Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
Entrepreneurship in Information Technology
Col. Prof D.S.Grewal
Dean Research, Desh Bhagat University.
Abstract : The field of Information Technology has a scope
for entrepreneurs in information collection, collation,
storage, data analysis, interpretation, presentation, display
systems and communication systems like tele-working, mob-
links, internet etc. It is knowledge based; requires less initial
capital, has high turnover ratio, flexibility for new fields and
minimum fixed capital, however, it needs competent and
innovative entrepreneurs, owning 3-4 computers, small
office, telephone, global vision and regular study, business
sense and marketing aptitude, regular development and
updating, preferably having previous experience with
industry, regular contacts with IT industry and business
association and having knowledge of special packages. A B.
Tech, MCA, M.Tech., B.Sc IT or even BCA or a qualified
specialist with short course, has vast scope in
entrepreneurship in various fields like e-commerce, graphic
designer, animator, web designer, customs relations
management (CRM), medical transcriptionist, enabled
services call centers, geographic information systems,
networking, data warehousing, system software companies,
e-education, e-administration etc. These all are discussed in
detail in this paper.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Information Technology,
Commerce, Business.
Entrepreneurs are people who have the ability, to see
and evaluate business opportunities; to gather the
necessary resources to take advantage of them; and to
initiate appropriate action to ensure success.
Entrepreneurs are leaders who take calculated risks and
Corresponding Author: Col. Prof D.S.Grewal, PhD, Dean Research, Desh
Bhagat University, India.
Email Id: dalvinder[email protected]
enjoy challenges that involve moderate risks. They
strongly believe in themselves and in their ability to
make good decisions. They are expected to have
confidence, independence, individuality, optimism, need
for achievement, profit-orientation, persistence,
perseverance, determination, hard-work, drive, energy,
initiative, risk-taking ability, challenging spirit,
leadership behavior, cooperative nature, responsiveness
to suggestions and criticism, innovative mind, creativity,
resourcefulness, openness of mind, flexibility,
versatility, knowledge, foresight and clear perception as
some of the key traits.
The Information Technology is a field of collection,
collation, interpretation and dissemination of
information with the help of technology. The modern
age is the age of knowledge, and the knowledge is based
on information. The requirement to gain and attain
information is ever increasing. The physical capability
to gain information is very limited. As normal human
effort to gain vast information comes out to be costlier,
difficult, time consuming and of limited scope, the
modern technology means to provide information faster,
cheaper, easier covering larger scope. While writing
this paper it took just two hours scanning over 500
papers and number of books on internet and got wealth
of information in the typed form which assisted me
immensely. This is what is Information Technology
abbreviated as IT.
Our lives have been touched, embraced and shaken up
by the prefix e in just about everything these days-e-
commerce, e-mails, e-friends, e-courses and even e-jobs.
Welcome to the new era ! But the new era is also
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
changing the way of entrepreneurship. Shiny Samuel of
CRV Consultants, a Bangalore based HR agency says:
"Organizations today are flatter, leaner and more
aggressive. Equally important is your ability to work as
a team, which today are self managed and
geographically dispersed. You need to possess people
skills besides creativity and lateral thinking with.
flexibility." You need to market your talents/skills and
attitude. Self-awareness is necessary in promoting
yourself and your product. Networking will help you to
a great extent.
With e-business making its presence felt, a whole new
range of exciting opportunities for entrepreneurship
have come up, tailor-made for the brash new breed
young men itching to take on the world. Take heart,
young people, you do not have to work in a regular 9 to
5 job where you yawn half the time. You will be the
head of a team that will take the world into a new age
with ideas, creativity and pure character. We are not just
talking about IT. Every sector in the economy has come
up with new ideas and exciting opportunities.
The aim of this paper is to give out the scope of various
entrepreneurial opportunities in Information technology
and the methodology of developing these opportunities
as a profitable venture.
II. Entrepreneurial Opportunities
in IT
MIT’s computer guru Michael Dertouzos estimates that
50 million US white-collar jobs will migrate to India
that will add a trillion dollar to our GDP. Information
Technology that is going to dominate the white-collar
jobs is the biggest opportunity that has come to India via
West. Many overseas Indians dream that this could
change the landscape of India. The Rs. 40,000 crore of
IT spending over the past three years could have made
the Indian Economy more efficient in its use of
Despite the slowdown expected in American Business
after the terrorist attacks on USA, IT is here to stay!
With Y2K successfully behind it, this industry is
extremely dynamic and still attracts the best talent in the
country. Exciting avenues are being identified both
globally and within the country. With the advent of the
electronic era, IT has gained further prominence.
Though the bust in the portal boom is a dampener of
sorts, Net based initiatives linking business to
consumers (B2C), business to business (B2B), and
government to consumers (G2C), VoIP, ASP are being
tested out constantly and offer good potential to sound
concepts. Some of the entrepreneurial options in IT
functions include- e-commerce, eMarketing,
eGovernance, eEducation, tele-working, web security;
IT enabled services-call centres, CRM, data digitization
/GIS; DSP; technical writing etc. These opportunities
are discussed in succeeding paragraphs.
E-COMMERCE: E-commerce has perhaps received
more attention than any other field in recent times as it
uses technology to streamline business models, creating
savings and increasing efficiency. Most IT companies
are focusing on building capabilities in this field.
NASSCOM e-business transactions in India were
around Rs 300 crore last year. Revenue from exports is
likely to be sizeable-the Asia Pacific region is expected
to be $340 billion by 2004, which is around 14 per cent
of the world market. You could establish your own
business in e-commerce or developing e-business
solutions. .E-commerce is all about consumers
conducting basic transactions on the Web-this could be
business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumers
(B2C). Example of B2C is that sells books,
music and films to people. B2B is a revolutionary order.
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
On 25 February, America’s three auto majors General
Motors, Ford and Daimler Chrysler joined hand to
create the world’s most high profile virtual B2B market.
The three will buy nearly $240billion of auto spares
every year from thousand of suppliers linked to
Covinsint, the new B2B market. In B2B one company
sells to another company over the internet rather than to
an individual. A dozen B2B exchanges are expected
every day for the next two years. E-markets with these
B2B and B2C concepts can help companies save
between $180 billion to $480 billions by 2003.
As an e-commerce entrepreneur, your work will involve
understanding operations of companies, Web enable
their businesses and the entire supply chain management
(right from raw material to movement of finished
How can an entrepreneur get into eCommerce,
eMarkets, B2B or B2C marketing systems? There are
three possibilities. Start preparing catalogues for big
companies; introduce auction system or reverse
auctions. Catalogues where sellers list their offerings on
the Net are best used when price volatility of products is
low. This is ideal for industries like electrical
components or specially chemicals where demand is
fairly constant and prices stable. Auctions are for price-
volatile industries, where companies seek the best
prices. Fragmented industries like used cars and the
energy market with many buyers and sellers make for
better auction based eMarkets. Reverse auctions work
like tender notices, where products or contracts are
bought from the lowest bidder. .XML is a standard
system. There is an enterprise integrator software (EIS)
that connects XML enabled exchanges to the company.
With BE/ B.Tech, DCA/MCA qualification and.
knowledge of XML, EIS, VC++, Oracle, SQL, ASP,
HTML, Java Beans, Servlets, CORBA.
A few computers, a telephone and a small office with
right connections is sufficient for beginning. A venture
capital of not more than 4 to 5 lakhs is needed to start an
entrepreneurship in this field.
Indian animation industry has come up well and has a
vast space for the new entrepreneur. Animation needs
high levels of creativity and imagination-it is a fantasy
world and the sky is the limit to improvise. India is
becoming a global hub with American and European
customers making good use of local talent. Customers
are mainly studios and channels such as “The Cartoon
Network” The Indian industry is worth around $50
million while the global market is worth an estimated
$15 billion. The future of this industry is bright as the
trend is towards outsourcing to cheaper Asian countries.
Designers and animators have to fantasise on the
projects that are aired as cartoons, ad films, animated
graphics, 3D movies, special effects in movies & TV
serials. Graduates in arts and design, or a student in
mass communication or a software engineer, with on-
the-job training at companies such as Pentasoft,
Chennai; Heart Animation, Hyderabad; Pentamedia
Graphics, Silverton Studio, Crest Communication,
Toonz Animation, Color Chips you will know the basics
of setting up the project. Exposure to global industry
will be a big value-addition.
WEB DESIGNER: The Internet is changing the
business models of companies and there is a growing
demand for Web sites from corporate, small enterprises
and individuals. Web designing will be an evergreen
area: it includes creating Web pages, layouts and
graphics on the Web site, and making it user-friendly
and attractive. Their work influences the popularity of
the portal. Designing requires high creative and
computer skills and involves music and sound,
typography and interactive Web design. Your creative
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
skills can take you to heights. Internet revolution, which
is changing the way business is conducted the world
As a Web designing entrepreneur, you are responsible
for creating an appealing Web site that is easy to
navigate, maintaining the Web page, analyze number of
hits and monitor performance of the site and to maintain
the site.
Web designing is still in its early stages in India and still
a developing field. A good entrepreneur in this field has
to combine conceptual skills and familiarity with tools,
which can be mastered only through sustained practice,
a regular controls and checks over the work produced, a
very low fixed and working capital. Three to four lakhs
are sufficient to start the business which can be
developed gradually with hard-work. The more you
master the field, the more the income. This field does
offer opportunities to travel abroad and interact with
clients skills required are ASP, HTML, CGI, Pert, VB
Script, Java Script, TCP/IP.
A typical 9 months Diploma in Web engineering offered
by Aruna Multimedia is around Rs 27,000 and 3 months
Diploma in Multimedia course by Pentafour is around
Rs 21,000. These courses can help the entrepreneur to
have the basic know-how about the business. You can
set up a dotcom company advertising agency,
companies specializing in Web designing, ISPs, etc. is one such company.
CRM: The CRM market is very nascent in India. It is
highly fragmented with more than 35 software products
being available. Each of the CRM products has varying
sets of components/modules catering to specific industry
segments. Some CRM vendors include: IMS Strategic
Health, Dendrite and Siebel for health care product
companies Siebel, CAS GmbH, Dendrite, and MEI for
consumer packaged companies Pivotal, Saratoga, MEI,
Sales Logix, Moss Systems and Sales Vision for
midsize field sales organizations Relavis, Intel Agent
Control, and Synergistic for Lotus notes based end
users. Presently these software products are sold through
the local agents of vendor companies or through value
added re-sellers. These local agents themselves provide
training to their corporate clients and the principals
provide the requisite training to these re-sellers. BE/ME
computer science graduates with one to two months on-
the-job training on a CRM package could start their own
venture. The training provided is very product specific.
NIIT, Delhi is a training institute offering training in
Siebel package and as of now no other institute is
providing any training in this area. You can join the
CRM solution providers or the user industries to have
the expertise. Companies like Infosys and Wipro have
people working in this area.
three to four years, the medical transcription industry
has grown to an estimated $10-billion industry...
Increasing need of doctors and medical firms in the US
to outsource transcription services has allowed the
industry to grow at a whopping rate of 25 per cent each
year As a medical transcriptionist entrepreneur with
your Production centers and transcription schools, your
company would involve transcribing doctor's digitized
audio reports, and sending back the text to the medical
fraternity in the US or Europe via satellite after quality
Educated youth in any place can join this lucrative
market and make a great entrepreneur in this field. But
certain basic requirements are imperative. A sound
knowledge of spoken and written English is a must with
good comprehension and listening skills. They should
always be ready to update their knowledge and keep
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
abreast of new drugs entering the market. They need to
learn medical terminology, American English grammar
and punctuation, and computer basics concerning
medical transcription. Knowledge of English and a set
of deft fingers on the keyboard are the prerequisites for
this career option. Several institutes that offer 4-12
months diploma/certificate training specifically for
medical transcription have come up all over the country.
These institutes provide training on computer usage,
listening to dictation and transcribing and familiarizing
candidates with medical terms A few institutes that offer
training in medical transcription are Indian Institute of
Medical Transcription, New Delhi; National Institute for
Excellence in Tele-working (NEXT) and Aksons,
Bangalore. Manipal Academy has tied up with Health
scribe to offer a Masters degree in Medical
Transcription and Data management. Generally, a four-
month course is around Rs 10,000 and a one-year course
around Rs 30,000. Companies into medical transcription
also provide on-the-job training to their employees.
There are more than 30 transcription firms all over
India. These are primarily located in software
technology parks in cities like Bangalore, Chennai,
Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Health scribe India in
Bangalore, Selectronics in Delhi, Care in Hyderabad
and Nittany Decision Services in Chennai are some of
Increasing competition in businesses is driving the need
to focus on the consumer and provide value-added
services. Call centers are a step in this direction. A call
centre provides round the clock information support to
customers; these centers are manned by trained
personnel or consultants with access to a wide database
of information and a thorough knowledge of the product
or service being offered by the company.
The employment base in the call centre business is
expected to touch 2.5 million by the year 2007-08.
Many call centre businesses of Australia and the US
have started setting up base in India. GE Capital plans to
shift its call centre operation from Australia to India,
and many others are preparing to follow suit.
A call centre would be involved in attending calls and
responding to queries or problems of customers. It
would also involve redirecting calls to the concerned
expert. Basic skills required to set up a call centre is
language understanding (accent and dialect) and on-the-
job training. Companies like ICICI, GE and Bechtel
have set up in-house call centers and provide support to
own employees worldwide. Tie up with these companies
will help the entrepreneur develop faster.
Government departments, telecom companies and
utilities are increasingly depending on GIS data for
environmental resource analysis, land use planning,
network analysis, etc. Marketing companies are also
using GIS to explore new markets and to enable
marketing and distribution strategies. The entrepreneurs
in this field would involve conversion of data (maps,
records, aerial photography, etc.) to digital data that can
be used for modeling and analysis. A BE graduate with
knowledge of operating systems and with right
connections can start such a venture. Knowledge of
tools like C & C++, specific GIS packages or CAD is an
advantage. On-the-job training at Pixel InfoTech,
Bangalore will help establishing links and getting the
know-how. GIS solution providers, research institutes,
the government sector and the GIS user industries (to a
limited extent) may be your customers.
NETWORKING: is a high priority area in the
corporate world. All the large companies are networked
while many medium-sized ones and some small units
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
are moving towards a networked atmosphere. Large
corporate are in the process of setting up intranets
connecting all their offices and extranets linking up
vendors and dealers. : With even the hi-tech chief
ministers, Chandrababu Naidu and S.M. Krishna,
talking of connectivity across the state as a crucial
ingredient for the state's prosperity, one can imagine
what may be happening in the corporate world itself.
Convergence of technologies primarily calls for a
networked environment. In such an environment,
network entrepreneurs are required to keep the system
up and running all the time. They need to have well-
honed technical skills. Initially, technical skills are
considered more important than conceptual skills that
accrue through experience, gradually focusing will be
on trouble shooting, monitoring (local area network)
LAN performance and its security, adding or deleting
users, adding new servers, etc. Constant upgrading of
knowledge of latest hardware availability and
networking techniques are critical for performing well.
One also has the option of starting off as a network
integrator on their own after gaining a few years
experience in the industry.
Engineering graduates with specialization in computer
science, electronics and communication have better
chances of success. In addition, certification programs
are available from Microsoft, IBM, etc. for learning
initial skills. You can be authorized training partners or
franchises of Novell and Lotus. BE graduates could opt
for this career option. Scope appears unlimited in the IT
sector, telecom companies, manufacturing and service
sector. Wipro, Microland, BFL Software and Infosys are
the leaders in networking at present. One also has the
option of starting one's own business after gaining a few
years of experience in the industry.
might be news to you that companies like Coke and
Pepsi spend millions in understanding consumer
behavior. Data warehousing, which is a repository of
organized data, facilitates online analytical processing,
decision support and data mining. Data marts are
smaller versions of the enterprise data warehouses. Data
warehousing essentially helps users in drawing
conclusions from a set of data, which are not necessarily
logical. Companies like VISA and Wal-Mart are turning
enormous volumes of dumb data into meaningful
business information. The popularly known data
warehousing tools are the Rapid data, SQL bench and
Red Brick (a product of Informix). Majority of the
packages have RDBMS as the base, the architecture is
of 3 types and Multidimensional, Relational OLAP and
Hybrid. OLAP.
Knowledge of RDBMS is essential. Institutes like RCS
Education, Bangalore (offers courses on Red Brick) and
OBSI, Chennai, are now offering product specific
training. You could join any of the data warehousing
solution providers or user industries for on-the job
training.. Currently data warehousing consultancy
companies like TCS, Sonata, Tata InfoTech and IBM
recruit such professionals. User companies recruiting
data warehousing professional include Motorola and
Pepsi. A BE Computer Science/B.Tech/MCA with some
experience in the IT industry can set up small Data
warehouse in collaboration with a major industry in the
software companies have a roaring business. As an
entrepreneur you can specialize in a field and have a tie
up with a company. Specialization has to be chosen
carefully as per your own liking. For instance, telecom
software would involve writing programs, coding and
module testing of sub systems, source code
documentation in the areas of digital signal processing,
wireless application and related telecom domain areas.
Progress In Science in Engineering Research Journal ISSN 2347-6680 (E)
© 2014 PISER Journal
PISER 12, Vol.02, Issue: 02/06 March- April; Bimonthly International Journal
Page(s) 304-310
A BE/BTech in electronics, communication or computer
science or M. Tech with specialization in systems have
better chances of success. In addition, basic knowledge
of skills like C, C++ is a must. Some specific technical
skills preferred include GSM, TDMA, CDMA, WLL,
etc. Experience in the field can be had from Companies
working in the systems domain. Motorola, Philips,
Lucent, Texas Instruments and SAS are some such
eEDUCATION: The flood in eEducation has provided
vast scope for the entrepreneurs to set up their own
institutions. A few computers two class-rooms and a lab
with 8 to 10 computers will be sufficient for initial start.
Expertise in C, C++, Oracle, Java, HTML and a few of
the modern languages will provide you number of
students. Affiliation with universities or franchise of a
good computer education company like NIIT or Aptech
will further your income, though initially the costs for
franchise may be heavy. B. Tech in CSE or Electronics
are doing wonders in this field. Regular updating of
courses and upgrading will help the entrepreneur to ne
heights. Initial finances may be 6-7 lakhs with own
accommodation or hired accommodation. Franchise
may vary from 2 to 4 lakhs in addition.
INTERNET KIOSKS/DHABAS: A low finance, a low
knowledge based entrepreneurial venture is internet
kiosks or dhabas where networking of four to five
computers on internet in a right location in one room
with partitions will earn you Rs. 1000/ to 1500/- per
day. Basic knowledge of computer and internet is
sufficient to start the venture.
IT Industry has countless opportunities; only a few are
described above. There are many other such
opportunities like IT Driven Financial services, IT
appliances which could be exploited well. A successful
entrepreneur tracks emerging needs, and identifies
opportunities that throw up value. A good idea is the
pivot around which a successful venture can be
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