oral traditions. This Plan recognizes that there is an
appropriate role for TEK in science and management of
polar bears, just as there is an appropriate role for the
empirical methods of Western science; indeed, these sets
of knowledge can often enhance each other.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 59
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Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 61
Appendix A—Background
Brief Overview/Species Status
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) occur in 19 relatively
discrete subpopulations (Plan Fig. 1) throughout
the seasonally and permanently ice-covered marine
waters of the northern hemisphere (Arctic and
Subarctic), in Canada, Denmark (Greenland),
Norway, Russia and the United States (U.S.).
The status of each of these subpopulations varies
(Polar Bear Specialists Group Status Table; http://
pbsg.npolar.no/en/status/status-table.html). The
U.S. contains portions of two subpopulations: the
Chukchi Sea (CS) (also called the Alaska-Chukotka
subpopulation in the U.S.–Russia Bilateral Agree-
ment) and the Southern Beaufort Sea (SB) subpopu-
lation. The polar bear was listed as a threatened
species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (16 USC 1531 et seq.)(ESA) on
May 15, 2008 (73 FR 28212). The total circumpolar
population is estimated to be 26,000 (95% CI =
22,000 – 31,000) polar bears (Wiig et al. 2015).
Species Biology and Life History
Physical characteristics. Polar bears are the largest
living bear species (Demaster and Stirling 1981), and
are characterized by large body size, a stocky form,
and have a longer neck and proportionally smaller
head than other ursids. Their hair is non-pigmented.
Fur color varies between white, yellow, grey, or
almost brown, and is affected by oxidation, i.e.
exposure to the air, light conditions, and soiling or
staining due to contact with fats obtained from prey
items (Amstrup 2003). They are sexually dimorphic;
females weigh 181 to 317 kilograms (kg) (400 to 700
pounds (lbs) and males up to 654 kg (1,440 lbs).
Adaptations. Polar bears evolved in Arctic sea ice
habitats and are evolutionarily well adapted to this
habitat. Their unique physical adaptations include:
(1) non-pigmented pelage with water-repellent
guard hairs and dense underfur; (2) a short, furred
snout; (3) small ears with reduced surface area;
(4) teeth specialized for a carnivorous rather than
an omnivorous diet; and (5) feet with tiny papillae
on the underside, which increase traction on ice
(Stirling 1988). In addition, they have large, paddle-
like feet (Stirling 1988), and claws that are shorter
and more strongly curved than brown bear (Ursus
arctos) claws, and larger and heavier than those of
black bears (Ursus americanus) (Amstrup 2003)
used mainly for clutching prey.
Breeding and reproduction. Polar bears are a
K-selected species, characterized by late sexual
maturity, small litter sizes, and extended parental
investment in raising young. All of these factors
contribute to the species’ low reproductive rate
(Amstrup 2003). Females generally mature and
breed for the first time at 4 or 5 years and give
birth at 5 or 6 years of age. Litters of two cubs are
most common, but 3-cub litters are seen on occasion
across the Arctic (Amstrup 2003). The minimum
reproductive interval for adult females is three
Females enter a prolonged estrus between March
and June, when breeding occurs. Though bears
ovulate in the spring, implantation is delayed until
autumn. The timing of implantation, and therefore
the timing of birth, likely depends on body condi-
tion of the female, which is determined by many
environmental factors. When foraging conditions
are difficult, polar bears may “defer” reproduction
in favor of survival (Derocher and Stirling 1992,
Eberhardt 2002). Pregnant females that spend the
late summer on land prior to denning may not feed
for eight months (Watts and Hansen 1987) which
coincides with the time when the female gives birth
and nourishes new cubs.
Altricial, newborn polar bears have fur, but are
blind, and weigh only 0.6 kg (1.3 lb) (Blix and
Lentfer 1979). Cubs grow rapidly, and may weigh
10 to 12 kg (22 to 26 lbs) by the time they emerge
from the den in the spring. Young bears will stay
with their mothers until weaning, which occurs most
commonly in early spring when the cubs are 2 1/2
years old. Female bears are available to breed again
after their cubs are weaned.
Survival. Polar bears are long-lived and are not
generally susceptible to disease or parasites. Due to
extended maternal care of young and low reproduc-
tive rates, polar bears require high adult survival
rates, particularly females, to maintain population
levels (Eberhardt 1985; Amstrup and Durner 1995).
Survival rates are generally age dependent, with
cubs-of-the-year having the lowest rates and prime
age adults (prime reproductive years are between
approximately 5 and 20 years of age) having survival
rates that can exceed 90 percent (Regehr et al.
2007b). Survival rates exceeding 90 percent for adult
females are essential to sustain polar bear popula-
tions (Amstrup and Durner 1995).
New studies (Rode et al. 2010a, 2014b) conducted on
the SB subpopulation are consistent with previous
findings (Regehr et al. 2006) which concluded
that declines in body size, body condition, and
recruitment in recent decades were associated with
declining sea ice availability. Additionally, Regehr et
al. (2010) suggested several years of reduced sea ice
in the mid-2000s were associated with low breeding
62 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
probability and survival, leading to negative popula-
tion growth rate.
Hunter et al. (2010) used the relationship between
sea ice and vital rates estimated during the period
2001–2006 to project the long-term status and
survival of the SB subpopulation under future
sea ice conditions as forecasted by global climate
models. Their models suggested a high probability
of significant population declines in the 21
Changes in body condition have been shown to affect
bear survival and reproduction, which in turn, can
have population-level effects (Regehr et al. 2010,
Rode et al. 2010a). Survival of polar bear cubs-of-
the-year has been directly linked to their weight
and the weight of their mothers, with lower weights
resulting in reduced survival (Derocher and Stirling
1996; Stirling et al. 1999). Changes in body condition
indices were documented in the Western Hudson
Bay subpopulation before a statistically significant
decline in that subpopulation was documented
(Regehr et al. 2007a). Thus, changes in these indices
may serve as an “early warning” that signal a
reduction in survival and imminent subpopulation
For the SB subpopulation, Bromaghin et al. (2015)
analyzed demographic data through 2010, and found
similar evidence to Regehr et al. (2010) for low
survival of all sex and age classes of polar bears in
the mid-2000s. However, Bromaghin et al. (2015)
also found that survival of most sex and age classes
of polar bears in the SB population increased during
the years 2007–2010, despite continued declines in
the availability of sea ice.
Feeding. Polar bears are top predators in the
Arctic marine ecosystem. Adult polar bears need
to consume approximately 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of fat per
day to survive (Stirling 1988). They prey heavily on
ice-seals, principally ringed seals (Phoca hispida),
and to a lesser extent, bearded seals (Erignathus
barbatus). Bears occasionally take larger animals,
such as walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) and belugas
(Delphinapterus leucas) (Kiliaan and Stirling 1978).
Research in the Canadian Arctic suggests that, in
some areas and under some conditions, terrestrial
prey other than seals or carrion may be able to
sustain polar bears when seals are unavailable
(Stirling and Øritsland 1995; Smith et al. 2010;
Gormezano and Rockwell 2013; Iles et al. 2013).
In addition, polar bears are opportunistic feeders
and when confined to land for long periods, they
will also consume plants and other terrestrial foods
(Russell 1975; Derocher et al. 1993; Smith et al.
2010, Gormezano and Rockwell 2013). However,
new studies (Rode et al. 2010b, 2014, 2015a) confirm
previous findings (Derocher et al. 2004) that the
relevance of terrestrial foods, such as avian eggs,
to the long-term welfare of polar bears is limited
by their patchy availability and relatively low
nutritional content.
Population Delineation and Distribution
Delineation. Five countries share management
responsibilities for polar bears, including Canada,
Greenland (an autonomous country within the
Danish realm), Norway, Russia, and the United
States (the polar bear Range States). Both the 2008
listing and this 5-year review are based on the Polar
Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) delineation (Plan
Figure 1) which usually, but not always, reflects
ecological boundaries. In some cases, boundaries are
practical delineations for management purposes.
The Chukchi Sea subpopulation is shared by the
U.S. and Russia. The boundaries of this subpopula-
tion are described differently in the Agreement
between the United States of America and the
Russian Federation on the Conservation and
Management of the Alaska—Chukotka Polar Bear
Population” (Bilateral Agreement) and in PBSG
publications. The Bilateral Agreement describes the
CS subpopulation within a line extending north from
the mouth of the Kolyma River and on the east by
a line extending north from Point Barrow (Obbard
et al. 2010). However, the PBSG describes the
northeastern boundary near Icy Cape, Alaska to a
western boundary near Chauniskaya Bay, Russia, in
the Eastern Siberian Sea (Obbard et al. 2010).
The Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation is shared
by the U.S. and Canada. The western boundary
is near Icy Cape, Alaska (Obbard et al. 2010). The
eastern boundary was originally determined to be
south of Banks Island and east of the Baillie Islands,
Canada. Recently, the eastern boundary between
the SB and Northern Beaufort subpopulation (NB)
has been moved westward, near the community
of Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada
(WMAC 2011). The Canadian Inuvialuit Game Coun-
cil and the North Slope Borough of Alaska adjusted
the boundary to 133° W to better align management
boundaries with the current distribution of polar
bears in this region which was based on radio-
tracking data. The shift in the boundary is currently
being implemented by the agencies involved in
managing the SB and NB subpopulations. However,
the new boundary change is currently not recog-
nized by the PBSG.
Distribution. Polar bear subpopulations have
been further classified as occurring in one of four
ecoregions (Plan Figure 2; Amstrup et al. 2008)
based on the spatial and temporal dynamics of sea
ice in the subpopulation’s range. Subpopulations
classified as occurring in the Seasonal Ice Ecoregion
share the characteristic that the sea ice in their
range fully melts in the summer, during which time
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 63
Appendix A—Background
bears are forced on shore for extended periods until
the sea ice reforms. Subpopulations occurring in
the Archipelago Ecoregion are characterized as
having heavy annual and multi-year sea ice that fills
the channels between the Canadian Arctic Islands.
Bears in this ecoregion remain on the sea ice
throughout the year. The Divergent Ice Ecoregion is
characterized by the formation of annual sea ice that
is advected towards the polar basin. Conversely, the
Convergent Ice Ecoregion is characterized annual
sea ice that converges towards shoreline allowing
bears to access nearshore ice year-round.
Population Size Estimates and Trends
Abundance. Accurate estimates of polar bear
subpopulation sizes and trends are difficult to
obtain due to the species’ low densities, the vast
and inaccessible nature of their sea ice habitat, the
movement of bears across international boundaries,
and limited budgets (USFWS 2010a, 2010b). The
global population is estimated to be approximately
26,000 (95% CI = 22,000 to 31,000) throughout the
circumpolar arctic (Wiig et al. 2015).
In 2008, of the 19 subpopulations, and excluding the
Arctic Basin, two subpopulations were reported to
be increasing (M’Clintock Channel and Viscount
Melville), five subpopulations were reported as
stable (Foxe Basin, Gulf of Boothia, Lancaster
Sound, Northern Beaufort Sea, Southern Hudson
Bay), five subpopulations were described as declin-
ing (Baffin Bay, Kane Basin, Norwegian Bay, SB,
Western Hudson Bay), and six were reported as
data deficient (Barents Sea, CS, Davis Strait, East
Greenland, Kara Sea, and Laptev Sea) (Aars et al.
Since listing (73 FR 28212, May 15, 2008),
international efforts have been undertaken to more
accurately quantify polar bear subpopulations in
order to continue to assess the threats of climate
change on the species. While the type, precision,
and time span of data used to estimate trends varies
among subpopulations (Wiig et al. 2015), information
reported in 2014 (PBSG 2015) now suggests that one
subpopulation (M’Clintock Channel) is increasing;
six subpopulations are stable (Davis Strait, Foxe
Basin, Gulf of Boothia, Northern Beaufort Sea,
Southern Hudson Bay, and Western Hudson Bay),
three subpopulations are declining (Baffin Bay,
Kane Basin, and SB) and 9 are data deficient (Arctic
Basin, Barents Sea, CS, East Greenland, Kara Sea,
Lancaster Sound, Laptev Sea, Norwegian Bay,
and Viscount Melville Sound). (PBSG 2015; http://
pbsg.npolar.no/en/status/status-table.html). Since
2008, only the Western Hudson Bay subpopulation
has shown a positive change in trend (i.e., from
“declining” to “stable”), while the Viscount Melville
subpopulation changed from “increasing” to “data
deficient” during the same period. For the remaining
17 subpopulations, trends either remain unchanged
since the time of listing or lack sufficient data for
Chukchi Sea subpopulation. Reliable estimates of
subpopulation size or status are not available for
the Chukchi Sea subpopulation. The most recent
quantitative estimate of the size of this subpopula-
tion was 2,000–5,000 polar bears (Belikov 1992),
based on incomplete denning surveys in Russian
portions of the Chukchi Sea where most of the
subpopulation is believed to den (Belikov 1980). In
2005, expert opinion among the PBSG members
was that the subpopulation had around 2,000 bears
(Aars et al. 2006). This estimate was derived by
extrapolating the earlier estimate of Belikov (1992).
At the time of the ESA listing in 2008, the PBSG
reported this subpopulation at approximately 2,000
animals. Subsequently, the PBSG listed the size of
this subpopulation as “unknown,” and currently lists
the CS subpopulation trend as “data deficient.”
Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation. The South-
ern Beaufort Sea subpopulation had an estimated
population size of approximately 900 bears in 2010
(Bromaghin et al. 2015). This represents a signifi-
cant reduction from previous estimates of approxi-
mately 1,800 in 1986 (Amstrup et al. 1986), and 1,526
in 2006 (Regehr et al. 2006). In addition, analyses of
over 20 years of data on the size and body condition
of bears in this subpopulation demonstrated declines
for most sex and age classes and significant negative
relationships between annual sea ice availability
and body condition (Rode et al. 2010a). These lines
of evidence suggest that the Southern Beaufort Sea
subpopulation is currently declining due to sea ice
Habitat Characteristics and Needs
Pack ice is the primary summer habitat for polar
bears in the U.S. (Durner et al. 2009 Rode et al.
2015b; Atwood et al. 2016b). Polar bears depend on
sea ice as a platform from which to hunt and feed; to
seek mates, breed, and den; to travel to terrestrial
maternity denning areas; and to make long-distance
movements (Stirling and Derocher 1993). Polar
bears prefer certain sea-ice stages, concentrations,
forms, and deformation types (Arthur et al. 1996;
Mauritzen et al. 2001; Durner et al. 2009; Wilson et
al. 2014), and have been shown to prefer the floe ice
edge, stable shore-fast ice with drifts, and moving
ice (Stirling et al. 1993).
Movements. Polar bear movements are closely tied
to seasonal dynamics of sea-ice extent as it retreats
northward during summer melt and advances
southward during autumn freeze. When the annual
sea ice begins to form in shallower water over the
64 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
continental shelf, polar bears that retreated north
of the continental shelf during summer return to
shallower shelf waters where seal densities are
higher (Durner et al. 2009).
Access to prey. The formation and movement
patterns of sea ice strongly influence the distribu-
tion and accessibility of ringed and bearded seals
(Frost et al. 2004; Ferguson et al. 2005; Cameron
et al. 2010). The shore-fast ice zone, where ringed
seals construct subnivean (in or under the snow)
birth lairs for pupping, is also an important foraging
habitat during spring (Stirling et al. 1993). Shore-
fast ice is used by polar bears for feeding on seal
pups, for movement, and occasionally for maternity
denning (Stirling et al. 1993). In protected bays and
lagoons, shore-fast ice typically forms in autumn and
remains stationary throughout winter. Shore-fast ice
usually occurs in a narrow belt along the coast and
melts in the summer.
During the winter and spring, when energetic
demands are the greatest, nearshore lead systems
(i.e., cracks in the ice where bears can hunt
hauled-out seals) and polynyas (areas of open sea
surrounded by sea ice) are important for seals,
and are thus important foraging habitat for polar
bears. Polar bears in the SB are thought to reach
their peak weights during autumn and early winter
(Durner and Amstrup 1996). Thus, availability and
accessibility of prey during this time may be critical
for survival through the winter months.
Breeding. Polar bears also depend on sea ice as
a habitat to seek mates and breed (Stirling and
Derocher 1993). Breeding occurs in spring, between
March and June (Schliebe et al. 2006). In the
Southern Beaufort Sea, the probability that adult
females will survive and produce cubs-of-the-year is
negatively correlated with ice-free periods over the
continental shelf (Regehr et al. 2007b).
In addition, the variable nature of sea ice results in
an ever-changing distribution of suitable habitat for
polar bears, and eliminates any benefit to defending
individual territories (Schliebe et al. 2006). Males
must be free of the need to defend territories if they
are to maximize their potential for finding mates
each year (Ramsay and Stirling 1986, Schliebe et al.
Denning. Throughout the polar bear’s range, most
pregnant females excavate dens in snow drifts
located on land in the autumn and early winter
period (Ramsay and Stirling 1990; Amstrup and
Gardner 1994), near the coastline (Durner et
al. 2010; Andersen et al. 2012), or, in the case of
portions of the SB subpopulation, in snow drifts on
pack and shore-fast ice. The key characteristic of all
denning habitat is topographic features that catch
snow on their leeward side in the autumn and early
winter as successful denning requires accumulation
of sufficient snow for den construction and mainte-
nance (Durner et al. 2003; Liston et al. 2015). Liston
et al. (2015) suggested that polar bears need snow
drifts that are at least 1.5 meters deep to success-
fully maintain a maternity den throughout the
denning season. In some areas, the majority of polar
bear denning occurs in core areas (Harington 1968;
Stishov 1991; Ovsyanikov 2005), which show high
use over time while in other portions of the species’
range, polar bears den in a more diffuse pattern,
with dens scattered over larger areas at lower
density (Stirling and Andriashek 1992; Amstrup and
Gardner 1994; Ferguson et al. 2000).
In Alaska, most polar bear dens occur relatively
near the coast along the coastal bluffs and river-
banks of the mainland, on barrier islands, or on
the drifting pack ice (Amstrup and Gardner 1994;
Amstrup 2003; Durner et al. 2003, 2006, 2010, 2013;
USFWS and USGS unpublished data). Denning
areas on the North Slope of Alaska are in relatively
flat topography (Durner et al. 2003). Currently,
approximately 37% (Fischbach et al. 2007) and 10%
(Rode el al. 2015b) of pregnant females den on ice in
the SB and CS subpopulations, respectively.
Some habitat suitable for denning has been mapped
on the North Slope (Durner et al. 2001, 2006, 2013;
Blank 2013). The primary denning areas for the
CS subpopulation occur on Wrangel Island, Russia,
where up to 200 bears per year have denned annu-
ally and the northeastern coast of the Chukotka
Peninsula, Russia (Stishov 1991; Ovsyanikov 2005;
Obbard et al. 2010).
Threats Assessment/Reasons for Listing
under the ESA
The primary threat to polar bears is the loss of sea
ice habitat due to climate change (USFWS 2008).
Polar bears evolved over thousands of years to life
in a sea ice environment. They depend on the sea
ice-dominated ecosystem to support essential life
functions. The sea ice ecosystem supports ringed
seals, primary prey for polar bears, and other
marine mammals that are a part of their prey
base (Stirling and Archibald 1977; Smith 1980;
Smith 1985, Iverson et al. 2006). New information
continues to support that polar bears rely heavily
on sea ice for essential life functions (Wilson et al.
2014). Further, there is no new information available
suggesting that the threat of climate change has
been reduced.
Additional details regarding the threats and stressors
described herein can be found in the Polar Bear Status
5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation (USFWS
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 65
Appendix A—Background
Sea ice is rapidly thinning and retreating through-
out the Arctic. Ice conditions that affect polar bear
habitat include: (1) fragmentation of sea ice; (2) a
dramatic increase in the extent of open water areas
seasonally; (3) reduction in the extent and area of
sea ice in all seasons; (4) retraction of sea ice away
from productive continental shelf areas throughout
the polar basin; (5) reduction of the amount of
heavier and more stable multi-year ice; and (6)
declining thickness and quality of shore-fast ice,
if it restricts access to seals. These combined and
interrelated events change the extent and quality
of sea ice during all seasons, but particularly during
the spring-summer period.
Climate change will continue to affect Arctic sea ice
for the foreseeable future. A further review of new
information since 2008 indicates that climate change,
resulting in the loss of sea ice habitat for polar bears
continues to be the primary threat to the species.
Due to the long persistence time of certain green-
house gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, the current
and projected patterns of GHG emissions over the
next few decades and interactions among climate
processes, climate changes over the next 40–50
years are already largely set (IPCC 2007; Overland
and Wang 2007, 2013). Climate change effects on
sea ice and polar bears will continue during this
time and likely further into the future (IPCC 2014;
Atwood et al. 2016a).
The ultimate effect will be that polar bear subpopu-
lations will decline or continue to decline. With a
diminished sea ice platform, bear distribution and
seasonal onshore abundance will change. Not all
subpopulations will be affected evenly in the level,
rate, and timing of effects (Atwood et al. 2016a).
Below, we discuss the various threats that have
been identified, organized by the ESA listing factors
(section 4(a)(1)) addressed in the Final Rule. In addi-
tion to the factors identified in the listing, additional
threats were investigated during development of
this Plan.
A. The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of the species’
habitat or range
A.1. Loss of access to prey
Without sea ice, polar bears lack a platform that
allows access to ice seal prey. Longer melt seasons
and reduced summer ice extent will likely force
bears to increase use of habitats where hunting
success will decrease (Derocher et al. 2004; Stirling
and Parkinson 2006). Highly-selected summer sea
ice habitat by polar bears in the CS subpopulation
has declined by 75% in the past 30 year (Wilson et
al. 2016). Once sea ice concentration drops below
50 percent, polar bears have been documented
to quickly abandon sea ice for land, where access
to their primary prey is almost entirely absent.
Bears may also retreat northward with the more
consolidated pack ice over the polar basin, which
may be less productive foraging habitat. The
northward retreat is most likely related to reduced
hunting success in broken ice with significant open
water and need to reduce energetic costs once
prey availability and food intake drops below some
threshold (Derocher et al. 2004, p. 167; Stirling et
al. 1999, pp. 302–303). A recent study (Ware et al.
in review) found that polar bears are increasingly
found on ice over less productive waters in summer,
with activity levels indicating that they are not
hunting. Similarly, Whiteman et al. (2015) found that
bears summering on sea ice had similar metabolic
rates to those on land, indicative of fasting. During
summer, ice seals typically occur in open water and
therefore are virtually inaccessible to polar bears
(Harwood and Stirling 1992) although bears have
rarely been reported to capture ringed seals in open
water (Furnell and Oolooyuk 1980). Thus, hunting
in ice-free water will not compensate for the loss of
sea ice and the hunting opportunities it affords polar
bears (Stirling and Derocher 1993; Derocher et al.
2004). Additionally, Rode et al. (2010a) demonstrated
that available terrestrial food resources are likely
inadequate to offset the nutritional consequences of
an extended ice-free period.
Reduced duration of sea ice over shallow, productive
waters of the continental shelf is likely to have
significant impacts on the polar bears’ ability
to access prey, and continued declines in sea ice
duration are expected in the future (Durner et al.
2009, Castro de la Guardia et al. 2013, Hamilton et
al. 2014). Polar bears have two options to respond to
these changes, 1) remain on the sea ice as it moves
over less productive waters, or 2) move to land. In
both instances, polar bears are likely to find limited
prey items and employ similar energy saving strate-
gies (Whiteman et al. 2015). While observations
exist of polar bears eating terrestrial-based foods
(e.g., Rockwell and Gormezano 2009), the general
consensus is that these food items are unlikely to
compensate for lost hunting opportunities while on
the sea ice (Rode et al. 2015b); with rare exceptions
(e.g., Miller et al. 2015, Rogers et al. 2015, Whiteman
et al. 2015). Further, Rode et al. (2010a) demonstrat-
ed that available terrestrial food resources are likely
inadequate to offset the nutritional consequences of
an extended ice-free period.
Reduced access to preferred prey (i.e., ice seals;
Thiemann et al. 2008) is therefore likely to have
demographic effects on polar bears. For example,
in the SB subpopulation, the period when sea ice is
66 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
over the continental shelf has decreased significantly
over the past decade, resulting in reduced body
mass and productivity (Rode et al. 2010a; Rode
et al. 2014b) and likely reduced population size
(Bromaghin et al. 2015). It should be noted, however,
that researchers have documented demographic
effects of sea ice loss in only a few of the 19 polar
bear subpopulations (Regehr et al. 2007b; Rode et al.
2012). This is highlighted by Rode et al. (2014) who
found that even though sea ice loss during summer
had been substantial in the Chukchi Sea, polar bears
in that subpopulation did not exhibit concomitant
declines in body mass or productivity.
A.2. Increased movements, energy expenditure
The best scientific data available suggest that polar
bears are inefficient moving on land and expend
approximately twice the average energy when
walking compared to other mammals (Best 1982;
Hurst 1982). Increased rate and extent of sea ice
movements will require polar bears to expend
additional energy to maintain their position near
preferred habitats (Mauritzen et al. 2003). This
may be an especially important consideration for
females with small cubs (Durner et al. 2010), who
have higher energetic demands due to lactation
(Gittleman and Thompson 1988; Ramsay and
Dunbrack 1986). As movement of sea ice increases
and areas of unconsolidated ice also increase, some
bears are likely to lose contact with the main body
of ice and drift into unsuitable habitat from which it
may be difficult to return (Sahanatien et al. 2012).
The increased energetic costs to polar bears from
increased movements are likely to result in reduced
body weight and condition, and a corresponding
reduction in survival and recruitment rates (Regehr
et al. 2010, Rode et al. 2010a).
Diminished sea ice cover not only increases areas
of open water across which polar bears must swim,
but may influence the size of wave action. These
may result in increases in bear mortality associated
with swimming long distances (Monnett and Gleason
2006; Durner et al. 2011; Pagano et al. 2012). In
addition, diminished sea ice cover may result in
hypothermia for young cubs that are forced to
swim for longer periods than at present, although
behavioral mechanisms might exist to reduce the
probability of this occurring (Aars and Plumb 2010).
A.3. Redistribution of polar bears to where they are
more vulnerable to impacts
The continued retraction and fragmentation of
sea ice habitats that is projected to occur will alter
previous habitat use patterns seasonally and region-
ally. Recent studies indicate that polar bear move-
ments and seasonal fidelity to certain habitat areas
are changing and that these changes are strongly
correlated with simultaneous changes in sea ice
(Atwood et al. 2016b, Rode et al. 2015b, Wilson et
al. 2016). These changes have been documented for
a number of polar bear subpopulations, with the
potential for large-scale shifts in distribution by the
end of the 21st century (Durner et al. 2009).
Gleason and Rode (2009) noted a greater number
of bears in open water of the southern Beaufort
Sea and on land during surveys in 1997–2005, when
sea ice was often absent from their study area,
compared to 1979–1996 surveys, when sea ice was
a predominant habitat in the area. Schliebe et al.
(2008) determined that the number of bears on land
in the southern Beaufort Sea region between 2000
and 2005 was higher during years when sea ice
retreated further offshore. Their results suggest
that a trend of increasing distance between land
and sea ice over time would be associated with an
increasing number of bears on shore and/or an
increase in the duration of time they spend there.
Changes in movements and seasonal distributions
caused by climate change can affect polar bear
nutrition and body condition (Stirling and Derocher
2012). In Western Hudson Bay, sea ice break-up
now occurs approximately 2.5 weeks earlier than
it did 30 years ago because of increasing spring
temperatures (Stirling et al. 1999; Stirling and
Parkinson 2006) which is also correlated with when
female bears come ashore and when they are able
to return to the ice (Cherry et al. 2013). Similarly,
changes in summer sea ice conditions has resulted
in an increase in the duration of time spent on
shore during the summer, and the proportion of
the population using shore in both the SB and CS
subpopulations (Rode et al. 2015b, Atwood et al.
2016b). Rode et al. (2015b) also demonstrated the
changes in sea ice dynamics has likely resulted in
a shift in land use during summer from a mix of
coastal use in Alaska and Russia before sea ice loss,
to almost exclusive coastal use in Russia after sea ice
Declining reproductive rates, subadult survival,
and body mass (weights) have occurred because
of longer fasting periods on land resulting from
progressively earlier break-ups (Stirling et al. 1999;
Derocher et al. 2004). In the Western Hudson Bay
(WH) subpopulation, the sea ice-related declines in
vital rates have led to reduced population trends and
reduced abundance (Regehr et al. 2007a). Similar
findings have occurred in other areas. Rode et al.
(2010a) suggested that declining sea ice has resulted
in reduced body size and reproductive rate within
the SB subpopulation. They also found that reduced
availability of sea ice habitat was correlated with a
reduction in the number of yearlings produced per
female (Rode et al. 2007).
If bears spend more time on land during the open
water period, there is potential for increased disease
transmission (Kirk et al. 2010; Prop et al. 2015; Wiig
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 67
Appendix A—Background
et al. 2015), particularly where bears form aggrega-
tions at sites where the remains of subsistence
harvested whales are deposited (e.g., Barter Island
and Cross Island, Alaska). Such aggregations are
also more susceptible to the impacts from potential
oil spills (BOEM 2014).
Increased use of onshore habitat by polar bears
has also led to higher incidences of human-polar
bear conflict (Dyck 2006, Towns et al. 2009). In two
studies of polar bears killed by humans in northern
Canada, researchers found that the majority of
polar bears killed in defense-of-life occurred during
the open water season (Stenhouse et al. 1988, Dyck
2006). Thus, as more bears come on shore during
summer, and spend longer periods of time on land,
there is an increased risk of human-polar bear
conflict; resulting in more defense-of-life kills and
disruption to industrial, recreational, and subsis-
tence activities.
Seasonal polar bear distribution changes, the nega-
tive effect of reduced access to primary prey, and
prolonged use of terrestrial habitat are all concerns
for polar bears. Although polar bears have been
observed using terrestrial foods such as blueberries
(Vaccinium sp.), snow geese (Anser caerulescens),
and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), these alternate
foods cannot replace the energy-dense diet polar
bears obtain from marine mammals (e.g., Derocher
et al. 2004, p. 169, Rode et al. 2010b, Smith et al.
2010). Polar bears are not known to regularly hunt
musk oxen (Ovibos moschatus) or snow geese
(Lunn and Stirling 1985, p. 2,295). Thus, greater
use of terrestrial habitats will not offset energy
losses resulting from decreased seal consumption.
Nutritional stress is a likely result. This conclusion
is well-supported by evidence from Western Hudson
Bay, as previously cited.
A.4. Impacts to prey species
Polar bear subpopulations are known to fluctuate
with prey abundance (Stirling and Lunn 1997).
Regional declines in ringed and bearded seal
numbers and productivity have resulted in marked
declines in certain polar bear subpopulations (Stir-
ling and Øritsland 1995; Stirling 2002). Ringed seal
populations are known to exhibit natural fluctua-
tions, but there is concern that longer-term popula-
tion declines associated with sea ice decline might be
overlaid with natural fluctuations (Chambellant et al.
2012). Indeed, ringed seal population dynamics are
a complex mix of biotic and abiotic factors (Pilfold et
al. 2015), making it difficult to understand the direct
influence of sea ice loss on demography.
Accurate population estimates and trends for these
seal species are unavailable. In 2012, the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) listed two
prey species of polar bears, the Arctic subspecies
of ringed seal (Phoca hispida hispida) and the
Beringia DPS of bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus
nauticus), as threatened species under the Act (77
FR 76706; 77 FR 76740) due to climate change.
Following successful legal challenges to both
listings in the District Court, the 9
Circuit Court of
Appeals upheld the agency’s listing determination
for the Beringia Distinct Population Segment of
bearded seal on October 24, 2016; NMFS appeal of
the Arctic ringed seal decision (March 11, 2016) is
still pending.
Diminishing ice and snow cover are the greatest
challenges to the persistence of ringed seals.
Within the century, snow cover is projected to be
inadequate for the formation and occupation of
subnivean birth lairs over most of the species’ range
(Kelly et al. 2010, Iacozza and Fergusson 2014). The
thickness of the snow layer surrounding birth lairs is
crucial for thermoregulation and hence, the survival
of nursing pups when air temperatures are below
freezing (Stirling and Smith 2004). Pups in lairs with
thin snow roofs are also more vulnerable to preda-
tion than pups in lairs with thick roofs (Hammill
and Smith 1991, Ferguson et al. 2005). When lack of
snow cover has forced birthing to occur in the open,
nearly 100% of pups died from predation (Smith
and Lydersen 1991, Smith et al. 1991). Additionally,
in some populations, ringed seals are thought to be
increasing their foraging efforts due to changing
environmental conditions with the potential to lead
to negative population-level consequences (Hamilton
et al. 2015).
Rain-on-snow events during the late winter are
increasing and can damage or eliminate snow-
covered pupping lairs (ACIA 2005). The pups are
then exposed to the elements and risk hypothermia.
Damaged lairs or exposed pups are relatively
easy prey for polar bears and arctic foxes (Alopex
lagopus) (Stirling and Smith 2004). Stirling and
Smith (2004) postulated that should early season
rain become regular and widespread in the future,
mortality of ringed seal pups will increase, especially
in more southerly parts of their range.
Pupping habitat on landfast ice (McLaren 1958;
Burns 1970) and drifting pack ice (Wiig et al. 1999;
Lydersen et al. 2004) can be affected by earlier
warming and break-up in the spring, which shortens
the length of time pups have to grow and mature
(Kelly 2001; Smith and Harwood 2001). In addition,
high fidelity of ringed seals to birthing sites makes
them more susceptible to localized impacts from
birth lair snow degradation, harvest, or human
activities (Kelly et al. 2006).
Changes in snow and ice conditions can also affect
polar bear prey other than ringed seals (Born
2005), and will likely result in a net reduction in the
abundance of species such as ribbon seals (Phoca
68 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
fasciata) and bearded seals (MacIntyre et al. 2015).
As a result, some polar bear subpopulations likely
will not be able to compensate for the reduced
availability of ringed seals by increasing their taking
of other species (Derocher et al. 2004). Alternatively,
walruses at terrestrial haulouts may become more
available to polar bears as the bears’ use of land
increases, as sea ice extent and duration continues to
decline (Kochnev 2002; Rode et al. 2015b).
A.5. Inadequate conditions for successful denning
Climate change could negatively influence denning
(Derocher et al. 2004). Insufficient snow would
prevent den construction or result in use of poor
sites where the roof could collapse (Derocher et al.
2004). Changes in the amount and timing of snowfall
could also impact the thermal properties of dens
(Derocher et al. 2004). Since polar bear cubs are
born helpless and need to nurse for three months
before emerging from the den, major changes in the
thermal properties of dens could negatively impact
cub survival (Derocher et al. 2004). Unusual rain
events are projected to increase throughout the
Arctic in winter (Liston and Hiemstra 2011), and
increased rain in late winter and early spring could
cause den collapse (Stirling and Smith 2004). The
proportion of bears denning on ice has decreased for
some subpopulations (Atwood et al. 2016) and not
others, but the consequences of these shifts to cub
survival are unknown.
A.6. Loss of access to denning areas
While polar bears can successfully den on land and
sea ice (Amstrup and Gardner 1994; Fishbach et
al. 2007), for most subpopulations, maternity dens
are located on land (Derocher et al. 2004). Recent
information indicates that some subpopulations,
such as the SB, continue to disproportionately den
on land (Rode et al. 2015a). Female polar bears
can repeatedly return to specific denning areas on
land (Harrington 1968; Ramsay and Stirling 1990;
Amstrup and Gardner 1994). For bears to access
preferred denning areas on land, pack ice must
drift close enough or must freeze sufficiently early
to allow pregnant females to walk or swim to the
area by late October or early November (Derocher
et al. 2004). As distance increases between the pack
ice edge and coastal denning areas, it will become
increasingly difficult for females to access preferred
denning locations unless they are already on or
near land. Distance to the ice edge is one factor
thought to limit denning in western Alaska in the CS
subpopulation (Rode et al. 2015a). Increased travel
distances could negatively affect denning success
and ultimately population size of polar bears (Aars
et al. 2006).
Under most climate change scenarios, the distance
between the edge of the pack ice and land will
increase during summer. Derocher et al. (2004)
predicted that under future climate change
scenarios, pregnant female polar bears will not be
able to reach many of the most important denning
areas in the north coast of the central Beaufort Sea.
Bergen et al. (2007) found that between 1979 and
2006, the minimum distance polar bears traveled to
denning habitats in northeast Alaska increased at an
average linear rate of 6–8 km (3.7–5.0 mi) per year
and almost doubled after 1992. They projected that
travel distances would increase threefold by 2060
(Bergen et al. 2007).
A.7. Loss of mating platform
Moore and Huntington (2008) classify the polar bear
as an “ice-obligate” species because the bears rely
on sea ice as a platform for breeding as well as rest-
ing and hunting. While loss of sea ice may impact
mating success due to a reduction in the ability to
find females in estrous (Molnár et al. 2011; Owen et
al. 2015), polar bear habitat projections indicate a
high likelihood of sea ice habitat in spring through at
least mid-century (Durner et al. 2009, Castro de la
Guardia et al. 2013, Hamilton et al. 2014), indicating
that there will likely be suitable ice to serve as a
mating platform into the foreseeable future.
B. Overutilization
Overutilization in the form of human-caused
removals of bears was not found to be a threat to
the population throughout all or a significant portion
of its range (USFWS 2008). However, increased
mortality from human-bear encounters or other
forms of mortality may become a more significant
threat in the future, particularly for subpopulations
experiencing nutritional stress or declining numbers
as a consequence of habitat change.
Subsistence harvest, management harvest (defense
of life, mercy killings, and removal of problem
bears), and sport harvest (Canada only, using
a proportion of subsistence-allocated tags) are
currently types of human-caused removals that are
allowed throughout all or parts of the polar bear’s
range. Subsistence harvest accounts for the majority
of human-caused removals (Obbard et al. 2010) and
is important to indigenous people in many parts of
the Arctic for nutritional and cultural purposes, and
in some regions provides economic revenue from the
sale of polar bear parts or handicrafts.
A review of new information since 2008 indicates
that overutilization still does not threaten the
species throughout all or a significant portion of
its range. This finding is consistent with reviews of
circumpolar management of polar bears developed
by the IUCN PBSG (Obbard et al. 2010), TRAF-
FIC North America and World Wildlife Fund
Canada (Shadbolt et al. 2012), the Polar Bear
Range States (PBRS 2015), the Animals Committee
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 69
Appendix A—Background
of the Convention on the International Trade of
Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES)
2015 Review of Significant Trade (CITES 2015),
and the IUCN Red List Authority (Wiig et al. 2015).
Atwood et al. (2015) concluded that sea-ice loss
due to anthropogenic climate change was the most
important factor in forecasts of the future status of
polar bears worldwide, while in situ human activi-
ties (including human-caused removals) exerted
considerably less influence on population outcomes.
Harvest management is necessary to ensure that
human-caused removals do not reduce abundance to
unacceptable levels or reduce the viability of popula-
tions (Regehr et al. 2015).
Since 2008, concerns persist about subsistence
harvest levels for several subpopulations, particu-
larly those with poor or outdated population data
(Obbard et al. 2010; Vongraven et al. 2012). The
three polar bear Range States that allow legal
harvest —Canada, Greenland, and the U.S.—have
made progress on the management systems and
scientific information used to ensure that harvest
does not threaten the species. On a circumpolar
level, a primary concern is the potential for future
overutilization due to interactions between human-
caused removals and negative effects of climate
change. For example, if habitat loss leads to an
increased number of nutritionally-stressed polar
bears on land, human-bear conflicts, and resulting
human-caused removals, are expected to increase
(PBRS 2015). Harvest management methods that
consider the current and future potential effects
of habitat loss, the quality of data used to inform
management decisions, and the possibility of popula-
tion thresholds below which increasing conservation
efforts would be made to reduce human-caused
disturbance and removals, are all important
considerations to long-term management of harvest
for populations affected by climate change (Regehr
et al. 2015).
B.1. Management systems and agreements
Human-caused removals are managed in accordance
with numerous laws, legislation and regulations
among and within the five range state countries
described in “Current Conservation Measures
and Management Efforts” towards the end of this
Appendix. Reviews of international and national
management of human-caused removals of polar
bears are available in Schliebe et al. (2006), USFWS
(2008), Obbard et al. (2010), Shadbolt et al. (2012),
and Polar Bear Range States (2015).
B.2. Subsistence harvest and sport harvest
The U.S., Canada, and Greenland are currently the
only Range States that allow for the subsistence
harvest of polar bears by indigenous people. Polar
bear harvest management regimes vary within
these countries (USFWS 2008; Obbard et al. 2010;
Shadbolt et al. 2012). Polar bear harvest remains
an important nutritional, cultural, and economic
resource for indigenous people in many parts of the
Arctic (e.g., Schliebe et al. 2006; Born et al. 2011;
Voorhees et al. 2014). Canada is the only country
that allows sport hunting, in Nunavut and the
Northwest Territories, through guided hunts that
use a portion of the tags allocated for subsistence
harvest under existing management agreements.
All forms of human-caused removals are generally
included in harvest statistics (noting that some
types of removals, such as subsistence harvest
and defense-of-life kills, are interrelated such that
delineation is difficult). The statistics in this section
reflect all reported human-caused removals unless
otherwise noted.
Shadbolt et al. (2012) reported that on average
735 polar bears were killed globally per year from
2006–07 to 2010–11 (winter years), which was three
to four percent of their estimated global population
of 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears (noting that Wiig
et al. [2015] suggested a global population size of
26,000 polar bears [95% CI = 22,000–31,000]). For
polar bears, removing 4.5% of a population annually,
has historically been considered sustainable in the
sense of not causing populations to decline below
the size at which they produce maximum sustain-
able yield (Taylor et al. 1987). Regehr et al. (2015)
corroborated that a 4.5% removal rate is generally
reasonable although some subpopulations may
support higher rates under favorable environmental
conditions, and under some circumstances lower
rates may be necessary to avoid accelerating
population declines caused by habitat loss due to
climate change. Shadbolt et al. (2012) indicated that
Canada harvested the most bears of any Range
State during this period, with an average of 554
bears per year. Greenland removed an average of
136 bears per year, the U.S. removed an average of
45 bears per year, and Norway removed an average
of one bear per year. Information of bears removed
in Russia was not available for their analysis,
although a new survey of communities in Chukotka
provides updated information of the current and
historic number of polar bears removed in that
region (Kochnev and Zdor 2015; see B.3. Poaching
[illegal hunting]).
The mean level of human-caused removal by
subpopulation was reported for the period
2005–2009 by Obbard et al. (2010), and updated
by the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group in 2015
(updated versions periodically available at: http://
pbsg.npolar.no/en/status/status-table.html). Recent
harvest levels have been thought to be sustainable
in most subpopulations (Obbard et al. 2010),
although concerns exist for some subpopulations
due to poor or outdated scientific data, poor or
incomplete reporting of human-caused removals,
70 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
or harvest rates that appear excessive in relation
to the best-available estimates of subpopulation
size. The 2015 PBSG Status Table categorized
knowledge on the current trend of 9 subpopulations
as “data deficient.” Vongraven et al. (2012) indicated
that polar bear harvest is closely monitored in
most regions where it occurs, but noted several
subpopulations for which improvements to baseline
harvest data and sampling are needed. Vongraven et
al. (2012) also indicated that, in practice, subsistence
harvest levels are based on factors including scien-
tific assessments of status, traditional knowledge
information, as well as the level of local interests in
harvesting polar bears for nutritional, cultural, and
economic purposes. The results of Vongraven et al.
(2012) suggest that polar bear subpopulations may
respond to various levels of harvest pressure differ-
ently depending on multiple factors, and the authors
suggest that flexible harvest systems that can adapt
to changing conditions may be necessary to mitigate
and minimize the relative threat legal harvest poses
to polar bear subpopulations.
Regehr et al. (2015) provided a modeling and
management framework for harvesting wildlife
affected by climate change, applied specifically to
polar bears. That framework uses state-dependent
(i.e., dependent on current condition) management
to identify harvest levels that consider the effects
of changes in environmental carrying capacity (e.g.,
due to sea-ice loss), changes in intrinsic growth rate,
the sex and age of removed animals, the quality of
population data, timing of management decisions,
risk tolerance, and other factors. The authors
evaluate the ability of the harvest management
strategy relative to its ability to achieve two objec-
tives: (i) maintain a population above its maximum
net productivity level relative to a potentially
changing carrying capacity, and (ii) minimize the
effect of harvest on population persistence. Regehr
et al. (2015) demonstrated that harvest adhering to
this framework is unlikely to accelerate population
declines resulting from habitat loss due to climate
change, recognizing that both the harvest level (i.e.,
number of bears removed annually) and harvest rate
(i.e., percent of the population removed annually)
may decline for populations negatively affected by
climate change.
For the SB subpopulation, subsistence harvest
is regulated through an agreement between the
Inuvialuit of Canada and the Inupiat of Alaska (I-I
Agreement; Brower et al. 2002). For the most recent
10-year period 2006–2015, an average of 19 bears
per year were removed from the U.S. portion of
the SB subpopulation (Figure 3). The average sex
composition of removals during this period was 27%
female, 50% male, and 22% unknown.
The U.S. harvest management system for the CS
subpopulation is described in section B.1. Manage-
ment systems and agreements. For the most recent
10-year period 2006–2015, an average of 30 bears
per year (Figure 4) were removed from the U.S.
portion of the CS subpopulation, calculated relative
to the boundary near Icy Cape, Alaska, as recog-
nized by the PBSG (Obbard et al. 2010). The average
sex composition of removals during this period was
29% female, 57% male, and 14% unknown.
B.3. Poaching (illegal hunting)
Given the remoteness of human habitation
throughout polar bear range, poaching is hard to
record and quantify. During the 2008 review, the
Service found limited evidence to suggest that
poaching is a concern in the subpopulations within
the Range States of Canada, Norway, Greenland,
and the U.S. However, poaching may be an issue
for the subpopulations within Russia. The level of
poaching is unknown in the Kara Sea and Laptev
Sea subpopulations (Vongraven et al. 2012) even
though polar bear hunting has been prohibited in
Russia since 1956. Poaching appeared to increase
in northeast Russia (Chukotka) after the collapse
of the Soviet Union affecting the CS subpopulation.
The level of illegal killing was estimated to be high
enough to be unsustainable and to pose a serious
threat to the CS subpopulation in the 1990s (Obbard
et al. 2010). Kochnev (2004) suggested that illegal
hunting in eastern Russia may have been as high as
100 to 200 bears between 1999 and 2003.
Kochnev and Zdor (2015) suggest that illegal hunt-
ing of polar bears in the CS subpopulation removed
approximately 32 bears per year recently, based on
community interviews conducted between 2010 and
2011. This represents a likely decline from the esti-
mated 209 bears killed annually from 1994 to 2003.
Environment Canada reports that illegal hunting in
Canada is a rare event (Environment Canada 2010).
There is little documentation of illegal hunting in
Greenland although two men were charged with use
of illegal equipment in 2011 (Shadbolt et al. 2012).
No documented cases of illegal hunting exist for
Norway (Svalbard). In the U.S., from 2008 to 2015,
only one known bear was illegally taken from the CS
subpopulation in 2013. Wiig et al. (2015) reported
that range-wide illegal hunting of polar bears is not
thought to be a major concern.
B.4. Defense-of-life removals
Human-bear interactions and defense-of-life kills
may increase under projected climate change
scenarios where more bears are on land and in
contact with humans (Derocher et al. 2004). Polar
bears are inquisitive animals and often investigate
novel odors or sights. This trait can lead to polar
bears being killed when they investigate human
activities (Herrero and Herrero 1997). Since the
late 1990s, the timing of freeze-up in the autumn has
occurred later and later, resulting in an increased
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 71
Appendix A—Background
amount of time polar bears spend on land in some
areas (Rode et al. 2015b). This can increase the
probability of human-bear interactions. With projec-
tions indicating that the Arctic Ocean may be largely
ice free in the summer in the next few decades
(Overland and Wang 2013), human-polar bear
conflicts are expected to increase as bears are forced
on shore and closer to people (Dyck 2006; Regehr
et al. 2007a; Towns et al. 2009). Understanding and
addressing human-bear conflicts will ultimately help
reduce the necessity to lethally remove a polar bear
in defense of a human life.
A primary management goal of the Range States
is to ensure the safe coexistence of polar bears and
humans in the face of accelerating climate change.
In order to monitor human-polar bear interactions
throughout the Arctic, the Range States initiated
development of a database to track and analyze
human-polar bear conflicts. The Polar Bear-Human
Information Management System (PBHIMS)
database will document, quantify, and evaluate
human-bear interactions and other information
relevant to bear management (PBRS 2015). This
information will then be analyzed and the findings
used to develop improved management strategies
to reduce human-bear conflicts and the number of
bears killed.
Since 2008, human-polar bear conflict reduction has
become an important issue for many circumpolar
communities. In recent years, these efforts have
increased and have incorporated multiple groups.
Non-government organizations (NGOs) have
been working with government agencies and local
communities throughout the Arctic to provide
information and training, remove attractants from
villages, provide bear-proof storage containers for
food, provide electric fencing, and fund polar bear
patrols (Voorhees and Sparks 2012; York et al. 2014).
These initiatives strive to minimize human-bear
conflicts and create safe communities; however,
much work remains. Reducing human-bear conflicts
through attractants management, such as managing
human food and garbage or managing natural
attractants (i.e., whale carcass sites) in or near
human settlements continues to be an important and
challenging issue for Arctic communities and wildlife
managers (Koopmans 2011; Aerts 2012; ANC 2013;
York et al. 2014).
Polar bear patrols in coastal communities are
another effective technique to reduce human-bear
conflicts through deterrence and education. These
structured programs enable trained, local residents
to deter polar bears from entering communities
using a variety of non-lethal techniques (ANC 2013).
While deterrence may not be effective for every
bear, it does provide a non-lethal option for keeping
bears out of communities in the majority of cases.
Established polar bear patrols now occur in the
U.S., Canada, Greenland, and Russia.
Since the listing in 2008, in Alaska, two defense-of-
life removals from the SB subpopulation by non-
Alaska Natives occurred with humans engaged in
recreational activities. The first incident occurred in
August 2014 at Bullen Point and the second occurred
a week later in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Figure 3. Polar bear harvest in the U.S. portion of the
Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation 2006–2015.
Polar Bears
Harvest in the U.S. portion of the Southern Beaufort Sea region
Figure 4. Polar bear harvest in the U.S. portion of the
Chukchi Sea subpopulation 2006–2015.
Polar Bears
Harvest in the U.S. portion of the Chukchi Sea region
72 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
B.5. Other removals
Other forms of removal include take associated
with accidental mortality during scientific research,
during industrial activities and placement of
orphaned cubs into public display facilities. These
sources of mortality are generally included in
estimates of total removals provided previously. In
2008, these levels of take were sufficiently low that
the Service determined they were insignificant and
had no effect on population status. New information
summarized below indicates this is still an accurate
Research. Research activities may cause short-term
effects to individual polar bears targeted in survey
and capture efforts (Thiemann et al. 2013) and may
incidentally disturb those nearby. In rare cases,
research efforts may lead to injury or death of polar
bears. Between 1967 and 2012, there were around
4401 capture events of polar bears in Alaska with
at least 19, and perhaps as many as 27, deaths (a
capture mortality rate ranging from 0.4 – 0.6% since
1967). In 2001 the USGS began an intensive capture/
mark/recapture project in the southern Beaufort
Sea that is ongoing and mortality has been low (3
research related mortalities resulting from 1260
captures, or .24%). Capture efforts in the southern
Beaufort Sea, however, have not resulted in any
long-term effects on body condition, reproduction,
or cub survival (Rode et al. 2014a)
Orphaned cubs. In the U.S., two orphaned cubs-
of-the year have been removed from their natural
environment since 2008. In 2011, one orphaned
female cub from the SB subpopulation was recov-
ered in an industrial area after apparently being
separated from its mother. It was subsequently sent
to a public display facility. In 2013, one orphaned
male cub of the year that was recovered from the CS
subpopulation as a stranded animal after its mother
was harvested. It was subsequently sent to a public
display facility for long term care and maintenance.
No other recent information on orphaned cubs has
been documented from other countries.
Industrial activities. Climate change is expected
to increase accessibility to natural resources in the
Arctic, effectively increasing industrial activities
and its support infrastructure in the circumpolar
regions. Industries, such as mineral extraction, ship-
ping, and petroleum exploration and development,
are all expected to increase in the future.
Three polar bear removals have occurred from the
SB subpopulation since the listing as a result of
industry activities, and one removal occurred as a
result of deterrence activities. In 2011, a security
guard for an oil company accidently shot and killed
a female polar bear during a deterrence action. In
2012, one adult female and her two-year old male
cub were found dead on an island near industry
facilities. Their deaths are assumed to be related to
the chemical substances found in and on the bears.
In 2012, an additional lethal removal from the SB
subpopulation occurred during a deterrence action
of a community bear patrol. Since 2008, no other
recorded removals as a result from industrial activi-
ties have been documented. Industrial activities are
further discussed in Section E.1.
C. Disease and predation
In the Final Rule for listing polar bears under the
Act (73 FR 28212), the Service examined the best
available scientific information on disease and
determined that diseases do not threaten the species
throughout all or any significant portion of its range.
A further review of new information since 2008
indicates that disease and predation continue to pose
little threat to the species.
C.1. Disease
Polar bears are not generally susceptible to disease
and parasites (USFWS 2008). The Service noted
in 2008 that the potential for disease outbreaks, an
increased possibility of pathogen exposure from
changing diets, increased susceptibility of polar
bears to existing pathogens, or the occurrence of
new pathogens that have moved northward with
a warming environment all warrant continued
monitoring and may become more significant threat
factors in the future for polar bear populations
experiencing nutritional stress or declining numbers
(USFWS 2008).
Fagre et al. (2015) conducted a literature review of
existing papers describing infectious diseases that
have been reported in polar bears. They noted that
in reports where wild polar bears have been exposed
to various bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses,
limited information on health effects were reported.
They also documented that the majority of diseases
found in captive polar bears do not occur in the
Arctic environment and thus may have limited value
for understanding the importance of these diseases
in wild bear populations.
C.2. Emergence of new pathogens in polar bears
Whether polar bears are more susceptible to new
pathogens due to their lack of previous exposure to
diseases and parasites is unknown. As the effects of
climate change become more prevalent, there are
concerns with the expansion of existing pathogens
from southern latitudes moving into the polar
bears’ range (Weber et al. 2013). New pathogens
may expand their range northward from more
southerly areas under projected climate change
scenarios (Harvell et al. 2002). Further, the potential
for pathogens crossing human-animal boundaries
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 73
Appendix A—Background
(e.g. giardia), and new threats from existing
pathogens that may be able to establish in immuno-
compromised/stressed individuals is also a concern.
Many different pathogens and viruses have been
found in seal species that are polar bear prey, so the
potential exists for transmission of these diseases to
polar bears.
Patyk et al. (2015) suggested that due to the
predicted effects of climatic warming and the
synergistic effects of pollutants on polar bears’
resistance to disease and parasites, establishing
good baseline data for the most common diseases in
different populations of polar bears and by tracking
temporal trends in prevalence for each disease could
help future research and monitoring.
C.3 Intraspecific competition
While cannibalism has been documented among
polar bears (Derocher and Wiig 1999; Amstrup et
al. 2006; Stirling and Ross 2011) and infanticide by
male polar bears have been documented (Taylor et
al. 1985; Derocher and Wiig 1999; Stone and Dero-
cher 2007), there is no indication that these stressors
have resulted in population level effects.
C. 4. Interspecific competition
One form of interspecific competition is cross-
breeding, or hybridization. The ranges of polar
bears and grizzly bears overlap only in portions of
northern Canada, Chukotka (Russia), and northern
Alaska. The first documented case of cross-breeding
in the wild was a first generation male hybrid
harvested on Banks Island, Canada in 2006. This
hybrid was the result of the cross-breeding between
a female polar bear and male grizzly bear (Paetkau,
pers. comm. May 2006). Since then, two additional
hybrids have been harvested on Victoria Island and
multiple sightings have been confirmed in Canada,
one of which is considered a “second generation”
hybrid, the result of a female grizzly-polar hybrid
mating with a male grizzly bear (Species at Risk
Committee 2012). Further, in April 2012, an adult
female polar bear was harvested with two older first
generation hybrid cubs (Species at Risk Committee
2012). Cross-breeding in the wild is thought to be
rare, but cross-breeding may pose concerns for
subpopulations and species viability in the future
should the rate of occurrence increase. Based on the
harvest and sighting locations, polar bears affected
by cross-breeding with grizzly bears presumably
are part of the NB and Viscount Melville subpopula-
Along Alaska’s northern coast, polar bears compete
with brown bears for food sources. Results from a
study conducted in 2005–2007 (Miller et al. 2015)
indicate that brown bears are socially dominant
and frequently displace polar bears from an annual
bowhead whale carcass food source. The physiologi-
cal effects of these interactions on individual polar
bears are not fully determined.
D. Inadequacy of existing regulatory mecha-
In the Final Rule (73 FR 28212), the Service
reviewed existing regulatory mechanisms and
determined that potential threats to polar bears
from direct take, disturbance by humans, and
incidental or harassment take are, for the most
part, adequately addressed by existing regulatory
mechanisms. However, there are no known regula-
tory mechanisms in place at the national or interna-
tional level that directly and effectively address the
primary threat to polar bears—the range-wide loss
of sea ice habitat within the foreseeable future (73
FR 28293, May 15, 2008).
As noted above, since 2008, there are no known
mechanisms that effectively regulation greenhouse
gas emissions, which are contributing to global
climate change and associated modifications to polar
bear habitat. However, governments and concerned
organizations are trying to address climate change
impacts on a global level. Recently, at the Paris
Climate Conference held in December 2015, 195
countries adopted the first universal, global climate
agreement. This agreement presents a global action
plan that is meant to limit global warming to below
2°C by the end of the century (EC 2016; http://
tions/paris/index_en.htm). On April 22, 2016, all five
polar bear range state countries signed the Paris
E. Other natural or manmade factors affecting
the polar bear’s continued existence
In the Final Rule for listing polar bears under the
Act (73 FR 28212), the Service examined the best
available scientific information on other natural or
manmade factors affecting polar bears’ continued
existence, such as 1) contaminants; 2) shipping and
transport; and 3) ecotourism, and determined that
they did not threaten the species throughout all
or any significant portion of its range. A further
review of new information since 2008 indicates that
these factors still do not threaten the polar bear
throughout its range, but have the potential to pose
a more significant risk in the future.
E.1. Contaminants
Although loss of sea ice is the greatest threat to
polar bears, contaminants can exacerbate the
effects of this and other threats. Understanding
the potential effects of contaminants on polar bears
in the Arctic is confounded by the wide range of
74 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
contaminants present, each with different chemical
properties and biological effects, and their differing
geographic, temporal, and ecological exposure
regimes. In the Final Rule, the Service identified
three main groups of contaminants in the Arctic that
present the greatest potential threats to polar bears
and other marine mammals: persistent organic
pollutants (POPs), heavy metals, and petroleum
hydrocarbons. The Service concluded that contami-
nant concentrations were not thought to have
population level effects on most polar bear popula-
tions, but also noted that contaminants may become
a more significant threat in the future, especially
for polar bear subpopulations experiencing declines
related to nutritional stress brought on by sea ice
loss and environmental changes.
E.1.a. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Persistent organic pollutants are organic chemicals
resistant to biodegradation that can remain in the
environment for a long period of time. They are of
particular concern to apex species such as polar
bears that have low reproductive rates and high
lipid levels because POPs tend to bioaccumulate
and biomagnify in fatty tissues. The presence and
persistence of these contaminants is dependent
on factors such as transport routes, distance from
source, and quantity and chemical composition of
their releases.
In the Final Rule, the Service noted that the
Barents Sea (BS), East Greenland (EG), Kara Sea
(KS), and some Canadian polar bear subpopulations
have the highest overall contaminant concentrations.
While the levels of some contaminants, such as
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), generally seem to
be decreasing in polar bears, others, such as hexa-
chlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), were relatively high,
and newer compounds, such as, polybrominated
diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perflouro-octane
sulfonates (PFOS), posed a potential future risk to
polar bears. The effects of these contaminants at
the population level were considered to be largely
In Alaska, contaminant levels in polar bear
subpopulations at the time of listing were considered
relatively low compared to other subpopulations.
A study by Bentzen et al. (2008) showed that the
variation in contaminant levels in polar bears may
be due to variation in diet and biomagnification of
organochlorines in relation to sex, age, and trophic
position. Alaskan subpopulations continue to have
some of the lowest concentration of PCBs, chlo-
rinated pesticides, and flame retardants of all the
polar bear subpopulations (McKinney et al. 2011).
E.1.b. Metals
In the Final Rule, the Service noted that mercury is
the element of greatest concern to polar bears, and
that the highest concentrations have been found in
the Viscount Melville Sound and SB subpopulations.
The Service noted that, although mercury found
in marine mammals often exceed levels that have
caused effects in terrestrial mammals; most marine
mammals appear to have evolved mechanisms that
allow tolerance of higher concentrations of mercury
(AMAP 2005).
While some contaminants have decreased in overall
levels, indicating that international regulations can
be effective in reducing contaminants, slow declines
of some legacy pollutants like PCBs, coupled with
exposure to “new” chemicals, continue to be a
concern to polar bear health (McKinney et al. 2009),
especially in Greenland and Norway. Since mercury
is known to impact the neurological and reproduc-
tive health in other mammals, and is expected to
continue to increase in polar bear populations over
time, mercury should continue to be an important
focus of future polar bear monitoring efforts and
toxicological studies. Although population-level
effects are still widely un-documented for most
polar bear subpopulations, increasing exposure
to contaminants may become a more significant
threat in the future, especially for declining polar
bear subpopulations and/or bears experiencing
nutritional stress. Therefore, contaminants should
continue to be closely monitored.
E.1.c. Petroleum hydrocarbons
Petroleum hydrocarbons can be introduced into
polar bear habitat from industrial development
and shipping. As noted in the Final Rule, polar
bears overlap with both active and planned oil and
gas operations throughout their range. Impacts
on polar bears from industrial activities, such as
oil and gas development, may include: disturbance
from increasing human-bear interactions, resulting
in direct displacement of polar bears, preclusion of
polar bear use of preferred habitat (most notably,
denning habitat); and/or displacement of primary
prey. Also, increases in circumpolar Arctic oil and
gas development, coupled with increases in shipping
due to the lengthening open water season, increase
the potential for an oil spill to impact polar bears
and their habitat.
Industrial development. Oil and gas activities have
occurred in every polar bear Range State, either in
the onshore or offshore environment. At the time
of listing, the greatest level of oil and gas activity
occurring within polar bear habitat was in the
United States (Alaska). The Service determined
that direct impacts on polar bears from oil and gas
exploration, development, and production activities
had been minimal and did not threaten the species
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 75
Appendix A—Background
overall. This conclusion was based primarily on:
1) the relatively limited and localized nature of
the development activities; 2) existing mitigation
measures that were in place; and 3) the availability
of suitable alternative habitat for polar bears. The
Service also noted that data on direct quantifiable
impacts to polar bear habitat from oil and gas
activities was lacking.
Petroleum development is cyclic in nature and
susceptible to market demands. Currently, oil
and gas exploration, development and production
throughout the Arctic has declined since the time of
the listing.
In 2006 oil exploration interests expanded into the
Chukchi Sea within range of the CS polar bear
subpopulation. Since listing, lease sales have been
held in both the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, and
high value polar bear habitat was identified in
the Chukchi Sea lease area (Wilson et al. 2014).
However, since 2014, market mechanisms, such as
a decline in the value of oil, have led to a decline
in pursuing petroleum development at this time in
both the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. This has also
resulted in cancellation of future lease sales (USDOI
2015) and the relinquishment of lease holding by
companies back to the U.S. government.
Ongoing oil and gas production continues in central
Beaufort Sea, within range of the SB subpopulation.
Two new offshore developments have begun produc-
ing oil since the time of listing. Additionally, another
offshore development initiated the permit process
to develop an oil field in the Beaufort Sea (BOEM
All oil and gas activities continue to be evaluated and
regulated in the United States. Potential effects on
polar bears are mitigated through: 1) development
of activity-specific human-bear interaction plans
(to avoid disturbance), 2) safety and deterrence
training for industry staff, 3) bear monitoring and
reporting requirements, and 4) implementation of
project-specific protection measures (e.g., 1 mile
buffers around den sites). In 2015, the Depart-
ment of the Interior released additional proposed
regulations for future, offshore exploratory drilling
activities in the U.S. Arctic (USDOI 2015). These
regulations are intended to improve operational
standards from mobilization to transport, drilling,
and emergency response in a manner that the entire
exploration operation can be conducted in a safe
manner. Additionally, a review of potential impacts,
including cumulative effects, is conducted every
five years through the Service’s Incidental and
Intentional Take Program; the most recent reviews
(in 2016 and 2013 for the Beaufort and Chukchi
seas, respectively) include “findings of no significant
impact” to polar bears.
Oil spills. Oil spills were identified as a primary
concern for polar bears throughout their range
in the Final Rule. The primary threats to polar
bears from an oil spill are: 1) inability to effectively
thermoregulate when their fur is oiled, 2) ingestion
of oil from grooming or eating contaminated prey, 3)
habitat loss or precluded use of preferred habitat;
and 4) oiling and subsequent reduction of prey.
Spilled oil present in the autumn or spring during
formation or breakup of ice presents a greater risk
than in open water or ice-covered seasons because of
the difficulties associated with cleaning oil in mixed,
broken ice, and the presence of bears and other
wildlife in prime feeding areas over the continental
shelf during this period.
At the time of listing, no major oil spills had
occurred in the marine environment within the
range of polar bears and the Service had determined
that the probability of a large scale oil spill occur-
ring in polar bear habitat and affecting the species
range wide was low. The Service also noted that, in
Alaska: 1) past history in the Beaufort and Chukchi
seas has demonstrated that operations can be
conducted safely, and effects on wildlife and the
environment minimized; 2) regulations are in place
that provide for pollution prevention and control, as
well as marine mammal monitoring and avoidance
measures; and 3) plans are reviewed by both leasing
and wildlife agencies prior to any activity so that
protective measures specific for polar bears can be
put into place with any new activity. However, the
Service also noted that increased circumpolar Arctic
oil and gas development, coupled with increased
shipping, increased the potential for an oil spill, and
if a large spill were to occur, it could have significant
impacts to polar bears and their prey, depending
on the size, location, and timing of the spill, and the
number of animals affected.
Since the 2008 listing, the level of information and
number of entities generating information on oil
spill preparedness has been increasing in the Arctic
(Holland-Bartels and Pierce 2011). For example,
at the circumpolar level, the Arctic Council‘s
Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment
(PAME) working group produced the Arctic Marine
Shipping Assessment 2009 Report (AMSA 2009)
which identified oil spill prevention as the highest
priority in the Arctic for environmental protection.
The PAME working group is functioning to enhance
cooperation in the field of oil spill prevention, and
support research and technology that helps prevent
release of oil into Arctic waters (www.pame.is).
Additionally, in 2014, the member nations of the
Arctic Council signed a Cooperative Agreement to
strengthen cooperation, coordination, and mutual
assistance regarding oil pollution preparedness and
response in the Arctic and to protect the marine
environment from oil pollution (www.arcticcouncil.
org/eppr/). These initiatives will help countries be
76 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
better prepared for oil spills, thereby benefitting
polar bears if a spill were to occur.
In Alaska, the Oil Spill Risk Analysis process
continues to be used by federal managers to identify
where natural resources might be exposed to oil
under various spill scenarios. For example, as
part of the lease sale process, the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) and Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) modeled the likelihood of
spills occurring during exploration and development
in both the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
(NPR-A) (BLM 2012) and in the Beaufort and
Chukchi Sea planning areas (BOEM 2011, 2014;
respectively). Large (greater than 1,000 bbl) or very
large spills (greater than 120,000 bbl) were consid-
ered unlikely to occur during oil and gas exploration
(BOEM 2014). They also concluded that while a very
large oil spill is a highly unlikely event, if one did
occur it could result in the loss of large numbers of
polar bears and could have a significant impact on
the SB and CS polar bear subpopulations.
In terms of response measures, a planning tool
known as the Net Environmental Benefit Analysis
has been developed that can be used as a decision-
making process to identify spill response methods
that are most likely to reduce environmental threats
in the Arctic (Potter et al. 2012). Additionally, new
detection tools, such as, laser fluorosensors and
unmanned aircraft systems, have been tested and
used to detect and track oil in snow and ice, and they
appear to have applications to minimize oil impacts
to polar bears (EPPR 2015).
Further, considerable research has been conducted
on the use of in-situ burning (ISB), dispersants,
and chemical herders as response tools for cleaning
up oil in the ice environment, some with promising
results (Brandvik et al. 2010, Sørstrøm et al 2010,
Potter et al. 2012). Recent technology developments
include: better fire resistant boom, use of herding
agents in conjunction with ISB, improvements to
dispersant formulas, and better equipment and
delivery systems (Potter et al. 2012). Significant data
gaps still exist in terms of understanding the toxicity
from chemical herders and dispersant to Arctic
species (Holland-Bartels and Pierce 2011).
Although the risk of a large enough oil spill affect-
ing a significant portion of the world-wide polar
bear population remains unlikely, the potential
consequences warrant continued monitoring and
mitigation of industries that have the potential to
spill oil into the Arctic environment. Progress is
continuing at local, national and international levels
on planning, response operations specific to polar
E.2 Shipping and transportation
In the Final Rule, the Service noted that a decline
in Arctic sea ice has resulted in an increase in
the navigation season within Arctic waters, and
identified increased shipping as an emerging issue
for polar bear conservation. Previously ice-covered
sea routes are now opening up in summer, allowing
access for commercial shipping. Increased shipping
along the Northern Sea Route (part of the North-
east Passage that follows Norway and Russia’s coast
down into the Chukchi and Bering seas), and the
Northwest Passage (which follows Canada’s eastern
coast north along Canada and Alaska’s Beaufort
Sea coast) could result in increased fragmentation
of sea ice habitat and disturbance/injury to marine
mammals, increased human-bear encounters, and
the introduction of waste/ litter, and toxic pollutants
into the marine environment (PBRS 2015). A
primary concern associated with increased shipping
is the increased potential for oil spills to occur.
While no population level effects from increased
shipping were identified at the time of listing, the
IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group recommended
that the Range States take appropriate measures to
monitor, regulate, and mitigate ship traffic impacts
on polar bear populations and their habitat (Aars et
al. 2006).
Since the listing, increased attention on shipping
as an emerging Arctic issue has occurred at the
circumpolar level. For example, the Arctic Council
completed a comprehensive Arctic marine shipping
assessment report (AMSA 2009) that focused on
ship uses of the Arctic Ocean and their potential
impacts on humans and the Arctic marine environ-
ment (AMSA 2009). The AMSA Report includes a
comprehensive estimate of how many ships (exclud-
ing naval vessels) operated in the Arctic during a
given year, and identified Arctic natural resource
development and regional trade as the key drivers of
future Arctic marine activity. The release of oil was
identified as one of the most significant environmen-
tal threats related to shipping. The report included
a specific recommendation for Arctic countries to
address impacts on marine mammals from shipping,
and work with the International Maritime Organiza-
tion (IMO) to develop and implement mitigation
Since then, significant advancements have been
made to implement the recommendations set forth
in the AMSA Report. For example, several reports
that identify Arctic marine areas of special ecologi-
cal and cultural importance have been published
(Smith et al. 2010), and voluntary guidelines to
reduce underwater noise to avoid adverse impacts
on marine biota have been developed (PAME 2015).
Additionally, vessel routing and speed restrictions
have been recognized as effective measures to
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 77
Appendix A—Background
mitigate impacts on marine mammals (Brigham and
Sfraga 2010). In 2015, the IMO adopted the envi-
ronmental provisions of the Polar Code, a significant
achievement for addressing marine environmental
protection which includes standardized safety
procedures such as use of designated ship lanes. The
Polar Code is expected to enter into force in Janu-
ary 2017 (IMO 2016). In the U.S., steps are being
taken to establish designated shipping routes in the
Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea (USCG 2014), areas
known for their biological (and cultural) importance
(Huntington et al. 2015).
Potential impacts from shipping on polar bears
continue to warrant attention. At present, ongoing
circumpolar efforts to improve marine safety and
environmental protection are positive steps toward
addressing potential impacts on marine mammal
species, including polar bears.
E.3. Ecotourism
Polar bear viewing and photography are popular
forms of tourism that occur primarily in Churchill,
Canada; Svalbard, Norway; and the north coast of
Alaska (the communities of Kaktovik and Barrow).
In the Final Rule, the Service noted that, while it is
unlikely that properly regulated tourism will have
a negative effect on polar bear subpopulations,
increasing levels of public viewing and photography
in polar bear habitat may lead to increased
human-polar bear interactions. Tourism can also
result in inadvertent displacement of polar bears
from preferred habitats, or alter natural behaviors
(Lentfer 1990; Dyck and Baydack 2004, Eckhardt
2005). If increased human-bear conflicts lead to
polar bears being killed in defense of life, this could
also lead to reduced opportunities for subsistence
harvest. Conversely, tourism can have the positive
effect of increasing the worldwide constituency
of people with an interest in polar bears and their
Since the listing, the human dimension aspect
and role of stakeholders in polar bear viewing has
increased. It has been noted that wildlife tourism
conservation activities have a greater potential for
success if local people take part in developing and
implementing programs (Lemelin and Dyck 2008).
Increasing polar bear tourism does not appear to
have emerged as a significant threat to the world
wide population of polar bears, and may contribute
positively to polar bear conservation. Negative
effects may occur in areas where regulations and
involvement from local stakeholders is lacking.
Cooperative relationships that develop between
managers and community residents will become
increasingly important if tourism to observe polar
bears continues to grow.
Current Conservation Measures and
Management Efforts
Many governmental and non-governmental agen-
cies, institutions, and organizations are involved in
polar bear conservation. These entities provide an
active conservation constituency and are integral
to the conservation/recovery of the species. The
following conservation agreements and plans
have effectively addressed many threats to polar
bears from direct and incidental take by humans.
However, as noted in the “Threats” section, there
are no known regulatory mechanisms in place at
the national or international level that directly and
effectively address the primary threat to polar
bears—the range-wide loss of sea ice habitat within
the foreseeable future.
A. International Conservation Agreements and
Agreement on the Conservation of Polar
Bears (1973 Agreement). All five range
countries are parties to the 1973 Agreement.
The 1973 Agreement requires the Range
States to take appropriate action to protect
the ecosystem of which polar bears are a part,
with special attention to habitat components
such as denning and feeding sites and
migration patterns, and to manage polar bear
subpopulations in accordance with sound
conservation practices based on the best
available scientific data. The 1973 Agreement
relies on the efforts of each party to implement
conservation programs and does not preclude
a party from establishing additional controls
(Lentfer 1974, p. 1). In 2009, the Range States
agreed to initiate a process that would lead to
a coordinated approach to conservation and
management strategies between the parties.
A Circumpolar Action Plan for the polar bear
(Polar Bear Range States 2015) was developed
to synthesize and coordinate management
and conservation activities among countries,
in conjunction with National Action Plans
developed by individual range states.
Inupiat—Inuvialuit Agreement for the
Management of Polar Bears of the Southern
Beaufort Sea. In January 1988, the Inuvialuit
of Canada and the Inupiat of Alaska, groups
that both harvest polar bears for cultural and
subsistence purposes, signed a management
agreement for polar bears of the Southern
Beaufort Sea (I-I Agreement) (Brower et
al. 2002). This agreement is based on the
understanding that the two groups harvest
animals from a single population shared
across the international boundary. The I-I
Agreement provides joint responsibility for
78 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
conservation and harvest practices (Treseder
and Carpenter 1989; Nageak et al. 1991).
In Canada, recommendations and decisions
from the I-I Commissioners are implemented
through Community Polar Bear Management
Agreements, Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Community Bylaws, and NWT Big Game
Regulations. In the United States, the I-I
Agreement is implemented at the local level.
Adherence to the agreement’s terms in Alaska
is voluntary, and levels of compliance may vary.
Agreement between the United States of
America and the Russian Federation on
the Conservation and Management of the
Alaska—Chukotka Polar Bear Population
(Bilateral Agreement). In October 16, 2000,
the United States and the Russian Federation
signed a bilateral agreement for the conserva-
tion and management of polar bear subpopula-
tions shared between the two countries.
The Bilateral Agreement expands upon the
progress made through the multilateral
1973 Agreement by implementing a unified
conservation program for this shared popula-
tion. Beginning in 2007, parties to the treaty
established a joint U.S.-Russia Commission
responsible for making management decisions
concerning polar bears in the Alaska-Chukotka
region. The Commission is composed of a
Native and federal representative from each
country. The Commissioners have appointed a
scientific working group (SWG) and tasked this
SWG with a number of objectives, with the top
priority being identifying a sustainable harvest
level for the Alaska-Chukotka population.
In response to this initiative, the SWG provided
the Commission with a peer-reviewed report of
their recommendations regarding harvest and
future research needs. At a meeting in June 2010,
the Commission decided to place an upper limit
on harvest from the CS population of 19 female
and 39 male (for a total of 58) polar bears per year
based on the recommendation of the SWG and
subsistence needs. Harvest will be split evenly
between Native peoples of Alaska and Chukotka.
The Service and the Alaska Nanuuq Commission
(ANC) will work in partnership with local commu-
nities to implement the harvest quota.
Memorandum of Understanding between
Environment Canada and the United States
Department of the Interior Concerning the
Conservation and Management of Shared
Polar Bear Populations. In May 2008, the
Canadian Minister of Environment and
the U.S. Secretary of the Interior signed a
Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate
and enhance coordination, cooperation, and
the development of partnerships between the
Participants, and with other associated and
interested entities, regarding the conservation
and management of polar bears and to
provide a framework for the development
and implementation of mutually agreeable
immediate, interim, and long-term actions
that focus on specific components of polar bear
The Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES) is a treaty designed
to protect animal and plant species at risk
from international trade. CITES regulates
international wildlife trade by listing species
in one of its three appendices; the level of
monitoring and regulation to which an animal
or plant species is subject depends on the
appendix in which it is listed. Polar bears were
listed in Appendix II of CITES on July 7,
1975. As such, CITES parties must determine,
among other things, that any polar bear,
polar bear part, or product made from polar
bear is legally obtained and that the export
will not be detrimental to the survival of the
species, prior to issuing a permit authorizing
the export of the animal, part, or product. All
five range states are CITES signatories and
have the required Scientific and Management
Authorities. CITES is effective in regulating
the international trade in polar bear parts and
products, and provides conservation measures
to minimize that potential threat to the species.
B. Domestic Regulatory Mechanisms
The Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA) was enacted on October 21, 1972.
All marine mammals, including polar bears,
are protected under the MMPA. The MMPA
prohibits, with certain exceptions, the “take”
of marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S.
citizens on the high seas, and the importation
of marine mammals and marine mammal
products into the U.S. (http://www.nmfs.noaa.
Passage of the MMPA in 1972 established a
moratorium on sport and commercial hunting
of polar bears in Alaska. However, the MMPA
exempts harvest, conducted in a non-wasteful
manner, of polar bears by coastal dwelling Alaska
Natives for subsistence and handicraft purposes.
The MMPA and its implementing regulations
also prohibit the commercial sale of any marine
mammal parts or products except those that
qualify as authentic articles of handicrafts or
clothing created by Alaska Natives.
Section 119 of the MMPA was added to allow the
Secretary to “enter into cooperative agreement
with Alaska Native organizations to conserve
marine mammals and provide co-management
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 79
Appendix A—Background
of subsistence use by Alaska Natives.” This also
authorizes grants to be made to Native organiza-
tions in order to carry out agreements made
under the section.
The MMPA Incidental and Intentional Take
Program (IITP) allows for the incidental non-
intentional take of small numbers of marine
mammals during specific activities. The MMPA
also allows for intentional take by harassment
of marine mammals for deterrence purposes.
The Service administers an IITP that allows
polar bear managers to work cooperatively with
stakeholders (i.e., oil and gas industry, the mining
industry, the military, local communities, and
researchers) working in polar bear habitat to
minimize impacts of their activities on bears. The
IITP has been an integral part of the Service’s
management and conservation program for polar
bears in Alaska since its inception in 1991. The
program’s success depends on its acceptance by
our conservation partners
The Endangered Species Act was passed to
provide a mechanism to conserve threatened
and endangered plants and animals and their
habitat. Listing implements prohibitions on
the take of the species. Under section 7 of the
ESA, all Federal agencies must ensure that
any actions they authorize, fund, or carry
out are not likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a listed species, or destroy or
adversely modify its designated critical
habitat. Consultations occur with Federal
action agencies under section 7 of the ESA
to avoid and minimize impacts of proposed
activities on listed species.
The Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3101 et
seq.) (ANILCA) created or expanded National
Parks and National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs)
in Alaska, including the expansion of the Arctic
NWR. One of the establishing purposes of the
Arctic NWR is to conserve polar bears. Section
1003 of ANILCA prohibits production of oil
and gas in the Arctic NWR, and no leasing or
other development leading to production of oil
and gas may take place unless authorized by
an Act of Congress.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is
responsible for vast land areas on the North
Slope, including the National Petroleum Reserve,
NPRA. Habitat suitable for polar bear denning
and den sites have been identified within NPRA.
The BLM considers fish and wildlife values under
its multiple use mission in evaluating land use
authorizations and prospective oil and gas leasing
actions. Provisions of the MMPA regarding
the incidental take of polar bears on land areas
and waters within the jurisdiction of the United
States apply to activities conducted by the oil and
gas industry on BLM lands.
The North Slope Borough Polar Bear Deter-
rence Program. The North Slope Borough
(NSB) Department of Wildlife Management
has maintained a polar bear hazing program
in Barrow and surrounding villages to protect
residents since 1992. Patrols have been a
collaborative effort by the NSB and the
Native Village of Barrow and Kaktovik. This
program has been very successful in Kaktovik
and Barrow in limiting the number of bears
killed in recent years due to public safety
concerns. Efforts to formalize training and
hazing programs have been an important step
in making the program successful. Continued
efforts are needed to implement training
programs annually, and to provide funds
needed to support the program.
In summary, existing international and domestic
agreements have been in place for 40 years to
guide the conservation and management of polar
bears. Their main strength to date has been to help
regulate the harvest and trade of polar bears, as
well as non-lethal take of bears. While these agree-
ments have addressed direct take of polar bears,
they are currently insufficient to reduce the main
threat to polar bears- the range wide loss of their
sea ice habitat. However, they remain an important
foundation on which to implement this Plan.
80 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix A—Background
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Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 89
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Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 91
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
Proposed Actions — The entries below were proposed by Recovery Team members during development
of the Plan; categorized as action, education or research; and used to develop and refine the high priority
conservation and recovery actions that appear in the Plan text.
Proposed ActionsSupport international conservation efforts through the range states relationships
(Action) Participate in circumpolar efforts to reduce human-bear conflicts.
(Action) Participate in circumpolar efforts to track and reduce international illegal trade in polar bears
and polar bear parts.
Proposed ActionsManage human-bear conflicts
(Action) Convene a community-based working group – including whaling captains — to explore options
for managing bone piles. Develop best management practices that can be shared with communities.
(Action) Remove or disperse bone piles to reduce bear concentrations (i.e., reduce risk of harmful impacts
from disease transmission, oil spills).
(Action) Develop and share best practices for managing bear viewing to minimize impacts on polar bears
and potential human-bear conflicts. Build on existing efforts, e.g. NSB program.
(Research) Assess the highest temporal/spatial risk areas for negative human-bear encounters. Monitor
changes in the human-bear interactions hotspots/focal points.
(Action) Develop emergency response plans for extreme events such as mass bear strandings, low
immune response to pathogens, and an absence of whale carcasses at Kaktovik.
(Research) Monitor effectiveness of deterrence programs, collect data to differentiate cause of bear
deaths, and analyze polar bear mortalities.
(Action) Scholarship programs/work with ANSEP/Ilasagvik College to develop professional bear
expertise in local communities.
(Education) Work with local residents and other experts to effectively communicate the importance of
minimizing human-bear conflicts.
(Research/Education) Standardize a community-based monitoring & data management program for polar
bears and for human-bear conflicts. Engage residents, industry, researchers, NGOs and others living &
working in Arctic. Communicate what is being monitored and why. Share the results.
(Education) Work with local residents to communicate the value of reporting human-bear interactions.
Proposed ActionsCollaboratively manage subsistence harvest
(Education) Develop clear, understandable materials for conveying harvest management principles;
include clarification of the various interpretations of the term “sustainable.” Update existing information
for user-group audiences.
(Action) Pass on knowledge to future generations regarding responsible and effective hunting and harvest
(Action) Implement Chukchi harvest quota in U.S. (US/Russia bilateral agreement).
(Action) Work with Russian colleagues to implement Chukchi harvest quota in Russia.
(Research) Monitor input parameters needed to estimate maximum net productivity (i.e. within optimum
sustainable population).
(Education) Work with partners and subsistence users to communicate relationship between maximum
net productivity and harvest; if a subpopulation declines due to declining carrying capacity, subsistence
harvest will continue but harvest levels will go down.
(Research) Develop separate harvest rate estimates for male and female bears.
(Action) Consistent with existing agreements, prohibit all harvest of females with cubs.
92 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
(Research) Ensure on-going, long-term, adequate basic monitoring of Chukchi Sea & SBS populations.
(Research) Support the on-going, long-term, and consistent monitoring of polar bears across the entire
range. (PBSG)
(Research/Monitoring) Improve subsistence harvest monitoring, e.g., tagging, genetic sampling, bio-
sampling etc.
Proposed ActionsProtect denning habitat
(Action) Protect polar bear travel corridors and seasonal habitat areas (e.g., barrier islands).
(Action) Create denning opportunities in prime habitat (i.e., barrier islands) through use of snow fences
to create snow drifts.
Proposed ActionsMinimize risk of contamination from spills
(Action) Improve spill response capability—deterrence, rescue & handling of oiled bears. Train local
community members as first responders. Stage equipment and supplies in villages.
(Action) Minimize risk of oil spills (e.g., collaborate with Industry and other regulatory agencies on better
inspections and maintenance of pipelines, production facilities, etc.).
(Action) Work with Arctic Council, Russia, USCG, and others on improving spill response plans for
Chukchi and Southern Beaufort Seas.
(Research) Map current and future overlap of bear distribution with resource extraction activities.
Proposed ActionsEffects of shipping
(Research) Study the effects of shipping on bears.
(Action) Encourage greater Coast Guard presence in Arctic (Arctic Marine Mammal Commission is
working on this issue).
(Action) Support the commercial fishing moratorium north of the Bering Straits until marine mammal
management protection plans and mitigation measures are in place.
(Action) Ratify law-of-the-sea treaty
(Action) Expand observer program on ships to document marine mammal interactions. Engage and train
local communities to staff such a program.
(Action) Work with international partners to improve off-shore development & shipping regulations to
minimize potential impacts on bears, especially with Russia and Canada.
Proposed ActionsEffects of Contaminants
(Research) Monitor contaminants and their effects on bears through harvest monitoring programs and
minimally invasive sample collection from live animals; potential partners include Range States.
(Action/Education) Reduce potential for exposure from acute, lethal contaminant exposure (e.g., ethylene
(Action) Develop, assess, update best practices for handling contaminants, and responding to inadvertent
(Action) Manage landfills via fencing and other actions to reduce exposure to contaminants.
(Research) Assess current contaminant threat to bears and where the greatest risks are.
(Action) Clean up legacy oil wells.
(Research/Action) Determine whether contaminant levels in polar bears have implications for human
consumption (food safety, food security).
Proposed ActionsEffect of research impacts
(Action) Evaluate and manage the cumulative effects of research on polar bears.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 93
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
(Action) Evaluate specific research protocols by examining value to polar bear conservation and direct
impact on bears. i.e. cost-benefit analysis.
(Action) Develop safe-handling protocols for polar bears.
Research Actions — The entries below were proposed by Recovery Team, Science and TEK workgroup
during development of the Plan. The list consists of representative projects supporting research areas
identified in Plan. Implementation of these or of other projects will flow from the dynamic and adaptive
process associated with implementing and updating the Plan.
Population dynamics and distribution. Information on population dynamics and distribution informs most
aspects of wildlife management, including subsistence harvest and human-bear interactions, and is key to
understanding current and future conservation status. The ecological dependence of polar bears on sea-ice
as a platform from which to access energy-rich marine prey has shown for some populations that changes in
the physical sea-ice environment can induce declines in population vital rates, and thus must be considered
when evaluating future persistence. Because of this, long-term studies of subpopulation status, including
the vital rates used as demographic recovery criteria, are needed to measure progress towards persistence-
based goals. Research and monitoring on the two polar bear subpopulations shared by the U.S suggests that
physical and biological differences between populations may affect how polar bears respond to habitat loss,
especially in the near term, underscoring potential spatial and temporal variation in the response of polar
bears to climate change.
Research actions — Population dynamics and distribution
1. Estimation of population status and trend:
a. via estimation of demographic parameters including population size, population growth rate,
survival, and recruitment, or indices of these parameters.
b. via biological and ecological indices.
c. via the sex, age, and reproductive composition of human-caused removals.
2. Determine current distribution of populations and implications for population size estimation, harvest
allocation, and meta-analysis of data from overlapping populations.
3. Evaluate the mechanistic relationships between sea-ice, prey abundance, and polar bear vital rates
over timeframes relevant to the Conservation Management Plan.
4. Estimate the numbers of bears coming on shore in late summer and assess differential survival and
fitness for bears that spend time on shore versus remaining on sea-ice.
a. Expand onshore non-invasive genetic sampling,
5. Monitor the level and type (e.g., sex and age) of human-caused lethal removals
6. Develop models to evaluate future population status and management actions, perform sensitivity
analysis with respect to management actions, perform risk assessments with respect to human-caused
removals, and identify key information needs.
a. Develop a standardized and adaptive approach for estimating sustainable harvest rates,
communicating the risks and tradeoffs of different harvest strategies to managers, and evaluating
the effects of harvest on population status.
7. Analyze optimal study design, sample size, and spatial and temporal distribution of sampling effort to
answer key demographic questions; perform cost-benefit analyses.
8. Evaluate emerging technologies (e.g., high-resolution satellite imagery and other technological
advancements) for integration into existing monitoring plans.
9. Develop effective and less-invasive research and monitoring techniques.
10. Evaluate circumpolar patterns in genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological diversity for polar
bears in relation to the groupings of polar bears considered in FG2.
11. Improve our understanding of why polar bear populations differ in their response to sea-ice loss
and based on that understanding identify representative populations in different ecoregions for
monitoring responses to sea-ice loss.
94 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
12. Improve our understanding of the physiological response of polar bears to environmental and
anthropogenic stressors and develop methods for monitoring those responses.
Habitat ecology. Understanding how bears respond to functional changes in their environment is necessary
to predict the consequences of loss of sea-ice habitat to population status, distribution, and ultimately the
likelihood of persistence. Improving our understanding of the links between environmental change and
polar bear persistence will allow decision-makers to determine future policies regarding the chances of
enhancing persistence.
Research actions— Habitat Ecology.
1. Improve our understanding of the environmental and biological characteristics (e.g., bathymetry,
ice concentration, benthic productivity) of important polar bear habitats, identify key habitat areas
(including denning areas), and projected future availability of habitats.
a. Incorporate resource selection information from prey species into analyses
2. Determine the behavioral and demographic responses of polar bear prey, primarily ringed and
bearded seals, to sea-ice loss and changes in late-winter and spring snow depths on the sea-ice.
Evaluate whether such responses affect the accessibility of prey to polar bears.
3. Identify the ecological mechanisms by which polar bears are responding to sea-ice loss to improve
short-term and long-term projections of population-level responses.
4. Determine the relationship between sea-ice conditions, the proportion of bears using land, and the
duration of time spent there. Develop predictions for the rate at which increased numbers of bears
may occur onshore and the necessary management responses.
5. Characterize the spatial overlap of activities and the potential response of polar bears to on- and off-
shore resource exploration and extraction activities.
a. Study potential disturbance of polar bears by shipping and other development activities, with
attention to high-use areas such as the Bering Strait
b. Evaluate data submitted on observations of polar bears in the oil fields to detect spatial and/or
temporal changes
6. Model the distribution of large- and small-scale oil spills relative to on- and off-shore habitats and
polar bear distribution. Evaluate potential effects of spills on the availability of suitable habitat.
7. Use local observations and traditional ecological knowledge to evaluate seasonal distribution patterns
and polar bear behavior, including denning and movements.
a. Standardize objectives and methods for community-based monitoring
8. Continue and expand den detection, mapping, and monitoring activities throughout the range of polar
bear population in Alaska.
9. Model and forecast cumulative impacts on polar bears using a Bayesian Network approach.
Health and nutritional ecology. An individual’s health reflects the interaction between its behavioral choices
and the environment. Because of this, measuring changes in health over time has great potential for
revealing important associations between environmental stressors and population dynamics.
Research actions— Health and Nutritional Ecology.
1. Determine if polar bears are being increasingly exposed to diseases and parasites and the potential
impact of disease on body condition, reproduction, and survival.
2. Characterize baseline exposure to hydrocarbons, atmospherically-transported contaminants, and
industrial pollutants associated with resource extraction practices.
3. Evaluate methods to decontaminate oiled polar bears
4. Characterize the physiological stress response of polar bears relative to life history, physiological
states, and environmental conditions, and determine if a relationship exists between stress responses
and measures of body condition and reproduction.
5. Improve our understanding of the relationships between polar bear feeding ecology and behavior,
body condition and food intake, demography, and sea-ice availability.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 95
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
6. Evaluate the potential cumulative impacts of research, hunting, industry, tourism activities on polar
bear health, behavior, and vital rates
Nutritional and cultural use of polar bears. Historically, native communities throughout the coastal arctic
have relied upon polar bears as both a nutritional and cultural resource. Research, including through
Traditional Ecological Knowledge, may help to better understand the cultural and nutritional significance of
polar bears to communities that have historically relied upon them, and how climate change may affect the
use of polar bears as a renewable resource in the future.
Research actions— Nutritional and Cultural Use of Polar Bears
1. Periodically assess key community perspectives, values and needs regarding: human-polar bear
interactions, sustainable use of polar bears, and incentives associated with polar bear harvest. Also,
evaluate the cultural and traditional uses of polar bears.
a. Evaluate the cultural effects of harvest management decisions
b. Return to key communities to verify and present findings
2. Evaluate the use of polar bears from human nutritional health and food security perspectives. (e.g.,
dietary quality of polar bear in comparison to store bought meat, implications of the presence and
potential effect(s) of contaminants in the meat).
a. Evaluate the effects of restrictions/quotas on the food security and nutritional status of coastal
native communities
b. Evaluate the influence of harvest management on the availability, types, and quality of food
3. Ongoing polar bear health assessments through samples and observations by local communities and
hunters. Combine polar bear sampling program as part of larger marine arctic ecosystem and other
marine mammal sampling (e.g., ice seal biomonitoring).
a. Analyze hunter samples
b. Analyze agency capture samples
c. Compare results to global polar bear health studies
Human-polar bear interactions. There is poor understanding of how conflict affects polar bear populations
and concomitantly how conflict affects humans living and working in polar bear range. The goal of this
work is to better understand the dynamics of human-polar bear conflict by gaining insight about potential
drivers of interaction and conflict. This information is needed so that mitigation actions can be developed,
implemented, and evaluated.
Research actions— Human-Polar Bear Interactions
1. Collect, process, and synthesize all existing records of human-polar bear interactions to gain insight
on the quality of conflict records, spatial and temporal trends in conflicts, severity of conflict, potential
biases in conflict reporting, and types of management strategies used to mitigate conflict.
a. standardize operating procedures for polar bear patrols and the reporting methods used to
document human-bear conflicts
b. maintain central database (i.e., Polar Bear Human Information Management System)
c. monitor the effectiveness of all deterrence programs including non-lethal methods used in
2. Characterize environmental, spatial, and anthropogenic factors that contribute to human-polar bear
conflict around industrial activity centers and villages.
a. develop best practices for polar bear viewing and ecotourism
b. develop best practices for attractant management (e.g., ice cellars, dumps, drying racks, dog lots)
3. Develop models for predicting the risk of human-polar bear conflict given scenarios of environmental
change, increased use of terrestrial habitat, and increased anthropogenic activities.
96 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix B—Specific Conservation and Recovery Actions Considered
4. Evaluate the effects of concentrated attractants (e.g., dumps) and supplemental feeding (e.g., remains
of subsistence-harvested whales) on polar bear distribution, habitat use, nutritional status, and
human-bear interactions.
5. Expand non-invasive genetic sampling around seasonally abundant, concentrated food sources (e.g.,
bone piles).
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 97
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
The harvest strategy described in the Conservation
Management Plan is founded on an extensive
literature on harvest theory (Wade 1998, Runge et
al. 2009) and a detailed population model for polar
bears (Regehr et al. 2015, Regehr et al. in press),
and is customized to reflect the cultural practices
of Alaska Native people and the principles of the
Marine Mammal Protection Act. This Appendix
describes the underlying harvest theory and techni-
cal details of the harvest strategy.
Harvest Theory
Sustained removal of animals from a population,
whether for subsistence harvest, sport harvest,
incidental take, or population control, is possible
because of density-dependent feedback mechanisms.
A reduction in the population size via removals
can—through any of a number of processes—free
up resources (food, space, breeding territory, etc.)
for the remaining individuals, increasing their
survival rates, reproductive rates, or both. The
increase in the demographic rates provides a surplus
of individuals relative to what is needed to maintain
the population at a constant size. This surplus can
be sustainably removed, as long as a number of
conditions are met.
The simplest model that can capture these popula-
tion dynamics is the discrete logistic model, which
describes the trajectory of a population using the
where N
is the population size at time t, r is the
intrinsic rate of growth of the population, K is the
carrying capacity, and h is the rate of removal (the
harvest rate). If such a population is subjected to a
fixed rate of removal for some period of time, it will
eventually settle to an equilibrium population size
= 1
that allows a sustained annual removal (annual
harvest) of a number of individuals as calculated by
the formula:
= 
= 1
= 
Plotting H
against N
depicts a “yield curve”
(Fig. C-1). For a given harvest rate, h, there is a
corresponding equilibrium population size and
annual harvest. The yield curve traces the combina-
tions of N
and H
: when h = 0, N
= K and
the annual harvest is, of course, 0. As h increases,
decreases and H
increases until a maximum
sustainable annual harvest is reached. (For the
discrete logistic model, this maximum occurs at h =
r/2, N
= K/2, and H
= rK/4.) The harvest rate
can continue to increase, pushing the equilibrium
point over to the left side of the yield curve; now N
continues to decrease, but so does H
. When h r,
= 0, that is, the harvest rate is greater than the
fastest-possible population growth rate, and the only
resulting equilibrium condition is extirpation of the
0 K
Annual Harvest (H)
Population Size (N)
Figure C-1. The yield curve for a population that is described
by a discrete logistic population model. If the annual harvest
is a fixed fraction, h, of the population size (black line), the
population size will converge to a stable equilibrium point.
When the harvest rate is fixed, the equilibrium point
is a stable attractor for the population dynamics:
if the population size is lower than N
, the surplus
production (as indicated by the yield curve) will be
greater than the annual harvest (which occurs on
the thin black line), and the population will increase
back toward N
; if the population size is greater
than N
, the annual harvest (on the black line) will
exceed the surplus production, and the population
will decrease back toward N
. The stability of the
equilibrium point is the reason that using a sustain-
able, fixed harvest rate is a robust strategy—the
population dynamics are self-correcting in the face
of stochastic fluctuations. The critical thing to note,
however, is that this stability works for a fixed
harvest rate (i.e., percentage of current population
size), not a fixed harvest quota (i.e., a fixed number
of individuals removed each year, regardless of
changes in population size). To achieve a fixed
harvest rate, the harvest quota needs to be able to
change in response to changes in the population size
on a regular basis.
98 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
The population dynamics described above and the
stability of the fixed-rate removal strategy depend
on a few assumptions: first, that the environment
remains constant on average (the mean r and mean
K do not change); second, that changes in N can
be monitored without bias and used to adjust the
number of animals removed; third, that there are no
Allee effects, or at least that the population never
drops low enough that they are realized; and fourth,
that eq. C1 adequately describes the dynamics. Note
that although the model in eq. C1 looks determin-
istic, it can also serve as the central tendency of a
stochastic model, and under reasonable assumptions
about the nature of the annual variation, the fixed-
rate removal strategy will still robustly maintain
a stochastic population near an equilibrium point,
provided there is not also some change in the
The effect of environmental change on the yield
What happens to the yield curve (and the harvest-
able surplus) if the environment changes? It’s
not easy to see the answer to this question in the
formulas for the discrete logistic model, because
the underlying density-dependent processes are
not explicitly written out in the formula. Instead,
consider the following population model,
= 
1 +
is the survival rate and R is the recruitment
rate (the number of offspring produced per adult).
Let’s assume that the survival rate,
, is density
independent (this can be a reasonable simplifying
assumption for the adults of a large, long-lived
mammal species). But let recruitment be density
dependent and given by the linear function
= +
where a is the reproductive rate at very low densi-
ties (when there is no competition for resources),
and b < 0 describes how much recruitment
decreases for each unit increase in the population
size. Then, substituting eq. C5 into eq. C4,
= 
1 + +
1 +
+ 
Now, by comparing eq. C6 to eq. C1 and making the
following substitutions,
1 +
= 1 +
, and
= −
we calculate
1 +
+ 
which is identical to eq. C1. Thus, this new model,
built from the underlying density-dependent
relationships, is identical to the discrete logistic
model. What’s helpful about this is that we can use
the substitutions in eq. C7 to solve for the param-
eters of the discrete logistic (r and K) in terms of the
parameters in the density-dependent formulation (a,
b, and
1 +
1 +
A graphical depiction of the model in eq. C4 gives
an intuitive sense of why it has the same behavior as
the model in eq. C1 (Fig. C-2). In a population that
is below its carrying capacity, the reproductive rate
will exceed the level needed to offset mortality, so
the population will grow. As the population grows,
competition for resources increases, and the repro-
ductive rate decreases. When the reproductive rate
matches the mortality rate, there is a stable equilib-
rium point (K
). Suppose now that there is a change
in the environment such that the extent of habitat
decreases, but the habitat that remains is the same
quality as before. In this case, we could reason that b
will decrease, because the competition for resources
will be felt sooner as the population grows; but a will
stay the same, because the reproductive rate at very
low density would remain unchanged (Fig. C-2, top
panel). The equilibrium point at which reproduction
offsets mortality decreases (K
Another way in which the environment could change
is that the extent of habitat doesn’t change, but
the quality of it decreases. In this case, we might
surmise that the reproductive rate decreases equally
for all densities (Fig. C-2, bottom panel), thus a
decreases, but b stays the same. Again, the equilib-
rium point at which reproduction offsets mortality
decreases (K
Although the effect of these two types of envi-
ronmental change on the carrying capacity looks
similar, the effect on the yield curve is profoundly
different (Fig. C-3). In the case of the effect of
habitat quantity, b changes but not a; looking at
eq. C9, this means that the carrying capacity (K)
changes, but the intrinsic rate of growth (r) does not.
Thus, the yield curve shrinks to the new carrying
capacity, but does not change its proportions (Fig.
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 99
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
C-3, aqua curve). On the other hand, in the case of
the effect of habitat quality, the change in a affects
both K and r; the yield curve becomes flatter as
well as smaller (Fig. C-3, purple curve). These two
changes will affect harvest management differently.
In the case of the habitat quantity change (change
in b only), the fixed harvest rate strategy (using the
desired harvest rate from before the change) will
still work, and will maintain the population at the
same proportion of its carrying capacity as it did
previously, because only K (but not r) is affected. In
the case of the habitat quality change (change in a),
the fixed harvest rate strategy that worked before
the environmental change will no longer hold the
population at the same proportion of K and might
not even be sustainable. Thus, the demographic
mechanism of environmental change matters to the
management of harvest.
0 K
Annual Harvest
Population Size
Original reproductive rate
Loss of habitat quantity
Loss of habitat quality
Figure C-3. The effect of environmental change on the yield
curve, for a discrete logistic population model.
A note about the intrinsic rate of growth
In the models described above, the intrinsic rate
of growth (r) is the growth rate the population
would have if its density were close to 0; that is,
it is a descriptor of the underlying dynamics of a
particular population in a habitat of a particular
quality. Further, eq. C9 shows that the intrinsic
rate of growth for a particular population could
change, if the survival rate or the reproductive rate
at low density changed as a result of changes in the
environment. Thus, the way we are using the term,
the intrinsic rate of growth is not a property of
the species as a whole (i.e., it is not the theoretical
maximum growth rate that the species could experi-
ence under the best possible conditions).
Maximum Net Productivity Level
The phrase “maximum net productivity level”
arises from language in the MMPA, but invokes
the population theory described by yield curves.
The maximum net productivity is “the greatest
net annual increment in population numbers or
biomass resulting from additions to the population
due to reproduction and/or growth less losses due
to natural mortality” (50 CFR 403.02); this annual
increment corresponds to the surplus production
that allows annual harvest, thus, the maximum
net productivity is the value on the y-axis that
corresponds to the peak of the yield curve (Fig.
C-1). The maximum net productivity level, then,
is the population size (the value on the x-axis) that
corresponds to this peak.
The harvest theory derivations shown above
demonstrate that the equilibrium population size
that produces the greatest sustainable annual
harvest will change if the underlying demographic
dynamics change. The policy distinction between
MNPL (referenced to a historic value K
that could
potentially be reduced by habitat effects) and mnpl
Figure C-2. Density-dependent demographic rates, carrying
capacity, and environmental change. As the population size
increases, the density-dependent reproductive rate decreases
until is just matches the mortality rate; at this point, additions
and subtractions from the population are equal and the popula-
tion size is stable (K
). Changes in the environment that affect
the reproductive rate (here we assume a negative effect) can
shift the carrying capacity to a new level (K
), either through an
effect on habitat quantity (top panel) or through an effect on
habitat quality (bottom panel).
0 K
Demographic Rate
Population Size
0 K
Demographic Rate
Population Size
Original reproductive rate
Loss of habitat quantity
Loss of habitat quality
Mortality rate
100 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
(referenced to a new value K
that has been reduced
by habitat effects) discussed in section III.b in the
Plan is centered around whether the MMPA term
“maximum net productivity level” refers to the
peak of the historical yield curve (MNPL) or the
peak of the altered yield curve (mnpl). Taking into
account the unique circumstances of polar bears and
in an effort to advance conservation of polar bears,
we have adopted the mnpl interpretation, for the
reasons explained in the body of the Plan. MMPA
Demographic Criterion 2 requires that total human-
caused removals do not exceed a rate h (relative to
the subpopulation size) that maintains the subpopu-
lation above mnpl. The remainder of this Appendix
discusses some of the technical considerations in
evaluating this criterion.
It is important to note that MMPA Demographic
Criterion 2 focuses on a human-caused removal
rate, not a fixed quota. Fixed-rate harvest, and
by extension variable-rate harvest under a state-
dependent framework (Regehr et al. 2015, Regehr
et al. in press), has a sound basis in theory and
practice (Hilborn and Walters 1992), including for
management of polar bears (Taylor et al. 1987).
Further, it can be responsive to changing conditions,
notably, a changing carrying capacity (Walters and
Parma 1996). If a subpopulation declines because of
a decline in carrying capacity, in the absence of other
legal constraints
, take can continue but absolute
take levels would decline. For example, at a fixed
removal rate of 4.5% (Taylor et al. 1987), subpopula-
tion sizes of 800 and 400 would lead to removal levels
of 36 and 18 bears per year, respectively. The key
to managing with a fixed removal rate is ongoing
monitoring of the population size, the annual
take, and the demographic parameters that affect
the intrinsic population growth rate (to evaluate
whether the mean value of r remains unchanged).
Further, to ensure that the criterion is met with high
probability, the data quality and precision must be
taken into account (Regehr et al. 2015, Regehr et al.
in press). Such a management program calls for the
collaborative partnership of Alaska Native entities
and federal agencies.
The U.S.-Russia bilateral agreement concerning
management of the Chukchi Sea subpopulation
defines a sustainable harvest level as a “harvest level
which does not exceed net annual recruitment to the
population and maintains the population at or near its
current level, taking into account all forms of removal,
and considers the status and trend of the population,
based on reliable scientific information.” In most cases,
this definition of sustainable take is more conservative
(it restricts take more) than the proposed approach to
take in this Plan. Thus, management of human-caused
removals in the Chukchi Sea under the pre-existing
bilateral agreement is also likely to meet the criteria for
human-caused removals under this Plan.
The specific demographic thresholds referenced
in the Plan are initial proposals; further work is
being undertaken to refine them, and they should
be revised over time as additional data become
available. Further, the risk tolerance associated with
uncertainty in the estimates of these thresholds
has not yet been established; there should be a
high probability that the actual rate of take is less
than or equal to the rate needed to achieve mnpl,
but further deliberation is needed to establish what
size buffer is needed to account for uncertainty in
estimates of abundance and removal rate, and still
produce reasonable performance relative to both
Fundamental Objectives 3 and 4 (see Regehr et al.
Maximum net productivity level and structured
The discrete logistic population model (eq. C1) is a
simplified representation of population dynamics
and leaves out a number of properties that are
important in the context of polar bears. One of these
properties is the structure of the population, as
described by the age, sex, and size of the individuals.
Long-lived, large mammals have a relatively late
age of first reproduction and the reproductive rate
can vary with age. The individuals in the younger
age classes do not breed and can be more vulnerable
to mortality factors. Animals of different sexes may
be different sizes and require different amounts of
resources. These patterns have been studied exten-
sively in bears; survival, mortality, and reproduction
vary significantly by age and sex. As a result, the
density-dependent dynamics in such populations
are often non-linear, and the yield curve reflects
additional ability to compensate for removals. A
modification to the logistic model that captures some
of these dynamics is known as the
-logistic model,
described by
where the parameter
controls the non-linearity in
the dynamics. The population size that produces the
greatest net productivity (annual harvest) is
= =
1 +
, (C11)
which occurs when the harvest rate is
1 +
. (C12)
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 101
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
Thus, the effect of an increasing
on the yield curve
is to increase the maximum yield and to shift the
yield curve to the right, so that the peak (mnpl)
occurs closer to the carrying capacity (Fig. C-4).
0 K
Annual Harvest
Population Size
= 2
= 1
= 3
= 5
Figure C-4. Yield curves for a
-logistic population model. The
four curves share the same carrying capacity (K) and intrinsic
rate of growth (r), but differ in the
The polar bear population model described by
Regehr et al. (2015) and Regehr et al. (in press)
explicitly accounts for the age- and sex-structure
of the population, as well as non-linearity in the
density-dependent relationships, so it is much
more detailed than the
-logistic model, but the
yield curve is roughly approximated by a
model with r = 0.07 and
= 5.045. It is the intent
of the Plan that MMPA Demographic Criterion 2 be
assessed with a population model that incorporates
the best available scientific information about polar
bears at the time of assessment; such a model should
account for the shift in the yield curve brought about
by population structure and non-linear dynamics.
Maximum net productivity level and selective
The removal rate that achieves MMPA Demo-
graphic Criterion 2, h, depends on the underlying
demographic rates for the subpopulation, the sex
and age composition of the subpopulation, as well as
the sex and age composition of removals. A valuable
reference point is the removal rate, h
, that
achieves mnpl at equilibrium when removals are in
direct proportion to the sex and age composition of
the subpopulation (i.e., when removals do not select
for certain sex or age classes of animals).
In practice, the removal rate h can be different from
the reference rate h
for a variety of reasons.
For example, it is possible to adjust h based on the
sex and age class of bears removed to allow for a
2:1 male-to-female ratio in the removals (Taylor
et al. 2008), based on biological (e.g., the different
reproductive value of females vs. males) or manage-
ment considerations. The intent of Demographic
Criterion 2 is to establish mnpl on the assumption
of asymptotic population dynamics and unbiased
removals, and then to ensure that the actual remov-
als, whether biased or unbiased with regard to sex
and age of the individuals removed, maintain the
subpopulation size above mnpl.
For the purposes of this Plan, several details about
the interpretation of mnpl are specified. First, mnpl
is understood to be proportional to the carrying
capacity. If the carrying capacity changes, whether
owing to anthropogenic or non-anthropogenic
causes, mnpl changes in proportion. Second, mnpl is
calculated by assuming that removals are unbiased
with regard to age and sex of polar bears, that is,
polar bears of different ages and sexes are removed
in proportion to their relative abundance. Third, the
proportions of actual removals need not be unbiased
with regard to age and sex, provided that the total
population size relative to the carrying capacity, as
specified by mnpl, is achieved. These interpretations
of mnpl represent the views of USFWS for the
purpose of conserving polar bears. This approach
does not necessarily preclude other approaches to
determining the maximum net productivity level in
other conservation plans.
The Compatibility of Harvest with
Conservation and Recovery
It is not unusual to authorize incidental take of a
species protected under either the MMPA or the
ESA, and the standards for such authorization are
well described and well implemented. It is, however,
much less common to purposefully seek to harvest
species that need the protections of the ESA or
the MMPA, but it does occur in a small number of
special cases. Subsistence harvest of polar bears for
a variety of cultural purposes is a central tradition
for Alaska Native people, as well as other native
Arctic peoples. The ESA and MMPA both recognize
the importance of subsistence harvest for Alaska
Native people. In fact, both laws allow certain
subsistence harvest by Alaska Native people even
when a species is “threatened” or “depleted.” In this
Plan, we recognize continued subsistence harvest
as a fundamental goal associated with polar bear
conservation and recovery. We also provide condi-
tions for harvest to ensure (i) under the ESA, that
harvest does not appreciably reduce the likelihood
of survival or recovery; and (ii) under the MMPA,
that harvest does not affect our ability to achieve the
conservation goals of the Act.
But the question remains, how can harvest be
compatible with the conservation and recovery of a
species that is expected to decline throughout parts
of its range in the near- and mid-term? In this Plan,
102 Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
we address both the scientific and conservation basis
for maintaining such harvest opportunity.
There are many ways that changes in the environ-
ment could affect polar bear population dynamics
and harvest opportunity; we consider two scenarios
here to illustrate the considerations that this Plan
recommends for management of removals. In
the first scenario (“habitat quantity”), reduction
in the extent of the sea-ice platform may reduce
access to prey and create a greater competition for
resources, reducing the carrying capacity. But if
some bears are able to access prey, and thus retain
high survival and reproductive rates, the intrinsic
population growth rate might remain the same,
even if the overall population number declines. In
this situation, harvest can be maintained if the total
rate of human-caused removals remains at or below
h (the removal rate that maintains a population
above its mnpl). Annual quotas for human-caused
removal would need to be reduced in proportion
to the decrease in the population size, but the rate
of removal could remain the same. For example, if
the removal rate was 3.0% and the subpopulation
size was 2,000, up to 60 bears could be taken; if the
subpopulation size was only 1000, no more than
30 bears could be removed while meeting MMPA
Demographic Criterion 2. This would maintain the
population size at roughly the same ratio relative
to changing carrying capacity, even as the carrying
capacity decreased (Fig. C-5, top panel).
In the second scenario (“habitat quality”), an
increase in the ice-free period could, for example,
increase the fasting period for all bears, reducing
reproductive rates (and possibly also survival rates)
across the board. In this case, the intrinsic popula-
tion growth rate and population resilience would
decrease. If this happened, the rate of harvest would
need to decrease to meet MMPA Demographic
Criterion 2. For example, if the intrinsic population
growth rate is 7%, then an appropriate removal rate
might be 4.5%; but if density-independent effects
of climate change caused the intrinsic population
growth rate to fall to only 2%, then the removal rate
necessary to maintain the population size above
mnpl would have to be below 1.5% (Fig. C-5, bottom
panel). If the intrinsic growth rate is negative, then
a population is incapable of maintaining its current
size or growing. In this case, there is no removal
rate that can meet MMPA Demographic Criterion
2 and ESA Demographic Criterion 4 (thus, h is 0);
indeed, the population would be expected to become
extirpated even in the absence of harvest.
In reality, some combination of these two effects is
also possible. In addition, the precise mechanisms by
which climate change effects will affect polar bears
are not well understood at this time. Research and
monitoring will clarify these issues. But the Plan’s
MMPA and ESA criteria relative to human-caused
removals take into account both potential mecha-
nisms for the effects of climate change on polar bear
populations. The framework for management of
human-caused removals will need to be responsive
to changes in both the growth rate and carrying
capacity. But, provided that the growth rate remains
positive, a sustained opportunity for removal
remains possible, even with a decline in carrying
capacity. Provided that climate change—the threat
that is driving the changes in growth rate and
carrying capacity—is addressed to the extent
described in this Plan, the framework established in
this Plan would allow for recovery under the ESA
and conservation under the MMPA.
The concepts underlying this framework for
management of human-caused removals are founded
in harvest theory (Wade 1998, Runge et al. 2009) and
can be illustrated with yield curves. Yield curves
show the annual total removals and the correspond-
ing equilibrium population size for a range of
sustainable harvest rates (Fig. C-5). The peak of the
yield curve is the maximum net productivity, and
removals that keep the population above mnpl will
fall somewhere on the right shoulder of the yield
curve. An impact on habitat quantity will shrink
the yield curve by reducing the carrying capacity
(Fig. C-5, top panel), while otherwise allowing the
same rate of removal (although the allowable quota
decreases). An impact on habitat quality will flatten
the yield curve by reducing the intrinsic growth
rate (Fig. C-5, bottom panel), thereby reducing the
allowable rate of removal as well as the allowable
In principle, the strategy for managing human-
caused removals described above could work even
if the carrying capacity decreased to low levels,
but at some point, additional considerations would
arise, including the increasing risk of chance events
(stochasticity) on small populations and the possibil-
ity of Allee effects. Because of these considerations,
the Plan recommends a three-level approach to
management of human-caused removals, such that
the rate of removal would decrease as the risk to
the population of removal increased (red and yellow
zones of Fig. 8).
The framework for managing human-caused remov-
als also needs to be sensitive to the quality of data
that supports it, and to our ability to distinguish the
different mechanisms that might change the dynam-
ics. The management strategy described above is
predicated on being able to monitor the population
size and the number of removals on a regular basis,
ideally annually. Regehr et al. (2015) and Regehr
et al. (in press) show that as the sampling error
and interval between monitoring events increase,
removal is still possible, but the removal rate needs
to be set at a more cautionary level to guard against
dropping below mnpl. Further, changes driven by
Polar Bear Conservation Management Plan 103
Appendix C—Population Dynamics and Harvest Management
loss of habitat quantity as opposed to loss of habitat
quality will be difficult to distinguish, yet they
have different effects on the sustainable level of
removal (Fig. C-5). The Plan recommends that these
considerations be included in the deliberations of
co-management groups as they establish guidelines
for removal of polar bears.
Historical K
Annual Harvest
Population Size
r = 0.07
r = 0.049
r = 0.035
r = 0.020
removal rate
Historical K
Annual Harvest
Population Size
Historical condition
K = 70% of historical
K = 50% of historical
removal rate
Figure C-5. The effects of reduced carrying capacity and
reduced growth rate on harvest yield curves. Each graph
shows the sustainable annual harvest against the correspond-
ing equilibrium population size; three reference lines show
removal rates of 4.5%, 3.0%, and 1.5%. The top panel shows
three scenarios where the carrying capacity changes, but
the intrinsic rate of growth remains the same (r = 0.07). The
bottom panel shows four scenarios where the intrinsic rate of
growth changes in the same proportion as the carrying capac-
ity. The graphs were derived using a theta-logistic population
model with
= 5.045, which roughly corresponds to dynamics
for polar bears (Regehr et al. 2015, Regehr et al. in press).
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Taylor, M.K., D.P. DeMaster, F.L. Bunnell, and
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