Oliver Hobert
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Curriculum vitae
Dr. Oliver Hobert
Professor of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York
Department of Biological Sciences
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Phone: (212) 853 0063, e-mail: [email protected], Lab Website: hobertlab.org, ORCID: 0000-0002-7634-2854
Birth & Citizenship
born 02.02.1967, Rotenburg an der Fulda, Germany; German & US citizen
1996-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston;
Advisor: Prof. Gary Ruvkun
1992-1995 Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D) Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried &
University of Bayreuth, Germany; Advisor: Prof. Axel Ullrich & Prof. Gerhard Krauss
(incl. 1 year DAAD research fellowship at Sugen, Inc., Redwood City, CA, USA)
1987-1992 Diploma Biochemistry (Diplom Studiengang Biochemie), Universität Bayreuth, Germany;
Advisor: Prof. Gerhard Krauss
1990 Summer Research Internship at Columbia University, Dept. of Biological Sciences;
Advisor: Prof. Alberto Mancinelli
1989 Research Internship at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg;
Advisor: Dr. Hans-Dieter Royer
Professional Experience
2015-present Full Professor at Columbia University, Department of Biological Sciences (primary affiliation)
Additional affiliations: Member, Neurotechnology Center, Columbia University;
Affiliate Member, Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University
2014-present Full Professor, Department of Systems Biology, Columbia University Medical Center
2009-present Full Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University
Medical Center
2005-present Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2005-2009 Associate Professor (with tenure) in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
Columbia University Medical Center
1999-2005 Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia
University Medical Center, Co-Appointment in the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior
Awards and Honors
2024 Elected to Membership of National Academy of Sciences
2024 Elected to Associate Membership of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBL)
2018 Axel Ullrich Medal
2015 Jacob Javits Award in the Neurosciences
2014 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2008 Harland Winfield Mossman Award in Developmental Biology
2001 McKnight Endowment for the Neurosciences Disease Award
2001 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar Junior Faculty Award
2001 Irma T. Hirschl Early Career Scientist Award
2000 Klingenstein Fellow
2000 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
2000 Searle Scholar Junior Faculty Award
2000 Basil O’Connor Scholar Award
1999 Human Frontiers in Science 10
Anniversary Award
1998 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award from the MGH Fund For Medical Discovery
1997 Junior Investigator Award from the German Academy of Science “Leopoldina”
1996-1998 Human Frontiers in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship
1994 Ph.D. scholarship from the DAAD for 1 year stay at Sugen, Inc.
1993-1995 Ph.D. scholarship from the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"
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1989-1992 Undergraduate scholarship from "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"
Teaching Activities
At Columbia University:
2017-present Director & Lecturer Advanced Undergraduate course “Neurogenetics”, Dept. of Biolog. Sciences
2016-present Guest Lecturer Undergraduate course Seminar in Modern Biology”, Dept. of Biolog. Sciences
2008-present Guest Lecturer Graduate course "Molecular Genetics", Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology
2001-2019 Guest Lecturer Graduate course “Developmental Neurobiology”, Dept. of Neuroscience
2013-2017 Guest Lecturer Graduate course Advanced eukaryotic molecular genetics”, Dept.Genetics&Dev.
2012 Guest Lecturer Graduate courseGenetics, Dept. of Biological Sciences
2009-2015 Guest Lecturer Graduate course "Professional Development for Neuroscientists", Dept. Neurosci.
2007-2011 Director & Lecturer of “Stem Cells and Cell Lineage Specification” course
2002-2015 Guest Lecturer Graduate course “Principles of Developmental Biology”, Dept. of Genetics & Dev.
2001-2008 Co-Organizer Graduate Course “Developmental Neurobiology”, Center for Neurobiol. & Behavior
1999-2007 Guest Lecturer Graduate course “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes”, Dept. of
Biochemistry & Mol. Biophysics
Outside Columbia University:
2024 Guest lecturer in EMBO Practical CourseC. elegans: from genome editing to imaging
2015 Guest lecturer in Cold Spring Harbor Course “Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience”
2011 Guest lecturer MBL Course "Gene Regulatory Networks", Woods Hole
2009,2013,2015 Guest lecturer EMBO Course "Developmental Neurobiology", King’s College London
2009 Guest lecturer in Lipari Summer School "Computational Biology", Italy
2006 Guest lecturer in Postgraduate Course on Developmental Biology at the Universidad de Chile
2005 Guest lecturer at New Jersey Governor’s School in the Sciences, Drew University, NJ
2004 Guest lecturer in “Developmental Neurosci.”, Graduate course at New York University
2003,2004 Guest lecturer in “Developmental Neurosci.”, Graduate course at Albert Einstein College of Med.
2002,2008,2010 Guest lecturer in Cold Spring Harbor Course "C. elegans", Cold Spring Harbor
2000 Guest lecturer in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Course on “Adv. Genome Seq. Analysis”
Training Activities
Graduate students:
1999-present 33 past Graduate Students (5 currently Faculty Members; listed below)
Postdoctoral fellows:
1999-present 34 past Postdoctoral Fellows (24 currently Faculty Members/Group Leaders; listed below)
2007-2012 Program director NIH T32 Training Grant “Stem Cells and Cell Lineage Specification
2006-2017 Training Mentor Harlem Children Society
2005-present Training Faculty of the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences
2004-present Training Faculty of the Graduate Program in Genetics and Development
1999-present Training Faculty of the Graduate Program in Neurobiology and Behavior
a) Past Postdoctoral Fellows
1) 1999-2000 Zeynep Altun (M.D., Ph.D. Cornell U), now Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia
University Irving Medical Center
2) 1999-2002 Oscar Aurelio (Ph.D. UC Irvine), now Scientist, Focus Diagnostics, Inc.
3) 1999-2004 Paula Loria (Ph.D. Univ Chicago), now Associate Research Fellow at Pfizer
4) 1999-2005 Hannes Buelow (Ph.D. Max Delbrück Center, Berlin), now: Professor of Genetics and
Neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
5) 2003-2004 Erik Runko (Ph.D. AECOM), now Program Analyst, Extramural Research Program, NIH
6) 2003-2004 Yael Feinstein (Ph.D. Weizmann Institute, Israel), now: Head of Bio-optics facility, Hebrew Univ.
7) 2003-2006 Celia Antonio (Ph.D. EMBL, Heidelberg), now Clinical Study Manager at Novartis
8) 2004-2009 Claire Benard (Ph.D. McGill University), now: Assistant Professor at University Mass. Worcester
9) 2004-2009 Roger Pocock (Ph.D. Oxford University), now: Associate Professor, Monash University, Australia
10) 2005-2011 Vincent Bertrand (Ph.D. Univ. Marseille), now: Group Leader, University of Marseille
11) 2005-2011 Maria Doitsidou (Ph.D. MPI Biophys.Chemistry), now Group Leader (Chancellor’s Fellow),
University of Edinburgh, Scottland
12) 2005-2012 Richard Poole (Ph.D. UC London), now: Principal Research Associate (Wellcome Trust Senior
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Fellow) at University College, London
13) 2006-2011 Nuria Flames (Ph.D. Neurscience Institute Alicante, Spain), now: Group Leader, Institute of
Biomedicine of Valencia, Spain
14) 2006-2011 Baris Tursun (Ph.D. ZMNH, Germany), now: Group Leader at Max Delbrueck Center, Berlin
15) 2006-2012 Luisa Cochella (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University), now: Group Leader IMP, Vienna, Austria
16) 2007-2009 Henry Bigelow (Ph.D. Columbia University), now: Computational Biologist, Amgen Inc.
17) 2008-2014 Ines Carrera (Ph.D. NYU), now: Assistant Professor, Universidad de la República, Montevideo,
18) 2010-2012 Oded Rechavi (Ph.D. Tel Aviv University, Israel), now: Professor of Neurobiology, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
19) 2010-2015 Paschalis Kratsios (Ph.D. EMBL, Germany/Italy), now: Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
20) 2010-2016 Kelly Howell (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania), now: Scientist, Spinal Muscular Atrophy
21) 2010-2017 Marie Gendrel (Ph.D. Ecole National Superieure, Paris, France), now:Associate Professor, Ecole
normale supérieure (ENS), Paris, France
22) 2012-2016 Meital Oren-Suissa (Ph.D. Technion, Haifa), now: Assistant Professor, Weizmann Institute, Israel
23) 2012-2017 Michael Hart (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania), now: Assistant Professor, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Genetics
24) 2017-2018 Brett Marique (Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis), ensuing position: Coordinator of Young
Adult/Adolescent Services, NYC Health + Hospitals
25) 2009-2018 Esther Serrano (Ph.D. Centro de Biologia Molecular, Madrid, Spain), now: Cajal Fellow, Centro de
Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain
26) 2011-2019 Laura Pereira (Ph.D. University of Illinois, Chicago), then Staff Scientist, NY Genome Center
27) 2012-2021 Abhishek Bhattacharya (Ph.D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine), ensuing position: Group
Leader, National Center for Biological Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore
28) 2013-2021 Neda Masoudi (Ph.D. University of Dundee, Scotland), then Scientist, Prevail Therapeutics
29) 2014-2021 Haosheng Sun (Ph.D. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine), ensuing position: Assistant Professor,
University of Alabama, School of Medicine, Department of Cell Developmental and Integrative
Biology, Birmingham
30) 2012-2021 Eviatar Yemini (Ph.D., UCSD, Cambridge), ensuing position: Assistant Professor, UMass Medical
School, Dept. Neurobiology
31) 2017-2022 Steven Cook (Ph.D, Albert Einstein Colleage of Medicine), ensuing position: Scientist, Allen
Institute, Seattle
32) 2015-2022 Merly Vogt (Ph.D. Max Planck Institute, Universität Köln, Germany), ensuing position: Group
Leader, Helmholtz Center, Institute for Diabetes and Cancer , Munich, Germany
33) 2017-2022 Sandeep Wonkatal (M.D./Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine), ensuing position: Assistant
Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Dept. Pathology
34) 2015-2023 Eduardo Leyva Diaz (Ph.D. Institute of Neuroscience, Alicante), ensuing position: Group Leader,
Neuroscience Institute, Alicante
b) Past Graduate Students:
1) 1999-2005 Katherine Berry (Integrated Program), then postdoc at Harvard Medical School
2) 2000-2003 Ephraim L. Tsalik (MD/PhD Program), now Associate Professor of Medicine, Duke University
3) 2000-2003 Nehal Mehta (Biochem. Program), now Senior Manager, Business Development, Daiichi Sankyo
4) 2000-2004 Adam S. Wenick (MD/PhD Program), now Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University
5) 2000-2004 Sarah Chang (Neurobiology Program), now Vice President, Medical and Scientific Services;
Infusion Communication
6) 2001-2005 Robert J. Johnston (Biochemistry Program), now Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University
7) 2001-2005 Thomas Boulin (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France), now Group Leader, Université Lyon
8) 2003-2008 John Etchberger (Biochemistry Program), now Associate Director, Navigant Consulting, Inc.
9) 2004-2009 Christopher Ortiz (MD/PhD Program), now Resident at UCLA
10) 2004-2009 Dominic Didiano (Biochem. Program), now Research Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
11) 2004-2009 Eileen Flowers (Integrated Program), now Vice President, Biotech. Equity Research, Jefferies&Co
12) 2004-2010 Maggie O’Meara (Genetics Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at U.Minnesota
13) 2004-2010 Sumeet Sarin (Genetics Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University
14) 2005-2010 Andrew Goldsmith (Genetics Program), now Senior Manager, Competitive Intelligence at Pfizer
15) 2006-2010 Enkelejda Bashllari (Integrated Program), now Co-Founder, Raw is Everything
16) 2007-2013 Heidi Smith (Biology Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Texas
17) 2008-2013 Feifan Zhang (Biology Program), now Biostatistician, Cardiovascular Research Foundation
18) 2009-2014 Patricia Gordon (Biochemistry Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at University College London
19) 2009-2014 Gregory Minevich (Pathology Program), now CEO, Co-Founder, Bering
20) 2009-2015 Nikolaos Stefanakis (Biology Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at Rockefeller University
21) 2010-2016 Tulsi Patel (Genetics Program), now Postdoctoral Fellow at CUMC
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22) 2011-2016 John Kerk (Neuroscience Prg.), now Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, Regeneron, Inc.
23) 2011-2016 Peter Weinberg (Biological Sciences Program), now: Analyst, inThought Research
24) 2011-2018 Dylan Rahe, Biological Sciences Prg., now Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University
25) 2011-2018 Lori Glenwinkel, Biological Sciences Prg.
26) 2013-2019 Ulkar Aghayeva, Biological Sciences Prg.
27) 2015-2019 Emily Bayer, Biological Sciences Prg., then Postdoc at Biozentrum, Basel
28) 2015-2019 Emily Berghoff, Biological Sciences Prg., then Senior Analyst, Health Advances
29) 2016-2021 Molly Reilly, Biological Sciences Prg., then Postdoc at NY Genome Center/NYU
30) 2016-2022 Cyril Cros, Biological Sciences Prg, now Postdoc in the lab
31) 2016-2022 Maryam Majeed, Biological Sciences Prg, now Postdoc in the lab
32) 2016-2022 Tessa Tekieli, Biological Sciences Prg, then on maternity leave
33) 2018-2024 Burcu Gulez (Biological Sciences Prg.)
Institutional Committees
2024-2027 Columbia University Tenure Review Advisory Committee
2024 Member of Search Committee for Chairman, Neuroscience Department
2015-2018 Member of Search Committee Junior Faculty Recruitment for Department of Biological Sciences
2011-2012 Member of Search Committee Junior Faculty Recruitment for Columbia Stem Cell Initiative
2010 Member of Search Committee for Chairman, Ophthalmology Department
2007-2011 Ad hoc member of Tenure Advisory Committee
2006-2007 Member of Search Committee Junior Faculty Recruitment for Genetics Department
2006-2007 Member of Search Committee Junior Faculty Recruitment for Psychiatry Department
2005-2006 Chair, Search Committee Junior Faculty Recruitment for Biochemistry Department
2004-2011 Chair of the Graduate Admission Committee for the Graduate Program in Biochemistry
2001-2011 Member of Graduate Admission Committee for the Graduate Program in Neuroscience
2024 Academic Guest Editor “40 years of the homeobox”, Development
2008-present Associate Editor; then Senior Editor, Genetics (Official journal of the Genetics Society of America)
2012-2023 Reviewing Editor, eLife
2018 Guest Co-Editor special issue Current Opinions in Neurobiology "Neuronal Identity
2012-2019 Associate Editor, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs): Developmental Biology
2012-2013 Associate Editor, Neural Development
2009-2017 Editor, WormMethods
2009 Guest Co-Editor special issue Current Opinions in Neurobiology "Development”
2009 Guest Editor special issue Current Topics in Dev. Biol. "Development of Neural Circuitry"
2005 Editor, WormBook, Gene Expression Section
2002 Guest Editor special issue Journal of Neurobiology "Genes and Behavior"
Editorial Boards
2009-present Editorial board of Current Biology
2007-present Editorial board of Developmental Biology (Official journal of Society for Developmental Biology)
2006-present Editorial board of Neural Development
2006-present Editorial board of Mechanisms of Development (Official journal of the International Society of
Developmental Biologists), now Cells & Development & sister journal Gene Expression Patterns
2003-present Editorial board of Development
2009-2015 Editorial board of Developmental Dynamics (Journal of the American Association of Anatomists)
Other Board Activities
2024- Scientific Advisory Board Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City
2024- Scientific Advisory Board Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Boston
2020-2022 Elected Board member Genetics Society of America (GSA)
2011-present Scientific Advisory Board WormBase
2016-2021 WormBoard, Secretary
2017 External Advisory Board “Developmental Genetics” graduate program, NYU
2015 Scientific and Clinical Steering Committee New York Genome Center
2011 Advisory Board "European Neuroscience Institute" Göttingen
2010 Harlem Children Society’s Executive Advisory Committee
2008-2014 Elected Board member of Society for Developmental Biology (Northeast Represent.; two terms)
Meeting Organization
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2025 Co-Organizer of Janelia Conference “Enteric Nervous Systems Across Phylogeny”
2023-present Co-Organizer of Annual New York Area Worm Meeting
2023-present Organizer of triannual Worm Neuro New York meeting
2019 Co-Organizer (with D. Arendt and others) EMBO meeting “Evolution of Cell Types”
2018 Co-Organizer (with K. Gunsalus and others) NYU Abu Dhabi Parasitic Nematode Workshop
2016 Co-Organizer (with S. Jarriault) Fondation des Treilles meeting “Plasticity of cellular identity”
2013 Co-Organizer (with M. Halpern) Satellite Symposium “Making and breaking the left-right axis:
Laterality in development and disease” (International Congress of Developmental Biology, 72nd
Annual Meeting Society for Developmental Biology), Cancun, Mexico
2011 Co-Organizer (with M. Sundaram) 18
International C. elegans meeting, Los Angeles
2011 Co-Organizer (with R. Kingston) Cell Press Conference "Epigenetics"
2006 Co-Organizer (with R. Parker) Mini-Symposium “RNA and Development” at Annual Meeting of
American Society for Cell Biology
2005-2006 Co-Organizer RNAi Study Group NY Academy of Science
2006 U.S. Utility Patent # 7125976 Method of screening for agents inhibiting chloride intracellular
Grant support
2000-2027 National Institutes of Health R01NS039996, R37 Merit Award in 2015
2024-2029 National Institutes of Health R01NS137594
2024-2025 Taub Institute Grant for Emerging Research (TIGER)
2005-present Howard Hughes Medical Institute (next review: 2029)
2017-2027 National Institutes of Health R01NS100547 “Discovery and analysis of the C. elegans neuronal
gene expression network (CENGEN)” (CoPI)
2018-2022 National Insitutes of Health R01NS110391-01 “The neuropeptidergic connectome of
Caenorhabditis elegans” (CoPI)
2019-2022 National Science Foundation (Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience) (CoPI)
2019-2021 National Insitutes of Health R21NS115442
2018-2020 National Institutes of Health R21NS106909
2018-2020 National Institutes of Health R21NS106843
2017-2020 NSF NeuroNex Live Imaging of the C.elegans Connectome” (NSF #1707401) (CoPI)
2016-2018 National Institutes of Health R21NS096343
2014-2017 National Institute of Health, BRAIN award U01MH105924
2004-2015 National Institutes of Health R01NS050266 (incl. 1 Supplement & 1 yr. no cost-extension)
2012-2014 CUMC Motor Neuron Center Pilot Grant
2012-2013 Helmsley Stem Cell Starter Grant
2011-2014 National Institutes of Health R21NS076191 Grant (incl. 1 yr. no cost-extension)
2010-2013 Muscular Dystrophy Association Research Grant
2011-2012 Michael J. Fox Foundation Rapid Response Award
2010-2011 CUMC Skin Disease Research Center Pilot Grant
2009-2011 National Institutes of Health R03NS067451 Grant
2009-2010 Michael J. Fox Foundation Rapid Response Award
2008-2010 National Institutes of Health R03NS064482 Grant
2005-2008 National Institutes of Health R03HD050334 Grant
2005-2008 Muscular Dystrophy Association Research Grant
2005-2007 National Institutes of Health R03NS052269 Grant
2001-2006 McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience Brain Disorder Award
2001-2005 Rita Allen Foundation Fellowship
2001-2005 Irma T.Hirschl Trust
2000-2004 Searle Foundation
2001-2003 Muscular Dystrophy Association Research Grant
2000-2003 Klingenstein Foundation
2000-2003 March of Dimes Foundation Basil O’Connor Grant
2000-2003 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
2001-2002 American Paralysis Association Research Grant
2000-2002 Whitehall Foundation Research Grant
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2000 Bristol Myers Squibb Pilot Grant
1999-2000 Herbert Irving Cancer Center Squibb Pilot Grant
1999-2000 Culpeper Foundation Pilot Grant
1999-2002 Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant
Grant Review Panels
2017-2023 Permanent Member NIH study section Synapses, cytoskeleton, trafficking (SYN)/Neuronal
Communication (NC)
2015-2023 Life Sciences Research Foundation postdoctoral fellowship review panel
2015 Review panel NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
2010-2012 Chair of NIH study sectionNeurogenesis and Cell Fate(NCF)
2009 Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
2009 Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
2009 Simons Foundation
2008-2012 Permanent Member NIH study section Neurogenesis and Cell Fate(NCF); 2 years chair
2001-2008 Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section Mol. Dev. Cell. Neuroscience (MDCN6), then NCF
Other review panels (ad hoc service):
NIH (NDPR, NNB BSCT study sections), National Science Foundation (NSF), Human Frontiers in Science
Program, Medical Research Council, UK, French Ministry of Research and Education, Natural Environment
Research Council (NERC), UK, European Science Foundation, United States/Israel Binational Science Foundation
(BSF), Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), NYU Abu Dhabi Center for Genomics, External Review committee,
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK
Invited Talks
1. National Institute of Health, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, 02/1999
2. Rutgers University, Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, 05/1999
3. Queens College, CUNY, Department of Biology, 09/1999
4. Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society, Munich, 10/1999
5. Genzentrum, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany, 10/1999
6. Bio Center, Basel, Switzerland, 10/1999
7. Human Frontiers in Science Award 10
Anniversary Meeting, 12/1999
8. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience, 12/1999
9. Genomic Development Biology Conference, USC, Los Angeles, 03/2000
10. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Course on “Adv. Genome Seq. Analysis”, 03/2000
11. NIH, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes & Development, Airlie House Retreat, 05/2000
12. New York University Medical Center, Skirball Institute, Dev.Neuro. Program., 06/2000
13. International Society for Dev. Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, Heidelberg, 06/2000
14. Exelixis, Inc. San Francisco, 03/2001
15. Society for Developmental Biol., North-East section meeting Woods Hole, 04/2001
16. École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 05/2001
17. Weizmann Institute, Department of Cell Biology, Rehovot, 05/2001
18. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, 02/2002
19. Society for Developmental Biol., North-East section meeting Woods Hole, 04/2002
20. Human Frontiers Science Program, Annual Meeting, Ottawa, 06/2002
21. Cold Spring Harbor Course "C. elegans", 08/2002
22. Stowers Institute, Kansas City, 11/2002
23. Harvard Medical School, Dept. Neurobiology, 12/2002
24. Boston University School of Medicine, Dept. Mol. Cell. Biol., 01/2003
25. Mass. General Hospital, Dept. Mol. Biol., Boston, 01/2003
26. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, UC London, 02/2003
27. New York University, Department of Biology, 02/2003
28. University of Marseille, IBDM, Marseille, 03/2003
29. Searle Scholar Annual Meeting, Chicago, 04/2003
30. McKnight Foundation, Annual Meeting, Aspen, 06/2003
31. Rockefeller University, 06/2003
32. Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, 07/2003
33. Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, 09/2003
34. EMBO workshop "Assembly of Neural Circuits" Varenna, Italy, 09/2003
35. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dept.Neurosci., 10/2003
36. Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, 11/2003
37. NYU Medical Center, Skirball Institute, Dev.Genetics program, 11/2003
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38. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dept. Cell Dev. Biol., 12/2003
39. Central European C. elegans meeting, Basel, 01/2004
40. CSH Meeting “Systems Biology - Genomic Approaches to Transcriptional Regulation”, 03/2004
41. University of Oregon, Institute for Neuroscience, Eugene, 03/2004
42. Keystone Meeting “siRNAs and miRNAs”, 04/2004
43. Gordon Conference “Basement Membranes”, 06/2004
44. Israeli Society for Dev. Biology Meeting, Rehovot, 07/2004
45. CSH Meeting on Axon Guidance and Neural Plasticity (invited session chair), 09/2004
46. University of Chicago, Dev.Biol.seminar series, 10/2004
47. NY Academy of Science RNA silencing symposium, 10/2004
48. Yale University, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, 11/2004
49. University of Utah, Huntsman Institute, Dean’s Lecture Series, 12/2004
50. Cornell University, Molecular Biology & Genetics, 12/2004
51. Genzentrum, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany, 01/2005
52. MRC Center for Dev.Neurobiol, London, 02/2005
53. Rutgers University, Dept. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 02/2005
54. University of Calgary, Genes and Development Depart., 02/2005
55. University of Utah, Depart. Biol., 03/2005
56. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, Dev.Biol. Program, 03/2005
57. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting “Global Regulation of Gene Expression”, 03/2005
58. Keystone Symposium Axonal Connections: Molecular Cues for Development and Regeneration, 03/2005
59. German society for developmental biology (GfE), Annual Meeting, Münster, Germany, 04/2005
60. Vollum Institute, 06/2005
61. Society for Developmental Biology Meeting, San Francisco, 07/2005
62. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Program in Molecular Medicine, 10/2005
63. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine NeuroScience Program 11/2005
64. Annual Symposium, Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain, 11/2005
65. EMBL, Heidelberg, 12/2005
66. Universität Braunschweig, Genetics Department, 12/2005
67. Mount Sinai Medical School, Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, 01/2006
68. Washington University, Dept. Anatomy and Neurobiology, St.Louis, 01/2006
69. UCSD Neuroscience Graduate Program, 01/2006
70. SUNY, Stony Brook, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior 02/2006
71. California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology, 02/2006
72. University of North Carolina, Neuroscience Center, Chapel Hill, 03/2006
73. Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen 03/2006
74. Universität Freiburg, Germany, 03/2006
75. Society for Developmental Biology, Northeast section meeting, Woods Hole, 04/2006
76. University of Washington, Seattle, 05/2006
77. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting Quantitative Biology, Regulatory RNA, 05/2006
78. Zentrum for Molekulare Neurobiologie Hamburg, 09/2006
79. Max Planck Institut for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, 09/2006
80. Hellenic Society for Neuroscience, Crete, 09/2006, Keynote Speaker
81. Stanford University, Department of Genetics, 10/2006
82. Case Western University, Department of Neuroscience, 11/2006
83. University of Albany, SUNY, Department of Biology, 11/2006
84. Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 11/2006
85. American Society for Cell Biology, invited Guest speaker & mini-symposium organizer, 12/2006
86. Hot Spring Harbor and 21. COE Symposium at Kyushu University, Japan, 12/2006
87. UCSF, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease, 01/2007
88. Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), 03/2007
89. Janelia Farm Research Conference “Neuronal Identity”, 03/2007
90. Janelia Farm Research Conference “Neural Circuits and Behavior in C. elegans”, 03/2007
91. Spring Symposium of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, 04/2007
92. RIKEN, Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan, 04/2007
93. University of Iowa, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, 05/2007
94. Minisymposium “Protein Machines”, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, 05/2007
95. Gordon Research Conference on Developmental Biology, 06/2007
96. National Institutes of Health/NHLB, Genetics and Developmental Biology Center, 09/2007
97. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, 10/2007
98. Yale University Medical School, Department of Genetics, 10/2007
99. Children’s Hospital Boston, Program in Neurobiology, 10/2007
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100. Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, 11/2007
101. Cornell University Weill Medical College, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology 11/2007
102. Vanderbilt University, Department of Biological Sciences, 01/2008
103. NYU Skirball Institute, Developmental Genetics Program, 01/2008
104. Duke University, Department of Biology, 02/2008
105. National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium Gene Networks in Animal Development and Evolution, 02/2008
106. Canadian Society for Developmental Biology meeting, 02/2008, Keynote Speaker
107. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Biochemistry, 03/2008
108. New York Academy of Sciences Meeting “Neural Stem Cells: From Development to Function”, 03/2008
109. Keystone Symposium, RNAi, MicroRNA, and Non-Coding RNA, 03/2008
110. Janelia Farm Research Conference “The Logic of Gene Regulation”, 05/2008
111. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia/University of Pennsylvania, 05/2008
112. Society for Developmental Biology, Annual Meeting, Invited Plenary Speaker, 07/2008
113. Gordon Conference "Visual Development", Invited Speaker, 08/2008
114. Cold Spring Harbor Labs, C. elegans Course, 08/2008
115. Memorial Sloan Kettering, Developmental Biology Program, 09/2008
116. Brandeis University, Biology Department, 09/2008
117. University British Columbia, Vancouver, Life Science Center, 10/2008
118. Yale University, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, 10/2008
119. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Dept. of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, 10/2008
120. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Division of Developmental Biology, 11/2008
121. Keystone meeting Axonal Connections: Molecular Cues for Development and Regeneration, 02/2009
122. SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Neuroscience Seminar Series, 03/2009
123. University of California Berkeley, Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, 03/2009
124. Experimental Biology Meeting, New Orleans, Invited speaker 04/2009
125. Summer School “Lipari International School on RNAs : structure, function and therapy.”, 06/2009
126. EMBO Practical Course 'Developmental Neurobiology from Worms to Mammals', MRC, London, 07/2009
127. International Society for Developmental Biology Congress, Edinburgh, Symposium speaker, 09/2009
128. International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Biology, Symposium speaker, 09/2009
129. Cell Press/IPSEN Foundation meeting “Biology in Balance”, Buenos Aires, 10/2009
130. University of Illinois, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology. Urbana-Champaign, 10/2009
131. Stowers Institute, Kansas City, 11/2009
132. University of Texas, Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Austin, 11/2009
133. Trinity College, Dublin, 12/2009
134. University of Pennsylvania, Neuroscience Program, 01/2010
135. 8th TLL Life Sciences Symposium (Singapore) "Neurodevelopment, Behavior and Disease", 02/2010
136. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, 02/2010
137. University of California San Diego, Dept. Biology, 02/2010
138. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Liver Center, 02/2010
139. Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Göttingen, 03/2010
140. Institute of Molecular Biology (IMBA), Vienna, 03/2010
141. National Institute for Physiology, Okazaki, Japan, 04/2010
142. Drexel University, Biology Department 05/2010
143. University of Utah, Department of Genetics, Invited Speaker at Annual Retreat, 05/2010
144. New York University 9th annual Genomics Symposium, 05/2010
145. Universität Köln Symposium, Germany, 06/2010, Keynote Speaker
146. Universität Braunschweig, Germany, 06/2010
147. C. elegans Topic meeting "Neural Development, Function & Behavior", 06/2010, Keynote Speaker
148. Developmental Biology meeting Santa Cruz, Invited Plenary Speaker, 06/2010
149. Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany 07/2010
150. Gordon Conference Neuronal Development, Newport, 08/2010,
151. Society for Developmental Biology, Annual Meeting Albuquerque, 08/2010
152. Cold Spring Harbor Course C. elegans, 08/2010
153. Harvard University, Dept. Mol. Cell Biol., 10/2010
154. Janelia Farm Workshop "Development and Evolution of the Nervous System", 11/2010
155. University of Minnesota, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development, 02/2011
156. University of Michigan, 03/2011
157. University of Nice, Institute of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research, 03/2011
158. Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Germany 05/2011
159. ISREC, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Lausanne, 05/2011
160. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Genetics Program Retreat, 06/2011, Keynote Speaker
161. 13th Annual Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Symposium on “Neurobiology”, 06/2011, Keynote Speaker
Oliver Hobert
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162. 2011 European zebrafish meeting, Edinburgh, 07/2011, Keynote Speaker
163. French and British Societies for Developmental Biology, Nice, 09/2011, Keynote Speaker
164. Janelia Farm Conference " Control of Neuronal Identity", 10/2011, Keynote Speaker
165. Biomedical Symposium at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 10/2011
166. Invited guest speaker MBL Woods Hole course "Gene regulatory networks for Development" 10/2011
167. Cell Press Symposium " Epigenetics and the inheritance of acquired states", 11/11 (organizer and speaker)
168. Cornell University Weill Medical College, Neuroscience Program 12/2011
169. University of Pennsylvania, Mahoney Institute of Neurological Science Seminar, 01/2012
170. Seminar Stanford University, Frontiers in Bioscience Lecture series, 02/2012
171. Princeton University, Lewis-Sigler Institute, 02/2012
172. Gordon Research Conference "Cellular Reprogramming", Galveston, Texas 02/2012
173. University of California Los Angeles, Seminar in Neuroscience, 02/2012
174. Mount Sinai Friedman Brain Institute Translational Neuroscience Seminar Series, 03/2012
175. University of Montpellier, 04/2012
176. Young Researchers in Life Sciences Meeting, Paris, 2012, 05/2012, Keynote Speaker
177. UT Southwestern Neuroscience Seminar Series, 05/2012
178. Washington University, St. Louis, Dev. Biol. Retreat, 05/2012, Keynote Speaker
179. 10
Annual Meeting International Society for Stem Cell Research, Yokohama, Japan, 06/2012
180. Chang Gung University, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Taoyuan, Taiwan 06/2012
181. East Asia Worm meeting, Taiwan, 6/2012, Keynote Speaker
182. Arolla Conference, Cell and Developmental Systems, 8/2012
183. The MicroRNA Revolution, The 2012 Dr. Paul Janssen Award Symposium, 09/2012
184. University of Wyoming, Department of Molecular Biology, 9/2012
185. University of Wisconsin, RNA club, Madison, 10/2012
186. Georgia State University Brains and Behavior (Distinguished Lecture Series), 12/2012
187. Goethe University Frankfurt, 12/2012
188. UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, 01/2013
189. UCSF Neuroscience Program, 01/2013
190. California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology, 01/2013
191. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (President's Lecture), 02/2013
192. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, “From Base Pair to Body Plan (Celebration of the 60
anniversary of the
discovery of the double helix), 02/2013
193. Nordic C. elegans Meeting, Copenhagen, 03/2013, Keynote Speaker
194. Developmental Biology Symposium, University of Helsinki, 03/2013
195. National Cancer Institute, Symposium "Epigenetics in Development", 04/2013
196. Society for Developmental Biology, Northeast Meeting, 04/2013
197. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dept. of Neuroscience, 04/2013
198. Annual Meeting International Society for Stem Cell Research, Boston, Satellite symposium "New Avenues for
Brain Repair: Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System", 06/2013
199. 17th International Congress of Developmental Biology, 72nd Annual Meeting Society for Developmental Biology,
Satellite Symposium "Making and breaking the left-right axis: Laterality in development and disease", 06/2013
200. EMBO Practical Course 'Developmental Neurobiology from Worms to Mammals', UCL, London, 07/2013
201. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), Cambridge, 07/2013
202. Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Neurobiology, 09/2013
203. Case Western Reserve University, Dept. of Neurosci., 09/2013
204. Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Genetics, 10/2013
205. Yale University RNA Center Retreat 11/2013, Keynote speaker
206. Scripps Research Institute, Dorris Neuroscience Center, San Diego, 11/2013
207. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation, 12/2013
208. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Symposium Current Trends in Genetics", 01/2014
209. French Society of Developmental Biology (SFDB) & EFOR network meeting, Paris, 02/2014
210. NYU Abu Dhabi Genomics and Systems BiologyConference, Abu Dhabi, 02/2014
211. Carnegie Institution, Department of Embryology, Baltimore 03/2014
212. New York University, Department of Biology, 04/2014
213. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dept. of Neuroscience, 05/2014
214. Society for Developmental Biology, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting Baltimore, 05/2014, Keynote speaker
215. European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg (Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series), 06/2014
216. Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure at the Chari- Universitätsmedizin in Berlin, NeuroColloquium, 06/2014
217. Gordon Research Seminar, Hong Kong, 06/2014, Keynote Speaker
218. Gordon Research Conference "Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology" Hong Kong, 06/2014
219. Annual Meeting Society for Developmental Biology, Seattle, 07/2014
220. Gordon Research Conference “Developmental Neurobiology”, Newport, RI, 08/2014
Oliver Hobert
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221. National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing, 09/2014
222. Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 09/2014
223. Shanghai Institute of Neuroscience, 09/2014
224. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting "Neurobiology: Diverse species and conserved principles" Suzhou, China,
09/2014, Keynote speaker
225. Janelia Farm Seminar Series, 10/2014
226. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, 10/2014
227. Janelia Farm Research Conference “High-Throughput Sequencing for Neuroscience”, 10/2014
228. Janelia Farm Research Conference “Neural Circuits Controlling Sexual Behavior”, 11/2014
229. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Genetics, 01/2015
230. New York Area Worm Meeting, 01/2015
231. Princeton University, Department of Molecular Biology, 02/2015
232. New York University Honors Program Lecture, 04/2015
233. University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Department of Neurobiology, 04/2015
234. Imperial College London, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, 05/2015
235. Cell Press Symposium “RNAs in the Nervous system”, 07/2015
236. 4th Annual Sc2.0 and Synthetic Genomes Conference, NY Genome Center, 07/2015 (Panelist)
237. City College, New York, Department of Biology, 09/2015
238. Rockefeller University Postdoc Retreat 09/2015, Keynote speaker
239. Max Planck for Brain Research, Symposium "Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Homeostasis”, 10/2015
240. Universität Köln, Germany, 11/2015
241. Utrecht University, Netherlands, 11/2015
242. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Physiology Department, 11/2015
243. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, 12/2015
244. Fondation des Treilles meeting “Plasticity of cellular identity”, 05/2016
245. Genetics Society of America, The Allied Genetics Conference, Orlando, Florida, 07/2016, Keynote speaker
246. C. elegans Neuro (CeNeuro) Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 07/2016, Keynote speaker
247. National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan, 07/2016
248. Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, 08/2016
249. Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, 08/2016
250. University of Chicago, Annual Neuroscience Retreat, 09/2016, Keynote speaker
251. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology, 09/2016
252. Brown University, Department of Neuroscience, 10/2016
253. Brandeis University, Department of Biology, 10/2016
254. National Institutes of Health, Neuroscience Seminar Series, 11/2016
255. Georgia Tech, Neuro seminar series, 12/2016
256. Keystone meeting “Neurogenesis during Development and in the Adult Brain”, Olympic Valley, 01/2017
257. University of Chicago, Program in Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology, 03/2017
258. ABCAM meeting “Programming and Reprogramming the Brain”, München, 04/2017
259. Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Cell & Developmental Biology, 04/2017
260. NYU Developmental Genetics Program, 4/2017
261. Janelia Farm Conference "Control of Neuronal Identity II", 5/2017
262. Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea 5/2017
263. Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Korea, 5/2017
264. Seoul National University, Korea, 5/2017
265. Society for Developmental Biology, Satellite Symposium “Neuro(R)evolution: New Approaches for Studying
Neurodevelopment”, 7/2017
266. Nature Conference “Neurogenetics”, New York University, 8/2017
267. Woods Hole, Grass Fellows Invited Lecture, 8/2017
268. EMBO meeting “Gene regulatory mechanisms in neural fate decisions”, Alicante, Spain, 9/2017
269. Conference “Reverse Engineering the Developing Brain, Campus Biotech, Geneva, 9/2017
270. Conference “Synapse formation, specification, and elimination: from molecules to circuits”, International University
of Andalusia (UNIA), 9/2017
271. Weizmann Institute, Israel, Life Sciences Colloquium, 10/2017
272. Washington University St. Louis, Department of Neuroscience, 11/2017
273. Northwestern University, Distinguished Lecture in Developmental and Regenerative Biology, 12/2017
274. New York University Abu Dhabi, Nematode Parasite conference, 01/2018 (Co-Organizer)
275. Max Planck Institute Göttingen, Fassberg Seminar, 02/2018
276. Harvard University, Department of Systems Biology, 03/2018
277. Society for Developmental Biology, Northeast Regional meeting, Woods Hole, Keynote Speaker, 04/2018
278. Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR), 04/2018
279. Florida Worm Meeting, Keynote Speaker, 05/2018
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280. UC San Diego Neurosciences Graduate Program Seminar Series, 05/2018
281. C. elegans Topic meeting “Development, Cell Biology & Gene expression”, Barcelona, Keynote Speaker, 06/2018
282. Developmental biology minisymposium; Graduate School in Biomedicine and Biotechnology of the Tallinn
University of Technology, in Tallinn, Estonia, 09/2018
283. Peking University (PKU), School of Life Sciences, Undergraduate Honor Program in Biology, China 10/2018
284. ShanghaiTech University, School of Life Science and Technology, Shanghai, China 10/2018
285. Neuroscience Program of Academia Sinica (NPAS), Taipei, Taiwan, 10/2018
286. TzuChi University, HuaLien, Taiwan, 10/2018
287. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, Special Lecture, 11/2018
288. Max Planck Institute für Biochemie, Martinsried, Axel Ullrich Lecture 11/2018
289. Universität Bayreuth, 11/2018
290. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Biological Chemistry & Brain Research Institute, 12/2018
291. EMBO Workshop “Molecular neuroscience: From genes to circuits in health and disease”, Bangalore, India,
292. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 02/2019
293. University of Albany, Department of Biology, Rickmenspoel Lecture, 03/2019
294. Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse - Sezione di Napoli, Italy, 03/2019
295. Pasteur Institute, Department of Developmental Biology, 04/2019
296. University of Santa Barbara, MCB program (Student invitation), 05/2019
297. EMBO Workshop “Evolution of Cell types” (Co-Organizer), EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 05/2019
298. Institute of Neuroscience Alicante, 20th Anniversary Symposium, Spain, 07/2019
299. Rockefeller University's Neuroscience Seminar Series, 09/2019
300. Montefiore Medical Center Grand Rounds, 10/2019
301. Cell Symposium “Transcription in Evolution, Development, and Disease”, Chicago, Keynote Speaker 10/2019
302. University of Illinois, Chicago, 10/2019
303. Developmental Biology Symposium, Graduate Student Alliance, University of Georgia, Keynote Speaker, 11/2019
304. “International Leaders in Neuroscience" Seminar at the Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane, Australia, 11/2019
305. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, 01/2020
306. Yale University, Department of Neuroscience, 02/2020
307. TAGC 2020 (The Allied Genetics Conference), Washington DC 04/2020
308. University of Connecticut Medical School, Department of Neuroscience, 10/2020
309. EMBO Conference “Neuroepigenetics”, Heidelberg 11/2020
310. UK C. elegans Meeting, 12/2020
311. World Wide Neuro Seminar Series, 1/2021
312. Concordia University, Montreal, Department of Biology, 02/2021
313. Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Genetics, 02/2021
314. Institute for Molecular Pathology, Vienna, 3/2021
315. University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Department of Neurobiology, 03/2021
316. EMBO Symposium The Identity and Evolution of Cell Types, 05/2021
317. Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK, 05/2021
318. American Society for Neurochemistry Annual Meeting, St. Charles, Presidential Lecture, 06/2021
319. University of Pennsylvania, Mahoney Institute of Neurosciences, 12/2021
320. Paris ENS-ESPCI weekly biophysics seminar, 01/2022
321. Johns Hopkins University, Dept. Mol Biology & Genetics, 02/2022
322. Ascona meetingNeurogenesis in health and disease, Switzerland, 03/2022
323. Sydney Brenner Memorial Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, 03/2022
324. Conference “Sexual dimorphism of neuronal circuits and behavior״, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 04/2022
325. Hebrew University, Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC), 04/2022
326. Université Claude Bernard Lyon, Institut NeuroMyoGèn, 05/2022
327. Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, Strasbourg, 05/2022
328. Annual Meeting Revson Postdoctoral Fellows, 05/2022, Keynote Speaker
329. Asia Pacific Worm Meeting, Taiwan, 7/2022, Keynote Speaker
330. Golgi Meeting, Château de Suduirat, Bordeaux, 09/2022
331. Nick Spitzer Festschrift UCSD, 11/2022
332. Lewis Memorial Lecture, Columbia University Medical Center, 12/2022
333. EMBO Meeting “Mechanisms of Neuronal Remodeling”, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 03/2023, Keynote Speaker
334. Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa - CSIC, Madrid, 04/2023
335. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MCN Graduate program, 05/2023
336. Janelia Conference NeuroEvo, 05/2023
337. University College London, Annual Neuroscience Symposium 06/2023, Keynote speaker
338. International C. elegans Meeting, Glasgow, 06/2023, Keynote Speaker
339. International P. pacificus Meeting, Tübingen, 09/2023
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340. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, 10/2023
341. Princeton University, Lewis-Sigler Institute Quantitative and Computational Biology, 11/2023
342. Universität Frankfurt, Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS), 11/2023
343. Georgia State University, GSU Brains & Behavior Distinguished Lecturer, 12/2023
344. Universität Mainz, Biozentrum, Germany, 01/2024
345. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering
Division, Saudi Arabia, 01/2024
346. Janelia Workshop ”Whole Organismal Cell Physiology”, 02/2024
347. Indian Society for Developmental Biology, Bangalore, India, 02/2024
348. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India, KS Krishnan Memorial Neuroscience
Lecture, 02/2024
349. Janelia Conference “Sexually Dimorphic Circuits and Behaviors”, 03/2024
350. International Winter Neuroscience Conference, Sölden, Austria, 04/2024
351. University of Texas, McGovern Medical School, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, 04/2024
352. Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering, 04/2024
353. Gorden Research Conference Neural Development, Lucca, Italy, 07/2024
354. Janelia Conference “Developmental Specification of Complex Behaviors”, 10/2024
355. Harvey Society, Harvey Lecture 11/2024
356. University of Illinois, 02/2025
357. Janelia Conference “Second Brains: Enteric Nervous Systems Across Phylogeny”, 03/2025
Reviews & Essays
1. Hobert, O and Ruvkun, G (1998)."A Common Theme for LIM Homeobox Gene Function Across Phylogeny?" MBL &
NASA Symposium on "Genetic Regulatory Networks in Embryogenesis and Evolution” Biol. Bulletin 195, 377-380.
2. Hobert, O and Ruvkun, G (1999) "Pax genes in Caenorhabditis elegans: A new twist” Trends Genet. 15, 214-216.
3. Hobert, O, Johnston, RJ and Chang, S (2002) “ Left/right asymmetry in the nervous system: The C. elegans paradigm”,
Nature Rev. Neurosci, 3(8), 629-640
4. Hobert, O (2003) “Behavioral plasticity in C. elegans: Paradigms, Circuits, Genes” J.Neurobiol 54, 203-223 (special
issue: Genes and Behavior) + Editorial Overview "Behavioral Genetics - The third century"
5. Hobert, O and Bülow, HE (2003) "Development and maintenance of neuronal architecture at the ventral midline of C.
elegansCurr. Opin. Neurobiol 13, 70-78 (Invited Review)
6. Rougon, G and Hobert, O (2003) “New insights into the diversity and function of neuronal immunoglobulin superfamily
moleculesAnnu. Rev. Neurosci. 26, 207-238 (Invited Review)
7. Hobert, O (2004) “Common logic of transcription factor and miRNA action” Trends Biochem Sci. 29(9), 462-468
8. low, HE and Hobert, O (2006) “The Molecular Diversity of Glycosaminoglycans shapes Animal Development” Annu.
Rev. of Cell Dev. Biol. 22, 375-407 (Invited Review)
9. Hobert, O (2006) “Architecture of a microRNA-controlled gene regulatory network that diversifies neuronal cell fates”,
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol: Regulatory RNAs, Volume 71, 181-188
10. Hobert, O (2008) “Gene regulation by transcription factors and microRNAs” Science 319, 1785-1786 (Invited Review)
11. Hobert, O (2008) " Regulatory logic of neuronal diversity: Terminal selector genes and selector motifs" Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 105(51):20067-71 (Invited Review)
12. Hobert, O (2010) “The impact of Whole Genome Sequencing on model system genetics: Get ready for the ride”
Genetics, 184: 317319 (Perspective)
13. Bertrand, V and Hobert, O (2010) "Lineage programming : navigating through transient regulatory states via binary
decisions" Curr. Opin. Genet. & Dev 20:362368 (Invited Review)
14. Hobert, O, Carrera, I and Stefanakis, N (2010) "The molecular and gene regulatory signature of a neuron" Trends
Neurosci., 33, 435-445
15. Hobert, O (2011) "Maintaining a memory by transcriptional autoregulation" Curr. Biol. 21(4), R146-147 (Primer)
16. Flames, N and Hobert, O (2011) "Transcriptional Networks Determining Monoaminergic Fate" Annu. Rev. Neurosci.
34, 153-84 (Invited Review)
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17. Hobert, O (2011) " Regulation of terminal differentiation programs in the nervous system" Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol.
27, 681-696 (Invited Review)
18. Boulin, T and Hobert, O (2012) "From Genes to Function: The C. elegans Genetic Toolbox" WIREs Dev. Biol.,
1:114137 (Invited Review)
19. Hobert, O (2014) " Development of left/right asymmetry in the Caenorhabditis elegans nervous system: From zygote
to postmitotic neuron" genesis 52:528543
20. Deneris, E and Hobert, O (2014) “Maintenance of postmitotic neuronal cell identity”, Nature Neurosci. 17, 899-907
21. Arlotta, P and Hobert, O (2015) “Homeotic transformations of neuronal cell identities”, Trends Neurosci. 38, 751-762
22. Hobert, O (2016) “A map of terminal regulators of neuronal identity in C. elegans”, WIREs Dev. Biol. 5, 474-498
(Invited Review)
23. Hobert, O and Kratsios, P (2019) “Neuronal identity control by terminal selectors in worms, flies and miceCurr.
Opin. Neurobiol. 56:97105 (Invited Review)
24. Leyva-Díaz, E, Masoudi, N, Serrano-Saiz, E, Glenwinkel :
and Hobert, O (2020) Brn3/POU-IV-type POU homeobox
genes - paradigmatic regulators of neuronal identity across phylogenyWIREs Dev. Biol. 9:e374
25. Goodwin, SF and Hobert, O (2021) “Molecular mechanisms of sexually dimorphic nervous system patterning in flies
and worms” Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 37:51947
26. Hobert, O (2021) “Homeobox genes and the specification of neuronal identity”, Nature Rev. Neurosci, 22(10):627-
27. Sun, H and Hobert, O (2023) Temporal transitions in the postembryonic nervous system of the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans: Recent insights and open questions”, Sem Cell Dev Biol 142, 67-80 (Invited Review)
28. Kratsios, P and Hobert, O (2024) “Homeobox genes in C. elegansDevelopment in preparation (Invited Review)
Book chapters:
1. Westphal, H and Hobert, O (2001) “LIM homeodomain proteins” Wiley Encyclopedia of Molecular Medicine, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., p.1922-1925.
2. Hobert, O (2005) “Specification of the Nervous System” WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research Community,
WormBook, doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.12.1, http://www.wormbook.org
3. Boulin, T, Etchberger, J and Hobert, O. (2005) “Reporter gene fusions” WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research
Community, doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.106.1, http://www.wormbook.org
4. Hobert, O and Loria, PM (2005) "Uses of GFP in C. elegans in "Green Fluorescent Protein: Properties,
Applications and Protocols (Methods of Biochemical Analysis, Vol 47)” Chalfie and Kain (eds.), 2
edition, Wiley
5. Benard, C and Hobert, O (2009) “Looking beyond development: maintaining nervous system architecture”, Curr.
Top. Dev. Biol. 87, 175-194
6. Hobert, O (2010) "Neurogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans", WormBook, ed. The C. elegans
Research Community, doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.12.2, http://www.wormbook.org.
Reprinted in: Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience book seriesPatterning and Cell Type Specification
in the Developing CNS and PNS, edited by Pasko Rakic and John Rubenstein, Academic Press, 2013, First
Updated and revised: “Neuronal identity specification in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”, Comprehensive
Developmental Neuroscience book seriesPatterning and Cell Type Specification in the Developing CNS and
PNS, edited by Pasko Rakic and John Rubenstein, Academic Press, 2020 Second Edition
7. Cochella, L and Hobert, O (2012) “MiRNAs in neuronal development”, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol., 99:115-43
8. Hobert, O (2013) "The neuronal genome of C. elegans", WormBook, WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research
Community, doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.161.1, http://www.wormbook.org
9. Hobert, O (2016) “Terminal selectors of neuronal identity”, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 116:455-75 (50
IssueEssays on Developmental Biology”)
10. Vidal, B and Hobert, O (2017) Methods to study nervous system laterality in the nematode Caenorhabditis
elegansin Lateralized Brain Functions. Methods in Human and Non-Human Species (Springer; Eds. Roger, LJ
and Vallortigara, G), page 591-608 (invited chapter)
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11. Oren, M and Hobert, O (2017) Sexual dimorphisms in the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis
elegans”, inPrinciples of Genderspecific Medicine”, Academic Press (invited chapter)
1. Hobert, O, Hutter, H and Hynes, RO (2004) " The immunoglobulin superfamily in Caenorhabditis elegans and
Drosophila melanogaster” Development 131, 2237-2238 (Commentary)
2. Hobert, O (2005) “MicroRNAs: All Gone and Then What?” Curr. Biol, 15(10), R387-389 (Invited Commentary)
3. Hobert, O (2007) “MicroRNAs playing a tuneCell 131, 22-24 (Invited Commentary)
4. Bertrand, V and Hobert, O (2009) “Wnt asymmetry and the terminal division of neuronal progenitors”, Cell Cycle 8,
1973-1974 (Invited Commentary)
5. Hobert, O (2010) “Enhancers stepping out of the shadowCurr. Biol. 20, R697-699 (Invited Commentary)
6. Hart, MP and Hobert, O (2015) “Neurobiology: Dimorphic mystery neurons control sex-specific behavioral plasticity”,
Curr. Biol. 25, pR1170R1172 (Invited Commentary)
7. Howell, K and Hobert, O (2016) “Small Immunoglobulin domain proteins at synapses and the maintenance of neuronal
features”, Neuron 89, 239-241 (Invited Commentary)
8. Vogt, M and Hobert, O (2017) “Olfactory Imprinting: A Worm’s Memory of Things Past”, Curr. Biol. 27, R1108R1129
(Invited Commentary)
9. Hammarlund, M, Hobert, O, Miller 3
, DM, Sestan, N (2018) “The CeNGEN project: The complete molecular and
regulatory map of an entire nervous systemNeuron 99, 430-433
10. Kratsios, P and Hobert, O (2018) Nervous system development: Flies and worms converging on neuronal identity
control” Curr. Biol. 28, R1154-R1156 (Invited Commentary)
11. Wang, C and Hobert, O (2019) "Sex-specific pheromone responses in C. elegans" EMBO Rep. 20: e47599 (Invited
1. Bayer, EA and Hobert, O (2018)A novel null allele of C. elegans gene ceh-14. microPublication Biology,
2. Bhattacharya, A and Hobert, O (2019)A new anterior pharyngeal region specific fluorescent co-transformation
marker” microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000084
3. Rahe, D, Carrera, I, Cosmanescu, F and Hobert, O (2019) “An isoform-specific allele of the sax-7 locus”
microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000092
4. Doitsidou, M, & Hobert, O (2019) “New alleles of the lin-22/Hairy bHLH transcription factor” microPublication
Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000111
5. Curtis, L, Witte, H, Sommer, RJ and Hobert, O (2019) “An antibody staining protocol variation for nematodes that adds
heat-induced antigen retrieval (HIAR)“ microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000135
6. Minevich, G, Bernstein, A, Mei, K, Poole, RJ, and Hobert, O (2019) “Nibbling 405 kb off the X: Viable deletion alleles
eliminating 50 protein coding genes, including a chromatin factor involved in neuronal development“ microPublication
Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000187
7. Pham, K and Hobert, O (2019) “Unlike Drosophila elav, the C. elegans elav orthologue exc-7 is not panneuronally
expressed“ microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000189
8. Aghayeva, U, Bhattacharya, A and Hobert, O (2020) “A panel of fluorophore-tagged daf-16 allelesmicroPublication
Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000210
9. Hart, MP and Hobert, O (2020) “A missense mutation separates distinct functions of the Zic-family transcription factor
REF-2 microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000232
10. Reilly, M and Hobert, O (2020) “ceh-34, an unusual homeobox gene“ microPublication Biology,
11. Cook, S, Vidal, B and Hobert, O (2021) “The bHLH-PAS gene hlh-34 is expressed in the AVH, not AVJ interneurons
microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000467
Oliver Hobert
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12. Toker, I and Hobert O (2022)The Cbr-DPY-10(Arg92Cys) modification is a reliable co-conversion marker for
CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in Caenorhabditis briggsae, microPublication Biology,
13. Sun, H, Beets, I, Schafer, W and Hobert O (2023) “Comparing engineered nuclear-localized reporter cassettes
microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.001014
14. Aguilar, GR and Hobert O (2024) “A protocol to transform a fluorescent reporter from a nuclear to a cytoplasmic
location”, microPublication Biology, https://doi.org/10.17912/micropub.biology.000954.
Research papers:
Undergraduate & Graduate Student:
1. Mancinelli, AL, Hobert, O, Nikas, G (1992) "In vivo Phytochrome-mediated perception of reflected light signals"
Photochem. Photobiol. 5, 585-592.
2. Zeidler, R, Hobert, O, Johannes, L, Faulhammer, H, Krauss,G (1993) "Characterisation of two novel ssDNA-specific
ARS-binding proteins from S.cerevisiae" J. Biol. Chem. 268, 20191-20197
3. Hobert, O, Jallal, B, Schlessinger, J, Ullrich, A (1994) "Novel signaling pathway suggested by SH3 domain-mediated
/hnRNP-K interaction" J. Biol. Chem. 269, 20225-20228
4. Hobert, O, Schilling, J, Beckerle, M, Ullrich, A, Jallal B (1996) "SH3-dependent interaction of the Vav-proto-oncogene
product with the focal adhesion protein Zyxin” Oncogene 12, 1577-1581.
5. Hobert, O, Jallal, B, Ullrich, A (1996) "Interaction of Vav with ENX-1, a putative transcriptional regulator of homeobox
gene expression” Mol. Cell. Biol.16, 3066-3073
6. Hobert, O, Sures, I, Ciossek, T, Fuchs, M, Ullrich, A (1996) "Isolation and developmental expression analysis of Enx-1,
a novel mouse Polycomb-group gene" Mech. Dev. 55, 171-184
7. Su, I-H, Basavaraj, A, Krutchinsky, AN, Hobert, O, Ullrich, A., Chait, BT, Tarakhovsky, A (2003) "Ezh2 controls B cell
development through histone H3 methylation and Igh rearrangement” Nat. Immunol. 4, 124-131 (recommended by
Faculty of 1000)
Postdoctoral Fellow:
1. Hobert, O, Mori, I, Yamashita, Y, Honda, H, Ohshima, Y, Liu, Y.
and Ruvkun, G (1997) "Regulation of interneuron
function in the C. elegans thermoregulatory pathway by the ttx-3 LIM homeobox gene” Neuron 19, 345-357.
2. Hobert, O, D’Alberti, T, Liu, Y and Ruvkun, G (1998). "Control of neural development and function in a
thermoregulatory network by the LIM homeobox gene lin-11J. Neuroscience 18, 2084-2096.
3. Ruvkun, G and Hobert, O (1998) "The taxonomy of developmental control in Caenorhabditis elegansScience 282,
4. Hobert, O, Moerman, DG, Clark, KA, Beckerle, MC and Ruvkun, G (1999) "A conserved LIM protein that affects
muscular adherens junction integrity and mechanosensory function in C. elegansJ. Cell Biol. 144, 45-57
5. Hobert, O, Tessmar, K and Ruvkun, G (1999) "The C. elegans lim-6 LIM homeobox gene regulates neurite outgrowth
and function of particular GABAergic neurons “ Development 126, 1547-1562
6. Hall, DH, Winfrey, VP, Blaeuer, G, Hoffman, LH, Furuta, T, Rose, KL, Hobert, O and Greenstein, D (1999)
“Ultrastructural features of the adult hermaphrodite gonad of C. elegans: Relations between the germ line and soma”
Dev.Biol. 212, 101-123
7. Sagasti, A, Hobert, O, Troemel, ER, Ruvkun, G. and Bargmann, C. (1999) “Alternative olfactory neuron fates are
specified by the LIM homeobox gene lim-4Genes Dev.13, 1794-1806
Prinicipal Investigator:
1. Altun-Gultekin, Z, Andachi, Y, Tsalik, E, Pilgrim, D, Kohara, Y and Hobert, O (2001) "A regulatory cascade of three
homeobox genes, ceh-10, ttx-3 and ceh-23 controls cell fate specification of a defined interneuron class in C. elegans
Development 128, 1951-1969
2. Sarafi-Reinach, TR, Melkman, T, Hobert, O and Sengupta, P (2001) "The lin-11 LIM homeobox gene specifies
olfactory and chemosensory neuron fates in C. elegansDevelopment 128, 3269-3281
Oliver Hobert
Page 16
3. Aurelio, O, Hall, DH and Hobert, O (2002) "Immunoglobulin-domain proteins required for maintenance of ventral nerve
cord organization”Science 295, 686-690 (featured in J.Cell.Biol.156, 588, Science 295, 599 and in Faculty of 1000)
4. Hobert, O (2002) “A rapid PCR fusion-based approach to create reporter gene constructs for expression analysis in
transgenic C. elegansBioTechniques 32, 298-300
5. Bülow, HE, Berry, KL, Topper, L, Peles, E and Hobert, O (2002) “Heparan sulfate proteoglycan dependent induction of
axon branching and axon misrouting by the Kallmann syndrome gene kal-1Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci USA 99, 6346-6351
(featured in Neuron 34, 675)
6. Aurelio, O, Boulin, T and Hobert, O (2003) " Identification of spatial and temporal cues that regulate postembryonic
expression of axon maintenance factors in the C. elegans ventral nerve cord”Development 130, 599-610
7. Raich, WB, Moorman, C, Lacefield, CO, Lehrer, J, Bartsch, D. Plasterk, RHA, Kandel, EK and Hobert, O (2003)
“Characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans homologs of the Down Syndrome candidate gene DYRK1A” Genetics
163(2), 571-580
8. Tsalik, EL and Hobert, O (2003) "Functional mapping of neurons that control locomotory behavior in Caenorhabditis
elegansJ. Neurobiol. 56, 178-197
9. Loria, PM, Duke, A, Rand, JB and Hobert, O (2003) "Two neuronal, nuclear-localized RNA-binding proteins involved in
synaptic transmission” Curr.Biol. 13, 1317-1323 (featured in Nat.Rev.Neurosci.4, 781)
10. Chang, S, Johnston, RJ and Hobert, O (2003)" A transcriptional regulatory cascade that controls left/right asymmetry
in chemosensory neurons of C. elegansGenes Dev. 17, 2123-2137
11. Tsalik, EL, Niacaris, T, Wenick, AS, Pau, K, Avery L and Hobert, O (2003) "LIM homeobox gene-dependent
expression of biogenic amine receptors in restricted regions of the C. elegans nervous system” Dev. Biol. 263, 81-102
12. Berry, KL, Bülow, HE, Hall, DH and Hobert, O (2003) " A C. elegans CLIC-like protein required for intracellular tube
formation and maintenance “ Science 302, 2134-2137(featured in Science 302, 2077-2078 and Faculty of 1000)
13. Johnston, RJ and Hobert, O (2003) “A microRNA controlling left/right neuronal asymmetry in Caenorhabditis elegans
Nature 426, 845-849 (featured in Mini-review in Nature Neurosci. 7, 100-102; Nat.Rev.Neurosci. 5, 79; Faculty of 1000)
14. Bülow, HE and Hobert, O (2004) “Differential sulfations and epimerization define heparan sulfate specificity in
nervous system development” Neuron 41(5), 723-736 (Mini-reviewed in Neuron 46, 169-72)
15. Loria, PM, Hodgkin J and Hobert, O (2004) “A conserved postsynaptic transmembrane protein affecting
neuromuscular signaling in C. elegansJ. Neurosci. 24(9), 2191-2201 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
16. Mehta, N, Loria, PM and Hobert, O (2004) "A genetic screen for neurite outgrowth mutants in C. elegans reveals a
new function for the F-box ubiquitin ligase component LIN-23” Genetics166(3), 1253-1267
17. Bülow, HE, Boulin, T and Hobert, O (2004) “Differential functions of the C. elegans FGF receptor in axon outgrowth
and maintenance of axon position” Neuron 42, 367-374
18. Bigelow, H, Wenick, AS, Wong, A and Hobert, O (2004) “CisOrtho: A program pipeline for genome-wide identification
of transcription factor target genes using phylogenetic footprinting” BMC Bioinformatics 5, 27
19. Wenick, AS and Hobert, O (2004) “Genomic cis-regulatory architecture and trans-acting regulators of a single
interneuron-specific gene battery in C. elegansDev. Cell 6, 757-770 (featured in Mol.Cell 14, 693-4)
20. Deng, X, Hofmann, ER, Villanueva, A, Hobert, O, Capodieci,
P, Veach, DR, Yin, X, Campodonico, L, Glekas, A,
Cordon-Cardo, C, Clarkson, B, Bornmann, WG, Fuks, Z, Hengartner, MO
and Kolesnick, R(2004)"Caenorhabditis elegans
ABL-1 antagonizes p53-mediated germline apoptosis after ionizing radiation" Nat. Genet. 36, 906-912
21. Chang, S, Johnston, RJ, Frøkjær-Jensen, C, Lockery, S and Hobert, O (2004) “MicroRNAs act sequentially and
asymetrically to control chemosensory laterality in the nematode” Nature 430, 785-789 (recommended by Faculty of
22. Remy, JJ and Hobert, O (2005) “An interneuronal chemoreceptor required for olfactory imprinting in C. elegans
Science 309, 787-790 (highlighted in Nature 436, 607 and Faculty of 1000)
Oliver Hobert
Page 17
23. Johnston, RJ, Chang, S, Etchberger, JF, Ortiz, CO and Hobert, O (2005) “MicroRNAs acting in a double-negative
feedback loop to control a neuronal cell fate decision” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 12449-12454 (Featured in “This
Week in PNAS”)
24. Johnston, RJ and Hobert, O (2005) “A novel C. elegans zinc finger transcription factor, lsy-2, required for the cell-type
specific expression of the lsy-6 microRNA” Development 132, 5451-5460
25. Ortiz, CO, Etchberger, JF, Posy, SL, Frøkjær-Jensen, C, Lockery, S, Honig B, and Hobert, O (2006) “Searching for
neuronal left/right asymmetry: Genomewide analysis of nematode receptor-type guanylyl cyclases”, Genetics 173, 131-
26. Faumont, S, Boulin, T, Hobert, O, and Lockery, S (2006) “Developmental regulation of whole-cell capacitance and
membrane current in identified interneurons in C. elegans”, J. Neurophys. 95, 3665-3673
27. Berry, KL and Hobert, O (2006) “Mapping functional domains of chloride intracelllular channel (CLIC) proteins in vivo”,
J. Mol. Biol. 359, 1316-1333
28. Benard, CY, Boyanov, A, Hall, DH and Hobert, O (2006) “DIG-1, a novel giant protein non-autonomously mediates
maintenance of nervous system architecture”, Development 133, 3329-3340
29. Johnston, RJ, Copeland, JW, Fasnacht M, Etchberger, JF, Liu J, Honig B and Hobert, O (2006) “An unusual Zn
finger/FH2 domain protein controls a left/right asymmetric neuronal fate decision in C. elegans”, Development 133, 3317-
30. Didiano, D and Hobert, O (2006) “Perfect seed pairing is not a generally reliable predictor for miRNA-target
interactions”, Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 13(9), 849-851 (featured in “News and Views” and in Research Highlight in Nature
442, p.960 and in Faculty of 1000)
31. Boulin, T, Pocock R and Hobert, O (2006) “ A novel Ephrin receptor-interacting Ig/FnIII domain protein provides C.
elegans motoneurons with midline guidepost function”, Curr. Biol. 16, 1871-1883 (featured in Dispatches in Curr.Biol. 16,
32. Poole, R and Hobert, O (2006) “ Early embryonic programming of neuronal left/right asymmetry in C. elegans”, Curr.
Biol. 16, 2279-92 (featured in Dispatches in Curr.Biol. 16, r1039-1041, in Nat. Genetics 39, 15 and in Faculty of 1000)
33. Etchberger, JF, Lorch, A, Sleumer, MC, Zapf, R, Jones, SJ, Marra, MA, Holt, RA, Moerman DG and Hobert, O (2007)
“The molecular signature and cis-regulatory architecture of a C. elegans gustatory neuron’ Genes Dev 21, 1653-1674
34. Sarin, S, O'Meara, MM, Flowers, EB, Antonio, C, Poole, R, Didiano, D, Johnston, RJ, Chang, S, Narula, S
and Hobert, O (2007) “Genetic screens for C. elegans mutants defective in left/right asymmetric neuronal fate
specification” Genetics 176, 2109-2130
35. Pocock, R, Benard, CY, Shapiro L and Hobert, O (2008) “Functional dissection of the C. elegans cell adhesion
molecule SAX-7, a homologue of human L1”, Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 37, 56-68
36. Etchberger, JF and Hobert, O (2008) “Vector-free DNA constructs improve transgene expression in C. elegans”,
Nature Methods 5, 3
37. Didiano, D and Hobert, O (2008) “Molecular architecture of a miRNA-regulated 3’UTR”, RNA 14, 1297-1317
38. Pocock, R and Hobert, O (2008) “Oxygen levels affect axon guidance and neuronal migration in Caenorhabditis
elegans”, Nature Neurosci. 11, 894-900 (featured in News and Views p.859-861)
39. Sarin, S, Prabhu, S, O'Meara, MM, Pe'er, I *, and Hobert, O *(2008) "Caenorhabditis elegans mutant allele
identification by whole-genome sequencing", Nature Methods 5 (10), 865-867 (featured in News and Views p. 863-p.864
and in Faculty of 1000)(* = joint corresponding authors)
40. Shen, Y, Sarin, S, Liu, Y, Hobert, O *, Pe'er I * (2008) "Comparing platforms for C. elegans mutant identification using
high-throughput whole-genome sequencing", PLoS ONE 3(12):e4012 (* joint corresponding authors)
41. Doitsidou, M, Flames, N, Lee, AC, Boyanov A and Hobert, O (2008) "Automated screening for mutants affecting
dopaminergic neuron specification in C. elegans", Nature Methods 5 (10), 869-872 (featured in News and Views p.863-
864 and in Faculty of 1000)
42. Bülow, H, Tjoe, N, Townley, RA, Didiano, D, van Kuppevelt, TH and Hobert, O (2008) " Extracellular sugar
modifications provide instructive and cell-specific information for axon guidance choices", Curr. Biol. 18(24):1978-1985
Oliver Hobert
Page 18
(recommended by Faculty of 1000)
43. Etchberger, JF, Flowers, EB, Poole, RJ, Bashllari, E and Hobert, O (2009) “Cis-regulatory mechanisms of left/right
asymmetric neuron-subtype specification in C. elegansDevelopment 136:147-160 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
44. Tung JJ, Hobert, O, Berryman M, Kitajewski J (2009) " Chloride intracellular channel 4 is involved in endothelial
proliferation and morphogenesis in vitro." Angiogenesis 12(3):209-20.
45. O'Meara, MM, Bigelow,H, Flibotte, S, Etchberger, JF, Moerman, DG and Hobert, O (2009)“ Cis-regulatory mutations
in the C. elegans homeobox gene locus cog-1 affect neuronal development” Genetics 181: 16791686
46. Tursun, B, Cochella, L, Carrera, I and Hobert, O (2009) "A toolkit and robust pipeline for the generation of fosmid-
based reporter genes in C. elegans", PLoS ONE 4(3), e4625
47. Bertrand, V and Hobert, O (2009) "Linking asymmetric cell division to the terminal differentiation program of
postmitotic neurons in C. elegans" Dev. Cell 16, 563-575 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
48. Flames, N and Hobert, O (2009) "Gene regulatory logic of dopaminergic neuron differentiation" Nature 458, 885-889
(featured in News and Views p.843-844, in Genome Biology 10, 229 and in Faculty of 1000)
49. Ortiz, CO, Faumont, S, Takayama, J, Ahmed, HK, Goldsmith, AD, Pocock, R, McCormick KE, Kunimoto, H, Iino, Y,
Lockery, S and Hobert, O (2009) “Lateralized gustatory behavior of C. elegans is controlled by specific receptor-type
guanylyl cyclases”, Curr. Biol. 19, 996-1004 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
50. Bigelow, H, Doitsidou, M, Sarin, S and Hobert, O (2009) “MAQGene: software to facilitate C. elegans mutant genome
sequence analysis” Nature Methods, 6(8):549
51. Sarin, S, Antonio, C, Tursun, B and Hobert, O (2009) “The C. elegans Tailless/TLX transcription factor nhr-67 controls
neuronal identity and left/right asymmetric fate diversification” Development, 136(17):2933-44
52. Benard, C, Tjoe, N, Boulin, T, Recio, J and Hobert, O (2009) "The Small, Secreted Immunoglobulin Protein ZIG-3
Maintains Axon Position in Caenorhabditis elegans" Genetics 183, 917-927
53. Didiano, D, Cochella, L, Tursun, B and Hobert, O (2010) "Neuron-type specific regulations of a 3'UTR through
redundant and combinatorially acting cis-regulatory elements", RNA 16, 349363
54. Pocock, R and Hobert, O (2010) "Hypoxia activates a latent circuit for processing gustatory information in C. elegans"
Nature Neurosci. 13(5), 610-614
55. Flowers, E, Poole, R, Tursun, B, Bashllari, E, Pe'er, I and Hobert, O (2010) "UNC-37/Groucho interacts with a short
Groucho-like protein, LSY-22, to control developmental decisions", Development 137, 1799-1805
56. Sarin, S, Bertrand, V, Bigelow, H, Boyanov, A, Doitsidou, M, Poole, R, Narula, S and Hobert, O (2010) "Analysis of
multiple ethyl methanesulfate-mutagenized Caenorhabditis elegans strains by whole-genome-sequencing", Genetics 185,
57. O'Meara, MM, Zhang, F and Hobert, O (2010) "Maintenance of neuronal laterality in C. elegans through MYST
histone acetyltransferase complex components LSY-12, LSY-13 and LIN-49", Genetics 186, 14971502
58. Doitsidou, M, Poole, RJ, Sarin, S, Bigelow, H and Hobert, O (2010) "C. elegans mutant identification with a one-step
Whole-Genome-Sequencing and SNP mapping strategy", PLoS ONE 5(11), e15435 (recommended by Faculty of 1000;
acc. to PloS ONE, among the 10% of most cited papers in PloS One, as of June 2017)
59. Goldsmith, AD, Sarin, S, Lockery, S and Hobert, O (2010) "Developmental control of lateralized neuron size in the
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans" Neural Dev 5, 33
60. Haklai-Topper, L, Soutschek, J., Sabanay, H, Scheel, J, Hobert, O* and Peles, E* (2011) "The Neurexin Superfamily
of Caenorhabditis elegans", Gene Expr Patterns 11 (2011) 144150 (* joint corresponding authors)
61. Tursun, B, Patel, T, Kratsios, P and Hobert, O (2011) Direct conversion of C. elegans germ cells into specific neuron
types”, Science 331, 304-308 (Research Article; featured in Perspective in Science, Curr.Biol., Nature Struct. Mol. Biol.,
Nature Methods, Nature Reviews Neuroscience and in Faculty of 1000).
62. Poole, RJ, Bashllari, E, Cochella, L, Flower, EB and Hobert, O (2011) "A genome-wide RNAi screen for factors
involved in neuronal specification in Caenorhabditis elegans", PLoS Genetics 7 (6), e1002109
63. Zhang, F, O'Meara, MM and Hobert, O (2011) "A left/right asymmetric neuronal differentiation program is controlled
Oliver Hobert
Page 19
by the C. elegans LSY-27 Zn finger transcription factor", Genetics 188, 753759
64. Bertrand, V, Bisso, P, Poole RJ and Hobert, O (2011) "Notch-dependent induction of left/right asymmetry in C.
elegans interneurons and motoneurons", Curr. Biol. 21, 1225-1231
65. Zheng, G, Cochella, L, Lui, J, Hobert, O and Li, WH (2011) "Temporal and spatial regulation of microRNA activity with
photo-activatable cantimirs", ACS Chem. Biol. 6(12):1332-8
66. Rechavi, O, Minevich, G and Hobert, O (2011) "Transgenerational inheritance of an acquired small RNA-based
antiviral response in C. elegans ", Cell 147, 1248-1256 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
67. Kratsios, P, Stolfi, A, Levine, M and Hobert, O (2012) "Coordinated regulation of cholinergic motor neuron traits
through a conserved terminal selector gene", Nature Neurosci. 15, 205-214 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
68. Bénard, C, Blanchette, C, Recio,
J and Hobert, O (2012) The secreted Ig domain proteins ZIG-5 and ZIG-8
cooperate with L1CAM/SAX-7 to maintain nervous system integrity in C. elegans “, PLoS Genetics 8(7): e1002819
69. Patel, T, Tursun, B, Rahe, D and Hobert, O (2012) " Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 makes C. elegans
germ cells susceptible to direct conversion into specific somatic cell types", Cell Reports 2, 11781186
70. Minevich, G, Park, DS, Blankenberg, D, Nekrutenko, A, Poole, RJ and Hobert, O (2012)CloudMap: A Cloud-based
Pipeline for Analysis of Mutant Genome Sequences”, Genetics 192, 12491269
71. Cochella, L and Hobert, O (2012)Embryonic priming of a miRNA locus predetermines postmitotic neuronal left-right
asymmetry in C. elegans”, Cell 151, 12291242 (highlighted in Nature Neuroscience; recommended by Faculty of 1000)
72. Weinberg, P, Flames, N, Sawa, H, Garriga, G and Hobert, O (2013) “The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex
selectively affects multiple aspects of serotonergic neuron differentiation”, Genetics 192, 1249-69
73. Smith, HK, Luo, L, O'Halloran, D, Guo, D, Huang, X-Y, Samuel, ADF and Hobert, O (2013) "Defining specificity
determinants of cyclic GMP-mediated gustatory sensory transduction in Caenorhabditis elegans", Genetics 94, 885-901
74. Doitsidou, M, Flames, F, Topalidou, I, Abe, N, Felton, T, Remesal, L, Popovitchenko, T, Mann, RS, Chalfie, M and
Hobert, O (2013) ”A combinatorial regulatory signature controls terminal differentiation of the dopaminergic nervous
system in C. elegans", Genes Dev. 27, 1391-1405
75. Serrano-Saiz, E, Poole, RJ, Felton, T, Zhang, F, De La Cruz, E and Hobert, O (2013)
“Modular control of
glutamatergic neuronal identity in C. elegans by distinct homeodomain proteins", Cell 155, 659673
76. Zhang, F, Bhattacharya, A, Nelson, JC, Abe, N, Gordon, P, Lloret-Fernandez, C, Maicas, M, Flames, N, Mann, RS,
Colón-Ramos, DA
and Hobert, O (2014) “The LIM and POU homeobox genes ttx-3 and unc-86 act as terminal selectors
in distinct cholinergic and serotonergic neuron types”, Development 141, 422-435
77. Cochella, L, Tursun, B, Hsieh, YW, Galindo, S, Johnston, RJ, Chuang, CF* and Hobert, O* (2014) Two distinct types
of neuronal asymmetries are controlled by the Caenorhabditis elegans zinc finger transcription factor die-1, Genes Dev.
28, 3443 (* joint corresponding authors)(Mini-reviewed in Curr. Biol. 24, R201R204; recommended by Faculty of
78. Nagarajan, A, Ning, Y, Reisner, K, Larsen, JP, Hobert, O*, Doitsidou M* (2014) Progressive degeneration of
dopaminergic neurons through TRP channel-induced cell death” J. Neurosci. 34, 5738-5746 (* joint corresponding
79. Glenwinkel, L, Wu, D, Minevich G, Hobert, O (2014) TargetOrtho: a phylogenetic footprinting tool to identify
transcription factor targets”, Genetics 197, 61-76
80. Rechavi, O, Houri-Ze'evi, L, Anava, S Goh WSG, Kerk, SY, Hannon, GJ, Hobert, O (2014) Starvation-induced
transgenerational inheritance of small RNAs in C. elegans”, Cell 158, 277287 (featured in Preview in same issue;
recommended by Faculty of 1000)
81. Woods, DP, Ream, TS, Minevich, G, Hobert, O and Amasino, RM (2014) “PHYTOCHROME C is an essential light
receptor for photoperiodic flowering in the temperate grass, Brachypodium distachyon”, Genetics 198:397-408
82. Kratsios, P, Pinan-Lucarré, B, Kerk, SY, Bessereau, JL and Hobert, O (2015) “Transcriptional coordination of
synaptogenesis and neurotransmitter signaling”, Curr. Biol. 25, 12821295 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
Oliver Hobert
Page 20
83. Murgan, S, Kari, W, Rothbächer, U, Iché-Torres, M, Mélénec, P, Couillault, C, Hobert, O* and Bertrand, V* (2015)
Atypical transcriptional activation by TCF via a Zic transcription factor in C. elegans neuronal precursors”, Dev Cell 33,
737-745 (* joint corresponding authors)
84. Vidal, B, Santella, A, Bao, Z, Chuang, CF and Hobert, O (2015) “C. elegans SoxB genes are dispensable for
embryonic neurogenesis but required for terminal differentiation of specific neuron types”, Development 142, 2464-2477
85. Alqadah, A, Hsieh, YH, Vidal, B, Chang, C, Hobert, O*, Chuang, CF* (2015) Postmitotic diversification of olfactory
neuron types is mediated by differential activities of the HMG-box transcription factor SOX-2”, EMBO J., 34, 2574-2589
(*= joint corresponding authors)
86. Gordon, PM and Hobert, O (2015) “A competition mechanism for a homeotic neuron identity transformation in C.
elegans”, Dev. Cell 34, 206219
87. Howell, K, White, JG and Hobert, O (2015) Spatiotemporal control of a novel synaptic organizer molecule”, Nature
523, 83-87 (covered in News & Views, p.44-45)
88. Stefanakis, N, Carrera, I, and Hobert, O (2015) “Regulatory logic of pan-neuronal gene expression in C. elegans
Neuron, 87, 733750
89. Pereira, L, Kratsios, P, Serrano-Saiz, E, Sheftel, H, Mayo, A, Hall, DH, White, JG, LeBoeuf, B, Garcia, LR, Alon, U
and Hobert, O (2015) “A cellular and regulatory map of the cholinergic nervous system of C. elegans”, eLife
90. Oren-Suissa, M, Bayer, EA and Hobert, O (2016)Sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity established by sex-
specific synapse pruning in C. elegans”, Nature 533:206-211 (Research Article; featured in News & Views; recommended
by Faculty of 1000; covered in Washington Post, May 18, 2006)
91. Gendrel, M, Atlas, EG and Hobert, O (2016) “A cellular and regulatory map of the GABAergic nervous system of C.
elegans”, eLife 5:e17686
92. Hobert, O, Glenwinkel, L, White, JG (2016) “Revisiting Neuronal Cell Type Classification in Caenorhabditis elegans”,
Curr. Biol. 26, R1197R1203 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
93. Kerk, SY, Kratsios, P, Hart, M, Mourao, R and Hobert, O (2017) “Diversification of C. elegans motor neuron identity
via selective effector gene repressionNeuron 93, 8098
94. Serrano-Saiz, E, Oren-Suissa, M, Bayer, EA, and Hobert, O (2017) “Sexually dimorphic differentiation of a C. elegans
hub neuron is cell-autonomously controlled by a conserved transcription factor” Curr. Biol. 27, 199209 (recommended
by Faculty of 1000)
95. Patel, T and Hobert, O (2017) “Coordinated control of terminal differentiation and restriction of cellular plasticity”,
eLife 6:e24100 (recommended by Faculty of 1000)
96. Howell, K and Hobert, O (2017) “Morphological diversity of C. elegans sensory cilia instructed by the differential
expression of an immunoglobulin domain protein”, Curr. Biol. 27, 17821790 (featured in Dispatch in Curr.Biol. 27,
97. Serrano-Saiz, E, Pereira, L, Gendrel, M, Aghayeva, U, Bhattacharya, A, Howell, K, Garcia, LR and Hobert, O (2017)
A neurotransmitter atlas of the C. elegans male nervous system reveals sexually dimorphic neurotransmitter usage”,
Genetics 206: 12511269
98. Kratsios, P, Kerk, SY, Catela, C, Liang, J, Vidal, B, Bayer, EA, Feng, F, De La Cruz, ED, Croci, L, Consalez, GG,
Mizumoto, K and Hobert, O (2017) “An intersectional gene regulatory strategy defines subclass diversity of C. elegans
motor neurons”, eLife 6:e2575
99. Leyva-Diaz, E Stefanakis, N, Carrera, I, Lori Glenwinkel, L, Wang, G, Driscoll, M and Hobert, O (2017) “pals-22, a
member of an expanded C. elegans gene family, controls silencing of repetitive DNA”, Genetics 207: 529-545
100. Doitsidou, M, Kroll, J, Minevich, G, Soete, G, Gowtham, S, Korswagen, HC, van Zon, JS and Hobert, O (2018) A
C. elegans Zn finger transcription factor, ztf-6, required for the specification of a dopamine neuron producing lineage”, G3:
Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8(1), 17-26
101. Vidal, B, Aghayeva, U, Sun, H, Wang, C, Glenwinkel, L, Bayer, E and Hobert, O (2018) “An atlas of Caenorhabditis
elegans chemoreceptor expression”, PLoS Biology 16(1): e2004218
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102. Hart, M and Hobert, O (2018) “Neurexin controls functional and morphological plasticity of a mature sexually
dimorphic neuron”, Nature 553, 165-170 (Research Article)(featured in News & Views Nature 553, 159-160;
recommended by Faculty of 1000)
103. Weinberg, P, Berkseth, M, Zarkower, D and Hobert, O (2018) “Sexually dimorphic unc-6/Netrin expression controls
sex-specific maintenance of synaptic connectivity”, Curr Biol. 28, 623629 (featured in Dispatch in Curr. Biol. 28: R254-
R256; recommended by Faculty of 1000)
104. Masoudi, N, Tavazoie, S, Glenwinkel, L, Ryu, L, Kim, K and Hobert, O (2018) “Unconventional function of an
Achaete-Scute homolog as a terminal selector of nociceptive neuron identity”, PLoS Biology 16(4): e2004979
105. Serrano-Saiz, E, Leyva-Díaz, E, De La Cruz, E and Hobert, O (2018) “BRN3-type POU homeobox genes maintain
the identity of mature postmitotic neurons in nematodes and mice”, Curr Biol. 28, 28132823
106. Bayer, EA and Hobert, O (2018) “Sexually dimorphic neuronal wiring is shaped by past experience through
monoaminergic signaling”, Nature 561, 117121
107. Pereira, P, Aeschimann, F, Wang, C, Lawson, H, Serrano-Saiz, E, Portman, DS, Großhans, H and Hobert, O (2019)
Timing mechanism of sexually dimorphic nervous system differentiation”, eLife 8: e42078 (featured in Insight by Perry &
Desplan eLife 8:e41523)
108. Bhattacharya, A, Aghayeva, U, Berghoff, E and Hobert, O (2019) Plasticity of the electrical connectome of C.
elegans”, Cell 176, 11741189 (featured in Dispatch in Curr. Biol. 29, R372-R375)
109. Cook, SJ, Jarrell, TA, Brittin, CA, Wang, Y, Bloniarz, AE, Yakovlev, MA, Nguyen, KCQ, Tang, LTH, Bayer, EA, Duerr,
JS, low, HS, Hobert, O, Hall, DH and Emmons SW (2019) “Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis
elegans sexes”, Nature 571, 63-71 (featured in Nature News & Views; New York Times; Washington Post)
110. Rahe, D and Hobert, O (2019) “Restriction of cellular plasticity of differentiated cells mediated by chromatin
modifiers, transcription factors and protein kinases”, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9: 2287-2302
111. Leyva-Diaz, E and Hobert, O (2019) “Transcription factor autoregulation required for acquisition and maintenance of
neuronal identity”, Development 146 (13), dev177378 (highlighted article)(recommended by Faculty of 1000)
112. Hong, RL, Riebesell, M. Bumbarger, DJ, Cook, SJ, Carstensen, HR, Sarpolaki, T, Cochella, L, Castrejon, J, Moreno,
E, Sieriebriennikov, B, Hobert, O and Sommer, RJ (2019) “Evolution of neuronal anatomy and circuitry in two highly
divergent nematode species”, eLife 8:e47155
113. Serrano-Saiz, E, Vogt, MC, Levy, S, Kaczmarczyk, KK, Mei, X, Singson, A and Hobert, O (2020) “SLC17A6/7/8
vesicular glutamate transporter homologs in nematodes”, Genetics 214, 163178
114. Yu, CC, Barry, NC, Wassie, AT, Sinha, A, Bhattacharya, A, Asano, S, Zhang, C, Chen, F, Hobert, O, Goodman, MB,
Haspel, G, Boyden, ES (2020) “Expansion microscopy of C. elegans”, eLife 9:e46249 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.46249
115. Serrano-Saiz, E, Gulez, B, Pereira, L, Gendrel, M, Kerk, SY, Vidal, B, Feng, W, Wang, C, Kratsios, P, Rand, JB and
Hobert, O (2020) “Modular organization of cis-regulatory control information of neurotransmitter pathway genes in
Caenorhabditis elegans”, Genetics, 215, 665681 (highlighted article)
116. Cook, SJ, Crouse, CM, Hall, DH, Emmons, SW and Hobert, O (2020) “The connectome of the Caenorhabditis
elegans pharynx”, J. Comp. Neurol. 528:27672784
117. Bayer, EA, Sun, H, Rafi, I and Hobert, O (2020) “Differential temporal, spatial, sexual and environmental regulation
of the master regulator of sexual identity in C. elegans”, Curr. Biol. 30, 36043616 (featured in Dispatch in Curr. Biol. 30,
118. Reilly, MB, Cros, C, Varol, E, Yemini, E, and Hobert, O (2020) “Unique homeobox codes delineate all C. elegans
neuron classes”, Nature 584, 595601
119. Bayer, EA, Stecky, R, Neal, L, Kasamba, PS, Ahlsen, G, Balaji, V, Hoppe, T, Shapiro, L, Oren-Suissa, M and
Hobert, O (2020) “Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of a conserved DMRT protein controls sexually dimorphic synaptic
connectivity and behavior”, eLife 9:e59614
120. Pham, K, Masoud, N, Leyva-Diaz, E and Hobert, O (2021) “A nervous system-specific subnuclear organelle in C.
elegans”, Genetics 217(1), 117, https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyaa016
121. Yemini, E, Lin, A, Nejatbakhsh, A, Varol, E, Sun, R, Mena, GE, Samuel, ADT, Paninski, L, Venkatachalam, V and
Hobert, O (2021) NeuroPAL: A Multicolor Atlas for Whole-Brain Neuronal Identification in C. elegans”, Cell 184, 272288
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Page 22
122. Aghayeva, U, Bhattacharya, B, Sural, S, Jaeger, E, Churgin, M, Fang-Yen, C and Hobert, O (2021) “DAF-16/FoxO
and DAF-12/VDR control cellular plasticity both cell-autonomously and via interorgan signaling”, PLoS Biology, 19(4):
123. Masoudi, N, Yemini, E, Schnabel, R and Hobert, O (2021) “Piecemeal regulation of convergent neuronal lineages by
bHLH transcription factors in C. elegans”, Development 148, dev199224. doi:10.1242/dev.199224
124. Glenwinkel, L, Taylor, SR, Langebeck-Jensen, K, Pereira, L, Reilly. MB, Basavaraju, M, Rafi, I, Yemini, E, Pocock,
R, Sestan, N, Hammarlund, M, Miller, DM, and Hobert, O (2021) “In silico analysis of the transcriptional regulatory logic of
neuronal identity specification throughout the C. elegans nervous system”, eLife 10:e64906 doi: 10.7554/eLife.64906.
125. Berghoff, E, Glenwinkel, L, Bhattacharya, A, Sun, H, Varol, E, Mohammadi, N, Antone, A, Feng, Y, Nguyen, K, Cook,
SJ, Wood, JF, Masoudi, N, Cros, C, Ferkey, DM, Hall, DH and Hobert, O (2021) “The Prop1-like homeobox gene unc-42
specifies the identity of synaptically connected neurons, eLife, 10:e64903 doi: 10.7554/eLife.64903
126. Taylor, SR, Santpere, G, Weinreb, A, Barrett, A, Reilly, M, Xu, C, Verdol, E, Oikonomou, P, Glenwinkel, L,
McWhirter, R, Poff, A, Basavaraju, M, Rafi, I, Yemini, E, Cook, SJ, Abrams, A, Vidal, B., Cros, C, Tavazoie, S, Sestan, N
*, Hammarlund, M *, Hobert, O * and Miller, D * (2021) “Molecular topography of an entire nervous system”, Cell, 184,
43294347 (* = joint corresponding authors)
127. Tekieli, T, Yemini, E, Nejatbakhsh, A, Varol, E, Fernandez, RW, Masoudi, N, Paninski, L and Hobert, O (2021)
“Visualizing the organization and differentiation of the male-specific nervous system of C. elegans”, Development 148,
dev199687. doi:10.1242/dev.199687
128. Sural, S and Hobert, O (2021) Nematode nuclear receptors as integrators of sensory physiology”, Curr. Biol. 31,
129. Sun, H and Hobert, O (2021) “Temporal transitions in post-mitotic neurons throughout the C. elegans nervous
system” Nature 600, 9399
130. Vidal, B, Gulez, B, Cao, WX, Leyva-Diaz, E, Reilly, MB, Tekieli, T and Hobert, O (2022) “The enteric nervous
system of C. elegans is specified by the Sine Oculis-like homeobox gene ceh-34”, eLife 11:e76003. doi:
131. Leyva-Diaz, E and Hobert, O (2022) “Robust regulatory architecture of pan-neuronal gene expression”, Curr Biol
32, 17151727
132. Cros, C and Hobert, O (2022) “C. elegans Sine oculis/SIX-type homeobox genes act as homeotic switches to define
neuronal subtype identities”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119 (37) e2206817119
133. Yu, J, Vogt, MC, Fox, BW, Wrobel, CJJ, Palomino, DF, Curtis, BJ, Zhang, B, Le, HH, Tauffenberger, A, Hobert, O,*
and Schroeder, FC* (2022), “Parallel pathways for serotonin biosynthesis and metabolism in C. elegans”, Nature Chem
Biol., https://doi.org/10.1038/s41589-022-01148-7 (* joint corresponding authors)(featured in News & Views)
134. Reilly, MB, Tekieli, T, Cros, C, Aguilar, R, Lao, J, Toker, IA, Vidal, B, Leyva-Diaz, E, Bhattacharya, A, Smith, J,
Gulez, B, Fernandez, R, Bradford, EF, Ramadan, YH, Kovacevic, I, Kratsios, P, Bao, Z and Hobert, O (2022)
“Widespread employment of conserved C. elegans homeobox genes in neuronal identity specification”, PLoS Genetics,
18(9): e1010372
135. Masoudi, N, Schnabel, R, Yemini, E, Leyva- Díaz , E and Hobert, O (2023) “Cell-specific effects of the sole C.
elegans Daughterless/E protein homolog, HLH-2, on nervous system development”, Development 150, dev201366.
136. Greene, S, Huang, J, Hamilton, K, Tong, L*, Hobert, O* and Sun, H* (2023) “The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a
BEN domain transcription factor”, Curr. Biol. 33, R203R218 (* joint corresponding authors)
137. Vogt, M and Hobert, O (2023) “Starvation-induced acute and transgenerational changes in somatic Insulin/IGF-1R
signaling drive metabolic programming across generations”, Sci. Adv. 9, eade1817, 1-19
138. Cook, SJ, Kalinski, CA and Hobert, O (2023) “Neuronal contact predicts connectivity in the C. elegans brain”, Curr.
Biol. 33, 23152320 (featured in Dispatches in Curr.Biol. 33, R710R732)
139. Boeglin, M, Leyva-Diaz, E, and Hobert, O (2023) “Expression and function of C. elegans UNCP-18, a paralogue of
the SM protein UNC-18”, Genetics 225(4), iyad180
140. Ripoll-Sanchez, L, Watteyne, J., Sun, H., Fernandez, R, Taylor, SR, Weinreb, A, Bentley, BL, Hammarlund, M,
Miller, DM, Hobert, O, Beets, I, Vertes, P, Schafer WR (2023) “The neuropeptidergic connectome of C. elegans”, Neuron,
111, 35703589
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141. Majeed, M, Han, H, Zhang, K, Cao, WX, Liao, CP, Hobert O * and Lu H * (2023) “Toolkits for detailed and high-
throughput interrogation of synapses in C. elegans”, eLife 12:RP91775. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.91775.3 (* = joint
corresponding authors)
142. Sural, S, Botero, J, Hobert, O * and Tekle-Smith, M * (2024) Cost-effective synthesis of the auxin analog 5-Ph-IAA
for conditional protein depletion in C. elegans using the AID2 system”, STAR Protocols 5(1):102901. doi:
10.1016/j.xpro.2024.102901 (* = joint corresponding authors)
143. Wang, C, Vidal, B, Sural, S, Merritt, DM, Toker, IA, Vogt, MC, Cros, C and Hobert, O (2024) “A neurotransmitter
atlas of the nervous system of C. elegans males and hermaphrodites”, eLife in revision
144. Liao, CP, Majeed, M and Hobert, O. (2024) “Experience-dependent, sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity defined
by sex-specific cadherin expression”, bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.08.593207v1