Windows Secured-Core PC
Enterprise Evaluation Guide
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Windows Secured-Core PC ........................................................................................................................... 1
Securing your enterprise with Windows Secured-Core PC ....................................................................... 5
How to use this reviewers guide ............................................................................................................... 5
About Windows Secured-Core PC ............................................................................................................. 5
Threats and complexities .......................................................................................................................... 5
Criminal groups are evolving their techniques ..................................................................................... 5
Nation-state actors are shifting their targets ....................................................................................... 6
Ransomware continues to grow as a major threat ............................................................................... 6
How Windows 11 enables Zero Trust protection ..................................................................................... 6
Windows Secured-Core Benefits .............................................................................................................. 7
Protecting identities from external threats .......................................................................................... 7
Securing the operating system from malware...................................................................................... 7
Defending against hardware and firmware attacks .............................................................................. 8
Who makes Windows secured-core Personal Computers? ...................................................................... 9
Evaluation considerations ......................................................................................................................... 9
Decreasing management costs and improving user experience .............................................................. 9
Security Baselines ................................................................................................................................. 9
End user device experience ................................................................................................................ 10
Deploying secured-core PC’s............................................................................................................... 10
Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
How to determine if your device is running as a secured-core PC ......................................................... 11
Success metrics ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Management guides for Windows security services .............................................................................. 13
Windows Defender Application Guard ............................................................................................... 13
Windows Defender Credential Guard ................................................................................................. 13
Windows Defender System Guard ...................................................................................................... 13
Diving deeper into the technologies ....................................................................................................... 14
Virtualization Based Security .............................................................................................................. 14
Windows Hello .................................................................................................................................... 14
Windows Defender Credential Guard ................................................................................................. 15
Secure Boot ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Early Launch Anti-Malware ................................................................................................................. 16
Measured Boot ................................................................................................................................... 16
Windows Defender System Guard ...................................................................................................... 17
Protecting peripherals ........................................................................................................................ 17
Differences between a Windows Secured-Core PC and Windows 11 PC ............................................... 18
Some real-world examples of attacks ..................................................................................................... 18
RobbinHood Ransomware .................................................................................................................. 19
Thunderspy DMA Peripheral Attack ................................................................................................... 19
Resources (blog posts on malware protection by SCPC, Docs, etc.)....................................................... 21
Securing your enterprise with Windows Secured-Core PC
Thank you for reading the Windows secured-core PC Enterprise Evaluation guide.
How to use this reviewers guide
This document will help you understand the benefits provided by a Windows Secured-Core PC.
The guide describes how to understand these features and provides you with guidance and links to start
exploring our protection benefits.
About Windows Secured-Core PC
Windows secured-core PCs are designed to provide anOn-By-Default” security experience for
businesses and users. What this means is that from the moment a user takes the device out of the box
and turns it on, businesses can be confident that the machine has protections in place that mitigate
security risks and simplify the end user experience in configuring the device.
Microsoft works closely with OEM partners to help ensure that all certified Windows systems deliver a
secure operating environment. Windows interoperates closely with the hardware to deliver protections
that take advantage of available hardware capabilities.
Secured-core PC uses a variety of approaches to protect your device (and your data on that device) from
malware, physical possession issues (like if it is lost, stolen, or confiscated) and access attacks such as
Thunderspy. If access to your device is compromised, a Secured-core PC device helps ensure that your
data remains secure and inaccessible to attack.
By using technologies like virtualization-based security (VBS), hypervisor-protected code integrity (HVCI),
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) integrated identity protection and BitLocker Drive Encryption (a
Windows feature that can be enabled), these devices help protect user data, identity, and the device
itself from attack. We will go into more detail on this later in this document.
Threats and complexities
In the modern world threat actors have rapidly increased in sophistication over the past years, using
techniques that make them harder to spot and that threaten even the savviest targets. For example,
nation-state actors are engaging in new reconnaissance techniques that increase their chances of
compromising high-value targets, criminal groups targeting businesses have moved their infrastructure
to the cloud to hide among legitimate services, and attackers have developed new ways to scour the
internet for systems vulnerable to ransomware.
In addition to attacks becoming more sophisticated, threat actors are showing clear preferences for
certain techniques, with notable shifts towards credential harvesting and ransomware, as well as an
increasing focus on exploiting hardware attacks on devices.
Criminal groups are evolving their techniques
Criminal groups are skilled and relentless. They have become adept at evolving their techniques to
increase success rates, whether by experimenting with different phishing lures, adjusting the types of
attacks they execute or finding new ways to hide their work.
Over the past year cybercriminals are playing their well-established tactics and malware against human
curiosity and need for information. Attackers are opportunistic and will switch lure themes daily to align
with news cycles, as seen in their use of the COVID-19 pandemic to stoke fear and trick people into
doing things they should not. While the overall volume of malware has been relatively consistent over
time, these campaigns have been used for broadly targeting consumers, as well as specifically targeting
essential industry sectors such as health care.
Nation-state actors are shifting their targets
Nation-states have shifted their targets to align with the evolving political goals in the countries where
they originate.
In recent years there has been an important focus on vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and have
now expanded to other types of organizations. In fact, 90% of nation-state notifications in the past year
have been to organizations that do not operate critical infrastructure. Common targets have included
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), advocacy groups, human rights organizations and think tanks
focused on public policy, international affairs, or security. This trend may suggest nation-state actors
have been targeting those involved in public policy and geopolitics, especially those who might help
shape official government policies.
Ransomware continues to grow as a major threat
Governmental security organizations have continued to warn about ransomware, especially its potential
use to disrupt government operations. Encrypted and lost files and threatening ransom notes have now
become the top-of-mind fear for most executive teams. Attack patterns demonstrate that
cybercriminals know when there will be change freezes, such as holidays, that will impact an
organization’s ability to make changes (such as patching) to harden their networks. They are aware of
when there are business needs that will make organizations more willing to pay ransoms than incur
downtime, such as during billing cycles in the health, finance, and legal industries.
Additionally, human-operated ransomware gangs are performing massive, wide-ranging sweeps of the
internet, searching for vulnerable entry points, as they “bank” access – waiting for a time that is
advantageous to their purpose.
How Windows 11 enables Zero Trust protection
The Zero Trust Principles are threefold. First, verify explicitly. That means always authenticate and
authorize based on all available data points, including user identity, location, device health, service or
workload, data classification, and anomalies. Second, use least-privileged access. Limit user access with
just-in-time and just-enough-access (JIT/JEA), risk-based adaptive polices, and data protection to help
secure both data and productivity. And lastly, assume breach. Operate in a manner that minimizes blast
radius and segment access. Verify end-to-end encryption and use analytics to get visibility, drive threat
detection, and improve defenses.
Windows 11 provides chip to cloud security, giving IT administrators the attestation and measurements
to determine whether a device meets requirements and can be trusted. And Windows 11 works out of
the box with Microsoft Intune and Azure Active Directory, so access decisions and enforcement are
Windows Secured-Core Benefits
Windows Secured-Core PCs provide several primary benefits to organizations and users. The most
important of those benefits are that the protections are turned on by default so users will know that
their device is protected right out of the box. Additionally, they provide these 3 core pillars of
Protecting identities from external threats
Passwords alone are not enough to protect system data and identities. Secured-core PC ensures that
user identities and credentials are protected against theft, compromise, and phishing attacks.
People are using the same password repeatedly and are more exposed than ever. Microsoft wanted to
help improve the security of identity and partnered with OEMs to help address this.
Windows Hello prevents phishing and credential-based attacks through a combination of biometric
sensors and hardware-based credential storage. Using your face, fingerprint, secure FIDO2 key, or PIN,
Windows Hello allows you to sign-in password-free and gives you the fastest, most secure way to unlock
your Secured-core PC devices.
Windows Defender Credential Guard, an optional service that can be enabled, leverages Virtualization-
Based Security (VBS) to prevent identity attack techniques such as Pass-the-Hash and Pass-the-Ticket
and isolates company confidential information so that only privileged system software can access it.
Credential Guard helps prevent attacks through virtualization-based security. When Credential Manager
domain credentials, NTLM, and Kerberos derived credentials are protected using virtualization-based
security, the credential theft attack techniques and tools used in many targeted attacks are blocked.
Secured-core PCs are built on the principles of assume breach and defense in depth. These devices have
virtualization-based security (VBS) turned on by default meaning that even if an attacker gains
administrative privileges through malware, authentication tokens are better protected in an isolated
environment. To use Windows Hello with biometrics specialized hardware, including fingerprint reader,
illuminated IR sensor, or other biometric sensors is required. Hardware based protection of the
Windows Hello credential/keys requires TPM 2.0 or greater.
Securing the operating system from malware
Along with ensuring a small, trusted computing base by establishing a hardware root of trust, Secured-
core PC ensures that code running within that trusted computing base runs with integrity and is not
subject to outside exploit or attack.
Secured-core PCs use policies enabled with Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity (HVCI) to check system
software before it is loaded, and only start executables that are signed by known, approved authorities.
HVCI runs in the Virtualization Based Security (VBS), which protects it from outside attack. Kernel mode
code integrity checks all kernel mode drivers and binaries before they are started and prevents unsigned
drivers or system files from being loaded into system memory. This ensures that only code from trusted
and verified sources can run on the system, providing strong protections against kernel viruses and
The hypervisor, the most privileged level of system software, sets and enforces page permissions across
all system memory. Pages are only made executable after code integrity checks inside the secure region
have passed, and executable pages are not writable. With Kernel Memory Protection turned on by
default, Windows secured-core PCs better defend against malware attempting to modify kernel memory
and kernel code.
Defending against hardware and firmware attacks
At the heart of the Secured-core PC promise is a hardware-enforced root of trust that means a Secured-
core PC runs in a clean, trusted state, regardless of the state of any firmware code that runs before the
device boots.
To do so, Secured-core PC leverages the Trusted Platform Module 2.0 (TPM) and a modern, capable CPU
with dynamic root of trust measurement (DRTM) capability to boot securely and minimize the impact of
firmware vulnerabilities.
To protect critical resources such as the Windows authentication stack, single sign-on tokens, the
Windows Hello biometric stack, and the Virtual Trusted Platform Module, a system's firmware and
hardware must be trustworthy.
Windows Defender System Guard reorganizes the existing Windows 11 system integrity features under
one roof and sets up the next set of investments in Windows security. It's designed to make these
security promises:
Protect and maintain the integrity of the system as it starts up
Validate that system integrity has truly been maintained through local and remote attestation
While Windows Defender System Guard provides advanced protection that will help protect and
maintain the integrity of the platform during boot and at run time, the reality is that we must apply an
"assume breach" mentality to even our most sophisticated security technologies. We should be able to
trust that the technologies are successfully doing their jobs, but we also need the ability to verify that
they were successful in achieving their goals. When it comes to platform integrity, we can’t just trust the
platform, which potentially could be compromised, to self-attest to its security state. So Windows
Defender System Guard includes a series of technologies that enable remote analysis of the device’s
PCI devices are DMA-capable, which allows them to read and write to system memory at will, without
having to engage the system processor in these operations. The DMA capability is what makes PCI
devices the highest performing devices available today. These devices have historically existed only
inside the PC chassis, either connected as a card or soldered on the motherboard. Access to these
devices required the user to turn off power to the system and disassemble the chassis.
This is no longer the case with hot plug PCIe ports (e.g., Thunderbolt™ and CFexpress). Hot plug PCIe
ports such as Thunderbolt™ technology have provided modern PCs with extensibility that was not
available before for PCs. It allows users to attach new classes of external peripherals, such as graphics
cards or other PCI devices, to their PCs with a hot plug experience identical to USB. Having PCI hot plug
ports externally and easily accessible makes PCs susceptible to drive-by DMA attacks.
Drive-by DMA attacks are attacks that occur while the owner of the system is not present and usually
take less than 10 minutes, with simple to moderate attacking tools (affordable, off-the-shelf hardware
and software) that do not require the disassembly of the PC. A simple example would be a PC owner
leaves the PC for a quick coffee break, and within the break, and attacker steps in, plugs in a USB-like
device and walks away with all the secrets on the machine, or injects a malware that allows them to
have full control over the PC remotely.
Windows leverages the system Input/Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU) to block external
peripherals from starting and performing DMA unless the drivers for these peripherals support memory
isolation (such as DMA-remapping). Peripherals with DMA Remapping compatible drivers will be
automatically enumerated, started, and allowed to perform DMA to their assigned memory regions.
By default, peripherals with DMA Remapping incompatible drivers will be blocked from starting and
performing DMA until an authorized user signs into the system or unlocks the screen.
Who makes Windows secured-core Personal Computers?
The current list of Windows secured-core PC’s is available here:
Evaluation considerations
Decreasing management costs and improving user experience
When businesses deploy new machines to users, they typically approach it through one of two ways:
1. Deploy a custom corporate image to the device which contains their security settings and
software, or
2. Have the user join the device to their Active Directory or Azure AD instance.
In the first case the business expends resources to create and maintain the custom image and
deployment scripts for their environment. When a major new release of Windows occurs, these images
must be updated and tested to ensure that they still perform as expected.
With the second approach the settings are pushed to the device as part of the normal system
management process. This can require the user to perform multiple restarts of the machine as services
and hardware devices such as the Trusted Platform Module are provisioned and configured. It also can
delay key policies from appearing on the device immediately.
A Windows secured-core PC helps address these issues and can minimize the amount of effort required
to ensure that the business environment is configured correctly. Evaluating a Windows secured-core PC
should include an audit of the existing deployment experience in your business.
Security Baselines
Every organization faces security threats. However, the types of security threats that are of most
concern to one organization can be completely different from another organization. For example, an e-
commerce company may focus on protecting its Internet-facing web apps, while a hospital may focus on
protecting confidential patient information. The one thing that all organizations have in common is a
need to keep their apps and devices secure. These devices must be compliant with the security
standards (or security baselines) defined by the organization.
A security baseline is a group of Microsoft-recommended configuration settings that explains their
security impact. These settings are based on feedback from Microsoft security engineering teams,
product groups, partners, and customers.
For example, there are over 3,000 Group Policy settings for Windows 11, which does not include over
1,800 Internet Explorer 11 settings. Of these 4,800 settings, only some are security related. Although
Microsoft provides extensive guidance on different security features, exploring each one can take a long
time. You would have to determine the security impact of each setting on your own. Then, you would
still need to determine the appropriate value for each setting.
A Windows secured-core PC provides a pre-configured, on by default implementation of the Microsoft
Security Baseline to help simplify and ensure that devices are protected correctly.
End user device experience
When a user receives a new device, they often want to start using it immediately. This desire can run
into the reality of deploying and provisioning security settings. Many users will try and limit the number
of times that they restart a machine early in the acquisition or deployment cycle so that they can
transfer personal data or settings. Deploying Windows and the security settings to a business device
either as a custom image or through group policy, several of the settings and services can require
Windows to restart to ensure that provisioning and configuration is performed correctly.
For example, the configuration of Windows Defender Credential Guard and the provisioning of the
underlying TPM device may require that the user restart the device to ensure that the service is running.
Until that restart is performed the device may be vulnerable to identity attacks.
The best experience for both users and the business is to ensure that the required services and
hardware are provisioned and operational before the first user interaction with the device. A secured-
core PC arrives pre-configured with these on by default and thus provides the best possible experience
for the end user while still achieving the business goals of ensuring that the device is secured out of the
Deploying secured-core PC’s
Very few organizations can plan to deploy devices from scratch. Often new devices are deployed either
as part of a device refresh cycle or to new employees as they are onboarded. When evaluating Windows
secured-core PC’s you should consider how you currently provide new devices to employees and the
non-asset cost to do so.
Understanding the applications, settings and usage patterns of your devices will assist you in both
evaluating Windows secured-core PC’s and in the deployment process.
Protecting user’s identity, operating system, hardware peripherals and firmware can have impacts on
your applications and peripheral devices. A robust testing plan that is designed to cover the applications,
use cases and peripheral devices can help to ensure that the deployment is conducted as easily as
Examples of the areas that need to be tested are:
Authentication breaks applications Applications that utilize NTLM v1, Kerberos DES encryption
or Kerberos unconstrained delegation will not work correctly on a secured-core PC. If you have
applications that use these technologies then you will need to consider how to mitigate them
(update, transition, etc.) to successfully deploy a secured-core PC.
Authentication exposure Applications that make use of MS-CHAP v2, credential delegation or
digest authentication will work but there is increased risk as these applications will cause a
system identity prompt that may expose the credentials. As above you need to consider the
mitigation approach.
Credential Performance impacts Applications that expect to be able to hook the credential
authentication process will have decreased performance due to the isolated nature of the
Windows Defender Credential Guard (WDCG) process.
General Performance impacts Virtualization Based Security (VBS) can have an impact on
applications. Profiling your applications running both with and without VBS can provide insight
into the application architecture that impacts performance. Again, a mitigation process needs to
be considered.
Peripheral driver limitations When using Hypervisor Code Integrity (HVCI) you will need drivers
that support HVCI and are signed using an Extended Validation (EV) certificate. This includes
both external and internally developed drivers. To mitigate this, you will either need to modify
and sign your own drivers or update external devices and drivers to support HVCI.
Additional testing around how you expect devices to be used can help discover issue prior to
How to determine if your device is running as a secured-core PC
Windows provides an application that can help you determine the status of a device and whether or not
it is compatible with the policies and settings of a secured-core PC.
The Windows Security application is
installed as part of your normal Windows
11 installation and provides information
regarding the status of the underlying
hardware and whether Windows is
configured to use those features.
There are 3 primary systems that the
application will provide information on. The
first is “Core Isolation”, this refers to
whether your system can support
virtualization-based security (VBS). The text
presented indicates whether the hardware supports it but is not configured, the hardware supports it
and is configured for VBS or the hardware supports it, and the system is configured for VBS and
Hypervisor Code Integrity (HVCI).
The second area is the “Security
Processor”. This refers to the
Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
which is used to store secrets like
your biometric logon information
or encryption keys. Again, this
section will identify if you have a
TPM and whether it is configured
for use by Windows.
The final area refers to “Secure
Boot”. This section provides you
with information concerning the
status of the secure boot in the device UEFI settings. If all these items indicate that Windows is
configured to utilize the hardware, then you can be assured that you device is running the full secured-
core PC experience. If these items do not show that the underlying hardware exists, then you will not be
able to configure the device to use the full secured-core PC settings.
The images above are examples of what you will see. Depending on the version of Windows in use you
may see the text in these locations as indicated by the table below:
Hardware capabilities
Current Windows release
Future releases
No DRTM, HVCI-capable, TPM 2.0,
Secure Boot ON
Your device meets the
requirements for standard
hardware security.
Your device meets the
requirements for standard
hardware security.
No DRTM, HVCI-enabled, TPM 2.0,
Secure Boot ON
Your device meets the
requirements for enhanced
hardware security.
Your device meets the
requirements for enhanced
hardware security.
enabled, TPM 2.0, Secure Boot ON
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version one
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version one
enabled, TPM 2.0, Secure Boot ON
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version two
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version two
DRTM + SMM 30, HVCI-enabled,
TPM 2.0, Secure Boot ON
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version three
Your device has all Secured-
core PC features enabled.
[Core Isolation]
Your device meets firmware
protection version three
Success metrics
It is important to create success metrics for a deployment and to gather a baseline for comparison. For
example, conducting surveys into the out of box experience (OOBE) for your existing deployment
process can provide a baseline to enable you to evaluate the success of the new OOBE experience with
secured-core PC’s.
Success metrics should not only include satisfaction information but also the non-asset cost of providing
a new device (pre-delivery cost, image maintenance, etc.) along with the change in security incidents for
users. Adopting metrics that reflect the entire cost of providing and managing a device can highlight the
success of your new deployment.
Management guides for Windows security services
Windows Defender Application Guard
Configure the Group Policy settings for Microsoft Defender Application Guard (Windows 10) - Windows
security | Microsoft Docs
Virtualization-based Security (VBS) | Microsoft Docs
Enable virtualization-based protection of code integrity - Windows security | Microsoft Docs
Windows Defender Credential Guard
Manage Windows Defender Credential Guard (Windows 10) - Microsoft 365 Security | Microsoft Docs
Windows Defender System Guard
System Guard Secure Launch and SMM protection (Windows 10) - Windows security | Microsoft Docs
Diving deeper into the technologies
Virtualization Based Security
Virtualization-based security, or
VBS, uses hardware virtualization
features to create a secured
environment, which can host
several security features. Running
these security applications inside
VBS offers greatly increased
protection from vulnerabilities in
the operating system and helps
prevent the use of malicious OS
exploits that attempt to defeat
VBS uses the Windows hypervisor to create this virtual secure mode, and to enforce restrictions which
protect vital system and operating system resources, or to protect security assets such as authenticated
user credentials. With the increased protections offered by VBS, even if malware gains access to the OS
kernel, the possible exploits can be greatly limited and contained because the hypervisor can prevent
the malware from executing code or accessing platform secrets.
Hypervisor Code Integrity
Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity can use hardware technology and virtualization to isolate the Code
Integrity (CI) decision-making function from the rest of the Windows operating system. When using
virtualization-based security to isolate Code Integrity, the only way kernel memory can become
executable is through a Code Integrity verification. As a result, a Windows secured-core PC can better
defend against attacks even if the attack manages to gain access to the privilege level required to run
kernel code.
Windows Hello
In Windows 11, Windows Hello for Business
replaces passwords with strong two-factor
authentication on PCs and mobile devices. This
authentication consists of a different type of
user credential that is tied to a device and uses
a biometric or PIN.
Windows Hello addresses the following
problems with passwords:
Strong passwords can be difficult to remember, and users often reuse passwords on multiple
Server breaches can expose symmetric network credentials (passwords).
Passwords are subject to replay attacks.
Users can inadvertently expose their passwords due to phishing attacks.
You may wonder how a PIN can help protect a device better than a password. Passwords are shared
secrets; they are entered on a device and transmitted over the network to the server. An intercepted
account name and password can be used by anyone, anywhere. Because they are stored on the server, a
server breach can reveal those stored credentials.
In Windows 11, Windows Hello replaces passwords. When the identity provider supports keys, the
Windows Hello provisioning process creates a cryptographic key pair bound to the Trusted Platform
Module (TPM), if a device has a TPM 2.0, or in software. Access to these keys and obtaining a signature
to validate user possession of the private key is enabled only by the PIN or biometric gesture. The two-
step verification that takes place during Windows Hello enrollment creates a trusted relationship
between the identity provider and the user when the public portion of the public/private key pair is sent
to an identity provider and associated with a user account. When a user enters the gesture on the
device, the identity provider knows from the combination of Hello keys and gesture that this is a verified
identity and provides an authentication token that allows Windows 11 to access resources and services.
Windows Defender Credential Guard
Introduced in Windows 11 Enterprise and Windows Server 2016, Windows Defender Credential Guard
uses virtualization-based security to isolate secrets so that only privileged system software can access
By enabling Windows Defender Credential
Guard, the following features and solutions
are provided:
Hardware security NTLM, Kerberos,
and Credential Manager take
advantage of platform security
features, including Secure Boot and
virtualization, to protect credentials.
Virtualization-based security Windows
NTLM and Kerberos derived
credentials and other secrets run in a
protected environment that is isolated from the running operating system.
Better protection against advanced persistent threats:
o NTLM, and Kerberos derived credentials are protected using virtualization-based
o Malware running in the operating system with administrative privileges cannot extract
secrets that are protected by virtualization-based security.
Secure Boot
When a PC starts, it first finds the operating system bootloader. PCs without Secure Boot simply run
whatever bootloader is on the PC’s hard drive. There is no way for the PC to tell whether it is a trusted
operating system or a rootkit.
When a PC equipped with UEFI starts, the PC first verifies that the firmware is digitally signed, reducing
the risk of firmware rootkits. If Secure Boot is enabled, the firmware examines the bootloader’s digital
signature to verify that it has not been modified. If the bootloader is intact, the firmware starts the
bootloader only if one of the following conditions is true:
The bootloader was signed using a trusted certificate. In the case of PCs certified for
Windows 11, the Microsoft® certificate is trusted.
The user has manually approved the bootloader’s digital signature. This allows the user to load
non-Microsoft operating systems.
These requirements help protect you from rootkits while allowing you to run any operating system you
Early Launch Anti-Malware
Because Secure Boot has protected the bootloader and Trusted Boot has protected the Windows kernel,
the next opportunity for malware to start is by infecting a non-Microsoft boot driver. Traditional anti-
malware apps do not start until after the boot drivers have been loaded, giving a rootkit disguised as a
driver the opportunity to work.
Early Launch Anti-Malware (ELAM) can load a Microsoft or non-Microsoft anti-malware driver before all
non-Microsoft boot drivers and applications, thus continuing the chain of trust established by Secure
Boot and Trusted Boot. Because the operating system has not started yet, and because Windows needs
to boot as quickly as possible, ELAM has a simple task: examine every boot driver and determine
whether it is on the list of trusted drivers. If it is not trusted, Windows will not load it.
Measured Boot
If a PC in your organization does become infected with a rootkit, you need to know about it. Enterprise
anti-malware apps can report malware infections to the IT department, but that does not work with
rootkits that hide their presence. In other words, you cannot trust the client to tell you whether it is
As a result, PCs infected with rootkits appear to
be healthy, even with anti-malware running.
Infected PCs continue to connect to the
enterprise network, giving the rootkit access to
vast amounts of confidential data and
potentially allowing the rootkit to spread across
the internal network.
Working with the TPM and non-Microsoft
software, Measured Boot in Windows 11 allows
a trusted server on the network to verify the integrity of the Windows startup process. Measured Boot
uses the following process:
The PC’s UEFI firmware stores in the TPM a hash of the firmware, bootloader, boot drivers, and
everything that will be loaded before the anti-malware app.
At the end of the startup process, Windows starts the non-Microsoft remote attestation client.
The trusted attestation server sends the client a unique key.
The TPM uses the unique key to digitally sign the log recorded by the UEFI.
The client sends the log to the server, possibly with other security information.
Depending on the implementation and configuration, the server can now determine whether the client
is healthy and grant the client access to either a limited quarantine network or to the full network.
We explain the details of how this system works to deliver Device Health Attestation at the following
Secure Boot, and Measured Boot create an architecture that is fundamentally resistant to bootkits and
rootkits. In Windows 11, these features have the potential to eliminate kernel-level malware from your
network. This is the most ground-breaking anti-malware solution that Windows has ever had and helps
improve your trust in the integrity of the operating system.
Windows Defender System Guard
Windows Defender System Guard reorganizes the existing Windows 11 system integrity features under
one roof and sets up the next set of investments in Windows security. It is designed to make these
security promises:
Protect and maintain the integrity of the system as it starts up
Validate that system integrity has truly been maintained through local and remote attestation
Windows Defender System Guard Secure Launch, first introduced in Windows 10 version 1809, aims to
alleviate limitations with UEFI secure boot by leveraging a technology known as the Dynamic Root of
Trust for Measurement (DRTM). DRTM lets the system freely boot into untrusted code initially, but
shortly after launches the system into a trusted state by taking control of all CPUs and forcing them
down a well-known and measured code path. This has the benefit of allowing untrusted early UEFI code
to boot the system, but then being able to securely transition into a trusted and measured state.
Essentially, this means that the large amount of code in the UEFI firmware is isolated from sensitive
system assets protected by the hypervisor and VBS.
After the system boots:
WDSG signs and seals these measurements using the TPM.
Management systems like Intune or Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager can acquire
them for remote analysis.
System Guard also enabled SMM protection since SMM code can potentially access hypervisor
If these measurements indicate that the device lacks integrity, the management system can take a series
of actions, such as denying the device access to resources.
Protecting peripherals
In Windows 10 version 1803, Microsoft introduced a new feature called Kernel DMA Protection to
protect PCs against drive-by Direct Memory Access (DMA).
Drive-by DMA attacks can lead to disclosure of sensitive information residing on a PC, or even injection
of malware that allows attackers to bypass the lock screen or control PCs remotely. A simple example
would be a PC owner leaves the PC for a quick coffee break, and within the break, and attacker steps in,
plugs in a USB-like device and walks away with all the secrets on the machine, or injects a malware that
allows them to have full control over the PC remotely.
Windows leverages the system Input/Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU) to block external
peripherals from starting and performing DMA unless the drivers for these peripherals support memory
isolation (such as DMA-remapping). Peripherals with DMA Remapping compatible drivers will be
automatically enumerated, started and allowed to perform DMA to their assigned memory regions.
By default, peripherals with DMA Remapping incompatible drivers will be blocked from starting and
performing DMA until an authorized user signs into the system or unlocks the screen. IT administrators
can modify the default behavior applied to devices with DMA Remapping incompatible drivers using
the DmaGuard MDM policies.
Differences between a Windows Secured-Core PC and Windows 11 PC
The two key differences between a Windows Secured-Core PC and a normal Windows 11 PC are:
You can be sure that the hardware in the device can support all the security features of
Windows described in this document, and
That all the services are configured and turned on by default.
What this means for organizations is that they can send a new device out to a user and be confident that
when the user turns the device on that it will be secure and immediately be able to adopt specific
corporate security policies.
To summarize:
Some real-world examples of attacks
A Windows Secured-Core PC would have defended users and organizations against a couple of recent
attacks so it is worthwhile to look at how it would have helped.
RobbinHood Ransomware
RobbinHood ransomware is distributed as a packed executable that
contains multiple binaries. One of these files is a Gigabyte driver
(GDRV.sys), which has a vulnerability that could allow elevation of privilege,
enabling an adversary to gain kernel privileges. In RobbinHood campaigns,
adversaries use these kernel privileges to disable kernel-mode signing to
facilitate the loading of an unsigned driver. The unsigned malicious driver is
then used to disable security products from the kernel.
Two of the security promises of Secured-core PCs are directly applicable to
preventing RobbinHood attacks:
Defending against vulnerable and malicious drivers
Defending against unverified code execution
Defending against vulnerable and malicious drivers
Secured-core PCs are the latest hardware to provide driver control out of the box, with baseline
configuration already set. Driver control is provided by a combination of HVCI & Windows Defender
Application Control (WDAC) technologies.
Every driver loaded into the kernel is verified by HVCI before it can run. HVCI runs in a hardware-
protected execution environment isolated from the kernel space and cannot be tampered with by other
code running in the kernel, including drivers.
Defending against unverified code execution and kernel data corruption attacks
There are several unverified code execution mitigations built-in to Windows. These are readily available
on Secured-core PCs. The RobbinHood attack utilized the vulnerable GDRV.sys driver to change a crucial
variable within the system memory. Although HVCI already protects against this attack, other areas of
memory may still be susceptible, and we need broader defense against kernel data corruption attacks.
In addition to existing mitigations, Windows introduced a feature called Kernel Data Protection (KDP),
which provides driver developers and software running in the Windows kernel (and the OS code itself)
with the ability to mark some kernel memory containing sensitive information as read-only protected.
The memory is protected through the second level address translation (SLAT) tables by the hypervisor,
such that no software running in VTL0 have access to the protected memory. KDP does not protect
executable pages, as those are already protected with HVCI.
Secured-core PCs have KDP enabled by default.
Thunderspy DMA Peripheral Attack
Researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology recently revealed information around
Thunderspy,” an attack that relies on leveraging direct memory access (DMA) functionality to
compromise devices. An attacker with physical access to a system can use Thunderspy to read and copy
data even from systems that have encryption with password protection enabled.
Secured-core PCs provide customers with Windows 11 systems that come configured from OEMs with a
set of hardware, firmware, and OS features enabled by default, mitigating Thunderspy and any similar
attacks that rely on malicious DMA.
How Thunderspy Works
Like any other modern attack, Thunderspy relies on not one but multiple building blocks being chained
together. Below is a summary of how Thunderspy can be used to access a system where the attacker
does not have the password needed to sign in. A video from the Thunderspy research team showing the
attack is available here.
Step 1: A serial peripheral interface (SPI) flash programmer called Bus Pirate is plugged into the
SPI flash of the device being attacked. This gives access to the Thunderbolt controller firmware
and allows an attacker to copy it over to the attacker’s device
Step 2: The Thunderbolt Controller Firmware Patcher (TCFP), which is developed as part of
Thunderspy, is used to disable the security mode enforced in the Thunderbolt firmware copied
with the Bus Pirate device in Step 1.
Step 3: The modified insecure Thunderbolt firmware is written back to the SPI flash of the
device being attacked
Step 4: A Thunderbolt-based attack device is connected to the device being attacked, leveraging
the PCILeech tool to load a kernel module that bypasses the Windows sign-in screen
The result is that an attacker can access a device without knowing the sign-in password for the device.
This means that even if a device were powered off or locked by the user, someone that could get
physical access to the device in the time it takes to run the Thunderspy process could sign in and
exfiltrate data from the system or install malicious software.
Secured-core PC protections
In order to counteract these targeted, modern attacks, Secured-core PCs use a defense-in-depth
strategy that leverage features like Windows Defender System Guard and virtualization-based security
(VBS) to mitigate risk across multiple areas, delivering comprehensive protection against attacks like
Secured-core PCs ship with hardware and firmware that support Kernel DMA protection, which is
enabled by default in the Windows OS. Kernel DMA protection relies on the Input/Output Memory
Management Unit (IOMMU) to block external peripherals from starting and performing DMA unless an
authorized user is signed in and the screen is unlocked. Watch this video from the 2019 Microsoft
Ignite to see how Windows mitigates DMA attacks.
This means that even if an attacker were able to copy a malicious Thunderbolt firmware to a device, the
Kernel DMA protection on a Secured-core PC would prevent any accesses over the Thunderbolt port
unless the attacker gains the user’s password in addition to being in physical possession of the device,
significantly raising the degree of difficulty for the attacker.
Secured-core PCs ship with hypervisor protected code integrity (HVCI) enabled by default. HVCI utilizes
the hypervisor to enable VBS and isolate the code integrity subsystem that verifies that all kernel code in
Windows is signed from the normal kernel. In addition to isolating the checks, HVCI also helps ensure
that kernel code cannot be both writable and executable, ensuring that unverified code does not
HVCI helps to ensure that malicious kernel modules like the one used in Step 4 of the Thunderspy attack
cannot execute easily as the kernel module would need to be validly signed, not revoked, and not rely
on overwriting executable kernel code.
Resources (blog posts on malware protection by SCPC, Docs, etc.)
Protecting identity
Windows Hello
Windows Hello for Business
Windows Defender Credential Guard
Securing the Operating System
Virtualization Based Security
Hypervisor Code Integrity
Windows Defender Application Guard
Defending the Hardware and Firmware
Trusted Platform Module 2.0
Secure Boot
Roots of trust
Measured Boot
Windows Defender System Guard
Blog posts
Secured-core PCs: A brief showcase of chip-to-cloud security against kernel attacks - Microsoft
Security blog series - Microsoft Security